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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEs MONDAY SEPTEMBER 5 , 1881. RICH , RACY AND RARE , A GofliKf Telegraphic Letter 'from New York , the Correspondent' of The Boo Hns Noticed nnil Com- anonts TJjum Soolnl Affairs nt tlio Metropolis Wn hlnRton n * ft Center for Southern Cowmorco-- Now York Stnto PlIUci--Kell- Again on HI * Muscle. * Special DIsjtttcli to Tim Inr. ! NEW YOISK , September . Jlt/tDness men hero generally reflect H/KT.I the Apparent decline of the clinxjfing of public siiint to Italtintoro n-J t , irana- IKirlntion point , Mr. A , Page , supcr- intemlcntof the United Vir-Jinm lines , including the Virginia , says thnt the Jfaltiinoro businci with tlio south will hcroixftcr bo done by thu York river rail linos. "V ? iwhington City , ho thinks will become uithJtich- inniul tlio now railroad mart of tlio fcouth. The Datrvillo combination ex- pccts to mti throuuh passenger trains from \Vssliington to .Louisville awl Cincinnati over tlio CSic8if < c.\ko Ohio , vrith which mill with the Nor folk * t Western road , tiKe Da nrillo in terest is on cloao tornm of nJlinnce. 'raKa'Jioi'LKM OK CUE noon. Will there bo enough of a crop for the railroads to haul and hoop , The bulls say "ycc" mid the bonrs Ray "no. " Public opinion nonernllr warrants iho statement th t the mrojn arc from 3 ft tolift per cent * iho : < . , The boar intorcst is Uijoreforo vary litrgo and also cl.mts tlm I largo blurbq of Amur-lean railway shares itnmt bo released byEuorpo to cjiuck the < tle- clinc ( ff K"ld to this oMiiitrjlLtcli will continue to bo hoa fy on swcwint of the largo balunces they OT\O , iind which must contcnuo to incrcs o , pnrj ticularly iti.Ewhnd 'tfhoro < l o teropa are failures. 11)io London Konoinis admits that Hlnglanrt owes u tflJOQ , { OOO.OPO on last year's trade. Yet Uii ? mafhtft liasikar.ii nilyingoa * sloady supply of specie from Euj'qpo ' lor inuit-y nionlhc nml if it liould * bo checked by a. Rurriudur of our i rail- vray-sucuritiee a serious stringency if nnonuy would arise as well us a wild , tumble in thf prices of stoclsr. .Tllonuy IIW.B iirjHf TIOIIT mil August , Lilians easier at > iho ok > so of last wool. , on account of 4ho grunt iroloaso of yovcinniont money totiiko aip occnrltiix , pay pensions , etc > Sov- onty-two millions of dollars huvc fceon paid out to the public by owgovoin- iinent-or1 by Europe in thu , past tun days. iTwonty-six niillioiiH iuoro < will ilw paid -uct by the treasury hi the jiuxt suveti nocks. The much-abused pension bill passed by thohuitcougroas is , thorof < ro , playing its part in ruliov- riru ; the money inurkot , /.5jCOO,000 / of thciftkjvo comes from this -source. The argument of tlm bulls in that the unchecked confidence of thoicountry in ovcry circle _ mid the wctivity of iHiaiiuracturors , importers end.uuiigrn- tion , .iiuincH , railroad building and Jiouso 'building ' , give ample tuuispor- tntion to balance the deficiency in Kraiiitcrops , and railroad inturoat will continue to lead any other , and that the oflly source of an ominous prophecy is the speculators who want to eoll the present high-priced Blocks short. The bulls. any that wo nuvor before had . ONIMCALF T1IK SIO.VIi\ proeont in the country that tfo now Jiore locked up in trust companies to "build jireat railroads , like thc.Atlan- iic < Pacific , the Northern iPacific , Tux us Pacific , itc. , and they claim ilmt $250,000,000 of this inonoy is Jiow in Now York , and will ibo dia- .1) urged in largo quantities fontlionoxt two .years , and used if need be to BUB- iain stock. MKIIUANTH.E in NcnvYork is certainly good and do xivos an advanta o from iho > railroad war , which stimulates purchases twhilo iho freight rates arc low. The atreots Areiblockcd with wagons , ttnods nro yunundly low , particularly so with woolen goods. Oarputn ivro BO cheap .J > AY (10ULI ) AN HIS KON. Gould has taken his twenty- two y&ar old son into partner&hip in in Lanldiig house with his socrutaity , JlorciHini , and his broker , Conner , Gould himself putting in half a mil lion dollars. Gould never signs hiti ovru checlcs but has them printed in fuc aimilo and his secretary fills up the amounts. George Gould is u 8haj > uly , 0od sized man with economi cal habits nnd expeitnoss in physical exploits. JUr. Gould has mid little attention. to society but as his daugh ter is granitic up ho gradually grows more conaurvativo. IIo is ptosuinod to bo the now controlling spirit of the elevated railroad , which is a million and A LalMn debt. JIOOM. 1 > . 0. Mills has now nearly fi the Wall btrcut front of his ureatotLco block , which is to cost § 2,500,000. Cyrus W. Jiold's great ollico block on the battery v.-ill cost noarty a millioii. The iuuuoneo . ch.xmbor of commei'co , now going up , is nearly opposite. The govunuuuut .Largo ollico , of stonoand iron , on the battery , to ao- comiur daio lilrst - class foreign passengorsj is well advanced. The Edward Clark Hotel , opnosito Central park is up one etory. These { { roat biuldjnjjojierutionsin New Yotk have niuch iiicrcaced the price of mo- clianica' labor mid materials. Home nay that the ollico buildings in Now York are oveidono nml will not hero- utter briu # thu present rates. Thu nun- bank building nt .Broadway and Wall street , called I > at Sherman , was put up BO juntily in the winter that it is dangerous to its tenants , most of whom took leases for ; i term of yearn , has been asked by certain Cincinnati capitalists to iugjst in securing thu outhutn railroad of that ) ty for a homo syndicate ami possibly to lend his name. JJOUE wjvmtixa I-LACK Although three of the largest ho- tehxon the sea coast neiir Nuc Yoik have either gone into bankruptcy or docliivo.nnotherbig one is to be bo nn at Coiwy Inland on the ground bought for $ W,000 and Austin Corbin , prwidcuj , of the Long Island railroad. is going to/ipond 2,000,000 next year on the now watering places , TJIETKLKAIIONE. A good deal of dissatisfaction with pjpressed i cireles , owing t'o the tinio consu/rtcd in calling the second party fly , mid lausuits ar > sin f rom ( he irrtistinc- tions of trrnsmiseion , or rcriiidintcd contracts not rccnrucd 'in ' distinct teims. ' The telegraph is again boiiiR taken v p in prefeionco to the telephone - phone , TUB EurXAJT.n rwl\tads of New York , two in number , have been earning $ ? t,000 nml S70- 000 n month rcqpocdvcly. This is n f oed showing. It is crcditabb * 6o the jury system ( hat the new opcm honso company , in which nro most of tljo rich men of Now York , nrownnblo to proceed with the construction this -/car on nccount of ono tenant , who rufuscs to move or comproiuino , and Ifj has been sus taincd by n jury agn'.nst all that power and its Tlio mc < it uccetwftil race courao in the United "States. 1ms boon fouirl at Shtw Oili'.iil bay , on the borders of Cotvjy Island , A lioro racing to nor- cruwJsi going on all this . Hi li.w made respectable fortnno'to its founder. Leonard Je- roaio , Wluun tJio real estate Ins for oi't poor , DRAMATIC. Tliotiomluncy of the drana nt tlw > poninr of the soasou is pioturcsiia. ( | nnd thr BtnlwartscnsaLioiml "Micheol 8tro ! oi'i : piece HS Rcns&tionnl as the lao rtranm , "Tho World"Hios bewi'brought ' over by two thwibtcB , but * fjtotson , of Uoaton , itho new ICBOCV of Booth's theatre , got 'it out 'aml'vith ' Bangs as leading