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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1881)
TUESDAY SEPTEMBER ,0 1881. 6 ' THE OMATTA DAILY BEE : . COUNCIL BLUFFS , Record of a Day's Doiiigs Iowa's Metropolis. A Lively Declaration Again the Monopolies. Mr , Mynater's Advoutur Upon Big Lake. AtYoung1 Follow Wakes tl Wrong Passougor. Other Oocurroncos of Equal Go oral Intercut. THE RACES. rcw nnrtm IO.NS NOW TH Ann KN JI : ) . Thu races are over und the oily I ngaiii rulurned to , its normal con tion. That everybody who ntlunJ thoiraccs ivas nioro than pleased tin is no doubt. That the gciitlom upon whom the responsibility of nir ing the ontcrtaimucmt a have been bolter ] > Iraac < l With a me general atlimdrmco there i.i'iio qui tton. Lot us look nt both hitlcsof t "itato money" question. Thu gonci public hero in thin city believed tli by expending someS0,000 or $8,0 to assist in locating and permanent establishing ix driving park in Coun Bluffs the management could-afford put the price of admission within tin reach. Some contended that twonl five cents with ton cents nxlrn for reserved seal would bo fully a nui as the public here could stand. Th of course , would luiv'o boon too mui "country. " Others contended tli twenty-live cent general ndmissio and fifty cents entitling ono to a BO in the amphitheater would have bci about right. Now , wo aalc the quo tion why when anything is gotten i amongst our own people and for o own benefit , with every dollar mm to In ) turned into the snnio chann whence ib cnmo , why is it that many people stand nloof because tl charge , as they claim , is a little hig Wo Bay right lioro , and wo say above board , Sells brothers took fro the people § 5,000 , Mr. Coup § 8,001 Mr. Forcpaugh 810,000. IJnrnun : circus will go ntill higher , and tal awny from this city $15,01) ) making in all § 38,000 ai mark it no man or woman will sr that their charges arc oxorbittui What aio they ? lifty cents at the do and twenty-five cents for n rcsorvt seat.They ! take this money and tl chances ore not n dollar will con back here iiftor they leave. Tl trotting park wo always have with u It is nu institution of the city. It u vcrlises the city ; it nnenks of o growth , our largo hoartcdnoss , 01 progrtsivcnoRs ua n city. Again \ repeat , wo readily deliver over to c ; cuses this ycav$38,000.without n mv inur , to see not one-half the cnjo incut that tlio nmii.igemont of our pa. furnished thin yearNo liner studji liorscs ever crossed the priiries tljr wore on exhibition at the drivn park last week , which to alone see iv north as 'much inmfoy ns the be cironi"cntertiilninont. ! TUB Biu wi very sorry Unit the people did not fence once overlook all cstortion , if tin believed it was that , and attend tl races this year moro generally. C the other hand , the iniua : eiifont { i fixing their prices , vroro guided vrhol by Ufoiprico charged at every park the 8iuno circuit. They believed tli it would not do to have diflero : price/jTm the circuit. They won charofo' what was charged sit Kans CitjvSC-Joe , St. Louis , Minneapol and Chicago. If the people have g in thojlmViit of attending the nicus f twontyfivo cents , it would bo ha vrork'tcTraiso it higher in the fntut Thoy.'naw the first day that the wouldJjQ moro money for them if th liad inudo the price of admission leer or , but they believed the best way w to hold out as they had commence Their minds were not occupied cpun ing tlioir own piobablo poieoiial gai or losses , but on making it iv sncccs and the first step in taut direction w to nieel all their bills promptly. 