Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1881, Image 5

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NLW YOHK. September 5.
4 TheoM-ntsof Uioneelc in financial tir-
A * * * closore lesi impoit.-xnt tlmn for many
weeks past. Mnnoyuns tiIndent ftt one
\ time ilurhiB tlio \ \ eek , nnd call loans com
mand ns high as ( ! per cent , and ixir \ cent
per diem ; tint most of the busino'is was
done at from 2t to 5 per cent.
( lowrnniont lionds declined early in the
\\eck , but stib < eiiicntly | advanced under a
better puiuand.
Foreign exchange was dull throughout
the week , and rates did noaiy. ! .
Railway and mifcellaiicons speculation
VTAS fn > or.\bly influenced at the openirg by
the Midden change for the better In the
Ijreiident'o pondition and bj reports that
Secrctaiy Window would buy bonds for
the sinking fund. 1'rites aihanced sharply -
ly , in some instances being assisted by iiu < -
cliases to coxer short contracts. About
the middle of the \ \ eek , lunvct cr , money
\vorkc l close , causing : i pleasure to tell
under which the e rly impioxeiucnt was
lost. The decline in leading shares ranged
from 1 to ( ! pet cent , Toward the close ,
when money became easy again , the maik-
ot was firmer and them was some lecoxciy
from the lowest point.
Moni'V closed e'asy nt2pcr cent. , but
nt one time loaned as hhthias li per cent.
Kxehnngo closed steady at JhOi@l 81.
ttoxeinments closed linn ,
Currency ( is , 1 SO bid ; 4 % cnup. , 1 lllji ;
4Asdo. 1122 ; 5s tontinued nt 101 bid ; us
do , lOIJ.
Pacific railroad bonds closed as follows ;
Union Ms , 1 ll4'@l ! 17 ; land grants , 1 17
fU IH ; sinklnjfund - , 1 21 bid ; Central
iHtiotreicd at 11IJ.
The Htock market to-day was dull , nnd
thu coiirio of prices irregulai , although
the market closed firm at an adumco of
i@It per ecnt.ns compared u ! hycsteiday's
closing figures. The advance was led by
I'ullinnn I'alacc Car stock.
The follow ing ure the cloiing bids :
C HS.Qexdiv.150J ilopix'ferrcd. . 70 }
C St L A : N O " " 1st PreW..10
l'olli > w im ; are the closing qii'itations ' for
mining stocks at the Xew York mining
bnard :
Miner Hoy. . . . 00 Ilr.idxh.iw 100
California 100 Consul. Va . . . " 00
l.ihlonia in Iron Silver. . . . L'30
llibcrnu. . . 48 Lit Chief. . . . 130
.Sutro . . . 150 O.V-M H3
South Hill. . . . -.I
Cmevcio , September 3.
To-day tin1 bank cleaiimr * weie the KCC-
< ind largest on recpnl , adding up 810,300-
000. Money icmains active and film at 0
C ! 7 per cent. Kastern exchange between
city banks was we.ik at & 1 discount per
* 1,000.
Omolia "Wholesale Market-
Orncr. OK Tut : OMAHA HIT , 1
.Saturday Kvenin , September If. f
The jobbing and merchandise markets
have been as nctivcai ever. Sties during
the week now closed have fully equaled
those of the previms week'and in some
linen surpassed them. All the wholesale
and jobbing b IXIKCS have hail all the busi
ness they could attend to , and expect to be
kept busy for months to come , and with
out cessation or let tip.
Banks report only a ipiiet biihiiic-K in
the handling of money. Applications for
discount me light , both on county nnd city
account. Funds are accumulated , and
county balances are still heavy. There ic ,
however , a general preparation among the
b.mlvS for thu coming demand for money
when the fall trade will maku large requi
sitions. City borrow CM have made but
little demand thin week. Countei busi
ness only fairly active. A large amount
of lminchs is expected by bankern , and
they are in hhape to welcome it. Money
will be in active demand , and befoiu the
hea < > ou is over may be scarce , but at pies-
cut tin mipply is ample for all wants.
Tlie gi.iin markets have passed through
a , week of excitement. Grain markets
in Omaha close1) ) ! quiet to-day , tkeio being
.1 disposition on the part of the openxtou
to hold back. Apples in fair supply.
Wheat closed to-day lower for No. U , ard
11 cents higher for Xo. 3 , liailoy closed 11
cents lowei than quoted at the beginning
of tlio week. Barley declined J cent.
Coin ri'tchcd 4'l cents at the clevatois
during the vvcok , but closed c lower than
Mmiday'ii opening quotation * . AM noted
duriii , ; the week corn brought as high . 's
.YI rents on ] the fctreet , the local demand
greatly exceeding the supply. O.its alno
wild at ft oin 5 to 10 cents higher on thu
btieet than tha elevators weio ( laying.
The fctiiek maiket furnished nothing
wotth rcpeatintr. Cattle were nominally
unchanged and no business repoite' . Hogs
. were strong and a idiudo Ixittei for p.vcVerd
and heavy shippers
In grocery ciicles there wan a continu
ance of the geneimts trade which was
noted laxt week. Sugar and colleen weio
ipioted hteadj. Syrups were liimer and
advanced 3c-for most all grade * . Staich
very firm and advanced jtWjO all around ,
Dried fruit ( inn and advanced , lilaek-
beuios advanced Ic. 1 Iieakfast bacon ad
vanced 2o. Shouldeix advanced ic. Lye
linn nnd lOo higher foi Amciican mid
( iirenvvich.
An ailvaiue in all kinds of mannfac-
lined tobacco was rcportcdlrom 1'tiropcan
maikets. The crop this jear will bo an
unusually idiort one nnd alicady fancy
piicesaio niling in the leuf tobacco mar.
kcts , The only changes made by our mer.
chanUaio as folloun : I'luv ( Jolden Itulu
udvanccd 5c ; Spotted 1'invn advanced leci ;
Our Hope advanced 3c. Fine cut l''uuii- ! !
tain advanced 5c ; GoldenThicadadvanced :
4c ,
In the line of dings and chemicals notli.
ing new was rewrtcd. | Trade was brisk
and prices uteady. An advance of 3 ( Hc
was reported in lingccd oil ( Juinino de
clined IOc.
The demand for heavy hardware , iron
and collateral good * continues mubated ,
Prices ruleel gtrong witli an upward ten
dency , We note an advance of IOc for bar
Wagon and carriage woodwork un
Tinners' supplied selling freely at toady
IHilo du 1 and weak , and only best c-
Icctcd stock brings f11 price * .
Wool dull and wo.Vs
rfalldwxadftnced \c. \
Leather firm and In actlvo dcniMid.
and advaniinjj alcohol lee
higher than last week's qtmtntiom. I'.xtra
California tiiiiriU lo higher , Tri.lo re
fined spirits advanced I cent * .
I.insbcc firm , business vcrylhcly , ami
qdotatir-n1" unchanged luring'.ho week.
In country produce circlas nothing new
o ( importance was learned. Uutter in
grcit demand and prices advanced 1 ! cents.
i firm and wanted. Prices unchanged.
Apples in liberal supply. All kind * of
vegetables scarce and wanted.
Potatoes are not so c.trco as they were
last week and prices declined 10 cents.
Sweet potatoes linn , and bring good
prices for nice ones ,
Lemons firm and advanced "iOc per bnx.
The markcln are not no well supplied
w ith tomatoes as they wcro last week , nnd
quotations aie 25 ( i50o higher. Domestic
grapes are getting scarce ; quotations tin.
changed. Onions firm and advanced IOc
| Hr ! bushel during the week.
California fruit declined " 5ff50o ( during
the week , but getting iv little sratcc Fri
day and to-day advanced and closed at last
weeks prices.
The watermelon Biipply is greatly in ex-
ress of the demand , and prices declined to
88 00fi > 10 00 per 100. ( Jrcat numbers
spoiled on the hands of commission mer
chants and local dealers during the past
The borne 111.11 ket Is very utrong for
Tirol cloKS draft homes and ro.idstcrn.
( Jood mules am bringing high prices.
Local Uraln Dealing * .
WHKAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 04J ; cash
Xo. < . JlSJ ; rejected " "
. Cash No 2 , 88cj No. 3 , f < 0a.
: . C'iii h f .
COUN. Cnnh No. 2J7e. ' .
OATS. Cosh. 27 r.
Cattle We quote as follows : Imtch-
er'u cows , ! ? 3 00a,3 ( 25 ; choice butchers
steers , S3 75(54 ( ; 00.
Shee ] > ( { ( NX ! mutton in fair demand ,
S3 503 ; 75.
Hogs Wo quote as follows ; Light
packer * , 85 00(35 ( 75 ; medium mixed
packers , 85 50@5 75 ; extra choice heavv ,
$5 75@0 00.
Provision * .
rLOTTll Spring wheat , straight grade ,
. ! 2 ( $3 50 ; patent , S3 75 ® I 50 ; winter
is heat straight gr.ule , S3 75 © I 00 ; p itent ,
W < K4 ) 50 ; graham rye , § 2 00 ; Wheat ,
" '
'KYI : FLOUK-SS 2.- .
M1LLSTUFFS limit , per cwt. 70c ;
weening * , per cwt. 70@SOc ; HlmrtN , per
cwt. Me ) ; ehopped feed , per cwt. 1 00 ; meal
bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; whites SI 2' . .
POTATOKS Liberal xnpply and weak
at SI 00.
SWiiT : : POTATOES Very active nt
5c per pound.
POULTKY Live chickens per do/en ,
S3 25(63 ( 00.
CHICKKNS 52 503 00
per do/en.
1IOUS Candled , ncareoat 12Jc.
BUTT ] HI Choice ncarcent lll@20 ; lioor ,
no market : creamery , 25c.
Al'J'LKS ( Jcod , sound , § . ' 1 50 per
HONK Y Extracted , first-claw California -
ornia ntrainod , 15c ; Nebraska comb , 20e.
LKMONS Good repacked per box ,
S > fiOCOlO 00. Finest Messina oranges
87 50 , repacked.
KASTKKN 1'KACHKS null ; 81 2J@
1 50 ) ier bov. as to quality.
IASTIUNPIAIJS-A : : bn. i ) \ , sioo
@l 25.
TOMATOKS Per bushel , 81 2"i@l 50.
DOMESTIC GRAPES (7cttliiK caice
nt 5c per Ib.
CALIFORNIA PEAKS Per bov , ! ? 350
( a 4 00. i
AVATEIUIKLONS Home-grown inc\-
i'e si\e Hiipplv : per 100 , i4 00@5 00.
VKOKTABLES All kinds biing good
prices and neaico.
] : iSWAX : Yellow , 18020c.
UNIONS Per bushe1. 81 35 , and scarce.
Grocers List. '
COFFin : . Rio , Jair , 13'.c ; Rio , good ,
He ; 1'io. prime to choice , ft.'c ; Old gov't ,
Java ; 2iig,28ic ( ( , Mocha , USJcj ArbnekleVi ,
T1IA5. Gunpowder , go' * ) , 4" > C5" c ;
Choice , ( X75o ) ; Imperial , good , - -10@t" ;
C'hoice , ( iO ,75c ; Young Hyson , good , 30 ©
OOc ; choice , Or eSl 00 ; .Tnpan Nat Leaf ,
35c : .lapan , choice , 00@75c ; Oolong , , -
3"alOj ( Oolong , choice , 10@55 ; Souchong ,
good. 35ffl-10o ; choice.
A , lO c ; GoinlA , IOc ; Pruirio llxtra ; C ,
SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbN , ISc : Im'f
bU , 50c ; kegs , 4\ " . gallons , 82 30 ; choice
' " ' ' '
Mare SI 00.
SODA. Dvvfehfri lt > paper * , SHOO ; De-
land do , ! f : 00 ; Church's , 83 00 ; Ke0' so-la ,
STARCH. Peail , 3c ; Silver filosh }
8-'c ; ( Join Staich , 8'/@Uc ' / ; i\ceUioi- :
Ulosn. life ; Corn. 7c. [
SALT. l > iny loiils per bbl , 1 90 ; Ash-
ton , in t uls ! , 3 50 ; libls dairy ( X ) , 5s , 3 15 ;
bbls daiiy , 100. 33 "i ,
lRlii : ) FRUlTS-Choice
- hd\e- ,
( leochtiit , ncwciop , ! Uc ; Evaporated A iir > Ip ,
> Ib L.txes , MlQjl Ic ; Michigan , SJc ; New
YiuK appleH.SJc ; St. Louis No.l,7c ; Prunes ,
old , lie ; now , 8Jc ; CurrantK , 7 < 7i < : ;
Jllackben ies , new , Itc
CHinsiFull : : Cre.iin , 11UP.ut ;
Skim , ! lc.
WO01)iNWARi-Two : hoop p-xl- ) ,
1 S5 ; Unco hooii pails , 2 10 ; No. I tub * ,
0 00 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 00 ; No , 3 tubi , 7 00 ,
pioneer n'-htmnnN , 1 85 ; Uonble Urown ;
2 75 ; ( ; iobe Washboapl.250 ; Wellbucktts ,
chain , and 5 pl > , 201fi > li ; Coloied carpet
chain , per It ) , 20 ;
LII.U ) I'.ir , MO. ' ,
MATl'HKS-Per cwldie , 85c ; niund
cases , j7.31 : Miuaiit case * , ! > 4.yO.
