Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning , Sept , G.
soils coal.
Get your hrvUnt Do.-vneV.
Frederick Lending Hatter.
Saxe' Cream Sodft still booming.
GOO business lots. Call on Ucnils.
4000 resilience lots , JJcinls , agent.
Don't forget SnxoV for perfumery.
S5C hou- nnd lots. IJomla' agency ,
Bern ! * ' real estate boom. First
A. W. Nafon , Dentist , Jacob' * block.
Warranted Tooth Unwliw t Knlm's.
Bemh'new m.i | > of'Omaha , 25 ccnU.
200 farms and 000,000 ncics of land
Demi" , agent.
Tlio Lion continues to roar for Moore's
Harness nnd Saddlery.
For KINK Commercial Jot ) Printing ,
oil nt THE UEK Job rooms.
I Ugliest cash piico paid f orsccomMiand
furniture at Abratn' &Lowls' , 1121 Doug-
tutrect. nl-2w ! )
Bicycle for sale or trade for n horro.
G. J. Canan.
Oreat preparations arc belli ) ' made for
the fair f the Holy Family church at
Central hull , beginning Sept. ! Uh.
The morning passenger train over the
Wftb.osh route was three hours late J-CH-
Icrd.iy. The western bound U , ] ' . train
did not wait for it.
Tlio B. S : M. railroad will neil tickets
from Omaha to the Soldier * ' reunion at
Lincoln thi * week , at $2 for the round
trip , good to return on or before Septem-
K r 10.
The friends of Rev. W. 1C. Ucnim , of
the Eighteenth utrcct Methodist church ,
nnd his wife , will condole with them in the
loiB of nn infant KOM , who died after u
Traffic on the U. I1 , at present h very
heavy. Lait evening KX freight trains ,
one following the other , loaded with tea
nnd cattle- respectively , arrived in Omaha
on their way to point' in the cant.
It H underRtood that Mrs. Burke will
clear about $1,000 on the ten milo raeo of
Saturday. At the conclusion of the race
slio was pro'cntcd with n Imnduomo bridle
by Rome of her Oinnha admirers.
Autivopreparations are being made for
the accommodation of visitors to the com
ing state fair. The coimnittco appointed
by the board of trmlo report that citizen *
generally nro ready und willing to open
their houses to the vast number of ntraii *
JJCM who will come in town next week. It
is to bo hoped that plenty of loom will be
furnished for every one.
C ! . Swanaon ft Co. have lecently
nponed a merchant tailoring CHtnhlliihmeiit
nt No. 30 ! ) Klovcnth Direct , between Fnni-
ham nnd Ila.ncy , where they have just re
ceived an elegant ntocU of goods , nnd are
prepared to fiirnUU suitfl in nil the latent
htylcH at bottom prices and fttxtlsfncthm
guaranteed. Hcp3-2t
i'rot. W. J. Aiidew , formerly of De
troit , hat * innde arrangements with A.
Ifoupe , Jr. , forliU hall , 151 ! ) DodgoBttcut ,
nnd will open n nclcct dancing academy
Oct. 4th. IVof. Andcru has very cany
methods of teaching thu waltz , glidex , So. ,
nnd parties contemplating learning should
take advantage of tlih opportunity.
i - ' ' ' "
Grand Oponing-
Prof. F. L. Pinnoy will open his
popular dancing school in the now
and elegantly-furnished hall on Four
teenth street , between Douglass and
Dodge , on the 28th day of September ,
which will open with a great party for
both adults and children. 4-Ut
The Commissioners'
The county commissioners at their
last meeting received the resignation
of Hon. Howard I ) . Smith , ns county
judge. The commissioners appointed
A. M. Chadwick to act ns county
judge during the nbsonco of Hon.
Win. 0. Bartholomew. The follow
ing accounts were allowed- from the
general fund : H. P. Donncl ,
ticket for pauper , § 2,40 ; S. F. Burtch
and J. E. Campbell , $3 each tor wit
ness fees ; St. Joe Herald , advertising , \
912.50 ; B. & M. railroad , ticket for
pauper , § 4.55 ; J. J. Point , salary as
superintendent for August , 8100 ;
N. W.'Nelson , wood for poor , 83 ;
U. P. Knight , balance for services IIB
commissioner for August 803 ; I. N.
Pierce , - salary and cash expended in
August , § 05 ; Mrs. I. N. Pierce , sal
ary § 20 ; Q. W. Pierce , work nt poor
farm , 815 ; Minnie Hies § 4 ; Wesley
drear , 820 ; May Phillips , $10 , und
Carrie Wohlonborg , § 10. >
Tlio tallowing amounts were allowed
from the road fund : Jacob Wngiier ,
§ 27 ; R. H. Pickard , 810 ; Conrad
Sohl , § 3 ; Win. Peters , § 102 ; D. S.
Boyd , on account of grading , $25 ;
Peter I ] ilor , 847.50 , und Peter Cua-
aidy 815.
JMr. Reuben Turner , No. 1230 :
Oarleton Direct , Philadelphia , Pa. ,
writes that his wife had been a terri
ble Buffcror with inflammatory rheu
matism. A physician whoso skill
stands unquestioned by any ouo hud
boon attending her , but only did her
a little uopd. She bc an to use St.
Jacob's Oil , and experienced relief nt
the first application , and before who
had used a half bottle she wua ube ! to
como down Blairs. Mrs. Turner ut
tributes her remarkable rccovorv on
iirely to St. Jacob's Oil.
