Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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Opening of the Iowa 'State
'Fair ' at That Place ,
Extraordinary and Soocial At
tractions For Exhi
Preparations By the Hotels
and Citizens to Receive
Mr * . Barho to Rldo Against
Host Time.
Special Correspondence l The Dec.
DBS Mot.vcs , la. , Sept. 5. The
present week promises to boGOO of
much interest to Dos Monies. The
great central attraction tlmt lina ulrondy
drawn thousands of people hither ,
and will draw still more , and which
has Itcou looked forward to with great
expectancy for several months , is the
Iowa state fair , which opened to-day
nnd continues foe five days , or until
September 9. It has boon o general
a subject of conversation that the
much worn thcmo , the weather , has
boon neglected. The fair grounds arc
very happily lopated about two miles
west of the city , and include a fine
natural grove and a small lake. They
3iavo a diversity of surface which
renders them pleasing to the
oyc , and also affords good drainage.
It is a peculiarity of these grounds that
they are but little nffoctod' by rains
nnd require but a few hours of sun-
ahino after a storm to render ihcm
comparatively dry. A well arranged
system of waterworks affords a good
supply of water to all the principal
parts ot the enclosure. During the
past two weeks the grounds have been
the scene of activity and bustle. New
buildings have been erected , old ones
renovated and repaired , the spacious
Amphitheatre , capable of seating six
thousand people , has been re-roofed ,
the grounds divested of underbrush
and weeds , and now plans devised and
put into execution tending to the bet
tor accommodation of the expected
crowds. Of the details of tliia work
wo will speak inoro fully hereafter.
Tha labor , however , lias not been
confined to the grounds , but has ex
tended to the pity. AVith an eye to
tastOj the streets have boon cleaned ,
rubbish removed from the alloys ,
weeds cut down , sidewalks repaired ,
the painter has nwung his brush ef
fectively and a genera ) olfort has been
inado to "tone up , " and to present a
creditable appearance to the eye of
the stranger. Wo do not mean testate
state that this reform has boon uni
versal , but it has boon indulged in to
an extent that is quito noticeable.
Thcro was need of it , too , for in the
excitement consequent on now rail-
toads , now business enterprises , and
with the flattering unction that every
citizen of DCS Monies lays to his soul ,
that this is the metropolis of Iowa ,
"and * don't you foreet it , " these
smaller details have been lost sight
of , and quito lately have the people
begun to ECO that , to maintain her
prestige , Dos Moines must make her *
aelf attractive to the eye and senses :
that it is not all of life to live in bus
tle , dust , and stenches that violently
assail one. A "boom" is a good thing
to have , but taste and cleanliness are
also essential to a city of the magni
tude of Dos Moinos.
The hotel accommodations of Dos
Moines are acknowledged to bo en
tirely inadequate to the want of the
city. Our hotels are well managed ,
and no fault can bo found with them ,
except that they are too few and lim
ited in room. What to do with the
influx of visitors this weak , was a
question of importance. All the ho
tels pre-empted for several days be
fore the people began to arrive in at
tendance on the fair , and standing-
room was at n premium , One of the
leading hotels advanced rates to $5
per diem during the week. The man
agement put forth an extraordinary
effort , and it is safe to say thst no one
need go hungry or shelterless. The
citizens of DCS Moines have thrown
upon their homes , and there are but
few families tlmt have not arranged to
accommodate from one to n score of
people each , at a sinn.ll compensation.
Th's ' enterprise is cummondablo , as
the charges in most cases will hardly
pay for the expense undtrouble.
The railroad lines throughout the
state have made liberal reductions in
rates , most of them carrying passen
gers and iroight at one-half rate.
Several excursion trains will bo rnn ,
the schedule being arranged to give
those wishing to take advantage of
a low rate a clianco to roach here in
the morning , visit the fair and return
at night. The 0. , II. I. & railroad
company , whoso line passes closu to
the grounds , will run trains each day
at intervals of half an hour to and
from the fair , while unnumerablo
coaches , vans and wagonu will con
voy people from the principal parts of
the town at all hours. Should the
attendant on the exhibition desire to
indulge in peduatrianitun , ho will find
a good sidewalk , In this matter of
transportation to and from the fair , it
is believed there will bo no hitch or
trouble , The city has employed a
fcrco of ctreot sprinklers too Keep the
nvuiiuo leading from the city to the
grounds in such condition as to prevent -
vent any annoyance of dust.
