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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1881)
f 6 THE OSIATTA DAILY BEE : MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12 , 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Record of a Day's ' Doings ii Iowa's ' MetropoliSi The Rooubhcan Ticket ant Other Political Matters. Reclaimed From Sbamo-Ani Gotioral Nows. REPUBLIC ANCOUNTY TICKET Vnr Ilcirc | entiitvc' ! ! , H. O. SKIKKKUT. K. I. LAYTON. Tor Member Uonnl of Supervisors. J. 13. MATL.AOK. . I'or Treasurer , JOHN HKNNKri1. For Auditor , T. A. KIUKIjANI ) , Kor .Sheriff , THUODOHK ( SUi'lTAIt , For Suiiorlntunilcnt of Schnoli , .MISS INGLKKTA SMITH , Vor Surveyor. SAMUKIj 7)1-NTON. ! For Coroner , HINHY : ' Tlio nlovo ticket was not n surprise - priso to Tin : Uu : . John Bennett , fia nil know , is just the man ncotlod in our Trc.iaury dcp.irtinont , nltliongh the presunt in- cuinbant 1ms tlouo his duty well , us nil parties who have trnnsaotod busi ness witlt Mr. Thonins JJowinan will bear testimony that Mr. Howman has boon a long nnd well tried olliccr , nnd without n county olllco of soinu kind would bo obliged to go into the coun try nnd tnko up a farm , ns ho is homesick - sick unless ho is in company with the farmers of Pottawattnmio. Mr. Him- nott will bo elected by 800 majority. The selection of T. A. Kirklnnd to succeed Mr. Bennett was natural enough. Of long nnd tried experience nsdoputy auditor un der Mr. Bennett , hu could not bo otherwise than fitted in ev ery wnyto succeed him , nnd wo nro glad the convention in this selec tion wont in for fitness instead of po litical friendship , There is no doubt that Mr. Kirkland will manipulate the oflico in the interest of thu people - plo of this county regardless of party. When J. M. Phillips says that Theo dora Guittaris a youn man worthy of the support nnd confidence of the people ple of this county , TUB Bee is in clined to think so too. Mr. Phillips has known him from youth up , and if ho wn i not fitted in every wny for the position wo have confidence enough in Mr. Phillip's integrity to bcliovo that ho would not declare otherwise. Our knowledge of Mr. Guittar is limited , still wo bolioro him to bo n young niun in every way suit ed for the olllco. II is experience as ono of our constables for many years has had n tendency to make 1dm vig- ilont nnd active , nml if elected ho will mnk9 n good sliorilF. Wo under- utnnd that Mr. Guittar served as'n member of Judge Rood's battery dur ing the war nnd lilcu u good soldier never proved recreant to nny trust/ imposed in him. Mr. Chapman , H candidate to succeed Eli Clay ton. J. B. Matlack is compar atively n stranger to us nnd wo understand ho is n young farmer nnd to J. K , who a nephew Corbnly , put 111 " him before the convention. flo eorvod four yonra in the Fifteenth In- ' " dinnn battery , consequently 1ms BOOH inoro real hard lighting tlmn Chapman himself. The fomnlo who is to no- company these men during the cam paign , and whoso cause before the convention wns so nbly nnd success fully championed by our esteemed young friend , 0. M. Ilnrlo , wnn Miss Ingloetta Smith , of Omahn. Sim in n very highly educated young lady graduate irom our high school , n teacher of undoubted capability , aitd in every BOIIHO qualified for the oflico , although wo think it inconsistent to nominnto women to an olllcu thai she Tmust roach by votes , nnd ht the same time the candidate- not qualified to ' nssumo Iho responsibility of an elect- ' or. AVe believe that the ballot-box is no place for women , cither in por- 8on or muiio. There is no doubt that Miss Smith , if she kpopa pretty close to John Bennett , will got there nil right. TJIK Bun reporter trav- 'olod ono week * with Samuel Denton , the successful nominee for , surveyor , nnd can vouch for his skill aa n measurer of the earth's surface , a gentleman of experience in the busi ness both in nnd out of the oflico , n good soldier during the rebellion , nlwnys found at his post of duty nnd never wont to sleep on picket. IIo deserves the cordial support of his 5'n part- , which ho will no doubt rocaivo nnd bo elected by n hnndsomo major ity. The oflico of coroner foil to Mr. Pnul , who haa