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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , AUGUST 2T , 1881. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. MONET AN ! ) STOCKS , NMV YonK. Money closed at 3 per cent after loaning * s high ai ( i per cent. Kxclinngc clo l weak at 4 ( $0 181 , ( tuvcrnmcnta cK ed firm. Gnrrvnoy Os I 30 bid ; ) 4i , ouip. , 1143' 4Js do , 113 | { 61 lonUnuol at 1 01 ; GJ do , Pacific railroad Iximli clo eil n * follow * : Union 1 U , 1 17JW118\j laiiil i-antu , 1 HlJ bid ; sinking funds offered at 1 31) ; Cen trals , 1 U bid. STOCKS. The * b > ck market was < lnll and Irregular nnd devoid of any feature of importance , Tnms-vetions were not largo and prices were-alternately up and down. Near the < jl < f4c , however , thcio WM considerable do- to cover short * contracts , tinder which prices advanced from 4Uo | > er cent from the lowest i olnt of the day , the market closing strcnc. The otrongeat tocks were tha St. Paul , Kansas A ; Texas. Union 1'aoific , Dearer & . Itio U ramie and .Missouri Pacific. The follow Ing re the closing Md < : Sfi ? Krie 42 Adams Kxp..ISC Preferred. . . . 83 American Kxp. 83 H. k St.J IW : U. S f , Preferred. . . . 113. WK Kxp 130 K & T 3SJ C 11 & Q 151 L.S 123 C O G & I. . . . : L-xku Urio & W fil OCifclU 30 ] North weitcrn. .liill NY C3 134 Prcfrrrcl..iW4 ; : N J C. i 013 San KrAiicioco. , 44J Ill Cenlral ,12t , ilotirnferred. . fiS Mich Cent JI35 StP&O .173 North Fae 38 Prcfcrml..iOO | Preferred. . . . 77- StP 113 } UP Preferred. . . . 120 Central Pacific. 8S3 MLS&W. . . . 44J A&TH . . . . G8' Wabash. 4151 U& Hio G. . . . 83 dopreferreil. , 83 } CHICAGO JIONEV MAKKtrr. ( ! illCAno , AiiRttst 20. Money wan in sharp demand by all clu 68 of borrowers ix d rates were firm at C@7 per cent Shipments of currency to the country were lame. Eastern ex change between city banks was weaker at 80c@3l discount per 81,000. The clearings ot the associated banks were $7,100,000. Omaha Wholesale Market. Omen or THE OMAHA BKE , 1 Friday Kvcninff , AuRUit 20. f Markets to-day rather dull all around , the intense heat effecting almost all branches. Dry good ? , groceries , liardware , lumber , drugs , paints and oils quiet , and no change reported. Provisions dull , and unchanged. Live stock , \ery little doing , mid slight * . lywcaker tendency prevailed. Grain dealings confined mostly to eleva tor trade. Wheat quoted Ic higher , corn IJc lower , and oats } c lower than yester day. _ _ Local Grain WHEAT. Car lots cash No. 2 , 1 18 : cash No. < , 97 ; rejected 07u. BARLEY. Cash No i > , 99c ; No. 3 , 70c. UYE. Cash , 89u , COIIN. Cosh No. 2 , 47-c. , 274o. For wagou lots , 5@10c off for wheat , barley and rye. Livestock. Cattle Wo quote as follows : Buteh- er'ti cows , 300@323 ; cholco butchers steers , S3 73@4 00. Sheep Good mutton in fair demand. S3 503 ; 75. Hogs We quote as follows ; Light packer * , $3 00@5 73 ; medium inlxpd packer * , S3 50@5 75 ; extra choice hcavv , $5 75@0 00. Provisions. FLOTJH Sjirmg wheat , straight grade , 323@350 ; i > atent , S3 734 50 ; winter wheat straight grade , S3 75@4 00 ; patent , S4 00@4 50 ; graham rye , 82 50 ; Wheat , "JIYETLOTJII-SS 25. - MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 70c ; Hcreenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , per cwt. 80c ; cliopped feed , per cwt , 1 00 ; meal. bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white , SI 2" > . POTATOES Good supply at SI 00 © 1 10 per bushel. POULTUY Live chickens per dozen , $2 23@3 00. PUAIItIK CHICiaiNS-S2 03 00 tier dozen. EGGS Candled , 12Jc. BUTTER Choice , ll18 ; poor , no market - ket ; creamery , 23c. * APPLES Good , sound , S3 30 per libl. libl.1IONEY Extracted. Calif ornia htraincd , 15c ; Nebraska comb , 20c. LEMONS Good repacked per box , S3 00 < ffl9 CO. KABTKKN , PEACHES25@1 50 per bov. EASTERN PEARS i bu. box. SI 00 4@l 23. ' TOMATOES Per bushel , 8100. DOMESTIC GKAPES 5c per lb. CAHFOHNIAPEAR.S Perbox.S100 ( rf.4 00. CALIFORNIA PLTJMS-S3 50. CALIFORNIA PEACHJ3S-S2 73. CALIFORNIA GHAPE8-452 50(0300. ( WATERMELONS Per 100 , Slh'OO. VEGETABLES All kinds ) bring gocxi 1 prices. BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ONIONS Per busho' . SI 25. Qrocers List. COFFEE. Rio , fair. 13.c : Hio , good , 14c ; Rio , priino to choice , It 50 ; Old gov't Java ; 2iil@28Jc , Mocha , 28jc , ; Arbudcle'n , 173p.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45C l55c ; Choice , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , -J0@43c ; Choice , C0@75c ; Young Hyson , ( rood , 30 ® 60o ; choice , ( } 3c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , ' 33c : Japan , choice , C0@75c : Oolong , good , S5@40 ; Oolong , choice , . 