Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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    < M
Saturday Morning , Sept. 10.
Patterson Belli roal.
loane. ) Hclinblc llnttcr.
Frederick leading Hatter.
Saxo' Cream Sodn .U11 booming.
COO bn nroa lota. Cftll on Bemh.
1000 residence lots , Hemu , ngont.
Don't forget Saxo'n for pcrfumerj- .
251 how * * and lot . Icml ' agency-
Bcmis' real estate boom. First page
A. W. Na on , Dcntlut , Jacob' * block.
Warranted Tooth Hrtmhoa at Kulm'c.
Bx mis' new man of Omaha , 2fi cents.
WJ fnrms and 900,000 acres of land
The Lion continues to roar for Moore 8
* I TncM and Saddlery.
For TINS Commercial Job Printing ,
nil at TUB DBS Job roomn.
Bicycle for sale or trade fur ft horcc.
C J , Can an.
The 0. , 11. I. & J' . passenger train
WBI one hotirnnd twcntyjmlmitw Inte yes
terday. ' The U. 1' . left ono hourloio.
Four train loads of tock arrived nt
the U. 3' . depot yesterday from vari-
< mi points in Wyoming. They .wore im
mediately sent on to Chicago.
N. I. 1) . Solomon has on exhibition in
bin * liow window , nn elegant gold watch
i vnlueil at sixty dollars , which he will offer
JM ft Dretnium nt the utate fiiir for the best
Bicycle llidcr under 15 years of ago.
The Trinity Sunday chool picnic will
1 > < ? .hold today nt ITanscom Park.
Children are to meet nt the church nt 10
o'clock with their bnnkcto , whence they
willbc carried to the park by wagons.
Remember I Icy wood's New York
'Mastodons nnd Uncle Tom company with
fine brass band and orchestra appear
to-night nt the Academy , nnd nt
. popular priccn , 2T > , GO anil 75 ceiitn. Scatu
/or sale at Kdliulm it Krlekoon.
One of the brick-whcelere employed
at the Mlllard hotel was wheeling
l > rick up a , board to the masons yesterday
afternoon , when the barrow got on the
outer cdgo of the plank nnd tipict , falling
about eight eight fcot to the basement ,
antl carrying the man along. He was
somewhat bruised , but not nerioiwly In-
jurcd. _ _
A largo box of elegant Frogs just
received at Victor's restaurant direct
from the northern lakes.
"Tito Itovoro Ilotiso Oonnci .Bluffs
in the best second-class hotel in the
vest. " tuml7-lm
Falsa Fire Alarms.
Several fire * alarms were sent into
headquarters yesterday. At the
lirst of thorn the department slairtod
out , bul ; had scarcely gone ton feet
until they discovered that something
wns wrong with Ih6 alarm. Chief Gal-
lignn nt once started for South Omaha ,
where ho discovered the circuit
broken. Seine boys had caught hold
.of the lire nlarm wire nnd amused
, l\emBelves \ by sending in alarms. The
break was repaired.
; _ _ j BuokUu'e Arnlon Salvo.
' sTho beat salvo in the world for utifo ,
A I > niisc8 , sorca , ulcora , salt rhomri ,
fever nores , totter , chapped hands ,
chillblnhm , corns and all kinds of
akin eruptions. This snlvo is guar
anteed to giyo perfect Bathfnotion in
every case or money refunded. Price ,
liOo per box. For sale by
TSH & McHAHON , Omahu.
THH pi.A&SKSj" Pnoi' . Fifiiir.n'8
UANmuSciioOL will begin as fol
lows : y Up * i
Isulio's' nnd master's nnd misses
clahs Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock , '
Lessons for gentlemen nud Indies
Monday evening , aijB d'cloplfirt ? tand-
ard Unll. sepy-IH
" Cli.'uubcrii .left for ( ho west yes
Porter Skinner und \\ito of Hock Itliuul ,
are nt tlio AVitlmcll.
Win. I1' . Sweesy , returned lioine ycstor.
tj lay froni Cheyenne./ ' < . '
Clias .1 , Emery left for Montana yes
terday Ho will bo nbnent about font
inontliH , anil upon his return will accept n
lucrative position.
Sfr. If.V. . Temple , a leading man from
Auroni , Neb. , in vIiltloK the city with hla
bride , formerly Mini Jennie Mny Hoy-
noMf , of Aurora. They nro ret'Intered
at tlio Metropolitan. ,
Mr , Charled McDonald arrived homo
last u > cnlng. Ho B.IJ-H ho lm purclmhcd
an cleyajit line of drt'sse * nnd cloak * , and
will rnnkon handsome display nt the fair
next week.
,1. V , AVllcox , of Chicago , h tlaying at
the WitlmiiH.
M , if , Hitchcock , of rawnoo City , U n
luett at the WUhnell.
0 , W. DtiMcy , of Krcinont , in In town
and Is Mtnylng at the " \VUhnoll.
. / , . Harry Hoscall , foreman of Tun UKK
* > coujio.n | room , arrived home Irntoven.
I life from bU rxtemleil visit in the e Ht ,
During hl.i ubsenco he visited Breton ,
New York and the uratKIo rcnorU , an < i
, had a good thno generally. He will ro
Rume hlu dutica on Tin : HKU with reiiewct'
A Signal Victory.
The value of electricity an H reineilla
agent Ua-i ( 'ft' ' " l a-atonal victory o\ci
} > rojudlca. Thomas' Electric Oil btaml
foremost in tliia clew of compound * , Tea
iinoninls from nil partu tell of the won
ilroiis cured of rlieiunatlsni , neuralgia
hurts , and Bores , etc. , effected l > y Itn a'en
cy. codY
"WINfe OF OARPUI" makes rosj
tWkfl und clear complexions.
. ' ' * AtO F OooJinan.
School Notes-
A now Hchool roojn hua boon oi > ono (
on the corner of Titirleonth and Will
lain * streets. Bixty-fivo'BohoJnrs nn
enrolled under Miss Jacobs , dmrgo
Thursday nud Friday nro the dayi
so't nsidu for the fichoolo to visit tin
' fair , .
r i At i' . U.
Because the Man's Intentions
Wore Not Proven.
The Fact Ably Demonstrated
in the Police Court.
AH Atont Snstorlo'ii Vliilt to Mn
Annlo Vondrnook-
At 10 o'clocK yesterday the BO-
loct nndienco which usually Anther !
on Biich occasions assembled in the
lolico court to listen to the testimony
n the case of the state ngaitiflt .loacpli
Stislorio who wno chnrgcd 'with attempting -
tempting rape. According to the tes
timony of Sirs. Annlo Vondr.icek ,
ho prosecuting witness , nlio wna on-
; nged nt half past seven o'clock last
Saturday ovoiiing washing dishes.
Her hunband had gone to the Smoli
ng works where ho is employed nt
lijjht. While HO ongn 'cd Btmteric ,
with whom eho hud n slight no-
junintntico , dropped in to the liouao
mil Roatud himsulf in n
clmir near the door , The lady was
tot overjoyed at his presence , nnd
groelod him very coolly. Sustoric bo-
fan to talk upon religious matter ,
> ut the woman wont right on with her
vork without answering. Finally ho
licked up n fan lying near a * , hand
and oak oil what kind of paper it was
nado of. Mrs. Vondracok ro-
) lcd ! she did riot know ,
Mit if lie would only leave the house
10 might take it with him. Ho had
> y this thno reached her side and with
i sudden motion of the fan extin
guished the conl oil lamp which stood
ipon the tablo. As ho did BO ho
hrow ono arm around the ahapoly
vaist of Mrs. Vondracok. She made
a slight struggle to free herself , but
10 placed his other hand over her
nouth to prevent her screaming and
od her into an adjoining room. There
another slight struggle ensued andnho
ucccoded in freeing her mouth. Her
screams were hoard bya neighborwho
came to ( ho door nnd inquired what
vas the mutter. Mrs. Yondracok
vent out nnd told her the cause of the
outcry , while Susturio adjourned by
lie back door. The lady stated that
jimtorio had not , hurt her. Her
cHtiinony up to the blowing out of
, ho light was corroborated by the
leighbor , who witnessed the proceed-
ny from the window of her house
vhich ndjmned. To arrive at the
jitention of the man the defendant
liniHolf was placed upon the stand.
lis story given in a disjoitned way
van to the cil'uct that ho did not
ntond to do the woman any
jodily harm , although his intentions
n going there were not of the highest
noral character. While struggling
vith her ho scorned to look upon her
eftmla much the same as Don Juan
oolcodon Donna Julia's uhon oho ,
"Whlspcuni : I'll ne'er consent ,
When ho found that-sho would not
emulate the oxnniphi of the f.oblo
Spaniard , ho nimply dH > ppod tlio mat-
ur nnd skedaddled across lots.
The testimony being closed there
allowed ono of those licrco- forensic
combat , for which the justice's and
tolicu courts nro so justly celebrated.
Pho state was represented by that
nodern Domosthones Patrick O'Uan-
1011 Hawes , who after mindry quota-
ions from tlio revised statutes , a pa -
itint ; uofercnco to history
mil a compliment in the strict
inpnrtiality of Judge Bcncke'u rul-
ngs , sat down to give W. 51. Council ,
vho represented the defense , a chance
, o mnssacro metaphors. Mr. Con-
ipll did not * deny for nn instant that
lis client had entered the house with
certain upcuifio intentions ; but hohad , ,
used no violence. Just as soon as ho
was futilied "flho''or consent" ho
skipped. Was that anything extraor
dinary ? Was there anything ropro-
lictiGiblo in iiis client going tlioro , ho
would inquire of his singularly gifted
opponent. He ( Connell ) thought not.
If th'o luws were construed so strict
ly that oven when a man fnilcd in n
mission of that kind ho could bo cent
to tlio penitentiary , what would
bceuino of the nblo-botliod
men of - Omaha. Wjy- nearly
nil of them would nuocsa.ivilv change
their postollleo address to Lincoln ,
The conflnument might not ovonngrco
with tlio ulwquont counsel on the oth-
ur side. Mr. Council elucidated some
Inw points nnd scattered about several
chunks of the coilo of .Until in\
Then lui sat down.
This { a vo Mr. Hawes an opportuni
ty ho hud long hi-en seeking to work
011 sumo of his pent-up Utieu. Tliura
was lira in his eye when ha got up. 1 ( o
had huard many defenses , ho said ,
during the course of his career , hut
none quite so liiino as this one. In
fnct if called upon under oath
ho could Bcnicoty testify to
the degree of its lameness.
Was there then no relief ngaiiiHt
dcsccratois of the family llrcsido ?
