Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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    " "
V" * .
010 l , bet , Otli nnd loth Streets.
Ono coi\vl year , In advftncot < ostntd | ) ? 10.00
\ OtnontlH " . . . . 50
tl month ? " " . . . .a
milt c.init CIIICAOO , KT. i\u , MISVF.M'OI. s AMI
T.cno Om'Om Xo. 2 tlircmtrli i i > njcr , 11
a. in , Xo. 4 , U.tVlnnil in < * cnpcr , S:30a. in.
Atth o Onmln No. 1 , throiiKli ] > vncnjtcr , S:50 :
| > . M. No , 3 , Oakland insscnxi'r , fi.UO l > . m.
C. , n. & 0. C n. m. 3:10 : p. in.
C. * N. w. , 0 a. in. 3:4011. : m.l
I' . , 11.1. & 1' . , 0 a. m. 3:40 : p. in.
1C. a , St. J , .t C. II. , S n in. 0:30 : p. ra. Atrli c
nt M. Louis at 0:21 : n. lu. anil 7:15 : n. m.
11. & M. In Ncli. , Through Kxpruss , 8:35 : a. m.
! l. & .M. Lincoln Frcltrtit. 7:00 : p. ra.
U. 1 % Kxirc ) s , 12:16 p. in.
0. ft U. V. for tliuoln , 10M : a. in.
< ) . & K. V. for Osccob , 0:40 : a. m.
t' ' . I' . frcUht No. 6 , 6:33 : a. in.
I' . I1. frcUlit No. l , SUB a. in.
11. l\ freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. -emigrant. .
V I' , frciyht No. 11 5:25 : p. in.
C. R. ft O. , 6:00 : a. n 7:25 : p w.
C. fc N. w. , 0:15 : a. in. 7:25 : p. in.
C. II. I. & 1'.D:45 : a. in. 0:03 : ] > . in.
K. C. , St. Joe & 0 11. , 7:40 : u. in. 0:15 : p. ra.
W. , St. L. & 1 * . , 10 : a. in. 4:25 : p. m.
O. & R. V. from Un lil 12:11 : ! p. m.
U. P. Kprcsa 3:2fi : p. in.
O & it. In Neb. , Through Kxpress 4:16 : p. m.
. & M. Lincoln Freight S > :30 : a. in.
U. I1. Freight No. 10-1:40 : p. m.
: , 'o. ( I 4:25 : p. in. Emigrant ,
No. 8 10CO : p. in.
No 12 11:35 : a. m.
O. > t It. V. mixed , or. 4:35 p. m.
Kcbra ka DI\slono ! ( tno St. Paul & Sioux City
No. 2 leaves Omaha 3 a. m ,
No. & leaves Omaha 1.50 p. in
No. 1 arrhcs at Omalu at 4:30 : p. in.
No. 3 arrhcs at Omaha at 10:15 : a. in.
Leave Omaha at 8:00 : , 0:00 : nnJ 11:00 a. in. ;
1:00 'J:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , 6.00 nnd 0:00 : p. in.
Lcavu Council lilulfd at S ; . ; > , 0:2A : , 11:25 : a. m. ;
1:25 : , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 6:25 : anil 0:25 p. in.
Suntlajs The duiuiny leaMv ) Omaha at 0.00
ml 11:00 : a. m. ; 2.00 , 1:00 : nnd 6:00 : p. in. Lca\ua
Council llliKTH at 0:25 and 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 :
and 5:25 : p. in.
Opening and Closing of Malls.
a. 111. p. m. n. m. p. m.
Chicago & N. W 11.00 P:30 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , It. I. & 1'acinc. 11:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:10 :
-Chicago , U. & 0 11:00 f:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Wabash 12:30 4:30 : 2:40 :
Sioux City and I'Achlc , . 11:00 4:30 :
Union Pacific 6:00 : 11:40 :
Omatri&Il. V 1:00 : 11:40 :
n&M. inNcb 1:00 : b:40 : 6:20 :
Omahiifc Nortmu'itcrn. 1:30 : 7:30 :
Locnl maili for Statooflowa Iea\o but once ft
day , > lz : 4:30.1,111. :
A Lincolii'ilail l-i aNo opened at 10:30 : a. m.
Otllco open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. in.
THOS. K IIAI.IJ 1 * . Ji.
Business Directory.
'ustract or d Real tslatc.
JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite Post Office.
W. II. DAUTLETT 317 South ISth Street.
Iloom 14 Crcighton Block.
A. T. LAKCJi : Jr. . KoomS. Cicijhton niock.
Doota and Shoes.
Pine Boots and Shoes. A good assortment o !
homo-.vorlc on hand , corner 12th ami Harncy.
TIIOS. EKICKSON , S K. cor. ICth and Douglaa.
33S 10th street , manufactures to order gogd work
ut fair prices. Uepalrin ; ; done.
Bed Springs.
\ / J. F. lARRUIEIl Manufacturer. 1617 Dourlasot.
feT Bookv , News and Stationery.
J. I. FUUEHAUF 1015 Farnhara Street.
Butter and Eggs.
