Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1881, Page 8, Image 10

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    OMAHA DAILY" BlflS. MONDAY , AUGUST 29 , 1881.
Monday Morning , Aug. 20 ,
i coal ,
Get your lint * nt DonneV.
Frederick Leading Hotter ,
Suite's Cream Sod still boom in p.
GOO business lots. Call on UemU.
1000 resilience lots , licmU , agent ,
Don't forget S&xo'a for perfumery.
25G hou M nnd lots. Bcrnls' agency ,
Demls' real ottate Ixxitn. First
A. W. Nwon , Dontlst , Jacob' * block.
Warranted Tooth Brushes at Kulin'n.
Bcmin' now map of Omaha , CTi cents.
Tlio win Jaws arc hoing ( nit in Strang's
now building to-dny.
200 farms and 000,000 ncrca of land
Bomls , Agent.
The Lion continues to for MooroV
Harness nnd Sndillery.
For n.VK Job Printing ,
all nt TDK UKK Job rooms.
Prescriptions n fpcclally , Opera House
rhftrntacy , ail S. Ifith Street.
The Omnha Xitlicr club will give a
onoert Tuesday evening , September Ctb.
Highcstcftsh price paid forsccoml-hand
furniture ntAIram' & Lewis' , 1121 Doug-
Ins street , & 10-2w
A chance to obtain n , good ( laying
business. Kcc Hpcclal column. Kmiuire nt
South 1 Hit Direct. tf
Tlio trial of General JMabrook on
tlio charge of renting ono of hh houses tea
a prostitute , takes place In the police
court Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.
Alfred Curtis , of tlio car accountant's
olficc , ] ! . & M , 11. 11. , is Incapacitated
irom work , suffering from consumption.
Willie Scott , a Western Union tele-
jgraph messenger , stntck bis leg ngalnst n
abarp stick in tlio sidewalk. The stick
penetrated the calf several Incites , making
Sa painful wound.
There is n , young man rooming on the
jfcoml floor of n Famham street building
who for seine time past lias bcun In the
habit of Bitting near the front window of
liia room very scantily nttircd. Ho ap
pears to ha\ono sense of propriety , and
Iocs many Improper things within the
l > lain view of pcNonu paining by and tJiono
iu buildings on the opposite dido of the
SorlonNly Injured.
A runaway of u somewhat serious
nature occurred yesterday morning
about 11 o'clock. As a United States
iimil wagon wus nbout leaving thoBtn-
"blcs the homes suddenly ntartod off ,
* tearing along Ilarnoy street till they
reached Tenth street , where the
wagon struck against a hydrant. The
wagon was overturned and the driver
precipitated to the ground. The
driver , A. V. Smith , fractured two
bones two inches below the left knee ,
and was very severely bruised all over
iho body. Ho was immediately con
voyed to Dr. Mercer's institutewhere
Jus bones were sot and ho was put to
bed. One of the horacs was very
badly injured , in fact , it is feared its
injuries may terminate fatally. _
James Skinner and wife are now In
, Omaha on a visit to their friends. Mr.
Skinner was formerly arcsidcnt of Omaha.
Mr. and Airs. Keith have arrived from
the cast , where they procured n largo
stock of goods.
1 . J. Hurnham and family have re
turned from their trip to Denver nnd Lar-
Harry .Walker , a well-known young St.
IiouU Journalist , Ia In the city for n few
clays in the Interest of the Hornet , of that
city , ono of tlio spiciest Illustrated publi
cations iu the country. The Hornet is
already aulto extensively sold hero , and is
meeting gratifying success everywhere.
K. A. Ucnsoii , of Davenport , lown , is in
the city.
Gcorgo W. Gray arrived homo yester
day from \isit iu the west.
James W. Way , of the U. P. arrived
fltonie yesterday afternoon from Choy-
JjVfohn Fitzgerald , Lincoln's wealthy rep-
' jrfilhntaUvo man , epqnt yesterday at the
relghton house.
| M
1.1- "Jy J. N. Iteynolds , [ the county clerk of
. , Nance county , Is in the city. Ho will o-
% turn homo to-day.
James F , McCartney arrived Irom
VNelll City yesterday on a visit to his
relatives and friends.
Georgolt. Mann , tfia architect of the
Grand Central , arrived In town yesterday
and Is stopping at the Wlthncll.
Col , Matt J. Patrick and bride , have
returned from Now York. Col. Patrick
will tabu tip bis pcnnnncut abode at his
pleasant homo on ( founders street which
lie had hitherto used as a hatchclor' liall.
In order to meet the requirements
of the late Sunday law , and at tlio
came time accommodate my many
patrons , on Sunday , August 28th. ' 81.
my Drug and Porscriptiou Store will
bo open during the following hours :
On. m. till 1 p.m. , and 4 p. m. till
8yp : p. m. Only "Physicians' Pro-
ecriptions prepared , " and "Drugs"
sold during those hours.
820 South Tenth street.
Third Ward Voters.
I will eit for registration of voters
Monday , the Dth day of September ,
1881 , for registration of voters of the
a'hird Ward , and said book will bo
open at my oltico , 1324 Douplas street
northeast corner of Fourteenth.
itug2itoa5 lleuiator Third Ward.
Reglstratioa Notloo-
Notice is hereby given that I will
it at Lorenzc-n's Cigar Store , 514 S.
, Tenth street on Monday , September
Ctb , 1881 , for the purpose of register-
ii ) additional voters of Iho First
ward and correcting the old list.
Iu witness whereof I have hereto set
my hand this , 25th day of Auaiut ,
-1881. E. JL SIKNBEUO ,
f Registrar First Ward.
Their Midnight Matinso in ,
Bowery Hill
The burglars made tilings very
lively about Bowery Kill early Satur
dy morning. About 5 o'clock they ro-
mencd the screen from one of the
windows in James McMalion'n liouso ,
on Thirteenth and Arbor strcotu , opposite -
posito Judga Ilnsc.xH'fl residence.
After skirmishing about the house
for seine time ono ot them
finally readied Mr. McMnhoii'H bed
room. 'Jhcro lie secured n gold
watcli and chain , a magnifying glass
nnd several trinkets of more or less
value. A few minutes after tlio mnn
left the room Mr. McMalion awoke ,
and fooling thirsty went to the pantry
to secure n gltm. When he opened
the door ho almost fell into the .inns
of the burglar who was hidden
in there , Mr. McMahon was only
partially awake and In no condition
for a tussle , liesidcs ho was unarmed ,
Hotroating ta sccuro n weapon the
burglar took advantage of the oppor
tunity to slip out which ho did in
short order. When Mr. McMahon
returned ho found the burglar missing
nnd with him tlio properly mentioned.
About the aatno time nn entrance
was effected into the residence of
Frank Volentn , on the corner of Fif
teenth street and Bellevue road.
Quito n lot of personal ollects were re-
movcdontcido , where were they search
ed nt leisure. Thirty-seven dollars nnd
n half wore found in ono of thn pock
ets , nnd this was taken and nothing
else was disturbed.
A driver for the Merchants' express ,
living in the same vicinity , was unable -
able to sloop on account of the heat.
Getting out of bed , ho lighted a lamp
and sat down to read Tin ; UEH. Ho
had been so engaged but n short time
when ho heard n suspicious noise nt
ono of the windows. Going thereto
learn \\hnt was the cunso ho in
terrupted the work of n couple of fel
lows who Benin pored off in the dark
ness. i
Another expressman living n few
blocks distant while do/.ing heard
several slight taps at the front door as
if somebody was trying to discover if
the occupants of the house were
asleep. Getting up he moved quietly
to the door and suddenly inquired
who was there.
"Vorstohon Doutsch ? " was the ques
tion from the outside.
"No , but what in the - do you
want ? " asked the expressman.
"Can you toll mo the road to Oma-
m ? " asked the follow in perfect Eng-
"I'll toll you the rend to Omalinyou
- ; just wait a moment. "
The expressman began to hastily
iliboLLtho door , which he succeeded
n doing just in time to sco the fol-
ow rapidly disappearing around the
Mrs. John Hush , wife of the
assistant county treasurer , was
ick , as it happened nnd kept
n light burning most of the
imo. This circumstance prevented
an invasion of the Hush household
vliich is in the neighborhood.
i *
IHHMAN-lSLDUIDfiH-AuRiist arith ,
At the home of the bridu'n father , J. G.
Kldridgo , by Uov. J. B. Mnxlicld , Mr.
John U. Herman and Mlsi Madge
Kldritlgo , all of Dlalr , Ncbrask.t.
' O
Too much cannot bo said of the
vor faithful wife and mother , con-
tantly watching nnd caring for her
enr ones , never neglecting n single
, uty in their behalf. When they are
assailed by disease , nnd the system
hould have n through cleansing , the
tomach nnd bowels regulated , blood
lurified , malarial poison exterminated ,
ho must know that Electric Bitters
are the only sure remedy. They nro
no best and purest medicine in tlio
vorld , and only cost fifty cents. Sold
by Ish & McMalion. ( L' )
BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes chills
and fever impossible.
Children's school shoes nt Full-
Rcrjlstrntlon Notice.
I will sit for registration of voters
ilnnday , September nth and Oth ,
.881 , on the Southeast corner of
IVolfth nnd Cans , for registration of
voters of the Fifth ward.
Registrar of the Fifth Ward.
Aug 25 to SO
. .I .
The only place in the city whore
Jos. Selling's Milwaukee beer is found
on draught is the Merchants Ex
change , cor , 10th nnd Dodge St tf
Fresh Irmta and vegetables received
every day nt D. Guild'a on Tenth
street , near U. P. depot. tf
Largo stock of Scotcth styles iu
joots and shoes received nt Full-
Tlio Now City Directory
soon to bo issued will bo the most
thorough and complete of any directory
3ver issued for Omaha. People who
liuvo recently como to the city , or
those who have recently changed their
residence or boarding place , should
send their now address at once to .1.
JL Wolfe , 120 S. Fourteenth street ,
corner Douglas , so that their names
will appear in the now directory cor
e-act when issued.
For rent or sale , eno organ. Will
sol ) on monthly payments. At
EOJiolm & Erickson'a Jewelry Storo.
n Burned
Friday ni hl an accident occurred on
the 0. U. ifc Q. railroad near Crcslon ,
a station about forty miles wcat oi
Council Bluffs. A bridge of consid
erable ftizo a little- west of the .station
caught on fire from seine unknown
cause , nnd soon destroyed the cnliro
structure. The pasiongcr train leav
ing Council Uliifl * in the evening had
just got to this point , and its further
progress was prevented. After wait
ing some little time to lot tlio fire sub
side a transfer of passengers was
made to the 0. , R. I. & P. railroad.
It was necessary to ndd a day coach and
ono sleeping car in order to accomo-
date tlio passengers from the 0. 1) . it
Q. ' The passengers in Iho sleeping
cars had just retired for the night ,
and consequently were eonsidor.ibly
put out when called upon to cot up
and dress. The accident delayed thoR
R , I. train nbout an hour in making
the transfer of bagtmgo and passengers
to their train , The night m.iil train
over tlio C. 35. & Q. was delayed in
reaching Omaha on account of tlio ac
Horrible Pate of a LaPlatto
A farmer living near La Platlo
gives some facts about n fntnl row
which occurred near that place on
Thursday of this week. According
to the man's statement tlioro lias
been n feud existing between two
neighboring farmers for n long time
time past. Thursday ono of them
named O'Leary got well under the in-
llucnco of liquor and then started for
Ibo farm of IUH enemy.
The farms join and when O'Lcary '
reached it ho commenced abusing the
man , whose name was John Ko-
pejtka. They wore both under the
influence of liquor and soon com
menced fighting. Itrai n death
struggle , as the result showed.
O'Lcary being the stronger of the two
men got his adversary down nnd
litterly bit him to death. Kopejtka
soon after died from the ollects of his
wounds. The deceased is eaid to
have been , when sober , n very
decent sort of n man , but when drunk
was r.ithcr quarrolgomo. Ho came to
this state a little over a year ago from
Macoupin county , Illinois , nnd lived
on a rented place. O'Lcary is said to
bo ft very vindictive sort of n follow
and very quarrelsome. Ho is said to
bo much nddicted to drink.
Wo guarantee that "Conrad's Bud-
woisor is brewed , especially for our
trade , according to the Budwoiscr
process , of the best Snnzor Hops and
Bohemian Barley , nnd warranted to
keep in any climnto. Ask yonr drug
gist for it.
Child Bndly Hnrt ,
Isaac Levi , grocer at 713 South
Thirteenth street , with his family , was
out driving in n lit'ht wagon yester
day About Thirteenth and Dorcas
streets , the bolt which holds the shaft
to the axle slipped out nud Mrs. Levi
was pitched upon her head by n sud
den lurch of the vehicle. She carried
a baby in her arms , nnd in her de
scent aho fell upon the infant. Mrs.
Levi received several severe cuts and
bruisei , but the baby was by far the
most badly injured. Its nose was
fractured by the fall , nnd the blood
llowcd from it in n perfect stream. It
was immediately given medical as
sistance , but is understood to bo in a
precarious condition. Mr. Levi and
two other children in the wngon
escaped unhurt.
Fall session begins Oct. 10 , 1881
Address , G. B. AVIIKS , JL D , , See.
Peculiar Accident.
L. M. Cheshire , book-keeper nt the
U. P. freight ollico , yesterday was
scuflling with n companion in the
olllco. In sport ho soi/.ed an ink
eraser and waved it tragically at him.
Accidentally it entered his own leg ,
making a very painful gash. Ho was
taken to his homo on Howard street
near Thirteenth. Ho will probably
bo confined to bed a few days.
A ttisl package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT"
free of charge. "
Aslc druggists for "Rough on Rats. "
It clears out rat.s ( mice , bed-bugs ,
roaches , vermin , Hies , ants insects ,
15o per bos (3) ( )
If you are HulFering 'from a Cough ,
Cold Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever ,
Consumption , loss of voice , tickling of
the tlirout , or any Election of the
Throat or Lungs , UNO Dr. King's Now
Discover } ' for Consumption. This is
the great remedy that is causing so
much excitement by its wonderful
cures , curing thousands of hopclosi
cases. .Over a million bottles of Dr.
King's Now Discovery have boon used
within the lost year , and have given
perfect satisfaction in every instance.
Wo can unhesitatingly say that this is
really Iho only sura euro for throat
and lung alfoctions , and can cheerful
ly recommend it to nil. Call and got
a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular
size for $1.00 , Islut McMuhon , Om-
ulm. (3) ( )
Ladies' hid shoes § 1.GO nt Full-
WANTED A girl for general house
work in a family of two , REKKU-
KNOE.S HEguiHKD. Inouiro at Mrs. N.
I. Edholm , Twenty-fit th and Chicago.
Steady work to u good girl , tf
No Saloons Opened Yesterday
Within City Limits.
Tnu streets of Omaha were ns thor
oughly dull yesterday ns could well be.
The saloons were nil closed , M far as
could bo learned , both front nnd rear.
The prudent man had laid in a sup
ply the night before , and ho was nbout
the only contented individual to bo
found. The other stores generally
were bolted and barred. There wore
n few exceptions to this rule , however.
Ono drug store on Farnham street dis
pensed soda water thoontiro day. The
placa was constantly crowded by pcdes-
triam who were compelled to com
promise on that cooling bovciago. An
other drug store on Douglas street did
a thriving business in the same line.
Thcro wore nonio iinslmved men in
town , too. They neglected to visit
their baibora Saturday night ,
nnd had no opportunity Sunday.
The inveterate smokers were put to
considerable inconvenience. It was
possible to purchase cigars in most
parts of the city , but it was usually
necessary to w.ilk some distance.
There w.-wquito an exodus to Coun
cil Bluffs during the d.iy. The trans
fer was constantly crowded. Five
men , it is said , were kept constantly
employed in handing out foaming
lager to the thirsty crowds. Strange
to say , few came back violently in
There were several places out near
the driving park that were literally
besieged. It 11 said that n small
brewery out that way ( not Bauman's ,
which was closed ) had sold out every
drop of beer early in the afternoon ,
notwithstanding they had made an
extra supply. For the rest of the
day beer wns at discount nnd many in
desperation took whisky.
There wai not a single nrrost for
drunkenness Saturday.
"Tho Revere House Council Bluffs
ia the best ( second-class hotel in the
west , " augl7-lm
An Exciting Timo.
There wns quite au excitement cre
ated at the circus last Saturday night.
The regular circus performance had
been concluded and tlio concert , which
usually follows , was on. Tlio rousta
bouts were engaged in toarinij down n
portion of the peats nnd otherwise
getting ready for departure when the
ropoa attached to ono of the gasoline
lights suspended to the center-polo got
beyond the control of tha men and
came to the ground on n run. The
can broke nnd the gasoline ignited and
blazed up to n height of four or five
feet. Instantly erica of fire were
made by the startled audience and
n general stampede nnd panic were
imminent. But for the presence of
mind of Mr. James Neligh and others ,
together with certain of the attaches
of the circus , n jam would have un
doubtedly occurred , which would
have resulted in the death of n num
ber of persons. The gentlemen reas
sured the audience , quiet was restored
and the play wont on. *
Unexpected Death.
P. J. Johnson died Saturday eve
ning last nt his residence , No. 1,421
North Nineteenth street , of typhoid
fever , nftor nn illness of nbout three
weeks. Mr. Johnson wus n member
of the ice nnd coal firm of Bonzon &
Johnson , which recently dissolved.
Since tlio dissolution Mr. Johnson
carried on the business , until ho * was
prostrated by the fover. Mrs. John-
spn being absent from the city no nr-
rangomonts have yet been made for
the funeral ,
Smytho itStull , attorneys , removed
No. 12 Croiahton block.
To merchants , builders and farmers.
Wo nro now prepared to fill orders for
Omaha Nails , guaranteeing quality
equal to any and price lower than the
lowest , in nny quantity from ono to
ono thousand kegs ,
DOLAN & LANawoKiiir ,
t Iron Merchants ,
nug22-0t Agents for Omaha Nails.
Parties wishing booth stands dur
ing Stnto Fair , address E. P. Davis ,
Omaha , Nob. jy28-sop2
For nice f rash meat go to GUII.I > ,
Aleut Market on Tenth street , near
the U. P. depot tf
PrizeModal. .
Max Meyer & Bro. have just man
ufactured n beautiful gold medal for
the winner of the bicycle race on July
4th. It is given by the Omaha bicylist.
On ono side is an artistic representa
tion of a bicycle , on the other the in
scription : "Won by Sam'l Bowloy nt
Omaha , July , 1881. " Mr. Bowley
lives in Council Bluffr.
Sealed bids will bo received by the
undersigned nt the Canfield house ,
Omaha , until ono o'clock n. in. on
Monday , 29th inst. , for furnuhing
and delivering nt the southwest cor
ner of 7th and Douglas strcota , Oma
ha , material for a warehouse for the
Consolidated Tank-lino Company , the
lowest nor any bid not i.ocossarily ac
cepted. Bills of materials or other
information will bo furnished on ap
plication to WILLIAM BOVP ,
Canfield House , Omaha.
Our store will bo closed Sunday.
Wo would most respectfully request
that you will procure your Sunday
supply of good cicara nnd tobacco this
evening. MAX MKYEU & Co.
Prairie Fires.
Exlensivo prairie fires are raging
along the Omaha & St. Paul road. A
gentleman who reached Omaha last
night over this road reports that large
ones are burning between Blair and
Fort Callioun. On this side of Fort
Callioun they nro burning nil nlong
the rond. The fires are not confined
to prairie grass nlono , but stacks of
grain are nlso burned. A bridge on
the road n short distance above Flor
ence was burned down , nnd it delayed
the train seine little timo. At seine
places the tire came so near to the
track tint the windows of the cars
had to bo closed to keep it out.
Ho is Picked Up by Sheriff
Guy for Theft.
Saturday n small boy went into
tlio county treasurer's oflico ami of-
furreil to soiuo ono tlioro 1111 ordinary
ololhus brush worth about fifty cents ,
lie asked only tun cents for it nnd
Sheriff Georyo Guy , who w.u in the
oflicc , suspected that the boy had not
conio honuatly by the brush. Ho
questioned him upon the subject aim
from his answers the sheriff
was satisfied that the boy had stolen
the brush somewhere , lie said that
ho had bought it at Whitney's , on
Douglas street , and Guy took Jhim to
see whether bo had or not. John
Nush , the clerk , said that the boy
had not got the brush there. The
youth next said that ho found it in
the alloy back of Bushman 3 store in
n lot of rubbish. Ono of the clerks
there said he had not done so , The
sheriff then threatened to put him in
jail if ho did 1191 tell the truth.
He took the sheriff1 to 0 H. Brown's
oflico where ho stated that ho had
taken it irom n coal box in the hall of
the building. Mr. O'Connor stated
that the brush had been lying on a
table in the office , and that the boy
must certainly have taken it from
there. Tlio young follow would not
own up for aomo time that ho had
taken it from there , but finally did so.
The door was locked , so ho had
climbed around from n hall , window
along the cornice of the first
story into the window of the oflice.
SheriQ'Guy took the boy to his house
to hold until Blr. Brown was con
sulted as to the disposition of him.
Mr. Brown was seen and ho did not
wish to prosecute the boy because of
his youth. The boy'd nimo is Chas.
Baker. Ho is thirteen years of ago.
Ho is a pretty hard eaao nnd is well
known to the police as a bad boy.
PIIICE Ellen , died August 27 , at half
past four o'clock p. ra.
Funeral will take place from resilience
ou Eleventh anil Davenport street this af
ternoon at 3 o'clock.
Remaining in the Omnhn Postoflicofortlie
week ending Saturday , August 1.7 , 1881 :
Arnolety J Boyd F
Binymonn F Botdn IT
Bajjley J Jlielacrhi .T
Cudhman C Chuniloy J
Doherty 0 0 Dorrea F
Edwards 1) Hayncr J
Habbinek.T Hnssler F A Dr
Halmgrcn M Henna M
Keens .1 1rel.ico J
Lloyd J aialmJS
Murray .T P McYlex W
Morton W II Nelson 51 J
Fcckham D Province M 1C
Kaynor G llccll C N
K < H-prandTF ] Kedmond T
Sprahan .1 Symreid J M
Strauss G Sekcra T
Sheedy D Sdreeter A
Taylor J Vnrn J W
Vickroy M F Q Wagner J
Woodlmll S Wilde T
Williams M Wilson S F
Ware Ed N Wiccrovek J
Wine E
Black A J Miss Bent I > Mlt *
Bloomville E C Mrs Brown M Mht
BusscarB Airs Brown II A Mrs
Button A Miw Brown B Mr *
Cuery J Mrs Cooper 11 O Mrs
CunltsonMirt DeoNMiaa
Doano A Mra Davis C MM
Francin II Mlsu Green M A M'w.
Grroom M Mra Graft A Mln
Flick J M Mrs Holloway J L
Iliinl M Mm Hewer A Misn
Hall M W Mrs Harris M B Mr *
Iloulhainy J Mra .lolnison A MUs
Kittio W Mra J.atsoa C Miss
Leo M Mian Lloyd A Miss
McGovurn N Misa Murry B Miss
Pmcell A Mius Robertson M .Miss
ItomnjoM Mrs
Uivura B Misa Samlrum A Mrs
Simpson P Mrs Bovroy S
Stafford C 0 Hfra Thompson L Mrs
TiubeUHMiis VoiiCMin
Woodburn O Miss Whennoy W Mm
TIIOS. F. HALL , Postmaster.
Sixth Wava Voters.
OMAHA , Neb. , August 25 , ' 81.
Notice ) is hereby given that I will
sit at my store , No. 1022 Cuminy
street , between 20th nnd 21st , north
side , on Monday , September the 5th ,
1881 , for the purpose of registering
legal voters of said ward.
0 , 0. Fiitti ) ,
Registrar Sixth Ward ,
Undoubtedly the beat shirt In the
United States ia manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. Tlio superiority
of material and workmanship , com
bined with their great improvements ,
hat is reinforced fronts , reinforced
backs , and reinforced sleeves , makes
their shirt the most durable and best
fitting garment of the kind , ever
manufactured at the moderate pric * of
$1.50. Every shirt of our make ia
guaranteed first-class and will refund
the money if found necessary.
We make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton iluunel , also
chomois underwear , made up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil.
ity. To invalids tu.dveaklungcd
persons wo oiler special inducements
in the manner these goods are made
cr their 'pictoction.
Pu. GorruEiMKR ,
1207 Farnham St
The Officer to Whom Sitting
Bull Surrendered.
Maj. Guido Ilgcs , of the United
States nrmy , was in the city yesterday ,
the guest of Gen. 0. H. Fredericks ,
who used to belong to the same regi
ment. Ilges is on his way west to
settle the claims of citizens for dam
ages incurred during the Ncz
Porces war , in which the major
participated. Maj. Ilges is the officer
to whom Sitting Bull and his band
surrendered , and by whom they were
conveyed to Fort Yates , D. T. Maj.
Ilgca h an experienced Inditm cam
paigner , and for his bravery has been
promoted to a lieutenant colonelcy.
His commission is awaiting
the signature of the president.
A reporter for Tur BKE had the pleas
ure of meoMng Maj. llgea to-day. In
relation to the present condition of
Indian nflairs , ho said that no trouble
need bo expected from the Indians
the coming fall or winter.
However , the coming spring tiou-
bio might bo anticipated , as
the Indians were in a very sullen
mood. Maj. Ilges is of the opinion
that the Indian difficulties will never
bo settled until the nborgincs nro
turned c.vcr to the military author
itics. As long as they remain in the
hands of the Indian bureau they will
bo restless.
' .
The Rural Now Yorker observes :
The best people vote for the best man
every time. And judging by the
number os the St. Jacobs Oil constit
uency , that is the best remedy for
rheumatism known. Prof. Tice among
others says so.
Forty years' trial tu proveu "DLACK-
DRAUGIIT the best liver medicine in
the world.
At F C.
NOT1CK A crtlscmcnt To Loan , Tor S\le ,
Ixwt , Found , Wants , Doarillni ? , &c. , nil ) be in
serted In thcBO columns once ( or TEN CENTS
jicr line ; each subsequent Insertion , F1VECKSTS
per lino. The tint Insertion noier losti thin
ONES' TO LOAN-Callat UwOtliceot D.
M L. Thomas ISooinS , Urelchton Itloek.
fl Afin To loan at' " " " s fo 10 l > cr tcllt
S J < / . w'/w / on v'ood real cilatcsocurlty , by
lilt. ISAAC KDWAUDj , 1109 rariihain fct.
TO LOAN At S iicr cintln-
terest In HUIIUO ! J2.GOO and
n , ( or 3 to fiyaars , on llrat-elass city and
farm property. Drills KKAL LSTAIX and LOAN
AdK.vuY. Ifith and DoiiL'las Six.
WANTED Fifty cnrpcntcrs at Opom Houbc ,
W3gfsS2.T5 per day.
' "u-2-2 SHAW &I'I ELD.
WANTKI ) A Rlrl for Rcncral hou-e ork.
Apply on Plca < ant street , M house north
from St. Mary's acnuc. . alter Satiuday , August
27th. 784-30
ANTKD-Bjy to herd and nake liinmclf
W generally useful , Apply at Saratoga house.
nlrl wanted immediately CH
WANTED . Mrs. U.V. . Ambro-e , 1024
Farnham street. TS.Vtf
ANTED A ( fond girl for Rciural house-
W \iork. at IStS Farnham street. 7 7-M. '
AX TED lioardcrs and lodgers , 2015 Hurt
W btreet. Private dnellln , homoiomforts.
ANTEU-6 dliilnff room plrls , at thn Oc
W cidental Hotel immediately. 7bO-tf
Dinlnpr room qlrl at northHcst
WANTED 17th and Capitol At e. 778-20'
" \TrANrEO-A first-classeoo * . mustInvcarc-
W commendation. J. W. UAN KTT. 2110
Cass St. 777-'Jl
An unfurnished room , not far
from post otllce. Addnsa , stating price ,
Mr. 1' . J. K. , Ileo oflico. 782-27
A pool table to rent ; with privi
lege of purchasln" . State price.
AiTdrcNUCo. INM.W ,
451-tf Vail , Cranford Co. , Iowa.
Fundlnz bridge and aehool bond * .
WANTED Clark , ihllouc. 20-tf
ANTKli Chahnbcrniald and laundress.
Wages 20 per month. Apply at 2003 Hurt
street , botw ccn 20lh and 21st. 702-tf
A peed > ; lrl for Renernl house
WANTED Must bcauood cook , \railierand
ironcr ; atlDlS Cass .St. , bet. 15th and 16th ,
) To rent house ulth lx or so ; en
WANTKI ; mufct bu In frooJ location. Ail ill ess
1'eter T , Martin , at A. L. atunj'u eilllce , city
CO CarpenUrs at Oi ra Houia
WANTED and Farnhara His.
7U1-2U allAW AFIELD.
Kood blacksmith for cne of the
WANTED us In the country. KtciJy work.
Apply to Dolan It Langnorthy , llth bt. 740 27
" \ 17"ANTEUKIrRtclaui imehlnery and liouno
\V nork inolJere. Addrrsj Seaton & Lea ,
Lincoln Iron Works. TCi-37
- Beeond girl , at 1618 Chicago
bt. Oood uages paid. 7bl-tf
\\7 ANTED- jjlrl forKcntral hoiikO work , at
YY 1619 Harncy bt. 780 tf
VirAXTED TO TUADC Almost new top ldu
\V bar buggy for a ph.-vton. Cuiulru ) at Hoe
Olllio.WANTED Oltl for general lioutertork in
WANTED family at WO lOili St. ti)2 It
KENT All excellent cottage , set en
rooma , on California strict near 22d to a
nimll fimlly , iwHsesslon Sept. let Itent f-7.W
per month in aihance. K. WAKKI.KV.
IIF.NT FiirnUhcd room , 8. W. Cor. 10th
r and lacnport tits. 784-tf
T7IOII 11EN.T To furnished or unfurnished
I ? room * , chop ; 11 ICth bt , bet. Jlouard and
J&ckiou. 7bi- ) '
RENT House of rcten rooms , cellar ,
FOIl ell , cittern and Viath-room ; uell looted ,
tint clu > condition. Enquire No. 222 southwest
corner 25th and Dacnport SU. 7&S 20
OK UKNT-One room nltli board , 1S03 Call-
E fornia btreet. 735 tf
TTIOn RENT A two story house of 7 rooms with
L' BUble , onEherman A > c. Apply t > lerrill'
17011 ItENT Nicely furnUheU roomi. at COS
Jj 17th street. 749 tf
KENT Elcmnttumlshcd rooms. Itcouon
FOK pHceJ , brick house , 2013Quu St. 623 t <
1J10K ItENT House of fe cn rooms , klUhen ,
JJ ctjllar , cistern , well and barn , on South Ate-
uuo , uextto Woolwottli'H residence- Enquire t
14th and FarnhamSU , J.JOllhSON , C92-U
HUNT Largo Urn. Inquire it 1618 Chi.
I7IOR -oSt. 874 tl
ItENT A nicely furnUlied front room ( or
FOR or two stotleuca , t 1210 Jloniud ttrwt.
633 tf
171011 KENT 8 furnished toomi am WeJ-
JL1 clnntV Exchange , N. K , ccr. 16th and Dodge
street * . 28 ! > .U
SALE -Snftll onion * , cucunirs/torcatoe * .
Eon popper * , etc. , for pickllnc ] iurp * , do-
rtd In all quantitlei. TOUSLKV 1)1103. )
773 tl
SAI.K A fpjn of ponies , liuggy and h r-
blUll 1 liturgy a'most new. Apply at Uio
Caledonian Saloon , V. P. block , IGtb. St. 7fl4 > tf
T71UH SALE -A ruro chance to lump into n veil
J * eiUlilhluitrMh trade. Will toll my central
stor-k of merchandise , ltut < xl In one of the beat
ehlpjilnif lolnts on ll. & M. It , n. for further
i at call or address J. It. Llnlngcr.Warcrly ,
Neb. 740 s2
1JOn ( SAI.K Lease and furniture of n tint-claw
Jj hotel In a Uunof 1SOO Inhabitants , In state
of Nebraska ! has 24 beds ; the traxcllnjf Men's to-
fait. Inquire at tlKII nfflm. ! Maps of DoiiRli Will Harpy coun
ties. A. IIOSEWATKK , I020rartihani Jlroct ,
Foil SAt.U A ( inn of eighty ncroa , In pond
repair , liool house , 22xDO anrl ell 14x10 ,
small orchard of boating trcti. Ono mlle nonth
of Onawa t Ity , luwa. on 8. 0. ft 1 * . 11. II. Will
Rlto time on part If ufshcd. Address K. M. Soars.
Omaha , Neb. nlOdlfa4w4
? OH 8ALK A new all leather fop side-bar
F riinoton with spring cushion and back , at W.
' , Omlton's tarrl ifo top timmit.utory 314 , 3.
l'cth it. bet. rarnhatn and Ilarnoj , 707-tt
SALIV-Kent , house and full lot , 12 Mocks
Foil P. 0. at STOO. JOHN L. UcCAatix ,
712-tf 0.p. I'oetouioo.
H\LK-rino ttock farnt of 4tO acnt
rOIl lionsc , tattle glied , orclinnl At. , with
In ca y reach of railroad. I'rke. $1500 , par
time at G % . JOHN L. McOAUUK , Orp. 1'ost
Olllcc. catl-tf
ITlOIl BALK Kelt coltaffoand ( rood lot at
I1 ? 1HO. JOHN L. MlCAUUE , 0.p. | . V O.
I 1011 SAL1J On reafonablo terms. A ImtlnMS
that l < pajIngflOO a month. Guarantees
Blvcn as to tltlo o ( ( iropcrtj and lca o oi premises ,
c nqulro at ollice ot Sain J. Hotill. . 217 h. 141 n St. .
" 1T10H SALli Horse , hu gy and liarnesa. Can
L1 be seen at 3tc eii9oiri ) Capllol Avcnuo bam
ITlcc , 82JO. K. 0. tLLIS. WO-tf
Fen SALn A Ilrst-class tnllk dairy. Inqulro
at thia olllco. 617-atu 27
OUSKS AND LAND nomls rents houses ,
stores , hotel * , farnit , lota , lands , olllcosf
rooms , etc , Sea let pmc ,
Oooil house with lour roonvi and
FOU8ALK No. liGlS Uodje het cen 20th and
27th street. Ooodoll and Blmlo trees ; house In
Kood condition. Inquire on premises. 221-U
U.MIUKIIAS And 1'arasois repaired by M.
SCHUTT llth and Faniaunta. 780H
) 203-tf ESTAmtOOK & COE.
FOU SAT.K A binall cnjlnc , II.V. . I'nyno " *
Son's iniko. In perlact osilcr. Inqulru ol II.
O. Clirk & Co. -M-U
rnO CAIIPCN'TEKS I uhlork cheap at
1 bench work for the winter to learn tomccx-
iwrlunco. J. W. S. UBK olllco.
QTUAYED-rroni Slert's stable , Omalin , ono
C ) black mare , color someuhat foiled , clishb or
nine jcirs , wcljflu about clc\cn lunulrc-I , hat !
on saclillo and bridle. A reward will Ijo paid for
her return , or liifoimation leadtiiK to her re
covery. W. U Cathcy , Foit Callioun , Kob.
STKAYKD A 301111 ? red < ow , short till and
left eir cut , bolonglnt ; to Olian. Uaucr. The
Under will be rewarded No. 811 10th strict.
IHRD STORE Hai forsaloall Mnda
OMAHA and Domestic llirjg , aho Ittnl
( anclery ( foods ; utlCth fat. , bet. Donglwi anj
BliMIS has rattling Ion- lists of houses , lota
lands aiid farms for sale. Call and gel
tli pin
A'l MRS. 15. K. C'LAKKK'S No. 1 Board
Ing House , tor. 13th and Dodge Stfl. licet
In the city. 510-tf
T > EM1S' KEAL ESTATE BOOMT-8ec ) .ft page.
rilAKEN UI' lilack cow with bell on. Owner
JL can hax-o the same by proving property and
paj injr charge * . C. U. FUY , 1 rallo north D at
and Hum I ) Institute ) . ; 72-27"
I'rom my place , on ICth and Jackson
son streets , on August Oth , ono redan'I uhlto
heifer , 2 y tars eld 747-27
TTril.KlE Mannfactory ol paper
. JJ. YV boxes , 1403 Farnham street ,
Omaha , Neb. a22.vfrt
r\ ALL on or address Totter * Palmer , 40 South
\J 6th street , Council Binds , ] o n , for railroad -
road tlekctscast , nest , northnndsouth. Greatly
reduced ratrs on all tie' ' et . Eviry ticket guar
anteed , and tickets bought , sold and exchanged
FOHTUNK past present , and future In loie
and all ufTatn. tihorutcaU the dee-peat ( ecretsot
the heart , blio po cs tlio magnetic jiowcr to ful
fill all 3 our uUhes. Call at No. 1010 Chicago
street , near ICth. aug 10 tf
T OST Sunday altcmoon on Howard St. ,
IJ ehlld'BRold bracelet , markexl "Ethel. " Kind
er will please Icavo at lice Offlcc. 673-tf
B E1I181 NE\V C1TV MAI'3,25o. Sco 1st pag
VjTItAVED From 2415 Harncy street July 23
| O ono larvobrlndle cow , 9 years old , branded on
nip with letter "O. " Has Bome white upots on
her. Any one K ! In ? information where she ia
r return her will be suitably rewarded.
NV ONE hat ing work lor a typo writer can
A bo accommodated by telephoning the IJitf
otticc. 483-U
mAKEN UI1 A red cow Owner can hate the
J _ Haino L.v pro\ln ( ; proiiorty anil pnyiM ; ,
charges. I'llANCIS IIOIIUI.NH , Saunders aoll ]
Grniu St aui4-ev ! wed&tQCi |
B Ut pige.
rffHItEK or four joun ? men can be nccommo
J. tcdwltli board. HcfemiccsexchanRcil. A |
ply 2011 Cuss Mrect , 4tli iloor west ol 20th S
onuIJresi Uox S37 , iK/ttoflico. 313-j
. BnOWN-Coriicr 12th and Chic
. ttn-cU , U ready to bore or deepen
batiafaUlon guaranteed. "
' KOKOnr The successors oi the An
DON'T House , on Douglas etrctt , between
ind lOtb , ( or board , lodging and transient C
lomcro. Hespuctfully '
Absolutely Pure.
ila-Jo from CrujK ) Cream Tartar. No other
irtBtlon uuikea uih light , flaky hot bruadt ,
uxurioiu putry. Can 'no rMtn by D ) < ) > ciitlc-
iritrout fe r of thellU remltlng ( rout heavy liidJ
jwtibla food. Sold oaly In can * , by allO rourr
N > u Veil.
0. F. GooJmAD i.