' \ 1 OMAHA. FRIDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER ! ) , US81 , NO. 67 AT- tf IFTBBHTH M JJDUGLAS TS/ / , No 1 fat on Harncy strtct , VicKr rtcif . . . No " Lot on C.13H street near 2 < t , No . -lx > t on Uiltoriila ktrci't near 22.1 , No B Iot on Mirey street near U. I1 , qtfot , "I No ij Moolt In Shliin'a 5J luiaitlAn HuirCSfi- tut , fSM No i > l\\olota en Dccntur near Ouiiiiucll St. , i(5700. ( * . , 4 No -Slots on .Colfax strcat near ItanBccuii I' rk , nlTmsoimbloiWcci * * r * " 100 cliolra rosliloncu lot In Credit Tonclcr nm ! cGmnU li w vMltloiia n. phort dlstvico wiitliuvit ol -U. I' , niul II 11. depots , jirlcci frqm" 3100 nn- mvrdi 13 loti on.Slst , 22i1 , 23d nntl Siundcr * "trcdtp , north of irnl najoinn ! . .i ; . V Snuth'anddltiou , . 5-100 ; turnii tv > I ? ' } V > S No 00 Full LOtncr lototi l > oilplM'8trcct notf 10th , S25CO. , , - . No 70 Corner COx 110 ( cot lot on UougUg iciir raonr lltli iUcit$3100. ' ,1 No. 71 Tlircolotaln Olso'suJtlltion no.irPnMn- -dcra street , 61000 73 Lot on Disuatur street , near Irene Shinn's -3d addition 3115. No. 7.'i 82x 0 feet on Pacific street near U. V .and 1) . & il. depots , # 300.1. No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x13. ! feel Oth -street near Joncf , $ SMX ) . No 73 3 loU on I Iirney street uoarlOth$2000. No 81 Lot tn also'a addition near Blunders s'rcct , S.WO. No. 82 Lot In Olics' addition near Sa'umlurs .street , VMO. No 83 2 lota on 10th near 1'cclflc and Nail ' "ttk . $1500. NobO--Lot on Charles struct near Saundoij , i$500.No No 87 Ixj t on Leaen worth near 16th , 81,100. NoSU Loton Caldwell itrcot near Saundera - No 89 Lot on Chicago near 22d street , 81BOO ; No 00 Lot on lllondo near Campbell struct 1 75. 81 lota luUlllarda & Coldw ell's addition. Slier- man a venue , Kith street , Spring , Saratoga and ) > Florunco streets , 8700 ami upwards. No 12-2 2 lota < in Ibtli street , near Poppleton's new roeldcnco , $1000. NP 123 Lot 71x310 foct on Sherman avenue , 10th street , $1100 No 121 8 lots on Bollcvuc street , near shot < tower , tSOto 875'eaih. No 125 Full block on Clinton street , near shat tower , ? JO to $76 eaeh. Nol2a Lot on IStli street , no white lend -works , 3525 No ' .27 2 lots , 3t acrcsnear head of St. llftrj'ti < avenue , on road tn Park , $ i5 0. No 120 Ix > onCaliforntanear Crcishton Col- CRC , 8:575. : No 10 ! ! J lots ncir new K0 > cmmont corral , 821 ( x2B7 j acreeach. . $300. No 1U1 Lot In ( Use's addition on Cameron St. tnoar S. undcra , niiko an offer. * No. ! l0 ! Lot In Glw'a addition on Casslus St. , near State , make un offer. No 102 Lot In Olse'saddltlon on Cawlus near fSaundcn , uiako an offer. No 103 1 block In 3JoU"s addition addition acar Omaha Barracks , nuke an offer. No 10 1 7 lota In Ilenty & Shclton's addition .near hl h school , price from1250 upard. . 170 l/3t on t'acllle street , near 15th , ina'.e an offer. No 171 2 lots'on Wclister street , near 21't , > kotl > $ JSaOor S2000 for corner and S1SOO for in- de. de.No 173 5 ) ot on Cratncar 14th Ptrect , $1000 No 176 Lot on Snermin a\cnuu 10th street near lianl44xl'i ( 8MOO. No 177 3 lotn in Unnih lew. in'ike an offer. , * ! ' -No ISO Uot In Sn nn' addition on Pier St.Ji ear end street car track , ? f 26. " . ' f > s * r w No'181 ' Two lot ) in Nelson's addition , 1 on daho street , 1 on Center street , near Cuming , r < $300 each. No 1B3 Two tflt ed 'O lots on Cass atieet near -.21st. on a corner , * OOOU. No 163 Lot on SxWard street , uear Saundcrn , wake an offer. No 180 3 lots on Senard Htreet , near Ire-lie , > make on offer No IWU , lot'on Daxeniwrtncar 25tli500. No 1874 , lot on DiIsion mar Cuiuint- . , 5200. No ISiJ. Mock In IJojd'n addltion.utar Omaha ( { ( arracks. flOO. N01S91 , i lot on Picrco near flth strcat , 8551) . No 19-lj , 4 lot on lltli near Firnli.uu , $21W No 191 $ , " beautiful loU In Shinn'a aildltlon , No'lOZJ , 2 lot * on l&th siicct near white' lead works , NoNe No Na -etreet car turn , . No 10JJ , lot on 15th ncr.r PicMee tt. ? 500. Ko 201 Lot in Uitu's udditiuu ou Cameron st.i nearSaundcrH , { 500. , ' 1 l".f. - , " > No .O. I et on Cameronweet neai'Saunaort. No 203 Lot In Shlnn's addition on Sauuden street , near street car tura taldc , ? 