McSIIANE & SCIIROUDEll , the oldest B. and E.
boueo in Nebraska cbtalillsticd 1675 Omaha.
oouthwest corner IRtlmnil I > odi'C.
Boat Board for tlio Jloney.
Eatitai.tioi ] Guaranteed.
Mcabatall Hours.
Board by tlio Day , Week or Month.
flood Terms for Cash. |
Fnrnlsliml Ronma S'ipplied.
U.irrlanes and Fload Wagons. [
IVi ! SNYDER , llthond HarnoyStreets. {
Jewellers. >
JOHN RAUMER 1314 Farnham Street.
H. BEPTHOLD , Rass end Metal.
Lumbjr , Lime and Cement ,
FOSTER & GRAY corner Oth and Douglas Sis.
Lamps and Glassware.
. ! J. BONNER 1309 Doashs St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
Ono of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re- >
reiving the latest Ucalcrris for Sprlti ? and Summer
Goods for KcntlumciiB 'wear. Styllkh , durable ,
and prices low as ever 210 13th bet. Dou&Furn.
MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholoula ttnd Retail , Fancy - '
cy Goods In great \nriety , Zephyrs , Card Boardi ,
Hosiery , Gloves , Comets , &e. Cheapest Ilouso In (
tlioVcst. . rurehascrs sa\o SO per cent. Order
by Mail. 115 Fifteenth Street.
Foundry. :
JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson eta ;
Hour and Feed , :
< OMAHA CITY MILLS , 6th and Farnham Sts. ,
'iVeUhans llros. , proprictsn. '
Z , STEVENS , 21st between Cumlng and Izar
y. A. McHHANE , Coni. 23d and Cumlnf Streets.
Hardwaio , Iron and Steel.
DOLAN k LANGWORTIIY , Wholetalo , 110 and
112 l/Jth / street
A. HOLMES corner 10th ami ( V.lforntv
Harnen , Saddles , &c.
B. WKIST 20 18th St. bet KarnHarnev. .
CANFIELD HQUSE.OOO. Canfldd.Oth & Fornham
DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Gary , 013 Famham St.
SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Sla\cn , 10th St.
Southern Hotel , flua. Hamel,0th & I.crucmvortli
Iron Fencing. > '
Yho'Wotorn Cornice Works , Apents for thu !
( Champion Iron Fence &c. , have on hatul all liliuU , 8)
.of Fancy Iron Fences , Crestlnyj , Flncals , lUllin ; .
, ct.1310 Divlfro ttree. ap2
0 .811 AW will pay highest Cash price ( or second F ,
baud clothlnr , Corner ! 0haiui ( , _ Farnham ,
DR. PAUL , Williams' lilock , Cor. 16th & Dodge.
Drugs , Paints and Oils. U
KUHN & CO. ,
.Pharmacists , Fine Vunc Hoods , Cor. 15th and
Douuin btrceui.
, W. J. WIHTEHOUf E , Wholesale & . Retail , 16th st.
P. 0. FIELD , 2022 Kortfa Side Curalng Street. '
fil , PARR , DniKk'I't. l ° t > > &nJ Howard Streets. lle
Dry Goods Notions , Etc.
ew York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1313 Farn.
bam itrnet. : d
It. C. Encwolil also boots and shoes 7th A I'aclfle. 0
A V. GROSS , New and Second Hind Furniture or
and Stoves , 1114 Doiurtu. Highest cash price if
paid for second hand EOOUS. '
) . BONNEIt 1309 Dooela > t. Fine goodn , 4c.
Planing Mill.
A. MOYEII , manufacturer ol ea h , ( loon , bllndi ,
moldings , newels , balusters , hand rails , ( unilnhliitf
tcroll eanln ; , &c. , cor. Dodge and lith streets.
Pawnbroker * .
J. ROsnXFELD , 8 10th St. , t.ct. Far. & Hftr.
A. Donaghuo , l'hnt , c tt ( lower * , col , baqusts
etc. N , W. cor. inth anJ Uoti-il.u strccU.
Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors ,
ANDREW UOSr.WATi : ! ! , CrclKhlon tllock ,
TO\MI Snr\os , Grade and Sew crai o S ) steins
Commission Merchant * .
JOHN 0. WII. LI3.1414 to.lpo Stroet.
D n llEr.Mr.Il. KordctilU
mcnt In inilv
Cigars .ind Tobacco.
WEST & rniTSCniil.tnanufartmcr : < o (
and Wbolcmlo Iienlcri In Toinccos. 130.1 .
\V. V. LOHEN/.t ' linnulnUtirir 61110th street.
Cornlco Works.
Cornlco Vorl 8. Manulacturcra Iron
Cornlco , lln , Iron and Shto Kooning. Orders
from atij'locality prmniitlr executed In the licst
manner , Kuetory and Ollico 1310 IXvlu'u Street.
Qaltniiltcd Iron Cornices , \Vlndovr CIIIK , etc. ,
manufactured Mid put tip lu nny pitt ol the
eountry. T. SINII01.U 4inTlilrtccnlh street
Orocl'ery ,
J. HONNE15 in09Dausiit98trcct. ( load line.
Clothlnc nnd Furnishing Goods.
