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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1881)
: * THE OMAHA DAILY 1313 E : MONDAY , SEPTEMBER / > , 1881. TUB DAlj JjEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS 010 r-arnham , bet. Oth and 10th Streets. TKUM3 OK SUBSCItlPTlOX : One cow lycar , lniul\anccpost | vtd ) 810.00 Unionthl " . . . . R.O 3 months " " . . . . 3 00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. TIWB HUH dlUAdO , ST I'M I , , MINMUW. S Ji\l OMMIA P.MUmn. tcaMj Omihv-Xo. 2 through pawn er , 11 a. ni , No. 4 , O.iklnml | > ns < ciiccr ! , b.SOn. in. Atriic OntMii No. 1 , through | vwoiijrer , 2:60 : ) i. m. No , 3 , IHkUnd ] < ns ciigir , 5:30 : p. lu. LKAVIMJ OilAHA KASt OB SOUTH BC/USD. C. , II. & Q. 6 a. tn. 3:40 : p. in , a & N. W. , 0 R. in , 3:40 : p. m. ' C. , It. I. & I1. , 6 n. in. 3:10 : p. in. K. C. , St. J , n 0.1) . , 8 a ni. 0.30 p. m. Arrive ftt St. Louis at 0:26 : n. m. and 7:46 : a. m. wnsr OR SOUTIIWKSTS. 11. & M. In Neb. , Through Kxprci' , 8.35 a. tn. II. A II. Lincoln Kreijiht. 7:00 : p. in. U. I1 Kxprcm , 12:16 p. In. O. * t H. V , for tln-joln , 10.20 n. ra. O. .t It. V. tor Osccola , 0.40 n. in. 17. P. Ircliht Nn. B , 5:30 : a. in. " . I' , freight No. 9 , 8:15 : a. in. 1' . J * . freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. in. cinUrnnt. I I1. Irclifht No. 11 8.25 p. in. ARRtmo FROM RA8T AND KIUTU. C. B. & O. . , 6:00 : iv. m. 7:25 p m. C. & N. W. , 0.45 n. n. . 7:25 p. in. C. It. I.&l', B.OSp. In. K. C. , St. Joe & 0 11. , 7:40 : n. m. 0:46 : p. m. W. , St. L. & I1. , 10.1b a.'m. 4:25 : p. m. ARRIVING FROM TUB HKST ADD BOUTI1VCUT. O. ft It. V. from UtiiUln 12:12 : p. m. U. 1' . Express 3:25 : p. in. II & M. In Net ) . , fliiongh Kxprcw 4:16 : p. in. n. & M. Lincoln Krcuht S:85 : a. in. U. V. Freight No. 10-1:10 : p. in. No. (1 4:25 : p. in. KuilgranU No. 8 10:50 : p. in. Nn 12-11:35 : a. m. O. & It. V , tulxcil , ar. 4:36 : p. tn. NORTH. Nebraska Dhlslon of tno St. Paul & Sioux City Ko.ul. No. 2 loAtcs Omnli\Sa. in. No. 4 leaun On lia 1.50 p. in No. 1 arrives at Unmtn at 4:30 : v. in. No. 3 arrhcs at Omaha nt 10:46 : a. in. EtJMMT TRAINS KKrWKKN OMAHA AND OOU.NOlL BLUFFS. leave Onnh.i at 8.00 , D.OO anil 11:00 : a. in. ; l.-OO 2.00 , 3.00 , 4.00 , b 00 and 0.00 p. ra. Luxe Council Dluiiaat 8:25 : , 0:25 : , 11:25 : a. in. ; 1 25 , 2:25 : , 3.2.- , 4:25Isi5 : unil 0.25 p. in. SunJajs The elutLiuy lc\\cs Omaha at 0.00 nd 11:00 : a. in. ; 2.IJO , 4.ue ) anil 6.00 p. m. LC.IXa Co.tiHUlliiirn . at 0:25 : und 11:25 : n. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 : ami j.CO p. in. Opening nnd Closing of Malli. ROUTR. orK.1. CL08K. n. in. p. m. a. m. p. in. Chicvo & N. \ \ ' 11.00 0:30 4:30 : 2:40 : Cliuiiiro , It. I. , 1'aclllc 11:00 : 0:00 4:30 : 2:40 : Ciiic-i.'o , II. , t y 11:00 : 9.00 4:30 : 2:40 : 12:30 4.30 2:40 : Sloiix City ami I'acltlt. . 11:00 : 4:30 : Union 1'aclllc 6:00 11:40 : Ouiiiha iLV 4:00 11:40 : D. A. M. InNcl 4:00 : 8:40 : 6:30 : On.tkh-1 & XoitliMcslcrn 4bO 7 : 0 Loul milN for Stutoof Iowa Icatobut once a day , xiz : 4:30 : a , in. * A Lincoln Mail n tKo opened at 10.30 n. in , Otllco open huiuli\u ( rnin 12 in. to 1 p. in. THOS. V HALL P. M. Business Direotorv. Abstract ar d Real tstate. JOHN L. MtCAOUH , oppoiito Post Oflice. W. K. BAHTLETT 317 South 13th Street. Architects. DUKRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS , Itoom U Crci hton lilcck. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Ciclchton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMD3 DKVINE & CO. , Fine Boots nnd Shot ? . A good assortment of borne work on hand , corner 12th nnd Harncy. THOS. EUIC'KSON , S E. cor. 16th and Douglas. JOHN FOUTUNATUS , 035 10th street , manufactures to order good work it fair prices. Repairing done. Ded Springs. J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 3517 Dowlas st. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEIIAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. McSHANK & SCHHOEDER , the oldest B. and E. house In Nebraska established 1S75 Omaha. CENTRAL ' RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , touthvrcst corner Ifith.ind Dodc. Best Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ucals at all Hours. Board by the Day , \Vcck or Month. Good Terms lor Cash. Furnished nnomg Supplied. carriages and Ruaa Wagons. \VJI SNYDER , 14th and Harncy Streets. Jewellers. JOHN BAUMUR 1311 Farnhara Street. Junk , H. DEPTI10LU , Raea and Mttal. Lumbsr , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & GilY corner Gth and Douglas Sts. Lamps and Glassware. S. BONNER 1300 Dosalas St. GooJ Variety. Merchant Tailors , 0. A. LINDQUEST , One of our most popular Merthant Tailors IB re- ci'hinr ; tlic latest dtsl'-in for Spring and Summer Goods for gcntltmcn s near. St > Ihh , durable , and Drleta lav as ever 21513th Let. Douu'&Parn. Millinery. JIRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan- iv Goals in urcat larlcty , Xeplijrs , Card Boards , Hosiery , Glo > e8 , Corects , Vc. Cheapest IIout.o In thu West. I'urehastra si o SO ptr cent , Order bv Mall. 115 Fifteenth btrcet. r-oi.nary. JOHN WEARNE k SON3 , cor , 14th & Jackson sts Hour and Feed. ' OJIAHA CITY MILLS , 6th and Farnham 8ts. , Welahans IJroa , , proprietors. Urocers. Z. SI EVENS , 21st betucen Curaln - and Irar T A. SlcSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlnir Street * . Hardv/aie , Iron and Steel. DOLAN & LANOWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and 1U 16th street A HOLMF.S corner llith and ralltornU. Harriett , Saddles , &c. n. WFIST go mil St. bet Farnk Harncv. Hlicit. CAXFIELD HOUSEGeo. Canflcld.Oth& Farnhan DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Car } ' , 01S ramiiam fc't. SLAVEN'S HOTEL. 1blain , 10th St. Kouthern Hotel , Cus. llnmel.Olh .tl.e-nenuortli Iron Fencing. Tlie Western Cnrnlee Works , Aeenta for the Champion Iron Fence ic. . h % > e on hand all of Faney Iron Fences , Crehtliife , Flneali , Ilalllmrn , it.1310 Uodv'O fctrte , apl'J Clothing Boucht. 0 .BHAW will pay hl hcit Cabh price for eccond band clothliii- . Corner 10th and Varnham , Oentlsti , DR. PAUL , Williams' Flock , Cor , Uth & Dodge. Drugs , Paints ana Oils. KUHN & ( JO. Pharmaclota , Fine panj CoDja , Cor. 15th and DOUEIM t.treete. V' . \VIUTEIIOUI E , Wholesale & Itctall , ICth et. ti. C. FIELD , 2022 J > orlh Side Cumlntf Street. II. PARK , Dru.-i'Ut , Ifltft and Howard btrccH. Dry Goods Notions , Etc. 'JOHN H. F , LEllMANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 Faro- hamtlNct L.C. Enowol.t also bool * and shoes Tlhir&e-lflc. hurulture. A F. GROSS. New &nj Second Hand Furniture and fcto\c , 1114 I ouxikj. Hl h t caih prieo juld ( or second hanu cocns. J. BONNEU 1800 DoutUa et. Fine cooeis , tn. Planing Mill. A. MOYEIl , manulatlurer of &a h , doors , blind * , moldlnijf , nerteli , baluiten , hand rails , lurnUhliii' Kroll awln , ' , 4.C. , cor. Dodioaiid ; Uth btreetu. Pawnbrokers. J. KOSK.NFELD , 3 lOtb St. , bet. Far. & liar. Florist. A , Donivghue , T > l.Mit , cut flowers , fecd , boquclg et < v N. W. cor. ifith nn 1 Dounlas street * . Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors. ANDIH.W JlUSKWATKtl , Crelclitou tllock , Town Suriej ? , Graelo and Si craeo , bjsteins a 3elaltv. | . Uommtsslon Merchants. JOHN 0. WUi LIS.14U UaljTO Sltett. 0 tl r.EEMKK. For detail ? ncnt In Dallv and WocMy. Cigars and Tohncco. WEST . < c ITSt'I'Ell ' , imnufactiirc of Cljfiri , xnd Wholosilo IKulcM in Totv\cco < . 