Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursday Morning , Sept. 1 ,
Patterson cells coal.
Get your lints at Doane's ,
Frederick Leading Halter.
Sftxe's Cream Soda still booming.
COO business lots. Call on Bemls.
JOOO residence lots Bcrnl * , agent.
Don't forget Sate' * for perfumery.
2oC hou w and loti. Bemis'agency.
Bcmts' real cslnlc boom. First page
. _ , V. W. Nnson , DcntUt , Jacob's block.
Warranted Tooth Bnnhes at Knhn's.
Bemls' new map of Omaha , 25 cent * .
200 farms m ! 900,000 acres of land
Beml , agent. . . . >
The Uon continues to roar for Moore's
TTarncM nnd Sftdillery.
For FINE Commercial Job Printing ,
all at TUB BKK Job rooms.
prescriptions a specialty , Opera House
Pharmacy , 211 S. 15th Street.
11 ighcit cash price paid f orfiecomMiaml
fui nitnre at Abram' & Lewis' , 1121 Doug
hired , al-2w ! )
Miss Annie Beranik and > Tohn Hovcll
were united In mairiageat the nfllce of
Justice Itlley.
Very good water was Mipnlicd from
. hydrants to visitors at the water works
office yesterday.
The WcstcrnNcwspapcrUnion , which
establishment wan Imrncd out recently ,
ho * secured a lot on thcsouthenst corner of
Twelfth and Howard streets , anil will be
gin to build at once.
Sonic ono cut through the glass of a
nho\v case in the nincty-nino tent store
with a diamond last nlirht , and removed
two small portmonnaies that wcro on ex
hibition there. Knelt imttmnmialo con
tained S2 in Oliver.
Michael Waring was yesterday ar
rested on a warrant oworn out before Jus
tice Wright by Jnincn Ncligh , the detec
tive , on the -'charge of the larceny , at )
bnilee , of $1,000 in money.
The firedepartincnt have selected com
mittees to sell tickets for the ball which
will be given upon September Ifith , the
evening of the day upon which the annual
parade will be given.
The land league held a meeting yes
terday evening in Clark's hall , when busi
ness of a purely routine character wan
Painful Operation.
Some time since ono of the
men employed by Hartigan &
Gushurat , boiler niukora , was
atruck in the eye by a piece of steel ,
which embedded itself dcop in ono of
the inner membranes. As it did not
trouble him it waa not removed at the
time and tlio wound healed over.
Sunday night it began to trouble
him and nt 12 o'clock
that night ho was nearly mad with
pain. Ho stood the torture until
this morning when it became no un
bearable that he visited Dr. L. 13.
Graddy's oflico. The steel had to bo
literally dissected out , which is a very
painful operation. The eye will bo
L. P. Harvey , of Chicago , U In tlio
,1) . C , Adams went west yesterday on a
Illl-lillCM tlip.
C. I ) . Van Couit , of Lincoln , is the
city. .
K. J. Haggamann , of Davenport , Town ,
in in the city ,
Mra. C. II. Ueivey IIUH icturncd from
her trip to the oast.
Mies AnnaFoosreturnedyt-hturday Irom
her vacation trip to Columbus , Ohio.
( ion. ( Ireen It , Itaum , the U. S , com-
mtshioner of internal revenue , left for his
homu In Washington , 1) ) , C.
Mies JCato FOOD , teacher In the Thin
waul school , returned homo to-da ;
from her trip to Georgetown , Col ,
Simeon Bloom , a prominent attorney n
this city , left yesterday afternoon for Gin
cinnati , Ohio , his old home. Ho will b
absent for some time , and his many friend
wish him a pleasant visit.
I !
H. T , Clarke , of Belleview , ft in town ,
J. II. Sililey , of Chicago , ! at the Can
K. B. Chandler went vast yesterday af
Col , Martin , of the U. S. army , Is at tin
Capt. J. P. Walker , of the U. H. army
F. I1. left
Fosdyko for New Vork yet
terday afternoon.
A. B. AVyman , of New Yoik city , li
bUying at the Canh'eld ,
A. Vinliig , of Boston , U In tha city , unc
! btaying at thu Canfield.
Lyuian McCarty , general wettcrn agent
of the B. & O. , is in the oily.
Sherllf Guy returned from Kearney
Junction yesterday afternoon.
Lewis A. Kent , of Mlmlcn , Neb , , coun
ty clerk of Kearney county , called at Tim
UEU office yesterday.
Col. Alxin Barnes , the genial represent
ative of a prominent New York business
house , ! in the city for a few days.
Col. K. 0 , Bourdinot , of thu Indian
Territory , returned from his wentorn trip
yesterday , from Montana. He will remain
here a day or two.
"Tho Revere House Council Ulufls
is the boat eecond-claaa hotel iu the
west. "
Registration Notice-
l/OfOLAH COU ! TY. ) M-
I wiil Bit for registration of voters
Monday , September Dth nnd Oth ,
1681 , on the Southeast corner of
Twelfth and Cass , for registration of
voters of the Fifth ward.
Sciiuymi WAKKKIELD ,
Registrar of the Fifth Ward.
< Auf25to8G {
Ono organ ; or will sell on monthly
payments ,
' Inquire at once at
o jowolen ) , opp. the P. 0.
U - .
A Young Lady Charged With
Stealing Silver Ware.
After Being Bronchi to , the Clmi-go
Apalnst Her in Wltbtlrnwu.
A lady of this city on Tuesday found
her servant missing , and upon looking
about discovered also that seven sil
ver-plated knives , six forks , ono doz
en towels and half a dozen napkins ,
the wliolo valued nt 815 , had disap
peared. The lady , putting this and
that together , naturally concluded
that ns the servant had taken
nwny her trunk , the ar
ticles were slowed nway there. She
reported the matter to the police find ,
furnished with n good description of
the servant , Marshal McClure and
Ofllccr Donohuo started in search of
the girl. They soon found the ex
pressman who had removed the goods
and he directed them to i\ house on
Harnev street as the place ho had
taken them to. There the girl's
trunk was found nnd upon
being opened the articles before
named wcro discovered. The girl was
taken before Judge Honcko yester
day and thcro she was confronted by
her former mistress. The girl is
very pretty nnd refined-looking and
bore herself in n lady-like manner.
She said thnt the liuly with whom she
lived had owed her $0 , nnd tlmt she
naked for the money Hovoral times
without receiving it. She
acknowledged readily thnt
she had taken the articles but alleged
in extenuation that she had not boon
paid her wages. The judge called the
girl before him and rend the section
of the statutes which covered her case.
It provided that upon conviction the
culprit could be fined 8100 nnd sent
to jail for three months. As the
judge began to read the girl was
noticed to change color rapidly and
ho mentioned the word
jail , " she suddenly gasped for breath
id toppled over on the Hoer in a
end swoon. This sensational feature
F the case caused great excitement
inong the small audience. The
thor lady , however , immediately sot
o work and by considerable chafing
nd the copious use ot water soon ro-
iorod the young girl to coimcious-
es . The girl almost had another
ystericixl fit until she was assured
liat she was not to be sent to jail.
The charge was withdrawn as all
lie goods had boon recovered , and
lie girl was allowed to go free. She
coined utterly overwhelmed by the
isgraco of her position. Roc-option.
A man named Patrick Coonoy ,
working at Stcolo , Johnson ifc Co.3
iil house , went home last night and
omul a disagreeable acquaintance
omfortably chatting to his wife ,
'his ' was not altogether pleasant for
/oonoy to contemplate , more CBpe-
ially as ho was not entirely sober.
\B ho tolls the story ho rapped loudly
or admittance but his wife told him
t was no use a she did not intend to
ot him in. AH he persisted aho sud-
enly throw open the door , and us ho
lieges , struck him a terrible blow on
ho head with u hatchet. His hcnil
voe frightfully gashed , although the
kull wan not fractured.
Military Notes.
Leave of absence for one mouth
with permission to apply for an ox-
elision of ono month , is grantee
Post Chaplain G. A. England , of Fort
) mahu.
Upon the recommendation of the
nedical director of the department
Acting Assistant Surgeon John L
Robertson , U. S. army , is relieved
rom duty at Fort D. A. Russell , Wy.
oniing , and will report to the com-
nanding ofllcor , Fort Cameron ,
Utah , for duty nt that pont.
Capt. S. G. Cowdroy , medical
lopartmont U. S. army , is relieved
rom duty in this dopnitmont , and
vill proceed to New Vork City , and
report by letter upon arrival there ,
o thu surgeon general.
"Wo consider this boor ( Conrad's
ludweisor ) a healthy and invigora-
ing stimulant. " Physicians' opinion.
Full session begins Oct. 10 , 1881'
Address , Q. IJ. AYIIKS , M , D. , Sec.
" BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes chills
and fever impossible.
At P. C. aoodmin'i.
Plenty of crab apples and tomatoes
The only place in the city where
Jos , Schlitz'o Milwaukee beer is found
on draught is the Merchants Ex
change , cor. 10th uiul Dodge St. tf
Registration Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I will
sitnt Loronzon'aCigar Store , CMS.
Tenth street on Monday , September
Dth , 1881 , for thopurposo of registering -
ing additional voters of the First
wurdnnd correcting the old list.
In witness whereof I have hereto sot
my hand this , 2Bth day of Au ust ,
1831. E. M. STK.MIEUO ,
Registrar First \Vard.
Fresh fruits and vegetables received
every day nt D. Guild's on Tenth
street , near U. P. depot. tf
Parlies wishing booth stands dur
ing SUto Fair , tiddrcss E. P. Davis ,
Omaha , Neb. jy28-8ej)12 )
A Honvy
few days ago Mrs. McDonald ,
on South Thirteenth street ,
vent out into tlio country to buy n
oad of hay. On her way back she
hrew an old skirt containing § 275 in
ills and 25 cents in silver on the top
f the load. She walked on ahead
nd reached homo. The wagon unfor-
unately struck a washout at the low-
r end of South , Thirteenth and was
vorlurned. Before it had been gath-
red together again and loaded upon
10 watfon , it caught fire in some un-
xplnincd way and was entiiely con-
umcd. When Mrs. McDonald
cturned to look for her money she
Mind the silver which had escaped
nharmed , but the greenbacks had
one up in smoke.
Ho Does Some Work in Fre
mont and Tries it Hero.
Shorill' Robert Oregq , of Dodge
ounty , was in the city yesterday ,
joking for u man who committed
uito a robbery in Fremont Tuesday
lernooii. Mrs. Tom Turner had
> ft her house nnd gone to visit some
Honda. The thief taking advantage
i her absence broke into the house
nd took everything of value he could
nd , which included a valuable
old watch and chain , silver
) eons and several articles of jewelry ,
mounting in nil to $400. As soon ns
10 robbery was discovered the sheriff
.artcd after the thief , Ho had got
ito n box car , which was on a track
b that place , loaded with potatoes for
malm. When the evening freight
rain came along the car was locked
p nnd attached to it. When the train
ot along the road towards Omaha
inductor Clark discovered the man ,
nd having been warned by the slier-
fto look out for him , ho immediately
olcgraphod Gregg the fact. The
lorifT started for Omaha to get him ,
ut when ho arrived the bird had
own , Some ono had broken open
10 lock and allowed the man to cs-
apo. The same individual wont into
jnughlin's place yesterday and
tolo a silver watch worth about
ilfi. Laughlin was eating
.is breakfast in n room back
f the store , when the man quietly
vnlkcd in the front door , slid bnpk a
lass door of the front show window
nd picked up the watch Laughlin ,
aving noticed the man"came Up to
lim to see what ho wanted. The fol-
ow , with great presence of mind , said
hat ho had a pistol which he wanted
o soil. No bargain for it was struck
nd so ho walked out. As soon as the
ORB was discovered Laughlin looked
or the man but found him not. The
pplico were notified but they have not
ut been able to find him. IIo evi-
leutly is an old hand at the business.
Anthrax Again.
It is said that anthrax , which has
con made famous in this section of
ho country by Doc. Footo's alleged
liscovory in Council lilull's , hns
jrokon out in a violent form nt Creek
lottom , near Lincoln. The cattle are
Mil to bo suHering terribly from the
lisense and all cllbrts to stay its
irogross , up to the present , have boon
unavailing. Physicians say thnt this
s always a terrible disease for if the
virus from the cattle enters a man's
land it causes his death in a veryshorl
Mr. W. P. Ryder , 124 Lexington
street , Boston , Muss. , in making ref >
oifiicu to his experience in certain di
rections thus remarks : I am pleased
to say thnt. I have used St. Jacob's
Oil for rheumatism with the best suc
cess. My casn was ono of two years
standing and balllod all other treat
ment , but St. Jacob's Oil cured mo.
School Shoo at Fullriodc. Nice so
of pictures given away with every pair
of Hhoes.
Fine upland hay , bided with wire
nt W. ,1. Wolshans & Co.'s , Eightl
nnd Fnrnam streets. aug31it
Unrgnins in extra quality schoo
Shoes , at Fullriodo's , Douglas street
between Thirteenth and fourteenth
Third Ward Voters-
I will sit for registration of voters
Monday , the Dth day of September
1881 , for registration of voters of the
Third Ward , nnd said book will bo
open at my oflico , 1324 Douglas streo
northeast corner of Fourteenth.
nug21tosti Register Third Ward.
The Now City Directory
soon to bo issued will bo the mos
thorough and complete of any director ;
over issued for Omaha. People wli
have recently come to the city , o
those who have recently changed thoi
residence or boarding place , shouh
send their new nddross tit once to J
M. Wolfe , 120 S. Fourteenth street
corner Douglas , so that their name
will appear | m the now directory core
o let when issued , jyUOdliw
Sixth Ward Voters-
OMAHA" , Neb. , August 25 , ' 81.
Notice is hereby given that I wil
sit tit my store , No. 1022 Cumin
street , between 20th nnd 21st , nort
side , ou Monday , September the Dth
1881 , for the purpose of rcgistorin
legal voters of Baid ward.
0. 0. FIELH ,
Registrar Sixth Ward ,
WANTED A girl for general houi
work. Call nt the store of W. M
BushmanS E. conierlDth & Douglas
* -
'he ' May and December Couple
Return to the City.
t in Said Thnt nil has Boon For
given Them.
Tlie young man nnd middle aged
chool tcachor who caused such a
uroro in Omaha social circles last
lay by eloping returned to the city
rom their prolonged bridal tour yes-
crdny. The particulars of the at-
air ns they appeared in TUB BEI : nt
10 time are as follows : The lady was
teacher in the High school and the
oy was of her pupils. Ho soon be-
ama her favorite pupil and
10 fact caused considerable
ossip among the other pupils ,
pparontly the attachment became
iiitual , for it is said that the young
ellow often took the teacher out walk-
ig , at the conclusion of which ho
ould accompany her to her apart-
ut' Ono evening in May last the
oung fellow did not show up at his
atonial abode as usual , nnd this fact
auscd considerable anxiety to his
nronls. Tlio next morning a search
oveloped that the fair female
ras also absent from her dom-
cilc. Putting all of these facts
ogether it was wisely conduced thnt
10 twain , incited by that little cuss
ailed Cupid , had flown to some more
ongeninl clime there to bask in the
ght of each other's lovo. The next
card of thorn was from Kansas City
rhero the lady had previously lived.