State DoutiiU' Society ,
The State Dental Society meets in
this city on Tuesday , September 13th ,
and continues in session until the fol
lowing Thursday afternoon. The ofli-
cers of the socitv nro A. W. Nason , ol
Omuha , president ; G. 13 Douglas , ol
Hast ings , vice-president ; S. II. King ,
of Lincoln , corresponding secretary ,
W. F. Rosoman , of Fremont , treas
I I Ml'- ' >
Her e is tLo Test-
Dizziness , nausea , despondency ,
jaundice , Jims of uppotito , inflamma
tions , gravel , female diseases , and nil
.troubk-u of the urinary organs und
bladder arc quickly nnd Buioly ro-
Jiiovud by Warner's Bafo Kidney und
'X iver Cure , , - > i codlw
1 U
Cass Street School Accepted
Without Condition.
The members of the board of edu
cation mot nt their rooms in Williams'
block last evening , all members being
present ,
After some preliminary measures
were presented nnd passed upon ,
resolution wai offered that the Cans
strcot school bo accepted , the coil <
tractors having made perfect nil defects
focts found in the building iu nnted
by the committee to investigate the
condition of the building. Aftersomn
discussion the resolution was adopted.n
A resolution was offered by Mr. An
derson that the committee on build
ings and schools bo authorised to nil-
vortiso for bids on the old CUBS street
school building for two weeks , nnd at
the expiration of that time the build
ing bu sold to the highest bidder , at
public Halo. After some discussion
the resolution adopted.
Mr. Anderson introduced a resolu
tion to the efll'ct that in the distrihu-
tion of teachers to the different
schools , regard bo had to the distance
walked by each of the teachers in going -
ing to their respective schools , and
Jic places of teachers with reference
io the proximity of their residences
. . . , ,
, o the schools ,
The bill of Architect Droscall , for
work on the Casi street school , wss
referred ,
The bill of Contractor Ooinsnum
for work on the Cass strcot school ,
amounting to § 4,252.75 was rend mid
ordered paid.
Miss Alice Williams was elected
irincipul of the Cass street school ,
with n salary of $030 per year.
Mr. .Ferguson moved that Phil Mo-
Shane nnd Prof. Lnno bo appointed n
committee to select n school room in ,
South Omaha to accommodate the
oxtm number pupils in that'
icrtion of the city. Resolution
1,1 .
It was resolved that the superintendent - .
tondent bo empowered to grant u .
vacation of two days during fair
week to pupils of the dilloront
schools. Board then adjourned.
0. M. DniKo , of Lincoln , h at the With-
Prof , A. \ ) . WillianiH , of llnstingH , in
n the city.
1) . (2. Hull nnd wife of Lincoln , left for *
iomo yesterday.
S. U. H. Clark left in Ids Hpeclal car for
Denver yosertdoy.
] ) r , Foote , the veterinary Hurgcon , linn
line to Lincoln ,
Dr. Graddy arrived home from a trip to
Lincoln last mVht.
0. C. Bill , of Lincoln , is In town and
taj'H nt thu Canllclil.
J' . .J. Nichols , Supt. U. P. , left for the ;
west at noon yesterday.
Miss Lulu 1C. DunmH has ifono to Fro-
nnut to visit friendn ,
Frank Knight and wife left for their .
lomo In Ht. Louis yesterday. .
Mhioi Kennedy nnd Fllmi , of 1'latts-
nouth , uro In thu city for n few dart ) .
Hon. Gooi-go II. Jewell , of Sidney , ar-
rlve'd InOmahi ycoterday afternoon.
Mrs. W. F. Swccsy , and her ROII Will ,
returned yesterday fiom an eastern trip. °
Prof. F. L. I'imioy has returned nnd )
ivlll open hin dunclni ; Hchool September 28. "
Grant Kiwigu , sheriff of GBRO county ,
in in tlio city and IK staying nt thu With- in
Hon. H. U. ( Jaley and wife , of Lincoln ,
are In town , r.nd are ijiuutered at the
Mrx. W , F. Codey nnd daughter are In C.
tlio city. They are registered at the
WUunell. ed
Arthur Van Kurcn , of the U. J1. cash-
Icr'x oflice , left yostcnlay for a visit to
frlemU In Clinton , Iowa. in
Mnrta Hoed , daughter of Myron
Iteod , Km ) . , left yciitenlay afternoon for
Ivnoxville , Hin. , wheio elio will attend
icliool ,
Aim. Senator Siumlorn : arrived homo no
yesterday from Cleveland , Ohio , where
hu lm.s hueii uuJer moJIoal treatment for
some time.
Win. W. Kelley , the ndvnnuo uficnt for
the Charlotte Thompson company , in In
the . Ho ban on
city. arranged to piny onu
light dining fair week , by
( Jen. J. 0. Mcllrldc , J. H. llnrloy and
John Glllcuple , of Lincoln , arrived in of
Dnmlw to-Jny to nttend to matters upper-
nlnlns to thu Btnte fair ,
( Uainillo Miilciilm , correupondcnt nf of
the National ItaptUt , of Philadelphia , and : o
the Dally National Kupiiblican , nf Wiuth-
I ) . 0. , IH In the city. j'a
Hon. Sam. Owens , bank examiner for ;
this district , pasaeil through the city yea- of
tcmny to St. Louts , whcro he will niako kn
his hcndquartoi-8 until next march , sh
MIs Mliinlu K. Kcnuody left yesterday iy
tiftcnioou for lioaton anil other plncoa in
the cant. Sha WAS accoinmilled [ by her
brother John as fnr cast ns Cedar llnpldj.
