Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
P"MMierl every morning , except Sunday
'Tlic only Monday morning dnily.
v ar. S10.00 I Three Mrmllu S3-OC
Moulin. . . 6,00 One " . . l.OC
WKKKLY BKI3 , pnWI-hcd cv
Ono Yonr. . 52.00 I Three Monthi. . fiO
Six Months. . . . 1.00 I One " . . 20
cations relating to Xew matters
tors should l > a nddreMcd to the ] 2ilTOii OH
Tun Jinn.
Letter * nnil ] { emiltnncc8 should bo nd
dres ed to Tun OMAHA rmii.tHiitNO Con
TAXT , OMAHA. Jrafta , Check * mid J'o t
ollica Orders to be mndo paynblo to the
order of the Company.
OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Brop'ra '
Unvls , Manncor of Clly
.Tohn II. 1'icrco Is In Clian'o of Uio Mnl
Uircu itlou of TI1K DAILY JJHU.
CnlXfor Rnpulilicnu Stnto Conven
The IScpnblican electors of the State ol
Nebraska nro hereby called to fend deln-
catcs from the several counties , to meet ii
btato Convrntion at Lincoln , on WcdncH-
day , October nth , 1831 , n . S)0 ) o'clock , p
m. , for the imrpnBQ of placing in nomlna
lion ciindidatC'j for the following namui
ofliccs , v ! * :
One .fmlKu of the Supreme Court.
Two Itegentsof the Htato University.
And to transact Biich other Inminess as
mnv properly como lycfore thu convention
'tho Hcveral connttcH nru entitled to rep
rcccntatlon in the State convention its follow
lowba / ed upon the veto cant for ( JeortfO
W. Collins for 1'rcnldential elector , uvhi ! ( ,
DUO deletfale to each one hundred nnd fiftj
(150) ( ) votox , nnd ono for the fraction o !
Koventy-fivo (75) ( ) voles or over. Alio ono
delegate at lar'o ( for each organi/cd conn-
- ' ho admitted to tlio convention ex
I , 'r - cept Mich : are held liy jierttona icnidliif , '
in the cuuutlcu from which the proxici ) are
Second. That no delegate nhall ropre- nhsrnt member of hi dcJogntioii
11111098 ho ho clothed with nuthoiity from
the county convention or in in poMesiion
of proxies from regularly elected delegates
Uy order of the llopnhlican tate Cen
tral Commiltot ? .
JAMES W. DAW3JS , Chin'n.
V. J. llKN-DUiwiiOT , Sco'y. n0j tern.
Lincoln , Noh. , Auf { . 31 , 1881.
COOL tSoptcmbor Ima arrived.
THE "Nobraslja Idea" is corn , ait-
tlo nnd liogs.
Tim Imppiost tradesmen iu Omaha
just now are tlio plumbors.
TUB next four wcoka iu Nobraaka
will bo wire pullcrn month.
HEAVIKII in ilesh but lighter in
pocket the Bonx of the roturnint
auinnior tourist
PUIILIO liopo and fear risea and falls
witli the full nnd riao of the presi
dent's tcmporaturo.
LATTKULV rionural Grunt has shown
n wonderful .facility in opening Ills
mouth and putting his foot iu it.
"DocMYH" Imvo entlod , but the
days of iv few thousand of Oiniilm'.s
caniuuB unfortunatuly continue.
IKN UIM/H sere mouth ia reported
na improving. It will he noted thut
] 3cu has not Ijcca interviewed for n
OMAHA needs n f jw building asso
ciations uuch ixs those which have
made Philndalphia a city of working
men's homes.
Tni ! tolcirrapli brings tlio newa of
Iho death of Dun Dutlor's nun. Un
fortunately for Massachusetts' politi
cal peace of mind , Don i.s reported ns
unusually healthy.
TUB alliance of tlio railroud.s against
the best interests of the people must
bo met by au alliance of the poopje
against the extortions and discrimina
tions of tlio railroads.
THE Otoo Indians will bo removed
from their reservation in a few weeks ,
and several hundred citizens are eager *
] y waiting for n whack at the beauti
ful lands in the valley of the Blue.
THE great confederacy of the roil-
roads begins its sway just as tlio sou th
orn confederacy did in 1801 , by seiz
ing the property of the people of the
United States and converting it to
their own uecs. '
" Tlio republican party of Now
York , " said General Grant to n Chicago
cage inlorviowor , " 1ms gene iutc
hands which will run it into tin
ground be f oto long , and then tlio pee
jilo inny recognize how great n blun
der they made in thiowing their old
ninl tried lenders overboard. "
Into whoso hands 1ms the republi
can party in NuW York gone ? The
state central committee ia controlled
by tlio men who Imvo controlled the
tnncliino in Now York for the last ten
yours. At the last meeting ot that
body Mr. Thomas C. I'latt presided -
sided , iuul ex-Senator Conk-
ling wns present and was
particularly oflicioua aud nctivo. The
cliairniau of tlio coiutnitto is Cheater
A. Arthur , and u majority of its mem-
bora followers of thu stalwart faction.
An thu fttnto central committee is gen-
orrlly considered M directing Iho po
litical movements of the piuiy , it ia
dilllcult to oo how the direction of
thu republican parly in New York has
gone into oilier hands than those
which have run the machine- for HO
many years past , and against whoao
methods of procedure- Senator Conk-
ling's retirement to private lifo was n
forcible nnd timely protest.
