Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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A Most Interesting Newi
' Budget from the Terminus
of the Overland Iouto (
„ "Utah's History nt Last Finding
Its Way Into Print and
Public Notice.
Sorions Accident to n .Former Ties-
Idcnt of Omnlm ami Other
ITrcsli Information-
Corrc'p'jndcnfe of The Ucc.
Onticx , Utnli , September 5. The
' history of Utah nnd the prominent
men nnd woman who hnvo occupied
positions nnd nro closely identified
with the territory has never been fully
collected. The two distinct factions
in society here hns mndo it n very
difficult task for nny ono individual to
give to the public such n history of
events nnd persona without doing in
justice to Bomo nnd fnil to do full
justice to others.V. . E. Tullidgo , is
A gentleman of fine literary ability ,
who has had fine opportunities of
.gathering statistics nnd historical facts
in the territory during the past few
years. Ho wns n member of the
Mormon church , nnd of such high
standing that ho is very familiar with
all the church history , while his tin-
Bocintion with non-Mormons hns nlso
uddcd to his store of knowledge
Ho is now nn npost.ato < u
, the church. Seeing the necessity
of preserving the literature nnd
history of the territory in n pormnn-
out form , ho began the publication of
a quarterly , called "Tullidgo'a Quar
terly. " Three numbers hnvo boon
issued , and the fourth is now going
through the prosj. All the press work
is done in Salt Laku , except the fine
ntool engravings which nro executed in
Philadelphia. Thoau nro portraits of
individuals , nnd of buildinga nnd
scenery , nil of n local nature. Tim
cost of thcso engravings for each
number aggregates from ono to two
thousand dollars , nnd the magazine is
the largest magazine published in
America having 200 pages in each
number. . The fact that this enterprise
hns proved successful , when it was
started by n man without n dollar to
invest , speaks of indomitable energy
tack nnd porsovoranco.
An important event of the past
week , was the starting of n stamp mill
_ nenr the city to reducu the gold ores
of the Silver Chief mine. Nearly ono
hundred ladies nnd gentlemen went
up to sec the atoam turned nn , nnd
the event was celebrated by cheers ,
feasting and flowing of champaigno.
The enterprise will bo wntchod closely ,
nnd if good divManda como to the
OWnorfl 6f the property , next yenr will
BCD the hills near this city swarming
with moil engaged in mining. But
to Ogilen the past cok wns the da
cision arrived at by the Union nnd
Central Pacific railway officials at a
conference held hero. Plans were
submitted and adoplod for now depots ,
I hotels and all the bxildingit required
at the junction of roads , These
I buildings are to bo very elaborate ,
and constructed of stone , brick and
iron , so ns to bo of the most perma
nent character. Ogdun lias Buffered
greatly in her prosperity because the
roads wore content to gut along
with a lot of wooden depots nnd
ofllces which would hnvo been n dis
grace to nny of the prominent eastern
lines for oven their most insignificant
stations. This is nil to bo remedied
now , nnd nil doubt as to this being
the permanent junction has boon re
moved. Work is to commence as soon
as the grounds can bo laid out nnd the
plans maclo in detail. The disastrous
fire last May , which uwopt nway the
freight depots nnd ofllcos , has preyed
u , bloB-jing to Ogden in hastening the
erection of these needed improve-
inoiits. Our present passenger depot
is BO inferior , nnd is located so far to
one side of the city , that it gives our
town a bad name to the overland pas
has boon made the point from which
troops nnd supplies leave the railway
10 co to Fort Thornbiirgh , the now
military post on the Uintuh reserva
tion , wlioio the Uintnh nnd White
Jliver Utt-s nro now placed. The
distance fiom Park City is
about 150 miles , over good
loads now being prepared. The yiuld
' of the Ontario null at Park Oily aver
ages nearly § M)00 ) daily m silver bul
lion , and for the month of August it
reached nouly $250,000. Tlio ma
chinery lor the Cornish pump to bo
placed 'n the now shaft is arriving
from the west , nnd will bo the largest
over used in America , The engine
has n cylinder capacity four inched in
diameter and is calculated to work the
pump to u depth of 2000 foet. The
pump rod will bo composed of iiumivu
'timbers from 40 to 70 fcut long and
24x20 inches. They nro brought from
Last Saturday n man by the nninn
of Jnmea Murray , \utliusorious
accident at Uintnh station on the
Union Pacific , nine miles east of
Ogden , nnd brought hero for treat-
inuht. Ho is n young man ngud >
yunra and lived for Buvural yenro in
Omaha , part of the timu ns mcsaencor
" boy in tiio car department of the U.