Fred. V. Snearn , who has llvcil In
Onmlm for n trooil > aiiy yoaw , ha resolv
ed to depart fur Hutto City , Moutnnn. Ho Tt
will leave for lib future home to-dny ,
J'rcd. ( J , Jfasoii , of the U. 1 . aiiditiiiK
department , left yesterday txftoinoou for it
ChlcoKO , to accept the position of private
secretary to Cicucral Supt. Merrill , of
the \Vabash railway. t
M , D. Hyde ami Will It. Morris , tlio
yoimj ; lawyers , returned from their vae .
tlou trip on the Loup yevturday. They
look very hardy and uuu browned , nuiUny
they lnut an cnjoyaljlo time. not
Chas. W. IViiBley , of the ilr of T UH.
ley llios. , left thu city ywtcrday to attend
the MiimciioU state fulr anil nt the name
tlinu pay u bhurt vUlt to hU parcuU who
hi Minneapolis I lo will be nWunV
ubout two wccki. .
t j r A t i
A\J wr J- JU\ "
Mtifttcnl Union Concert-
The concert given Sunday after
noon in Urandt's garden by the Oma
ha Musical Union orchestra , was nt-
tended by n select but very apprecia
tive audience , Among the many ex
cellent performances might bo men
tioned selections from Honshu's well-
known opera , "Tho Barber of Se
ville , " , ' Donizetti's "Hrido of Lam-
mernioor" nnd Kiltzler's "Trumpet of
Gravolotto. " The celebrated fantasia
from Oltvotlo was particularly well
received and BO was Mendelssohn's
"Somtnor's Night Dream. " 1'rof.
Stcinhauscr has certainly trained his
orchcstrr to perfection nnd nil the
pieces were listened to with marked
attention , In the evening were given
representations of Cutlhtz's "laiut-
lonxwist und Friction" and Iloscn'n
"Garibaldi , " both of which evidently
gave great satisfaction.
Frustrated By a Young Lady's
Vocal Effort ,
Sunday morning last the rcsidcnco
of Mrs Mnry Ilnyden , corner of Nineteenth
teenth . and Fnrnham streets , was en
tered by burglars. It was about 2
'clock , and nil the inmates of the
house were quietly taking their rest ,
unconscious . ] of any harm. Two burg
lars forced nn entrance by a dining-
room vindow nnd rumagcd nround the
rooms . on the first floor. Not finding
what they desired , they wont up stairs
to the sleeping apartments.
They entered the room of Mrs.
llayden's daughter , Mi < s Jennie , and
[ iroceoded to collect articles of value.
To aid themselves in the search they
struck n match to light a lamp which
stood on the bureau , and in so doing
awoke the young lady. Seeing the
two . . men , nnd realizing the situation ,
the young lady sprang from the couch
and . darted past thorn down stairs , all
the time screaming nt the top of her
voice. The noise awakened the other
people , nnd they quickly came to the
rescue. ; Tlio robbers vnmousod , leav
ing everything behind thorn hin their
liurry to got away. They had col
lected several articles of jewelry and
n pocket-book in Miss Jennie's room ,
nnd were evidently bent on making n
systematic raid on the house.
Ilorso Badly In jttrccl.
Yesterday morning a team belong
ing to the Omaha Merchant's express
company became frightened and ran
ixway. They dashed down Fourteenth
street at a fearful rate of speed , nnd
soon came in contact with an outfit
jolonging to n man named Connally.
The wagon tongue of the express wng-
) ii struck ono ot Connally's horses ,
mocking it down and rendering it
worthless for future use. Messrs ,
Wood worth & Storrickor , proprietors
of the express company , immediately
inid Connally § 100 for the injured
Doctors' Discussion.
The Omaha Medical society mot
last . night in Dr. Pock's oflico. The
fallowing doctors were present : Gross
man , Merriam , Neville , Stone and
Lanyon. Dr. Neville-read a paper on
Ischio-PtCctnl focal or poronal abscess.
Ul . Merriam on deferential diagnoses
' ivbdorminal enlargement. These
popors were discussed at length by
the ' other physicians present.
"Tho Jtovoro HOUEO Counci Bluffs §
the beat second-class hotel in the
vest. " aucrl7-lm
A Fraud.
A j'oung man giving the name of
. Wilson has victimized several
ladies in the city. | Ho represent
himself as the agent of n New York
fashion publication and taking sub
scriptions at the rnto of $2 per year
advance , " -wo receipts for the
uuount. Ho promised that the paper
would begin to arrive within ten days , never did. A letter sent to the
publisher of thu fashion paper elicited
the reply that Wilson was a fraud , as
agents were employed by the con-
corn. |
Omnlm to the Front.
The International Stenographers
association held n meeting in Chicago
Thumliiy , which was presided over
John T. Boll , ofllciul reporter of
thu district court here , nnd president
the Nebraska stenographers' nsso
elation. Among the other gentlemen
irosont was W. 0. Kenyan , formerly
this city , but now private secretary
Porcival Lowell , general ticket and cy
passenger agent of the C. 1) , & Q. At
ho banquet hold in the evening , one
the toasts drank was , "The Nebras
Association , the pioneer in the
short-hand world. " It was felicitous.
responded to by Mr. Boll.
