Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1881, Image 3

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A Repetition of the Blomlalo
Affair Witliiu Two Miles of
.tlio Previous Robbery ,
The St. Louis Train on the Al
ton Stopped and All the
Passengers Bobbod.
tSlxtoou Mnslccil Moil Tnko tlio
Trnln nnd Carry Off Evory-
IKaiKAi City Journit ,
The people hayo scarcely tired of
reading of reports of the bold rob
ibcry of the Rock .Inland train at
Winston , when they a o to bo startled
by a repetition of this bold outrngo
on the Chicago and Alton. It was
. nearly 10 o'clock last night when the
St. Loins train on the Alton road ran
into thu Union depot , and a crowd of
excited passengers iiourod out of the
cars nml announced that they had
been stopped between Independence
.and Glcndale and robbed of all their
money and valuables by a gang of
Jnasked men. The p.issongcrs all
talked freely , and it was soon learned
that probably the boldest and heaviest
-of all Iho long list ot train robborie
-on railroads centering in this city hat
just boon porpdtruted within toi
miles of the city. The details as tlio
wore related by the p.issongors showei
that it was a well planned and we !
-executed alF.iir , but while planned b
those who had evidently had experience
-onco in such mutters before , the ma
jority of the gang engaged were
countrymen who will doubtless bo a
work on their farms in the vicinity o
the robbery by the time this tale o
.their exploit reaches the reader.
The Xlotribory-
The train robbed was the St. Loui
di"ision of the Alton , west bound
'duo hero about 9 o'clock. Just ubou
fchreo miles east of Independence anc
not more than a dozen miles from this
city , is a sharp curve and grade. The
train men are in the habit of watching -
ing for stalled freight trains on thai
-.curve , and keep their trains well under -
dor control so that they can bo stop-
J > ed quickly. The robbers probably
md observed this before.
The engineer of this train was on
the outside of , the curve looking
-ahead , when ho saw a dim rod light.
A tall man waved the light across the
track , and as ho did so the gleam ol
it ho headlight fell on him and showed
that ho was masked. The firsl
thought of the engineer was that
rthero was a stalled freight train ahead ,
but AS ho caught a glimpse of the
imask , and at the same instant of a
< big pile of stones between the rails ,
ho understood the situation perfectly.
There was nothing that could , bo done
but to stop the train and
The engine came to a dead atop
j'flst as the prow of the pilot touched
the pile of stones. The location se
lected for the robbery is in a cut , and ,
immediately the robbers , sixteen in
number , came running down the
tianks on either side , and surrounded
the train. The leader covered the
engineer with his revolver and com
pelled him to break open the express
.car. The messenger of the United
States Express company , which runs ,
on this road , and the baggage master , ;
had left the car , but the messenger .
was soon found and under cover ot a
revolver was forced to open the safe.
It is likely tlmt tlio amount obtained
was small , though that could not bo
.certainly ascertained last night , as
they took the bills and all the contents -
. tents of the safe. This fact may
of the passengers , for , after knocking
the messenger twice on the- head with '
-a revolver , and cursing him for not
having more money , they dumped the
contents of the safe into' common
< grain sack and started for-tho passon-
.ger coaches. While n guard vas sta
tioned on cither side , a party of five
-or six wont through tlio whole train , ,
one carrying the sack , while the rest ,
with revolvers drawn , demanded the
jpassongers' money , watches and other
valuables , and as fast as they wore
.handed over they were thrown into
the sack. The robbers carried oil
of pocket books , papers , watches , ;
rings , jiins and other valuables.
There was a party of Western excursionists -
cursionists from the vicinity of Pen
Yan , N. Y. , on board ia charge of 0.
lloland Camp , general traveling and
land agent for the Ft. .Scott road.
Prom these excursionists alone tlio
xobbors took about $1,000. It is
' probably no exaggeration to say that
'tho passengers contributed from 815-
000 to $20,000 in money and valua a
bles , while the contents of the express
company's safe cannot bo definitely
learned , but probably did not exceed
§ 2,000 , The baggage master said ho
didn't think the safe contained over I
8100 in money , thu contents being
principally papers. After the robbers
had gene through the train they
marched back to the cngino and told
the engineer to drive on. They im-
incdiatuly climbed up the bank and
disappeared in the woods. The whole
transaction occupied about thirty in
minutes , and in that time was cxeuu
ted onn of the boldest and most sue-
cossful raids over attempted on u rail
road train.
