\1 \ FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. MONKV AND STOCK ? . ' NEW YOIIK. September 7. 'Money closed cny at 5 per cent , Kxclinugo closed firm nt 1J1 { ( < I 8IJ. Governments closed linn. Cunvncy ( k 1 30 hid ; h , coup. , 1 10J 1)iilj 4U do , I 13 litdj fn ie itinucel , 1 01 ljid ; Gatlo , 1 Olj | bid. . Pacific r.dlroad bemeU closed M follow. * ! Union Ists 1 IS l > id ; land gr.iut , US bid ; Nuking fwuN offered nt 1 21J ) Centrals , ui@i ir. . . STOCKS. The block mnrkrt thli morning wnq irregular - regular nt the opening and prlcor declined | twf percent. At first bnnrel , lion over , a firmer frulinjr set in nnil there was nn .idv.iuce eif } ( ? . > per cent by the Chicrtso , Burlington R t uincy , Dcnvor & Itlo ( tranele , Miffourl PaiiHc nml Northern Pacific. The advance w.n chiefly due to the ruh liy the bears to cover short con tracts ifter mleldny there win a reaction of Jffil ( per cunt , but this decline was nfterwnrels recovered In Into ele.illng * . The quotations of the dny were generally eul- Hired. The Hannibal & St. Joseph wai thufcrtiiro of tlio market ngnin to-day , and advanced from 135 to 200 , at which it clo-ed. Toward the close n weak feeling set In and there wiw n brc.ikln the general list of J@5 per cent , the latter In Chicago , Burlitigtem & ( Juincy. The following are the closing bich : A& TK . 3S 1 < V5J 1'rcfsrrod IK ) Mich Cent . OB& Q . 153 Northwestern. . 12IJ Get A . 130" } Preferred. . . .137 GCC.tl..87 NYC . 142 J Central Pacific. Sltg NI 0 < I3 Cedar Falls. . . . 21 JS'nrth Pnc 3 ! > | CC&IC 201 elo preferred , . 80 $ IK11MJ 88 ? Omaha 31) ) ? Erie 42J Pieferrcd..l03i U& W Kit Keiclc Island. . . DL& W 123 } StP AeliniE\-p..l30 ! ) Prof01 reel. . . Targo 130 San Francisco. American Exp. 80 prefen-red. . . . U. S U7j 1st Prefel. . . -51 H. ft St..1 153 Tex Pnc Preferred. . . . ! 13 J Union Pacific. . . 131 II V rP ' ' ' S' ' ) Wabnsh . . . 47V } III Central.'l2S7 ! ; do preferreel i. . 8.- . $ K&T 3 ! ) , ' WUTel . . . 8.87 ? L.S 123i JIIMXel STOCKS. S3 Feillowing are the closing quotations for 10 hoarel mining : stocks nt the Nuw York niiiiiug keg liin Bull D.muX'o. .140 S L No 2 fc 3. .3"i I Con Virginian .1W ! N. Belle Isle. . . 25 Hibernia 15 Sliver Cliff. . .825 5 LNenliU. . DO Oriental Miller. 80 100 CHICAGO MONEV JIAI1KCT. bs OHICAGO , September ? . Nei. Business in banking circles to-day wns 12 on u mores extensive tcale than yi'stcielay. Money w.n in good ele.naml by nil clasps- ) ( of borrowers , nnd under n good supply of ier loanablefumU offerings of A No. 1 paper ! ) were readly taken , and rates were firm at i 0@7 cent , . per per annum. Enitcrn c\- icr chinge between city banks was it ijl elis- \ \ count pei$1,000 , nud we.ik. The clenrinqA J , of the nssoclated kinks were § 0,000,000. Orders for currency from the interior were fnir. > er L80. Omaha 'WliolostilelMarltofc Omen or THB OMAHA BKH , ) Wednesday K veiling , September 7. ) string Again another quiet day. Markets generally - > ar erally the i imo. I'can Wheat HQ higher than yesterday. Corn J50 per \c lower. Oats some lower. ' Potatoes very dull ; .supply greatly ox- ceeels the deinnnd ; declined 10@15c per tears ies bushel. toe Butter and eyga in urgent request at 'Jrron . : b quotations. 3 Apple * advanced 25c per barrel. dei 3 Lemons getting scarce anel advanced 50o per bos. , " * " liiHtcrn pe.ic'ica scarce and higher. " Otherwise quotations arc the h.imc as nessee -yesterday. raw Local Uraln Dealings. . WJIKAT. Cash Ne > . 2 , 1 03 ; cash , c : .Nei. H. ! ) SJ : rejected 07k- . Utica : \ BAnLUYT. Ca h No 2 , 8Sc ; Nti. 3 , ( ilc. rjc ; Indian COKN. Cash Nei. 2 , 47Ac. OATS. Ciuh. 23'e- . iJadyer Livestock. " \ Cattle Wo quote as follows : Butch 1 " er's cows , 83 25@3 50 ; choice butchers steers , 53 7o@4 00. 1-4 Sheep Good mutton in fair demand. SJc ; $3 503 ; 75. u 4-4 lleigs We quote aa follows ; Light Xo. packers , 35 00@5 75 ; 'medium mixed Xew ' aiackern , § 5 50@5 75 ; extra choice heavy , ' 5 75@0 00. Baniard Provisions. FLOUT ! Spring wheat , straight grade , can $325@350 ; patent , S3 75@4 50 ; winter lo , Cc wheat straight grade , S3 75@4 00 ; patent , ( i.\c \ ; 34 00@4 00 ; graham rye , S2 50 ; Wheat , Harmony $2 75. Oic ; 11YK FLOUK-S3 25. GJc ; MILLSTLTFFS Bran , per cwt. 70c ; mack screening1" , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , per cwt. 80c ; chopped feed , iwr cwt. 100 ; meal Cochicn bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white , 81 2- | . Hamilton POTATOES Mnrket blunted nt SO liridfje elo SWEKT POTATOES Very active nt tic per pound. HOII'S POULTRY Live chickens per dozen , 52 503 00. In'tjli FJlAIItlE OIIICKKNS-$3 00@3 60 ors 7c , per elozcn , EGGS Candled , scnrcent 15c. Xaumkeag BUTTEK Choice scarcent20@2.i ; poor , ! iis : inei mnrket ; ' creamery , ! ! 