OEO. H. I'ETEUSON. Al HaU , ChM | , Ilootj ,
Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , SOI S. lOih street. ,
Fence Works.
OUST , KRIKS&CO. , ISISUarncySt. , Improve-
til lea Boxr1" , Iron and Wootl Fences , Oltlco
Ralllncs , Counters of I'lno anjl Walnut
nelrlceralors , Canfield's Patent.
C. F. GOODMAN llth SU bet. Farn. & Harnoy
Show Case Manufactory. ]
Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Show
Cues , Upright Cases , It : , 1317 Casa St.
FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha
Show Cao imnuUitory , SIS South IGth struct
between Iei\cn orth and Marcy. All good
warranted first-class.
Stoves ana Tinware.
Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacture :
of Tin Hoof * and all kinds ot Building Work
Odd Fellows' Block.
J. I10NNEU. 1309 Doiwlos St. Good and Cheap
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills atu
Culthators , Odd Fellows' Hall.
Physicians an I Surgeons.
W. S. GIBBS , M. D. , Room So 4 , Crelshtot
Block , liith Street.
1' . H. L15ISEN1UNO , U. D. Masonic Block.
C. L. HART , M , D. , Ejr and Ear , opp. jwstotllce
Oculist ami Aurist , U. W IGth and Fnrnham Sta
Grand Central Gallerv ,
212 iiixtccnth Street.
near M.wmle Hall. First-class Work and Prompt' '
nc-j gmranteei' .
Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting ,
P. W. TAHPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , bet. Farnhara
and Douu'lM. Worn proinptly attended to.
D. FITZPATRICK , 140S ) Dou-'las Street.
PalntlnE and Paper Hanging. 1
HENRY A. KOSTEltS. 1412 Dodjo Street.
Shoo fatores. t
Phillip Lanp. 1320 Farnham st , bet. ISth & 14th.II
f Cecond Hand Store.
PERKINS S LEAIt. 1410 Uou los St. , New- and
Second Hand Furniture , HousaFurnishlnc ; Goods ,
Sc. , boui'ht and soM on narrow inartrlna.
In the nc'.v briuU block on Douglas Strict , has
Just opened a most elegant llocj Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
o\ciy ilay.
Cale < lonia " J FALCONEK. 070 ICth Street.
CIIAS. RIEWE , 1012 Farnham bet. 10th & lltd ,
I' . PEJINK1 ! , 303J Tenth street , between Karn
natn and ll.nnuv. locs u'ood and clicip work.
00 Cent Stores.
P. O. BACKUS. 1205 Farnbam St , Fancy
Proposals for Sewer Pipe. ' iv
Ot h ICK OK Cn v CLKRK , \
OatiiA , Neb , Sept. a , IbSl'j"
Sealed proposals Hill be received by the under * iii
! } ; neil at lili olllco up tn li in. , of Tucsdaj , iiJ
September 18th , ll&l , for the entire or part of tlio
tolloniii' , ' list of Ecncrplpo of the best quality J
uid llnMi and to bo do Ivcred at Omaha , mibjcct i
to inspection as per specification In tlio city en- ;
irlnccr s oflke 17,1)0) ) ) feet of C inch Utrilled clay [
pipe , Riltjlazc ; 1100 feet oflS-lnch Utrified clay :
iipc , Kilt-glaze ; 1XX ) fix by foiirlm-h Ys forliousu
Connection ; 170 h\wl holes. Also ( SOO
cet of 10 inch eas > t iron wnter pipe. All bids to
pccify how boon delivery of material can bebe-
ii n and com ] > letcd part or In totn. The rljjht to
lejcc-tnny orall bids or p\rtof bids is hereby re-
crvcd .1. J. h. C. JHWKrr ,
fctp3-10t C'lty Clerk.
Professor Kisher , ( from St. l-oula ) Danrlni ; Ac-
ulciny. Standard Hallcor Fifteenth nnd I'.ini-
liam , Tuesday excniny : , September flth ,
Classes for tadioJ and ( cntlemcn commencing
Fucsday t-\enliiK September flth ; classess for
tli'scs and Masters , cominencirij ; Saturday after-
loon at 4 o'clock. Clares for Families , n ill bo
irrangcd to fcuit the honorable patrons. Also
jallet danclnt , ' can bo taught.
Terms liberal , and perfce satlsfaitlon to schol.
irs Knaraiitced. l'rivateinitriictloin\\i ! 'joglv-
at tliu Danein 'Academy or at the vsidcnco
f the patrons.
1'riiato orders may bo left at Max Jlcycr &
Fo Contractors , Builders and
Property Owners.