Ho Wns Bad'y Bitteu.
Kopojtka , the inuu who was almost
killed by O'Loary n short time ago
near La PlattoJwas in town yesterday. ed
in said by the doctors nnd people of
thereabouts that his escape from
death was truly remarkable. In fact
was duo to the romark.ihlu thick *
f his nkull and fine physical con
dition that ho recovered. Kopojtkn sit
called at Tin : HKI : oflico yesterday nnd
said that hu had been bitten nnd also
pounded over the head with a twenty-
pound weight , nnd in verification
thereof showed the scars , which had
entirely healed yet. '
Frcah Oysters nt Richard's Rostnur-
ant. soptS-lCt
"WINE OF CARPUM' mnkca rosy
ireKg und clear complexions. ut
. Ate. K. OooJnun. m
> v
Paragraphs Picked Up at the
Scone of Sunday's Blaze.
Cling. Curnings was ororcoino by the
heat during tlio fire Sunday , nnd lay
unconscious for two hours. Ho WPS
finally revived through the efforts of
Dr. Gibba.
It is said on good authority thntlato
Saturday night a party of men was
scon in Stevenson's carpenter shop.
What they wcro doing there is n mys
Airs. Allen was not arrested for setting
ting fire to the buildings burned Sun
day morning , as has boon erroneously
stated , but on a clmrgo of assault pre
ferred by Edward Aiuscow.
The desolate looking ruins of the
" fire drew largo crowds of people in
that direction during the onliro day.
During the hottest portion of the
firoonthj Thirteenth street side , n
small dog started to run down the
side-walk fronting the burning build
ing. Ho had got just below Mrs. Unx-
tor's house when ho stopped , appar
ently bewildered by the heat and
smoke. Ho mtddciily began to shiver
ns if n chill was running through him ,
and then his parched hide literally
cracked along the length of his back.
The poor brute yelped piteously , nud
a moment thereafter sunk to the earth
baked ulivo.
, Another dog , a pretty black and
tan , was in Hurry Erdman's bed-room
in Martin's house when the lire bioko
out. Mr. Erdnrin in hutrying from
the room whistled to the dog to ac
company him. In the subsequent ex
citement Mr. Erdinan forgot all about
the dog. Others reached the room af
ter , but nothing could induce the dog
to move. The heat was by
this time unbearable , and
the unimal was assisted out without
coromony. Ho afterward jumped or
was thrown from ono of thu windows
and was horribly scorched Last
night ho made his way to Sixteenth
and Harnoy , where Mr. Erdman for
merly worked , and unable to gain ad
mittance , lay on the porch. There his
dead body was found this morning.
There wore many inquiries Sun
day as to why the fire department did
not juso the water works hydrants. The
explanation is that they contained no
water. Saturday evening a heavy
pressure was put on which resulted in
bursting ono of the mains.
The second fire of Sunday proba
bly resulted from the tact that a few
smouldering embers wcro thought of
too little significance. Ordinarily this
would bo the cuso , bub the heavy
winas of Sunday aitornoon made
them of fearful importance , as the re
sult proved.
Fall session begins Oct. 10 , 1881
Address , G. 13. AYKKS , M. D. , Sec.
River Improvement Convention'
The executive committee of the St.
Louis Merchants Exchange have called
n mooting of those interested in Mis
sissippi . river improvement , to bo hold
in that city on Oct. L'G. The con-
vontion will bo composed of delegates
from the states and territories in the
. .
Mississippi Valley , governors being
authorized and requested to ap
point ton from each state and five
from each territory. From each board
ofVf trade or cotton exchange two dele
gates for each 100 inuir.bers , these
bodies < to bo entitled to at least two
delegates. From corporate cities of
the : Mississippi Valley n hero no boards
01 exchanges exist , two delegates from
each to bo appointed by the mayor
of such city. In the official
call issued for the meeting
It is stated that within ( ho area of
states and territories drained by the
Mississippi .imlitBinivigiiblo tributaries
is oroduced 90 per cent of the corn ,
73 ! per cent of the wheat , 83 per cent
ol the oats , ( il percent of the tobacco ,
77 per cent of the cotton.and (10 ( per
cent of the value of the live hogs of
the whole country. In addition to
the vast supply of food and textile
products the abundance of coal , iron
and timber mark it as the scat of
manufacturing industries , the great
and unquestioned source of American
reduction and national revenue ,
E vou in the present imperfect condi
tion of navigation one-seventh of the
amount of this vast production which
enters into the export trade of the
country , goes to the ocean by way pf
the { Mississippi river at a cost of less
than one-third at which it can bo car
ried by any other routo. The board
ol trade of this city will hold a moot
in Monday evening to elect two
delegates to the convention.
- - ' - -
A Signal Victory.
The value of electricity as n remedial
tvKont luw gained a alpnal victory over
dudlce. Thomas' Electric Oil stands
most in this class of compounds. Tes
timonials from all parts tell of the won-
drum cures of rheumatiain , neuralgia ,
hurts , and wires , etc. , effected ly its agen
, cod-w
Mnlio Eutrios at Onco.
Gen. McVrido opens an ofiico to
day in llcdick's brick building , oppo
site the district court , where ho will
transact business in the interest of the
fair. Ho will bo assisted in the work
by Messrs. John Gillopsio nnd 0. M.