TifKnoiiiiKis. :
The leader is described as a tall man
Tvith dark board , Ho were a mask
part of the time when in the light
and in general answers very well to
the description of the man who led
the gang at Winston , , and also bears
resemblance to one of the men who
robbed the Council 11 hi I ) 4 train about
n year ago near Winthrop. The loa ( '
or introduced himself to the engineer
as Jesse James , and a companion , a
short , heavy man , as Dick Ijittloj and
several times Afterward the loader ad '
dressed the small man , calling him
.Dick , Tlio other members of the
gang wore masked , but were tlio dross
of farmers. It was noticnblo that the
ehocs of several wcro heavy cow
hides , euch as farmers wear when
plowing. _
The Kniuooi'a | Statement'
L , Foot , engineer of No. 150 , was
stopped , He suid : Wo were coming
.around a curve in a cut about three
miles cast of Independence , riinnini ,
txxonty-fix-o miles an hour when I saxx
a dim red light waving ncioss tin ,
track just n short distance ahead ,
Frcichl trains often got stnllod then
and i supposed that xvns what was the
trouble this time. I began to slack
up and snon saw that I no man xvho
xxas flagging the tr.iin xvns masked ,
ami I nlso snw him sot the liuitcrn on
a pile of stones bcttvoon thn rails (
turned to my fireman and totv. him wo
were going to bo robbed. As the
train stopped , txvo men came tloxx-n
tlio bank mid ono of them , prcnuntinii
n cocked icvolvcr , told mo to come
doxvn out of the cab and bring the
coal pick with me. I snid : "Don't
shoot , boys. " The leader replied !
"All right ; xvo xvon't ' hurt you if you
got doxvn and out of that right lively. "
I didn't move very fast , becausu 1
knoxv what they wanted xxilh ihu ham
mer , mid 1 didn't knoxv but a little
delay misfit help the messenger n
little. They commenced to sxvear ,
and said : "Do as xvo toll you , i
we'll shoot the d n head oil'of you. "
\11 this thho I heard orders from
some one to the gang telling them to
do this and do that.
The leader wa a tall , rather good
looking folio v , with dark , heavy
beard. Ho had a slight eumk in his
nose as if it had been broken some
time , and were a broad slouch hat.
Ho came up , shook hands and said
liis name was Jesse James , Ho then
introduced one of his gang , a short ,
liuax-y folloxxI don't remember what
ho called him. "Dick '
Little/ sug
gested the reporter. I believe that
xvas itI think I heard him call him
Dick aftenvard. Of course I don't
knoxv whether this xx-as Jesse James
or not ; I never saxv Jesse James and
don't knoxv how ho looks. Well ,
they took mo to the express car and
told mo to break open thu door. I
struck it a low bloxvs and then
opened it. In the meantime the
express messenger and the baggage-
master had slipped out at the door on
the ether side and xx-oro trying to con
ceal themselves. The robbers asked
mo where the messenger was and
were very angry at not finding him.
[ told them. I didn't knowl The
eader said very calmly and positively.
"Find the express messenger or I'll
shoot you. " I didn't like the look in
tis face , so I told the express mcssen-
ror lie might just as xvoll give up.
The leader told txx'o of the men to got
nto the car. The messenger was
very sloxv about opening the safe , and
hey struck him over the head xx'ith a
I understand there was only a small
amount of money in the safoand they
seemed to bo mad about it and struck
ho messenger again. I guess they
mrt him pretty bad. They dumped
ho contents of the safe into a sack
and started back to the train , saying ,
"We'll go through the passengets ,
and don't you move till wo toll you. "
Wo had passed a freight trainat Glendale -
dale , and there was danger cf its run-
ling into the rear of our train , so
; he conductor sent a brakeman , 15ur-
, on , back to flag it. The robbois saxv
lim start with the lantern , and com-
nenccd to shoot at him. I guess
.hero must have been as many as
'orty shots fired at the boy. I told
ho leader what ho xvas going backer
or , that unless the train xx-aa flagged
ho freight xvould run into us and
naybo kill a lot of people. Hu throxr
up his bunds and ordered the firing to
stop , and it did stop instantly. They
md started to run after him , and a
x'ould certainly have killed him if
hey hadn't been slopped just xvhen
hey were. I think there were six in a
.ho party that went.through the
Clio others xve'ro stationed along on
either side of the train. Everything
xras quiet after they quit liring at
iurton. While the robbery xnis goit.
ng on the folloxv xx'ho stood guuul
Over mo asked mo if the engine xvould
iced any attention. I told him it
and ho wont back with
xrpuld , ttlJU JLU 1VU11U Udl'fl tvlbll mo [
xyhilo I fixed her so she would stand
ill night. When the thing \x-as all th
over the robbers came back to the th
'rout of thu train , thu leader shook
lands with mo and gave mo 82 , say-
112 : "You're a good ono , take this ah
md spend it with the boys. You'd th
jctter quit running on tharoad. Wo'ro ha
joing to make it so hot for this d d ham
Alton road they can't ' run. " They
hon vanished over the bank. I didn't th
see any horses , but suppose they had th
some there somuxx-horo. They kept at
us there about half an hour. an
The Conductor's Story. go
Conductor J. N. Ilazolbakcr related 80
ho circumstances of the robbery as
iollovva : ' 'Wo xx'orfj about three miles
the ether side of Independence , in
xvhat is knoxm as the Blue cut , xvhun
the train suddenly stopped and I xvent
out to see what was the trouble. I
saxv the train surrounded by a num
ber of masked men he.xvily armed ,
and at once started back , passing
through all thu cam , warning thu pas
sengers to secrete their valuables , as
gang of rabbets xvvro aboard who
xvould spare nothing of value if visi xvo
ble I passed to the rear platform , it.
xvhon .a man xvith txvo icvolvcrs luv- to
oled at mo. IIu commanded a halt ,
told him ail approaching freight
xvould smash into us directly , and I going back to flag it unless I xvas
killed before I got there. T took a to
lantern , and , stopping oil' , started -
back around thu curvu to signal the
freight. Thu man on the platform
did not shoot , but a number hidden
thu bushes on thu bunks shot at us
repeatedly , some of thu bullets xvhis-
tling unpleasantly near , and I must our
confess to a little nervousness , young
man , but I xvas determined to stop
that freight , for if it came into us I
know that everybody in the rear car
would be killed or hurt. They xx'cru
close to us that I only had to go -
about ten rods just around the of
curve and after I saxv them stop I
wont back and took a neat in the
sleeper. Just then the men came in Ho
the car , and if the passengers had ut
kept away from mo I don't ' think 1
would liavo been recognized , but ev
erybody croxvdod about mo for pro
tection , as though they thought mo a not
government arsenal. Of course I xx'as
'spotted' and had to give up nrotty the
liberally. C had hid my watcli und a
87i > in a xvutor tank aa 1 pasftcd
through the cars , and saved about 850 at
which I gave up 'liko n lUtlo man. ' I but
can toll you xvhat time it is , though , "
and the conductor pulled out a gold
repeater and a roll of nbout 87ft , thu
product of his mine in thu water tank.
"After the train xvas uono through the
tha xvholo crowd wont to thu front
and told thu engineer to move on , that
they were Eatiafied ; nml wo moved | the
out tvhilo the robbers ran up the bank
and disappeared in the woods. There
xx-olo sixteen of thorn that wo counted ,
but it is probnblo there wcro inoro
hidden in tlio bushes , 113 the shots
fired tit us came ft out the bank and 1
saw no ono approach the train after il
xvas stopped. They niado a secontl
trip through the sleeper , turning up
cushions and lanmickinc things iron
orally. It xvaa the xvoiat looking
I over saxv after they loft , and 1 guess
the passengers , ns u gonornl thimr ,
favo up ovorj thing they had , though
believe there xvoro a few xvho saved
part of their money and some jo\V'
"T wont forxx-aid after xvo started
up and found Iho express messenger
had boon hit on the head with u re
volver and slightly cut ; the wound
bled snmo but I don't think ho was
badly hint. I guess ho fought for
the tnoiuy ho had. and tried to hit'
it , for the boys told mo the cnginec
xvas forced to go back and break ope
the door to the express ear xvith
coal pick , so t prosiinio they felt
httlo xvr.ithy toward him. 1 don'
think they molested the mail car. o
rather that portion of the usouh
the government , ( xvo have ono .car fo
baggage , mail and express ) hut the ,
tumbled the trunks around and .
think broke open a foxv.
"Tho passengers xvero badly fright
ened and xvhon 1 llrst xvent throng !
the train and told them xvhut xvas up
a good many craxvlod under the :
and overjbody sought out seine kini
of a hiding place for their monoy. I
xx-as n tough gang and they me n
business , yon can bet on tlmt , "
In tlio Chnir Oar.
Charles Gartiold , xvho xx-as in the re
clininv chair , saitt : "As soon 03 AVO
stopped 1 suspected from the locality
it being right in the middle of the
xvooda , tlmt there xvns somcthint ,
xvroug. The passengers xvoro all vor
quiet and the tr.iin men seemed ti
xvatit to get out the xvay. I hoard Hit
sound of human voices. It soonict
as though they xvero quari'eling. 1
stuck my head out of the window
once and didn't sco anything. ]
then went fonvard to the smoking car ,
and in a minute or txvo stuck my heat
out the xvindoxv again. 1 saxv xvhal
secnipd txvo or thrjo mon sitting by
the side of the track , xvho , as soon as
I stuck out my head , called out
"Stick in your head , g d d n you
xvo'll bloxv the top of it oil' if yoi
stick it out hero again. " Soon after
that I hoard eight or ton shots ; the , }
seemed to bo all along the side of the
train. When the passengers rcalizoc
that the tr.iin xvas being robbed they
were greatly excited. The xvomoi
xvoro all screaming and ono man knoll
doxvn 111 tlio car and prayed. Some oi
them laid doxvn under the scuts urn
then gut up again , They all seemed
to bo intent on hiding their money.
Some mon xvero tugging uxvay to gel
their boots off , others xvero frantically
looking around for some hiding place
in the car. They put their money in
almost ovoryconceix-ablo placo. Soon
the robbers came in. They all xxoro
xvhito masks over their faces , xvith
holes for the eyes and nose just ordi
nary cheap muslin , The first thin"
xvo heard xx-as a cry of "hands up ,
and txvo or thrco revolvers xvoro stuck
in the front door. There xvero
either live or six , i don't
rnmember which , that came
into the cur. They xvero all armed ,
ono of thorn , the loader , also carrying
Winchester riflo. They cursed and
swoio fearfully as th'oy passed through
the ear. There xvas ono man carrying a
satchel into whicl ) everything xras
dumped. I only saxv txvo xvatchcs tak
en. Ono lady who had some line rings
m her finger xvas ordered to pull them
oil . She did not hesitate much about
it. One xvoman fainted. The loader
acomed to hu x-ery solicitous about her.
Hi xvcnt and wet a handkerchief and
b.ithcd her face , anil then g.ivo her
back a dollar that thoy'had taken from
her. They made everybody take out
their monoy. Some men dropped in
their keys , others pocket-knives. 1
dropped . 0.35. Nc one eocmedto
odor the least resistance. They came
along xvith draxvn rovolvois , and hold
them pointed at u person until they
had got through xvith him. They
made ovcry one , hoxx-ox'or , keep his I
hands hold up. After they had got
through the loader ordered thorn on to a
the next car , and.ho stationed himself
tli3 door. Ho had txvo revolvers
and a Winchester' . Ho kept talking
tlio whilo. Ho said : "if you are
getting tired of holding your hands up
straight , why , slip them around
behind your head and lest them. I
suppose most of you put your hands
up two or thrco times a day. I sup
pose the detectives will all bo horonn
adayortxxo. Th'oy will all come on
free passes , but they xvon't lind us
hero. They can't stop us from , rob
bing trains ; St'n qur business. Wo
could do it just the same if the bag
gage car xx-as full of soldieis. " Ho
ijuoted the IJiblo considerably. Ho
said : "If tvo uro going to bo xvicked ,
niiL'ht iw xx-oll nmko a good job of
. " Ho thought it xx-as just m xvcled !
