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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1881)
! ' ! I THE ( BUl-IA DAILY BEE : MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12 , 1881- MISCELLANEOUS , " " "f * * ni Arrest of a Person Implicated In the Chicago & Alton Train Robbery , , The Railroad Bates War Bo- Iweon Chicago and East ern Points , Other Mutters of rm IntorostluB Nnturo , Bo tli Iiocnl anil ForolRU- THE TRAIN ROBBERS. * < oclat < - < I'rcM. KANSAS Cm- , September 10. Eight of the Chicago Alton train robbers have boon arrested. This is about two-thirds of the number act- uillly ong.ijfod in the robbery. Atno g those arrested are Andy Jtyan , John Loud , William N. Murray , Jim Wil- iorson. STho latter is the man who personated Jesse James during the progress of the robbery. LoiuUoprcseiitod the notorious Dick Little. Natt Chapman , who was ar rested near Oak Grove is supposed to know all about the robbery and has K < von blio oflicors some good pointers. It was he who put them ou the track of John Loud , against whom circum- etantial evidence is strong enough to convict. _ THE RATES GUI' . UniiltiR Cain "With the RooilB,1Bnt Qooil for the Pfiftnongors- Rational Associated Press. CmuAno , September 10. The situ- ntinn regarding the war in east bound ipassungcr rates romaiiits about the Same. There has been no change in thu rates nor has any other aggressive movement taken place. Tlio rate to liow York remains at five dollars by .nil thu lines. The war that has been waged between this city and eastern points during thu last few days is toll ing heavily upon tlio roads loading east from other western and south western points , as it had the effect of diverting this business this way. It lias therefore Lcen decided to make fluch a reduction iron ; Sb. Louis , In dianapolis and other western points as will prevent their business from going by way of Chicago. The rate from Ss. Louin to Now York will bo $12. and a corresponding rate from other wostcin points by making the rates § 12 from St. Louis. It is be lieved it will moot the Chicago com petition. MICHIGAN'S FIRE. National Associated 1'rut. ' DUTKOIT , Mich. , September 10. Tlio latest advices received iicrc show that the worst of the destructive work of the forest fires has bean done and that the devastation is oven inoro widespread than had boon feared by thu most despondent. Thirty-one townships in Tuscola , Sanilao and Huron - ron oimticlvivo boon swept over by the ilames. . In this district there are about fourteen villages utterly do- atroyod , nnd thu surrounding country is shorn BO close by the fire as to leave the ground cleared like a newly sown field. No K8TIUATK OF LOSSES , or dcatho can bo made with any dogrco of accuracy. But news from trust worthy sources leads to the belief that the estimate on 200 lives is very low , and 300 is nearer the reality. The awful details are beginning to come to hand. They are of a character to anako strong men shuJdur. Commu nication with the burnt district has boon again opened and assistance in Loing rapidly furnished. Many per sons are still missing in the burned districts and the exact loss cannot bo known for some days. UEL1KK ritOM UHICAQO , CHICAGO , September 10. Up to this time no systematic work has "boon done iu this city towards the collection of funds for the Bidlbrors by the Michigan forest fires , A cir t cular calling for aid was isauod yes terday by the secretary of the Lum- toorman'H Exchange , but subscriptions BO fur have boon very incagro. It u thought the board of tratlo will take decisive action in the matter during to'duy's session. The Now Here Dlsouso. National Anoilatod Pruu. J AHNIIAU/TOWN. Town , September 10. Tlio now horse disease is raging in this vicinity , though mildly. At Eldora nnd other points it Imo assum ed a malignant form , nnd sovcrnl fatal cases nro reported. Business is being retarded. A ) ocul Yotorinarinn pro nounces it malarial spinal fovor. It infuats tlio brain , aim the even swell ulmt and discharge. The spine nnd kidneys seem effected , and the logs Hwoll up badly , Coughing is goner- nlly noticed , but it is not necessari ly attendant. THE "ROGERS" HEARD FROM. She ii at an Unpronounceable Plaoo and All Are Well. Katlonil AwoUatcxl Prcis WAHHIXOTOK , D. 0 , , September 10. Lieut. Commander liurry , com r- mander of the Arctic sto.imor Rogers , lias been hoard from for the first time einco Mioir departure from Ban Francisco - , cisco for the Arctic region , thirty- thrco duys ago. The steamer is now ut Pctropaul Vicky Ivantcluitka and nil on board nro well. Tlio Ooait Hnrrloano.i lifttlonal Antodatctl I'rcu , WAHIUNOTO.V , D. 0 , , Sonloinbor 10. Tito Jiurricano ja now iniiuodiatoly nortliof Norfolk. It will probably move in n northeastern direction today - day , _ , Whipped to Death- Kttlonil AntoiUUU I'irM , ATU TA , Oa. , Septonibor JO. In. foriuuiion luia reached Atlanta of tlio whipping to death of n wJiito cpnviot "by tlio colored whipping boas pfttgtllP ilaricttit and Nortlicrn Qoor yoBtcrduy. Thu convict , wlioM is JIasjuy , U in stated ntteuiptod capo and wai caught in the uct. Un der instructions of tlio lesop the no- gro whipping bo s wa iiulructod to apply the lo h as a menus of punish- went. This ho did BO severely and X' brutally that Mussoy soon after died. Th Viody ot the dead man was bur- ri it into the ground so BOOH nftcr ro- ceiunj ? the Whinpinif tlmt niupiciun win aroused nud upon iinoarthin the remains the cause of thn death \\m nocertained. What notion will bo 'iiken is not known. TOUR HUNDRED. The Estimated NumTipV of Ajmokon on the Ulfjntch to Tim lux. 'ltAScisco , September 10 , Dispatches from Tucson report tlio arrival of Uov , Mr. Wmgar , from Ciirloi reservation , with his fam ily for fiafoty. Ho xvill loturu to the reservation , though BOIIIO of iho em ployes have resigned. Ho ostinmtcB tlmt four hundred Indians are on the warpath , with many others disaffected who commit depredations , but appear regularly to draw rations. General Wikox urges the formation of militln companies and minute men who maybe bo called on when needed. JUMP IN SIEKRA NEVADA. Another Bonanza For the Milling KlDR . SK.claldl ] i vl < : ! i toTur. DCS. SANFitANCi-ico , Scptembor O. The reports of nn ore body in Sierra Ne vada caused the stock to advance to oightoon. In Virginia City twonty-fivo was refused by BOIIIO holders , Senator Fair refuses to bo interviewed on the subject. _ Declared a Horotlo. National Associated 1'rc.n-t. OIIIOAOO , September 10 , The jury \othodist ] \ court having in hand the e.isu of Dr.V. . II , Tliomas , clmrgcd with horeay , returned a verdict nt midnight of guilty on nil charges nnd specifications. The case will next bo passed upon by the minimi conference which nieotB next month in Syracuse. It may sit ns n court with n bishop iu the chair , or the caao may bo referred to n committee of fifteen. A year or more will elapse before it is'linally de cided whether or not Dr. Thomas is n lieretic from n Methodist stand-point. In tlio meanwhile ho will continue liis miniHtratioii at Ilooluy's theatre iu this city. A Fiitul Pluiigo , National Associated I'rcss. Intl. , Sept. 10. AVhtlo IMis. Linder , Hcatoii JlcOiair and Du'ihono wore returning homo from tlio fair last evening iu n wagon , , the horses became unmanageable nnd and wont over n ptocipico thirty feet high , injuring nil severely nnd Mrs. Linder.fatally. Saw-Mill Cromntcu. Katloiml As oilatcd I'rms. DiaiMios , 0. , September 10. The saw-mill of J. 11. Smith , together with iv largo amount of timber , wai de stroyed by fire nt 10 o'clock last night. Origin and insurnuco not known. Loss , $ . ' ! , GOO. Rain for the ParohodRocio L'-v National Associated I'nta , OHICAOO , September 10. Quito n heavy rnin sot in hero this morning , nnd gives promise of continuing throughout the day. Rain is reported to-day generally throughout Illinois mid Iowa. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. No new developments hnvo been made in the trnin robbery near In dependence. More arrests lion over , nio expected to bo made hourly , ns the officers nro "pumping" ono of the already arrested persons , which , it is thought , will result satisfactorily mid iu the ultimate capture of the gnng. Agitation in Ireland iu favor of homo manufactories is spreading , nnd 12,000 ha\o been collected tor a guarantee fund. The board of managers of the Na tional Soldiers' Homo held n mooting in Chicago Saturday. Itoutino busi ness was solely transacted. General Loquorot. commanding French troops nt Tunis , has naked the government for 20,000 men for re inforcements to bring the insurrection to n close. A sumptuous dinner waa tendered Oon. Win. T. Sherman in Boston , Saturday , by the Massachusetts club. The , Sierra Nevada nud Union , consolidated , have advanced $ D on the strength of the reported discovery of body ore , Patent medicines still continue to nrriyo ut the white house , the fact that the president hits long been absent to the contrary notwithstanding. Captured. Katlonal Awoclatvd I'rewi , SAN FJIANOISCO , September 10. E. Stonegan and John Mason have been nrrosted nt Iowa Hill ns participants in the attempt to wreck an overland train ut Capo Horn. Sheriff Hoggs Bays ho is satisfied ho has the right men , nnd will soon have the whole gang captured. DY1NO IjTlNOHES. Very elton wo BOO n person Bu'llbr- ing from BOIIIO form of Idflney complaint - plaint and is gradually dying by inches. This no longer need to bo so , for Elootiio IJiltora will positively cine JJright'a disease , or any disease of the kidneys orurininry organs. They nro especially adapted to this class of diseases , acting directly on the Stomach and Liver nt the Bmno time , nnd tfill speedily euro wheio oxoiy other rdmedy fins failed. Sold nt fifty cents n bottle , by lah & Me. Mnhon. , ' 3 A AVONDEUFUL DISCOVERY. For the speedy euro ot Conaump- tiou and nil diseases tlmt lead to it , uuch ns stubborn coughs , neglected Colds , IhonohitiM , liny Fever. Asth ma , pain in thu side nnd chest , dry hacking cough , tickling in the throat Hoarseness , Sere Throat , and nil clnonlo or lingering diseases of the throat nnd Inngn , Dr. King Now Dis covery has no equal and him established or itself n wyild-wjdo reputation. Many leading physicians recommend and UBO itinthoir practice , The form ula fumihieh it is prepared is high ly recommended , by all medical jour nals. The elotfff anil the press have complimented it in the most glowing tcj ins. Goto your druggist and get a trial bottle free of cost , or n leinilur BKO for § 1.00. For Sale by d(5 ( ( IKII & MttMAiioh , Omaha. WHILE THE BILLOWS ROLL Tlio President Bains Strength anil Appetite from tlio Salt Sea Air , Slight Increase in the Puleo nud Kioo of Temperature This Morning. No Other UtiFavarnTilo Slijns and [ Coufldoiico In 11 in Recovery Increases. Aiaocl&tc 1 I'reM HATUKDAY'H pnoouns1 * . LOMI UitAXC'ii , SoptcinborlO. Tlio president passed n good niijht , nluup- ing tlio gioalor part. Thia morning the tmtionl'a condition vrsw very much improved , Hoscciud to bo gaining in ftlroimtk hourly. At thu nioriiintf examination thu inflamed swollini ; of tlio parotid gland mis found to liavo almost entirely disappeared. The ap pearance of the wound was also very Batiufuctory. Tlio pulse and tompot.v tnru ure n litllu more frcquont thiin at the same hour yesterday , Tlio torn- por.ituro is about one dogrco higher , but the doctors nay this la attribute bl u to the heat and the daily febrile rifle which has occurred a little later than usual ns it has for the past few ditya. The patiunt'a stomach retains its healthy tonn and causes the presi dent no trouble in retaining the nour ishment given him , His appetite is excellent and no trouble of any sort exists either with the stomach or bow els. It is understood if his condition CONTINUES FAVOIIAIJLE , as thcro is every indication that it will , that some of hia friends in the cabinet and othoiM in thu household will bu allowed to ucu him for a few moments at a time , in accordance with his request of yesterday. Con- i'ulcnco in his ultimate recovery lias become so stroll" that about thu ho tels and elsewhere scarcely any ex pression of doubt on the subject is now to bo heard. Tin : rouEutiNNiK : or TJIK IIUUIUUAKK , reported lower down on tbo coast , seems to have reached Lout ; Branch this morning. The Mind it * fresh fiom thu southeast , and it has been raining steadily , though nui heavily , since daylight. The su.x is running very high , nud the air fiom it is very damp and disagreeable. Thu thermometer nt this hour on the Elboron pi 7 < ta icgistoiod 7 ( > . lw windows facing the ocean in the president's room are closed , and the air ii allowed to comu through the window on the uoit side underneath an awning. The earliest news from the sick room was that everything was pro gressing favorably. The physicians say that the trouble is ' NO 1.0 .N HER OEXEKAL , but amounts to little more than local irritation. There was a fire in tlio sick room to-day , and the patient is not uncomfortablo'or likely to bo , if the ptorm becomes much inoro sovoux The rain kept must of the president's party within doors this morning and news direct from thu sick loom in scarce. Drs. Agnew and Bliss say that thu bulletin this morning TKU.S THE WHOLE HTOKY. It has been received with general satisfaction and hopeful feeling of yesterday is fully maintained. Post master General James and Secretary Windom hope to bo able to BC S the president to-day. OmCIAL IIULLET1N. LONO UHANCH , Elboron , September 10 - 0 a. in. At the examination of the picsidont at 3:30 : this morning the