36 . , j ( No sii Ucuutiful lot in NUwn's addition , oil ltkion strict niur Unmlng , &BU. No. 203 Two loin on UanUllar street , No'jOft Tve > loU on Sixteenth Btreet , near the nail works , * ISUO. No 20S Olio-half lot on California street near No 2uOLot on 18th street n Ar NichoUs , $000. Ne'210 Lot on Cupltol aieiiue near ! U < iel600. Na 212 Lot 148x500 Ret on ColUx struct , near manBcora Park , with Jmpro\cmcntii , tiTOO. No 213 THO acrt'J on Cumin ' btrect , S1000. No 210 One half aero on California , uoar hen- nedy Btreet , $3. > 0. No 216 lloautlful lot on Hamilton street near street car turn table , Slow. No 217Lot on 23d street , nccrClark , ? WO. A few aero lots only remain unsold in "Park ( Place" little west of Creijfhton Collect , prices tranBinir noiue27itot300eachandon easy te-riiu. Lota in Horbaeh's 1st and 2d oddltiona ; aUo loin in Parker'Bbhlnn'd : NcUon's , Terrace's. E. . Smith's. Itcdlck's , and all the other additions any price-ami at nuy terms. Ten acre * in the ilty HmlU on the road to the " barracks at $ J7f > P - " " - - . . , Four beautiful resldcnro lots In front ol CrcUhtoii Collesii ; lll cut them up totult. Nine rosldcne-u lots north of Crelfliton Collude Kfround'i , from 7UO to1000 each. Thirty roddcnl loti In ParKer'a addition , lx tblocks north of tho.end of the strces car track ou Haundere streut , * JOO e'aeli , 310 down , liaUnco suit , at 8 per cent Interest. A few lota left In Tcrnu e addition on the reid io the Park , near head of St. Muo'na\ciiuu,874) ) icaeli. To these who will build a 1200 reHldeneo , 7ycirs time atS jnr cent Interest. LoU In Jjiko's addition it SJ50 to § 340 each , 10 -years time at ( I percent Interest , to tliosoho " - tract with housoan. . ) ill Improvement' " , adjc.lnlnn' race courjo ai.d fair ground * ' lor&SOOO. Tractsof r > , ll',15 ' , 20 , 40 orSOacrci , nithliull- 'dln s and other lmprt einciiU mid adjoining thu > oity , at all prices. S500oltho hut rcrtldcncn lots ill the city of Omaha any location jou desire north , cut , aouth or nest , And at hud rock prices. * . ! 60cholcouualiioj > i loU In nil thu principal liu > - ne fctreeU III Omaha , iaryli from S500 to < } 7000 cue h. Two hundred home * and lots rnnglm ; from ,600 to JIB.QOO . , and located In uxerypart of the Larva number of excellent arms In Douglas. 'Barp > , Miinilcrt , Uod o , U'aahln'-ton , Hurt , and other i'OoJ counties In eastern N > braaka , 12.0UO ueru he-at Undi In Douglas , 700) acres thtst lundt In Sarpy county , and larro tracts In all thu eastern tier of eouitle4. [ 0 cr 1)00,000 ) ncrtMot thn butt land In tlioNv- rasl.u for s.tlu b ) this agency , VerjTfa \ amoiinU of suburban property In .ono to ten , Uuiity niul f jrty ueru pleecii , loc&tod within one tu tlirco , ( our or Iliu lulled of thu OHtollIcotoino Ttry o'aeap pieces. Keu'lhijuol Ouulia , publUhed by Gccrno P Ilcmls pLiln , iinmuu iteil nupj 10 eent each ; t .mounted , colored md ( with cloth back , fl.60 cch. llousci.storuj. liote'J , farms , lots.l andi. ollkes roomK , etc. . to renter ! ea o. Tax 4 Mild , runts eollcctcd , dcedn , rnortifa es. indall kiml.iolrral taUto doeumunU made out > on vhort notiec' . GEO. P. BEMIS' Heal Estoto Exclianp 15th and Douglas Street , OMAHA \ NEB _ , - - CONVALESCENT. - - j The'Trosifloiit's Pulse Drops to 04 and His Apptito Returns , Dr. Bliss Makes an Anthoritiu ' tivo Statoirio'nfc that the Pa- B j i * - * t tiont Will Kecover. H Further Reduction in the Corp ; bt'Rfodicn ' ' 1 amPsiilrg'foal1' 1 1.1 "AdvisoW , v Are Prayiny Fon-Mo ? - ; Gob-Bless JThom I" * r > - > . * p * - Ty yT * ; iup ; Bulletins' from 'tlio ' ' l'MM. ' LoNfl HiiANRit , September 8. The preMdcnti.'s conditirtujis moro encour- tlifslinornluy. * So s.iy these who have been nearest him since last , , night. Tho'riMtlossncs.vdiiring thotc.\rly part ofilast night i > as ono accnmpnnimont of thu fever wliieli did not leave him .until about 10 p. m. , and the cllects ot the heat still linuored. After ntid- night ho slolt very well and awoke tins morning much refreshed. The ordinary cncnm was administered be fore daylight and ho has swallowed the liquid nourishment as usual. At the morning dressing Dr. Royburn was present with Dr. Bliss and Dr. Hamilton , although not in official ca pacity. Surgoon- General Barnes and Dr. Woodward have returned to 'Washington. Dr. lloyburn will go to Now York to-day. Ithas been decided to dis pense with Mm. Dr , Susan Edson as nurse , as the president wishes only male attendants when his wife is not with him. Mrs. Edson will return to Washington to-day. The absence of ollici.il explanations as to the retire ment oE the thrco physicians caused some comment this morning but it Qooms to have been considered that the omission of their signatures from the bulletin was sufficient. The morn ing dressing " showed the gland and wound continuing to do well and de veloped no unfavorable symptoms. Hamilton \xrns on his way to breakfast ho made some rcmaiks that Indicated his entire satisfaction with the case as it now stands. Ho still regrets the excessive heat and hopei for bolter advantages in that direction. Soon Dr.JJlissvns asked how the p.itient was doing , andsaid : First rate. Did ho have a good night ? Tlio latter-part wu'st good , the first part restless , but ho is in fair condi tion thia , morj 'nivtliu beat , for aov- ' Later it was learned that the best feature in the case was the president's appetite. It seems that ho" has been asking for food. He ate part of a chicken this morning , and may have