held it for BOIIIO time. The candidates for this/ollloo were not numerous , nnd Mr. Fnul hnd no dif ficulty in securing the nomination. If 1 elected , ho will make nn eflioiont officer. officer."L "L ATTER DAY SAINTS. OI.OHE OF TIIKIU ANNUAL CONl'KUENOK AT VAUK'4 MILLS. On account of a pressure of en gagements Tun BKK reporter lias boon deprived of the privilege of attend ing the Mormon conference until yes terday morning. Wo can uny that the spot selected as the sanctuary is beautiful. Just enough sun is ndmit- ted through the trees to make it cheerful. Wo had the pleasure ol listening to JBldor 0. Scott , of In diana , a young man pE more than or dinary ability. Mr. Scott took , aa ' the subject of his discourse , the in * terview of Nbodomus with the saviour. : and in a very concise way , explainer what was meant by the oxpresslot "Except a man bo born again no can not see the kingdom of God. " The speaker claimed that the saviour'a answer , on this occasion was full am complete. A man must bo born again not of the ilovh but of water vnd the 1 spirit , Mr. Scott is n very ploasanl sneaker. His enunciation is perfect. 3ivery word ia guarded ns it fnlls from his lips. Ilia inflection mid intona tions are unusually perfect. From the "beginning until the close huuttrnots and holds the attention of his hiuiVrs. IIo Mioivs mental training , scholarly at tainments mid power not usunlly possessed by ono no young , being , we are informed , but thirty yoprs of nge , This being the first Mormon meeting we ever nttpnOed. wo took special pains to inquire into thu church or- qnnization. Those who belong to tlii branch of the Mormon church claii to bo descended from the origmt church , nnd to hnvo nlwnys kept th faith , while the Brighamitcs , th" , say , have departed from the tni faith. The church organized wit ! Christ na the hcnd. Next come Joseph Smith , selected by rotnliatio ; and Biistnincd by thu church ns presiding siding olllcor. Aided in his work b ; two councilinon , Win. W. Blair , o UUih , nnd D.ivid H , Smith , of Illi nois. After thcso come Iho chosci twelve apostles. They nro what an termed the traveling high council t < all Iho world , nnd nro elected by tin church forlifo or during good behavior Next come llio seventy , who an also n traveling high council , nnd work concurrently with the twelve who nro nbovo them in office. These nro nlso elected forlifijor during gooi behavior. Their work is principally missionary work. The next in office nro the high priests and elders , whose ilutics nro moro eif n local nature. But the work of nil is to do good in Llio worlel nnd convert it to Christ , These people , ns wo hnvo stated , : laim to be the original church nml lave kept the faith , while the Brig * lamitcs have left it nnd gone oil' tc worship in their lust the fnlso God LVlygamy. After the morning sorv- co Bc.vor.xl were received into the church through baptism , R. M. El- vin ofllciating. E. 0. Bngga nnd Mexundor If. Smith were announced siwakcru for the afternoon. Mr. Jriggs is nn earnest nnd effective ptmkcr , nnd his manner convinces lis hearers that his heart ia in the york. At the end of the nfternoon orvico the conference ndjourned to meet em the ( Jth of next April \t Independence , Jackson county , \lianonri \ , from which place they were Jrivon in the yenr 1833. The snore- nry , Mr. H. M. Elvin , of Nebraska City , Nob. , who , by the way , ia n very ilenscnt gentleman , informed THE JKB reporter that their church mem- > orship is on thu increase ; 800 were nkon into the church last year and heir accessions this year will fur ox- -cod that number. Ho says iho hurch was never in n more prosperous ondition. All who nnito with that jranch come of their own volition , rhilo the Bnghnmite.i nro obliged to iso foul or fair moans ns the case may jo to ship in the ignorant and dcsti- ute of the old world. THE COLONEL LND HIS KAV01UTE 11ETAINEU IN OUEAT MIS Ell Y. There was quite n sensation created n the court room during the rcpuLili an convention Friday when Mnyor ynughati entered. Hia tsycs looked wollen , aa if something hnd gone vrong. Wo understand that ho was itting up with the colonel ever the vay the night before the convention. Mr. Yaughan