Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1881, Image 1

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    THE Y
ITT * ?
The dreatest Variety
t ,
' < SILKS , .
.Prices so LOW as Defy
Any Honest Competi
tion at
On Farnham Street.
Established 11 Years ,
Asset * Represented
Actho Flro and Life agents
wonted. 0. T. TAYLOU & CO.
14th & Vourlas at
ouse and furniture is insured vsitl
Oor 14th arid Dourfae.
MSIffi & WELES ,
1422 Dousrlaa St. , Near 16th.
Before removing to
their new
Will eell their , stock of
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
'Proposals ' for Laying Sewer Pipe and Doing
the Necessary Grading and Other
Work for the Same.
Orcic ! ! OF CITY CI.KRK , )
OMAHA , Nci > , , .Sept-y , Isdl. j
Scaled proposal i u 111 bo rccehod at the olllco
of the UMderhi noJ 11)1 ) to 12 in , of Tuesday , Hep-
-tembcr 13th , 18j ] , for tha laying of pipe , cloln
of all necomryttradiptf , tliorln-nnd ; other work
connected ltli the tame , a per ] > ccllcatiori ! In
the City engineer's Olllcc , In part or for the entire
tire work ; bida to specify rates for work on teji-
aratu lines , aa follona :
Lading of piiwvxcaf atinjf and rolllliiirof 4,00
feet , more or less , tcwcr line on Alley , bctwccii
Doilfc anil Douvlaa streets , from Twentieth
street e.-iBt to main ecu or.
I < ayliijof pipe , cxouatlnf ; and renillni4,000
feet , moru or k'Hs.ot U-lncliH Her
tuccn Douglas and rarnhain strvcto , from Nine
teenth street east to junction of main rower. .
laIngot 4,1 OOfL'etmoreorIca'.ofO-inclisower
pipe , with necessary cxcatation and rcfllllnir , on
alley between Karmiam ind Ilarncy ttrcttu , ( rom
Seventeenth strict cast" to main line of getter
Lalnirof3,6IOfeetofl-lnch'pl | > omoroo Icxsand
neecssarj excavation and nillllluir , on the alley
between Ilarncy and Howard Ktrccts , from Fev-
ontccnth htreet vatt to Newer line. Also laIni ;
of 1,700 feet , moro or lens , ( if IS ami 10 Inch
mains , as per plain and o.lllcatloin , from a
point near the foot of Dod to tbo ri\cr.
All bids to Leacconiionled by bonds in the
turn of lite tliousa d dollar.u. < surety for the
faithful iwrformanco of UivwirU herein odtcr-
tlscd , l : audrdcd.
The ri ht to reject any or all bids I * hereby re
sorted. J. J. L , JIIWKTT.
lOt CllyOcrk.
Roar for Moores ( )
AND Saddlery.
I have adopted the LJon MB Truio ItaiL' , auil
all my peed * will ba BTAMl'KI ) with Iho LION
anil my N AUK on the name. NO OOOD3 Altli
The bent material It usad and the icoil iklllct1
workmen are employed , and ut the lowmt cait
price. Anyone uhln a crico-lUt ol good will
confer a /aior / by MndliiK lor ouo.
No 1 Lot on Ilntney street , near new court
homo. JiTOO.
No X Ixit on CAM street near 22J , $2MO.
No 3 IxitonUiiKurnla utrcut near 22il , S1MO.
No ft Lot on JInrcy trcct IIOAF U. 1 * . dci < ot ,
Nod } block In Sliltm's M addition ncnrCon *
cnt , $ S 0 ,
NoS Tnoloti onDccatur near Campbell St ,
No 10 Slots on Col ( ax street near lUnscom
Park , at rcason.MjIo | uicos ,
100 vliolco reililcnco loin In Credit Fonclcr itnd
Orainlktownilitltloiia a dhort dUtAnro goulhuut of
U. P. and n. & II. depot * , prlcea from $100 up
ward * .
18 lots on 21et. S2d , 2St ] and Saunder * strcot , '
north of and adjoining K. V. yin 's aildltlon ,
8400 ; tcnns ca y " "
No 00 r"ull corner lot on tunicas etrcct near
10th , & 25CO.
No 70 Corner COkllO ( cot lot on Douglas Krar
near llth atrcctrW100.
No. 71 TlircaloUln QUe'g addition ncirSaun-
dors street , 91000
73 Lot on Decatur street , near Irene Shlim's
id addition * 115.
No. 7A 82x00 feet on Paclflc street mar U. P
and B. & M. depot * , S300J.
No. 70 Splendid warehouse tot 77x132 fnet fllh
itrcct near Jones , SSDOO.
No 78 3 lots on Ilirnoy street noarl9thXX)0. )
No 81 Lot In Oljo'a addition near HsunJera
J'rcet , $500.
No. 82 Lot in 0 lacs' addition near Sounders
street , & 100.
