Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1881, Page 8, Image 9

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Saturday Morning , Sept. 3 ,
Patterson ell coal ,
Get your haUnt Do.W .
Frederick leading Hnttcr.
Sftxo' * Crcntn Socln still booming.
COO business loU. Cftll on Bcinls.
1000 residence lots , Bernl * , agent ,
Don't forget Saxo'n for perfumery.
250 hou-i-s and ioU. Uemis1 nge > .fcy.
Bcmls' real cstflto Iwom. First 1 > K
A. W. lSn on , Dentist , Jacob's block.
Warranted Tooth Ilnmhcs nt Knhn'n ,
Bemts' new map of Omaha , 25 ccnU
200 farms find 900,000 acres of land
Bern ! * , agent. ,
The Won continues to roar for Moore D
Harness nnd Snddlcry ,
For riKK Commercial Job Printing ,
11 at TUB BBK Job rooms.
Highest cosh price paid forfccotuMwnd
furniture nt Abram's & Lewis' , 1121 Doug
las street. nl2iv
The train over the C. 11. A : Q. was two
lioiirannd n half late ycttcrday In
reaching Council Bluff * . This detained
the U. P. train west which left nil hour
nnd a half late.
- The thermometer nt Max Meyer and
] ) ro ? . from 12 tn. yesterday until 2 p. m.
to-day , indicated the following : 12 in. 87 ° .
2 p. m. ! > r , C p. m. 82 * . 51 p. m. 7fl % . To-
, lay : 7 a. in. 70' , 10 a. in. 81' , 12 in. 01" ,
2 D. in. 1)1 ) * .
The Musical Union orchestra , nf
twenty-one pieces , will give a ttacred con
cert at Mctz'a garden , beginning at 2:30 :
o'clock Sunday afternoon. A very fine
repertoire has been prepared for the occa
sion and music lovers may expect a rich
Dr. Graddy lca\eH to-day for Lincoln ,
-where he will remain until Monday.
Win. Croron , a moulder employed at
the U. P.shopMnnd residing nt 1300 North
Twentieth street , h suffering from a severe
Attack of ague.
SnvjiRo's Return.
Judge James \V. Savngo returned
liomo yesterday from his European
trip. Mrs. Savapo went to Now York
to moot him nnd accompanied him
Jioinc. The judge is looking much
hotter and uaya that ho foola greatly
improved in health. Ho now fools
ntront ; enough to don tlio judicial
robes again and administer justice as
lias been his custom heretofore.
"The Kovero House ouncil JJlufl's
is the best second-class hotel in the
west. " nuirl7-lut
" \VaHhingtnn Hanoy wife nnd child left
for Chicago.
11. M. Sibbitt , the David City lawyer ,
in in the city.
. E. Warren , u prominent Choycnno
juan , was in the city yesterday on his
way home.
Mr. Kldridgc and wife of Blair , were in
the city yesterday on their way to Phila
Dr. W. V , Morton , of Wuhoo , was in
the city yesterday. Ho left for Boston last
evening over the Wabash.
Miss Katie Kiloynnd Mies Annie
Childers left yesterday for New York ,
whence they sail by n Cunanl steamer for
Liverpool next Wednesday.
Mre. Klcock , mother of Mrs. J. D.Max-
field , who has been visiting hero for the
l ist three month' , left for her homo in
"Vnnwert , O. , liver the Wnbash yestor-
Ham Minton , the genial , jolly and good-
looking Pullman conductor , who has run
for a long time between this city and
Ogdon. mode his last trip yesterday for a
time , , Ho has been transferred fur a few
months to the Utah .Northern tiranuh ,
-whore his blonde mustache will delight the
ye of fair paHxcnccrs , and his character
istic politeness mnko him many friends.
Ccncral Coc , of Nebraska City , is in
Tom Murry left hint night for Hum
liurg , In.
K. 0. Ilrown , of Lincoln , IH in the city
for a few < luy .
George liallentync , traveling agent of
the B. & M , is in the city.
It. 0. Phillips , a Lincoln lawyer , lit In
the city and la titnying at the Withnojl.
C , W , Thomas , of Grand Island , arrived
in town yesterday , and is putting up at
the Wlthnell.
Senator Saundera , his son and Mlns
Kaunderu returned lawt evening from their
trlj.1 to Colorado.
P.P. PIckeiill , C'apt. II. Dlnckotono
nnd L. W , Hickok are a party of gentler
men from Washlugton , D. 0. , staying for
a few dayi In tbl * city ,
George P. BemU arrived houto yestcr
day from an extended trip In the east ,
During his absence ho visited New York ,
3 > eaten , Baltimore nnd most of the piiuci
pul watering plnccu.
Mrs. Andy Bordvn , accompanied by her
snolher-in-lnw , left yestenlny iifternooi
for a visit to her old home at Springfield
311. Her many friend"-wish her n pleas
ant visit and a afe retuni to hvr Onmh
The many friends of Tlioinou Miller ii
Omaha will be delighted to leani of hi
promotion ftom the position of dlvUlo
freight agent of the 0. , B. & Q. , nt Bur
lington , to the assistant general freigh
agency of the same rood. Hereafter Mr
I&liller'u headquarters will bo iu Chicago.
If you wish to avoid great dango
and trouble , besides u no einall biil o
expense , nt this season nf the year
you ohpuld take prompt stops to kco
discaso from your liousehold. Th
eystciii should bo cleansed , blood puri
iicd , otomach and bowels rugulattul
and prevent nnd euro diseases unsin ;
from epring inalnria. AVe know o
jiothing that will BO perfectly am
urely uo this as Electric JJittors , am
at the triflng cost of fifty cents u Lot
tie.Exchange. .
Sold By Jsh * McHahon. (1) ( )
- , o - -
Forty years' trial Ui proven "BLACK
DRAUGHT" the best liver uiudiuno i
the world.
. V. Goodman ,
Why the Crooks Always Moko
Toward the Eivor ,
And Very Frequently Sncccocl In
Oinnlm is infested with some pretty
ough chnmctcrs , and sometimes they
ct in such predicaments that it be-
omcs necessary for them lo emigrate
o other localities , temporarily nt
east. This is very easy to nccom-
> hsh , and whenever the exigencies of
crook's case require ( light ho can
pecdily transfer himself from No-
> raska into Iowa.
This is doiio by means of n small
o\v boat or skiff. There are quite a
lumber of thcso flkifla along the river
> ank used by fishermen nnd ferry-
ion. There is ono man living near
lie river who , "while ho is not the
> osscssor of n boat , will readily a reo
0 carry a man across the river for n
ompcnsation. lie presses into scr-
ice any that ho may find , nnd
s well known to all Omahn crooks.
Yhoncvor there is a robhcry commit-
ed or nny oilier matter which rciuircs
temporary exile , this man can nl-
vays bo found ready lo ferry the of-
onderovcr. Ho gauges the pockets
f his customers and charges accord-
ugly. Sometimes when the fugitive
ias made n big haul and is very anx-
ous to evade the police , who are upon
lis track , ho made to pay a very
aruo percentage of his spoils to this
oracious ferryman. Of course Ihis
ivision is objectionable to the crook ,
> ut it is a case where the old and
lomcly adage , "die dog or eat
hatchet , " governs , and ho is
) ound to give whatever ho is asked.
Vhcn any depredation is committed
t or near Iho dopols the offender is
1 ways scon running towards Iho river
nd when Iho officers got Ihcro ho has
isappcarod. The ofllcors speculated
great deal on this species of nocro-
nancy nnd could not account for it
ntil they found out the boat scheme ,
nd then it became as plain as day.
Vfter that it was harder work for the
rook lo get away and they wore
t a loss what to do. In this
morgonoy caino to their aid
person daring and without the least
car of the police. Ho is careful whom
10 ferries during the day and when
lie police anfcloso on the offender's
rail ho will not take him. But at
ight his services may bo obtained by
lie worst characters nnd ho always
hargcs them according to their
nxioty to got over the river. This
joatirmn is a desperate character , and
s well known to the police. Ho has
ho wliolo neighborhood in a coni-
iloto state ot subjection through fear
if him , and none of thorn will inform
n him. Ono young man living ) near
iy owns a boat nnd it is used by this
olio ftin question without his consent ,
n fact the young man is not asked
or it.
'he ' Solution of the Mooted
Liquor Question.
o the IMi tor olTlio lice.
OMAHA , Sept ; 2. I think the solu-
ion of what is termed "tho liquor
question" is not so difficult , and unap-
> reachable as it may seem at first
Taking it for granted that the high
iconso law is the law of the land and
nuat by all law-abiding men bo im
> licitly followed and practiced , lot us
consider with moderation how its
provisions can bo carried out in the
east onerous manner to rospcctablo
dealers iu fermented liquors. And
, here are quite a number of rcspecta
do people who sell boor and liquor ,
vho would notificll to minors , drunk
ards or loafers , and would
lot permit their presence oven.
As suggested in your paper , the
juartorly payment , or rather three
nonths' "liconso fee , " would bo a fair
way , for the many reasons which TIJB
] Un advances , of meeting the other
wise largo and compulsory outlay.