left him in his oflico lot feeling very well when ho left for lomo about ' 12 o'clock. Fearing omotliing might have happened about .aylight Friday morning Mr. Yaughan rot up and went down to the colonel's iflico. Finding n light still burning 10 walked in , nnd such n sccno. It ro- ninds 113 of the tent scene in Richard II. The colonel awoke , nnd with old drops eSf aweat stnuding on hia orchond , nprang from hia couch , houting , "Give mo another ; bind up ny wounds. Hnvo tnorcy , Jesuaoft. ; did bat dream. O , cownrd-con- cionco , how dost thou nfllict mo ? It 9 now donel midnight. Cold , fearful Irops stand on my trembling flesh. Vhnt do I fonr myself ? There's none Iso by , Chapman loves Ohapmnn. 'hat is , I nm I , Is there n murdej1- r hero ? No yea. I nm. " hen fly. What , from myself ? Yaughan My Lord Chapman , ounds ! who is there- ? The Mayor ly lord.'tis I. Colonel 0 Ynughan 1 have droani'd n fearful dream ; what linkest then ? will our friends prove 11 true ? Ynughan No Cdoubt , my urd. Chap. 0 Viuiglinn ! I fear 1 I oar ! Ynughan Nay , good my lord , c not nfraid of shadows , colonel. By iio Aposllo P.iul , the shadow to-night t' that man Clayton has struck more error to the aoul of Chapman tlmn tin the substance of ten thousand ion like Sapp nnd Kvnns. Armed in roof nnd led by shallow Baldwin. I ay , Ynughan , at 2 o'clock como , go vith mo , and near the court house vo'll play the eavesdropper , to see if ny mean to shrink from mo. " Mr. Vauglmn repaired , na per agreement , o the court IIOUKO , and wna surprised 0 find no Chnpman there mid nearly very delegate shrinking away like nn Miipty beet koj in the noonday sun. UAVE . 1 VOUNU eniiL UKRCUKU ruoii A wru OK HU.VMI : . Yesterday nn Omnibus backed up o police hendeiuarlors , and the driver xisistod to nhght n line matronly oeking woman , who has climbed the lill of life no doubt. She wna richly attired , nnd us aho ascended the otonu atom her pout up grief tjavo vent , and the tears that rolled down her care-worn cheeks told what n tooth of ire had entered the poor woman'H icart , She sobbed bitterly as who undo known the secret of her coming [ , a thu chief of polico. Not long since she said her daughter , u bright-oyoel uid prepossessing "irl left her homo in Joliet , Ilia. , und for n long time they could find no trace of her , nil correspondence being dropped BOOH nf tor leaving homo. They feared thu n-orst Hint could bofnll n young girl liad happened. At last , after long nnd weary months of search and enquiry , she heard she was in a house in this city. The poor woman entirely broke down ns she drew from her bosom n picture of the fallen but still loved ; irl , The chief nnd others ol the departments recognized the likeness ut once , Chief Field told the woman na slio hnd been traveling for some time that nho bettor gu acrosi the street with him nml lake dinner. After dinner Chief Field put the caao in the hands of active mar shal Morao who believed ho know wlicro the girl was stopping. Togeth er they .went to Lou. Scott'u , on Pierce strejejj , above the Ogden hotel. Thu nott r entered , nml on seeing hoi laughter , cried ns if her heart would jrcak. They were BOOH in each oth- ira' embrace. The mother , brokingly , jotween her neb * ; "My daughter ! My daughter ! " "OhI my dear mother - er why did I lenvo you and in this Way bring disgrace upon you nnd father. " "Will you go back with me ny daughter. Oh , do before you mvobpoomo hardened , " "Will you tnko mo back ? Will father foruiv mo ? " sobbed the girl. "All shall b forgiven. " "Then I will return , and mother nnd daughter .loft th house in company with eifllccr Morse and last evening they took tin train fe > r homo. The young lad ; who hai thus been redeemed , wo tin derstand , came to thii city tshor Mmn ngo. Recently nho was con ve-rtcd into the ways of the bad , nne went to Lou Scott's , on Pierce street where her mother met her yesterday At this hndea she went by the nami of Ella. She has made herself con apicuoua on the Htrcota every ovmiinf driving n grey horse and wearing i huge white feather in her hat , Shi ia n rather pretty , propossing girl. TIIK IILUrFH IN DIUEF. On Saturday the city of Council Blnffa , em Iho rotation of Hon. 0. 