'J pay nil their premiums , on domain and iro" are pleased to know th this was done , and the books square every night. There is no doul that the driving park is on a firm fou datioii and its management in poc hands ; men of worth , rcsponsibili and iijU'KiHy ; men in whoso pockets dishonest dollar would burn. As t instance , to show the kind of mi who had charge , it may bo montiom that the first day it looked as if tl people of Council DIulla wcro "goii back" on them , as the Baying in. ] the face of an empty itniphitheatr fiftcoifof the stockholders put the hands-in their pockets and placed the credit of the association § 2 ( each , with the final result of tl gigantic scheme. Dr. McCnno i forms THE BKU that the managomoi arc well pleased , believing that aft all they linvo done boyoml tlioir a peotation for the first year. The nave advertised their track nil ov the world ; have established an u fihakun confidence amongst horseme have paid every dollar they owe , wi a good fat egg to leave in the nest u til next season. For such n Bhmvin everything considered , the niaiimj of the races for the opening should i coivo the hearty thanks and congrat lations of every cUteon of C'oum Blufft. ANTI-MONOPOLY , TIIKBTANIITAKUJUN THBKpIWTH Tlio Fourth ward of this city It almost reached u proportion , win compared with the others , as to bo town in iUclf. The primary mcolin , held there have re ch d that digni that Iho nudienco IB ready mid # hd listed toopcechos from citizens of the ward with the .same decorum thnv ' < in lar o { jathcirincfa. Tliis is nt > jliould bo , and wo have of ted lliouu -thafttt our-primary ineethi 'airrfoll ical question * that nro to enter it tlio campaign should bo thoroiigl ventilated. Thu Fourth ward , ndop inc ; Hon. .Horace Everett's re lulion lui1) put itself on an nv monopoly platform. ' It wai int ducd by an anti-monopoly capital and loading manufacturer , and ii brief but eloquent nddresi gave approval , introducing the follow ! resolution : Resolved , I hat the republicans the Fourth ward plcdgo thcmseli that they will lufuse to vote for n candidate for any miblio ollico , unli ho pledges himself not to accept u pass or favor from n railroad that not extended to all citizens alike. Mr. Everett raid that it was t duty f every citizen to weigh w llio tendency of great corporations , i pocially raihoaus which usurp t power not only of the state but of t whole Union. The time had pass when railways consulted the wishes cared for the opinions of t public. Their main object at I present day was to control t courts of tlio ntato and the nati tluough bribery of Iho judges. T next "point for them to make was put friends of corporation in t iialln of legislation in the dilloru stales. Thvsccurpoi.itiout would they ul way a have , lake a hand in ll present campaign That the pee [ ; should Iju luvuke tn llioir interest : u see to it that fiiuiuls of the peoi [ and not friends of railroad coipoi lions were ( .out to ( ho gcnoial UBHOI lily the coming winter , lion Thoi as Hundry , ono of the finest spoaku in the city and a friend to ti laboring man , dpoko in fav of Mr. Evurott'a losolution the course of Mr. Heiulry's i marks ho said ho believed that at the ward meutings nil unit t era of pub cpnceni should ho discussed. T time had como for Iho } > coplo to 1 ; ware. Gigantic corporations a slowly but Huroly trampling oiF tin own ground into the lights of the pe [ > lo. This pondoroun tread h reached the outer gates and sooner later , unless tlio people manned i\ \ 'uns , the public citadel would fall in huir hands. Ho appealed to the iresont to take warning in time ai n-ovent , if possible , the oucvoac ! neiits of these noulloss institution flo judge ov mombur of the goner monthly should place himself with ho shadow of nuspicion by accept ! ) i free pass over any railroad. Tin mist certainly know a frco pass f them meant a dear paua for the "fan ors' ' corn. " Mr. llendry was loud applauded at the conclusion. A stroi inti-monopoly delegation front t ! [ i'outth was the fruit of these t ) speaker * . AN ABVENTTJRE \VIIICH WAS HAD US 1IIK 110N03I 01' T ] HUKHZY LAKE. Yesterday wao a breezy day un J ] ake , which fact caused Henry Dal uid II. Longcor , t.wu boys who no For Mr.V. . Mynstcr , at the fishery , think pf taking a sail in ono of "Unc Mack's" bimtsi Longcor claimed th 10 wan a. proficient sailing master , at md woalhorcd