And then when all the other j/relimi-
mrius and joints of this legal sy.stein ,
tot dillicult to responsible .persons ,
myo been fitted together at the last
comes the bond. Now , then , wo re
member Shylock and the pound of
ile.sli ; and all the pains n.ut punaltius
which attach to the "liquor bond"
are magnified. If wo premise
that the sentiments of society
deurado drunkenness and gambling
with the other "social evils" lo tliu
common plane of criminal law , yet wo
cannot fail to ackuowlego thai "tern-
perunco is not prohibition , " and as
there will bo to the end of time i
minority , thank Heaven of thos
who nbuso Iho benefits of eating nnd
drinking , of social amusements and
of social intercourse , yel who will not
condemn the infringement , and who
will care to outrage propriety by con-
Borting and holding open intercourse
with u manor woman , who is in
decently besotted with any vice
in Iho category of
crimes , Haunts his or her
delusion to the public gazo. None but
fanatics will BOO iniury to a communi
ty in the daily walk or intimate social
intercourse uith those who discreetly
touch , tusto and handle any of the
means which exist for onjoymml
when moderately used and practiced ,
but tire detrimental in excess of the
prudence which uhould belong to the
&anity of buaine&s , pleasure , or of
every day life. To say that prohibi
tion is a virtue is but a poor endorse
ment of the God-given reasoning fac
ulties of man , ana involves a censor
ship which would fail in its execution
for lack of a qualifiwl censor. For it
is farcical to say lhat1 skill can bo ge
mmed withoutscrviceaml a mechanical
director must not morcly understand
the mechanism he superintends , by
his power ofision , or his teachings
of thcorybul | the senses must bo quite
equally active , before the m.ichiiio , in
its career of usefulness nnd activity ,
can clorclop its products. In other
words , to make an application : fanati
cism is a very poor factor in a judge
or jury's mako-up , and the "frightful
example" people would bo ns much
out of place , but not more so , in an
adjudication of penalties for criminal
neglects or observances.
Temperance is a virtue , best promoted
meted by orderly example and a
healthy sentiment. Any indecent act
or persuasive is , and should bo.
frowned down by sentiment ( public )
and example ( private ) . But compul
sion , to bo effectual , must bo only cor
rective of the abuses of decency.
There should bo an active vigilance n
behalf of decency and lot otherwise
the Ttilo prevail , "Every man mend
one nnd we shall all bo mended. "
Lot anybody who has the means nnd
ability form n "Guarantee nociety , "
whoso members shall Imvo on their
reasonable security to it such protec
tion in any business or occupation
they may ougago in , and lot it bo so
ordered that this . "fills the bond. "
Detail it how you may ,
An Enumeration of its Greatest
To the rilltor of Tun DUE.
OMAHA , September 2. Apart from
national or state sensations of current
events agitating the public mind , wo
have in our own Omaha quite enough
juat now to occupy the best nnd closest
attention of our cilizens , of high nnd
low degree , who can think maturely
on nny or all of thcso subjects pre
It is enough that wo say for South
Omaha , whilst , poor thirsty souls , wo
may whirl our tongues around the
parched and unmoistoncd lips , that il
scorns n long Monday morning to wait
'or ' what the sober Sunday has in
remise and prospect.
Whilst wo might dwell upon the
iorrors of abstemiousness and liquor
tar vat ion , yet wo propose to shut our
tycs , Spartan-like , and consider this
10 dwarf of our troubles and voxa-
oils. With nino-tcnlhs of Hie traffic
f the city passing through the First
ard , north of the U. P. tracks , wo
avc but ono approach to the south
epot , narrowed at the Tenth street
ridge to a bridle path almost a
iolding surface , to put it mildly , when
trains , or even when it shines : mud or
"list. Tenth street graded to its
naximum width , guttered and
macadamized , would help a heat ) .
Eleventh street bridged over the
railway tracks , with an nvenuo of
pproach through Mason street to the
wo railroad yards for omnibuses and
arriagcs on the passanqcr side of the
depots. The approaches by Thir-
' eolith street lo bo made easy and
iracticablo for loaded teams to the
hreo packing houses , the bridge yards
'or horses and stock , the distillery for
Is imports , and the traflle of a largo
uid active population south of-th"o'
railroad tracks. The roads from west
to east have throe wagon ways with
: omparativoly little fixing and grading.
The right of way for Pierce street hut
"icon obtained from "away out west"
o make a junction with the city
mrt of Pierce street , and this street
ihould nt once bo utilized for farmers' '
, nd freighters' traflic lo Iho ousinp
up of Thirteenth street , Broadway and
iho Mason and Pacific streets com
No person can form an adcqualo
Conception of the delays'and anxieties
'or ' business or pleasure , for Rioknoss
and sorrow , tor ordinary intercourse
nnd the ot cetoras ; caused by the
present status in this fair portion o'f
Omaha. We want better roads and
easier grades , more light nnd speedy
'ntor-communication for carriages and
'oolmon , and humanity in sickness or
icalth demands it.
Harbors Will Cloio-
The barbers hold n mooting last
night , and it was determined by the
principal shop keepers to close their
respective places upon Sunday. It
was also resolved to perfect an organ
zation , and a committee of five .was
appointed to draft by-laws and consti
tution. The committee will report
next Thursday evening , when nnothoi
meeting will be hold.
"Wo consider this beer ( Conrad's
iiudweiser ) a healthy and invigora-
ing stimulant , " I'hyaicinns' opinion ,
The West or u Newspaper Union
Rulinlld on Howard Stroot-
The Western Newspaper Union ,
whose pliice of business in this city
was destroyed by fire n short limi
ago , have purchased the property 01
the southeast corner of Twelfth am
Howard streets. It will immediately
be fitted up and the company expect
to occupy its new quarters within the
next thirty days.
In the meantime the company's '
business is being carried on nt itr
Dos Moines houso. The now locatioi
it a convenient one , and when busi
ness is resumed , it will bo under in
creased advantages ,
The company's ollico in Omaha fo
the present is with the Americai
News company on Fourteenth street
UKHUY-Mn. Mary Berry died Thurs
day at 0:30 : ] > . in ,
Funeral will take place from her res
ilenco on Chicago btrcet , between 10th an
llth , to-day at 12 o'clock ] i , in.
Fall session begins Oct. 10 , 1881
Address , G. 1J. AYUKS , M. D. , Sec.
Take " "
will uevvr be bilioua.
At 0. F , Goodman.
Tenth an 1 Fornham Streets to
bo the Location of it.
'o Coot Not IIORB Tlinn Ono Hun
dred anil Fifty Thousand Dollars
John Hamlin , proprietor of the
incinnati house , Nebraska City , yes-
orday concluded arrangements to pur-
liaso that portion of the Lowe estate
itualod at Iho corner of Tenth and
\irnhnm streets. The purchase is
n the interest of the Finloy estate ,
ocatud in Kiltanniiig , Pa. The
round purchased comprises seven
ots , each f Iwonty-two feet , thus
iving nil entire frontage of 151 feel
n Farnham street. The block ox-
ends back to the alloy on Tenth
treot , tluu giving 132 foot. The
round pmchancd extends from the
L'enth street corner to the Ti-
olt gardens , or about thirty-two
eet more frontngo than the Grand
Central will occupy. Tliu property is
o be turned over free of eucuiiihorin < !
wildings by Apiil 15 , of next your ,
.ftor which time work will bocommeuc-
idatonco. The plans forthestiucturu
iavo not yet been decided upon , and
lave merely boon thought , cf in a
joncrnl way. Mr. Hamlin says it is
ho intention to spend not less than
:50,000 : on the structure which will
> o not less than five stories in height ,
t will probably bo of brick with store
rimmings. Mr. Hamlin is the first
; cntluman who purchased the grounds
upon which the Millard will bo lo-
atod , with the iniention of erecting a
lotol there. The arrangements for some
eason foil through and possession
vas obtained by other parties. There
s no doubt that this hotel will bo
ircctod at the limo named. It is
ixpcctod to Imvo it completed by the
vinlor of 1883. With Ihree first
lass hotels Omaha will then bo well
It may bo interesting to mention in
his connection that Iho Lowe estate
rill , as soon as the hotel gets under
vay , tear down the frame buildings in
ho vicinity and erect hanasomo brick
Gored By n Bull.
Some days since a bull , maddened
y the sight of Mrs. Krobs'red shawl ,
liaacd her around the field , which is
ibout five miles west of the city , and
tvcrtaking her , tossed her through
he air and then over the fence. Mrs.
vrobs was badly bruised but it was
hought that she was not seriously in
ured. She was carried homo and
Mr. Krcbs came to town , related the
lircumslnncos to a physician here and
wked what the best treatment would
> o. Ho acted on the doctor's sug >
{ cations for ono wock and as the pa
tent got norse rather than better this
afternoon ho had a physician go out
hero. Mra. Krebs , the physician
Mnks , will recover.
He Drops Around to Explain
That He Isn't Dead.
Uncle John Stanton took occasion
to drop around to THE llnu oflico last
night to explain that ho hadn't been
lishcd ou.t of the river or anything of
.hat sort. Undo John showed his
usual disregard for the niceties of dress
and wore a linen apron which bore a
suspicious resemblance to a portion of
lis shirt. Selecting the most harm
less looking member of the staff ho
ivont on to explain that ho was in un
usually good spirits , and was still a
licalthy though some what ancient com
munity. In voriiication of the state
ment that he hadn't suicided in the
river ho extended a general invitation
lo everybody to accompany him to the
Missouri and watch him glide across.
'I'm not at all mail"continuedUncle
John with his usual rracoful persua
sivoncss , "but I'll like you to
come out lo-motrovv and
deny Hint I was drowned or any-
iiifr of that kind. Not'at all cross
you kno\V | " ho resu'iued with the
liry grace of sweet sixteen , "for will
till your faults I love you still. You'll
correct it , wont you ? Ah , I knew
you would. Tra lu la. "
And Uncle John sought the dark-
nosa on the outer side of the door.
How to Got Sick.
Expose yourself day and night , eat
too much without exercise , work too
hard without rest , doctor all the time ,
take nil the vile nostrums advertised ,
and then you will want to know
How to Get Woll.
Which is answered in three words-
Take Hop Hitlers. Sepll-QcllD
" CLACK-DRAUGHT " cures cobtlve-
ne'ss ai'd jSiek-Headache.
At V c. OooJmiu's.
Sportiugmou On Their Muscles
The Workingmon's Sporting club o
the Fifth ward is after dog thieves
with a sharp stick. Everybody in
that vicinity owning a sporting do { ,
has taken out a liconso. Consequent
ly , if the animal is slolon they can
prosoouto the thieves in courts , llo
cently n member of the clu1
had a full-blooded dog stolen
which ho sot great store by. Ho had
trained the dog for about three month
and the animal had become n very
valuable addition to a hunting expo
dition. The animal diappeared on
night , and it was only after the most
persistent search that ho was again
iound. Ho was then discovered in the
losscssion of n man who had un-
nowingly bought the clot ; from
lie person who stele it. Ono bad
caturc about thcso thefts , from the
portsmeii's stand-point , is that the
nimal once out of its trainer's hands
s soon rendered perfectly useless by
ho novices who may get hold of him.
'his sportsmen's club intends to
irosccuto all such cases to the tullesl
xtcnt of the la-,1
A Carpenter Palls Prom a Three
Story Bu'lding ' Upon a
J. O. Parker , n carpenter , residing
11212 Davenport street , mot with a
nest distressing accident about 3
' yesterday afternoon. Ho was
t work on Hie roof of n threo-story
> uilding , and while carrying a heavy
ioc'o of timber , lost his footing and
ell. In his descent ho fell astride of
paling fence. When picked up , ho
ras found to bo injured in the most
erriblo manner , besides being very
udly wrenched. The injury received
s of an exceedingly painful character ,
, nd it was found necessary to put the
man at once under the influence of
morphia , in which condition ho will
> o kept for several days. Dr. Chad-
vick , who is in attendance , will per-
'orm a surgical operation to-day , and
lopes lo pull Iho man through event-
Sudden Revival of the Drama.
The fact , that the saloons are to bo
closed on Sunday has caused various
> rejects to bo set on foot for the eva
sion of the law without incurring the
) cnnlty attached for its violation. In
> rdor that the regulars may regale
hemselves upon Sunday as well as
upon other days clubs , societies nnd
associations will bo formed. Ono
organization has already been
ormcd for the ostensible
mrposo of cultivating the drama , but
t is hinted that the essays of the so-
ioty will be of the Grainbrinus order ,
f o person will bo admitted lo the club
rooms unless he is a member. On
unday will bo Iho day
upon which most of Iho dra-
natic rehearsals will lake place.
During week days' ] the members will
> o provided with Sunday tickets , in
exchange for which they will be al-
owed instruction in the dramatic art
n liquid form. It is likely that dra-
uatic studies will immediately be
come intensely popular with a con-
lidcrablo portion of Omaha's popu-
Small Comfort-
When you are continually coughing , an
noying everybody around you , and hoping
it will go aw y of Its own accord , you ore
running n dangerona risk better use Dr.
THOMAS' ELKCTIUC OIL , an unfailing rem
edy in all such coses. codlw
The Ministerial Mooting.
At the ministerial mooting held yes
terday in Iho study of Iho Rov. J.
B. Moxfiold , the following gentle
men wore present : W. 13. Smith , Rev.
Mr. Fogclstrom , Rev. D. Marquotlo ,
General Experience Eitabrook and
G. T. Howsor. Rovs. Sherrill , Har-
sha and Harris wore out of town and
so could not attend.
The existing misunderstanding was
Jioroughly discussed nnd a line of
tactics agreed upon. The temperance
; ) ooplo do not think it proper to intor-
: ere with the Sunday work at meat
markets , ice houses , drug stores ,
ivory stables or with the sale of
It is hinted incidentally outside Iho
mooting that things will soon bo made
red hot , and it is probable that a largo
number of prosecutions will bo com
Largest Number Reported For
Four Years.
Dr. Leisonrinp , the city physician ,
has prepared his report of the births
mid deaths for the month of August
it is as follows ; Total number of
deaths , 82 ; from violence , 1 ; diph
theria , 2 ; croup , 1 ; whooping cough ,
1 ; corobrp-spinal fever , 1 ; remittent
fever , 3j typho-malaria , 7) ) diarrhoea ,
35 ; alcoholism , 1 ; pneumonia , < i ;
convulsions , 7 ; heat , 2 ; gastro enter
itis , U ; peritonitis , 3 ; premature
births , 1 ; unknown , 4 ; accidents , 3 ;
stamatitcs , 1 ; dinbetis , 1 ; abscess in
stomach , 1 ; embolism , 1 , Of these
4U were males and 30 females ; 80 were
white and 2 colored ; Dl were under
5 years of ago. The First
ward had 24 deaths ; Second , 25 ;
ThirdC ; Fourth , ! ; Fifth , 11 ; Sixth , 11 ;
hospital , 3 , It will bo soon that 49
of the 82 deaths occurred in the bottom
tom lands. This is the largest death
list Omaha has had in nny ono month
in four years , The total number of
births reported for Iho month were
03 , all white , of which 27 wore male
and 3G female.
Prominently referred to by the Nor
folk Virginian is the case of a vener
able lady , a relative of Capt , J. W.
McLean. She was smitten at the
supper table with what seemed n par
tial paralysis , \\hich resisted the usual
remedies professionally prescribed. St.
Jacobs Oil was applied , insuring immediate -
mediate relief , and iU continued use
'for thrco days enabled her to go about
the house as well as ever. She con
siders that she owes her life lo its
great curative powers.
His Unexpected Death in This
City Yesterday.
_ _ _ v
Thomas Kennedy departed this life
yesterday afternoon. While his demise -
miso had been looked for in the near
future yet it came unexpectedly to
his relatives and friends. In the nt-
tcrnoon ho had dressed himself and
gene down stairs into the parlor
where ho conversed with some friends
who had called to sec him. In an
swer to inquiries ho said that ho foil
rather weak , but as his condition had
been more or loss debilitated for some
time no special anxiety nas felt on
this account. At about thrco o'clock
ho passed quietly away , dying upon a
sofa in the parlor of his home. His
death was caused by Brighl's discaso
of Iho kidneys.
Thomas Kennedy was born in the
coMnty Tippecary , Ireland , thirty-four
years apo. At the ago of twelve ho
emigrated to America. Ho settled at
Cincinnati , Ohio , nnd nt the
breaking out of llio civil war
inlistod in the Twelfth Ohio
regiment in which he served thrco
years. He came to Omaha with Her
it Co. , ns foreman in 180" , and had
acted in that capacity until overcome
by the discaso which caused his death.
About seven months ago feeling un
fitted for business , ho wont to Belle-
view hospital , Now York , nnd was
treated for his discaso. Not being
much bcncfittcd ho returned homo
about the first of July. Since that
time ho gradually failed. During his
lite in this city ho acquired many
friends by his honest and manly con-
duel and these now sincerely mourn
his loss. Relatives have boon tele-
lolcgraohed lo and the dale of the fu
neral has not been decided upon.
Nopontup Ulica , so far us "Con
rad's Budwciser' is concerned ; you
find it from v 15 part of Iho counlry
lo Iho other. Ask your grocer for
it. nutc
The thing desired found nt last.
\sk druggists for Rough on Rats , It
clears out rats , mice roaches , flies ,
bed-bugs , 15c. boxes.
NOTICE Ad\crtiscment To Loan , For Sale ,
Lost , Found , Wants , Hoardlm : , & .C. . will belli-
tcrtc.d in thcso columns once for TEX CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVKCENTS
per line. The first Inscition ncrcr less than
M QNEY TO LOAN Call at Law Ofllce of D.
L. Thomas Room 8. Crek'htori Dlock.
f\f\l\ \ \ To loan at lrom 8 to 10 per cent.
w\/l ; on good real cstatesccurity , by
HR. ISAAC KDWARDS , 1109 Tarnham St.
AfiATO LOAN At 8 per contln
/40U.UUU tcrcst In sums of 82r > 00 and
upwards , for 3 to 6 years , on llret-elaxa city and
farm property. IIXMis Rui , ESIATK and LOAM
AOKVCT. 16th and Dntuzlan RU.
W ANTED. Firat-classs barber by I' . W.
Derkecn , Council UlufTs , la. 839-S
WANTKD-Situation by two yumg girls In
a drivate family. Call oraddrcsd Scundlna-
Tian hotel , llth St. 82i-2"
ANTED Woman cook , at the Eniuict
House. 833-5 *
: ANTED A good girl , N. W. Cor. 18th and
Wcbitor , at once. 827-5
WANTED-Tcimstcr by Patrick Walsh.
IHfthcit wagjspild. 233 Jones St. , bet.
13th and 14th. 82J-J
TTTANTEI ) A girl or wonnn for general
W housework Immediately , 14th and
California. W. M. FLEM1NO 830 &
WANKED At once , a good , smart , comixten :
man to uork in kitchen , Cantlcld ll-mso
W 'ANTED- Good cook , at 2011 Cass S „ bet
20th and 21st. 835-5 *
WANTED Furnished room In Soutn Oma
ha , with or without board for two gentle
men. Address W. H. HALL , & 01 PitrcoSt. 833-3
WANTED A dining room girl and a kitchen
girl , at C03 South 13th fet. 812 G'
WANTED A wonnn to take care of a baby.
Call at the Credit jn House. 824-3
WANTKIX Good cook at the Occidental
hotel. 821-tf
O 2 No. 1 broom-maker * . Apply at
Nebraska ilroom Factory. AU .U8T
HANDOW. 8J4-21
A duelling house of 8 or 10 looms
WANTED part of the city. Address JIaJ.
T. U. btanton. 1'aj master U. S. Army , Fort
Oma a , kOC-4
WAN i } D-A took at the Sncll House , Ash
land , Neb * 09-5
WANTKD lmnu > dlat ly , Ul carpenters.
Wasus j2 75 and * J 00 per day. Anply
1410 Dodo street. W. W1NCIT 8105
17ANTED OnogooU first-class took , ran do
V meats and pa'tery bath Good wagei
d. hnciulro Depot Hotel , Norfolk Kcli.
1U1II1UT , 1'rop. S07-5'
\T7ANTED A good barber , at the Green Trie
) V Shop , 311 H. 10th St. 0 , F. F.LSAbSER ,
WANTED'-Flfty carpenters at lo ) > d's Oi > cra
Mouse. H ghcut wages luyeil , bllAW &
1'IKLI ) . 7US-10'
WANTED -Fifty carpenters at Opera House ,
wagrs 2.75 pi-rtUy ,
IANTED-lioardcrs and lodgers , 2015 Hurt
W blrcit. 1'rhato dwelling , homoroniforti.
WANTED A pool table to rent ; with prill
leifc of purchasing. State price.
Andres * UEO. INMAN ,
4M-tf Vail. Crawford Co. . Iowa.
Funding bridge and Uiool bonds.
WANTED Clark , Reflbridge 20-tf
" | 70R RENT Nice furnished room for ono or
_ L' two gentlemen , 034 South 17th St. 831-5
I OH RENT FurnUhdl rooms , witliorwitliou
board , N. W. corner 14th and Jackson bts.
EOR RENT 2 story frame IIOUM' , 511 Soutl
10th St. Emiulro nut door. 825-7 *
EOR HENT-FurnUhecl room , S. W. Cor. 1011
and Dacnport Sts. 761-t
EOR RENT-One room with board , J603 Call
fornla street. 735-tf
"ITVM ! RENT A t o-story house of 7 rooms w Ith
J } stable , on Sherman A\o. Apply at Merrill's
fectUtoro , 2u7 S. Igth St. _ 72a-tf
E OR RENT Elegant furnUhed roomi. Rcison
prices , brick house , 2013Cai St. 023 tf
FOU RENT A nicely funiUhed front room for
one or two gentlemen , at 1210 Howard street
FOR RENT-2 furnished rooms o\er
chants'EichMnc.N.E. ctr. Ifltbind Dodge
itricU. 469-tf
HO" SALE Two lots and new houis S rooms
L1 S W corner llth and Vlnton streets ; time
gl\en. Apply on prcmltea. 803-3 *
71011 SALE At a l irgaln , two acre * of lam !
. ; with fine grotc. Choke location for & . a
oon. Hou c , stable and good veil on premises.
) nl-1\\ miles from court house. 1'rico $300.
: nqulreat once. liox 421 , Council Cluffa , la.
FOR SALK-Houso with four room' , on
Lc.ion worth street , between Cth and 7th.
Apply to lljron Reed. 7PO-S"
FOR SALE A tpsn o [ ponies , buggy ftnd har
ness ; buargy n most new. Apply t thc-
Calcdonlan Saloon , U. I' , block , ICth St. 784-tf
EOR SALE A rare chance to jump Into a well
established cash trade. Will sell my general
took of merchandise , ultuatcd In ono of the best
hlpplrig points on H. A M. R. U. For further
tirticulara call or address J. U. Llnlngcr , WAX crljv
Neb. 740 s2
SALE Lease and furniture of a Mrst-claw
hotel In n tewnof ISOOItihibltatiU , In ttoto
of Nebraska has 24 beds the '
; ; traveling men's ro-
ort. Inquire at llEBoinco. 218-tf
rvjOK SALE Maps of Douzlan and barpy conn.
L1 tics. A. IlOSEWATERlC20FarnhMn street
I7IOR SALE A new nil leather top tide-bar
lj Phaeton w lib spring cushion and back , nt W.
- : . Oration's carrUpo top manufactory 314 , 8.
[ 6th st. bet. Farnlmm and Ilanioy. 707-tf
1J10R SALE A farm of eighty acres , In Rood
J } repair , flood house , iiiSO nnd ell 14x10 ,
ni.ill orchard of bearing trees. Ono mlle noutli
ol Onawn City , Iowa , en S. C. & 1' . R. R. Will.
gl\o time on part If wished. Address F. M. Rears ,
Omaha , Neb. ul9 ItfaiMwl
710R SALl' Neat house and full loC 12 blocks.
1 from T. O. at 5000. JOHN L. McCAOt K ,
711 ! tf. Opp. rostolllcx : .
SALE Fine stock farm of 400 ncrts
Rood house , cattle shed , orchard &c. , with
ii easy reach of railroad. 1'rlic , $1600 , par
: lmo at O'/ . JOHN L. JIcCAQUE , Opp. I'ost :
Offlce. lUil-ff
FOR SALE Neat cottage and good lot at
SUM ) . JOHN L. JkOAOUE Opp. 1' O.
TT10R SALE Hone , buggy and harness , Can
J ; bo seen at Ste\cnson's Capllol A\cnuo barn
rlco , $250. E. C. ELLIS. f,6G-tf ,
KOUsiES AND LAND llomis rcnw hou ci .
stores , botch , farnia , lots , lands , omccsf'
rooms , etc , Sco lit page ,
"HIGH SALE Good house with four rooms and
JL1 half lot , No. 2013 Dodge between 20th and.
27th street. Good well and shade trees ; house In ,
; oed condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tf
TTMRHELLAS Ancl I'arasois rcpulrcd hy II. .
U SCKUTT lltli and sts. 7BOtf
FOR SAK.E A small- engine , a W. I'ajiio fc.
Son's make. In perfect oedcr. Inquire of II.
O. Clark & Co. 30-tf
CAXAN. 8Jl-tf
TARNISHED noojis rou UBNT KO. ioic :
_ J California street , between 10 h anil lltli.
H10 I.FT riensint , larfrcfurnlsliulrootr. * , with
.1 or w itliout board. Call w 1th reference , at
007J N. 17th St. 822 tf
A YOUNG M AN ( D-uic ) wishes a situation ni
grocery clerk , 10 jcare experience from the
old country. Talk KtiRllsh ami Qcnnin. Ad-
drc's for 3 dnjs , L. P , iJcoofHcc. S.0-3'
/COACHMAN A young tmn ( Dane ) wMicfl n
\j situation as coachman in a private family or
drl\ln team. Can furnish lust-clasj ecom-
mcnditlons. Address for 3 t"y.s. ! W. 1C. . Ilcu
olllec. 819-3 *
QTRAYED From Slcrt'ii stable , Omaha , ono
jj ! black mate , color faded , ci > ; ) tt or
nlnojcars , ucishi about eleven hundred , had
on Raddle and bridle. A reward will bo paid for
her return , or information leading to her re-
co > cry. W. E. Cathey , Fort Calhoun , Neb.
703 dlt2t
STRAYED A joune red cow , short tall and
left ear cut , bclonjln | : to Chas. Bauer , 'the
tinder will be rewarded. No. 811 10th street.
789-2 * CHAS. DAUER. \
. mill ) STORK lias for sale nil kinds \
of Foreign and Domestic Binla , also Illrd-
ranciery goods ; at IGth til. , bet. Douglas and
Dodge. au-J&-3nv
B E1IIS has rattling long 11st a of houses , lots
landg olid farms for sale. Call and get
A'l MH9. B. K. CLARKE'S No. 1 BoardIng -
CALL House , cor. ISth and Dodge Mte. Boat
In the city. SIQ-tf
B EMIS' HEAL ESTATE BOOM. Sec 1st page. .
TT "ITriLKIE Manufactory of | > aper
. J-J. YV boxes , 1108 Farnham street , .
Omaha , Neb. a22-w &s-8t
ALL on or ddrcss 1'ottcr * Turner , 40 South
\J 6th street Council Bluffs , Iowa , for rail
road tickets cast , west , north and south. Chlcngo-
810.00 Round trip S10.CO E iry t'cUt ' guar
anteed , and tickets bought , sold and exchanged
Eliza tellfl ] st prcBCtit , and future in loic'
and all affairs. She rc\ cats the deepest secret *
the heart , bho posses the magnetic pou cr to ful
fill nil jour wbhis. Call at No. 1010 Chicago ,
street , near ICth. aug lMf
) EMIS' NEW CITY UAI'd.SSc. Seolst pig
ANY ONE having work for a typo writer can.
bo accommodated by telephoning the UK
nlllce. 4b3-tf
UI' A red cow. Owner can luno the-
name by pro\lng property and paying
charges. FRANCIS ROIilllNS , Saunders an !
Gr.uo St * . iui24-in wedit
> Isi page.
rr HREE or four young men can be acco > mnoda > -
I ted w 1th board. Deferences exchanged. Ap
ply 2011 Cass street , 4th door west of 20th St. , .
or address Box 337 , postofllco. 343 ? f
HH. BROWN Corner 12th and Chicago.
. streets , is ready to tore or deepen w ells.
Satisfaction guaranteed. & 03tf
Tlio successors 01 the Amer
ican House , on Douglas street , between Oth
and 10th , for board , lodging and transient CUB-
tamers. Respectfully
1" .tf JI'MITfi fr fOIIPB Hf.RH.
T10NAUST , 49STenth Streettic.twtc'1 Parnliam
nndllarcy. Will , with trio aid of iniardlnu
spirits , obtain for any ono glance at the past
and present , and on certain conditions in tliu fu.
turn. II otn and Shoes made to order , IVrfcct
balisfictloii giurantt cd. au20-l m
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Onpo Cream Tartar. No other
arpatloa makes such light , flaky hot breads ,
uxnrtous icutrr. Cau be eaten by Dyspeptic ;
itr out fear of thellls resulting from hcaty Indl
. Sold only In cans , by all Grorcrsl
New York.
C , P. Goolmani.