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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1881)
HE OMAHA * Y ELEVENTH YEAB. OMAHA , SATURDAY MOftNTNOSEFTEHIBBll 10/1881 , JSTO68 HEAL BARGAINS -AT tfffBBHTHlHDJDOUQLASBK , , No 1 L t on llirncy street , nwr nc < v cour No a Lot on OVM street near S2 < 1 , 82SOO. KoS Lot on CaltornU utrcct ncxir 22J.SIWW , No D Lot on Hare- street near U. t' . depot , J1200. No 0 1 block In Slit I m's 3J addition near Con tut , SbK ) . , ' No 8 Two loti .on . Dooitur near Cninpucll SU , S700. NolO-SloV on Colfnx ettcot ncir eon ' : I'ark , nt roatonablo iiricvs. ' 100 cliilco rcsiilcuco lotx In Credit roticlcr Ami 7. 1 * . anil 11. & II. iK > p.toptkcs fronr $1X ( > .np ; \rnrOa. ISIaU on 21 t. 22(1 , 23 J aivl Bitn.ilcn strrstH , north ol ami o-lJolumK > - V. bmitlfs addition , JlOO ; tcnna eo. > y No 03 Full corner lot on Douglas utroot noai 10th , KSOO. No TO Corner GO\HO feet lot on DdueLM near aoixr Itth slro tJ100. No. 71 Three lotjlii Ohe'iaddlUjn ncarSann- dor street , dliNO 71 Lot nPocatur street , near Irene Shlnu'a h'r. 7.S2xW Icct on Pacific street near U. , V rti3. n , A M , depots , 5300J. , < . , No. 7 Splendid waVchouio lol TTxlSJ feck HU * < tre t near Jones , JSSOO. No 7 < J 3 loU on Hartley street near lOtli , J2000. 5To 8t Lot Id Ulse's addition near & 's'rccl , J600. ' No. 82 Lot In Olios' addition near Saunden - rtrcct. J300. No 832 Iota on' 10th near Pacific and Naif $1600. No8d--Lot on Charles ilrcet near Saundej * . 4500. 4500.No 87 Ix > t on Lcmonworth nearlBth , $1,100. No 83 Lot an Caldnull etrect near Sauudcrs No 8 ! > Lot on Chicago near J'2d street , (1500. No 90 Lot on IHonJo near Camubcll street 76. 31 loU In Mlllttdi & CaldwcH'g addition , Blicr- > mnnm nuo , lath street , .Spring , Hamtogn and J'lorcnco strceU , 6700 and ujmards. No 122 2 lota on ISth street , near Poppteton's nov residence , SI COO. Nc 123 Lot 71x310 feet on Sherman ( .venue , 16th street , $1100 No 124 4 loU en Dollenio street , near shot tower , SSOto i76'cnch. No 125 Full block on Clinton utrcet , near shit tower , ? SO to S75 each. No led Lot on ISUi street , no = J white lead works , 8325 , No ' .27 2 lots , Si acres near lirad of St. Mary's avenue , on reid to Park , g.1500. No 129 Lo on California near Crcljiitoii Ool- ccc , 8375. No lai ) I loU near new government corral , S2J vt07J acres eacli. jatW. No 101 Lot In ( lino's addition on Cameron St. near SuundcrJ , uiako an oiler. No. ItiO Lot In OUo's nddltlon on Cosjlua St. , near State , malu an offer. No 102 Lot in OUa'sadditlon on Ca slm near SaundeM , make an Oder. No 10J t block In Royd's adilltlon addition Dear Omaha UarracLs , make an offer. Noldt-71oUln Henry b Shelton's addition near hi h school , price from & 125Q upward. 170 Lot on I'adllc Etrcut , near IStli , inakc an 'tflor. 'tflor.No 171 2 lots on Webster street , near 21 t , * oth * JiwO or S2000 for corner and S18W ) for In- da. da.No 17.1 i lot on Cnosncar Hth ktrcct , 51000 > No 176 Lot on Sncrman avenue Itth etrcct Dear Izaril , 4U1B2 , Juno. No 177 3 lots In GnndUow. inalc an offer. No 180 Lot Irt Sainn's udditjpn on nr St. , JOT end streetcar track , S52S , ' * " No 181 Two lots In Nelson's addillon , 1 on dchjftreit , 1 on Center glrret , ' ' ' ' RitnexcJi. ' No li 3 Two gilt cilfo lots on Coaa street near Slat , on a corner , feouo. No ISO Lot on Htv.xrd street , ucar Saundera , mafco an offer. No 180 3 lota an Seward street , near Irene , ruaKo an offer No 183V , lot'on Davenport near 25th$500. No lati , lot on Division near Cumins "t. , f200. No 1SSJ , Mock in IJoyd's addition , near Omaha 'barracks. elM. NolbOJ , 5 lot on Marco nearCth street , ? 5r > 0. No 19iJ , J lot on llth near Farnliam , * 2100 No 101J , 2 beautiful lots In Shinn'a addition , No'l02J , 2 lota on ISth sticet near white lead works , * 10JO. No 193J , lot on 20th Htreet near Shernian , $100 , "No " 1 ! ) J , 2 lots on 2.M street , near L'lurU , # iOlJ. ( No lOUii U beautiful lots on bounders bt. near rtruot car turn Uble , 1275. No 109J , lot on I5tli iii-or I'icjco tt. S503. No 2U1 Lot In Uisu's addition on Cameron st. , near Saundcre , V5UO. No iOJ Lot on Cameron street ncarSauudcrs. No 203 Lot in Shlnn'il addition on Baunders otruet , near street car tnrii table , JS50. No 2ul Ileuutiful lot in Nelson' * addition , 011 DIvLalon Btrccl near Cumliii , ' , Sa60. No. 205 Tw o lots oi CaatelUr btrcct , near 10th $160 $160No 203 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near the .onU uorka , Jldnu. No2ki ( Oiio-liAllIot on California street mar III 8700. No 2u'J Lot on 18th Btreot near Nicholas , SOOO. No 210 Lot on Capitol rucmio near 23dlEUO. Na 212 Lot llrfxMJO lect on Colfax street , near .nanseora I'ark , with Improvements , fc700. ! No 2ia Two acre * on Cumin : ; street , 1000. No 216 Ono-haiJ oil CalTfornm , near Ken- tned y struct , $350. No 211 ! Ueautltul lot on Hamilton street- near street car turn taolo , $1000. No 217 Lot on 23d street , near Clark. ? 