Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1881, Page 2, Image 3

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Doings of the ' 'Dreamers" ut
the Indian Agency Near
Shawauo , Wis.
The Agent FrlRliloncil out of HU
SHAWAKO , Wis. , August 29. For
several years past there has been n
secret organization among the Indians
of the west nntl northwest , nnd the
government has taken steps to crush
it out but without success. In the
spring of 1880 , delegations of Potta-
wattomics , Chippewas , and Wiiino-
bagoes mnde their nppear.itico on the
Monoininco reservation in this state ,
and succeeded in getting a society
started among what arc known na thq
pagan bands of the Monominccs , notwithstanding -
withstanding the cllbrts of the agent
to prevent them. When annuity day
arrived , being the final payment by llio
government to the Mcnoininecs , in
nncordanco with instructions from
Washington , payment was withhold
from members ot the locioty until they
took an oath pledging themselves nev
er to have anything more to do with
the secret organization. Every man
took the oath , and the afjont became
satisfied that ho had stamped out the
vipc : . On Wednesday of lost week
rumors came in and announced that n
largo band of 1'ottawattamios had put
in an appearance nnd proposed reor
ganizing the society. A council was
called of all the chief * of the Menom-
inees , and it was decided that the
strangers should bo compelled to leave
the reservation. After the necessary
preliminary arrangements had been
inado , the agent , native police and
chiefs inado their way on Fri
day to the spot wlioro the
strangers had gene into camp _ . On
arriving Jit the scene of action it was
found that a circle had been inado of
logs and ever two hundred Indians
were present , indulging in i grand
dance. In the centre of the inclosuro
was a largo Indian drum , while seated
on the ground were about twenty In
dians , stioks\in hand , pounding the
drum for dear life , at the satno time
keeping up a monotonous song that
evidently consisted of but few words ,
such as "Ila-ha-ha-ho ! " Surround
ing the musicians wore two rows of
men , while on the outside were the
squaws. Two of the principal actors
were called out , and informed that
tlio dance must cease at once , and the
strangers leave the reservation. A
consultation was hold on the inside of
the inclosuro , the result bein Unit tlio
demands of the agent , notwithstand
ing ho was acting under orders from
Washington , wcro disobeyed. Four
of the leaders were arrested nnd
placed in irons , but this , instead ot
having a quieting olfoct , only caused
the rod men to become still more ex
cited , and the whole party surrounded
the agent , and drew their knives and
tomahawks , at the same time rinsing
the war whoop of the Pottawatonucs ,
For n short time it looked as though
some ono would lese his scalp , nnd
that ono was the agent. He called to
his guards , but they were evidently
too badly frightened to bo of any as
sistance. The agent finally succeeded
in getting on the outside of the circle ,
when the four prisoners were sur
rounded by the guards nnd inarched
to Keshona. The government party
had been in Kcshena but a
short time with their prisoners when n
runner came in from the , enemy , who
demanded the rolcaso of the prison
ers , and threatened that unless the
demand was complied with measures
would bo taken to rescue them. Hav
ing n small nnd poorly organixod force
under his orders , the prisoners wore
released and returned to their friends.
The whites in Koshcn became fright
ened and , with n single exception ,
they nil took n hasty ihght at night
for Shawano , distant eight miles ,
while the agent made his way to the
nearest t"legraph station , whore ho
wired to Washington for instructions.
An answer came to the effect , "Enrol
men enough on tlio police force to
compel the invaders to leave the res
oryation. " The surrounding country
was in an uproar , nnd hardly anyone
felt sure that his or bor scalp would b <
in the place whore nature intondoc
it should bo for any lengtl
of time. Thus matters remained , the
dancers keeping right along unti
Tuesday morning , when the Pottawat-
touiios took their departure. Oi
Monday morning u Times representa
tive left Shuwano for the scuno ol
action , On arriving at the border ol
the reservation ho was reminded ol
army life by hearing a gruff voice say
"Halt ! " and ut the same time a man ,
rillo in hand , stepped to the uido o |
the buggy and demanded his business.