1S05 loncU . VV. V. LOIIKXZKN iiniuif.ieturcr omothttntU Cornice Works , W'ntstn Cornlto \ orks , Manuficlurcrs Iron Cornle'O , Tin , Iron anil Slixto Uoofhnx. Onlcrs from any locality | > roiiittl { ) cxecntiU In Iho best nvuincr. Faetory and Oil co 1310 IKxIiro Street. Qahnnlreil Iron Corniit . Window Cnn | , etc. , Dianufat.turiil nnd ) iut lii In any ( rttt of Iho CJuntrv. T. SINHOI.l ) 110 Thirteenth direct Crockery. J. 110NNEK 1S09 VantiA * stnsct. Oooel line. Clothing and Kurnltlilng Goods. (1F.O. II. PCTEltSON. Also Hats , Caps Iloot > , Shoe * , Notions and Cutlery , S04 S. 10th street. Fcnco Works. OMAHA FENCE CO. OUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 IiarneySt , Imiroic- | ed lea Ioxc ) , Iron and Wood Fences , Ollico , Counters of Pine and Walnut. Refrigerators , CanTield's Patent , C. F. GOODMAN llth SU bet. Farn. & Harncy. Show Casa Manufactory. , 0. J. WILDE , Minufacturcr and Dealer in fill kinds of ShowCases - Cases , Upright Cases , a . , 1317 Case bt. THANK L. aKUHAlll ) , proprietor Onmln fihow Caio inannfactnry , SIS South 10th street , between Lcnunwortli und Marcy. All goods w arriuitcd llrst.elns . Stoves ana Tinware. A. IIUUMESTEH , Denier In Stoics and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellow s'llloek. J. I10NNEI1.1309 Douelas St. Good and Cheap. Seeds , J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Kellowrt1 Hall. Physicians an i Surgeons. W. S. Ginns , M. D. , IDem No * , Crclghton Block , Uth Street , P. S. LEISENHING , il. D. Masonic Ulock. C. L , 1IAUT , M. D. . Kyt and Ear , opp. postofllcc DR. L. U GUADDY , Orull tnml Aurliit. 8. W 16th and Farnham Stn Photographers. GEO. HF.YN. PROP. , Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt. Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TAUPY & CO. . 10 12th St. , bet. rarnhani and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to. D. riTZPATUICK , 1409 Ilouehi Street. Painting and Paper Hanging. HENUY A. KOSfEllS. 1412 Uod.'o fatrect. ehoautores. Phillip lang , 1320 Firnnam st. . bet 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LKAU. 1410 Douiths St. , New and Second Hind Furniture. House Furnishing ( foods , > Vc. , bought and bold on inrrow Unloons. HENRY 1'AUF.MANN , In the now brick block on Douglas Stroct , has Just opened a most elegant lle'CJ Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 c\ cry day. " Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 670 16th Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , 101 Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. P. PF.MNER , 303J Tenth street , between Farn ham and Haniey. bocs Kood and che.ip work. 09 Cent Stores. P. C. BACKUS. 1205 Farnham St. . Fanrv floods AGENTS WANTED FOR KASTKST SKLLIXO BOOKS OF THK AOK 1 Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOItllS. The law s of tra < lo , legal forms , how to trans act business , valuable tablet ) , social etiquette parliamentary usage , how to conduct public busi ness ; In f.iet ft Is a complete Guide to Succcsj for all coses. A family iicetsslty. Address for cir- culirs and Bwelil terms ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO. . Pt.LoulH. Mo. Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , IClh and Dodge Stt. , Omaha , Neb. This agency doc3 BTRICTLTS brokerage huslncsa. Does not BjKcnlatc , and therefoie any bargains on HH books are Insured to Its patrons , Instead of being iroblilcd 1111 bv thfto/cnt . X.OT7XCE PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER GO. 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louis , VUIOM'SALII CKALKAD lit \ PAPERS ENVELOPES , CAIIU DOAllD ANI ) Printers Stock. Hh paid for Hags and Tajwr Stock , Sera Iron nnd Metals. 1'aiK.T Stocl : Warehouses 1229 to 1237 , North Sixth ctrrft. Axle Grease NEVER QUMS ! Use.d on Waoii8 , Ilu iet , Itcapcru , and Mill Itachlnery. It la INVALUABLE. 10 KAEH- nia AND TrAUSTKKH. 11 cures her.itelies and all UmlnofKoreooii HormoanJ Block , o wull ta ou men. men.OLAEK & WISE , Mauuf's , 3B5 Illinois Street , Chicago , CTSEND FOIl IMllCES. jc 24 DexterLTliomas&Bro , WILL BUY AND SELL 4SP ALL THANbACTlUN . Puy Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc. iriOUUAMTTOBUYOR BKI-'j Call at Office , Room 8 , Crtlgliton Bloek/Oniaha. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA B I T T ILER & CO. , ISole Manufacturers , OMAHA. The Rod Man's Wi h. New York World , According to nn esteemed contcinK | > inry , n son of Hlff llore , tlio Clicycnno chief , recently rciiinrked : "I until t know the \Oiite iimn's way , and when I know the white nmn's way I think 1 will not lie l > oe > r. " In other wonN : I want to know thenhito mnn' < way , Tor then I'll not lie | > oor ; I'll l > e an Indlnii iiL-ctit my , The red I uill i-oli n 1 day ; I'll eiab hi * living nnd liNUml , His litthxnll ultli oitht-r hand I'll KJieedily ccurv. I want tn know ulmt unv tlmt i , 1'or then 1 11 nut In- limn , The paleface1 conmrchumU liii bir , And what he1 ha ? lie keeps as hl , And heh.isn't , he Kml" , And kiiowi niiiiinlni | < < or con cience".tal ) . ] Ili is the rij-ht vny , mire. I want to know the white man's wny , Tor then I'll not be poor lie inns the \\orld , so he can 1'lay ' , And in a shinv hat nil day , With chains nnd pins nnd diamond rint , ' ' , And many other < mch like thiiiK * That money would pioeuie. If 1 like him could but become Whnte'er I'd want , I'd yank it. Poor Ituli.inlo\rs to laku his rum ; The paleface drinks nd libitum. Poor white man , he i-nti linnij 'em up ; Poor Indinn never gets a sup VnliM ho pawns his blanket. Ugh ! did 1 know the white man's wny , I'd lord it o'er nil creation. I'd Kit nnd Miioke the livelong day , Pi ; scalp my foe" , my friends betinyj I'd client and and eat bi heap ; Like him n te orvntion keep A rescrxuliim. IN THE FAR WEST. Recollections of Iilfo cm the Fron tier. ! : of ministerial work in the fnr west , 1 will relate mi incident tlmt c.iino undur my own personal observa tion about four ywus since. I was sitting in tlio ollico of a AVyomhifj newspaper wliun n brawny native from up the mountains entered , took oil' his sombrero , shut a liberal dosoof tobacco juice into the editor's waste basket , and said : "Kin any o1 you salaried liars put mo onto the tr.ul of a Gospel sharp that's out of a job ? I'm just down from 1'oker Gulch , Colorado , an' amen on the lookout for .1 Bible thumper to touch us up occasionally on the Jeru salem racket up thar. " "Aro ministers scarce up your way/ / " asked the editor. " \Val \ , no , thar's plenty of "em dodgiuf 'round , but somehow wo can't git our gnppers unto a man o' the right style. Doorin1 the past year I recon we've run in two dozen galoots that claimed to be fly , an' got em1 to ladle out a s.implo o' their palaver , but wo had to Iho every one of 'cm afore he not ten feet from his text " "What appeared to bo the trouble wih themf" "Sometimes this an" sometimes that. The fust man wo tried war' a white- ehokered still' from Denver. Ho came up to the gulch and olfered to contract to steer the camp for a thousand a year , an' the boys thought that rea sonable enough. Wo hired him an' paid him a mouth in advance an' the fust thing ho did war to choose fur a text ' 801110111111' about a generation o' vipers an' ho raked us down too lively fur any use. He called us onregener- ate sinners , an' said every man in the camp war a hangin' over the fiery gulf o' dark despair by a siiu'lo thread , an * thet the Lord would cut thet thread some day , an' let us dr.ip if we didn't take a tumble an' light out on the back trail. Aleck1 Johnson war a little oifn his base that day had a , little too much fluid in ail' ho got up an" remarked that he'd jist won a now pistol on a poker game an' war anxious to try it , an' thct the fust lull he turned loose would strike meat right in thet pulpit. Mr. Preacher lit outen a back winder an' went up the Gnnnison grade so lively that tlw folks thought a cyclone had a hold of 'im. " "What did you do then ? " "Wai , wo managed to drag along fur a month without any religious pointers , an' then wo heard of a man over in the next camp that had shot some lively music at the boys over thar. Wo sent a committco over to see him an * he sung such a favorable song thet the boys fetched him right over. He opened up on the follcrin' Sunday with a hnllitballoo about some bloke campin' fur the butt