7 TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 8 , issi. HARVARD'S ' PROSPERITY Jin Interesting Latter About ail Interesting Town , i 3ts Roixmrkablo Growth Sine the First Settlement ' Pine Improve- monts. Rich Soil nnil EntcrprlsltiR About the Nub. , ivns born on or ivbout the ycnr 1872. TJio Soul ! Plnlto land company , nn offshoot o ilio 13. it 3L railroad , was its progon itor. The first historical event of im portance was < ho county sent fight , nnd while Harvard never gained n point in that contest , yet it is imid thai the expectation of securing it dii tliis town a great deal cf good nm bencfittcd it far more than it has Clay Center , the place that finally se cured it. .At present this town contains nl least a thousand inhabitants , and has tributary to it n circuit of ion inilcn of surrounding country , of which nearly one-half is under cultivation. THI : sou. is n black loam , with a clay subsoil , There is no admixture of sand , nm the productive surface is from nigh- 'iccn inches ( o two nnd ono-half fool * Ioop Under such favorable circum stance good crops invariably follow decent cultivation nnd n fair sc.inon. THE nnoi1 this year , in spite of the Into spring drouthy summer nnd scorching windfl is a profitable one to the fanner , for ! owing to good prices , the yield ill dollars and cents to the aero cultivated will this year exceed that of nny since the first farm was opened on this divide. THE OIUQIKAL FA KM of Clay county was first cultivated in 1873 and the first grain shipment was made in 187-1. This year over A THOUSAND CA11H OK WJIKAT will bo shipped from Harvard. The stock shipments will amount to from fifty to seventy-five cars this year. These are , however , mostly hogs and when the farmers make their cattle and sheep shipments to equal or ex ceed the porker business this country will save dollars where contH are put away at present. Yet the country is jiow prosperous. ' HUSINEHS SIEJf are doing well enough to suit any one who is not hoggish in disposition , and the farmers nro making comfortable ) homos , leaving to the gophers their nod houses and building substantial , nnd in many cases , ornamental ones ; breaking up everyyoarmoro and more of the virgin prairie. In fact , the tendency to make big farms is a , dam aging one to the country , aa it too often begets poor farming , nnd that is Tosponsiblo for fully two-thirds of all unfavorable reports in regard to No- braska. AVhilo the state has thousands of as noble patrons of husbandry as the country can show , yet , it must in truth bo said , that "free homes" have brought to us a largo per contago of thpso who are fond of Rotting every thing easy , and taking life easy , und auch men. although often excellent , jolly follows , nro unfortunately the men who complain most bitterly of the poor crops they have raised and write to friends in the east to send them out some money or pro visions with an account of the country that is not always exactly truthful. Ill nine cases out of ton the fault lies \vith the complainant. There are liero many live publio spirited cilinona and to such Harvard is indebted for the progress she has made. r Mr. 0. K. Merrill representing all the B. & M. farming lands , ia ono of thoio that fills most ably the position lie occupies and never fails to put forth every effort that will tend to the building up of his district. Dcsidos his extensive business in real-estate ho has the only apiary in Clay county and has made it both profitable and pleasant. Each year the increase Jias boon about 200 per cent. Mr. Merrill ol o owns n dry goods store and does an extensive news and subscription business. TUB WEEKLY BEE is under obliga tions to him for about seventy-five subscribers and THE DAILY BEK must acknowledge his helping hand , for all day yesterday ho toiled with mo to obtain for the best daily in the west a good list of Harvard subscribers. Of course Mr. Merrill wanted n good word for his .town and county but I could say nothing less under any cir cumstances. IMIUIOVEMEMH , An elevator that will compare with any in this country has boon erected this season. 'It is. fitted with all the latest improvements and is doing n eplendid business. The patent process has boon intro duced into the Harvard ( louring mill this season. The Grand Central hotel was com pleted in time for dedication on or about the Fourth of July , OIJDS AND i.ms. ! The publio schools of Harvard have the very best of teachers nnd a lanjo attendance. The principal , Prof F. Lee Foreman , was at ono time an Omaha man. A metallic coflin that is said to bo Tory line and costing loss than the wooden ones is mmla.'horo by Mr. "W. H. Hammond. ; , 1'lfo material is zinc and the process of construction is very ingenious , a patent lias been ap plied for. TJioio is an owjcllwifc opening hero for a homeopathic physician as tlioro will bo none in the place as soon as Mrs. 0. > V , Howard , M. D. , can dis- pgao of her homo and'ofllco , her hus Laud being how n resident of Pawnee City and lienco there \a tendency to- ivnrds a removal on the part of Mrs. Howard. * J'OUTICALLY. This country is anti-monopoly as you can guess by the list of UEK'S taken here , ; A meeting of the Fanner's Alliance was held Saturday and delegates ap- pointed to attend the convention n Lincoln.Mr. 0. Garoy is a nndcrstoot to bo on the { rack for nhcriir. th other candidates I have not lioan from. ( Jnroy is an old time war-hors for our .side , a good man , nnd will b elected if nominated. For business review sco filli page. lt.\Niiin. : A Dnol to the Donth' Little Hock ( Ala. ) Onrotto. 7. T. Carpenter , n Choctaw Chief nnd Col. Price , a prominent citizen became involved in n ( junrrel at Pin Creek Indian Agency. Parties wh ( wore present at a "uathering , " Baj that the first they know of the quarrc the Chief and Col. Price were stand ing n short distance from the crowd when the Chief oxclniined : "Voiir blood can alone pay forlhi.1. ' "My blood is yours when you are man enough to tuko it , " oxclaimei the Colonel , stepping back and as sinning a threatening attitude. "Not now , " said the Chief , whci the crowd rushed to the BCCIIO. "A bravo man does not shed blood in the Face of a mob. Meet mo on this spo to-morrow morning. " "At what time7 "When the nun shines through the lop of that tree , " pointing to n tal oak , "stand hero , and when the nut reaches the top , when the shade falls at your feel , look around aiid you will sco me. " The two men separated , and the spectators wondered why two of the most talented men of the Nation hat liiarrelcd , but no one dared invest ! gate , lest hoboconsidcrodaii intruder On the following morning a largo crowd gathered to witness a contest which every ono know must terminate fatally. The Colonel arrived , slcppei upon the exact spot whore ho hat stood the previous day , and looked a the sun. Ho looked again and thoi looked down. Again ha looked nt the suiij and then surveyed the field , The Chief waa seen advancing. AVhct within n , distance of thirty feet of the Colonel ho stopped and drew a revel ver. The Colonel drew his pistol one straightened hinself like a man that suddenly experiences a feeling of pride. Not a word was spoken. The two men raised their weapons. They fired nl- nest simultaneously. The Chief reel ed. Again they fired. The Colonel 'ell dead. The crowd rushed forward. The CJiiuf fell to the ground. The 3olonol'fi ' bullet had entorcahlsbrcnst. Dlood llowd from bin mouth. The Doloncl was shot through the heart. The Cliisf still lives , but withouthopo > f recovery. A BRITISH MODEL. EIow the Streets of London are Cleaned. RofiiRo Turned to n Gold Uiuo in Which the "Workers nro the Small Boys anil Alilo- Bodlccl Paupers. The strcct-olpaninfj arrangements in ho Kritish capital might bo worthily nutated by the municipal authorities ) f our cities. The contracts for clean- ng the London streets are sold by the nelropolitan bonrd of works for a argo sum every year , ' and in more , han ono instance generous fortunes lave boon realized by the contractors , 'ho father of the present Sir William Jrassoy is said tohavo made the whole f the enormous fortune which has mablod his son to enter