11 , Scott , brought suit in the district court agninst Mayor Ynughnn to recover cover the sum of 8250 , with interest , which , it is claimed , was nppropriatceJ by the city council nnd placed nt ( he ehspofnl of the mayor to ontortnii : Cicala during the fircmcn'o toitrim- nont. Mr. Hcott declnrei that Ihoj may annoy him and his family will : dead bodi'H , but they can't hnvo hit money to treat their friends. At nrcaular mcotingof Abe Lincoln L'ostNo. 20 , G. A. R. , held Septem- ) er ! ) , 1881 , Iho following was ndopt- od unanimously ! Kcenlved , That the heartfelt thank * ol his post In hereby tendered to Thos. .ytlc , irniHctorpf the Ly tie house , Hlmii- nndoali , tor tlio 1 < ind nml gcncroim nmn- icr in which our comrade .InmcH C. Jntiiowg WAH received nnd cared for by litu , nnd auk nx n fru-nr tliat nil vctcnuifl vill call on him when utoppiiiL' ntSh.timn- loah. 0. H. IlAinilHOX , I' . U. Knwi.v .T. AIIHOTT , Adjutant. The following gontlomcn wore so- ccted ns the central committee to ) lnn nnd cnrry forwnrd the work of hu campaign : John W. Baird , Kuno ownship , chairman : Boomer , A Lov- onburg ; Belknap , W. A. Converse ; ] rcscont , A. R. Prontieo ; Center , 3eo. Nash ; Grove , Thomas Connor ; Garner , G. R. Williams : Hardin , B. I. Chamber ; Hazel Doll , J. P. Boul- [ on sr. ; Jnmot , William Maxwell ; Cnox , J. C. Adams ; Keg Crook , M. ii. Fny ; Lay ton , M . B. Frisbee ; jowis , A. Rogers ; Macedonia , B. F. Clayton ; Minden , P. Ehlera ; No- ola , Riley Clark ; Norwalk , E. B. Ashley ; Pleasant , J. E. Erum ; Rock- ord , H. W. A. Gosa ; Silver Creek , 3. 8. Gregory ; Valley , Win. Con verse : Washington J. TurnerWright , .1. D. Hopkins ; York , W. L. Inrpcs ; Lincoln , H. B. Jack ; Wave- and , H. Barnes. Tin ; BRI : reporter was not invited .0 the Clayton supper , but wo can asto it now. When n whole ton of slay gets up an oyster supper it can't lelp being a success , ns hia canvas rill bo. THE BEE reporter came upon n louao in the lower part of the city , diorca few evenings since , ns reported n these columns , n dnring robbery waa ommittcd on Low street , a few lights since. Mr. Filson says they ntcred the house through the pantry vindow , they then passed through n oem in which hia girl was sleeping , uid from there made their way into u's room nml took , na reported , his ; old wntch nnd chain i\nd five dollars n cash. None of the members of the umily were awnkoncd. Wo understand thnt the domocrata vill run Jimmio O'Ncnl for Ehorill'.M. Coating for supervisor and Perry Reel or the legislature. B. F. Clayton mndo n very fine peoch on accepting the nomination no liairmnn , n little radical for n con- ervativo , perhapa , yet , bettor than TO have over hoard from him boforo. lo said there wna so much good timor - ) or in the republican forest that the orkcra would have no difficulty in wilding a craft thnt would sink the emocnvtiu party in thia county with- ut much damage to the nhip Mr. layton , president , with dignity , nnd xccutcd the business entrusted to im with unusual promptness nnd iapatoh. On call of their president j. II. Holmes , our flro boya met Sat- lelay evening nt Bluff City hall , The Council Blufla iron shot manu- acturing company nro to erect ini- icdiatoly in this city n upactous nnd ubatnntinl brick building near the U. , B. & Q. depot. This * process of innufacturing not being the "drop Ian" will dispense with the erection f a tower. A Farmer's Protective Association vns e > rganizod in this city last Friday , 'he following officers for the ensuing ear iveio chosen : President , Jesse Vright , of Crosont ; vico-pre'sidont , T. Cernoy , of Big Grove : secretary , D , ) . Clark , nf Council IHnlls ; treasurer , S. G. Underwood. The individual1 who borrowed n hair from the oflloo of PoUor & Pal- ner will confer n favor on that firm y returning the same immediately. Jacob Killim and wife , of Green- low , Manard county , Illinois , nro in he city viaiting Mr. and Mrs. A. S. ionlium. A. N. Pioh called nt THE BIK : of- ice yesterday. Mr. Rich is one of ho fruit growers ot Lowia township nlso takes hand nt funning , Ho eaya hat hia corn crop ia na good if not jettor than last season , and that his inoynrd will yield nbout