many a fierce storm < [ jake Michigan. Mr. Longcor t roosted his employer , W. A. Mynstc : o accompany thorn on the voyaj- Mr. Mynsfci1 demurred a little , i nurkiii ) , ' ho had somu doul > ts ai : liL-ir ability to aucceed in the imdc taking and return safely with tlio boa ! tc\v. and p.imongora lo the what [ j ngcor laughed at Mr. "Mynstot omerity , icmarkingtlmt ho liailnov , 'ot neon n boat tltat could niusti nnt. Placing ; confidunco in $1 r ongcor'n capacity , Mr. Mynsli stooped into the boat and sooli llu uid left the whnrf. The sails wo ; unfurled and the boat wui bcuddii jvcr. the water , her main suil takii vator at 'ovory ' pust of wind. TI ) oat ww headed in the direction < ho upper end of the ] ale , Ml wi merry oit board the little craft. Tl wrCy cfuno to lliu conclusion il.ii ; i joitoriiBailing vas ever hud mi ti ako. But asriho saying is , "all got . .hingatnust E como to an end 3o it was 011 this oceasioi After tlio party had dotormim ; o make' tholr lioinu pott iigati there came the tu" of war The bo ; struck n snag h'iid lecamo unmnnng tblo. To Voturn aeoincd' impossibl The captain ordered the sales lowore and the men to man the oars , but a ollorts to move tlio boat proved ube tiie , It-was finally suggested to in dress , leave their clothes in the bo ; and tow the .tmo to the shore. Th was attempted. They shipped ol jut it was found that it was impoas jlo for Mr. Magustcr to keep tibo' vatcr , : VH ho would sink below 11 lorizQit in mud. The boyo got M ilynster into the , mid undertoc o Bv-itu aihoro , They found tli jclicmo wouldn't work. Finally vns determined upon , after const : ation botwcen the nuked crow m lassonsor , that one of them shou n-ado ashore , as the water wja ohallo \H the way , get | i row-boat , and pn or the stranded wreck. They dro ots to BOO upon'whom should fa his perilous duty , and Mr. MoOuC Irow the bliortctit stmw. lie nevi ihrunk from the undertaking , but 01 erod the wutor like ; v woman coi ported to the Mormon faith , an oauhcd the shoio in safety. He mac mate through the crowd composed i joth sexes atanding upon the shor limped into a row-boat , and was HOC lulling for door life for those who lir watched his movements with so nine auxtoty. Aniving , ho advised M Mynstcr and the rest to dress then solves. This they dd ( , and after tal ing n neat in the row.boat , togetln they mnnngml to free the sail-bo ; md tow her back to port , LATTER DAY SAINTS. THElll AXJiUAl COKfEUBSCi : AT 1'AUK M1UJ. TJIK UKK reporter has boon so 01 jngod with matters in another diic tion that ho 1ms not had time to r port the doings of the grand confo cnco of Josophites or Latter D.i fsainta , now in full operation near ( h city , nt what is known aa Park V Mil The chureiwo ! understoodhas lease the beautiful grounds there for a ton uf years , und will hold their unmi conference at that point ! The rai road facilities are nil thai can bo < l iired , n < l tlio moa { important oonvi co to > uch u "gntherhtg ; Hint i plenty of water , is nnsurpassi fho attendance thus for this jotr < cucils any season yet. On Sundaj wan estimated that there wore 10,1 people on the ground * . Uvorj'thi is fonductcd in an orderly manner , keeping with the character of a lai portion of nurfnrmera who are wedd to the faith. The members of I branch of the Mormon church do i believe in a plurality of wives , largo number who reside hero in 1 northwest are counted amongst c best , most thrifty and solid far era. Wo met Joseph Sm and many of the eldots fn all putts of the country. Mr. Sm says ho will move front Piano , K < dull county , III. , to Iowa , locating Decatur county. These meetings Council HI nil's are a permanent thii The grounds near Parks' milU will the place for holding these mint gatherings for several reasons. Fn thu city to the camping ground i nhort but very pleasant dttvo. Trai from the city stop near thu groiin long enough for passengers to aligl The grounds are supplied with eve accommodation , UNGODLY YOUiVOSTER WHO ATTp.vnni ) i in : coNnimisoi : r OTIIEU THAN miumoua runro Es. Quito an interesting affair to [ ilaeo out at the conference. ItEoei n. man who resides near the giouu In n tent with his wife and a lit child , left thorn to thctnsolvos , wh liu went out to mooting Sunday , ccttain young man , who as yet has ) been converted to the faith , took s\ \ vantage of the husband and the siti tion and crawled in under the tc and was about to help himself , wh Iho woman screamed and ran out the tent. The young man crawl out the munu hole ho went in and r down to the crook , whore ho w caught by the irrato husband , and I Fore ho had time to say amen hon Ixipti/.ed in the name of an out rag luisband and father. Onu of the i licemon out at the conforoncoi to the j'oung man in charge , and ycsti lay afternoon ho was wringing o lia stockinus in the county jail. THE POLICE. BOMB Ol' T1IK OAHES THAT HAVE I.A1 I.Y COMB IIEFOUE THEM. The culabooso was crowded Sati day evening und all day Sunday. IS a rjoll was vacant , and a curd roadi "Standing room only" was post early. Those who were unable gain admittance ) on account of t rush were chained to the door lent Ono darkey , who came out yosterd morning , said that he would nov sleep with a white man again. Asi from several cases of pockot-pieki md plain drunks , there was not mu on the record to create oxcitcmet Duo man rushed in before the cot "Sunday and swoio out a wi rant for the arresc of a e ( ored woman down fn t. vicinity of the Northwestern dope Thu niuu declared that she had fired shot nt his head an ho was gotti ; over the fence. When Chief Fie arrived at the scene oi the would- murder , ho found Mollie astride t feuco grinning from car to ear. S uid heard the saiuu report , and on c imination it was found that the h sun had burst a watermelon. Tli ivas nil that was in the c.aso. The next case of interest botc Judgoliurko was the case of the stn jf Iowa vs. Peter Kloppenburgor , f in assault made upon Phylander Fil ousky with -a deadly weapon , teems , from what could bo gathered is n-HO of the parties > talk "Uuiti atatea" very fluently that Kloppo jitigcr had boon 'disturbed n goi leal by Mrs. Phylander'"Fitzrousk tig tottiliod that on tovoral occiisio > liu had chased his lions and childr ivuli u pitchfork. Ho had stood 1 mid goncuidevahlo batienco moro n jiuf , mid jd VHSS pound to stop m ur , " BO ho went out Sunday nig urd.bioke . "a lectio ole vid d , 'irfiU'r , " so as not to injure tl lasi and stopped back and was aboi o tiiko aim when Mrs. Fitzrousl ushed "ottdt mit herbolf Und" tot .ho gun out of his hands and run ho police station and had him .1 listed. Esquire Uurko being vo jusy yesterday afternoon and not b ng nblo to undoutand the partit ivuii with an interpreter , and whim : o have some portion try the case f lim , oont out for John Epoiiuto t\fter turning the case over to him lecide , ho left the court room , ft ! lpiioter ] took- the juilgoa' ehiiir and tl naso went on. The first wittss swoi iviis Mrs. Fitxrousky , who related tl story told nbovo. The next witnc tworn was Mr. Klopponburg , wl tcetiticd as follows : Yet dot voomi juit dold vns pig lie aooy.1' Epottot : allod for Jtiugo Burke to know ho to dceido the case but the court w nit of hearing , BO John dolivorc .hi'in a brief lecture in Dutch , r ninding them that they should tr IB neighbors , to-live harmoniously t ; ether hereafter , mid at a sampl ; Rod the case of himself and Jc jam i or , Andetson aliab Hichard No. 3 , wl itolo the hnrnoss , had his trial tu , vaa hold by Judge llurko to appe joforo the grand jury , in default bail he was committed. There was quite n disturbance M i llio Wallace's , who keopa u don : row-colorcd "alloy yirls" on Grei itroot. Somu of the neighbors livli t > y got up and wont to police hca ] uitrters about midnight and mat : omplnint. Chief Field repaired Die ttcononnd found everything soron "Not u sound was heard nor a funer ; tote , " and M i-llio declared that " < kvoman mint bin droamin' " . THE