end of a week in a whale an' then gittin' fired out into a vacant lot. e told the gilly right on the spot ho couldn't piny no second-hand newspaper stories on that camp an' give him the shake in a jill'y. " "Did you have any better luck with the next one/ / "That's w'at wo didn't pard. The next one war" a big rooster thet come come out trom the states with a p.irty o' ' gold hunters. Wo war' gittin' dtirned hard tip fur gospel by that time , an * war'illin' to take most any kind o' jabber rather than grope along in blindness. When ho m up in the pulpit ho opened out by sayin' that ho war a Ji.iplist an' that everyone as desired to sit with him imibtbo soused in water. Now , if thar's anything a mountain man hates it's water , pard , an' the idee o' Imviu1 to have the sin soaked outen us went agin the grain. The boys began to heave the church furniture at , Jiim an a hint that their views an' his'n didn't seem to jino ex actly , an' ho took number one's route thiough the winder. " "Did you Keep on trying/ / " "We did. Our next experiment war' on one o' the I'nivorsal felleis. Ho told us there uar' no biirnin' hell , an * thet we'd all connect on Paradise in the end , religion or no religion. As soon as he'd stated the iaso in that shape he got the grand bounce and left the camp. The boys couldn't see any fun in a game whar thar's nuthin * to buck ag'in' , an' when you root hell outen the Gospul it strips it of all in- toiest , don't it , pard/ / " "Did you try others then/ / " "Yes , lots of 'em. We've sampled every denomination on the list , an even cncouiaged a Chinamen when ho axed leave to tit out aJose , shop with a wooden Jesus in it , but none of 'em could dish up the truth to the satis faction o' the camj . \ \ 'at wo want is a mai : that'll shako out lots o' fun along o' his piety an' won't bo to stuck up to amble up to the bar an' take u drink with the boys , instead o' sneakin' behind his own door with a private bottle labeled 'Fly Poison. ' Wo want a man that'll help fill out a game , encourage the boys by droppin * a little dust occa sionally , umpire mettle mills when the light w eights hop inter the ring , set tle gambiin1 diputes , an' make himself generally useful. Sich a man ns that. pard , kin strike a stiddy job nt good pay , have a private box nt the show every night free o' charge , git his drinks fur nuthin' nt any bar in the camp nn1 move right nlong wi' the love an' esteem o' the hull ' Wo don't want no plated goods in the pieacher line , but n man that's solid metal clear through an back kin lall light into the softest simp in Christendom at 1'oker Gulch. Wo want n man that's "nt grace clear to the backbone , but not in Rich qiinutitiM that it crowds i ut the other sparklin' traits in his char acter , an' if you know sich a man. pard , jest p'int his face to'rds cm gulch an' tech him off. Tell him wt ? ic a Christian community up thnr' , paid- ncr , an' wo won't have no snide man to ingincer us. Call all yer friends outen them 'ar other looms an' come over an1 hoist in a bowl with yoms truly. " After the bowls had been duly hoisted wo bid adieu to "Jack , of Poker Gulch , " after piomising him that any minister seeking n charge in the west should bo given his nddress , and he loft us with n smile as bright as an editorial conscience. WvoMi.Vd KIT. _ MILLINERS' TREASURES. A Largo Seizure of SimiRRlod Dress mid Fmioy Goods. Prom tlio New YotK Tlniu. A group of live milliners and mod istcs c.imo into this port on Saturday afternoon , as cabin passengers on the steamship Britannic , from Liverpool. No one on board , at least very few persons , knew that the ladies woio milliners , but soon after the steamer's arrival in port tlio customs inspectors paid their respects to the milliners , and it is no mere figure of speech to say that "they made the feathers 11 y " Three of the milliners wcro inclined to give the government a fair chiinco for existence , and when asked if they liad any dutiable goods in their trunks they said they might have , and promptly revealed the contents. Tlieie were found sundry silks , ribbons , feathers and things , and the ladies paid SHOO or $400 each to the govern ment and took their goods away with them. Each of the five millincrs'weio registered on the passenger list simply ih "iMiss" So and so , without any ini tial letters. One of them was Miss MacDoimld of .Baltimore. When she was asked concerning her baggage she said slio had no dutiable goods. Then the inspectors administcicd t't her tlio usual oath on her "declaration1 and the lady declared on that oath that slio had no goods liable to pay tiibuto to the United States. For some reason the Inspec tors were led to doubt the lady's state ment. Miss MacDonald's thice trunks were accordingly searched and when the Inspectors got their arms in them up to the elbows they fancied they had struck assection of a Parisian fashion bazaar. They shut down the lids hastily and seized the trunks. Then they turned their attention to Miss Denning's trunks , and in them they found inoro wonders in feathers , silivs , satins , laces and fancy goods. The matter looked so very suspicious that it was decided that Miss MacDonald - Donald and Miss Denning should un dergo a personal search . Of course , Inspector Edgar , who is bold enough Lo chase a pir.ite all over a ship's deck if need bo , could not verj well search a couple of ladies , and Mrs. Jennie Ferris , a female Customs Inspector , undertook that task. She found a few articles , pieces of lace and silk , concealed on the ladies , but when she began to examine the other goods in the trunks she seemed like a magician From the manner in which she brought forth rare fabrics from places where they did not seem to be. The trunks were sent to the seizure-room in the Custom House , and the milliners went tway from the pier crying. A table twenty feet long was not largo enough to hold the contents of n single trunk belonging to Miss MacDonald - Donald when it was unpacked in the seizure-room j'estcrday. There wore : en splendid dresses of silk , satin , vel vet and brocade , two or three of them rimmed with line silk Spanish lace seven or eight inches deep , and all yorth 81,500. Mrs. Ferris began to ook at the dresses , and from beneath ho flounces she drew whole pieces of ) lack Spanish lace twenty or thirty , 'ards long , neatly folded and sowe'J mder the flounces. Inside the bottom ) f a beautiful white Cashmere dress she found several pieces of Duchess loint laco. She picked up n lady's ilack chip hat trimmed with the head , jreast and tail of a golden-breasted leron , and in iiyo minutes she held ivo herons of different metalic hues n her hands. They had been fasten ed one over the other on the hat. Mrs. L eriiH actually discovered and ancovered things so fast in this way that it seemed a though she was going to make a wagon-load < > ut of i trunk-fill of goods. When they were ill exposed they made a gorgcoiM dis- ilay. Among the most delicately jcautiful tilings wore a do/un or more failken chenille mantillas , in exquisite shades of while , pear ] , salmon , pink , ind cardinal. Then there were su- [ ierb ostrich plumes , worth i'D or 4 apiece in Europe , and handsome istrich pompons. About one of the black lace dresbes there was draped a llounco or sash made of rich blaek brocade silk. Mrs. Ferris unpinned it and found it uncovered something like 10 > ards in a single piece , Thcio was gold thread and iiidescent braids ind fringes in whole pieces , silk and satin corsets , jet beads , jet and iride scent bead passementerie , silk stock ings of magnificent quality und colors , rare handkerchiefs , velvet brocades , feather-trimmed velvet mull's. aicr- * Feet duck" of a brown silk plush "poke" bonnet , and a very handsome fawn-colored felt bonnet , both elabor ately decked with plumes and bead trimming. There were , besides , dressing cases , choice toilet powders , velvet brushes , tortoiso-shull