Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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NFW YORK. August 30.
Money timed strinj.'cnt at 1-10 i > er cent
per diem and Intele t ,
llxdiango closed Rteadyat 1 SOJ@4 81.
lint eminent * clo cd firm.
Currency tn , 130 bid4 ; . emit ) .
liid ; 41 * do , 11-t bid ; 5-t mtlmicd at 1 Oljt
hid ; lisdo. 1 OU.
1'ncific railroad l > end < clo ed OM follows :
Union lt , 1 17@118 : land grant * , 1 KiJ
( < f\ \ 1 ! ) : sinking funds 1 Wi 1 20 ; Cln-
tniln , 1 1 lo ( 1 in.
The stock mnrkct this morning was
mining mid actho throughout. Dealings
were larger than for * omc tiino past , nnd
were chaincterired by Rieat strength.
1'iicesndv.vticed K"J'S lcr ) tent in Hit'
general list , nnd in new fancies the 1m-
procnicnt was more markid. During the
nftcrnoon , ho\ve\cr , the money mnrkct
worked clme , and the rate for c ill loans
ndlnncrd to I ) | > er cent nnd n fraction of 1
l > er cent per uicm. This cati cd cmiylil-
erablo preafiuo to pell , under ulilcli prices
declined sharply. The clo m quotations
however , wore generally higher than yes
Domestic grapes are in better demand.
Hggft firm and unohanged.
Ihitter linn and unchanged.
Sweet potatoes are firm and biiug fie
per pound for good ones.
In tobaccos we note several important
changes. Golden rule plug advanced fie
per pound. Spotted fawn advanced fie.
Fine cut , Fountain advanced He. So far
our merchants liavu not advanced the
price of cigaw but a raise may bo expected
soon , as tobacco is going up steadily.
Hardware meiehants are doing a boom
ing business. In conversation with the
commercial editor of THE BKE to-day Mr.
W. .T. Broatch said that if it were not for
the fact that Omaha men had laid in an
extra large supply early it would have
been impossible to have filled orders , ow
ing to the delay in getting "took from east
ern manufacturers. Iron , nails , &e. , very
firm and unchanged.
Dry goods , groceries , lumber nnd leath
er brisk and quotations unchanged.
Local Drain Dealings.
WHEAT. Car lots , cash No. ' _ ' , 117i :
cash No.I , 9li : rejected C7c.
BAKLEY.-Cash No 2 , Die ; No. 3 , ( ilc.
UYU.-Cash , 87c.
CORN. Cash No. 2 , J71C.
OATS. Cash. 25J.r.
For wagon lots , fifSJlOc off for wheat ,
barley and rye.
Cattle \Vo quote as follows : Butch
' er's cows , i3 00@3 2u ; choice butchers
Hteers , S3 75@4 00.
Sheeii f > i ) d mutton iu fair demand.
S3 fiO ; < ? 3 75.
Hogs We quote as follows ; Light
packers , S00@5 75 ; medium mixed
packers * , § . " > 50@5 7 > ; extra choice heavy ,
§ . " > 70@ ( > 00.
FLOUIl Spring wheat , str.ught grade ,
$ i > @ 3 fit ) ; patent , 3 7. ® . 50 ; winter
wheat straight grade , S3 7- ) ® I 00 ; patent ,
S4 00 ® 150 ; graham rye , $2 CO ; ,
82 75.
MlLLSTirFFS Bran , per cwt. 70c ;
screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , per
cwt. 80o ; chopped feed , per cwt. 100 ; meal
bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white , 81 21.
POTATOES Good supply nnd weak at
SI 00.
KWKKT POTATOl-S-r ; > c per pound.
l'OlJirilYr-M 8 chickem per dozen ,
32 2.ri3 00.
per < lo/en ,
KU US Candled , 12tc.
BUrrfiH-Choice , r(5@18poornomai- ( ;
ket ; crcainrrr , 2."ic.
APPLKS--Wood , sound , S3 50 per
HONEY Extracted , first-clas * California -
ornia strained , lOc : Ncbinska comb , & :
LKMOXtS Good repacked per box ,
t'J 00Ti,9 ( 50.
KASTKHN I'EAOIIKS Dull ; $1 25 ®
1 50 per box , as to quality.
KASTKHN 1'KAHSi Ira. box. § 1 00
(5,1 ( 25.
TO.UATOKS Per bushel , St 00 ,
UOMKSTIC ( iltAI'KS Lhely at 5e
per Ib.
. ( d/IOO.
WATKUMKKONS Per 100 , S10 OOfe
1JKKSWAX Yellow , 18W20c.
ONIONS -Per biishe1. Sfaj.
Grocer * List ,
COFFKn.-ltio , lair. We : IMo , Box ) ,
14c ; Ilio , prlmo to choice , 14Je ; Old gov't
Java ; 2Jl@2SJc ( , Mocha , 28Jc ; Arbucklu's ,
TJ3A3. Gunpowder , good , 435. > c ;
* '
Ciioice , "
Choice , _ .
60c ; choice , 05c@l (
35c ; Japan , choice , ( X75c ) ; Oolong , go d ,
35@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@35 ; Souchong ,
good.10c ; choice. MffiMc.
SUGAUS. Cut loaf , Jlic ; Onwhed ,
llic ; Gianulated , lO c ; Powdered , lllc
SYnUPS.-Sngar house , bbl , 45c ; haJ !
bis , 47c ; kegs , 4 J gallons , $2 30 ; choice
table Bynip. 42c ; half bbls , 45c , kegu.Sl 83.
SPICKS. PepiKr , 20 ; AlUpice , 20c ;
Cloves , 4oc ; Nutmegs , 81 00 : Cassia , 2-V ; ;
Mace $100.
SODA. Dwlght'n Ib pa | > ers , S3 00 ; De-
Jan < l do , S3 00 ; Church' * , * 3 00 ; Keg soda ,
STAHCH.-Pearl , ? c ; Silver ( ? k s 7 ?
@SJc ; Corn Starch , 8 lOSJc ; llxceNioc
Glo . file ; Com. 7e.
SALT. Dray lo.vl , i ! rbbl , 1 00 ; Ash-
n , in ack . 3 TO ; bbls dairy 00 , i , 3 4r > ;
ibis dairy , 100. .X 305.
DIIii ! : > VJllIlTS-Choico hal e
cnclic * , new crop , 9lc : Kvnporntetl . \ pplc * .
