Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1881, Image 8

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    ram OMAHA DAILY B , SEPTEMBER 7. issx ,
erin r
"Wodiibsday Morning , Sop
Pfttlcrson nolU coal.
Get your h.\tint Donne's.
Vrcdcrick ] , cnillns Hnltcr.
Saxo's Crcnm So-la still boomltif
GOO biulncs * lots. Call on Ucmli
- > JOOO rcsirtcnco loU , Uemi % ftgci
Don't forget S.ixo's for pert umci
2oC hou M nnd lot * . Hcmla' age
Ucinh' real csUto Iwom. 1'lrnt
A. W. Nrnon , Dentist , Tacob'n
Warranted Tooth Urmhcs at K
llemls1 now map of Omnlm , 25
200 fanns ixnd 000,000 ncres o
Ucmlf , ftscnt.
The Lion continue ! to rout ( or i
Harness and Saddlery ,
For FIKK Coninwrclnl Job ,1'ri
all nt Tins UKB Tnt ) roomn ,
H igliest cash * n k-e tmlil for cccoiH
turnllnro nt Abram's S : J.evis' , 1121
, itrect. al !
llloyclo tor wle or trade for a
C. ,1. Cauan.
MarB'nrct 1'rloo ( Jkd ycntcn
licr lionie 1-llcvcntli nnil lXcniiort
liernifit' * wan ovwci
\ few ilayB ajtt
lioat and alv > < llc < l.
About H doreii inombcm if Co.
yoetcnlny fur tlio Lincoln cJieain
under conuuand of Lieut. KliiK l'r
nlibtit the name nwnlicr will Ic.ivo
The 13. SrM. rulroad will foil
from Omttlm to the SoUllcra' reun
Lincoln thin week , al $2 for the
trip , K" il to return nn or before H
Traflle nn the lr. 1' . nt lire-tent
licavy. Last exoiliit , ' nix fright
11110 followliiij tKo other , loaded wi
and cattle rcniiootlvcly , arrive < l Su (
lu the cast.
on tliclr way toioSnt <
The cnlt brnught by Jacob Scl
against < ! cn. Kst.ibrook f < ir lean
lirnjierty 011 north Sixteenth utrect :
liurposcs of prostitution wns contlii
.liulge IJeucku'itcourt ycslciilay on
ntinn of the ] iltiintin"'n Attorney
tct. Gth.
C. D. linker , who rciirc eutn
1 hillock , ( , 'i-neral ngcut for the
electric light , i hnnl nt work }
thlnga iu Hhujic nt the fair grounds
engine ti generate the clectiiclty >
of fourteen homo power nnil the llgl
\uccd eijiiftl to 32,000 ,
(5. ( HwaiiBon & Co : have re
opened n merchant tailoring cstablis
t No. .W Kloventh street , between
Jiain nnd Hn.ncy , where they ha\ ]
cci\i'd nn elegnnt block of gooiln , a
lircp.ired to funilnh ftuitn In all the
htylcg nt iKiltoni priceH anil xallx
j-uarnntewl. HCJ
1'rot. W. J. Andci-f , formerly
troll , 1ms nuulo arrniigcmpnta w !
Hoipe , .Fr. , for his hull , I51II Doilgo
nnd will ojicn a Kclccl dancing nc
Oct. ith. 1'rof. Aiulcw hai vcr ;
inothoiU of teaching tha wnltz , glkli
h nnil pnrtloH contemiilatln ) ; learning
lake mlvnntngo of thix oiiportunlty ,
Tlio driver of a Htrect cnr on lfl :
street hnd occnHlnu , Just night , to i
' iiln connecting ; the ttinguc with tl
While UIUH employed the hoi-wen 1
frighloaed and Htarkcd In run , pulll
tlriver over the dmth hoard. 1 lo w
injured. The IIOFBCH followed thu t :
the opera houHCwhcro they collide
a tcnin fitaudlng there. No dnnm
done to the tenm , although the Hit
Jiorsen were Hinnowlint Injured.
1'rof. ! ' . TJ. I'innoy hnn return
t\ill open liln thuiclng nchool Septem
Dr. SiunncrH , of the nnny , left
liuntliig trip to Fort IJiMger ycstcn
! Mr . ( Jcoi-go II. .Tdwett , of Slib\
forltoinu ye tcrdny.
Jl. M. Vail , of the , Louisville &
Tllle rallroml , IH n { the Wltlmell.
Itnlph "K. ( inylonl went down lul
ler county yehtcrday.
MH | Kntlo Murphy loft ycstcr
Tcsmno her hludles at the Hacieil
Academy , Yanktoii.
Afattle A. ] ! ridge , of Jncksouvilli
is in the city staying at thu Cr
3 louse.