back combs , and scores of other articles. The contents of Miss MacDonald's trunks are roughly estimated to bo worth 3COO , but no inventoiy or appraisement has yet been made. Misa Denning is said to bo u milliner doing business in this city , and known as Susan J. Donning. Her trunks were also richly laden with goods ( iiito as elegant and costly as those in Miss MacDonald's trunks , but there wore not so many articles and les of a variety. They wore roughly valued at § 1,200 to 81,500. JJuforo : ho milliners get their beautiful goods out of the hands of the government they will find it would Imvo been cheaper to pay the duties. Fnthcr- more , they have rendered themselves liable to civil and criminal prosecu tion for penalties and imprisonment. In Good Spirit- ! . \Vnlkcr , ClctolMid , O. , writoi"I'm - HIP 1 < \ t twelve montlia 1 Imvo oilTrreil with lumbago and Kcneinl dcliility. 1 commenced taking lluttlock 151o < > d Ititteii M > ont M c wecta n o , nml now have Ktcni Itlemiiro-in tnting that 1 h < ue recovered nn fi | > | icthY , mv completion hai grown riuldy. nml I foci better nltoKcthtr. " Price ? 1 00 , trial size 10 cents. sifV-odlw STOP THAT COUGH. If you are suH'eiing from a Cough , Cold Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , loss of voice , tickling of the , or any ailed ion of the Throat or Lungs , use Dr. King's New Diicovery for Consumption. 1'his is the great remedy that is causing MO much excitement by its woudeiful cuies , em ing thousands of hopeless cases. Over a million bottles of Dr. Kind's Now Discovery Imvo been used within the last year , and hayo given not foot satisfaction in every instance. \Ve can unhesitatingly say that this is it-ally the only smo euro for throat and lung affections , and can cheeiful ly recommend it to nil. Call and got a tiial bottle free of eost ( or a regular sbo for 81.00. ] nh it MeMahon , Om aha. ( { ) ) TElUlllJLE LOSS OF LIFE. Millions of rats , mice , cats , bedbugs - bugs , roaches , lose their lives by col lision with "Hough on Unts. " Sold by druggists , loc. ( -1) ) PURELY VEGETABLE Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Dtislncss Men , Farm ers , Mech.inlcs , ALL t.liniiM bonrncil nimlut living nml Introiimlng Into tlulr HOMES N'oi- tiiinii uiul Ali'oliollu rcmcdU" . lluui nn Midi imjmllio against , or fear of "Warner's Safe Tonic Bitters. " Thcj nru ulmt tlii'V arothlnicil to lie luu iiiless ni milk , nml eniitain onh mull- i In \lit\iei. . Kxtriut of pure \cKitalilcHonlj. 'llit.x do not belong to tlintihss Knouii nt "liuu- A1N , " lint only profcM to rent h rases uluru the \M'orliliuit.s III dtbllltnteil fi.tmcx nml Im pure Mood. A perfect Spring anil Summer miillclnc. A Thorough Blood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer. PIcaKint to the tnste , Im 1''orntlni ; to the body. The mn t tinlnint phjsltmna icooiiimcnil them for tlidrcnrathi : properties. Uiice need riluuja " ForMio Klclncvi , Liver and Urinary orcans , n o nothlnj ; "WARNEn'8 SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE. " It stands Unrivalled. Thous. nniUone tlnlr health and hniiiilncus to It. Price , 81.25 per Imttlc. Wo offer "wnrnirt Safe Tonic Cittern"ltli ( iiuil eonllileiuu , H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. fclO _ To Contractors , Builders nml Property Owners. Iho uinler8l'iicil hivinglucn nppointcd nRent for the extenshc Iron nnilulrn niniiiifa < .turlti house" * of K. T. Minium , of Detroit , nml tliu Undid Iron I'omidry anil WorKa nt Toledo , Ohio , rnpndty of frO tons ilnlly , Is prepared to fnrnloli ct-tlimUx mid prlrcn for Iron lolumiiH , &r , , &r. , for ttoro fronts , \Umlo\v tnps mid tills , tlirexholil' , wrought Irnn huims nnd id- cm , lijilmiihi ; > > imntnn < , staple litllncn.l pullejH , slmftlni. , &Lnltio ; Iron fences , iriMln ; . ' , VIM- do\v quanta , hiittt , bfnlm , linlionlm , MttetN , olialiBn on , auunihiiin | , foiintnliiK , uuniiner liontd , laun , curdin nnd U'lncti ry