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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY SEPTEMBER 5 , The Omaha Bee PttbUOicd every monitng , STie only Monday morning dully v nr. . $10.00 I Three Jtontlw $3. Jlontlis. . . r..000no | " . 1. THE AVKEKLY BEE , puUWicd c ry Wednesday , T.IMIMS 1'OST PAID. One Y ir. $2.06 i ' Bis Month 1.00Ono | COURr.SrONbKXC13 All Commtir o ttom relnling to If cws and Editorial inn tew should bo addressed to the KltT01l Tt'.a llKK. BUSINESS LETTEUS-All UuMnc Ijctters and llcmUt.incp'J should be a dressed to THE OMAHA rurjLisniin Co PANT , OMAHA. UrafU , Chcclcn and l'o < offiee Orders to bo made payable to t' ' order of the Coini.any. MAnAPUBLISHIKBOOMProp' ] E.HOSEWATER , Editor. Edwin , MannRor of Ci Ctrcnlntion- .Tohn II. 1'ierco U In Chnrvo of the Mi Circu ition of THK DAILY 1JKK. TIIF. good Indian is the Iinllnn tlm Milder the sod. Tun fear of the law is the bcgS rung of railroad managers' wisdom. BY IIAII. up the Elkhorn is one the great nerds of Omaha wholesale ) LLKWKU.YN'H faith in his "good 1 Otans" ia beginning to bo scrioui fihakon. IK piloting the presidential ba into uafe waters , Secretary Hhii * coniB to bo nt tliu WIIKK that wind-mill factory on into o | > cmtion it should test i iimchincs in the Herald oflicc. Si NCI ! Vcnnnr failed to predict tin two months drought in tlto cast he li lost caste among Ohio editors. INCUKASINU shipments of gold fie Huropo to this country are unerrit evidences wf Aniuricun prosperity. lv ! all moans extend the lire limil Ko moro tinder boxes should bo buil on any of the principal streets < : Omaha. THK editors of the Oklahoma Slut * mid the Qtiincy Herald , which lane Guitoau's act , should at unco ont ( into partnership. LINCOLN will bo prominent in tli public cyo this week , through the tw great gatherings of the Fanners' All mice and the soldiers' reunion. Mu. MOODY remarked lost wuc that ho never talked about what 1 : didn't know. The Omaha corrospoiu cut of the Chicago Tribune is cv dontly n disciple of Moody. ATTOIINEY-GKNKIIAL MI/VKAOH di iiios the report that the department i justice is not disposed to push tli atar route investigation' During tli vrholo summer n mass of evidence lin Loon accumulating which will bo prc sontod to the grand jury within fortnight. Niw : YOUK DomooratB reckon witli out their host when they map out campaign in which John Kelly is nc to bo a factor. The chief of Tammaii donned his war paint the other ovoi ing and boldly announced to the kii gloved democracy of Now York Oil that it was either peace or war in tl ; Jail campaign and that for his part 1 Alidn't much care which. SKNATOU EUMU.XKS is reported i fulling in health. It is sincerely to I hoped that the rumor is untrue. N man at the present time can BO littl bo spared from the United Statt xenato. During the coming oeaHon < congress many new and dillicu questions will present tlmmsolves ft consideration , in the discussion < which elcar heads nnd cool judgi inonts will bo required. No senate is more thoroughly posted on const tutional law and precedent than Soi tor Edmunds , nud none moro candi in the expression oftheir honest MCI timont. EVKUY public cistern in Omni choullbo kept constantly filled. . , < lung as the water works are operate by direct pressure , there will bo da : tor of pipes bursting and a stoppaj of the water aupply , when it is mo needed. ' In fact , prudence would di tate that the public cistcnm ahou ujply the water needed to put 01 Jires until the storage reservoirs the Lowe farm are completed ai capable of giving us ( ire protection 1 gravitation. It will be very litt trouble to Jill the public cisterns fro ihe fire hydrants whenever the wat pipe * are in good condition. Our r conU-ffporionco with bursting pipes prccisoSy what was predicted last yei by tlie opponents nf direct preasur but that uiJl bo remedied iwrmanen Jy when th j % vater supply can be pn * jured by gram'atiou from the storu { .jresorvoiw , which are ijow under coi truotiou , MASSACRED BY APACHES. The report that General Carr , wit seven subordinate officers an 110 private * of the fith U. cavalry regiment , have been mawcrc by the Apaches , is