llLUPFri IN 1111IEF. It took V. II. yaughan ono-liu tour to convince Miss Minnie Pintu .hat ho was mayor of this city. SI 'bought ' if ho waa mayor of a wcstci ilty llko the llluil't ho would never r 'uao m many invitations to drink , Olatk , of the jmpor over the wa volghod just 110 pounds after tl \icos Saturday Some folks say that the great to pile dash was a hum with a larj lined bug right after it ; that Mr Imrko would not , have invested so c onsivoly in photographs of the wi ter , but of coiirao'any ono could ha' ' nvostcd and iuul the pioturca pn tl grounds for sale and take th chances. A good loal depends these races on the risks taken. Among the many pleasant gent men it was the good fortune of T UKK reporter to meet during the rac \V. E , JDorsoy , the banker , who : sides in Froniniit , Nebraska , may mentioned. Mr. Ioroy is also member of ( lie banking firm of Di soy Dros. , of Wahoo , Nebraska. I'inneo 13 certainly < serving of thinks for consenting ride Mrs. liur.Vo , after her sisl backed down. Mr. and Mr ? . Harrington , of Mi street , gave a party ono evening li week at their homo in honor of th father , J. U. Harrington , and gran father , Mr. A. .Stewart. Mr. J. Harrington was n member of the Iowa cavalry Ouring the war , and v on his way homo to Hopkins , M from Shciiaiidoah , whore ho had be attending the reunion of the lo veterans , The city schools opened yesterdi The following maKe up thu board education for the ensuing yea * : 1 John Orcon , L. F. Murphy , E. Aylcsworth , L. L. Spooncr , M. llrowor , John Clausen ; L. F. Murp president , Spencer Smith secrotai and Win. Gtoninvcg treasurer. T superintendent of schools is Pr Oco. L. Fiiniliam , The assignmc of teachers is as follows : High scho now Itluoiu building , ptincipal , L. Webster , Iliiirciui Noy Anna Sqmr Grammar , or the Hill High Soli * Lillie Millnrd , Emily Flickingi Helena Hewitt , / . S. llubbatd , , Mangiim , Mamiu Dale , Cora Urool Keeline Scliool Eflio Pattoti. Clark School 0. L. Jacobs. Curtin Street Agnes Fotsytl Mary lleoso. Delia TJirull. Stroetsvillo Stella Graves , prin pal ; Emma Slytor. Court Street May Baker , Lou Swan. Mills Street Ella Mangum. MilliStroot Mary ThompaonM Michelson , Kate Ulaxsim , Coral Flo mini ; , Kato Stone , Lottio Iloiiii. Bloomer Alice Mottux , Ven Reynolds. Court Street -Hattio Gardiner. Center Street Isabella Fainm Lillian Berger , Agnes Fenlon , Parti na Jeffries. Woodbury School Viola Coffin. Principal Bloomer School F , ; Wright. Bloomer Ida Street , Clara Bark Jennie Fish. Kindorijartcii Principal , Si1 Eddy. Two sneak thieves , who gave th names as Thomas IColley and Jo Stowloy , entered the sleeping room ono of the guests at the llovero hot early yesterday morning and got with a pair of pantaloons in wieh v n pocketbopk containing about 5i Ollicor Casick was informed of the ; fair and put on the track of t sneaks. After tracking the men soi distance ho spotted them. They wi arrested and iakon before Jud Burke and the stolen property recc ored. The examination will take pin as soon us it c.m bo reached on t calendar. The circuit court , Judge C. F. L < borrow presiding , convened in tl city ypstcrday. Judge N. M. Ilnbbard , of Coc llupids , attorney for' the Chicago Notthwestern railroad and ono of t loading men of Iowa , waa at the C don yo.stciday. J. P. Connor , of Dcnnison , Cra ford county , district attorney of tl district , was in the city yesterday , guest at the Ogdon.j llcv. Uyrus llamlin and Eov. T. ] Cleveland were booked * at the Oird yesterday. . ' " "R. E. irontgomery , of Texas , w in Iho city ycsteid.iy , staying at t Ogdon. W. II. Chase and Miss Etta Joh son , of St. LouU , are iK this ci y , v. iting M rs. Maria Mynster. Col. W. P. Hepburn , M. C. frc this concfrcssionai district , was in t city Saturday , to see the ladies rit 0. F. Loofborrow , as usual , is sta ing at the Ogdcn. Forty-five car loads of stock wo cast over the "Old Reliable" C. , . ' & Q. Sundap , thirty-four yestorda and ton last