J'ROVISrONS Hicakffttit bacon. H. .
choice laiil , 13Jc ; diicd beef , 1 Ic ; khouhl-
en , canvassed ! lc ; hams , canvassed 1J ;
bacon , i-ldes 11 Jo
NHW I'ICKLKS-Medium , In barn 1- ,
700 ; doinhdf hbK I 2.'i ; xmnIN , In bbN ,
1200 ; do , in hdf bbK ( i50 : gheikii , jn
bbls 13 00 ; do , in half bhN , 7 00.
V1N1UJAU Pine apple extra , Hie ;
pple. 13 < - ; 1'rus.sing pure apple ,
" . lNY-New , WbO per ] bbl.
lIKANS-Mcdium , hind picked ? 2.00
JMT biihhvl ,
NOPE Sfoal , 1 inch and larger , Olc ; 3
inch. ! ) Jc ; | inch , 10o. |
S ( ) APS Kl k'n Savon Impeiial , 300 ;
KiikV Uerling. 2 10 ; Kirlc'x Uaiulard , : ; nO ;
Kiik'i white RuMiaii , I 75j Kiik'a jnt : .c-4
1 ! 05 : Kills' * Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3
40 ; Kiik's magnolia , I 10.
( 'ANILKS ' JJoxcd , 10 Ibs , in oz , 8s ,
J Icjlxixca 40 llw. , HI oOs , , 1 to ; boxes , 40
Hetx , 14 IIZ8 * , 13Jc ; half boxen , 20 t-etfe ,
H o/ . , tit , 13c.
LYI2 American , 3 10 : Greenwich , 310 :
Western , 2 75 ; Ninth Star , ' . ' 50 ; Lewis'
Ije. 4 00 ; Jew ell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania can < , 4 do/ . ,
In case . , 3 3" . _ ; . Uabbltt'M . JJall , 2 doin CAM ) ,
1 liA. t 1. Ik ll < i * *
I W ) : Anchor H dl 2 do * in cae , 1.00 ,
FIKLD SK13D Ked il.iver. . choice ,
new , 85 30 per bushel ; mammoth clovei
now. S75 ; white clover , nniv , UOO 1
ill alfa clover , new , ( $12 $ .10 ; al ike , new ,
313 00. Timothy , yx * ! , new , 2 tt > @ 2 15 ! ;
blue grawi. extra cleui , fel 21 ; blue grass ,
clean , MB ; orchanl gruw , * 200 ; ed top l ,
i hoiu' , C5c ; millet , commuii or .Mksouil i ,
millet , ' .cniian , SI 25 ; to ? 1 M > ;
llfc"W < SlVKi0rigo oram-e , 1 to r.
[ iusnel , So 0/0 / ; o age orange , 10buihcl or
. § 1 fiO'i honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; pet
O IDS. . &Vi 00.
FISH -Family white fi h , 90 Ib hf Mils
M GO ; r v. 1 white full , TO Ib hf bl.l . 0 IK ) ;
No. V ft-hite fih , in 10 Ib kiU. 1 00 ; family
10 ' .r > kits , 7Ac ; New Holland herring , \ < cr
kf1 ; 20 ; Ru lan oardlne , 75c ; Colin--
Ivu liver Mtltnnn , per 100H , 8 ( W ; ( Soorgo'H
Itank cotlfi h , Oc ; ( Sen. boneless
Sic : loncle s fiih , 4 ?
MACKKIU'.lr-llalf bbU nicssiunckprcl ,
100 HK , 812 TO : hf bbl No. I rx fhoro do ,
100 Ibs , liOO ; hf bbl , fat family do , 100
ItN , 3 H'n meiH inackerel , 12 Ib .kits , 2 2.H ;
No. 1 e\ shore , 12 11) do. 1 i > 0 ; No. 1 ihore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c.
OANNUI ) OOODS-OyMers , 2 11.
( FieldV ) , per case , S4 20 ; do I 11. ( Field's ) ,
per ca e , 'i oOj do 2 II. ( SUtm.\nl ) , ix-r ,
S ! K ) ; do 1 Ib ( ( standard ) , per cnie. 2 40 ; do
2 lt > ( slack ) , IKT ca e , 2 75 ; do 1 Hi ( slack ) .
per case , 200 , Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
it. , iwr do7en , I ( ' > . " > ; do 2 Ib , per ilo/i-n
'i fiO. Sardine" , mnall f * h. Imported , _ one
quarter lm\e jicr box , lljc ! Ameiican ,
quaitcr IKIXCS IKT IM.X , lie ; do half
tier bov , 211e. 1/olxters , 1 Ib per' do/en ,
1 80. Tomatoes , 2 10 ; do 3 Ib jwr
case , 250 ; Com , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per rose , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 1 IK ) ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 350 ;
string beans , per case , 1 ! K ) ; Lima wans
per case. 2 00. Succotash per case , 2 0.
J'cas , common , pur case , 1 75 ; iieax , choice ,
pcrca e , \ f > 0. lllackberric , 2u > , pf r c-i i' ,
250 ; i > trnw berries , 2 Hi , per cne , 3 70s
raspbcnies , 2 Ib , tier cse , 275iT3X ) .
Damsons , 2 U > , per case , 2 25. Haitlctt
pears per ca e , 3 Oo@4 00. . Whortleber
ries per case , 2 50. Kpjf plumi , 2 Ib IRT
ne , 3 25 ; do , rhoico , 2 Ib , IKT ea p. 450.
( tren gngcs,2 Ib per case , 3 25 : do choice , ' .
Ib , H < r case , 1 50. Pine Apple * , 2 Ib , pcrca-e ,
3 tiO5 20. Peaches , 2 11. per case , 3 .0 :
do 3lb , ca p , 5 00 5 M ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , pel
oa c.325 ; do pie. 0 Ib , per do/en , 3 50.
RICi : Carolina , Olg'Jcj Louisiana , 5,1
( jftijc.
PEANUTS KonnttHl , choice , red Ton-
ncssce , 8lo per Hi ; fancy white , Ho per Hi ;
raw white Virginia , 77lc.
Dr Qoodt.
11ROWN COTTONS. Lnwrcnco LL ,
die ; IJiickeyo LL 6Jc ; Creccent LL OJc ;
lii I Utica C 5Jo ; Ci-esccnt C 7Jc ; Crescent IJ
73c ; Crescent A 8c ; WochnoetU SJc ;
Indian i Head SJc ; Granito\lllo LL
Ojc ; Badger RR , fine blown , 7Jc ;
} UadgcrX , do , 7c ; PortHinouth P , do , 5Jc ;
Winthrop 1 , , do , 7 e ; Continental C ,
do. 8c.