0 Hi boxes I3@l Ic : Michigan , 8Jc : Xcw
"mkni > plc ,8\cs8t.Ij \ < mUNo l,7c ; Prunes ,
Id , C > c ; new , 8Jc : Currants "feTJo ;
new , lOc . .
ritiiSI--rull : : : Orcnm , ifjcj I'nit
.Mil , nnd fi ply , 20i21J ; Colored carpet
lain , iH r lt > , 20 ;
] , IAI : > - Bar , si r- , .
MATCHKS-Pcr caddie. 83c ; round
acs. 87.35 : siiuaro caes , Sl.90.
PIlOVISIONS-BrcakfaM , bacon , 12 .
liolce lard , 13Jc : diled beef , llcj Munild-
rs , cativa eil 8ic ( hams canv.vt ed ll"j
aeon , fides Hit'
NP\V I'lOKl.HH-Meillum , in barrel' ,
7 00 ; do in half I.Ms 25 ; Finalls in bbls
200 ; do , in half Mil * . 050 : gherkins in
his 13 00 ; do , Iti half bbls 7 Ol ) ,
VINKOAU Pnro apple extra , lOc ;
iitro njiple. 13o Pnisslng pure npiilo , loo.
HOMINY Now , S3 80 per bbl.
IJKANS Medium , hand picked § 2.150
icr bushel.
110 PK Sisal , i inch and larger , SJe ) ; 'i
nch , 9Vc ; J inch , lOjc.
SOAPS Klik'rt Savon Imi > eiia1. . ' ! IK ) ;
ChkV sterling. 210 ; Kirk's standard , II : > 0 ;
vlik's white Itussian , 4 75 : Kirk's Kntoea ,
05s Kiik's Prairie IJitocn , (100 ( eaku ) , 3
0 ; Kirk's magnolia , I 10.
CANDLES Boxes 10 Ibs 111 or , s
lcbo\es ; 10 His. , IU oz. , Os , lie ; huves , H )
els , 14 oz. , 8s , 13Jc ; half boxes 20els
1 or. . , 8.s 13c.
IiYE American , 3 3"i ; Greenwich , 3 3. :
Vcstern , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
ye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans1 do * . ,
n case , 3 3"i ; Babbitt'H Ball , 2 doin 1-00 ,
! > 0 ; Anchor Ball' ' doz in case , 1 CO.
KIKLD SKKIJ Itcd clover , choice ,
ew , S530 per bushel ; mammoth cloxcr ,
ie\v , § 57) ) ) ; white clover , now , $1400
1 alfa clover , new , 81250 ; alsike , tunv ,
' 13 00. Timothy , good , now , S2 50@2 ( I. ;
> luo grass , o\tra clean , SI 2. " > ; blno grass ,
lean , SI IB ; orchard grass , $200 ; red top ,
hoici > , G5c ; millet , common or M issom I ,
11 25 ; millet. German , 81 23 ; to $1 uO ;
"Itmgarian , SI 15.
HHUGKSKKD Osage orange , 1 to
inshuls , 85 00 ; osiigo orange , 10 buOicln 01
iv er , $1 50 ; honey locust , per 11) . , 35c ; pel
00 Ibs. . S2o 00.
VISH I'amily vvhito fidi , 00 Ib hf hhls
! 3 00 ; No. 1 vvhito tinh , ! > 0 Ib hf bbls , ti 30 ;
\o. 1 white fish , in 10 Hi kits , 100 ; family
0 lUkitt , 7."ic ; New Holland hen ing , per
cog , 120 ; Kussian sardines , 75cilur" ; -
) iti liver nalmoniicr lOOlbs , 8 ( K ) ; George.'s
'Jank codfish , Oc ; Gen. bunelcss
Ijcy boneletis fit < h , 4"c.
M'APKKKKL Half bbls moss mackerel ,
00 Ibs 81260 ; hf bbl No. le.x shoio do.
.00 Ibs , ( i 00 ; hf bbls , fat family , do , 100
bs , 3 85 ; nicks mackerel , 12 Hi kits , 2 25 ,
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 : No. 1 here ,
12 Ib do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 11) do , 75c.
CANNKD GOODS Oysters 2 11
.VieldV ) , per case , $1 20 ; do 1 ll > ( Field's ) ,
> er c.i'-e , " 50 : do 'J It ) ( Standaid ) , per c.v > o ,
! 'JO ; do 1 Ib ( xtmidurd ) , per cafcc , 2 10 ; d <
2 Ib ( hlack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1II > ( slack ) ,
> er case , 200. Onions 380. Salmon , 1
b , per dozen , 103 ; do 2 Hi , per dozen
J . > 0. Sardines , small t'sh , imported , one.
niarter boxes jier box , Itjc ; ,
marter boxes iier bet , llcfdo half Ixixe" .
) er box , 21J.C. Jjobstcrs 1 Hi per do/en ,
L 80. Tonutoes 210 ; do 3 Ui per
asi' , 2 50 : I'oni , 2 Ib ( Mountain'
, > CT case , 3 40 ; soaked com , 190 ; d (
- Hi ( Yarmouth ) , per , 3 50
Filing beans , per c.vo , 1 90 ; Lima beans
iur c.ibe , 200. Succotash per case , 210
t'eas , common , pnr wise , 1 75peas , choice
liercase , 150. ISlackberries , ail , , per case
J50 ; htrawbfiries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 70
raspberries 2 Hi , per , 2 753 ( ! IX )
Damsons , t ! Hi , per case , 2 25. Bartlctt
[ icarfl per case , 30o@100. AVhortleber
lies per case , 250. Kyg plums , 2 Ib ] ie
c e , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 1 5(1 (
Uiven gages , 2 Ib per case , 3 S5 ! : do ehoiuo , '
lt > , ier case , 1 50. Pine Apples , tl lt > , per cave
: ; COfi" ' ! 20. Peaches , 2 IIi per case , 3 .0
do 3 Ib , caw , B ( J0o)5 ( ) 50 ; do , ( pic ) , 3 Ib , pe
! Xsc,3'J5 ; do pie , 0 Ib , i > er dozen , 3 50.
UICJC Carolina , 07ic ; Louisiana , 5
I'EANUTS llonstc'l , choice , red T.-n
nesseo , S..c per Ib ; fancy white , Oc per Hi
m\v white Virginia , 7@7lc.
Or Goods.
f\c ; Buckeye LL ( Ho ; Crescent IjL ( IJc1
iTtica C fijc ; Crearent C 7.1o ; CiRscent L
T'lo ; Crescent A 8c ; Wachnsptts 8c }
Indian Head 8 c ; Grnnitevillo ] J
0c : Badger lilt , fine brown , 7Ac
Badger X , do , 7e ; Portsmouth J' , do , 5'c
Winthrop Ido , 7fjc ; Continental 1'
do , 8c.
