Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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    TT i TV i TT vr T > TT > Tri. WT.TTi "DC ! Hr D i nrmrT > mi 1 i 001
NI.W YOUK. AuKu t3l.
Money flowed nt per cent. , nfter
loaning ns bigli fis ( I per cent. , plui I-- ! of
1 per cent.
KxchAttge clo cd steady nt I SOJ@ I 81.
. .
Currency 0 , 1 .10 l iil ! "
; - , coup. , 1 1. >
Mil ; 4do , 1 llliil ; t'is loiitiiiiiiil at 1 01
lnM ; ( Uilo , 1 01 J.
1'ncitic rnllmiul liitids chxod ns follows !
Union Me. 1 17@1 18 ; laud Riant * , 1 IS
( Sl ) 18J ; Blnkin- } funds 1 28 < M 20 ; Cen
trals 1 I l@l 1' ' > J.
The stock iimrket tlii < inornin wns
heavy nud lower , nudveakttc < t continued
to pre\nll up to second call when thtfro
\vnt a rally of i to § per cent , from lowest
jMiiiit. K.itly ducliuo ranged from 4 to 2
per cent. , and wai led by Denver it It to
Ornude , Central 1'acific , Chicago , Hurl-
iiigton it CJuincy , Northwestern , Dela
ware , Ifcickawana fc Western and St.
Paul. I.ater on , the slight rally at second
call , wai almost entirely lost and the mar
ket became irregular. closiii } weak , with
lowest prices of tlio day generally curteiit.
Tlio following arc the closing \tii\tt \
WUTcl . 87K & T . -101
Adams EMI. . . . 138 L. S 123
American Ex p. 857 , " 53
U. S C.7i L & N . . . . tlJ ) !
WF Exp 128 M fir O 124
C 1UV C > 151J Northu extern 12IJ
C C C & 1. . . . CG ? Prcft-rred. . . .13(5 (
CC&1C 20 ] O .t W 37
NY 0 112 O. & M . 37
N J C 93.J Pacific Mail . . . 48 |
111 Central 128 Reading .01 }
Ohio Cent. Rock Inland. . . .131
Mich Cent San Francisco. . J5
NwrtbPac 40 do preferred. . ri
Preferred. . . . 801 St P At O . wij
UP 121 Preferred. . . .102
Central Pacific. 81) ) StP .114 : )
A& TH 40 Preferred. . . .12t !
Preferred ! I5 Nash& Chat. . 84
C & 0 MLS&W. . . . 45
C & A Waba-h 47
Djt RioG. . . . do preferred. . R4
Erie It Cls pr'fd. 11
II. k St.J Ut Quicksilver. . . . . 15
Preferred. . . . do preferred. . o7i
CHICAGO , August 31.
Money fair and active at ( ! to 7 | > er cent.
Clearings of associated banks wero'Sb'5.00-
000 doll.irs. Eastern exchange between
city banks unchanged .it S2 per 1000. Or
ders for currency from country points
\verc fair.
Omaha Wholesale Marlcot-
Wednesday Ev euing , August 31. J
Wheat steady , No. 2 lower ; No. 3 and :1 :
rejected slightly advanced. Barley ( | iiiel *
and unchanged. Rye 2jc higher. Coru
advanced l.Jc. Oats advanced jc.
Li\u stock remains at last ( ( notations.
Provi"inns generally firm.
lUitt > > i scarce and firm at yesterday's
California peats , plums peaches ant
grapes 25c per box lower.
In paints and oils ue note an advance o :
He for Linseed Oil -Other quotations un
Local Grain Dealings.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2. 1 05 * , ' ; cash 7
No. H , 1 00 : rejected 72c.
BAULKY. Cash No 2 , 'Jlc ; No. 3 , Olc.
RYE. Ca h , 89jc.
CORN. Casb No. 2 , J8 e.
OATS. Cash. 25Jr. do
Live Stock.
Cattle Wo quote as follows : Butch
er's cows , 93 003 25 ; choice butchers
steers , S3 75@4 00 , 0"
Sheep Goou mutton in fair demand ,
S3 503 75.
Jlogs Wo quote as follows ; Lighl
packers , & > 00@5 75 ; medium mixed
packers , S5 50@o 75 ; extra choice heavv ,
* 5 73@0 00.
Provisions. do
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade (
$3 25@3 50 ; patent , S3 75@4 50 ; winter
wheat htraight grade , 93 75@4 00 ; patent C
$4 00(3)4 ( ) 50 ; graham rye , § 2 60 ; Wheat ; CJc
32 75.
MILLSTUFFS-Bran. per cwt. 70c
Rcreenings , per cwt. 70@SOc ; shorts , pei
cwt. SOc ; chopped feed , per cwt. 100 ; inea
bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white , § 1 25.
POTATOES Good supply and weak a
SI 00.
POULTRY Live chickens per do en
$2 25@3 00. Ill
per dozen.
EGGS Candled , 12jc.
BUTTER Choice bcarceutlJ@18 ; poor
no market ; creamery , 23c.
APPLES Hood , wound , S3 50 pe ;
bbi.HONEY toga
HONEY Extracted , firbt-class Calif C.
ornia strained , 15c ; Ncjuaska comb , 20c He'
LEMONS Good repacked per bov
iii oo@ j no. A ,
EASTERN PEACHES Dull ; si 25 ©
I 50 per box , as to quality. KJAc
EASTERN PEARS \ bu. box , 91 00 12jc
@ 1 25. lit
TOMATOES Per liiihhel , SI 00. ll
DOMESTIC ( ! RAPES Lively at 5c 18c
tier lb.
CALIFORNIA PEARS Per box , $350 fancy
$100. 63
WATERMELONS-Per 100 , 31000& lOcj
II 00.
VEGETABLES All kinds bring
prices. gocx brown 13jc
REESWAX Yellow , 18@20c. brown
ONlONS-Per biuhol. SI 35. ! ) Jc
Grocers List. blue
COFFEE. Rio , fair. 13j.c : Rio , good River
14c ; Rio , prime to choice , I4Ac ; Old cov'
Java ; 201@2Sic , Mocha , 28ic ; Ai buckle1 ! ) 0. ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@5'ic
Choice , ( W@,75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c
( /liolcu , ( ! 075c ; Young Hyson , good , 30(5 (
Me ; choice , ( ! 5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Loaf 13Jlc
35c ; Japan , choice , 00@75c ; Oolong , go , * ! H.'bro.