500. A few acre lota only remain unsold In " 1'arK Waco" llttlo vmt or Crel hton Collegt , prices iranKliiK fiom 8276 to tfjOOvaih arid on easy terms. Lots In Uorbacli's lut and 2d additions ; also lota In 1''sShinn'fl ; Nelson's , Turracu's , K. . Smith's. Uedlck's , and nil the other additions any i > rlco an J at any terms. Ten urns In thu city limits oa tlio road to the barracks at $ a76 per acre. I'eur bc.iutifnl refldenco lots In front of CrclL'hton Collnfe ; will cut them iij to suit. Nine residence lots iiortJi of Crdijlitoii College grounds , from * 7UO toSll00 cacti. Thirty ru-ldent lots In 1'arkcrt addition , nix Woelis north of tlio end of the i-trccs car traek on Saundcrs btreet.'fJOO oacli.SlO down , UaUnto suit , at b per cent InUrost. A Jew lots loft In Terrace addition on the road to the Park , near head of St. II in's av enuu , 7v:0 : each. To thosu who Mill build a. 1200 residence , yyearattmcatSri'r tint Intert lx > tsin UUo's addition atJOt ( J$350cacli , 10 yeautliuo HO percent interest , to thosutlio 'lluio1dTouslcy4n. cro tract with "liouseand ll Improvement * , adjoining ; race course and fair grounds' forfcWOO. Tracts of 6,111,16,10,10 orSOixcrcn , ulthbull- < lln s and other liuprovtiucnUmul adjolnlny the city , at all prices. , . , , . , 3WXI ol the bust residence loti In tlio clt.v of Omaha any location you desire north , cast , oouth or west , and at bed rocU prlctai. 250cholcobuilncu lota In all the principal bus- DOSS strceta in Omaha , arylnjf horn 1100 to 47000 each. Two hundred houses anj lots runi-ln ; ; from COO to $16,000 , and located In every part of the larje number of excellent arms In Douglas , fiarpy , Snundors , Uodgo , Waahliiu'ton. Hurt , and other good counties In eastern Nebraska , 12,000 ncrc.s best lands In Douglas , 7000 acres boat lauds In Karpy county , and lar v tracts In all thu eastern tier of countlci. OverWO.OOO acres of th bout land In tlio No- raaka for sale by this agency , Verj lareo amounts of suburban property In ono to ten , twenty an. ) f jrty .acre plccen , located within one to three , ' four or flvo miles o ( the ostolllco somu very cheap pieces. . NuwMapjof Omaha , published by ncargo 1 * Ilcuili plain , unmounted maps 0 cents each ; mounted , colored and with cloth back , 81.DO IloustfVtorea , hotels , farms , lot , l ands. ollkus rooniu.ctc , , to rent or leoso. I'uxes iiafil , rents colloetcd , , mortiragcs , ind all kinds of rail eituto documents mailq out en short notice. GEO. P. BEMIS1 Eeal Estate Exchange 15th and Douglas Street , OMAHA , - - . NEB THE PRESIDENT , Encouraging Bulletins Oontinut to Oomo From Elberon , A Cool Day and Eracijjj eze Hondor the'Pot : Very Comfortable. His Condition the UXost Snilufno tory of Any Time Since Iho Khootlng. TO-DAY'S BULLETINS : OFKK'l.U , Loxn BnANcu , September l.Klbo- ) ron 8:2(0 : ( n. in. At tlio uxaiiiiiiation o vtlio prcsijlont thin inorninj ; his torn poraturo ww 1)8. ) f > , jiulso 105 , rcspir utioii 17. Tlio contUtiuu ( if tlio pin-o lid gland nndronuljV iiunroving HJo vna somewhat wftljcfnl'duriu | hc niplit bnl wni not restless mul sjopl suHiciontly. The oncnuita nnd otiinii- Imito have boon auspemlud during the p.tat thirty-six lidtira. On the \vuilc ) the past twenty-four lioura give ovi- diinco of 'favorubn ' proqrras. ( Signoc1 ! ) I * . 11. HAMILTON , D. W. Buss , ' NOON tlUUI.TlN. The president's condition continues fiTvorable. For hwniopiJ day nourish- niont ho partook , aiiiouc other thiiiRa. of wooilciick and inilk toaah. The vroathor is muph cooler. OFKIUIAL BULLETIN. ; LONO DRANI II Elboron , Boptombot 0. At the examination of the pruai- dent at 12 in. to-day , the tenip'oratiiro was t(8.4 ( , pulse 100 , respiration 17. At the evening dressing at 5UO p. m. the temperature wns (18.8 ( " , pulse 1QO , respiration 18. It is" believed , with out referring tp the records , that this is the first day since the development of Iho traumatic fever that i\\o \ \ tem perature , pulse and respiration have boon' so nearly normal and uniform throughout the critirc day. ( Signed ) F. H. HAMILTON- . D. H. AONCW. TEN P. M. BULT.KTIN- . The favorable condition Qf < hi } r > resid6nt , according to all rqp rts ? ' jontinues unallaypd to tin's * hour. I'ho febrile riao is very slight ' thus : ar. IN'U'rt 11UITCTIN. The following yvas sent by Secretary lllaino to Miniator Lowell , London. ' 'Tho medical rdportnro all favorable - able to-day , at inormng , noon and light : Tlio pi-esidont has not for nany weeks done so well for so many conservative hours. Ho hai had vorj' little fever ; his respiration hag ) eon normal and his pulse has not ex ceeded 100. Ho lias slept without