evening. Now potatoes were buying at Mo borg'a yesterday at SI , tomatoes I cents , plums 52 , butter 20 cents , eg 12 cents , apples $3.25 per barrel , ; or bushel ; honey in frame , 18 cenl out , 15 cents. liCAL liSTATi : TUANHFEHS. The following real estate transfc were filed in tlm county recorder's c lice , as reported by the title , abstrac ioal estate and loan oflico of J. \ jquiro & Co. , Council Bluffs : E. B. Ghamborlin to A. lluneo n k BO and sw so , 4 , 77 , 42 : ? l,200. B. A. NcMahon to II. S. Kimba } and 7 in 7 , in McMahon Cooper Jofibtis add. , city : § 1,300. R. H. AVoodmancy to J. E. Patto 11 in 10 , Macedonia : 81. li , Swickard to J. W. Peck , D ai 0 in L , iTick : ou's add city. R. W. Whcolor to M. E. Eottc part no , 12 , 75 , 40 : 875. R. Pcicival to 0. llamann , n ) . i sell , 74 , 42 : § 800. 0. , R. I. & P. R R. Co. to D. ] D.UI , sw no 27 , 75 , 41 : § 300 , Same to earno , tie lie 27 , 70 , 4 83(50. ( Casper Foster to B. Carl , anw 1 ! r ? , 41 ; § 1,200. U , S. circuit court to St. Paul Ha mater Works , \vi no & > no no , 15 , 7 " 10 ; 81,022.85. , Gross Hura to M. A. Gross , no ! t sw nw , 25 , 77 , 40' 81. F. J. Gross , administrator , to 1 Gross , jr. , BO nw , 25 , 77 , 40 ; 8800. Titos. Bownmn to M. II. Frond ttjnw , 11,77 , 41 ; 80JO. E. Russell to N , Terry , nw nw , t wi sw , 17 , 74 , 39 ; 81,700. li1. 31. Gallup to O. L. .Stone , 0 mrt 10 in 23 , Noola ; ? COO. 11. Fi-ckcly to T. N. Deal , mv m W , 77,41 ; 805. W. W. Delahoydo to G. L. & E. 1 Ooopor , so so , 2U , 77,42 ; § 2,000. R. F. Morgan to A. M. Bolton , i i ! , nw 30. 74 , 80 j $800. "H. Talbert to A. M. Bolton , nj n md til si nw 80 , 74 , 39 ; § 2,500. J. F , Means to S. B. Prum , wi t 18 , 77 , 10 ; § 703,88. T. RSahton to R. M. Footo , Oand ! n 18 , Neola. § 800. S , 'f Sharp to J. Tintm , BO nw.3 75 , 42 ; 8000. R. Percivul to J , 0. Humbert , so 14 and ci nwso 14 , ail in 75,40 ; SCO N. Piles to D. P. Hart well , I and in 15 Stutsman'a 2d add city ; $150. Sheriff Polta en to W. 0. James , n sw 11 , 74 , 41 ; 81,002. , ' P. 0. Tomploton to W. G. Tempi ton , 7 and 8 in 31 Miller's sub cil 8100. C. , R. I. , fc P. R. R. to D. F. D.II nwno27 , 70,41 ; 8400. F. 11. Lawrence , cxeculor , to W. 1 Darnell , so no 33 , and sw nw 80 , 7i 41 ; ? 040. M. Ratigan to J. Ratigan , w no 3 70 , 42 ; 81.000. W. S. Mayno to M' . Ratigan , w r 31 , 70 , 42 ; § 1,000. Thoi. Howatd , Urndftinl , I'd. , nritc "I onclnso money for HfiliiK Ul ( wtn , as onltl I would If ft cured me ; my dynpcps hns vanished with nil its symptom Many tlinnKn : I xliall iiovorliawitlioutiti the hoimc. " 1'rico i"0 cent ? , trinl Imttl 10 cents. cod'W STOP THAT COUGH. If you are suH'ering from a Cougl Cold Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fove Coiisuinjitioii , loss of voice , tickling < the thioat , or any afi'ection of tl Throat or Lungs , uao Dr. King's No Discovery for Consumption , This the great remedy that is causing f much excitement by its wonderfi cures , curing thousands of hopelc ! cases. Over a million bottles of D King'n _ Now Discovery have been use within the lust j ear , and have give perfect satisfaction in every inutanci Wu can unhesitatingly say that this leally the only sure euro for thro ; und lung allections , and can ehceifu ly recommend it to all. Call and gi a trial bottle free of cost , or a rcgiili si/o for 81.00. Ish & McMahon , On aha. f3) ) TER11TBLE LOSs"oF LIFE. Millions of t-ats , mtco , cats , bc < liujjs , roaches , lose their lives by co lision with "Rough on Rats. " Sol by druggists , 15o. (4) ( ) Slinltou in Every Joint And flber with fo > cr and t\ync , or bilious rcnil tent , tlio 8 > btcm may > o. bu freed fromtnu 111 11naitlni3ith : Ilostcttcr'a Stomach lilttcr Protect tlio BJ stein against it-ultli tliis belie cent antispasmodiclilch h Iiirthtrmorcix s promo remedy for liter complaint , cotistlpntloi ( Ijspcpsla , debility , rheumitliin , Kidney troi bka nrnt other aliment. " . fliT1 For sale by all Urugxlsts end Dealers gci crallv. r/otliers ! , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Father Ministers , Teachers , Business Men , Farrr crs , Mechanics , ALL bbtmld bonrneil ft.