Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1881, Page 3, Image 3

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'He Pays a Visit to Craiiil Island
in His Circuit ,
And Tolls Nearly All Ho
Knows About It.
. .Mining Possibilities For That
City and the State.
The jtlnoo M It is nml ns It
Mny Do-
CoricipoMilencc of The Uce.
QitAxn ISL\VI > , September 4. 1
cannot think that our city Oinnha
with ita 38,000 inhabitants , its Wonder
ful growth and unparalleled prosperity ,
is jealous of Grand Island. I am cer
tain that Tin : HER is not , but still it
is n , fact that the Omaha dallies have-
not given even a faint outline- the
great work that is now being done in
'Grand Island.
A few blocks east of Grand Island
there is now towering sky ward u series
of walls , massive , ornamental and
grand. They are all made of pitch-
.faco stone , and' this "nijight bo' called
thVcity of industry. God only knows
How "ninny gone-rations" unborn
may Itnro make this bright Btecl
brighter and llncl that happiness
.springs from the sweat of toil , for
these are
1HL.VNI ) .
Of the nine buildings , only one is
-completed , ' : mdJoseph | R..McConnell ,
master mechanic of the North 1'latto
shops , is now hero tov put its ma
chinery in place , so that in u few days
the hum of. its numerous lathes will
give music as they make ribbands of
iron , steel or brass. The engine rooms
with stone floors are handsome enough
for parlors , and the vast lly wheels
and the enormous shafts at once im
press the visitor with the gigantic ex
tent of the work that will be done in
the adjoining machine shops.
The blacksmith shop , with its twen
ty-four forgo capacity , is now nciiring
completion. The stouo walls are en
tirely finished. A little farther cast
I found ono hundred and sixty man at
work ; sixty of them are stone cutters.
I am told that as high as fourteen car
loads of stone have been absorbed in
these massive foundations in a single
day , and yet their growth was scarce
ly noticeable. Southern Nebraska
furnishes all this stone , and it is of
excellent quality. A chimney that
looks as if it might have been built as
a monument , it is so massive and
beautiful , is completed and a founda
tion twenty feet square is laid for
what they tell me will bo a still more
magnificent OIKS ; two thousand lire
brick and sixty-ono thousand red
brick are required to build it.
Mr. Way is authority for the state
ment that all of the nine buildings
must bo
Hiit if T am any ju-i c the thing can
not "be did. "
A UKl'ORT. .
All ex-lieutenant governor told m'o
that lie had seen a letter from U. P.
headquarters which said that these
shops were to be doubled in capacity.
This , I presume , means that they arc
to bo doubled in number. Instead of
nine shops there will be eighteen.
He also , on the same authority , says
\ that the railroad , already reaching
towards the north from Grand Island [
to St. Paul , Nob. , is to be completed
to the '
which will open to Grand Island and
Omaha a country rich in minerals , un
bounded in grazing possibilities ,
seamoUwith coal , ubuunding in for
ests , alive witli game , and the great
est health and plc.-isuro resorts of
winch the world can boast. Several
northern roadi are now making fran
tic strides to roach this rock bound
region , whoro.wealth ilows in pnctnlo-
an streams , but the U. P.
is sleeping with ono eye
open and it is not likely that
weaker powers will bo allowed to fore
stall the giant that nursed the Black
Hills into life.
TUB ii.ivATii : : : i'\.r ,
on which the shops are being erected ,
is a spot where the surroundings are
all that could bo desired.
Highly cultivated farms , artificial
groves and the priimip-il streets of the
city are the loading bo.uities of the
surrounding scenery , while far nway
to the south is the silver streak that
tells the oourwo of the L'latto livor.
§ 500,000
will fall short ot paying the cost of
thenu improvQinents without any
"doubling of capauity. "
is one of the contemplated institu ,
tions of the future , and they will l > o
owned. and operated wholly or in
part by the U. P. , liouco their extent
can only bo surmised.