man , Avho is Uio best general actor in the coun try , ho is filling the bouso < in hoi wo.1iher. Clara Morris is 'to ' play during the week day nmtinoos all through thu coining ncason at the Uciun Square and is the only rctrcss iiUo can make thcsr otff dayimttinees P4y the managers. JAMKs'orr.ini.1 There appears no doubt thnt Post master-General .fames wao offered and look under advisement the position of president of the Lincoln lUank and fjafo Deposit company , to 'bo located Km the Vsnderbilt depot property , IIo 1ms not yet positively refused it. NEW YOliK are coming to the front again. Ivolloy assailed the rival democratic organi sations to Tammany Hull last night nnd intimated combustion if ho wat kept out of the flUte convention , but it is b'tlicvcd hu is strong enough on the inside of Tammany Hall to bolt mjain. Among the democratic candi dates for the important nomination of attorney general , is Martin I. Me- Mnhan , long chief of stivif of General John Sedgwick. The country allies of Tnmminy Hall tujeiu inclined to cull a truce with the TJldon-Ilobcson interest. Uy nome Mr. Tildcn is con sidered a candidate for the presiden cy again. Many of his friends allege that his only interest in politics is to sco that his friends are not abused. TIU : UI in this state are uneasy on account of the ill-concealed resentments between the administration and Grant factors. It is notioed that ox-Senator Platt , whom Mr. Conkling put over the convention in 77 , is again made chairman of the state committee moat ing nnd the convention is * called for Now York City where the partisans of Vice-President Arthur nro in utmost complete control. Arthur is I'ASSIVB AND mONII'IKD. The stalwarts , however , who have been in power _ so long , need but a nod to become thrice stalwart. The issue if victory in this state lies with Gar- field. It is noticeable that all politi cal bodies hero passed resolutions of condolence with him except the New York state republican committee. Judge Iiatlirop's Illness. National Associated 1'rew. NKW YOHK , September ! ) . It is not generally known that Judge Lathrop , of the Now Jersey Contrnj , has been dangerously ill for some time at his residence near Morristown , N. J. Re ports received from his bedside are not encouraging , nnd strong cliprtB are being made by the clique control ling stocks to inapiro confidence in property in the event of Judge Lath rep H death. Itis alleged , however , that thoreorganizationsclioniebchind which Judge Lathrop was the great power nnd a very shrewd advisor has como to a aland-still since his sickness. Nothing has been done for many weeks towards taking the propoity out of the hands of the receiver. In order to sustain the Now Jersey Cen tra ] , nnd to sell BOIIIO stock to bears inside the clique , is said to have been n forced purchase , A Cloruyniau Horsowliippoil National Auoclatwl I'raa , UiM'i.v.VATi , O. , Septembers , T-Itov. JTunnuwacher , pastor of the German Protestant church in thu westein part of the city , was horsewhipped last nii'ht by Mrs , Goldmeyer , creat ing great excitement. Theio had been accession from the church , Iluv. Ifunnowachor breaking oil'nnd estab lishing n now charge , and Mrs. Gold- uieyur remaining with the old cause great bitterness , and Mrs. G. claimed her former partner , and made fun of the church parade ; hunco the chas tisement _ Etfoots oftboRooout Drought- National CJIHM.UO , September 3. lleporti from the principal hog raising dis tricts of thu western states indicate that the recent drought is going to have a dienstrous cll'ect on , the fall hog products in Illinois unit Kansas , The number of hogs on hand nt this time is 25 pur cunt , less