The undoisl ncd having been appointed agent
'or the evtcnblvo Iron mid wlro manufacturing
IOUSCM of E. T. Barnuni , of Detroit , and the
ustel Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo ,
3lilo , capacity of M tons dally , Is prepared to )
urnlah e > timatcii and prices for Iron columns ,
lie. , Ac. , for ttoro fronts , window caps and bills ,
hrcshold plates , wrought Iron beams ami gird.
r , hjdraullc cloxatorn , t > tnplo littin pulleys \ ,
ihaltln ' , &c. ; aNo Iron fences , cresting , v/ln-
lew guards , chuttcru , stalre , balconies , tcttec * , >
lnliBnscs , acqiinrlums , fountains , eummi'r
louses , lawn , garden and cemetery ornaments ,
'lower KtainNravo ( guards , lie. , &o. . In endless
aricty. C'ataloL'Ueasiipiillcd on application ,
IlbNUY 11. BAItllY ,
Manufacturers' Agent , 22 Pearl street.
an ' 10-lin me Council Bluff ) , Iowa 11
SEPTEMBER 1C , 1881 : , 1v 1i 1
Ilia underused nil ) fell at public auction to i
lu highest bidder or bidders , at the above men-
loni'd time mid place , thu .follow In ; ; pronertj , ( i
ilz :
One (1) ( ) corn shellc'r , four ( I ) cultl\ator , flvo > :
uinJred ( SJO ) feiieu pojtn , 0110 (1) ( ( train drill
nacliincry ami engine of uteam Kfl"- and xaw .
iilllfour(4)horfej ) , onoO ) imilo four ( I ) liarJ"
mva , ono ( l ) Krlndstonc , onu ( I ) horsu rake , ono C
linnKlniiii.iiMiiu ) , four ( lmouera anil rc.ip-
* , IIIccnlS ( ) ! > tlrrliii' plows , tvn (10) ) fchotol '
'OUH. twentyC-0) liciUteail' , forty (10) ( chain ) ,
IIU ( , Ihu ( M heating states , lj. , iw '
) tab us , ono (1) ( ) tq > Udder , fifteen (16) hogs , .
tc. etc.
Sale to commcncu at 10 o'u'ock , a in , :
Terms caall. ui
Ily order of Dcpartmu it of Interior.
Lmm.i.KN E. U'ooni.v , Uti. IndAitt.
M , HAIINKS , Auctioneer , V
Otoo Auency , September a , 1881. t '
_ Kept. 4 , d-Ot. ( 'a
itata of Kctinukn , Daujs/asCour.ty / , M' I
a County Court , held t the County Court
loom , In and for H County , Auguit Uth , A ,
. 18H. Present , HOWARD It. SMITH , County
Iii the matter of the citato of Ferdinand Timio ,
On reading nd filing th | xjtltlon ot Kinllla dl
I'hinn , i > ra > ln < that the Instrument , thin day
< l and purporting tn bo tlio last-will and tcnta.
ncnt of the nald deceased , may bo provwl , | i-
irovcd , allov/ed , probateil cml ruoordcU u ilia
att will and ttntnmcrit of bald Jcccafxl , mid
hat adiiiliilbtratlon ol gajd untato may be grant- ,
to said Kmlllo Tlium , u. executrix ; 1C , "
OiiiiKunii , That Hcptember 10th , A D.B8I , tt
o'clock a. in. l aiDljfiicd ( or hearing kald pctl *
.Ion , when all | K.'r oin Interested In eald matter
nay | ixar at a County Court to bo held , In and
said Countyami thaw cau.o why tlio prayer ' r
| x.'tltloner liould not bo grunted ; and that no- ,
leu of pendency of tald petition ami the hearing "I
hereof , bo i1 ! en to all | ntonn Interested In f aid v
natter , by publishing a copy ot thU order In Tim
JKAIIA * KKKLY UXK , a nennpaper printed In nald
bounty , forthreti succesulte weckn. prior to talJ .
layolhearliik' . IIOWAlt ! ) II. SMITH , ,
( A true copy. Count Judgc. gj
Correspondence Cincinnati ! Commercial.
WINCH KSTKU , VA. , August , 1881.
The much-captured ( own of AVin *
Chester Ins changed but little since
the days duriim the war when seine
of its oljlor citizens amused themselves
by innking beta which _ side , Uol > or
Yank ahould occupy it iutho evening.
An old citizen told me he could enum
erate no less than twenty-seven times
when the town changed hands.
Around or near it were fought n half-
sooio of battles , and at least 100 skir-
niishi's. The most severe of all these
eng.\'ements was culled sometimes
\Vinchesterbut properly should
go into history na the battle of Ope-
quan , fought on the 10th of Septem
ber , between Shciidan and K.irly. 1
had intended to visit first the scene of
the bloody contest at Kernstown. be
tween Shields and Stonewall .laekson ,
but as by lirst visiting the battle-field
of Opequan'1 would have the advan
tage of thu company of n former I'n-
ion stall'ollicer , who knew all llm
Federal positions ( already having
made myself familiar with the Hobel
positions ) 1 concluded to accept his
oiler t'o go with mo before he should
leave on the morrow. First we rode
in the direction of Opcquaii creek t < >
thu point whore Wilson's Union divis
ion ol cavalry ixttacked the Rebel skir
mish line , early in the morning , and
made "old .lural" aware that the
dashing Sheridan was knocking at his
doors. I must confess that wo were
somewhat disappointed , after a care
ful examination , to find none of those
evidences of terrible conflict BO min
utely described by some correspon
dents. Yet this was where the Union
left and Rebel right fought for hours
with persistent courage. After a care
ful survey and viewing the animating
prospect around uswo had to say that
no one could imagine that this scene
of placid beauty had ever been mar
red by the ] iron heel of war. A doni-
. of n cabin not far Irom the ford
told us that if wo could get the keep
er of the military cemetery to como
with us ho could point out many
marks yet left of the conflict , and wo
did afterward find without such as
sistance , mpio towards the Union
center and right , whuro artillery had
been J freely used , nnd whcro the in
fantry had closed ' in the fierce conflict ,
indisputable'evidences of the dread
scenes here enacted. These \\illbo
hereafter noted. When old Jubal ,
who had been threshing around the
valley for some time , like the tradi
tional bull in a , china shop , awoke to
"ho fact that Sheridan was by no
means "twenty miles away , " ono of
his : orderlies , who bore the nnmo of
the father of his country , told mo
that "the old man just got up and
made the air blue with his character
istic expletives. " And indeed ho had
occasion to , for ho was placed in a
very awkward position. A short time
before ) lie had detached a force which ,
had completely defeated a Union
force near Bunker Hill. 1 have no t r
history of the war by me , and do not
remember distinctly that the gallant
Colonel Mulligan , of the Twenty-
third Illinois , was killed in the en
gagement ; the same Mulligan who dis
tinguished himself by his obstinate
defense of Lexington , Missouri ,
against Price's ragged legions , iirlSKl.