40@55j Souchong , inxKi. a" ® 40c : choice. .ToffilSc. SUGARS. Cut loaf , lljc ; Crushed , lljc ; ( iranulaksi , lOjc ; Pondered , lljo Fine jxjwdered , llo ; Stnndaiti Coffee A. lO cj New York Confectioner's Standard A , lOJc ; Good A , lOc ; Prairie Extra ; C , 9Jc.SYRUPS. SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbls , 45c : ha/ ! Us. 47c ; kegx , 4\ gallons , $2 30 ; choice table gyrup , 42c ; haff , 45cj keg81 SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Allsi > [ ce , 20c ; Cloves , 45c ; Nutmeg , $1 00 ; Cashio , 23c ; Mace SI 00. SODA Dwight'a lb papers , S3 00 ; Po land do , 83 00 ; Church' * , $3 00 ; Keg soda , STARCH.-Pcarl.3c ; Sllvor Gloss , Tl © Sjc ; Corn Starch , 8 i@8ic : Excelsio ? ( Jlos. 0c ; Corn. 7o. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 90 : Ash- ton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 00 , 5s , 3 13 ; bbls dairy , 100 , 3j. 303. DRIED FRUITS-Choice halves , old , fie ; " nbw , ' 8Jc ; "Curraiiui 7@74cj lllackberrie-i , n w. lOc lOcCream Cream , lljc ; Part chain , perlb/iilij J * ' LHAUar , SI C5. lATOIIKS Per coddle , 85c ; round caits , 87.35 ; MIuore case * . SIDO. PROVISIONS-Breakfant bacon. 12- . sholce lard , 13Jc ; dried beef , lie ; thould- i-s , canvassed 8Jc ; hams , canvassed 14p ; lacon. xides HAu NKW PICKLKS-Sfedlum , In barrel * , , JI00 ; do in half bbbi , 4 25 ; gmalU , in bbl. rt-- Hfi 00 ; do , In half bM . 050 ; cherkiiw , In - " - 13 00 ; do , la half bbl , 7 00. rx'KGAU Pure apple extra , ICc ; j > le , 13c ; Plugging pure apple , 15c. flNy New , $3 80 per bbl , BEANS-Medlum , hand picked SS CO 110PKSisal , i Inch and larger , 0 } ? ; 1 Inch , 0c : I inch , 10.Jc. inK SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imiwiitl , 300 ; Kirk' * Berlins. 2 40 ; Kirk's rtro.lurd . , 3.10 ; Klik's white Ktissian , I Ms Khk's Kuloco , 21 05s Kirk's Prnirio Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 40Klik'smagnoli ; ,4 10. rANDI.KS Boxes 10 His , 111 orSs. Hejlmxes 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , On , 14c ; Iwxts , 40 sets 14 OA , 8s , 13io ; bwlt boxt , 20 vets , II oz. , 8s We. liYK American , 3 35 ; Grcemvkh , S 35 : We > tern75 ; Nnrth Star , 2 M ; Lewis' Ije , 4 liOj.IevM'll IJP , 275 , POTASH Pennsylvania cans 4 dor. . , ! u case , 3 35 ; lUlibitt's Hall , 2 dor. in ca > c , I ! )0 ) ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50. F1KL1) 8EKU Hcd cJn\er. choice , nc$580 \ > tr bnshelj mainmoth clover , new. S573 ; white clover , new , § 1400 ill .iff a closer , new , $1250 : alsike , new , $13 00. Timothy , Rood , new , § 2 JiO@ 2 (15 ; blue grass , extra clean , 511 ! . " ; blue UI-.ISN , ean , 81 15 ; orchard grass , S2 00 : rod top , lolot1 , G5ci millet , common nr MN emi , 125 ; millet. German , $125 ; to ' .Si 15. HKUGKSKKD-OsaRc oranze , 1 lo ft ushcK 85 00 ; osaRO orange , 10 bushels or vcr. SI 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; per 00 Ibs. . S2. " > 00. FISH Family white fish , 00 lb hf bbls , < 3 CO ; No , 1 white fish , 90 lb hf bbls , C SO ; S'o. 1 white fish. In 10 lb kits. 1 00 ; family 0 Ih kits , 7 c ; New Holland herrlnff , per eg , 120 ; lltiiuian nardincs , 7 c ; Colui"- ia river xalmon , per 100Ibn , 8 00 ; Geoivo'it Jank codfish , ! c ; Gen. boneless codtixh ; Jc ; bonelcus fish , 4Jc. MACKKUKL Half bbls mrf < mackerel , 00 Ibs , § 12 W ; hf bbl No. 1 ex nhoro do. 00 Ibs 0 00 ; hf bbls fat family do , 100 is , 38Tij me-H mackerel , 12 lb kits , 22Ti ; Vo. 1 ox nhoit' , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; Xo. I shore , 2 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , ? 5c. OAXNKU GOODS-Oyntew , 2 lb Fleld'H ) , per case , 20 ; do 1 It. . ( Field's ) , ' > cr ca c , 2 M ) : do 2 lb ( Standanl ) , i > or caxe , ' 00 ; do 1 Hi ( standard ) , tier caw , 2 40 ; do lb ( lack ) , per cose , 2 7o ; do 1 lb ( slack ) , ier case , 200. Onloim , 380. Salmon , 1 i , l > er dozen , 1 05 ; do 2 lb , per dozen ( > 0. Sardines , mnall lHh. ! imported , one- [ tiftrtcr lx > xcs i > cr box , 14 Jc ; American , juartcr lwxc.s per box , lie ; do half boxen , wr box , 21Je. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen , 80. Tomatoes 210 : do 3 lb jier ase , 250 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ) ier case , 3 40 ; aoakcd corn , 100 ; do lb ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 350 ; \\ff \ beaiiH , per ca e , 1 90 ; Lima beans ier case. 2 00. Succotash per case , 2 10 , 'cas , common , pnr case , 1 7opeos ; , choice , per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , per cose , J50 ; strawberries , 2 lb , i r case , 3 70 ; n pbcrrie < 2 lb , per case , 275(5)300. ( ) ) amsons , 2 lb , per cose , 2 25. Bartlett > earn per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortlebcr- ics per cose , 2 50. K& { plums , 2 lb per ' , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per case. 450. . \J\J\tltir t-\J * J. ttVtlC