General Grant undoubtedly meant
to say that the defeat of the stal
warts in Now York was a forerunner
of tlio coming defeat of the republican
party in the Umpire itnto. Tu other
words , that the devotion to party of
Mr. Colliding and his friends ii meas
urable by tlio opportunities offered
thorn by the republican party to
hold oflico nnd dispense patronage.
If this is so Iho sooner the Now
York republicans learn the fact the
better. Thousands of voters have
supported Mr. Colliding and his fol
lowers not on account of any favors
which it was in their power to bestow
but because they believed them to bo
able representatives of republican
principles. They were willing them
selves to remain iu the back groiml
in order to hold up the hands of their
chosen leaders , and neither asked nor
sought for government pap ns the
reward of their fidelity to thu parly
of which they were members , They
recognized in Mr , Colliding a man ot
superior mental power and consumatc
political abilities , but they never
placed Iho ox-senator before the party
itself. The bust proof that Ihey never
gave in their adhesion to tiny such doc
trine as that advanced by Gen. Grant ,
is found in the fact that they retired
Mr. Colliding from the public service
just as soon na it became evi
dent that ho considered his own
poisonal aggrandizement superior to
party harmony. On this issue nnd
onj no other Mr. Conklin 'u scat
in thoEonalo wus filled by a successor.
General Grant makes a serious blund
er when ha imagines for a moment
that the republicans of New York
hnvo over given in their adhesion to
any such n doctrine ns that the party
nro representatives of the leader , nnd
the leader not the spokesman and exponent -
ponont of the party.
IT Booms that Senator Van Wyck
lias caused he removal of 1'ostinastor
Santee from the Niobrara oflico , and
osured the appointment thereto ol
Mr. Fry. As to these two men , wo
Imvo nothing to say. But all classes
in north Nebraska will resent Mr. Van
NVyck's intruding his alinn and incbn-
siderato hand into our machinery.
Cong. Valentino is near to us , ono ol
us , and can do the fair and -iviso thiiiL
in disposing of our postollicos andland
ofllcos. If Senator Van ' \Yyck is
short on trading stock ho might bor
row a stake of Mr. Valentine ; but for
him to confiscate the lattpr's federal
watermelons to pay oil' his personal
debts with , is contrary both to old-
fushioncd statesmanship nnd the gold
en rule , unless both havpbeon revised
lately beyond recognition. OaMale
Pen und I'lmv.
Our senators have conferred n favor
not only on Northcon Nebraska but
on the state at largo by removing J.
C. Sautoo from an olllcial position
which ho lias prostituted to his own
personal ends and made n disgrace to
the people of thu a tale. The past rcc-
old , ineillcioncy in oflico and personal
habits of the incumbent of thu Nio-
obrara post oflico ought long since to
have caused his removal , and would
Imvo donu so with any Congressman
who had u spaik of respect for his dis
trict or for his own judgment in
rcuommemUng appointments to oflico.
It ie because Valentino lias shame
fully neglected his duties and in the
face of repeated and numerous pro
tests from the people of his district
has maintained in oflico u puck of dis
reputable sharks that civil service re
form has been forced to stop in and
ouat the oflcndora. If wo mistake
not the people of Northern Nebraska
will never resent au interference which
increases the elllcioncy of the public
olllccs and ia in the line of a genuine
reform iu the civil service.
Tim reputation which General Grant
lias earned of boii.g an infrequent and
discreet talker is fast slipping away
from him. Since his return from Ku-
rope , aud more especially since the
commencement of the struggle for
latronagu which Senator Conkling
waged with the administration , ho has
repeatedly violated the Jaws of politi
cal decency and party decorum by
unwise public comments upon the ill
rcatmont which lie believes his friends
mvo atuTurod at tlio hands of the
republican party. General Grunt
seems to consider that the worse po
htical crime which can bo committee
by the party in power is inalteiitioi
to the demands of his persona
friends , and if an interview which we
publish this morning is credited , part ;
in his eyca ehielly valuable because
it affords rewards for oflico scckorf
nnd place ? the bestowal of patronage
in tlio hands of those who havu boot
in times past the intimate friends am
associates of General Grant.
TUB haslo which is being shown b >
the contractors on the Burlington
Missouri line beyond Culborlson indi
cules the falsity of the rumors that ai
understanding lias been entered intr
between the C. , 13. , t Q. and the
Union Pacific roads , by which the
latter is not to extend its lines to
Denver , Kvory sign points to the
fact that by next Juno a through line
from Ohicngo to Colorado will bo ii
operation. Whether the line will gc
directly to Denver is uncertain , the
probabilities being that Pueblo wil
be for a time at least tlio terminus o
the road.
Mn. Pir.i.n states that the Garfiohl
fund has reached SliiC'.OOO , of which
8Ht,000 ! was subscribed in Now York ,
812,000 in Philadelphia , $11,500 , ii
Chicago , $0,500 in London , § 125 at
HoHton , etc. It has been placed will
the United Status trust company
which haa purchased $125,000 of1
per cents , costing @ 1 < 1R,000. , A certi
ficate of deposit of these bonds has
been handed to Mrs. Garficld. If she
docs not draw the income , it will be
added to the principal and divider
among the children after the death ol
their parents.
the assessment system the Hfo insur
ance business seems to be in an unu
sually healthy condition. Since 187J
tlio assets of the life insurance compa
nies doing business in New York state
have nearly doubled , increasing from
$211,8I ! > ,11 < ; to .117,707,554 , or J > 7
pcr cent , while their surplus has in
creased about 85 per cent , or from
§ 118,581,825 to $71,501,070.