opiates and gained strength without stimulant , liis lights are not so roatfjil as could bo desired , but in twenty-four hours "ho gets sufficient TjOyi The weaUi'i-i cnntiniioj sultry and oppressive. "ftiGcli iH"Kbpo < rff rom the clear , bracing air hero at this season. ( Signed ) fir. UNI : , Secretary. ELKVKN 1' . M. IIULLKTIK. The cottages about Elberon aru all closed for the night. The auent of the National Associated Proas mot Dr. Bliss out for his Gnal night smoke and asked him the latest news from the sick room. "All is iroing well , " ho said. "The febrile rise had not appeared when I came out. I parsed my hand over his body and tlio skin WAS still moist and cool. Lie has HK-jit better thu far to night than dtiriiig the early part of any night for a week. " MIDNIGHT BULLETIN. The latest reports from the sick room are favorable for a comfortable night for the president. There has been very little fever this evening. LONO BIUNCII , September 0. The weather is hazoy , with a promise of rain. The air is cool and damp and penetrates into the sleeping room , nnd a blazing fire was kindled in the firo-placo. The restlessness ot the early night , caused by eating too much yesterday , passed oil' . The ocean ia rolling high under his win dows. Tliia morning and thu salt air [ ; ivea a great appetite. Ho had his breakfaut on woodcock , The morning report the physicians regarded as satisfactory. The mem bers of the cabinet and others about the hotel say that everything proceeds fully as well ai expected. Swaim denies - nies the truth of the story of last evening's vomiting , and nays that thu president has had no stomach trouble since reaching the shore. MuoVeagh nays that all is well , hut wo must not bo too sanguine for aiijther week or two. two.Tho The pulse at the noon dressing was ! )8 ) , temperature ! )8. ) > i , respiration 17. Dr. Bliss says thu president's improve ment has been fully maintained. The president has signified his willingness to sou any member of cabinet who de sires to call and some of them will probably see him this afternoon for the first time since ho waa shot. TJIK DAY. Low ! BIIANCH , Koptember'J , With wind and weather in' his favor the president has passed another good day , and , according to all accounts , the improvement of yesterday has been kept up , or , as Iho bulletins say , the case haa made favorable progress , Attorney-General MeVcagh urgues as follows ; "Until the sopticiomic con dition of the president's blood is fur ther eliminated it will be invoosaiblo to say that danger ia past. " ays hoVe : " \Vo know tlmt thu heart in till right , and wo know the wound has begun to show moro improvement. The parotid tid gland is doing all that could bo expected thus far , but it must bo re membered that this gland ia in direct communication with the lungs and will have to bo very closely watched. Thus far there has not been thu slightest evidence of lung trouble discovered , I only tear that trouble would bo moro likely to come from that direction than any other. Every day that passes without uunh increases the chances ngninat its coining ; but 1 can't believe that anything short of f week of such good daya as yeslerdaj and to-day has been enough to make us sanguine of the president's rccov < cry. Wo are all hopeful , nud the in dications are well calculated , to make us moro so. " The members of the cabinet per haps are moro encouraged to-day than nt any time since the second relapse. Secretary Blainu is not quite ao hope ful ns some others. Ho says the case has been BO complicated nnd the friends of the president have so often become almost confident of his arjeody recovery and then been disappointed that hu cannot bo assured of n con tinuous happy voyngo by a day or two of good sailing. Ho admits that the present indica tions nro very satisfactory , and no ono ia tnoro anxious for the complete real isation of the highest hopes than he is. The very fact that the president to-day signiliedm willingness to sou the members of the cabinet who de sired to call , was good evidence of general improvement nnd was so ac cepted by members of thu olHcial fam ily , who for : t long week had not spoken tohim. TllH 1I1STOHY 01' TO-DAY , except in the matter of calls of Cabi net oflicerti , has been an uneventful one. Ihuro has been no such iluctu- ntioiiB of the pulao or temperature nnd no operation on the patient , nnd nature has continued to assort herself in the usual functions under such cir cumstances. Drs. Bliss nnd Hamil ton have devoted the greater nart of their time to the president's imincdi- ale comfort , and nurses liavo been as siduous in their Attentions. Ono re mains constantly a this' bedside , but the fan docs not have to bo applied so frequently. Old Ocean helps to fan liint. To-day the breeze was shutout ' from the son , the 