than last year , nnd their condition is very poor. The pro pect for heavy hogs for the fall market is by no means encour- agini ; . Tbo Brltlvk Ttinuol. National A > < xlaUJ I'ruM. LONDON , September Jl , ThoUritish board of tr.idu has decided to appoint u committee to consider the project for thu construction of u tunnel under the channel. ' Vessel * Ai-rlved- ocIatMl 1'rcu. SAN FuANcisw ) , September 3. The Russian war vessel Africa arrived this morning. The fiut of the Rug- bian Itoot is expected to arrive soon , and then go to the Sandwich Juliiwls ami other places in thu Pacilio. AT A STANDSTILL. Tlio ProBulent's ' Case Virtually Uncliangoil from Yester day , His Pnlao at Noon 'was 104 , TomparatUi-e 08.7 , Res piration 18. Latest Tclogrnplila Ropnrtn ttud Hourly JQnllothts N&tloisjlAmoohtccl l'rc . WASHINOTON , Scpleinbpr . ' $ . The bct& information of the condition this moaiing is favomblu to the continued improvement of the president. He lin pasied a g < Kid nitht ; nnd no dis- iippointing dcrelopinonts have been The rcstletKiirss referred to in the morning bulletin was not nucli us to seriously afect tlio comfort of the president. It wns whnt the doctots call n local ctl'ect , and not an indica tion of an * ' imminent change in his condition. His pulio and tcinpora- turo were not much alFectnd. At 11 o'clock Lis pulse vrni 107 only , while his temperature mid restoration wors normal. Tlio patient did not sleep en well a * he usually uoos Ijofcro mid night , tut awoke frequently , and tJio physidnns do not seem to explain it beyond the statement that it was not duoU.nny unfavorable change in the C.IRU. After one o'clock thu president sloptni well as during the same hour any night this weuk. At the morning examination his general condition is reported to have been fully as favor able. as yesterday At tlio same hour. The morning diessing of the wound and gland revealed no change. Thontmosphero in Washington to-day is idenso nnd unmiitaknbly malarial. AglDr. Bliss expiessvd it , "you can cu. . it with iv knife. " There isa grow ing impression that the weather is having a bad ofl'ect in the president's crse. One attending physician stated : "This weather would kill a well pres ident , I coonsidcr it imporati 'o that tilio picsident the lemoved at once. for four days now the case has had an intermittent character. Wednes day morning the patient felt brighter and stronger than for a week. Before ( Thursday mornir.g ho was loss so. Yesterday morning ho again showed improvement and this morning , not withstanding the general symptoms are not unfavorable , ho seems less an imated. I shall vote for Ins speedy lorr.oval. " Inquhy among the physicians con- linns the statement that the .symp toms remain favotahle , but that the president seems no stronger. The prospects nro Dr. Agnew will in sist upon removal ns soon as possible. The white house attaches , who drove the party to Potomac Flats last night say that the dojtors' lenmrks as to stench were to the effect that if the president remained hero he would diu and if taken away ho would gut well. OFFICIAL BULLETINS. , ELKVKN A. 31 The president takes nourishment ns usual , nnd the general symptoms remain favorable , but the weather seems to have n depressing effect on him to-day. The pulse fluctuates to day between 100 and 110. 12:30 : v. jr. IIULLETIN. The president's condition has not materially changed since the morning bulletin was issued. Pulse 104 , tem perature OS.'l , respiration 18 , ( Signed ) D.V. . BUS.H , Til. REYIIUKN. J. W. BAUNES , J. J. WOODWAUD , . D. II. AONEW. F. II. HAMILTON. Thou. Howard , Unulfnnl , 1'a. , write * : " enclose money for Smiiiu IHotHOiii , arf 1 said I would if ft cured me ; my dynpephia has vanished with nil itu ymptcuiiH. Many thanks : I Khali iimcrbewitlioutItiu , the house , " Price Mt cents , trial bottles 10 cents. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ einl-w Mnsincrod "by Indian's. National Aanoiiatitl l'ri.t > * . SAN FitvNctM'o , September 3. The Tucson Star has advices from Camp Thomas that General Carr and his whole command were massacred by White Mountain Indians thiity-fivo miles from Camp Apache. One hun dred and ten men and seven officers were killed. Troops have left Camp Grant for the scene of action. The tribe ninnbets about fifteen hundred and can muster four hundred war- riotfl. Reports of raids come from lo calities traversed by Nairn's band , also , and strong measures are being taken to subjugate thu savages. Worthy ot Hraite. As n rule we do not recommend pa tent medicines , but when wo know of 0110 that toally is u public benefactor , and does positively cure , than wo con- aider it our duty to impart that information mation to nil , Electlio bitters are truly n most valuablu medicine , nnd will surely cine Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Lidnoy complaints , oven where all other lem- edies fail. Wo know whereof we sneak , and can freely recommend to all. [ 15x , Sold nt DO cunts a bottle Ish & McMahon. (4) ( ) PIONEER LAND AGENCY F. M. KATHBra" , Cambridge , Neb. 1,000,000 ( xcroa pen eminent l nd OJXMI to Jlonif steaila. rrocniittloii * mid llmlxr claim * . 00 iliok-olm | > rou'lclnliiii ( or w leer eulianiri' . 00 of tlio l > wt iK'cdnl laniH In t > oiitliur-t < rii Kcbnxi- K \\itlitlniUr nml water for bale. A lew iholce tock miuln. nltli Icnuil IUltl , tlinlur , ha > aud \\attr. lor talc. ' Uuan. Corri iHUikiiio bclUltixl. marSO tt BTKOX BKCD , u Ul BKtO BYRON REED & CO. Eoal Estate Agency IN NKIUIASKA'J Keep a roimiUto ali.truct ot title to all Heal Kst4itc hi Ouulia und Ilou.'In tountv nia\tl SIBBBTT & PQLLBR , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , 1JAVID CITY , NEB , 8chl | ftttcfltlou b'lcu to colUitioni In Etillcr ' Creat German REMEDY FOH NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , ' ' 1IS:1' ! : ' GOUT , | | ) : ! : ! ! | | SORENESS or TIIR CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS ! ! il' ' ! : ' SPRIINS ' , ' ' lllll'iMnmnn'lll' ' ' FROSTF.D FEET J.1D EARS. SCALDS , OEKtKAL i TOOTH , EAR mu HEADACHE , J.M ) All other Fains AND ACHES. No 1'rrpitatlon on earth equiti ST. JAcnn * OIL > i a imrr , tent , mmir. nil ciiEr Kxtornil llon.eJv. A trial eutilli Imt tin cou | > anllrely trilling outlay of .VI C'ltKM. anil ereryent ioa rlni ; with I tin cm l' ' v cheap and | oittlvo proof ot lu cl&lmi. tllltECTlO.SH IN FLETFN l.iVT.DAIJH. SOI.O 61 All DRUBOISTS AK1 DCAUIS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO. Haltlmnrf , TIM. . 17. AX. ISEIfZER A bad breath tnnv result from ncldltj of tlio stontacli , or from biliousness. JM tlthcr case n ft\V llOfcCS Of Tai'rant's Seltzer Aperient. ailminlsturul nrconlln ; ; to illrcctioiiq , ulll sn | > - plant thN unpleasant companion \\ltli a sncct anil hcultliful ono. U N a saline torn ctlu , xpe- cialU suitable for arin weatln-r , ami lc.i\usthe sbUm strong to do its work of rccuporatlon. SOLD 11Y ALT , Tliough Slinlcou in Every Joint And llbcr ultli fever and a no , or Mllous rcniltt tint , tlicmkttininav jot bo ficed from tno ina- lliiiant tlrusultli llo tcttcr'a Mtouuili Ultterx. 