.lolin litiHh , jwni tant county tri
viio has been absent from his deal
Haturdny Bhowed un again ycHtordn
Dr. A. W.Nftion left for Fort Cell
tcrday , whcro ho hnd a contract foi
irigin part of the road of thu D. Hal
& 1M1.11.
Dean Frank It. MilUpnugh , rci
lilnlty Cnthcilrnl loft for a trip ti :
t rday. Ho will vlnit Kontmi niu
A. O. Tliurnian , of Osecoln. Ne
Jii ktnying iu the city for a few dayt
, T. It , Scolt , of the U. P. Hiirveyii
ty , hast returned from Montana , 1
JTcalgnctlfrom the corprf.
Chan. 1L 1'rntt , agent nf the
< ! rana Opera Coinpauv , U iu the c
i > i etnylng at the \Vithnell.
How to Get Sick.
Expose yourself day and ninl
too much without exercise , wo
liard without rest , doctor all th
take all the vile nostrums advc
und then you will want to km
AVhich is answered in three v
Take Hop Bitters. Soptl-C
Qr ud
Prof. F. L. Pinnoy will on
popular dancing school in tli
and elegantly-furnished hall on
tconth street , between Douglai
Dod o , on the 28th day of Sept
which will open with u great pa
"both adults and children.
/Jake' ' " BLACK-DRAUGHT" a
IKJ | ) llioiiH.
l ' AtC. V aocwl
Fine unlautl huy , Imlod wit'
atW. J.V l lmns tt Oo.'s ,
juul l''annuu Htruuts. uuij
il-Vr nic0friteli meat go to
Ttleut Market on Tenth etreol
Uiu U. 1' , depot
- .1 in. i. . . .OI in. -
" F-w.1) Iritita und vegetables n
r- i every day fit D. Ouild'a en
street , near U. 1 * . depot.
Session ivt Which Lo
Sidownlka is DisoUBHOi
looiimb In Sllj-htod
Council hold a very mild souTu
ight , at which all the mcmbori
ircBont except Mr. McOavock.
JIayor Jloyd'n appointment of
' was appi
< xylor aa poundmasler
The mayor approved the ordi
uovidiiiR for the printing o
lundrcd $1 ,000 bonds for BOWC
, T. S. Collins asked to bo alloi
oworthu BidovvalkatNinotcont'n
ud Capital iivenua. The matt
Property owners on Eleventh
irotesled againat thu erection
iridgo over that thoroughfare.
laimcd it would dainngo pro
'ho petition was referred to tin
litteo on directs and bridges.
The board of fire nndorvrtiti
nested the adoption of eouio
rcn to prevent the premature t
1 of engines from the sconoa of
t was referred to the lire oomt
The heirs of Uoubon Guylor
( .hers potiiionod for raising the
n the north side of Faniham
nd in frout of loh two , Capit
nuc , before the rcsidcnta wore
) ollcd to lay sidewalks. The i
vas referrud to the committee o
v.U ! < s.
The Blrcofc commissioners'
or August showing SJI870.72 o ?
d was filed ,
E. D. Kitten , appointed to ox
nlo the accounts of ox-police
at O'Hawes , reported Ilia
mount duo the city for Marcl
Vpril was § . ' 121 , of which 8247.8
aid carr'yin" a balance of $72.2
The city physician's report fo
ist was tiled.
Council was asked to have Fif
trcot between J'icrco and W
raded , The matter was given
ommittcu on streets and grade !
City Engineer llosowater HUJ
n ordinance for a levy for the
ng and guttering of Faniham
) utsrcon Fifteenth and Eight
nd an appropriation ordinal
aver of John Green. The
voro filed. A survey -of bloc
vas referred to the committee ) o
; o improvement.
The city engineer reported ii
f allowing for 350 yards of
work on Mr. Bhanahan's claim.
matter was given to the commit
The sewer appraisers rnpor
aver of allowing $15M8.03
omit of the Ittncr contract :
OO.G'J on M. 0. Moanoy & Go.
ract , and ? 7,022. ! 8 on L. B. H
t Co.'s contract , making a t <
' 40. 178. CO. The report was re
o tiie committee on sowcrago.
Several bids to furnish hay ai
wore referred.
Mr. Maker presented a reao
0 begin at once laying crosswal
Dotting the street hands to d
vork. It was laid on the table
On ruaol'ition of Mr. O'Koel
rcaidunt was anthori/.od to a
comiuittoo of six with tlm ma ;
chairman , to thoroughly iiivc
ho caiiHos of Sunday's lire.
The committee on < Bidowalks '
itruoted to purchase * 20,000 fi
.umbur at a cost not to oxcee
ior thousand ,
The street commissioner w
structed to put Eighteenth strct
Izard north to the end of the
ear tracks in condition. A i
resolution in regard to Center
at iti intersection with Cuming
A resolution to put the itroujl
at work for 'a day in putting
street iti condition was referred
The street commissioner iv
slructed to cut away the obsti
on Davenport street at and in
ntorsootion with Twenty-third
nnd to till the city well on the
west corner of Thirteenth and
las streets.