P. whops , His half brother , Thomas
II. Dniloy is clerk for Gco. A ,
Slovens , master car builder nt Oinuha.
, Murray was in the net of getting on a
box car while the train was in motion ,
when his light foot slipping froin the
011 box , wont under the wheel and was
BO mangled na torcquiiu amputation
at the instep leaving the hrcl yet
good. Dr. A. B , Condon , assisted by
l > r , M , Jonufl , performed the amputa
tion and Murray is getting along well.
Ogden in its mortality test miikos a
fine allowing for health. Tlio number
ofgdeath * the past eight months of
this year allows an average of between
eight and ton per month. August
.n . up to ten deaths , nine of which
were children nn'lcr six years of ngc
This for n city of 7,000 people innkci
a fine showing , but because of tin
I'xcessivo hcnt find ( ho fruit nbund
unco , tlioro ! ms keen inoro eickncsi
than tmiml during the montli. li
Salt Lake City the death list for An
gust numbered 101 , of which nutnbci
nixly-tlueo were little children.
Tlio bathing in Great Salt Lnko hm
been very fine this season and Imi
been indulged in by nn unusual nunv
bcr of person1 ? . JIlss Nclllo llrnckon
of Omaha , bccamo strangled in the
Inko the other dny , and in the rescue
caused considerable excitement nmonu
the bathers , ono of whom , Ifr. Sliull ,
also of Oinnhn , getting too mucli
brine in his mouth and losing n vnlu <
able ring from his finlrcr.
Congressman E. K. Yalontine , ol
Nobraikn , is now visiting Utnh willi
his wifo.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Editor's Vacation.
llio society editor Kilt in Ills clmlr ,
1'eriiilrliujiy brcnthlnj ; the hot sultry ntr ,
Anil of " | Msr onnli" writing n column urim
About tolkg nha Imd gonu and othera
To tlio summer resort" , to tno motintalnt
nnd hills ,
To the breezy old ( .ca , or cool woodland
So ho wrote tlmt Miis Onih had gene with
tonic more
To summer nt Newport nndhcnrthe wnvci
roar ,
While younc Mr. Otish la away at Watch
Hill ,
"Whcro h also the well-known belle , Mlsa
Mory Prill. "
"Ml * * 13ir ! ixncl Miss DafT have ( -one to the
lakcH ,
Mlai Buff to the country ( bcwaro of the
Btiakcn ) ,
irfax , McDougnll nnd 1'alrick
McGcoto Long Branch to bntho in tha
Ko wrote n lot nmrc , tlicn thli editor sore
Laid down hlit lead i > encll ntut vilently
"I ! t hero nnd sweat get no thinks formy
While people po-JSOMCil of tnoro money than
( ! o off to thoto placc.i , nre hanpy and cool ,
Leaving mo here ( it work ilo they think
me n fool ?
I've got lots of passe * , but hero I must
stay ;
1'or the paper will milter If I go away. "
Then he looked at the colling , frowned
down nt the floor.
Made a dead-center shot in the old cuspa-
dore ,
Then jumped to Id * feet and excitedly
nald :
"I'm Kohif ; , nor care if It costs mo my
head ;
I fenr not the boss , or his fierce indlgna-
natlon ,
Ho surely can't kick if I take a vacation. "
A d , without preparation , nanscollnr.tans
Hook ,
lie took his \acatlon ho walked 'round
the block.
Spnni'Ji lace Is still the height of fash-
Shirring will bo used to PNCJSS thu
A fenmlo hntchor h ono of the ctiriosi-
ics of Alum , Minn.
New dull shades of color nre copied from
nllipio iiorco'nin.
New IVcnch drc sci nrocry narrow ns
o the Hklrt , nnd boffantnBto tlio back.
Southern Iwllosnt Sarntojjn eat sugar on
cucumber * . They prefer their crnmi > n
Girls with htilr of n roscnto hue are
again fnshtonablo nnd etill they hata to
bo called rctl-lieadea.
