Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1881, Image 1

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    g ,44
The PMsiflent to be Taken to
Long Branch Very Soon ,
Ho Is Anxious to Bo Moved
From the White House
Sick Chamber ,
And Thinks It to Be His
Chance For Qatting
An Alarming Wonlmoss of tlio
Stomach Tilled Over- .
National Associated I'rci ,
WASHINGTON , September 4.--Tho
physciana have decided to remove the
president to Long 'Branch as soon as
liis condition and necessary arrange
ments will permit. The details of
the trip will not bo decided upon un
til the limo is fixed. Thia will proba
bly bo within a few days.
The evening bulletin of the presi
dent's condition was the most satis
factory document of the kind issued
in many days. Last evening after
consultation with Iho physicians , At
torney-General McVeagh telegraphed
to President Roberts and Vice-Presi-
. dent Cossott , of the Pennsylvania
railroad , advising thorn that it was
very probable it would bo decided in
the morning to remove the president
to LOUR Branch very early next
week , nnd requesting them to con
sider the best method of doing so and
to arrange for it as in their judgment
Boomed best. It was added that the
removal was desired upon the same
bed on which the president now lies.
These gentlemen promptly answered
that they would have n car specially
arranged for the president's conven
ient carriage , nnd would bo nblo to
place it , with two other cars and an
engine , at the disposal of tlio presi
dent's physicicians , probably aa early
as , Monday morning , and that all
proper precautions would bo taken to
diminish the fatigues and other an
noyances of the journey whenever un
The physicians now intend to have
the president carried in his bed down
stairs and placed on a largo wagon of
some kind , on which ho will bo driven
carefully to the Sixth street depot
and lifted inlo the car. At Long
Branch the presidont'c bed will bo
lifted into a wagon again and drive
to ono of the cottages near the Elbon ,
where the president will boquattered.
Dr. Hamilton wont to Now York last
night nnd will meet the. train at Long
; " Branch. ' > * " * " " , ' \ ' ;
LONO BRANCH , September 4. Mr.
Jones , proprietor of the Elbon hotel ,
has ollercd the exclusive use of his
hotel to the president and fainilyand
cabinet. Mr. Ghas. Franklin , whoso
largo cottage adjoins Elbon house ,
lias offered its usn for the president
and family. The hotel is full of
guests , but all of them have signified
/ their willingness to give up their
npartmcnta for the proiidential party.
The hotel is acarsely largo enough to
accommodate the party , and Dr.
Hamilton , who ia hero arranging details -
tails , says Mr. Tranklin'a offer will
probably bo accepted. The cottage is
directly on a bluff overlooking the
sea , und only a few hundred feet from
the hotel , with which it is connected
.by . telephone.
The arrangements , if meeting with
-approval with the physicians , are to
have the president removed to Mr.
Franklin's cottage , while the doctors
and cabinet will occupy the hotel.
There ia evidence of nn approaching
atorm. The September equinoxial is
generally a very severe ono , and with
the heavy blow would greatly disturb
a sick patient in any of the modern
buildings. It would also cause much
dampness , because of the penetrating
For this reason it has been sug
gestcd that it would bo safer lo re
move Iho president to the Conlral
hotel , which is the only brick hotel at
Long Brunch. It was especially built
.for a winter hotel , having n hollow
.space between the brick walls lo pre
vent dampness. The hotel is also a
square from the ocean , and would
escape any fury of n severe storm.
< Ono objection to the Central hotel
will bo its close proximity to the Cen
tral and Novv Jersey railroad depot.
Still the railroad authorities have
promised to stop nil blowing of whia
ties and blowing off of steam , and to
run trains slowly by the depot in caao
of the president being brought to the
hotel. The hotel is but 100 feet from
the depot and containa forty rooroa.
Dr. Hamilton is of the opinion thai
the president must bo removed al
once , because of this morning's aymp-
toms. If removed lo Ebcron , Iho
railroad Authorities are in readiness
to run coaches containing the presi
dent on n trestle track from Eberoi
depot to the hotel , a distance of obou
half a mile. The track can be laid ii
five hours lime.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , September 4.
Governor Hoyt , of Pennsylvania , has
ofilciully naked Blnino lo issue n
proclamation calling meetings for
prayer for the president from ten
o'clock till noon on Tuesday next.
Bluino replies that ho is unable to do
so. It could only bo done by the
president. Ho advises Iloyt to con
sult with the governors of other Slatea.
COLUMBUS , 0. , September 4 Ii
response to Gov , Hoyt's address , Gov
Foster haa Bent the following anU
usued a proclamation :
COLUMIIUH , O , , September 4.
Hon. Henry M. Iloyt , Uoicrnoruf 1'cniujhaniu
Ilarrhlmnr , 1'u. .