0c , APPLL'S Good , bound , $3 25@3 75 Conestoga ( per bbl. JIONEY Extracted , firbt-class California - ornia strained , Ific ; Nebraska comli , 20e. LEMONS Advancing ; per bov , S 10 00 @ 10 50. Finest Messina oranges $7 50 , repacked. KASTEUN PEACHKS-Searco , § 1 00 ( < 3)1 ) 2 , pe'r basket , retail ; very fine , per J2.Jc ; basket ? 2 00 ( 2 75. 114 ; EASTEKN PEAItS-i bu. box , 81 00 lljc ; @l 23. 18c ; TOMATOES Per bushel , 81 25@1 50. OIL TOOMHSTIO GllAPES Gettingf-carce at 5c per Ib. fancy C A LI FOUNIA PJ-3 AllS-Per . S3 25 ; ° - box , $350 S ! 00 ; OA LrKOUNI A PLUMS-S2 50. haic , S3 CALIFORNIA PEAOUT.S $275. . C A LIFO1 { NIA ( ! 1 ! A PKS-S2 TO IOc ; WATKKMKLONS-Heime-growninex- 14tc ; ipply : per 100 , 81 OOfSft 00. 13Jc ; TAJ1LES-A11 kiniL bring good brown , nnd ucarcc , brown , BE USWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ! )4c ) ; Otis ONIONS Per buslie . 8160and scarce. bine , . Jlivcr Orocers List. COFFEE. Kio , inir. 13ic : llio , gooei , DUCKS 0. 14c ; Kio , prime to choice , lljc ; Old gov't , .Java ; 2ii@281c ( , rochn , 28ic ; Arbuckle's , marck stripoK , TJjAo. fiiinpowelcr , good , 4."i.5c ! ; Bofttem Choicx ; , 0075c ; Imix-'rinl , geiod , 40@15c ; Cliolco , G0@75c ; Young Ilyson , good , 3C@ 13jc ; / 0c ; choice , CSc81 00 ; .Tajian Nat Leaf , ll.bro. Sao ; Japan , choice , 00@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong , b own , good. 35'SHOc ' : choice. 3.1(3) ( ) loo. 8le ; SUO AIIS. Cut loaf , 11 Ic ; Crushed , Aiubama 274c ; A. New A , lOJc ; Good A , lOc ; Prairie Extra ; O , 20c ; Olo.SYIIUPS. te % SYIIUPS. Sugar house , bbl * , 48c : lmf ! bh , 50ckcgs ; , 4J gnllons , ? 2 30 ; choice tablli syrup , 45c ; half bbls , 48o ; kegs' , ? 2 2T. . SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ; checkM Cloves , 43o ; Nutmo'i ! , 81 00 ; Ca * la , IKcj Jlnce 8100. 23c do SODA.-Dwisht's Ib papers , S3 00 ; De- IHc ; ; do land elo , f 3 00 ; Church's , 83 00 ; Keg soda , Inch , jjHic. blenched. STAItCir.-Peail , 3c : Silver Peppcrell _ .8Jc . ; Corn Starch , © 'Jc ; Excelsior blenched lo < n. 69os Com , 74" . . . . SALT. Dray loael * . per bbl , 1 00 ; Ash- DRUGS ton , In sack , 3 MS bbls dairy 00 , On , 3 45 , Carliollc bbl dairy , 100 , 3 * , 305. Copabln DIUKD I'ltl/lTS-Ohhlco lmhp , Blaokl > crrenew ( , OIIKKSM Full Oicani , 31ic ; 1'mt Skim , J c. wo hoop pnl ! , I SS ; tlncchoopiinil * , ' . ' 10) ) Xo. t tulu , 000'n. : . ! ! tub' . , 8 00 ; Xo. 3 tulw , " 00 , pioneer wwhboftrus 1 K"i ; Double1 Cinwn ; 2 7 ' > ; Olobo Wn .hl . onril.loOj ! Wull buckets chain , nml "i ply , 'Al ' 'l } ; Ceilorcd cnrfiel chain , per Ib , 2i ( ; LKAD-Jlar , SI CM. MATCH K8 l' r ciilelte , S.-ic : roitnel ca < c < i , Sr.-.1 ! ! ! ! tquAlv oasc , SI. 00. I'llOAMSrONS llroakfast bacon. 1U ilioico lanl , 13'ci elriod beef , 1 Ic ; f Iiniild ers , cnnvas ctl ! lc ; lianif , can\a < ! iod lie ; liacon , sides ll c rKJKT.KS-Medium , in barrel- , S7 00 ! < lo InhnlfhbK 1 25 ; mnnlN , in bbl , 1200 ; de > , ill half bbK fioO ! uhorkiui. in bbls 13 00 ; do , in half bbls 00. VJXKGAH Pine . apple ) cvtw , lOc ; littrc npple , 13c ; 1'nniinf ; pure apiile , loo. HOMINY Now , $ .1 SO per bbl. IJKAMS Mcillmu , h.uul picked $2,00 | ier bn hel. KOt'K Siial , J inch and larger , fljc ; incli , HVc ; } inch , lOJc. SOAl'S-KirkVSavoii Impcihl , 3 00 ; 40 ; Kiik's magnolia , I 10. CANDLES Boxes 10 Ibs 10 07 , . ciboxcs 10 Ibs. , 10 e > z , , Os He ; boxes 40 11 oz. , s 13J i half boxes 20 sets I oz. , Ss 13c. LYE . \mcrican , 3 10 ; Greenwich , 310 : Wc tern , 2 75 : Ninth Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye , 1 00 ; Jewell lye , 2 75. POTASH Poniiiylvnnin cans 4 eloz. , in C.T-C , 3 33 ; Babbitt's Bull , 2 eloin case , HO : Anchor Ball 2 doIn t-.ise , t 50. FIELD SHED Ked clover , cheiicc , new5 " 0 bushel per ; mammoth cloir , new , § 5 75 ; white clover , new , § 1100 td-alf.i clover , new , $12 GO ; nlsikc , new , Timothy , gooel , new , S2 00@2 05 ; iss , uxtm. clean , § 1 25 ; blue grass clean , $1 15 ; orchard grn" , 52 00 : reel to ) ) , choice , 05c ; millet , common or Missouil , 23 ; millet , German , SI 23 ; to SI 50 ; Hungarian. 81 15. HEDtiKSEED Osage orange , 1 tei 5 bushels S3 00 ; osngo orange , 10 bushels or over , SI 50 ; honey locust , per Ik , 33c ; per 1001IM..S2300. FISH Family white fish , 00 11) hf bbls 21 CO ; Nei , 1 white fish , ! )0 ) Ib hf bblx , 0 30 ; 21 No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family Ib kits 75c ; New Holland herring , per 2 , 1 20 ; Jlusnlan sardines , 75c ; Colni > - - 2 liver baliuon , per IC'Olba , 8 00 ; G cent's tank codft-h , Oc ; Gen , boneless codlish ; ineless fihh , 4'fc. SI 3 K El IE L I falf bbls mess mackerel , Ibs $12 SO ; hfibbl ' No. 1 ex shore do , looibs ! ooo. ; hf bbls , fat family elo , 100 , 3 83 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 23 ; . 1 ex shore , 12 Ib elo , 1 < X ) ; Xo , 1 shore , Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib elo. 75c. S CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib Fidel's ) , per case , SI 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Ficld'H ) , No. case , 2 50 : do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , 1)0 ; do 1 tb ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do ? Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) , case , 200. Onions , 3 SO. Salmon , 1 per elozen , 1 03 ; do 2 Ib , per eloen r,0. Sardines small Psh , imported , _ one- pmrtcr boxes per box , 34\c ; Ameiicnn , quarter bovcs per box , He ; do half bo\e , box , 2Uc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per elo/en , ! 3c. . Temuitoes , 210 ; do 3 Ib per i , 250 ; Com , 2Ib ( Mountain ) bbl case , 3 40 ; Mxikeel corn , 1 DO ; elo felt Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca = e % , 350 ; beans , per civ-e , 3 00 ; Lima bean < 4c ; case , 2 00. Succeitash per case , 2 10. news , veimmon , pin-case , 1 75pe.\s ; , choice , case , 4 50. Blackberries 2 Hi , per case , ; strawberries 2 Ib , per case , 3 70 : lump raspberries 2 Ib , per case , 2 75@3 00. .ump Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 25. Baitlett per ci e , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber- ] > er case , 2 50. Egjj plums , 2 Ib per , 3 25 ; do , choice2 Ib , per cabo. 4 50. gnges,2 Ib per case , 3 25 : do choice , " per c.iEe,4 30. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , percn.se , 00@5 20. Peaches , 2 Ib per cnse , 3 iO : Ib , cas-c , 5 00@5 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per iie < oase,325 ; do pie , 0 Ib , per elozen , 3 50 , green JilOE Carolina , Oj@7ic ; Louisiana , 05 SI ; rceu "PIJANUTS Pioasted , choice , red Ten ( cut , Sic per Ib ; fancy white , 9c per Ib ; iLirela white Virginia , 77ic. . Coon ' 0 , ; Or Goods. iOc ; BKOWN COTTONS. Lawrence LL , liOc ; Buckej'C LL GJc ; Crescent LL 6\o \ ; i5s ; C 5c ] ; Crescent C 7 c ; Creccont B iroad Crejcent A Sc ; Wachusetts SJc ; Head SJc ; Granitovillo LL Badger Ull fine brown , 7Ac ; X , do , 7c ; Portsmouth P , do , flic ; 13@15c \Vinthrop L , do , 7c ; Continental C , ind - BLEACHED COTTONS 2@Cc 13c ; Fruit 4-4 10J ; IIoio | 4-4 Ballarelvalo 4-4 ( ijc ; Pocassett SAc ; Altoona 3-1 Oc ; Lonsdalo Oriental 1 , cambric 13c ; No. 2 , do , 12o ; tegs York Mills 4-1 13c ; Louselalo 4-4 lOc ; ing , l''airmont Q4-1 G\o \ Auburn A 4-4 Sic ; g Oc ; Dairy Cloth oic , Iron PHINTS. Allen's fancy , Gic ; Ameri cast elo , Otc ; Aniold'H elo , 7c ; Conestosa 2 23@3 ; Duimell do , 0\c ; Eddystone do ; Iry. Gloucester de > , OJc ; Hamilton , GJc ? each , , 5Hc ; Hartel.flic ; Knickerbocker , wnshers Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sjirague ; coil Sonthbridge , OJo ; Mystic , Oic ; Merri- ron shirtings Oc ; Siirague dei , OJc , teeth Seiuthbrielse elo , OJc ; Kegatta do , 5jc | ; steel , robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , be ; do , 7c ; Marlboro do , Cc ; South- Od , 3 de iine , 4 05 ; finish solid black , OicJcrin ; ] solid color.n.'ic. ' : ialf CAMBUICS , FLAT Glazed , f } , ; ceileirs. OJc ; kid finish , Oo ; high col- ; rolled , 7c ; hitfh celor , Sc. P. P. COJiSKT JKANS Itockport , ? c ; patteen , 9c ; Androscoggin do , , Co ; Lopkwood elo. Oe French TIOKIXG Awoskeag. A. C. A. , 17ic ; reel JOe . , B. V. , 3 , fancy , 18c : Cones- ind ; wlal , bmnt lufined i ory lible , grvcn , lOJcjShetuckut , S. , IHcjShetuckct , S. S. , J"dian 'reen , Pearl Jtiver , 17Ac ; Hamilton , J ) . , ivd , Hmrilton regular , 13 ; Hnmilton H. , clu-omo Coi-elis 15 , J3- . ic : Cordh A. C , E. , yellow Albany S. A. X , , 17Jc. dryer , CLOTH 5-1 wood , S3 00 ; 5-1 on < , marble , S3 00 ; 5-1 white marble , ( i 4 wood , § 4 00 ; 0-1 fancy marble , 0-1 white marble , SI 23 ; 0-4 mo- White 00 ; 0-4 mosaic , SI 00. whiteing \ihitliiL' DENINS Amoakcag blue anel brown , town , Be.mir Creek. A. A. , blue ami brown , fiiitii Beaver Creek , 1 ! . B. blue nndbiown. brown Beaver Creek , C. C. , blue nnd lu ; 12ic ; Everett D. D. , blno nnd Paris 10 ; Hnymnkers blue nnel brown , 25c ; A. X. A. , blue , 14Jc ; Otis B. B. green l.'U ; Otis 0. 0. , bine , 12Ac ; Pearl million blue ) nnd brown , 15Ac. rose Fall Kiver , 11 Jc ; JJ.imdon O. Wo : lOJJc ; Boiton checks. 13Jc ; Boston chioma 13jc ; Dundeig8trlpe8 , 18c ; BU- low , K. French Wiuter'n _ . aiilfh Boatem XXX elrab , 13Jo ; Boston O , , lOJc. Furniture STRIPES Lcwiston , 3x3 blno nnd OOc ; fm 8Ac : Lcwistein,0x3 blue mid brown , Coach , Jtock JUvcr , 0x3 blno nnd brown , lOo ; 70c ; , 0\-3 blue nnel brown. 