a little other solid food during the day. The wind ia light , from thu northwest , but the heat Js still vary intonsu. OONVALUSOKNT. Loxrt BIUNCH , September . Dr. Bliss is authority for the statement this afternoon that the president is coimtleaucnt The fall of the pulse from 105 to ill , accompanied , aa it has been , by a general improvement , denotes - notes that there lias been HOUIO satis factory foundation laid for further improvement. The president's apps- tile ni'aJBO ' improving. * J ' ' llo has had mnco morning in addi- fioii'to"iiquidi'nouribhmc'nt ; a portion Of"u w'oo'dco'ck , and lolishud it accord- ly. Ilia mind has dwelt moio on outside - side Bubjucts to-day than for some time. The h'luid is still improving , and Dr. Bills says the wound looks far better than it has done atany time within the last ten days. Ho says too that everything in the case this afternoon is favorable and thoio is now room for the strongest hopes. Loxo BlUNUii , N. J. , September 8. With the exception of a few houia in the forenoon the weather hero to day has been all that could bo desired and the effects upon the president's ! condition has been accordingly en couraging. The earliest reports from the sick room told of a restless period before midnight , followed , however , by several hours of quietness , and thu president's appearance when ho was first seen by Or. 131iss after daylight was as if ho had been refreshed by his sleep. The pulse was rather too e ficqucnt at the morning examination c to ulford much ground for encourage- nient , especially as the temperature si is a few points abovu the normal utandnrd. The two physicians ( Dre. s Hamilton , Bliss ) were apparently well jj satisfied with the patients condition , ; l and all anxiously waited the expected n change in thu weather , on which t > o ( : much seemed to depend. j The sun rose through a haxo that hung heavily over the ocean , and early risers predicted another day of ititenso heat. So , indeed , it was up to noon. The grat calluia at Elhuron found the sunoundings very quiet. Prominent among those on the piazza was Dr. lleybuni , the only one of thu withdrawn physicians who remained there all night. In answer to imjuiiies ho said that thu president seemed to have and evidently moro appetite to-day dently felt a desire to oat moro than hu really needed. Dr. Bliss and Secretary Drown came over to breakfast , arm in arm , both in oxuullunt spirits. Dr. bliss' reply to the usual question was ; "First nite. Hu is in better shupo now than for a tvcek. " Dr. Uliss ( was ina hurry to get to hia breakfast and could say no mote , but his man ner , which ha ? always boon good , showed that hu was very well satis- lied with the c.wo. From Secretary Brown it was learned that the bulle ' tin was Jate hecauso the physicians had not cured to distuib the presi dent while ha was asloup , and hu did ' liot'awako until ufter 0 o'clock. rMr. 'Brown ' wai Hiked concerning the rumor that ISlra , Dr. Edaon liad boon allowed to to homo. Ho said it was true. Further information in other quarters elicited the informa tion that this had transpired through a dcsiio of the president to have only male attendants around him. It is stated on the very boat authority that the whole transaction grew out of thn president's desire to have fpwcr at tendants. Hrs. darllold , bj'inij anx ious to gratify his every iviab , determ ined to have him pleased in thia ica- pcct. lie iwlieatod to her these lid old not wa'nt lobe sent away , and it was accordingly through her deiiro to meet hia wishes that the othoiseie left. Among mmnbui.s of the presi dential party there had not been oven a whispur of trouble in the iSvse , niul those most interested iimmt that the moat amicablefoclingaImvoexistudivud docs exist among all these tyho bavo been about the piuiidciit since lie was shot. Aw ( faMII.NO : Another of tho. Wlritu House em ployes auived to-day to assist in tin. ' conduct of the establishment at Franeklyn cotlaso , TJiu breoxo shitt ed to the mirth before noon- but did not got niuch cooler- , and very few ex peeled to Loaf batter notvsi fuuu iho president at noun. At 1 o'clock Drs. Hamilton and Uliss came over from tlus Elburqn to the cottage and chatted Vith friends on the piaica. Dr. llb/)3 looked as happy aa could bo aiul/mado all these near him fully as happy by informing them that iho president pulse had fallen to 91 ; temperature was normal and the case ahonod general improvo- ment. Dr. Hamilton said to one who cast a glance in his direction , "That ia good news , is it not ? And it is as true aa it is good. " A party of ladies stopped up to Dr. Bliss and asked , "Do you feel hopeful ? " "Very much so. " "Oh , I'm ' so glad to hear it , " said the lady. " BLISS QUKST1ONKII. "So the climate has begun to act , hda it , doctor ? " "Yes , I think it has. What breeze wo have is from the