Without doubt there are no build
ings of this kind in all the western
country from the Mississippi to the
sea that will at all compare with these
TJioro are now ono hundred and
twenty acres of land in the tract the
U. P. purchased for the ulnps and no
part of it can be purchabcd at any
price. Surrounding lots are quickly
hold at high figure ? and those who in
tend to make their homo hero cannot
got their ground any too quick.
The present round-houso will bt
torn down when the
now ono is com
pleted ,
TWJ xiuiuwt or JIIN :
who will \ > o employed is variously cs-
tnnatud at from four hundred to two
thousand , and it is doubtful if anyone
knows. Curtain it is that thu shop * h :
OinnUii are being almost doubled j ir |
number while those at Grand Islam
J/ ave going up. and liouco some new departure -
/ mustJio in view. c30
parturo . Of course
the vast enterprises now being a
turoil will require more facilities foi
work and inoro workmen. There is
tlio iw.v route to the _ Pacific , whicl
will niiikti thu U , I' , independent n :
the Cuatrul ; then there is iho Yellow
stonu Paik H , U. , and again the St ,
Joe , and it is supposed that the St. Joe
shops will bo discontinued.
Locomotives ought t. < bo manufnc
ured hero and it 'is not improlublo
that Tauntim will cro long receive its
last T. P. order.
Having given glittering generalities
( that is what the avurngo reader likes ) ,
let us now get down to *
THE KioruKs
in regard to these nine I * . P. shop
buildings : They are be inuing at the
nest end as follows ; a coal chute , Six
175 ; ft round house with twenty stalls ;
a machine simp , 100x150 , with an en
gine room FiOxoO ; immediately south , a
blacksmith shop , 75x150 ; next east , a
building 50x180 , to contain two olliccs
and two store rooms ; directly south
at the cdgo of the yard , an oil house ,
40x00 ; then in the center of the yard
comes the car erecting shop , lOOxoOO ;
attached on the south aide is
the car machine shop lOOx
150 ; and aMached to this is an on-
giuo room , 50x50 ; OHO hundred feet
east are two buildings , each 50x.'iOO ,
the north ono a car paint shop and
the other a repair shop. The
lumber yard lies smith of the car
AH 'tho buildings will bo built
with stone from the company's
quarry on thu Iie.ilrice t > iau.-h
\ goi-d qua'ity of limrstuni- .
The machine shop is ICOxloO
feet , the walls i.'l fuel high , and the
peak of the roof-Hi feet , with a 7-foot
ventilator above. It contains three
pits , 118 feet lung , with room > for an-
nther as soon as required. Twenty-
two iron columns support the Bhalt-
iug. Four double doors on the west
aide give entrance to the building ,
while it is lighted by fifty-seven win
dows. .Tho roof is of slate. Hack of
the engine-room n sovcnty-five-feet
chimney , ten feet at the base , is
erected ,
With such dazzling prospects and
such wonderful gifts now lying at her
door , it is not strange that
should bo claiming an increase of
2,000 inhabitants since the last census ,
which accorded her 3,000.
Among the important improvements
are Wolbach's store , one of the best
in the state ; the public scl-ool build
ing , second only to our high school ,
and thu brick and mortar now being
piled high in n score of blocks , will
soon change the shanty town to a
solid ono.
A few lirst class lives would bo of
incalculable'benefit to Grand Island ,
and I would recommend her to bor
row some of Hastings. To prevent
loss it will only be necessary to listen
attentively to insurance agents.
One real estate firm reports two ad
ditions sold since last fall.
Thummel A Platt , Union Pacific
land and lot agents , will , on Septem
ber 1st , put Clark's addition on the
markot. I don't know where Clark's
addition is , but they say there are in
this addition choice lots at rare bar
gains , and 1 presume "Thoy Say" is
well posted.
The lumber sales made hero during
the season have been wonderful.
GriswoKl it Bacon and half a dozen
other more or less extensive dealers ,
carry just "oodles" of building mate
The Clarendon house has been par
tially rebuilt and Paul H. Jlawlins ,
tho'now landlord , Bays that it is the
best house in town , while the Estes
house , just west of the depot , a bran
new structure with a bran now out'fit ,
is gathering in those who economise
on hotel bills.