lie as it xvas to steal. In appearance -
anco ho was a rather spare man , medi
um Jioight , nithor broad shoulders ,
lie 'had on a pair of broxvn panto ,
dark coat and slouch hat , lie Boomed \
bo talking in an unnatural tone. It
xx-as a sharp voice xvi tli , a decided
Southern accent. It xx-as perhaps ton
minutes after ho xvent out befoio the -
tram started.Wo hoard thum going I
back toxvard the engine , I think that
they got a good deal of money out of
The Express fif essongor- am
II. A. lloburts , ot St. Lostiu xvas Iho
express mosHongor. Ho had received 10
txvo very severe cuts on the head and
xx-asn't inclined to talk much. His story
what happened in the express car ia
almost thu sumo as that of the engineer -
noor who xvas a xvitness of thoscene ,
xvuu compelled to unlock the safe
the point of a revolver , but declined -
clinod to say how much ho had , Dr ,
Kiogcr dressed the xvomulH and pro
nounced them severe , but ho thought
Horious. Ono was on the most
prominent point on the loft eido of [ / '
head , near the top ; the other was
round cut almost on the oroxvn. It the
iviia the most Box-ero and it xva fo.ucd nt
athut that the fikull xvns fractured , or
thu doctor doclded that it xras to
"What tlio Colorntl Port or Did ,
Ed.Vatsoni \ the colqiod parlor of
Hlecping car , luid ; Wo did not
knoxv xslmt was up , although xvo ful
thought nomething WHS xvrong , until lar
conductor came -through and told
us. Ho went back to nignal a frcighl
train that xxus close behind 113. Tlio
passengers , all men , xvero viry mitcl
excited. They kept folloxx nig mo
around and wanted mo to hide their
money and AVatches in n locker. 1
told them that the jobbers tumid
surely get it thoro. I told them to
hide tlioir money in the spittoons
and under the carpet. I thing that
three gold watches and about $ ! 500
xvns put in the spittoon. A
good many of thorn hid their
valuables muter the cushions. They
kept following 'mo ' nroimd all the
xvhilo. I heard about thirteen or four
teen shots. 1 hid my money in tlio
spittoon. When the rubbers came to
the car door they shouted : "Hntufa
up , every ono of you ! " They came
in cursing and sxvcaiing terribly. One
man carried an open satchel , and the
others held their revolvers pointed
i i lit at a man until thuy got done
xvith him. After they had passed
through the car they came lucft , and
ono of them , holding a cocked revolver -
or tight at my breast , said : "Hero's
the 0d d n porter ; he Imoxvs
xrlioni theio's EOIIIO money Show
up , quick , or I'll ' kill you. " T foil us
.hough 1 wished I him laid nil' this
: rip. 1 xvaa terribly afraid that ho
xvas going to pull , but 1 said : "Ooii-
ciuon , I don't knoxv xvhero there's a
cent. Yon can take the keys to my
ockcr and see for yourselves. " They
ooked , but didn't find anything.
They toro out the cushions and xliing
.hum around all over the car , They
xvont for Mr. Price , 'tho conductor of
our car. They did not find any
inonoy when they first xxont for him ,
tut after searching him they said :
"IIoroyouVo got some money around
icro somewhere. You go and got it
1 - d quick , or xvo'll put a hole through
, foii. " Ho xxout and got it. The
msongors all kept mighty still xvhile
; ho robbers xvero in there. They got
Mr. Hazotbakor , the regular conduct
or , on the rear platform ; they xx-ould
lot have knoxvn him but for the pas
sengers crowding around him and
calling him "conductor. "
A Toxan' Pun.
T. II. Wagner , from San Marcos ,
Tex. , stated : 'Wo xvoro about four
miles the other side of Independence
xvhon the train stopped. I xvas asleep
at the the time , ami I guess the busi
ness xx-as done quietly , for the first I
knoxv of anything being xvroug xx-as
xvhon the conductor came through and
told us to put our money in our socks ,
for the train xx-as stopped by robbers
and they xvould be after us in a min
ute. I xx-as in the smoker then , but
jumped up and wont into the next car ,
leaving my xvatch and money in a has
kct xx-ith a doij I xx-as taking to Wich
ita xvith mo. They xvoro on to us in a
holy minute , and I hud just got in
side xvhen five men appeared at iho
front door , and ono of them said ,
"hands up" and up they xvent , ox-ory
man , woman and child was prompt ,
too. Ono of them began cursing the
passengers , holding a. carbine ready to
shoot tiio first man who stirred or
offered any rcsistonco. The rest \vont
through the car , ono man carrying a
pillowcase xvhilo the rest xvont through
the pockets , taking over- blessed
thing a man had , even to his pocket
knifo. They didn't bother the ladies
very much , but took rings mid joxv-
elry from some of them and gave
back money to some who only had a
trillo and looked poor. I heiud about
txventy shots lira ! before they entered
the car , and learned afterxx-ard that
they xx'oro fired at tlio conductor and
brakciiian who had gone back to (
Hag a freight that J wa < t close bo-
hiud us. 1 guess 'ffx orybody xx-as
pretty badly scared , for they xx-ero
mighty prompt in minding what xvas
said to them , and I noticed they
shelled out liberally. All they got
from mo xx-as a juck knife , and I h.itl
the xvorth of it in fun , though I xxouhl
have cnjoyod myself bettor for a few >
minutes if I know my money was
safe in the basket xvith the dog. I
supposed they had it' , but I found it
all right xvhen I xvont bade.
They got § 1520 from the man who
sat in the scat xvith mo and Ids xx-atch
and chain , S'lO from another and § 1
from another man. I don't knoxv hoxv
much from the other nassongcrs , but
guess I xx-ao the only ono that con
tributed nothing moro x-aluablo than
Conrad M. Sullivan , of freight train
following , said ho saxv them all luii
south into the xvoods.
The slccpinc car conductor saved
xx-hat money belonged to the company ,
but lost ? 100 in inonoy hnd a xx-atch
xvorth § 10.
Tlio robbers told the sleeping car
conductor that it the Alton offcicd r.
reward for them them the next time
they xvould cut oil' the Pullman cur
and burn the xvholo train.
John J , Price , the Pullman con
ductor , received apcciul attention , the
robbois evidently coiiHidorinjj him a
bonanza. Ho had hid hU money and
xvatch in the xvatcr tank , but lining
pressed , ho produced them and his
A. Gorman lost 8100 , and xvhon he
iskcd for enough to pay his xvay to
Nebraska , thuy told him lo beat his
Soctmil Edition of Job.
Mrs OK Jen , N. Division utrout liulTiiln ,
8ayn : "I cauuot lie too tlmnkful tlmt 1
xx-iiH induced to try your Si'itiso HLO-JHOM.
XX-.IH at onu thiio nfnilil I Hlmuhl nuvor bo
nblo to jjot out again. I eeemeil to bo a
second edition of .loi ) without htn pa
tience ; my face ami boily xvero una vnit
" " i of boil * mill pimples ; ulnco tnk
ono bottlu of your Hirm | lili (
quite cured , ul ] cmntloiiH have
pearvd , and 1 tvul bettor than J have in a
long time. " L'rico .10 cents , trial bottlva
cunU ,
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con
sumption is certainly Ihu greatest
medical remedy over placed xvitliin the
reach of Bufl'oring humanity , Thou-
iiinds of once holnlcss suflurors , now
loudly proclaim tlioir praise for this
wonderful discovury to xvhich they
oxvo their lives. Not only docs it posi
tively euro Consumption , but Coughs ,
/'olds , Asthma , lironchitis , Hay
Fovur , IToaivmiosi and all affections of
Throat , Cheat and Lungs yields
once to its wonderful curative poir-
UB if by magic. Wo do not n k you
buy a largo bottle unlosti you know
what you asu gutting. Wo therefore
eariicotly roqiiOBt you lo cull on your
druggists , IHU & MoMAiio.v. and get a
trial oottlo free of cost xvhich will con-
xlncu thu most okupticul of its wonder
merits , and shoxv you xvhat n regu
ono dollar Bi/.o bottle will do , I1 or 0
by Inh & McMuhon. (4) ( )
- AlVv
WVT % <
> \V
1 .r ; m. . . VSS M
No Cnanping ; Cars
XVhcro illrof I fpmiootionn ftro jnnil * xnlh Thrnuch
Tie ] Short Line via. Peoria
'ILI.K. ind All point * In the
X'hcrfldlrrct connfctioni urn nrnilo In the Union
Dcrot with the Tliro\iL'h .sUviilnif Uir
Llnrii tar AM. T'OINTS
53 ggTp'oc'aac.
Rock Island.
Tlio unoqxalcil Iniltictments oITcrxl liy thli line
o IraMjIora Mul tourl li nro M rollOMi :
The cclolirotol I'ULMIAN (10-xrhcoI ) TALACK
SLKIH'INO OAl'.H nin only on thin line U , I ) .
ft < j. 1'ALACK MtAXVI.NO 1100M CAHS , with
lonon's Itccllnln ; Ctnlra. No oxtro chnrgo far
scAti In Itccllnliifr ClMhm. Tha InnioiK U. , 11. &
} . Pnhco Dlnlir ; Unn. Oorffooui Smoking Cars
IttoJ with elegant lililvl > ftckcd rattan nuohliijf
clmlrs , fortho oxelusU * usool first-class ] i cn-
Steel Truck anil tiuicrlor | c < iut | > mcnc comlilncd
t ltd their gjcnt throiih car amusement , makc.1
his , aboio nil otlan , the ( a\orlta route to the
last , South and bouthftut.
Try It , ami jou will fttxl travcllni ; luxury In-
tuail o ( n ilisfointort.
Through tlcl.ctalo thli ccrcliratiKl line for e lo
at all ollices In Ilia Unltcil HUtej and Canada.
All InfornmUnn about rate * cf faro , Blcvpliif ;
Car acTOinniodatlonn , Tluw Tables , etc. , nill be.
hccrfully tr'xon ' by ap | > llnc to
General I'aas.inircr Avciit , Chicago.
T. J. rOTTKH ,
Onnnral Manarcr Chlcicro.
Xre t for being tha most direct , quickest , and
nfct line connecting tha MctrojioHs , CI1I-
JAGO , anil the UtMTKiix , NOKTII-KASTIIO , Snuni
ninl SouTii-KuiTKitN LINK * , which terminate there ,
: oi'M'iL llkurw ami OMAHA , tlia COHUKKCIAL
CK.NTKIIS from which radiate
hat penetrates the Continent from tha Illssourl
Ux er to the I'aclllc Slope , Tlio
the only line from Chicago owning track Into
tania.4 , orhlch , liy 111 own raid , rcachai thu
oint nlioto iiaiucil , No THAMUKRS IIY UARRIAUK !
< o iiiHMMi oONNKi'Tio.isI No huddling In 111-
ititlhitolur nnclmii earn , oa o\crv ruvdun cr (9 (
turritil In roomy , clean and ventilated coachon
ujion 1'ast i\pruss : Train * .
DAV CAIIS of tinrUalcil magnificence , PULLMAN
'ALACK yi.KKHNU GAiiH , and ourown worlil-faMious
( m'xo CAIIS , niwn which incnH ara scmil of tin-
MirpiknJ cxuulkniA at the low into of BKXKNTT-
FISH CrvreuACH , with ample time ( or healthful
'Jhrou h Cars between Chicago , Peorla , Mil
wankcound Mlwtoinl Illicr Points ; ami ilosocon
ncttiona ut all jttlnta of Intersection with other
\Vo ticket ( do not forget thl ) directly to o\ cry
ilnco of lniKrlanca ] In Kanpus. N ( . ) > ra.ika , Ulack
Illlla , | , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho ; Not odd , Calltaniia ,
Oregon , Washington Territory , Colorado , Arizona
nnJ New Moxlra.
Atll 1'triil arrangements regardingliajriraRO a
any other line , and rate * of ( aionlunyd anl ovf a
ijiotllom , who furnish but a tllho of tha com
fort.J OL'S anil Inckln of njwrtj'ncn ( rco.
TliKCti. main nnil faldcra at all prlnelial | o
rictH In thii I'nltvd Etntco and Canada.
H. U. CAIII.i : , i : . ST. JOHN ,
Vku I'rcc't Allen. Gen. Tkt and I'ass'r Atf
Manager , thlitti'O Cnlcaao.
Ilolico to Sewer Contractors.
So.ilcd piopoinlH will 1)0 ) received by tlio
nnderaiKncd until 11 ! o'clock noun , ot the
20ti ! tiny of Koptcinlier , for tha inatuiiiil
anil uniiMmctiniinf nHuwcr from H to 8J
fret in iliuintter I ! riiin ; ; thick , and nlicint
I'-'OO fectloii ' , IMI JoiicH Htieet froniaiioint
near thu cant bide of VMutrcut \ at tlio
tcnniinmof tlio HfiiotBewerascniiHtriiutcd ,
east to n point /iliout / 10 feet cast of thu
cnxt niilu of Uth tieet ,
} tidH to liu liascil upmi ilctniioil plnimnnd
Bpcllicatiinn ] ) on lilu in lliu city CMiKineur'H
ollico anil to ho cejiarato uiul Hpcclfiu upon
tlic following pointB of dctnil.l
Huto jicr linear foot fur material uiul
lirick work complete in wnll of newer in-
chirtlvu of c\uav.atloiiniid hack flllitij ; .
] Into pvrmihiu yard for uoncrvtu work
complete , 'jnclti.sfvo of material in tliu
llato tier linear foot for sheeting , inclii
nivo of.driviiiK and uxlrurllntr.
Jtato per linear foot nf piling fiiniishcd
and driven ,
Itato per linear foot of pipe Inlcl for
uliniitn or otlivr | ) urHsoH.
I ( u toper \urtivnl foot for uomplctu con
ttiuctlon incluui\o of material of uatuli
ImliiH and man holcx ,
llato per each newer and pipe connec
Halo per cubm yard for allcinlmnUniiint
or oilier gradlni' neccmtry outHhIonf exca <
vationnnd ivfillini ; beloiiKliiK to the con
fitrucllon of HCWLT under liut head.
Work to lie begun on or Ixiforu October
1C , 1681 , and prosecuted as per provialon
of HpecltiuatioiiH Ilk'd.
Did muetbo nrcoinpanlcd by K < > od and
milllc'icnt bond in thu HIIIII of 610,000 M
Miriity that the contract , If awatded , will
cutI'led Into in HIHKI faith by thu bid
der. Tlio bondii to ba read piovIoiiH 10
consideration of hid , and unlem found to
boa good und bona-fidu bond the bid to bo
rejected. .1. .F. L. 0 , J KWJ'JTT.
BuptH-lL't C'ity ( Jlurlc
NetehLand Agency
IC05Fnrnliam St. , . . . Omalm , Uchrajka
-aoo ,
Care.ullyncliii.tcil hnj In Uiwtcrn Kobmska ( or
oala , uriut ibr alut In Inijirovoil fariuu , and
Uinalm city ) 'rnirty. .
Late Uiia Coin'r U. P , , _ , fv Kbtf
f * CV . Jro a jeyoncl any rcwoualilo question tlmt Mm
Ji for fill ottna the b * , rorul for you to take whnn i ravelins In fltlipj ilirostion
i Chicago and all of the Principal PolnU In the Wosl , North and Northwest , ' <
i.nrrfitllynjamlnotlihMnp. Tlio rrlnclpM Cltlriof tlio Writrtn.l Nortlm
on tliMrond. It ? ttirmiitli tnlns nmku close cwmccllouj with tliotrains > y ,
Junction pnlnK
te to
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
_ . . _ .
. till Council ' '
Cnnntla . „ „ „ „ „ by 1'lckct Aiiita
Jtemcmlxsr to ask for Tickets via tltli rond.bostiro they read over It , and take none other ,
UAKV1X MtoniTT.Ocii'i JIanaijor , UlilcaRO , , W. U. 8TKXSEWtUcti'ira3S. Apuut , Clilca tw
HAIttlY P. DUEL , Ticket Asent a A N. W. Rillway , 14th ami Fiunham utrtot * .
D. 1C. KIMIlALn A l tiuit Ticket Airtmt C. Is. N. W. Hallway , Uth Ana Karnh&m ttreotl
J. HULL , Ticket Agent 0. A N. W. Hallway , U. V. U. It. Depot. "
0AUK3 T. CLAHK General Aient.
Goods Suitable for the
Guild & Mclnnis9
And will lie sold at our usual extremely
Blankets and Comforters , Flannels - t
nels and Shirtings , Cotton Flannels - ' ;
nels and Sheetings , Mustm and |
Calicoes , Dress Goods , Silks and ,
Satins , Black Goods and Cashmeres - ; *
meres , Hosiery and Underwear , ' }
Corsets and Gloves , Ribbons and
Ladies' Neckwear , Cloaks and Dolmans - ' ?
mans , Table Linens and Napkins ,
Gent's White and Colored Shirts ,
Waterproofssand Flannel suitings , '
Denims and Jeans. 1.
Our-Blue - Checked Shirting at 16 Ho , Sold
Everywhere else at 20e.
You will SAVE MONEY by Buying Your Goods of
603 N. 16th St. , 2nd door N. ofCal.s E. Side ,
Manufacturing Company ,
finest Siver Plated Spoons and Forks.
Tlio only and jlional pluto that
original firm of
s { ; mn.K for in-1
II o g o r a Bros.
Blanco a ainglo
All our Spoons ,
Forks and plated Spoon a
KnivcH [ ilutod triple thickneSBof
with thu greatest
pluto only on
of euro , Each W
tlio 8
lot being hung
on a scale while where expo d
being plated , to to wear , thereby
insure a full deposit -
milking n single
posit of silver on
plated Spoon
wear au long aa
Wo would call
a triple plated
especial atten
tion to one.
our sec-
Rival. Orient- Tluucd.
All Orclcm In tlioVust uliouW ba AiMreueil to
u *
Wholesale Jeweler ,
OMAHA , NEB. ? , , ;