L local paper had a sensational
ccountof the history of the lady there ,
rhich was accompanied by tlio state-
icnt that she had just been married to
, person many years her junior.
? his caused a good bit of gossip hero
find elsewhere because of the fact that
he bride was old enough to bo her
lusband's mother. Since then the
iflair had died out , other scandals
laving come up to appease the nppo-
ito of the gossip mongers. Yostor-
lay the couple returned and wcro re
ceived with open arms by the father
of the young husband.
Liquor Donlor'a Mooting.
The liquor dealers held a meeting
ast night nt Turner hall. After
ninor business had been disposed of ,
ho question of a conference with the
omporanco people was discussed by
ho nssocintion. It was decided to
ippoint a committee of five to confer
with the temperance pnr y. Such
lommittco wns selected nnd comprised
.ho . following gentlemen : Julius
[ ieitncko , Ed. Leader , Henry Horn-
berger , Chas. Kaufman and William
Siovors. i
To-day at four o'clock the commit-
eo will meet nnd consult with Watson
8. Smith and other temperance people
ple upon the much agitated question
of liquor rolling.
After the conference the liquor men
vill hold a meeting in the evening to
allc over the result of the conference
.nd also to devise means for future
ICILUUHX- this city , nt the house of
K. L Wnre , on the morning of August
28th , Mrs. Annie M. Kilburn , of Windsor -
ser , Vt. , and widow of Mr. Elmer Kil-
bum , recently deceased.
The remains wcro taken to St. Lou
Utica far "Con
Nopontup , so as
rad's Budwciscr' is concerned ; you
find it from ono part of the country
lo the other. Ask your grocer for
it. mite
"WINEOFCARDUI" four times a
day makt'H a happy household.
At C. K. Goodman.
Piano tuning and repairing. F.
Lesscntin has removed his oflico from
Hospo's to Hose's Art Emporium ,
1510 Dodge Btreot. Aug30-3t * .
* Wo beg leave to inform the public
iu general that wo have added another
branch of business to our already extensive -
tensive jewelry trade , namely , the
musical instrument business. Wo
will sell pianos and organs of the best
manufacture at prices that cannot
help but suit. Please call nnd get
our prices nnd you will bo convinced.
The jewelers and musio dealers.
Tko Last Excursion to tlta Great
( Summer Rosorts-812 OO for
tlio Round Trip-
Another excursion , the last of the
season to this famous summer resorts
of cool Minnesota , has boon arranged
to leave Council lllulls on September
5th , at 7:45 : p. in. , by the great Sioux
City route. The rate will bo the low-
eat over given over this line , thu
round trip being only 812,00 , Just
think of it. It is cheaper to travel
than to stay at homo. The tickets
are good for thirty days. This will
give an excellent opportunity for
everybody to visit the greatest fair in
the northwest , nt Minneapolis , which
lasts nil week , commencing Soptoin-
bar f > th. The races at this fair will
bo well worth traveling twice the distance
tanco to see. No such opportunity
for genuine enjoyment will bo offered
again this season , and all who take
advantage of the exceedingly low
rates will bo sure to got their money's
worth fourfold. MUKO n note of this ,
and don't forget it. For further in
formation , apply to
J. II. O'BuvAN ,
Southwestern Agent ,
Council IJlutl's , Iowa.
Smytho AStull , attorneys , removed
No. 12 Oieighton block.
A Costly Flro.
Mr. P. McArdle , of Elkhorn , who
vas in the city ycsterdny , says thnt n
table belonging to William Korncr ,
a blacksmith in that place , burned to
ho ground Tuesday night. The stahlo
t the time contained two horses , one
\ valuable one , nnd n couple of hired
non made a desperate effort to save
ho animals. Both of the men wcro
.hnost . overcome by the smoke nnd es-
aped from the building with the ut-
nest difficulty. Ono of them in at-
cmpting to Joosen a horse was badly
icked in the face by the frenzied nni-
nal nnd will probably bo marked for
Ifo. Both horses wcro roasted alive ,
nd the stable was burned to the
; round. The entire loss will bo about
' 800. The origin of the fire is un-
Real Eatato Trnnnfer. *
The following transfers were ro
ordod nt the county clerk's oflico
cstcrday , ns reported for this paper
by John L. MeCaguo , real estate
ngent nnd conveyancer :
John F. Mory nnd wife to Fred
hocder south half of S.W. fourth ,
oction 8 , town 14 , range 11 , cast ,
W. D. 81,280.
Fannie C. McDluro to Albert W.
vinstoy , part lot 4 , block 254 , Omaha ,
Wilson Reynolds to J , R Fraber ,
ots -7-8-'J-10 in block 22 , in town of
Vntorloo , QC. . D. - § 50.
John Loasch nnd wile to V. Gross ,
inrcol in section 28 , town 10 , range
, cast , W. D.-r > 50.
Peter Gross and wife to John
joasch , parcel in section 28 , town 5.
aiiRo 19 , cast , W. D. § 500.
Nancy A. Bryant et al to John D.
lowe et al , south half of N.E. fourth
cction 7 , town 14 , range 11 , east ,
} . 0. D.-gGO.
George Kyger to James 0. Bryant ,
outh half of N.E fourth , section 7 ,
own 14 , range 11 , cast , W. D.
8400 :
Webster Craig to Chas. J. Klouin-
jer , west half of N.E. fourth , sec-
ion 20 , town 1C , range 11 , east , W.
D. 8800.
A B. & M. Man's Opinion of
U. P. Ball Tossers.
"Individually I like the U. P.
boys , " saVl a B. & M. basoballist yes
terday. "I've got a good many friends
down in that building ; but I must
say that when you get n crowd of them
together they arc like the railroad
they work for they want to grnb
everything. For instance , they want
us to piny for that prize bat ,
which is our personal property.
That's a nice challenge indeed to
make. Wo don't want to play them
for the headquarters championship
nnd what's moro wo won't play them.
They won't stand on their own merits ,
but they must ring in professionals to
boat us. On the square , dead level
ganio wo could got away with them
every time. Why don't they go
around and play other headquarter
nines like wo do. They ain't got the
sand , and don't you forget it. "Very
nice challenge that of the U. P. boys ;
very nice , indeed. "
And the B. & M. ball tosser turned
to another page of his Clipper.
You Can't Afford
To bo without Warner's Safe Kidney
nnd Liver Cure. nugUOeodlw
SlouxClty&Paoino Notes-
K. 0. Morohouse has been appointed
general freight agent and J. R. Bu
chanan general passenger agent of the
Sioux City & Pacific railroad. The
general freight nnd passenger depart
wont of the company will remain nt
Missouri Vulloy as heretofore. Mr.
Morehouso was formerly assistant general
oral freight agent nnd J. R. Bnchanan
traffic auditor , F. C. Hills has been
forced by long and continued ill health
to resign his position as general traffic
manager. His resignation has been
accepted , to take effect the close ol
the present month. On and after
Soptomder 1st the oflico of general
traffic manager will bo abolished. The
duties heretofore performed by him
will be assumed by the general freight
ngont and general passenger agent respectively
spectively ,
Small Comfort-
When you are continually coiiKhlnj ; , an
noying everybody nronnd yon , nnd hoping
It will go away of Its own nccord , yon are
running a dangerous risk better nae Dr.
TIIOJIAH' KLKCTHIU OIL , mi unfailing rem
edy in nil fliich cases. codlw
The thing desired found nt last.
Ask druggists for Rough on Rats , It
clears out nits , mice roaches , ilies
bed-bugs , 15c , boxes.
A ttiil pneknKe ofBLACK-DMAUGHT"
free of charge.
At I' . V. Goodman ,
For nice fresh meat go to GUILD ,
Meat Market on Tenth street , ncai
tlio U. P. depot tf
i i '
If you nro sulloruifj from a severe
cough , cold , nsthnut , broncliitis , consumption -
sumption , loss of voice , tickling in
thu throat , or any affection nf the
throat or lungs , wo know that DR.
KINO'S NKW DISCOVERY will gtvo you
immediate relief. Wo know of hun
dreds of cases it has completely cured ,
and that where all other medicines
had failed. No othur remedy car
show ono half us many permanent
cures. Now to give you satisfactory
proof that Dr. KINO'S NEW DISCOV
ERY will euro you of Asthma , Dron
chilis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Severe
vero Coughs and Colda , Hoarseness.
, or any Throat or Lung Disease , if yet
will call at J , K , TSII it '
Drug Store you can get a trial bottle
free of cost , or u regular size bottl
for $1.00. jajilUly(2) ( )
NOTICE Ailicrtiicmciit To Ixnn , VorSMe ,
, o t , Found , WAntt. Honrdlmr , &c. . will bo In.
crtcil In Ihoso columns once ( or TEX CENTS
wr line ; each subsequent In'crtlon , FIVE CENTS
Kit line. The lint Insertion never less than
M ONKY TO LOAN-C ll at I.w Olllee o ( D.
* Thomif ItoomS , Crelehton Hlock.
To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent ,
on ( rood real citatesecurlty , .y
1)K. ISAAC JUM'AHOS , 1100 Farnham St ,
-xn nnnT ° LOAN At per
tlU.UUU tcre t In sunnof NIHX > and
imards , ( or 3 to 6 yonrs , on tirst-ela 9 city and
arm property. REMII Rr.AT , I IATK mid LOAN
nnscT. IMh and Doualin Six
trANTED-Countcrsatid other flttlnir * , tec-
V f end hand , ( or a small retell grocery. Ad.
dress \V. , i cc ctllcc. 816-31'
WANTKD-2 No. 1 broom-maker * . Applv ftt
Ntbr&slia liroom Factory. AU.U8T
) - . to do nrst or second
ork. tiiii | ro 310 20th M. 817-1'
WANTM ) A freed clrl for incml house-
' work , No 4IS20MiSt. , bet. Chluuro and
- ' SIS-tt
\\7 ANTKI-A ilttclllntf liouno of 8 orl i rooms
In clljtlblo part ( if the city. Aildrc-is Jlaj.
r. II. Stanton , Paymaster L" . S. Army , Tort
Jni.Ua. SoO-4
'AN I nil A cook at tlio Snell llouso , Ash
land , Nell. SOQ-5
WANTfiD Situation n.1 housekeeper , com
potent , to tnko charge rf n hotel. Willing
o go Into tlio country Inferences cxclmnircd
\ddrcss C. II. Post Ulllcc.
WANTKI ) Immediately , s.0 larpentcrs.
\Vaie$275 ani1 s'1x ( ) Per diy. Apply
411) ) Dodge street. W. WIXOIT S10-.1
WANTKD Ono Rood fltst-ca ! s cook , can do
meats and paUut.v both. Good nagun
> ald. Kiicpilro Depot Hotel , Norfolk Neb. K
i. DAiinirr , Prop. SJT-S *
WANTKD A dining room girl and a kitchen
( 'irl , at COJ South Uth bt. 812 1 *
, TJ ANTKD-Man and wife , at the i itclllKcnco
\ } olHcc , No. 40J llth St. 813-1 *
ANT1ID - A seed barber , nt the Orcen Trco
W Shop , 311 S. 10th St. 0. F. Kt,3ASSEU.
WANTED Fifty carpenters at lojd'n ! Opera
House. II Khcit wages payed. bllAW k
FIELD. 708-10 *
TA ANTKD Hoard ultl ) pleasant rooms for
\ V Rolf and wlfo In private family. Address ,
(1F.O. V. MOHPOKU , Stipt. C. . St. P. M. & O.
ily. 709 31"
WANTKD-At the Crelghton House , n dlnlnjr
room Rirl. 801-31 *
WANTED A clrl to do general housework'
Good wires to ono nho Is competent , N.
W. Cor. California and 20th Sts. 804-31
WAhTEU Fifty carpenters at Opera Holme ,
ag'H2.76 per day.
782-2 SHAW & riEI.I ) .
W 'ANTED Hoarders and lodgers , 201fi Hurt
btrcet. Private duelling , homo comforts ,
roi * "
WANTED-A first-class cook , mustha\enio
commendation. J. W. OANMiriT , 2110
lass St. 777-31'
WANTED A pool table to rent ; with pri\i-
Uvu of purchasing. State price.
Address OKU. 1NMAN ,
451-tl Vail , Crawford Co. . Iowa.
Funding bridge and school bomlc.
WANTED Clark , Bellcvuc. 26-tf
WANTED TO TJIADE Almost new top side
bar buggy for u pha'ton. Enquire at liec
OIHco. 07-tf
HENT-Storc , N. W. corner 10th and
Izard. Seven rooms up htjiirs. S1U-1
OH KENT Furnished room , S. W. Cor. 10th
Jj and Davenport Sts. 78l-tf
FOU KENT Ono room with board , 1603 Call ,
fornla street. 735-tf
FOH RENT A two-story house of 7 rooms with
stable , on Sherman A\c. Applj at Merrill's
food storii , 207 8. 12th St. 72S-tf _
17011 KENT Nicely furnished roonn. at C03
JU 17th street. 74'J-tf
OR RENT Uloarantfurnlshed rooms. Roi enable
F able prices , brick house , 2013Ufu > St. 023 tl
T710R RENT Large barn. Innulrc at 1818 Chi-
cngo St. IJ74 tf
T71OII RENT A nicely fnrnlslicd front room for
Jj ono or two gentlemen , at 1210 Howard btreet.
C33 tf
RENT 2 furnlbhttl roomoier Jl-
FOR ' ExchangeN. E. ccr. Ifith and Dodge
BtrccU. 2S9-tl
- . onionscumcubcriton , atocs , . , for pickling purposes , do-
ivertd In all uuantiti . TOUSLEV UROS.
77i-tf !
17IOR SALE Two lots and new house fi rooms
Jj S W corner llth and Vlnton btrecM ; time
'lven. Apply on premltes , SOi-3 *
FOR SALE At a bargain , two acres of land
with fine grove. Choice location for a oa
loon. House , etnble and good well on premises.
Duly two miles from court house. Price * 300.
Knqulroat once. llo124 , Council flulfH , la.
OR SALIC 110110 ultli four rooms , on
Jj Lcavcnworth street , between Oth and 7th.
Apply to Byron Heed. 700 3 *
f OK SALE Young sound hor-cs to
HORSFS out , cheap. Apply at 1315 Farn
ham St. 800-31 *
FOR SALE A rpan of ponies , buggy and har-
nesa ; buggy n'most new. Apply at the
Caledonian Saloon , U. P. block , 10th St. 704-tf
FOR SALE A rare chance to lump Into n well
established cash trade. Will sell my general
stock of merchandise , situated In ono of the bent
shipping points on II. & il. R. It , For further
partieulara call or address J. U. Llnlngcr.Wavcrly ,
Neb. 740-S2
OIt SALE Lease and furniture ot a Urst-closs
_ hotel In a tan n of ISOOInliablLai.t * , In state
of Nebraska ; his 24 beds ; the trut cling IIICII'H ro-
sort. Inciulront HEEoltlcc. 218-tf
( Oil SALE Maiis of DoUKlan anil Hariiy coun
X1 tlea. A. HOsiWATEll.lKOKaruham etrcet
nOR HALE A new all leather top side-bar
.1. ' Phaeton w ith spring cufchloii and back , at W.
K. 0 rat ton's currUgu toil mannfoctor ) 314 , S.
15th tt. bet. 1'arnham and Jlarner , 707-tf
I OR SAI.i-Neat houto and full lot , 12 blocks
from P. O , at $000. JOHN L. McCAovr ,
712-tf Opp. I'Obtolhcu.
SALE Flue stock farm of 400 acres
EOR house , cattle khed , orchard &c. , witn
In easy roach of railroad. J'rjce , SIMM , Jiar
time at i 0 % . JOHN L. McCACJUJ : , Opp. 1'Oot
Ollico. 03d-tf
SALINcat cottage and good lot at
FOR . JOHN L. UcCAUUE Oj.p. . P. O.
"I OH SALU llorso , Ijuggy anil Imrnoas. Can
[ i bo seen at Stetc-nsoii'd Capitol A > c'iiuo barn
1'rli-c , V2&0. E. C. tl.LlS. UM-tl
FOll SALE A first-class milk dairy. Inquire
atthUolllcu. 617ng7
AND LAND Bomls rents houses ,
HOUSES , hotels , farms , lots , lauds , olllceo1
roonjs , etc , See Ut page ,
170R SALE Good house with four rooms and
L' half lot , No. 013 Dodge between 20th and
27th street. Good well and uliada trees ; house In
good condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tl
TTMHHELLAS Ana fur&soM repaired Dy 11
U SCHUTT llth and Fam&m Bts. TbOtl
B 203-tf nSTAHROOK ft ; COB.
TTtOR BAF K A sniall engine , II. W , PAyne'1
Ij Boii'ii mike , lu iMitlott oler. Inquire ol II
U. Clirk & Co. SB-tf
nTRA rom Sicrt'a ftablc , Omaluv ono
O black mare , color somewhat faded , eight or
lime ) cars , w tlghi about clncn hundroii , hail
on saddle and btMlo. A reward will be iiald for
her return , or information leading to her
co > cry. W. E. Cathcy , Fort Calhoun , Neb.
70J dltw2t
A jouug red cow , short tall and
STRAYED , belonging to Ch.-u. IUuc-r. Ilic
Under will bo rcwarJod. No. bll 10th strwt
HUinSTOnE-Has for Mlcall kind *
OMAHA nnil Domestic lllrtK nNo lllrd
onclcry ( roods ; at ICth bt. , bet. DoujilM anil
BEMIS has rattllnjf lon& ; IMf , ot hotiorit , tot *
lahdt Mid farms ( or salo. Call ami gel
< AT MRS. P. . K. CLARKE'S No. 1 Hoard
CAU House , i-or. 13th nnd IJodgo Sts. Kcst
n the cltv. MO-tf
TV E.MIS' HKALISTATK IJOOM. feec lit page.
"ITT'ILKIB .Manufactory ol piper
. Ij. V\ boxes , 1403 l'arnliini : street ,
Umaha , Neb. i 22-wis-tt
CALL on or address Potter & Palmer , 40 South
5th itrcct , Council Binds , Iowa , for mil-
road tickets tswt , west , north and south. O really
reduced rnlct on nil ticket * . E\try ticket guar
anteed , and tickets bought , sold and exchanged
U Ellra tells past prcRint , tincl liiturc In love
iiul nil affair * . Hharoicnli tlio ttvcpctt ccretool
lie heart , hlio pcwcs thu magnetic power to ( ill
nil all your wishes. Call at No. 1010 Clilwiiio
street , near ICtli. &UK 10-tl
F03T Siiiuliiy afternoon on Howard St. ,
J chilli's ROM bracelet , marked "Kthct. " Kind
er will please. Icavo at llco Olllco. f > 73-tf
B KIMS' NEW CITY M\l'd,25o. See 1st p.\g
O.S'K hMingnorh lor a typo writer can
ANY aecommodftted by telephoning tlic UK
ollico. 183-tr
IUN I ) ! ' \ red cow. Owner can ln\o tliu
name l > ) proUntf propcttv nnd l iliij
! i. FIIANUIS UOIUlCxH , Sftiindcrs and
Irnie St < . nn24-ev wcil.1t
< IUUK : or four jounir men cnn bo Rccommoda-
te'l with Ixmd , lIcIoreiucse.NcliaiiKcd. Ap-
> ly aill COSH trert , 4tli floor west of 20th St. ,
lJrufs Itox S.I7 , postolllcc. 343ft
M. BROWN-Corncr 12th Mid Chicago
. ttrcLts3 \ ruadv to bore or deepen \\clla.
Satisfaction K ar.intccd. 603U
FOUGHT The successors ot ttio American
ican lloiiie , on Douglas street , between Dth
and 10th , for board , lodging and transient tut-
.omcrs. Ucspcitfully
TJONAL1ST , 49S Tenth Street , liet ecu Furnham
and Haincy. Will , \\lth the aid of puardlan
splrltH , obtain for anyone a Blanco at the pant
ind present , and on certain conditions in the fu-
, mc. Hoots and Shoes mudo to order. Pcrfcit
satisfaction guarantrcd. nu'20-lm
Absolutely Pure.
Jladc from Onfia Cream Tartar. No other
nrpatlon makes auch light , flaky hot breads ,
uxurious pantry. Can beratcnhy D spiptlc
witroiit fear of the Ills resulting from hca\y Indl
gc t'blc ' food. Sold In cans , by nil Grocers
New Vcrk.
f ! F Oon 'man '
State of Nebraska , Douglas County &s :
At a County Court , held at the County Court
Room , in and for said County , August 20th ,
A. P. 1881. Preeent , HOWARD II. SMITH.
County Judge.
In thu matter ot the estate of James K. lull , de
ceased I
On reading and tiling the petition of Martin
M. Mi , prajmg thatadmhifctintion of said estate
may bu granted to her as admlnlstmtix :
Ordered , That September 15th , A. D. ISEl.nt
10 o'clack a , m. , Is nsnigned for hearing bald peti
tion , when all persons Interested In said matter
may appear at a County Court to bo held , In and
for slid County , nnd thow cause why the prayer
nf petitioner ehould not be granted , nnd tint no
tice of pondcncy of said petition nnd the hearing
thereof , be given to nil persons interested In .iid
matter , by publishing a copy of this orderln Tnr.
OM HA WKKKLY DBK , a newspaper printed hi bald
County , for three succcssU c w eekH , prior to said
diy of hearing. HOWARD II. SMITH ,
ati24w3t County Judge'
rilAREN UP Ono dun mule , letter V hrando
,1 on leftside of the neck.
JylS-wtt On Crclghton Place , Military Road.
rpAKEN UP A red and white spotted cow ,
.1. about 9 years old ! right car cropped , at Ho-
aii's addition , north Omaha.
To Hugh Klnaly and all others whom It may con-
You' will take notice that on the 7th day of
November , 1878. Mary A. Dugdale purctmxod at
trcasurer'H sale for taxes for the 1877 , the / ] of
lot 3 , hloi-k E , in the city of Omaha , uald lot was
taxed In the name of Hugh Klnsly and the time
of redemption has expired , and that on the 25th
day of November , 1881 , I will apply to bald trcas-
orer f or u deed to the abo\ described real estate.
Hy JAMKS F. MORTON , Attorney. nulO wSt
Examination of Toaoliors-
I will bo present at my office in Crelgliton
block on thu first Saturday of each month to examine -
amine xuch applicants ivs may ilcslre to teacJi
in thu public schools In Douglas county. Quar
terly examination Ill-it Saturday in February ,
May , August and Not ember.
County Supt. PubllB Instruction.
Aug2l ttandSilscmvitl
Council muffs , Iowa.
Conducted by Mits Sura Eddy , of Chicago , Ills.
Will begin Bept. C , 1881. Miss Fddy will ro-
cel > u a few wcll-tiualllled ladles to train In the
Normal Kg , Course.
For particular * apply until August 20th , to
Monroe St. . Chicago. alO-wjt
rilAKEN UP A red yearling bull , on JJ
1 llrown'x farm , six miles wmt of Omaha
auglO-w 5t II. L. ilcELDON.
5000 Agents wanted to sell the Lire of
Including a full and accurate account of his brief
but cientful administration ; the great conrlct
with the "Stclwarts" headed by Conkllng ; the
diabolical attcmul to assassinate liim , "ith full
particulars of his cose , one of the most critical
and remarkable on record. The Intense Intercut
excited causes thousapds to desire full parti
culars , hence this hook must Mill Immensely.
Terms liberal. Outfit , roc. Circular * free. Address -
dress liL'llllAHDKIlO.-i. , Pubs. .
aulO-w It Hanson City , Mo.
1313 Farnham St. , OMAHA , NED.
Hodv Brussels , tl.25 to $1.76 ; Tapestry Hrus-
tcl * , 81.1J to1.35j 3-ply Cariwt , JJ.25 to J1.40 ;
Heal 2-ply IngnUu , Jl.OO to JUS ; Cheap 2-ply
Ingrain , 40a to OSc.
Mattings , Oil Cloth and Widow Shades
at Lowest Market Prices.
Largest Stock and Lowest Pricea
Samwlea furnished at yard-ra ra