Ilu bcciimu satisfied , after a close in
spection , that it not one of the
much-dreaded Pottuwatomics , nnd ul
lowed the scribe to pass , lieforo
reaching the oflico of the ngont ho was
brought to it stand-still three times bj
armed guards , who olosoly scanned his
fuuturea. The ugent wus found seated -
od in his office , muling a dispute !
from Governor Smith inquiring
into the reported troubles. Air. Ste
pliens , the agent , was evidently it
an unhappy frame of mind , but stil
ho showed a determination to expo
the intruding Pottouattomios. Oi
Tuesday morning the corrcspondon
visited the CAIIIJI of tlio disturbin
spirits , distant Hvo miles , thu princi
pal part of the way being through i
dense forest. When within ubouttw
miles of the camp nn Indian runner
mounted on a a pony , passed fit i
lively rate oi speed , evidently bent 01
telling friends that strangers wore up
preaching. A short distance from tin
camp guards were encountered , who
sis $ we passed , foil into line be
hind , nnd thus were wo cs
corted to the camp. Hero were nbou
two hundred Indians , tricked on
with their finery , the most of then
having their faces painted a brijh
vermillion , the spots being stil
further ornamented with black
streaks. Ponies
nnd papooses were
numerous , the whole forming a will
scene. An interpreter informed the
Indians that the intruder was a news
paper man in search of informatloi
and not scalps , when a circle was
formed , a mat placed on the ground
a pile of tobacco put in the centre o
the game , and * finally a small American
can flag was planted. The white
were invited to bo seated , when tli
Jeader of the band mounted th
stump of pine tree , nnd made n speech
or welcome to the strangers. When
10 had completed , n pipe was
Hied , lighted nnd , and passed from
ono to the other , each one taking a
"suck. " Several speeches were HI-
iulgod in. interspersed with Indian
jiiusio and dancing. , The speakers
claimed that they came on the respr
ration as invited guests ; Hint they in-
ended no harm , their mission on
enrth being that of peace , and they
were sorry their good intentions had
icon misconstrued by the tcovorn-
nent. After the speeches , n grand
nrowcll dnnco was indulged in , old
ind young , males nnd females taking
mrt. At the conclusion of the dnnco
he Indians mounted their ponies nnd
undo their way in the direction of their
ovcral homes , thus closing another
> ig scare , which at ono time looked
ike business.
lo Sues His Ailorod for Bronoli of
'Iillaclclplila llccord.
Very , very often confiding woman
s duped by deceitful man , and the
vcn hand of the law is invoked to
djust the damages of n broken heart
nda wasted faith. A West Philn-
olphia letter-carrier has reversed this
rdor , nnd ho sues for legal damages
o heal the wound which nis fond nnd
orgivcn love for n Miss Killoy has
uflcred in n summary dismissal from
cr affections and her presence. In
liu language of the small boy , ho "got
lie mitten. "
The parties to this novel suit are
Yinfiold S. Ilansbuty , living on the
ornor of Scnec.i and Market streets ,
postman , and Miss Julia S. Killoy ,
ho lives with her widowed mother
t No. 712 North Thirty-ninth street.
! ho faithless lady was awny at Ocean
rove yesterday , and therefore could
ot bo soon.