4-4 13c ; Fruit t-4 10Hopo I1 1
8\c ; Ballardvale 4-t C > Jc ; Poc-JiNhctt
C 4-t SJc ; Altoona 3-4 Oc ;
No. 1 , cambric 13c : No. 2 , do , 12Jc ;
New Yoik Mills 4-4 13c ; Lonsdale 41 1 IOc ;
Fairmont 1-1 Auburn A 1-4
Q - Ojc - 8Jc ;
Uaniard 3 tlo ; Dairy Cloth SJc ,
PRINTS.Allen's fancy , lc ; Amcri-
can _ do , ( He ; Arnold's . . do , 7c : "C'onestoga .
* * * .1 * -t I t
Sonthbridgo do ,
Cochico robe , 7 .
Hamilton do , "c ; Marlboto do , tie ; South-
bridge do. ( IJc ; Spiaguedo. ( ! Jc ; Anieiieiu
do , ( ijc ; PaciKu do , 7c ; WHshington _ oil
colors , Up : Simpson's mourniii7c : Simp-
BOII'B solid black , 0\c : KerliiiNolid colon.c. ( !
high coloin , OJe ; KM , Oc ; high col
ors , 7c : mlied , 7c : high colors , 8c.
Nanmke.ig satteen , lc ) ; Androscoggin do. ,
! o : Lockwood do. 'Ja
TH'KINCJ Amobkcag- . C. A. , 17\c \ ;
Concstoga , H. F. , J , fancy , 18c : Conestoga -
toga , 4-4 , Gold Medal , Itic ; Coneston'a , , ,
C. C. A. , 1 tc ; Concstoga , C' . C. A. , fancy ,
14c , K.u > ton , 15. , Die ; Oinego superior ex
tra , 2Sc ; Uinegu medal , 25c ; Omega A C
A , fancy t-tripe , 20c ; Omega A 4-1 , lllc ,
Omega A,13 ; Conestogn.K. C.RcdStiiie | ,
IGJc ; Shetucket , S. , ll/.c ; Shetucket , S. S. ,
12jc | Pearl River , " " "
fancy marble , $3 00 ; 5-4 white mm hie ,
S3 25 ; 0 4 wood , $4 00 ; 0-4 fancy marble ,
< ? t 00 ; 0- white mnrble , $1 25 ; 5-4 mov
sale , S3 00 ; 0-4 mosaic , t > 4 00.
DKNIXS Amoskeag bine and blown ,
IOc ; Heaver Creek , A. A. , blue andbrown ,
14Jc ; Heaver Creek , U. ambrown ! ,
l.Sje ; Heaver Creek , C. C. , blue and
brown , T-'ic ; IXeiett D. D. , blue and
brown , Hi ; Haymakers blno and brown ,
Ulc ; Otis , A. X. A. , blue , 14 ' .c ; Otis IJ. 15.
blue , 13J ; Otis C. C. , blue ; 12i ; Pearl
lUver blue anil brown , 15\c.
DUCKS-Fall Itivei , fljc ; Hamden O.
O. , lOlc : Hoston checks , ] 3Jc ; Do-ton
Ntripes , 13Jc ; Dundee Htnjics , 18c ; DisJ
marck htripe. 17icAilington tripe , 18" ;
Lion IJlue. rJc ; ISoston XX , bro. . 12ic ;
lioston XX ilrab. 12'c ' ; ISohtonXXX bio. ,
' ; Uoston XXX drab , 13ic ; Boston O.
STIUPES Lewiston , 3x3 bine and
b ovni , SJc : Lew iston,0\3 blue and brown ,
five ; Hock lUxer , 0x3 blue and brown , llc ! ;
Alabama , ( Ix.'l blue and brown. SJc.
COTrOXADKS Lewiston diamond ,
27Jc ; A. Y. A. , 20c ; Angora , D. fc T. , 20c ;
New York mills proof , 2J'c ' ; Hridgcwater ,
20c ; . Kverctt , heavy , 2JJc ; Whittcnt n ,
heavy , 25c : Hell , 18c ; Charter Oak , 18c ;
Wiclclow , 18JcUnion ; Pacific , 18c ; Capitol ,
IHc ; FarmerV 2Je ; Uveiett , medium , 15e ;
Yoik , light weight , 12'c ; New York mills
checks 111
SHllKTINliS Audi o-coggin,0-1 brown
23e ; do 10-1 do , 20c ; PeppuieH's'.l-l blown ,
25c ; do 10-1 do , 27 ' c ; Alexamliia , Hi
inch , bleached , Kki'Androscoggin ! l-l ,
bleached , 20 < - ; do 10-1. bleached , 2c ! ) ;
Peplieiell , ! M , bleached , 25c ; do 10-1
bleaJied , 27ic.
i , 50u ; Ati < l , Tail-uic , 55c : Hals mi
Copibii , pei Hi , 75c ; Dirk , S mafias , | > ei
Ib , I''c ; ( aliniR'l. per Ib , 70o ; Cinchonidii ) ,
pt-r of , t-'Oc ; C'ldoiofonn , per Ib , ! )5c ) ;
Dover's imwilirs , per Ib , 81 10 ; I'psoin
alU , jici Ib , IIJc ; fJlycerme , pine , peril ) ,
44c ; Lead , Aietate , peril ) , 2Jc ; Cur
bon oil , 110- , ] M-rgallon , 11 Jc ; do 150 ° ,
pi-rgal , 13c ; Oil , Castor , J\o. 1 , pel gal ,
H 10 ; Oil , Castor , No.3per gul l 00 ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal , $1 50 ; Oil , Origanum , Ms ,
Opium , &I75 ; < iuinliie , P.&W. All. A ,
S.pcro/ , 2 25 ; PotaKxinm , IiMlide , per Ib ;
S2 , 50 ; S.ilacm , per o3.jc : Kiiljihiitn of
.Morphine' , iicpotM ( j ° > ; Sulphur flour ,
peril ) , 4c : Stivchnfnc. tier o$1 TiOo.
Horsct and Mulct.
TJio maiket is brink and all grailes are
helling v\ell at a slight advance in PIJCUK ,
The ilymaiuj foi cinid ) iin > ei cxccedn the
wipply coinidciably. Pticei range n follows -
lows ;
h'ine cinglu diiveii , 8150. to 300. ; Ilxtni
drift hoi-ceh. ! * 175. to 225. ; Common i
hoie . S100. to 150 , : Kxtr.v faun ho MM ,
$110. t 125. ; ( . 'oniiiyin to good farm hoii-c ,
VJO. to $100. ; IXtia plnnM. . to 75.J
C'lllllllioll plllL'H , S20.
, \l I'LI'.S. 15 to I5J li-indi ( extia ) , S125.
l < > 150 , ; 11 } to 15 himdi , SI00 , m 110. ;
II to II ) handi i > 75 , to 100. ; 13i to II
hands , iiO. to 7. ' >
Cigars anil Tobacco.