j & ! ' Jltt \j | * > i f tr ivt lo 3 It ) , case , 5 00@5 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Hi , per ; do pie , 0 lb , per dozen , 3 50. KICE-Carollna , Oi@7ic ; houi.iana , ftj ( BUijc. PKAXUTS Roasted , choice , red Tennessee - nessee , 8(0 ( per lb ; fancy white , Do per lb ; raw white Virginia , 77ic. Or Goods. UltOWN COTTONS. Lawi enco LL , ijc : Dnckeye LIj OJc ; Crescent LL CJc ; Utica C r Jc ; Crescent C 74c ; Cre cent 1J 'Jcj Crescent A 8c ; Wachusetts SJc ; Indian Head 8ic ; Graniteville LL iju : Badger lilt , fine brown , 7Jc ; [ Jadger X , do , 7c ; Portsmouth P , do , CJc ; Winthrop L , do , 7oj | Continental 0 , do , 8c. BLKACHED COTTONS Wamsutt i 4-1 13c ; l-'mit 4-4 10Ho e 4-J 8\c ; Ballnrdvale 4-4 Cjc ; Pocassett rf 4-4 8Jc ; Altoona 3-4 Oc ; T..I.I. . Ko. 1 , cambrio 13c ; No. , 2 , do , I'-'ic ; New York > Hlls 4-4 13e ; Lonsdale 4U lOc ; Fairmont Q4-4 CJc Auburn A14 Sic ; Barnard J Co ; Dairy Cloth 5c , 1'ltINTS. Allen's fancy , Cjc ; Ameri can , do _ . , . Oic . --,1 ; Arnold's . , - i do _ . , 7c ; Conebtoija jjjayKtone do ; Hamilton , OJc ? Knickerbocker , . . ic , 7c ; Spruyiie ; 5. ; . ; Mystic , Oic ; Merri- mack fihirtinss , Ocj Sprngue do , ( He , Southbridge do , CJc ; Rcfatta do , 5Jc ; Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman Clliui ; * , * 'u : oiuii' uii n jiiuiiiiimx , I v , .JIIII F- SOU'H Kol'-l black , 0\cj \ Berlin 8 < ilid colorsic. ( CAMBRICS , FLAT Gla/ed , 5'c ; high colors. GJc ; kid hnish , Oc ; high col ors , 7c ; rolled , 7c : hisli color.8c. . CORSKT JKANH Itockpoit , fc ; Naumkeng catteen , 5'c ' ; Andre coggin do. , ! ) c : I clvrood do. ! ) < > TICKING Ainoskcag. A * C. A. , 174c ; Conestoga , B. F. , 2 , fancy , 18c : Conestoga - toga , 1-4 , Gold Medal , ICc ; Coiie toga , J , C. C. A. , 14c ; ConeHtoga , C. C. A . fancy , lie , 1'aston , 15. , 9\c ; Oinego pupeiior extra - tra , iSc ; Omeg.1 medal , U5c ; Oniegu A C A , fancy ftripe , 20i ; Onie0'aA 4-4 , lOc , Omega A J,13 ; Conesvoga , II. C.HcdStripe , ICJc ; Shetuckut , S. , li\cShetucket ; , S. 8. , Uijc ; Pearl River , 1'ic ; Hamilton , ] ) . , Ill ; Hamilton regular , 13 ; Hamilton IF. , Hie ; Cordi , B. B.c ; Uoi-dis A 0. II. , 18c ; Albany S. A. X. , 17.Jc. OIL CLOTH T-l wood. S3 00 ; fi-1 fancy marble , $3 00 ; 5-1 wliito marble , S-'l l i ; 0 I wood , 81 00 ; ( i-4 fancy marble , & ! 00 ; I-1 ! wliito mnible , SI 3 ; 5-1 mo. saic , $3 00 ; 0-1 motaic , St 00. DKNIXS Amoskeag blue and brown , Itic ; Beaver Creek , A. A. , blue andbp > wn , HJc ; lleaver Creek , B. B. blue and brown , 13Jc : Bei\cr Crock , O. C. , blue and brown , 12U ; Kverett ] ) . 13. , blue and brown , 10 ; Haymakers blue and brown , ! UcOtiR ; , A. X. A. , blue , lUcjOtU B. B. blue , W ; Oth 0. C. , blue ; 1' c ; Pearl River blue and brown , 13Xo. DUCKS Fall Hivcr , lljc ; Hnm < len O. O , , lOic * ; Boston checku , 13Jc ; Boston 3tripe > < , 13lc ; Dundee htripen , 18c ; Bx. ! marck stripe. 17jc ; Arlington fctripe , 18" ; Lion Blue , lojc ; Benton XX , bro. . 12Jc ; Boiton XX drab , 12\c ; Boston XXX bro. ISJc ; Boston XXX drab , 13Jc ; Boston O. H.bro.,10io. STRIPKS I wiston , 3x3 blue and b own , 8Jc ; LowiHtonOx3 blue and brown , 8Jc ; Rock River , 0x3 blue and brown , lOc ; Alabama , 0x3 blue and brown , 8Jc. COTTONADES Lewiston diamond , 271c ; A. Y. A. , 2 c ; Angora , D. k T. , 2Gc ; New York mllla proof , 22io ; BriJpewater , 20o ; Kverett , heavy , 22Jc ; Wbfttent n , heavy , 23c ; Bell , 18c ; Charter Oak , 18c ; Wicklow , 18Jo ; Union Pacific , 18c ; Catiitnl , 18c ; Farmer n Sic ; Kverett , medium , 16c ; York , light weight , ISJc ; New York mllU checks 10 SHKETING8 AmlroM50Kgin,0-4bromi 23o ; do 10-4 do , 2tkj ; PeppercllVJ-4 brown , U5c ; do 10-4 do , 27c : Alexandria , W inch , bleached , 13c ; AiidriHoo-'gin 0-4 , bleached , 2Gc ; do 10-1 , bleached , 20c ; Pepperell , 'J-l , bleached , i5c ; do 10-1 bleached , 27ic , Druci. DRUGS AND CHKMIOALS.-Acid Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartar ic , r > , r > c : BalKain Copaliia , iwr lb , 75c ; B.irk , banKafras , p r salts , jicr lb , 3c ; Glycerine , imre , per lb , 44c ; J jad , Acetate , per lb , 22c ; Car boil oil , 110' , iwr gallon , IHo ; do 150 ° , per Ral , 13Jc ; Oil , C'aKtor , Jso. 1 , per gal , J 10 ; Oil , Caator , Xo, | L'ul.8100 ; Oil , 82 , 50 ; Salucm , per ot , 35c ; Huliiliate of MoriJiine , perez , S3 C5 ; Sulphur Hour , per lb , 4c ; Btrvclmine , ner oz , $1 COc. Horses and Mules , The market It brink and all grades are selling well at a slight advance in p lea. 1 he demand for Kood horttea exceed * the supply considerably. Priceu range on fol. low * : Fine jingle drivers , 8150. toSOO , ; Extra draft her e , 8176. to 225. ; Common drai'J horwm. 8100. to 150. ; Kxtra farm howes , 8110. to 123.1 Common to good fann hnrsen , 890. to 8100. ; Kxtra plug * , * CO. to 75. } Common plugs , 820. to 840. MULES. 