The lonely lever , a good-looking
oung lottor-carrior from the West
'hiladolphin postofilco , told the fol-
owing story of his wrongs ; About
our years ago ho met Miss Killoy in
ho church which they both attended ,
'heir intimacy soon ripened into nn
ngngomont , nnd "nil went hnppy as
% marriage bell" until n year ngo ,
when , noticing n growing cool-
less toward him on the lady's
> art , ho found she had been re-
oiving attentions from William Sav-
igo , the keeper of n ladies' notions
toro in New York , whom the lady
lad mot tit Ocean Orovo. The cool-
iess culminated last November in an
pen breach. No more meetings oc
curred until February of this year ,
vlicn the lady put lior pridu in her
> ockct and made advances to her for
saken swain. ADproaching him after
ho Sunday service sio ] pleaded tor re
conciliation , but was rebulled. On
, ho next day she again pleaded with
iimand llansbury gave in nnd forgave
lor jilting. Again happiness was re
stored. In April , May and June
ho lottor-carrior received from his
ndy love twenty letters full of re-
) ontnnco for the past nnd promises
"or the future. In ono letter she
lasted n newspaper slip containing the
iccount of the killing of n man in
Denver , Col. , by the husband of the
woman the man had , run away with ,
iiiiJluIio wrote under it these words :
" 1 cannot but paste this slip in when I
think that I have
been just such n
vickcd woman. " But again the at-
raction of Savage , who had cotno to
, ho city to see tlio girl , began to ab-
orb her nflcctions. Henrtbrokon ,
Innsbury began to press for an im-
ncdinto marriage , but to no avail.
Again there was nn estrangement.
On the 2d of August last the lever in
losporation wrote declaring that ho
vould not give up his claim to her
mnd. Two days nftor this Miss Kil-
oy mot him in the cars , and asked
lim if ho still loved hor. Again ho
olentod and forgave hor. Pivo days
ater ho got n note from her finally
lismissing him , This wns more than
10 could stand ; so ho sought the solace
of the law , and seeks in the civil
court , by n summons returnable the
first Monday in September , to obtain
damages ns a salvo for his injurot
love nnd n balm for his blighted faith.
A Mormon temple { u being erected In
San Francisco.
Itcv. Win. Fawcett , of Diibuquo 1ms ro
cclvoducall to ( irnce Methodist church
A Bwedlah Con rrgntlonal church of 7-
mombera 1ms recently been recognized I ;
Worccntcr , Mnea ,
Windows arc to bo placed In the clnircl
tlio Divluo Paternity. New York , inumori
nl for Jlov. Dr , Cliriiiin , ut n coat of nbou
§ 25,000.
A new intssloiinry foclety , called th
Kvnngellcal ABsoclatlnn on Bclmlf of tli
Guriimn I'ruleatuiitti in America , has bcei
formed at Uuniicn , Cienimny.
Tim Ivvuimulicnl United Mennonttc * li
euiu lvanliv and Caniula are nbo\it [ iiir
clmsiiif , ' tabernacled to bo used for tin
holding of nicollngii wherever it may HCBII
The Congregational cliiirch at Uarn
stead , N , 11 , Imi had only two pastern It
7 < t years , The foinier pastor ptcnchei
for ilfty-nix year * nnd the present one has
been nettled for I'O
Cardinal MainiliiK' in described by Mrf
Ltvennore Hmiro iiluiost to uiimuintlon
and bald as If blmriij his npjiD.iranccEovurc
ly monastic. IIU volco and manner , how
ever , nro pleakant , nnd his breech is full o
kindliest ) ,
A new Methodist church is to bo bull
t Chnttaiiongn , 'IVini. , find the paato
imriosi < to nlil in the vntoriulie by t.ellin
Ciuieaout from the battle-lielda of Chic
niaugannilMUaion ltd-o | ( forl eaeh it
the rough ,
The vatious Oatliolla societies nt lUch
' "und , > . , have renolved tlat , nil th
Catholic organizations of that city bt
requosti'd to > iait Yojktown.topartlcfpnt
in the ceicinonlea in October , and inviting
nil Cathollo Bocietlca throughout tin
countrv to attend.
Accordinjf to the statistics presented n
the Coimeutlcut conference the Cuouretra
tional ( lliurclics of thut utate contain W5 ,
203 luciubvn. There were 301 wiuUte
and hfty-two Ik-entiates at work during
the year. The additions to the church b
letter and iirofessiuu of faith aggregate
' . ' ,158 , of which 1,01)0 ) were by letter.
The Lutheran Visitor calls for a Lu
theran l/cuinenlcal Council. It believe
that such ft body would be perhaps ono o
the greatest meeting * over held , urn
anaeitu that instead of "n few millions o
Calvinitfta or Americitiw or DihucntcM , " i
would represent lifty niillious of Luther
aim from all quarters of the globq ,
It is underttood that a conference o
rituulutio cler 'iiien will take f-lace it
Ixjndon uliurtly. at which , amouK "the
thliigi ) , the advisability of udoiitlng a uul
form dtaudurdof lituulwill bo ilUciWhed
There in at ineuent the wildest divngence
as to the color mid form of vetmentn , th
ute of altar llghto , the lotion of the of
ficlatint ; prlwt , etc. , even in chnrchcs
where the clo c t fctudv hw been devoted
o such qne-'tlons for many years. Mcs-
cngerdJcforrned ) ,
The 15ev. ( Icorge flrnnvillo liradlcy.
Mlcr nf Unlvcwlty College , Oxford , ijnd
lmplnln laOrdinary to the Queen , uhohai
ccentcd the Dcnncry of Westminister
\libcy , i in the sixtieth year of Id * nao.
lewni educated nt llugby , from which
chool ho wno elected t nn oticn scholar-
hip at Oxfor * ' College , where he wna a
Avorito pupil of Dean Stanley.
A cnmtmraUvo mmilrmry nf tlic . . - . . . ,
erian chtircli , juft Imtieil , MIOWI that
here nro thirty-eight Synod177 Prcsby
cries , 022 candidate * , ntrftiiutOOOlnit rear :
101 licentiates , n,030 inlnUtons nn increase
nf forty-two ! 5,59s clmrc1ie , n gnln < > f 100 :
81,101 coinmtinlcnnt. , a ( { ' > ! " ' nn\y \ $ ,
"SO. Tlio ngKro ntc nf coiitritmtioin the
ifist ycnr wixn J-O.firt.'Jttl , Knl" f lllnre
linn S.1in,000. For homo mission' , 9158-
\VM contitrilmlcd ) forforcimi mission" ,
, , : > , ( V2f ; for education , ? 100,70'.I ; nnd for
hurcli orcction , 8157,281.
God Snvo the President.
Almighty ( ind , within whose lianih
All dcitlnici are held ,
To Theo our common prayer ascends ,
lly common woo Impelled ,
] 3chn1d nt Thy eternal throne
A Nation suppliant ,
Whose cry Is hcnrd In every zone-
fed ! save the President.
Oh ! let Thy Inlcrpoxlng power
Come swiftly from nbovc ,
To break the deathly clouds that lower
Around the peoplo' love.
Our tniBt iri placed alone In Thee ,
Lord ( ! od Omnipotent ,
And millions voice the tearful pica
Uod save the president ,
Fnlht-r , turn not , tnni not nwny ,
In thii our neediest hour ,
Ordain not to the worm nnd clay
The Innd'H most precious ( lower.
The people's hearts throb now as one ,
As one our tears are upcut ;
Ourprajcrs arise In unison
( od save the president.
September day * won't bonny too. mellower
or good eating.
Mnkc your picnic lemonade in a coffee
loiler nnd let It stand over night. IJy
eon next day it will bo fixed to kill at
en rod * * .
Why doscn'f. O'Donovan llossa send
icorgm water-melons to Kngland ? They
re le H expensive than other infernal ma-
hincs , and fully ni dangcroiu.
"If you grasp a rattlesnake firmly about
ho neck , ho cannot hurt yon , " Hays n
vcstcrn paper. Keeping n block ahead of
ho Biiako is also ncood scheme.
A tub of lard exploded in n New Jersey
own. Must have been nitro-grenserinc.