-alnt iisin ; , ' and Intrcxlucln Into their HOMES Xo : tiimis and Alcoholic remedies. IIa\u no euc jircjujlco apilnst , or fenr of "Warner's Saf Tonic Bitters. " They are what they are clalme to bo harmtcus as null : , and contain only incd < hud \ Irtues. Kxtract of ] > uro vegetables enl } Tlicy da not l > clniiff to that class lno n ( us "Cure Alls , " but only jiroless to reach eaten w hero th ilismsoorl 'Inates In dobllltatcd frames and In : jniro blood , A perfect Spring and Summe medicine. A Thorough Blood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tlzcr. I'lctmnt to tlio taste , Invlzoratln to the bed ) The most eminent jihi > ! claiis ueuiumend thfi far their cur.UU u ] ) ro ) > ertlcs. Once used Iircferred. For the Kidneys , Liver and Urinary organi uro nothing "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEYam LIVER CURE. " It stands Unrivalled. Thorn nmU oue their health and haiinlncss to It. I'ricc 81.25 jicr bottlo. Wo offer " \\arncr' Safe Ton ! Ulttcrs" with t-niml conlldcnco. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N , Y. fclO tii-tli-sat-lv _ PUOPOSAI.3 TOR I1AY. Senleil bidiill bo received by the undersign D.I up to Tuesday , September Oth , Ibtil , at 1 o'eloik noon , for fiirnUhlnj ; sixty ( CO ) tons o hay , moro or Icu , for thu use of the II ro demrl inent ilurlni ; the balance of tha jiruMcnt JUva scar. Anylnfonnatlon needed w 111 bo furnUhoi by J. J. GalllKnn , chief cuxlneor. 1 he right In i ojcrt t < l to tcjcct nny and all lilda I i > cU > ] < o ( ontAhilii pro | > o < < ala shtill bu mark nl " 1'roiHJuts ( or Futiibliln , ' 1 lay , " and bu lul ilrrsrcd to the nniU'r l'iicd. Umahu , August SOth , US ] , j. j. i , . c. J i\vrrrr. City ulcrlt. GRAND OPENINai 1'iofesbor 1'Klier , ( from fit. LouU ) Danrln/ ideiny. Bland.ud Hall , ear rilteuiith and Furn iain , Tuoadiy eienlns ; , bu ] < lcmbcrOth. Classes for uulicaaiid Ucntlemcncommcnclnt rucMlay uenlni ; beptcmbcr btli ; tlasscu foi MUsuirnd Marten , commcndnj Siturdjy after loon at 4 o'clock. C'luicifor Fumlllea , will hi irran ecl to milt tlio honorable jvitrona. AU ( ballot damlni- can bo taught. Teriin HbcnUand ] > crfee satisfaction to echo ] iKKuarantrcd. rrl > atoliutructlons\\ll )0'U ( ; n at tha Uaiieini ; Academy or at the * > slUc.ici > f the ] v.itrans. I'rhate orders may bo left atMa * Jle.\criS llro's. _ igSQtt To Ccmtr.xotors , Bulldors and Property Ownom. Tha inidoi signed haxlng been apinlntcd ajcnl for tha tiMenfclM ) iron and \\lro manufacturlnij lousoa of K. T. Ibrnum , of Detroit , and tin Iliixul lun J'ouiidry ami Worku ut 'loleilo [ ) hlo , cajiadty o ( W tona ilally , U iircjmrcd tc [ ilruUh MtlnmtcJ and i > rleos tot Iron columns , 6c. , &c. , for toro fronts , window cuin nnd lll > hr * holdihttn. urouKht Iron Uann ami clrd , hjdroullc tl Mvtor , tai > lo tltlliiis'limlle\s c , ; al o Iron fences , crcitlnir , win .law t , shutters , ttalm , balconies , utttecs cs , u tiiailuiiH | | ( ouiitalns , munmi'i lawn , iranlcnand cemetery ornamtnU llo er bUnd * , ; ( n > t u guards , 4c. > & < . . in cndleo : tarlety. CataloirucsbupplliHl on application. HtNllV II. I1AUUV , ManuUcturen' Aucnt , ' J I'tarl tticct. iUlO-lm mo Council 1U ( J . l Dexter L. Thomas , AT LAW ATTORNEY - - DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , HOTELS. niOl'UTETOltS. TOU'XS. ARAPAHOE HOU3S , L. OLUTE , Arapalioc , Neb ESTE9 HOUSE , N. T fcSTES , Grand Island , Neb , U. P. HOTEL , S. F. DERBY , Gibbon , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , F. W. WILMO , KeArncy , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M. 3TOHE , Orleans , Neb HOLLAND HOUSE , GEO. D. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb. WILDER HOURE' ' THOMPSON REED , Wllber , Neb. DLUE VALLEY HOUSE , R. DAVIS , Do Witt , Neb. REYNOLDS HOUSE , Z , C. ROCKHOLD , Wymore , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , T.MUHHALL , 'Bloomlngton , Neb. GAGE HOUSE , A. R. GAGE , Republican Clty.Neb COMMERCIALHOTEL. G. D. DORDEN , Alma , Neb , SUPERIOR HOUSE , 8. TIMMERMAN , Superior , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , A. C. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. WESTERN HOUSE , E , FUNKHOUSER , Chester , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , DR. W.W. JONES , Blue Springs , Neb PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. RENSHAW , Beatrice , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , C. D. COTTRCLL , Nebraska City , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Crcston , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKUIS&BRO. , Red Oak , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la. PARK HOTEL , W. J. OARVIN , Cornlnjj , la. nURKE'S HOTEL , E. R. DURKE , Carroll , la. HEAD HOUSE , JOS. SHAW A CO . dcfTerson , 'a. ' CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY DROS. , Mo. Valley uunc. , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. SIEVERTZ , Ncola , In. CENTRAL HOUSE. 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvern , la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L , SHELDON , Emerson , la. CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS. R. COCHRAN , Cromwell , I [ CENTRAL NEimASKA U. 1' . 11. 11. ] SrEIT & HOESELI . Groceries , Ouoonswiirc. Flour , Etc , ] . 0. PBDBHSON . . . . . . Groce 3IIAS. IVEIIS . Grocorics nnd Produce [ , . CURTIS . Grocer * V. 11. MCALLISTER . Groceries , IJoota nud Shoes tl. S. ELIQNS . , . . . G.ocer Grocorics , Crockery nud Flour D. WASHER & DRO . . . . . . . . .rain and'lmplomanta FRED. HEDDE Grain , Implcmonts find Lumber B. R. WISEMAN Grain G. HOOPER Implements , Foundry , Mnchino mid Wagon Shops [ 1. A. KOBN1G State Central Bank IOHN L. MEANS Mayor of Gtnnd Island JORDAN & JUSTICE Hardwato , Quecnswaro nnd Stoves \ . 0. LEDERMAN Hardwnro , Stoves and Tinware FAS. CLEAR ! - . Hardware , Stoves , Etc. CUUMB1EL & PLATT .Real Estate rilOMPSON BROS Eeal'Estato ' and Attorneys nt Law r. II. WOOLEY Deputy District Attorney , Heal Estatn and Loans V. J. SANDERS , M. D Physician and Surgeon DR. W. U. McMANGAL t ' Dentist 3R. T. 0. HOWE Dentist FAS. EWING County Superintendent of Public Instruction I. P. MAKELY Foreman Car Department U. P. 3JMPSON HOWELL .Music Dealers IEN11Y MAYER Bakery , Restaurant and Confectionery FAS. A. WEAR Fruits and Confectionery tf. C. BURKET Furmtuic and Undertaking \ . J. CUSIIMAN Furniture nnd Undertaking F.MARTIN Meat Market rlENRY D. BOYDEN Drug ist iVM. KURKA Merchant Tailor U. MURKILY Photographer FOHN G. RAINE ; Watches , Jewelry , Etc. V. H. WEST Boots and Shoes mANKT. NDSZ Harness HISS S. CORFMAN Millinery iV. C. KING Feed and Sale Stable 'AUL H. RAWLLNS . ' Clarendon House * . T. ESTES t. . . .Estes House , West of Dcpob F. A. AVILLIAMS Union Pacific House r. B. JORDAN New England House JUSTAVE KOEHLER Billiard Hall and Saloon rOHN RISS Billard Hull and Saloon \ LHOS. GOODOHILD - . . ; Barber J. P. R. WILLIAMS . , ( Weekly ) Grand Island Times tIR. nnd MRS. SETII P. MOBLEY ( Weekly ) Independent Dmaha , Collins , Dheyenne , Colorado Spring and Summer LATE AND NOBBY STYLES Eats , Gaps , Trunks , Valises. IN THE LATEST STYLES. Jatisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all ! 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH Buy the PATENT PROCESS t always gives satisfaction , because it makes a superior article of Bread , and is the Che , pest - est Flour in the market. Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded , W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer. nnSlcoJOm duuaa Ww HMundiiajiauiaB. ! ! uinSUtukmiJ. * * WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DCALEK IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , ASH , DOORS , BUNDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT TE AQENl FOH MILWAUKEE crMBNIG01Il'ANY. Tear Union Pacific Depot , - - - OMAHA , NEB