It gives mo pleasure to say that
sincerely join you in suggesting a day
for prayer for the recovery of th
president , and in doing HO I but vole
the feelings and comply with th
strong dcbires of the people of th
resident's native state. I have named
lie same date that you have dosig-
nlcd for Pennsylvania.
STATK OK OHIO , Kxec. Ucn't. I
September 4 , 1881. f
'o the People of the Stulo of Ohio :
In compliance with the
rish and tlcsiro of our people I hero-
y designate the same day and hour ,
From 10 a. m , till noon Tuesday )
lamed in the proclamation of the
; ovornor , for the people of the prcsi-
tent's native atato to unite in prayer
o the Divine Providence to spare
us lifo and rosloro him to health. Lot
is sot nsido from the ordinary pur-
nits of lifo these two hours nnd con-
cerate them to him ,
I respectfully suggest to the citizens
hat at ( ho hour designated they as-
einblo in n house of public worship ,
ir about the family altars nnd join in
irayer to God to nvert this national
ahimity thnt threatens us , and grant
hat the hope that now gladdens"may
row into welcome certainty and re-
picing over the president's roatora-
ion to health.
[ Signed ] GIIAIU.K.H FOSTER ,
The condition of the president to
ny has been much more satisfactory
linn was generally expected after the
nnouncoment in the morning bullo-
in of renewed vomiting. The cir-
umstancos of this trouble scorns tote
to about as follows : Between f ) nnd
.0 p. in , lait evening when the presi
dent was clearing his throat thovomit-
d slightly. It caused him no great
iscemfort and ho soon fell asleep.
Shortly after ho was given souio milk
wrridge , having expressed n desire
or it. At 2 n. * m. ho wis given- the
isual sponge bath A few moments
ator the .president said to Col. Rock-
roll : "I believe lam going tovomit. "
Do you iool sick ? " asked the
attendant. "Yos , " was the
eply , and "yes" it was.
The president vomited easily and
vas not greatly exorcised by it. Hia
mho ran up aouic , but soon fell , and
fter ho waa quieted down the prcai-
lent said that the first attempt was
lot much , but thia came from the
bottom. He soon went to sleep and
rested well.
Soon after daylight he asked for
some squirrel broth , and it was given
lim. Ho took it with relish , and it
vas not followed by gastric disturb-
inco. >
The news of the vomiting caused
considerable excitement ubmjt the
city It has been so often repeated
atcly that if the president's stomach
gave out there was no hope for him
; hnt many people thought the wdrsl
md come. It now appears that ho
ins had frequent alight vomiting
spells during tno last two or threo"
, Tlio evening bulletin sayi.-.hVJiTitu
nero fatigue after' bach' dressing. The
ugh pulao is also considered an evi
dence of weakness. All these things
ire generally accepted ns conclusive
iroof of the removal of the president.
Ho is himself anxious to go. "That
iccnis td bo a chance for mo , and I
hink I deserve to have it given mo , "
s n remark ho has made.
WARIIIKOTOX , September 4. The
cabinet held a meeting at the state do-
mrtinent yesterday , at which the
( uestion of the president's disability
vas discussed. Tno meeting lasted an
lour. It is understood that it was
lot decided that the vice-president
.hould . bo asked to temporarily act as
iresident nt present.
HUITALO , September 4. An cfli y
f Guitciu was last night burned in
Niagara squary , in the presence of
several thousand people.
WAHHINOTON , September 4. The
Allowing bulletins are issued from the
White House to-day :
EXECUTIVK MANSION , 8:110 : n. m.
The president vomited once lost eve
ning and once about an hour after
midnight. Notwithstanding this
disturbance he slept well most of the
night nnd this morning has taken
food by mouth without nausea and re
tained it. Hia pulse ia aomowhat
more frequent , but in other reapccts
Ilia condition ia about the same as ut
thia hour yesterday. Pulse 108 , tem
perature 08.4 , respiration 18.
( Si < 'iiod. ) J , J. WoomvAiin ,
D , W. MLI.S.H ,
The president is reported to have
bad no recurrence ) of vomiting up t <
thia hour. Ho takes nouriuhmont
and retains it , The surgeons tttach
no dangerous significance to the nuusen
last night , since it has passed away.
The president has passed a comfortable -
able day. Helms taken hia food will
some reli li and had no return of the
irritability of stomach reported in the
morning bulletin. The parotid nwoll
ing continues to improve , and ia now
BO fur reduced that the control of hia
face ia restored. The wound showi
no material change. TJ o rise of torn
peraturo thia afternoon has been VIT ;
alight , but hia pulao has boon im > n
frequent throughout the day thai
Yesterday or thu day before , and ho
showed moro fatigue after dressing ,
Pulse 110 , temperaluro 01) ) , roapira-
lion 18.