fully confirmed 1 our latest dispatches. This wliol sale butchery of American soldiers almost without a parallel in the hi lory of Indian warfare. When IU Cloud nnd his band nmbunhcd nn massacred Col. Fottcrman nnd nine ! soldiers in the 1'owtler river count in J807 , the Sioux TVO known to bo on the war-pat nnd Col. 1'cUormwi vai inovii io intercept gnnd punish thci Scnoral Ouster nntl bis bravo til who were killed by Kitting Hull ( the Little Missouri , fell while tightii the Indians \\\in \ had been reckless pursued into their camp in n ravii where they hud made n stand. Ti killing of Custer'n command in strict sense could hardly be called inassaotc , because they wore the ti lacking party nnd fell in n despora ii'id to hand conflict with hostile li Oinns. The Massacre of ( ! en. Ca and his soldiers by n band of Apacln Hint had until recently been pence is one of 't ! most atrocious crimes 'tli has ever been perpetrated by irvn/jlu oils savages. According to report a tli have BO far reached us , thu munioro attack was precipitated by Apac scouts whom General Can * 'and c listed in his command , and thia ft turo indicates that General Cnrr a hia men have fallen victims to a cc apirncy like the plot which nchiev the murder of General Canby by t Modocs. A most interesting dcscn lion of the Apaches , their habits a the region they roam in , is fi nished to n reporter of TUB B by General Ojok , who in reput as by all o'ldn the most HUCCCSI ful lighter and subjugator the Apaches in the Arm General Crook was , wo believe , tl first and only commander whom tl Apnchca feared and were disposed obey , and no man in America is IH ter informed about their modca warfare and their qualities as lighter The massacre of General Carr's coi maud will necessitate prompt retn lintion by the government and tl thorough and lasting mibjugation < , ho wholetribe. . Whether the ma Siicro wna the result of n coneortc ilot or nn unpremeditated outbrai .here can bo net doubt that it is tl signal for n general uprising amen he Apaches , General Crook estimates the fighi ng strength of the White Mountni Apaches nt 1,500 , and there are grav 'oare that they will bo joined by tli other bauds who altogether can mui tor fully 0,000 warriors more activi brmidablo and intelligent than an Indians on the continent. To wnj Buccossful war against such 'a fore it will take fully one-half < the American army , which numbei altogether less than 25,000 men. Eve hen it will bo very hazardous mile ! they are commanded by nn oflicor c superior skill and tact as an India ightor. The whole country , but ci ) ccially the people west of the Mil ouri river will await further dovoloj uonta with a groat-deal of anxiety. THE REMOVAL OF THE FRES1 DENT. The decision of the physicians 1 remove the president from Washiiij on comes none too soon. There unfortunately little doubt that h recovery has been seriously rotnrdc > y the malarious atmosphere of tl White House , and that weeks of pai mil Bnllering might have been avoidc if the patient early Jn the cai md been removed to mm moro healthful location. The nmrsli lats which line the Potomi n the rear of the White House ni particularly unhealthy at this sense > f the year , nnd it has become pail fully evident that a further subjcctic of President Gnriiold to their mia natic intlujneos will prove in tl lighest degree dangerous. Arrang nonta have accordingly been made i transfer the president nt once to Lei liranch by rail. A car specially littt up for the occasion , and in which tl president may recline on his own bei will bo used. Hnrd coal will 1 burned by the engines , in order I avoid smoke , and precaution taken t render the journey na noiseless an pleasant as possible. The Ponnaylvi ma road has also placed at the di posal of Mrs. Oarlield n special ca nnd another will bo furnished for tl medical nttoudnnta. Arriving ; Long Uranch the president will 1 taken at once to the Elboron hot cottage , whore every arrangement h been made for hia. comfort. The n < vantages of n cool and bracing sen n and easy accessibility to the consul ing physicians cannot bo ovi-ivs - ! mated. Great hopes are ontortnim by the presidents attendant's of tl result * which will follow from tli change of air , ajul in these hopes tl whole nation will prayerfully join. ENGLISH nhippeii ! have much t ! same complaints to mnko of unfa treatment by the railroads as those v hoar in the Tniled States. The un Bual number of these complaints du ing the past year caused the oonnni tee on railway rates to submit u aeri of questions to parliament , meuntin stating that Ihereare only a fewjn \ ( ipon which they have been abl'j toai rive nt definite conclusion * . The ? are : 1. It is ncccsnry per rnanontly t maintain seine specia1. tribunal i which shall bo roferro''j questions ari ing ns to the rightsv nd duties of r.ti way companies IP. t'.ieir ' relations to tli trade and tvnfli c o f the country ) nn security tdunilii b j tikon that the prc ceduro of BUC'A If ibunal shall bo sin [ > lc , olieaji nnd e xpeditioiis. ' . ' . This tribr.nnlalmll have jurisilii tionto enf.orcfj the proviMons of tl special nets of the several railwn companW should bo cmpowcre to give rear os1 * in any cases of allege illcga' . char gen. ! l. A lot IM ulanJi before it shoul _ be ivcn 'to chambers of commerce an af.riculti ire , and similar nsiociatiot of Iradf rs orngriciilturiftts. . A roviscd classification of goot nnd ID crchandiso ought to bo ndoptc by th o railway companies , ns betwec their Delves nnd the public , such a urn ) or the name of clearing hoiu ela'isificalion , is nlready in use an bi twc'cn themselves. The classiticatio jylit to bo on sale nt a ntnall pric f.or nny pcroon to buy \ \ ho wishes t obtain it. 2. In the rate-book in me at eac railway station the fixed termini charge ( if any ) which the rail way con pnny claims a right to demand in n spect of each class , as well as tin other terminal charges lor service rendered , should bo distinguiahc from the mileage or mere eonveyanc charges. 0. Railway companies should 1 bound to make no increase in an rate or rates , without giving nt lea' one month's public notice in the h cality. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THK feara of an impending pani are not borne out by the statistics i the year's foreign undo which hnsjui been issued from the liurcnn of Kb tiatica. Our imports for the ye , ' amounted to ( > 42itUi2ti ( ( , nnd tli oxporta to 8883,015,5)47 ) , making total of $ lr , > : ( ; , > 80r)7r > , which wasn increase of about & 'i ' > | 000,000 ovortli previous year. Itvillbo noted wit satisfaction that the balance of trad in our favor was over S200,000,00 ( Tim falling oil in import * , was larg amounting to -24,000,000 , whil the increase in domestic cxporta i oilicially stated at ? 5 < , ( ii'Jrt. ( ! ) It i gratifying lo note that the falling o in our imports was largely in article of luxury , which adds little to th wealth of thu nation and do not in crease its productive capacity , . li certain lines of iii'iuufactured iiood .hero was an increases of imports Motion gooda increased about n millioi dollars , manufactures of jutu aom six millions , while there wa n 'docreaao in manufacture > f steel and iron , of tin pinto and o voolcn goods. Of thu total domcsti exports , brcaitstufl's , provisions o arious kinds , raw cotton , tobacco am > otrolcum , constituted nearly seven eighths of the whole , amounting ti ? 727,000,000. Hut cur country nisi told her own ns nn exporter of mnnu iicturcs , exporting cotton goods exceeding ceeding $ lilGOO,000 in value and iii > i nnd steel worth 814,000,000. WITH the proposed removal of J'rcs dent Garfleld to Long Branch , th question of disabihtyforcea itselt upoi ho cabinet. Our dispatches fore shadow seine decisive action durini , ho present week ? It is intimatci hat the cabinet , in view of the urgon lecessity of executive action in cor iiin matters thr.t cannot bo deferre < uuch longer , have resolved to subini in ollicial iiiiiiry ( [ to the prcHident' > hysicians na to the time which the ; teliovo will have to elapse be 'ore ho can resume thu dutie.s o iis ollice. The answer of tli ) hysicians will , it is btated , b reported to the president , who there upon will isnuo nn ollicial notiticatioi ) f his disability to Vico-1'residon Arthur , with the request that ho slml issume the duties devolving upon th n-cuidcnt , nnd oxercino them iluriii ] : he [ loriod which the doctors fix a .lie probable time required tor th president's recovery. In case th < president does not recover within thu period , the time for his lesumptio : of ollicial duty will be extended. Thi ia both plausible and reasonable There should be no delicacy in meet ing the emergency , und nil pursonr and politicnl considerations unit 1)0 made subservient to the let lor and spirit of the constitution , TiiKsuHorors from Buuday's fir very justly blame the paid lire tin partment for the dia.istor that ha overtaken them , Such negligence n wna manifested in allowing the tire u the previous night to gain a frea lieudwny during the heavy gale Sun day afternoon is utterly inexcusable THIS community has always been liberal supporter of the tire depart inont , nnd Omnhn pays as much fn her lire department ns nny other nit of her population. Our people hnv n right to insist that this protectio shall not bo withheld , Chief Unlli gnu is n very ellicient man in puttin down fires , but ho sometimes display the most reckless iudiflerenco abou foieatalling disaster. If ho 1ms nn defense to make for himself or hi subordinates Tin : HUB will eheerfull ntl'ord him an opportunity. U is t bo hoped that wo shall never have t find fault with our firemen again. Dunns the bhaui battle at cn.imoa on this .llt. u yuniter by the naiiiu of .Ma1 t ie , of Council liluuVawlliU rijlit an hhot t > tf by the prvmaturu ilisoluiruo uf cannon. Thin nail accident brought th en aKeniunt mul cuncludhi ) ; cvreiuualea t nil ubnijit clou' . Omnlin nnd Northern Ilobrrnhru IlUIr 1'ilot Takintj an a text the notice of meeting in Omaha to consider the sul ject , the Norfolk Journal reads th people of Omaha , \ Iicnlthy lecture i roinrd to "another railroad for tli Klkhorn Valley. " Hut it is labor losi If a road could be built from Omah direct through the fertile valleys c the Elkhorn it would bo of incalcult bio value to that city , to the peopl along ita line and tothe _ state nt larg ( and the commercial interests of Oinali ought to build if Uut - they won' The parties most interested the niei chnntn of Omaha will probably novc invest a cent , nnd the capitnlista wi not build it unless they can cajole tl ; several counties through which it mui pass into donating bonds enough I defray expenses. If they wouh without nny foolishness , build such road , without begging for bomla < building of aiibsi'lies they could mal < themselves solid with the people an the road would at once become n p.ij ing institution. Hut this ia not th way the men of Omaha build railroadi They will most likely advance onoug money to incorporate and survey tli line and then if the people will bon themselves for money to build will these capitalists will kindly constrm and opernto the load. Such a ron must necessarily pans throu h tl heart of this county , nnd while might receive some local nid , a propi sition to issue county bonds in aid of would bo resented alinoat with indif nation by n large majority of the pe ( plo. Wo have had the " bond fever hero once , and had it bad , E bad in fact that wo have not y < < | uito recovered , and it is no wa likely that our people will agai expoao themsolvua to this dangoroi contagion. While wo would like t see this line built , wo would like ! reason that wo are not Buffering for it but that Omaha uould bo the princi pal gainer nnd should , if ( the wants il build itwithoutourasaiatanco. Omah haa the means to put such n railron through to Ynnkton , Niobrarn , c some point further west , and coul opernto it with profit ; but her cap : tulists are too much inclined to bull roads on other men's capital. If the can do thia nnd own the road whe completed , there is hope of its boil ) built , but they will hardly bo conten to invest their own means nnd receiv only n legitimate profit on the invest incut. It is BO much moro pleasant t clear the whole investment first , o which a good profit may bo realize for all future time. These nro sum of our reasons for thinking that thi road will not be built at present Meantime Sioux City will continue t capture the bulk of the Elkhorn' Vnl ley trade. IOWA BOILED DOWN. The railroad in close to Itockwell City. Vlpo is being laid fur the I'ort Wodg vvator-workH. Dccorah is prov iiling itself with wntci ivnrkn. lluchanaii county fanners ha\o con incnccd cutting , ' corn. The H.iloon HcciiKO in Don Muine > > ha lieon raised from § 200 t" 250. The Osceoln county fair will bo held o the lath and 10th of .September. The Adair county fair ha * been DOS ! Billed to thu L'Sth , L'Dth r.nd SOth of Sej tciuhcr. The SIou\ City lavey \ rVes tuUl mill thU year. Ylntou lma new tins ensiue , costini tvitli ItD'io-cait nnd hose , 93.8T > 0. The Wilton cnnip'invetiiiff is said tot the hirgt'Ht ever held In the state. _ Probably no town in ththtatc , nf i ! fi/e , ns ninny fine brio'i bufinesi bulk injfM as Cniinll. . They say that the bijrcy-t watermclo kfet corralk'd in MiihC.xtiiit/ weighed liftj i\\ci mid n half pounds. IloraceCS. Wolfe of Buchanan count lias been npixmited by fiov. Hear inspectoi , 'encml of tlie Iowa national gtinrdt. They have n new wagon bridge , at Ol tuimvo , nnd it is the first free bridge eve built in that comity or over the Des Moine river. The firnt minimi meeting of the Dtinhv .listnct agricultural society will bo held a Dnnlnp on tlie llth , 15th and Kith of Scp temlcr. . i containing six horses , helongin , to Nicholas Hutcher , nenrPleaiaiit Praiiii was htntck by lightning , lust Fnday , ain burned with all its contend. The fitoriu nt Ha'iihurs f > " the Hist all IV K very nevcre , A house belnnging t Thoma-t Williitins won Htnick 'iy liglitnin nnd burnt down. I > ss § 50 ; inturml I : the Iowa State for Si'iO. AVarden McMillan , of the Fort Mftdi'0 penitentiary , says the boanlora at hUhoU nro leaving him HO fast and now ones nr [ oinint ; inn Uovv lie fears be may have t eliiM ! the doorg anil go out of business. The two iilethodi t societies of lr Mnlnes were fonnnlly cnnmilidntcd on th l.7tli , ii | > < ) n which occ.iition the new churc vva dedicated. Tliu new building cos Sit,000 : , and the united society mutud hit It out of debt. Two Keo'ituk youtlii , aged about fiftee : year * , lm\o joined that innumerable cam van of boy * who annually start out to li "llutfnlo UHli" nnil Mayers of the wll beast and t-avnge man , These two 1H their lioiMiH on .Monday night \ \ ith ! $ < ! bi twecn them , und haxenot uince beenhcur of. lilackhau k county bo.mts of the liiggei. feet In thu state , for which n Waterlo Hhoemalvcr hu made n I'nir of bootx , Th Ixiots in iue > < tioii were made for Andrui Otiimn , 11) year * of ngi' , No.-lllj , heel 1 inches , in-tup l J , ball 12f , calf t "U ' , lengt of foot laj. breadth of bail 5J , w'uight < boots li piiimdc , luudu of kin. Heat thi who can. John Tieddy , n tnmbatone mnmifnctui er , \ > ttH MI I'ailly injured by i una way team at Valparaiso , on the Wt ult , llmt death reMiltcd ill u tlioit tlim Houis in liis wagon wliuu hU team stail eel , and , attempting to jump nut , wn caught In mine way and dra gi-il severn blocks \\ith hi * lii'iul bounding ' > th ground , The Mar haUlo\\n Hugar Hefiiiing Com jianyxhut down \vorkthe "Oth iiut. , o\v ing to the high price of corn. Tht > LMII pany iepi-e , ents a rapltal of $300.000 , un will HMI the time Intervening between better comlition of thu tnnrket for in proeiuent of the work , pectin ; ; t double thilr o.uucity. Monday they > -iil ItOO.OOO bu hfls of t-orn. on uhlcli the u ali/.fd n net profit of Sl > . "i,000 , and the utlll H'taln 7-\000 bushels in the crib , The quarrel between Mr. mid Mr lirookn , of la\U ) county , which roulU in the killing of Jlrookn by his MUI jiirnn nrode from u tlUputo l tueen the wife an hiuband is to which of two of their chr dien should milk a cow , xho having bidde umi und her Inubaml tvnother to do il Hiram , who took the part of his mother i the wrangle , blurt his father and he died i a few hours ufternnnU. Hiram claim that liU father was \v hipping his tuotliei that he ordered him to desist , wherouiKi his father came at him \\ith board , saj ing : "I'll fan you out , too ; " that lie 01 dertsl him not to conlo closer , ami tha when ! ! _ came within four feet of him h nred. The father maunl only once