But ns Sheridan seemed quiet , Early
annoyed by Aycrcll's presence upon
his loft flank , determined to deal him
similar blow. So this particular
morning ' of the 19th of September , : [ >
18(54 ( , found him with n largo part of
iiis army away off to his loft , engaged ;
in i the pursuit of this ( from "Old
Jubal'a" stand point ) laudable occu
pation. "With many an objurgation
I ] speak by the carl [ ) staff officers and ;
ouriers , one after another , were dis-
iiatched aftc'r his scattered forces. ,
The Opequan , at the point whcro :
nest ol the battle was fought , is a
bright , rapid stream , easily fordable
it most points. It runs about two
miles east of Winchester , in a north
erly direction. Behind it , on that
morning , when Wilson woke him up ,
Early had only ono division of infan
try , Wharton's , I think , and Fitz :
Hugh I.oo's cavalry , not more than
t,500 men. Upon this small body Bj
ivas now advancing the Sixth , Eigh titl
teenth .ind Nineteenth corps , and tlre
Wilson's and Morritt's cavalry. Your rea
readers can therefore well imagine reni
that Early had good reason to bo ni
ilarmed. Whatever his faults the 01m
nan was n true soldier , and by the 01Si
greatest exertions before anything Si
ike the full force of Sheridan's at tlst
tack fell on him , ho brought up his stm
ivholo command and formed it in line stm
f battle between Opequan Creek and m
ihis place. I will not , however , do- tl
ail the history of the battle ; the re I"
mit was very doubtful until about < i cidi
'clock , when Sheridan brought almost di
lis whola cavalry force over to the diK ;
ight , and by ono grand charge eom- fnm
jlctoly won the victory. fnT
The colonel proposed wo should T
litch our horses at the cabin aforo- m
laid , and proceed to follow the Union fr
ino of battle , as near as ho could re- ccOl :
nomber , from left to right. In about Ol
udf an hour wo both got lost , for fl
hero was absolutely nothing to toll of fl
vhat had occurred some 17 years ago. clVI
'Wo must have a local guide , " I SUIT- VI
jested , and ns there wns a house near le
jy wo went up to it. An honest , tlE
uddy-looking fnrmor , after calling E
lis do < fs off , from smelling uruund oiir -0
egs unpleasantly , met us. iu
"Well , " said the colonel , "my a >
'riond , how did you faro here thu
'earful 1'Jth of September , at this m
louse , for ns well I remember it was lo
ho focus of the rebel artillery lire , it
m that hot day ? " tlw
" 0' , I was up in Pennsylvania w
vorking on a farm then , " said thu tli ta
'armor , laughing. "I was not both-
iring my head about shooting nnd n
villing people. " >
Thjs was too much hot , and tired ,
ind seeking information , nnd to bj
hot in this way ! Hi
"I expect ho was in Canada , " said hiTl
ho colonel , crossly. Seeing we were Tl
lisappointed , the fanner said : nibl
"I can show you where Sheridan bl
during the battle. "
u can t do any such thing , " said )
ho colonel , "no mortal man can show thFi
vhero Sheridan stood dining n battle. Fi
iVhy , man , lie novcr did stand still ;
lntt'a blasted , nonsense , "
I inquired whether A. H. ; a former
'riond of mine , otill lived in thenoiuh- th
orhood , and was informed that he thw !
vas still living near hero. CO
Just then the discustpd colonel no- ul
.iced a contraband-passing by. "See I'l
icro , uncleM ho shouted , "can you III ru
ihow ua any marks on the trees ; ' can 91 >
you show n * any war marked stumps ;
can you Jiiui any skull bones , or any
graves ( o oho\v that n great Kit tip was
fought heroi1"
" Fore CJod , MI.-L.VJU , do raini and do
seaeons has fixed do trees all up , nnd
as to do stumps , I can't tell thu fo' do
war one's from dose nmdo during the
war. and the gr.ivos ! vry de men was
nil cms ? up long ago , and do < ireu ses
tuck to do two eointrces. "
"I'll swear , " said the colonel , ex
citedly , "theso bourbons Imvioi t even
learned to lie in the now stylo. You
numbskull , can't you show IH any
thing lo piove that a big b.itilo
fought horoi"
' 1 ho negro rolled his eyes solemnly
nnd said : "Yos , niassa , 1 can.
Wo followed him , and amidst the
woods , and in thu fields , \ \ lu < re it
seemed to me the weeds grow with
special rankness , he pointed -nil place
after place , whcro on the .day after the
battle , hundreds upon hundii'ds hid :
been hurriedly laid away to their Dual
rest. Unconsciously , ns ho pointed
to where , in his quaint negro dialect ,
"Mo1 'n n hundred men'whoto , names
wore not known , in ono long tiench
hastily buried , had : i few years ago
been dug up , wo found ourselves
standing with heads uncovered , How
many tears had been shed , how many
heaits still ached , for those who hail
been hastily thrown into these woodland -
land graves.
We paid our humble servitor and
went back to the road , and then 1 beheld -
held A. H. ( ho says ho will murder
1110 if his name appears in print > riding -
ing along. I hailed him. 1 was
nw.ire that ho knew all about the
country , and eagerly demanded ho
should go with us. Ho could nut to
day , but the Colonel was going to
leave this evening. "I can't help it.
I could show you the very place where
Sheridan's hoadquartcni were. I
could show you just where tlio squad-
rona formed on the right which made
the decisive charge , but not to-day.
I am going lo Winchester. I want to
got in ) ' mail and T want to see how
our president is goltini ; on. ] was a
robe ) . I didn't vote for him , but 1
am just as anxious about him as if ho
was my own brother. " '
So wo had to give it up , and getting
on our horses wo joined him. "Jill
give you war talk , but mi Bliowhi : ; battle
tlo grounds to-day. "
"A. II. , where were you the 1'Jth
of September ? "
A. JI. responded in his usual em
phatic manner , intimating that your
correspondent knew exactly , for that
C. 0. ( Commercial correspondent ) was
with him. Whether true or false , at :
last we got A. II. , to give his adven
tures on the liHh of September , 18(51 ( , [
so far as applicable to the battle of
. "That morning , in company with a
mixed crowd of cavalrymnu on the
way to join their respective com
mands , I was marching in the direc
tion . of Winchester , to the Bound of
the cannon , I was about to say , but
this ; would not bp strictly true , for
from some condition of the atmos
phere wo did not hear the booming of
artillery until 12 o'clock , although it
had been going OIK continuously all
morning. Soon after wo lirat heard
it , the horse of one of our comrades
gave out , and as wo have never seen
him nor his horse since , we judged
they both died from mysterious dia-
ease. Not until wo came near Kerns-
town did wo BOO any evidence of the
battle. Hero wo met a largo squad
f 'Ttoys in Uluo' prisoneis , oping
lurried up the Valley pike. 'Whatis
ho news ? 'Oh , all right ; Old .lubal's
jiving the Yanks'particular h 1 ! ' J
judge'it was about . ' 5 o'clock , or per-
mps more , just as wo were about gob
ing into Kornstown , when wo mot
mite a number of ambulances and an-
ither . squad of prisoners. 'What's
ho news ? " 'Old Jubal'a giving them
mother Monocacy,1 was the answer ,
oforring to the defeat of ( Jon. Low.
Wallace by Early earlier in the cam-
i.iign. :
"As all seemed going well wo rest-
id , and Bomo of our squad conversed "
rith the wounded , most of them olli-
era , who seemed quite cheerful. As
ve approached Winchester wo saw a
tight after which I took no note of
imo that made a flmngo como o'er
liu spirit of our dreams. ' Down the t
end , through the fields came dashing >
mass of cavalry , without guidance
ind without reason By getting out
in the right hand side of the road wo
nannged to escape being run over.
50011 they came through the fields on
he right sida. Dob. Y managed to
itop ono of'them. ' 'What the matter
low.1 'Why , wo are licked. Thero'
nero Yankee cavalry than would Till
ho lower regions for a mile , ' 'I sup-
oso'said Jiob , 'your regiment is all
ait.Upf The follow gave Hob an in *
lignant glare and answered : "Yon if
o to h 11 , you must think this is the
irst year of the war ! ' and the limn
noved oil with accelerated speed.
Hie booming of artillery still coiitin-
icd , and wo pressed on , an
rom its steady roar wo tmw that there
oiild bo no panic on the main part of
mr army , and we di covered all the
ugitivcs 'wero cavalry froin the left
lank. : But when at the edge of Win-
ihestor wo ino ! infantry of Hhodea' .
otoran division in full retieat , nnd II
earned of his death , it was ovidunt :
hat a great disaster had occurred to :
Carly'n army , and that nothing was
eft for him but to endeavor to save
much as possible of the artillery
ind baggairo. History tells the real. \
iarly made a good retreat. It WUH
lot hero that he millered Mich great
OSHOH of artillery and material , and if y
had not been for the bad action of
ho calvary on the loft , ho might have
von a victory , for his stubborn in-
nntry hold their ground long after
hey had b'icn completely flunked , and
BUIIIU instances charged in the rear
y cavalry , "
A. II. might have been right , but
ny impression is that under no pose -
ibl ! 1 o circumstances could a victory
lave bean attained over Khuridan. 10
'hat ofllcor was a live commnndur ,
ml when ho hit it wan always u hard
ilow. A. II , promises to give a moro
atisfactory view of the field of
pcimn | , and also to take mo over
ho Kornstown battlo-fiold and to
Cher's Hill. .1. L. V.