No 83 2 lots on 10th near Pacific and Nail
"irks , 81BOO.
No 80Lot on Charles street near Saundcus ,
No 87 I/t on Lcavcnworth near 16th , $1,100.
No&l Lot on Caldwell street near Baundera
$60oNo *
No 89 Lot on Chicago near 22d street. ilflpO.
00 Lot on Hondo near CampbclrstrcVt
31 lota Inlllllardi & Caldwell's addition , Sher
man avenue , 16th street , Spring , Saratoga and
Florence streets , $700 and upwards.
No 122 2 lota on 18th street , near PoppletAn'a
low rottdcnco , 81000. j
Nr 123 Lot 71x310 feet on Sherman avenue ,
10th street , $1100 '
No 124 3 lota on Bollcvua street , near shot
tower , $20 to 875'cach.
No 125 Full block on Clinton street , near
Bhnt tower , $50 to 876 each.
No 120 Lot on 16th street , no 3 white lead
works , 8J25
No 127 2 lota , 3J acres near head of St. Mary's
avenue , on road to Park , $2uo. / .
No 12 ! ) Lo on California near Crclghton Col-
Re. $375.
No 130 ) lota near new government corral , S2J
X2C7J acres each. 300.
No 101 Lot Iti Qlso'a addition on Cameron St ,
near Sounder * , make an odor.
No. ICO Lot In Disc's addition on Caailiugt. , .
near State , make an oflcr.
No 102 Lot In Olao'a addition on Casslua ucar
Sanndcni , make an offer.
No 163 1 block In Boyd'a addition addition
near Omaha Barracka , make an oiler.
No 104 7 lota In Henry & Shclton's addition
near high school , price from $1250 upward.
170 ; .Lot on Pacific etreot , near 16th , make on
offer ,
No 171 2 loU'on Webster street , near 21rt ,
both833 0 or $2000'for corner and 81800'for- !
do. . v' * * ff * ji\ < . * * tS&'tfrS. . .
'Ko-173 J Iiit rt-C ai iiXiMhtir < eVCXiwi >
No 176 Lot on Sncnuan ateuuo 10th strocl
near Izard , 44x132 , 8140(1. ( '
No 177 3 lots In Orandvlew. make an offer.
No ISO Lot In Shmii'a addition on 1'lcrSt.
car end street cir track , 8525.
No 181 'Two lots In Nolson'a addition , 1 or
aahn street , 1 on Center street , near Cumlng ,
(300 ( each.
No IBS Two tilt cdjo lota on Cass street near
21st. on corner , &C ( > 00.
No 185 Lot on Suward street , ucar Saundcrs ,
make an Oder.
No ISO 3 lots an Seward street , near Irene ,
make an olfcr
No ISO ) , lot'on Pax cnport near 25thS500.
No 187J , lot on DlIsion near Cumlng > > t. , 6200.
No iaJ , block Inlioyd's addition , near Oiualia
barracks. SJOO. /
NolSflJ , 1 lot on Plerco near Oth street , $550.
No laoj , J lot on llth near Farnham , * 210t >
No lOlJ , 2bcautlful lots In bhlnu's addition ,
$1200. tf
No 1WJ , 2 lots on 18th street near unite lead
works , 1050.
No ID : : } , lot on 20tli street near Sherman , CIOO ,
No 11)1 ) ] , 2 lots on 22d btreet , near Clark , $001) ) ,
No 1WIJ , : i beautiful lota on taundcrs bt. near
street car turn table , 31275.
No IWJ , lot on 15th near PIcico fct. S500.
NoUl Lot In Giso'a addition on Cameron nt. ,
No 2UJ Lot'on Cameron street-near Sa Jiidcra.
WOO.No 203 Lot In Shlnn'a addition on S.mnJtrs
street , nrar stn'Pt car tuni table , VS50.
No Wl Bountiful lot In Nelson's addition , on
Uh If Ion strict near Ccnnln ; , " , Ss50.
No. 205 Two lots on Castcllar street , neat 10th
No 203 Two lota on Sixteenth street , near the
nail uorkii , 31500.
No 2lM Oinj'hulflot on California street near
111 WOO.
No 209 Lot on IStli street near NielioUs , tfiOO.
Na'210 Lot on Capitol avenue near 2.idlDUO.
Na 212 lx > t 14S\5UO feet on Colfax street , near
ilanscom Park , uith Imjiroieinents , t' TCK ) .
No 213 Two ucre * on Ciinilnirttreot , 81000.
No 215 One-halt airo on California , near Ken
nedy ttrcct , 8310.
No 210 ISoautllul lot on Hamilton street near
struct car turn taulo , IIKW.
No Iil7 Lot on 2Jd ntroet , ncarClark. ? MO.
A few acre lots only remain unsold in " 1'ark
Placo" little Oil of Crcljliton Colloi't , prices
runout ; fiom f27fito JOOcath anil on caay ternia.