WithersA--Kolls , a nciv diy goods
firm that hails from Omaha , arc doing
a rattling business on the best.ooijncr
in town.
Jordan & .Justice are putting up an
iron front brick , Si3xlO ! ) , two stories
and basement , hardware .stoves , etc.
Wholesale and retail will bo the busi-
ess.Mr. . JI. P. Makely , foreman of the
T. P. car and building departm6m at
Jrand Island , has more now ideas
han half a do/ceil avorngo iiit'ii and ln > j
ins also "the prettiest masculine
torso in the state of Nebraska. "
. ,
T11IJ I'll ! - r. i j
never fail to lintl out all afcout the
.owns where booms are hnnniui ! . ' ami
, 'csterday two waslieo chapa , with
, 'oung and rather lianilHuinu f.uvj ,
rented a room below a gambling hull
ind throw a sign across the street ,
' Wing Sing Laundry , " and then tlio
crowd of men and boys who wore idle
gathered on thosidowalk and voted that
"tho Chinese must go. " Wing Si"g .
came out with soyoral bunches of
cigars wrapped up in true celestial
wrappings , and those hoodlums , my-
eolf included , had a butter riinoko than
we could get any where in the Plalto
valley , but the next morning an einpt.y
and a desolate room was the lute abode
of poor Washoo , Waslieo. Ho How by
night from the heathenish attack of
Christians who came to this country
to gain an asylum from force unjustly
With bandaged head and
bruised body the "heathen Chineo" is.
now pondering over what Confucius
said about returning good for evil sc sf
and wondering if tlio thing "can be
did , " Of course the gambling hell ! l
was not disturbed.
A marvellous entertainment of a
magical , electrical , psychological character -
actor astonished the natives at the
Presbyterian church and Prof. Bel
low , the entertainer , is en route for
Heth P. Mobloy and Mrs. Mobloy
are receiving so many melons ot such
proportions that they keep the saloon
windows in the neighborhood well
decorated with twcnty-iivo-pound mel '
ons and cantelopcs. The Independent
will issue melon pufTii in supplement
form , but Heth don't necm to issue the
melon alicc * in any form , and the
b ivs are singing
' You can't Imvo any of my mill
When vnur imiHlunelcniK aru > i
C' . P. 15. Williams as postmaster is
n sublime success , but C , I1. H. W. is
not its Imndsomo as ho was when her
\r is winking at the girls from TIIK
Iti.K composing rooms eleven years
sinco. Time , time , the hoary old vil-
l.iin , tjcts away with us all. My beauty
is even uomcivhat a little less ravisli-
ingly lovely than when I used to tdin
my lignum vitic pie from the Cram !
Ii'and ' lunch counter , ton yeara ago.
For business review , see Uth pa o ,
JlANflKH ,
Win. McOaitnoy , 83 Lloyil street JJnlfa
Jo , X , V , , full aiul hpraintil hii nnkle ,
Hit'lnplnyer , II. Aiulurnnn , 01 Mail
Htreet , procured mine nf 'J'Louiaa' Klcttlie-
Oil , and lie payg that a few ajiiiji an
enabled 14111 to t > - < > to work M utuai ,
Echoes From the Guarded
Doors * of Temples of
My.tery. .
Mnsonlc MUcollanj-- The Growth
of the Od l-FoHows--Fromont'
Excursion. Knightly
The opening of the month brings
ivith it the regular communication * of
he various Masonic bodies in this
St. John's lodge No. 25 , A. F. &
\ . M. , hold their regular on Thursday
evening. In the absence of W. M.
las. 1 ? . Uruncr the S. W. Isaac
rhomp > ett presided. Considerable
.nisincss was transacted.
The regular monthly conclave of
Mt. Calvary Commandery Iv. T. No.