tempnraturo was OJ > , pulse 104 , res piration 18. lie slept well dining the night , awakening only at intervals of half an hour each. There .is a per ceptible increase of strength with an improved condition of the digestive apparatus. The tumo faction of the parotid has entirely disappeared and thu suppuration has greatly dimin ished. The wound continues to im prove , and piesunta u more healthy appearance. ( Signed ) D. H. AONKW. D. W. NOOK 11ULLETJN. LONQ BUANUII , September 10. The r in 1ms ceased and thu air is purer and bettor for thu patient. Many rumors of new complications in the en BO and bogus bulletins have been posted and sent out indiscriminately thin morning. Thooloseatsciutinyoitho situation at Franklin cottage , howev er , fails to disclose any ground for such a repoit. All those who saw thu president to-day say ho continues to do well , and if there are breakers ahead they are not yet indicated by anything in thu present state of af fairs , _ Tuorodiblc. V. A. Scratch , Hutliyen , Ont.t writes : "I lmo the Hruatont coiifitk > iieo in your DlWIKMW llU)01) UinKIW. Ill , 0110 cam with which I niu personally acquainted their miccoaa wixa almost iticrctllblu. Ono liuly told mo tlmt half n bottle did her iiKiro ( rood tlmn hundrciU of dollars' worth of mcdlclnu she luul previously 'aken. " 1'rlco 81.00 , trial lizo 10 ccitU. BlaoMiamoiidGoalOD. W. It I.OO.MI8 , J. 8. NKWIM.L , 1'lUK. tKC * , AM ) TllKAD , 1. lj. MILLKIt , Aatsr. HARD OR SOFT COAL In utr loU or In muntltle * to suit pureliavrni , Onli Yard , Foot Farnham and Doug las Sto , , Omaha. PROPOSALS FOR HAV. Sealed bid * \\llH > u reovh wl by the uiulcrek-n- wi uii to TiiCMby , bcpte-inber Uth , HvSl , at U oeloeK noon , ( or ( urnUtilrii ; lxtj ( CO ) tons of hay , morn or lew , for the USD of thu flru ilejnrt. nient during tliu lubnco ot the proent ( Ideal uar. An > Information needed ulll bo furiiUhed by J , J. ( lalllgin , ihlff engineer. I hu rtrfht U .vnertcd to rpjuet an\ and all bld . KiiMiloH4 conttlnliitf proKuaU | khatl be nmrk * tl "ProtKwnla for Kiiriif.lilnif Hay , and bo d- Jrctihxl to eliu uinlc'iUnwl. Unialia. AliKUit 3Uth , US1. J.J IfcC.JKrfCTT , C'lttlirk. . DRS. OOFFMAN AND THOMPSON" , Physicians and Surgeons , , ( hcrCruliUhanlf , IMIiEt. , Bet. r'uriihnm and lei > Kl& * < a'JMm Great German REMEDY roil RBEOHAT18H , NEURALGIA , SCIATICA Hi LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , null ® QOIUT . 4 , ! ! ii'iiuilii : ! ! ! jii'iii.iir.iiijiiiiui ! : | SORENESS orinr CKEST , | | , | ! : "iiilillljj SORE THROAT , < r > ! ilili'li'll' : ' ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ' QUINSY , SWELLINGS iND SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET yn EARS , JLHU B ! SCALDS OCHCKAt , , TOOTH , EAR jto HEADACHE , Jim All otk Pain : jixn ACI2ES. .N'u rrctaratlon on earth ejuali ST. Jicnm Oil n l sATf , IIHR. iiwrir. nJ cnnv I.xternil llemcdjr. A trul tntnlli tut tin cmnnmtl tltrltliuff oiitlny of M Crtt % , anil cvorjr one lutTerlngyith iilu cm Lave chotpabd p&sltlv proof cf lUclattns. DllttCtlOMi IN riLUN IA GL'A.KS. SOI.D BY All DS'JOOISTS ANO BIAURS III HtOIClNI. A. VOGELEB & G ® , Itiittlmnre. Xil. , U.R.A. A bed brc.ith nnv result from nildlty o ( tlio , or from billousnuHj. n Lltlicr case a few UOH < H of Tarraut's Seltzer Aporiont. ailnilnlstcrctl acconllni ; to direction1) , i\lll nu ) > - plant thlt uiiplcuant com | > aiiloiiH \ \ n bncct ftiul licaltlifnl ono. It Is n saline iorrittU9 , gpc- clallv Hiiltihlo for nnnn ucatlicr , ami ItaMii the 8 > stem strong to do iU uork ot recuperation. ISOLD BY ALU DltUOGlSTa. There exists a means of so- onrlnc a feoft and brilliant Complexion , no matter how poor itiilny naturally ho. Hagan's.35ogiiola ( ! Halm is a delicate and harmless arti cle , which instantly removes Fro old os , .Tan , Redness. Roughness , Eruptions , Vul gar Flushings , etc. , etc. So delicate ftud natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured i'aco in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 73 ceuts. AUCTION SALE OF MISCELLA NEOUS ARTICLES , AT OTOE AGENCY , NEB. , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 15 , 1881 : The underlined will ncll at public auction to the hliihoit Udder or bidden , atthoabo\o men tioned time an J place , thefollowing property , viz : One (1) ( ) corn ehellor , ( our (4) ( ) tulthatora , fho hundred ( f > X > ) fence po < L * , ono (1) ) ( { rain drill mnihlnery aril cn ltia of ( team gr t and un mill , four ( \ ) IIOIDUI , one (1) ( ) inulu four (4) ) liar- rovMi , one ( lKrlntlBtono ) , ono (1) horse ratio , ono ( line liiiiiaililno , four (4) ( ) mowers and rcap- or , filtcon (1ft ( ) Btlrrlnjf plan ) , ten (1(1) ( f hovel p'o\is. t intv(2U ) beditcadu , forty (40) elmltn , enote-oo > < 8t vo , fl\o (5)hcatlng ( ) Bto\en. clulii ( H ) tab'e < , one (1) ) Btcp-laddor , fifteen (16) ( lion-j , etc. eti1. Hale t ) coinmonea at 10 o'u'oek , a in. Terms ia h , liy order of Peparttno"t of Interior. LKUILU.S K. Woouiv , US. Ind Ajt. I. M. ItARSKa , Auctioneer , Otoe AjCeiuj , September 3,1SS1 , Sept.4 , dot. Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , ISth and Dodge 6t . , Omaha , Neb , Tlilf n < cucy docs BTRicm-ra brokerage Inulncss. Does not > ) > cculnte , uml thercfoie any barKnlni on UH took * are liuured to IU patroni , liwtwwl of brlnI'ohMad lit ) bv thn went EOU the r"anti-it Kolllnir Book of thi J oiiiuliitions ol' Success. IIL'6INEhS AND SOCIAL KOHXia The l v.4o ( tr jj , . .eJ foimi , how to Irani- Hit til'liiefn , vnlu lilo tablet , > otU' etiquette , iir'lnnciitary usije , hr to conduct public bu > ln ti ; In fivtll U oomt'lat Ouido to Hue- io.'O for all ( Ui.wn. A ( tmlly nocoi.l y. Addroni for clrcnliraanJ iiMoUl terniDNGIIOrt PUfl- U-IIIISd C.i.St Loud. Mo. 1880. SHORTJ.INE , 1880. KANSAS CITY , SUoe& Council Bluffs is m * OSLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANDTHKKASr From Omaha and the West. No Chinee of car * between Ouuha and at. ivcul , and but one between (111 AHA and , NI'.W Y011K. Daily PassengerTrains EA3TEHK ANO AVESTKIIW 01TIK9 with LESS CHAItOra and IN ADVANCK at ALL ] Thl * cntlra line Is equipped with Pullman'n " " Mouiln ; Car , P laca UayCoachoB.illller1 * r Platform Mid Coupler , nud tlio lulebratod lioumi Alr-biake. that > onr ticket roailn VIA nANSAS cm ; ST. JOSEPH t OOUKCIL IILUFKJ iuu. road , \ Uv at. Jocnili and Ut. I-ouli TitltU ( orulo'at all coupon station ! In the Went. J. K. IIAUNAIU ) , A 0. UAWF.S , flon. Stiiit. . bt. 4o i'h , Mai Ocu. 1'iuj. n.nj TlUft A ! . ' ! . , bt. Jose ) ) ) ] , Jlo. ( , ANur tViupKM , llckct Aircut , A. D. DA aiW > . OeiicnlOUAUA OUAUA , tiK Mrs , .1. n. Itoticrtson , 1'ltWmnr. Pa , , writer , "t \\M KiilTtrinirfroiu cniml iklillifv , limit of fti- petite , innttimtlon | , etc. , ro tliat fl'o ai n liur- ildi ; after tislnpr liuidocK IIIoo.l lllttcn I felt tat ter than ( or jiars. I cannot jmilso Jour Hitters too rmuli. " It. nibhs , o ( nuIilo. ( N. Y. . vritcs : "Your Iturilock Illood Bitters , In ihionlc < li cAc < ot tlie Mood , llicr nnd klilnc.\s , hi\o liccn fcln'imlh luirkw with success. lhn\u txcil them iiiJFoll Mlth liu-t ruults , for torpidity of thclhcr. and In case of afrknd of inlno eul7crln ) ; from dropsy , the cdcit van mar\clo > i . llnico Turner , IlochMter , N. Y. , write * ! I ln\o Item 8 < ilijc < t to ttrlous disorder of the Ldnc.\ ! . nnd Mimlilo to nttciul to ImKlneKt ; Ilnnlocl. Jllood Hitters relieved me hcforo hilt nliattlcniui used , I fetl confident that they " 111 Intlrcly euro 1110" K. Aicntth Hall , Iilnshtnipton , N. "I milTcrcd llh a dull | mln throiiKh my left Inn ; ; nnd sliouMcr. Lost mHptrlts , np ) > ctUo nnd color , nnd < \\ltlnlllTkiill } Keep up nil ilay. Took \our Ilurdock DIood lilttcr ) ni dlrctUd.jand hmuklt no pain tllico lint week utter using them. " .Mr. Noih Kates , Klmln , N. Y. , writes : "About four 3 cam ngo I had nn nttacK of billions ( u\ir , nnd mi or fulb , rcio\rrnt. Myi1lgi tlioonruis wcro wtnkcned , mid 1 would ho tonipletth pros- tratcd for ilaj . Aftcl uslnjf two bottles of 3 our lunlotl ! > ] ! lee < l Illttcrathe InmrotcnientHSBO \l iblo tliat 1 wan iistoiil'licil. I tan now , though 01 jtnraor ngc , do a fair nnd reasonable daj 'a work. " C. ninekct nohlnson , proprietor of The CJanada Prtslij tcrlan , Toronto. Out. , wrltci : "Korcni I m fit red ( rrc.ith from ofl-riuirrlm ; lioailaihe. 1 uwilj our Ilurdock Illood Hitlers with happiest results , nnd I now llnd nisclf In better health than for jcara past. " Mra. Wnlhcc , Bulfnlo , N , Y. , writes : ' -Ilmo u cd Ilurdock Illood Hitters for nenoits nnd bll > HOUH heAdaihca , and inn recommend It to an } one for bllllousncsa. " Mrs. 1m Mullholbnil , Albany , X. Y , writes : "Kor Ketcrnl jcirs 1 hi o suHeixd from oft retur- rlnK blllloui hcadaiho' * , djspcpsli , mid coin- plaints ) > ctuliar to my eeHlneo uiln > our Ilurdock Blood llltUrs I nm entirely rcllc\cd. " Price , OI.OO per Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts FOSTER , MILBURH. & Co , .Props , ' BUFTAXO , N. Y. Sold nt wholesale h } Ish & McMnlion and C. F. Ooodnmn. Jo 27 cod-mo Sioux City & Pacific > NO St. Paul & Sioux City EAILROADS. T1IK OLD UELIABLE SIOUX CITY 110UTB JULES SHOUTKIt HOUTn FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTII OH BISMARCK , and nil points In Northern lown , innncsotannd Dakota. This line Is cquljipcil wjth the improt oJ Wcstlnshousc Autoniatlu Air-lirako and Wilier Platform Counlc-i and Buffer : and for SPEED. SAFETY AND COMFOKT Is unsurpaetcd. Elegant Ura m lloom and Slctpln ; Cars , owncil and controllol hv the com- mny , nm through W1T"OUT CHANGE between Union 1'aiillo aYnnsfcr uepot at Council JUufla , and bt. Paul. Trains lai\o Union Pacific Tnnsfor depot a Council liluUa at 6:16 p. in. , reaching Sioux City it 10:20 . la. and St. Paul at 11:05 : a. m. unking TEN HOU11S IN ADVANCE OF ANY.OT1IEB nOUTE. Rcturnlnif , Icaro St. Paul at 8:30 p. m , arrhlng Sioux City 4:15 : n. m. , and Union PactilcTrana r depot , Council Dlutfg , at 0.50 a. m. Be at your tickets road Ua "h. C. & P. U. R. F. C. HILLS , Superintendent , T. E. ROB1N&ON , Missouri Volley , I . Aftt ( lei fMa. A cnt. J. H. O'BR AN , Pftsw nj ( .r Ajrcnt , fkmndl nliidii , Iowa GRAND OPENING ! Professor Fisher , ( from St. LouU ) JMmiii'r Ac- adiiny , Standaril Hull , tor Fifteenth and ram- ham , Tuosdiy ecnln , KcpteiubLr Olh. Claiscs for Uidtes and ncntlcnicn LOinnicncliiK Tuesday t.\cnin ( , ' Scptcinlivr btr. ; classcss for Misses and Masters , coinincin.liix' Saturday after noon at 1 o'clock. Clashes for famlllcc , wlllbo arranged to suit t'io honorable p-itronu. Also ballet ilaneing can ho taught. Terms liberal , and pcrfoa satisfaction to Bchol- oin guarantied. I'rhatoliiBtruetlonsnll legiv. en at the Dancing Academy or at the jldeue : of the jutrons , PrUato orders may bo left atMn > Ilecr& Ilro's. I230-tf S C1. X.OTTXS PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER GO. SH and 210 North Main Bt , St. Louu , WI10LE8ALB 1IIXLKM IS COOK , i DADETDC \VRITINOJ i NEWS , f PArCKb 1 WRAPPING ENVELOPES , OAUD DOAIID AND Printers Stock. XJTCsjih paid for Ilaja and Paper Stock , Sera Iron and Metals. Paper Stock Warchounei 1220 to 1237 , North S firm If TOU aru a lit younroa , - Dff.H''JietJ'.WCulf / m > n of Itt- rnnl by the utraln of tormcllliiKoverniu your duties avoid nlKlit woik , to rer Ilmul "l nnil utu toix liralnnervrftiia Hop Dittorc. 1 irute , UMI Hop Bi If youdroyounitnml I suflfcrlni ? from y In- . Stluni U r * dltcutlon or uiBklp.x ; ounrum rlod or tlnKlo. old or I younB , eulrcrlnjr fiojn moor UoaUh or laniroUli I l\ne \ on & bed of lick- utiJ , nljr ou H o pi iBVttare. . . - * Tliouundtdlo an. Whoever y u rc. ft l imolly Irom oomo vhtnovcr you ' of form Kidney Hint your y tem ' thiil mlitl't mcdsclcaiulnir. toil dlM M ing or rttiniih ) I TO tx > rnircitiitrd Mlthoutfn < ofi by a timely u e-vl talco Hop HopBlttors Bitters. ptniltl , D. I. O. oTurlnarueom- U an l olut tilatat , iuiia e nnd irieklktit of the jfoinurA , bio cure for HOP Niinji , bloaa. drunkenneit orntrfci I uie of opium , You will be tobaoooior cured If you use uorcollca. Hop Bitters Fold by drug- Ifyoairoulm l.t . htnUfur iour ply > weak plriudtry And NEVER Clicular. ui It may iiornrrrms onvo your FAIL MTU CO. , life. It Mas anvod hun UMkotlrr , 3. Yi dreds. n > to , OaU KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA BIT T E E S ILER & CO. , Sole Manufacturers , OM 4.HA. TP k tfTT AD 0. -von- - - EG Wo desire to call the special attention ot the trndo to our- olorrnnt lines ( at BOTTOM PBIOES ) of Underwear , Cardigan , . Jnc-kots and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovorehirts , Overalls. Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts , ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NEB. The Ouly Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. ' ] y 13 niu FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Conslcnmcnts inndo us will rceche rironijit attention. Itcfcrcncci : State Tank , Omahn ; Thtt & Co. , Ltaltlmotc ; Peck & llnnslicr , Cnlcauo ; M. Wcrk & Co. , Cincinnati. I , OBERFELDER & CO. , IMl'OHTEllS AND JOUDKllS 01' tffft 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west. . o. l ° ! 3 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods FISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne The Largest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment ia . Thev West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha , WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , TIlsT Stove Repairer , Job Worker and lanufacturer fff * TrTTrT 3EC3C3JSr3DI3 3E * Tenth and Jackso" c * - - - Omaha , Neb