Tun decrease in the national debt
for August is otlicially stated at 814-
000,000 , making the monthly average
for Iho portion of the fiscal year al
ready expired 812,000,000. Tlio ac
tual payment , of bonds during August
was $18,000,000. , Secretary AVindom
will havu a handsome balance shoot to
show at the end of the year.
FIIO.M the drought reports received
from tlio east it will be readily seen
that Nubraska's harvest taken as n
whole law sullurcd less than that n
many eastern states. When the high
prices now obtaining for wheat am'
corn ia taken into consideration nur
farmers will como out well ahead al
the close of the season.
Tin : outbreak among the Apaches
is affording thu chronic corrcspondonl
and country editor the opportunity ol
demanding the turning over of the
Indian bureau to the war department ,
on the score of greater honesty among
army agents. The latest defalcations
in the government service have como
from the army.
Tar movement among the farmers
to select and support for public oflico
only such men us have a clear rocori
and firm convictions on the antimonopoly -
monopoly question is the first btoi
towards obtaining a genuine redress
of their grievances.
TUB Nebraska City News publishes
an interview with iho projector of the
lower Furnam street hotel , in whioli
the assurance was given that contracts
for the building would bo lot during
thu coming winter.
Bv thn perpetual nmilo which plays
on every third man's face , it is plain
to see thut conventions are approach
ing , and the button-holing of tlio can
didate is once moro felt in thu land.
on the decision of
Judge McCrary in the ease of the
Southern express company. , and in
which the law was laid down that
railroads worn public servants , bound
to treat all Ihoir patrons alike without
favor or discrimination , tlio Chicago
2ViMuie says :
The decision is in nymp.itlry with
previous decisions to the same effect
by Judge Harlan of tlio mipruino
court , and by Judge Baxter of the
sixth circuit , and by District Judges
Key , Greslmm , Treat , 'llallot , and
Daldvvoll. It and nllirms
that railroads are a part of the busi
ness machinery of the country , and
not special inventions hold by spe
cial patents jor the exclusive use
of the patentees , Thcso companies
operate public highways , which are
free to all who may choose to use
[ hem for transportation upon paying
a just and reasonable toll. The com-
> aiiioo must treat all persons applying
to them with equality ; they must not
extort from any one , nor discriminate
igainst any ono , but to the extent of
iheir capacity must execute all the
JUsiuusH allured them , and must do
his tit a fair and reasonable compen
sation , which it is the duty of the
courts to enforce.
This decision further declares that
n the case of state legislation on this
mbjoct , nnd iu the observance of such
ugislatton , thu power of thu courts to
ontrol thu rates of transportation , 'to
lie extent of fixi..g what is fair and
oiuonablc , does exist , and thut the
courts , upon a proper ease boimj pre
sented , will , upon duo investigation ,
fix those rates and enforce the decree
ol thu court. The decision is all the
moro commendable because of the
fearless manner in Xrhich the court
cuts loose from the technicalities nnd
sophistries with which this
question lias been heretofore befogged -
fogged and clouded by the
courts , the attorneys , and the special
retainers of the railways. Tins de
cision places the question before tlio
country in its plain , naked nnd simple
character , which is , Have these cor
porations , which are mere common
carriers upon whom the .wholo coun
try dopoinh for the service of trans
portation , , any right to discriminate
cither in rates or facilities against
any person ? and , Have they the right
to exact for the service rendered any
but n fair and reasonable compen
sation ? That is the whole ques
tion involved. The answer is plain
and direct , that the railroad cor
porations have no special lights and
privileges ; that they must render equal
service and equal facilities to nil per
sons ; and that the tolls exacted can
not exceed what is just and reasona
ble , and in case of controversy tlio
courts may determine what are just
and reasonable rates tor transporta
That this is the law of the land
there can ho no doubt ; all that is
needed is to hayo it so decided nnd so
universally made known that railroad
corporations shall feel the noccoaity of
obeying it without further equivoca
tion or delay.
Mr. Whtclock , of the St. I'nul Pioneer
1'iusx , U nominated fur Kovenior of Min
nesota by the Minneapolis Tribune.
Ssnator Beck thinks that Senator ! \fa-
) mnein "a eamcy little fellow , "
the Virginia contest will be close anil
Mayor I'rince , of Itoston is determined
to ie tire from public Hfo with this year ,
and hit pinna are to KO abroad with hid
wlfu , who Imi been so long an invnlM.
Andrew Stewart has withdrawn from
the contest for the rcimblicnn nomination
for btato treasurer in L'cntisylvanla , leaving
the field in tlio western I'.rt ' of the * tvtG :
entirely to ( Jcneral Halloy.
Maine elects no governor this , nnil
the inhabitants wonder if that awful
national cii n they Iwl to meet uvcrj
September v\ ill now Blip in the frontdoor
to destroy the i > .ilhidium nnd wrinj ; the
neck of the eagle.
On'y ' Hcvcn htateH have annual sessions
of the k'K'islutmo. When these annual
blights have idivcn six states into despair
ing graves , Ithoclo Itland will i iso to re
mark : "Six aru in the churchyard laid ;
wo'ru all that's left of beven. "
The committee appointed by the last
Weit Virginia legislature to revise the
htntnto laws < if the Htato ia now in t < csioii
nt SVIicclinff. So far the work of the com-
mittuo hn-s been confined to the chapters ol
the code regulating civil proceedings.
Times have changed , and the old-fash-
ioinul "boss" modes of forcing results will
no longer pay. The people may bo de-
Itended upon to acquiesce in whatever is
done faiily and to bolt whatever ia
wrought ont through dishonest methods.
Albany Journal ( Hep. )
Air. ] ) ookvviiltcr is the owner of a new
opera home at .Springfield , O. , which was
opened the other evening by tlio Kmma
Abbott Opeia _ company. If Mr. Hook-
wnltor could kiss tlio farmers' wives am
danghtcrH as Kmma Abbott kisses , he
could cairy the Htato of Ohio with a rush.
C'nptain Cook , the Unrficld hcroo o :
Brownsville , Ohio , is novv urged by his
friends as a suitable randidiUa for post
master of Newark , Ohio. Tha Newark
Evening Xf'ivu , nnimlrnendeiit democratic
newspaper , ha * coma out strongly iu favor
of bin appointment , nnd believes that i
would by nppioved by the cntiro c6mmti-
Mr. Israel \V. Andrew n , the greenback
candidate for governor of Massachusetts
voted for .lames Barney for president in
1841 : Martin Vnn JJnren. in 1818 ; John
1' . Halo , in 18.V2 ; .John C. Ifremont , in
1850 , Abiaham Lincoln , in 1800 and 1801
Horatio Seymour , inlSOS ; Horace Greeloy.
in 1871' ; Samuel J. Tilden , in 187(1 ( ; am
James 11. Weaver , in 18SO.
The Xashvillo ( Tenn. ) American views
with complacccby the independent politi
cal movement in the south. Like the
partisan democrat , it expects to see them
all defeated , but it regards them as healthy
indications , because they show that those
have composed the unambitious anil igno
rant claspcs Imvo learned enough to seek
to better themselves nnd to thow olT party
On tlio whole , wo do not think that the
doings of the state committee will strlko
the great mass of republicans in the inte
rior of the state very favorably. It may
appear in the convention that the utnl-
warts , by making1 Bitch use of their oppor-
tunitie ? , have not nt all benefitted them
selves. The meaning of the word "har
mony" ns to the republican party Js no
longer what It was before. It signifies no
longer nuconfidcntial submission to nil
that a few managers may determine.
New Yoilt Post.
Mr. Charles Nordhotf while in Kuropo
visited the field of Waterloo , whcro his
father fought under Bluchor.
Mr. Tilden wns never in better health
"I haven't had t > ix doctors , " chuckles the
old gentleman with a wink of his eye.
Miii , Yanderbllt i < said to sport sixty
bonnets anil ns many trunks at Saratoga.
But an Mr. V. owns ucvernl ' 'tiuuk lines1'
its all light.
Kx-Scnator Thurmnn Is "doing" Switz
erland , Being largely out of politics , the
distinguished Ohio man will not undertake
to straddle thu Alps.
Sam Cox Is on his way to the Holy
land , His perfect knowledge of the bible
enables him to tiavel through it without
guides or guide-books.
Mr. Iiigersoll la letting Ills hair grow
long , nnd thereby acquiring n strong re-
cniblaneo to Ucccher. This u ono of the
mistakes of Ingersoll.
There Is a woman in i'lippcr' * case , and
she U ia the hherllf'a custodywhich maltes
it bad for the woman. It hn't entirely
pleas-nit for Flipper.
Jonrjulu Miller' * d itwhior N quite n
'ttvoiltoin Saratoga hoclcty. After this
Htatemcnt it ia unrcely necomry to nay
that aha iloosn't write poetry.
Slttln ? Bull won't rid a on railroad trains.
Hio long-headed old * avngo knows that
lot ono person inn million ever gets tlio
irizo in n packni'u of prize candy.
Jay Cooke'u Ban-ill-law is a theological
Indent. Their occupations utv much
ilike in ono respect both Hpecnlate In
'futures" to n considerable extent
Jay Oonld Is at Saiatoga , and what
vith drinking the spring water , and taking
i fresh railroad and Saratoga potatoes for
) iTalfast , ho is eaid to bo getting fat.
If King Knlaknu wants iv purchaser for
lU dominions , now'a his chance. Captain
lowgato hag lied to the Sandwich Islands
vlth enough stolen money to buy thu whole
urn p.
Prince Bismarck , aa ho walked Into the
aihvfty station at Berlin n fortnight ago ,
bowed that his hedth had greatly hn-
iroved. Ho looked burly and strong , nnd
va < i attired in citizen's dress.
I.uoyllooprr toys nho never admired
drs. Langtry , "even when she WAD In the
lelght of her lenown , " Of course not , the
[ tddy. stuck.up young thing. And what-
vvr tliu men could co In her while to
ninny real Miniblo , mature vomen wtr
nbont nnd waiting to IKJ admired , nlmplj
beats everything -there !
Anna lickon ) on vva * at u Phllndclphli
hotel the other day , hut ohe refuted to re
ccivenny visitors. It is suspected tlia
Anna wai bu y In her room studying tin
tirchittcturo of n pair of Mage pantaloon *
"Ned Buntllne , " ( I' . V. . .Tml on ) lives Ii
the llttlo town of .Stamford in the Cats
kill mountains. Ho Is about lit ) years old ,
short nmi fat , walks with a limp nnd r
o.ine , Mid wears bine clothes nnd brns ;
Senator Conger , of Michigan , has beci
irulcriiig In Manitoba nil the bummer ,
'inat accounts for the devastating torna-
duel that have eome from there. Hewn1
exercising hit voice- for the coming bcanni ,
[ Boston Post.
Hnllowny. the Kngllih pill manufac
turer , has given iipwnid of $ . ' ,7f)0,000 fin
charitable purposes during tho.last five or
six year * . IttJt money worthily be
stow ed If it went tn the persons who had
taken hU pills.
A duel Is Imminent between O'Dnmi-
nitc Henna and Little Hrccehca Jlav , editor
ad honeymoon of the Xcw Yoik Tribune.
O'lXiminito In a letter intimates that liny
before ho became n poet wai a barber , anil
Hnj threatens to elongate the &kiimi h-
ur'ti tioiu on fight , nnd the Hkinni-licr
threatens to cano Hay. It would bo n
U'llef to the pockets of patriotic Irish
Rcrvant girls if O'Daminlto were to make
his u.\it viaonu of his infernal machines.
f i ono.iv'nnts .a llotirinp ; mill.
llltic Spiing ? lnw n f-tnnll fruit nur.iery.
J-'unirw county will build . ? ! ] ,000 worth
of hedges before January.
Lanc.iHtcr cmuityV fair began on Mon
day to continue four days.
IVymnro boants of ( food religions i > ilvi-
lctig | and no liquor N.iloon.v
Woik on tliu toiii ] > nrnry bridjjo at North
Hcnil is progicjjsiii'f rapidly.
Tlio presbytery of Kearney will meet in
Minn C'rcelc on the 13th init.
A ilncly equipped Rorghuin mill is now
in working hint at Heaver City.
Apn'cs aru Hcllins at llcdo forfifty cents
iv bushel , and are plenty at that.
Tlio colored people of Bro\uvillu organ
ised a IJnptUt church last Saturday.
Aithur 1'rcets , who escaped from jail at
Sidney , has been in Nebraska City.
A school building will at once be erected
in Wymore , by private u bs > crijtion.
PunittH county i-cvithout a Bherilf , that
olllcial having removed to Colorado.
The Lincoln & Fremont lailnad a k
? 00,000 in bonds from Satuulers county.
As a result of tlio resent excursion to
Lincoln , Kndicott will have a brass band.
An incendiary attempt was made at
Gland Inland to burn hd. Hooper's machine -
chine shops.
Over iiOO.OOO pounds of freight ariivcd
at Sidney fiom the east last Wcdnesdaj"
for the JiilK
Springdale'H cheese factory is reported
in running order , and turning out a gojcl
quality of cheese.
Over two hundred passengers for differ
ent pointa in the Hills arrived in Sidney
during the vv eek.
Section hands on the St. 1'aul and Oma
ha are getting Sl.oO per d.iy , and on
the S. C. fc P. ei.'J.- ) .
The Elkhorn Valley railroad company
arc removing their hcuilqnuilcrH from
Neligh to O'Neill City.
North Bond's new school house cannot
be completed by Octobei 1st , and the
time has been extended thirty dayp.
CulbcrtMin has gicatly livened tin since
the advent of hundreds of hands who will
work on the 15. fc Al. extension to Denver.
Kendall & Smith , of North Bend , arc
putting up one thousand tons of bay. They
will have eight hundred head of cattle to
Trains on the Klkhorii Valley road arc
expected to run Into Atkinson as soon as
the uth instant , and will probably reach
the I'ino before MIOW flien.
The plans for the new Catholic church
at Plum Cicek. are bsing prepared and it
is thought the buildin ; ' will be leady for
use before cold weather bets in ,
Blair is erecting stock yards for feeding
and holding block. They will covcriifteen
acres of ground , with five chutes and an
ample supply of sheds and cribs.
Ileports from the DUmal show an un
settled and unsatisfactory condition of
things up around Fort Niobrara. Stock
men say that the whole country above is
full of Indians.
A petition will be circulated to open a
public highway between Blue Spring am
Beatrice , along Che line of the B. & M
road. It in deemed that this will give the
public a much nearer and moro direct
Benson & Hines threshed their whea
Saturday , and were agreeably surprised a
the amount , Off of eleven acres the ;
threshed 150 bushels. This is as good i
yield as we have yet heard of. Arapahoe
During the thunder ntonn last week
lightning struck the house of Mark Miles
on thn Ktate line five miles went of dies
ter , killing Mr. Miles instantly. One
boot was ripped off his foot and portioni
of his person Blightly discolored. He ha <
gone up-Rtair.s to close the windows , vvliei
the liolt fell , shattering a window and the
btill below , but injuring nothing or no
one else. Ho leaves a wife and two chil
Gently Does It
Kugono Cross , Swan street , Buffalo
writes : "I havu used Spring Dlomom foi
dygpepiia and indigestion , aud havu foum
itto act admirably as a gentle aperient anil
blood purifier. 1 consider it uncqualcd.
You aru at liberty to use my natno na r
reference. " Price 50 cents , trial bottles K
cents , septUeodlw
Of nil medicines advertised to euro
nliy nlluuHon of the Throat , Chest 01
Lungs , wo know of uotio wo can rcc-
ommoml so highly as Du. KINO'SNuw
DiHcovKitY for Consumption Coughs.
Colds , ABthrnn , Bronchitis liny Fever -
vor , lloarsoness , Tickling in the
Thioat , loss of voice , etc. TJiia medicine -
icino does positively euro , and thut
where everything else h a failed. No
iiiodicino can show one-half so many
I'ositiyu ' and perinanont cures as have
iilready boon eil'eetod by this truly
irondurfiil roniedy. For Asthma and
Hronchitis it is a nortect specific , cur-
iiiff the voiy worst eases in the short-
; fflt tiinu possible.Vo jjay by all
UL-ansRivo it a trial , Trial bottles
'roe. Regular size § 1.00. Forsaloby
! ( lly ) ISH it MoMAiiox , Oinalia.
the Futcit fc'clilue Book of th A eel
Foundations of Success.
Tl o Uwjut trade , lojal fornn , how to ir > n -
itt builueai , valuible tiblos , tcxlil ctlquetta ,
wrllimcntary utige , how to conduct public
lUtlneti ; In t > cV It U A comi'luto ( Juitla to tjuc-
es > lor all cU'ti * . A Utnily iiecetel > - . Addreu
orclrcuUniiuid jjucUl tcrmiNgllOU
JdlUNO OU. , St Ixiul * . ilo.
Examination ofTeaoliors-
I will ho preterit at my offlee In Crclghtan
ilock on the flt t rUturd.iy of eaih month to ex-
mine mch ai > nllcants ta may tlc lro to
11 the jnillle > JiooU lu Doutlai county. QiiAr-
erly uxaininttloii rtrit Saturday In Februury ,
l y , Aiviut and No > ember ,
J. J roiXT * ,
County Supt. Pabllo Instruction.
1,000,000 Acres
LOW r-nicij OP SO , $8 , AND $10 run ACKK
- IX -
Douglas , Sappy anil Washingtoi
< aoicrKra.z : 33 ss
Including Kleeant Residences , Busmen
nd Itesulenco Lots , Cheap Houses and
intt > , nnd a large number of Lots in most o I
he Additions of Omaha.
Al o , Small Tract ? of 5 , 10 and 20 ncrce
n nnd near the city. Wo have good oppor
unities for snaking Loan" , nnd in all ca o
isrsonally examine titles and take every
irecaution to insure safety of inonoy so
nv cxtcil.
lie ovv we offer a umal list of SPEOIAI
. 'lAl
Seal Estate Brokers ,
North. Side of Farnham Street ,
Opp. Grand Central Hotel ,
CflR QAl C A beautiful residence lot
Ubl OftiLC California botn ecu 22nd anil
3d streets , 81(100.
! TnD CAI C Vcr.V nice homo and lot
UK OrtLt on yth ami Webster street ! , .
\ltli barn , coal house , ttell cistern , thado ami
rult trots , cvcrjthinjj complete. A iloalrahlt
licie of iirojKrty , figures low
; O Oft 5 FT Splendid biislncs lotaS. U
Ull wrtr.Sl corner of ICth and Capita
Vvinnc. BOGOS&H1LL.
" ( ID OAJ C Hoii o and lot corner Chicago
UK 3HL and 21st streits , ? SOCO.
mD CAI { T New house/ / 6 rooms , half lot ;
Un OftLt. 7 blocks from court house ,
onlysJlWO. 110GOS &HILL.
JftD CAI R HousoofO rooms vi 1th i lot ,
I Ull OrlLU near Iiiulncai , good locution ;
CUP CAI 1C Corner of two choice lots ID
rUII CflLC Miinn'a Addition , request tent
nt oiiuo submit best otter.
CflfJ CAI C A P ° 0 ( ( an uesirablb res
I Ull OttLE. dciico property , S4000.
IlESinnNCE-Not In the market
A Oner will sell f or tO.DOO.
JflP CAI C 4 K ° ° d lofci Shlnn's Sd ad
I Ull OrtLt dltion 51 ) each.
rOEJ OAl C A very flno rcaldonco lot. to
run uHLIu some party dcMirltiir to bulia
a line house , . ' ,300. UOOGS & HILL.
fTflB CAI C About 200 lots In Kountzo
I Ull OHLE. Ituth'a addition , fust south
of bt. Mary's a\enue , $450 to SSOO. These lot *
are mar business , surrounded by fine improve
menu and are 40 per cent cheaper than any othe
lots In the market. Sav e money l > y bu > IIIR thcs
lois. BOGGS i HILL.
ETflD CAI ET JO lots , suitable for flno resl
run OnLk dcnco , on Tart-Wild a > enue
: t blockg 8. K , of depot , all coicrol with line larg
tries. I'rlco extremely low. ( AOO to $700.
CAI C Some ry ihcap loto
CHLC Lake's oildltloii.
nocca & HILL.
CAI 17 Cheap corner lot , cornet
OML.I1 Douglas and Jefferson Bts.
Cfil C 8SIot' on 20tll > 8"01. SSthi
C/iLEl SOth and 30th Hta. , bitxrecn
1 arnhain , Douglas , and the proponed extension of
Dodifu street. Prices rniijfo from $200 to J400.