aftc the fatal shot. The ball enteml tbebraiii The l iyvhu it about tM year * > f ng was Iwlgctl in jail at Ulopuificld , SUMMER'S SKIMMINGS. Prom the Rapidly Coolinp Sc cial Cauldron. A Coming Event which Casts It's Shadows Boforo. for School. Socinl Notes , j Few Polite PorsonnliticM. SOCIAL NOTES. OFF TO SCHOOL. A number of Omaha's young ladit and gentlemen , who Imvo been put suing their studies in eastern Bchoo ! and colleges , nre making prcparatior in anticipation of the opening of th now school year. Misa Jessie Millard leaves shortl for ; Miss Grant's school nt Chicagt Miss May Millard and Miss Alii IJrown leave on the 23d for Mis Graham's school in Now York , wher BO many Omaha girls have received th polishing touches ; Miss Jeanni Kountzo loft this afternoon for li dianapolis , where she will enter co' legc ; Miss Maria Reed leaven on Mor day for Knoxville , 111. , whore she wi attend school during the coming ycai Miss Annie Downs goes to St. Loui on the 18th inst. , where she will resume sumo her studies. Miss Itoba Yat returns to I'oughkcepsic , upon th opening of Vassar. Of the young gentlemen , Vic Cald well nnd Will Popplclon nro at 1'hil ip'o academy , Andover , Mass. , prt paring for Harvard nnd Yale. Ab Heed and Hurt Watson have loft fo Jtacino college , Rncino , Wisconsin Tom Kimball and Olem Chase will re turn to Lincoln , upon the opening e the state university. Omaha ia ver proud of the record which her riain generation is making in various insti tutions of learning throughout th country. A C'OMINO EVENT. Invitations nro out for what prom iscs to be tha swellcst party of th season at Happy Hollow , the countr ; sent of the Hon. J. II. N. Patrick The gathering , which will bo held 01 September 8th , will take the form o a reception to Col. Matt Patrick am his bride , who have recently roturnei from their u ending trip in the east Two car loads of Chinese lantern : have been ordered to illuminate tin grounds , and most elaborate proparn tionu are being made to render tin occasion n memorable one in Omah : social annals. NOTKH. Ed. Mayo has only two weeks o bachelorhood before him. The engagement is announced between tween the son of one of our largcs wholesale grocers and the daughter o ; one ff our oldest real estate agents. If rumor bo correct , a handsomi young lawyer , who occupies ofliccs 01 Fnrnham street , has met his fate. Hi twirls his moustache more pensivcl ; than ever since two weeks ago , an ! watches the arrival of the postman. The opening ball of the Standan club will take place on October 5th. A very pleasant moon-light pic-ni was uivon by a number of ladies nut gentlemen of the Catholic Librar ; Association on Thursday evening last It is rumored that the Plensan Hours parties will be held in the open house thia season. A pleasant placi to spend pleasant hours The Reason for church sociables i approaching , nnd people are beginning to freeze up in anticipation. POLITE PEllSONALITIEH. Senator Saunders has returned fron his summer trip to Colorado and Nuv Mexico. Arthur Saxe returned on Thursda ; frcm a month's trip to Now England' Miss Dollio McCormick is homi from Lake Minnctonka. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. P. Bemis re turned on Thursday trom OSWCKO N. Y. Y.Mr. Mr. Henry llustin is homo from : trip to Idaho , whore ho left his lathe Capt. llustin. Mr. Nat Hall has returned from i short visit in Wisconsin. Chaa. Saundent is home from tin west During his trip ho mot Gee F. Canis in Lrs Vegau , N. M , , am reports that young journalist na devoting voting his attention impartially t < mines nnd journalism. Miss Liz/.io Shirley is homo fron her summer in Iowa. The Missus Kate and Annie Fooi have returned from their summer vu cation. Mr. A. E. Tuu7.iln ! and daughte : have returned from a suiiimur'a vaca tion spent nt the Beaside. Mr. P. L. Perrino and daughte : are homo after n months visit to th < east. 'Miss Minnie Richardson has re turned from Liiko Minnetonka. Do Forest W. Saxo , the bonana soda water druggist , has returnee from n business nnd pleasure trip tc the east which has occupied a montl of hia time. Mr , E. Ialk , of Atchinon , in in tin city. Physical Suffering. N > > one c.m realize , except by perkonu experience , the nnguixh of body nnd mini ! i-mlnred by mifl'ems from ilvbpepsia , in digestion , constipation and other dlxeasei of the stomach , liunlock lilood Hitter aio a positive cute for this direst of al disease * . 1'iicoSl.OO , tiial nizo 10tvnts flKl'W , FARMERS AND MECHANICS. If you wish to avoid great dangei ami trouble , besides n no small bill o expense , nt this season of the year you should tnko prompt steps to keej disease from your household. Tin system should be cleansed , blood puri lied , Btomach anil bowels regulated and rtrevtmt nnd euro diseasea nrisinji ' from spring malaria. Wo know o'l nothing that will BO perfectly nml surely do this ns Electric Hitters , and ixt the tilling cost of fifty could u bet tle.Exchange. [ . b'old By I h & McMahon. (1) ( ) CHEAP LANE FORSALE , 1,000,000 Acre * OV THE FINEST LAND EASTERN NEBRASKA SKLKOTKU is AN EAJILY DAT KOT Itn HOAP LAND , BUT LAND OWNKD nt No : RESIDENTS W11C ARE THIKI ) PATIKO TAXI AND AUK OFPKIIINO THKIH LANDS AT Til law rmois ov $0 , ? s , AND $10 rcn ACIII ON LONG riMK AND EAST TKUMS. WE ALSO OFFEU FOR SALE IMPROVED FARM ! IN Douglas , Sarpy and Washingto ALSO , AN IMMENSE LIST OF OmahaOityEealEstati Including Elegant Residences , Butlnei nnd Kc-idenco Lots , Chcnp Hou. es nn Lot > . nnd a large nunitar of Lots in most t the Addition- Omaha. Aluo , Small Tracts of 5,10 and 20 ncrce in and near the city. We have good oppoi tunitics for making Lontis , and in nil CUM pmonally examine titles and take ever precaution to insure safety of money e Imested. lie ow we offer a final Hat of STKCIA U.MIOAINB. BOGGS & HILL , Real Estate Brokers , 140S North Side of Farnham Street Opp. Grand Central Hotel , OMAHA. NEB. ETflD OAI C A beautiful residence lot run OMLb California bctncvn - and an 23d streets , yiooo. BOQGS & HILL CAI C VcT nlce house nd ! c OHLC on Uth and WelwUr strccU . \ltli barn , coal house , well ihtcn , , simile an 'rnlt ' trees , erythltur , complete. A dcslrabl licet of property , llgurea low UOS & HILL. Cnn CAI C Splendid Imnnes lots S. E lUn W/TL.E. corner of Ititli and Capilt Wenuc. BOCCiH&HILl. CAI C House and lot corner Clilcae OMLC and 2J t streets , SJOOO. LOGOS & HILL. PHP CAI C Nou- house , 6 rooms , half lol lUn OfALt. 7 blocl.9 from court bouse inly 31500. HOCUS & II ILL. PAR CAI C Ilouneof 6 rooms -with 1 lot run wtlkk near Implies * , wood location ! 1650. BOUUS k HILL. CAI C Corner of two choice iota i OHLC Shlnn'a Addition , request t it once submit licet cosh otter. otter.liOGOS liOGOS & HILL. CAI C A K00'1 an "csirnhie res OnLCdciiuj property , WOOO. BOGUS : & HILL. A RESIDENCE Not In the markel Owcrw ill editor 80,500. BOGGS & HILL. CAI C 4 K00 < 1 lotsFinn's 3d ad OHLC illtlon $100 each. BOGGS & HILL EAR CAI C A tery fine residence lot , t rUn OriUb boinu inirty desirliiL' to bull i flue houHC. i2.aoo. liOtiOb & HILL. CAD CAI C About 200 lots In Kountze I Tun OHLC Kiith'8 addition , Just soul ] > f at. JIary'a avenue , SIM to IbOO. These lot ire near business , surrounded by tine Improve nents and are 40 per cent Uieaper than any othe oU In the market Sax u money by bu ) Inn thei ols. BOUOS i HILL. CAR CAI C 10 lota , suitable for fine red rUn OHLC deuce , onlUrk-Wildaxeiiue t blocks B. 11. of depot , all co\ercd with line larg rees. Trice extremely low. $000 to $700. HOGGS i HILL. PAR Qdl P Some \cry cheap lota full WrlL > E > Lal.u'8 addition. liOUGS k HILL. CAI C Cheap corner lot , corne UrtLC. Uoughi und Jifferson Sts. UOGUd & HILL. Q A I C P8 lots on 2Cth , 27th , 2Sth wn OriL.1. anhand 20th hU , betuucj ariihani , Housl.ii , and the projioseil cxtcnelon o loil 'c btrcet. I'riccs nui u from $ ioo to HOO > Vuli.i\ni.oiiiliidtil toghumin of unall nicaiii me moro chance to Krcuru a home and will bullc IOIHJSOII thCNolotson muall imyuwiits , and wll H.'ll lots on monthly mjinenta.liOOOS liOOOS i HILL. Zlitt CAI P 1 > acre * , miles from city lUn OHLE. about 30 ocieaery choici alley , with rimnliiif naUr ; baLintu ifeutly rolllni > rrine , onlj a mills fjom rallaaul.j'lO neir acae. BOGUS & HILL. PAR CAI C 400 acrci In one tract t\\elv Fun OrALU miles from city ; 40 acres cu : hated , Lhlnjr Hprinjrof wnter , noino nice \a ey * Hie land U all lirbtalann rich prairie. I'nc (10 ( per utrn DOCiUS & HILL. PAR CAI C 720 acres In one body , 7 mile rUli OHLC we tof Fremont , I * and , pjodnciiiK btay Krro thof ijrass. In hlgl alloy , ruh Holland } mles from railroad an iide track , In good ucttlcment and no better Un MI bo found. BOGGS k HILL. CAI C A highly liupro\cJ farm o OHLC 810 nervs , Smiles from ilty ; ine Improvements on thin land , owner note iractlnal fanner , determined to bell. A k'OOt ipcidni ; for nome man of lueuns. lueuns.HOGGS & HILL. CAI C ! ,300 acres of land nonr Mil OHLC land Station , 3MX ) near K1K torn , * S to BID ; 4,000 IV.TOS in north ) rt of luun y , * 7 to 10 , a,000 aeres i to & mllen from Klor nee , 85 to 310 ; 6,000 HITCH \\cttof the KJUioru ft to * 10 ; 10,000 acreu w-atteredthroagh thccoun y , ( U to f 10. ' The above lantli Ho neir and mljoln nearlj \ITJ farm In the count ) , an.l e-.m mostly bo koli ) M umall Huh jnymciit , with the lulanco In l-'J-S I and 6 lear'n time. BOGGS A ; HILL. CAI P BeAfral hno rosmcnccn proj OHLC erticii nt'ir befrre otlcrfi i nil not known In the market an I eliiir for sale .watioim will only be uiadu known ro purchaurn ' nea. BlXiGS&HILL. IMPROVED FARMS mprove firms nround Umaha , and In all JutU o Knij'lv8 , barpy unit WachliiL'toii counties. Ah < arm In Iowa. For description and prices mil 01 it. ISOGUHoclllLU I n Dusineat Ix > U for Sale on Farnam and Done I U l-t * iitreuU , from to te.UX ) . BOGGS li HILL. CAI P s business lots nextvve4 OHLC of Mu onlc Templu-prie < vj ( WO each. BOGUS & HILL CAI P lots e tof O.1J OHLC lmk.i &OOrach. BOUUy&.HlLL. CAI P 2 l " < IneM lot * south ildi OHLC UouKbatrcettHtMtK.iiUtt nd 13th , 3UX , ) coeh. BOGUS & HILL. TAR CAI P ICO-icrcs.ovvcroa wllhjounj UN OALC tlmUr ; llvlnj ; wattr , tur oundrd by iiuuroveJ run , only 7 mile * from it . thcupt it UuU ontuud. HOGGS & .SILL SCHOOL BOOKS ! M IHn SCHOOLBOOKS BOOKS ! SCHOOLBOOKS BOOKS ! If you want to save monejr in buying School Books -GO TO THE MTIQU1EM BOOK STORE , 1420 Douglas Street , . .NEAR 15th STREET , Where you can buy them for HALF PRICE. NEW AND SECOND HAND School Books For Public and Private Schools in Town and Coun try in large quantities , to be had at Greatly ReducedRates AT THE 1420 Douglas St. , < IEAn THE CORNER OF FIFTEENTH ST. TO STILL THE LION CONTIM'KS TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery. ' W B B K * * * C * v I hiuo adopted the Lion fva a Trade JIalk , and limy ( 'exxla will bo b'l'AMI'HD vith ( lie LION ml my NAMK on tha euiiio. HO OOODH AUK. IKNUINE WITHOUT Till A110VK BIAMPS. 'haliebt material Isi tisu.1 and the ire > ( nkllleil workmen arc cniplocd , and at the loweat cash rite. AllonuUhIntr a price ( Ut of irooil will onlcr a imor by Dciullnir ( or one. DAVID SMiTH MOORE. TROIUTE NOTICE ] Itate of Kvbraxka , County it , i Countj Court , lirld nt the Coiintj Court llooiii. In and for tald Ci.iiutj. Au'iut Ut , A. I , IbUl. 1'n.ciit , HOWAIIU 11. Slliri ! , Countj Jnd c. In thuinattirof llicttt.itool Jostiih H. Nel. on , ikteasut ; Oil reading and fllln- the , UItion of Martha I. M'lson , iia > liif | that the Instrument , pur. lortlnir to bo a duly antlientluatul copy of the t will and testament of said iU-.m't.l. and of he iirohatu thereof , i.j the flnult Court of 'ouiitaln ' County , htatc of IiiJIma , and HiU day lleil In thU Court , may lie allounl and recorded. . * tl.o last Mill and testament ol jwiid Jooiph 11 , ulnpn , ducibcd , In and for the Ktate of No- ira.sku. Ordered , That AiiRust i7th ! , A. n. 18S1 , at 10 iilock a. in. , Uuwlipuil ( or litArIn iulJieUtlon | , ilitn ll | KT ons Inti-rote-J in naliriiiitti-r may pixar at a County Court tolis held , In and for aid County , and lie utUMiuliy the praur of ntlitionvrthouldliot bograntc.1 ; anil that notice f the pcndenej of Kald pitltlonand the hiring hrrcof , Lu | , 'lteii to all iwrwiiH liittri _ tnl In nail ] natter , bv publUhlng a copy of thli ordt riuTim IMAIIA VVf.KkLV lite , a iifMnpapcr prliite.1 In gald tounty , for three ruccwshe week * , prior to saUl l y ol luariutr. IA true i py.J HOH'Ant ) II. SMITH , axij103t County Jlld-f.