Iu Good Suiritii
T. Walker , Cleveland , ( ) . , wiltex : "For
liu laxt twelve moatlm I liavo Hiiffurod {
'ith lumbago and gcneial debility , 1
oimnencud taking Iliudovk llliMxl IlitterH
bout nix wei'K'H ago , M\\ \ ( \ now linve ( , 'rcat
ileaiuru in xtathiK that I have recovered
uy appetite , my eoinpluxloji hax grown
udily , and I foul better ulto vther , " J'lleu
l.OO , trial alze 10 eentx , m
l l p , ill to N'ovork THIIPS
The attorney /or Lieutenant l''lij > -
l > or has written a letter to ft W'omi-
nunt ollicer here ri't'ardint ; the cir
cumstances which K'd < o r'lii ) ] > or's nr-
rest and at Ft , l ) , vis ,
Tcxiw. Tinattditiey' viitually con
ceded that Ijieiituiinnl riiiijit't- was
short about § ; > 0 ( ) in hfs caoli wliett or
dered to innko the transfer f the
eummissary accounts tt > ln sufcrs'sor.
Part of thm aintumt w i ftntiul upon
his I servant girl , and the ixMiiainder
has ] since lieon miulo goixl ly conlii-
billions from citizens of Ft. D.ivfa.
fiilonol Shaftt-r , commanding ; Fli ] > -
IICM-'S regiment , contribulrd § 100.
i I'endmg the time consumed in raising
the t money , Flipper was confined hi u
cell and kept eiosely uuartlod , but
upon the payment of the umiioy liu
was roleaseil from durance viio util
placed \ inuU'ioidinaay urreafc. An
attempt i liua boon made to enlist itv
his 1 behalf the iulliUMiro of leudins ;
colored men here , the argument used
being I that Flipper is the victim of a
conspiracy to get him out of the
army. Thh facts , however , arc far
from f sustaining any sucn presump
tion t , Ou the contrary , th.o evidence
at hand la so utroug as to leave little
doubt of Flipper's guilt. Among the
leading 1 colored men tlio Hontiiuuiit , is
unmistakably one of bitter indignn-
Uon t against Flipper , and it the court-
martial before wnii'li ho will be tried
imposes i iv rigoroim sentence , no ell'ort
will be made on their part to
the I punishment.
A Drnmatin Soono iu nil Ohio
Pi isini.
Clncliinatt Coniini.'rilal.
Vosterday was visiting-day at the
county jail , and the number of per
sons who applied to sec relatives or
friends who weio incarcerated was
larger than had been known for some
time. The crowd had been surging
to and fro for an hour or two , when ]
it lady walked in , and said to Turkey
Birnbaum : I want to BUO Hekort , who
is charged with killing Mr. Seogera. "
Mr. IHrnbaum understood the woman
to s.iy that Eckert was her brother ,
nnd without moro than turning from
his dusk shouted out lo thu guard in
Utendiuico , "Call out No. ! ) , " mean-
in' , ' the number of the cell in which
Hckcrt was confined. The woman
moved up to the lattice-work , through
which the prisoners converse with
Lheir friends. Presently Eckart came
lo\rn , and the moment ho reached
the 'owoi-sti'p the woman , pulling a
iistol from the folds of lior dress ,
shrieked out , "You killed my brother
ind I'll kill you. " She had cocked
Ihc piatol and thrust the muw.lo al
most through the iron grating. She
pulled the trigger and down came the
liammer , foitunatoly on an empty
sylindor. The weapon was a thirty-
Dight calibre , of Smith t Wesson's
make , and had live loaded barrels ,
mly ono being empty. On this the
Hie hammer fell. Jliul it not some
DUO would have been injured or
killed. When ho heard the scream
ind the click of the pistol , Mr Him-
banm jumped up , and with ono
bound got to the woman and grubbed
her arm. * At the same time Jake
Kelly , the superintendent of the
court-house , who happened to bo
present , caught her around the waist.
After a pretty stout tussle , the
woman was disarmed , and an cxplan-
itiou asked. She said who was the
wife of John McGranahan and a sister
uf the deceased , Henry 'Seogors.
She said lliafc Eckort had killed her
brother , and she was bound to kill
liim. She said that she might not he
iblo to do it this week or next , but
that she would finally succeed. S
U'hilo Mr. Birnbaum was indeavoring
io disharm the woman , Eckort ran
ipatairs , and ton minutes later was
iotiud cowering near his cell with n
ace completely blanched Mrs. Me
3ranalmn > vas detained for a short
.into , and then sent homo in charge
jf her brother-in-law , T. J. McGran-
ilian , the well-known constable of the
rwenty-sccond Ward. Subsequently
ler husband called at the jail and
ukcd for the pistol , ho claiming that
belonged to him , His request was ,
t course , refused. Hu stated lo Mr.
iSirnbaum that his wife had shown
ligns of brain afl'ectipn for some time ,
ind that ho was afraid the killing of
icr brother had brought on temporary
lomontia. Ho promised to see that
iho was kept quiet , and consequently
10 order for arrest was issued.
Ko one oaii realize1 , oxceiit liy porHonal
xjiorioMco'tho nnguhli of body nnd iniiid
ndiirod by Hiilferurri from dyHK'j | > nn , In-
UgCHtinn , coiiHti | > ; itiin ( nnd otnur dUeiiHcti
tliu Ntiniiauli. Diirilock Hloiid Uitturtt ] ,
ire a iiiuitivu cute fur tli ! dlix-Hl ofull
llHcnKOM. l'rico.51.00 , tiinl Hif.010 ccntH.
If you ai'o Biidurin from u C < iugli , "
Jold Asthma , llmiiuliitiH , IJay Fever ,
JoiiHiiinption , loss of voice , ickliny ( if
liu tlii-oat , or any alluution ( if thu
Pin-out or hunt's , UHO Dr. King'n Nuw
DiBcovory for ConBiiniption. TliU IH
.liu ( , 'ruat rcinudy that in uaimin < ; HO
mid ! i uxcilomunt by itn wonderful
iiros , curing tluiiimuulH of hoMileH.s ]
asc8. Over u million bottleo of Dr.
tCin 'fl Now Discovery havu boon imod
vithin the IUHU year , and have given
perfect BntiHfaution in every iimtanue.
\Vu can iinheHitatin 'Iy miy that thin in
oally the only mi ID euro for throat
ind lung aflectiinm , and can ehuerfnl-
recommend it to all. Call nnd uut
trial bottle free of cimt , or a logitlar
ii/.o for $1:00. : lull \lciMahon ] , Oin-
iha.I ! )
Cor. Douclii ami lEth Hts. Omaha Kali.
J , O , IIUMr.
Olarkson & Hunt ,
Success" In HlchanU & Hunt ,
S UtliSlrfft Ow ha Neb.
John G. Jacobs ,
( Formerly of aUhiJueobt , )
o. HIT Farnham St. , Old KUnd of Jacob Oil ,
-0rdera by Tcleirrsiilifa'ollcltul ur'
C. F. Manderson ,
' 2 Fliliham St , Omaha Nib.
While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower
than all others/
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Competition in our line
Over All Competitors.
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation )
Having ItAoly onlnrgod mv worksliops mul iiutiiiig iu now nnd improved machinery
chinory , I hope to still wore improve tlio iutility | nnd linish of our
orlc nnd fill orders with nsoro proiiiptiiuas tliiin ia usual.
\fy Motto has always boon nnd always will bo : "First to gnin superior facili
ties and then mlvortisu the fuel not Itot'oro no wild iidvortisoments.
Sonjo unpriiiciplud ileiilurs buing in the habit of copyiui ; my
nnnouncmiiunts , 1 would bcj ; you , the reader of tliiB , to
dr.uv n line Imtuccn such copied ndvurtisoinontti
and those of Yours , very truly ,
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. ,
Sign of the Striking Town Clock.
Suits ! All Styles !
The Largest Clothing House lest of CMcago-
A Department for Children's Clothing.
We have now an assortinont of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's
Furnishing Goods in great varioty.and a heavy stock of Trunks , I3-
Valises , Hats , Caps , &c. These goods are fresh , purchased from
the manufacturers , and will be sold at prices lower than ever
before made.
We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price.
A large TAILORING- FORCE is employed by us , and worn
SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. -
1301 and 1303 Farnham St. . cor. 13th
Our Imyor is now in llio oaatcrn iniirkotB milking important piircImBes of
Knll and Winter OoodH , nnd in order to niitlco room , v/o offer our WJJOLE
3TOCK at Lnwur prices tlmu wnu over before nttoinitoil in Oinahii.
1 Lot Black Oaslimores , all wool , 40 inclios witlo , 50 , 05 , 75 , 85
mil 05 cents , /
1 Lot English Cashmeres , all colors , reduced to 37 1-2 cents ,
1 Oaso Prints , new styles , 0 1-4 cents ,
5 Bales Unbleached Muslins ,
4 Oases Bleached Muslins , ' -l 4
0 Bales Bed Comforts and Blankets , ' ,
All at Manufacturers' Prices.
Lmliun' nnd fleut'n Murino , 50 , ( > 5 , 7.r conta and $1.00 oacli.
This ( hiimrtment is worthy of specinl iittontion. Our stock is all now , and
Mir pricuH twenty pur cunt , lower than any Sltuu Store in Oinnliii.
Store open every oveuing till 9 Saturdays till 1O ,
P. G. IMLAH , Manager , i hi ' ; '
Leader of Popular Prices.
Dealer in Hardware ,
Cooking Stoves
Stove Bepairer , Job Worker and lanufacturer
ox * .AJUC. oecxwros O.E *
1 n
Tenth and Jacksop Q * - - - Omaha , Neb