The latest news from the sick-room
before the mansion closed was to the
el feet that the proaidunt was getting
n good rest , and that in hia waking
momenta ho aeemod to be filled with
tliu idea of going away from Wash
WABHINOTON , September f > 2n. in ,
The prosidoiil i * resting quietly.
Ho ia considered butter than during
the day.
Bon Oarr and Ooinmanii Annihi
lated by Apaches itf
The Rod Devils of the White
Mountains Glut Their
Seven Officers , Pour Compa
nies and the Comman
dant Butohorod.
Duly Obtniiialilo Pnrttoulnrn of tlio
Torrlblo Affair- Awoclattil I'rcm
SAN FiiA.Noisoo , September 4. Wilcox is mo5 i y against the
nurdorous Apaches with all thu force
lie can command. The following is
jivon from official sources :
Four THOMAS , September 2. To
Liiitenant Haskell , A. D. C , Fort
3rant : No courier has arrived from
Fort Apache , but rumors through In-
linns , say Carr's command nro all
dllcd. An Indian scouting parly
commenced the fighting upon the
-roops and other Indians 1'mishcd
'hem. Tlio runners say that Pedro's
land attacked Fort Apache , but have
jcon repulsed and that it was Pedro's
jand who killed the eight men .near
the poat.
Later reports from Fort Thomas
say that Mills' Indian scouts , who
were with Carr'a command , turned and
made tlio first attack on our troops.
After the fight part of the Indiana
"instonod to Fort Apache and took the
'ort. It is thought that some cs-
capcd , but this is not certain. Sev
eral officers' wives , including General
oral C.irr'a wife , were nt the fort.
WASHINGTON , D , C , September 4.
Despatches received hero from Gon.
McDowell confirm the reports taken
; u Tucson , Arizona , by the Indian
runners. Gon. Carr and his entire
command were massacred byV hiio
mountain Indiana on the lat of Sup *
Lember , thirty-five miles from C.imp'
Apjche. Ton moil and aeven oiliurj
wore slam , including CarrC.ipt Hen-
tig , Lieutenant drter , Gordon Stanton -
ton and Ormc and Dr. McCroory.
The White Mountains number fif
teen hundred , having hvo hundred
warriors , and ia the only Apache
tribe never tubduod. Their reserva
tion is situated ono hundred and sixty
miles north of Wilcox , near the line
of Now Mexico. They were removed
to San Carlos agcnoy in 1870 , and sub
eequoatly rcealluU-- Tie * -jU5tiidw3
brought' in was by Indian Courier
Mickey. Ho said that u number of
the chiefs were coming with their
bands , but that Pedro with hia band
and others , were on the warpath , that
Carr's command was massacred us
ibove , nnd that Pedro's br.ivcs hid
killed seven or eight men , including
an expressman , aoniowhero between
Ap.icho and Thomas.
The telegraph lines were cut. Bid-
dlo was working all day yester
day and last night getting
troops across the Gila nnd
pushing for the Apaches.
LOUISVILLE , Ivy. Sept. 4. The
following priv.ito dispatcli lias been
received hero by Ool. B. U. Cntr , j
bro her of Gen. Eugene Carr , - reported
ed to be killed with all hia men. ( r
cornea from Col , Carr's son , a lawyer
in Tucson :
TUCHON , A. T. , Sept. 3.
Col. B. O. Carr , SupervisinglnapL'Otor ;
It ia now certain thnt ilio entire
command was killed , There nro un
confirmed reports that every ono at
Fort Apache was subsequently butch
ered. Aunt Mury was there.
( Signed , ) E. M. CAUII.
A private dispatch received by Col.
Carr earlier last night said thut GUI ,
Carr's son Chuko , a boy of 5 , was
with his father ,
GALKSUUWJ , Ills. , September 4.-
In n letter to Col. Chirk E. C.irr , post
master of Galesburg , just received ,
dated Fort Apucho , Gon. Carr Buy a :
"You may aeo by the telegraph , before
fore you cot thia , something about the
unrasineaa of the Indiana hero. The
interpreter reported to mo aomo days
a < { o. I reported to the department
Ho directed mo to keep a lonk-
out. A medicine man named Nock-
ay-Sotklinned is having medicine
dances with the nvowcd object of
raising BOIIIO dead Indiana , Ho at
first confined himself to the attempt
to raiao thoao killed accidentally or in
brawls. Ho ia now attempting 30
r.uso aoino of the hostilcn , and saya
thep will not nriso na long as the
whites are hero.
"It ia feared ho will got the Indi
ana ao excited thut they will break
out. Their superstitions are quite
curious. Ho told mo that ho had
neon their spirits going about at night
like bears. Ho puts food in nn empty
lodge , and aaya they come and cat , "
Adjutant-General Whipplo , of the
department of the Missouri , waa aoen
by a reporter of the National Asiocia-
ted , Pro to-ni < , 'ht regarding Urn massacre -
' sacro at Fort Apache. Thin depart
ment is in posHunaioii of no informa
tion whatever , further than haa been
published. This is accounted for by
the fact that all newa from other do-
paitmunta goes direct to Washington.
The scene of this latest Indian horror
ror , Fort Apache , ia an old post nit-
natud at the baao of White Mountain
on the eastern border of Arizona , and
ita construction ia of auch n singular
niituro na to readily admit of just
such u musaacVp at ia reported , 1'ho
pest H not fortified und 9011111118 sim
ply of log c.ibins. To the weat of the
jjobl h a canyon sixty foot deup ,
The main reliance of the fort in
of an attack consists of u cordon
of heavy buildings pierced with loop.
holes on the sidea , but entirely open
to the ravine. The post was garrison
ed by Conipaniea E. nnd D. of the (5th (
Cavalry and Companies D. nnd K. of
the 12th infnnlry , nil under the com-
maud of Gon. Carr , who was
Iranaferred from Fort Lowell only
n few months ngo when nn
Indian outbreak scouted imminent.
TUCSON , A. T. , September .VO wing
to the interruption on the militaay
telegraph line to Camp Thomas nnd
Ft. ACacho , no oflicinl roporta of the
l.ito masMicro nt Camp' Thomas linvo
yet boon Derived. Indian runners
liavo c.irrioil Uio following particulars :
Gon. Curr , with wo companies of eav
airy and ono of Indian scouts pro
ceeded on the 129ch to Cibior Crook ,
near Apache , lo nrreit parlies who
wuri tryiiiK to incilor r against the
whites. During the attempt Lieut ,
Cruse was shot nnd killed by the roil-
og.ulo troops nnd returned fire with fa
tal t ollect. The scouts tltjbn opened fno
on the troops , killing most of them at
the first lite. The mnssncro then bo- in earnest. Pedro's band attack
ed thu Apaches' camp , but were re
pulsed. Ho then took n position in a
canon leading to the camp , and before
ho left it , killed Mail Carrier Alvin -
vin Jumps Liimb , Tlios.r'McLcaii and
son , and Win. Supple nnd son. Several -
oral other nttnchoa of the camp whoso
names could not bo learned , are re
ported killed. All nvailnble troops
ii.ivo been ordered from'Fort. Whipplo ,
Camp Hunchuucha andBowioto rein
force Camp Apacho. Jft is greatly
feared the Indian outbreak will be a
KOIIOM\ one between the San Carlos
reservation nnd the Now Mexico line
in Apache county. Captain MoLcnn ,
with nil tlio available troops from Ft.
Lowell , has started for the lower San
Pedro to protect Iho Hottlora.
The number of . well armed
and equipped 'warriors on the
San S Carloa reservation is thought to
bo I 1,500 to 2,00' > . It is not thought
the mining en nips on the Northern
1c Pacific 1 .will suffer in coaoj of n general
outbreak , they being aulliciently
strong to lake care of themselves.
WASHINGTON , September 4. The
only nowa received attli'rt , war depart
ment todajwai a telegram from
General McDowell , sEyiiig that an In
dian who saw the fight came into
Camp Thomas yesterday' reported
that Carr'a whole command waa killed
except a few men , who > vero reported
to bo makirigi fruitless 'endeavors to
get into Fort' Apaoho. - .
Shipping Nows-
NatlonM Associated I'ris * . '
NEW YOKK , September' 4. Sailed :
Helvetia , for Liverpool : Brillania ,
for Liverpool ; Ethiopia ; 'for Glasgow ;
Donan , for Bremen ; Poland , for Ant
werp. Arrived : Alpin , from Olaa-
KOW ; Adri' fromOupouatown
' ' -
HUM. , September 4. Arrived , Sar
rnnto , from Now York ,
LONDON , September 4. Arrived ,
Victoria , from Now York.
Instantly Killed.
Katlonil An oU.itil : 1'rm-s.
, September 4. Albert
Sutherland , a mason on the now city
hall , fell from thu rotif of that build
ing this afternoon , and was instantly
National Ahsuclntud
LONDON , September 4. A dispatch
from Capo Town says that forty-four
of the Knysiia pnsaeugora on board
01 the wrecked steamer "Teuton , "
did not land at Capo Town. All of
! u. 111 save three were drowned.
Dolmonico Dead-
National \fiiocmtcil 1'iess.
NEW YojiK , S"ptmnbor 4. A dis-
utch from Sharon Springs states that
Dolmunicodied last evening.
What For ?
Nntlotml Awocliitud I'rt * * .