35@40 ; Oolong , choice , -)0@55 ) ; Souchong
goisl. : ir © 40c ; choice. 3545c. b
SUGARS. Cut loaf , Uc ; Crushed 8Ac ;
llic ; Giantilated , lO c ; Powdered , llji
Fine powdered , llc ; Standard Colfco A
lOjc ; New York Confectioner's Standan
A ' , lOjc ; Good A , lOc ; Praiiie Extra ; C 27ic New
SYRUPS. Sugar bouse 20c ;
, bbls 15c ; ha !
bis , 47c ; kegs , 4h gallom , $2 30 ; choici ! ' .
SPlCES.-Pe'pper , ' 20' ; ' Allsptce , 20c Ific ;
Cloves , 45c ; jMitmetw , $1 00 : Cassia , 25 York-
Mare SI 00 , checks
SODA. Dwight's lb paper * , $3 00 ; De
land do , S3 00 ; Church' * , * 3 00 ; Keg M la 2.Jc ;
25c ;
STARCH. Pearl , 3c ; Silver Glens , 7- iiiL'h
218jc ; Com Starch , 8 4@8ic ; IJxcelsio bleached
Ulos- , . die ; Coin , 7c.
SALT , Dray loads , per bbl , 1 00 ; A h
ton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbld dairy ( JO , 5s , 3 4 , '
Lblbdalrv , 100. 3 . 305.
DRIED FRUITS-Choice halves Carbolic
peaches now crop , ! ) ic ; Evaporated Applet Coj >
60 lb boxes , 13J@14c ; Michigan , 8ic ; New . lb ,
York appIee,8fcSt.Louii ; ! Nol,7c ; Prunes prr
old , Cc ; now , 8Jc ; Currants , 7@7i Dover's
lil.ickberri&s , now , lOc salts ,
OHEESE-Full Cream , ll c ; Part 41c ;
Skim , Oc. IHJII
WOODENWARE Two hoop pall' ' pergal
1 85 ; three hoop pail * , 2 10 ; No. I tubs h 10
0 00 ; No. 2 tubs 8.00 ; No. 3 tub * 7 00
pioneer waxhlxiardrf , 1 85 ; Double Crown
2 75 ; Globe Woshlward , 250 ; Well bucket *
c'haln.-anii 5 ply , 20J'/21J ; Coloted earjie' '
chain , per lb , 2U ; Jlorrihlne
LEAD-Bar , * 1 C5. per lb
MATCHES Per caddie , 8.5c ; roum
cases , $7.35 ; square ca-sea , $4.90. The
PROVISIONS-Breakfast bacon. 12.
choice l.ird , 13Jc ; dried beef , He ; eh-mld The
ci-s , canvassed SJc ; hauis , canvassed 14c supply
bacon , sides llic low * ;
NEW PICKLES-Medium , In barrels Fine
S7 00 ; do in half bbl * , 4 2. > ; small. ' , in bbl draft
400 ; do. in half bbls 6 V ) ; gherkins in
bbls 13 00 ; do , iu half bbls 7 00.
VINEGAR Pure npplo cvlm , IGc ;
mro apple , 13c ; Pruvilm ; pure npplc , 15o.
HOMINY New , $ SO per bbl.
BEANS-Medium , hand picked S2.CO
> er bushel.
ROPE Si rvl , 1 inch nml larger , 9.c } ; ?
ncii , 'Jc : 4 inch , lO c.
SOAPS Khk's Savon Imperial. 300 ;
oteitiiur. 2 40KirlV ; Umidard , 3 SO ;
nhito Kii inn , 4 75 ; Kirk' * Eutoea ,
. ' 05 : Kirk's Prairie ( Jueen , (100 ( c.iki < i ) , 3
0 ; Kiik's magnolia , 4 10.
CANDLES Boxes 40 Ibs If'S
lebo\e } 10 Ibs. , 10 o ? . . ( is lie ; luixcs 40
icts 14 or. . . Us 13Jc ; half lw\c , 20 s-ets
14 ox. , 8s 13c.
LYE American , 3 3,1 ! Grecinv lib , D XV.
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 00 ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
POTASH Peiiniyhnuia i-ans , 4 dor. ,
raie , 3 3" > ; Babbitt'n Ball , 2 do/ , ill 'a o ,
11 > 0 ; Anchor Ball 2 tloz in i-nso , 1 50.
FIKIil ) HIJIJI ) lied clover , rholre ,
lew , S5 SOtcr bu hel ; inammotli i > lo\ > i ,
lew , S5 75 ; vOiite cloviT , new , § 1100
il nlfi clover , new , S1250 ; nlsikr , new ,
$13 00. Timothy , goi-d. new , $2 50C ? 2 ( .5 ;
) lue grass , t-\tin clean , $1 25 ; blue gmss ,
clean , $1 15 ; orchard grass , $2 00 : red to ) > ,
choice , U5c : millet , common or Mlt-somi ,
SI 23 } millet. German , SI 25 ; to $1 M ) ;
llungaiimi. Si 15.
HEDGKSKKU Osage orange , 1 to ft
ItushuK 55 00 ; oinge orange , 10 bushels or
iv cr , $4 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; per
00 Ibs. , § 25 00.
FISH Family uliilo fi h , 00 lb lif bMs ,
S3 00 ; No. 1 vvhito fish , 90 lb hf bbls. ( > SO ;
No. 1 white li h , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Ih kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per
ceg , 1 20 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colui"-
liln river Rnlmoii , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; Gcm-guV
Bank codfish , ( ic ; Gen. boneless codfish ;
8Jc ; boneless fish , 4Jc.
icss mackerel ,
100 Ibs , $12 M > ; hfbbl No. 1 ex shore do.
100 Ibs , 000 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
, 3 M ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 225 ;
No. 1 ox shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 : No. 1 shore ,
12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do. 75c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 lb
( Field's ) , per case , SI 20 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) ,
iier case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 00 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do
2 lb ( slack ) , per cat.e , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack ) ,
icr case , 200. Onions , 380. Kahnonl
b , per dozen , 1 Co ; do 2 lb , per dozen
250. Sardines , small full , imported , ne-
quarter boxes per bo14ic ; American ,
quarter bo\cs per bov , lie ; do half boxes ,
per box , 2Uc. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen ,
1 80. Tomatoes 2 10 ; do 3 lb per
case , 2 50 ; Com , 2 lb ( Mountain ]
per case , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 1 90 ; do
2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per can > , 3 50 ;
string beans , per case , 1 90 ; Lima beans
per case , 2 00. Succotash per case , 210. _
Peas , common , pnr case , 1 75 ; peas , choice ,
per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2lt > , per case ,
250 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per ca e , 3 70 :
laspberrics , 2 lb , per- case , 275(5)300. ( )
Damsons , 2 lb , per case , 2 25. Bartlctt
. . . ' . .A - . . . . . 2 1
Hi iwr c.ise , 1 50. PinoAppl , 2 lb , perca o ,
3 < KX 5 20. Peaches , 2 lb per case , 3 .0 :
do 3 lb , case , 5 00 ( ? > 5 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , pet $
0.16,325 ; do pie , ( i lb , per do/en , 3 50. $
RICE Carolina , OJ@7c ; Louisiana , 5 ?
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten
ie sce , Sic per lb ; fancy white , Ite per lb ;
raw white Virginia , 7@7ic. .
Dr Goods.
BROWN COTTONS. Lawrence LL , 4c
file ; Buckeye LL ( > ic ; Crescent LL lijci
Utica C 5jc ; descent C " o ; Crescent B
c ; descent A 8c ; Wachusctts 8c ;
Indian Hc.itl 8Jc ; Granite\ille LL
0c ; Badger RR , fine biown , 7Ac ;
Badger X , do , 7c ; Portsmouth I' , ( lo , 5Jc ;
Winthrop L , do , 7 c ; Continental C ,
, 8c.
4-4 13c ; Fruit 4-4 10Hope ; 4-1
8\c \ " ; Ballardvalo 4-4 Cjc ; Pocassttt
4-t SJc ; Altoona 3-4 (5c ; Iionsclalo
No. 1 , cambric 13c ; No. 2 , do , 12ic ;
New Yoik Mills 4-4 13c ; Lonsdale M lOc ;
Fainnont Q 1-4 OJc Auburn A l-t SJc ; SI
Barnard I lie ; Dairy Cloth flic , (
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , Gc ; American -
can do , OJc ; Arnold's do , 7c ; Conestoga
, ( ic ; Dimnell do , Ci\c \ ; Eddystono do ; 20
ijc ; Gloucester do , OJu ; Haniilton , CJc ! SOc
HannonyBJc ; Harteliic ( ; Knickerbocker , l0c !
c ; M anchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sjirague ; ( >
; Southbridge , ( ! Jc ; M yhtic , OJc ; Murri-
mack shirtings , lie ; Sprague do , fijc ,
Soiithbiidge do , OJc ; Regattii do , 5 c
Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , Im ,
Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , Oc ; South-
son's solid black , liic ; Berlin solid colors.lic ,
CAMBRICS , FLAT-Gla/ed , 5Jc ;
high colors , ( iic ; kid hnish , Cc ; high col-
, 7c ; rolled , 7c ; high colors , He. kegs
Rockporf , fie-
Ninunkeag sattcen , lc ( ; Androscoggi in do. ,
I/ckwood do. Oc
TICKING Amoskeag- . C. A. , 17jc ; cast
Conestoga , B. F. , % , fancy , IRc : Cones 2
, 1-1 , Gold Mediil , ICc ; Conestoga , i dry
C. A. , lie ; Conestoga , ( ! . C. A. , fancy , each
' Easton , B. , Olc ; Omego superior ex
, 28c ; Omega medal , 25c ; Omega coil
fancy stripe , 20c ; Omega A 4-1 , Ific , iron
Omega A ,13 ; Conestoga , R. C. , RedStripe , teeth
; Shctucki't , S. , HJlcjSlietuckct , S. S. , steel.
; Pearl River , 17ic ; Hamilton , D. ,
; Hamilton regular , 13 ; Hamilton H. , fid
c ; Cordi * . B. B. . Olc : ( 'ordis A C. E. , fine ,
; Albany S. A. X. , 17ic. 4 05
OIL CLOTII-5-4 wood. _ S3 00 ; fi-1 fiiihh
marble , S3 00 ; 5-1 white niaible , half
25 ; C t wood , 84 00 ; (1-1 ( fancy marble ,
00 ; C-4 white marble , $1 25 ; 5-4 mo
, W 00 ; C-4 mosaic , S4 00.
DENINS Ainoskeag blue and brown , P.
Beaver Cieek , A. A. , blue and brown , ( ic ;
; Beaver Creek , B , and brown ,
; Beaver Creek , C , C , , blue nnd red
, I''io : Everett D. D. , blue and 20c
, Hi ; HaymakcM blue and brown and
, . . , . ,
; Otis , A. X. A v iJie , HJcjOtisB. B. buriu
_ 134 Otis C. C. , blue , 12Jc ; Pearl lefined
bfuo and brown , 15Jo. i"oiy blue
DUCKS Fall River , lljc : Haindcn O.
" grocn
lOJc ; Boston uheclu , ISjc ; Boatou tn-eini
J-Ml ,
drab , 12 } vellow
; Boston XXX drab , 13jc ; Boston O.
. , lOic ,
STRIPES Lewiston , 3x3 blue and
own , 8Ac ; Luwistonlx3 ! blue nnd brown ,
Rock Rixer , C\3 blue and brown , 1'Jc ;
Alabama , ( ! \3 bine and brown , Hc.
COTPONADES Lewiston diamond , v\luting
; A , Y. A. . 2Uo ; Angora , D , k T , , 2c ( ! ; town.
York mills proof , 22Jc ; Bridgewatcr , sian
Everett , heavy , 22kWhittent ; n , brown
\y. . aVjJlcl.U iSc Cliarter Oak , IBo ; Ic ;
Wickiovv , I8Ac ; Union Pacific , 18c ; Capitol , Paris
Farmer * 21c ; Everett , medium , 15c ; 25 ;
Yorklight weight , 12Jc ; New York inilU gieeii
IU million
SHEETINGS Androscoggin.O-lbrown losu
' '
do 10-4 do 2fic ' ' :
, ; Peppert-H's'.M brown , chrome
do 10-1 doTic ; Alexandlia , H low
, bleached , 13c ; Androsco-'gin 0-1 , J'lench ,
, 2iiu ; do 10-4 , bleached , 20c Winter's
Pupperell , iM , bleached , 25c ; do 10-1
bleached , 27Jc. Kpanisli
Orucs. '
] '
, 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , 55c : BaUan
abia , per lb , 75c ; Bark , Sanaafraf , per
12o ; Calomel , per lb , 70e ; Cinehoniili.i , oil
oSOe ; Chlorofonn , per Hi. 95c
' powders , per lb , SI 40 ; Epbon .
per lb , 3c ; Glycerine , pure , peril ) , i e.iclli
Lead , Acetate , perlb , 22c ; Cur
oil , 110 ° , per gallon , ll c ; dolfX)5 ) , linceed
, 13c ; Oil , Ca tor , No. 1 , tier gal , cd ,
; Oil , Castor , No.S.ner gall 0\j ) .Oil , Kjllon XXX.
| ierKa
, i > er ut , S3 03 ; Knlphur flour ,
, 4o ; Htryclmine , Her oz , SI 50o.
Horace and Mulct. B
market in brink and all grades are , , , , .1,11
selling'well ut u clight advance in 'piices. r r
demand for rood horses exceeds the
touniderably , Price * range M foi. ALI
tingle drivers , $150. to 300. ; Extra 187
hone * , 8175. to 225. ; Common draft , triple
ior e . StOO. to IM ) . : Kxtra fnnn lior c ,
< 5110. to 125. { Common UiRo xl frtnu liotvrs
S'.K ) . to 5100. ; IMra pltitp" , 500. to 75.J
'otnincm utngM , S20. to $10.
_ lo to 15J he
l.'iO.t UJ Ut ! " hamN , 6100. to 1-JO.j
to Hi im i t > , er : . toioo.s inj to u
and . § l < ) . to 7"
Clears nnd Tobaccos ,
CIOAIIS. Secdo , # lr..OO : ConiiprHont ,
S2.XOO : Mixeil.S VOO ; Seed llarniin , * > 0.00 ;
Jonr llixvntin , S" VOO.
TOHAIVOPMU3. . Golden Unlc ,
21 lb , Olc ; Spotted Kftun. fi''cj Our llnpr ,
IV.Ib I 4'im-f | " /tt tV | * ! Mt'f " * " - 'If - - , '
mil Naxv , | mtid , file ; IJulHon , | ) ouiid ,
rillanl's Climax , ] iotiiid , B7c.
FINE CUT -In piilsHard to Beat ,
"i ; Golden Thrc.-ul , ( iiioj Fountain , 70o ;
IVvorite. ( kV ; Rooky Mountain , " > e ;
Fancy , MV : Dai.y , I Re.In tin foil
Ciitliti * 0. S. , 2oz Inckages . " lb Ixixw ,
l < oiillmli ; Tiger ,
SMOKING -All prudes Common , 25to
ft3c. Granulated nlackwelli Dm ham. 10
17. I IV } Duke * Durham , It ! or , 4V ; Seal of
Noith Carolina , Hi or. Hi ; Seal of NVira- < -
< a , 111 07 , 3Se ; I/one Jack , 4 or. llnoii bugs ,
per lb. 81.35 ; Murburgi' 1'nck , 2 oz , tin
oil , 55c ; Dog Tail , loc. !
, .
FF.NCINCNo. ! . 1 , 12 to 20 ft. $ A"i 00 ;
No. 2 , It ! to 20 ft. , 2300 ; xhecttugdre ed ,
No. 1 , 22 00 ; No. 2 , 20 00 ; common board * ,
ed , 2.'i ( K ) .
IJAMINO 1C ft. and under , per M ,
21 00 ; 10 ! ft. Kluddlng , 2-"i 00 ; 2J ft. 2S 00 ;
21 ft. 1M ! 00.
F1NISHINO No. 1. finWil * . 1J niul
2 inch , fsW 00 No. 1 linisli 1 inch $ .iO 00 ;
No. 2. finish I ] , H and 2 inch. S5000 : No.
2 finis ! , 1 inch , 815 00 ; No , 3 linlOi , 1 in.'h ,
510 00 ; O. ( ! . batlom per 100 feet liu. ,
tiloO ; well curbing , J535 00 ; rough J and 2
Inch battfUi per 100 feet lit' . . We.
STOCK 1 ( ) AI11)S Anlock , 84500 ;
$4000 ; C , 835 00 ; common stock , R27 i"0.
FI.OOlilNCJ No. 1 , * 12 iV ) ; No. 2 ,
$37 , 50 ; No , 3 , § 27 50) ) jellow pine , No. 1 ,
545 00.
SIDINO No. 1 , $27 50 ; No. 2 , $2500 ;
No. 3 , § 20 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , $25 00 { O. G. No. 1 ,
? 37 50 ; No. 2 , S25 00.
CK1LTNG-S30 00 ,815 00.
LATH ANDSHINULKS -itflibcst ( )
S 50 , No. 2 , $3 50 ; No. 3 , $2 00.
L.ith , 31 25.
Dulldlng Material.
MMK-Per barrel , SI X > ; bulk pcrbu. ,
.Tic. Cement , bbl , § 2 50. Iowa plaster.
bbl , $2 50. Huir per bu. 35c. Tanx-il
felt 100 Ibs 83 50. Straw bo.ird , SI 00.
The Leather Trade.
Oak harness , 39@41c ; Pittsliurgli scloc-
ted , 40@43c ; hemlock harness 3"39c ;
skirting tier lb , fair ; tic ; black collar 14@
21c ; fair do , 18@20o ; fair No 2 , lGfftl8c ( :
hemlock sole , Buffalo slaughter , per lb , 30
© 34c ; hemlock sole , B A. slaughter per
lb , 25(5,32c ( ; oak solo , 4013c ; oak upper
per foot , 25 ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do No.
* , 23c ; oak kip skins per lb , S0c@1.10 ;
hemlock kip skins per lb , 75c@61.00 ;
French kip skins per lb. S1.00@S1.35 ;
oak calf per lb , 81,00 ( .51.25 ; hemlock calf
per lb , S' ' > 0M$1.257 ( French calf per lb ,
$1.25U'$2.10c ( ; Simon I'icnnl goat pel do/
$30.00 < < DU8.00j bootleg Morocco per foot ,
30@33c ; calf kid per foot , 35u ; roans per
doz , $ ! l.00@10.50 ; white nnd yellow lin-
insrs per do/ , 98.00810.00 ; pink linings
perdu/ , ? 7.00@S9.00 ; Rttscptt linincrs 87."m.'lip !
; blacksmiths' apronsi > eriiozeiit j$12.00@
PAP1C11 Straw ] > aper , 3Jc ; rag paper ,
; dry goodrt paper , 7c ; nianila papur , lOc ;
news paper. So. .
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 912 ;
Moriis Kim 131o i.liiirg , § 12 ;
lump , 60 ; Whitebreast nut , SO ; Iowa
lump , $ r : Iowa nut Sli ; Itock Spring
Antlnacite , all M/CS , Sll 00. - -
Hides , r-urs. Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7jgrern ;
cured hides , 8Ac ; green salt , part curud an
hides , 8@8jcllry ; flint , sound , ISlS llc ; dry
calf and kip , 12a)13c ( ) ; dry salt hides , sound ,
ll@12c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 IK. 10@lle ;
green calf , vvt , under 8 Ibs per skin , 50c ;
green pelts , $1 00@115 ; gieen lamb skim.
10 < 3125 ; damaged'hides , two-third rate ,
cut scored and one grub , classed two-
thirds rate , ) branded hides 10 tier cent. off. (
Conn skins , No. 1.45cTtfo. ; 2 , SOc ; No. 3 ,
: ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,
; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , He. Fox , No. 1 , for
; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
; short stripe , 40c ; narrow btrij | 'A"c ;
broad stripe , lOc. Tallow , ' I
Merino unwashed , light , 14@10c ; heavy , l
1315c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; clo
tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; dingy
w. , 28c ; burry , black and cotted wools
2Cc less 17
SHOT , Shot , $1.75 ; Buck shot , $2.00 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs , $0.40 ; do. , half
, S3.48'do. ; , quarter kegs , 81.87 ; Blot .
, keiri , S3.35 : Fuse , tier 100 feet COc. the
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates ? 315 ; plow steel , cast , 74c ; and for
tool do , 15(5,10 ( wagon spokes , uet.
25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloe * , sawed
, 1 40 ; tongues , each , 75 ( < r85c ; axlt > s
, 75c ; sotmro nuts , pnr lb , 7@llo ;
vva'ihcin , peril ) , 8@18o ; nvets , per lb , lie ;
chain , per lb , C@12c ; malic-able , Sc ;
wedges , Co ; crowbars , ( ic ; burrow
, 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring .
. 7(5,8c. ( bu
NAILS 10 to 20.1 . , 3 10 ; 8 to 10 , 3 I'n ;
3004d ; , 115 ; 3d , common , 4 DO : 3d ,
, li 40 ; clinch , all itbm , 5 15 ; Oil , casing.
; fid casing , 4 ' ; 10d casing , 4 15 ; lOd
, 4 ( W ; M finish , 4 'JO ; Od finish , 5 15 ; 4,300.
kegs , lOc extra.
Paints Oils and Varnishes. cline
PAINTS IN OIL Whllo le-vd , Omaha hogH
P. , 7c ; whitu lead , O. P. .t C. Co. , pun- , @ 7
Marseilles green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; cage
Flenchinc , green seal ; 12c ; French /.inc , good , lie ; French /.me , in varnish OHHE ,
Fienchince , in oil : imt , 15c ; Raw 1IOO. !
burnt umber , I lb cans 12c : raw nnd on
Sienna , l.'lc : Vandyke brown , 13 ; good
lampblack , 12c ; coach block , l"c ; mon '
black , Hie ; drop black , Illc ; ITS'
, liOc ; ultramniino blue , Ib'c ; chioine
, I , . M. it 1) . , lie ; blind and shutter with
, L. M. itl ) . , lie ; Paiii giuen. ISc ; native
led , 15c ; Venetian ixd , ilc ; Tuscan feeder
22c ; American Vennlliod , I. SP , , IH ; daiiy
yellow , L. , M. , O , & D. O , , 18c ; spring
ochre , Oe ; golden ochre , 10 ; p itent
, Oc ; graining colors : light oak , dark dull
witlnut. theit'nut and ah 12o quality fair.
Dry Paints
White lead , Ojc ; French zlne , lOc ; Paris
hiteing 2Ac ; whiting giliicri- , IJt ;
com7 ! , lie ; lamiibluck Gennan.
. 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , Ru ; Prtis. '
' '
blue , . 'i'ic tiltramarine
; , 18c ; vamljke ,
, 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , law , with
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o ate :
green { genuine , 'We ; Puris grcun com' :
chrome green , N , Y. ' 20c ; chroml winter
K. , 12u ; ycnnilllon , Eng , , 70o ; MT
, , Anivrica , 18c ; Incliun led. lOu ,
pink , lie ; Venetian lead , CookhonV higher
Venetian red Am. , IVc ; red luad , 7Ao ; 2. 717
yellow , genuine , 20cj ; chrome yel
K. , ISJc ; oclire , lochelle , 3c ; ochru ,
, 2'c ; ochre , American , lAc ; No.l
' mineral. 2Jc ; lehigli blown , 2jo ; 47 > < ;
brown , 2 c I'rince'H
; mineral 3c ; " '
VARNISHES UnnvU per wdlon. "f'iyu
'iinilture , exta , 81 00 ; f urn it mo , No. 1 ,
finikli. S 80 forfcash
* Bee
OILS-110carbon pergallon , lljo Cut
! it , tier gallon , 1'Jjjo 175 * hams
ergallon , llJo ; cryhUilhii ; , jier gallon ,
, raw , per gallon , COu ; Linseed , boil ,
per gallon , C3c ; lanl. winter str'd , per
, b8o No. 1 , (17e ( , No. 2 , 57c ; cantor ,
. per gallon , 112o , No. 3 , 1 05 ; sweet ,
rKauon , li'kjjiijicnii/W. il. ' , per 'Ballon- Pork
filsli , W.U. , per gallnii , COc ; nt-atsfoot Lard
11 174.
© 1150.
; apenn , signal , iicr gallon , 60c ; tur
, per gallon. OOc ; naptha , 71 '
gallon 20o , 03 deir , 20c. Flour
Liquor ,
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 92 25 iwi Oats Corn
gallon , extra California Bpirlts ,
proof ftt 1 22 per proof ga"
refined itpirits , 187 proof , SI SO ;
iroof R l ro-dinlllpd whliklo\ l 00@l AO ;
ino blended , SI " 0(3i2 ( 60 ; Kentucky Inmr-
bens $2W700 ; Kentucky and Pemnyl.
vnnh rye$2 00(3)7 ( ) 00.
HHANUIIIS ImiHirtcci , SO ,
omcHio 1 40@4 00.
( UN'S Imimrted , 4 WHgOOO ; domestic ,
ROMS " - IIII'l'l * * ltl 4 oOfrff , 00 ; New
hicland. 2 OOtWl 00 domestic 1
; , 50f ? 3 VI ;
1 75(314 ( 00.
Imported per cate
2fi 00@31 00 } American , per c.v-e , 1200@
' CL'ARETS-Pcr case , 4 50ir ( 1C , 00.
WINES Rhlncwine , per ci e , OOO ® ' )
X' ' Catavxba , pcrc.v < o 4 00a > 7 00.
Council , Bluffs General Mnrhot.
COUNCIL Bujn-H , Aumut 31.
Wheot-No. _ 2 , S1101 1' ' ; No 3 , 90 ; ro-
Coin-No. 2 , 17 , rejected ill , damaged ,
* '
'ilay Fair market , with piico at 3 * > .
Oats Market quiet ; No. 2 , 32o , reject-
f'11'- , } ' , . . . . .
llyc No.2 _ _ , 70c.
Butter 15c.
Eegs lOc.
Cattle-Beef , S3 50450.
Hogs Light deiimiul , puce * $3 CKV58 M ) .
Potatoes Now , SI 151 ! M ) | > cr 1m.
Onlimn SI 00.
Wood Market quiet , xvith fit * * ! supply ;
5 00 for iwft ! 0 00 for hard.
Poultry 20c.
_ _ _
Crouton Mnrhot.
CIIKSTON , la , , August 31.
Butter 13c.
Grand Junction Marliot. > JUNXTION. la. , Allglli-t 31.
Butter lie.
CHICAGO. August 31 ,
On 'Chango the markets opened weak
but afterwards rallied. The receipts of
ewin were 21,000 bushels by lake , 13,500
bushels by canal , and 1,620 car loads by
rail , embracing Ii7 ( of wheat , 1,003 of corn ,
77 of oats , 2(1 ( if rye , and 50 of b.vloy.
Flour Quiet and firm ; no especially
new feature ; common to choice spring
western , 4 25@0 25 ; do Minnesota , I 50@
075 ; patents , 700@77C ; fair to ehoico
winter brands , 0 00@7 00 ; rye flour , 5 75 ©
Wheat An unsettled feeling was de
veloped in No. 2 spring and the course of
it was Irregular , and while seller Octobe
and the deferred future ruled higher , Sep
tember and the year ruled lower , The
market was goveined principallj by loca
influences and the decline for Septcinbu
wax attributed to free offonnp , largely 1
from particH who "
were "long1 and no
ca ing to have the wheat delivered tothoii
they preferred soiling mid bought Octobei )
or moro deferred deliveries
, which also ac
counts for the stronger tone to long fu
tures. September declined about 3 ivnts
and closed vv ithiu 2Ju of inside prices. Oc
tober . opened about"lt@lJo lower , declined
@Jc additional , then _ advanced _ go and
finally . ' closed about ? o higher on the ie ;
lar board. : On the call board Nc , 2 iied
follows : 1 40 for August ; 1 202 for Sep
tembei ; 1 27i for October ; I 28 ; for November
vcnibe ; 1 21 for the year.
Corn , Trading iu corn was ypiito active
to-day nud the market exhibited considerable
irable strength in a general way , accom
puniecj with n material advance m prices
Speculators appeared to bo moio anxious
about their outstanding contracts. Tlicia
wan considerable competition foroiTeiingx.
tin opening tlio market was compara
tivoly steady , , but under the influence of
unusually brisk demand prices rallied
" 'c. ' Later , prices settled back jjct ? 'Jo
and luled rather steady und higher for
cash , Ic higher for September anil 1 o
higher for ( lutobcr on the regular boaril
mid on call at 023 for Ancint and , /Septem / @
ber ; G'-ljjcfor October : IM\U for November :
GTtfcfor December ; ( iL'i'c'for the jcar ; 70Jc
Oatfi"-Iti fair demand , offerings Hinnll ;
No. 2 cloned at 37Ae for September ; H8j
October ; 3lc ! | for November ; 3Ujo for
Rye Shade firmer and higher ; No. 2 , -
03J for September ; 1 0 < iJ for October. anil
JJarloy Easy ; No. 2 , 1 02 for August the
103 for .September ; 1 01 for October. and
Pork -Steady , demand moderate ; menH I67B
cloned at 17 H74W18 00 for caih ; 17 r > for
September ; 18 IJ7J for October and Nov- mer
17874 for the yeai ; 1 ! ) 10 for January ; for
23 for February.
Lard Acthe und market Ktroiiger ;
cloned at 11 ' > for September ; 11 TiO for
October ; 1105 for No\ ember ; 11 UO foi
.lunnary ; 120. > for February ; ' ! 1 27J for
Hulk Meats -Fairly active anil firm , land
averaged higher ; short ribs , U 35 tlon
August ; ! ) SOrnJH 334 foi September ;
fiO for October. lUlud
Whiskey -Steady at 1 10' . In
Kcceipts FjourJ 20,331 hbla ; wheat , Term
108,903 bu ; corn , 702,351 bu ; o. tn , 70,819 for
; rye , 8 , 31 bu ; barley , 17,100 bu.
ShipmcntH Flour , 11,285 bbls ; wheat ,
ir.5OI3buconi , 27HlilO bu. ; oats , 3,253 ( !
rye , 7,783 bu ; barley , 3,41'i bu ,
Cbloago ilvo Stock.
, AugiiHt 31.
Ifogs HeceiptK , Iflli.lMX ) ; KhlpmentH , F.
. Dem.uid not very lualthy ; the
market weak on all lower grades ut fie de
; mixed p-ickin' , ' , ft 8"SO ( TO ; light
, l ! I5a(570 ( ) ( ; good to cholio hravy , ( I W ) bto.-ul ,
00 ) ; cullH and grasser * . -I 0 ( li 10. C'h ! ' tholiu
o jiackem ] i opctating slowly and buying of
Hiuck to tlie ncgitct of coiiimou. ha
Cattle Ifecolpt * , . 3iOO ( ; shipuiuntx , Mock water
. Activoandllimcrat 10i- adniice
do < iruble Ntouk ; exports , li 10i ( i HI ;
to choice Nliijipln ? , 5 I/Of" 5 90 ; com
to medium OO .1) 10 ; native butch-
utiick , 2 20ia,3 ( DO v cry mwi/io run of [ ItiniC
, mid values firm nt .1 00 1 00.
bulk ) at 3 10rf3 30 ; half hieed and the
rmigeiH , 't hOVIOO ( ; ntncI.ei-H and
, in fair demand ; union at 2 ( ! " > ( 3 7" ! secure
calves , 7 ( W < 'tl5 00 ; milLeiH anil .
springerH , 20 f 0'ilO ( ( W per hriul. btii
Shtep ItccelptH , l.OOOjKhipinentH , niniu ;
and weak at easier rate * ; common to
2 75(1' ( 3 25 ; good to choice , 1 OOlSll 60 ;
qualitycry poor and demand light. .1FILI
Novr York Produce.
NKW YOIIK , August 31 ,
T'lourQuiet and steady.
Wheat Opened ffSlJc higher and closed
adnce , jjai tly lout ; dcm.tud inoder-
ungraded spring 1 'i ( 1 32 ; No 1
mid Alilvvuukce , 1 37 ; No. 3 re < l
, 1 11@1 41i ; No. 2 white , 1 3' ) ® Ilia
Corn .Model ate demand and 2@2jo
; ungindud mixtd , Ui ( ,71cj No. I'ro.I
< 711c ; No. 2 white , 71'tf ' , anil yellow , tori ifai , >
OatsS'lo ( higher and fairly active , Won
white , 4)4 ! ) ( < ! ! 50c'j No. 2 white , lfi & >
No. 1 mixed , 43u and No , 2 mixed , uiit ,
kbi |
-Kirm at 1 rant
OS@l 13.
: n
Barley Diilliind nominal , muod
PorkOiifut ; now mess on niiot , 18 ( i2Jft ( oismu
. piisely
Lard-Stronger and fairly active ; 11 51 trt mo
; 11 62J1I1 55 for Sejitembor. lowll
Becf-tjulet ; extra mcsi , 12 .r > 01@13 00 Uiuturfiico iVu
Meatu Dull , but bteady : picklei Rorotoof
, 1300A i il
Whisky Nominal. htcnco
It cau
Cincinnati Produce. _ Lir of
C CJNNAII , August 31. > .y ul
Mess jobbing , IU OOC" Id 20. kaUomliio cr
Firm ; current inaKf , 11 t
McoU-nnn ; clear bides , 1037J No.
Steady ; cleat ttideo , 11 37i ©
Firmer ; family , ( i 5CX&7 00.
Wheat -Firm ; No. 2 red , 1 37. . Graduate
1'irmcr ; No. 2 mixed , 05Jc ,
OatsFirmer ; No. 2 mixed , He. 1603
Rye-Steady ; No. 2 , 1 11 * .
Barley-Quiet ; No. 2. 1 0 * . cJ north to
Whisky Firm at 114.
St. Ionin Protlnoo.
Wheat Higher ; No. 2 red 1 J2J i-aOi ;
141 for September ; 1 45 } for Oitober-
SJ fc > r November ; 1 ( X > i for Decem
Com Hfgherand unsettled ; ( ilcforca lr
! 3o for September ; fit > Jo for October ; ( JSfc
or December ; G2jc for the year.
Oats Higher at I He for ca h ; I03o for
> - > ptciubcr ; I3c for October ; HJUif III for
Vex ember ; 44c for December.
ityc- l iwer ftt 1 05.
Butter 1'inti ; dairy , KP c.
Kifirs j Steady at 12 < iiI5c. )
WhiskySteady at 1 18.
Provl isiotisSteady. .
Pork-18 85.
Lard 11 20.
Itccolpts Klour , 5.000 bbl ; wheat , 31 , .
000 bu : coin , 80,000 bu ; outs 10,000 bu ;
-i > , 3,000 bu ; barley 5,000 bu.
Shipments Flour , 21,000 bb1vheal ; ,
Jti.OOO bu } corn , 31,000 bu ; oats , 15,000 bu ;
rye , none ; bit ; barley , none.
St- Louis Llvo Stoclt-
ST. Lot'it , August 31.
logs Active and firm ; Yorkers b'50
' ' tW ; packing , ( i 23 ( < ? ( J ( W ; choice to
fancy - - heavy , ( i K nK \ ! > ; rough , 5 75(3) ( )
1 20 ; cortffod hogs , 5 OOGW 50 ; receipts ,
\1UO ; shipments , 1.10 , ( ) .
PIIIJUX'U'IA. ) | | Atigtiit 31.
Wheat- Firmer at 1 124 for ca h ; 1 IIJ
Wl I''i for September.
Coin Firmer nt 70r ( > 71c for ca li and
t\tlgu t.
Oats la ! icr at ljnV ( > o for cash ; 51 ®
7c for September ,
! { yoQuiet at 100 bid for emit.
lE iit Liberty"Llvo Stock.
| H.\HT LIIIKIITY , Pa. , August 31.
i'attl Active on good and dull on coin-
01 and medium ; best , ( ! 20 ; fair to good ,
500 ( < i,550 ; receipts , 108 ; RMI i Mil , 459.
Firm : S 1,700 :
1,000. Phlladelphia-s 7 00,7 ( 20 ; Yorkers ,
ti IOiiT.50 ( ; grasseri , 5 MttltOO. ) (
Sheep ( } uletat3 50&500 for fair to
good ; receipts , Ii00. (
Poorin Produce.
Pi OHM , AuciistSI.
High Wines-Steady at 1 II.
Xivorjiool Procluco.
J.lvKiii'ooi , August 31.
Flour American , Us liiln,13s.
Wheat Winter . , 10sMnlls ! ( ) 3d ; white ,
? | | 0s3d ( < ? 10iiHl ; club ,
Corn "M 11. Jd.
l.uxl fi7n.
Pork 71 .
Toledo Proilnco
Toi.nto , August 31.
Wheat--Higher ; No. 2 ml , 13SJfor
cash ; 1 3 < l for September ; 1 41J for October ;
J4 for November ; 1 411 for December.
Corn Higher ; high mixed ( ! ( icNo. ; 2Me (
for cash ; 02j(2Co ( ( ! for October and Novem-
Oats-Firm ; No. 2 , 40jc.
FittHbnrc Oil Marltot.
I'lTTSIU'ltl ) , August 31.
1'liu oil market opened excited at 8c ( ! ,
and closed steady at noon at bOo bid. Tno
.pmcnts ycsteiilay weto 101,313 barrels ;
uhuitcrs yesterday were 3S.8S.H ban els.
Refined at New'V oik , 7Jc : refined at Antwerp -
werp , injfraucs. The ndcs at Oil City
yestenlay wcro 1,502,000 hauuls.
Buffalo Iiivo Stock.
EAHT UUPFAU ) , August 31.
Hogs Stronger ; receiptw. 18 carloads ,
shinmeuts , 13 carloails ; light to good
assern , ( > 35G0 (15 ( ; good corn-fed perks -
s , ( i 70@ti 80 ; fair to gomi medium ,
75i 80.
Baltlmoro Proclnco ,
Flour Quiet.
Wheat No. 2 red winter firmer at 1 42 ]
142 { cash and Atigunt.
Corn Yellowdnll _ at 77e ; niKnl
teni ijuiet at li" "
Bishop Simpson
nililrc'KsIn tlio ttuilcntf of tlio National Rrhool o
Kloctttloii nnd Omtory tnld , "Tim Inn of culture
i-mmillrnlilu to the human vnlco u.s to tlio lianil
If the hnnil liouUI lin tnilmilthy not mm I
theolro. . " The National School of Elocution
Oratory , vstalillxhitil In lh"i. : Oiarternl In
, aironlii the limit ainplu ( aillltirs fur mill
lUltiirn. Nineteen Teachers niul I.tvtnrtrii
ipeclallits In tlielrsuieral ( Uimrtineiitn. Sum ;
Term , July C. Fall term , Oct. 3. Him
Catalogue anil I'mMinituii to
J. H. I HX'in ir. : , Rwrttnry ,
1410 anil lll8CliK.tlilit Kt. , riilulcilila. ] : ] |
the stmloiitN of Hin Nntlonal Kcliool ol
Kloaitioii uinl Urulory , tuild , "Wonru Ihlng In
lioeo enliiK , uimxo lil tor > , hosu histltn
iiiilntntly ili'inand omtory , ' ' Tlio Natlona
School of Elocution and Oratory uni ihtulc
In IS74 , to * iii | > l\ this ilvnuinil , Clnrtcrcx'
187fi , Nineteen Teachers nml Ix-Uuri r ,
Specialists In their ik < | > artinuiitn. Summer
, July C , Fall Term , October 3. Bern
circular to
J. II IimiTKb , flwrctary.
Hin and HlSClHhtiintBtruct ,
Cambridge , Neb.
1,000,000 m-rcd cmorninont lind open to Homo
. 1'rc cinitloiin | and Tlinlii'r clalnm. 'M
Iniprntrd clalnm for .ilo or ixchnnjjo , "CO
tlio hoht ili-odvd fnnna In Koutliuotern Ncliron
with tlinlur and water fur nalu. A tuvr cliolcu
rancliui with fcimil flclilx , tlinlic'r , hnj and
1 for tialo. iliuii. Corru l > ouiluiKu
tlio " > ( of Ilio frcrlptunii by Her. Oco.
Alexander Oruoii , D " . . In lii ! | > lo and atlric.
hnrinifu for olil and jnuiig. I'rofuiil }
Illiulralul , i i.kiti'u inu.t InlcurllnK and Im Kieri prrciH Hll' At
nil \vorlc , rc.iglore , iou tli"ulJ clt
ululcll , JM..C J 1.00.
> ' for tlrcuUro with lr rrmi ,
J If ( tllAUIIKKh A I' ' . M l-imK
Western Euamol Faijt Works ,
< AKD , J1ASO.V & ( .O ,
Burlington , Iowa.
UiuuUcturtri ot Hie Dt&t and il'ist I'ujiulot
irauH ol neatly
House und Colln c Vaiuls 8
In the Market ,
WcBtini J'liimcl thoClilcitro.Huilln.'toi
llallri'uJ Oatliuu , II u
, tno t' . , . & . ( ( . Irnn-Ultil VI > Fire-
I'ulnt , ini'iuily lor flaiui , DCJI.IS , Klein
lUllionl Cart , I'ridvv , Itnolu , etc. , urn
led l > \ most of tl.u lUllrundn UircuKliou
nuiiufictiuo all tl > o nofiiilnr thsilo
a In lire fur I ou.o | lntliu tx'tll I'l-ldo am
iid Kunrjnlco tlitru tnniuri avecd fur dur
iy anil heirty. Our nuUIilo m Ito wo
iu mand II vo tlmu ) lonfir ltliunt olial
tbu bo-4 of uhLo Jcul JLI | ull t inuiKy
, ut wliltoleul and oil funilihfd free of
for io | ) lnliiu. Our bin wVhllc. . x
for InsMo wori li not equaled for ill ex
whl'.eiio's. and 's kiur nlcil ; not lo > el
tha dircctiontaru tUcrtod In prcjwir
t'lit palnluJ , ,
ro alio nntiuhclutliiir tbo Ala-aitlnn n <
2iuc Kal-Kimln * , ahi-olntrly tlio flui-i
Hunt coinoiilcnt ilocirutlto iiultilale In ix
, and BO rmijJo In Iu prtiunti in Ilia
b | i/i / Icdbymiiyhouso.kcoi'trnf ordmrr ,
luttllUcnoii. LrtllUnt , uhlteaniluiiciullini iiuui
tliadua ai.J iluta , all i-'oJd iu.iimf > it < irn
gUHrantecd , ani | > ! e card of ( ulnta am
furolilicd fitoonappllcutlou by unl
otliuiHUe. Corrotpondtntc uollcHcJ.
300 , 102 and 804 fouth ililn Sticit , Bur O
Ilnirton , o *
of the Bt. Lou I School ol JIMwIua ,
California Street , Detween Fifteenth
and 8l teontli ,
t , nhere culli will l ctirotuitly | respond
at auy tiour durlnf Uio tiiy or night.
iu I'll
The Only Exclusive Wholosnlo Drug House in Nobroakn
.MANl'FACTl ItF.l ) MY
. o.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Hellmuth Ladies' College.
P 'ntroneti ' , H. 17. H. PRINCESS LOUISE.
Founder and Preildent , Tha .
nicht Revi I. HELL-
MUTH , D. D. , D. O. L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURON. Fall Term open *
WedneiclAy , September 2ltt.
litnd omo ml , ' upacioiu InilMIng * . IeAtitUnity situated In mno tliriUliv : lo. < nllty , ntraut lour hour
iv roll from N'Ui-nrn KnIU , nml nt !
on onu prlnclivtl through routi'i iii'twron the .
lie OHOU.N'DS . Knit anilVcit. Ami fomprl'a 140n < rv The aim of tlio louiidcr of tlilt rolli 'ulit to provide the liluhMt
pntiilrally ii cfnl nliuiUlon.
nholonvrkmU litl iiwn tno minutest
principle * , M the only unlld ItMiH for tha
right formation of iliaroctcr.
aii imKo | > okcn In the ixiltuirr. MUSIC A Kpcclnlty. FRENCH is the
llonnl , 1-aiiiuln and Tuition Kren , InOndlnir \\lioloronnool .
\ \
KnglWi. the
Anfltnt )
rn IwitiK'uniff am Mod-
li'dclne. 300 n : Civllliitliciiltii . , 11 ran li\g \ and Painting , lira I'lnno nnd Llljrar ) Mcxllcal attcnilAiico.and
iwrntiniiin. A rckuctlou of
one-half for Uio iHn .
" of "
M mid lull > ; Clrrjonicn. Kor "clni-
ONTARIO , CANADA. imrtlctilaraaddrciolIlbSCUNTUN , I uly rrlncljul , llcllnuitli lAdlca'Collcse , LONDON
mon&thiini 2ni
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Fnrnham St. , Omaha , Nob.
CrmslcimicntHtiir.cto nvlll iwu ! > i > romvt attention.
' . , ltcforcno > i : StallItnnk ,
& Co , llaltlmoro ' Omahn ; VUtt
; 1'coH llunsliur Cliluuro ; M. Work * Co. , Cincinnati ,
Dmaha ,
Chevenne , Colorado
Spring and Summer
Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises.
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