'side windows ad- uniting oven n CHBERFVti WOOD PI UK in thu cottage fireplace nud added to the comfort of the situation and estab lished precaution against the effect ot possibly colder weather. Mrs.G.irfiold ( spends several hours each day by her lusband's bedside. She ia better sat isfied now that there are fewer atten dants around the sick bed for the sin gle reason that the president seems , o"liko it bettor. VIUTUE OP THU SP.A SllOHK WASHINGTON , September 1) ) . Secretary - rotary Kirkwood returned hero from Long Branch to-night , and expressed ho belief that the president waa in 'a 'air way to recover. Ho remarked h ; t ono of the beneficial effects of the s oa-shoro is that the president main- ' ains whatever gain ho makes ; that while in Waahingson whatever ho gained in the cool hours of the night Hid morning ho would loso-during the icat of the day ; but with the bracing itmosphoro ho now enjoys , ho holds ast to every stop ho makes toward recovery. REVOLUTION IN EQYfT. . Khodlvo ForooditD the Cabinet- National Associated 1'rout. DANTZIC , September ! ) . Emperor William is now hero , waiting thu nr- ivnl of the czar , the lattera yacht laying been delayed by a dense fog vfiich nt present gives no promise of > roaking way. The emperor will poat- lone embarkation till to-moirow. Bctir.i.v , September 9. So rapidly ma the reconciliation between thn government and Vatican advanced hat it was lepoitcd to-day on good luthority that it waa contemplated to ; oestablish the .Prussian legation at , ho Vatican. LONDON , September 9. At a largo ncoting of thu Manchester spinners , lold to-dny , speeches were madu ad- oeiting that the entire forcu stop vorking for ono week in-order to ounteract thu Liverpool cotton cOT IC r. INVOLUTION IN KOY1T. PAULS , September 9. A dispatch rom Cairo says that n revolution ia mminont in E''ypt. l-'our thousand oldjois , with thirty pieces of artillery , urroundcd the palace of the khodivu , vlien the leaders demanded the dis- nissal of the ministry. Thu khodivu cceded to their Demands , nnd the niiiistry havu been diamicsed. Owing to thu news f rom Egypt there a great excitement on the Bourse this veiling. There is a rumor that sovcro on- .MgcmcntB have taken place between ho French troops and Arabs at vammotnot , the result of which is yet unknown. Fin ther ad vices are awaited vith great anxiety. ANOTHER TRAIN DITCHED. \n Express Train Thrown From the Traolr nt Glandule , Ky- latlanal Associated Prow. LOUISVILLE , September 9. A train n the Louisville & Nashville , due icro nt 11:35 : to-niirht , waa ditched at jlondule , south of Elizabothtown , Ky. 'ho engineer and fireman were killed. A largo number of Knights Templar , vho had been in attendance nt thu Irill nt the Bowling Green fair , wcro on the train , and it is believed mnny rere injured. A wrecking train haa gone from hero. G oiler nl Shorltlaii Home. { atlonal Associated I'reiw. CIIIOAOO , September 9. General jheridan and family have returned ionic to-day from u summer sojourn n Colorado. Klpnapplng His Daughter. Jatlonal AuocmteJ 1'rtaa. LOUISVILLK , September 9. ThU norning a man entered thu Fifth vard school excitedly , called for n six- ear-old gill named Thoinim , and car- led her uway forcibly , saying tlmt ho van her father , Tl'o teacher of that room was a lady , and she and thu school children followed the man to .ho door , Buruaming and asking him to release the struggling child , Ho " * - 4 A put her into & bugg $ Kud drove ran idly oil' . It ivn.i learned tlmt Thomas fnmlly rotations haVe not boon pleas nut , nud ho and his Nvifo have separ feted. TRUE DOCTRINE. of the Ponuoylrnnir Ropnbllonn Cemroiitlosi. IlAiuiiswmu , Pn. , September ! ) . At the Itopublicau couVuntion nt Hnr- riabuty , I'.x. , yesterday , the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved , Tlmt the republican par ty of Pennsylvania is , in the most hcnrty accord with the ndminUt ration of President GArficltl , and while bint- ing in the prayers of all good people for his spocdy rocovpryfl pledges con tinued fealty and most oclivo support in prompt and counvgopus correct ! ju of all government ab'nm3.Vo are in favor of tiny p roporand woll-conaid- ercd reform , either in'iho govotniiient of thu nation , state sbi\.utuniciulit- | , The ndministra'.ion of ' .Prcsiidont Garfield - field 1ms set a right oittmplu in thin direction , and while firmly ml- hering to the principles nnd bettor practices of ( the party which called it , into existence it yet exists upon 'fnithfulneti and honesty in every bralidh of the publ ic service. The bullet of the assassin should not interrupt ' tliia work. It should bo pursued wlillo its a\ithor lives and beyond his life , if through incrcaaing-niisfortune ho ohould uu taken away. I Bosolved , That tm republican par ty has ever boon progressive and re formatory , nnd while1 realizing that nothing in the government ; is wholly right , wo desire to bo always brave enough to sock ovoryavenuo , for pro gress to the right , to.tho end tlmt all our people may enjoy every incrunsing blessing of good government. Resolved , That to.prosidont .Tunica A. .Garliold this toiidpr and lovinp , this struggling nnd snU'orincr , this pure and bravo man , now become the bo- lovcd of tins people and the admired of all people wo tender for ourselves and our constituents the assurance of deep , heartfelt sympathy , , and keenly ipprociating the value of such a life to us country , wo express the prayerful lope that ho may bo BOOH restored to , hu discharge of the important duties or which'Jio is remarkably qualified , uid from which , by u ncculintly in- 'amous crime and undeserved assault 'or the conscientious exorcise of iroper executive power , ho has been remporarily withdrawn. Resolved , That in the ntatu as in hu Nation the republican party is committed to the course of economical tnd honest administration. Wo de mand all ncccssnry.l.'moans and the enforcement of all laws intended to irovent fraud and waste , and u o re * niiro close and watchful guardianship over all the multifarious interests committed to the card of ' our organiza tion. j < Resolved , That inJuny revision of our tariff ilofi8latiaW.4\Vhich } may bo nado , carnjihall bolrpsn to discnmi- uiloiin fnv'fir of ciitr > ; .lmu irjofl. there- byyA lifaiSlafcrf ! ft WfeRff vrhiBJr . j rapidly milking America a controlling > ewer in finance as it already is an istablishcd leader in political thought. Bnrmim'a Clrotis Shoolc Uj > . \ntlotial AysodMed 1'rum GiiiG'Auo , September 0. The roar end of one of Jiarnum's circus trains vis run into this morning near iloomington. The train menjiml the animals were shook up pretty lively , nit noiio seriously hurt. Lalco Stcnmor Wrecked- National AcMiclntod I'icta. CiiiOAfioScpteinbor 0. The steam er Skylark , with $3,000 wortli of Michigan fruit aboard , bound from 3enton harbor for Chicago , Htruck a snail at St. Joseph yesterday and unk. No lives were lost. The ves- of was valued at $20,000. THE TRAIN ROBBERS- ) uo of the Gmig Captured nnd Ho Squeal * iatlnn&1 Associated Trim. KANSAS OJTV , Suptombor 0. Olms. risk , a notorious character , was ar rested ana brought to Indopondeneu his evening. Sun Chapman has quonlud mid implicates the whole 'ang involved , including John and 3111 Asbury , and a man mined Scott. A young girl was in the gang dressed n men'tj clothes. The party had a skirmifih with a party of live suppojed mtlawrt. One of the posse was wounded. TRIAL OF CROW DOG And Other Murdurorn Who Arc Imprisoned nt Danilwooil- t'atlonal AmocuteJ I'rcM. Diuwvoon , D. 'J1. ' , September ! ) . In the United States court yesterday James Lci''hton was convicted of the nurdor of "Ourtes Olive , on the 1'iorro roud , in 187'J. ' Both were teauiBtors. J'ho trial of the muidoror of Liouton- int Cherry was bosun yesterday. The .rial of Crow Dog fur the murder of Spotted Tail goes over to the Janu- iry term of court , owing to the ab sence of witnessed for the defense , Viiiltini ; Soldiers' Homos wocUtixl I'rLim. CHICAGO , September ! ) . John M. rainier , of Springfield , III. ; Gen. W. McMnhon , of New York : Gen. loliu A. Mattin , of Atchison ; Gen. \V. B. Franklin , of Hartford ; Gen. Charles W. Jtoborta , of Bailer , and lion. It. II , Campbell , of Hartford , constituting the board of managers > f the National Soldiers' Homos , were n the city to-day , en route to vidit the Western Soldiers' Homo. They wont to Milwaukee , Quttcnu'ft Chech. National AstotUtcJ I'rcm , WAHIII.VOTOK , September U , Tin assassin Ouileau was forty yearn oh ] yesterday. lie called the attention of the guards to the fact and suggest ed that it was the tight thing fui presents to be nmdoon Buchoccasionx , Up to last accounts ho hud received no presents , APPALLING DISASTER. Railroad Train Thrown in Ditch Near Loulmrtllo , Twelve Mon Instantly Killoc and Many Seriously Injured. Several Boilioi Still Finioiiod Uii < dor the Crushed Timber * or the Wroolc. CINCINNATI , September ! ) . accounts of n serious railroad accident near Ijouisvillo , Ky. , on the Short Line , wcro received lust night , but mi particulars could bo had. Karly thin morning the following dispatch wan received from Anchorage , Ky. , which iclls a horrible story : AMMIOH.UU : , Ky. , September 1) ) . The entire train of two coaches , bag- jaxo car and engine , which left Louis ville at n p. in. , is in a creek. It stiuuk a cow about fifty feet from the west end of the bridge , knocking it down , and then fell about thirty feet 'rom llio track to Ihobedof the creek. AH the train is a total wreck. The list of killed is : A stranger from California , Mr. I'orry , n bookkeeper at ApplogatoX on Second street , Louisville ; Colonel Neil , of Sholbyvillo ; Oapt.Vm. . Madden , marshal of Sholbyvillo ; Walter Scarce , of Sholbyvillo , and n Mr. Jones of Sholbyvillo. Charles lluchanan , of Louisville , is also re torted among the dead. There are iuppnsod to bo two or three others dead under the wreck. Among the seriously injured are Alex. Alford , a lawyer at ll.'J Fifth street , Louisville. The fireman of .ho engine , Mr. Gibson and others ire more or less hurt. Uut few es caped without any injury. Tlu con ductor , Petry , Engineer Hoinmkcr ind Baggagomastor ilumbertson are lurt , but not seriously. I.ATKU. LOUISVIT.T.K , Ky. , September ! ) . I'liu latest from the wicck at Anchor age , on the Shelbyyillo branch of the j. , C. it L , short line railroad , is that ivo men are killed , as follows : Col , .fielding Neil , president of the Shelby- illo branch ; 'NYui. Maddux , marshal ) f Sholbyvillo ; M.V. . Perry , book- cooper of Applegatp & Co. , Louisville ; iVailer Scoarce , a wealthy Block dealer it Shelby ville , and Win. Jones , n shoe- nnkor of Shclbyvillo. Seriously injured ; Thos. Bucljanau , orrespondcnt of The Louisville Pust ; \lox. H. Alford , lawyer al Louisville , in'd fireman Gibson. All are in a oril- cal condition. All UK ) train men and uost of the pnssengors are more or ess injured , The accident was caused > y a steer on the track. The Accident occurred seventeen miles out of Lou- svillo , The coroner has gone out to nvestigato. ANOTJIliH lllU'OUT. v * rl'Uc'KI10Jr ! ( nnilnrouudcdfrom the nilroad ncdiduiit" oiftlio'Sholbyvfilij1 road , were brought to this city this norning on a special train. Among ho injured in Mr. Alex. II. Alford , vho is snpponetf to bo fatally hurt , News from thu scene this morning in- licateH that a number of pcrstins are juried under tlio wreck. Five bodies ire repoitud to luivo boon taken out hiK morning , two of them women , L'ho accident was caused by running ever a cow. One cow wan HDOII by the engineer is the train approached Floyd's Fork n-idge. Another cow jumped on the raclc. The engine struck it , cut oil" ts fore legs and was tluiH derailed , striking the corner of the bridge and ) reaking doun the structure. The vhole train , engine , baggngo car and wo passenger ears , were budly wreck ed. HANGING Flyo Mon SV/UIIR Into Eternity From Olio Scaffold- l Awiai.latutl 1'rm. Lirru : ItocK , Soptpmbcr ! ) . A lospatch from Ft. Smith says that Lat McGowen , Goo , W. Podgett and JVm. T. Drown , white , and Amos and \.bel Mauley , Indians , weroall hanged Jiuro to-day on the same scall'uld. The lion showed bravado to the last. The execution was private but thoiiaandu ( f people were in town. The doomed nun all slept well last night excent \IcGo\ven \ , who was very icsllees. He lang and jiraycd before goint : to bed tut ate with n relish this morning. They all scorned resigned to their 'ato and confessed their guilt , but said their lives were threatened. The Chock Indians professed innoconco. I'ho ' three whites uaid they expected : o go to another world. lirown faint ed ulion taken into the sun , but soon rccoveied and all showed wonderful n-avery on the scaflbld. At 11:110 : a. n , the drop foil. Trade Roiamo- National AdHoclatoU I'rew. NKW YOUK , September 0. The fall r.ido appears to bo onening up briskly at almost all the leading distributive ! centers throughout the United States , lloports by telegraph to liraUs.trout'a from thirty-five cities this week point , o an early and general movement ol nerclmndiHo. Boston , Now York , I'hiladelphia , Daltimoro , Chicago , St , Louis , St. Paul and Minneapolis , ad vices warrant confidence in great com mercial activity at these markets. At sail FiMiicisco the farmers' ' associa tions are taking measurca looking 4 < holding back all wheat for fancy pri ces , which they believe the shortuuc in Kngland and the United States will bring into existence. In the miutli general business is reported good , though not up to the standard of a year since , At the poinU most ull'uctcd by the < lr > weather. The drouth still continues , though at Homo points in South Carolina lina and Kentucky local rains him fallen. The manufacturingindusliici of the country r.ontinuo ovorpruwdut with work. Labor troubles in Nov Orlcrttia have ocoupiort considerahli attention. The number of failure reported to Uradslrcot during tin vrsek is smnller than during the preceding ceding woelc , being seven ty-tlireo , 1 decrease cf forty-five. The middh states had 15 , n decrease of t ) ; N'ow Knglnnd J7 | an ineroaso of fl ; south' orn stales lan ) Jncreaso of 4 ; western states ! { , a docmuo of 1 ! ; Cnlifornm and the Pacific coast stalcn ll > , n de crease of 1 ! ) ; Catiai/A / and HIP prov inces 8 , n deiireaso of ( ! , LATEST FROM APACHE- Only Two Hundred tn bolHoitUo. Natloiml