ornninent" , ( lower stands , iirntoxunriN , e , , ic. . In cndlenn \arleti. CntalOL'iiea mppllul on uppllcntlon. Hh.KltV H. ilAUHV , llnnnf.utiirers' Amt ( , 22 1'e.irl street. nui10.1in me Countll Illnlls , loun ISlfO. SHORTJ.INE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs W THK ONLY Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANDlIIiEAbT : From Omaha and the West. No change of enrt hftucen Omaha and bt. tx > ul , and but one between OMAHA and VKVf YOIIK. Daily PassengerTrains BKACIIISO ALL nASTKflN ANI ) WKHTKUN CITIES with LESS IN ADVANCE of AI.L KIl UNKS. Tli ! * entire line In fquimxd with I'ullmiin'i Palat-o Slei nlnu Cars , 1'alacu lay foath < , Mlller'i Safety I'Ktfoi MI and Coupler , ami tliu celebrated Westln hoiiku AlrOirakc , jtarSeo that jour tltlet rc.-wU VIA nANSAS GlTf , hT. JOHKI'll & COUNCIL HM'KKS Jtoll- road , \ la bt. Josi h and ht. Ixiuln. Tjcl.iU for mlu at all conmn etatlona In the West. J. K. IIA11NA1II ) . A C. DAWr.3 , Otn. SUM Kt. Joseph , Mo ? Oen. I'abj. Aist. , At. Jose | > h , Mo.1) ) AM > r IleiimrN , Titld Ai'l'iit , IDA ) Karnham ttreet. A , I ) . UiHNiUi' ( jcneral Axe lit , tOMAUA.NE W , J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. OfucK Front Ilooiii * ( un tlalm ) In Hansfom' * ocw l.rhk building N , W. corner Fltunth ( id xriiliiun Strifl" D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AllllACH 1II.OCK , Cor. Itoiiflaii anil IMIi bin Oinalii Nel ) . JOtt. U. CURKbUt , i , 0. HUM Clarlcson & Hunt , 6uetc < o' in lileh irdB & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , R. Utli&tru-t 0m in Nob. Business College , THE GREAT WESTERN CEO , FT , RArHDUN , Principal. Creighton Block , OMAHA , . . . NEHRA&KA. X-iTScnd for Clrcnhr no2aiA.all A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - Dentist , Urtici Jacoii * ' lllcK.k , co ner Cajiltol avenue iiU f lltuulh trot , Uiuala Nil R3SJE3E3E3 L n B * TIHIIE ! CIEIIEl-A-IPIEST Dry Gooods Store in the West ( without ex ception ) . For the next ten days to close out Sum mer Goods to make room for Fall Stock. GUILD & McINMS , 603 ? N. 16th St. , 2nd door N. of Cal. ; E. Side , TO ALL WHO HAVE TO HE IlEPAIUED , IE 2sT GIR _ A _ "V Q- TO HE DONE Oil While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others. I received 'all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST pISPLAYED.yETC. Having Intuly enlarged iny workshops and putting in now and improved irw chinury , I liopu to still morp improve tlio quality and finish of nnr oik nnd fill ordura with inoro promptness than is usual. C My Motto , lias always been and always will bo : "First to gain superior facili ties and then iidvortiHO the fact not botoro no wild ndvertisomentB. Some iinprinciiled [ dealers being in the habit of copying my . announcements , J would bog you , the reader of tins , to . draw a line between such coniec advertisement ) } and these of Yours , very truly , A. B. The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb , , Sign of the Striking Town Clock. 614-616 TB rH STREET. _ Car 3ES , " 3L1 IIES I OD mass IK ram OF SHBIBEE. Our buyer IH now in the oastoni nmrkota making important purchase ? of Full nml Winter ( iooils , and in order ID inaku luoiu , wo oiler our WHOLE STOCK at Lower piicou than was over buforu uttoinptoil in Oinnlia , 1 Lol Black OaslimoreB , all wool , 40 inolies v/iile / , SO , 05,75,85 , , and 05 cents , 1 Lot English Oaslimeres , all colors , reduced to 371-2 cents , 1 Oaso Prints , now styles , 01-4 cants , 5 Bales UnWeaolied Muslins , . * 4 Cases Bleached Muslins , B Bales Bed Comforts and Blankets , > All at Manufacturers' Prices. Ladies' and Oont'H Moriim Underwear , 50 , U5 , 73 ccnta and $1.00 each. SHOE DEPARTMENT. , This itepiirtment is worthy of apodal attention. Our stock is all now , and our pricoii twenty per cent , lower than any Shoo Stoie in Omaha. Store open every evening till 0 Saturdays till 10. P. G. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices ,