Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1881, Image 1

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Nol lx t on Ilarncy street , near new < our
houao , $2W .
No 2 lx > t on CIVM street near 22d , 32SOO.
No 3 IotonCrtlforna ! i-trcet near V2dgl(500 (
No 6 l.ot on Marcy street near U. P. depot
No ft } J > lock InShlnn'a 3d addition near Con
cut , $3fi < )
No S Tvo lots on Derail.r near Campbell bt.
No 10-8 lots on Collax etrect near IIan ini
t'ark , nt rcanonablo prices.
100 clioito residence lots In Croillt f'orielcr an
Clmndi Irw addition * n short dManoo southeast o
U. I' , and 11 & M. depots , prices from $100 up
18 lots on 21st. 22il , 23d mid Satindera street *
north of and adjoining 1 ! V. bmith's addition
I too ; terms cany
No OH Pull corner lot on Douglas street nci
10th , $2500.
No 70 Corner CC\110 feet lot on Douglas nea
near lltli street , $3100.
No. 71 Three lots in Olse's addition near Satin
Jcrs street , $1000
73 hot on Dctatur street , near Ircno Shlnn *
Sdaddition * 115.
No. 7ft 82xltJ ( feet on Pacific street near U. 1'
and 11. & M. depots , $300 J.
No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77\132 feet Oth
etrect near Jones , & 1500.
No 73 3 loU on Ilarncy street ncnr 10thMOO
No 81-Lot In CUe's addition near Saundern
B'rcct , $600.
No. 82 Lot In Discs' addition near Saundcrs
street , S300.
No 83 2 lots on 19th near Pacific and Nal
Wnk9 , $1600.
No SO Lot on Charles street near Sauiidcus
* GOO.No87
No87 Lot on Lctv\cnworth near 16th , $1,100
No 88 Lot on Caldwell street near Saumlere
No SO Lot on Chicago near 22d street. S1600.
Ko 00 Lot on lllondo near Campbell street
31 lots In Millards & Caldwcll's addition , Slier
nwn ricmic , luth etrect , Sprinsr , Saratoga un '
Florence streets , $700 ami upwards.
No 122 2 lots on ISth street , near Poppleton'
BOW residence , 8100 , ) .
No 123 Lot 71x310 feet on bhcrman avenue
10th street , SHOO
No 124 A lots on Bcllcvuo street , near she
touci , $ . ' > fl to 57.Vc.icli.
No 125 Full block on Clinton street , nea
sliat toner , ? 50 to S75 each.
No 120 Lot on Ibth atrcct , no white UK
works , 8525
No ' .27 a lots , 3J ncresncar head of St. Mary'
avenue , on road to Park , Ji" > i : ( ) .
No 120 Lo on California near C'rciirhton Col
ego. S375.
No 130 t ! ot near now government corral , S2
x207j litres encli. $ ,00.
No 101 Lot In nl e'S addition on Cameron St
ncnr Saunder * , make an offer.
No. 100 Lot In Clieo's addition on Casting St.
near SUtc , milcu an olTcr.
No 10. ! Lot InGise'sadditton on Cabins nea
Saundcrs , malic an offer.
No 103 1 block in liojd's addition addltioi
near Omaha Itarracks , make un offer.
No 101 7 lats In llcnry & Shclton'a addition
near high school , price froin S1250 upward.
170 ixit on Pacific street , near 16th , make ai
No 171 2 lots on Webster street , near 2
lx > tht3SuOorS.2000 for corner and S1SUO tor in
do.No 17S 1 lot on Cans near Htli street , SlOOil
\ / No 176 I/ot on Sncrman avenue ICtli Btrcc
No 177 3 lots in GrandUcw. make an offer.
No ISO Lot in Slnnn's addition on Pur St.
car end street car track , $625.
No Ibl Two lots In Nelson's addition , 1 01
tiaho street , 1 on Center street , near Cuming
$300 each.
No 183 Two gilt eJgo lots on COM street nea ;
Slut , on a corner , $0000.
No 1S5 Lot on Seuard street , ucar Saundcrs
jnako an offer. '
No ISO 3 Iota on Seward street , near Irene
niakc an ofTcr
NolSOJ , lot on Davenport near 25th,8500.
No 187J , lot on DUIsion near Cuinlng nt , $200
No ISSJ. block In Itoyd's addition , near Omalu
barracks. $400.
Nolan } , J lot on Pierce near Oth street , $551) .
No lOn ) , i lot on llth near J'arnliam , & 210U
No 191 J , 2 beautiful Iota in Sliinnti addition
No 192J , 2 lots on 16th street near wliitc lead
works , * 1U5U.
No 1DJI , lot on 20th street near Sherman , 3100 ,
No 1UIJ , 2 lotd onJd street , near ulark , $ iiOU ,
Ko 11)0) ) , 3 beautiful Iota on baundcrs t > t. near
etrect car turn table , $1276.
No 11UJ , lot on 16th near I'icJco xt. $500.
No Ml lMt In Uiu'ti < addition on Camel on St. ,
DcarSannderH , $500.
No 02 Lot on Cameron street near Saundcrs.
No 203 Lot in Shlnn'a addition on Saunders
etrect , nearxttcet cur turn table. $ 50.
No2i > 4 lleuiitifiil lot In Nel-ran'u addition , on
Di\l ion btrect near Cumlnj ; , § 6U.
No , 205 T o lots on Castullarbticct , near 10th
No 200 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near the
nail works , $1500.
No art One-half lot on California ttrctt near a
21bt , S70U.
No "M Lot on 18th street near Nicholas , fCOO.
No 210 Lot on Capitol avenue ncur 2Jd , 1600.
Na 212 Lot 148x500 feet on Uolfax btrcct , near
Uaiwcoin Park , with luiuroxvmcntii , 270 < l. to
No 213 Two acres on Cuinlni ; stri-ct , S1000.
No 215 One-halt acre ou California , near Kcii
oody street , $ J50.
No 218 Ueautlful lot on Hamilton street near
street car turn taule , $1000.
No 217 Ixit on 23d street , near Clark. tSCO.
A few aero lots only remain unsold in "J'ark
Dacu" little west of t'rclfjhton Collegt , prices
ruiinf ) | : fiom $275 to $300 each and on ca y terms. bo
Lota In Horbacn'H 1st and 2d additions ; alxo
Iota in Parker'bMhlnn'u ; Nclson'0 , Terrace's , K.
V. Smith's. Kedlck'u , and all the other additions
ktany prieo and at any terms.
Ten acres in the city limits on tlm road to the
barracks at SJ75 per
Four beautiful residence Iota In front of
Crclyhton College ; will cut them up tornlt ,
Niiiu rtildcncu lots north of Crtia'htoii College
* ? i grounds , from $700 to $1000 cacti.
Thirty ru'idcnt lot * In Parker's add'tion ' , l\
blocks north of tha * end of thu utrccx car track
on Haundcrsetrcct , 300uach$10doivn , balance '
suit , at S per cent Interest.
A few lot * let tin Terrace addition on tlio road
to the Park , near head of St. M > r 's atenuc.CTKO gain
each To those who v.lll build a $1200 residence ,
TyvaratlmoatUp r cent interest.
LoU In lake's addition at &r i to So.'fl each , 10 'or
yuan time atO pn cent intcri'at , to thOHO who
'lhuoldToualcy40-acre tract witli house and .ho .
all Improvements , adjoining race course ur.d fair
grounds' for ifStOO. Jig
Tracts of fi , in , 15 , 20 , 40 or 0 acre * , with bull
ding * and other lmpro\cmcuts and udjolnin. , ' thu .hat
c4ty , at all pricc .
350J of the but residence lott In tha city of
Omaha any location joii ilcslru north , uut , : > all
bouth or west , and at bid lock prices.
230 choice bmlncM lots in all thu principal bus- a
ncs btrcoU In Omaha , van Inn fioni $500 to * n
Two hundred houses and lots ranging from hat
MO to $16,000 , and located In ut ery part of the
Ijirgo number of excellent arms In Douglas ,
Sarpy Baundcrs , Dod c , Washington. Hurt , and
other good counties In eastern Nebratka. >
12,000 acres best landi in Douglas , 7000 acre * n
best lands In Sarpy county , and large tracts In
all the i-ojU'rii tier of counties
Cher OUO.OOO acres of the best land In the No-
raska for sale by this agency.
Vcrj largo amounts of suburban property In
one to ten , twenty ami f > rty aero pieces , located t
I thin ono to throe , four or fho miles of thu ho
ctetotlico ( tome \ cry cheap plvces.
New Map * of Omaha , published by George I * rack
BcmU nuln. uninounicd maps 60 cents uuh ; >
mounted , colored and with cloth back , 1.60
ccch. tot.
llouies.storcs.lioUIs , farms , lots.l and * , office * tot.In
rooniir.ttc' . , to rent or lease ,
I'axcs laid , rent * collected , deed * , mortgages , (
audail kind * of real catate douumcnU uucfo out aid
ou bJurt notice. hid
GEO. P. BEMIS' ind
Eeal Estate Exchange oem
15th and Douglas Street ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
That's What the President Will
Got ,
All of the Physicians Concede
' it to Bo a Necessity.
Washington's September Ma
laria to bo
Dodged by a
Long Branch Trip.
A Constant Improvement in the
Proikloiit's Condition.
National Axomtetl Trow.