To-'lay the principal part of the
work is the urrnn cmon * of the dif
ferent departments , "Tho entries
dp not cluso until mid
night , and nothing of import
ance transpired. The entries are
away up in the thousands and should
the weather bo propitious the success
of the fair ia insured , and the fair Anil
bo the boat over hold in ( ho stato.
The morning opened dry and hot and
the grounds were becoming quite
dusty , A fine shower about Buneet
cooled the utmpsphbro and if no
further showora occur the grounds
will b4 in OH oed condition to-morrow
os could bo hgpud for , and the real
opening of the fair will begin with tno
following programme ;
At Oo'clock the committee will enter
on the discharge of their duties ,
1) )
At fl:30 o'clock , exhibition of oxen
and fat cattlo.
At 10 o'clock , cows , heifers , etc.
draft stallions and mares ,
At 11 o'clock , president' ? , address , |
At 11:30 : o'clock ' , farm Vcnmq.
At 1 o'clock , n. m , , chariot race. "
At 1:30o'clock : , running stoke , ono
and a half mile.
At 2 o'clock horses that have nev
er beaten 3:00 will trot ,
At 3 o'clock chariot raccB.
On Wednesday forenoon n display
of horses , jacks , mules , ponies , &c.
Wednesday afternoon , at 1 o'clock ,
chariot races ; free ( or alt trotting.
At 1:30 o'clock trotting stallions
under fire years.
At 2 o'clock running , two milo
dash , Mid trotting ; horses that have
never beaten 3L0. :
At 3 o'clock trotting ; horses that
have never beaten 2:50 : ,
Among the special attractions wil
bo Little EIJa , the Musical Prodigy ,
who gives froa exhibitions each day.
Ohanot races by Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Donald ; a ten-mile race between Miss
Nellie Curtiss , of Topeka , Kan. , and
Miss Minnie I'innco , of Col
orado. Probably the great
est attraction of the fair
will bo the race against time by Mrs'
Iturko , of your bustling city of Omaha ,
who is to ride ton miles in twenty-two
and one-half minutes , an unparalleled
feat. She changes horses nine times
in doing this , and such is her confi
dence in her ability to do this that
she agrees with the management that
in case of failure she will make no
charges whatever.
Secretary Shaffer has labored hard
to secure the success of the fair , and
the whole management evidences a
determination to outdo all former
efforts. AH was remarked in the
commencement of this article , this
will prove an eventful week for Dos
Moines , Outiiilo of the fair there are
matters which will vitally affect not
only the city but the xtato , of which I
will write you more fully in'iny ' next.
X. I. S.
What It Has Accomplliilicil in the
I > ait Twenty-four Hours-
National Associated 1'rciw.
ST. JOHNS , N. B. , September 3.
Jowett's mill at Drnory Cave burned
last night , with 40,000 foot of lumber. )
Loss , § 20,000.
ALIIANY , N. Y. , September 8. The
Homo Lawn hotel , a summer resort
near hero , was destroyed by fire this
morning , E. II. Powell , tno proprie
tor , confined to bed by eickncss , har-
rowly escaped being burned to death.
Loss , § 10,000 ; insurance , nothing.
GHIUAOO , September 8. Libby ,
MoNoill it Libby's ' slaughtering estab
lishment , located at the Union stock1
yards , was totally destroyed by fire
this forenoon. The building was a
throe-story brick , 00x200 foot , owned
by the Turner Packing Company.
Loss on stock and fixtures 815,000 ;
fully insured.
The Pennsylvania nnd Vnndorbilt
Roads Oat to 85 From Chicago.
National Awoclatcd Press.
OHIOAOO , September 8. Both the
Michigan Central and Lake Shore
roads oogan this morning selling tick
ets to Now York for $5. Boston , via
Albany , for $0 , and Boston , via Now
York for 810.75. It is thought there
will be a' very interesting passenger
war , as the Pennsylvania road say they
will moot any rate made by the Van-
dcrbilt road ; no matter how low ,
Republican Bannon Float Victory
1st San FrancUoo.
National Associated Press.
SAN 1 lUNoisco , September 8. As
the vote is counted the republican
majority increases , It now looks as
though the whole republican ticket
will bo elected.
Gigantic Railroad Project-
CHICAGO , Sept. -Articles incor
porating the Chicago , St. Paul and
Omaha It. It. Co. have been filed with
the secretary of state. The project is
a gigantic ono and includes tno build
ing of about five hundred miles of
road from Chicago to Musoatino , In. ,
via Frooport. The branches will
cover pretty much the entire state of
Illinois. Thn capital stock is 810.-
000,000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nowi From the Front-
National Associated 1'rcsi.
SAN FuANuiNcp , September 8. The
latest from Camp Thomas .reports
Fort Apaoho safo. The Arizona mil
itia are arming for defense of the citi
zens in the neighborhood o tho' has-
tiles nnd will probably attack any
body of Indians without waiting for
authority. ThuSan C.irlos Indians
aio reported quiet , The Pium and
Maricapa tribes offer to join against
the Apaches.
Coimooticntt's Dny of Prayer.
National Aiaoclatod 1'rcu.
Nr.w UAVKN , Conn , Septembers ,
Gov. Bigolow , of ConnectioiU , has ap
pointed Tuesday , September 13 , between -
tweon 10 and 12 o'clock , as n day of
prayer for the recovery of the presi
dent ,
Chorolcoo CltizonBUip.
National Associated l're .
TAU.KQUAH , Indian Territory , Sep.
tcntbor 8. The revising council of the
Cherokee nation ia in suasion hero to
decide the H * tns of persons who have
been marked aa doubtful 'citizens ,
Some two hundred persons have been
entered on tlm census rolls nnd cited
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con
sumption is certainly the greatest
medical remedy over placed within the
reach of Buffering humanity. Thou
sands of oncu holnloss suflovers , now
loudly proclaim their pnUso for this
wonderful discovery to which they
invo their livus. Not only does it po.sf.
Lively cure Consumption , but Com-lia ,
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Iluy
Foyer , Hoarseness and nil affections of
the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields
it once to its wonderful cunitivo pow
er ns if by magio. Wo do not aak you
: o buy a largo bottle unless you know
what you two gutting. Wo therefore
earnestly request you to call on your
druggists , Imi & MoMAiio.v , and got
ttial bottle fiee of cost which will con
vince the most skeptical of its wonder-
'ul merits , and ahow you what n rogu-
iir one dollar sue bottle will do. For
sale by Ish & McMuhon , ( ] )
The Gold Pincers of the West.
I'roUdcnco Sunday Star.
Some of the richest gold placers in
the west have boon formed by extinct
streams , In Now Mexico , a year ago ,
I SAW gravel beds abounding in the
yellow dust , covering thousands of
acres , where no brook nor river nnw
runs. Thoyaro the pulverized debris of
prehistoric mountains which rose to
much higher altitudes than their now
abraded remains , Down the sides of
these ancient hills great torrents
poured whore now not even a
rivulet can bo found , Again
great glaciers or other tremendous
deus agencies of nature have some
times deposited great hills or moun
tains over old river beds no that , in
mining , the course of what appear to
have been subterranean streams maybe
bo ( .raced. In some instances the ma
terial of which thesn underground
river beds are formed carries gold in
coosidorahlo quantities , and , in Cali
fornia especially , the superincumbent
mountains are also frequently rich
placers , In the golden state seine of
those mountains Trnvo been removed
by hydraulic power , the gold sepa
rated from the sand nnd gravel , and
the debris , called tailing ? , deposited
in the valleys , filling them up to great
Asplacors are generally discovered in
a now minim ; district before quartz
mines , so those placers that are in the
beds of present streams are more easi
ly found than these of ancient , extinct
rivers or subterranean streams. The
earliest mining is in the gulches.
That there is gold in a region where
it was not before known to exist is
generally first discovered by accident.
A freshet tears up the loose Rand and
gravel on the bed of the stream and
carries it away , exposing the particles
of gold which are too heavy to bo moved
by the water. This was the waylin
which the first gold was discovered in
the stream at Slitter's Mill in Cali
fornia. In Now Mexico and Arizona ,
whew there are largo ancient placer
deposits with no water now running
through tlienij heavy rains sometimes (
make gullies 111 the mesas or table
lands , and after the showers the Mex
icans search along the bottoms of them
and pick up the small particles of
[ { old that are exposed and save them
in little vials made of goose quills. In
the Black Hills the Indians picked up
tlicso grains of gold and some laruo
nuggets , and knew where they could
bo found many years before
white people went to that country.
A good French Catholic missionary ,
Father do Smct , who labored among
the Indians lor many years , advised
ihom as they prized their homes and
lunting grounds never to lot the white
people see the golden nuggets which
; hey had collected , righly believing
: lrot the Sioux would bo immediately
driven out nnd the white people would
; ako possession of their country ,
.reaty or no treaty. But the secret
was too important an one to bo kept
always , and after the good priest's
death a rumor got abroad of gold in
lie Black Hills ; then Cuator was sent
n there by the government to make
an exploration , which resulted in the
verification of the vague reports , and
\ftor that the United States army was
not largo enough to ' keep the people
Physical Suffering.
No one can realize , except by personal
experience , the nn uixli of body and mind
endured by suffererx from dyspepsia , in
digestion , constipation and otner'tdleeases
of the Htonincli. Burdock Blood Hitters
are a positive cure for thin direst of all
disease' ! 1'iico 81.00 , trial size 10 ceiitn.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cod-w.
Almost Orazy.
Ho\i- often do wo see the hardwoik-
ng father straining every nerve and
nusclo , and doing ids utmost to sup-
) ort his family. Imagine his feelings
trlwn ' returning homo from a hard
day's labor , to find his family prostrate
ivith disease , conscious of unpaid doc-
; ors' bills and debts on every hand.
[ t must bo enough to drive one almost
crazy. All his unhappiness could bo
avoided by using Electric Bitters ,
which expel every disease from the
system , bringing joy and happiness to
thousands. Sold at fifty cents a bot-
; lo by full & MoMahon. _ (3) ( )
Axle Grease
Ueecl on Wi ! f ° n f [ lu 'irs , Itca ) > cn , Thrcehcn
ami JIIJ1 Miuhltivry. n la IS\ALUAKLK TO rAKM-
Kim AND TIUMHTKRH. It piinw bcratvhi a and all
kinds of semi on Homo auJ Stoik , as ull us on
nii'ii.OLABKfc WISE , Manure ,
i 305 Illinois Gtreet , Chlcaco.
ND FOR I'UICKS. | o ' 'I flm.lw
Notice to Soivor Contractors.
Scnlwl ) > r pOials ) will lie iccclvcil by the
mderHigncd until 12 o'clock noon , of the
L'Otlnlaj'nf September , for the mateiiul
anil construction of a newer front K to 8&
Feet in diameter II liiiKrt tlilclc , ami about
1"00 faction ; , ' , on .loncH utiect fromapohit
livnr thu eaxt ptilu of Kith street at the
terminus of the 8 fnotsowiirai constructed ,
east to a point about 10 feet c.iH of the
east siilo of ! ) th street ,
Jildn to bo Imsod upon detailed plans nnd
Bpodflcivtiona on lilu in the city t'lmineui'i )
illico and to ho Hupamto anil Hpccillo upon
ilia following points of detail. )
Unto per linear foot for material and
u ielc work complete In wall nt newer In-
chiHlvo of excavation niul back filling ,
Kuto per cubic yard for concivto work
complete , inclusive of material In thu
K'Uo per linear foot for sheeting1 , Inclu
sive of dihlntf nnil extracting ,
Ituto per linear foot of pinni ; furnUlicil
niul driven.
Unto | .er linear foot of jilpo Iniil for
ehnotH or other iimpo-en.
Kntupurcitieal foot for compli'tu con
struction inchibivo of of catch
laina and man hoU > ,
llato per each .sewer and plpo coiinec-
Jon ,
Unto perculnu yard for nil embankment
0 otlier h'laditi'-j' ' lieeiH-MiyouUidoof exca
vation and rcullliibelondnu ; to the con-
ntiiiction of Bowi-r miller lirnt head ,
Work to he bejriin on or before October
.1 , 1881. ( iml pioMcuuted an per proUsioii
if Mwclflcatlons filed.