Wehaxetoncluditltot'lvoiiicn of mnall means.
ono more ihiticu to cccure a homo and will hullo
liousason thcho lots on small paj merits , aud will
sell lots on monthly payments.UOCQS
ITflM ? CAI C ICO acres , I ) miles from city ,
lUn OnLlU about 20 acres > cry choice
( alloy , IUi running water ; lul.into ccutly rolling
prrlrle , only 3 milcn fjoiu mllao-id , slO pcraoie.
COD CAI C 400 acres In ono tract twelv
TUN OrtLE milcH from tlty ; 40 acres cu
thated , U\\ng \ Sjirliisof water , tome nice v
lejs. iho laud la 1J tlrtt-closs rich prairie. Trie
? 10 vcr aue. UOfiUS & 1I1LU
CAD CAI C 7"0ncrcsln onolKxly , 7 mlle
rUli U.HL.C westof rrcmont , Is allleiel
land , | uoduUn ) ( bea\y prow th of Brass , In high
Milluy , rich toll and } Intel from railroad an
bide track , In good settlement and no better Un
can bo found. BOGUS k HI LL.
OAl C A highly Impwcd firm ol
UnLEl SlOacra , 3 miles from tlty
Kino Improu'iitcnts on this land , ouucr not a
pmitlval ( .inner , ditermined to toll. A gooil
cin'iiln - ( or some man of means.
means.DOGOS & HILU
PUD CflIC 2.000 acres of land near Mil-
rUK OMLIu land Station , 3,000 near Elk.
horn , $8 to 610 ; 4,000 acres In north part of coun
ty , 87 to ? 10 , 3,000 acres 2 to 8 miles from 1'lor-
enie , ? S to $10 ; 6,000 airei west of the Ktkhorn ,
84 to { 10 ; 10,000 acres Mattered throujh thocouii.
K The alioto landi lie nfir and Adjoin n'c.irl )
excry fanu In the eounty , and uui mostly bo sold
on email cosh imjment , with the balance In 1-2-8
4 nnd 6 icar's time. VOUGS&H1LL.
CAI r Bo crel fine rcsmcnccs prop
OHLL ertlcs ne'er licfrro orfcrcd
mil not Xnown In the market &s Loins for sale.
Locations will only bo made known to purcluuert
"uicanlnr bueliiu. UUGC8 & HILL.
imiro\ | ( anus uround Omaha , and In all parts of
Douglas , Sar y anil WuhliiL'tan countks. Also
farms In lou a. 1'or dcscripuon and iirkcs cull on
I n Business Lots for Sala on Kiirnam and Doug.
IU I * ttrtots , from $ J.OOO to 6S.WO.
' uodaa & HILL.
CAI IT 8 I'uslncs * lots ncxtwes
OMLH of Masonic Temple prlct
idt niicvd Of 2 000 each. HOGGS & HILL
CAI C 8 business lots nest of Odd
OnLC Kellovs block , $2 tOO each.
CAI C s tiifclni'M loU douth aide
OMLC DouL-Us itrt'Ct , liutwecn 12tb
, nd 13th , rj,600 each , HOGGS A : HILL.
CAD CAI IT 100 ac , oc\crctl wtthjouni
rUn OHLL timber ; tiling uatir , lur
oundod by Improrcd run , only 7 miles from
: lt. , ChcajH-jl land oubaud.UOOGS
the hay direct from Sxrath to Stuck
MO to " 00 Ibs. nt n lotd , Sines uliiroftlni ; ,
KlincUlnjr , kc. 1'rleo , $25.00. Tor ] virtlnilin
oildrcsi S. II. GILLIL\M ) ,
Monroe CltMo. . ,
nulO-M2t I'.ioprlctor nnd Manufacturer.
M1AKBV UP Near my house on Sitnrdny , an
.1. old white hoiiltli lihcU | > ot ! blind In
the rlht ej c. I' . O. JJojion , north sldo I.CA\en-
worth street , bet. "Ill and Stli. au10-w4t
ilAKP UP A red and uhlto tpottwl row ,
.1 about 0 jcar * old ! rltfht car iroppi-d , nt Itc-
pin'j addition , north Um.ihn.
fill-w 4 1 _ j..Hr.N iNHOKEl' : .
" '
Rldrc ilnt ( the stmlcntfl of the National School of
Llocutlon nnd Oratory , cald. "U'cnro Ihln In a
land uhoio CCM\I.I | \ , nho o hlttory , uho o in titit-
tlon eminently dcnnml oratoiy.1 The National
School of Elocution anil Oratory win estab
lished In 1ST4 , to Biipplvthli demand. Chartcmt
In 1870 , Nineteen Teachers nnd Lecturers ,
Specialists In their departments. Summer
Term , July 6 , Fall Term , October 3 , Send
for circular to
J. II. lliCHTiL , Secretary ,
lilOnml lilSChcttnnt street , I'hlladilphlC.
vTIIAYKN-l'roiii 2415 llftrney street July 23
O ono lar abrindlr cow , Ojcariiold. liriiuleil on
iiTplth Utter "O. " Has tome wlnto ppots on
her. Any ono frl\ Ins Infonnatlonhcroshola
r return her " 111 bo suitably runnrdcd ,
6H tf A. M. UI.AP.K.
itate of Nchraskn , Doualas County ss :
At n County Uourt , held at the County Court
Itoom , In nnd for paid County , Aiizihb 20th ,
A. 1 > . 1SS1. 1'rcsent , IIOWAIU ) U. aMITII ,
County Jud 'e.
n tlio matter of tlio csUto of .lames K. Ish , do-
On reading and r.llnir the petition of Martha
M. Ish , prajinif thatndnilnletmtion ofKntdottato
may be irrantiil to her cu admlnistratK :
Ordered , That September 15th , A. 1) . 1SS1 , nt
0 o'clsek n , in , h slsiHMl for hairing wild pctl-
, lon , \\hcnnll pcrsoiu'intcnutcd In sjld matter
may nppear nt n County Court to bo held , In nnd
'or ' siitl County , and fliow causa why the prayer
) f petitioner t-hould not be prnnted , nnd that no-
: lco of pciidoncy of said petition nnd the hcarlnc
; hercof , boi > cn to all persons Interested In said
matter , by publishing n copy of this order In Tnr.
OMlix AS KKKLY Dun , n , newspaper prlntcd.ln K\ld
County , for three successive wcuks , prlo r to said
day olheirin . HOWA11I ) 1 ( . SMITIf ,
nu24 3t County
li IiiK the Story of the Scriptures , by Rev. Geone
Alexander Crook , D. I ) . , In bhinile and nttrnctho
anKUaxe for old nnd youni' . Vrofuscly illustra
ted , makln ; a moit interesting ; and iniprehsno
jouth instructor. E\cry parent lllbreuro thU
work. Preachers , 3on should clrcuhte it. Price
33.00. Send for circulars ith extra tcmu.
J II. CHAJlUlUtS & CO. St. Louis Mo.
Tor moro than n tlilrd of a century thn
known to millions nil over tliu world nt
tliu only sato reliance for the roliot ol
at'clilcnts mid pain. It Is : i moillclno
iilKivo pvlco ami JiniUo tlio lirst of Us
kind. For uvery foim of external pnln
AInstanp ; I.lninicnt Is vvitliontnn equal.
It jiciietrnttK flcsli mill iiuitcHto
tlic nci-y ttoiio making tlio conttnn-
iiii ( ' of pain nnd intlammatloii impos-
nlblc. Us L'irocia npoii Hiiiiian rjosli ami
IlioDnitoCri'iillon nro equally vromlur *
fill. Tliu
Liniment is needed liy somoboily In
every liousf. Kvcry ( lav btiiiirs nevva or
the nfnujif an IIMlul .scul < ti.-r Ijuru
Niilnliieil , of rlietimiitic iitnrtyrB iu-
Ntoi'eil , Ol' \nlnnlilc luir/ie < uox
x-cd by tlio healing power of tlila
wlilcli spcrdlly cures auoli ailments of
the IlUilAN FLESH n
Illieumatlam , StvclIIngl , Stl(7
* oluti , Coiitrnctcd Muscles , Iturni
lid Scalds , Cuts , BrulHcs and
prnliK ) Poluoiiotin llllea mill
tliiR * , Stlffttcss , J.nniciicsB , Old
Morei , lll < : rr , KroitbKci , Chilblain * .
lore Nipples , Cnked Jl'-on t , mid
Indeed every form of cjrnul dU-
euse. It lirnl.s without scnr .
For the HitUTE CMATIOH It cures
Sprains , Sivluiiy. KUtT Joints ,
Fouuiler , ITnriieM Sorm. Hoof I U-
caios , Foot not , Screw Worm , Scab ,
Hollow Horn , Scratches , U'Jud-
RnllM , Spiiviu , ThriiKli , Illiiubone ,
Old Sores , Poll Kvll , Film upon
tlio Slplit nnd every ntlirr ailment
to which the occupant * of the
Stable nnd Stoclc Ynrd are liable.
The Mexican Mnatniig I.iiiliiieiit
nlwuya curcu uiul novcr disappoints ;
auU It Is , positively ,
Manufactured In ( He rii'B , 4 tl , 8 , 10 nnd 1
Villon * . It lmi no { .carlnf , llemo no nnlaa
does Its worl. eaally and nuUHy. and reUtlio
largest amount of In'.ttr ( rein iho milk or
cream ; Ji runic f rein ' he ' c t ah lumber. It >
sold at & 1oMtr price llian ny rtlier flnt-ilasi
i hum. Send tor dLjrlpU\o Urcu'iir ' ur.d
lUt to the
Fo Hugh Klnily and all others nham It may coi > -
'erii :
You will tfko notlco that on tlio 7th il y of
November , 1B7S , Mary A. Dutfdale nurchancc at
treasurer' * ulo ( or taxes ( or the 1877 , the w i ot
ot 3 , hloik K , In thu dty ol Omaha , said lot VIM
-ami In the name ot llu-li Klnily and the tiinu
> ( redemption has expired , and that on the " 5Ui
lay of No\ ember , 1S31 , I will apply touald trcas-
ircr ( or a deed to tliu above dewribcd real estate.
Hy JiiiKS F , MORTOX , Attorney ,
SALE A largo two stop' frame tilnjle.l
1 roof Hotel and one ttory Utcheii ; aUa onu
tory frame , thln lvd roof , hall room ( or ten K.U
u dance , and bam largo enough to hold tvuuty
earns- All kltuatud on corner ot llroad and 4th
treet , rrcmont , Uodjro Co. , Neb. For further
nfonuatlon jinly to C. 0. TIIOM I'SO.V ,
8W-to 8 Fremont , Dodjo Co , , Neb.