The city clerk was instructed
, 'ertiao for proposals to ptirchaa
n block II , and a strip of gro
block 'S44.
Thu connnittoo on linancu AV
structod to report at next moot !
amount in the general fund w
estimate of probable oxponditu
the next ton months.
The president appointed the
ing special committee to inve
the causes of tlio tire , the mi
act aa chairman * , Messrs , ( ) '
McOavock , D.iker , Stull , Dunhr
The demand of Dully Uros. fi
rants for grading Cass street ,
was rofoued to commilU'O , wa
The report of a Biiocial con
in regard to the bridging of El
street recommended n conferui
twccn the city engineer and
on inccr. The report was adu ]
Fire hydrants are to bo phi
Seventh ami Doughus street
Eighth street and'C&pital ayui
Thu npprripriiUiun ordinance
ing about § 8,000 was passed.
An ordinaiico levying a spec
of $1) ) , 5110.40 for curbing and j
ing Farnhain street , from tli
Hide of Fifteenth street to th
die of Eightuenth ) wtxs jiussed ,
Anbrdinanco fixing tlia con
tiou of thu' inspector of weigh
mciujilres , und one rogulath
street railway , were passed.
1 The president was excused fr
lending council fur iv few \vuoki '
which the boily.iuljouniod.
Mursli'n Arrlv
II , It. Marsh , munagor of
oporu house , arrived in the cl
night , and will nuiko his hoadi )
hero ujitil that theater is oponc
Marah says it is no longer n q
f getting the best trouppjj |
ountry to conio I ire , b\ii n
nO tif assigning I1/ftfti
Us mail since his atrlv/i in tli
ma brought him a dc/.en applic
or dales. The Hct/j opera coi
vanl to book for t > , o opera lion :
"Max Strakoach 1 > .IW wrilon to a :
or his appoara'.ieo hero. The
attractions pr usonlcd during tli
or will cm'ornce. these appear
ho v'artou/a / citius of motropohtr
ontio'.m throuyhout the conntr
That's "What a Railroado
to a. Newspaper Mar
J. li. J. Hyan , a local
varied the monotony of a
route promenade by stepping
Uorrilt'fi restaurant ycsl
Wliilo making away with a stea
vhich lie has a comprehensive i
a U. 1 * . fireman entered the
uul went at once to the ti
which Kyan'was seated. Joseph i ;
tot notice his presence until tin
reader calmly and deliberately
jvcr and began ( o diow his
i'ho railroader , probably know
iad undertaken a tough task
seemed oiml to thu occasion ,
mil grown about a week's i
> eard , and this tended to strei
.ho adamantine quality of the
.toforo mentioned. The railn
noalers sunk into it ,
ever , and hacked off som
ho Hiirfaco , strange to say. I
about this timij that llyan arost
rising was devoid of any fen
Ihero wns blood in his eye , i
mention a piece of partially inn
cd beef in hislnouth. Then ,1
irocoodcd to interview the r :
man. Buckets of gore could 1
only result in such an oncountc
Mcrritt and the bystanders kn
They interfered. This n
] lyan - time to hastily
up to the police court
uid swear out a warrant r
"Fred Dee ( full name uukni
The court hastily dispatched a
man to thu scene to servo the wr
jut the railroader with an u
display of discretion had moai
vanished. Joseph said he gin
nan no provocation , but ho i
lis jaw in a sling all the saino.
A. Signal Victory.
Tlio vtiluo of electiictty as a re
igunt hax ( 'iilned u bignal victor ;
ircjudico. Th-Himn1 J-Uectrie OH"
'orcmott in thin class of compounds
.imonials from nil parts tell of tl
Iroiin cures of iheiinmtlmit , nei
Inuttt , nnd sores , etc , , elfcctcil liy it
Regular Army Notes.
Private llichard Eiif-uluiati , i
O'enurnl aorvico , is detailed as c ]
jcnoral Crook's headquarters.
Captain. J. Scott Payne , 5th
ry , Chaplain Wm. T. McAdam
S. Army , nnd James If. Mo1
Itli Infantry , nro detailed as me
of'tho general courb martial con
at Forl Niobrara , Tfob.
Lieut. Charles W. Mason , 4t
'niltry , is detailed as a luonil
ho general court martial convo
Fort Bridgor , Wyo.
Hero is tlio Tost.
Di//.inesa , naiiBca , despoil' '
jaundice , loss of appetite , inlli
tions , gravel , female diseases , :
troubles of the urinary orgai
bladder are quickly nnd mu-
moved by Wurncr'a iSafo ICiduo
Liver Cure. codl
Dauoitig School Social ,
Last night the informal open
L'rof. Fisher's dancing school en
at the Standard club hall , on Fif
street. The attendance was lar
select. To-night the regular jl ;
Baoklln'i Arnica Salvo
The best salve in the world fo ;
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt r
fever sores , tetter , chapped .
chillblaiiiB , corns and all kii
skin eruptions. This salve is
antoed to give perfect satisfaot
every case or money refunded.