A oclntol I'rv-w. SAN FitANcisro , SoptotuborA ! ) cial from Fort Thoimw says that hrco companieA of ioguli\rn arrived it that post. Nothing is heard from j'ort Apncho. It is boliurcd that only 'wo hundred Ap.tcho warriors are on ho war patli. A count of the Li lians at the Apache reservation will bo nado nl once , .lull , the Ohmcahua hief , reported miiiaing , is at thu agency SAN i'HANuisco , September ! K iDitoral Wilcox telegraphs that eorgo's band of While mountain In- lians , reported at the l > ila agoneyaro ronortod out. General Carr says ho vill resume the oHbnsivo as soon as 10 can find any hostilcs to strike. The IHsbco stage wan robbed be- IJisbco and Clmrloston , Ar'mi- m. They got twenty-five hundred lollars from the Wells-Fargo treasure ) OX. \ YELLOW JACK. i'irst Case nt Key 'WcRi-Qnarnn- tine Regulation * I'atlotml Ansoclatctl 1'rrai , WASIIINOTON , D. C , . September 0. The first csso of yellow fever has icon reported to the Marino Hospital rom Key West , Florida. One of the ocal health oflicors was dismissed for ironouucing it yellow foyer. Snbso- uently a Marino Hospital surgeon van ordered to investigate the case ml ho placed the case beyond a doubt f yellow fovor. The patient has since lied. Served Him Right- Catloml AKHaoIitoil I'rren. COI.U.MUUS , Ga. , September l > . In Bradford county , Florida , Dan. F. Vutsnn ravished his wifo'a uicco and nt the girl's mother's bieast 6pen. lo was pursued by a crowd and shot > y his bi'otlujr-in-law , Sims , and other ion and instantly killed. MiiiuoROtn's Wheat Damaged. 'atlonal Associated I'nia. Sr. I'AUL , Minn. , September 0. 'ho heavy rains in the early part of lie week in northern Minnesota have esultcd in tnoro or les& damage to vheat. Some grain men place the stimato as high as 10 per cent. The ; rcut mass of wheat was in stock : and ma commenced hunting and nprout- ug. The weather is now favorable ind flinco the ntorm largo tracts of and Imvobeon'plantcd for next year's rop. _ _ Heavy Atlantic Galea. rtWAsuiHnToij Ji.-J ) . , . teinjbor The hurricnno wliidli'ia liow oirUJir- olina count will probably inovo north erly [ along the const , causing cast { ales and heavy rains. The entire east north uf Charleston is cautioned. Ft will probably not ad'oct the N.OW England coast and North Cauc , bo- 'ore late to-night or to-morrow. THE SPORTING WORLD. The Events Yostordiiy on Tnrf , Di- umoud and Wnvo- National Aasoclatcd 1'rcH.i. NKW YOHK , September ' . ) . The first race at Coney Ihland , seven fur longs , was won by Jcssio K. , Clara second ; time 11UA. The second race , ono milo , wau won by Hulodon , Droghedo second ; time 1:4-1. : 1:41.Thu Thu thkd race , milo and a quarter , was won by Ella Warlield , Alary An derson second ; time 'Jil'-'j. The fourth race , milo and a , half , was won by Jessie D. , Surges second ; tune 12:41. : The fifth race , milo and a half , over six hurdles , was won by Iko Ilonham , Dutchman second ; time 12:48 : . TIII : OAK. TOHONTO , September 0. The heats of the single scull professional nice were rowed this morning. In the first heat Ross came out first , with Tinoycko second. In the second heat Couloy was ( list and Courtney second. Luc came in first in third , with Huinm second. Stcnnior Bfcvoivints- Natloml Asswciatcil I'rubd , NKW YOUK , September 9. Ar rived , Cundimd , Roller , Nodkar and Hermann , from Dromon ; Nothorland , Antwerp ; City of Urussols , from Liv erpool ; Alsutia , from London. x DAI.TJMOIU : , Soptumber i ) Sailed , Branaich Muyor , for Dromon. ANTWKIU' , Soptombcr U. Sailed , Plantin , for Now York. Work of the Drought- National Aniociatwl 1'iuw. OiuoAdo , September 5) . The de partment of iigriculturn at Springfield , has piepufd a Htatislical table , show ing thu condition of thu corn crop in the northern district of Illinois , on the first of September , to bo OH per cent , and again an average of 88 pur cent on the first of Juno in the cen tral division , 01 per cent on Septem ber 1st , against 80 per r.ont on Juno 1st. The great falling oil' is attributed almost wholly to the long continued drought. Another Wilaou Man. National Awaciatctl I'ruM , DUIIUO.UH , In. , September 0. The republicans of llaniin county havu nominated Dr. J. 0. Cook for ri'pro- suntativo , Ho was instructed for Wil son. Thn Roiailt. National AtftOchtuJ l'ri x SAN FUANCI.SCO , September 0. The democrats only elected the tax collect or , surveyor and two uuporvisoni. All the other olllcora wcro republicans , bj from ii.nOO to 000 majority. - * SWEPT AWAY , Twelve Towns fit fifohigan Do- fstroyod by tlitf Forest FJamo ? , Pivo Hundred Victims' Known. to Have Boon Ovortffkon by Fiery Death , Bringing in Dead Bed ten , Clinrroil and Uiu-ocoRuiznlilo , Crora the Barnod Dlstriotd- S'ntloiul ABWclntwl 1'ro" . DKTUOIT , Mich. , Hcplombor' ) . Tha ati-st iufornmtion from the forest fire n Tuscola , Sanilao and Huron' c m- iea provo tlmt the towns of Itndaxo , Verasim , Forest ll * y , Uichmondvillo , 31mrlestoiit Andowon , Dickorsvillo- Ilarnsonvillo and Sundnsky have been olnlly deati-oyed , and Port llopo1 Milden and Ubloy jmrtly so. The- iroaont estimate of lives lost is placed it live hundred. Near Milden in Sanalaa county ever 1200 persons nre known to have been burned to death. The dead bodies , for the most part tnrccognu.ible , are being brought ntu Sandusky from all directions. 1IOUKI1ILK SCKHJ-.H. DntiiotTj SepteinberO. 'Specials to Iho Evening News show tlmt the crisis in Huron and Sanilac counties iaa passed , but sickening details aru itill coming hi. A dispatch from filar- otto reports 21fr families burned out lithe loweit estimate in the towns of tlarlntto , Flynn , Arcylo , Evergreen , Moore , Lamottoand Elinor , and tliirty- wo persons are known to bo dead , 'ho fires in the burnt district aromost- y subsiding and the inhabitants are itting about the ashes of their homos , nany of thorn with their eyes burned iiit and otherwise horribly disfigured , 'hoy are disconsolate and almost bo- eft of their sonso. Many persons are till missing in the burned district , ind the exact loss of lifo cannot bo cnown for nnmo days. It is stid that 27 dead bodies Imvo boon found in the ountry between Hadiutu an 4 Port Iopo _ . It is impossible ) this early to ecouro inything like n complete list of the load. Hov. / . Gorovillo , pastor o .ho First Baptist church in tliia city , vho was in Sanilao county at the time if Iho lire , saw fourteen dead hodioa > rought into Sand ! ! oaoh. They were imply a blackened and shapelesa miss , and in only a few canon could ho ago or sex bo determined. In oino places ho naw entire families ro- iuccd to an unamtinguishablo heap ot oastod and blackened blocks of ilcshl Near Dockorvillo , Hov. W. A. Al- iiu'lon found 10 dead bodies around jcxington , these known to have per illed are Humphrey , the stage driver , tlrs , Frank Dennison , child' and tstor , Paul Wetzol , wife and five hildren , Mrs. Strong and t ro chil- Iron , George Krotch , Miohaol Welch , wife and tu > .djildron , PftitlYliteiV | ) ind live- children , "JUs. GibsonV 'aiid5 , wo sisters , > In Paris townshij ) , John Flyto- vagor and wife with their seven ehil- i'on , and fifteen unknown porsoim lorished as did also Morris CJitlbid , vifo and child , and the entire Day iiinily of eight persons. Fuller details and most appalling : oports are expected IIH soon as the oads are passable and moasengerd can rrivo. DitTiioiT , September J ) . The fires are still burning in some of the larger ampsof Sanilaccounty. There was rain it Murquutt this moaning and that village is out of danger. Trains are low aunning regularly on the Port luron. The Northwescorn News says ; "From nil ever the state como neasai'cs ot AIII ANI > nOMKOUT of a substantial kind are being for warded. Detroit has already sub scribed about nine thousand dollam and public meetings are beingheld to- light. Grandll'ipids held a big meet ing to-day. Jackson sends one thous- ind dollars , and other towns in pro- > ortion. A despatch from Care says , lmt rain yesterday did , much good and was hailed with joy by the strick en people , Ileports coming ; n allow that the facts are MOHP iioititnii.n .ban yet reported , and many have suspended business to aid the nnfor- .unates. Relief is contributed freely , ) ut the outlook for the future is dark ndood. Moat of those iiuurod were n the Farmers' Mutual of * Tuscola , ianilao and Huron counties , and it is 'oared ' the company will bo nuublu to i.iy moro than twenty cents on the dollar. ONLY A CUl'FUIi compared with the oceans yet needed. A mooting of leading citi/.cim last light decided to apply to the gov ernor for relief. Port Austin , Port Crescent and Grindstone City are safe. The danger is ever , and no nero damage is reported at Port [ lope , A Conductor Killed- S'itlonal AfcUidutwl I'ftsl. Di'.ruoiT , Soptombor8. Conductor W. M. Poarin , of the Grand llupida & Indiana railroad , was instantly killed by a suction of his own train while coupling curs at Kulamazoo at 7 : ! > 0 o'clock thh forenoon. The body was terribly mangled. Bishop Hoiml's Funeral- National A < x.-uil l I'riun , MILWAUKKK , September t ) . The funeral of Archbishoj ) Huiini will hike | incu | Saturday morning at 0 o'clock' All the arrangements IMVO been nmdo and it mil bo a largo and linprcB&ivo affair. J O. Gotitly Does It. 'f" lliiguno CVo , SWAII street , lluflalo , wiltvM : "I have used Hprin ; ; llos ! oin foi < lydieiaia | | anil iiidlyentlDii , and liavu founcl Ittdaut tvliulrublyns a t 'vntloap0rient mul bloatl purltlcr. 1 counlderit uncqualcd. You are tit llburty to mu my nuuu ; as iw referencei'licts 50 cents , trial butUus 1U CCUtH. ,