the same luantity. Rather n select parly was given nt ho residence e > f Mr , L. 0. Baldwin , corner Sixth street nnd Willow nvonuo. The affair was gotten up in lonorof his daughter , Miss Mnttio Ualdwin , nnd Mis Boyle , Hiater of Mra. Baldwin. There was music nnd ofrcahmonts in abundance nnd dano- in was engaged in until a seasonable lour when the company retired. Doctor Medina says thnt every thing looks favor\l > lo for getting the state fair here next year. Tho'com - nitteo found after arriving at DCS Uoines thnt the present board ot di- colors hnvo no voice in yio matter. It will devolve on a now board to do- tormina where to liold the fair. The lector thinks however , ( ho popularity of cur track will bring it hero without a doubt , BO the farmers may com- nonce to save up their best varieties of seed for next spring's planting. Saturday night a man rushed out of the don koj.t by Stella Loii" mid , approaching oilicer Barhyto , stated hat ono of the girla had gone through lis pnnta while ho waa asleep Hu wanted n warrant for her arrest forth- vith. Not being over and above in sympathy with him oflioer Ihrhyto old him ho had belter delay thu ar rest until next morning , but ho wouli go with him to chief Fields nnd RC < what he unit ! about it. They went ti Fields and woke him up. The chie te > ld him ho had bolter w. it unli morning and not make nny moro dis tnrbnnco , the girl would no doub bo found ( hero in the morning "Well , old hess , " said the man , "win ia running this arresting business ? . ' wnnt you to understand I'll hnvo tha trirl out of there to-night. " Ohio Field , nflcr being annoyed by tin man ordered Barhyto to take bin away nnd if ho elid not shut up Jiit mouth to lock him up until morning This closed the fellow up nnd he con eluded to wait till morning for hit game. A diacipal of the cup got crasy drunk Saturday , nnd went dancliif down the street to Dr. McCuno's ie i donee nnd declared ho would intro duce himself to the family. He howlcel around the door-yiml unti hia conduct disgusting , whet ; nn olliccr wan sent for and ho wna iti' troduced to Judge Burke to the tune of nbout ? 5nnd cf.atn. Two others lodged nt the "hotel1 Saturday night. The tax resolutions passed by out county board of supervisors will np < pear in Tun BEK to-morrow morning. There was preaching at the Mor mon chapel in thia city last evening. J. M. Harvey , of Magnolia , Iowa , h a Mormon , but takes THE BEE. Ono striking feature out nt Ihc Mormon camp meeting wna the nb- sonco of nil drunkenness or elhordorly johnvior yesterday. Chapman has commenced shedding lis hair. Good. Hold up over there , colonel. Wo are no "dorg. " Wo don't shed hair iko you do. The driving park is going to in- crcnso the stock with something be sides water. The following entlo- non were selected at tha meeting Snturday evening to solicit aubscrip- ions : Col. W. F. Sappa , Col. D. B. Dailoy , Uapt. Thomas Swobo , Peter icchtelo , Reuben Bryant nnd Dr. McCren HOUTHWESTEllN VETKUAN ASSOCIATION OF IOWA. Ail official communication has been received from Gco. H. Castle , retiring iold adjutant of the Southwestern Yoteran'a Associntion , giving the roster of fielel officers electoel for the ensuing year nt the late re-Union nt Shonandoah. It i.ns follows : John I. Ivcnlty , colonel commanding , of Council Bluffs , Town ; J. W. S taker , ieutennnt-coloncl , Logan , Town ; S. W. Putney , major , Missouri ; Edwin' T. Abbott , adjutant , Council Bluffa , 'own ; C. H. Harrison , qunrtermaator , Council Blufls , Iowa ; E. F. Holmes , chief of commissary , Council Bluffa , Iowa ; Dr. G. R. Ross , surgconShon- andoah , Iowa ; Dr. H. P. Duflield , assistant surgeon , Shcnandoah , Iowa ; . B. Hartley , chaplain , BrooksIown. , 'ho next re-union will bo hold at Council Bluffs , September 28th , Oth nnd 30th of next yenr. All comrades visiting in southern own nnd northern Missouri nro ro- ucatod to send their peat oflico ad- resscs to hendqunrters , nnd to par- icipato on that occasion. All com- nuninationa to bo addressed to John I. Realty , colonel commanding , or Ddwin J. Abbott , adjutant , Council Hud's , Iowa. Five hundred nnd sixty head of cat- 10 , belonging to Pratt it Ferris , and 80 head belonging to Whitcomb & Miller , were received at the Union took yards Saturday. Hon. M. Phillips , in hia speech on 10 Wilson resolution , said that ho id not belioyo in tying'ropresonta - ivoa up in n'packago when wo sent icni to DCS Moinea. Wo should sect - > ct men in whom wo can place confi- cnco nnd lot them go unfettered ; and 0 wanted it understood that if they vcr selected him to repicsunt thain 1 the legislature ho would go there a ree man , both mentally and physi- ally , or not nt all. THK BEK noticca nmong the dole- atcs from Xnox , II. J. Chambers , f Avoca. Mr. 0. ia ono of the lead- ig allornoya of Avoc.