I was held on Friday evening at their
Capitol lodge holds its regular
Monthly meeting on Monday , the
Chapter on Tuesday , and Covert on
iVeducsday a week.
TIII : Di'Tcii rmi : ! MASONS.
At the annual meeting of the Gr.
Orient of the Order of Free Masons
n Holland , which was held at The
Llaguo on the I'.Hh ult. , under the
( residency of the Gr. Master , his
lloyal Highness Prince Frederick , a
motion was unanimously adopted ,
amidst loud applause , in which the
lope was entertained that Jews would
no longer be excluded from some of
the lodges in Germany and Sweden.
The resolution also contained an ex
pression of regret that Freemasonry
in Germany had not exerted itsolt to
counteract the proceedings of the an
ti-Jewish faction in that country.
Jewi h Chronicle.
The officers of thn Grand Comman
dery on Tuesday instittttcdanowCom-
mandcry at Tccumsdh in this state.
, . ,
The growth of the Templar order in
Nebraska is steady ami satisfactory.
Within the past year three comman-
deries have been instituted.
< ! OAT HAIltS.
New York State claims eighty thous
and active members.
The Louisville Temple Theatre is
being remodeled.
Masonry is claimed to bo the oldest
organized institution in the world.
Missouri's Grand Lodge will moot
in thirty-sixth annual session in St.
Louis October 9th.
The Masonic hall at Duiiedin , Now
Xealand , burned recently , destroying
the Grand lodge regalia.
"Is the power of restoration from
expulsion .vested in the lodge or the
Grand lodge , or both unitedly ! " is
the question now being agitated by
, our New York brethren.
Masonry will soon tlourish in Spain ,
where , not many years ago , its follow
ers were imprisoned and persecuted.
Senor Segasta , the present Prime
Minister , is Grand Master.
In regard to Masonic funerals , "Di-
geat of Masonic Jurisprudence , " says :
"A Masonic funeral is conducted by
Masons only. No other society can
bo allowed to take part in a Masonic
ceremony. Lodges are not allowed to
make arrangements with any other
society to have a joint or mixed fu
neral. "
The elaborate ritual of Masonry is
deserving ot both a careful study and
rendering by members of the craft.
The ceremony connected with the im
parting of the several degrees must bo
rigidly observed in all its parts if a
duo impression is to bo made on the
mind of the candidate. Masonry is
muro than a system , and its power
depends upon the character of its
emburs rather than upon their ritti-
distic acquirements.
I'Jio members of Ccntpunial Lodge
No. 5 ! ) , I. O. 0. F. of Fremont arc
ustly indignant over tlio treatment
vhicli they received from the Union
'acilic on the occasion of their recent
licnie to Grand Island. At a late
Mooting of the led o the following
resolutions wore passed , which the
iiditur of the Lodges copies by rcijuest.
At , thn meeting ot Centennial lodge ,
STo. fill , I. O. 0. F. held Friday evening -
ing , August 2th ( ! , the following was
unanimously adopted :
Resolved , "That the thanks of this
lodge bo voted
Jst. "To the citizens of Fremont
and North Bend and others who ac
companied the excursion to Grand
Island , for the considerate and good-
natured manner in which they put up
with the ( tirlyand uncomfortable con
veyance furnished us bv thu I' . P. H.
11. Co. , after we had contracted and
l > aid for first-class passenger coaches. "
2d. "To Odd Follows and citizens
of Grand Island for their generous re
ception and the many courtesies
shown us while in their city. "
: jrd , t'To the Herald ami Tribune
of this city , and the Bulletin of North
IJoud , for favors received through
their columns. "
1th , "To Mr. Frank Stouflbr , of
North JJond , for his voluntary and
generous efforts in assisting to make
our excursion a MICCCHS. "
5th. "Toconductors. M. Goihhird
and the train men for extra exertions
in making the niiiiorablo quarters fur
nished us by the U. P. J { . J { . Co. ,
as comfortable au pOHsibloand for their
uniform kindness during our trip "
The Louisville Argus has been mak
ing up a table of statistics , which
presented here : "In numerical
strength the largest jurisdiction in
Odd-fellowship is in Pennsylvania ,
(105 ( Lodges and 74,470 members. The
next rank i Ohio , which is the baiir
nor state oftho west , having 44,002
members in its fl < 2 Lodges. Illinois )
ranks fourth , with L'3,032 members
distributed in 588 Lodges. Now York
'is the third jurisdiction in member ?