Were the hands to bo turned back
again on the dial pinto of progress
and feudalism , with its bacchanalian
and sonsmil revelries to bo ro-intro-
duood ? Ho thought not. What were
Jaw's foranywuy if they didn't pro-
ti-ct the wciik from the strong ? There
sat the defendent on ovury linen-
mont of whoso busoltcd countenance
was stamped the bestiality of his
whole nature. Ho invaded the snored
precincts of a poor man's domicile.
A man's house , Mr. I [ awes ventured
to explain to his hearers , wim his cas <
tie. This brute had struck nt the
foundation of human liberties. Yi'us
ho to go free ? Once more
ho thought not. Mr } Ilntvci
yet the bulge slightly on Mr ,
Counull nnd anto-datcd him in hit
legal quotations , taking u brilliant
yrip upon the Mosaic laws. Thii
nmnojuvro , > t was thought , would cur
tninly settle the cxuo in favor of tin
state , but it didn't.
Judge ] 3cnoUo said that it was not
olear in Iiis mind that the defendant
had entered the house with tlu
Biiooillo intonticn of conunilliuf
tliu crime charged , Consequent ) }
Jio could dp nothing olsobutdisclmiyt
the do7oiidint. ) * l Ho,1. liotroror , ud
vised the plaintiff to bring it charge o :
! " , .1 , " , ,
simple assault nnd dismissed the case.
Tlioro was much wailing nnd gnash
ing of teeth among the plaintifFs law
yers at this result.
The Tumor's Trnlner.
The Omaha Turner's society gave n
reception last evening nt Turner Hnll
to their now instructor , Prof , Paul
Witlo , who lias just arrived from Ger
many , A very ploatant time was en
joyed by these present. The professor
ser will tnko charge of the Turner
hall society nnd will devote his time
to the training of the members. Ho
is a fine athlete , nnd the society are
to be congratulated upon having se
cured his services.
Summarized Account of Their
Meeting at Lincoln.
The Prograxs Which the Alliance
la Mnhin ; ; .
The Nebraska State 1'armcrs ,
Alliance mot at the Academy of Mu
sic , Lincoln , on Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock , E. P. Ingorsoll presiding.
Thera was a very largo attendance of
delegates and others , and a consider
able amount of important business
was transactc/d. /
The convention continued in sen-
don until Thursday night.
The secretary reports that there are
now organized in the state 200 Al
liances with nn nvorago membership
of thirty. The finances nro in n
flourishing condition , they being a
surplus in the treasury after the
payment of nil expenses for 'tho past
year. A committee for the revision
of the constitution was then appoint
ed , consisting of the following : G. II.
Gale , of Gage ; W. W. West , of Otoe ,
Town , of Thayer ; T. Smith , of York ;
Fisher , of Lancaster ; Anderson , of
Polk , and Moollor , of Saline. Sever
al important additions to nnd correc
tions of the laws were niado.
The committee on resolutions was
then appointed , and consisted of the
following : Shrador , of Lancaster ;
Root , of Douglas ; Anderson , of Fillmore -
more ; Ostcrhout , of Morrick ; Vance ,
of Seward ; Porter , of Saline , and
Newcomer , of York. Quito a num
ber of resolutions was proposed , nnd
were , after nn animated discussion and
some alterations , adopted.
The resolves were mainly urging
organized opposition to railroad mon
opoly nnd that the Doano law bo
not repealed. A readjustment of the
rates was required , which would allow
a fair compensation upon the actual
cost of the roads in plnco of the pres
ent extortionate rates. Another resolve -
solve was that no more land bo devot
ed to private corporations but that
it bo reserved for actual Bottlers. It ,
was also pointed out that the people
of this fltato are entitled to the same
rates and privileges as the United
States government reserves to itself ,
and , further , that the tolls over the
Omaha and Plaltsmouth bridges bo
abolished. The nction of the public
n-css was denounced with a few honorable -
orablo exceptions.
While the committee were out
iddrczsca were delivered by Messrs.
Theodore F. .Barnes , E. P. Ingoraoll ,
Allen Root , E. Uosowator of TUB
OMAHA Ur.n , W , W. West , P. W
llirkhausor , 13. F. Fisher , W. L. Oz-
nan , George Liobhart and others.
A number of important amend-
munts to the constitution were adopt
ed. E. P. IngcrBoll was rc-clccted
) rcsidont for the coming year , and J.
Uurrows secretary by acclamation. A.
: ull list of vice presidents nnd cxocn-
, ivo committee were elected. A do
lailod report of the proceedings will
bo published in next Monday's issue ,
Physical Suffering.
No ono can realize. except by poreonnl
experience , the nn iiHli of body and iniiul
endured by eutfcrera from dyHpopnia , in
digestion , constipation nnd other disease *
of the stomach , ' 'Dimlook' Blood Bittern
nro n positive ! euro for tlil.i direst of all
1'rlco § 1.00 , trial DUO 10 cents.
Lively Runaway.
A lively runaway occurred on Fnrn-
ham street last night. John Lewis ,
a colored man vho earns his living
gnthonna swill from hotels and private -
vato houses was returning homo when
his team became f lightened and
nh\rlcd to run. Lewis was thrown
from the wagon nnd started after the
team tracing their course by the
wagon wheels and ether parts which
were left on the street. The course
selected by the horses was certainly
curious. They ran around thn
square bounded by Farnham , Tenth ,
Douglas and Ninth streets then dash
ed down Tenth street , where the
horses were stopped. The wagon
was entirely wrecked but the horaos
were uninjured. _
AHomo'a Tantrums-
A baulky horse attracted considera
ble attention on Fifteenth and Doug
las street last night. It roared uml
backed into the gutter nnd uidowalk
and tried Imrd to upset the buggy by
turning around' suddenly. Several
gentlemen seized it by the head nnd
pulled while n number shoved the
hind wheels. The horse was started in
this nmnnur after half nn hour's hard
work , nnd wont off at a lively rate.