Druse. Local parties who desire to
make entries for the fair are request
to do so at once nud avoid the rush
the latter end of the week , when
the foreign exhibitors will begin to
Rc-cistratiou -
Notice is hereby given that I will
at Loronzon's Gigur Store , 014 S.
Tenth street on Monday , September
pth , 1881 , for lliopui'posu of register
ing additional voters of the First
ward and correcting the old list.
In witness whereof I have hereto set
my hand this , 25th day of August ,
1881. E. M.
Registrar First Ward.
'Pino upland hay , baled with wire ,
W. J. Wolslmns & CO.'B , Eighth
and Farnain streets , * 'iuig310t
. t
Regular Army Order * .
Leave of absence for ono month is
granted Liout. Morris C. Foot , Regi
mental Adjutant 9th Infantry at Fort
Omaha , Neb.
Liout. Charles W. Mason , 4lh In
fantry will report without delay , to
the Commanding Officer Fort Bridgor ,
Wyo. , for temporary garrison court
martial duty ,
Pursuant to telegraphic inslruc
tructions of the 1st instant , from
headquarters of the army , Washing'
ton , D. C. , Capt. George F. Pricc.oth
Cavalry , will join a detachment of re-
emits for the 1st Cavalry , at Sidney ,
Nebraska , ( duo there about the 12th
instant , ) nnd proceed with it to San
Francisco , California ; whence , on being -
ing relieved from dufy therewith by
proper authority , ho will return and
rejoin his station ,
A general court maitial is hereby
appointed to meet ut Fort Wnshakie ,
W. T. , on Sept. 15 , or as soon there
after ! ns practicable , for the trial of
such prisoners ns may bo brought before
fore it. The detail for thu court is :
Capt. Gerald Russell , Hit Cavalry ;
Cul . Homer W. Wheeler , 5th Cav
alry ; Lieut. Allen R. Jordan , od Cav
alry ; Liout. Arthur C. Ducat , Jr. , yd
Cavalry ; Lieut. Frank L. Dodds , ! ) th
Infantry ; Lient. Guonje H. Morgan ,
3d Cavalry , nnd Lieut. William H.
Corbusior , Mod. Ditpt. , 0. S A. ,
Judge Advocate.
Judge Beneke Spends a Busy
Pat O'Brien made his periodical
visit to the police court yesterday ,
: o answer to four separata and distinct
charges. O'Brien , with n party of
seven friends , had been making
ihings lively on Saturday night. Offi
cer Casper followed thorn up and en
deavored to make an arrest. Ho was
attacked by th- party , but succeeded
in taking O'Brien to the calaboose.
John Wallace , another of the party ,
was arrested later by Officer McCuno. '
The charges against O'Brien were in
toxication , disturbing the peace , car
rying concealed weapons , and resist
ing an officer. Ho was fined 820 and
sent to jail for thirty days. Wallace
was simply charged with disturbing
the peace and was fined $3.
John Keenan , the colored man who
visited Mrs. Byer's chicken coop at
an unseemly hour Sunday morning ,
said that he had heard n great racket
among . the fowls. When ho got there
they wcro all making frantic efforts to
escape and ho was doing the best he
could to keep them in the coop , when
the policeman came along and ar
rested him. This was very plausible , "
but Judge Bonoko thought it advisa
ble to fine the man ono dollar and
costs ( and send him to jail for ten
days. -
How to Got Siolc.
Expose yourself day and night , eat
too much without exercise , work too
bard without rest , doctor all the time ,
take all the vile nostrums advertised ,
and then you will want to know
Which is answered in three words
Take Hop Bitters. Septl-Octlu
"Will ProlmMyDlo. "
I. G. Parker , the carpenter who fell of
from a three-story building across a
pailing fence , is lying in si critical
condition at his home , 1212 Daven
port street. The mirgiual operation "
was successfully performed , but it is
now doubtful whether the man a life
can be saved.
DAWSOX September Gth , Tereia ,
daughter of John and Aim Dawton , "
Aged 14 years , B months and 5 days. \
Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock ,
from 1124 Casa street. "
TINX Annie M. Turnat 0:30 : yesterday.
Funeral will take place from residence ,
jetwceii Fifteenth anil Sixteenth and
Howard and Jackson , to-day | at 2 p.
in. Friends nro Invited.
Six men wanted to unload lumber
From cars. Call at Foster & Grey's
lumber yard.
Smytho &Stull , attorneys , removed
No. 12 Oreixhton block.
Mrs. E. Andres , thu dross maker ,
has returned from the east with a
choice lot of Laces , Trimmings and
Notions , nnd would bo happy to see
her friends nnd patrons ut her old
stand , 207 N. ICth street. sop3-2t II.
WANTED Immediately , several sales
ladies ; must have experience. Apply
nt Cruickshank & Co.'a aep2-2t \
For nice fresh meat go to GUILD ,
Meat Market on Tenth street , near
the U. P. depot tf
Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" nnd you
will uovcr lie bilious. "
At o. r. J1
Sixth Ward Voters-
OMAHA , Nob. , August 25 , ' 81.
Notice is hereby given that I will U
sit at my store , No , 1022 Guniing
street , between 20th nnd 21st , north
side , on Monday , September the 5th , plv
1881 , for the purpose of registering
legal voters of said ward.