\VA-WI VCITOX , September 2. Tht
president's cuso progressed dining Iho
night to the gum-mi sntlsfiiZtum o
the physicians and nuracs this inoin
ing. Jlis cniidition is in full nccori
with the progiess for the last fov
duj's. The I'L'cont improvement is no
ticeablo in the comfortable manner ii
which the patients rests. Ho sleeps
the greater part of the night as a wcl
Before midnight the dressings wcro
removed from the gland and the ac
cumulated ptia pressed out. This
saved any annoyance that might have
followed undue secretion. The glum
at the morning dressing was found to
bo doing well. There was a good dis
charge of the pus , and it was ob
served Ilia' its character was excel
lent. The mis that finds its way into
the mouth is very trifling in ainoun
and has caused the president no
The wound shows a little moro im
provemcnt this morning in every re
spcct. The president seems to havi
held his own , and that signifies general
al improvement of the system. Dr
Agnowis expected this evening am
the plan for moving the president wil
bo determined at once. A railroai
trip to Long Branch now seems mos
likely. The time for beginning the
trip will depend upon the improve
ment of the next four days.
Gen. Swaini at 10:30 : Una morning
said that the president is doing nicely.
LTo continues to improve and nothing
unfavorable has como up. The stomach
ach is all right. For breakfast ho
chewed a little steik again , swallow
ing the juice , llo also ute chickcr
broth. The state of the cose is en
tirely satisfactory. There lias been
no febrile rise. Other advises from
the sick room indicate continued im
provement. Several cabinet oilidfers
called during the morning and wcnl
away satisfied
Thus far Long Branch seems to bo
the favorite among the places consid
ered for the Garlield removal. The
president and Mrs. Garlield hayo given
it their preforunco in. the pju t-'ovce
other seaside resorts. The questior
of how the removal shall bo made wil !
not bo decided upon before to-morrow ,
when all the Burgeons will bo present.
No reports other than favorable
have been made by the sick room at
tendants. Although the patient docs
not gain in strength , ho still holds his
own. Various syniptons are improv
ing and the physicians feel assured
that a sure foundation is being laid
for rapid recovery before long. The
gland is doing nicely but the wound
is most at a stand-still.
Dr. Bliss says ho can see good im of
provement since yesterday.
Dr. Roybnrn says that ho is doing
well , but ho would gain strength
faster somewhere outside of Washing It
ton , and thinks the president will bo
moved inside of live days. Ho said
that it has become now almost im
perative that he should bo removed at
an early date. This air hero is bad bo
for him. I understand that the Sep
tember air is worse than that of
August in its contents of malaria. The
sooner ho gets away the bettor. It is
necessary that at an early day ho
shall have a change of air , and j
think the danger would bo greater
allow him to remain hero than in
moving him.
With a change of air the improve
ment in four or five days would bo Ho
very noticeable to his bonoiil. In
that time , with removal without acci
dent and undue disturbance , ho would eral
much better and improve. I agree
that the air hero is very bad for him ,
The president's stomach is doing
nicely. lie has chewed moro steak The
o-day , has had chicken broth and en-
ioycd it all. The president is as
cheerful and patient as could bo ox-
icclcd ,
Hoynton says that the president is
'ully as well as at any time since the
relapse , but there had been no great
of strength.
Tlio piesident had about all done
him that was possible in this cli-
mxto and the sooner ho was moved is
better for him. Tlio gland is do- lay
very well and the swelling had also
icarly all bubsidcd. The doctor says
the general opinions is that the
iciilinp of the wound began at the every
and that the cannil was healed to
point reached by the catheter used
cleaning for pus collecting beyond _ ' .
point. If the ball should be
noving about it would necessarily ling
iauso the formation of pus. He had lays
cnown balls to move from place to
Iaco without causing inflammation. , nd
regard to moving the president he The
avers his removal by rail rather than , s
water. [ 'he
He talked with the president about Phis
to-day and asked him if ho thought
passing of a train on another (
would domorali/o him. The
rcsidont euid ho Was sure it would
In regard to the opening Irom the
land into the mouth Dr. Boynton
that the cleansing water did not
its into the mouth
way to-day. ory
reopening was a very mnaU one
thoucht to be through the collu- ion
tissue and not through the duct. ling
Mr. 0. 0. llockwoll , who now
pends much of each day in the sick-
, said to-night that the greatest
hango ho noticed in the president A
incohiri former visit was his improved 12
icrvcs. He had no fear that removal er's.
from the While llouso would disturb
liis nerves particularly. Ho says thai
a water trip does not scorn to bo tu
favorably considered as that proposer
by rail. The president talks freely on
the subject and seems anxious for n
change. Mr. llockwoll thinks Iho re
moval of Iho president from Wash
ington would do him a world of good.
"General ( Sivaini said to-night liny
tin president talked very philosophi
cally about the removal. Ilu thinks
ho should like to go away and thinks
it' would do him good , but docs nol
want to KO till the doctors think i
best. Ho has no fear that it wouli'
iniuro him to move. The doctors wil
take no risk in the mutter , and wil
lot him stay where ho is until it wil
bo perfectly safe to make the clmugu
General Swahu thiiik the roniova
would bo possible within a weok'orlei
dai } 8 ,
Thorn is no special object in it olhc
than to accomplish the advantage u
all convalescents being placed amii
now ' scenes. It is not on account o
any ; existing malaria trouble. Tha
subject is being discussed of course
September | is n bad month in Wash
ington ! and if hard rains should como
tlu president might be elfcctod. Long
Branch , air would probably bo good for
him Any change might bo beneficial ,
Th only objection to Long. . Bnuicl
is the possibility of sovoru coasi
storing. Nothing has bcen decided.
The president will bo readylfor con
siderable moving in a week if im
provement continues. Ho shows
gain ' in voice and appelito , has eaten
twenty-seven ounces of liquid food to
day , porridge and soup ftom the dinner
nor , ] table , ' lie has chewed beefsteak
and also had fVliltle squirrel soup.
General < Svra.inf'Baid the president's
face looked very natural now. The
glandular swelling scorned aliuosl
gone , and no further trouble was ox
peeled from that source.
Later to-night , Dr. Royburn , in
speaking of the slow granulation ol
the wound , said that whore two sup
purating surfaces existed in a patienl
lit ono i time , that the nearest to thu
trunk arteries would heal fust.
Ilcncc tlio turn of the old wouiul
would come after the gland was
NEW YOUK , September 2. Specia
dispatches from Washington way thai
Iho cabinet has had no word of con
sultation as to the policy to bo pur
sued in the matter of the presinont'a
inability , but the subjccl has been
freely and frequently talked of. Wiu-
dom says that the president can 'got
along ixt present without executive in
terference , but some of the other de
partments are embarrassed in many
things. Ho wotild himself prefer to
confer with the president before act
ing. Of Arthur , ho Bays , that there
is no danger of anything Iho vice pres
ident would do. His only aim would
bo to do as nearly as possible what
President Garlield would 'do .were , hp
able to give matters of biisincssThis
personal attention.
There is reason to believe that as
soon as the president is able to bo
moved , one of the physicians , prob
ably Dr. Bliss , will bo requested to
broach the subject. Ho will say to oil
the president that the doctors have
decided that ho should bo allowed two
or three months' uninterrupted con
valescence , during which time his
mind should bo relieved of all cares ;
that this time will at least elapse be
fore ho can safely assume the duties for
his ollico , mid that in the mean
time it has been suswatcd that the
vice-president bo asked to assunio Iho
responsibility of Iho executive oilico.
is believed that thereupon the
president will sign the paper an
nouncing to the pconlo nnd commend .
ing the nalion to the vice-president ,
who will act until such time as ho may An
able to resume his duties at Iho
head of
aflahu Natlt
WASiiiNOToy , September 2. The
Following bulletins are issued from the COU
White House to-day : and was
Gen. Sivaim reports that the presi cell
dent is having a quiet and comfortable mad
morning and continues to do well. puri
had for breakfast the juice of a irrc
piece of steak and a little chicken last
uroth , He has no fever and his gen ast
condition is very satisfactory. girl
EXECUTIVK MANSION , 1:110 : p. m. ho
president's condition has not ma
terially changed ninco the morning
jullotin was issued , Pulse 100 , loin-
peraturo 98.7 , respiration 18.
( Signed. ) * J , J. WOODWAUD ,
D.V. . HUSH ,
D. II. i
1M , IIUUITJN. ry > .
Dr. Royburn reports the president
having passed quite as favorable a nut
as yesterday and that theio has
been n further slight improve-
mint in the wound and the parotid with
swelling. His general condition is in same
way satisfactory. About
EXECUTIVE MAMMON , September > ut
: ! } 0 p. m. The president has
Kissed a comfortable day and this eve-
appears bolter than for some
past. Ho has taken a larger pro- The
wrtion of nutriment by the mouth
manifested u greater relish for it.
pulse shows BOIDO improvement National
regards frequency and strength , _ _
wound shows as yet httlo change.
evening his pulse is 104 , torn- aiino
jomturo 0-2 ! ) , respiration 18. ho
Signed ) F. H. HAMILTON. jogus
D. W. Buss , ayout
J. J , WOODWAHD , rested
MiDxiniir ma
Thus far the president has had n 10
good night. The febrile rise lias
ubsided. Temperature and rospira- M
are normal. The pulse is run.
bulwoun 102 and 110. Noun , N&tltiial
avorablo symptoms have boon do-
vuloped. Paris
largo stock of uatin ribbons No. irovy
all shades for lOc at C. A. Ittii" . com :
Bept2-2t ho
They Attempt to Free a Mimlorou
tint are Driven Awny.
National Associated 1'rrm :
CotVMiWft , Ga. Soptcinbor 2. In-
tclligonco from Lake Oiy ( ( 1'la. , says
that Wednesday night n parlv of men
went to the hnuso ofV < A. Hardy , a
milo east of town , for the puri > ese ol
aiding Miss Kcno to escape from
custody , Hardy having .takun charge
of Miss Keno until the trial for mur
dering her infant. Mr.allardy heard
the party at the gatojnnd unified
them to hall. *
Uolioving ho would-be shot ho
raised his gun when a liinn standing
nt the milo of Iho house ( { rod .11111 the
b.Ul struck llaidy in Iho'left breast.
Hardy tired both barrels into tlu > p.irty
and wounded ono or two. Tinp.irty
fired into the house midjnbarly a hun
dred buckshot are visible in t lion-all * .
Ono of the buckshot struck Hardy's
lltllo son , aged 5 years , ipioicing fits
skull and further woutfdod a nogio
imiiR'd Alfred. *
Mrs. Mardy , seeing Miaa Keene
wilh hur goods packed and trying lo
get oul , seized and hold hur until Iho
attacking party loft. Shorill' Hellion
immediately summoned a part of the
light infantry , and some , young men
also armed themselves , and hastened
, to . the scene. . Several , suspected par-
ties wore arrested.
Ho Jumps from n Midnight Sloop
anil Shoote SovoralPcr ous.
National AswclatcJ Prott. \ ii
CIIICAOO , September 1 < ! > SJ. .lolin
0. Ncal , a crazy stranger ,
arose from a bed in n 'lodging house
on Clark street , last night , and shot
p.micl Fagaiij another lodger , in the
head. Ho then rushed 'down tlio
stairs , shot Iho only occupant of the
of lice , a Swodu named" Springcard ,
and with a yell thu luna
tic then jumped ' out of
Iho window and landing riijhlsido up ,
mn down Clark strcol , ' 'firing as ho
went. Ho shot a negro named Henry
Johnson , who attempted , ' to slop his
mad tlighl. Ho turned into Polk
street and tired at three moro persons.
A policeman finally taught and
clubbed him into submission and
dracgod him to jail. f' ff
The wounds ot the man shot in bed ,
the watchman , the negro' Johnson ,
and one of the others. shot at , named
AVolf , will probably provp fatal. The
lunatic claims to bo n .grocer from
Troy N.y.
, ,
_ _ _ _
Slight Rains Cboolc Vb.cir Mad
Progress. '
National Associated I'rcss -
GLEAN , N. Y. . Scptoift' l. The
forest liros which have V cm raging in
McKean and Alloghuny i"tica for
several days pastlmvoi r'J rt'atruoasi q"
uro boon chocked by the copious rains "
which fell last night. One hundred
men are still on watch to-day for fear
that they may again break out , as the
fire is still smouldering and no
ram is now falling. About forty
rigs wore burned and 10,000 bar
rels of oil destroyed. Several of the
largo 25,000 barrel tanks were in im
minent danger at ono time , but tlio
labor of 1,000 men who worked all
day and night saved them.
Ono thousand walls had shut down
the lack of water to run the en
gines , no rains having fallen until last
night for sovcral weeks. The rain of
last night will aid them but little , but
was a God-send to the farm ors whoso
Kohls were almost barren.
Irnto Sheriff Rncnptnrnn a
* risozior Ilia Daughter Released.
National Associated 1'rcae.
ST. Louis , September 2.Vm. . F.
Martin , a mutdorer from Lacledo
county ! , was brought hero to-day , llo
in jail at. Lebanon wnao time ago
made love to the jnilor'u daugh
, who stele the keys , opened the a
and olopcd with him. llo had not
made his way to the south and was
pursued by Shorill' ( ioodall , who
irrcstod him at Pine Flats , Tcnn. ,
Tuesday. The elopement occurred -
November. Martin married the and
sometime afterwards. She came thu
jack with him and is stopping at a ter
lotol horo. Martin is charged with
assassination of a farmer with
whom ho had some tioublo. ful.
Execution of n Colored OatrAgor
in Toiincssoa. n
National Associated
, September 2. Hen
Liaison , a negro , was hanged at 2
m , , to-day , for an assault on Miss .
Donaldson on the Fouitli of July. Ho right
her in a Held and committed the
Hitrago , and to quiet her screams in-
lictcd severe cuts all over her body
a razor. Jle was caught and tha sas
month convicted and ootitonccd.
5,000 persons witnessed the
mnging , Ho did not deny the guilt ,
said on the scallbld that ho had and
his pcaco with God. aged
"REBEL OEOnaE. " ent
Notorious Swindler Noliliocl in Lite
Chicago. to
Associated 1'row. i
CHKIAOO , September 2. George bo . -
Cnowlion , alias Rebel George , who
to to this oily yesterday from
west , having in his possession a
gold brick , a three card monte has
and several disguisea , was ar heat
to-day on charge of murdering
man named Itunck at Fort 1'iorro ,
Dakota territory , in Apu'l , 1877. llo iiarts
a bullet wound in Ins hand which len
says was indicted by a man ho duya
windled on a railroad train near Kan- ctops
City lately.
Gambottu and the
AsaoclaUx ) 1'rc w.
LONDON , Soptonibor 2. News from
is to the effect that Gambotta ,
bo ofl'erod Iho piemiership by
, but not until Jules Ferry on- place
ountots the vote of Iho hoatiles in No.
chamber i of deputies. ing
Bloomy Reports From a Largo
Number of States.
Grass and Crops Buruod Up
and Water Qono.
Stock Dying in Illinois mid In
diana by Thousands.
Grout Dlitross Provnillnn AmoiiR
National Avoclateil | 'U > M.
Gmi'vun , September 'J. Dispatches
from the southern part of the state
all agree that a drought so long con
tinued and with such dire consequen
ces in attends the present one him
never betore been known in the satc. (
Pastures are drying up , wells and
cisterns have gone dry and ponds and
creeks are being drawn upon not only
for slock , but for family use.
The fanners throughout Egypt are
greatly discouraged a they sou wheat
sowing time approaching , and the ma
jority of them without a furrow turned
for thu crop. It is stated by some
farmers that the fall sowing will not
bo much i moro than onu-teiith of Iho
usual average. When Iho harvest
was over it was too dry and hard to
commence plowing for wheat. They
havu been waiting over since for rain
and they are wailing still.
Tlio scarcity of food incident to
this drought is beginning to bo n ser
ious question with farmers who own
much or oven Httlo slock. It will bo
almost impossible for the fall pasturage -
ago lo iillbrd any relief as without
steady : and copious rains theru will bu
no grass i and it is unlikely that theru
will bu rain.
The prieo of all kinds of feed Ins
advanced so materially that farmers
cannot but it. The stock , therefore ,
must ; perish unless events take a vurv
sudden turn. Very man.y small
fanners in southern Illinois will sulfur
during Iho coming winter for the bare
necessities of life.
CnioAno , September 2. The Illinois
noii Central railroad received dis
patches to-day announcing a long
needed fall of rain along its line. A
heavy rain prevailed in Central lowtx
and refreshing showers occurred
around Springliold and Clinton. The
con will bo benelittod Bomoivhat.
CINCINNATI , September 2. The
light : local ruins which have visilcd
many parls of the west and i oulh Iho
last two days was too late for most of
the crops but have done good in fur
nishing water for Iho stock and re
plenishing the dried up streams.
TrriamjRa , * ' Itaj September" * 2.
The long drought , which threatened
to dry up the water courses completely
and wholly destroy the crops of farm
ers , has apparently been ended to
day. Last night a largo part of east
ern Ohio and western Pennsylvania
was visited by refreshing showers ,
and to-day the telegrams reports
steady rains in some districts which
liavo Butfurud most severely. It is
thought that the rain will end thu
forest fires , which have occasioned
much loss in the timber regions.
Niw ; YOUK , September 2. Local
promises of rain to-day have been dis
appointment and no ram has fallen al
except in drops. Reports from all
sections indicate continued fair and
warm weather with the thermometer
from four to twelve degrees lower. so
Repoits from stales bordering on the
lakes show only local rains , mostly to
very light. To-morrow's indications hu
give a promise ot local rains along the
north Atlanlic and Now England
coasts. All promise lo ho light. The
barometer to-night h high in Now
Jersey , but is regarded as indicating
storm of wind , which will probably on
bo accompanied by rain of any
value to the crop. ing
IociiK8TKnSoptembor | 2 , A short ,
sharp thunder shower last night gave
8-10 of an inch of rain , Tlio grass
pastures are burned up , most of
potatoes are ploughed in and win
wheat will bo sown. Fruit is suf a
fering gieatly and corn is a failure. S ,
Rain will now bo lee late lo bu use
. was
DKTIIOIT , September 2. The
drought continues , Corn iVonly half ter
crop. 1'otatoes aio almost baked in to
giouiid. Fonts t files uro doing
much damngo , but the louses havu him
ii.\airgerated. The local of
raiiiB of Tuchday night happened fied
p.irticuhuly at exactly thu
time and the heaviest.
September 2Kan
and western Missouri aio now en
joying line rains after a drouth
throughout thu greater p.irt of Iho ter hour
ritory named of two months. Corn to
other crops wuro Buriontdy dam
by the lack of rain and grazing for
p.irched. The raiim of the pres
week , however , will prove of
hmiulit to naalurcs and maku line
grazing , Tlio corn crop is likely
yield bettor in Kansas than was an
ticipated a few dayu ago. Theio will
over half a crop , Thu yield in
-stinuled al 100,000,000 buuholH. The
by j
LQUIHVIU.H , September 2. Itain
not fallen hero for six weekd. The
has huen moro intense than ever down
known in August , Great suffering is
reported from the farms in many
of the state , Tlio ruin has fal
in the sumo counties within t\vo
but it is not much benefit to the was
now. The jinees of feed are in
greatly increased in the city , was
Mnnutor ' . It
Worliinguiou'u Picnic.
National Atsoiutul 1'rou.
ST. LOUIH , September 2. Over two
111,000 tickets have been sold for the from
workingmen'B pidniv , which takes
Sunday. The moulders1 union , or
GO , took the prize banner for sell
the most tickets ,
Foreign AflTntm.
N , September 2. The Inleal
advices from
Tunis confirm the re
ports of a nartial lovorso to the
French armies advancing toward
Ilnmmoiiet , tinder command of Col.
Correard. The army , 12,000 atroim ,
has fallen back for the putposo of ob
taining un additional subsistence mid
keeping an open line ( o a now beau of
mipplies. | Col.'fl moveinenls
hat been retarded by etlorta tu dis
cover uhelhcr Iho nnltvca about Ham-
nuiiot were friendly or no ( . Supply
trains which have been expected fail-
ed'lo arrive , imd the army will full
back until ( hey nro mot. The Arabs
who are present in thro.ilGiiini ; nnm-
jcip j and presenting considerable dia-
ciplinu arc banding about the army ,
hampeiing ilH movoinent ! ) to suuh an
o\tent ; IM to make the falling back al *
most a retreat ,
Lmvnthor , the conservative candid
ate for the north Lincolnshire disti id ,
hiw been elected by u majority of171. .
The meat shipments fmni Auatr.ilin
on the cold air process have resulted
satisfactorily. A quantity vaa sold al
Smithfield to-day of excellent condi
tion and brought 7 percent , per pound.
lleof , almost poifectly preserved will
bo sold to-morrow.
Racing nt Brighton Bonoh The
Nuiioiiixl Gnuio.
National Aixoelatcd Cress.
Nr.w YORK , September 2. llrigh-
Ion Deach enjoyed the lirot race in a
Ihroe-iiuartors of a milo d.iali , won by
Fraiikio I ) , Fulco Hoeond ; time , 1 ; 17 ,
The second race was for ono milo , won
by Knight Templar , Mary Anderson
second ; lime , 1-1C : | . The third race ,
milo and a furlong , \ vnnoii by Jus-
sie S , Enniakiln second ; time , 1:53. :
The fourth race , ROVCII furlongs , wan
won by Follow J'luyVakotield second
end ; time , lMj. : ! ) The fifth race ,
nteuplo chaou , short , wai won
by Uoryst and Gift second.
itov , SopliMiibor 2. Troys1 ,
I'rovideneo 2.
September 2. linfl'.ilos
M , DotioilB Ii.
CI.HVI.I.AND , September 2. Clove-
lands , Cltieai > i > 3 I.
Niw : VOUK , Scplombcr 'J. Metro
politans 0 , Atlantic * 0. Gamu called
on account of the ruin.
Ship Hows.
National An ociatuil rnw.
Niw VOIIK , September 2. Sailed ,
Salier for liremcn.
QUIINSTOWN : : , September 2.-Sail
ed , Germania for Now York.
HitisroL , September 2. SailodNow
York City for Now York- .
ANTWUHI- , September 2. Arrived ,
Belgirland from Now York.
rooK , September 2. Arrived ,
a froin Iontrcol.
od , the Jst , Elbe , froih Dromon , for
Now York.
Advancing Composition Prices-
atlOllal AflaAitalctl I'lt&f .
Soptonibor 2. The
Commercial to-day advanced prices of
composition from Do to . ' )8 ) cents per
1,000 ems.
vo Dnpnty IT. SMar -
sliul Culp the Slip.
Mnraln Journal ,
For BOIIIO time past , the poslmastu
Nebraska City , has observed Ilia
postal cards containing oh.scono mat
ter have boon passing through hi
ollico at intervals. Thu cards becamu
numerous and of such lilthy character
actor that ho dulermincd lo put a stoj
it if possible. A short time nine )
noliliud U. S. Marshal 13iurbowur
what was goiiiL' on , and that gentlu
man detailud Dnputy U. S. Marsha
Culp to furrol the matter out , and , i
possiblu , bring thu guilty party to jus
tice , Air. Culp went to work
thu ease with a vim ,
and was not long in lay
the dirty cams at thu door of a
Mr. Cramer , a minister residing a
fuw miles from Nubraslca City. The of
man was arrested last Tuesday after
noon and arrived in this city yester
day afternoon , whuro he wan to havu
preliminary examination beforeU. .
Commissioner liillingHloy. The
casu wai sot for hearing ; the prisoner
before the bar of justice , and thu
witnesses worn ready to testify to
what they knuw concerning thu mut
; thu marshal was on hand ready
take his man to jail should the tes
timony bu found Bulllciont to bind
over. Suddenly , on Iho impulse is
thu moment , no to spo.ik . , his rev-
urenco arose , and in a calm and digni
manner , asked thu court if hu so
; > hl tutiru for a few momrnts , Per
mission WIIH granted and Air. Cramer
walked down Blairs alone , to return
never more at least the court , thu L.
maishal , thu witnesses and a large Iho
numbur of spectators wailed for an
or Iwo for his return , but failing
appear , it suumud to dawn upon thu
crowd that thu man had skipped out
parts unknown ,
Landmark- in
Yesterday Iho old partially frame at
structure- adjoining Coroner Jacobs'
establishment , now occupied by John
llaiimer , wns auctioned od' for § 150
piopnity was purchased
Jerry Shunahan , who will
remove the frame portions
Thirteenth street. This old
building might bo considered a land
mark. It was formerly two stories in .
huighl , wilh a basement entrance. It iron
ono of thu iirst hotels ever erected the
Omaha , and in former daya iron
known as Iho Valley house. in
- was thou moslly a brick
structure , The house is about twenty
years old , It will bo removed
it present location in about three
four days , II , Dohlo will begin
thoorection of a throg-story brick
building on the situ within a week.
A Big OaugUneartliod by OMcago
Dofcootives ,
The Crooks Discovered By n.
Curious Accident.
Three Hundred Thousand in
Illinois Central nd Cook
County Bonds.
Honvy Los-ion to Partlci Buying tlio'
Coupon * From tlio"Quoor. "
Natlonil Avoilalail 1'rcn * ,
CiiniAoi ) , Soptonibor 2.Two years
a man's coat wns stolen from
the house. The thief was
unrated. The nUiccia in examining
Iho coat found counterfeit coupons of
bonds. Later the man who lost the left in a boarding house a picture
of a woman. Tlio detectives found
the woman to bo the wito of a conn-
tin fuller ami have traced the clues
To-morrow morning the olllcors
start for uharleston , Washington ,
Philadelphia , Now York and Boston
lo arrest the mumhoia of an extensive
gang of counterfeiters , who have ut
tered $50,000 bogus Illinois Central
railroad bonds , and $ 200,000 bogus
Cook countyUHinois , bonds. County
Treasurer Johnson , of this city , has
lost $2,000 in paying coupons of these
bogus bonds.
They Are Stealing nud Mnrdorluf ;
in Southern Colorado-
National Aisoilatctl I'reki
Four DAVIH , Texas , September 2
Trouble with the redskins in the vi
cinity of I'ina , Colorado , has recom
menced. Jtcckwith's rancho , at thai
point , wai raided yesterday and a
nuinbiM' of horses taken. A border of
Lawrence Haley and 2,000 sheep
were killed and fiOO sheep driven oil'
Their pilfering bands ate thoroughly
organized and the citixens have been
compelled lo call upon Iho United
Slates tioopsto assist them in driving
Ihu thieving Indians away.
A Double
National Anwclattd 1'rus.i.
CniUAdo , Hotnnbur ] ( 2. James
Duncan , who killed Lowry , the
printer , whom ho Busnectcd of im
proper rohitioiiH with his wife , died
this : morning of the iujuiies rocoivcd
in the struggle.
Fatal River Accident-
National AuwKlatwl I'rcttn.
Loyisvir.t.B , { September 2. A skiir
containing three men was drawn under
Iho sleiywlMjat fi 'fiction .this
Jane Curlo'y was drowiledi
A Congressman Dead.
Natlonil AiHociatixl I'trm
. . . . WISHES BAHUI : , Soptonibor2. Con-
groasmiin Wright died this morning ,
Hi has represented this district for
two terms , and was , in many respects ,
a very able man.
Holy Family Fair.
The Holy Family parish fair , which
commences Friday , September ! ) th ,
and continue ; ) until Iho 17th , prom
ises lo possess many fealurcs of a new
and inloresling character. The pur-
posu of Iho fair is to r.iisu thu neces
sary hinds for the construction of anew
now parochial euhool and church , and
in view of this it is hoped that suc
cess will attend it. It will bo hold in
Central hall , which is almost com
pleted , and on Ihis occasion will for
Ihu first time bo opened lo thu public.
Tlio Work Not Lot
Thu county commissioners have not
yet awarded thu contract for building
the now , court houso. Fred Dollono ,
this city , it is understood , put in n ,
bid for Iho work , which was $11,000
ewer than any other. The commis
sioners claim that they will lot thu
woi k to the lowest bidder. 'I he only
canon why Mr , Dullonu did not got
hu wet k yesterday was that ho pre-
Bonlod no bond.
Must Report.
Dr. Loiscnring , the city physician ,
determined that all medical men
ind midwivca will report to him all
births at which they may bo prenent ,
that ho can make a complete rec
ord. The doctor has had warrants
iiworu out against Dr. Peek and Mra.
IJoohmo for failing to comply with
ordinance in this respect. The
casca will bo hoard before J udgo Hen-
Premature Blast.
John Bon/.on , the ice dealer of
Thirteenth street , was terribly injured
the eyes by a premature explosion
hia ica hotiso yesterday afternoon.
Both eyes were filled with powder and
dirt. Dr , Leiscnring attended the in
jured man and has hopes that his eye
sight may bo saved.
Nearly I.oat an Eyo.
William Krickson , a lad about 10
years old , was struck in the eye yes
terday af lot noon by a sharp piece of
, which penetrated Iho center of
optic. Dr , Graddy removed the
and says the eye will bo all right
a few days , although it mil bo
very soro.
Attention , Co. O.
This command will atari for thu en
campment at Lincoln , on Tuesday
morning , the Oth instant , instead of
Monday , aa heretofore stated.
GEO , II. CJUCIKU , dipt.