A IDo box of "Hough on Hats" will
kcop a house free from lliou , mosqui
toes , rats nnd 111190 , the entire scaiim
Druggists soil it. . (2) ( )
Largo Number of Entries Already -
ready Made.
Excursion Trains to Run From
UtabVyonilncs i\nd Colorado.
The sons" of tlio saw and the noise
of the hammer are heard in the imme
diate vicinity of the fair grounds at
the present time in great profusion.
All of the various halls and buildings
are now nearly completed , every ef
fort being made to have them ready
by next Monday. A force of over ono
hundred mon are working to nrrango
everything connected with the proper
reception of the exhibits , cleaning the
grounds , speed ring , stalls and stables.
A great many entries for exhibits
have already boon made nnd assigned
places in the various buildings , most
of them being from placo/J in this
atnto. However , many applications
are in from ether states and territn-
ricx , nnd it is certain that crcditnblo
displays will bo made from Colorado ,
Utah and Wyoming. It is under
stood that the exhibits 4from the
these will comprise only the products
ot tlio farm nnd garden. However ,
the vai ions nthor industries of these
sections may bo represented , and
doubtless will bo. Iowa will have
a very respectable showing , particu
larly in stock. Prominent nmong
these will be the entries of S. M.
Shortridgo , of Burlington , Iowa , who
will exhibit a lot of line Uorkshiro
pigs , and John Williams , of Logan ,
who will have a number of line blood
ed horses. The etock entries from
this stnto are also very numerous and
will range well. Two hundred stalls
for stock have already been assigned ,
and it is expected that many more
will be in between this time and the
early part of the fair week. Stock
exhibitors should make their entries
as soon as possible , as the space is being -
ing rapidly taken up. What are
termed the general county exhibits
will bo larger and represent
more counties this year than
over before. They will comprise the
products of the different counties.
Already the counties of Hall and Polk
have their entries made , and applica
tions have been received by the otato
board from Lancaster , Seward , Kear
ney , York , Adnms , Cass nnd Hurt
counties for space. Others have writ
ten concerning a place for their' ' ex
hibits , and it is likely that they will
bo represented. The nbovo exhibits
will bo made in ono lurgo tent , which
has been prepared for the purpose ,
andnt is known that the display will
bo varied and attractive. Quito a
feature will bo the exhibit of terra
cotta , which is manufactured by only
one firm in the state , nnd is said to beef
of a very superior quality. The en
tries from tho'differont towns have all
been made , and will bo creditable.
Omaha tradesmen and manufacturers
are taking' a great interest
in the fair , nnd will as
usual , have elegant and elaborate dis
plays of their various branches of
business. Homo of the business men ,
however , have not yet made their ap
plications and seem neb to bo mani
festing a proper spirit in the matter.
fJicy should ninko Jlioir entries at
Entries for the speed ring nro eat-
isfuctory , and will embrace many fine
horses. The homo men have met with
some disappointment at other fairs in
different counties nnd states , and some
ire holding back until the last moment
before making entries There have
been already inado four entries for the
2:50 ; three for a minute class ; three
for the 2:40 : , and two for the frec-ior-
ill race. These entries pmbrnco horses
irom Michigan , Illinois , Iowa , Mis-
ur and Nebraska. By Monday and
Tuesday next the horses will como in
very rapidly , " " and the trials of the
turf will bo satisfactory to all lovers
of the noble 'animals.
Every indication points to the fact
that Nebraska's exposition of this
year will otitsliino any heretofore held.
It is estiinated that fully 20,000 people
ple will visit the grounds during the
Excursion trains will bo run from
places in Utah , Wyoming nnd Color-
iido at , c1Tenj > ratea of faro , so that
largo delegations from those localities
may bo expected. The board of man
agers and their clorJts nro working
night and day , nnd are certainly do
ing effective work.
Horois tLoTcst
Dizziness , nausea , despondency ,
janndico , loss of appetite , inilamma-
tions , gravel , female diacases , and nil
troubles of the urinary organs and
bladder nro quickly nnd surely re
moved by Warner's Bnfo Kidney and
Liver Oure. oodlw
Fair Oponin ; ; .
Last night was thu opening night for
the Holy Family parish fair , and the
indications nro for a very largo at
tendance. Great credit is duo the ladies -
dies for the excellent manner in which
they have decorated an nnfurnishud
room. It is aafo to predict , a very
successful result financially.
Army Itouii
Lieut. Alexander M.Wothorll , Sixth
infantry , in addition to his present
duties , will perform these of A. 6. S. ,
at Park City , Utah.
Pursuant to instructions of the ad
jutant general of the United Slatca
army , dated Washington , D. U.Auc ; .
20 , convoying the decision of the hon
orable secretary of war , in the case of
Private Patrick James Burns , alias
Philip Furroll , United Stales marine
corps , nro declared null nnd void , and
therefor inoperative. The sentence
in the case of Private PJiilip Fairoll ,
company H , Fourteenth infantry ,
alias Patrick James Burns , United
States marine corps , will havu
effect from the date of promulgation ,
Juno 27. .
"WINE OF OARDUI" cures Irregular -
lar , painful , or dltlleuil uienstruattya ,
At C. F. Roodiafy.
Fall session begins Oct. 10 , 1881
Address , 0. B , AVKES , M , ! > „ Sec. '
Trinity Choir.
The reorganization of Trinity choii
under the nblo directorship of Mr ,
Frank 0. Wf.lkor is rapidly progrcsv
ing. Semi-wooekly rehearsals nn
hold in the church , and a woll-tniincd
chorus of forty voices is being rnpidlj
gathered together. Mr. Walkci
brines to his work a long experience
as a public singer and instructor in
vocal music , and the music at old
Trinity during the coming wintot
promises to bo , as it should be , one of
the most impressive nnd interesting
features of the beautiful Episcopal
service. Miss E. Butterflold , whose
talents are well known to the people
of Omaha , will preside at the organ
which was filled so long and ably by
Mr. G. F. Mayer.
The next rehearsal of tlio choir will
take plnco to-morrow ( Saturday ) even
ing at the cathedral , beginning at n
quarter before 8 o'clock. A full
attendance is earnestly requested.
In Which Ono Thousand Dollars
lars are Involved.
The cnso of the state of Nebraska
vs. Michael Wallan/ was brought up
fora hearing yesterday morning before
Justice Wright. Homer Stull ap
peared for the state and Parko God
win represented the defendant. The
facts in the caao are substantially ns
follows :
On the 31st of August last , Michael
Wallanz , keeper of the Wallanx hotel
in South Omaha , was arrested on the
complaint of Detective Neligh for con
verting to his own use $1,000 which ,
it is alleged , Louis Schneider , a
boarder nt the hotel , deposited
with him for safe keeping.
The only testimony for the prosecu
tion was that of Schneider himself ,
who not being in the full possession
of his faculties , know nothing much
about the caso. The justice in an
nouncing his decision remarked
that ho did not think the
state could get a conviction
on such testimony , but that this be
ing a mere preliminary hearing and
having some discropnnncics in the tes
timony of Wallanz himself ho would
hold him over to the District court.
Wnllanz thereupon gave a bond for
§ 700 to appear at the next term of the
District Court. Some racy incidents
will perhaps bo developed on a full
trial of the case , ns it is [ 'alleged
the man Schneider has been some
thing of a sport , for some time past ,
and has been living rather high. lie
is a pensioner of the United States ,
and recoivcs quite n largo amount
each year. The wliolo amount depos
ited with the hotel-keeper.was $2,800 ,
§ 1,800 , of which has been satisfactorily
accounted for. Wal'an ? also claims
that ho can account for the ? 1,000.
How to Got Sick.
Expose yourself day nnd night , eat
lee much without exercise , work too
hard without rest , doctor all the time ,
take nil the vile nostrums advertised ,
nnd then you will want to know
How to Got Well.
Which is answered , in three words-
Take Hop Bitters. Soptl-Octlo
Which Will Pravail at the
State Fair ,
The B. &M. has. made the follow
ing rates for fair week : Tickets are
sold on September 12,13 , 14 , 15 and
10 , good to loturn on or before Sep
tember 18 , on any trains , at ono faro
for tlio round trip. All tickets in
clude one admission to the /air. In
addition to thin the following rates
are undo for round trip tickets , in
cluding admission to the fair , nnd
good for three days , covering two
evenings and ono day at the fair :
From Plattmouth , § 1.00 ; from Cedar
Crock , Louisville , South Bond , Ash
land , § 1.50 ; from Greenwood , Waver-
ly , Lincoln , § 2.00 ; from Crete , Germantown -
mantown , Chcsnoys. Bonnet. Ro-
ca , Hickman , l < irth , Pleasant
Dale , Milford , Staplohurat , Ulys
ses , GarriEon , David City , Bui-
wood , Columbus , Seward , § 2.00 ;
from Wilbcr , Do yitt , Heatrico , Dor
chester , Friendvillo , Exeter , Fair
mont , Syracuse , Unadilln , Tampru ,
Utica , Waco , York , Adams , Sterling ,
Smartville , Tccumsoh , 83.00 ; from
Grufton , Sutton , Wymoro , llradshaw ,
Hampton , Elk Creek , 83.00 ; from
Nebraska City , Dunbar , Aurora , Table
blo Bock , Uumboldt , D.iwsons , $1.00 ;
from Central City , § 1.25 ; from Har
vard , Inland , &nlum , $4.50 ; from
Hastings , Jumato , Dunusuw , Lowell ,
Kearney , Ayr , Blue Hill , Cowlcs ,
Red Cloud , Falls City , BlufFton ,
Rule , White Cloud. Iowa Point ,
Highland , Fanning , Troy Junction ,
Peru , Brownvillo , Ncmahn , § 5.00 ;
from Brenner , Doniplmn , Atchison ,
$0.00. Also the following rates for
round-trip tickets , good for return on
or before September 10th , the ar
rangement of trains requiring more
than ono day on the road , both
going nnd returning : From Odell
Dillor , Eiulicott , § 1.00 ; from Rey
nolds. Hubbell , Chester , § 4.50 ; from
Harbino , Hardy , Superior , Guide
Hock , § 5.00 ; from Rivorton , Frank
lin , Bloomington , Naponeo , $5.50 ;
fromRopublicun , Alma , Orleansp.OO ;
from Oxford , Anipahoo , Cambridge ,
Indianola , § 0.50.
Excursion trains will bo run as fol
lows , arriving lit Omaha nt 11:30 : a-
m , , and k'aving Omaha for return nt
7 p. m. See hand bills for time card :
September 14 , from Tecumsuh nnd in
tcrmodinto stations ; September 15 ,
from York , Seward , Milford nnd in
termediate stations ; September 1C ,
from Sntton , Wymoro , Crcto nnd in
termediate stations ; September 14 ,
15 nnd 10 , from Lincoln , Afclrinnd ,
- -
How Ho Discovered a Matinee
in a Sleeping Room.
Quito a good story , in which the sa
gacity of a dog cnmo intoplny , was ac
cidentally brought to light yesterday.
It scorns a certain well known qcntlo-
man of town owns a St. Bernard dop
which ho highly prizes. Ho has spent
considerable- time in training the
dog , which learned rapidly nnd shows
a wonderful degree of sagacity. One
night recently about 11 o'clock the
dog showed unmiataknhlo signs of tin-
easiness. Ho kept scratching at the
various doors until the gentleman ,
who sleeps on the lower floor , finally
.arose to sco what was the matter. The
dog at once ran to the gentleman ns
soon ns ho saw him. The pcntlcmnn
told him playfully to point out the
particular door which ho desired
opened and it would bo done. The
dog ran nt once to ono loading up
stairs. The gentleman opened the
door and the dog bounded past him.
The gentleman followed , nnd the dog
went nt once to the second story and
walked directly to the end of a hallway ,
in which the Borvant usually slept.
Arrived at the door ho turned around
nnd wngged his tail vigorously. The
gentleman opened the door without
ceremony nnd ns ho did so ho saw a
man glide through the window on to
the porch. The dog saw him lee and
crabbed ono of his heels ns ho was
skipping through. The gentleman
caught the other heel and pulled the
man into the room. Ho was at once
recognized as a rather well known
man about town. It scorns ho had
boon paying a visit to the servant and
as soon ns ho could get his clothing to
gether ho was allowed to go and the
matter hushed.
NOTICE Ad icrtlscmcnt To Loan , For Sale ,
Lost , Pound , Wants , lioardlncr. Sc. , nlll be In
serted In these columns once for TEN CKNTS
pur line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVKCKNTS
per line. The first Insertion nc cr loss th&n
/I'ONEVTO LOAN Call at Liw Office of D.
M L. CooiuS. Urulchton Rlock.
Q w f\ fffTo \ \ loan sit from S to 10 percent.
! P Jv.illM' on Rood real o tatcfcecurlty , by
UU. ISAAC EDWAUD3 , nofl Karnliam ht.
JJO'XA AnriTOOAN At 8 per cent In.
W/wiH'-v vMtprc t In dunw of 82BOO and
ipvvanls , for 3 to 6 years , on tlrst-clais city and
farm property. HI-MIS HIAL I TATK and LOAN
Annvry. Ifth anil l > nngla" SH. _
ANTED At Victor's rertanrant , n Rlrl ,
n boy nd a tfoodwalter. Rood was * HI
lie pall. _ 'J33-U
VTirANTEl ) A few rc = pontiblo iKiya to iSUtrl-
\ \ butc papers throughout the city , fall on
Gco. B. Itntlilmn , Crelghtcn Illoc-k. 025 0
- liomster. L. Dui'Ran , 1112 3.
H brlcWaycrs Immcdlitcly ;
wveft P4 CO and 35 00 , Apply t J lil. Wal li ,
2lli rtnd Farnham fcts. 020-10 *
To peed dining joomftlrh , at
WANTED Charles Hotel. 131-10 *
ANTKI > To rent , by a ncwlv nurritd
vounto before Noi1st , a uiiall cottage ,
centrally located. Address Ho in 14 , C'rcl liton
ISlock. l)2i-tf
Situation by man nnd Ue. Good
WANTKU ( ; Ivcii. Inqulie Intelligence
olllce , llthHt. , near Farnhatn. 029-12 *
I ) Situation ns cle-K 111 a srocrry
florc by a competent j oun man. Address
Albeit Caston , Kmmcl House. U22-U *
) A cliambermald nt the I inmet
Y ? HOIIBO. 9J2-16
) Sitmtlon for a joimx man In a
htore , in foimtrj or ilt.\ , Inqiilic at In-
U-lllfc'ciiCL' olilcc , Elcxcntli , Let llanuyand Fur-
DM 12 *
AlITi : lrl for rcncml housework , 1312
AY lnrt ; , bit. ISthuml lutli ftrcots , or 1110
is St. 914- ! ) '
IT7AVTKD Man to take cnro of horsi > < nnJ do
Vl chorui. Abjiiy at 161,0 rarnlia u St.UKHO
'AXTKD Dlnlnif room s'rl ' , corner 10th
and DoAxe St. PJt-n )
TJ7"ANTKI > To liny a ( Irst-clam rwlJcnco.
11 winth fromSSOU ) to § 10,100. Addro-s 8.
I , , Lock Hex COO , Onmha. . UQl-tf
' Situation far a young limn In of-
WAN'TIiO Knqulru IntetllKcncoolHic , llth St. ,
butwten Harncyand 007-U *
ANTE 0 A ( foo.1 cook and laundress , S.'t
corner Hurt and 10th .St. SM tf
ANTKD A nrt clans Inrbcr. I1. W. Dcrk-
W sen , Council HlufTd , Iowa. 011-10'
( OOlf ' WANTED At llluhrnl' * Kcstaurant.
G' SU5-12
\KJ AJfTKD A ultuntlon hy ft flrlt-class nil ! cr.
\ \ IInil 'M years experience , UiidcrolaiuU
o'd nnJ new jiro wc < . KpcaKH Kuir l h anil
( Jermin nnd ac < iualntod with ntcnni und "tiler
ixmcrD. Can ( 'lvu the hc t of reference/I , Will
come on trial ut any timu , Aildrc& > H. S. Ilex
1M1 , Council H tl , U. SU-Jt '
' ANTii : > fltrl at 1IR3 North Ifith bt. 4th
hourv north of bridge. H. II. IIHOOM.
A \ T"AN'Kl > limniillatcly n harness inaVcr
> Y Btcaily employment. Apply to II , 1) Jo !
t/aughlln'ulawollicf , In rrrnzcr'eblockopi > o lto
l'o > l OIIKe.
"ASTfcU Woman cjo' < , t the Kmmct
W Home. t > 3i 10
\I7ANTKIX Dlrlmnklicr aid jwutry girl nttho
YV Knimct HOUSD. UZl-j )
Two experienced cooVs , nix help-
WANTED thlr'y table waltcrn , diirluir ucuk
of > tate fair. l.nqulre of 1) . T. MOUNT ,
81' ; tl 1412 Kaintiiun bt.
An ex | > erlenciddt > fon&t , cloth
WANTKD anJ hoe * Irminii , Nona uitli-
out i oed rcfcrcncci ncitl apply.
SII-17 _ (1. A IM. HI ! , Sfnard. Neb.
\V7 A.STKU Uood cook at the Occidental
W hottl. fc2Ltl
Fifty carpenter * at od' Owra
WAVTKD II Blictt wui'tK pjj itl. bllANV i
ANTED A pool table to rent ; with privi
W lege of purclmtiiir. State price.
AiTdriMiaCo. INMAN ,
451-11 Vull , Cranionl Co. , Iowa ,
Fundliij : brldyn and Hliool boiidn ,
WANTKD Clarl , Hello uc. _ SO-tf
I710U UhNT-Juit nnltlud two firkt-tlaM two.
_ i1 ntsry brkk lunuoi , Band 0 rooms ,
nnd cemented cellari ; 910 monthy In advance.
W. M. UUailMAN. K. i : . corner l&th ar.d Don- .
o-i few. o a-ti
rou HINT-I : ( 3 teen * , \\o\\ \ \ , < ii
tern , iclUr , Kmjulro tf M , W , Kennedy ,
312 H , 13th St. Uil-lf
. IULNT llitce rooiri , iiiifiirnUliwl ; foi-
J.TOK door from Klocnth on Howard , north
'ITIOUKKVT UnfurnUhcd rooms suitable for
JJ liouwktN.'pIiitf , t SIT 170i fct. , llet Haven-
pjrt and Chtc ia fttj. , ' ' HJS-tf ,
FOR HUNT tftw brick flora on lOtli St. , lx >
twfon Parnh&m arid Hunan ) , SIS PCI month.
007-tf H. I.K11MAN.
71011 IlKN'i' Kurnl'Jifil pirlor And liedroom ,
] } clioai ] ; Ith 1x nl If picfmcd , 14W ( Ones St.
8M If
TTKHl IlENT tfouna lth S roams , on founder *
JL ) > trcct , Ihc end of troct cut-truck. Ai- |
plr lo llobcrt Illalr , corner of Imllnnx and
\\hcntoti Sts. 857-10'
KENT A nicely furnUhed front room for
FOIl or two gentlemen , ixt 1210 Howard street.
633 tf
HENT 2 furnished r00111 oier
clmnts' Exchange , ? ? . K. ccr. lOlli and
trcetii. I/
1710U IIKNT Furnished room , S. Vf. Cor. 10th I.I
JJ nndlMunportHts. 784-tf ' .I
OH KENT Ono roam with botvrd , 1S03 Cali
F fornia atrtct. 73S-tt fe
HKNT Klcirantfuriiiihfil rooms. Itc-mon
FOH prices , brick house , 2018Cft ) St. 023 tf
SALE. ,1
T7WH SAI.K A large , commodious , new , tw -
JJ Ktory houro w Ith well ; wood location , near
horsocar * , full lot \Uth trees , well. il tcrn , etc.
Tunm rcn'oniMo , Kniiilroo' | I1 , W. Koo , Kin/
St. , bet. Charlcsnnd Sewnrd St . Bi7.2
* 17inU8AM-AtrcMonil : > loprirc9. 110 hi'.iil of
I. \cry the work mule * . Unll .Mno WUu' *
l.ltcry Klalilc , lint Scott , Itro.-ulw.-v.v , Coun
cil II nlTH , Iowa. Ul.-l.14
SAT.E Olio liorsu express WOROII. It can
FOIt found on the \acuit lot liack of .lo k
SALU Rood klzul , lonnd , x\clMircd
It SSAI.K-larjco h i y ( lrMt teainr"For
FO particulars addri'Si , 0. ll Mlllir , Hoi 'S3 ,
nr cill nt residence , N. I' , corner Hurt Mid Dut-
ton. Low o' fccond addition.
A span of jontitr her < e , uclpht
roKHAliK matched ; sultablu for earrlajre or
ilraft p'jrix > .sii. Can bo ( ecu At 13J3 North 16th
street & 5.S-10'
8A'jK A mnll orpine , II. W , P.iyne i
FOR ' make. In perfect oader. Imiulro of II.
O. Clark fe Co. _ 3B-tf
Tjion SALE A epnn of ponies , bust ? ) ' and Imr-
JL ? ncm ; biirjr } ' n. most new. Apply at the
Caledonian Baleen , U. P. block , 10th h't. ! TC4-tf
T710K SALE Lease and furniture of a tint-doss
JD hotel In a town of 1300 Inhabitants , In fcUto
of Nebraska ; his 24 beds ; the tra\ cling men's re-
rori. Inquire ntllKE office. 218-tt
T71OK SAI.K Maps of Douglas aiid brv ) ' coun-
JJ tle . A. lO3EWATEUiri20F ! rnh m street
TjlOIl SAI.K A new all leather top side-bar
JJ I'hacton with spring cushion and b&ck. atV. .
E. Oratton'n carrU e top manufactory 314 , S.
ICth st. hot , Farnham and llarncj. 707-tf
SALE A farm of eighty acrca , In good
repair , Good house , 22xUO nnd ell 14x10 ,
small orchard of bearing ; trci-8. Ono mile south
of Ona\va Llty , Iowa , on S. C. & P. U. H. Will
giro time on part If u [ shed. Address K. II. Scare ,
Omaha , Neb. alDdtfa3lwl
SAI.K Neat house and full lot , 12 blocks
FOIl l . 0. at $900. JIII.N I. . McL'Aouic ,
712-tt Opp. I'ostotlk-o.
S.U.E Fine pfock farirrb ? 400 ncrcs
F ted IIOIIEC , cattla shed , orclmnl ic. , Hn
In easy roach of railroad. Trice , $4500 , mr
thno nt U % . JOHN L. McCAOUU , Opn. i'ost
Olllcc. . dli-lf
iOIt SAIiK Xcat cottaje nnd pooil lot at
F 81160. JOHN L. McOrtOUK Opp. ! ' O.
AND LAND lienils rent * hoiisen.
HOUSES , hotels , farms , low , latuN , cllieea *
rooms , etc , See Ut page ,
iOKSALE Good house w Ith four room- and
F half lot , No. 2013 between ! > i > tli and
27th street. Good ucll and tJirula tr.-ca ; hou o In
KOoiHonditlon. Inquire on premises * . " 21-tf
TTilillini.hAS Anu Bnujois rcpMrea toy U.
U SCHUTT llth and Faniwn its. 7SOtf
WANTED NotIrssth-Hi elKhtrooms ;
HOUSE be north of l.ucn | > rt street , fos-
tea-Ion by October ISth. Address J. H. H. , U.
I' . Central Ticket office. 030-15
man , Greek und Latin. Pi of. Henry W.
Meek , 1010 California St , 900-oc8
has rattling lon li < tn of honici , lots
BKMIS and farms for bale Call and get
AT SHIS. n. R OLAHKC'S No. 1 Hoard
CALL House , cor. ISth and Podge tita. Deal
In Hin city. fflO-tf
T > K.MI8' IIEALKATATE IJOOM. beeIht pa o.
I" TT7IIiKIIl Manufactoiy of paper
> J. Jj. > V bo\i" * , 140S Karnhunttrcct ,
Omaha , Ncl > . -v"'J-utH-fct
ONE haUnjr work fora type writer con
ANY accommodated by telephoning the JIK
ollloe. 4i-3 tf
, on or addre- I'ottcr * Palmer , -10 South
GALI street Coifncll liluffj , loM , for rail-
roiil tickets ca t , weit. north nnd south. Chicago
SIO.OO Hound trip SIO.CO Unrv ticket ( '
anteul , and tlckc-U lioujht , told and exchanged
luii'l 7-1 in
F011TU.NK ' | ) ast iirc" < cnt. nnd future In love
and all alTalri. She repeals the dcipcst ecrets
the heart , hlie posted the magnetic ) < ou cr to ful
nil nil your wkhtn. Call at No. 1U10 Chlcaijo
street , near 10th. au , { 10-tf
' JJKWCITY MAl'rf.ESc. See 1 il pM ;
'IIAKKS UP A rud cow. Owner can have the
JL same by pro\liij { property and paying
charges , FRANCIS jOlllli\H , Saunden and
Griie St-i. nu24.ov
B lut
T IIKt'.K or four young men can be accomicoda-
JL ted with bo < ud. llcferem ut exchanged. Ap-
> ly 2011 Cora street , 4th door west of 20th St , ,
oraddrcua Itox 3J7 , postoIi ( . _ 313vf _
. IinOWN-Corner 12th and Chliaiso
. ( tri-ctD , Is ready to bore or deepen ell .
Utlafactlon ifiiaranUed. 603tf
j-\ ONT FOIIOET The Bucccsnors 01 the Amer-
JL/ lean KoiiBO , on Douglas ttrea , between Oth
and 10th , for board , loJi'lnif and transient cus-
5H4-tf JULIUS r f.nriSK FOBS.
TIONAUhT , 403Tenth Street , lietnien r.Kiiliam
and llaincy. Will , ltli tno aid of ( .uarrlan
eplrltii , obtain for any ono a trlanco at the pant
and pro-cut , and on ceitaln londltmns In llu > fu-
uro. Il. oU ami Shoes mudo to order. I'crfocl
Katltfactlon euarantccd , uu20.ini
Absolutely Pure.
tltd i frqm Grape Cream Tartar. No other
ftrpatlon inaktt uch light , llaly hot bnads.
uxurloun loatry. Can ! caitn by ly pei > tto
1trout fear of tholll * rttultlm ; train hcaiy InJl
'Cittbia food. Sold n.-.iy In cant , bv all Ororctf
NCM Vcrk ,
1 0. r * . Qoodiuau i.