4-4 ] 3c ; Fruit 4-4 10 ; Hope 1-
8Jc ; Bnllaidvalo 1-1 ( ijc ; Pocasppt
C 1-t 8Je ; Altoomi 3-1 GSJ ; Lonnlalf
No. 1. catnlniu IlkNo. . L , do , 12Jc
Nc-w Yoik M N 4-1 ] Uc ; Lonsdnlo | . | 10u
FainnontQJ-1 ( He Auburn A I-J SJe
Barnard 5 ( ic ; Dairy Cloth 5ic ,
PltlNTS. Alkn'.s fancy , Cc' Ameii
can do , Ojic ; Arnold1 do , 7c ; Coneiitngi
do , Cc ; Duhnoll
( Uc ; Gloi
Harmony ,
CJe ; Man- - , . , , , . _ . . _ . . . . „ . . -
0c ; Southbridge , OJc ; Myhtio , lijc ; Merri
mack hhirtings , Cc ; Hiimgue do , ( ijc
Southbridge do , CJc : liegatta do , Bjc
Cochico lobe , 7c ; Freeman iolw , ( Ic
Hamilton do , 7c ; Mnilbcuo do , Do ; South
fon's solid black , OJcBerlin ; holidcolorH.Oc
CAM Bit ICS , VI , AT G lazed , 5 Jo
high colors , OJc ; kid finish , Gc ; high col
orn , 7 < i ; rolled , 7c ; hish colors. So ,
COUSKT .IKANS Uockport. ,
Nuimikeag hattetn , He ; Androscoggin do.
'ic ; I.ockvvood do. Vo
TICKINfJ-Amofckeag- . C. A. , 17
Conesto a , ] J. V. , I , fancy , 18c : Cones
togit , 1-1 , Gold Medal , Kc ! ; Conesto a , j
O. C. A. , lie : Cnnuatoga , ( . ' . ( ' , A , f.moy
He , Eabtan , IS. , 9ic ; Omego superior ex
tia , 28c ; Ome 'a medal , 25c ; Omvgn A (
A , fancy btnpo , liOc ; Omega A 410e !
Omega AJ,13Conestog.vlt.C.tedStiipe ; ]
ICJc ; Shetucket , S. , n'.cjShetncket ' , S. S.
12ju ; Peuil lliver , 17ic ; H.imilton , D.
1H ; Hamilton tegular , J3 ; Hamilton H.
11 Jo ; Conlis , B. IS. , 91c : CnrdN A C. K.
18c ; Albany H. A. X , , 17c.
OIL CLOTH 5-1 wood. M 00 ; 5-
.fancy marble , $3 00 ; 5-1 whitu marble
S3 25 ; 0 J wood , SI 004 ; ( ! fancy marbli
. > ! 00 ; IJ-4 white marble , t < l 2. " > ; 5-4 mo
oaic , S3 00 ; ( ! - mosaic , SI 00.
DI' < NIN.S Amoskiitig blua and brown
lOc ; Bea\fr Creek , A. A , , blue and brown
14\c ; Beaver Creek , It , B.blnu ami brown
13Jc ; Beaver Greek , C , ( ' , , blue ani
brown , 12io ; Everett D. D. , blue an
brown , 10 ; Haymakers blnu and brown
9Jc ; Otis , A. A. A. , blue , Hie ; Otii IS. U
bine , ISA ; Otis .C. C , , blue , 12Jc ; Pear
lliver bine and brown , 15Ao.
DUCKS Fall Hivcr , llic ; Hamden O
O. , lOic ; Boston checks , ISJc ; JSostu
stripes , 11 ! Jo ; Dundee btiipes , I He ; ISi
marck stripe. 174c ; Arlington htripe , 18"
Lion IShie , l'ic ; ISustmi XX , bro. , 12Jc
Bo ton XX drab. I''ic ; ISostonXXX bro
13Ac ; Bobton XX.X drab , 13ic ; Boston O
STHIPES-I ulston , 3x3 blue an
b own , 8tc ; Lcwistonx3 ( ! blue and brown
8Jlc ; Hock lliver , 0x3 blue and brown , 19c
Alabama , 0x3 blue and brown , tUc.
CO'rrONADKS-Lcwiston "diamond
OK' Kverett , Heavy , . ' 'icVIiittent t
heavy. 25c ; Bell. 18c ; Charter Oak , 18o
Wicklow.JSAo ; Union Pacific , 18c ; Capitol
18c ; Fanner 21c ; Everett , medium , 15c
York , light weight , 12Ac ; New York mill
checks 19
SHEETINGS Androscoggin.9-4brow
23c ; dii 10-4 do , 2Cc ; Pepiwrell' 9-4 browi
25c ; do 10-4 do , 27Jc ; Alexandria , 1
nch , bleached , 13c ; Androscoegin 9-4 ,
leached. 2 ( > c ! do 10-J , blenched , 29o ;
cpporcll , , blcftohed , 25c ; do 10-1
leached , 2 < ic.
Drum ,
ail > olic , ( " )0o : Acid , Tartaric. 55c ! ISalsam
op.ibln , per Ib , 75c ; Bark. Ka nfrivs per
i , I So ; ( . nlomel. PIT Ib , 70c ; Cinchonldln ,
or or , SOc ; Chlorofonn , | x-r Ib. 95c (
) over's powdem , IHT Ib , $1 40 ; Epvom
nits , JHT Ib , 3c ; Glyeciinc , jmre , per Ib ,
Ic ; \jeM\t \ Acetate , iicrlb , 22c ; Car
NHIil , 110 = , l-er gaiton , lUc ; . do 150 * ; ,
, , pi-roz , S'3'i ; Potasxium , Iodide , per Ib ;
L50 ; Sal.vcm , per tir , .Tic : Sulpbnto of
Inrphine , jier oz , S3 ( Pi ; Sulphur flour ,
r Ib , 4c ; Htryclinlne. wer or , 81 oOc.
Horsec and Mulct ,
The market is brisk nnd nil grndo' nro
oiling well nt n Might advance in "pices ,
'he dcm.vnd for good horses exceeds the
upply con idcrably. Prices range n fid-
ows ;
Finn single drivers SI50. to .TOO. ; IMra
, raft horses. 8175. to 225. ; Common drai't
lories. S100 , to 150. : Extra farm horses
* 110. to 125. : Common to good fnnn horses ,
.K ) . to § 100. ; P.xtra plug , $00. to 75. ;
'ommon plugs , S'JO. to SIO.