ship , having 7,801 in 48,1 Lodges ,
Then comes .Imtitnft , with fill 1/odgcs
nnil 20f > 41 mcmbtfs. Massachusetts
is the sixth in rank m membership ,
has lf > 0 Lodges and ClW ! > members ,
a very largo average per l/id 'o. The
seventh in rank is California , having
21-UiS members nnd 871 Lodges.
Kentucky ranks about tenth , having
203 lodges , with l,000 ) members.
Texas reports n revival in tluvdcr. .
Odd Fellows' Hall , of I\ow York
City , has been sold to Unhurt Hoe ,
Jr. , for $8T.,000. It cost Sirii.OOO. '
Tlio rituals liuvo boon printed in the
French langimugo.
Missouri reports nn increase of
1,100 members.
Indiana lost tOU during 1SSO.
The twenty Lodges in New Xeahuid
report 71' ' t members.
Several of the eastern jurisdiction ! )
are complaining that tlu-ir ( Ir.uul
Lodges are becoming unwu-ldly , and
Hi t for the dispatch of business , as
veil as saving of expense , representa
tion should be reduced.
The "Homo for Aged and Indigent
Odd Fellmvft" in Pennsylvania is pro
gressing favorably. A jour ago it
was paying ( i per cent on a mortgage
of § 10,000. Now it owi-s but S.'IIH)0 )
and is paying out 4 cfent on that. U
is expected that the wlmlo debt will
bo cancelled by next .lantmry. Assets
are reported at $ : i",08 ; ? .
. A revision of the Dounv nf Ue-
bekah will bo presented at tin- mix I
session of thu Grand Ludigc , and
although it inay seem somewhat premature -
mature to niako the auiuiuncement ,
its ' absolute < crctir inont" may bo
counted upon as n foregone conclusion.
Indeed , the gray wisdom of thu order
asserts that n few more "improve
ments" only are required to "letiro"
the entire degree.
The Odd Fellows' hnlljn Now York
was recently sold for § 85,000. It was
considered ono of the finest Odd Fol
low buildings in the United .States ,
and brought about fifty per cent of
its supposed value.
Monday availing August 2U , Planet
Lodge No. 4 , had work in the second
degree , and will have work in the
third , next Monday evening.
Last Monday evening the Endow
ment Hank mot , and added another
to its membership.
Planet has also n uoiv applicant
awaitim ; invitation ,
Omaha Lodge U. D. is booming nnd
its members work like beavers for the
advancement of the order.
At the meeting of Nebraska Lodu'o
No. 1 , on next Wednesday evening
matters of considerable interest to
the lodg < and the order at largo will
be . considered , and a largo attendance
is expected.
The work of organizing a new Am
erican Lodge is actively progressing.
The annual reports of the grand
jurisdictions received up to this date
by the Supreme Keeper of Records
and Seals , show that the following
have increased their membership dur
ing 1880 :
New Jersey . : jii ! ; Iowa -1)7 ! )
I1 Jthoili ! Ihlniul. . . ( M
Delaware < > - Ceoi iii 81
New York ( ! 15 Missouri
Virginia . ' . ' ( il MiniiuHiitii . 101
Connecticut 123 Tt'llllCFKCO . ! > \
WeM , Virginia. . . ! ! . " . JIainu . li)8 )
Ohio 540 0W !
Kentucky 101 _ 8L1
California ! U1 Nuvada . l'-T
' ' ' ' ' ' . r > ( il
. . . . . . . . .
Thu following Grand Jurisdictions
show a decrease in 1880 :
District of Columbia 71 !
Now Hampshire 8
Ontario - >
Buolclin's Arnica Snlvo.
Tlio boat salvo in tliu world for outs ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , milt rheum ,
fovcr Borus , totter , chupnod Imndn ,
chillblnins , corns : nrd all kind.s of
skin eruptions. This salvo is jjnar-
nntcud to give porfuct flfttisfactiou in
every case or money refunded. Price ,
25o per box. For sale by
IHII it MtM.uioN , Omaha.
Tlicro oxlsls a menus of securing -
curing a soft and brilliant
Comiiloxion , no matter how
poor it may naturally 1)0. )
Hasan's Mabioliu llulni is a
delicate and Jiarmless arti
cle , ivlilch instantly removes
F r o c k 1 o s , Tan , Redness
Roughness , Eruptions , Ynl-
gar Flushings , etc. , etc. So
delicate and natural are its
effects that its use is not
suspected by anybody.
No lady has the right to
present a disfigured lace in
Hocioty M'lien the Magnolia
Halm is sold by all druggists
lor 75 cents.
nlifht tvoik , la re
tort brajniicrvean
wwitr , UM > Hop 0 >
gulTertnB from any I"
Honi If you lire nnir.
iolil yuuoiri > uucrliiir from
i ur Uu-k-ui'li lux vii a lxxl of kick
rtly oil Hop Blttcra.
Wlisevi-r y urt' . ' IhdimandidlA an *
wheut'Tcr you li-i'l r.uulljr from oiuo
that ' tuna of Kldnoy
iirtxli nilKlit
In * or
ty a tljjuly uwul
D. > . O.
Of tllU Sf'j'iUJCA ,
Ulu euro < ur
, ,
Ixtu-ili Mood clruuVfnne
lUirvrntrvttt UH ) Of OIllUUI ,
You will be tobauco , or
Hop Ditto rs
Ityou rt > dm-
. ,
Ken J lor
] ueak 1101 -
r > y
lawniilrlU'J.try NEVER ClrtuUr ,
it i It ni ii y I10P DHTEB3
eave Ufa. It your tins jFAIL UTO CO. ,
envod luin- r ,
mv& ®
- lJTWl"L. . . . .1 . . . . . _ _ _
No Onanping ;
Whcro ilitrrt romiectioiii ro inmla with Thro
aiKKi'lNtl I'AH I.I.NK3 f5r
NRW vans. HOSTOS ,
The Short Line via. Peoria
VIU.I' , nml nil ixiInU In the
Whom illrcft ronnrctiAixi nro m.iilo In tlio Union
DoiKtt ultli th Tttrcniijh Slruiilnir Cnr
Linen for Al.ta'01NT3
5 O XTJC * 3E3C .
Till : KAVOU1TU 110UTK KOll
Rock Island.
The unci\iklc | < l Iniliioiimcnts offcrxl by thli line
to tnuclcm nml tourlntu nrr nn follow n :
The cclolirntwl l > Ll.UIANIO-whcp | PALACK
Rl.KiriNO : OAKS run ntilv on this tko 0. , II.
llorton's lU'dlnlnx Chain. No cxtro chai 'o for
neat * In Itcrllninjr Cllnlrn. The famous U. , II. b
Q. I'lxUco Dlnliif ; CXira , ( lorvixiiia Unio'in Onn
llttoil llh i-lcKivnt lilii-liAcliiil ; ) mttnn ro\nl\lni ;
chain , for the oxcliuuoisoof Hnt-cloM | iauoii.
gcrn.Htccl Track nml superior niulpmcnt comblncil
wltli their tj t IlirouK'li cnrnrniiKcincnt , nmkon
thK Mime , nil others , the favorite route to the
I iit , South mill Soutliiot-t.
Try It , ami yon will lliul tra\ellnt ( a luxury In-
etmil nl a iliicoinfort.
ThrniiKh tlckuU \ la Uiln cclclirato.l line for * Mo
tit nil olllcvH In tliu UnlUvl SfciUa nml Cnimiln.