the ranks of lie aristocracy out of dust and ashes , nd ho is , no doubt , the original of 10 Golden Dustman in Dickons'sto- y , Our Mutual Friend. The right of omoving the manure from the streets s leased to n company , and the share- loldors are paid n liberal percentage or the money. Till ! YOUTHFUL HCAVKNanittt. Visitors to London have probably oticed the square rod pillitra about our feet high , which line many of the treats , n distance perhaps of 100 arda between each. Those are often listnkon for letter-boxes by the cas- al observers ; in fact , letters nro fro- luontly dropped in them through in- dvortcnco. In reality , however , hey are receptacles for the horso-iiia- mro gathered by n brigade of small ) oys who are in the pay of the con * raptor. They are dressed in neat uniforms of blue , with leathern aprons and broad-brimmed hats , and hey dart in and out of the horses' ogs like rats and gather up the ma- uro into the short shovels with vhich each boy is provided , A short mnd-broom is likewise n portion f the urchins' equipment andre ro n great aid in their work , from time to time one of lese active younstcra will in like a ush for the nearest box and empty lit laden shovel in a sliding opening t the top , and presently n cart comes long , which stops a moment or two L each receptacle , and n man walking longsido the vehicle lifts n trap at 10 base of the manuro-box and liovols the contents into a cart. In vet and muddy weather the scavenger > oys do not works , but their place is ikon by n largo body of men , gen- irally nbln bodied paupers hired from ho work houses. Their employment ionsisis , firstly , in sweeping every noli of roadway with brooms and iocs , and , secondly , in piling the 1th and mud in little heaps along ho gutters. Carts follow in the ako of the sweepers deep cistern- iko wagons , with two mim in attend- nee , pno with n big broom and the thor with a wide hollow shovel and lie mud and filth disappear like mag- o. During the day the latter'work is Dinowhat impeded by the trnfllo on ho principal streets , but nt night the ; ang of sweepers is quadrupled. In act , mud seldom ruposus a second ay on the soil of the great oily. The ontonts of the mud-carts are also tilized aa fertilizers , and the contract- ra always make u handsome profit. It in , howovoi/tho dustman who is 10 most familiar scavenger in Lon- on. Ho is not Boon so much in the ) uny streets in the heait of the ity , but in the ntiiet thoroughfares f private residences , of which 0 many exist in modern Babylon , U any time of the day ( he dustman's lodest turnout can bo encountered 1 such neighborhoods ; jt consists of i substantially-built box-cart , drawn > y a strong horse , and hanging down 10 side is a short ladder and two > askota. The diutman and his ual ro large , fat 'men , looking vury much like brewers' men who hnvo been we rolled in nnlins. Their atliro consist principally of a lingo apron and u ha with a long flap failing down the back and ever and nnon their mouths sir open nnd forth cornea thu stentoriai cry , "Ditst-hole-ho-lo ! " THE ( JOI.UK.V DfCTMA It is astonishing the ell'ect the dust man's cry haa on the mirroundin housm. Poit little feminine bend crowned with diminutive lace caps the bndgo of scrvniit-maldism , nppca at all the nioa , and the sturdy dust men often grow quite bewildered witl the multitude of jobs on hand. However over , they soon tackle to the work which is to empty the dust and nslie from n stone-built clotct which wil generally bo found in the front nrca of ovcry private residence in Enqlis ! towns. In these closet * ) Ilia servant ; deposit nil the refuse of the hoiischoU and particularly the fisher from tin opcn-gralo fires customary in Eng land , nnd the contractor is bound to see that they are emptied by his mci at intervals of n few days. The dint mon do not tnko long over the job. the ladder is placed by the sidu of the cart and ono man loads while the other empties , carrying the basket 01 his shoulders , No payment is duo i < thomonthopartof thohouftokucpor , bin it is customary to give the mim a pini of beer , or the money to purchase that beverage with , HO dustmen pass : fair portion of their time in wiping their months. In order to dr.iw tin attention ! of dustmen to the holism where dustholcs , as they nro called , are particularly oveiloaded , it isiisua to place an immenno D in the firs floor windowund , hence the dustman's ' dirge , which is snppoaed to have given n hint to the illustrious author of Pin afore : "Wo arc dustmen old , " \Vu am iliiHtinen liolil , As you can plainly sec. And wo tixltcH our swipe * And our mouths wo wipes , ] lut vir-tu-otiH nro we ; Tor wo curtcs wild. Like any oilier child , ] 3utc Btops at a bitf , big 1) . When the carlo are filled with the ashes nnd noforth they are driven to i certain locality in the suburbs nm : ihoro they nro emptied , nnd many lundred women and children nrodaily employed in sorting out the various ngredients of the mountains of refuse nutter. The small pieces of coal nro tut in ono heap , the cinders in anther - > thor , the rags , paper and bones ii mother , and BO on , and various uses are found for everything , while many i prixo in the wny of n lost silvci spoon , and oven articles of jewelry , nro from time to time discovered it ho heterogeneous mass , DOWN IN DIXIE. Nftflhvillo has ten cigar mniinfatoiies , St. AiiKUHtliic , i-'Ju. , 1ms n now forty- ncro cemetery. Milch cows are dying in Chattanooga of Murrain. 1'ink Shins N thu nnmo of a Hnrtlin ounty , Ky. ( girl John Stuart of Shelby county , Ala. , is OU years old. Jlivcr navigation at Chattanooga i naliis ut n stand htill. Ono IIOUIK ! mangoes nio cxhibitotl at tlunnteu' , Florida. Three quarts of slirimi > for ten cents in St. Angnutino , Fla. Never 1ms Virginia had such a drought as the present one , A largo vein of Iron has been found in touno county , Tenn. A fishing line factory in ono of the in iiHtrics of Now Orleans. The Methodist conference will meet in ) anvlllo , Ky. , September 7. v Two largo beats were kflludin St. John's oimty , I'la. , last week . The colored fair of North Carolina will o held in Kalelgh , October 31. The Kentucky ISco-kcepetx' convention vill meet In Lexington on October 0. An Illinois man paid ] ) r. J. U. Alex- niler of Hcmlomon , Ky. , S170 for a dog. ( lainbling nt the AVltlto Sulphur SpringH , Va. , is said to be offensively con- | ) iouoni. Hole , the Alhemiuh' , Virginia , race IOIBO , 1ms been sold to n Now Vurk nmn or-lCOO. The tobacco crot ) of North Carolina , also n parts of Virginia , U anything but ptoin- sing. A 3,000-acro farm near Norfolk , Virgin- n , has IJCLMI sold to a Now York nmn for liO.OOO. Vast quantities of grapes have boon lipped from J'linco William county , Vu. , ils Buiiaon. The Harbour county , Ala , , farmers will lave no com to buy mid will have no cot- on to null. Buildings are being erected in Nnshvillo is taut as material nnd workmen can bo ippliod. The scarcity of water in Itichmond , Va. , H in many instances proving the cauno of ere dlstrcHS , A largo licet of steamships have been Imrtoreil to parties in Norfolk to carry otton to Liverpool , The largest North Carolina watermelon icard from this neabon was from Wako ounty , and weighed CO pounds. About 75,000 j.vmnds of grnpos have icen shipped from ( Jharlotteivillc , Va. , to orthorn maikots thls'iieabon. The Louislnna nugar crop is now about 70,000 hogsheads not one-fifth the mount consumed in the country. Must of the plantations owned by the ate ilohn DiiniHidi ) of Now Oilcan * woru 01 th from $ 10,000 to $70,000 each. The ( prospect is that the next session of 10 Washington nnd Leo univercity , Va. , ill bo the most iirospennis in its history. Thosalo and dUtrlbution of Jefferson ) avi * "JUso and Knll of the confederate ovurnmeut" has been slower In the south iixu in the noi th and \\est. ( lav. Roberts of Texas la sixty years Id. haa gray Imir , beard and munlacho nd dark eyebrows , 1 [ o dresses in a worn- ut sidt of black , end sniokes a cob pipe. Physical SiiiForliiff. No one can realize , except by personal xperlcnco , the anguish of body and mind nilured by niilfemii from dvupopxia , in- Igestlon , constipation nnd other diseases f the btonmch. Durdock JJlood Ditto ) * roapoaltlvo euro for this direst of all Iscase * . 1'iicoSl.OO , trial biro 10 cents. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i'od-w , Almoit Cr ry. JTow often do wo BCU the Imnlwoik- ig futhoiHlnuniiijj every nerve nnd nmclo , niul doinj , ' his utmost to mip- ort his fninily , Inmtjiiio his fculinga luni r turning homo from Jiuril ny'i * labor , to iliul his family prohti-nto vith tlist-aso , coiuoioua of uniNud iloo' pr l bills antl duhta on every luuul. t must 1m enough to drive ono utmost nixy. All hia unlmjininusa could bo vojdod by Ubiug JOloctrio Hitters , vhioh oxi > ol every discnHo fi om the vstoiii , bringiiiL' joy nnd happiness to liouHands. Sold ut iifty cents a hello lo by IBI ! & jroJrahon. (3) ( ) Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ; 8acac/iof ( Soreness of iho Chest , Goui , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swolt- incs and Sprains , Burns and < * ; Scalds , General Bodily Pains , Tootfi , Ear and l/oadacho , Frosted Foot and Ears , and. all other Pains and Aches. tft Titpirntlon on earth fipiali ST. JACOBS On uc iv tafi'ftnrf , iilinjilr mid r/in < ] > ExtercM RsmrJy. A tilnl cntallii but the comr rth lj ( tiling outlay of HO Cent" , mil erery on ( iifltr- lir ; with pain can hare cbtap aoJ poiltlrt cracf < I Iticltlmi. , y , llrfctlons In IZIertn LanipiigM. t * COLD BY ALLDRUaOIBTS ANDDEALEE8 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGEJLER & : CO. , Established 11 Years , Assctfl Hcprcicntcd 882OOOOOO O. Aetho Flro and Llfa wanted. C. T. TAYLOJt & CO. mmtAMTm DON'T IT BURN I Sly house and furniture is insured with 0. T. TAYLOUftCO. , Cor 11th nnd Dowlas. J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 810 South Thirteenth Street , with J. M.Woolworth. PROBATE NOTICE. Stnto of Nebraska , Dauglu County , saj At a County Court , held at the County Court loom , In ami fortal'l County , Auirnst 16th , A , ) 18M. I'rtsent , UOWAIID 1J. SMITH , County Judgo. In the matter of the csfatoolFerilirmmlTlmm , Icccascil : On rcaillntr and flllnir the petition of Emlllo riunn , prajlng that the Instrument , this ( toy II led and purporting to lie the last Hill and tcst-v ncntol the raid deceased , may ha proved , ap- > ro > cd , allowed , probated finil recorded as the ast ulll and testament of said dcccnscil , and hat administration of Bald ettato may be grant ed to said Uinlllo Tlitini , o executrix : ltV" OUDEIIKII , That Sciteiuber | 10th , A n. 18S1 , nt 0 o'clock a. in. Is aislKncd for hearing Bald .ictl- Ion , uhciinll jiersoin Interested in said matter my appear nt u County Court to ho held , In and or wild County , nnd show caiuo why the prair > f petitioner should not ba urnnted ; nnd that no- Ice of pcndcnry of f aid ] ietitlon and the hearing heieof , Ijo Kiven to all .nroons Interested In mill nnttor , by | iubH hliiB a copy of this order In Tim ht.MU WKKKUY Jlr.K , a ncu iMpor printed In said L'ounty , for tlireo succtulto ucoUs , prior to enlJ lay of hearhiR. 1IOWAUH 11. SMITH , [ A true copy , County Judtfc. auirlTwlIt BlackDiainondCoalCo , V. II. LOOM'S ' , J. S. Sue. AXD TRUAB , 1. L. MlW.lt , AUKM. HARD OR SOFT COAL n car lots or In iiuantltlvi to suit purihascm , Orders SollUtud. Yard , Foot Farnham and Doug las Sts. , Omaha. DexterL.Tlioiasyro. WILL BUV AKD SELL AND ALL IIUS8AITION CO.V.VKCTKU TIIKUKniTII. Puy Taxes , Eont Houses , Etc. IFOU WANT TO BUY OR BKLO all at Ofllcr , Hooui 8 , Crcliiton lllock/Omaha. UehrashLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , iOB Fornliam 81 . Omaha , Nebraska 9100 , ro.ully nolcctcd land In Kastcrii Kcdrotkn ferule ulo , Great llir aliu In luuiro\ed ( inns , and inaha city proi > crty. . Jf. DAVIS , WnJSTKIl SNYDUn. Ute Land Com'r U. P. R _ , U-fcbtf D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AKUAUH DI.OCK , Cor. DoiigUi Mid 16th St , Omaha Neb. OH. H , CLAEKSO.X. ) , O. IIUHT , Clarkson & . Hunt , Succour In Itlchanli & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , OmliaKob. Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY -LAW. John Q. Jacobs , ( Formerly of GMii Jacob * , ) UNDERTAKER. S'o. HIT Karnhorn 8U , Old Etnnd of Jacob Oil. Ttlv.'rat > htialUitoil p'iMv O. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY- -LAW. ' 2 Ftmh&oi St , Omahi h'cb. If Jon suffer from ly ppwla | , nso nUUDOCK I1I.OOD I If you nro aflllitcd ulth lllloii ! nc < ; i , use DL'llDOCK 1)1.001) IllTTKllS If youarc ] irotrntc < l ntlli tick Headache , take nuuuocK iiLuoi ) unTiiw If j'Otir How els ( i re disordered , rcfiil.itc them \\ll IIUHDOCK UL'jOl ) IHTTKKS If jour lllood Is Impure , purify I iiuitnoci : ULooi ) nirrnits , you Mill find an antldnt In IJUUUOCK 1)1,001) IIIITKUS If you are tronWedUlli Pi > rlnj ; Coniplalnto , cr odlcAtc them wllli IIUKDOCK DLOOU I If jour l.hcrls torpid , icstoro it to ln.althyni.tlon lth UUKUOUK 1H.001) 11I1TKKS If jour Liver la alTccted , you will find nRiiro re storatho In UUUDOCK If jouhavenny FpcdcsoMImnor or Pimple , fall not to take 1IUHIJOCK 11I.OOD lUrTIIHS. If j ou hat o nny cymplonn of Ulcers or Scrofulous &orcs , a curatho rcnicily 111 bo found In UUHDOCK 11LOOD11ITTE11S Tor Imparting strength and \ltality to the sys tem , nothing ran equal UUHDOCK HLOOD IHTTKItS. I'orXiin ous and General Debility , tone up the sjstcm with 1JUHUOCK11LOOO UIITEHS. Price , 31.00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cls FOSTEE , MILBUEN , & Co , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo DISEASES OK THI : DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Ilcfcrcncos all Reputable Phjblclans of Omaha. .tSTOfTicc , Corner 15th and Farnham Sts. , 3mnha , , \ BASIITZ & WILLS , 1422 Douglas St. , Near 15th. Before removing to their new OPERA HOUSE STORE Will sell their stock of BOOTS I SHOES At Greatly Reduced Prices. WAE IN PASSENGEE EATESI HOlllllU HltOH. llrolent In all Hallroad TIcUcU , Omaha , .Vcli. , otter Tickets to the ttut , until further not.ic , at the followInjr unhuard of law Katm : Chlcngo , 910 ; Hound Trip , S1P.OO , Ihcso are llndtid Fmt-ClattTU'lii'U and teed for rvtiun trough the j tar , nndlatho Old Itcllablo Chino n-o , llurlln ton t ; ( julncy Itailroad. Alao , ono ) to . Iftcliis9. CJdrxss. w Vork , 1 w. S2i oo. ooton , -J7 00 , 'U 00. hllailulphla , 'JJ10. 'J2 00. Vaililiiit.li , I ) . 0. , 1U60. 1900. For i artlculamrlto or ( ro direct to HU1HIIK ItOS , , Dealer * In Itcdurrtl Hutu HallroaJ nnd tumihliTUkt | , t > OU Truth Ht , , Oinuln , Neb. Itinumbtr Iho ) > laec Tlireo IHwrj North of Union 1'ailMo Ualltoad Depot. Uast bIJo of Tenth trcit. Omaha , Augutt 1,1ES1 A. G , TROUP , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW EA -FOPv- Wo desire to call the special attention of the trade to our elegant lines ( nt BOTTOM PKIOBS ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls , Hosiery , &c.now open. Wnolosalo only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO , , . Comer Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. 1SH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. jy IS-iiio IE1. G. 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. FEARON & OOLE , Commission Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments maitc 119111 receive prompt attention. References : State Dank , Omaha ; Platt & Co. , lUltinioru ; 1'cck & Il.inshcr , Chicago , II.Vcrk & Co. , Cincinnati. I. OBERFELDEE & CO. , S AND JOIIBEUS OF 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. . . . OTA3C.33Cj SL.f The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods PISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS , MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne .A" The Largest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oilcloths - \ cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures i i and Lace Curtains. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVEBYBOOY , ; . : / 5 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha. WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Stove Eepairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer O3E" . .A TiTi XCXnTDd O * 0.XITS. . Tenth and Jacksc" R * . - - Omaha , Neb