1'iotict tlieijbtcniDKatniit It nltli thin buu.fl- eint antl'8in | nioille , tthlth In furthermore n til- prtnio rcuud\ for liter complaint , constipation , .l\9HiNli | | [ , dtliilitv , rliouinatlim , kiclnej Iron- IJRH and other ailment' . f j/'Kor Bale lij all Uriii'nrlst3 and Dialers < . " c ral Iv. DISEASES OF THE EYE & EAR DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Itetereiucs all llcputablo riiM < .iant of Omaha , trsTOfflce , Corner 15th and Farnhnm 8ts , Omaha , Neb. nuMnictf To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EURo"pEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It IP a positive cure for Hpirmatorrhei , Scrolni H'rakiifiH , linpotancy , and all dlscake * remltiiiK from hilf-Abiibe , an Mental Anxlet } , Lets lUiuory , I'alna In tlm Itack oroide , anil ' " 'hat ' Insanity and Thu .Specific HedUIno U holni ; nsc'd witli wonder. fUl I.UICCSS. _ . _ _ _ 1'ainphloti tent free to all , \Vrlto ( or them and gtt full par ticular * , Price , Specific , tl 00 per package , or ilx paiA. ajos for ti.OO. Addrew all ordcra to 11. HIMbOK MKDICINK CO. Noi. lOi and 10U Main St. Iluffalo , X. Y. Sold | n Omaha bv 0. F. Goodman , J.V , Ilcll , J , K Uli , niUall i-j.'isUuveri ( whtrc. Cornell College , The Claullral , I'hlloiiophlcal , Sdcntinoaiul Civ. II Kn lnrcrliii ; Courw loniiurn lav drably vilth the l > t rolli n In the umntry. Special aihaMtDfuarc iviMi In thu Preparato ry and Normal IKiiartmenu , and In the Conserv atory of MtlklC. Twenty l'rofcs or nnd Teachert. Superior lliillUlnelluicum , lAbaratory an I Apparutu * . ExpentcB Low , Fall term open * Sept. 16. For lauloiruu orotlitrlnfornution , addreM 1'Krj. Wil. F. KI.NO , V. V. , _ v 1 ? ilXwgm Mt. Vernon. lova. Tt ; NOTICE. State of Nebraska , Dautrlas County , n At u l aunt } lourt , ht-ld at thu Count\ Court Hoom , in nnd for uil I uountv , Aurfiut 16th , A. I ) Jscl , 1'nt.uit , UOUAUU'lt. bMlTH , County JlllljV. In the m.ittir of the uiateof Ferdinand Thum , tlu can J : On ri..nliii. and flllni , ' the iKtltlon of Kmlllo lliiiiii , pnjlmr that the liutrumcnt. Ihlt day Illnl uml purporting ; to IKI the U t 111 and to.ta- .ItosaUl iiiillloTliuui.n : iii'Ciitriv1 ! Inlf * OKIILKKU , Tint bcptcmlicr JOtli , A D. 1881 , at JOoVlotV.a. in. l a l-'ncdorli arliilf alJ 1 11- tlon , uhciittll4.rvoii | ItitcrvoUJ in eatd uutUr IH > | > | K ! r at a Count ) Court to l hel , In anu ( or Alil Count } , uiicl how cau e ! > J tlieprajir of pitltloiur huuU not Ui L-runtiJ , oJiJ that no- tire ot | H.nJoiic ) o ( tali ] iioutlon anil the liciiruii , ' tlunot , li fUm to all i i > oii liitorc toil In atU nuttvr , b ) iniblUliln. ; a copy ol tliU onlur InliiB Omni \ \ KXKIllrjt , iu i iixr i'fi"UJ ' " ialj Count\orthrc ( mx ien.k , rrlorto wU day of Jiiarlnif , UOWAUU ! > SMITH , ( Alruvcoji ) . Countj ' - Mrs J. n llol.crt ni ( , ritWmrp , I'a. , write * , " 1 /flifferliijf from general dtbiliU , want of ap- I'ttlVo , ronnlpitlnn , etc. , no that ll'o waia bur- < l'.n ; nlttr lnz llunlock llloo < l Hitters I Idt bet- ' .cr than for j cars. 1 cannot praise jour Hitters too ninth " It. fllbbn , of Buffalo. N. Y , write * ! "Your llnrdock I Hood Illtter , In cliromc cll iRc of tlic lilooil , llicr ami klclncjs , haxo been sUnalK tuarkdlwith KIICCCMI. Ifiave u cil thtni nnscll \\ltli bc t results , for torpidlt\ the llur , unit In cone-of a friend of mine Buttering fronnlropsy , the effect vvai marvelous. IlrncoTurner , Hochcstcr , N . Y. , writes : I ha\c been Kiibjcct to serious disorder of tlic kldneft. ami tinablo to attend to lm liH-s ; Ilunloik lilooil Hitters rillotttt mo before Imlfn bottle \\-u n ed , I feel c-onfliltnttliat tlic } will Intlrcl ) euro me" E , Ancnlth Hall , Dlmrtiampton , N. Y ujllcs : "I suffered vlth n ilull pain through m > lift InnKanildliouliUr. Iil nij p ] > lrlls , apittltc ] and ( olor , and could uithdlfTltult ) keep up all da } . Took \o\ir llurdock lllood Illtlm ni illrcitcdand | Imiufilt