IxiUin Horh.icti'a 1st and M addltloni ; also
.otd In l'arkcr' bhlnii' ; NtUon'D , Tcrraco'D , IX
. Kmlth'a. Itcdick'd , and all thu other addition *
any jirlco and atony Urma.
Tcnaermhi thu city lltulta on the road to thu
"arracku at S375 per acre.
Ftinr beautiful residence lets In front nf
Crcl hton College ; will cut them up to milt.
Nine rciidencu lots north of C'icln'liUm t'ollo'o
groiindi ) , from S7UO toJlUOO each.
Thirty reildcnt lots In 1'arktr's addition , six
blocks north of tho.end of the itrcca car truck
on Blunders btrcct , ? M : ) each , tlO donn , bal.ineu
aiilt , at U | > cr cent Intercut.
A few lotilclt In 7crra < o addition on the road
to the Park , near head n ( bt. Han's avcnufj7 0
each. To tnosu who will bullila ifl-UO rcaldcniv ,
7ye.trs time ixt 8 | i-r cent interi
Lots In lAko'd addition at * 3fOto $350 each , 10
yearn time itO iMTcent Intercut , to thoio who
' 1 ho old Tousloy 40-aoro tract with houaoaml
ill ImprovemrntH , adjoining race courno aid fair
ground1 for ( fdiKX ) .
TranUof 6 , Id , 15 , 20 , 40 or 0 acrca , nlthbull-
d\n'f \ and oth < .Nini ) > rottuiciita nnd odjolniiif ; tint
city , at all { trlcro.
3DOO of the but residence lot * In the city vt
Onmlia any ItKatlon you ilooiru north , cost ,
couth or Hoat.niid at bedrock prices.
250cholcobu&lncu loU In all tha principal bus-
nois trciU In Omatia , varying from $600 to
Two hundred lioutos and lots ranging from
600 to $15,000 , and located In crcry part of the
Lurgo number of excellent artna In Douglas ,
Sarpy , Saiindcn , Podge , Waslilnuton. Unrt , and
othtr ( 'ood counties li eastern Ncnraaka.
12OW ) utrcs best landi In Douglas , 7000 acres
best lands in Harpy county , and Urge tracts In
all the eastern tier of countlc , * ,
Oior WO.OOO acres of the beat land In the Nc-
raska for BJO ! by this agency ,
Verj largo amounts of suburban property In
one to ten , twenty anil f ) rty aero plecex , locatnl
within onu to three , four or flto mlks of thee
o jtollleosonic very cheap pieces. .
New Mnps of Omaha , published by Ocorgc P
Beinli plain , unmounted mapi W ) ccnU eaihi
mounted , colored and Kith iloth back , 81.60
llou e , ttoreihotels , farmsloti.l ar.di. offices
roomsctu. . to rent or lef.mj ,
Taxes paid , rents eollcvtoJ , deeds , inortiragcii.
indall kinds of real o Utu documents made out
ou thort uotliv.
Real Estate Excliange
15th and Douglas Street ,
, - -
Tlio President's ' Condition Sat
urday by No Moans
Encouraging ,
His Puleo and Tonaporatur
Vary , the Former Rising
to 120 Beata.
The Doctors Look Upon the
Turn Modestly aa a "Tom -
porury Fluctuation , "
V M ,
And Say It's Nothing : More
Than the Past Experience
of Each Successive
Postmaster-General James
According to Request , Calls
at Francklyn Cottage.
DrACHOW'B Explanation of the
Retirement of the
Doctor * .
National Associated 1'res * .
8ATD11IUV. '
LONG BRANCH , September 10 I
the president has gained anything to
day it has boon BO nearly couutcr
balanced by annoyances of cliangca
bio weather and other local causes
that ho caunot to-night bo said to b
bettor than yesterday. Tlio day was
cestainly begun unfavorably. It is
stated by ono who frequents the sicl
room that ono time during the nigh
the febrile rise carried tlio ' pulsa to
120. Attending physician's ad mi
that fever rose rather
at least it was moro noticeable because -
cause it came on later in the night.