MULik-15 : to 15J hands ( extra ) , S125.
< i 150. ; 14to 15 hands S100. to 140. ;
( to \ \ \ hniMk S7i. tolOO. ; 13 to 11
.amis. . SOO. to ff )
Clears and Tobaccos.
CIGAHS.Seeds 81B.OO : Conneollout ,
< ! i\iO ; Mixed , S3VOO ; Seed Havntin , $50.00 ;
"eai- Havana , S75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Hide ,
24 Ib. ( lie ; Spotted F.ivvn , ( > 2c ; Our Hope ,
.nd Nuv v , pounds , ole ; Bullion , .
> .V : 1 < m Illard's Climax , pounds > " < '
KINK CUT-In pails Hard to Beat ,
TM ; Golden Throiul , GOe ; Fountain , 7l > c ;
'avorite , G5c ; locky ? Mountain , 55c ;
'iiney , 50c ; Daisy , t5c. In tin foil--
Cutlins O. S. , 2 oz mcknges , 5 Ib boxes
icr Ib GOc : Ixorlllard Tiger , iXc.
SMOKINC ! All grades Common , 25 to
_ J . Gr.uiuliited Blaekwi'lli Durham , 1(1 (
or,40e ; Dukes Durham , 10 o15c ; Seal of
North Carolina. IGoT , 40 ; Seal of Neiras-
en , 10 or , 38c ; Jxino.Tack oz , linen bags
peril ) , § 1.85 ; Marlmrgs' Puck , 2 oz , tin
oil , "MO ; Dog Tail. ii5c.
FKNCING- . 1 , 12 to 20 ft , 825 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 23 00 ; sheeting llrcsseil ,
No. 1 , 22 00 ; No. 2 , 20 00 ; common boards ,
Iressed , 25 00.
FRAMING--10 ft. and under , per M ,
24 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 28 00 ;
-'I ft. 2800.
FINISHING No. 1. finish U. li and
2 inch , $55 00 No. 1 finish 1 ineVS50 00 ;
No. 2 , finish U , Band 2 inch , 85000 : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , $45 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 In.-ii ,
SIOOO ; O. ( J. battens per 100 font lin. ,
SI 50 : well curbing , $35 00 ; rough i and 2
"nob battens per 100 feet lip. , 50c. ,
STOCK BOAKDS A stock , $ V 00 ; U
S40 00 ; C , SKK 00 ; common stock , S27 50.
FLOORING No. 1 , § 42 50 ; No. 2 ,
7 50 ; No , 3 , $27 50 ; yellow vine , No. 1 ,
545 00.
SIDING No. 1 , $2750 ; No. 2 , 32500 ,
No. 3 , $20 00.
SHIP LAP -Plain , 823 00 ; O. G. No. 1 ,
< 37 50 : No. 2 , 825 00.
CKILING-830 003I5 00.
, in3des. 84 CO , No. 2 , $3 50 ; No. 3 , § 2 OOi
Lath , 1 25.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk perhu. ,
35c. Cement , bbl. ? 2 50. Iowa plaster
bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tiirrei
felt 100 Ibs , 83 50. Str.iw board , $1 00.
The LeathcrTrade.
Oak harness , 39lie ; Pittsburgh selro '
ted , I0a ( > 43c ; hemlock harnc , 37 ( ? > 39i- :
skirting per Ib , fair ; 14c ; black collar life
21c ; fair do , 18fe20c ; fair No 2 , 10(3jl8e (
hemlock sole , Buffalo slaughter , per Ib , 3 (
( ,3lc ; hemlock Bole , B A. slaughter per
Ib , 25@3'Jc ; oak solo , 40(5j43c ( ; oak nppei
jier foot. 25e : hemlock upper , 25c ; do No
2 , 23c ; oak kip skins per Ib , S0c@$1.10
hemlock kip skiuo per Ib , 75cHS1.00 ( )
French kip skins per Ib , S1.00@1.35
oak calf per Ib , Sl.00@8l.25 ; hemlock cal
per Ib , 8ilO@81.25 ! French calf per Ib ,
s < 1.25ff 82.10c ; Simon I'icard goat per do/
S30.00@84S.OO ; bootleg Morocco per foot
30 ( 33c ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; roans IK-
do/ , 89.00@10.50 ; vvhito nnd yellow lin
inss per do/ , S8.00$10.00 ( ; pink linin
per fc7.00@8a.00 ; Jlussett linings 87.
00 ; blackMniths'api-onaperdo/en , 312.00 ®
. 514.00.
PAPKH Straw paper , 3Jc ; rag paper
4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; nmnila paper , ' "
news paper , 8c.
COAL CumliPihind blacksmith , 812
Morris Hun BlosslmrgS12 ; Whitebrcus
lump , -SO ; Whitebmmt nut , SO ; low ,
lump , 80 : Iowa nut SO : Itock Springe , , fS
Anthrncite , all sbcs 811 00.
Hides , t-urs , Etc.
HIDKS Green butcher1 * hide , 7jgrrei ;
cmed hides , 8Jc ; green salt , part cuiei
hides 8Ho } ; dry Hint , sound , 13 ( < jllu ) ; dri
c.-df and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hidessound
ll@12c ; green calf , vvt. to 15 Ibs. . 10@11 c
gicen calf , vvt , under 8 Ibs per ( -kin , 50c-
green yells 81 00@1 15 ; green lamb sl-iny
# 1 10(0(125 ( ( ; damaged hides , tvvo-thiid iiire
( cut Hcoreil nnd one grub , vlastcd tw <
u lrd late , ) branded hides JO per cent , oil
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOe ; No. : i
20 , ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. ] . "lOu ; No. 2
tiOc ; No. 3 , Ific ; No. 4 , 5c. l-'ox , N < , 1
iMo ; No. t.,25e. Skunk , No. 1 , black
One ; sluirt strijie , lOc ; nanow fctiipo5e !
bread e > tiipc , We. Tallow , 5. } .
Merino unwashed , light , ll@10c ; heavy
13fgl.ric ; medium unwashed , light. 18i/-'Oc (
tub-washed , choice , 'liiu : fair , 30cding' ;
and w. , 2Sc ; hurry , black anil cotted wool
2@Gc less
SHOT. Shot , $1.75 ; Buck shot , ? 2.00
Oriental Powder , kegs , $0.10 ; do. , Ird
kegs $3.18"do. ; , nuarter kegs Sl.h7 ;
ing , kegs 83.31 ; Fuse , nor 100 feet 50c.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , lates 8315 ; plow t-teul , cast , 7 {
cast tool do. 15f , 20 wagon spokusit
2 25@IJ 00 ; bubs per net , 1 25 ; felloes , wwei
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 75 ( ? > < 85c ; axle *
each , 75o ; snuaro nuts , per Ib , 7llc
washers peril ) . 8@18o ; inels , ) > crlb , lie
coil chain , per ) b , ( Kff'lSc ; iiiallcaMo , 80
iron wedges ( ic ; crowbar * , Oc ; harrov
teeth , 4c ; homosliocH , per keg , C 00 ; spriiij.
ntuel. 7@8c.
NAILS 10 to 20d , 310 ; 8 to ] 0 , 3 fil
Cd , 3 ! K ) ; 4d , - \ 1C ; M , common , 4 IX ) : 3d
fine , 0 40 ; clinch , all si/es , C 15 ; ( id , caning
( ; 8d caiinir , 44 ; JOd tming , 4 13 ; 10 <
finWi , 4 IK ; 8d finish , t IK ) ; ( id finish , 5 15
half Kegs 10o extra.
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL-White lead , Omul. .
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. AC. . Co.pmc
Go ; Mameillen giccn , 1 to 5 Hi I-.UIH , liOc
Fiench zinc , gieon bciiI. 12c ; Flenchint
red real , lie ; French /lac , iu varnUh iix-i
20c ; Fruncll zince , in oil as-t , , 15c ; kav
.mil burnt umbur , 1 Ib cain 12c : law nm
buinv Sienna , 13c : vandyke mown , i ; ; ,
lufined lamjiblack , 12c ; coaeh black , 1
l"oiy black , lOc ; drop black , Iflc ; Pni L. . .
blue , 30c ; iiltramarinu bbie , 18c ; chrom
green , L. M , & D. , Me ; blind und xhutte
gieen , L. M. k D. , Jic ; P.iris gieen , 18t
I > > dlun red , 15cj Venetun led , Oc ; In
rul , 22c ; Amciican Vcnidliod , I. & ] ' „
chiomu yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. ( ) . , iSc
yellow ocluc , DP ; b'oldvn ochre , 10 ; paten
dryer , Go ; graining colors : light oak , dari
oa c , walnut , chestnut and u > h I''o
Dry Paints
yllito lead , CJc ; French zinc. lOc ; Pan
vvhitelng 24c ; whiting gilders IJt
lilting com' ! , lie ; lampblack German
town. 14c ; lampblack , ordinaiy , 8c ; I'm * ,
hlan blue , bte ; ultramarine , ISc ; vand > ke
broMii , 8c ; uml > tr , burnt , 4o ; umber , raw
Ic ; fcicinm , burnt , -lc ; nienna , raw , 4
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Parin green com
J5o ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chron
green K. , 12c ; verniillion , Kng. , fOc ; ver
million , America , 18c ; Indian red. lOc
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson'
' { Ic : Venetian reil Am. , 13c ; red lead , 7Jo
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome ye
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , iwhelle , 3c ; o < .hre
Vnch , 2c ; ochre , Americ.Mi. 1C ;
Vinter's mineral. 2o ; lehlgh Imivvn. 2Sc :
nl h brown. 2\c \ ; Prlncoa mineral 3c :
VA11NI5HES UarrcU per g-illon.
"undturc , cxta , $1 00 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
DOc : furniture , U , 75c : conch , ? } " 51 25c ;
'oach , No. 1 , 8100 ; Dnimxr , § 1 2.i : .
Oc ; asplmltuin , 70c ; nhcllnc , $3 ffl ; hniil
11 finish. 81 30. .
OlM-llO'cnrlion perRAllon , IHrs TO'
cndllclit , IHT gallon , 12Jo ; 175 h.'ndliirht
icrgnllon , Ifioj % ry tolinc , i > cr gallon , V0e
nceeil , raw , | > cr gallon , 67c ; Lm-eed , Ixiil-
I , per gallon , fiOc : lard , winter str l. per
nllon , 88e No. 1 , ( > 7c. No. 2 , We ; cat i ,
CXX , per gallon , 1 12c , No. 3 , 1 01 ; svxert ,
vrnllon , 85c ; i > erm , W. B. , IKT gnll.iti
i ; fdsh.W.B. , per gnllon , COo ; npnUfo.t
.a , per gallon , 75c. No. 1,05 ; lumber ) ,
Mtlng , 7en > , per gallon , 30o , Mimmcr , 1ftc
iddcii machine. No. 1 , pcrgnllon , ; VK.No. .
, l8c ! : sperm , olgnnl , per gnllon , Mte ; ( m
cntine , ) > cr gallon. OOc ; nnpthn , 71 dog ,
cr gnllon 20o , 03 tie ? , 20c.
AT.COHOL 187 l > wet , ? 2 2i per
sine gallon , extra California spiuK
87 pitwf at 122 per proof gallon
ilplorpfmed spirits 187 proof , $1 20 ; poi
roof gnl re-dlstllled whiskies , $1 00b ( 1 > ' 0 ;
me blended , $1 50(5)2 ( ) 50 ; Kentucky boin-
joits S200@7 00 ; Kentucky nnd Pemisyl-
nnh ryes , S2 007 00.
BHA 'DIHS Imtxirted , $0 00 < < flfiM ( :
lomcMtc 1 40@4 00.
G INS Imported , 150@000 ; il.miMtic ,
I I0fm3 00.
HOMS Imported , 4 50@0 00 : NVw
'nuland. 2 ( W < e 00 ; domestic , 1 " > 0ii 't ' 0 ;
75fn I 0(1. (
CIlAMPAGNKS Imported per cn-c ,
-'rt 00ai 00 ; American , per case , 12 00u ( >
801) ,
CLAHKTS-Pcr IWP , I60@H)00.
WlNKS-Hhlnewine , per ca e , ( i IW@ " < )
IX' ' Catavvba. per case 400 ( 700.
Cnnnoil BlufTs General Market-
Con.vcii Btf FF.S Augutt 30.
Wheat-No. 2 , SI 10@1 12 ; No. 3 , .H ) ; re-
cctcd , 70.
Corn No. 2 , 17 , rejected 31 , damaged ,
27.Hoy Fair mnrkct , with prices at 85.
Onta Mnrkct iiniot ; No. 2 , 3Je ! , rejected -
ed TJ.
Hye No. 2 , 70c.
Butter 15c.
I'itrgs lOc.
Cattle Beef , S3 50 ® 1 50.
Sheep ? 3 50 $ 150.
Hogs Light demand , prices ? 3 00 < i. ' 5 50.
Potatoes Now , 51 25@1 50 i > er bu.
Onions SI 00.
Wood Mnrket quiet , with good Mipply ;
5 00 for H ft ; (5 ( 00 for hanC.
Poultry 20c. . . . . . . .
Crouton Market-
CRKSION , la. , August 30.
liiitlcr13o. .
Grand Jonotlou Market.
GllAND .TUSCTIOK. la. , August .10.
Butter lie.
_ _
Okioago Prodnoo.
( 'HiCAn ) . Augu4 ; tO.
On 'Change the maiketH wore loucr
and unsettled. The receipts of grain were
2 ! ) IKK ) bushels by canal , nnd 1,378 car
loads by rail , embracing 311 cars ofvheat ,
.112 of corn , 52 of oats 10 of rye , ami 41
of b.u-loy.
Flour Vcryipiiet nnd unchanged , tin
ding having-been checked by the leceut
break in wheat.
Wheat A renewed pressure on outride
and local account again created n pauieKj
feeling eaily in the day in new No. 2 spiing ,
and prices declined 5@5iu per bushel foi
September , nnd 3\c \ per bushel for heller
October below tho" lowest figures rcaeliei1
At this decline the demand
improved , nnd prices advanced 2fc for
September and l c for October above tin
inside figures , then fluctuntod , nnd fin-ill )
cloiedIJc lower for xeller Septembei
and 2te lower for heller October. On the
regular board , nnd on the call ut 137. '
for August ; 1 21J ! for Sentember ; 12I :
for October : 1 2C > | for Novcmbui ; I 22j
for the year.
Corn The iniUJiy | was fairly active
but feeling , as during hevcral days past
wan homovv hat unsettled and prices ruled
with considerable iricgiilntity , nnd on tin
whole rnngo the aveiage was lower. The
mnrkct opened weak nt JlWl'/c / decline
and under the influence of quite frca offer
ings , liberal receipts and unfavorable for
cifjn advice , furthencceded IfVlgc. Whoi
inside figures were t cached tl.e domain
wan more active and prices rallied auaiu
i@fju nnd niled with conridernblo steadi
ness to the close. On call No. 2 nnd lii l
m'uod closed at ( iO'c for August ; OH ©
liljjo for September ; ( > 3Zo for October ;
for November ; Sljcfor December ; Ol o fo
the year ; 70Jc for May.
OatH---uiet } , wenk and lower , with dc
innnd anil offerings liidit ; No. 2 closed iv
4(5Ju ( for September ; Jic ( for October ; KiV
for the year.
Hyn - ( nictund ( inn ; No. 2 , 1 OJJ foi
Seiitember ; 105 for October.
Bailey Finn , but notmuch dning ; No
2 , 1 03 for September : 1 05 J foi October
Pork Steady , modcratu nnd ipiiet
mess clot-cd nt 17 fiO for ScDtember ; 17 il"
for October ; 1770 for the ; 17H
for January ; 18 12J for I'ebiiary
Laid Steady nnd demand gi l ; 11 lifer
for Suptcinbor ; 11 37ill 10 foi October
11 50 for November ; 11 15 for lliu year
11 ( > 7A for January ; 11 CO for I'l'Iirunry.
Bulk Meats Considerably aetlvo and i
shade higher : shoit ribs ! l 25f ! 3(1 ( fui
September ; ! l 15 for October.
Whiskey Quiet nt 1 li. (
Hcceipts Flour SII32 ! hbU ; wheat
23,8.Hbii ! ; corn , ( il2,50li bu ; oats , ( II'.IOI
bu : rye , 7i'll : ' ! bu ; bailey. 21.151 bu.
Shipments Flour , 15i5 ( ! ( liblx ; v\heat
3 ! > ,3)8 ! ) bu ; com , 377,07(1 ( bu. : oats 75 , 77
bu ; rye , 3,1150 bu ; barley , 7 , IS" bu.
The stock of grain in Chicago elovnton
iimoimlN to 10,207,105 bushel * , against ! l ,
55,5li ( ! ( biiHhtils a week ago , and ri,858f-0
nt this period last yetir.
Chicago tilvo tjtooli.
ClIlOAfio , August 30.
1 logs Hcpcipts lf)00 ) ; flilpmentj
4K ( ) ( ) . Demand weaker on nil low grade *
mixed packing. I ! 00ft (1 ( 35 ; light hogs , ( i 0 (
( | J25 ; choice heavy , < ) . " > 0@7 0(1 ( ; culls am
grosser * , 4M ( ! m ,
Cattle HuceiptH , fi,000 ; sliiprnents
1,000. Mnrkit venk nnd inattivu , bn
pi ices htcady ; good to choice Hhipping , fi W
( iiC _ ! (0 ( ; no finu cattle offerhiK ; cummon t >
medium , slowand dull nt 3 Hyi : W ; nntlv
butclierM * f.toek , 2 205i3 50 ; > totlerii nm
feedirc , nominnl at 2 ( iOSi ( ; 7V ditilkr }
feeders .110 taking bulls at 2 5lf ( ' 2 75 nm
Montana i.ingeis at 3 liO ; through Texuns
2 ( > 5jr375 ( ; hnlf bicciU and Amiricniii *
3 ( ilOj , 1 GO ; dairy calves 7 OOJ15 00. Ti
geneial market on poor cnttlo was vvi
SliuHcceiptH | , 100 ; hhlpments , 200
Market slow and vulncM weiiker ; inferio
to fair , 2 7rtgi 3 50 ; good to piime , 4 ( Kf )
I Tni ; lambs , per Juad , 1505'SCO. . De
m.-ind not very good ,
Liverpool Produce.
J irriiroou August 30.
I'luur American , 10 ( l lru 13 < .
Wheat Winter , 10jld@Hn | 2d ; while
10i'JdllH7d ; spring , 10dtI ! ( 10 Cd ; elub
Com Di H4d.
Lard 57 3d.
Potk 74n.
Peoria Produoo.
. . PKOHIA , Augusl 30.
High WHICH Steady at 1 10.
WllmliiRtou Market-
Wiun > mo.v , A-jgukt ; ) .
Spirits Turpentine Urichangud.
Toledo Produoo
OLEDO , August 30.
Wheat Hteady ; No. 2 red , 1 37 for cai.1
1 3iy ( for August ; 1 30J for September
1 30 for October ; 1 41 J for November ,
Corn-Quiet ; No. 2 , ( ! 2ia for ciuh ;
for September : Die for October.
Outw Inactive ; No. 2 , 40Jc
St. Iionl * Prodnoo ,
1'lour i- nchanped.