15 to 1SJ band * ( extra ) , tiai. to ICO. } Hi to IS Undo , * 100. to 140. ; It tft 14i hinds $73. to 100.J 13J to 14 hMii'fl , $ iiO. to 7f Clear * and Tobaccos. CIGARS. - Seeds , 51.1.00 : Connecticut , S25.00 : Mixed , $35.00 : Seed Havana , $50.00 ; Clear Havana , $75.00. TOHAOCO PLUG. Gold Unle , 21 lb , 50c | Spitted Fn\vn , 57e ; Our Hope , 5 < c ; Star , pounds 24 lb , butts , 58cj Her e Slitv , pounds 21 lb , butts 58c ; Pmity , 21 lb. butts , 52c ; ljufon Bee , 21 lb , butts. 53c ! It'll I'.dge , jwundd , 21 lb , butts , 5" ; Army and Navy , ] xiunds 51c ; Bullion , pounds V > c ; Irfiriilard'a Climax , pounds We. VIXKCUT In palls.Hani to Beat , " a ; Golden Thread , Oflc ; Vountain , 73c : axorite , ( > 5c ; Uocky Mountain , \Vj ancy , 50c : Daisy , 45c. In tin foil - atlliis O. S. , 2 oz packages 5 lb boxes , ? r HI V : tarillimni Ti r , ( XX- . SMOKIXG--Allgrades-Common , 25to ! c. Gramilatrd Blackwells Dmham , 10 t. lOc ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , I5c : Seal of s'orth Carolina , 10 oz , 4 < i ; Seal of Xe' ra > < - a , 10 or , 3So ; I/one .lack , 4 07 , linen bags er lb , SI.35 ; Marburg * ' Puck , 2 oz , tin oil , 55c ; Dos Tail. G5c. Lumber. FKXCIXG-Xo. 1,12 lo 20 ft , $25 00 ; S'o. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. . 23 00 : sheeting dits < rd , S'o. 1 , 2J 00 : Xo. 2 , 20 00 } common board * , ' rested , 25 00. FRAMING 16 ft. and under , per M , I 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 28 00 ; i ft. 2800. FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , 1J and Inch , $55 00 Xo. 1 finish 1 inch $50 00 ; Co. 2 , finish 1 } , U and 2 inch , $5000 : Xn. finish , I Inch , $45 OOj Xo , 3 finish , 1 in.h : , MO 00 ; O. G. battens per 100 fi-et Hit. , 1 50 ; well curbing , $3500 ; rough j and 2 nch battens per 100 feet Hi' . . 50c. STOCK BOA11DS A slock , $1500 ; 'J ' 10 00 ; C , 835 00 ; common stock , $27 50. FLOORING Xo. 1 , $42 50 : No. 2 , (7 ( 50 ; No , 3 , $27 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , 500. SIDING-NO , i , $27 co } NO. a , $2300 ; S'o. 3. $ W 00. SHIP LAP Plain , $25 00 ; 0. G. No. 1 , S37 50 ; No. 2 , $25 00. CKILING-S30 00@$15 00. LATH AXDSHIXGLKS- S4 50 , No. 2 , $3 50 ; No. 3 , $2 00. V-xth , * J 25. Dulldlnc Material. LIME Per barrel , 81 a" ; bulk pcrbu. , " ) C. Cement , bbl , S3 60. Iowa pluttrr. bbl , S3 50. Hair per bu. 35a Tarred 'elt 100 Ibs , $3 50. Straw board , 54 00. The Leather Trade. Oak harnco * . 39@41c ; Pittsburgh nelco- , 40@43c ; hemlock KkirtinjT per lb , fair ; lie ; black collar 14 © 21c ; fair do , 18@20c ; fair No 2 , lDf < i)18c ) ; icmlock sole , BulTalo slaughter , per lb , 30 S)34c ) ; hemlock noli ? , B A. slnuijhtcr per b , 25@132c : oak sole , 40@43e ; oak uiiiwr ier foot. 25e ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do No. ! , 23c ; oak kip nklna jicr lb , 80c@Sl.10j lemloclc kip skins IH.T lb , 75c@Sl.00 ; French kip skins per lb , 81.00@Sl'i5 : ; oak calf per lb , Sl.00@81.25 ; hemlocW cidf per lb.-8aO@Sl.25 : French calf per lb , Sl.25@S2.10c ; Simon Picard goat per doz $3i.00$48.00 ( : bootleg Morocco per foot , 30@33c ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; ro.-um nor loz , ? U.OO@10.50 ; white nnd yellow linn - n D per doz , S8.00S10.00 ( ; : pink linings jier doz , $7.00S9.00 ; Htwctt linings $7.- X ) ; blacksmiths' aiironspcrdozcn , $12.00@ $14.00. PAPER St aw paper , 3lc ; raff paper , Ic ; dry good iai > er , 7c ; uiaulla [ mper , lOcj newa paper , 8c COAL Cumberland MaekMiiitli , SI 2 ; Morris llun Bloasburg , $12 ; Whitebreast lump , Sff ; Whitebrc.i- nut , Si ( ; Inwn Jump , § 6 : Iowa nut SH : Uock Spiing < < , $8 ; Antlnacitc , all sizes SHOO. Hldet , hurl. Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7green cured hides , 8Jc ; green salt , part cured mien , 8@slc ; diy tlint , sound , 13@llc ; dry calf nnd kip , 12@13c ; dry Bait hides , hound , ll@12c ; ( jrecn calf , wt. 8 to 15Ibs. , 10@llc ; green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs per skin , fiOe ; ; rcen pelts , 8100@115 ; green lamb Hk-lns , 5110125 ; damaged hides two-third rate , cut scored and one grub , classed two- .Lirdrt rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent. 'iff. Coon Hkius , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , JO. ; Xo. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 60c ; No. 2 , We ; No. 3 , 15cj Xo. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 , l c ; No. 2 , 2ic. Skunk , No. 1 , black , i5c ; rfiort stripe , 40c ; narrow stripe 'i"c ; jroud f > tripc , lOc. Tallow , 5i. Wool. 'Meiinonnwashed , Hglit'l4@lCc ' ; heavy , 1315e ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; tult-wjisheil , choice , 32c-fair : , 30c ; dingy and w. , 28c ; hurry , block nnd cottcd woofs less Shot. SHOT , Shot , $1.75 ; Buck shot , $2.00 ; Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , S3 15 ; plow steel , cast , 7lc ; cant tool do. 15(2'20 ( ' wagon spoken , ct. 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 25 ; felloes "v * 1 dry , 1 40 ; tongues each , 75@8oc ; axles , each , 75c ; Mjuai-o nuts PT lb , 7@llc ; w.xshcrs , per lb , 8@18c ; nvcts , iicr lb , lie ; coil chain , per lb , 0@12o ; malleable , So ; iion wedgeH , Co ; crowbars , < ic ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; sjiring steel. 7Sc. NAILS-10tn20i . 310 ; 8 to 10 , 3fi5 ; lid , 3 ! ) ( ) ; 4d , 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 DO : 3d , fine , ( i 40 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 15 ; ( id , casing , 4 Ii5 ; 8d casing 4 ; 10d cashi" , 4 15 ; lOil finish , 4 ( M ; Sd finish , 4 'JO ; Od fin Mi , 5 15 ; half kcga , ,10c extra , Paints Oils and Varnishes. 1'AINTS IN OIL White lead. Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. it.C. Co.pure , fie ; Marseilles given , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; Krcnch xinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc , ledxe.'d , He ; French zinc , in varnish nxst , 20c ; French zincej in oil asht , 15o ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw and burnv Sienna , 13 < : : Vandyke brown , 13 , ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l''c ; i"oiy black , ICc ; drop black , Ific ; 1'runhluii blue , 30c ; tiltrainarino blue , 18c ; chnmie green , L. M. & . I ) . , 14c ; b hid and fchutter green , L. AI. & D. . 14c ; ParN gteen , 18c ; J"diaii red , 15o ; Venetian red , He ; Tuscan ltd , 22 ; AmeiicJn Vermlliod , I. & ! ' . , I8c ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. & D. O. , 18cj yellow ochre , ! ) c ; golden ochre , 1C ; patent dryer , Gc ; graining colors : light oak , oa < , walnut , chestnut anil axh J2c Dry Paints White lead , OJc ; French zinc. 10o ; Parl * vhitoing 24c ; Avhltlng gilderK , IJc ; v biting coml , lie ; lampblnck German. town. 14c ; lanip.blavk , onlinaiy , 8c ; I'riiN- hian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , Ifio ; v nd > kc , brvn , 80 ; umber , burnt , 4e ; umlter , law , Ic ; Hlenna , burnt , 4c ; Hlenno , raw , 4u Paris green genuine , 35c ; ParU grren com' : 5c ; rhroma green , N. Y. ' 20c ; throml green K.,12cenuillion ; , Kng , , 70ivej ; - million , Americu , 18c ; Indimi red. lOc , HMO pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson'H ' .to' Venetian red Am. , 19c ; red lead , 74c ; chrome yrllow , gunulne , 20o : chrome yel low , K. , 12u ; ochie , rothelle , 3e ; oof ne , J'rench , 2fc ; ochre , American , He ; Winter'n mineral. 2Jc ; It-high Iniiwn , 2c : HpanMi 1 bmwn , 2.\c \ ; Pilncu'n Kc ; VARNISIIKS-BaucU , wr Ballon. Fuiiiituie , vxta , i < l 00 ; fumitiire , No. 1 , rjOcfumiture ; , U , 75c : coach , extra , 81 25c ; Coach , No. 1 , $1 00 ; Djmar , & 1 23 ; Jiijmn. 70c ; ( Mphaltum , "Oc ; nhellac , 83 60 ; li.inl oil linish. SI 30 OILS-110' carbon percallon , 11 Jr. ; 1W I eadllgbt , per gallon , 12Ju ; 175' dllsht ti iergallon , 1'ic ' ; cryntriline , per gallon , 20o tied. iceeJ , raw , ] > er gallon , file } LiiHted , boil. ed. per gallon , 57c ; luixl. winter Ur'd , per gallon , 880 No. 1 , ( Me , No. 2 , 57c ; ciutor , XXX. per gallon , 1 05o , No. 3 , ! 7o ; u\\oet , per gallon , 8To ; HMrm , W. B. , per gallon s' 35 ; fiishW. ] ) . | per gallon , COc ; neatefoot extra , iwr gallon , 76c. No. 1 , 05 ; lumber ) , pVntine , " per gallon. ' ( 0c ; lutpth'a , 74 * deg , gallon 20o , 03 de , 20c. L quor. ALCOHOL 187 proof. ? 2 25 per \\Ine gallon , extra California spirits 187 pi oof at 122 per proof gallon triple refined iiplrits. 187 proof , 81 20 ; per proof gal re-distilled whiikiea , 8100@1 50 ; tine blended , $1 HX&2 CO ; Kentucky bouv- bou , 8200@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pcmuyl- vania rye . * 2 00@7 00. BRANDIKS-Imported , $0 00@1000 ; domestic 1 40@4 00. IXS Imi > ott J , 4 : ® 00 ; domestic , 40fr)30ri. ) ROMS InitHirtoiI , I W ) 6 00 ; New F.nuland. 2 OOW.I 00 ; domestic , 1 50 ( 3 ' ,0 , ; PKACH AND APPLK UUAXDY- 17.V340H. CHAMPAOXrS Iniiorted | per PA P , 20 00@31 00 ; American , per case , 12 00M ( CL'.VRKTR-Per ca i , -1 50plfiOO. ( W1XKSRhinewine , JXT c ( X CaUwbapcrcAe 40055700. MARKETS BY 'BLEGRAPH. ' Council Blnff * General Marknt. COUNCIL BI.UITS , AMini t 2tl. Wheat No. 2 , ? 1 05@1 10 ; No. 3 , 00 : re- Corn -No. 2 , 47 , rejectoil 31 , dam.igc.1 , 27. 