All Inloniiatlon nl > oiit mto.s of faro , HU'Ciilntf
Cur nivoinnioilAtloiH , Tlino Tables , etc. , will be
cheerfully glvon by ajilyin | to
Ooncral 1'tumiiiircr Acent , Chicago.
T. J. roTl'KU ,
West for hem : ; the most direct , rjulckcit , and
Riftiit line r/iniicctliiK the treat Mctro ] > olN , CIII-
CAQO , nnil thu HABTKHN , KiiitTH-JlAsritiiN , SOUTH
and BOUTII-KASTI-.RN LINIW , whlcli tcrminato there ,
CKNTKIIB from nhldi rtulinto
that ] > cnclnvtc8 the Continent from the Mlsaourl
Ittvcr to the 1'aclflc Slope. The
In fho only line from Cliltajro ownlnjr truck Into
linnsax , or nhicli , by Its onn rood , rcAcluu tha
jolntH abi > vo naincil. No TIIANKPKIIH nv CAIIIIIAUK t
vcntllntitl or unclean earn , as ovorv p.tH'it'iii'r | In
cnrrlctl In roomy , elunn and ventll.iiixl coachon
iipon | Kakt llxpri1Trains.
DAY UAIIB of iinrlvulcil nmKiilflcorico , I'IJM.MAN
PAI.AC-K Bi.Kmwi UAKH , and onroifiiworlil-fainoiis
Di.MNn CAIIK , iiimnlilch nmls are nervcxl of tin-'l ] cxi'cllenoe , at the law riu ; of HUVKNTY.
KINK C'I'.NTH KACII , wltli niilu ] ) time for hualthful
Through Girn hetwccn Chlenso , ToorU , Jill
wnul.eonnil Mlaxourl Hlvur I'olntn ; nml rlonocon
rioctlonsat nil i > oiiU ] of IntcrtiucUoii with other
\Vu ticket ( do < iot forget thin ) directly to every
iilacu of Iniportanco In Kansas , Nebraska , Illack
Hills , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Ni a < ln , Uillfornla ,
Ore-iron , Washington Territory , Colorado , Arizona
and Now Mexico.
Atll licral arrativcincntH tcg tAmymKgaKO \ an
any other line , and rut01 of farunlirajx nit ow as
( oniputltors , who furnlah but a tlthuuf the com.
fort.Dojrs and tackle of sjiortfliiicn free.
Tlclii'ts , IIKIIH ami foldoH at all | irlnclp.\l tlcko
oIlkoH in thu l/'nttfil SUtts and C' nvU. :
It. II , L'AIILi : , K. HT. JOHN ,
Vlc-o I'ri'n't & nw. Gen. Tkt and I'ann'r A t.
, ChU'airo ClilcnifQ.
Sioiix City & Pacific
St. Pauf&Tsioux City
ami all polnln In Northern Iowa , JllnnesotinnJ
Dakota. 'J'lili Hue U iiuix | | l wjtli tha lniirov ) il
SV'chtliiKlioiiHC Autamatlu Alr-l > ral < a anil Jllllcr
I'lutfurin CuuiiluJ anil lliiHur ; ami ( or
la iiisuria | 'il. Klcga'it Dmu-iiiir llooni anil
jlvcplnx Cum , owiiiul aiul rontrallul by tliu com-
: iaiiy , run throiiKli WIT"OUTUHANUK Iji-luuon
Union 1'acillc Translor ucjmt nt Council lilulla ,
arwl St. I'aul , . . .
Trulin luuvo Union Paclna Transfer ile ) > ota
Council Dlutfa at r : lli 11. in. , reacliliif Bloux City
at 10:20 : , in. anil tit raul at 11:05 : a. in. niaklnc
IlcliirnlnK , leura Kt. I'aul at 8:30 : p. in. , Arriving
Kloiu 1'ily 4:15 : n. in. , and lliiluii raclllnTrani
r ( lci)0t , Coundl HhilTj , at 0:60 : a. in. llu
at your ticket * road Uc "H. U. Il I' . U. H , '
K. C. 1III.I.H , Riiiwrlntcnilciit ,
T. K. HOIIIKHON , tlUwurl Valley , Ia.
Ami. ( Id I'ana. Aicnt.