north now , und wo are promised a sea breeze a little later. " j "That was a pretty good drop ofitho pulse , from 10ttol. ! ) " "Yes , indeed , and his general con dition wai rants it. " "What docs that mean ! " "vNotliing more nor less than con valescence , f can'plainly see thattho > president ia convalescent. " "Dow doea ho show it except in pulse aha temperature ? " "Ho looks it and he talks it. " "What has ho aaid about il ? " "Oh , nothing much beyond that ho j lie feels better and enjoys the oc an. Ho thinks moro , too , of out side affairs j takes genuine interest in the hospitality of the cottage and oven suggested to General Swaim to day that 10 should got up some con trivance io help him paas the time away. I tcll.you ho Im made a good " 'i' ' continue. " "Ho\v goes on the pland1' ? "Admirably , we are experiencing no trouble with that. " "And how does the wound look. ? " "Better , It was bettor at last dressing - ing than at any time for a week or ton days. " "Is there anything in the rumor of lung trouble ? " J'Not the slightest. " "And no other nnfiivdrablb aym- toms Jiavo appeared ? " , ' "None at all. " "Then at present you can s'e'p noth ; unfavorable in the ease ? " ' ' 'Nothing ' , whatever Fact is that everything is favorable. " "How is his appetite ? " ' ' Improving. Ho has icljshod liis bed to-day for the fust time in suvoral days-1 ' ' 'What ' has hu had ! " "Tho usual beef extract and mill : lorridgo and also woodcock. " a "Do you still continue the uno- ina ? " "No , we have civen him none ninco ast night , and I hope wo shall not wvo to give him any more ) " "Does ho know that Iho people are all praying for him to-day ? ' Yes , and ho appreciates it. " "How is Mrs. Carfield ? " " than I h.ivo "Happier to-day seen ier in hovoral weeks. " Bother , congratulating thomsolvon ver the news. Attorney-General MacN'uagh fiaid lie felt moro encouiagcd now than ( ever before. Ho should order the spu- , cial tiain away to-day. The air was " wliut had been needed , and now ih seemed to bo at hand. ' During the attornoon the wind shifted ] lurcher around , and a de lightful sea In-co/so WUH welcomed alike ; by thu president and his friends , The favor.iblo condition was niuin- ainud , during thu afternoon , and tin- best of feeling prev.xilpd all around. The evening bulletin proved natis- factory as was gjnoraUy expected. AH thu expected change from hot to cold weather had conio people would invo been disappointed if the morn ing improvement had not bcon main tained. Everyone at the president's cottage agreed there had been an im provement during the day , although lot all the surroundings had been suf- leient to suppoit very strong hope. When the president's ' attondanto came 00 over to a late dinner they wore not of besieged by aa Jargo u crowd of cor respondents as usual , ( loot ! meals iau hud Iho effect of allaying their unxioty. Dr. Hamilton suya the president's resent condition ia very encouraging. p. COU UOUKWiat/H JJ.XOOUUA01JMHNT. Colonel Rockwell was asked what 11 io thought of the iiresidont'u progress w to-day. "Oh , ho liaa had a uplendid fl . „ 'ay. "You think there has been a noticeable - able iinprovumont ? " ' 'Of course there has , " , ini "Then you all fcol much bettor. 1 cal " "Yea , and wo have reason tfa fee HWAIM saidtlmt thorow ; liotliine but _ nowa to toll and that it WAS i ? ° o enough to keep , Dr , Blis * said improvement wn continuimr and Wlo fair to coutiinio. That ho had done well all day. "ThesllfrhUjS- Increased pulse ant tumpcmtiiTO cfil'6 no niiScioty1' ? "None whatever : it ia merely tin afternoon fobrilu rise. 11 o culn wol and has had two birds besides food. ' * h "What Icind if birds'did hu Kit ? " "Dili hS o.\UilioiU or only suck their meat ? " " Ho took tlif bones in hit lingers and gnawed luehtfrum them. " tS"Tho atoniacli Rives no tumble ? " "Nut thu lCi' > nnd t BOO no rcaaon why iJt shoultt.not eontiiuio to do wmi loss jubiltmTilKin Dr. Jtllsa toni - ni lit , though wKcimitlcd ihtro IM boon tjo ) d imniSvomont over yesttr- d.iy. Ho said iniproveinont w.s no- ticonhlu but pechaps not BO great hi 'loino ai'o iiiclintij to ( think. Nothing nnfavorablo luiuniriscMi und ho ia un doubtedly bettor for the sen air. "Havo your , expectations of the ad vantage ofn clianue " been realized thus far ? " t"Docs the pYrsidont appreciate the change ? " A. { 'Most1 assuredly r j he always did enjoy - joy looking at ( ho ocean. He has had great fondness [ for the sea since ho 'was ' a boy. " "And you think the sea brcczo this afternoon is helping him along ? " "I do , and I hope it will liolp him more ; 1 feel very hopeful now but of 111C course wo cannot tell what may hap pen ' yet. Hu is by no means out of the woods. Huis _ better than yester day in ovoryj rrespect. The gland continues to , vdo well. You could recognize no swelling if you could see it. The wound-is bettor to-night than at any provioua time. There is a better - tor discharge add the pus is of a bet ter character. ' .The bowels give satis factory signs Of assimilation of food tea a certain oxtonj , "Tho plUegmjin the tliro.it ; is that troublesome ) po\\ ? " ' ' ' ' 'Considerably so. "Is it mucusV from the gland or from the luntrat" "J can'tBdy.'fcs to that. ' , ' "Aro there nriy nowsignsof soptica- " ' * " mania ? "No now OHM. " "Aro the little abressos.on the back any worse ? " ' f "No ; theyA passing away. "Then thorp seeuia to bo no unfa vorable indications of ( he president ? " ' 'No ; there ro npno , but wo must not bo too Btmytlmt the improvement ia peiinuiiL'iit.--It ( looks as if it would , but it will bo'lMtter satisfaction after he has hat ? tv/tl/ir thlroo more good M' * IWW" * f * trtnVKW During the opening the thermometer etor lia fallen from 90 to 70. The members of the cabinet are cheerful to-night. - The arrivals to-day were Senator John A. Logan and Assistant Secretary < vf State Hill. Both c.dled at the JrUboron to inquire fuftur the president. Drs. Bliss , lloybuin and Doynton and the mimes stated there hud been no unpleasantness between the doctors , and thu bulletin explana tory of the affair ia generally ac cepted. ( ILOKIOUH , IF TUUK. EuiLU'.o.f. Septembers.Drs. . Ham ilton * and * Bliss * otated this evening that the present indications wore con- clusivotlmt the president would ro- cover. [ The president had more Holid food before Bottling downi for the night , Among other djahe ho had ( niilk toast. The president had yono to Eiloep and Boomed in H fair way ( o get good rest. At 10:30 : Dr Hamilton said the president was getting on " \ nicely. Before 11 all the phymciaim had retired gxcopt Dr. Boynton , who was to remain with him the greater part of the a night. The disadvantage attending renewal of solid food is feared jn the possibility of something causing a slight itritation of the stomach. THE VKIIV I.A.TK3T iJowd from the nick room was that everything was going well OH'HItAlIJUI.I.ETIX. . i.i Low ; BHAKOH , September 8 , Elbe- ron 8 a. m. At the forenoon exami nation , made at 8 o'clock , the presi dent' . ! pulao ) vaa 101 , tempcr.itiui ) J8,7 , respiration 18. Mfo was rcstlos-i nnd . wakeful during thu early part of the night , but after midnight slept well until the forenoon. His general condition appcr.ts moro encouraging. ( Signed ) V. If. HAMILTON , D.V. . BMBH , ! A M. iuwrTiK ; , Dr. llcyhimi said this forenoon that the president wai restless during the early part of thu night , but slept it well after midnight until sunrise. Dr. Bliss Rays thu patient is in a better condition this forenoon than he has bconhn ten days , I'uliio 101 , and temperature and icsjiiration normal. JJOO.V llll.f.Kll.V , , T.ONO UiUNi'ii , N. J , , September 8. Nothing unfavorable from thu sick room , but the heat m BO cxcesiivu thyi thu president is not at all times comfortable. The breoxo in light , from the northcant. Thormomutof' ° in the shade. At an examination tliy prcuidcnt'fi condition Dr. llliai a nays thu pulse wau ill , leinperaturo Ol normal , icspiration 17. Vi LI. IIUM.KT1W. N , J. , September 8(5IO ( : ! . At 12 . the ' in m. to-day president's tuiiipuratiu'o was i ) ! ) , 1 ; pulse , til ; res piration , J8. Ho has taken a liberal amount of food , both solid and Huid , with apparent rolisli. Uy special request - quest | of the president , it has been made our duty to say , in this public manner , to surgeon general J , .1. Barnot , nurucon I. J , Wordward and Dr. Hoburt Jteyburn , that in dispona- ; witli their services ai his medi attundautn liu was actuated only by a. wi u resojvo to release thuiii wf Jalwr and bilitylucli , in his improved I'oi- tion , ho coiikf ni > longer properly tin- JHJSO upon thorn. Uotli ilio prosid'ent and Mis. Garliold desire ( o oxpr v Rte to iliodo guntlumun Dursotinlly the ir liigh appreciation- the great ski U and disctction which tiiaj1 Jiavo HO constantly exercised n asaueinto couii- tel in thn manaj-ouient of hkicaso up to tlio proaunt time. ( Signed ) F. If , D. W. TK.V r. M. nm.MTiN. : ' Tire prosidunt's ' purse whfcn tnhcn . . . . . . . VM (08 ( , temporatitrd add tea tt\mii \ the oamo us at ( I p. in , No enema h.a i becii adwiriislorcd sineo 1 o'clock ' this nio'nitag , nild' Dr. 511.13 saya hu still hopes they will not iocd to Ni renewed , althonifh ho iri tot ooitafn that it will not bo advan tageous to-do so. Tha Bnyof Frayer * Lr l5irAjft'ir , September 8. The day throughout Monmonth county was observed as a day of fasting and pr.iyer for the nrosidont'H recovery , in accoi'duHuo with thu proclatnalton of Governor Lndlow. Every place of bitMiicsn 'waa closed , and thu chlirohci dinii'.ij" services were all packed with ppoyvJo. Between 10 a. " nl. and noon , hotels were closed up hud assumed a Funday aspect. At St. Luke's M. Ei church a prayer meeting of two hours length was hold , and wax participated in by clergymen of all creeds. The aweot toned bell of the liltlo Episcopal church near Frank lyn cottage rung out its pleas ant call for prayer. The president ) ' heard it , and turning to Mra. Dr. Edson , ho said , "They aroprayim ; for me1 ? : "Yes , " replied Mrs. Edson , "the people f the entire country arc prayiiift for you to-day. " "God bless ' them , " said thu president , and ho turned his face upon his pillow and . lay silent a long while. At Hod Bank the day was most sol wh emnly observed. MICJUOAN ; This ia the day sot apart by Gov.lof | Jerome's proclamation forprajorfor Inrfield's recovery , Church moot ngs in Detroit are largely attended. Cit TURF. DIAMOND AND OAR. dia 'nroloXVliiB u Finn Rnoo Provi- . tlouoo Scoops tlio Uoaton * : ntlnnnl AMOI iatcil I'n-n. CONEY ISLAND , September 8. The am rat race , all ages , tlireo-nimrtors of a the 10 tile , waa won bv Lily K. , Bedouin econd ; lime 1:10 { . occ Tlio second race , three-year-old fil spo rol ] es , milo and a f urlont ; , waa won by Girofla , Spark second ; time lC8j. : The third race , milo and thrco fur- oinjn was won by Parole , Eolo sec- Uu nd ; time 2:21 : | . Tlio fourth MOO , gontleinoii riders , liroe-quartora of u mile , Waa won by foil 'ilgriumgo , Sir AValtcr second. Time , for ' -v UIJ , mile and -a quarter/ lM 7011 by Sprague , liigomur second. wo fiino , alH. : The sixth race , nil ngcs , niilo nnjl a are urlontr , waa won by Gabriel , Von- all. riloipiiat second , "fime , liHOj. I tra The aovonth lace , handicap , steeple hano , hhort coume , wai won by .loo uiu fiint , Strychnine second. Time , 5:18. : ] Joie ! > r , Sontembor 8. In the third m of the fall eting of ivy liif Mystic nu > ark , the unfinished 2:11 : chisi of yea- I'll erday w.w won by "NVedgowood in nil hrco atr.iight heats , .roaephus nocond. nilGo Mine , 2:20. : Two hcata were trotted is catord.iy and ono to-day. Th ' The 20 : class wan won in throe am traight hcatii by Forest r.atchun , int Uchel second. Time , 2'J5 : } . tor The 221 : moo was , w6u by..l , 3' . enl Alodium sccbhd. .Time , 2:23. : cat .BASK IIALL. , - - PKOVIDKNCR , Sopiotnbor 8.Provi - " lonco 7 , JJostonO. the uov , September 8. Treys 12 , Hi \VorcoHtcrs R , for , Septembers. Ohicagon " ] " tlu 10. "C DBTKOIT , September 8. Dotroils a , Olovulands 5. bu NKW Ynitic , September 8. Metro to politans 9 , Atlantaa 7. dri MIB OAK. WAHIIINUTON , September 8. All of bu the oaiamcn who take part in the re ro gatta uro in the city and the prelim wn inaries havu all been arranged. There . , however , but little talk in the city oil ever the regatta except among sport- In in ; , ' men. Win. H. Allen , of Detroit , InW lias been selected as referee ; Ituali dr Murnliull , of Analostan and B. 0. not Washington as jvdgcs at the finish , of and E , Stanley I'oster ' , of Albany , us tin liino keuiicr. nu At thu meeting of the executive mn committee of thu national rowing as- vo booiation to-day thu contesting oars men drew for pianos in the regattato- moriow , TOKOMO , September 8. The four- 11 e.n riarod race was won by the Celtics , nnd but disputed by the other crows and an is not known how it will bu settled. saw ; tin The other race wu postponed until to-morrow. un jni niurrA : ( , Tli WASHIKOTON , September 8. Not do withstanding the intunsn heat Iho re tin gatta of National Amateur Rowing qu association was very largely attended tin this afternoon. Crowds tinonged thu rai wluitves and balconies , and i > * , incml we the greatest intercut in thu races. of Everything paused oil'in thu moit nut- iflfactory manner , Only one accident Bti occurred , that being the upsetting of out Buiill in the juniois1 race. Thu oc men cupant was quickly rescued. Homo man very linu time wu.s mado. all we IndlontloiiH. rai D. 0. , Sojlember 8. thu Air tlio upper Mississippi and lower th iliEBouri vitlluys : I'artly cloudy tin feather , with riaiiiL' tumpuraluro and clearing barometer. car Tl Fox AutgchU > ct 1'ruM , he Lowno.v , Sojitombor 8. The turret ov hip ram Ooi.iiuurdr wai to-day uuu- ovN cusafully fluoifed ' out of UJiathiuii N < locks and uppuuitt in oxce-llont cundiv that ' ion , in STARTLING ROBBERY. Another Bold Orimo by fclio Missouri Train Bandits , The Chicago Alton Train Boarded Near Glondolo by Masked Men. } ixpPGS8mnn ) Pox Laid Out ami ' ' $20,000 Taken from iho Safe. lj'assongera on the Oars Hold Up For Their Available ' Vnluablos. Roliborn , Supposed io tie the Brotliorii , Etioapcy Without Injury. Afwochfcd l'ruai > , CI : , Mor September 5. Tito I ) hic.igoifc Alton wosUboitxil nail nut 1 oxmoiH ti-niu was slopped Yy line iniu iked nwn two miles west oS "JloNtlulo niul livti miles east of hero asi > nigh t. The * o.xprosn ntcssongcr vas kuo eked down and horribly wataii. His eafo was broken open nub sobbe d of : v largo amount of nonoy , vn riously estimated at from rfjfOOO to 'JqUOfti Tlio passengers on. the train wore rJso rob- R jot ' of jnonoy and valuables. J'lnml ' in VfKa stoppod-bv lantern sig- mla nuil the track * obstrnetod by l tones' and logs. The robbora ivoro icavilj armed with guns and rovol- orsand , kept up a continual' ' firing. I'ho'robbory occupied only a space of .bout-ton minutes. ] S < 6 0110 waa in ured en-opt the express messenger , rhoao'injurios are thought to hofatal. . Hii uanio cannot bo learn- id at this timo. Ho bravely Icfondobl his car and rafusod'to-opcu tno safo. Several shotsiworo ( Trod at Jonducior liazlobakor but ho Oaoapetl inhurt. The train ran to Kansa 3ity awl the alarm was given/ The E'i intiro putico force of that city ii.nine- iiatoly organized into a pursuing posse int are now on their wayhy.bpecial ra to the scene of the robbery. raJ A , laruu possois being organized hero ' aid will leave immediately Those is doubt but that 'Jessie Jninoawas ho loader of the gang. The robbery iccurred within two miles of the mmio iot as the celebrated Glondnlo Hat obbory of October 7th 187W. A IIU.VVi : IIIUKUMAX. bri KANHAS 1 Guv , Septembers. Krank Union , a brakomaa on the Chicago co ind Alton train which was robbud bat hoi light 11 car Independence , made the sin 'oHo\viit | ; nlatemunt this morning : . Po "I was standing on the front plat- SUI 'oriu.of thoslcojpor when train a topped b 'nd IflyvirtjfjiucijB juidj.paths on iho an " * jack"platform. . 1 said : "In aTndiholVt Ba aio going to bo robbud. " Then 10 trio of the robbura cried out , "Wo going inmid going through you anFo . " I remembered that a "freight Fo rain was just behind us , and I Hi teard il coming up. I jumped oil ! ind ran with my lantern down , the ty rack , when they commenced shoot- of ; at mo. Bullets whistled allaround ly , and struck the rails and atones. de L'hoy must havu iirud twenty-five ron ihots. Thu engineer said : "For jiod'u sake do not shout thu boy , bo tor saving i the lives of these puoplu. " mi L'hun ono of .thuia threw up his arms ku ind cried. " ' Th "Stop liuoting. I rolled nto ( ho' cut and waved'my Ian- of ern. The freight train was stoppdd inly a ear's length ofU When I aino back the robbers mud , "Have wi -ou lost anytliingi" I answered , ho "Fifty cunts.1 Ho said , "Show mule inl lo . and I-will kill him. " esi gave mu 0116 ( hUlar aild fifty cents an interest , Thou 1 hoard ono of da robbers say to the engineer , an "Gappy Footo , you ard too good lie man to Ieop ( up this dc business. Hero dcmi are two dollars mi buy a drink in the morning and to fo ilrink it for Jessiu James. I want you , of you'll bo killed if you don't leave thu po road. , , Wo are uoing to tear it up ca bust thu Alton and Iho Hock Island roads : for they have boon ollering re wards for us. } Vo havu no grudge , dGfiiiiiHt the Pullmans and will switch their cars and burn all the lest.w , am the man who killed Westlako at mi Wonston , lo tvas too tnnart and he ilrow < a rovolver. " Billion did buliovo it WHS Jussio James or any his gang. TJioy all acted gtuun at Lc business and Im thought they wcru IHI men living in the vicinity. They ItLi made no uUoinpt to disguise their Li voices. ; The nnws agoilt , "Frank Lombard , Tl ays ; " 1 was bitting in Iho smoking to , talking with thu conductor , Jack for Ihi'/.olbakor. ; We heard loud voicca dii pistol shots ; I looked out and th lanterns Hashing ; wo know 80 that train robbero were on fl . IIitKclbakor ran back into the be train and watnod thu passengers , for Thuy wore all looking out of the windows II dews until the lobbera called out to ter them to pull in their headH and keep Sil quiet , The robliorw hud stopped the Silwi tiuiu by nutting mi obstruction on tlio rails and signaling , I am uuru thuro wcru a dozen of ilium , although Homo thu passengers place thu number at infiv sixteim. fiv ICvurybody waa panic- stricken und holplusa , 1 ran and of the car and found guarding thu engineer and ( he- , Tlioy were pooily masked but armed with Homy rillus , They Fi were u wearing loudly and shooting at fo random , Home of them passed into ron < mail car but did not touoh any then thing , Exprcus McKuungcr Fox in luc.xiitiiuo had ban leaded thu express - on press car , Tlioy climbed upon the , run mound and began to shoot. They broku into thu c.ir and knocked down by a violent blow on thu head. They then robbed the safe of uvoiything , Oiiiauio , September 8. The Daily 2 News special from ICiiumis City sayii w.w 200 men are now searching 300 the neiiliboohoo ; < l of Glen * dale for the Chicago & Alton train robbers. About < J o'clock this morning a party of scarchcis approached preached Ditto Mills Landing and lound the ferryman up and apparently watching for someone , ilusl before descending to the ferry the party met two men vho hastily jumped into the bushes bordering the ro.ul nnd rapidly retreated. Knnning the oddn ngainsb tlicni , tlio oHIccrH did not follow , but started on to the ferry. When they readied that point , however , the ferrymen' hnd taken to thu opposite lunik and WAS rapidly moving oil' on horseback. From this it is thought the robbers have been uimlilo to reach the Clay xntniy side of the rir r , and must , thcmoro , bo ccncoalod within -thrc.o- miles of the sccni ) of the robbery. t WHO H ICKHPflNsnLR } Ciuutno , SoptcMibcr 8. The offi" ci of the Chicago * Alton road its t ! city fuel very sere over Jaab night's tncin robbery on t > .sir i-oad , pnucipally on account of the way iu vvUch the passengers were mulcted. They ; claim that the governor of Mis souri ia lesponsiblo for the lawlessness that reigns in the western part rt the slate und slicnhl call a posse and im- uediiately sup ) > rcss the grtug. Old do- tcctives say that a pus"s can neror * capture the batiditn an rlieir IIIOTO- nionts ' m\j always watched by tlio rob- boi-s. 'Jho proper way in their esti mation ; it to hav > ono man jocato fho- criiDinaloaiul tlion toorgnuiv.o a posaw and swoop down upon thuini A tolegrain was received this mg by JVisoph Shcprnrd , assistant general supenntoiulcnt of thaUnitedl Stotosoxppjss company , from thengont at Kansas City stating that tl'.o' corn * > an-y'fl : loss "by- last nifflit's train * rob bery ; was loss than 9COO. AWFUL. HORRORS. TorriWuEBports Michigan'sBtunoa Distract - tract 3'iv& Hundred Eooplo Burned to Stoath andiS.OOO Without - " out Homes. , 'A Ci-jrGoos up feom Mnoodonia ' fcrcJ Povinloiui and ! Ctanoral * > , , , ( RcUof. 'i * * \ - ' Rational Jfundatcd Prctt. OKTEOCT , September 8. Every hour , brings itoro horriUu stories from the , ire-s\ycr.t regions ofHuroii and Tucola ountio9 and the MAOodbnian _ cry for liolp goes-up. Money , medicines and. surgical aid i are buina eent in from. Port Huron and Ddtroit. There ia no such thing-ns givinij particulars but known that over 200 : lueu , women" j , v' ' * ' and , children are burned tq dcatli > ' | | v' * ' ( BauiJab OCiintv-alini-ai. un < laa : mttiVfa ! teW ( * i'-'v- , , 100 more in Huron , Tlioueaiuls of faintlii'Siaro homeless.- nid - nhnoct naked. The villages of Forest Bay. and Huron City , both iu Huron , arogono. An BvoningNowa * jpecial from iuidiiB.'tj ; , Snnituo coun , roporta-tho entire central portion thu county burnotUover and scarce anylhirrg loft T\Vonty-threw ' lead : bodies were found along thu roads. ' In ] Moon ! > , Argylo- Ouster and AVa- terton townships , within aovonty-iivu miles of Mindun , or300 puraonsaro known tn havu beuiivbiirned to death. ' 1'ho latest report increases the hornir- tliu-eliwibtur. A. llllHUICAKB Of 1'JUU. . Theidra came withia hurric.inn oC wind Monday nocu tand the whole > heavens auenied to < bu on Fire. TJiu inhabitanta thuuglii of nothing but to. escape with their lives. Ilolief tniiim. and bonla are f orv/arded from hero tu- day. ttovisions , . clothing , bedding1 and all the nouDssaries of life aru > needed , TJiousanda of puoplo aro. dcatitutaand mtwt bo supported for- < months' . TJioro are special calls also. for : liberal contributions. In part. Saiulaa county it" is feared that a/ pestilence will breed from the deaet cattle horscH , and Hhocp. DHTllOIT AIPlNfJ I'P.KKLV. Detroit is to-day employing it * . stores of provisisus , loading them OIL. ' bout a and sending thuia forward , tho- ' merchants lniTing met and decided tu. help all they could. LATKl" A Bpcci.il from reputable citi/.onn of Lexington BAJ'B that duail bodion aro-i Iniing brought in frtau , all directions. . ! ia now kno\n ) that over COO uro. killed ! in Sanilac county. DfcTBoir , Mich. , Soptoinbur 8. Thu moiolmnta ami' capitalists at 1100111 to-day pledged tltcinsclvus for § 1,000- thesulloroiH in the Mulligan burnt districts , and nlio put thuir hunda ilk1 their pockets and pulled out- , OIK ) to bu immediately expended Hour and lueat , which leaves bora before dark to-night on a fast steamer ; aid to the utifl'orsrs in Sanilaov Huron and other counties. This lat is for iiiiMisdiato use , and if IIOCOH- sury fivu hundred thousaiiJ dollaiu will bo niiscd. TIJi : TEUUtBJiK A reiiort from one of the best muni Saiuhui is just received which suy * flvu hundred are known to bo killed , ever 0,000 burned out , Nutlonsl , IjKwisroN , Mo. , September 8 , Franklin Heed , demouratio candidate ; congress in thu second district , him ned in favor > t Jud o Gilbert , ( 'rconback candidate , who will i un the iinifin ticket. Whont Katlnntil Ataoclntol 1'rcxt. CairAno , Septuinbor 8. Mu rigor. Wheeler it Co. , of the fl.iloim'elo - vator , posted a notice on oluxngo this ( morning that 220,0'00 bushels of No.l spiing wheat , stored in the olovatora ; hot and sweating ; alao thn ' ( ) ( ! , > ' ' bushels of wheat wivi alao .lUAUiu. snmu condition , ' * | p ( V