8Jc. oil finl.h. COTTONADES Lewiston dlnmond , OILS . Y , A. , 20c ; Angora , D , et T. , 20c ; Leaellight York mill * proeif , 22c ; Brldgewnter , Everett , heavy , 22jc ; Whittenton , ssojJHU ? ° ! .P' ' . L0 ' A8 ' pergalle'in It ) § 1 33 ; SHKIiTING.S-AndroKCoggln.O- extra , 30-4 elo , Sflcj PepperelrHtl'l brown , eating , 10-1 elo , 27Jo ; Alexandria , 10 golden bleached , 13e ; Anelrei coj.'gin U-l , 5 , 28c ; . 20o ; do 10-1. bleachul , 20c ; pe'iitlne , - , bleachoel , 25o ; do 10-1 j t-r gallon , 27ic. Dreici. AND CHKMICAI . Acid uinu , COc ; Add , Tartarlc , Wo ; B.tlnam .187 , per Ib , 7Cc ; Bark , Sansafriw , per triple Ib , 12e ( Cnlomel , ) > cr Ib , 70c ; Cinchonielln , tier eiz ' , 80o ; Chleiroform , | > or 11) , U3cj Dovcr'H powder * , per Ib , SI 10 ; rJpwin " .ills" , per Ib , 3ic ) ( tlvce-rinc , pure , | wrlb , I Ic ; Lcnel , ArcUto. pe r Ib , 22c : Car bon oil , 110s , tierittilnn , l c : do 150s , * pe-rirnl , 13Jc ; Oil , Castor , > o. 1 , per pal , ! 10 ; Oil , Cn < ite.r , Xei,3perpalf 100 ; O Olheiwrjml , SI W ) ; Oil , Origanum , Ml ? . Opium , SI 73 ! Quinine , P. kV. . It II , ft H.pcr eiz , S2 23 ; l'otni luiii , Iodide , jier Ib : 82 , Mi Srilacm , tier nt , 33c ! Kulplmto eif iMornldne , pe-reir , S3 03 ; Sulphur flour per 11' , Ic ) Strvchuinv. i > er ew , SI 50c. Hones nnel Mules. Tlio market is brl-k and nil grneloi nre lllnif well nl n dlglit ntlvnneo in p ices The demand for goexl horses cxceoels the supply fonildcrnbly. Prices r.mgo as fe > U low i I'hip single drlvcK , S130. to 300. ; KxtM draft hordes S173. tei 2J5. ; Ceiinmein elraTt lunges 8100. to 150. : Kxtra fnnn horsivs SUO. to 123. : ( Vimmon tn gonelfnrm her es , SUO. to S100. ; J'Xtra plugs 500. to 75 , ; Common plugs S20. to SIO. MUI.KS. ' 15 to Ifii hanels ( oNtrn ) , SI25. tol.-O. ! 14A to 15 hands , S100. to 140. ; 14 to 1U hands SMI. to 100. ; 13 } to 14 h.uxls St'iO. t < > 7' Cin rs nnd Tob.iccos. C1GAUS.- > ods S15.00 : CeunuvUciit , S23.00 : Mixcel.SH'i.OOjSeeel JlavatniS.0.00 ; Clear Hnvaua , S75.00. I'OBACl'O PLUG. Ge.lile-n llute , 21 Ib , Olu ; Spotted Fiwn. 02c ; Our 1'opc , ( iOc ; Star , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , 5V ! ; Hoi > o .Shoe , pemnels 21 Hi , butts f'Se ' ; Purity , 21 Ib. butts 52c ; IJiu-cn Bee , 21 Ib , butts. Wtc ! Oilt IMgei , ponndi , 21 Hi , butts 57 ; Army .inel Navy , | iouuds 51e' ; Bullion , pouiul- , iVic ; Leuill.ird't ) Clinmpemnds ' " 7f. 5 FINK CUTIn palls Him I to Beat , 75n- ' Golden Thread , 70o ; Femiitaiu , 7Sc ; I'liuuite , 03c ; 1'oeiky .Mountiiin , 53c ; Fancy , 50c : Daisy , 'I'le' . lit tin foil - ( . 'atlins O. K. , 2 oz p.ickngcs 5 Ib bovos , perlliOOc : Loiill.xrel'H Tiger , OOc. SMOKING AH grades Common , 25 to 33c. Granulated Blackwells Dinham , 10 o/.40c ; Dukes Durham , 10 m , 45c : Seal of North Carolina , 10 eiz , Hi ; fse.il of Xi--mi- ka , 10 ox , 3Sc ; Lono.lack , 4 07 , linen bags , ier Hi , SI. 33 ' ' ; Mnrburgs' 3'nck , 2 oz , tin loll , 55c ; Dog Tail , 05c. Lumber. FKNCING Ne > . 1 , 12 to 20 ft , S25 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 23 00 ; bheeting dicwet , : No. 1 , 22 00 ; No. 2 , 20 00 ; common ImnuN , eheseed , 2500. FKAMTNG 10 ft. nnd under , per M , of 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 28 00 ; ft. 28 00. nnd FINISHING Xo. 1. finish U , 1A and inch , S55 00 Ne ) . 1 finish 1 inch S50 00 ; SI No. 2. finish 1 | , 1J nnd 2 inch , S5000 : Xei. finish , 1 inch , SI5 00 ; No , 3 linMi , 1 in.h : , SIO 00 ; 0. G. bsittons tier 100 feet lin. , 50ell curbing , S35M ; rough J nnd 2 the inch hnttun1 * licr 100 fe-et lii > . , 50c. STOCK BOA ] ( OS A stock , SI3 00 ; U SIO 00 ; C , S3.1 00 ; comimm rteick , S27 50. FLOORING No. ] , S42 50 ; No. 2 , 7 CO ; Xe > , 3 , S27 GO ; yellow pine , No. 1 , 15 00. SIDING No. 1 , S2750 ; No. 2 , S2500 ; . 3 , S20 00. ally SHIP LAP Plain , ? 25 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , ind 37 50 ; No. 2 , S2. ) 00. beiarel CKILING S30 00SI3 00. LATH ANDSHTXGLKS A staibcst ( ) ingles. ? 1 50 , No. 2 , S3 50 ; No. 3 , S2 r,0. 1 Lath , SI 25. Building Material. LIMK Per barrel , SI 33 ; bulk per bit. , y . Cement , bbl , S2 CO. Jowa plaster , , S2 50. Hair per bu. 35c. Tnrreel 100 Ibs S3 CO. Straw hoard , S 00. mil , ' PAPJJ1I St'nw paper , 3Jc ; rag paper , ns dry goods paper , "c ; manibi paper , IOc ; closed paper , Sc. COALr-Cumberlnnd blacksmith , SI 2 ; alnr Morris Jinn Blosbnrg , $12 ; Whitcbrcast ber , SO ; Whitcbrcast nut , SO ; leiwa year , SO : Iowa nut SO ; Hock Spiingft , Sf > ; Anthracite , all sizu" , Sll 00. round Hides , l-uis , Etc. ; 1IIDKS Green bntcher'H er ; bide , 75 ; green { 'or 4i-c ; rueii uiii , w b. o in ai jus. , jviujj.u , 1 calf , \vt , under S Ib.s jior skin , 50c ; pc-lts , 81 00@1 13 ; giee'ii lamb skins closcel 10125 ; damngeel hides , two-thinl rnie , 20 scoreel nnd erne grub , classed two- 3 rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. off. 11 skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; Xei. 3 , No. 4 , IOc. Mink , No. 1. COc ; No. 2 , No. 3 , 15c ; Xe ) . 4 , Cc. Fox , Xe ) . 1 , Xo. 2 , 25c. Skunk , Nd. 1 , black , short short stripe , 40c ; narrow fctripo ' 4"c ; vember. strijic , IOc. Tnllow , 5J. Wool. 133,010 ilerinounwasheel , light , 14@10c ; heavy , 1m ; ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy 111,701 w. less , 2Sc ; bnrry , black and cotted wools bu ; Shot. SHOT. Shot , 81.75 ; Buck shot , S2.00 ; Peiwdnr , kegs , SO. 10 ; elo. , half $3.48"elo ; , , quarter kegs S1.S7 ; Blast Jfogs kens. S3.35 : Fuse , tier 100 feet 50c. 3,000 Heavy Hardware List. L'ackcrs , rates , S3 23 ; plow steel , cast , 7Jc ; togs. 0 tool do , 1G.20 ( wagon poke , set , choice ng , 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 23 ; felleies , sawed CI-H , 4 140 ; tongues , each , 75@85c ; axles , Cattle 75c ; sejuare mitt ) , per Ib , 7@llc ; 1,000. , peril ) , S@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; nninl chain , per Ib , C@12c ; malleable , Sc ; choice wedgesOc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring er's mon 7@Sc. 3 DO ; NAILS-10 to 20d. 3 40 ; 8 to 10 , 305 ; calves 00 ; 4el , 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 UO Sd , 28 50por 0 40 ; clinch , nil sizes 5 15 ; Od , casing , 1'exaiiB Sel casing , 4 4 ) ; lOel casing , 4 13 ; 10(1 Americans , 4 05 ; Sel finish , 4 DO ; Cd finish , 0 1C ; Sheep kegs , IOc extra. Demand Paints Oils and Varnishes. : non PAINTS IN OIL Whito'lead , Omaha 1 20@4 , 7c ; white lend , 0. P. & C. Co.pure , Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans 20c ; zinc , green seiil , 12c ; French zinc , seal , lie ; French /Inc. In vnrnish nsst , Flour French zince , in oil nsnt , 15 ; Itnw flour burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; law nml extras .Sienna , 13o : Vandyke brown , 13. , ; Whent lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"cj im ; with black , IOc ; drop black , IOc ; Prncslaii Nil 3 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome fcgl'WJ 11. M , & D. , lie ; blind aud phutter 2 L. M. < t D. . 14c ; I'atib green , ISo ; 42gt'l ( led , Ific ; Venetian led , ilc ; Tuscan Cum 22e- ; American Vwmlllod , L&P. , IKc ; mixed , yellow , L. , M. , O. .t D. O. , ISc ; white , ochre , Uc ; golden eiclnt' , 10 ; putent © t-OJ. Oc ; graining rolnrx : light oak. dark Oats walnut , chestnut and nUi 12u white Ory Paints mlxeei , lenel , 040 ; Frcnck ) zinc , IOc ; Paris 2Ac ; whitintf eildeiv , IJc ; lye ' com I , Ijc ; Innipblnck Gerninn- Barley lie ; Ininpljlaek , eireiinnrv , Sc ; I'riH- Poik blue , 55c ; iiltrnnmrlnc , ISc ; Vandyke , mess , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , Neivcmbcr. sleniin , burnt , 4c ; xiennn , raw , 4a Lanl green genuine , 33o ; Pnrls gre-en cemi't 1200/)1210 ( ( ) clneime green , N , Y. ' 20c ; chieinu September. K. , 12c ; verinlllion , 3'Iiig. , 70o ; ver IJi'ff , America , ISc ; Indian red , lOc , Cut jiink , 1 Jc ; vcnetiun rend , Coeikf OII'H 12 50 for Venetian reel Am , , 1'jte ' ; led lend , 7Jc ; 800.Whlnkv yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome v l. Whlnkv . , 12c ; ochir , reichelle , 3c ; eicnru , Spot , 2 , c ; ochie , American/ ; iiilddlings ' mineral , lite ; li'ldgl ) brown , 2Jc ; brown , 2ic ; Prince's miuernl 3o ; VAUNISHKS BnrreN per gallon. , exta , SI 00 ; furniture , No. 1 , The nlture , U , 75c ; conch , extra , SI 25o ; clobt-el No. 1 , SI 00 Dninnr 81 - ; , 25 ; Julian. ! ' Ifrniics. I/ / oDphnltum , 70c ; shellac , If'Jw ; huid . SI 30. 80,03-1 were 110carlwn pel-gallon , lljo ; ICO * tcrdny , , per gallon , 124o ; 176' headlight terday. , IOc ; cry teillne , per gallon , 20c Yesterday ed u going ' ' , 'Mo ; sperm'W. , B. , per gaUeur filsh.W.B. , per gallon , COc ; iif atsfexit per gallon , /5c. No. 1,05 ; lumber ! , Pork xerei , per gnllon , 30ei , Hummer , lf o Lanl machine. No. 1 , porgnllon , 85c , No. Bulk sjienn , signal , per gallon , SOc ; tur , per gullon. OOei ; nnpthu. 74 dey , 203. 03 cleif , 20c , Flour Liquor. Wheat Coin ALCOHOL 187 prool. 92 Xi i > cr Oats gallon , extra Callfeirnla spirits Bye lireMif at 120 per prejeif gallon Barley refined spirits 187 prewf , $1 2ij per proof jfal re-el IMII led whiskies SI 00t 50 : line blended , SI 50(3)2 ( ) -Kentucky } bom * bens , S200 ( < D7 00 ; Kentucky nnd Pctinsyl- vntiln ryes $2 < XW 00. BllANDIES Impoiteel , SO OOC lt00 ! : domestic 1 10 < i < ) l 00. OIN'S-Imporled , 4 eXXgOOO ; -lOett.'J 00. Ut'MS Imporfeel. 4 oOfrT , M ! Now Knslnnd. 2 Wa I 00 } domoslie- 1 -,0fi3 . ,0t PIACH : AND APPLE BIIVNDY- CH AM PAOftn'S Imported | > or cn e. 20 00 ( < 7i31 00 ; A merlc.in , per rase12 00 ( 1800. OLAltKTS-Pcrc.ve WlNKS llhinowJno , | > or e-.i-e' , 00 C'ntnwbn , per cjueI00s ,7h ) . MARKETS BY' ' Council filuir * General Mnrhot Coi-.NCI ! , Bt.Ul-t-'S , Sonli'inlior" . Wheat-No. 2 SI 10112 No. , ; 3 , nore - jccte-el , 70. Corn No. 2 , 4" , rejected 51 , d.imngoel , Hny Fnlr market , with pi ices nt $5. Oats Mmkct nulet ; No. 2 , JI-.V , le'jcct- ed lit. lye ! No. 2 , 70c. Butler-20c. ' - Eirgs 12c. Cnttle-Be-ef , S3 r,0@4 , fiO. Sheep-S3 ! M % I 50. 1 logs Light elcmnnd. prices $3 COJf 5 50. Peitnloes iVtw , 81 OOper bu , Onions $1 00. Weed Mnrke-t quiet , with geind supply ; , 00 for mft ; 0 00 for hard. Poultry 20c. Creston AInrltot- CliKtiTO.v , In. , Seple'iubvr 7. Bntter-13c. 10 Eggs Hies. Grime ! Jiiuotlon Market. GUANO Juxcrno.v. In , , September 7. Butler lie. Proelnco. ( inicAno. September 1 On "Change the chnngo the innikct pieit. Tliu lec'eijiU of grain wenMl , ! bushels by c.innl anel DDO car-leiads by M cmbrnciiig 157 of wheat , 722 eif i-eirn , 0 oati nnd 15 of rye- . Flour ( Julct nnel steady ; olfers me.i movement light ; commini to elm western spring , SI 2500 25JlnjMimie- ; 00 ; plcnts S7 00f < r:8 : 75 ; fair to ch I winter oranils , SO 50@7 50. Wheat In No , 2 spring an nclive nui stronger feeling was developed ; nt till market w > very ( juiet , but the t inand wna tuHlciently nctlvo to absorb tl it offering ! ! which were not very libern hence the t > tcaey ! nppreciatiem of valurn 10 mnrket opened Jo per btmhel lower am . c.ish nileel tolerable i > tc.iur for awhile , nnd t steadily advanced lflJc per bu-hel October nnd 2Jo for September , and closed about Ij5o higher for He-ptcm ' / higher for October on the rgu mil , nnd on the cnllnt SI 23 1 22 September : 1 20J1 2H ( October ; 1 2S ; November ; 1 2Uij5jl 2j ! ) Deciinber , aiu 21J the year. Corn At the opening thu mniket % ler. athcr tmnei nnd trailing was comp.irali light , the feeling gradually gre stronger nud during the latter part eif 1 session an advance eif J@lAu in prices \ \ 'aiiicd nnd moderately well nmintainec quitis a luigo buciness was trnii'.iicl ? 5 iiricen improved : The market film lend about l c higher for caMi nud So Lembcr anel 1J higher for October on re ihiaK board nnd on call at 02j for Krptct I-H , ; ( ilj October ; 00 December , 02 t ; "dMay. / . Oats Steady nnd firm ; impnncd a ; Nei. 2 elev-eel on call at 37J for Sc embcr , HS'-j for October ; 3DA for Novel 331 for thu ye ir. 0 " : 3yc Dull anel iimctive ; Nei. 2 , 1 . Septriuber ; 1 08 for Xovembcr. Bnrlcv Finn and in good denuind ; N 01 for September ; October J 02. Pork 3 < 'inn , nctivu and higher ; men 1 ! ) 12i for October ; 18 SO the yen 12J January. anl Strom' nnel hii'her ; closing n 85 September ; 11115 October ; 1215 November ; 12 S7i for the year ; 12 B2 ] January. Bulk Me.its Finn ; offi-rings modcrnto ; ribs 'J 05 fen- October ; 1 000 for No . Whiskey Quiet nt 110. Becciptii Flour 20,715 bbls ; wheat , bu ; corn , 730,234Jbu ; o.its , 117,255 rye , 10,000 bu ; barley , 21,701 bu. Shipments Flour , 12,373 bbls ; wheat , 'bn ; ' corn , 423,1132 bu.ontn , 50,033 rye , 0,401 bu ; barley , 15,002 bu. Chicago JUlvo Stoolr. CHICAOO. September 7. lleccipts , 10,000 ; shipments , Market fairly active and steady. nre buying fewer eif the best The quality I * poorer. Mixed pack- 15@ 50 ; light eir b.icou , 0 50@0 80 ; The ) heavy , ( I ( J0@7 15 ; culls and grass- 50@0 'M. or llxr. Jteceipts , 5,000 ; shipments kept III Mnrket generally steady anel de- fnb ; export , I0(3 I ! ( ( i 05 ; good to witliout Irnoanel shipping cattle , 5 00@0 00 ; com \Yarnur'n to medium , 4 00@5 25 ; native butch a now ttock fairly nctlvo and steady at 2 40@ ilado Btockersanelfeeelcrs , 2 ! )5@3 ) 75 ; elalry contains 8 00@15 00 ; milkers nnel NiirlngerH , Mfcly head ; rangecnttlosteaelyjUirougb ' 'oilllvo , 2 85@3 75 ; hnlf breeds nuel lalns , 3 70@4 00. l.hcr Jteceipts , 000 ; shipments , none. l\ncr- fair and market steady ; com- It tomedtum 00 , , 2 00@3 75 ; good to choice , , luring inl In : ho An a Now York Produce- NEW YOHIC , September 7. nit up Quiet nnd unchanged ; southern ni'diclnc bteuely ; orelinnry to strictly fnncy jllntH and , SO 00 bid. JlulicteiBcii " Opened nt l@ljc higher , clos- 17TKS H. les strength ; elemnnel moderate ! n > d winter , 1 10 ; No. 2 do , , 1 42 $ ; No. Iwhitp , 1 S' ) , ' © ! 40 ; No. Chicago , 1 35 ; No. 2 reel 'September , 43J. nnd de > . October , 1 4lgryl ( 40. HadiiinrfirH ( | ( Jiilet nnel higher ; ungraded flf//70e ( ! / } No. 2 , 70j@70il : Ne ) . 2 Healed 78@7lc ! , auel Nei. 2 September , 80i usual III la Shade higher hut ( inlet ; No. 2 winch 18ett48A " ( No. 3 elo. 40J@17 ; not try iircuence In 4lc ; No. 2 elo , , 40 ( < / ! 10jc [ , nml III , leal mlxeelwi'stcinI0illo. ( . lloim on Dull nt 1 CK1 05. Koirney Nomlnnl. l.OOO.OjO ' Slindo higher nnd strong- ; now uill I'r bo 1000 for September , October nnel iinlrcil . will ho Active , btrong nnd highe-r nt ( iiidllloimnf for cnsh ; 12 05@12074 for uih . lean Unchnngcd. * the - llu ner\lco McntH Fnir dmiinnd nt 11 75 ( ? ' rtKlit lo pickh'd hnniH ; pickled shoulders , Mtiilo tliu and the Nominal. elorhod " Cotton Ho elenrcr nnd sternly ; liiideri > 12gc , futurt'rf eany. Kiinnyfaekii prirah uf the ( PlttsburK Oil Mnrkot. In pounds uhlih PjrTHiiuitfJ , September 7. oil mnrket opened nt 85Jc nml Conlviinf at & " > Jc ; New Yeuk , Kilo ; Antwerp , applkntlon larof . Charter for ye-stordny were Midi barrels ; pjiipmrnts for yeuterelny tae.IiC'il to 82,803 barrels. Oil City sales yc . n tart lliS.OOOliarroln ; Pittuburg sales yes JI. I 112,000 harreln. Bft6 ] ( the Pittsburg uxchnngendopt fluctuation of oInstead of thu old gc , Into elfect teelny , Oiitciuuati Produce. d. ( 'l.soiNNATi. September 7. . Mecs Jobbing , 20 2Jfe20 50 , Finn ; current make , 11 75. 1313 Meats--Strong ; clear sides 11 00. Iv ! Bacon-Strong ; clear nideu , 11 87i © 11,10 ply Hasxsler : fnmlly , 0 fiO@7 10 , i , Finn ; No. 2 red , 1 40. Maulers No. 2 mixed , 00. . . Entlvr ; No. 2 mixed , 42c. LnHinr ; No. 2 , 1 10. Klnnj Ne > . 2 fid ! , 1 12. Largest Whisky-Steady at 111 , SI , Loiii * Protlttca < ST. l ) Uifl , September 7 , rjonr-AlHUitfio better. Whent Opened nctivo and hljrhrr nnd sle-adv ; ndvnnrrd ; cle > . ed streiujr ; No. 2 , red , : * 1 nia t 13 ? cnsh , $1 I If Se-pteml IT : * l IlilOeteile-r ; , * ! ISJ November ) SI ftO } Ceirn Higher nnel firm ; 02c rnih ; 02e' fcpt inbiTj Ol c Octubcr ; ( i7c Novoinbcr ) ( i8Jo DrcMiilior ; 7I | Maj- . Oati lIlRhci ; 42jc eh : 40jo Septi-m her ; I3o | October : I31fo I3jc Novcmbe-r I lc De-ccnibcr. Ityo- Bettor nt SI 0.1 ] , Bnrlfy Ste-ady ; nicelium to choice WIs Ceiusin SKIcfirM 15 , Lard-lK'ldnl$512j. Utittcr IJnclinuncd. Whi.ky-Stendy nt J > 1 10. I'm\ iifonsStnmg nnel higher through out. out.Peirk - 1 ! ) 50. Lanl811 W. KcceiptsFlour , 0,000 libls. ; whcnt , 10 , ( XX ) : com , 0,1,000) , ) ontH , 7UOO ; r e3K)0 ( ) ; irlcy , 7,000 , Shipme Flour , ! ) ,0K ( ) bbl * , ; wheat , 1 1,000 , corn 10,000 ; oati , 50,000 ; ivil.OCH ) l > arloy , none. tit. XOTIII JLlvo Htoclt- Kr , Loi'ts , .Se-pte-mbcr 7. Ilog-i I < ewer e > u llifht e-rndc.i ; Yorkow , SO a'iRO ( 15 ; packtmr. SO 2"iC 0 ( X ) ; choicest to fniil-y , C 70@0 'JO. Cloveilnnil IVInrltot CI.KVII.\\ : | ) , Se-pte'iuber 7. Petiiile'iuu Quiet ; htniuhirelvhltv , 110 ; e t , 7c. . - - Hvorpool Proelucc. Livhiirnoi. , September 7. Klonr American , IDs li.lfn 12. < Wheat Winter , ! ( > < 8dWll ; white , ! HeURillH ; Bpiiug , 10.-f KU Id ; club , 10 * Corn 5 < lid , Lunl .V.U Od. Pork "Is. Toledo Produce Teu.r.iio , September 7. Wheal rinn ; No. 2 red , September , 10 i- Ked ; October. 1 41V : November , 14IJ ; December 1 10 ? . Corn -Dull : No. 2 , October , Oli'c. ' OaU Neiminnl. Wllnitiitoii Dlni-Icot- Wii.MiNurox , .Seitejiiler ) ! ) 7. .Spirits 'ruipentlno--FIrm at I O'.H ' ; Koft , 00 ; Vhgin , 2 S0. _ _ _ C Baltimore i'roeluoo. UAi.riMOiiK , Seplcmbcr 7. ' Flour l-'irin. Wheat , rirmN : ( > . 2 icd whiter ( inner 1 0 i for ca h and hieil | ; 1 03 forjOctn- r. Corn Firmer ; mixed we.steni , OIAo feir nuel September. _ Plrilrtelolphin. Proeluco. Pllll.AlKCl'lll.September 7. Wheat Firmer all 401 42 for cn < li SepteMiiber : 1 l2).fH ) 431 f' " ' October. Corn - Kirni ; OSJ(5i'.io ( ( for cash nnd Sep- ember. OaU SOc for cash ; 40.j@tGf1 ! for Octei- . -yu Quiet at 1 00 bid. _ E"KtIiilorty Live Stoclc. KAHI LlliKinv , Pa. , .September 7. Cnttle Active ; extra , $ ( " , 00ni ( ( I0gooel ; , 750 00 ; common , $ Ti 50 ; receipts , 170 ; vhipment.s , 187 , Heigs HloW ; receipt * , 1,300 ; Philndel- , 0"OC"710 : Yorkers , OHOii050 ( ; griiss- 5505KO : KhiinncntH , 1,300 BuflVilo Llvo Stoolr. KAMIBui'iAi.o , September 7. IfeigB Strong ; icceiipt * , 130 : hhipimmtH , the yorUoiH , good , ? 5 50Cc5 75 ; meeliuin , before i"5f.fOOO. A ISO SASH leading Scientist * of to-day agree tli t ostillHuamiUftriiinuscil liy illsordcrcil klliioii . If , thcruforu , tlio klilnoami liver arc perfect onl. r , pcrfvct livaltli will l o tlio Thli truth has only liccn known n short forjeara ptoplu Buffered 1'roat . . , liclnif able to fliul relief. Tliu ellsvoicry ' bafo Klelnry nnel I.lvcr C'uro marks u era In the treatment of tlieno troulilen , fieim n simple troricnl loaf of rare ) value. It Jeint ( do cK-mcnls nci-ctuiary to nourWi amliinlxorataliotliof llie-ho greaxt organs , one ! rentoro and keen them In order. It In a ) rtemeely for nil tha illnoaif9 that cailiei In the loner jiartof tlio body for Torplel Hcftdatlica Janmllco Dizziness ( Jrat el lncrAjfiie Mt or anel Urinary Organ * . linn excellent nud Kafo rcnivily leir fuiiialcn rrtKiinncy. It will control MciiHtruatlon In 'oltiablei for U'licorrlioa or t'M-ng of Woinli , Dlood Pnrltlcr It In iinciiimlcil , for It mrcn ans tliat make tlio lilooil. roincely , v Mich lias done ) such unneler' , Is In tlio IAKCIi.ST : HIX.CI ) IIOTI'UK of nny niion tha market , and U xolil liy lru - all dealers nt SI,20 per liottfo. 1'or , < | iilro for WAIINKn'S HAl'K DIA CUIll ! . H Is a I'Odl IVE Itoined/ . H. WanNEf ? & CO. , flochettor , N. Y , PROPOSALS VOH O11A1N. Dopiirtnient of tlio 1'latti , Chief miturnusler'H Ulllcu , 1'onr ( ) UIIA , > rii , , Keptuuhvr I , IbSl. ' prnjiosals , In triplicate , milijett to the condition ! ) , vlll he ru > ilfcil nt IhU nlllco mi- ocloch noon , on Tneiiday , Sept , 'M , JS31 , .it s tliiiunnd plaeo thcv will do ojxjntd In tliu of bidder * , for tlio furnishing nnd ilellv- quantllks m required , up to IKeember , ut Oniiilia Ioiot | , NvIiNnkn , or at itn- thu Union I'aelllu llalhoad , iiixtnf id Jinicllon , 'i,000,0fl3 jiOiunU C'OllNand iKiiindii tiATO. JUISIH for itiuiititles | ION than tlniwlmlo ritvhuil , liclk'ry of tlio itraln will , If ro- fiMiiinemo Oclol-er I. Jfcbl 1'refc.reiK'O ilu'n tti iirtlclui of doimxtlc proiluitloiiH prliound iiuntlty Iwliitf equal , nnil luiifcrdivu wlllhojrUeii to nrtlUeo of Anicr- 11 prcxluitlnli pioduced nil thv Hiuillc ccrut to i-xtcntuf tliu uiiMiiiiijitluiirLijulKiil liy tliuptib. thuru. The ttoieriiment rtnorvcittlio reject any or nil proiimaN. llldt hlionlil rnlo per | ( X > IHMMIII | ( not per hii hclj but uloiHij vontalnliitf them "lioulil lie. en ) liil fur ( Jrnln , " nnd uJJrex-eil to the Uned , Ilhlilera ori ) re'i | > tc.il toMiihinlt pro- fonlilUurv of tlio I ) rn In nuur ruteiwiel eif 100 pciiiiidatatli nnd for dellur > Mt * In now ICHOHCI ! burlap Haiku of KiU tneh , Illdi for fonuhoiildiitato t e ; > inr the Corn ptopoxedtu bo furnlihul nui tlih aihrrllicmcnt nml of tliuclnu , iiistriKtloin to Mdiltri can lie olitalncil em D totliN ollltu , and uno cop.v eiidi ol lulturtluniont and elrculnr nlieiuM du at or ace-oinpauy eiaeli proponal and funi thereof. , I.UDINOTO.V , Chief Quarterinattcr. it OAEPET HOUSE ! 200 B. DETWILER , Farnliam St. , OMAHA , NED. SEV Jru tl , 91.2S to 61.75 ; Tapvotry lUiu tojl.aoj 8-ily | Carpet , * " ' " In n n , 91,00 tovl.lfij 40o to USc. DORSE „ J , Oil Cloth nnd WiIo v Shades nt Lowest Mnrkul Prices Stock nnd Lowest i'ricea , SuiiiplcH f uriiialiud at yunl-ra 29-oc BFWIFV . JE. Rr QW&W151 ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B.FRENCH & CO. , A R P ETSI G R O C E R SI THE BBEATV/ESTEBHCLOTHIHC HOUSE. M. HELLMAN & CO , , Spring Slits ! All Styles ! IMMENSE STOGKrAT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , Tlie Largest Clothing House test of GMcago- * . _ . . T A Department for Children's Clothing. Wo have now au'assorbinent of Clothing of all kinds , Goat's 7uruisbing Goods in great varioty.and a heavy stock of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &o. Those goods are fresh , purchased fi'ora manufacturers , aud will be sold at prices lower than ever made. We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. largo TAILORING FORCE is employed by us , and wo m SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. < c.i&.Xi3 usoxrro SSJEJBI TITS. ! and 1303 Farnham St. , cor. 13th WHOLESALK AND ItCTAlL DKALUIl IN Lath- , Shingles , Pickets , , DOORS , . BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LEK1E , CEMENT larSTATB AQBNi FOII illMVAUKEE CUMHSTICOJIl'/VNl' . /\1UTATTA AX MEYER & BRO. , e Oldest Wholesale and tail Jewelry House in naha. Visitors can here id all novelties in Silver are , Clocks , Rich and ylish Jewelry , he La st , Most Artistic , and loicest Selections in ecious' Stones , and all iscriptions of Fine 'atches at as Low PriJ as is compatible with inorable dealers. Call see our Elegant New „ iore , Tower Building , ner llth and Farn- Streets AX MEYER fo BRO. JUI MEHB ft BBO , , O 3MCA. . 3HC THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN TUB WEST J General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and , t . ' Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as " ' \ any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold , for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of - ' Steinway Pianos , Knabe e Pianos , vose & Son's "Pi- / anos , and other makes. , j Also Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith \ American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pnr- " NOW OFFEHING FOJl ONE MONTH ONLY ) ECIDED BARGAINS XKT lies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , , k.-oc1 cosor * . Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish [ Suits , $10.00 76 Black Silk Suite , $17.00. ; Wo Imvo several lots of fltuplo goods which will bo oiTored at /ENTY-FIVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR , All ladioa should avail thomsulvoa o ! this great sale of ETS : AND UNDERWEAR , 'LINEN AND MOHAIR ULSTERS , ' SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LA > YN SUITS AND SACQUES , -4-ti CHARLES MCDONALD ,