0. 0. FIELD , 1 }
Registrar Sixth Ward ,
I ;
Registration Notice-
DOI'UUK Doc-Mr ) L'
I wiil sit for registration of voters
Monday , September 5th nnd Oth ,
1881 , on the Southeast corner of
Twelfth und Ciuu , for icgiatratiou of
voters.of the Fifth ward , |
hJciiuYLKii WAKKFIKMI , .L ?
Registrar of the Fifth Ward. :
Au-25'to SO J
Larger Attendatico Upon Open
ing Day Than Z-ast Year.
The city schools opened ycstcrdnj
nnJor rather favorable uusp.'cos , am' '
with Superintendent Lane's intelli
gent nnd well-directed efforts they
will bo worked up to a high standard
before the close of the present term.
The warm weather had a somewhat
depressing effect upon thoattendance ,
but "nevertheless the attendance was
laivor than upon the first day of last
term. The attendance at nil the
schools yesterday amounted to 3,1)73 ) ,
nnd on the opening daj' of last year
to 2,402. The comparative attend'
nnco at the different schools was ns
follows : High , 102 Inct year not re
ported ; Central , 727 ; last year , 700 ;
north , 408 ; last year , 527 ; cast , 3GG ,
last year , 30 ! ) ; south , 405 ; last year ,
323 ; west , 132 : last year , 10i ( ; Hartman -
man , 1GO ; last year , 107 ; JncksoiiD7 ;
last year , 50 ; Hnscull , 30 ; last year ,
33 ; Cass Strcot , 257 ; last year , in the
old Cass street buildinir , 1)1. ) It. was
necessary to turn away about twenty-
jvo applicants from thu Ilartman
school , owing to a lack of room. A
suitable timlding will bo rented on
Thiiteenth strcot , south of the railroad -
road , for the accommodation of chil
dren living in that locality.
Ueantv ' , bcnlth , and bappinchs for ladies
At F 0. Ooodnnn'n.
NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For Silo ,
Lost , Found , Wants , lioardlnc , tc. , w 111 be In-
icrted In these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIYECUNTS
ler lino. The first Insertion nc\or loss thau
IONEY TO LOAN Call at LawOIHccof D.
M L > . Tliomas lloomS. Crel''hton lllock.
- loan at from S to 10 per cent.
J\'l.M/ ifood real oatatoiecurlty. by
D15.1.SAAO UUWAUDj , 110t rarnham St.
ttCFfAflATO f-OAN At 8 per ccntln-
tP/iOU.UUU tcrcht in 8UHI1 ol KKX ) and
upuards , lor Sto fi yaars , on lirt-ula B city and
firm property. UK.MIS UBAL USTATK and LOAN
AOFWV. ISth nnil Ditiurlni St. * .
WANTED A situation by a flrft-tlass miller.
Had 20 years experience. Undcniands
o d and new processes. Spaaks Kng ish and
Ucnnari nnd aciiualnttd with steam anil uatcr
powers. Can jjlvo the beit of references. Will
come on trial at any time. Address. U. S , Icx !
1611 , Council II uffs , Fa. | S9-3t "
ANTED ( Jirl at 1133 North 19th Ht , 4th
home north of bridge. II. U. IIKOOM.
WANTED Smart , active jounjj man ns sales
man ; must come welt recommended , one
living nt homo preferred. Address CO St. Charles
Hotel , City. 859-7 *
'ANTED Aflrbt-class salesman at Itlchtcr's ,
. . Opp. Post Oilico , has tobollvo > enrs In
Omaha ; American preferred , llcfcrrnc-ca want
"VTTAXfKD Immediately a harness maker ;
VY steady employment. Apply to K. D Me-
Langlilin's Uw ollicc * , In 1'ronzer'sblockojipojito
Post Ollicc. 851-0
't'TT'ANTEn Ten cornice hands fand ten tin-
y I ncm at Wtstern Cotnicu Works,71iirtcenth
street , back of Omaha National bank. S52-7
815-5 Till ! HHADSTIIEKT CO.
ANTED Woman cook , at the Ennnet
llou c. 83810
WANTED-DMi-vasher ai d pantry girl at the
Emmet House. 851-9
WANTED Copd second-hand pony phxton ,
ulth liarnos ; not to cost over t' j. Ad-
drcsj Lock Drawer 71 , ] iost otllco. 810 0
\TrANTRD T-vo expcrlunecd coo\s , MX help-
W inand thirty table waiters , during week
. .tato lair. Kiiqulro ol D. T. MOUNT ,
812 tf lllSKjinbam St.
WANTED An experienced dn goodi , cloth
Inir , boot andrhoosilcsman , None with
out lood references need apply.
SII-17 U. ADLIilt , Scward. Neb. .
"VTrANTKU immediateU , u cornl'o maker.
W Stcidy employment. Apply to Mcl > aiig'.i-
lln. Dr. Hart's olhcc , In 1'renzer's blcck , opposite
peat ollico. i > 40-9
: . - - . barber by I' . W ,
Uurltaen , Council Illudu , la. 830-5
w 'ANTED-A good Rlrl"X."W."Cor. ItthaiTil
Webster , at once. S27-5
\T7"ANTED A girl or womin for general
VY houev\ork immediately , corner 14th and
California , W. M. FLKMINU 830-5
"VJITAN'EED At once , a good , smart , canipotcn
Yman to work in kitchen , Canlleld House
WANTED-Oood cook , at 2011 CUH S . , bet ir
20th and 21sr. 835-5"
WANTED-A dining room girl and a kitchen
girl , at COS outl\ \ Nth St. 812 ft *
ANTED Good cook at the Occidental
W hotel. 82141
VT7"ANTED A dwelling house of 8 or 10 rooms
VY In eligible part of the city. Address JIaJ.
. H. atanton , Paymaster U. S. Army. Fort
Onu' a. fcOO-4
AN I'.D-A cook at the Sncll llouto. Abh-
W land , Veb. 00-5
w ANTED Immediately , U > carpenters.
Wage * B75 and S3 00 per day. Aoply
1419 DoJgu street. W. WIXCIT 810-5
Ono good fiut-cla j cook , con do
meats and juiory hath. Good wagon
mid , hmiulro Depot Hotel , Norfolk Neb. K ,
. UADUirr , Prop. S07-S *
\T7 ANTED Kilty earpcntciu at nod'a Opcm
VV llouso. HKhei.tvvagC"ipicd. bfAW&
FIEM ) . 7ns-10
\ir"ANTED A ] > eel table to rent ; with prlvl-
YI lego ol purchasing. State ) ) rico.
451-tf Vail , Craw lord Co. , Iowa ,
- brldgo and school bond * .
WANTED-Fuiidlns uc. SO-tf
"noil ItKNT A llrtt-class cottage , 22d strcot ,
near California , 7 roomH , ? .10 per month In
advance. Small family preferred , ti , WAKELY
81)00 )
171011 HEN Fumbhcd parlor nnd Icdroom ,
cheap ; with board It prcfvrrod , H03 l.'aiaat.
OfclS tl
H EN r House with 8 rooms , on Saundcrs
FOH - , near the end ol itrcct car track. Ap.
to Kobcrt UUIr , corner ol Indiaiu und
Wiicntou St . 8J7-1U'
7IOH HhNT Two furnlihcd rooms lor tingle
gentlemen , l'Ir t clots locality ; 10111'-lev-
Sept f.-3t
171011 KKNT House of 3 room * and clo ut < , on
Mth St. , but. lldJifo and Dou.'lan.
K17-0 K. K. IIAYDKN , Omaha Nat. llaiik.
I015 UKST A nicely ( urnlslied front room for
ono or two cutluiiicii , at 1210 llovtarcl itrcct.
KENT 3 furnished roonm ovtr I < u-
FOIt ' Excluni ; > , N. K. ccr. lUih and Dodge
7IOH KENT Nice ( urn'thed room lor ono or
twocentli-mcn , tajBoutt'KthSt. b3l-5' -
:1015 IIIJNT 4 itory tran < e house , 511 South
luth St. Kniju'.rc next door. 25.7 *
T1011 nEXT-Fiinilslidd room , S.V. . Cor. IBth
JL' and Daveniwtt Sts. 78Mf
FOU HENT One room with board. IH > 9 Cali
fornia street. TSS-tf
1011 UBNT Klciantfiirnlshtil rooun. ncaion
able prices , brick home , zoiSCtvu Ut. 0-23 tf
FOR 8AI.K--A nn of young horse. ' , .
ttCO , well nmtdinl ; Kuitalilu fnr carriage or
ilraft f jn > oics. Canbftcetnat JBUNotllt ISth
street 853-10'
IJIOtl SAI.K nirnHiire , hy party vacating
JJ house on 22nd St. , nwir C llfornM.
SIS-tf Apply WS. R - "
203-tf ESTAnROOK & COE.
SAM : A niall cnjflnc , II. W. I'ayno t
JJ Son's iniVc. In ptifctt osdcr. Tanulro of 11.
O. Clark & Co. SC-tf
[ 710H SAM ! At a lKir-ali , l\\o arnr * of land
1 } ttlth flnogro e. Clioico location ( at n fin.
eon , lloiiic , stnlilc nml .irood \ > ell on iitcmlscn.
> nly two inllcH from court lieu c. I'rlcc 9200.
Knqulreftt onre. llj.421 , Council I lufls , la.
I OIl SAIiK A fi > an of ponies , Imjrsy anil liw-
JL' IICM ; biiirw n'mo t new , Apply nt the
Caledonian Saloon , U. 1'.block , 10th .St. 701-tl
f1OISAlK ] ! lca oand furiuturoof aflret-clagg
U hotel In a town oI 1SOJ InliililtnnU , In ntflto
o ( Ncliniska ; IIM 21 l < cJs ; the traveling men n re-
ort. Inquire at IIKI ! olllco. 218-tf
r.lOlt tJAMAlftltJ ! of DouulRH nnil harpy coun-
L' ties. A. IIO&UWATIilS , ICSOI'arnhani street
FOH SAI.K A new all leather top
1'hactoli xslth KprlliK cushion nnil back , nt W.
0. fiiatton'f vnrrU o top inanufa.tory 314 , 9.
.Mil at. bet. 1'arnhuin and Ilarnoy. TOT-tf
J71011 SAM ! A farm ot eighty acres , In i
; rcinlr , Oocxl liotlo , 2i\3) mm ell 14x10 ,
email orchard of licarln ? trcc . One mlle south
ol Ona a city , Iowa , on H. 0. & P. It. U. Will'
pho tlinoon part K nUhccl. Address F. JI. Scars ,
Omaha , Neb. _ raOdtfvi4w4
FOIt SAMl-Ncat houie nnil full lot , 12 block !
from 1' . 0. at § wx ) . Joiix Ii. McUAour ,
" 12-tf Oj'p. 1'ostolllco.