DIM MOINB.I , September 4. The
republican campaign of this ntalo , by
order of the state central committee ,
ms been postponed until the result in
President Gnrlield'sciiso is known.
Mr. A. B , Taylor , ot the "Ray &
Taylor Manufacturing Co , " Sprint-
Tield , Muss. , is nleaaid to any : My
xunt , Mra. Pillwbury , of Mount Olair ,
N. J. , while ' visiting nt our houao
tried St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism
and neuralgia , und found immediate
olief every timo. She pronounced
it the best thing she had over tried
tor the trouble ,
Torrlblo Boiler Explosion.
National AnaoelaUxl I'niw.
Si'iiiNOi'iKWJ , 111. , Son. 4 , It is
rumored that a thresher boiler explod
ed near Patoka , killing six ni'-n and
ono woman. No details ,
HorolH tboTeit-
Dizziness , imuac.i , despondency ,
jaundice , loss of npputito , influmma-
Lions , gravel , female diseases , nnd all
troubles of the urinary organs and
bladder are quickly nnd surely re
moved by Warner's Hitfo Kidney nnd
Liver Cure. eodlw
' .
Intllout'on *
National AuoclatuU 1'rcut.
WAKHINUTON , D. C. , Sent 4. -
Upper Mississippi and lower Missouri
valloya fair wcuthor , except , possibly
local raii.H in northern portion ,
southerly veering to north-west winds
rising , barometer stationary or lower
la it
Tlm I n remedy made of such common ,
simple plants ni hops , bucliu , man.
drake , dandelion , etc. , make so many
und such murvoloui and wonderful
cures aa Hop Bittera do ? It mint bo ,
for when old and young , rich and
poor , pastor und doctor , lawyer and
editor , ull testify to being cured by
them , wo must believe nnd doubt no
longer. Sopll-Oetlfi
Fine upland hay , baled with wire ,
at W. J. Welahans & Co. 'a , Eighth
and Farnnui atro-jtti.
The General Who WhipDod Thorn
in a Hard Fought Oani-
paip ,
Ho Prodiota a LOUR and Seri
ous Struggle With the
Grnpliio DcNorljitlon oT Thin Diut-
Horoiis Tribe and Tholr
Mountain ] jnin < '
The horrifying reports of a terrible
and bloody ums.i.icro of Oen. Carr's
coiiiutand , consisting of 110 men and
seven ollicera , by the White Moun
tain Apautaa , on thob'an Carlos reser
vation , and the rumored capture efFort
Fort Apachoby the same Indiana , are
presented in our lolonrnphio columns.
[ Jenoral Gjorgc-Crook , commander of
the department of tlio IMatte , was in
command of the Arizona department
between the yoara 1871 and 187 i , and
conquered the sixmo Indiana who are-
now reported t have inaugurated
what will doubtless lx > another bloody
campaign. What lw says concerning
thoao dangerous hostiles will be road
with especial interott.
( ion. Crook wiia found by a ropro-
aentativo of TUB lHn : aeated on the
spacious lawn in front of the residence
of Cnpt. Hoborts , on Whcaton atroot ,
enjoying the peaceful moonlight and
discuiMing the recent outbreak of the
Apache redskins and the meagre ac
counts of their massacre ot the garri
son of Fort Apacho. Ho greeted the
visitor pleasantly , and enquired if
there had boon any later nowa re
ceived than that contained in the Sun
day morning papers. 01110 confirmatory -
atory dispatches were shown him , and
in reply to a question the General
said :
"The nuwa is so meagre that ,
of course , it is impossible at this dis
tance to nay what may h : < * vo been the
causes leading to the outbreak of
those White Mountain Indians.
I would suspicion , though ,
knowing something of the
action of the interior department
since I left that command to assume
thia ono , ttiat an attempt was made
to force the Indians out of the moun
tains down on the reservation about
San Carloa , whoroit is bothlow , sandy
nnd dry.
"At the tiiho I aoaumod command
ches they occupied a tor-
and numbered 20,000. Thbso wore
divided into twenty or moro baiula.
over which Pedro the Indian reported
an leading the nmssnoro was chief.
Of those 20,000 , six thousand or more
were hostiles and lived in the White
Mountain country , from 8,000 to 10 ,
000 above the San Carloa country.
" 1 took command in 1871 , but the
government rostrninedlno from making
campaign against them for mote than
i year lator. When I did attempt to
mbduo them they allowed n moat doa-
> erato front nnd fought with greatbrav-
; ry and skill until the middle of the
'ollowing May , when they surrendered.
"Tho campaign was a very havdone.
The country in which they live is
ilmost inaccessible. The lava beds
jf the Modocs , in which Capt. Jack
md hia band made Bitch a remarkable
stand , are macudnmi/od roads in com
parison with the heights und crags
ivhero Iheso hostile Apaches nro nt
ionic. They are very bravo , despor-
ito nnd the moat cunning Indiana on
.hu American continent , being fur
superior to the Sioux in intellect.
"Durim ? my campaign against thorn
1 found it very dilllcult to track them
at limes for considerable distances , as
i band might travel fifty miles at
[ ilucoa in the mountains nnd never
ouvoa track or trace oil the hard lava
formation. 1 was assisted , however ,
l > y scouts from other bunds of Iho
sumo Iribe , who knew their defiles
mil hiding places , BO that I waa able
ID aenrch them out.
"Tho old reservation of San Carliw
included the country of the While
mountains. Since Gen , Wilcox t < * jk
command , thu mountain part of the
reservation was cut olf.and an atlcmpl
was made lo gel Iho Indians inhabit
ing that part to tut down i lo the lower
or lands. I think all did go except
Pedro's Iwnd. Subsequently the
White mountain Indians were allowed
to go back , und they huvo remained
there since.
"What makes these Indiana eape
cially formidable ia the fact that they
can't bo starved out of their hiding ,
[ Jaws. These While Mounlains
ibound in game , and also in Iho niea-
cnl , a plant something like the aloe 01
century plant The plant growa very
largo , and frequently boais a growth
us largo us n barrel around its tttulk.
This growth h a a hard outsidewhic )
can bo peeled off , and a stringy interior
rior , consisting of fibres , pulp , and HI
inaido core or heart , is exposed. Thia
core ia frequently aix inches in dium
eter. In appeurunoo it is white , am
of about the consistency of i
sweet potato , but when found it IB
tasteless and insipid. The Indiana
dig a hole , build a lire in it , and thoi
throw in atones , which become hoatui
throim'h. They put wet grass on the
stones , fill up the hole with the moj
cal , iiuttinsr grass and earth on lop.
Another lire i * kindled over Una , and
the mescal left for three or four days. .
It ia then taken out , dried , and what
ia not needed fur immediate use is
cached. Tlio fruit , if auch it can bo
called , ia then very eatable , nnd re-
Homblea in taste a aweot potato. 1 hero
are hundreds of uurea of this mescal
growing in places in those mountains ,
and n squaw can jj.itlior enough in u
day to provide n famil ) 'ft austonancu
for the entire year. It ia therefore
evident'that Iho Indians cannot bu
atui ved out.
A * to water , they aeoin to bo able
get along without it. My troorvi
requontty diito then to almost inacI
cssiUltoigiVts ) , nnd the Apaches
enId campi'mif ut live miles from
ator and icotvi to suitor no incon *
l tlio time of tliid campaign Pedro
aa peaceable , niu'l was at the head of
nly a small Innu1. Ho appeared to
e n very sensible Indian and n man
f pretty good character. If ho has
ono into this llghl' as the loader of
lie hoslilos , he may prove a danger-
us ono. as ho has mtirolhan oulinary
nowlougo of the military's tnctics ,
n nppoarnnco ho is wall built , nnd haa
1 toman nose , in which ho differs
rom most of hia tribe , \vliono noses
ro usually Rtmii'lit. l.lo is n full-
hjodcd Apaclio , and j.'robably ac-
uired his name fnun the .lenuits ,
> ho n number of yenrtt a o wont
tnong these Indians and loft many
ameitof the Spanish character. In
iict , the Spaniards and iMoxicatm ,
rom time to time , have boon nmoni ;
lie Apaches , and very ninny of the
it tor speak Spanish fluently ,
"Hut with their intolligDUM they
re very tre.xehoroUB , will aVeal upon
ho opportunity , and are
wisemod of a daro-doviltry wh ioli is
eldom equalled. I have known .sixty
> f the bucks to flatten thpmsetvisa on
lie ] > riirioriglit ; by the aide % trail ,
vithout oven grass to entirely conceal
hem , and the escort of n traiiv to go
vithout knowing of their presence.
\fter the escort had passed the
\paches rose up and capture the on-
iru wagon train.
"Of their terrible cruelty to cap-
ivca I have known many instances.
) no of tliCHu horrible mothoda it > lo
iang a prisoner by the heels nnd
tnulo n slow tire under his head ,
k'lncinc about with fiendish yells
while tlio victim writhes in the tor-
rililo ngoniea of death. They are
icrcilcsa in the extreme and aparo
icJthor man , woman nor babe.
"Thoy have boon hostile over since
ho whites have had anything to do
vith them , and are ao by nature. Of
onrgc the thirteen or fourteen thou-
.11 ul who are living on the lower res-
irvation are apparently peaceable by
laturo , but they are so mixed up and
nter-marriod with the others that it
s impossible to loll how much they
nay bo aiding the latter.
"Ik is diflicult for n body of men or
von ono man to got into this luoun-
ainous country without the Apaches
nil knowing it , as they have a code of
ire nnd smoke signals , by which they
olograph for lifty or an hundred
nilca. In n light they are the moat
ormidablo Indians to meet that I
enow of. They never make a fight-
ng stand unless they arc sure of their
'orco and position , and then it , usually
neana defeat and perhaps annihila-
ion for the attacking force.
"Tlio Apachea'heails are well formed
nnd their physical powers wonderful.
Although not usually very largo , they
nro tough ftnirpn.and.cJ > pablool : any
fntiguo. ' Oiib uf'tlto bilcks wilMroVol
sixty mileo n day over those terribly
rough mountains and seemingly not
jo tirod.
"All of tlio White mountain Indi
um are probably engaged in this out-
> rcak , na Pedro has only a small band
lireclly under him. Among the
> ,000 hostilca thcro are probably
1'JOO , to-1,500 warripra. If they are
engaged in this thing in earnest it
neaiiH , in my opinion , a long and dif-
icult campaign. If the rumor that
, ho Indiana hnvo captured Fort
\1 > ache bo true , which I somewhat
doubt , they have a good anpply of
imniunition and it will take a etrong
'orco to auhduu thorn. Jnfantry will
jo the ni'iatHorviceablo in the cam-
> aign and it will require u vigorous
ino of tavlicd to conquer the Jios-
ik'H ,
"Gon. Curr , who is reported to bo
nassacrod , ia known in Omaha nnd
iaa Korvod in thia doijnrlmont , being
stationed ut Sidney aa colonel of the
cavalry rogimiint , under 5Io-
LTHOII. Ho was n good ofllcor. Hia
( ifo , who is also reported to have
icon maHs.-4.crod , was a most oatimablo
ady and had acquaintances in this
ity" ,
The General innddition Haid thut it
would rcqturo further dispatches of a
nero explanatory nature to determine
, lie causca. of the outbreak and the
'ull aoriouanoaa ot it. Ho was mix
ously waiting further nows.
Piold Trial of Dogs at Norfolk ,
this Week.
Dr. Fonbody , U. E. U. Kennedy
md Dr. G. H. Miller , of this city ,
Imvo roliirned homo from , the liold
trial of dogs nt Norfolk. This party
of gentlemen with Clmi. Matthowa ,
Mr. McCreary and Dr. IJoan , of Nor
'oik , Mr. Brown , of MJunourL Valley
fowa , Mr. Wostford , of the Chicago
field , and a number of others , com
posed a hunting expedition that camp
Lid uear Norfolk on the Elkhorn river ,
I'lio spot clioson was called Camp
Wuatford , in honor of Mr. Wostfovd ,
of the Field , and it wan there thut the
liold trial of dogs took placo.
Tlio camp continued from
Monday to Thuraday "veiling.
The attendance nt the tunl waa very
fine and the roiults eminently aatia-
factory. In tlio atato trial of dogs for
nil thu world 12d. Johnson's Better
Fleet won the firat prize. In the
trial , free to nil the states , K < 1 , John-
aon'a aettcr Fleet carried oil'Hint lion-
era ; Robert Irwin'a better the second ,
and the eaino gontleman'a jiointer
third honors. In the tiial of Ne
braska dogs Ed Johnson's setter
Fleet again took the cake , li. K. It ,
Kennedy's Dick got uway with the
second pri/.u nnd Dr. Poabody'a Fun
gobbled the third prize.
Mil. Johnson's di g and Irwin'a dog
which won the iim mil second pri/.w
rcapuctivoly were both trained by Mr ,
Inun. That Kentloman thought Fleet
a very good nuimul , but not quito as
well trained na his own dog. Sports-
inuii uiy that l''loet ' ia undoubtcdlv
ono of the boat truini'd clogs in the
world ,
'From Omolin to Pans with lu-
tormodlato StoppaRos.
An' JEvcnlnj ; with Vloo-PrcKWont
A gir.wvnl round of cougratulnti oni
niul hami Blinking grouted Judge Sav-
nso upon Hii Ural appearance upon the
street ( lit. ' luorninir , after his six.
week1 ' trip to Europe. Leaving Oma
ha on July Oh'i ' , Judge Snvngo Bailed
three d'aya later by thu Canard line ,
and nfli'r a rapid and pleasant voyage ,
utmlloyoul by aeasickiicas , landed in
Liyorpoo I. Tlio judge says tlmt while
ho considora Omaha's cliniatu , n first
rate nppotf t provoker yet a Boa voy-
ngo is stl'l ' boltor. Four regular
mcala , wl th n funlunclicti
thrown in , u * imprinod his daily rationu
and recuw'M ted his energies.
From Livo. rpool ho wont to London ,
spending two full weeks in the British
metropolis. \ lo found public intercut
in General Oat field's sickness as great
and na fully sui itainod in England an
it ia in our oir.i country. Tlio daily
bulletins were k eagerly awaited and
their content * as eagerly discussed.
The sympathy ol' the English people
waa1 warmly eap.rosacd for the preni-
donti nnd hia f m ily , accompanied by
sentiments of rei tect for four people.
.Hulao Savage also spent several
days in Seotlaml , nnd pronounces
Edinburgh thogvn i of British cities.
Crossing the ciw , met to Franco he
whiltd' away a nn. mbor of days in
Pnri j the moat bcili 'mat ' city of the
continent and tlio-q * > t where the poet
tells ns-all gocxl' Auitoi icana go lowhcti
they die : Anticiput tug that pvont ,
the judge took m > its clear climate ,
clean Btroota , brilliant boulevards and.
hlstorio'buildinga- ' passed a do-
lighlful visit among the American ,
Loaviug : Liverpool ! OT. or two weeks ,
ago , ho arrived canlyb t week in Now
York , nnd ) accompanied i by Mrs. Savage
who'lma been ' visit during
age , ' making n
ing the judge's absoncu in Boston ,
took dinner with hia old friend Vice *
It-may not generally be k tiown that
Gon. Arlhun and tlio jutlgo were IcgaL
chums before the war in S low York ,
and have iiinoo mnin&ihiod the inti
macy of their younger days. A mnu-
bor of ycava'ago , upon , the ooeasion of"
Gen. Arthur * ! * ' marriage , Jm go Sav-
ugo acted as grooniBtiian. In reply to
rt question how thu vicp president. ,
bore 'lia ' trying position , Judgu
Suvago replied thab the question of
politicsWHO - not broached duri.tif the
evening , but tlir.t it waa plain to BCD
how greatly the vicp president felt
tho'weight of responsibility and how
Boverbly the attacks of his party papers
had told'on him. "He-appeared mel
ancholy , " Bnid the Judge , "but at iho
same time relieved , that ho could meet
Bomo ono who wouldn't talk politico
with him. " ' Ih reply to-'a remark or
Mrs. Savngo that his juwtion wan a
trying ono , lie aimwpred : ' 'Terribly
so , " and oxpreaaod liiti heart-fell dcairu
for tlio prosidont'H.recovery. During
the dinner a telegraphic bulletin from
the White House , announcim ; thu
] ) rcsidpiiL'H condition , was brought to
the vico-prosidont , which ho read
aloud. The JUdge i-xpreflsod the opin
ion that in all his travels ho had found
no place that ho preferred to homo.
Ho roturna.htoking ton years younger ,
improvod-iu healtJLanu ready for duty
on the opening of court. THE _
unites wilh a host oC his friends in
welcoming him back to Omaha.
A Mild-Mannerod Man Who-
Became a Hawpy Father.
Last night a well-known physician
sat in his-ofllco in this city , reading av.
copy of. TIIK BEE. A man slid in at- ,
lently and stood before him. In the >
faintest kind of it whisper ho said :
' Doctor , plciino coiuo to my house ; ,
my wife is sick. "
' 'Anything serious1 asked the doc
tor , ia his usual tone.
"No , nothing , " said the man.
"Thou I'll coiuo in u few minutca ,
after I road my paper , " said tlm
"Just na you. please , doctor , " aaiil
tlui man , humbly.
In the course of n short time tha
doctor got out liia horsoaud proceeded
very leisurely to the residence of the
man. An ho entered the gate an un
usual commotion warned him that ,
something unusual was transpiring' .
Entering rapidly ho wont to the bed- ,
side. A glance informed him what
was the trouble. ' Turning to tlia Jiua-
baud , ho said :
"You uro n nice fellow. Why did ,
you not toll mo what was the matter ?
Hero I am totally unprepared. I.
must go to the oilluo again. "
"No , no , no , " said the man , faut- .
ly. "You can't KO. "
Thu doctor BOOH discovered thnt he *
could not , and he left the happy fath
er u short time afterward utmost de- >
litious with joy
Too much cannov. bo said of tha
over faithful wifu and mother , cou-
ritantly watehing and caring for hoi-
dear ones , never neglecting a ainglo
duty in their behalf. When they uro
assailed by ilisonso , and tlm ayateiu
ahuuUl have a thorough cleansing , thu
nnd bnwolu regula'od , blond
puriQ > d , malarial poison exterminated1 ,
aim "must know that Elcctrio Hitter *
are tha only euro remedy. They ave
tim best and purest mudichio in the.
world , and only coat titty cunttf. Hold
by Ish & McMahon. ( ' . > )