Why.t Finn : No. 2 red 1 41 e.iMi ;
4U for October : I 17 for November ;
4 ! > J for December.
Corn Finn and higher ; ( Wjc for ca h ;
fie for Ovtobcr ( " for '
" : i"Sc November : t' c
"or I'epembor ' ; ( ! 2c for the > ear.
Oat * l pr at lljo fur'paoli : J2J for
) ctober43c | for November.
Hye Ixiwcr at I 10J.
Lead Steady at I HO.
Butterrnclinngid. .
Kirgs Unehntujed
Whisky Steady at I Hi.
Pork-luietnt'll ) ! 00.
Lard- letter nt U 25.
HeceipU Flotir , 3000 bbls ; wheat , 2i'-
00 bu ; corn , 210,000 bu : oats , 11,000 bu :
yo. 3,000 bu ; birley 3,0X ) bu.
Sldpments Flour , 8.000 Mils : wheat ,
,000 bu ; corn , 102,0001m ; oats , 12,000 bu ;
ye , none : bu : barley , none.
8t < Louis Llvo Stoolc-
Sr. LoriH , August 30.
Hogs Finn ; Yorkert , (1 ( 50@ ( ! ( K ) ;
ihcd packim ? , li 15li ( X ) ; choice to fancy
envy , li 70d ( ( i iK ) ; pigs I ! H5 ) 00 : IT-
1,800 head ; idupmciits , 1,500 liend.
No\v York Produce
NKVV YOIIK , Auguct 30.
Hour Shade stronger hut nulct ; coin.
on to choice extra , frll Ittfii 8 M ) .
Wheat Steady , lower and quiet : No. 2
Chicago , 1 374il ( ) 38 ; No. 3 red winter ,
3lXo. ! ; Sdo , 1IKJB1 llj ; mixed winter ,
3HJ , and No. 1 whlto , 1 IL'1 13.
Corn - Dull and weak ; ? ( Slc ) low er : un-
railed mived , ( il ( < i70o : No. 2 , | ilf@70c ! ;
Vo. 2 w hite , 78c , and > ellow 73e .
Oats - } ( Ic loner nnd dull : No. 1 while ,
iOc : No. 2 white , liijCi 10 : mlxiil weifern ,
Iii411c ( , and white western , llpri'.t.
Hyo Ijuiet but strom' nt 1 W < fT12. \ .
Barley Nominnl.
INirk ( fillet but firm ; spot , 18 ti2Ji ?
1 8 75.
Lnrd Fairly active nnd sliinig : 11 50 for
lush ; 11 15 for September.
Beef Nominnl.
( 'uttMents Nominal ,
\ VhinkyNominal. .
Live Stook ,
I'.vtr Luiuim , Pa. , August 30.
Cattle -Fnlr , und 10@no higher ; i-e-
eipts , l,13l ! ; shipments , 2,4 IS.
Hi ISM Finn ; teceipts , 1,100 ; shipments
,700 , Philadelphia * , 700r i70 ; YoiKers ,
, 50.iGOO.
Sheep -Slow and unchanged ,
BuOnlo Live Stock.
Kvsr Hi ITAIO , August 30.
llo s Stronger ; n-edpts 20 ; shipments ,
SI ; fair to good iu : , oi.s Yoikers , G lfi ( < i )
i 75 ; good to clinic o corn-fed medium and
leavy , 0 ! I57 12J.
Bnltimoro Produce.
B.VI.TIMOIIK , August 30
FlourFinn. .
Wheat No. 2 red winter steady at 1 11 }
Jl llj cash and August ; 1 41 ' September.
Corn' Yellow , steady at 77c ; mixed vvcs-
tenidull at ' . ) V@70c.
Philadelphia Produce.
l'mi..MiKi.rm.August 30.
Wheat Firmer nt 1 103 ? ' 1 41.J for cash
and August.
Coin- Steady at G' ' ) | ( 70c for fash.
Oats Kasier nt 5.W5Go for cash ; 53@
, "in for August.
H\o Nominal.
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con-
nmptioii is certainly thu greatest
nedical luniedy over placed within tliu
ruuuli of Biill'ming liniiinnity. Tlioii-
wndii of oncu huliiloxs sull'uiur.s , now
loudly proclaim their praise fc.r this
woiulorful discovery to vvliicli they
i\vu their lives. Not only docs it posi
tively euro Coiiauiiiption , but Cou liB ,
Coldn , Antlnna , Jironchitig , Ifuy
Fovur , Iloarsoiiess nud nil alluctions of
Uiu Thruntj Cheat nud Lungs yields
at once to its vvoiidurful cur.ilivu pow
er as if by umgic. Wu do not ask you
to buy n largo bottlu uiilcsi you know
vvbut you usu gutting. AVe thurtifoiu
earnestly request you to call on your
dru ists , ISH it M < 'M.\noN ' , and gut a
trial bottio frou of cost which will cou-
v'.nco llio most nkopticil ; of its wonder
ful nien'tH , and show you what ft regu
lar ono dollar mo bottlu will do. For
Halo by Ish < fi McMuhon. M )
I'rofemor Klihrr , ( from M. I oul > Dam Injr Ac-
acluny , Standaid Hall , ciir Kllltcnlh nnd I'nni-
ham , TucEchi cvvnlii ) , ' , September Vtli.
Claxics for Lndlei and ( Iditlcinen ioMiiicnc.ln !
Tucsdn ) ( .vdilni ; ScpUmbcr Oth ; tUsiotw for
MIsii'H ami Matters cimmiieiijr ] Siittinli ) altir-
nnoii at t o'lloiK. Clui ea for KiinilllcK , ulllbu
art-aiiced to milt tt-c honornblu patrom. A ho
hallit daudntf tan liu lunjht.
Ti nils | lliimlniid pcrfio xntliUctloii to ichnl-
tirn Kuariinli'ul. rrlvutuliifctrnctloiuulll liunH-
en at the llaiuliiK Acndcin } or at the rcHlilciun
nf the patrcnii.
I'rhntc ordiri urn IKI lift at Max Stejer & ,
Ilro'n. '
Pull .Ibid * will liu nicluil li > the i
fit up to Ttusiby , .Stptiinlicr lltli , Ifthl , lit li
d'lloik tionn , for fiirnli-lilnx' hlxty (00) ( Ions of
liaj , iiioiu or It'ss for lliu oie of tlio flru diiKirt-
nidi t cluriii , ' tliu Inliiiicu of tliu present llsinl
Muir. Anj lnfnriiiitloii tiii-dvil lll l > o furiiMivil
by J. .1. llalllKiin ilikf ciiitlin tr
lliu IIxht H vjcrud to lojoi tuns nnilnll liIiN ,
Ku\Lloii4 | cent jliiiit iirJiusilN | t.linll ho uiiiiU
iil "PropiwiM fur rnrui liliu lln > , ' .uil lo ml
Ircuscil to ( lie lllliK rni linl.
( lin.uia , Alixii"t yoili , ItSI
.1. .1 i. . c. jr.wirrr ,
anltO ( it CUv UcrK ,
I am Aecnt for COM'MDIA
and pilio Hit vontalnliiK lull
N , I , D , SOLOMON ,
i.Ons nnil Glni
tK HOARD OK MANAiiriiM , 1
( iiuiiAhcpt. 7 , Iel. )
1)M ) ulll bo ruithcil at thu llanu urn ollku
until Haturday , Kt-pteni'er : H , at 12 o'clock m ,
for furril liln 1ms , ' Iran , wru nml uatiiliiriHK
the fair. Kor full iiifvrnutlon mil nt H2I How
unlstrcU. J K.KINNKV ,
For llojrd i f JUiiam n
Weetern Enamel Pai it Works ,
.tlILLACl , iaAS N & O , ,
Burliugton , Iowa.
Manufacturer ) nf I'm ' Heat in d Most I'opulur
llrmidi of Kcudllixnl
House iiiui Coitii I'aints
In tbo Market.
The Wntirn Knimcl .
viJ kiilucy Itollr wl Untw/o , the
Outlano , the 0. , ' i. H Irun-Clid nv Kiro-
I'tittt mliit , ii\ii 0y lor lUnn , Depots , Kluia-
ton , lUlhoid CUr , frldiioi. Ilu > fn , Ao. , gnd
tilautotl l > y imul of tl.o Kallroadu tluou lioul
the Wo t. ,
Wo uunulacturo all tl e iwpnlir itiadon and
onlou In u < ( or huunc paliitlnx l lda und
uut , nd WD r nlco tluiu unrurpakaod for dur-
UI Ity and boiuly. Oat nuUrtue l lie u wur.
rant lomand flvo tluu * longer ulthout cualkliiif
Ihin the boat of while laid and oil tl i.BiulIy
mixed , or whi ! loid and oil furnlnhcd fuo c.f
ospfima for lopalntlnx. Our know Wblto , vx <
picwily for liiBida work It not eiUilid | for Hi ex-
tnmu wldtcno'8. and 'e uiranlctd not < o yel.
low II tnu directions ro obmirvud In prepuli g
thururficoti b [ wlnlod.
iVe are MIO lining the AUUittne nJ
Borito of Zilio Kilwmlno , uheoliitdy the finwl
kid mit uiiv utiiitde jrathe uutcilalilu ex-
i > tcnc , and ao imiplu In Ufl prcpar tl n that
H ciu bo apn led by nny houne-ki-u-irrifordlniry
lutelllKencv. billllant , wlilteniduncndltM num.
bcr of uliiiln and llala , all i , ' od lujiiuf.ttnrfd
> UiKUarnuUicd , ampe ! cardi ol pnlilU and
kaliotnluc f urolibcd fite on application by mall
cr otLernUe. Coricspondcuco solicited.
No. SOO , 0 ud 801 Foutli Mtln Htrwt , tlur-
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nobnuikn
J } is ino
AM )
MANt'FACTl'llii : )
. .
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Parnhnin St. , Omnhn , Nob.
Connliininriitt miulo iw wIII rrwhc iiroiiiit ) tt ( ntlon , llcfcrcnrts : Slate llnnk , Onuhn ; VUll
& Co. , llAltliimre ; IVik k llnnslicr , Clitcnuo ; M.Vcrk , V. Co. , Clniltumtt.
13. S. 1IA1UUNOTON. E. 1' . NEWELL
MatiufnUurcr * of'rstcrn Stnr fitme I'ollnh , nml lUnu Iliununcl lUmt lllickltig , nlxo duil
( .Vjlon it ( lirinan l'luinliao | , Council lllnlTs luwn. Jjiltt
Hellmuth Ladies' College.
Pntroneti , H. n. H. PHINCEGS LOUISE. Founder and President. The Rlr.lit Pov. I. HELL-
MUTH , D. D. , D. O , L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURON. Fall Trrm opont
Wednesday , September 2lit.
HtiiiilsoniaMul nwloim lnilMln rii , I cnnMfullj situated In ainmthialttiv lomlitj , nhotit four liniiM
li\ rail Iron ! Nlnirint Knll't , nnd on ono ol tliuirlnrlpitl tlinmr'i ! routes fn'turnu the Hist nml Wunt.
Thu ( ! IIUUN1)S ) foniirlnu | 140 niret. The nlm nl ( ho ( otiiulrr o ( IliU college li lo ) iro\Wi ) the lillici
liitcllitiml and pnkitlnill ) < i oful uliiintlnn. Thn liolnM tcniU | ii > iit UHIII | tha HOiimlr t PRO
TESTANT prlnelplco , n < * tint only KOI | | | Imfils for the right formation 01 r. FRENCH li the
ImilNiairu | > oKeii III tliu ( illeto. ) MUSIC n hpetlnlty-
lloaril , Ijuindrj nnd Tuition l'to , liuhullinr th vtholo courro of niullrli. the Ancient ami Mod
ern l.ttiKinvm.CiUNthrnUH , Drauiiunml I'nllitlnf , u-o I'lanoiuul I.lhrniy Mulltnl atti'iuluncand
JU-dtInc , 9300 iwriumutn. A ri'ldicllon of ono-half for the iliiiclitirn ol UtrK.\nicii. l'or"cini-
lar ' ami Hill ) iarlliulnr JIIS3UI.IXTON , | j\ily 1'rlnrliiil , Ittllimitli lAillrV College , l nnotl
O.MAHIO , CAVAUV. iiionxthiirn "m
the Oldest Wholesale and
Retail Jewelry House in
Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in Silver
Ware , Clocks , Rich and
Stylish Jewelry , Lhe La
test , Most Artistic , and
Choicest Selections in
Precious Stones , and all
descriptions of Fine
Watches at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farn
ham Streets
O > 3MCfflu OBC
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer ,
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Pianos , Knabe
Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warren ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pnr-
chasin ? .
Dealer in Hardware ,
Stove Bepairer , Job forker and Manufacturer
Tenth and Jackso" Ofct Omaha , Neb
Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards ,
Cigarafrom $15.00r 1,030 upwards.
Lath and Shingles ,
Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks
north of