AH the season ndvnnccs black voh et or
brooho jnokotn bodies will bo inuclj' worn
uver cotton and natcon sklrtn.
Wiilo-faccd Indies make a tnietnko In
wearing cloue-brinnned bonnets with broad
Muring strings tied under their chin.
The weather IB warm and the moon ia
nround again , and the young tnnn at the
front gate U given his girl taffy by the
yard by the door-yard.
The latest xtocklngt wo read of nro of
three or four colon. Thin ought to inaka
n muddy crossing glisten like n ruinbow.
[ Philadelphia Chronicle-Herald.
Southern girls will not work in cotton
factories , and there is a loud call at At
lanta , Augu ta , and other places nouth ,
for female operatives from the north ,
White stockings are totally out of taxli-
ion , nnd ladies who dUliko high colored or
blight striped hose wear those of palo
silver gray , mastic , palo lilac or black.
A pretty novelty Is n tiny bird In the
form of a brooch for fastening laco. A
humining'blnl's brilliant plumage , with
its changing linen , forms ono ot these orna
ments ,
Flexible cloth , na the elastic clotn is
now called , is being much used for Nor
folk jacket ) , which nro made without
plaits , nnd for close-littlnt' out-door
Very elegant gimps , silk-covered greloU ,
cordri , Usseln , beaded nppliquo bands nnd
agtiifos mo displayed , whlcii are to form
ono of the richest dress trimmings to bo
worn during the tall and winter.
I'hrnh will ho more in voyiio than ever
for full and winter wo. It will not only
shnro n prominent part in millinery , wrapt
and coitumoj for. out-door ear , but will
obtain | limo importance in robes of ccru-
Artificial HoworH uro moio and more ox-
qnlsito. ItoHoii nro undoubtedly the fnu > rItes -
Ites par excellencennd the homely cabbngu
rows , called in Franco roue du rol , have
been moru affected by 1'nriulaiiH than any
other floral treasures ,
Oatilch plume * , always hnndsnmo Imvu
n new clmrm added this Kea < in long
plumch In dark , rich line * , with n few fila
ments near the end * dyed In biiuht gold ,
red. or some light shade , which bUtcsout
on the dark ground.
There are more flowers than jewels n'un
nnumg tla | poetical and pIctureHijuo toilets
which nro worn this season , nnd not tn
many years ha\ufiwhioiiublu Indloi appear
ed moro appropriately nud charmingly nt.
tired than at the present time.
Walking jnckels for young ladles have
nkli U added entirely mound the hips In-
ktcad of only in front , and the throe
teams that form the KnglUh back mo
eloped to meet In a point voverul Inchon
bvluw the waist , \\horo tlio ektrt is luldt'd.
Six Nevada wldonn , each worth o\er
§ : ! 00,000 , , hnvo formed n compact and
solemnly agrvvd to take no itivii. but
I'dltors fur hiiabnndii , < icntlemcn , u\on In
tlm daiKext hour wu IIUMJ thick to It that
things would work out all right in the
A sen lblo nnd much-ncedud iiucntlon ,
and ono which it i > cems ktrangw has not
bcfoio fulled In play the mechanical Inj/o-
unity nf Yunkudaml , Is leportcd from
Ithlca , N. Y. an cnr-rlns that It adjust
ed without piercing the car and Inllrcts no
pnin ,
"Yen. You Jlay Kiss Me. but Don't '
You 'Jill IV is the Utlvof tholatirt
kong , U isory evident that this girl was
not iiddressliiif n Chicago young man. .In
tliu frv'o mul boundlufS Wvt the boju
never t ll pa. 1 n this nectlon the old men
all \\uar box-tood lioots ,
Hllvtr jewelry , buckles and buttons nio
very much n la IIKK.IC und will show \ cry
offecllrely over tha durk dresses of the
full ti'iuon. Sller chatehilncH u ith n nail-
tlpllclty of l > relnriui4 ! in the nhnpo of unj-
Hials , Insects , tiny rlllea , mallet * , arrow * ,
nnd oars , nro again In favor ,
1'ackct-hnndkorclilefii have become quite
fcaluu'i In n IM\V \ > * tolletto. Duliitycoliirwl
bonlow , > vlth either embroidered or golfer-
od edges , iiro now lint pooping out of the
jnclict bodlvc , while for isvculiif the tiniest
of cnmbrlc i mirrnundcd with fill-
Inu , find h " < ime thn"i fastened fit the
side of the skirt Just below the wniit.
Xccklcts nro. now worn nf gold plftquei
nfter KlniH-an dc i n > ; there ard CTCWM .1
la .Tcaiin tto in IMiiiio \ tbblei nnd in jar-
Ron mounted in * lhcr , trinkett In nmn-
thj4n ironi AjuorRiic , silver filnji-eoi from
TtinN , Cnmfirna cnameh , gulden berries
from the Antllle , nnd c\cn gln i onia-
mcnU from Venice , Imitation pearls of nl
color * . A chxrinlnH bracelet , called "the
week's happine , " coml < t < of oven pole
thrcaih bound together with small cn.imel
td trefoils
The "Amphora' ' U Ihcnantoof n Miperb
fan , which nerves to rfiluco the fitmos-
ithcrio tcmpcratnro for a wealthy Oflll-
fnrnla Indy now i > umuicrlng nt Hnr.ito .i.
The fnn was brought from the Orient niu :
coit $1,000. It ii circular In chape , niu
the tickn nro of molher-of.pearlj studdec
ulth tiny diainonifo and rubies. The
Intcnticet nrc of whit'1 jiolnt laoe , will
imlo cnmcK-tiiited medallions , A ca tl.\
Imndkcix-lilef of the name Ince li carrlci
with the fnn. The husband of the lady Is
said to bo worth moro than $6,000,000.
I'nncy fcnthcri thN Kcnson nrc moio t'or-
gcoiuly beautiful than over. The golden
pheu'nnt. bird of pnrailUc , linpeynn , lo-
} ) hoiihnae nnd peacock njipcar 'n their own
hrlht | liucx , wlillc art innken all manner
of radiant combinations from dyed feathers.
Duck's iilumago In the natural colors is
wrought into t'\iui ito feather bauds ,
while the nofI black feathers of the cock
give nn effect Ilka tlmt of thick plunh or
short , fine fur. lo\oi' brcanti with the
head nttnchcd nud the plumage of the
guinea-fowl nrc quite enough In their beau
ty to iilen o n Quaker , Feather turbans
again appear , ml an effective trimming if
shown , two wings on the ! dci.'mcctlngnt '
the back , while long , soft fcathcM falling
from the front cover the crown of the
vehct-covercd ftamo which forms the
There nrc y."i,103 , 1'rcsbj tcrliuw in New
llnglnnd ,
A rovi'cd addition of I.iithcr'a lilhlo In
German U bo Issued for criticism
and amendment.
The .TiO Shaken ( twn-thhxh women ) in
the Knfield , N. JI. , KcUlcmont hnvo ( iron-
erty valued nt § 1,300 for each person.
Itcport IIOH It that lilshop .SpaUling
quietly inaltln. : promintioni to ertct n
miKiiificcnt cathedral on hU property on
Madison and Fulton utreetH , 1'coria ,
Of the delegates from thl ; United States
to the conference In London ,
fourteen are LMmps eixty-pei en nro doc
tors of < livjmtyimhhirty-fonriui ! colored ,
A Boston man wanted to give the Ann
Arbor Unitarian clinicli a two thousand
pound bell , but thay were to economical in
their plain tlmt they have no place to put
their iicll.
The incro.ilo of contribution in the last
year among AlaSim.i IJ.ipllsti was . " 0 per
cent for Homo Alixxlou , fiO per cent for
State MhniniiH , and 100 per cent for For
eign MNiIom.
The Seventh clmrch c-ingresi of the
1' chinch in tlioUnited
St lies will lie held In the city of l'ni\i-
dunce ; It. L , commencing on Tuesday ,
October 25.
The prcachcn triinsferred from ono con-
fcrenco to anothci in the Mothodut Jpia- !
copal church , dm ing the last conference
year , numliered only 28(1 ( , or ono in eighty-
three of the effective Hat.
The Congressional Union of Nova. Sco
tia and Now Jirnnswlek is composed of
t\\cnty-onu churches , eighteen of which
are in Novn Seoti.i. Thc-u churches are
nearly nil of Newllnglaiul oiin'in.
The Welsh Ciilvhmtic Mcthndipt associ
ation , at its recent meeting .it Bowlai' ,
passed resolution * deprecating the at
tempted murder of PruJident ( jaifield , and
expressing Hympnthy with him in his sore
af Diction.