no piln ilnco first utik after using them. " Mr. Nosh nates , Klmira , N. Y. , write * "About fourtan w > I hid tin attack of billions fctcr , anil never fullx rccoterul. JlyillKtsthoorjpins were ucakcucd , and I would be coiiilctcly | ) ] iron- tratcd for das. Aftci nslnjrtwo bottles ofour , llurdock IIo < xl Hittcre tlio iinpro\cmrrit was BO \l lblc that I wasastouUlicU. Iran noM.tliotuch 01cars of age , do a fair and ruisonabla da } 's work. " C. tllackct noblnron , proprietor of The Canada Prcsbtertin , Toronto. Out. , writes : "Foru-ars 1 euffurvd prcatlj from oft-recurring licadacne. I used > our llunlock lllood IHttcraltli lu\ | > ] > ! c t rcsnlta , and I now find injeclf In better health than for j cars past. " Sin. WalLwe , lluffalo , K. Y. , rit s : ' -I hate used llunlock lllood Hitters for nervous and bil lion * hctuhchcs , and can recommend It to an } ono rcinlrlii2 | a euro for blUlousnuis. " Mrs. Mullhollmid , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For ( .crcrul jcars 1 hmo Biilfcrtil from oft-iccur rliiLbillloiiH hcadiehc9 , dtpc ] > sla , and coin nlalnU pcxuKar to ni } BOX. Since uring jour llurdock lllood Illtteru I amcntlielv relieved. " Price , 91.00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts FOSTER , MILBURN , & Go , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale b } leh A , McJIabon and C. F. Goodman. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jc 27foil-mu DE VEATJX'S WASHING The Only Machine that Will Do just as is Advertised. It Will Wash Faster , It Will Wasli Cleaner , It Will Wash Easier , It Will require 110 Ruling , It will do a large family Washing in 30 Minutes. It Will , Wnsli Equally woU' with Hard or Soft Wntor- It docs aw ay with wash hollers and wash boards , and will { iay for Itself In full and the wear of clothes in a month. No steam In the kitchen. A child 10 jcars ol can do the w ashing faster than any w oman can wring ana hangout the clothes- DAN. SUM.IVAN & hONS' , dim 1410 Farnham Struct , Agents. 1422 Douglas St. , Near 15th. Before removing to their new OPERA HOUSE STORE Will sell their fetook of BOOTS i'SHOES At Greatly Reduced Prices. Established 11 Years , DON'T IT BURN1 My house anil furniture is iiwired with 0. T. TAYI.Olt & CO. , ( 'or 14th and Uout'laa. BetoasiaLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , IBOS Farnham St. , , . . Omaha , Nebraska _ OOOOO , _ _ .CXCQ 3 Care-ully selettexl land In Kastcrn Kclnuskafor gale iirrat llar.'utns In luipro\cd famu , auJ Omaha city projierty , O. K. DAVIS , > YKUSTER Ute Uml Com'r U.P I' _ 'v fihtf BOCCS & HILLT REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 1508rarubam Street , North elJc , ovi > - Orio4 Central Hotel. HEADQUAE TERS -I'OR- Wo desire to cnll the specinl attention ot the trade to our elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PKIOES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls , Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO , , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. I , OBERFELDER & CO. , IMl'OltTKKS AMI JOIIUBKS OF MILLINERY & NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholesale hoitso in this line in the west. DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE ! ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO. , O'A"R PETS ! G R O C E R SI r * The I argest Stock and Most Complete - plete Assortment in The West. We Keep Everything n the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods PISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LIKE OF [ NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. SXIXVTJD FOXC. 3E > XCJCaEI X.XS-e. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne