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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1881)
' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 0 , 1881 FINANCE..AND COMMERCE , - FINANCIAL. MOKKV AN-I ) STOCKS. XEW Yonu. September 5. closed at3@4i cr cent. I'Achnngo clo < cd steady at 4 BOJ © ! SI. Governments clo ed strong. Currency CH , 1 40 hidIs ; , coup. , 1 IfiJ ; 4Jsdo , 1 i.lhld ; ( is continued , IOIJ bid ) l > s do , 1 01 bid. Pacific railroad liond * closed as follows ! Union Ists ollercd nt 1 18 ; land grant ? , 1 17@1 18 ; Milking funds offered nt 1 1M ; Centrals oflcied at 115. The fctock exchange to-day presented n very dull and deserted appearance. The attctulancu was ummully slim and thu voluino of trMisuctions the ftnallcst I for a long time past , price * were > vcak and rf on the decline during the firvati'r part of the day , nnd although there w.w R rally of i to I per cent , ner.r the close- from the lowest point the closing prices were gener ally 4 to 14 Per cent , below those of ilar. bTOCKS. The following are the closing bids : A& TH II ) MLS&W. . . , O H i : Q 150J it C nun it N. . . . S Mo Pa Cedar Falls. . . . 21 North Pno CC&IC 20do preferred. , 79 O U C& I. . . . 80J Northwestern. . 121 G & A 120 I'rcf erred. . . . inci" " Central Pacific. 8'J JO CScLJfeNO. . 71 ! NY 0 142 Arizona 12 Omaha , 39 Cit O 2tlJ Preferred 102 1st Prefd. . . . 38 Oregon Xav. . . 150 21 do 28 PDJtK 35 , OS&O in Pacific Mail. . . , 4DJ 'DL-t w 124 Pullman PC. . , 133A U & UC5 8ii ( Kocklslnnd. . . , 134' Adams JCxp. . . . lit ! StP 1152 1'nrgo ,130 StPMitM. . . , 101 American Kxp , 8(1 ( San Francisco. , 43 U..S 07 preferred. . . . , 70 Krio 42J 1st Preferred , la1 K& W filA St P & Duluth. 11. & st..r 07 ] IVeferred. . . , 80 Preferred. . . . 113j | Tex 1'ac & II & T 87 Toledo , D it B , Tll&W 42 Union Pacific. . 1214 III Central 1273 Wnbash , 478 K T 4l ! do preferred. 84 L. S 121 } WUTcl L.N.A.&C , . . . MIM.VU STOCKS. Following are the closing imitations for mining stocks at the New York mining board : AmieCVm 3.1 Horn Silver. . . . 131 Bull Djmingo..100 Little Chief. . . . 130" Houlder 21 O&M 83 Br.ylshaw. . . . 100 S L No 4 95 I'.tliforni.i ! ' * > S LNtw190 ! D.diloui. ) T > cinoAoo MONEV CmcACo , .September 5. Thu Bupplyof loanable fumta is good and rates ride ( inn nt ( ! @ 7 per cent , per an num under n pretty active demand. Kafet- crn exchmgo between city banks weaker &t gldiscount per 31,000 , android was ordered from New York. Clearings of the asso ciated banks were $13,500,000. Good oip- ply of gold anil currency forwarded to country points. _ Omalia "Wholesale Market. OiTicKorTiu : OMAHA BKK , 1 Monday Evening , September 5. J Wheat not so firm as last icported. No. 2 declined Jc ; No. 3 barley Ic higher ; corn advanced c ; oata about 2c lower than Saturday. Live stock steady : butchers' cows ad vanced 2Sc ; hogs firm and unchanged. Potatoes weak. Poultry stiller and a slight advance is oted. Prairie chickens advanced 50c 'per dozen. Eggs very scarce and advanced l@ljc. Butter firm and advanced. Lemons very firm and unchanged. Onions getting scarce and advanced l(5c ( per bushel. Local Grain Dealings. WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 03 ? ; cash No. 3. ! > 8i : rejected I57c. BARLKY.-Cash No 2 , 88c ; No. 3 , Glc. RYE. C.ish , 83.\c \ , F CORN. Cash No. 2 , 47c' , . OATS. Cash. 25gc. Llvo Stock. Cattle Wo quoteas follows _ : Butch er's cows $3 25@3 50 ; choice butchers ulcers , S3 75@4 00. Shee [ ) Good mutton in fair demand. S3 503 ; 75. Hogs We quote as follows ; Light packers , 55 00@5 75 ; medium mixed packers , S5 50@5 75 ; extra choice heavv , $5 75@C 00. Provisions. FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade , 53 25@3 50 ; patent , 83 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight grade , S3 75@ I 00 ; patent , $ JOO@150 ; graham rye , $2 50 ; Wheat , 82 75. RYE FLOUR S3 25. MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 70c ; screenings , per cwt. 70SOc ; shorts , per cwt. 80c ; chopped feed , per cwt. 100 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white. 81 21. POTATOES Liberal supply and weak at OOi-f.ilSl 00. SWHKT POTATOKS Very actne at 5c per pound. POULTRY Llvo chickens per dozen , 92 50@3 00. > _ pur dozen. EGGS Candled , scarce at 13Jc14c. BUTT KR Choice . .carceatl820 ; poor , no market : creamery , 25c. APPLKS liood , hound , ? 325@350 iier bbl. HONEY Extracted , first-class Calif- ornin drained , 15c ; Nebraska comb , 20c. LEMONS Very'firm ; Good repacked per box , ? ! ) 5010 00. Finest Medina oranges 87 50 , repacked. EASTERN PEACHICS Dull ; 81 25 © 1 50 per box , an to quality. KASTERX PEAKS-A bu. box , SI 00 @l 25. TOMATOKS Per bushel. SI 25@1 50. DOMESTIC at 5u per lb. OALIFC PEARS -Perbox , ( 400. CALIFORNIA PLUMS-82 50. CALIFORNIA PEAOHKS-S2 75. CALIFORNIA GRAPHS-S3 50 WATHRMELOXS-Homo-grown inex- rcuive supply ; per 100 , S-l 00@5 00. VEGETABLES All kinds bring good lirico.s and Hc.ireo. 1JKKSWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ONIONS Perbiishiil. § 150 , and scarce. Grocers List. COFFER Rio , lair. 13Jc : Rio , good , I4c ; Rio , prime to choice , flic ; Old uov't , Tnva ; 2li@28ic ! , Mocha , 28lo ) Arbuckle'd , Tl'lAS. Ounpowder , good , 45frf)55c ) ; Choice , t0@75c ! ; Imperial , goixl , 40@45c ; Choice 0075c Young Hywm good 3ti . . , , . , , , , , , . . , ; , , © r.A - t. ! i'.r./7\Q1 fWl. T.i. . . . . . Xt T . . e KOO'I. SUGARS.-Cut loaf , lUc ; Crushed , lljc ; Granulated , lO c ; Powdered , SYRUPS. Sugar houo , bbN , 48c ; half hoice Oloven , Jluon 8100. SODA. Dwlght's lb papers , 83 00 ; Do- land do , 1 00 ; Church'n , 3 00 ; Keg smla , STARCH. Pearl , 3e : Silver ( Jlo * * , 8J Corn Htarch , K @ 'Jc ; Kxcelniur ( Jltws. G'lo ; Corn. 7Jc. HALT.-Dray loiuls. per bbl , 1 00 ; Ash- ton , in KAckx , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 00 , 5s , i ! 45 ; I.Ms dairy , 100,3d , 3 ( > 5. URIKI ) FRUITS Choice halve * , l > eachei < , uewcroii , Die : Etnporated Applpi > , C Ibboxei , iaj@llcSllclilBan8c } } New Yurknppc ] < " ,8icjSt.LouUNol,7c ; Prime * , old , Oc ; new , 8jc ! Currants 77ic ; lllackberric , new , 14c ClIEKSK Full Cream , 11 Jc ; Pait Skim , t'c. ' WOODKXWARK hoop pail" , 1 S. > ; three hoop paiU , " 10 ; No. I tub * , 0 00 ; No. U tubs , 8 00 : No. 3 tub < , 7 00 , iiionccr wathlxvnru * , 1 KSj Double Crown ; 2 - . " > : OloLo Wn lilma l.2 : > 0 | Well bucket" , chain , and 5 ply , 'JOJ IJ ; Colored caii t chain , per HI , 20 ; liKAU llnr , 81 Cu. MATCHES Per caddie , S5c ; round CA PS § 7.3. " : minnro csw-e , SI.PO. PUOVISIOXS Breakfast bacon , IK jhoico lard , 13Jcj dried beef , lie ; > h iild- # rs'cnnvMsctl ! lc ; ham , caavawcd 14c ; b.icnn , nides llio NKW PK'KLES-Mcdlum , In bam-l- , S" 00 ; do in half bbl. , t 25 : smalls in bbN , 1200 ; do , In half bbls (150 ( : gherkin * , in bbls 13 00 : do , in half bbls , 7 00. VINEGAR Puret nppla evtra , Ific ; ille , 13c ; Piu snjf ! pure apiile , 15c. MlNY-Ncw , 8i ; 80 tier bbl. BKANH Medium , hand picked $2.00 per bu liel. ROPH Sl < al , 1 Inch and larger , Ojc ; 3 inch , Mo ; jinch. . lOjc. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 300 ; Kjik's ( sterling. 2 10 ; Kirk's standard , 3 30 ; Kirk's white Kussiaii , 4 75 : Kirk's Kutoi'o , 2 05s Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 10. CAXDLKS Boxes 40 Ibs , 10 oz , 8s , 14cbo\cs401bs. ; , 10 oz. , ( is. 14c ; boxes 10 sets U oz. , 8s , 13io ; half boxes 20 sets , 14 oz. , 8s , 13c. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 310 : Western , 2 75 : Xorth Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye , 1 tiO ; Jewell lye , 275. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in i-ase , 1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz In case , 1 50. FIELD SUED Red clover , choice , new , § 530 per butihcl ; mammoth clover , new , S5 75 ; white clover , new , § 1100 al alfa clover , new , $1250 ; alolke , new , SI 3 00. Timothy , good , new , 82 502 05 ; blue grass , extra clean , 81 25 ; bluu grass , clean , 81 15 ; orchard grass , § 2 00 ; red toi | , choice , U5c ; millet , comnlon or Missouri , $1 25 ; millet. German , $1 25 ; Ui $1 50 ; Hungarian. SI 15. HEDGKSKKD Osage orange , 1 to 5 hu hcls 85 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or over , ? ! CO ; honey locust , per lb , , 35c ; per 100 Ibs. 825 00. FISH Family white fish , 90 lb hf bbls , 83 CO ; No , 1 white fish , 00 lb hf bbls (5 ( 30 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family 10 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 20 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colun- . bia river salmon , per lOOlbs 8 00 ; George's Rank codfish , ( ic ; Gen. boneless codlish ; Sic ; boneless fish , 4c. MACKEREL Half bbls mess mackerel , 100 Ibs 81250 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shoru do , 100 Ibs , G 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 225 ; Xo. 1 ex whore , 1'i lb do , 1 50 ; Xo. 1 shore , 12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , 75c. CANNED GOODS-Oysters , 2 lb ( Field's ) , per case , 81 20 ; do 1 Hi ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , ] > er c.vso , 3 90 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do 2 lb ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack ) , per cose , 200. Onions 380. Salmon , 1 lb , per dozen , 1 (15 ; do 2 lit , per dozen 2 50. Sardines , small lsh ! , imported , one quarter bo.xus per box , 1-Uc ; American , quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes , per box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 lit per dozen , 1 SO. Tomatoes 210 ; do 3 lit per case , 2 50 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ) per ease , 3 40 ; wmked corn , 190 ; do 2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per ca"e , 350 ; string beans per ca e , 1 90 ; Lima beans pur case , 2 00. Succotash per case , 2 10. Peas , common , pnr case , 1 75 ; peas choice , per case-1 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , perc.isc , 250 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 8 70 : raspberries. 2 lb , per case , tj 75(5)3 ( ) 00. Damsons , 2 lb , per case , 2 25. Bartlett pears per c.ise , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortluber- rie.s per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 lb per , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 lb , jtcr ca e. 4 50. Grron gages 2 'u ' Per case , 3 25 : do choice , ' 2 lbi < r case,4 50 , Tine Apples , 2 lb , per case , 3 00(5)5 ( ) 20. Peaches , 2 lb per case , 3 10 : do 3 tb , case , 5 00@5 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per case,325 ; do pie , 0 lb , per dozen , 3 50. RICE Carolina , o7ic ; Louisiana , 5 ? < ? Ci3c. 1'EANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten nessee , 8Jc per lb ; fancy white , 9o per lb ; raw white Virginia , 7@7Jc. Or Goods. BROWN COTTONS. Lawrence LL , OJc ; Buckeye LL CJc ; Crescent LL OJc ; Utica C 5Jc ; Crescent C 7.Jc ; Crescent B 7Jc ; Crescent A 8c ; Wachusetts 8c ; Indian Head 8jc ; Granitovillo LL O c ; Badger RR , fine brown , 7Ac ; KadgerX , do , 7e ; Portsmouth P , do , Sjc ; Winthrop L , do , 7jc ; Continental 0 , do. 8c. BLKAOHED COTTONS AVnmsutt Fruit 4-1 10' . 4-1 4-4 13c ; - ; Hoj o - 8Jc ; Ballardvale 4-J ( ijc ; Pocassctt C 4-1 8jc ; Altoona 3-4 Co ; Lonsdale Xo. 1. cambric 13c ; No. 2 , do , 12Jc ; New York Mills 4-4 13c ; Ijonsdalo 4-4 lOc ; Fairmont 4-4 Auburn A 4-4 Q - CJc - 81c ; Barnard J Oc ; Dairy Cloth 5ic , PRINTS. Allen's fancy , C\c : Ameri can do , ( ijc ; Arnold's do , 7c ; Conestoga Cjc ; Southbridge.Oic ; Myntic , ( ijc ; mack xhirtings , lie ; Sprjguo do , ( ijc , Southbridge do , ( ijc : Regatta do , 5Jc ; Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , Oc ; Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , Oc ; South- bridgu do. OJc ; Spraguodo , ( Uc ; Americin do , 0\c \ ; Pacific do , 7c ; W hhington oil colorii , Uc ; Simpson's numniing , 7c ; Simp- bon's solid black , O'tCiBerlln solid colors.ic. ( CAMBRICS , FLAT Glazed , 5ic ; high colons , G c ; kid hnish , ( tc ; high col ors , 7c ; rolled , 7c ; high colors , 8c. CORSET .TEANS Rockport , gc ; Naumkeag sitteen , Oc ; Androseoggin do. , Oo : Lockxyornl do. ( Ic TICKING Amoskcag. A. C. A. , 171c ; Convhtogu , B. F. , 2 , fancy , I8c : Cones- tosa , 4-1 , Gold Medal , ICc ; Conestoga , I , C. C. A. , 14c : Conestoga , C. C. A. , fancy , lie ; Easton , B. , 9Jc ; Omcgo mperior ex tra , 2Sc ; Omegii mt-dal , 25c ; Omega A C A , fancy fctnpo , 20c ; Omega A 4-1 , IGc , Omega A J,13 ; Concstow , R. C.RedStripe , IfiAoj Shetucket , S. , ll/.cShutucket / " ; , S. S. , Me ; Pearl ISivcr , 17"ic ; Hamilton , D. , llj ; Hairilton regular , 13 ; Hamilton H. , HSc ; Coalis , B. B. , Ujc : Cordls A C. E. , 18c ; Albany S. A. X. , 171c. OIL CLOTH 5-1 wood , 83 00 ; 5-1 fancy marble , § .100 ; 5-4 white marble , ! # 3 23 ; 04 wood , 84 00 : 0-1 fancy marble , 00 0-1 while marble SI 25 5-1 S4 ; - , ; - mo- sale , 83 00 ; ( i-1 mosaic , 81 00. DENIXS Amonkeag blue and brown , Kic ; Bcavrr Cruel : , A. A. , blue and brown , 14ic ; Beaver Creek , B. B.bluo and brown , 13jc ; Beaver Creek , C. 0. , blue anil brown , l'-Ju ; Everett D. D. , blue and brown , 10 ; Haymakers blue and brown , ! Hc ; Otis , A. X. A. , blue , 144c ; Otis B. B. blue , 134 ; Otis C. C. , blue , 12Jc ; Pearl River blue and brown , liUc. DUOKS-Fall River , flic ; Ilamden O. O. , lOic " ; Boston checlcs. ISJc ; Boston stripes13Jc ; Dundee btripcs , 18c ; His- marck stripe. 17ic ; Arlington Htripo , 18 < ! ; Lion Blue , lO c ; ISostou XX , bio. , 12Jc ; Boston XX. drub , 12Ao ; Boston XXX bro. , 13Jcj IJoston XXX drab , ISic ; Boiton O , H.bro. , lOJc. STRII'KS-I wiston , 3x3 blue and b own , 8)c : Liwihtonix3 ! ( bluu and brown , Sic ; Rock River , 0x3 blue and brown , lOu ; Al.ibnnm , 0x3 blue and brown , 8Jc , CO'lTONADl-S-LowiKton : dlamon.l . , 27Jc ; A. Y. A. . 20c ; Angora , D. k T. , 2(5c ( ; ltV4 * T ( WVf liVlli iU f IVUIM bVi VtltV * 1OU * Wicklow , 18ic ; Union PacKic , 18c : Oapltol , Ifie : Fanner ri liloj Kverett , nii-iliuin , Ific : York , light weight , Vftu ; ? BW York mill * checks 1 ! ) SIIKKTIXGS 23o ; An 1Q-4 do , Me ; I't-piM-'roirH 0-4 brown , 'J5c : do 10-1 do , 1.74c ; Aloxamlrla , 40 liiuh , blenched , 13o ; Andrnscowjin U.J , blcachud , lilUi ; do 10-1 , bleuchul"Jc ; IV-pporull , ! M , blcachod , Me ; do 10-4 blvuched , L DRUGS AND OHKMIOALS. AcM' O.irbolle , OOc ; Acid , 'J'artarie , C5c : ISalwin 0 < ii.ibln | , tier lb , 75cj Hark , SaKHiifraH , iwr Hi , ] & > ; Calomel , IKT Hi , 70e ; Clnchonldia , tier oz , bOc ; Chloroform , per lb. 05o ; li ) > vtr' ixnvdcru , tier Hi , 81 40 ; .Kjwom milt * , jicr lb , SJc ; ( ilyeerliie , mire , per lb , 44u ; Lead , Acetate , jwrlb , ' . 2cj Cttt IKIH oil , 110s , tier gallon , lUc ; do 150 ° , per cnl. 13lc ; Oil. Castor , No. 1 , per gal , f10 ; Oil , Castor , Xo.3.per eal.Sl 00 ; Oil , Morphine , per oz , S3 05 ; Sulphur ( lour , pcrlb , 4c ; Strvchnlno. tier oz. $1 50c. Horses nnd Mulct , Tlio market Is brisk and all grades nro .Him ? well nt n slight ndvanco In i > ices The demand for peed horses exceeds the supply tonsidcrably. Prices range ns fol lows : Fine single driver ? , S150. tooOO. ; Extra dr.tft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common drai'i hordes 8100. to 150. : Extra farm horse * , 8110. to 125. : Common to good farm hews , 8HO. to 8100. ; Extra plugs , $00. lo 75. ; Common pings , 820. to 840. MULKS. 15 to Ifii baud * ( extra ) , $125. to 150. ' ; 14J to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ; It to IIJ hands 875. to 100. ; 13J to 11 hands. § 00. to 75 Clears and Tobaccoi , CIGARS.Seeds 815.00 : Connccltrnt , $25.00 : Mixed , S35.00 ; Seed \aim,850.00 ; Clear Havana , $75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. GoMen Rule , 21 lb , ( lie ; Spotted Fawn. ( We ; Our Rope , CiOc ; Star , pounds. 24 lb , butts 58c ; Shoo , pounds , 21 lb , bulls , f > So ; Purity , 21 lb , butts We ; Queen Bee , 21 lb , butts 53c' Glt ! Eilge , pounds , 21 lb , butts , 57 ; Aimy aud Xavy , jiouuds , 51c ; Bullion , pounds , 55c ; Irfirillaitl's Climax , pounds , 57c. F1XK CUT In palls. Hani to Beat , IterH > OOc ; SMOK1XO Alltrrndes Common , 2i"to Site. CSninnlated llmekwolls Durham , It ! o * ll'ic ; Dukes Durham , 111 or , Ific ; Seal of North Carolina , 111 o40 ; Heal of XuNrai. ka , ] ( ioz , & > c ; Ijono.lack , 4 oliiion ba s iMjrll ) , 81.1W ; Mnrlmrjft' I'urk , 1 ! oz , tin toil , o5c ; Dog Tall. CMC. Lumber. VKXCINO No. t , li ! to 20 ft , $25 00 ; No. i. ' , 12 to 20 ft. , 2IJ 00 : KhcvtiiiK iltv. ed , No. 1 , 22 00 : No. 2 , 20 00 ; common boards , dre ed , 4"i 00. FKAMINU 1C. ft. nnd nnder , per M , 24 00 ; 10 ft. studding 2T. 00 ; 22 ft. 28 00 ; 21 ft. 2800. FINISHING No. 1. finish li , H and 2 Inch , SJ5 00 No. 1 finMi 1 Inch S.0 00 ; Nn. 2 , finish 1J , li and 2 Inch. $5000 : No. 2 finish , 1 inch , STi 00 ; No , I ! tinih , lii\ii. : SIOOO ; O. U. buttons pur 100 feet Hu. , $150 ; well cnrblnc , $ .1500 ; rough i nnd 2 Inch battoni per 100 feet lh50c. . STOCK HOARDS A stock , S45 00 ; 'J § 10 00 ; C , ? : t500 : common block , S27 50. FLOORING No. 1 , $12 50 ; No. 2 , $ W 50 ; No , 3 , 27 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , $45 00. SIDING No. 1 , § 2750 ; No. 2 , § 25 00 ; No. . $20 00. SHIP LAl' Pl.iin , $25 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , $37 50 ; No. 2 , S2.TOO. C131LING § 30 008U3 00. LATH ANDSHINGLKS A turb. ( it ) bliinslf * . & 1 50 , No. 2 , 83 50 ; No. 3 , 62 CO. Lath , S4 25. Building Material. LIME Per bnrrcl/81 35 ; bulk perbn. , 35c. Cement , bbl , S2 50. lowu plaster , bbl , $2 50. Hair per bn. 35c. Tarred felt 100 HH , $3 50. Straw board , S 00. PA.PKR Stuxw paper , 3Jc ; rag paper , Ic ; dry goods nnper , 7c ; tnainla paper , lOc ; news paper , 8c. UOAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ; [ ll is Run Ulo.sslmrK , $12 ; Whltubrenst lump , SC ; Whitebreast nut , SO ; Iowa lump , SO ; Town nut $ ( ! ; Rock Springs $ Sj Antliiacite , all nixes SH. 00. Hides , hurt , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7J ; green cured hides , S c ; green salt , part ctitvd hides , 8@8ic ; dry Uint , pound , 13@llc ; dry calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry bait hidc.sM > mm , ll@12c ; Krcen CiUf , wt. 8 to 15 IK , 10@llc ; grten calf , wt , under 8 Ibs per bkin , 50c ; Kreen peltw , SL 00@115 ; green lamb hkins , 9110@125 ; damaged'hides two-third rale , ( cut hcorcd and one gnjb , classed two- tl.inls rale , ) branded hides 10 per cent. off. Coon HkinH , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. ! t , 20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1. f-Oc ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. 1'ox , No. 1 , COc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , B5c ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow 8triia | 'i'c ; broad stripe , lOu. Tallow , 5J. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@11c ; heavy , 1315c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy and w. , 2Sc ; burry , block and cotted wouls 2Gc less Shot. SHOT. Shot , $1.75 ; Buck nhot , ? 2.00 ; Oriental Powd r , kegs , § 0.40 ; do. , half kegs , $3.48'do. ; , nuarterkegs 81.87 ; Bl.i"t- ing , keiK , § 3.35 : Fuse , tier 100 feet 50c. Heavy Hardware Litt. Iron , rates , S3 25 ; plow steel , cost , 7ic ; cast tool do , 1520 / wagon spoken , net. 2 25@3 00 ; hubs per net , 125 ; felloes , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 75@85c ; nxlc.- * , each , 75c ; muato nuts , per lit , 7@llc ; washers , perlb. 8@lSc ; rivets , itcrlb , lie ; coil chain , per lb , U@12o ; mallunblu , 81 : ; iron wedges , ( ic ; crowbars , lie ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel , 7@8c. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 40 ; 8 to 10 , 3 05 ; Od , 3 00 ; 4d , 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 ! X ) : 3d , fine , 0 40 ; clinch , all sixes , 5 15 ; till , casing , 4 05 ; 8d ciulns , 4 4 > ; 10d casing , 4 15 ; lOd finish , 4 U5 ; Sd finish , 4 1)0 ) ; fid finish , 5 15 ; half keg * , lOc extra. Paints Oll And Varnishes. PAINTS IN OIL White lead. Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.piire , 0 ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; J 'icnch zinc , preen scalj 12c ; Frenrh zinc , rod heal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish nsst , 20c ; French zince , in oil asit , 15u ; Ituw and burnt umber , 1 Hi catid 12c ; NW and burnt fiirnnn , Konndyko ! : brown , 13. . ; icfined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"o ; i"orjp black , ICc ; drop black , Kic ; PnisKlnn blue , 30c ; ultranmriiio blue , 18c ; chiimie green , li. M. it D. , Me ; blind and shutter green , L. M. it D. , 14c ; I'arin green. 18c ; J."dian red , 15c ; Venetian led , Uc ; lii'-can , 22o ; American Vermiliod , I. & ] ' . , 18c ; plnomu yellow , L. , M. , O. it 1) . ( ) , , ISc ; yellow ochre , ! ln ; golden ochre , 10 ; patf tit ilryi'r , Oc ; graining ci.Jors : light oak , darken on c , walnut , chuntnut and uhli 1'Jo Dry Pnlnts White lead , Ojc ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris vhiteing 2Jc ; whiting eilders , Ijc ; \\hiting court , lie ; lamiiblack Gcnnan- town , Ifc ; lampblaok , ordinary , 8c ; i'nm- man blue , 55e ; nltramnrine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , bunit , 4e ; umber , raw , Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; clenna , raw , ' ) ( ! Paris green genuine , 350 ; Paris green coin' : . ' 5c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20o ; ihronil gieen 1C. , 12c ; venuillion , 1'ng. , 70c ; vcr- million , America , 18e ; Indian red. ] 0c , roe pink , lie ; \enotlnn read , Cookson's ' iVo : Venetian red Am. , l c ; red lead , 7Jc ; chromo yellow , geniiini' , 20o ; chrome yel low , K. , 12e ; ochre , lochclle , 3c ; o < ; fire , J'rench , 2 c ; ochre , American , JJc ; WlnterV mineial. 'JJc : ; lehlgh brown , 2Jo [ : upanish brown , 2.\u \ ; J'riiicu'a : ic ; VARXJSHKS-Uarrels p-r , gallon. \ VV , | J1 ; | H1' * ' , * 1 V ! , ilU. .1 , J VJj n\VUUl | per gallon , 85c ; sjienn , W , I ) . , per gallon $1 35 ; ( ilnh.W.U. , per gallon , COc ; jiPaUfofit oxtri , per gallon , 75c. No. 1,05 ; luniberi , eating , zero , ( > er gallon , 30o , summer , 15o golden inachlne. No. 1 , per gallon , ; t5c , No , ' . ' , 28u ; Hpenn , Hlgnal , per gallon , BOc ; tur pentlnc , per gallon. IXc ) ; naiitha , 74 dtir , I cr Ballon 20o , 03 ( W'JOc. Liquor. ALCOHOL 187 proof. ? 2' 5 tier ulno gallon , extra California splrlU , 187 pioof at 120 per proof gallon triple re lined npiritx , 187 proof , $1 21 ; per proof gal re-distilled wlii-klc , $1001 50 ; line blended , 81 50(0)2 ) M ; Kentucky bourbons bens $200700 ; Kentuck ) and i'cnnsy ] . S20CX 17 00. $0 001000 ; tlomc-Htic 1 40@4 00. U INS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; domestic. t . RttMS-Imported , 4 M @n 00 ; Xcw Unslhnd. 2 OOW ! 00 ; domestic. 1 r.0ffir. 50 ; PKACH AND Al'PLK HUAN1JY- Oil. CH AM PArtNiS : Imported ] .pr ca e , 20 00@3l 00 ; A met lean , i > cr ca o , 12 00@ IS 00 , OLARKTS-Vcr cn. o , -I 50 1(1 ( 00. , ( X1 Cata\\bapercdRe 400 700 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Cormcll Bluffs Gonornl Mnrlot. CouxcHi ISi.Vfi'H , SenteuilKT S. WhMt-Xo. 2 , SI 101 12 ; No. it , yo ; w jecteil , 70. Com No. 2 , 47 , rcjecte.1 51 , ilamngcxl , j lay Fair market , with prices at § 5. Oats Market i | lct ; No. ' - ' , 3-V , itfjcct- oil 10. Rye No. 2 , 70c. IJntter SOc. Kujpt 12c. Cattle-lkcf , S3 Shecp-SJJ Wfej-l 50. M Light demand , prices S3 00@5 50. Potatoes Now , 81 OOpcr bn. OuiouK-81 00. Woml larkct quiet , with ( 'oinl upply ; 5 00 f Jr suft ; ( i 00 for hai-il. Poultry .Me. Crouton Mnrlcot- CHKSIO.V , la. , ScpU'inbcr 5. P.utlerISc. . 1Tfo- l lt ( . * BB 1IIC" _ _ _ Grand Junction Mnrlcot. GltAXl ) Juxono.v. In. , September. ! ' . Kggs-12e. Butter lie. Froduoe. t/'llICAiio. Hepteniber 5. On 'Change grain markets ofM-nwl tinner , but nfterwauH became casloi The rercipts of grain were 5(1,750 ( busbol.s by e.inal and 1KG2 car lotds by rail , embracing 310 of wheat , 1,352 of corn , 05 oats ' - ' < " > t'ftrye ' , nnd 80 of barley. Floui Quiet ; light stocks inteifeie with the active movement ; common to choice western M'ring , 4 25iri ( " 25 ; do Minnesota , I 50@ ( ! 75 ; patents , 7 OOC")7 25 ; fair t' choice winter Hour , ( ! 507 50. AVhent Somewhat of nn unicUlcd feel ing was ugain developed early in the day ; under n talr demand thu feeling \yaa stronger nnd prices for No. 2 spring were advanced nbout fa for the deferred deliveries but under liberal offerings prices declined lj,2o ( nnd finally closed about l c lower for October on the regular board , and on the call at 1 205 for Sep tember ; 1 2 IJ for October ; 127 } for No- vombci ; 1 2JJ ) for December ; 1 21 for the year. year.Corn The demand for corn was faiily active , and during the early t > art of the session the market ruled with considera ble steadiness fluctuations being ie tricted within a rangn of @ .Jc ; about the middle of the session the feeling was weak and a dccliuu of Igc was established mid the iMirkct ruled rather tame and finally closed about J5c lower for cash and September , and lo lower for October on the tegular board , and on the call at ( iOfl tor Scutum- her ; 023 tor October ; 033 tiit November ; 01 for the year ; C'.IJ for Mny. Oats Quiet nnd dull ; No. 2 closed on call at 30 } for September , 37 $ for Octo ber ; 382 tor November ; 3 ( ! | for the ye ir. Rye Weak nnd lower ; No. 2 , 1 00 for Scpt-mbcr ; 1 05 for October. IJailey Dull , easy and about un changed ; No. . 2 , ( IJ ! ) for September and October ; 1 01 for November. Pork Fairly nctive early nnd nihanccd , but Rcttlcd back and closed btemly ; mess , 18 40 for September ; 18 021 tor October ; 18 70 for November ; 18 45 lor the year. Lard Quiet and easy nt an ndxnncc of 12i@15c , nnd cloned nt 11 70 October ; II 85@11 874 for November , 11 CO for the year ; 12 32J for Fcbruaiy. Bulk Meats Active nnd firm ; short rib . ! ) 70 for September ; 0 85 for October ; 0 90 for November. Whiskey Steady nil 10. Receipts Flour 13,808 bbls ; wheat , 110,533 bu ; corn , 583,4 ( > 8 bu ; oats , 7,202 bn : rye , 12,899 bu ; barley , 18,514 bu. Shipments Flour , 14,100 bbls ; wheat , 2,107 , 708 bu ; com , 781,815 bu. : oats 59,000 bu ; rye , 3CS9Uu ; barley , 8.38S bu. Xdvo Stock. CHICAGO , September 5. Hogs Receipts 5,000 ; ( .hipmcntf , 4,300. Demand brisk ; pacVeru "buying freely of the best. Values generally firmer ; mixed packing. 0 40 ; light r liacon hogs , 051(2075 ( ; choice heavy , 0 007 05 ; culls and grnssers , 4 00@i 25. Cattle Receipts , 7,000 ; ( .hipmcnts , 1,000 ; weak nnd 5(3llOo ( lower ; exports ( i 00SC ( 40 ; few fancy , ti 70 ; good tc choice shipping , 5 ( ! 0o5 ( ! 90 , common to fair , 4 00fi 25 : native butcher's cattle , 225@390 ; tockeiH nnd feeders , 200 ( , 3 85 ; dairy calves 1 50@Sl5i > orhcad , ; range cattle lOo lower ; hct-llawag 'JVxnim , 2 00 ( < ? > 2 90 ; fair to good , 3 10@3 70 ; half breeds , 3 85@4 30 ; market eloped steady. Sheep Receipt * , 1,000 ; shipments , 000. Market fairly active and ntcady ; demand fair on local , but light on hhipping ac count ; poor to medium , 3 20ii,3 ( 75 ; good to choice. 4 00J4 ( 50 ; lambs , per head , 1 C0@2 80. The Drover's .lounial'M cable quotes prices Ic higher ; best Aincr- icanii , 1G@1GG ) at Livi-rponl , Ixtndon and Glasgow. Only one- cargo of Americans at London to-day. St. JLonin Produce- ST. Louis , September 5. Flour Unchanged ; Wheat Opened hlglier nnd declined , closed weak ; Xo , 2 red , 81 ! ! i-ash , SIIC V October , 81 48J November , 81 I0'f Decem ber , SI 45i year. Corn Opened higher and declined , closed at ( ! 2c rash , ( i' ' c September , III it ! October , OTJo November , liHe December , ( ! 2jo ; year. Oats Unsettled ; 41 crash , 'I0c ! ! fr'eptem- her , 12o October , 43J November , -ll' ' , ' © I lie December. Rye Lower nt 1 01. Lead Steady at 85. Butler Unchanged. Eggs Unchanged. Whisky Steady at ? 1 10. Provisions Higher nn < 4 very srong. Pork-Sill 25. Lard 811 I12i. Iteccipts Flour , 9,000 bb.c ; wheat , 101- 000 1m ; corn , 209,000 bu ; oats 10,000 bu ; rye. 7,500 bu ; barley 0,000 bu. Shipment * Flour , 1,100 hbli ; wheat , 10,000 bu ; corn , 51,000 bu ; onts 11000 | buj rye , 10,000 bu ; barley , none. Bt- Louis Jalve Stock. Sr. LUUIH , September 5 , Hogs In moderatedumaml ; Yorkere , i ( i 'MfyC 45 ; packing , ( J 20ri ( I ! 115 ; butchers' to funcy f ( i 70f/ll ( 00 ; pig * ? 5 00oTt 50 ; receipts 5,300 ; shipments 2,2'X , ' ) . Now York l > ry Ooodn- NEW YOKK , Hcptcrnber. ! . Bmtlnrss lia.s been only miderateilh coinmlsDlon liouseii to-dity , but thcru was n good , steady movement in many descrip tions of seasonable good * on account of luck orders , The jobbing traducontinues fntrly active , and a few largo firms are selling liberal quantities of cotton goods piinta. llannuls blankets shirts and draw- era , Kentucky leans honiery , etc. , in package Jots. The tone of the market re mains very steady , and nearly all cottoti , woolen and mixed fabrics are fairly held ut current quotations owing to the limited supply. Baltimore .Produce. RAI.TIUOUK , September 5 Flour Finn ; family. 7 'MiH 00 ; e.xtu , U 25(5)7 ( ) 00 , Hiiix-rlim- 00(25 ( 05. Wheat-No. 2 ltd winter easy nt 1 38/ : / © 1 39 for cohh and St > pti > mber ; 1 4If for October. CornWhito Koiithern.quict ut77(5'7Hc ; mixed western dull at WiJGi'i'c ' fur cMsh and September , Now York Prortnco. NKW YOIIK , SeplcmberA. 1 lour Dull and trnde fairly active ; unvmli sold at (5 ( 00 7 50 ; Xo 2 , 3 75o ( ! B 00. Wheat Heavy , niKott'cd mid \ ( < f\\o \ lower with n moderate Icnmiid , Xo ! i rt'd wlnterl 28 ; Xo. 2 do , , i r'K'ftU3l ! Xo. 2 Chicago und'Mllwnukce , 1 Tl3 > 1 3l | ; No. 2 red winter SeptMnber , I I2',1 ® ! 3ldo ; , October , 1 I.VjDl 4C.J. I'otnJ&'lic ' lower , dull and heavy , ungrndcd mixed. t)7ffi9c ( ; X < > . 3.li71ii"Ci7ic ( { ! No. 2. C > ! IJW'70Sc ' : do. whito. 7Mc ! ; Xo. 2 , 1p ; do. October , ! t2@ - . Ontt Dull and A lo lower : No. 1 mixed 421 ; No. 2 do.Hfel2c ! : No. 1 whito. I'.iJfe'oOo ; No. 1 ! white , 17C < ' 'ISc ; mixed Ilyo-Dull nt 1 a' . ® ! 10. Hurley Dull mid nominal. I'ork - Quiet nnd firm : new mess on nput. 10 00. Lnnl- Firm , fahly nctlvo and lOo lilch. er nt 11 ' .MW'ill 05 for cash ; 11 00 ® 11 O'JJ For September. Heel Firm and In fair demand ; extra mess 1250@i : 00. Cut Meats - Finn * ud In moderate de mand ; piukled hams H 75(1' ( ' 12 25 ; pickled fhonldcis , SOO. Whl kv-Nomlnal. Iiivorpool Proiluco. l.iVKiiroou Si-pUmber 5. Vlntir American , 10s tidpfiKK Whent Winter , 10sMflllH ! ( ) 2dwhltp ; , R Id ; spring , lOMihlfuMOj ( M ; club , Coin ( St tild. Poik-74s. Lanl-ftO * ( id. Cluoluiinti Produce. CINCINNATI , Septcinhor 5. Pork Mess Jobbing , 20 OO--H ) 75. Laixl Steady ; current make. 11 11 CM. Bulk afeatH Dull ; clear hides 1075. Bacon Jobbing clear nidos 11 Ci i. Flour Finn ; family C. f.07 " 10. Wheat-Quiet : No. 2 rod. "l 40. ( 'ornKasiei : No. 2 mixed , C (1J. ( OatsKasy ; Xo. 2 mixed , 43c. Ryo-Kasler ; No. 2 , 1 13. Unrlev tjidet ; No. 2 fid ! , 1 10. Whisky Firn. at 1 H. Flillndolpliin Produce. ] > iiii..Mii.i > ni.Scptembor 5. Wheat Firm nt 1 40J ( < M 41J for cash aud September ; 1 1 IJfor Octobei : 1 48 for November. Tom Firm ; Il(5'i0ie ( ( { for cash aud Sep tember ; 72U.72f for OctoliM * . Onts--Stfadyo2c : for cash ; I"@IS for September. ; E"st Liberty JJivo Stock. KAMT l.llllir.TV , Pa. , Septembers. Cattle- Active nnd ] u higher ; receipts 2,380 head ; shipments , 2,205 head. Hogs Active ; receipts 'ISMQ head ; .shipments L700 head ; Phlladulphias , I ) 70 ( a,7 00 ; Ymkers , ( i 30@ti 50 ; grassers 5 50 ; Sheep Dull and unchanged. Buffalo Llvo Slock. HAST BiUT-Mo , " September 5. logs Dull ; receipts , 115 carloads ; hhiiniiuts | 00 carloads ; coin-fed Yorkers (1 ( 50o ( II 70 ; fair to good Michigan , I ! OOfin 0 50 : fair to good grassiT ? , 5 25@5 75 ; gowl corn-finl woitern heavy , li 75(2,1 ( ! ! IO , Pitttlmrc Oil Market. I'in'snuiKi , September 5. The oil market opened at 85 c mill closed nt 85Jc ; New York , 87je ! ; Antwerp , 1'Ji ' francs. Charters for two days were 5S.720 barrels ; shipments for two days were 120,210 barrels. Oil City salon Sat- unlay , 561,000 barrels ; 1'iUnburg sales Sat- uiday. 237,000 barrels. AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Roar for MooroE ( ) Harness AND Saddlery. Ihase ndoiiteil the Lion as a Trade Haik , ruiil all my Koala will lie HTAMl'lIU with the LION and mv NAMIJ on the mme. NO GOOUH AUL OKNUINU WITHOUT Til" AI10VK BIAJII'H The best material In used and the iroul Hklllcc Hoilinirn arc ungloved , mill at the luwuit ciuil price. Anjono nibliliijn prlco-llktof k'OOil wll confer a fa > or l > y vn < lliik' for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. _ United States Depository , Mationa ! - OV OMAHA. - Cor. 13th and Farnam Stw. OtDi&T : UAKKIKQ KHTAIIUSIIHENT t.N OMAHA. GUCCESSOnO TO KOUMTZE DnOTHERO. eixnuaii/n 1810. Ori.'anlzcil an n K.-itiornl Hank Au uat " 0 , 1803 CAl'ITAL AND 1'IIOKITS OVKU 8300 000 ornrxus AK UIRMTOKII : IliRUAN lCmj.Nrr. , t'rcBldt'iit. Ai'urHiuu Kin'NKK , Vlcu f'rthltlcnl , IIV , YATM , Oanlilcr. A. J , 1'on unur , Attomoy , JOHN A. CKKIUIIION. K , II. DAVID , Cnxhlcr Thin t > nnk receives ilupoulti without regard to JLIUOIIIlU. l HUi > a time certificates hcarlnir Intcrobt. ItruHt drolU on Him ) TUII ( U > and prliii'lpa iltlcjof thu United HtnUv , nlwi Ixincloii , Dublin IMInhiirKli anil the ] < rlncii > al iltli * of thu uontl ncut nt Kurflw. | ScIN imwcnk'cr tickets for ( .migrant * by tlio In man Una tnavJdtf J'JtOI'OSALS FOH CHAIN. llcniliiurtir | Di'iurtiiicnt of the I'latln , Chic Ounrtt > nna tcr'i < Olllto , I'uitT OUAIH , Nti'Umlwr ' 1 , 1H4I. Hi-ulul jiruiioMilH , In trlpllcitc , KiililiYt to thu uiiul ( ondltioii ) , will Im in ch ul at tliw ullliv nn til I ! ! o clock noon , on TiliwiUy , Hupt. "U , I8dl , a Hlmh tlmuutul pliuo thuv lll bu opviii'il In thu pithiinu of Milder * , for the furiilnliln and ddh uy In iiiiiiitltUn | ui i < ( | iilrwl , up U > Difiinhu Ul , Ibhl , at Oinnhu Doixit. Nctiratl.u , nr at ta lloim uti tin ) Union 1'iumo ' , lamtn Kuarni-y Junction. i.OOO O pouinN U011N um l.WKI.OX ) iMimitH OATH. l'roidKl | < fur qtintltlt IIMI Hull tluiuhnlo will ho rvithi'l. IHIIvry of tlicKrnlu ulllf | ru fjnlnil cuiniiiiinu Octoiwr 1. UM , rriftrtinc'D will bu Kiu'ii toiirtkliB of iloimntlrproilui'lloii * loiiilllluiiiol ] irliuftnil inmllty bi-liictiiml | , um nidi pri'ffrcniuvilllbaK'icii ! * ' "illclra uf Amur lisin pr < xlutli > n proiliucd on thu Facltlc ccutt lo tht txUntoftho ii < < ! ] iiiplloiiiciiilitiby | | thu pub Ik ; strike thurc. Thu Koirrnmunt iu crtciitbi rlKlitlnrvJx tuny or all | > roK | > kAl . Illdn thouli oUtc the rain p r 100 louiuli ( nut pur biulid uinl thu i'iivuloH)4ixiit.'iliiliij ) { them kliouM bui'ii dorkul "lildi lor Drain , " und adtlruiuiil to tin iinderilvncil , Illililirn are ion tuil timiihinlt pro prw > U jor dullurv of the U. rn In nrw r < * u i'i UUliny wick * Df 100 poiinda u h und for drlhirj of thu O U In new ruimul burlap kaikv of 1X ( ) loiiiuli uR'li , Did * for Oorn boulintjto | t' u MIIIH in which thu Corn juoponul tu bu fiiniUliml win ilcn ( if thli aihurlUrinfiil und of the drill Urol InitriU'tloiHto fun huobtaliuil 01 upplltatlon luthli olllcu , anil ono rep ) uacli o fulU U'ltcrtlicmuit und tlmilar khoiild hu ut Imbed to or accominny MCI proKiral | and ( orn u i rt t he-roof. U. I , I.UIUNOTO.V , Olilif OuaittrmnU-r. * epte et . O. 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. ISH & McMAHON , 140G DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NUU. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug HOUQO in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. J.v IS mo FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Nob. ConstiininciiU mmlo III rccoh o iirninpt attrntlnn. Itoteinnrcs : Slate I'.ixnk , Omnha ; I'hlt k Co. , llaltlmori' ; I'wk it llaiisliDr , clilcneo ; M , Work & Co. , Cliulnnntl , Hellmuth Ladies' College. PatroncM , H. R. H. PRINOE63 LOUISE. Founder and President , The night Rev. I. HELL MUTH , D. D , D. 0. L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURON. Foil Term open * Wednesday , September Slit. llniulsoimiMul i"wloii ] hullilliipi , loautlhilly ultimiwl In Aina tli ilthr locality , about ( our licnin liv n ll from Nlipnra Vaaiul \ \ on ono ol HIM priiu'lml through routes lictucni the Ka't nnil Went , Tlio ( IIIOUNDS coninrUo 140 am' < . Tlio nlm of the founder of this tottvga i to iirovldo tlio hluliMt ntrlluctiinl ami proctkally useful ixluratlaii. Tlio wliolo v > torn l liawl ujiAii tno Koiiiulc t PRO TESTANT principle * , an ( ho only HolUl Imkli ( or Ilia rljlit loriimtlon of tlumctcr. FRENOH Is the Kcn In thu collciv. MUSIO n n > colnlty- Ikuxru , Ijtumlryaiiil Tuition Peon , liu'lmlluv tli whole course of KtijjlUli. tlio Ancient ami Mot > . cm UtiKimKtiiOalIitlivtilLii ; | , Dnuvln mul I'uliitlnjr , mo riunoniul I.lbrnry Mivllcal nttcndancc , ami klrilclup. 9300 per ixniiinu. A rrViictlnn of ( Mio-lmlf for the ilaUfclitcn of (1ci > r\'invn. Kor"clni. nni"nmlliillvxrtlciilni ] aililrtmillSSO'I.I.vrON , Uily 1'rlntllvil , Itelhuiith ladies' Colics , I.ONUO.I ! ) .M MI 10. CANADA. nian&tliiin-Sm NOW OKFEUINO FOR ONE MONTH ONLY Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , , 200 Handsome Suits , ut $5.00 ; 300 Stylish Suitn , $10.00 ; 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00. Wo hnvo several lot ? of r.iplo ( : goods which will bo offered at SEVENTV-FSVE GEKTS M THE DOLLAR. All Indion should avail themselves of this great salu of COESETS AND UNDERWEAR , 'LINEN AND MQHA1R ULSTERS , SILK AND LTNTN ; HANDKEROIIIEKS , LAWN SUITS AND SACQUKS. 2tt'itf CHARLES MCDONALD. EOH ERIGKSON , -nivn THI : IIAUOAINS IN AM. KINDS or JEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE' ' SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. At Pricoa that Suit Any Cuatomer Who Really Wishes a First- Class Article. Are also sold cxrluilurv STAR TINTED SPECTACLES by us. W EHO fr OQ EHWL o , * CO EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. POWER AND HAND we Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING MAcniNi'.ity , np.i.Ti.vo , iiosn , iiitAsa AND niox vrraKas , VIVK , OTKAM J'AUKtNd , AT WKOLKHAI.K AND IICTAIU . , "i HALLADAY WIHD-MiLLS , GHUR&H AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRAMG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha. DIPVPI CO I urn AKCIII fr COU'MIHA DIUlULuOf undinTOIIIU't'I.liH. Soul thriu ivnt i > ta rp forUatatoii | < - ninl | > rlci > llnl uontaliilng lull Information , N , I , D , SOLOMON , Paiutn.Oila aud Glu-i OMAHA. NKII KYI10N BYRON REED & CO. Real Estate Agency IN NKIlllAHKAJ Kvep a compUte nbatnut of tltlo to nil IU 1 KoUto In Omuluk ami Oouvlu vountv. uia\tf Bishop Simpson mlilriMuilnjf the ttuileiita o the National School ot iiociitloii : uml Oratory mill , "Tliu law of vulture la a | > | iruMa | | to tliu linniaii > olco unto thu haiul. tinl If HID hand t-liuuld he trained uliy iictmiuil tliuoiu. ! . " The Nntlona School of Elocutloiv and Oratory , estaliltuhcil In 1873 , < In IS7D , alTuriln tliu ino.t uiniilo facllUiuM for null mltuio. Nineteen Teacher * and'turiii ) , ipeclalltti In tliclrtoMtral ilcttnicnt | . Bum.- inerTcrm , July 6. Fall term , Oct. 3. Semi ' ir t'ulalh 'uo mid rrnsiit'ctus to 4tlil3Uw J. II. IJKCIITKt , Sccrtitnry , Ultl ami 1118 Clintimt Bt. , l'illaileliila. ( | SIBBBTT Us FULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID CITY , NEB. Special atkutlou uUui to collcaioin In Ilullcr cuvpf - -