11KU must bo accompanied by peed and
Hiillident bonds In thu sum of $10,000 an
surety that the contract , If awntilod , will
bo cntrred Into In Kood faith by the lid-
ler , 'j lie hotidti to ha ivuil praIOUH to
coiiHldcr.ition of Uil , , nuil unlem found to
> e a teed timl bona-iido bund the bid to be
vjeeteil. , | . J. L , 0. JKWiTT. :
City Clerk.
amlun'Ollli k'CLi.S : , beiul
tauocvnt tt.i'Vp ( orbitalcx.aic
and i > rko Hal coiitaliilnc lull
N , I , D , SOLOMON ,
Pulnts.Olls and Qlas
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Backache , Soreness of the C'hoit ,
Quinsy , Sere Throat , 5ivo//-
and Sprains , Burns and
Scalcfs , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted
Foot and Ears , and all ether
Pains and Achos. -
tft Prfpar tlon en atth erjunl * Sr. JACOK Oil
M ft < < ft , firrr , tttnjtlr * Slid tlttap Eiltnhl
rfmfdjr , A trlkl fnt tl tut th ccinpatttUflj
IrOlne oallty of 0 Crntu , and every one iiilTei.
( 8 with puln c n II > TO cbcap and poiltlrt nrool
of lUclalma. d/
" '
Direction ! In Elewn IJincutg * "
A. VOGELER * : CO. ,
IIOBBIB BROS , Broker * In all Ilallroad
Tlikcta. Omahn , Neb. , offer Tickets to the 1'Mit.
until further not cc , at the following unhiard of
Ixjw liatts :
Ohlcnco , 910 ; Hound Trip , $10.00. lljenc are
limited Flnt-C'lasi Tickets and .rood for return
tlirouph the year , ixnd \ la the Old Krlhlilo Chi-
< i > KO , Burlington & Qulncy Ilallroad. Also , ono
way to
1st clas ? . 2d class ,
Now York , 624 00. 22 CW.
Botton , 27 00. 2100.
Philadelphia , 2.1 HO. 22 00.
\ Valiln tni , D. C. , 19 fO. 1000.
For particulars , nrlto or eo direct to 1IOUB1C
BUGS. , Dialers In llviluccd Hate Ilallroad and
BtcumhlpTkkcts , E09 THiith St. , Omaha , Xob.
Hcmrmlior the plnio 'J'hroo Doors North of
Uli'on 1'adllc liallroad Depot , East bide of Tenth
Oniaha , Ausust 1,1E81 pu2odaw4in
Cambridge , Neb.
1,000,000 aoroj no\crnmont land open to Home-
stcada. Pre-emptions and Tlmbnr claims. 200
choke Inipraveil claims for sale or exchange. 200
if t io bet deeded ( amis In Kou times tern Ntbrus-
ka lth timber and natcr for Kile. A few choice
stock ranches with fenced fields , timber , hay and
\vatcr , lor sale , cheap. CorrCBDoudcnce Solicited ,
roarSO tf
1313 , Farnham St. , OMAHA , NEB.
Body Brui eli , $1.25 to $1.76 ; Taiwstry Brus
sels , HUB to81.S5 ; 3 ply Carpet , S1.2S to $1,40 ;
Best 2pljInjfrnlii , 1.0U to rl,15 ; Cheap 2-ply
Uigraln,40cto ic , JIC. , ,
ifattings , Oil OloWnnd idovvmdes !
ut Lowest Market Prices
Largest Stock nnd Lowest Pricoi.
Samples furnished at yard-ra
John JIcFaddcn III take notlco that on the
loth of Aliens : , 13S1 , Charlm llrundes , Juttlceof
the t'eutc , of Iht priiclnct , Poujclm Co. , Neb. , U-
f uetl an order of attaehmcnt for the sum of $20.25
In an action pciidlii'before } him , nhcrcln Arne
iCratz lnplalntllTandJohn McFaddcti defendant ,
that proncrty conalstllii , ' of household furniture
and impluncntti has been attached under said
order , bald cause V.M continued to 21st of
September , 1881,10 o'clock p. m.
aui:17w3t ATINO KltATZ. rialntlCf.
If you are ft mini flfyounreft
of LuilaeKj.weik- ' F man of let- _
tnnl Lr the strain of torstclllntrorernilL
your dutlen avoid DlKbt work , to ref
tttmulantnand uao late brain nerTf and
Hop Bittora. Ivruto , ute Hop B.
It yon are jounp uid I 1 Buffering from any in-
dltcrctlon or dl.tjlp l Itloni If you are mar-
ricd or tlnnle , oM or I rounff , surferlnff from
poor health or lantruleli I If. nit on a bed of tick-
uc , Tilj on Hop ! Dltters. .
\Vhoercr > uare , . Tliounaiidi die an.
wheuoTtr you fitl . nuolly from lome
tlmt your syitem form of Kidney
needs cltansInK , ton- ' HlwsaM )
( Dtr or ftlmulatlni ? , have b en prevented
vUhotLtinloxleatlna , . by k tlnioly uioof
talte HOD HopQIttors
O. t. O.
dlseaxo Is on absolute
ylatnt , .
and Irresli-ta.
\\oiteaiaeh \ ,
Ixitcrlt , blooil , HOP cure
UK * of opium ,
You will bo tobaccoor
ciircdlfTaiiusc narcotics.
Hop Ulttors
.Mn. bcoijfur
pljr w o n k ami
ijiTrnlrllod.try NEVER Clicular.
it ) It may I10P DITTERS
r.nvo your
. TU CO. ,
Ufa. It has
envcc ! hun- nxitilir , It. Ti
clrccla A Toronto , Ont.
tba futcit b'elllujc Book of the ARO !
oi * Success.
TheUuaof tikdt , icifal forms , hour to < rans-
ct builnius , vahublo tables , nodal etiquette ,
oaiUanieutary uai e , huw u > uiuduct public
buslneo ; I" I'Ct It liacomi'loto Uuido to Sue-
cee4 fur all Un 'luu. A family noco el.y. Addrcai
forelrcilinaud jpooUl termj , KNUIiOlt PULI-
t.IHtUKO rj.i. Rt TAIH * . Me.
Exaiulitiitiou of Toaoliori .
he present at n\y olHro In CrclKhton
lilookon the llr t Hiturdayof each month to x-
imliie MHI | applicant ! ) ns may dcalru to teach
In tno puMli ! Hliools In lougla ) countv. Quar
terly uMunlnatloii flnt Saturday In February ,
.Miy , Aun-Ubt and Xcn ember.
J , J I'lllMS ,
County Rupt. Vuliho Initimtlon.
H\KOM KKtll ,
Real Estate
4 > ccp a romplcta abstract of title to all Uual
Catate In Oma.h.t and Dousltu countv. mat tf
Physicians and Surgeons ,
OWCK , OicrCrulekihank , 1Mb St. , Ret.
Farnlum nnd Doujlu. ail-1 in
t'AsTuir bi.u.iso Doom or TIII Aas I
Foundations of Success
The li\v of trade , IcgrJ form * , how to trans
* < t biisliiu ! ) ! , uiUiablo Ubli-a , tocUl etl < iuetta
urlUincnlnry lua 'e , ho to conduct public bunt-
ic k | In fait it Is a eouipleto Huldo to SiH'ftsj for
illrt.scJ. A fauilly nceeiklty , Addrecit forclr-
aubn and nwelal tcnm AXOUOIt PU13UIS1I1NO
CO. , bt.LouU , Mo.
13 wiri * n f ?
II jon are nfTllctctl Mltli llilioii'ticf , UFO
If } ou arc prostrated v Hti sick Ife.iclaclio , taLe
If jour Uouclsnte dlnonlcrcd , rr ulito them ulth
I ( ) our Illoocl Is Impurenirly ] It n I 111
Hyau ha\o Indigestion , jou will flmlnn antldoto
II > oil ara troubled with .Sprint- Complaints , cr
ftUlcnta thorn > \Hh MUnWOOK ULOOD
II your LUcrls torpid , restore It to licalthynctlon
11 jour I , her Is atTcctcd , } ou will flnd a tnro re
storative in 11UUUOCK HL001) DlTTiniS.
If jou h cnny species o ( Humor or Pimple , fal
not to take UUIIDOCK IJI.OOD DlTTUllS.
It > ou ha\o any pjinptrjinsof Ulcers or Scrofulous
Sorca , a curative remedy u 111 ba found In
11UUUOCK 1)1,000 ) HITTEUS.
For ImpArtlns strength and \ltolity tothcsjs-
tern , nothing can equal
For Xenons and General Debility , tone up the
Price , 01.00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Ott
FOSTER , HILBURN. . & do , , Props ,
Sold at uholcunli' by Isli & HcMntion and C. F.
Goodman. _ jo 37 eotl-me
State of Nebraska , Douglas Count } ' , en :
At a County Court , held at the County Court
Room , In and for i > ald County , Autrui > t 1st , A ,
D. IblM. Present , HOWAIID B. SMITH ,
County Jutltfc.
In the matter ot the estate of Joseph II. Ncl-
eon , ilccciuod :
On reading and filing the , tltion of Martha
S. Nelson , iiraylng that the Instrument , pur-
> ortlni ; to tie a duly authenticated copy of the
ast 111 and testament of said dec-caned , and of
ho prohato thereof , by the Circuit Court of
'ounlaln County , State of Indiana , and thin day
lied In tills Court , may bo allotted and ricorilcu ,
as the last ulll and testament of enld Joseph ! ) ,
s'chon , deceased , In and for the Hutu of Ne-
Ordered , That August 27th , A. D. 1831 , at 10
o'clock a. ui. , luas c'ied ' forhcarlni ; Bald petition ,
\ hen all persons Interested In said nutter may
ppearat a County Court to ba held , In and for
said County , and ONV cause n hy the prayer of
pctltionerihould not ho grunted ; and that notice
of the pendency of > ald petition anil the hearing
hereof , he Khun to all persons fntcrciled In bald
natter , by publUhlnif a copy of this order III TUB
HIAIU WKEKI.V IlKK , a newspaper printed In * ald
'ouiity , for thrco buccitaho weeks , prior to Bold
day of hearing.
IA true copj. ] IIOWAI1B B. SMITH ,
County Jud'c.
State of Nebraska , Daiiflas County , m *
At u lounty Court , held at thu County Court
loom , In and fortuH County , August l&tli , A.
) 18C1 , Present , HOWAIID II. SAllTU , Countv
In the matter of the estate of Ferdinand Tlmin ,
kc-tnscil :
Un reading and flllnir the petition of IJnlllo
'hum , pralnt ; that the liistruiucnt , this day
Hoi and purporting to bo thelafet will and lota-
uentnf th ald deiea c > d , may ho proved , up-
iroid. . allowed , probated ami rricnlc-J as the
, i t will and ti'stnment of Kitil deceased , and
hatndmlnWratlonof said estate may bcerant-
ciltoeald llmlltoTliuui , ue'XccutiK : u" . "
Ouuk.HKU , 'Hint I September 10th , A I ) . 1S31 , at
0 o'clock a. in. is a-nii'lic'd for hcarinjf said petl-
Ion , when all persons lntere ted In said matter
my appear at a County Court to bo held , in and
r fc.ild Count } , and ho\r rautu \ \ My the pra ) cr
of petitioner BlimiM not be gruntul ; and that no
li , n of pendency of tald pciltlon and thu hearing
hereof , ho Kl\cii to all persons Interested ln > atd
natter , bv pulillililu/a copy of thli order InTiiK
) MAIU WKJ.KU HKK , n ne sxiicr ] printed In tald
'ounty , for three sueee-islio weekH , prior to taU
Uv of hcnrlm , ' * IIOVVAHO II. SMITH ,
( Atruuewy County Ju
Cornell College ,
The CLvulleal , Philosophical , Scientific and Civ.
| t Kiiglnccrliur Coiino * tomiaro ) favorably with
thu bust collides in thu euuntry.
Special ad\antaje aroel > cn in the Preparato
ry and Normal Department * , and In the Conserv
ator ) of MiitJe.
Twenty Profeitors nnd Teachers.
BuiK'ilor llulldlngs , Museum , laboratory ' an I
Apparatus , '
Expense * Low , Fall term oneiu Sept. 15.
For catalOi'Ucii or other Information , addri'M
1'urji. WM. 1' . KING , U. ! > . ,
V Uil.twJwi Mt. Vernon. low % .
Business College ,
QEO , R. RATHDUN , Principal.
Oreighton Block ,
/iTScna lor Clrcubr. nov.'OJiHtl
Wo desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our-
elopant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan.
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovorshirts , Overalls
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth , and Dodge Sts ,
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
jv 18-me
. O.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Gommissson Merchants ,
1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Conslsnincnts made us nil ] rccehe prompt attention. References : State Bank , OmahaTlatt
& Co. , Baltimore ; I'eck & Batghcr , Chicago ; II. Wcrk & Co. , Cincinnati.
s AKDjoiBnus or
The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the wqst.
Guns.AmmunitipnjSporting Goods
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne
j , s
The Largest Stock and MostOom-
plete Assortment in
The West.
We Keep , Everything in the Line"of Carpets , Oil-
ciotlis , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
> uJo a
.Dealer in Hardware ,
Stove Eepairer , Jobf orto tand Manufacturer
03E' < O3E
Q * Omana , Neb
Tenth and Jackso" - - - -