C-irSAHS. Sped . 515.00 : Coime. li. ut ,
cTeai iiuvani"S75.o6.
TOBACCO - PLUO. C.oldeii Knle ,
24 Ib , Olc ; Spotted Fawn , 02c ; Our Hope ,
liOc ; Star , pouiuU , 21 Ib , butts , 5Sc ; lior a
Shoe , pound * , 24 Ib , hiitU , 58e ; Piuity , 21
Ib , butts , 52e ; < Jii.-en 1W , 21 Ib , butts , 53c !
( j'lt I'dge , piiimds , 21 Ib , butts , 57 ; Aimy
and Navy , pounds , 5Ic ; Hullion , itomuU ,
Vic ; l irilhinl'd Clinuu , pounds , 57c.
ri.VKCUT-ln pails.- Haul to ,
l'ii ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 78c ;
F.ivoiite , 05c ; Itocky .Momituin , V > i-i ;
Fancy , rxit ; Daisy , fJe , In tin foil
Catllim O. S. , 2 iu iiackii/cs , 5 Ib hoxerf ,
perlbWk : ; 1/irillardiiTigei , iXto.
SMOKING- grade * -Common , 25to
33c. Granulated Hlackwells Duihum , 1C
o0c ! ; Duke'8 Durham , 10 ciz , He ; Seal 10f
North Canilina , 10 / , 40 ; Seal of Nebras
ka , Hi or , 3S < - ; I/me Jack , t 07 , linen ba , s ,
per Ib , J1.85 ; Marbui > ; n' Puck , 2 o/ , tin
foil , 55c ; Dog Tail. 05c.
FKKCINfJ-Xo. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , * 25 00 ;
Xo. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 1KI00 ; theeting dixs cd ,
No. 1 , 22 00 : No. 2 , 20 00 ; common boi\nl ,
dtved , 25 00. . . .
FHAMINO-1R ft. and tinder , per M ,
24 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 28 00 ;
21 ft. 2800. . . , , ,
FIXISIIINO-No. 1. fmWi H. IJ am !
2 inch , S.V ) 00 No. I finish 1 l eh $ .0 00 ;
No. 2. finMi H , 14 and 2 Inch , S5000No. .
2 fitiMi , 1 Inch , 51 * 00 ; No , 3 tiimli , 1 iu.-li.
SIOOO ; O. 0. Iwtlom 1 > er 100 feet Ini ,
JIM ) ; well curbing , $3500 ; rough J.UKI 2
inch liAltnns | ier 100 feet Hi' . . W > c.
STOCK DOAKDS-Astock , SI' . 00 ; '
SIOOO ; C , 535 00 ; common * toek , 2 < i > 0.
rLOOKIX < V-No. 1 , S42 50 ; .No. ; > .
. < v 7 W ) ; No , 0 , 27 50 ; yellow pine , N , , . 1 ,
4'.00. . . ,
HIDING No. I , $2"f > 0 ; No. 2. T--OO ;
No. 3. S JO 00.
SHIP LAP-Plain , S2S 00 ; O. (5 N , . 1 ,
S37 r > 0 : No. 2 , S25 00.
LATH AXDHHINOLVS A t.-r < tiot )
shinnies , * l 50 , No. 2 , S3 50 ; Xo. il , * J ' .0.
Litb , $1 2. * ) .
- " -
. Per barrel , SI 35 ; bulk porlm. .
.Tio. Ccmont , bbl , ? 2 50. low. i phiMi-r ,
bbl , 5250. Hair per 1m. .Tic. TaueHt
felt 100 Ibs , S3 M ) . Straw board , $1 00
PAPKH Slmw piper , 3c ; ragpnK-i | ,
Ic ; dry goods napcr , 7cmamla ; paptr , lt\- ;
news paper , Sc ,
OOAL-Cmnberland blacksmith , $12 ;
Monis Unn Hlnvbuiv , ? li ! ! WhilebuMst
lump , SO } Whitebrciist nut , S < i ; I. A.I
lump , S < i ! lownnut S ' : UockSpimi ; , SS }
Anthiaclte. nil circs , $11 00.
Hides , I- ins , Etc.
H11 > KS ( troen IwtcherV hide , Tsicmn
cured hides , 8 Jo ; green Raitiai1 cnirtl
hides , SQisJc ; dry Hint , Mininl , UK ? ! Ic : drj
calf and kip , l'2n lc ! ; diy salt hlde's ound ,
H@12c $ given cilf , wl. lo 15 His. . 10 ( < i lie- ;
gi ten calf , wt , under 8 ltn , per w.ln , ' < ) oj
green pelts , SI 00@l 15 ; green Ininli skins ,
$1 lOfel 25 ; damaged'hldf , two-thh-il i.i.e- ,
( cut Kcorcil and one gnib , clasfctl two-
tl.lnls late , ) limndtHl hides 10 tier wnt. ilf.
1'ii.m skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , Weo. ; . .1 ,
JO ; No. 4 , IOc. Mink , No. 1. M > o ; No. 2 ,
We ; No. 3 , 15c : No. 4 , fie. Fov , No. I ,
1'iOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
Ii5ci short HtitM | ! . IOc : narrow stripe 2.Vj
broad fctripe , IOc. Tallow , OJ.
Merino unwashed , light , 14@lCc ; y ,
13@15c ; medium miw ashed , light , IfcdVJOc ;
tnb-wuihed , choice , "We ; fair , 30c ; illivj
and w. , 2Sc ; burry , black and cottid tt.Hil <
2@(5c ( lens
SHOT. Shot , 31.75 ; Buck shot , S2.00 ;
Oriental Powder , kcgn , ? l .40 ; do. , hilf
kegs , S3.l8wdo. ; , nuarter kegs , ' $1.87 ; Ithst-
Ing , L-e'ifs. S3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50c.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , $3 25 ; plow f > teol , ca4 , 7'.c ;
cast tool do , 15a20 ( wngon i-pokc's set.
225@H 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 : felloes ,
diy , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 75 ( < f85c : .I\HM ,
carh , 75c ; Niiuxrc Hutu , per Ib , 70' ' lie ;
washers , per Ib. h@18c ; nvets , iici Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , ( ; @ 12c ; malleable , So ;
him wedges , lie ; crowlurx , Ita ! h.unitv
teeth , Ic : lioi > eshoes , pel ke-g , 5 00 ; sprliif ,
< teel. T ( ? ' Sc.
NAILS-10 In 20d. 3 10 ; 8 to 10 , 3 lV ! ,
Od , 3 ! > 0 ; Id , I 15 ; 3d , common , 4 ' . .Ml3d ,
line , 0 40 ; clinch , all xizes , 5 15 ; Od , ni-ing ,
105 I ; 8d casing , I 111. ; lOd casing , t IV ; UU
Ihii-li , I O'i ; Sd finish , t ! K ) ; ( VI linifh , 5 11 ;
half keg" , IOc extia.
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead. Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , C ) . P. & C. Co.puiv ,
Oc ; Mnn-ellloK gicen , 1 toTi Hicaiis , 20e ;
li'icnch zinc , green seal , 12c ; Fix'nchiuc ,
led i-eal , He ; Frenehinc. . in varnish nsst ,
20c : Fiench.iuco , in oil as < t , 15c ; Kan
nail burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; law and
bninl Sienna , 13u : vandyke blown , lii ;
lelined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , 1''e ' ;
i-ory black , Hie ; drop black , IOc ; Piu-sian
blue , 30c ; ultramarine li'ue ' , ISc ; cliniinc
green , L. M. it D. , 14c ; blind and Mmttei
ijreen , L. M. k D. , 14c ; Paris green , I8c ;
I"dinn led , loc : Venetian red , lie ; IVuin
i > tl. 22c ; VennilliKl , I. iV P. , ISe ;
chnmie yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18e ;
\elhiwoclne , Ue ; golden ochre,1'j ; patent
drvcr , Oc ; graining colors : light iwk. dark
OH \\.ihuit. . rliotnut mill ash 12u
Dry Paints
White lead , Ojc ; French /.inc. IOc ; Paris
whitciug 2\c ; whiting gilded , IJc ;
v\hiting conn , IJc ; lampblack ( ierman-
town , 1 Ic ; ianiplilack , oixlimuy , 8c ; Pnis.
niin blue , 55c ; nltramaiine , ISc ; Vandyke ,
brow I ; 11 , fie ; umber , burnt , 4c ; nmlier , raw ,
Ic I ; Hienna , burnt , -lc ; rieniin , rav4c
Puriw green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com" ;
_ ' 5c ; cliiome green , N. Y. ' 'JOc ; chiimil
gici-ii 1C. , 12c ; vermillion , ling. , 70c ; vermillion -
million , Ameiica , 18c ; Indiin ivd , IOc ,
ni-u pink , 14e ; vcni'tiaii read , Cookwin's
M.'o : Venetian led Aiu. , IJc ; led lead , 74c ;
cln ome yellow , genuine , 20e : chromn vul-
low , 1C. , 12c ; tic-hie , rochelle , 3p ; iionre ,
JVene-h , 2Jc ; ochre , American , lAc ;
Wintei's mincial , 2ic ; Jeliigh blown , 2lic :
spjinish brown , 2\c \ ; Plince's mineral 3c ;
VAUNISHKS Ham-In poi gallon.
Fiuniture , exta , SI 00 ; fnrnitiuc , No. 1 ,
! Kcfurnituic ) ; , U , 75c ; coach , extia , SI 25c ;
Clinch , No. 1 , SI 00 ; Damar , . 1 25 ; Japan ,
70c ; aqihaitum , 70c ; hhellac , $350 ; haul
oil Hindi. & 1 30
OILS-110' carbon perjall < .ii , lllf ! 150'
! eadlight , per gallon , 12Jul75 ; headlight
iiergallon , llic ; crystoline , per gallon , 20c
linceed , raw , porgallon , OOcj Llnsrcxl , Imil-
od , per gallon , 0te ! ; lanl , winti'i htl'd , per
gallon , h8o No. 1 , ( i7c , No. 2 , " > 7c : cantor ,
XXX , per gallon , 1 12c , No. 3 , 1 0 > ; sweet ,
per c.ilhiii , 8rio ; Hpeun , W. B. , pur gallon
s' 35 ; HiHh/W.B. / , jior gallon , ( iOtncat8fo'it ;
ei\t ; a , per gallon , 75e , No. ] , < ! * > ; linnbuii ,
eating , /em , per gallon , 30r , Hummer , 15o
gohten machine. No. 1 , jiergallon , 35c , No.
2 , 28e ; t-jienn , i-ignal , per gallon , 80c ; tnr
i , per gallon. ( > 0c ; naptli.i , 71 diy ,
T cr gallon 20 > . 03 deu. 20c.
ALCOHOL 187 proof , > 2 .Ti iicr
viinu gallon , extra Califoiniiv hpiilUs.
187 pioof at 1 20 per pi iof gallon
tilpleic-lined KpiritK. 187 proof , 121 ; per
proof gal ic-distHed ! tvliii-kies , hi 00@L 50 ;
fine blended , .SI 50@2 50 ; Kentucky bom-
bens , 5 > 200700 ; Kentuck > ami Pennsyl
vania ryes , § 2 007 00.
BHANDIKS ImiMirtiil , ? ii ( K@lli ) 00 ;
douitiitic 1 \0i \ I 00 ,
( JINR- Imported , 1 50 0 00 ; doim-stir ,
I KlfS.'iOO ,
Itl'.MS Imported , 4 50tfi ( ! W ; New
Knn'land. 2CKtoJOOdomniitlc. ) ; 1 50623 TO ;
CHAMPAONIIS Impoited per .
JO 00 ( < i3l 00 } American , per case , 12 00 ®
18 ( K ) (
CLAUKTS-Por < nse , I Mra Hi 00.
WlNKS-lllilneivlnr , tier ca - , 0 ( W0 (
C ( ( 'uUtvlu. pel I 00u 7 ( Id
Cbioago Produoo.
( 'iiiL'Ann , September ! ! .
( ) n 'Change gi ain mai KcU v1 1 u uiihf tiled
and louer. Thu icioipU of uraln vvern
5,01X1 IniKJiols by c.inal and l,3" < 0 car loulx
by r.iil , e-mbracing 1'JH < if ulii.'it , 1,011
of coin , 711 oats , 20 of ije , and I'of liur-
K-y ,
Flom ( jnlet and firmly In Id ; r looks
it ; Common to choicuU | IIM spring ,
1 2'f 0 25 ; do M Innnsotu , I W ( ! 75 ; pa
tents , 7 ( MffJ 75 ; fair ti th iiti winter
flour , ( lWf ) 7 50.
AVlicnt Spiing wheat u fan iggie/utu
bimiiiets was transacted in N ' - ' npring ,
although at tinicM the maiLet iidcd teiy
governed mostly by hmne infhi-
cncu. Alarla-t oiiuned l l'i'c l.'Wei ; was
weak and niiheltlcd for uvChile , then Htead-
ily impnivcd under a good demind. and
advanced Jo per bushel , leached / , mlt.
uated , amr finally cl--.ed at I 21 f for Sep
tember , 1 0"i tor October. 20"for / November -
vember , 2 OHJftd ! SI , fm De.tml.ei , 2
foi thu year ; No. 3 , nominal ! } I Hi ; iu-
jcclcd , iuicl | [ WXo-RSo accoidin t' ' locji-
tion. A fair litminee * was ti.ui-.ictcd sain
No. 2 and high mixad , and tin1 fce-lhig
geiieiully easy. ; maiket opencdal > oiit I ( at
iiolovve'r ; uiiel'er n good'ijenund iirices
rallied about'/Co / Jc pet biiahd , again be-
came weak and finally rinsed at 01 i fur
September ; C3J for October ; lit ; ) for No
vember and December HI 1 for the
; year ;
G ! ift70 ( for May.
Oat * Slow and quiet ; No. 2 , "f l ; Hep-
tembcr , 33 | ; October , 3'j ) ; Notcml-rr ,
lvoKaiyi ! Impilrv moderate ! No , 2 ,
I 0,1 J , cash ; nothing doing in futures ,
lUrlcy In gixnl demand , but lowei :
offerings light ; No. 2. 1 00 ea h and fu
Pork -I' ! rni at lOJfUi cents ndvance :
mc , 18 00 ct h ; 18 20 for Soptemb-r ;
2Ti OOfnJW ( K ) for October ; 17 IH)5 17 in foi
the year ; 3 % 00 for ilnnnarj .
LanlFinn nnd higher : 11 < J2Jn ( 11 0.\
ca h : Septomlcr , 11 721i''ll ( ' " 5 ; Octoliti.
II W ; November , 12200/ 21'i.
Hulk Meals l-'itm ailil npuard tondcn-
rt : short libs , t ) C'Jln ; 9 70 , ea-lij 9"aif
! i 'O for Octolier.
Uhidkcv Quiet at 1 115 ,
ItweiptR Flour 11,203 bbls ; wheat ,
lOst.O'tlbu ; com , 534,010 bn ; oal > , 70.lii !
h i : rye , 7,814 bn ; barley , HVVf-'Ibn.
Shipment * Flonr , 12,57S liblf ; wheat ,
1.W,0' 7 bu : corn , I07,0'J7 bu. : o f > , 57li7"
bu : rK , 5,85 ! ' bu ; bailey , 3,8'it ! bu ,
The mi a her of hog * itlaii liteicd Id Chi-
go KIIICO Maix-h 1 , to date i 1,1V > ( ' . ,000.
against 2,237,000 foi tlu < corrc pondimr
period la't joar.
Conucll BluflVi Ooiicrnl Mnrliot.
t'ou.Ncil. Buti in , SenlemK'i-
Wheat-No. 2 , $1 lOGfll 12 ; No. 3 , DO ; iv-
jected , 70 %
Coin No. 2 , 17 , rejected 31 , damaged ,
27.Hay Fair market , with pilcrsat ? 5.
Onto Market quiet ; No. 2 , 3.V , lojocU
ed III.
Hyo- > o. 2 , 70c.
1 legs -IOc.
Cattle-lloef , S3 5X 1 50.
Shoeji $3 MKSi I iO.
Hogs Light de'iiiand , piioi's $ ! l OO i 5 fiO.
Potatoes New , St 25nl ( ) T > 0 per bu.
Onions- ! 1 00.
Wood- Market ipiiet , with good Mipply ;
' 00 for HMft : 0 00 for hard.
Poultiy 20c.
Crontcm Marltot-
CIIKSTON , la. , September 2.
Butter 13c.
Grnncl Junction Mnrkot ,
( iiiAMiili'MTiiix. la. , September 2.
Now York Produce.
NKW YOHK , September 3.
1'lcmr 'lull and hcarcelysolirm. South *
em lloiir in modeiatu.demand nnd un
WheatSprinj. . ' 2fr3c higher nnd moder-
ntt'ly netlve ; w Intel opened j@ o lower
and cloned allille lirmi'r ; Xo. 2 Chicago ,
1 mdf3liesl \ ; wint.i- I3i < < ? l 14 ; No.
I white. 1 lliHil IIumnide < r white , 1 21
( Til 10 ; No. 2 ivd .September , 1 l.'l.l II.
Ciiin Jf" Ic lower and heavy , moaViate
demand and unchangeMl ; mixed , ll'JV'70jo ( ;
Kteamei , IkSW/O'l ; Xo. 2 , 70tf"70c | ; yellow -
low , 73c ; Xo. 2. Scptembe'r , 70l70/c. /
Oats Shade lower and dull : Xo.l white ,
JW < i51c ; Xo. 2 white , I8c ; Niw. I and 2
mixed , 42 } : N'o. 3 mixed , I2c ; mixed west
ern , 42f3e\
Kyc Dnllat 1 071 ( 10.
Itailey Dull and nominal.
1'oik 20ii,25c ( Idghei ; new mess , Ih 75
f ' < ' i P.I OOcni spot ; doSelitemberand Octobei ,
1870 < < il8tO. !
Lard 7.'f'10c higher and faiily active ;
U HOC" 11 85forc.isli ; 11 77i for Septembui.
Beef O.uiet and weak ; extiamcHs , 12 50
@ 1300.
Cut Me-nts Finn ; pickled lmm , 11 75
ri)12 " ) 25 : pickleil Hhoulders , 800.
WhUkv Vnmlnal.
Buffalo Iilvo Stock.
HAST Hi n-.vie > , September 3
11 ogh Weaker and slow ; ree-eiptn , 18
earloaus ; KhipmentH , 31 cailortdn ; Yoikciv.
i iO ( < H'i 75 ; good lo choice medium and
heavy , 0 80&.0 ! K ) ; choice heavy , 0 ! > 5.
EnatZiiborty Zilvo Stoolc ,
K\HTliiiiKUTi , Pa. , September 3.
Cattle -Nothing doing : receipts , 1,13 ! )
head ; tthipmenU , 201 head.
Ho s Firm ; leeeiptx , 1,700 head :
KhipmentH , 2)00 ! ) head : Philadelphia- 00
& 20 ; Yorkers , 0 10 ( < Ti ( 50 ; gnussern , 5 50
© II 00.
Sliecp-Nothini- : leceiptx , 2,200
head ; nhipmcntH , 1,800 head. |
Baltimore .Produce.
UAI.TIMOIIK , September 3.
Flour -l uiet.
Whe-nt Xo. 2 red w inter quiet at 1 H'.l
foi cash mid September ; 1 II,1 ! for Octo
Coin Mixed wextcrn quiet at liSc.
Plilladolplila Produce.
I'UII.VDFIVIIIA , September 3.
Wheat -Lirmcr at 1 11 for cash and
Septembei ; 1 40J for October.
torn Steady ; d' e for cash ; 72ji73 ( !
for October.
Oats Firm at 52 ( 53c for cash ; I7@I7/ /
for October.
Kyu ( Juiet ; 1 00 bid.
Poorl.T. Produoo.
PloilIA , Septembei 3.
High Wines Unchanged at 111.
Liverpool Produce.
LlVKIIIOOl , , Septembei 3.
I'h nr Amei ican , 10s ( i < lf 13s.
Wheat Winter , 10s ! M ( illH 2d ; white ,
' hpiing , lOsifdf'/IOs Od ; club ,
Coin 0 < OJd.
L ml 53s.
Clnciniiati Produce.
( 'i.suvis'.vn , ScpUmbi'i H.
I'oik 7.1 WH jobbing , 20 00.
Lard Cm lent make cteady ; 11 ill.
Hulk MeatsKiru. . ; --lear Bide" . 1075.
llacon Kiini ; cleai sides 11 . ' 174.
Kloui Kiini ; family ! Mfi,7 10.
Wheat -Khmer ; No. 2 ml , 1 Hit.
( 'mil IXsiei ; No. 2 mixed IW.JJ
Oats llas > ; No , 2 mixrd , Cte.
Rje- Finn ; No. ' - ' , 1 12J.
llailey ( fillet ; No. 2. I 10.
Whisky Weaker ; ] II.
St. JJouIn Produce.
ST. Lonrs , Suplcmbci : i.
Floiii Unclmngid ; .
Wheat Closed higher , and firm ; NIL 2
led , cat , ! ) , 81c ; October , 20Jc [ November ,
57 "i.
Coin- Lower ; No. 2 , 02J canli ; Octobei ,
07ic ; November , OHjc ; Decembii , 72Ju foi
the year ,
Oats Lin. ei ; 10 Ju for nadi ( October tlljo :
Xovembei HJt ; Decembei ll u fur the
year ,
Kye-Limerat 1 OS } .
L. ail-Firm ; 85.
Hiittei rnchanged.
KggK Unchanged ,
Whlxky Steady at I 10.
I'loUiotiStrong and higher ,
J'oik-lH 00.
Laid-II 50.
Kecelpts I'loili , 'i.OOO bblKj wheat , 5' . , .
000 bu ; coin , 71,000 bu ; oats , 15,000 bu ;
rye. 1,000 bu ; barley 5,000 bu.
Shipments-Flour , 3,000 bills ; wheat ,
21,000 hit ; coin , 2U.OOO bu ; oat * , iinne' ' .
1 ye , iioiu1 ; luiloy , HKX ) ,
- - * " '
i ilvo Stock.
CIIICARO. Stptembi-i . ' ! ,
I fog- Receipts , 18,000 ; bliijiinciitf ,
5,100 , llemand good and maiket acti\uut
generally liriu lates ; mixed packing , li II )
( aJTi ( \ ; cboitu hrav } paikingand Hlnpping ,
fi ( * & 7 M ; 11'lit i luuon JiogM , li if ( i SO ;
culls mill gram-eri * , I 00L'II ( 2"i ,
Cattle -Retelits | , 2,000 ; t > hpment ! ,
; t,7W lluiillj tnoiylt fat cattle to make
u muiket and no prime cuttle offered ; good
tn choice Hhimiiug , 5 'OCcli 2ri ; common to
medliini , 1 ( KK < ' 5 25 ; nati > u butcher nUick ,
quilt nnd hteadv'at 2 2"iC I 00 ; Htocki-iH
unil fee < lcrH , 2 753 ( ! h. ' . ; duiiy c.ilu-8 , a 00
( 15 01 pel head ; milkeiH and tpringeiv ,
20 OOfuJV ) 00 IHT head ; grass Tuvanx , ! J 00
( I 10 half-breeds and
; - AluoriiaiiK , iiuotu-
ble at I 00i I 75.
Sheep RuceiptH , 1,500 ; hldpments , none.
Demand moderate and prices tttcady ; in
ferior to fair , ! l Wa II 50 ; nath o Wj oiidng
Hhcep , 4 00 ; good to choice at 4 25f I 50 ;
lambs , | ier head , 1 50i2 ( 75 ,
Commissson Merchants
1121 Farnham St. , Omaho , Nob.
( Mnnlenmrnts mmlo us M111 rrcciic i > roni\t ) uttentlon. references : Sli' Bank , Omahi ; PhU
. Co. , llaltlmore ! l' k .C Itnnshcr Clilo io ! II Work 1 Co. , Cincinnati.
. O.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nobraaka
) \ IB me
Hellmuth Ladies' College.
Patroness , H , R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and President , The Right Rev. I. HELL
MUTH , D. D. , D. C. L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURON ; . Fall Term opens
Wednesday , September "lit.
llnii.lFOmi'Bnit upaolotn InilMlnpn , I NUitlfullj UiwtoJ In a most honltliv locnlily , nt > out four hours
\ > \ roll from Niagara KulN , muloiionp of tlie inliulptl tliroiiKh rout < i < iKt ivn the Kiat and West.
itiudllUUNDS i-oiniirl-o 140nori > s. Tim uliu ot tlir foitmlvr of tills roll < K Is to ji
Intillrftutl anil ) imrtliiill > iint'lul nhirntlon , Tliu whole ujioii the Munitmt PRO
TESTANT principle * , M thc < onlv Mollil Ki-l for ( lie rlfilit lornntlun of character. FRENCH U the
IsiiKUntfu i > | > ol > cii In tlio iMlli'k'i' . MUSIO n Kitcrlnll.N.
llonnl , Lnltmln un.l Tiiltinn i'ccs , IMC luilliitt th whnttUYiiirscof KiiKlMi. < hr Anrlent and MoJ-
ern LiiiKUncrsil'itlllstlicnkii , l'n ln nnil I'nlntliiir , ' ' I'l.iiio Mid I.lbmr } ' McMloAl nttvmlancc , nml
Mcilclni1. 300 ] HT aniniiii. A rcKiutlon of Diir-li.vlt for tliu ilniieliti r ol ClorBjiMn. For "elm-
Inrs" nnil lull i rlli.nlnr ml.lnM MlbS CLINTON , Lad ) l'tliKl | > .il , Ilclliniith I-aJii's'follocv , t/ONDOif
, ( ! ANAH .
the Oldest Wholesale and
Retail Jewelry House in
Omaha. Visitors can here
find allnovelties in Silver
Ware , Clocks , Rich and
Stylish Jewelry , uhe La
test , Most Artistic , and
Choicest Selections in
Precious Stones , and all
descriptions of Fine
Watches at as Low Prices - '
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Stora , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farn
ham Streets
Ill ! IEYEB & BM ,
Tin ; LIAWXO :
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold ,
for cash or installments at-
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Pianos , Knaba
Pianos , vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warreu ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
JE : T. A
Near Union Pacific Decot , , OMAHA , NEB
In Convenience ,
-SOLI ) I1Y-
Lang & Fotick.
aiir2epJJm : !
Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards ,
Pipes from 25c , per dozen upwards.
Cigarsfrom $15.00r 1,000 upwards.
Lath and Shingles ,
cy f
Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks
north of
' ,