J. II. O'lllO AN , I'aiui-uircr Ak'cnt.
Oniinrll Illuffn , Tnw .
The Olflost LJutatMiHlw-rt
Oaldwell , Hamilton & Co. ,
ct * transvttoj birao as that ot an Inuir-
nank ,
Accoiinti kept In currency or | * ) M ouljcct to
huck ulthout notice
Ccrtilicatca ol dci.o it Iwiucxl juyablo In tlircn ,
Ix anil twclvu months , bvarlni ; luttrtbt , ot on
ilciiuuiJ without Inturckt.
Ailvancui niadu to vuntomcrt on approved ECCU-
rltlcii at inarkut retva ol Inttrukt.
Duy and full k'r'U , I'll ! " o' ' exchange , ( jovcrn-
meiit , fctate , county and city Uonil * . ,
Draw sight JnfU on Knglanil , ItcUuJ , boot-
hnJ , and ull | * rU ol KurojH ; .
S-'ll European laikuxo tickets.
ifc r'fotiu jcyond nn y reasonable question that tlm
Js by nil odrts the bf'jt , rofld for you to lake wlicn { ravelins In cither direction bctvrce. .
Chicago and all oftho Principal Points In tha West , North and Northwest.
* , nrMully otntnino tliK Map. The Principal CltlM of the \Vost ftiid Hl.iilonj
mi this roiMl. Hi tlmnifili trains mnko close councctlousvltb the trains ol all railroads at
Junction points.
_ - - - - - ! ?
'i'HE CHICAGO & MOR7.v-WEeTERN ! RAILWAY , ! . . | llnr-Miin < oaoh wnv d.'v ( ' front two to tourer moro V.istUxr
m "is. H l.s Uio only roailtwt or Olilcnuo'tliatu. 'cs tlie x' '
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars ,
ICcniemucrtnaMc tor Tickets vl.vfchl.iroad.bpsiirothsynvulovsr It. ai l
MAKJ'l.S Ul'aiUTT , Oai'l JlnnaBcr , CnteiAO. / \ \ % II. STKIsnT , Ow'l TAB. Apcnt , O
IIAURV 1 * . DUKL , Tl-Jtct Aitcnt C. .fc tJ.V. . lUllivay , 14th ! vi > d K.1
D. It. KI.MIIALL , Ami.twt Ticket a A N. \ -HMhvixy , Uth and I'hrnlriuv itreetl
J. IlKMi. Tioknt Aitcnt'C. A N. W. lUl.fciy , U. P. U. II. DcX3l. |
HAMK8T. ULAHK ( lantnl Arcnt.
Omaha , A 'Collins , ,
Chevenne , * & . Colorado
Sprrngand Sunumer
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to. . ' Suit all 5' '
It always gives satisfaction , because it makes a.
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
money refunded.
W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer.
Spring Suits ! All Styles ! .
Tlie Largest GlotMng House test of Chicago *
A Department for Children's Clothing.
Wo htivo now au'asaortmenfc of Clothing of n.11 kinds , Gent't *
Furniahing Gooda in roat variety , nnd n , heavy stock of Trunke ,
Valises , Hats , Gaps , &o. These goods are fresh , purchased from
the nmnufacturora , and will bo sold at priced lower than ever
before made.
We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price.
A largo TAILORING- FORGE ia employed by us , and we inx
SUITS TO ORDER on vary short notice.
1301 and ISQSFarnham St. , cor. 13th
Dealer in Hardware ,
Btovo EepaiiBp , Job forte aiul MajmfiiBtoap
OK2L2Ex. . xicTmrrair-a O3E OJEJOTS.
Tenth and Jackso" QR- Omaha , Neb