25o per box. For sale by
IHU & MoMAiioN , Om
Fall session boffins Oct. 10 ,
Address , G. tt. AYIIKS , M , D. ,
Beauty , health , and happiness foi
At F t' . Gooilm-
Parties wiahint/ booth stand
Ing State Fair , address E. P.
OmalmNob. _ jy28-8 (
WANTII : > A girl for general !
york. , Call at the store of
ltu8hma.nS K. cornorlCth < &Di
' \V.\NTKi > . Two coat makers a
pants makers to go to Che
Kiiquiro at M. Jlellumn & Co.
\Yaloh ronairini ! yon should t
Edholm & Eriekson , the { oweh.
Registration Notice.
Notice is hereby given that
sit at Lorenzon's OigaV Store ,
Tenth street on Monday , Sepl
Bth , 1881 , for thopurposo of re
ing additional voters of the
ward and correcting the old Hat.
In witness whereof I have hei
my hand this , 25th day of A
1881. E. M. STENUI-II
Registrar First \V
The largest plums and water :
bought to Omaha this soasoi :
received to-day by James Me
the grocer , corner Eleventli
The Pine Structure to be ]
by the Order.
Aclivo prcpnrationa nro being
jy Mndnmu Dunne , the mipcr
tlio order of the Sacred llcni
10 erection of nn inslilnti <
earning in this city. The grou
lich it is to bo built was do
Hilltop 0 Connor. It conai
> ont twelve acres. The
K will front on Kennedy and
rcets. It will be three atori
loight , with n frontage of 100
Jcaido the main structure thcr
) o two \vings attached to proper
niniodato ! 100 lady boarders.
ructuro IN ill bu built on
brick and stone.
ans arc already coin ]
id woik will bo coinin
s soon us possible. Tenipom
heel will bo opened at Nintl
ownrd Blrcels. Undur thu nil
10 order it will ho necessary to
it all the plans to the mother
' the funds to
n 1'arislicnco
leto the fttiuciuro will conic.
dur of the Sacred
aa founded at the beg !
: tfio piesant century
[ adiunc Iliirat who AvaH then ei- (
oars old. The first school was i
s hed in this country at St. Cli
[ o. ( by Madame Duchusno.
vaa on May i ! ! ) , 1818. The ordc
las schools all ever the world
ing thrco in Africa. Madame D
10 superioress of the Omaha si
oincs here from Manhattansvilli
r. , at the urgent solicitattonof I
O'Connor. She has a ropu
liroughout the country of beinj
f the most accomplished and cnl
oachurs of the day. The tour.
chool will open on the 15th ins !
ThoZHlior Cluli Concert
The conciTl of the Omaha / '
lub at Hub. ' hall last evening wi
o well attended as it should
jeon. The small attendance
irobablv duo to the gloat elian ;
he weather during the day.
irogramino was very cntertainiii !
embraced many now pieces , a
vhich was a composition
3r. .Turg Simani , ot Olmutx , An
ledicated to the Omaha Zither
"For the
a composition , entitled
of the free , " which was finely
dored by the club. The ontir
was well rendered throughout. .
; ho concert a dunce was onjoyci
ihoio present. ,
Is it Possible ?
That a remedy madu of such com
simple plants as hops , buchu ,
drake , dandelion , etc. , maku so
and such marvelous and wont
cures as Hop Eitters do ? It inu
for when old anU young , licli
poor , pastor and doctor , lawyct
editor , all testify to being cure
them , wo must believe and doul
longer. Soptl-Oc
Commissioner Droxel's Illn <
Fred Drexel , one of the ct
commissioners who lias boon seri
ill for several days , was upor
streets again yesterday looking
much worn out. As soon as
roxel is in condition to uttc )
msincsa the matter of the court 1
ds will bo settled at onco. .
Prominently referred toby the
oik Virginian is the case of a v
do lady , a relative of Capt. J
[ cLcan. Slip was smitten r
ipper tablp with what seemed r
al paralysis , which resisted the
acobs Oil was applied , insurinj
lediato relief , and its continue
or three days enabled her to go i
lie house as well as over. She
idcrs that she owes hnr Hfo i
; rcat curative powers.
Fresh Oysters at lliclwrd's Rci
Six mou. wanted to unload lu
Foster & Cumber
rom cars. Call ut
umber yard. _
Smytho AStull , attorneys , ren
No , 12 Creighton block.
MllOK. At I'M ' o'clock till * me
Margaret 1'rleo , ngeil ± 2 yean.
Funeral nt 2 o'clock to-day from lit
Unco nt Eleventh and Davenport
Ill-member those _ who call
mvo thu first selection from o
sortmcnt of new satin ribbons
llnrst ever ottered for ten cents ,
shades and Bulling rapidly.
0. A. KINO
Whipplo , McMillan it Co. h
complete- line of gold wutcho ;
chains and have just received n
John Itaumur is again at hi
stand i oady for business , and v
pliwaod to have hia friends give 1
call. _
"Tho Kevoro House Counci .
is the bust second-class hotel ii
" uual7-
voat. _
A ICe box of " .Hough on Kate
keep n house free from ilies , mt
mice the entire BI
toot ) , rats and ,
Druggists sell it.
"WINE OF CARDUI " cures Ii
lar , painful , or dilliculi menstrual
At O.r. doodm
Largest stock of llogors Hroa
vonvnra in Omaha is at Edhol
p , 8. And also the very 1
! ' "S
prices ,
Tito only place in the city
Jos. Schlitz'a Milwaukee boor IB
on draught is the Merchant ) )
chaii 0 | cor , 10th and Dodge St.
SnrtitoRa Now-
Charles W. Tousloy , ono of
toga's most popular young men
gone to Minneapolis to bo absent
ten days.
Jennie Conrad returned to-tin
Lincoln university.
lion. James II. Kyncr and f
will represent Saratoga at the sol
Miss Millie Mathicscti is the
of Miss Louise Calbcrt , at Cc
Hill , the residence of Nic. Mo
( ho latter's uncle.
The Union Sunday school
changed their hours of meeting
five to two. llov. Mr. Ingrahm
probably preach next Sunday
p. in. COOK
Gron.t XhEoitomrnt At Linicr
Trouble Brewing Botwot
Franco nnd Germany. AMomtcd
LONDON , September ( ) . A disi
from Calcutta says that a battl
tween Ayoob Ivhan and the ai
under the walls of C.xndalur , is
lllIHH 1'I.AUr. I ) I'M.
The Irish at Limerick are still
dcr great excitement and the
danger of a renewal of the liots.
uial injured in the recent riot an
in thu hospital. T\vo are in a ct
An Athens dispath says thsi
Greek lising on the island of Cic
spreadii g.
PAHIS , September G. The fin
turns of thu elections , now all in ,
the republicans 450 and the Bon : ;
its 87.
13F.ui.iN , September 0. The e
ror of Germany and the Czar
meet beyond Uoubt. A numb
Russian officers are now on the \ \
Berlin to take part , according to
tation , in the autumn maneuvi
the Germany army.
PAUIS , September 0. Extraor
ry activity exists in the mil ! tor *
lions on both sides of the Alps.
Italians and French are strength ;
their fortifications and building
ones on their Alpine territory. (
number of French troops have
ordered to prepare to go to Afri
reinforce the French army there.
LONDON , September ( i. The
eminent , in accordance to the vo
parliament , has prepared a Hi
names and oil'enccs under tliocoei
act of the prisoners of Ire kin
whom there aio 175. It is bcli
tlnit the lord lieutenant will be 01
ed to discharge them all.
A cable from Ithaca , N. Y. , to
London journals says that Shinkc
the Cornell crew , had arranged bt
leaving Ameiicu to throw every
after the firat.
The steamer Cuzco has arrivi
Plymouth with a cargo of frozen i
from Austrlia in good condition.
EUIOKB , Wis. Mr.V. . Kim
writes : The use of St. Jacob's C
followed by the most wondorfu
suits. A man suffering for fcwc
four years from rheumatism was
duced to try the oil. Ho used a
bottles of this truly wonderful
cdy , and is now entirely well.
PostofHco Changes in Nobras
During the week ending Soptoml
1881. Furnished for the Omaha
by Wm , YanVleck , of the posti
Discontinued Antelope , Anti
county ; Hayden , Pierce coi
Mandana , Saline county ; Kobi
Custer county ; Strickland , Ant <
Postmasters appointed Jun
Adams county , Wm. Knickerboi
Platte Centre , Platte county , ' .
Opening the Examination of Ji
and Walter Malley.
National Associated 1'ress.
WEST HAVEN , Conn. , Septombi
Justice Booth began a prulimi
hearing on the cliarpes of mi
against James and Walter Mallo
the Jennie Cramer case at West H
yesterday morning. The counse
the state announces that the difft
original complaints have been A
drawn , and instead a single comp
made , charging murder by drowi
chloroform , arsenic , drugs and liq
causing congestion of the brain ,
force , causing smothering and i
Mr. Curtis testified to finding
body. The eyes were closed , h
crossed , etc. , and no water fit
from the mouth. She did net
to have been drowned. There
two cuts in the mouth and the
was dark and spotted. Ho smell
strong odor of drugs about the I
Cramer , father of the dead girl , t
lied to the identity of the body ,
the court took a recess.
straight , good sour mash Kent
whiskies , call only for 0. Conr
Go's , moss rose Bourbon or S
nor's choke ryo. Ask your g
for them. m <
Clocks from $1.00 to § 1.25 eac !
Clocks from 81. CO to 51.75 cac
Clocks from $2.00 to $2.25'cac
Clocks from $2.fiO to § 2,7f cac
Clocks from $3.00 to § 3.00 cac ,
And from 84.00 each , , up to
each , at Edholm & Krickson ,
Ono Organ , 'juffe now , will bo
on monthly payments , or rented '
responsible party reasonable , 'ut
helm & Erickson'a ,
The best show nt the fair ( jit )
next week will bo'tho # hm hen ,
will hatch out several hundred c
with thru
uiu daily , commencing
four hundred Sunday next. 1
fail to see it. '
Largest stock of SOLID Si
WAUK in Omaha , is on sale at
helm it Erickson'a.
NOTlCKAdcrtlscment To Loan , V
Uwt , routiO , Want * . ISonrdlnz. &c. , wll
cttcil In these columiu once for TBS
per line ; cAih subsequent Insertion , FIVK
per lltio. The Hrst Insertion ne > cr Ic
ONKV 1O 1.OAX Call tit UwOllto
M U 711011111 Uooin8. Crolehton lllot
QJ-/I Ann To loan nt from 8 to 10 p <
! PtUUlMJ on good real cMotciciii !
l U. ISAAC KUWAUDJ , 1109 Farnlmni M
VAATO LOAN At 8 per i
.JUU tercst In rnm < of
i , for 3 to f > } rars , on llret-ca 9 ci
farm protwrty. HRMIS U-JAL KSTATK am
AnKNCY , and toiivla Sl _ _ _ _ _
\VASTUl-\t Ulclmnl's ltcst\ur ,
ANTKI ) . lluttoti-holo nuljcra , al
W FnmliiviuSt. SM
\ ; ANTKO A situation ! ) n Ilrtt.U H
VHaJ 20 jBirs cviMirlciicc. tlniloi
i > M nnil new tiroic""c * . Hiicaks l'.ng !
Gcrimn nnd noiiilntcilM | \ hteain nml
IKJMCM. Can K\\O \ tlio l > c t ot rrfcrcncoa ,
iijniu on trill at any tn\i . Addrtas II.
lill , Coiini.ll 11 tiQi , In. 4
ANTKD-OIrl nt 1133 Xorlli 10th i
W Iion5o north otbrlJa'u. U. 1 ! . 11HU -
\\J ANTKI ) Smart , nctlve yomic man n
\ \ mans must como
IMiijf at homo preferred. Ailduss COM.t
SB'J-71 '
Hotel , City.
' Afiri-UUsa iiU" > iuanatili ;
WANl'ED l'o t Ollicu. lus tiliolrtoji
Oinaln ; American preferred , llvlcirnroi
liinncilhtcly n linrncsi i
\AT.\NrKD "
. Apjily to 1" ,
Vl dtiiaily 1'ini'lo.iini'iit.
" ' -
I.atilillii' l.w ollitc , In
Post Otlicc ,
Ten cornlco hands rnml tt
WANTKD Wifti-rii Coitilco Workx.Thlr
itrcct , luck ot Omaha National Milk. !
r'HCK IOYVAN'Tii : ) -
0 8ir-ri TIII : nitADSTitr.in1
\TrASTtH Woman cook , nt thu K
\'V ' lloutc. b !
AXTKD DWrrashcr ai d pantry elrl
W innntt House. i
fX * ANTKI ) Good m-oml-hand pony ] v
V ulth linrnc ; not to cost over SOj.
lti.a.i Lock Drawer 74 , po t olllce. !
T n experienced look ? , il
WANTIIU thlnv table suiter * , during
) I ftato fair. Enquire of I ) . T. MOL'N
Sia tt 1412 raiiihnn
An expeiiuictd dr > ( 'oodt ,
WANTHU aiul rhoo Hilcuinan. None
nit rood references need apply. '
841-17 O. All.iil : , Scttard ,
Atoi'i'e.aKOOil , sni.irt , iv > ll
man to uork In Kitchen , Canlkldbifl
ill ) Oood cook at the Oecl
hotel. S
AVTiO rilt > carpenters at Io > iVs
W House. IlHlifstwa0'C3iu > cil. SI !
iTTANTKO A pool uibleto rent ; with
1 V l'ri of imrchasln . State price.
Ail.lrcai OEO. 1NMA
451-tf Vail , Craw ford Co. ,
ITTAITIED Fundlnsr bridge Mid school
YY H.T. ClarlUellouo.
niU HKN Kniiilihtd parlor dnd bci
1 ? cheap ; with board if preferred , 1403 C :
; 85r..t <
HEX ! ' House with 8 rooms , on Sn
FOU , near thocnd uf street cartraclc ,
ily to llobcrt llUir , LOrner of .Indian
vhcaton Sis."
HhN'l' Tno'tuinishcd rooms for
Foil . 1'lrtt tlasa loculit ) ; loll
nth Htrect. bcpt
HUNT Ilouso of a rooms and close
FOU St. , bet. I > orro and Uotii'las.
847-0 K. K. HAYUEN , Omaha Nat. Ili
Oil KENT A nicely furnished front roi
one or tno gentlemen , at 1210 llouard ;
KENT 2 furnished roomn o\ci
FOH ' Exchange , ? * . K. ccr. 10th and
trccta. Z
IlENT 2 ttory frame house , 511
FOU St. Enquire next door. 2
KENT Furnished room , S. W. Coi
Foil la\cnport Sts.
IICNT Ono room \\lth board , IbO
FOR street. 7i
IT10II KENT iio-antfurnl hcd roomi. 11
L nblo } > rkc , brick house , ! 2013Cohs St.
[ 71011 BALE targe hcn\y draft team
I * jiartlctilarBoildrciMi , U. U. Miller , Io :
r call at resilience , N. H. corner Hurt amen
on , Lowe's tccond addition. SOU-
[ 71 Ol' BAM' Hotel mid saloon furnltur
1 } liouso for rent , cheap ; near Chlcaj
\ortlittcstcrn deiiot , Council Itluffs , In.
17011 SALE A man of jouti hones , v
1. 'iiOO , \ \ ell matched ; nultuhlu forcarrl
Inilt p'lrpose . Can bo tccn at 133.ortl
trcO b.VJ
B 203-tf ESTAUKOOK fc C
SAM ; A omall enRtnc , I ! . W. Pa
FOR ' mako. In perfect osder. Inquire
I. Clark & Co. !
SAM' A BJMII of ponies , lu8y an
Poll s ; Inisny n'moat new. Apply
laledonlan Saloon , U. 1 > . block , 10th Bt.
101 : 8AM * Leuoand furnUiireof ailrn
F hotel In a tannof 1SOO Inhabitants , Ii
if Nebraska ; liiui 24 beds ; the tra\tltng uio
ort. liinulrootBEEofBce. _ 1
I Oli DAMS M J > of DoulB > aiid barpy
L1 tt ! 3. A. KOaUWATEK , ICZOFarnham
_ 3 ;
17011 HAI.r. A new all leather top si
I ; 1'hacton u Ith t prlng cUHhlon and bade ,
: . Oratton'n carrhfo top manufactory a
Sth Bt. bet. Kurnham and Ilarncy. 71
OU BALK A farm of eighty acruv , h
P repair , flood liouso , 22x30 ami ell
unall orchard of bearing trcvs. Ono mlle
if Omwa city , Iowa , on S. O. & I > . H. U.
: ho tlmoon part If nuhcd. AilJrc 3 K. M.
Jmalu , Neb. _ aiadtt ;
BALK Xcat house and full lot , IU
from I1. 0. at 300. JOHN L. JlcCAar
712-tf Opp. l'o tel
SAM Flno ktock ( arm of ToiT
FOU house , cattla nhcd , orchanl &c , ,
n OMV rcadi of railroad. I'rieo ,
line at W. JOHN L. JIcCAdUi : , Opi
. m
JIHco. _
fiALK Neat cottasroand KOOt
FOU . JOHN L. HcCAUUK Opj > . I' .
171011 SALK-Horsc , liugKy and Imrncsj.
I ? bu Btcn at Stevciiaon'i * Capitol A\cnin
i-rlcc , 82M. E. C. tLLlS. b
AND LAND-llomU rentx I
HOUSES , liotcli , farms , lots , Unds , -
oomt , etc , Bee 1st page ,
f7UIl 8ALU Oood house with four room
L1 half lot , No.JOIS Dodge between "Ot
! 7th'itrctt. Good ) \oll and aliado trees : he
; oed condltloii , Inquire on premise * .
rTUnitEI.LAS AnaTar&sois repaired
U S01IU1T llth and Funiam t * . ;
"JTUAYKU lUy mare about jean
3 vnc nron left shoulder. A liberal r
itlll bo paid lor' her return to lOtll Street
darkct , southeast < orntr 10th and Doduu
IITUS. E. 0. HEUIKY-Splrlt I'hoto r
L > 1 _ will taku plcturm fur 0 ucckn at the
; cnlral Ualltry. on Itilh > trcit , Omaha
California street , betuiiou 1(1 hand
"MO l'leatantlaricurnl , ( hedrooire
I or without board. Oil Ith rtfcrcn
Wf N. 17th St. _
ha nittllnK'on | lI > tii of hoiiio *
BEM1S und f nu ( or tale , Call at
. A'l MKS. 11. K. CI.AHKK'3 No. 1
OAI.L Homo , cor. 13th and Ixxlgo SU.
M tic tlty. H
T T \\TIt.KlK-MftnnfMtory street |
I'Miihain ,
J. UVloxcs , 1103 &
Oniahft , Neb.
AU7on orn < iilrc 9 1'otlcr * T Tmc.7 , ios5uM\
0 6th Btrect Council IllulT * , lo'va.or rail-
rcmd ticketsci. tcst , northtlul loutli. Clilcn o
$10.00 Hound trip Sltl.CO Kvcry ticket Ruar-
nn tec J , Mul tickets boimhl , solil anil exchitnsod
J < Kll'ft tolls past | irc ent , and future Inloio-
and all affairs. She rci call the deepest vcrct
the heart , hlie ( wcs the magnetic power to full
flll nil > otir wishes. Call nt No. 1010 Chlcas i
street , near 10th. AUK 10-tf
* r > K.MIS' XK\Y CITV MArs,25c. See l t pi ! *
ONK ha\ni ( ; orl < fem l > po writer ran
ANY aceoinmodatcd by telephoning the UK
olllco. 493-lf
' UI' A red cow. Owner can have thts
_ 6.11110 by proilnx property nnd pajliiff
charge ; . . FKANCIS KODII S , Kaundcrs nnu\
' KKAt , ESTATK ly
BEMIS' page.
ri iHKKK or four jounc men can bo accommodn-
I. tal frith board. HcfcreiicuicxehanKC'l. Ap
ply 2011 Cass street , 4th "loor west ol 20th St. , .
oritddrcaa Itox 337 , pQBtolllco. _ M3v'
. nilOWN-Coincr 12th nnJ Chlcatro.
, streets , Is rcvly to bore or deepen oils.
Batl < f.ictlon Kiiaranteoil. _ tOTtf
T\ON'T KOI10ET The successors ot the Amcr-
j lean Hou.'o , on Doughs street , between 9th
and 10th , for board , lodging ; and transient ens-
temcri" . Kcsucitfully
' -LHa a f.ouisR
TIOXAI.IST , 49 'IVntli Street , liLtwccn Furnhanu
ntiilllninry. Will , with the aid ol jrmrilhn
plniK , obtain ( or any olio n ulanro nt tlm pait
: unl | iriciit , and on certain conditions In tlio fn-
tiiro. Ilwta nnd Shoeu nuulo to order. 1'er/cit /
. nu20.iu
Absolistely Pure
Madu from Grape Crciiu Tartar. No other
riution makes euch Iiht , Itaky hot lucads ,
uxurious jxtetry. ( Jan bo entcn by Dyipiptio
n Itrout fenr of thollls rctultiiis from heavy Indi
od. Hold o.-.iy In , bv nil Crcrersr
Nu Ycik.
C. I" . Goolmanr.
Great German
GOUT , .
or i ME
All other hint
No Preparation on unit e < jual < Sr. JACOBS OIL tt.
. SIM , sum , aiurLB nd cutAr Ksterunl Iton.edy.
L trlil entaili but the compirnttrcly trltling outlay of
0 CUNTS , and e cryoot BUtftringMith paia caa bavt.
litaf and f oiltlra proof of lu clalmi ,
Jlatthnore. JHd. . V.B.A.
fo Hugh Klnsly and all citicrehom It may con
cern :
You will take nnttco that on the 7th day of
November , 1878 , Mary A. Duifdalo pun-hascd at
reasurcr'ii silo for taxes for tlio 1877 , tlio w ' ol
ot U , hloik i : , in the city of Omaha , eald lot uai
a\uil In the iiamo of Ilit h Klmly and the timu
if rcdeiuptlon has uxplruil , and that on 'ho 2&th
lay of No\ ember , ISS1 , 1 will apply tonr.ld treas-
irir fora deed to the above dcterilcdical estate ,
Ily JAMRI P. llouiov , Attorney. uuIO-wJt
For terms Address Dr. Stevens
Parker , warden of Eacino College ,
Rapine. Wia. _ _ jy Sgd&w.lm
and Sexual Philosophy.
'rolUMiy Illustrated , IhemoBtlmporlint &nd
Kit book publUbed. Every family wanta It.
-xtriordiniry inducements offered Airenti.
Address Aoi'sTa'1'iiBLiiilllNa Co. , St. I.ouU , Mo
Dexter L. Thomas ,
Successor to J , H , Thtclo ,
_ J.'n. 130 Pomrla " - - " - > . Kel . .
Owen Front Iloomi ( up itoln ) In Hai com'
icw brlik UullJIni' , N , W , corner Kllociith nd
urnhMn PtrccU.
Forty years' trial tu provcu " BLACK-
3RAUGIT" | the best Hver uinlicina iu
ihu worltl.