His rest was fairly good nevertheless ,
and while disturbance left no alarm
ing traces and subsided in reasonable
time it had considerable effect on his
condition at the time tlo morning
bulletin wits issued , nnd hence tin
day waa badly started.
of the morning necessitated a glowing
iiro in the sck room. Subsequently
an hour or BO of sunshine allowing the
windows to bo opanod again , but the
return of rain necessitated a return
of niitL necessitated n return to close
quarters 'arid 'consequent disappomt-
tOitho patiout. As One of his
tlhis ' 'afternoon. "Ho
not suit him , and no gloomy patjont
has a good day , " During the fore
noon , however , the pulse nnd tem
perature subsided to the standard
of the past few ' days , nnd
so remained up to the time of the
ovcning examination. Several of the
physicians have said for a Ions time
that even when the president begun
to mend it would bo better than its
predeceasor. Thcro would bo good
day * and also days that wcro not BO
good. Thia Eccma to have been ono of
the hitter kind. No ono has lost hope-
but there lias been no ground for in ,
creased faith dining the morning.
sawtho proident for a few moments , Ho
stated af forwards that the patient was
no wnrso than ho had expected to BOO
him , nnd that his voice sounded quite
natural. The secretary spoke only a
few words with him , merely exchang
ing greetings and assuring him that
there wna nothing in the treasury de
partment that demanded hin attention
nt present. There is
in stories current during the day
that the president was no better than
yesterday ; that ho merely held his
own ; that the air was heavy , moist
and chilly , and that it had the olluct
of oppressing his mind , rendering him
spiritless and dull. Such stories have
been telegraphed. Thcro is no founda
tion for nny of them. They are en
tirely untrue nnd are wholly at vari
ance with the real facts. Nothing
that attending Burgeons have said
could by nny possibility have furnished
any basis for buch storiea. The nir
Inis boon cool itnd bracing nnd
iiad a noticeable invigorating ollect on
the president. Ho has been cheerful
and unusually bright. He impioved
all lost night , and continued to improve >
all uud his condition
prove day to-day ,
tion to-night is one of steady im
provement. Ho slept bettor lust night
Lhan ho has since his removal and
better than for some time before ho
ioft Washington , Ho partakes of
; oed in increasing quantities nnd with
ncroasing relish. Ho lias during
; ho day taken nnd relished be-
: wcen three and four ounces
of popUmized beef ( that is beef pro-
iared for digestion ) , gruel , milk
.oaat , three reed birds ; two ( if those
10 ate in ehapo of hash , eating the
ibre , and tlio third ho ute wliolo ,
nking the bird in his fingers , eatin >
.0 suit himself and
clean. All this food ho enjoyed and
retained , nil bettor than formerly ,
i'horo is every indication that ho has
assimilated nil this food and , oven
letter , that tlio food so assimilated
ms gone well into its intended work
if adding to his stamina , and haa ma-
: erially assisted in thu building up or
recuperative ,
1)11. AO.NKW
'nrnislii's the following card to the
National Associated I'ress ;
EriiKUO.v , September 10 , Under
the h ad uf upocial dispatch to the
Philadelphia Press u statement IIUH
been made in reference lo thu retire.
uont of Hurgemi General 1 lumen ,
Surgeon J. J , Woodward and Dr.
[ leyhurn from the corpi of physicians
ittcnding upon I'ronidcnt Uarfiuld ,
which , if allowed to p.m unnoticed ,
s calculated to rclk'ct injuuutuly up
on the character of tlicto gentlemen ,
I wish to make the following publica
tion : It in &tntod that on the Satunlnjr
preceding the rcitioval of the presi
dent to Long Branch the itrc&ttlcnt
communicated to Dr. Bliss the
wish that Dm. Ihrnea , Woudwnn
and Iloyburn should not go with liii
to Long Branch ; that on this infornia
ti&n being convoyed them they \vei'
reluctant to bn loft behind , and , it
order to adjust the matter , they ap
pealed to Dr. Agnew , who clleetca
compromise by which Dr ? . Bnrm's
Woodwaul and Iloyburn were lo nc
company him to Long Branch , mu
that their connection with thu ens
should conae. In , nn&wor to these statements
monts 1 beg leav'o' to say that 1,111
ignorant of uny nuoli transactions , am
certain I was never nsked to act a
referee in the Rettlomont of any < | iies
tion of the kind. , No ono knowin ;
the high personal and profession.1 !
character of the three gentlemen it
question could for ono moment d <
them the great 'injustice ' to buliov
Unit they would "Jcmro to continu
their connection with the case , aft u
receiving information purported t
have boon made. ,
( Signed ) | | D. II. An.vr.w.
Dr. Bliss denies that it is iniondo
to perform any operation on the pres
ident while Dr. Agnew is here thi
time. Ho saya such a thing lias no
boon thought ofj nnd that the prrsi
dent is not in a condition to bear sue ]
an operation , nhd'it would not bi
made if contemplated without due
notice and unless , allvlho attending
surgeons were present.
the prcsidont's favorable condition ra
ported is still cohtinuing , and there ia
a probability of , Ilia passing a gooi
night. PostiDaattA. ' General James
Sccrotarya Hunt , Lincoln nnd Win
doni , with their' families , will leave
hero ' on Tuesday next if the prcsiden
co'ntinucs to imprbyo. They will go to
the Twin Mountain house if the con
dition of the president warrants it.
Secretary Blaino'nnd family will no-
company them , . Tlio party will stay
in the White mountains eight or ten
days and return-to Long Branch.
EUIEKON , N. Jj September 10.
At the examination of the prosidenl
at 12 to-day hiaicniperaturo was 08.5 ,
pulse 100 , respiration 18. At & : ! ) ( .
this evening hia terpperature was 08.7 ,
pulse 100 , respiration 18. The presi
dent has taken agreater amount of
liquid iiourislnnert ( ; with some solid
food , and with moro -relish than for
several days. His condition is quite
as favorable as yesterday.
( Signed ) - , s D. W. BLISS , .
t ' D. IT. AONKW.
1 LAi
examination * of the prcsidcht this
morning his tcmpcratura waa 08,8 ,
> ulso 104 , respiration 10. Ho was
nero rcslless , and the febrile rise was
ator than on the preceding night. Ho
continues to take sufficient nourish
ment without gastric disturbance.
( Signed ) , D. W. Buss ,
Er.UEUON' , September 11 The
vcather this morning was delightful ,
joing clear , sunnj' , cool and breoxy.
. 'ho president continues to improve ,
tnd his pulse nt this hour is from 05
o 08. Pulse and respiration normal ,
'ho high pulse of the morning bullu-
in was duo to the ellects of the daily
obrilo rise , which , having lately been
occurring ut a later hour each day ,
jcgan at BO late an hour last night as
o have extended over the period of
hit ) morning's ' examination. The
) resident partook of the necessary
imount of liquid nnd Kolid food by
.lie mouth , nnd no enema are now
; ivon.
G i : jr. UULLKTIN.
ELIIEHON , Sept. 11. The pros-
dent passed a quiet day , though
lie temperature has been somewhat
lighcr , and his pulse moro frequent
lian during the previous twenty-four
tours. At the evening dressing quite
largo slough of connective tissue
vns removed from the region of the
) arotrid. Ho continues to take luiuf-
icicnt quantity of nourishment and
njoys it , At the noon examination
lie temperature was 100 , pulse 110 ,
.t the evening dressing hia tompera-
ire was 10' , pulse 110 , respiration
( Signed ) D. W. BUSH ,
D. H , AONKW ,
The oflicial bulletin , when posted ,
aused n sensation in hotels and cot-
.agca at Long Branch , It entire
hnracter was n surprise. People
uad it over ninny time before
nally accepting it na an o fil
ial description of the precidont's
ondition at thu beginning of the
luventh wo.'k of ins illness. All
inofficial repurtu during the day had
> oen so fnvor.ible people wuro uure of
favorable bulletin this evening.
lot more than twenty minutes before
lie ollicial bullutinvai given out
omo of the imim.diato
lublicly said there was every reason
o believe that the examination tlnm
oing on would result in n most favor-
bio bulletin being issued. Dr. Ag-
ew declined to be interviewed or to
lake nny extended explanation of thu
nilletin. What ho did say , however ,
vas in i' ' full meaning , rather u fnv-
ruble view of the situation , Ho
otild uot nay the president had really
ained anything fiinco yesterday. Ilo
van willing to be quoted us dialing
bsolutoly held Jii own. This , the
octor explained , was not to bo un-
orrttoocl us nutateineiit. Though the
ire idont' cniulitioii had remained
ncroly Htalionary , it would boar u
loru favorable coiiHlruetion thai ) that
ivor since the president was ahot he
uid relupses moro or lend dupiuss-
ig on every Kulinduy or Hun-
ay. At thexo rulapaus the
irosidcnt usually sank beluw
.ho condition ho held immediately
ireceding thu relapse , and generally
had very marked rise in pubsv tcin
pcraluro nnd respiration. DiuriX , " J
present Saturday nnd Sunday la h.vl
sullercd no uch relapse. Tofgh : (
ho wns in the condition of a man who
hnd held hiintolf over Sunday in the
condition ho was Saturday , wliitli
wna favorable nncl better than that pi
Friday , when ho was and had been
improving. That being the fact , the
statement ( hat ho held lifa own ; that
had neb slipped back ; had passed the
weekly period of relapse in safety ,
meant something bettor than that the
case waa stationary. To have hohl
hia own over such a poiiod wns in
dued a gain , and might bo accepted us
favorable. Div Agnew concluded by
saying : "This is mostly ono of these
and there is nothing serious about it.
Also you can say that there is noth
ing serious about it. "
Biiid : "Of course this evening's bul <
letin will cause anxiety among the
people , but really there is nothing in
the present condition ( ? f the president
to cause alarm. Hijjh figures
will he satiafactorily explained by the
physicians and shown to bo duo to
temporary disturbances. If some
thing far moro serious than anything
which appears in the bulletin had oc
curred to-day , wo should not even
then have been alarmed.
and every Sunday since thn president
waa wounded ho has had disturbances ,
and if onu should have como lo-dav it
would not have been surprising ; but
none did opine and this slight tem
porary nilcction is a mild visitation
for the usual periodical trouble ; it is
really getting through the periodical
disturbance day with but little trouble ,
and should not bo considered serious ,
The president is actually getting along
nicely. Ho had a quiet day nnd
passed it well. Ho has boon
comfortable , bright nnd cheerful.
I do not believe there is any po-
riodicy in this. "
Attorney-General MncVeagh wns
moro cheerful , and expressed himself
moro freely in speaking about what
honlono described in the continued fa
vorable condition of the president ,
than nt any I iiuo since ho has boon at
Long Branch.
HEN. (111ANT AND Vi'lfR
have returned to Long Branch , and
to-day visited Elboron nnd inquired
about the condition of the president.
Ilo expressed himself as satisfied
that the patient was doing well , and
oven improving. Yesterday the pres
ident expressed n dcsiro to BOO post
master-general James. To-day the
physicians notified the Postmaster-
General and ho called at Francklyn
afternoon.The. .
[ uiotly and . soundly that
.ho physicians concluded not to awak-
cu him. Sir. Jnmca also requested
.hem not.
Jdvrard Ckniidlcr Commits Suioido
Nonr Bon not t by Tlirowliit ;
Himself Before nn ngiuo <
pedal dlspatcli to TIIK UKK ;
LINCOLN , Neb. , September 10.-This
norning , three miles from Bennett ,
Mr. Edward Chambers committed
uicido by throwing himself in front
f the engine on the Nebraska rail-
oad. Mr. Chandler was thirty years
f aio , and has a devoted wife in
ndiitna. He was , until n week
go , in the employ of Messrs.
. B. Trickoy & Co , of Lin-
oln , as jeweler , at which time he
eft them and wont on n spree , the
osult of which was suicide. Ilo was
akcn to Palmyra on the train , where
10 died about onu hour after being
un over. Ho was talking with the
cction hands n few minutes before ,
nd they state ho nppcnrud like a
ra/.y man.
'ho Ornnd Trunk First to Reduce.
ati'iuul A-SCK lati il 1'rcus.
Sept. 11.--Tho firand
Trunk railway to-day began selling
1'ufr.ilo and Now York fares nt $5.
This is believed to indicate an alliance
between thu thn Trunk and
Enu as against thu Yanderbilt lines ,
and a general cutting of local fares
between Chicago nnd the east is an
Chief Deputy "Waterman Suspend.
ed. {
National Associated I'rcfu. '
CIMCINNATTI , Soptonibor 1,1. An c
investigation has been in progress for "
a few days in the odico of collector of
customs for this district which resulted
in the Htispension of Jcsso Waterman ,
chief deputy of the office. It has
been the custom of tlio ollico to collopt f
freight on goods imported and there ]
is $10,000 of t'nis money short. Ascot- (
looting freight in unoflicinl , the oflico ]
is not responsible , but it passed (
through Waterman's hands and ho (
was held responsible ,
Chicago to tlio Front-
atlon&l A / > clatvd Protn.
CiiKUdo , September 11 , Mayor [
iarriixm has issued n proclamation
fijucsting citizens of Chicago to con-
ribiitu aid to the Michigan Iiro Hiif-
orerH. Over $5,000 hiui already been
ontribiited 8800 by Lumberman's
Exchange , $2,000 by the board of
radu and $2,100 by the packers ,
Senator Conger , of Michigan , is ex- :
jected hero to-morrow to raise money
or the Hiifforora.
No Fusion.
I'ntloual Ausoilatvd
ViuKKiiutu , Sept. Jl. Tlio Hopub-
can convention roiueted a propost- t
on for fuslun with thu Democrats
ml nominated u utato war tinket. J. [
I. Gibson ( whiteV ) , , W. Edwards
nd Milton Couty ( colored ) wcrunom-
mted by the legislature ,
Ipprohonflofl Trouble in tlio
Senate Over tlio Navy As-
sistant-Faymastorsliips ,
; 8it ting BulliaTranaforrod Prom
Ff. Yates to Ft. Randall
Without Much Parlay.
Dr. Tlio.wnM the Displaced Pastor
Rtiioo llnnnon * Item * of Mora
or 3 > 11 Interest.
National'Annodttod lVrs ,
WAH'JINOTOJJ , S < > pt. II , Thuro is
likely to-bo considrtublo influence ox-
ertcd in the new senate against the
confirmation of six or seven gentle
men , among thorn a son of Secretary
Hunt , who- wan iveonUy nnnouimed na
having passediiRiiccosUiil oxnininntion
for assistant-paymaster in the navy.
The trouble arises from the fact that
about two months ago seine HUTCH/y- /
11 vo persons wore examtiu-d-for asais-
tnnt-pnymistorahip , and they were
duly informed of the result. One of
these , who is backed by Senator UAIU-
oren , haa in his possession an official
letter , sent him by the navy depart
ment , and the statement added'
that ho passed second out of
seventy-live. The other ex
amination , in which young Hunt
was concerned , was held secretly ,
nnd Hui\t and the other five or six
have been recommended for appoint
ment over the heath of those who
previously passed nnd who were entitled - ,
titled to the first vacancies. As
those latter command considerable
senatorial inllucnce it ia not expected !
.hat confirmation will bo an easy mat
and rain-storm visited this city this
afternoon , but little damngo waa
done. Bain is greatly needed , the
surrounding country being nearly
jurnod tip.
Sitting Bull- t ;
National 1'rcM.
CIIIUAUO , Sept. 11. A dispatch ,
Torn Ft. Randall saya the transfer of '
Sitting I3ull and his 1DO savages from
Fort Yates to that place was accom
plished yesterday with less trouble
: hau was anticipated. Sitting Bull
lad said ho would not go
.o lliindall , and , whoa about
to bo taken on board tlio otcamcr
Gen. Sherman , inadu some ahuw of
resistance , when a soldier picked htm
up and curried him into the cabin of
: ho steamer. The remainder of the
! > and were driven aboard at the. point
of tlio bayonet , and one young buck ,
w ; * > f JJull'a , Misjaioolcpd jrlowu
tht ) oxci turnout 0110 of the sqaws mur
dered her papoose and attempted to
commit suicide.
Rev. Dr. Thomas-
National Associated 1'rein. '
CniuAiio , September 11. At the
morning session of IhoPooplo'Bchurch ,
Ilov. Dr. Thomas pastor , hold in
Hooloy's theatre , Kov , Dr. Miller
preached in plueo of Thomas. The
latter announced that he had been
found guilty of hernny and had been
suspended from tlio ministry. Ilo
said ho should abstain from preaching
until tho'meoting of thoeonfurenco Oo-
tobor IJ , and after that would resume
his Bormons in the theatre whatever
the discussion of thu conference. It
is now rumored that charges of horeiiy .
will bo preferred against Dr. Warren ,
Dr. Vincent , Dr. 'i'ippory , Dr. Whoa-
don , Dr Iluymoml , and Dr. Fowler.
It ia also iitated that Bishop Huttit .
could bo found horotieal on eternal
punishment and thu atonement ;
Hisliops FO H and Merrill on the atone
ment , ami Bishop Foster on the rea-
jurreotion of the body.
' ' ' i < i i
Heavy and Bouofloial Rainfall.
National Abaaulatcd I'ruua.
MANCHI'STHU , N. J. , September 10.
-Ycstorday'fl heavy lainfall has done
much to extinguish tlio forest fires ,
which have boon swooping through
the southern New Jersey pines for
three weeks past. Fears are enter-
gained that unless there is more rain
smouldering fires will be all out anew ,
i'ho losses throughout Ocean , Atlan
tic and counties by forest
lires will amount to many thousand
dollars. ,
ViRlllanoo Exorcised. au
National Auoclatod I'rcua.
DUIII.IN. September 11. Since the v
threatened attempt to blow up the Q
barracks at Limerick , elaborate pre .
cautions have boon taken to prevent
it recurrence of another attempt ,
Of all medicines advertised to euro
iiny uiluclion of the Throat , Chest or
Lungs , wo know of none we can roe-
ommond NO highly as Dit. Kixii'HNuw
Di8coVJUY for Conminipti'Hi Coughs )
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis Hay Fe
ver , HoarHoiioss , Tickling in thu
t'h rout , loss of voice , otc , This mud-
iuino does positively euro , and that i
where everything else has failed. No
medicine can show one-half BO many
Kisitivo and permanent euros as have
ilready boon oll'ectod by this truly
ivondorful remedy. For ABthma and
Itronchitis it in a poriect Bpeuilie , cur
ing thu very worst c.'iaea in thu short
est time posniblo.Vu _ say by nil
ut'aiiB give it a trial. Trial bottles )
rno. Regular uu-.u 81.00 , Forsaloby
llly ( ) IHU it MuMAiio.v , Omaha.
Corner Seventh and Pacific
itreets , will , after two weeks , occupy
Ilia now storuoii the corner of Chiming
md Raumlora streets , and on iicculiijt
) f that will close out his entiru btc'i
jf Dry Goods , Boots and Shoes' ' )
iricou regardless of cost ,
Smylho AStull , jittornoyH , removed ! .
No. 12 Oreighton block.
A Brokomau Probnbly Fa'dlly '
Saturday nbout half past twoo'clock ,
a. m. Olms , McLnnnin' # , a switch
man , employed at the U. P. yards ,
met with a serious and poosibly fatal
accident. Ilo wont between a box
car and ono loaded with lumber whlcli
projected over the end of tlis car , to
make a couplhjr. His hcnd was
catuht just abovo- the back o ? tlitr
ears and jammed between tf - cars ,
fracturing the skill , The moment
the cars pinched' liis hen * ho
cried out to his
comrades. Thd en
gine was instantly stopped and Iic-waa
release ; ! mid taken toMio switch house.
Blood was gushing ft-om his cars ,
nose and1 mouth in atrcnms. It wa > ab
first thought ho could survive but
few minutes. An attempt was mndo
lo send telephone message to"
Dr. Mercer's otlico but far'
semo ranatm the instrument
failed to , work properly. Dr. Dar
row was Imstily summoned. . Soon af
ter Dr. Ayers arrived. A cab
was called and-the wounded awm tak
en to Dr. Mercer's office , vhoro ho
otill is. Sineo his'injury ho iaa slept
aiost of the timof.and as yet r. .careful
examination has not been made ,
ind how seriously injuratl ho
is can not bo definitely stated.
ircLanning bogau work for the Union
Pacific railway last night. Previously
io had been worlaug'for the C.B.- &
3. railway. Ho was a steady and in-
lustrious man , andxtuib popularwtk
li * follow workmen , lib had boon
lioarding at the Flannory house OILI
1'ontli Htreot.
Htfw It HaaHono-
OMAHA , September 10. On ' tho-
ho night of August JUith I was , shot. '
m the PhittHinouth bridgp , whoroU
vno employed aa a watchman , by it.
'ollow watchman ncuiicd Aloxaiidor-
Iludeman. As the o&jimo was , com-
nitted in Iowa the case was taken
> etoro Justice Cole at Pacific-
Tunction on that aide of the rivor.
District Attorney Millsv appeared for-
the state , while Smith & Strodbr of
I'lnttsmouth , and Kelly Bros. , of
Glluiiwood , appeared for \he defense.
Dwing to the fact that the shootincc
ivaa done in the middle o | . the iiightr
in a lonely place there were no wit
Hesse's to it. The case con-
jeeiuently rested * on
If came tji i quGotion of-.voracityT
Owing to tlib injuries whidliilihad'ro-
: oivcd I'waa ' unable to RO about to
irocuro witnesses , and beiug told by
ho district attorney that 'ho had no
> owcr to Biibpojiia anylwdy for me *
'roiu Nebraska to Town , I was loft
vithout anybody to testify in my bo-
mlf. On the olhor hand the do-
endant was not only in phys-
cal condition , but beside had .ittorneya
rom both states , who procured wit-
losses to testify to hia veracity and.
mpcnch mine. These witnesses
lover usaociatod with mo nor I with
hem , so consequently could not know
nythini ; about mo. Three of the
nen told mu afterward that they
could not beliovu me under oath be-
.uiHO I had tukoii the warrant out by
( UnnaUon , and because I was n free-
hinkor in the matter of religion.
ty experience has boon that the
ntor-stato laws are very defective ,
.nd an honest citizen has little chance
mdor them. CHAH. KUHLMANN. '
Will be Used for Balls
and Parties.
Central hall , on Fourteenth street
ear Dodge , is almost completed and
reflcnts a very pleasant oxterior. The
hird tloor will contain probably the
nest hall in the city , It will bo 77
cot clear of the stage and
bout dO feet in width. On
ho cast side of the hall ia a
tngo for the orchestra , At the on-
ranco on the west sidu of the hall
ro two dressing rooms , one for liulica
nd the other for gentlemen. Both
TO commodious and will be'provided
ith mirrort ) and every necessary con-
'onionco , It will be composed
if highly polished hard wood
.nil will bo ono of the
incut floors for dancing purposed in
ho city. The hall is reached from ,
ho second floor by means of a double
tainvny. On this floor will bo ) ocat-
id the dining room , u line apartment ,
il feet long and 18 in width. Thia
rill bo finely furnished. The kitchen
vill bo on the first floor , from which ,
iverything will bo sent to the dining ;
oem by means of dumb waiters.
Vdioining the dining room is a
mil way running the lenutli
if the building and providing
rear oxit. These rooms have boon ,
eased by L. Frank Pinnoy , who will
iso them for ball and party purposes
ixclusivoly. The hall will bo the
irgest in the city. It will bo most
Icgantly furnished , and provided
dth all modern conveniences. Four
handolioM , with thirty lights , will ,
iirnish siifliciont illumination. About
ctobor 1 Prof , Pinney will open a
ancing school there , These wishing
u secure u fine hall for holding balls
nd parties may address that gontlo-
mn ut 1514 Dodge street or thu hall.
Mr , Thomas Tormy , Scott Station ,
utiiam county , W , Ylu , in a late
omnuniication thus refers tti'hia ex-
lurlunco with the Great GermiuvRem-
dy ; When I received St. 'Jacobs
il , I wiia in Led with the rhcuma-
isiii , nnd 110 I nm walking about the
oem with n cano , and before I got ic
could not bo moved In my bed. To- ,
lay , liovrovor , I wulit to'tho Btablo.