Afr. MooJy nnd his family , including a
Miw. jMooJy ami another relative ,
will Bail for JCiiglnnd on the "tth instant.
Mr. Sankey , with llr. Uonar nnd other * ,
will sail on the 10th. They expect to bo
gene two yearn or more , nnd to labor moat
of the tinio in Scotland mid the northern
[ iurt of Europe.
The ninth tiicunial conference of Young
Uen'rt Christian AHiociationn of nil lands
not In London , July 90. About 500 dele-
; atcs , representing nearly 3,000 nssocin-
.ioiic , nttcndcd. Ono of the most impor-
.ant addresses was made by the carl of
Slmftenbury , who was the first predidcnt
nn association of tills kind. *
The communicants of the Scotch Free
church number ubout L > .10,000of the United
ftboiit 172,000 , nnd of the ICsUblished
vlxnit 500,000 , other Presbyterian divisions
about 100,000 , making the round number
of Presbyterian communicants in Scotland
mo million , nnd i-liouing that tnoiu than
; lnco-fourthi ) of the population are in Proa-
jytcrlau famllicH.
An ICnglish Kitlnc < ) ] ) alian editor has
written to the Bishop ol Liverpooliniew
of his hospitality to ilinrtcnters , ( Wexloynu )
in n latu uccablon , whether he thinkx
them "us competent to cclebrato the Ku-
< incl treatment which John Wesley nnd
ils people recci\ed fium the Church of
ICngland last century , and nftcr the good
work they hnvo done , I shall never lies- !
Ma to treat them with respect. "
Win. McUartnoy , 88 Lloyd street ISuIfn-
o , N. Y. , fell nnd npralncd hi * ankle.
Ilia employer , II , Andemon , ill Main
street , proem ed gomo of ThoinoH1 Klcctric
Oil , nnd ho Kayn that n few applications
enabled him to go to work ns usual ,
Voi-j' otton wo aeo a person stiller-
ing fiotn Bonio form of kidney coin-
plaint antl is fjiiulually dyin 1 > J'
nohcs. Thin no longer need to bo KO ,
for Electiio llitters will positively
niro liright's dioenso , or any disease of
: ho KidnuyH omriniiiry organs. They
nro ospccinlly tulipted to this class of
Uncases , acting directly on the
Stomach and Liver at the snnio time ,
uul will speedily ptno where cvoiy
other remedy him failed. Sold at
ifty cents u hottlo , by Ish it Mo.
Muhon. (3 (
EDy KXOVN. \ .
Dr. King's Kow Discovery for Consumption -
sumption is certainly the great out
medical remedy over placed witliin the
reach of auiroving hmnanity. Tlion-
< andi of once holnleRs snlleicrs , now
ondly pioclaini their piiiiso for this
wondernd discovery to which they
owe their lives. Not only does it posi-
.ivoly euro Consumption , but Con lis ,
2olds , Asthma , Drouchitis , Jlay
I'ovor , Hoai'sonoBS nnd all alloctiona of
the Thio.xt , Cliest and Lungs yields
it once to its wonderful curative pow
er an if by nmgic. Wo do not ask you
o buy u largo bottle unlosa yon know
what yon nso gutting. Wo thuruforu
earnestly rciuiost yon to call on your
diarists , Ihii it JloilAHON , and got n
iiial Imttlo free of cost which Mill con-
> ! nco tlio most Bliopticnl of ita ondur-
'itl niciits , and show you what n re u-
ar ono dollar aim bottle will do. For
sulo by Ish & MuMnhon. (4) )
tlm Vu > tf t etlllnsr Ilook of tin
Fouudsilions of Success ,
Tlio l w ol tuJt , lejii fnrnii , how to r n .
nt bui.w | . liui | ublrt , io < ial ttl < | ueu * ,
MdlMnciiUnr luoae , bow to cnuduct uubllc
biUnpu ; iDl.ctltNnooinDlttoUaida to Hue.
i j fur 'l ' IUwi * A Umily n ce J y. Adilrou
0i HiVn" " 'iJpfltr.l511' ! Noifoft run-
UUUlt.O U , St tuuif , JJo.
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
lackwho , Soreness of the Ghost ,
Gout , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swell
ings and Sprains , Burns and
, Scalds , Gonaral Bodily
Pains ,
_ . . ; , Ear and Headache , Frosted
Foot and Ears , and all other
Pains and Achos.
tU. reparation on rth fquali Sr. .tiros ! On
M a tafr , ttrrr , tlmpl" ntid chrap Exttrik )
BimrJr. A trial ntall but lh comparatlrtlj
trtlliig outlay of SO Ont , nnd erery onsatilfer-
Inst wTlh pdn can hare cheap anil poaltlrt nrool
cJ Itt cl.tltni. It' . .
IMrfctloni In Eltren LunpiagM V (
A. VOGELER & ; CO. ,
The Greatest Tariety
Prices so L077 as Defy
Any Honest Competi
tion at
OnParnham Street.
SEPTEMBER , in , 1881 :
The iirnlc'rnliecl | ; ] will public auction to
the lihli < Mt blddi r or hidden , at thonlioto nun-
tlonid tliuo aiU'i > ! acc , the . ( ollowinjr property ,
\\i \ : ,
Ono (1) ( ) corn sliellcr , four (4) ( ) cultlintora , ( l\o
hnnJrcd (5JO ( ) fence IKJ.IM , ono (1) ( ) grain drill
nnihlnory aid oiiRlno ol steam grUt and saw
mill , ( our (41 ( horses , onol ) mulu four M ) liar-
roAs , onalKrlnd9tone ( , ono ( I ) hon > o rake , ono
(1) ( ) mow Ing machine , four (4) ( ) mow en ) and rcap-
ori , Illtcon (15)stirring ( plows , ten (10) ( ) nhoi '
p'owe , twenty (20) ( ) bedsteads , forty (40) ( ihnlrd.
c'iidl ) coot tnc , Iho ( fthcatlni ; to > c . oljtht
(8) ( ) tab cs , ono (1) ( ) U'iUuck'r , fifteen (16) ( ) hogn ,
etc. etc.
Sale to cnnnenio at 10 o'c'ock , a in.
Terms null. .
11 } order of Dcpartmo tof Interior.
I. M. IURKK8 , Auctlonrcr ,
Otoo Agency , htiitcmbcr 3,1831 ,
Sept. 4 , dCt.
Propoiali for Laying Sewer Pipe and Doing
the Nec stary Grading and Other
Work for the Same.
Omen Of CITY CLKHK , 1
OMAHA , Ncii. , Kcjit- , l dl. /
Sealed proponalmill be reiehcil at the office
ol the undcnilgiK'd up to 12 m , of Tuesday , Hep-
h , 1631 , for tlio laying of pli >
ol all noecM-iry irrailli'K , fcliorlnj , ' and oilier
I'oiijiottul with tliutninc , * per i > ccllUatlon In
tlio City hiiKlneer'n Olilro , In part or for thu rn
Uroork ; bldn to specify ratm for work on tcp-
arato lines , na follous :
Ij ) ln | { of phn'u\ti atlnr ! mul ro'Hllnjrof 4 , . ' .00
Int. inoroor leaf , boiur line on Alley , butuccn
lknto ; nnd Douijlaa Dtructa , from Tucntleth
ktuUoaMt to main tvntr.
Lajlujfof pipe , oxoiiallnK anil rodlllnp 4,000
[ itt , moru or Itsi.of ll-lnilm wer luooniillcy.ljc-
tuttn Uouplas and rarnhain utrict- , from Nine
teenth street last to jnuUlonol nmln vcMer.
I uj hu ' 4 , ( ( XfCi.t ) , nioruur Ks , of 0 Inch te or
| ih > clth ncoti'iiry cxui\atlon anil rifHllnv , on
ille > bitHVdi I'arnhain ml Harncy strectt , from
jcuntccnth btrc'tt cat to main line of newer
I.njlii'ol3&lOfet'tolO ( Inclilplnomoroo lessaiul
nciisKiry oxcaintlnn anil nllllliiK. on the alley
littu oen Ilarnoj and How ard street * , from fe\-
cnttinili btrcet i.vst to > c er line. Al o laUni ;
ofl.TUOftet motu or les,8 , of 15 nnu 10 Inch
main * , tvipcr plinn nnd u Itlratloni , from a
[ Kilnt near thu foot of Dodge to tbo rl > ir.
All bids tola auomra'ifi-il by boinli In the
win of Iliethonmx d dollam , a * mruty for tha
'altMul iKrloniianeoot the vurk herein aihcr-
Uicl It nwnnlul.
Tliu iluht to reject any or nllbldj U hereby ro-
tcricii 1. J. U JKVfKVf ,
lit Oily 0 I'lk.
1880. SHORTJ.INE , 1830 ,
SUoeKouncil Bluffs
19 TIIR 0\'W
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
Prom Omaha and the West.
s'o tlianfo of c&ra bctv\ en Omaha and b.
anj but ona ) > ctucuti OMAHA ud j
Daily PassengerTrains
C1I Altfl ES end IN ADVANCK of ALL ]
Tlilj entire line U c < iuippod with Pullmxn't
i'alauj Blocplnj Ourt , TaUco lay Coacht * . illller1 *
ulttv riAtlorm and Coupler , and the celebrated
> Vctliisliouw > Atr-broka.
tdTKt-o tint jour tlckot rvAili VIA n AN 8 AS
cirv , sr. JosEi'ii & COWNCII. ULUWS iuii.
toad , via St. Jturph and ht. I uls.
TlektU for aalo at all couion stations In tli
Wrat. J. ? . UAIUJAKD ,
A C. DAWES , Ocn. Supt , , Bt. Jojeph , ilo )
dtn. 1'aw. and Tl kut Agt , Bt. Jontpli , Mo. J
. AJ.UT lioxuits , Ticket Agent ,
1020 ramliam tn t.
II ) an duller troni Ij ] > cp3l , 1130
II ) ou nro nllllitctl with Illllon ne , mo
nuiitiocic IILOOI )
IIou , are prostrated with sick Ihmhclio , taVo
iiunuoci ; ULOOM iimnis
II jour Bonclinrc disordered , re/ulato them nltli
llo r niood Is Impnrf , purlly It ulth
K m.oo niTTKits
lljeil lm\o Inillgcitlon , } ou III nnd an antidote
II > ounro trontilcdHi \ Spring Comjilnlnts , cr
ndlctkto tlicm nith DUtmoCIC IILOOI ) HIITHHS.
If jour I.hcrln torpid , restore Itto healthy action
ith iJUUbocK KLoon inmus. :
It jour I.h or li affected , jon 111 nnd a sure ro-
( toratUolii IJUItDOCK 11LOOU IHTTEtlS.
II jou Inxonnj' epcclcs of Humor or I'lmplc , fall
If j on h'ru o any njinptoms of Ulcers or Scroltiloun
Sores , ncuratho remedy 111 lo ( ouiul In
For Imparting strength nnd vitality totliosjs-
teni , nothing ran equal
For Nerous nnd General Debility , tone up the
Price , SI , 00 per Dottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Ctj
FOSTER , MILBUEN. . & Co , , Props ,
' BUTFAIiO , N. Y.
Snld nt wholesale l > y Isli & 2tcMnhon nnd C. F ,
Goodman. Jc 27 e d-rae
1422 Doufflaa St. , Near 15th.
Before removing
their new
Will sell their stock of
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
Established 11 Years ,
Asset Iteprospiitoil
Uuho. U.o .
i vfm Ul twwPvn-r
My house and furniture U insured with
' "
Oor Hth
C. F. Manderson ,
2 FurcbAin St , Oaiaiia N
SiBM Hi * ' IWi V0 &t&i
Wo desire to call the special attention ot the trndo to our
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets nnd Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovorshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts ,
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
Jv IS mo
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Farnhain St. , Omaha , Neb.
Conslsnmcnts made us HI rccch o prompt attention. Inferences : Stnto Dank , Omaha : Phlt
& Co. , lUltlmoro ; Peck & Batuhcr , Clileaito ; il. Werk & Co. , Cincinnati.
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west.
IB1. O.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
GupsAmmunitionSportmg Goods
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne
The Largest Stock and Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West
We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil
cloths , Slatting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
1313 Farnliam St. ,
W fiiV S t u * 0 IWWeiixl ]
Dealer in Hardware ,
Stove Eepairer , Jol ) Wortor aid lannfacturer
ft.ffardcxiiross csx *
Tenth and Jackso" Q * - - Omaha , Neb