" 17IOH SALli KIno stock farm of 400 acres
JL' 'food house , cattle bhcd , orchard &c. , with
in easy reach ol railroad. Price , § 4500 , IKUT
time at 02. JOHN L. McCAGUE , Opp. I'ost
OHIce. C U-tf
10U SAI-E Neat cottage nnd ( 'ood lot at
1 31110. JOHN L. McOAOUi : Opp. I' . O.
EOll SALK Horse , buriry ; and harness. Can
bu 8ccn at RteMMHon's Capllol Avenue b am
'rlco , $250. K. 0. MX1S.
AND LAND lioinls renti lioused.
EOUSK8 , hotels , farms , lota , landi , olliccsr
rooms , etc , See 1st page.
[ 70K SALE Goo J house with four rooms and
t ? half lot , No. 2013 Dod o between 20th and
7th street. Good well and shade tree * ; houio In
peed condition. Inquire on premises. 'Jil-tf
rTJUIKEM.AS And farasou rcix rcd by U.
U SCiriMT Uth and Furnain sts. TbOtf
MHS. E. C. HEDfEY Spirit Photographer ,
will laKc plcturei forU weeks at the ( Jnind
Central Gallery , on Ibth sticct , Omaha. 858-tt
IOST A poclet-book , lontalnltifr a fciim of
J nuiney. 1 he finder III ba libenillj ronard-
d by returning the t&mo to I ) . 1) ) . Houck , or at
Ills olllco. 841-5
1100MS roll lit NT-No. 1010
FKNISHKD street , bctuccn 10 h and 17th.
1 0 fjF.T rieasant. lar efurnished rooms , with
J or without board. Uall \ \ ith rcfercnco , at
007 } N. 17th St. 822 tf
YOUNG MAN ( Dane ) wUhca n s'tuatloii aj
grocery clerk , 10 years cxpericnco from the
old country. Talk li { ll.h and German. Ad-
drcii3 for a daj-a , L. I' , Bee ollicc. 80-S _ *
/ " OACHJIAN A j'oun { ; mm ( Dane ) wi hcs a
\j situation as coachman in a private family or
driving team. Can furnish llrst'Clasa recom
mendations. Address for 3 d.iys , W. K. , Bee
otfico. S19-3 *
JITHAYED rrom Slert's stable , Omaha , one
j black marc , color somewhat faded , cl ht or
uneyoars , weltrtu about eleven hundrcil , had
n saddle and bridle. A reward will be paid for
icr return , or Information leading to her re-
ovcry. W. E. Cathey , Fort Uallioun , Neb.
733 dltw2t
UIIIDSTOKE Has forfalonll klntU
OMAHA and Domestic DirJs , also Bird
' "anciery goous ; at ICth bt. , bet. Douglas and
) odge. nu20-3ra
B 1C MIS has rattling loni ; lists of houses , lot
landa and farms for sale. Call and get
pJAliL Al MRS. 15. H. CLAItKG'S No. 1 Hoard
J luff House , cor. 13th and Dodge titf. Host
n the city. S10-U
B ' HEALl'Jb'i'ATK 1SOOJL bee 1st page.
TT "T"\TILK1E .Manufactory of paper
. JU. YV boxes , 1403 Furnham ktrcct ,
Omaha , Neb. u22-wis-tt
"H IJj on or address Toiler fr Palmer , -10 South
J 5th ttreet Council JllufTs , Iowa , for rail-
oad tickets east , west , north and south. Chicago
gJO.OO UoumlttlpglD.GO Every ticket guar-
ntced , and tickets bought , cold and exchanged
L Kllza tolUpast present , and future inlovu
md all affairs ! . She reveals the deepest secrets
III heart , bhc posses the magnetic power to lul
It all your vtUhea. Call at No. 1010 Chicago
trcct , near 10th. aug 10 tt
NEW CITY MAPd,25c. Sec lot pig
liailn norkfora typo writer can
be accommodated by telephoning the In
onice. 483-tf
UP A red cow. Owner can hate the
TIAKEN by proving property and paying
harges. TJIANOIS KOIlUIMj , Sauvlflie mid
race St < . wcdSt
B _ Ui page. _ m
rllREE or four young men can be accomtnoda-
. ted with board , deferences exchanged. Ap-
ly 2011 Cess street , 4th door west of 20th Bt. ,
addrc a lox 337 , 1'OBtoftlce. _ 848 ? I
TT M. 1JBOWN Corner 12th and ChlcKO
H . streets , Is ready to bore or deepen wella.
atlstactlon guaranteed , EOStl
FOKOET The successors 01 the Amer
ican House , on Douglas street , between 9th
ml 10th , for board , loUgliiy and transient cut-
amors. Respectfully JULIUS k. LOUISK RGBS.
JONALIbT , 493 Tenth Street , betweei Farnlmm
ndHainoy. Will , with thu aid ol guardian
ilrite , ' obtain for any ono a glance at the past
ml pri'Himt , and on certain conditions In the ( u-
tirc. D-joto ami Shoes nude to order , IVrltct
satisfaction guaranteed. au20-lDi
Absolutely Pure.
Male from Onpo Cream Tartar , 'No other
rpatlon makes tuch light , flaky hot breads.
uxur.oui i > astry. Can In ) eaten by Dyspeptic
witro it Icar of the 111) rctultlnir from heavy li dl
-eutlblo lood. Bold only In cans , by all Urotcnl
New Yelk.
Ci K. OooJiuit.e ,