27.Hay - Fair market , with prices at S5. Onti Market ( inlet ; No. 2 , 32o , reject. ed 1 ! ) . Rye-No. 2 , 70c. Butter 15c. KttMlOc. . Cattle- Beef , $3 50 ( . W ) . Shcep-Sa r > 0W4 ! SO. , Hogs Light demand , price * $3 005M. I'otixtocn New , $1 S5 ( ) l 50 ptr bu. Onions $1 00. Wood Market quiet , with good supply } 5 00 f.r sift ; 11 00 for hard. Poultry 20c. Crouton Mnrkot- N , la. , Atigu t 2 ' > . Butter 12c- . Qriuiil Junction Mnrkot. GUANU.lUNCTlOX. la. , August 2li. Butter He. Chicago Produce. CHICAGO. All . On 'Change the market * were unset tled. The receipts of gmln wen74,000 bushels by lake , 10,400 bushels of corn by canal , and 1,31 ! ) carl , ads of nil kinds ot grain by rail , embracing 21UJ cars of wheat , 94t ! of corn , 02.of oat , 11 of rye , and 31 of barley. Flour Quiet nnd firm ; without material change ; common to choice western wring , 4 23@0 25 ; do Minnesota , 4 HXfffl 75 ; patents , ? 007 25 ; fair to cholco winter brands , 0 007 00. Wheat A very unsettled feeling existed In NO. 2 Kpriiiff from the opening until about the noon hour and prices Were sub ject to wild nnd Revere fluctuations , mak ing trading decidedly wniatinfactory. loiter in tlio day the market was nero iiuict and prices subject to Icon \ Solent lluctuations. The market hero higher , but the news from Washington concornin/ president was ttnfavorablo and thtro wan an tinusital dcshu to force ftides , and prices declined lllc per bufhel In a few minutes. At the decline the demand improved and prices \\vruad- \anced lie per biinlio ) , receded ngain Je , lluctuntod and finally closed' aliout ijc higher for September and jjo lower f r Oc tober on the regular Iwaixi , and on the call at 1 38 for August ; 1 2(15 ( for Sentem- ber ; 1 27 for October ; 1 2"fl for November ; 1 28J for December ; I 2IJ tor the year. Com Trading was fairly active , but the feeling was grc.itly unsettled and lu-lces ruled very irregular. At tlio open ing the market \ eaxy at } @Jc ileclino on yesterday'e cbmii g figures on 'Change. ami under tlio influence of liberal ullcrings a further reduction of 5@lo was subinitted to. Tlio demand , however , was considera bly increased tnainlv on local account and prices wereadvinced again lj.(3)14o. ( ) During the latter part of the session feeling ruled easier and prices t declined l@ljc ) and ruled easy to the closo. Tue market finally closed 1 Jo lower for cash and 1 HO lower for September and October on the regular bonrd , and on the call at ( ! 2G2lc forSeptembcr ; 03I@Tlo for October ; filjo for the year ; 71 c for May. Oats Quiet and easy trad'ng ' light No. 2 closed on call at 3Uo for AuguH ; 3Gjc for September ; 30Jc for October ; 3Djo for November ; 3CJo for the year. Rye Sto idy and Httlo intercut cliown in the market ; No. 2 , closed at 1 05 for September ; 1 07i for October. Barley Firm ; No. 2 , 108i forScptcm. bur ; 1 08 for October. J'ork Moderately nctlvs lfV lowcrr mewR , 17 80 for August ; 11 82& & for Septem ber ; 18 05 for October ; 17 70 for the year ; 10 05 for January ; 1'J 20 for February. Lard In . demand , but ea y and lower at 11 32 J for September ; 11 52J for October ; 11 00 for November : 11 3'JJ for the year ; 11 77J for January ; 11 8.1 for February. Bulk Meats Averaged lower ; short ribs , 0 25 for September ; 0 40 for October. Whisky Unchanged at 1 1C. Receipts Flour 11,578 bbln ; wheat , 20,335 1m ; corn , 517,118 bu ; oats , 79,012 bu ; rye , 11,237 bn ; barley , 7,1)1)2 ) ) bu. Shipments Flour , 1H , ! 28 bhls ; wheat , 3J,372 ( bu ; corn. 597,813 bu. : < mt , 47,5li8 bu ; rye , 11,237 bu ; barley , 2,001 ! bu. Chicago Llvo Stock. CmcAflo , AuiniBt 20. Hogs Receipt * , 18,000 ; nhipmentp , 4,000. ( Sencrally unchanged but closing weak on jxwr stock ; iniveil packing , C 10 © ( i 45 ; light hogn , li COfeC SO ; choice heavy , 0 CO ® 7 00 ; culls and gr.i cr , 4 00 @ ( i 25. Cattle Receipts , 0,000 ; shipment * , 2,400. Market stroug on choice and weaken on poor grades ; export , ( i IO&0 50 ; good to choice chipping , 5 50J5 00 ; common to fair , 3 804 HO ; nil poor , I nlf-fat cattle very dull ; imtlvo butchers' Htock , 2 20 © ! > 300 ; htockcM and focdcw , 2C5@3 50 ; grufcS ACXUIIS , . ) UiJ uja UU , null-Ill wun , < @ 4 25 ; general canning , demand good. Sheep Receipts , 1,000 ; ( shipments , 800. Market fall ly active , but weak on com mon stock ; inferior to fair , 3 00@3 75 ; good to choice , I 254 05 ; lamb < , per head , 1 00(6)3 ( ) 00 , _ St , Lonl Produco. ST. Loms , August 20. Flour Steady and unchanged. Wheat -Fairly actlte nnd Mtfhpr ; No. U mixed , 1 37i for cash , 1 3HJ for Suptom- bcr ; 1 41J for October ; 1 43J for Novum- her : 1 374 for the year. Com Higher mid ( Inn ; Mfc for cosh ; filofor September ; 07ic for October ; for the year. Oats Steady : 3IJc ! for Aun'U t ! 3IJo ! for September ; 42jo fur Octuber 43fo for December. Itye-Firm at 1 13. Butter Firmer ; dairy , 17 2.V. KggH-Ouiet at 13lfto. - - ' ' ' I87i. Whlhky-110. Pork Stfiulv at 11 10. Receipts - Flour. 7.000 bbU } wheat. 5 ! ,000 bu. ; corn , 75(00 ( bu. ; outs. 25,000 liii.t rye , 2,000 ; barley , 1,000. Shipment * Flour , 5,000 bbls ; wheat , 3,000 bu. ; corn , 44,000 bu. ; oatx , 17,000 bu. ; rye , none ; builey. none. Ht. XtooU Zilvo Stock- ST. LOWH , Aujnist 20. Hogn Active and higher ; Yorker * , 0 Wfa ) (1 ( 00 ; Baltimore * , 0 UK" ' ' 70 ; mixed packing , (115 ( ( 0 fiO ; choice to fancy heavy , 0 05 < & ,7 00 ; rccelptx , 5,200 ; ( lilpmentH , 3,200 , Baltimore Produce , BAI.TIHOUK , Augiut 2i ( , Flour Strong ; nuperlmc , 4 75 ( 5 20. Wheat No. 2 red wiuttmteady at 142J @ 142J. Corn Mixed western firmer at 72c. GLaobmati Produce , CINCINNATI. Augimt 2U. PorkM ees jobbing , 10 23 10 M. I vrd Steady ; cuirt-nt make. 11 20. Bulk MeatsJui t ; clear nides 10 33 © Ba mClear nldes jobbing at 11 121 ® 11 * * 5 Flour Quiet ; family , 0 807 00. Wheat-lJasy ; No. 2 red. 1 33 , Corn-'flulet } No. 2 , 07 < 3i7ic. ! Oatu Kanlcr ; No. 2 mixed , 4 ie. ily7 DuTlV No. 2 , "l 'i 47 Barley-Dull ; No. 2. 105. WhUky-Qulet at 115. Now York Protlnco- NKW YOHK , Auifii'-t LVi , Flour Steady at a Might advance on low cradci. Wiieat Heavy , Ifrt2olon-rr , and not w AitheiXo. 3 Chlc-igo , 1 SttfiTl 40 : No. 3 rt-d winter , 1 12 : No. 2 do , USJtgl lift Xo. 1 white , 111. Corn -llca\y nnd 1iilc ( lower : tiiigra * ded mixed. 0.71o | No. 2 w hltc , 7rn- . OaUMuro nctlvet No. 1 white , fiO < 't Xo. 2 do. tSUZNOct No. 1 HiK < xl , 42JC. Rye Finn at 1 ( XX ? I 08. Barley Nominal. Pork -Finn but iiuict ; new nie s , < m pot , 18 50 . IS 75. Lard -Fidrly ncllvo and firm at 11 10 for c Kh ; H 40 < J ? 11 42J for Scptombcr. Bcnf Unchanged. Cut Meat'Unchanged. . Whisky -Nominal. Liverpool Produce. ' LtvKitroot. , Atigwt 2i' . Iflnwr American , 12. < rfl2s 1KI ( Wheat Winter , 10s IM@lls 2di club , 11 * M ! white. 10iU ( ; Killing 10s 3d. Cont--n.2d. Lanl-57s ! > d. Pork-74s. Toledo Produce TOI.HMI , August 20. Wheat -Quiet ; No. 2 rod , 1 SilJ for caOi ; 1 37 for Soptrmltori 1 3')2 ) for Octolx-r ; 1 41J fr November ; 137 for th t year ; 1J No. 3 red. 1 28. 1f Corn-Quiet ; No. 2,01 ) o forciMh ; ( MJo for September ; OOc for October ; Glio | for the year. OaU-Dull ; No. 2 , 41c. Wilmlufftou Market- WlUUNOTON , A'JRUst 20. Spirit * Turpentine Firm at 4 c. Clovolnncl Market ! CLKVr.LASl > , August 20. Petroleum Quiet ; white , 1 10. Plttabiira Oil Mivrkot. PlTTHiiUiin , August 20. The oil n-.arket oia-ned weak , on ac. count of unfaxorallo news front Washing ton , with KftleM nt 81 je , nnd cloned at the samu ILtirtM The HhlpmenU ycntcnluy were 02,1 US birrelii ; chartcrx ycstcnlay , 21 , 2fl barrels. The d - nt Oil City yen- torday were 715,000 b.itrcU , Refined at Ncw'Yoilc , 7fto ; rclino > l at Antwerp , 10 frtiucs , Buffalo Xiivo Stools. l'Vr Hm-Aib , August 2(5. ( Hogs Reci-iptx , 32 : Khlimicnts 25. Market dull ; grosser * , fi 50f Ti l0 ! ; eoni-fed Yorkers 5lO r. 70. PhllmlolpMn Produce. PlltUMihUMIIA , Augimt 20. Wheat Finn at 1 42K jH H for cash and August ; 1 4Ijl'iil ! ! ) 43i for September.1 Coin-Finn nt 70371)0 ) | for cash and August. Oats Firm at 52@53c for cash ; 5l@55e for August. Rye Nominal. . E-stljlborty Iilvo Stoolc. KAHT l.niKHTV ? Pa. , AiuruU 2(5. ( Cattle Nothing dung ; receipts 718 ; shipments 1019. HOSH Firm ; receipts 2,200 ; shipments , 2,400. Philadelphia * , 7 00810 ! ; Yorker * , 0 400 55. Sheen Dull ; , receipts , 2,300 ; shipments 1,800. 1,800.DON'T DON'T ' DIE IN THE HOUSE. Ask druggists for "Hough on Hats. " It clears out rixta , mice , bed-bugs , roaches , vermin , Ilius , ants insects. 15c per box (3) ( ) STOP THAT COUGH. If you arc BinTuriiig from a Cough , Cold Asthma , UronchitiB , Hay Fovur , Consumption , loss of voice , tickling of the throat , or any nffoction of the Tin-out or Lungs , UBO Dr. King's Now Discovery for ConBumption. Ihia is the great remedy that is causing BO much excitement by its wonderful curuB , curing thousand ) ) of liopoleas cases. Over a million bottles of Dr. King's Now Discovery luivo boon used within the last year , and linyo given norfcct B.itisfaction in uvcry instanco. Wo can unhesitatingly say that this is really tlio only stiro euro for throat and lung affections , and can choorfnl- ly rccounpund it to all. Call mid gut a trial bottlu free of coat , or a regular sino for $1.00. Ish it MeMahon , Om aha , ' ' -'t ) BEOWNELL HALL. YOUNG LADIES' SEMINARY OMAHA , NEB. Rev R DOHERTY H A Eector , , , , , , , Assisted l > y an olilo corju of tuachcnilii Kn llnh lAii uah'tii , Kclcnccu anil Fine Arts. THE NINETEENTH YEAR Wll.l , DKQIN For nirtlciilars , ei ply to fflS1.ivNl.ym TlfF. KKOTOH C. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. 2 rirnlmni Ht. . Omnlm Noli BYRON IIRKU. uXWIHKXKU BYRON REED & , CO. IOI.DBET KHTABI.IIIIIIID Real Estate Agency IN NinnASKAg : Keep a complete abstract of title to all Ural fatata In Omalia and Douiflai countr. nmvtr NebraskaLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , ICOS Farnhnm 8t Omaha , Nebratk * 0.00,000 JSLOXC.X1I3 Caro.ullyx-liK.tnl land In Eattcm Nulirukalor mile. ( Irmt lUrpilm In iiuprovod ( aniif , and Omaha vlt ) | > roH > rty , 0. F. DAVIS. WKU3TKU BNYDKR. Latu UnilOom'rU.P.t 'v-teW John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly ol Qlth&Jacobi , ) UNDERTAKER. Ho. J417 Farnhiun St. , Old Eland ol Jacob till. irriDli Bolkltol J.H FLIEGEL Biiix.i- < ) ser to J. K. Thlole , No. 230 Ik > utla Street Ouuha Ktb. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Htulcd | iroK > iiaU will bu roctltinl liy tlio Hoard olCounty Coiiiiiili.iitoni.rii ul Duiwlm County , > u- l.nuKu , until Tliureday , i > ciciiiLcr | | lit , lWIot2 o'clock ] > . in. , lor thu on ttlun ol a court lioiuu liulMInt' at Onialia , In uld county , In acuoidanto uitliiiluiiiandi > iHclllcatnriiiiuulutjy K. li llyuu , art Illicit , and nowoii fllu In tlio county clerk'n otllro Kuh Lid jnutt to &ccoiiiriilc | < l liy a yoo J and millUluit bond In tlio Hum c ( fho tnouund dollaN , conditioned iliattliublddcrvlll enttrlnto contract and Kite a ( 'oodand nurllcleiitlio'id lortlio laltlilul iwrforuiaute ol tlio work thould the umo bu awardtd to him. 8pt > clflcatlonii will bu lurnitlicd ilium application to the county clerk. Brinratfi bld < lor inn uvcral l rU ol tlio build. Inn will IHI considered and all proiioudu mint tie made uiion tchodulun prorarwl by the architect and Innilibod on ajiiillcitlon to the county clerk. The Hoard rcucn c * Ihu rlx'lit to reject * ny or all bid * . liy order ol th Hoard cl County Coniml Ion- in. JOHN It. MANCIlUttKll , Uniaha , AUK H , 1W1. Count ; Clerk , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NEB. Tlio Only Exclusive Wholoenlo Drug Houee in Nebrntikn SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. IE1. G. WHOLESALE 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. FEARON & COLE , Oommissson Merchants ' 1121 Fnrnham St. , Omnlm , Nob. Connlir i"eiit inailotisvllliTC'lxpliroirptitltciitUm , Krrtrnnce i Blntc I'atik , Om&lia ; Tlatt & Co. , lUltlmorv ! IVck k llAimlirr , CliiraRo ; MVcrk k Co. , Clnolnnntl. B. S. HAUHTNGTON. E. P. NEWELL WESTERN POLISH CO. , Manufacturer * of Wtstrrn httr Stn\c I'olltli , niul llwui tlnnnincl fioot HUcklnK , also ucolcraln C ) lcn .t Ocriimn riuinlwRo , Council llliills , Iowa , Hellmuth Ladies' College. Patronen , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and Preildent , The Rltht Rev. I. HELL MUTH , D. D. , D. O. U , LORD GI8HOP OF HURON. . Full Term open * Wedneiday , September 2 1 it. , oiti lnill.lli\p < , I MmtUullv sllimUil In a limit healthy locnllty , about tacv taura liy rail Irnni Nl'pxm Knlln , niul on nuo ol iliu thniiiRh routes fictwcon the Rut * iuT WoiL The OHOUNHS ifliiuul u 140 norci. The nlin u ( tlio fomulor of thl collcjo Is to tiravklo the btrhetb and jiniillcnlly u cfnl olnnittoii. Tlw liolo \ tcm Is lnvwil tiiwn Ilia nouixlont PRO TESTANT prlnclptm , as I hu only notlil lovU for Uiu riifht fornmtlon of character. FRENOH- thn laiil inL'O * ] xkrli In the colli'KV. MUSIC n siwclalty * UoixrO , lAiimlry mill Tuition Kcos , Inclnillni ; th tmlo conrso nf Knslhh. tha Aneltnt MK | Mtxl- crn IjinRim.riHitiilllitlicMlcH , Dnxwlni ; nmi 1'ixliitlni. , mo ritnonnd Ulinry Mollcal attcnilane , wut Mwlclno. 300 iwrniiiuini. Arckiictlotiofona-li.tif for the lUuithtcre of Clenn'mcn. For"cini- lar " ami 'till ivutlcnlars aildrvM MIS.5 CLINTON , Lady 1'rlnclixil , llollmutli Ladlcc'CollrRe , Uwcon , OXTAHIO , C NAhi. mon&tlium an POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING MACltlNKIlV , nKl.TJNO , HOSI' , 11IIASS ANI > IliON FITTINGS , PIPK , 6TKAU , IMCKlNd , AT WJIOU1SALK ANO IIKTA1L. HALLADAY WiND-IVilLLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha. HARRISON , AIIE NOW OFFERING FOH ONE MONTH ONLY - 3C3ST - Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , ; OOS3O7. 200 Handsome Suite , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish [ Suits , $30.00 ; 75 lack Silk Suits , $17.0O. \Vo hnvo Bovoral lota of olaplo goods which will bo oll'erod at. SEVEWTY-FiVE GEMTS ON THE DOLLAR. All Inclios sh'Xihl avail theinsolvua of this great sale of CORSETS AND UNDERWEAR , 'LINEN AND MUHAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND LTSISN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAAVNSCTITS AND SACQUES. MCDONALD Buy the PATENT PROCESS It always gives satisfaction , because it makes a superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer. ' Sprjtaclos , Mufiical Boxes Olojks and Silver ware , Jewelry of all De signs Made to Order. Repairing of Watches and Jewelry Done at Reasonable Rates and Satisfaction Guaranteed. EDHOLI & wsm , WIIOI.VSAM : AND MANUFAUi'UltlNUi dno " DO AM PEAOMOAL WATOfflUIBBS. Oorner _ Fifteenth and Dodge Streets , Opposite Post Office. OMAHA , - NEB.