\tand ono of the isinj ; young men of the county. Jay Cole , son of R. S. Cole , hns ono to Jacksonville , 111. , to attend chool. If the school housoa iof this ity cannot educate our young men ve hnd better close them. The Potlownttomie ) county dom- crata will hold n nominnting'convon- on nt the court liouso in this city 'hnrddny , September 15th. They vill nominate two candidates for rep- 2sontutivu ; nn auditor ; treasurer ; lierilf ; Kcjiool supurintondontj mem- or of the board of supervisors ; n sur- eyor nnd coroner. The different ovviiship1 * nud wards will bo entitled 0 ono delegate at large each , nnd ono ulcgnto for every t.venty-livo votes ast for General W. S. Hancock 1 1880 for President e > f the United tates , na follows : Boomer , 0 ; Bel- nap , tl ; Center , 4 ; Crescent , ! ; Irovo , 4 ; Garner , 0 ; Hardin , 0 ; Haz- 1 Doll , 4 ; Jnnies , 4 ; Knox , 1) ; Keg Jreek , 4 ; Lnyton , 7 ; Lincoln , 4 ; Lows - s , 4 ; Macedonia , U ; Minden , 4 ; Nco- a , B ; Norwalk , ! t ; Pleasaut , It ; Rock- ord , p ; Silver Crek , U ; Valley 4 ; Vnsliington , a ; Waveland , 4 ; Wright , ; Yoik , 4 ; Kuno , 1st Word , 10 ; vane , 2nd Ward , 1,1 ; Kane , Hrd Vnrd , 8 ; Kane , 4th Ward , 14. To 11 , 150. The Council Bluffa democratic pri- mrioa will bo hold on Monday oven- ig Soplombor 12 , at 7:110 : o'clock to lect forty-five delegates. The polls vill , bo nt the following places ; First nra At Joseph Ross' cooper shop , nd Kolcct ten delegates , Second artl At Rescus Engtno House Ne > . , and select thirteen delegates. Third vnrd At the City Building nnd sol- ot eight delegates. Fourth ward it the court house und select fourteen olegatoa. , Tlio different wards are Iso requested to select one person to orve as n comniittcoman from the ownship during the ensuing year. She Passed it Aloug. "T dcud you my teatlmonlnl in rctcionco o Si'iuNd BLOSSOM , having tnkou It fur VHUCMnIn , nnd rcceivlnj ; nhnost Iinuioiliixtu clief. 1 iKwaud it U > my neighbor , who h hiS it with tha auio result * . Mils. J , W , Lw-KtT , IL'coillw , , Khnlra , X , Y. " euitta , trial bottle * 10 cents. Mrs , E. 0. Hedloy , spirit photo- raphor , will lake ploturoa for six vee-ks nt the Grand Central Gallery , n Wistoenth Btreotj Omaha. aopD-tf Shnlcoii in Evorj- Joint Ami filicr nltli fc\cr nml n uc , or lilllom runltl tent , the sjklcmmivvjo ho fretnl from I no Mm lUimntltinnltli Hoftctter'-t stomach Hitters 1'rolctt the fjstein n ilnst Itsltli ( Ills liciiufl cent fttitl f.i.inioillr | , which la ( tirtlioniiorca BII IUCIIID rciumlj for llicrcomp'Rlnt. con < tlntlon | iljlpciwh , iltlillltv , rliouiuatl in , k.ilnry Iron lilcs and oilier ailment' . JtcTromaloliyall Dnip lsts antl Dealers ecu cnllv The leading Scientists of to-day atreo that most diseases ara caused liy disordered kldnoja or ll\cr. If , therefore , tlio kidney * and llxcr arc kept In perfect order , perfect health ulll'iothc result. This tnith 1ms cnly been knonn a short time and for j cars people suffered great agony without belli ) ; able to Hnd relief. The dlio\ cry of Warner's Safe Kidney and Llxcr ( Juro marks a a new era 11 the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare laluo. It contvm Just the elements necessary to nourish and Im Igorato both of these great orpins , and safely restore nnd keep them In order , ftlta Positive Remedy far all the diseases that cause pains In the lower part of the body [ or Torpid Liter Headaches Jaundlco Dizziness-Gravel Kei er- Ague Ml er and Urinary Organs. It Is an excellent and safe remedy tor females during L'revnancy. It will control Menstruation and la -aluablo for I/tucorrhua or Fall ng of the Worn ! , . As a Blood Purifier It to uticrmalcd , for It cures the orjfanilliat make the blood. This remedy , v hleh has done such wonder , Is put up In the IiAKUKST SIZED IlOTI'ljK of any mediUno upon the market , nnd U xolil by Drue- Klsts and nil dealers at SI.25 per bottlo. For Dlalietcs , cniiulrt for WAHNKn'S SAFrt D1A- liirrCS CUllh. It Is a I'OSI IVi : Itemed * . H. H. WARNER & CO. , Rochester , M. Y. felB-tu-th-sat-lv United States Depository. OF OJIA1M. Cor. 13th aud Farnam Sts. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. 8UOCE8COR8 TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) 8TAUL1S1IK1) IBM. Organize M a National Jiank August 20,1803. CAPITAL AND PUOFITS OVER - 830O 000 taniXM AMI DIRECTORS : HERMAN KOUNTZK , 1'rc'niieiit. Acausifs Koi'.v r , Vlro President. 11. W. YATKS , Cashier. A. J. tonixios , Attorney. JOHN A. CKKIUIHUN. F. II. DAVIS , Asst. Cashier. This bank receives deposits nithout regard to imounti. Imuc3 time certificates bearing Interest. Draws drafts on San Francisco and principal the United SUte , alfa London , Dubli : dlnljiir'irnd ] tha principal cities ot the contl icnt of llnropo. Sells passenger tloVcts for emigrants by the In imn linq _ nvwldtj The Oldest IN NEBRASKA. Daldwell , Hamilton & Co. , Builncsa transuded eamo as that ot an Incor- Minted oank. Accounts kept In currency or gold subject to ileht chock without notlw Certificates of rtopotlt icsucd i > ayable In three , ilx and \\cl\o months , boarlng Interest , or on lemand without Intetest , Advances inada to customers on approved secu- : ltlc8 at market rates of Interest. ISuy nnd Fell ( toll , bllb of oxcluingo , govern- 11011 % state , county and city bonds. Draw giant drifts on England , Ireland , Bcot- and , and all parts of Europe. Sdl Uuropuan paNsago ticket ; . COLI.KCT10NB PKOJII tlli'lJt tlli'lJtBOOGS & HiLL , 3EAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 1.5081'arnliam Street , Drrici North flilo opp. Grand Central Hotel. WAR IN PASSENGER RATES I IIOlIIHi : 11UUS. ilroUcrs In all Ilallroad I'lckcti , Onialm , Neb. , olTcrTlfkots to the 1'Jit.t. until further , at the fol'owlnt ; unheard of \ joliutca : Chlcagu , 910 ; Hound Trip , $10.00 , The-o are llndied First-Clans Tkl.eU and itowl for return through the ear , nnd la the Old Itcllablo CId- tttifo , IHirlliii'ton & , ( julnvy Ilallroad , AUo , one Hay to ] t class. 2il class , KowVork , f.MOO. $2200. Itwton , 2700. 2400. Phtladclphla , 'i'tlO. SilW. \VasuliiKt n , D. 0 , , 10 10. 1UOO. For iiartkulara. write or go dlrcot to 1IOIII11K DUOS. , Dealers In llcdneeTl llatu lUllroaO and Stranulil ] ) TiLkets , 09 Truth Kt. , Onlaha , Neb. Itciiuiulier the place 'Jhrco DOOM Kortli of Un on 1'ucillo Ilallroad Depot , Uast Hide ot Tenth bttcct , Oinolu , August 1 , 1631 Cornell College , The Classllcal. rhtlosophlcal , Beiciitlllcaml Civ. Engineering \ OouifiM foniparo fatorably with the tot collcgua In the c-ouiiiry , Hpcclal \anttijfcs are then In the rrcparato- ry and Nonnal Department * , and In the CouM.rr ntory of Jlunic. Twenty Professors and Teachers. Kuperlor llulldliif * , Museum , laboratory an I Apiuratui. Lxpciuus Low , Fall If nn opens Sept. IS. For catalOL'Uci or otlierlnforiiutlon. adJrru I'uw.VM. . r. KINO , D. U. , V H-iIJtBgni Mt. Vfrnnn. lo Bnsuiess College , THE GREAT WESTERN CEO. R , RATHDUN , Principal. Greighton Block , OMAHA , NEIIUASKA. ff TBcud f or Cinuhr. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. i normiwoiis. TOWXS ARAPAHOE HOUSE , L. CLUTE , ArnpaJioe , GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , D. T , PHILLIPS , Harvard , Neb DENVER HOUSE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Hastings , Neb. EGTES HOUSE , fl. T fcSTES , Grand Island , Neb. U. P. HOTEL , S. F. DERRY , Gibbon , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILM8 , Kearney , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M , STONE , I ) HOLLAND HOUSE , QEO. U. HOLLAND , ' RedClouri , Neb , WILDER HOURE' THOMPSON REED , Wllbcr , Neb. DLUC VALLEY HOUSE , R. DAVIS , Do Witt , Neb. REYNOLDS HOUSE , Z. 0. ROCKHOLD , Wymore , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , T. MUNHALL , Bloomlnclon , Neb. QAQE HOU3E , A. R. GAG.E , Republican CityNell COMMERCIAL HOTEL , G. D. OORDEN , Alma , Neb. SUPERIOR HOUSE , S. TIMMERMAN , Superior , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , A. O. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb , WESTERN HOUSE , E. FUNKHOUSCR , Chester , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , DR. W. W. JONES , Blue Sprlnps , Neb PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. REM3HAW , Beatrice , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , E. D. COTTRELL , Nebraska City , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Crcston , In. JUDKIN3 HOUSE , UUDKINS&DRO. , Red Oak , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTON , Vllllicn , In. PARK HOTEL , W. J. GARVIN , Corning- , DURKE'S HOTEL , E. R. DURKE , Carroll , la. HEAD HOUSE , JOS. SHAW A CO , Jefferson , 'a. ' CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY DROS. . Mo. Valley Juno. , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ , Ncola , la. CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvcrn , In. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerson , la , CROMWELL HOUSE , MHO. R. COCHRAN , Cromwell , I . [ CENTRAL NEBRASKA U. & M. R. 11. ] HARVARD , NEBRASKA. 0. K. Merrill 13. & M. Land Agent J. D. Bain & Co. , Lumber and Building Material Rockhill Birdsal , Lumber &o Mrs. G. W. Howard , M. D HomcopnthiclJPhysicinn J. J. Cox .Station Agent , B. A ; M. R. R P. Lcc Forinnn : Superintendent City Schools 3. J. Scott Carpenter nnd Contractor J. D. Bain it Co General Store1 Wolbaoh Bros General Store U 0. Howard ' General Store T. J Dowd : . .Jeweler and Dealer in Sporting Goods W. J. Turner : . : 1 Grain .Dealer , Now Elevator P. M. Davis r. Grain Elevator JJ. IT. Lewis Blacksmith and wngonmnkor W. H. Hammond Metallic Coflin , ( patented. ) 0. W. Gardner City Meat Market J. D. Hume Agent for S. A. Morgan W. T. Perry i Hardware , Stoves and Tinware Brown & Sloat Booksellers and Stationers jlilchnst Bros Groceries , Flour , Crockdry , &c. 3. J. Riley : Groceries and Provisions swope.Bros Furniture and Undertaking L. A. Payne & Co Bankers D. T. Phillips Grand Central Hotel T. H. Spiillbrd Metropolitan Hotel 3eo. AV. Limbocker Clay County Journal [ jouis. Stein Farming Implements aud Tools Wiishburn & Van Gildon Flour Exchange J. B. Peck , Physician and Surgeon Hellm.uth Ladies' College. Patroness , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Rounder and President , The Right Rev. I. HELL- MUTH , D. D. , D. C. L. , LORD EISHOP OF HUROfJ. . Fall Term opens Wednesday. September 21st. Ilan > tsomo ndi < paclous Imlldlnjs. I eautlfully sltuaieJ in a most healthy locality , about four hours liy rail from Klugira Hills , and onono of iho principal through routes bctneen the Kast and \Vcst. The OHOUNIIS comprise j O oere\ The aim of the founder of this eollcjjo Is to provide the highest Intellectual and practically useful education , llio whola nyrteni is based upon the soundest PRO TESTANT principles , na llio only iiolid basis for the right formation of character. FRENCH is the langiia-jo ejioken In thfl cnllejro. MUSIC a specialty- Hoard , laundry aid ) Tuition Fc99 , Including thivholo course of English , the Ancient and Mod- cm LaujruaiftHSCalllsthctilevDrawhigr and 1'aintlny , use Piano and Library' Sfddlcal attendance , and MeJclne , $300 per annum. A rokuctlon of one-half for the daughters of Clerfe'j men. l'or"ciru- lars" nnd lull particulars address MISS CLINTON , Lady Principal , Hellmuth Ladies' College , LOXDOX D.STAKIO , CANADA. mon&thurs- Tobacco from 25c , per pound upwards , Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. TO ALL OTHERS In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY ' AND * GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. BUY 1 BEST ! MrJr - . mir m\isr SOLD BY Lang & Fotick. au'-23eoJ3in J3jC3\TC5-3CM3EI POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MACH.NKUY , BELTmO , HOSE. 0 S * HPK , BTEAM fiALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A.-L. STRANG , 206 Farnam St. , Omaha. Buy the PATENT PROCESS It always gives satisfaction , because it makes a superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded , W. M. YATES , OashiGrocer.