Che terror-stricken inhabitants fled from
he spot Hhricking : Ohlardt hnvo mercy
jn us ! "
The editor of n Cleveland paper paid a
visit to Chicago nnd wag tola on retiring
"or the night to bo careful nnd not blow
lit ) gnu out. That was three weeks ngo ,
nnd IIO'H mnd yet.
Ono of the big hotels nt Long Branch
ins mnde n i eduction in prices , or , rather ,
tucstH no longer have to fee the bell-boy
or feeling of tlio water to fcco if is warm
enough to liathc in.
At Vort Yuma the thermometer regjs-
, orn 125 degrees on the shady nitlo of nn ice
louse , and even ClmrliM Krancii Adams
would yell for a palm leaf fan nnd a sherry
cobbler in that climate.
The New York Commercial Advr-rtiscr
ttayx that only ono man out ofHIS cnn
iiako money by exhibiting a shark in u
( idu-show. Wonder how statistics would
uhow up on n five-legged calf.
You can get board at Saratoga for § 7 n
week , but you must cat venerable brend
and gutta tierclia beefsteak , drink colTec-
margniiuo , sleep on the tloor and keep nt n
rcspectnblo distance from good society.
Locomotives come Into Milwaukee cov
ered nn inch deep with crushed grasshop
pers , nnd greatly resembling a ICnimigin't
'eet after it moonlight promenade "thro1
, he rye" with her cltoicn jnyhawker.
A HnrtfordcditorB.iyH that stuffed bhark
s K'ood eating. As raw Bailer ! H the uaual
Htutiilng found in slmrks. the majority of
; ho peojilo will nerhnps not regard the
Connecticut editors taste with any market
legreo of admltntion.
Snmtiel Putnam , n Michlgander , jumped
ill nn Indiana railroad train running nl
Forty miles an hour to pick up his hat
When the train backed Samuel got aboan
with thu icnmrk that ho would settle will
the company for the ten rods of fence ho
locked down.
King Kulakiuia'rt army consists of ox
tictly sixty men. Well , if that is the case
wo don't wonder at his wanting to sell hi
kingdom. Ho might trndo his army fo
our navy , then swop the navy for n dog
phoot the canine nnd finally die happy ,
Oil City Derrick.
The latest "sea "
serpent" story comei
from northern Michigan. A man up there
saw ono n quarter of A inllo long glidlni
over the ground , emitting clouds of ttmoki
from Its nostrils. Ho felt like licking th
man that convinced him it was. nothi ! < t
but n distant freight train.
There are people who don't bolieyo tha
1'ditorn earn their broad by the xwcat o
their brow , but If those people could HC
tis mopping the perspiration elf our des
with an old pair of linen pants , after wri
ting on the "Warm Conclusionof the Hum
ble Ueo. " they would change their minds
Boomerang ,
Mm. Jones went to n picnic the otho
day , ono of the o quiet picnics with n
fuss , whcro you get up nt \ o'clock in th
morning , pack elf four children nnd tc
lunch baskets , and gail around in the hea
nil ( Uv and it mmlu Mrs. Jones t > o tlrct
thut Hliu hail to do two davu' washing bo
fore hhe felt rested. Oil City Derrick.
An Illinois paper asserted that "ther
Is ona jackass in our stnto legMatuie ,
and before noon of the day on which th
Item wna published the editor received
nuto from ovfry member of thu hoiue , It
eluding the speaker , telling him to retrnc
or lookout for u llliel milt , each membe
regarding it as a personal hit , Tlio mil
Alluded to waa in the senate ,
Visible Iniprovontout'
Mr. Noah Kates , IClmira , N. Y , , write *
"About four years ago 1 h.ul an nttnek i
hlllious fever , anil never fully recovered
My dlgestlvo orn'iin were weakened , nn
1 would bo completely prostrated for days
After using two bottles of your JJuimoc
lii.oiu ) UlTTKiis the imnrovement wan h
visible that 1 was astonished. I cnu HDU
though til yenrsof ngc , do a fair nnd rea
bonhblo tlay'a work. " Price $1.00 , tria
BUO 10 cents.
Woitliy ot Hraue.
Asa rile ) wo do not recommend pa
tent medicines , but when we know o
ono that really is n miblio benefactor
and does positively cure , than wo con
eider it our duty to impart that infer
nintion to all. Electric bitters nr
tmly a most valuable medicine , aw
will surely cure Uiliousnoss , Fovo
and Ague , Stomach , Llvar and Lidno
complaints , oven where all other rom
edius fuil. Wo know whereof w
Hiicak. and can freely recommend t
nil. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bottle
Ish MeMahon. (4) ( )
P. M.
Cambridge , Neb.
1,000,000 ocrei K0\crnnicnt laiul ojwn to IIoiu
utcada. 1'ro-cuiiitlonj Mid Timber claluu. 00
choice Improved cUluu lot ulo or ciihuiKU. 00
ol the butt dcvded ( aruu In Southuuttrrii Kfbnu
Kawlth tlmUranil water /omalo. / A [ vwiholc
ktock raucliui \ ltli ( cucod field * , timber , hay &n <
, ( or sale , cliwap. CorruiiouJcucc Solicited
Great German
. ( ill-1 GOUT ,
! lmiuii ! ; SORENESS
i i IFuiiiiIlllllll : : ! ! ! ! ! ! ! < CHEST ortiiE ,
| ! ! ! | | [ | | SORE THROAT ,
innnnmnminm. I QUINSY ,
No rnrarntlon on cirth eqiiali ST. J/con OIL u
lirt , BCRE , BIMFLI mil VIIRAIKiternil Kemeil/ .
\ trial tntalli but tin couparatlrcljr trlfilni ; outlay of
) CIKTJ , and tmjr on < lufferlnj vrltli pain can lia <
heap and poiltlve proof of Us clalmi.
Itiiltltnorr , Sid. , U.S.A.
A bad breath may result from ncMlty ot the
tomacli , or from blllouencas. < n cither case a
ow iloscs of
Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient ,
( IniliilRtcred according to directions , nlll gup-
, ! nnt this unpleasant companion ulth a sncct
unit-healthful ona. Itlaaealino corrccthc , spc-
lally siiltablo for warm weather , and leaves the
yetcni stroiijtto do Iti work of recuperation.
Oculist and Aurist ,
tefcrc'iicca all llcputabiu Physicians of Omaha.
/rarOfflce / , Corncr'lSth and Farnham Sts. ,
Omaha , Neb. , au5mctt
To Nervq/4s.Sufterers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
It In a positnnctirc for Spcrmatorrhca , Semlna
iVookncaa. Impotancy , and all diseases resulting
rom Scll-Alnno , an Mental Anxiety , 1,033-
ilcinory , t'alna In tlio Hack or side , and disease *
that lead to
Insanity and
early ff rat e
The bpcclftc
Medicine 1 ]
lth wonder
ful success.
ecnt frco to all. Write for them and get full par
Trice , Specific , tl.OO per package , or ilx pack
* ; C3 for 86.00. Aildrcsa all orilcra to
Noa. 101 and 100 Main St. Buffalo , N. T.
Sold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell ,
J. K lob , and all drunjlstseverywlicru.
! B-dwl'
Oornell College ,
The Classllcal , Philosophical , SclentlHcand Civ
II Engineering Courses compare f > or bly wit )
the bet colleges In tha country.
Spocl&l advantage * are ( flvcnIn the Prcparato
ry and Normal Departments , and In the Conserv
atory ot Music.
Twenty Professor * and Teachen.
Superior Ilulldingi , Museum , Laboratory an 1
Expenses Low. Fall term opens Sept. IB.
For catalogues or other Information , oddresa
1'UES. WM. K. KINO , li. I ) . ,
_ y H-Jitewgni J ttVcrnon. . lnwi > .
Real Estate Agency j
Keep a complcto alutract of title to all Uca
Eatato In Omaha nnil Doiirlancountv inavt
State of Xchruka , Douglas County , us :
At a County Couit , hold at the County Cour
Itoom , In and for nal.l County , AuKiut 1st , A
I ) . Ib'Jl. Prmeiit , | IO\VAU1) 11. &U1IJI
County Juilc.
In tbumattirol the estate of Joseph II. No ]
eon , dcccasod :
On rcadlni ; and nilriR the t > ctUlon of Mirthrv
S. Nelson , prajin ? that the Instrument , pur
porting to bo a duly authenticated vopy of Ihi
last will and testament of Bald dwcaMxi. and o
thu prohato thereof , by the Circuit Court o
Fountain County , State of Indiana , and thU ilii
Illod In UiU Court , may bo nlloufd and recorded
as tlo last will ami testament of iiald Joseph II
Nelson , deceased , In and for the bUtu of Ne
OrderedThat August 27th , A. I ) . 1SS1 , nt 1
o'elock A. m , , IsakilKned for hearing tald petition
when all pvnoni tntcrrttrii In fcald nnttcr maj
apjwarntn County Court to lie held , In nnd fo
aid County , and how iiuiso why the prajer o
petitionershoulJ not ho ( rrontod ; and ttut nolle
of tlio pOudency of wld petition nnd the luarlu ,
thereof , bu uheito all person * Interutetl In ul >
matter , In publMilnj- copy of thl > urder liiTn
OMAHA Wt.t ku HKK , a new pa | > er printed In kali
County , for three sueeesjlvo uicLii , prior to Bali
day 01 lieiirliit , '
[ A triio vOj.y ] 110\VAUJ > II. SMITH ,
Dt County Judje ,
Stat of Nebraslva , naui'tuCount ) , s
At a L'ouuty Court , held at the County Court
Itoom , In and lortaM County , Auxiit-t IMh.A.
1) 1&-1. 1'rcsciit , IIOU'Altl ) II. SMITH , County
lu the matter of the estate of Ferdinand Tbum ,
deceased :
On readlns ; and flllnif the petition of
llleU aiv
incut of
| < rated , . _ , .
last will and tcttamcnt of bald defeated , and
tliU administration of takl eetato may bo grant-
til to nald Kmlllo Thuiu , asexceutrU : 1C , " *
OBIIKKCV , Ihat September 10th , A O , 1S3I , at
10 o'clock a. in , it assigned for bearing In I t' ' *
tlon , when all pcrwjiu Intcriuted In w ld matter
may apjiear at a County Court to be held. In and
for ald County , and thow cauw > uliy the pra > er
of petitionerkhould not tie granted ; and that no-
tlio of pendency of ta'.d petition and the Iieanmr
thereof , bo aen to all i > c on Intervatcd lu ml J
matter , by publUliIng a copy ol thli order In Ti
OuiiuAViKKLY UtK , a ncu > paper printed In cald
County , for three ucccs lie cck , prior to taU
day of hearing. IIOWAHD l > - SMITH ,
( A truu copy. County Judge ,
Mn. .T. O , Hobertson , Plltslnin ? . ! . , write ? , " !
in suffering from gcncm ! ilebiliiv , until ol ap
atite , constipation , etc. , i thatilfovan Imr-
en ; after iiln ? llunlock Illood Hitters I felt bet-
cr than for jcnrs. I cannot praise jour Hitters
oo much , "
11. Olbbn , of Buffalo. N. Y. . writes : "Your
unlock Blood Hitters , in clironlc ill x cs of tlie
looil , lUcr anil klcincjx , hate been sUnally'
larhnl wlthsucccts. lime used them mjHlf
itli licit rcsnIM , for torpidity of the llcr , ami In
use of a friend of mine buffeting from dropsy ,
ia effect was inancloil9 ,
Ilrticc Turner , Rochester , N , Y. , writes : I hate
ecu subject to serloui disorder of the Mdncy * .
nd unable to attend to binlnm ; llunlock Illooil
Itten relieved me hdoro half a bottle was mod ,
feel confident that they will Intlrely cure mo"
12. Ascnltli Hall , ningliainiiton , N , Y. waltcs :
I Buffered with a dull pain tlirounh my left
mj ( and shoulder. Loil my uplrlti , nppctltc and
olor , and could wlthdiffliulty keep tip alt day.
ook our llunlock Blood Hitters as dlrectedand |
ate felt no pain since first week after using
icm. "
Sir. Noah llatei , Klmlra , N. Y. , writes : "Aliout
our j cars a o I hud an attack of billions fo\er ,
nd nocr fullr reco\crcd. My cllxcstiv o organs
ere weakened , ami 1 would be completely pros-
rated for daj s. Aftct mlnztwo bottlciof jour
urdock Illood Bitters the improicmcnt wosso
Islble that I wiw astonished. I can now. though
1 yean of age , do a fair and reasonable day's
ork. "
C. Blackct Hoblnson , proprietor of The Canadi
'rcsbyterian ' , Toronto , Out. , writes : "For j ears
suffered irrmtly from oft-rccurrlni ; headache. I
scd J our Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest
csulti ) , and I now find m ) self In better health
han for years past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y. , writes : ' ! have
scd Burdock Blood Bitters for tier \crns and 1)11
oils headaches , and can recommend it to anj one
crpalrltii ; a euro for bllllousness. "
Mrs. Ira Mullholland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
For e > cral years 1 hao Buffered from of t-rccur
Inif blllloua headaches , djspcpsia , and com <
mnU peculiar to my fcx. Since \\t\ng \ your
lurdock Blood Bittern 1 am entirely relieved. "
rice , I.OO per Dottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts
, . , ,
Bold at wholesale by Ish & McMahnn and C. F.
Ooodman. _ Jo 27 eod-m'o
The Only Machine that Will
Do just as is Advertised.
t Will Wash Faster
It Will Wasli Cleaner ,
It Will Wash Easier ,
It Will ropire no Rubbing ,
! t will do a large family
Washing in 30 Minutes.
It Will iWnsli Equally wclll with
Hard or Soft Wntcr-
t docs away with wash boilers and wash board ? ,
and will pay for Itself In full and the ucar of
clothes In a nionjli.
No steam In the kitchen. A child 10 years ol
can do the wathlng faster than any woman can
wring aim handout the clothes-
dim 1410 Farnham Street. Agents.
1422 Douglas St. , Near 15th.
Before removing
their new
Will sell their stock vf
At Groitly Reduced Prices
Established 11 Years ,
Assets lioprofconteil
2 , OOO.OOO-O.
Aitl\o Tire and IJfe agent *
wanted. C. T. TAVtOtt fc eo
lith & Uoiif las st.
ms sm
Myliouse and furniture is insured with
0. T. TAYLOH & CO. ,
Cor HthandDoui'las.
NetoastoLanii Agency
! 605F rnham8t . Omaha. Nebraska
Carc.ully selectc. ! l nd In Eastern Nebraska for
gale , tiruat llargalmi lu impro\ed farms , and
Omaha city property.
Late Land Coui'r U. P. R _ _ Jjtebtf
No , ISO 8 Faruliaui Street ,
xv - -
OrriCB North Uc , opp , Oriad Central Hotel.
Wo deairo to call the special attention ot the trade to our
elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRIOBS ) of Underwear , Cardigan
Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Ovorshirts , Overalls ,
Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only.
Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts ,
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET ,
Tlio only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the ivcst.
C A R P ET S1 G R O C E R SI \l
The L argest Stock and Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West
We Keep Everything in the Line of Oarpeta , Oil-
CiOths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
1318 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Max Meyer & Co.
GunSjAmmunition.Sporting Goods
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne