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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SATURDAY AUGUST 2r , 1881 , CAPE MAY SIGHTS , . i. * . _ -A. VorHblo Iif > R Show Pntronicetl by tlio Ellto. 'Cape Maj Letter to Chlcifro Time * . Hero is where people bathojn style , mid hero is where yoi\ \ ace onthing * < lrcs3os that attract attention. There is no such bathing ground in the United States. Boston has benches , and good ones Nantucket beaclres pccially but the water is too cold , I'copio b.ithn at Newport , but it is Uio old there , nlso , and the fogs rc the 'bane ' of the place. Atlantic City boasts of along stretch of simt , but it .is full of holus , and drowning accidents .aro numerous. A man by tlio nanio of Conglmg has donned bis bathing suit ami deigned to mix with the crowd nt Long Branch. Rut tlicro is an undertow which is dangerous. Capo May has the ideal beach on the coast. Safe ? Yea , safe as n barn ( luor and as smooth. Coney Island , covered - ed with dead cats nnd dobries of all sorts , lias no surf to compnro with the Capo. It rolls in from the broad At- hiiitic with nothing to hinder , and , breaks iiu sparkling , foam , -upon the hard samuvrith the roar of n platoon f artillery o'r a"olap of thunder just ovcihuad. Nobody thinks of missing the bathing liour. Not much. He or .sho nuy prefer to leinain on dry land , bul everybody ison the beach nt midday , Lifting it illl in. And there is lots to tnko in , too. A physiologist cm study' ' anatomy from tlio broad wiilk which skirts the beach without moving ton foot. His subjects will coino to him , nnd ho can study the -curves 6f nature to his heart's content. People talk of the ballot mm the de generacy of the stage. F.iughl thnt is nothing. Right hero on Capo May's beach , sanctified by the cus'.oms of :8oiety , is the greatest 1-1-leg show on earth. There is nothing like it , nnd it is nil free. Suppose n Chicago girl should give a garden party nnd invite .n hundred or two of her acquaintances , male and female. Suppose each girl .should got herself up regardless , her only object being tf display her form to the best advantage. Suppose n .singlo garment should bo lier only clothing - a garment fittinp closely to her liccli , belted at the waist , and buckled nt the knees , with a short skirt like a ballot-girl's , falling from the wtu'st to the knee-pans. i Then suppose her to saunter out un der the trees with her round , plump , dimpled arms bare above the elbows ; with her long , golden Jiair falling loosely down her back , nnd with ' beautifully-worked .stockings fitting closely to her lower limbs , her only foot covering. In this costume let her lean on Tier lover's arm and parade - rado around for an hour , talking romance and nonsense. What would Chicago think of it nil ? And what would society think of the trirl who gave the garden party and of the girls who attended it And yet this is the kind of show you can see on the bench any day at noon. The girla parade about with scant coatumos , and the scantier the costumes the more society looks on nnd applauds. It wouldn't bo sanctioned for a moment up the city upon the Dole- ware , but hero well , it's the thing to do , and that settles it , Lot mo take you down for an hour or so on the beach. It is 11 o'clock , nnd already * the people are coming down from the ' hotels and cottages. Most of the -cottagers know ho\v tc bathe , and cn- i joy it. Some of the girls i dress themselves - selves for the surf lit homo , and care lessly trip down to the water and plunge in. A residence of a few weeks gives them confidence , and many of them can iloat on their hacks , and oven swim a few strokes. - But the Hitting guests who stop at the Stockton , and Congress Hall , and Columbia , and the Windsor , and the r i fashionable hotels always go tlio bath houses. The bath-houses stretch along the drive , facing the water , for half a milo. * By half past 11 most of the girls are ready to undergo the public gaze. By noon all the bathers -aro on the beach. It is a lively spot Hero comes a perfect beauty tripping down from the bath-honso. I saw her only an hour ago on the Stockton piazza , and some ono pointed her out as the prettiest -5-irl at the hotel. She is from Baltimore. She is gotten up to kill. Her loose hair is llowing down lier * back , only caught together slightly with a blue ribbon. A dainty little - .straw hat covers her head. Her costume tumo is of dark blue flannel , edged ' with white. Like most of the bath ing-suits it falls to her knees only , 1 leaving her limbs entirely free from Vj all encumbrance. The most marked feature of her costume is her beauti ful stockings , which must have cost -1 several dollars. They are of n very * ' ' fine silk , evidently imported , with the ' * mostbeautiful , and dainty tracings upon - - / , on them. A young man accompanies ' her , also attired ill a neat-fitting suit of blue. She trips over tlio sand , clutching his arm occasionally as she : Apparently stumbles a littlo. Her arms are are to the olbow. Every body looks at her. Bare arms and . . well-turned ankles are so common hero that there is no novelty about thorn , and it is only when they belong , to pretty girls that they attract ad mirers. The plain or niedium girl who goes into the waleosif > 8ho''on- ' joys it could not got a corporal's guard.Tndeed , I doubt if anybody "would notice her if her entire cloth- ting consisted of n linen shooter if she had no clothing on at all. At the water's edge the couple stop and gzo about them. Why don't tnoy plunge in ? As I ask myself this question , I hear a voice behind mo murmuring : "Pooh ! She don't dare to go into the water , " I turn to see who is apcaking. Near by are two young ladies. They are loo'kors-on. "Who is she ? " asked ono of them. 'I don't know Miss Somobody-or- other , from Baltimore. I refused to be introduced to her only lost niaht. She's all sham. " . "Why , what do you mean , Belle ? " asked number ono. Belle smiled significantly nnd point ed to the bather's bust. ' 'Corsets , " she murmured with a slight snoer. "Oh that's nothing , Bollo. " protested - tested the other. "Most of the girls wear corsets in the water this year ' it's the stylo. " ' "Don't care if it is , " put in Bello. You mark my words'.j ' Bho won't i o into the water , iinur you 'gee. * Wliy lier a fright. That's her beau w ith hor. Do you suppose she is going to show what an elegant form she hasn't got by going inlj the water * ] tell vou she is nil slinni. The water would pull her dross nil down and would show every bit of padding abut it. " And Belle tosses her head dis dainfully , while I wonder , can such things be ? Belle is right. The beau tiful hair is not wet with salt w.ilcr. The young girl steps into the foam which rolls upon the bench , nnd , with an affected little scream , jumps hick in an instant. "Oh , it's so coldl" she cries , although her ankle had hardly boon wet. Her escort comes to her rescue , and , after n sufficient amount of tugging , the -girl allows herself to bo dragged in up to the knco. But no further will she go. In n moment she is out. And I see through it all. Tlio beautiful silk stockings cling close to her limbi , nnd nroprottiir than over. It is n very pretty ankle she has , and everybody knows it , and as the girl nnd her escort parndo up and down the beach they aio the con Icr of attr.iction , A Moral for Railway New York Tlmc Georgia is one of the States which liave attempted to rogul.ito railroads , lier constitution expressly conferring the power to leguhito lales upon the legislature , "whose duty it shall be to pass laws from time to time to regu late freight and pnssenger tarilR'to ( prohibit unjust discrimination * , nnd lo pnforco the sntuo by ndo. < niate pen alties. Similarly , the constitution of tllinois declares tailroadu public high ways , and provides that the legisla- .uro shall from time to time pass laws ostablishini ! reasonable maximum rates , also to correct abuses and pre vent unjust discrimination and oxtor- ion , enforcing ouch laws by adequate ) cimltics , to the extent , if need bo , if forfeiture of property nnd fran chises. In 1871 , Judge Lawrence , Jhiet Justice of the Illinois Supreme Jourt afterward punished by the 3rangors by defeat at the polls over throw the law of 1871 , in the Chicago Alton railroad case , on the ground that , although the power to punish injust discrimination oven by forfeit ure of charter , existed tlio law was unconstitutional in prohibiting any discrimination whateverand , attaching .his extreme penalty thereto. This was a victory for the Grangers as to ; ho principle involved , but they re- ; urned immediately to the attempt , the legislature passing , almost unani mously , the law of May 7 , 187JI , which substituted for the forfeiture loavy und increasing lines , nnd di rected the railroad commissioners to ircparo for each road a schedule of . casonablo maximum rates , which should bo taken as prima fncio rea sonable , the companies to show them otherwise if troy could. In March of ; ho next year , Minnesota nnd Wis- ! onsin tried their hands at the sub- ect. The former enacted a law pro- riding for a board of throe persons who should make schedules of reason able maximum rates ; the Wisconsin aw more nearly resembled the re pealed Minnesota law of 1871 , for it lividod the roads of the state into , hrcp classes , prescribing for each its maximum rates , both for passengers and for the several classes of freights. These laws were sustained by the United States Supreme court in 1878 , .n the "Granger cases. " AVe have mentioned these earlier incidents in the fight over the railroad question merely to show that } .ho at- lumpt made by Georgia/iri her pres ent law , not yet two years old , is not inprccedcntcd , although wo bcliovo .t extends somewhat further than has over before been known the powers of ; he commissioners over details. ] n : heir third semi-annual report recently issued , a'ftor arguing , at great length ind with much ability , the right and duty of the state to regulate , they ex plain that they propose to make rates kvhich will yioldwto each road what they decide to bo its fair actual cost. The law hus boon tested , in a made-up case into which the companies put the best presentation and the best profes sional skill to bo had ; but it was sus tained in the United States circuit court by Judge Woods , of the United States supreme court , who hold in opposition to perhaps the strongest point , the com panies attempted to make thai en acting u law empowering commission ers to make rates was not n delegat ing of the legislative po-vera to others by the legislature , and was within the fair construction of the constitutional mandate that the legislature shall "pass laws from time to time to rogu- iato freight and passenger tariffs. " "it : s plain that if the legislature could iot empower three men to make rates t could , and undoubtedly would , under the constitutional authority , do ; ho work itself , so that there would jo no practical gain to the companies , [ jut exposure to the risk of having the rates fixed with less consideration. It is noteworthy , also , that ono of the points of contest jotweon the commissioners and the plaintiff company concerned the value , the operating expenses , and the rightful rate of not earning' , the com- nissioners putting each of these ma- orially lower thai ) the company did. Tlio thrco commissioners ono of whom is to bo "of oxpericnco in the aw , " and ono "of experience in rail way bussincs" huvodivided the roads nto throe classoi , which may chiitgo respectively three , four , and live cents a milo for passengers ; as to freights , ; hey publish a schedule of twenty jlosoly printed pages u curiosity in itself very mintito in specification , providing for articles according to packing , quantity , and the extent of > wnor's risk or carrier's risk , almost avery conceivable case apparently being provided for , a list of ex ceptions in the form of peicontn o which ono and another road may mid to the schedule rating upon this and that article. This is the opposite extreme from the mildsupcrvisionof Mnbsuchusotts. Georgia commits to the power to make all rates for every form of rail road service , all rules nnd nmmgo. ments found needful , and to pass upon all contracts and agreements nmong the roads as to carrying , rates , or di vision of earnings. Massachusetts trusts to moral suiibion , exorcised through argument and Dubjicityj on the theory that u corporation wtl | do the right and abandon the wrung aa the collective gaze of the people it turned upon it. Undoubtedly , ex perience has , in par justified this ; Georgia , on the other .hjind , leading the srailroads in possession of their oflicers and directors , makes them nnty the instruments of tlire" persons in respect to the most impor tant of exooutiio functions. Tin commissioners * ny that somebody must make rates , nnd that "the ulti mate decision must bo made by the disinterested mid not by the interest ed ; " that as to Uio da-tiger of confer ring Biioh great powers , the judiciniy exercise powers still greater , and "wu cannot Imvo better tlour than can bo made of wheat ; " and that if theru is danger of coiruption the coinpinics will bo more likely than tlm people to profit by it. The principle of the inherent right of * hp State to control monopoly cor porations may bo taken ns fixed ; Mr , Curtis is ongcnious , ns attorneys are wlioii they make briefs , and Mr. Stanford is bolder than his Eastern comrades but the right remains , and it is not one of these which non-user will forfeit. Thnt public opinion in this State is not yet lipo for such radical measured may certainly bo as sumed from the case with which the railroad choke oil , year nflcr year , all attempts to copy even the injpthods of Massachusetts , but this only proves that the time has not yet come , by no means that itill not cnmo. POETRY OP THE TIMES. Bonutlfnl Tozns. lloantifiil Tc.nlint , do jon think ? I'k'iity nf KiiH' ] , nnd noinr to ililuk ; I'lenty Of creek * , nnd no wntcr lit hhnd , Kb mta for your horc , but plenty of land ; I'li'iity of how , but none fit to liilo : L'lcnty of iiomty , nml Aonm little i > rlil : 1'lcnty of lihlc1' , but no leather tnnnoil , flimigli fciuRiy mwimiio cncumhrrt tlio Innd. I'lcnty of cattle , no butter iiuiMnilt.- , S'n ) IKMH for the didrv , but plenty nt rill ; , Plenty of rain , w lion U coiiu-i ilou n at all , Enough to spiuvotilcl it coino at jour call. Plenty of whul , no M-up * on t'liit ' , An-1 when talking uf ptiH'k , there's plenty of chats Plenty of rocks the cisterns to wall , jut \\c can't I'nul tlino to do it nt nil : Plenty nf boinMare , lint hardly a li Plenty of hrtpi as thin M \\cdRe ; Plenty < if bncon , ycnr before Inct ! Plenty again , when thcio comet u good mast : Plenty of chairs , lint nil fo low , J'lmt to ent you nm t hang on your elbow : Plenty of grub , sncli as pom beef anil bncon , Which reminds m of the homo HO lately forsaken . D land of mvat | > r < mil o , not yet fulfilled ! What a country you mliht ; be , If people so willed ; All teeming \\itli beauty , 'plenty nnd wealth. Kvcry lennlMilc present for comfort and health ; lint of coin-bread nnd Imcon We lm\e quite vnoilgli , And women get happy over.i liottle of [ Te\ns Letter Marshall ( Tenn. ) Gazette. CONNUiJrAHTIBB. A K < - ' t1cmnn in Solnin , Ala , \then nnlv ! t yeiirp olil innrried n widow of .10. A b\v ilnvH ago , when 05 liu lunuictl n yount ; aily of 11. ! "If Danio I'uinor cpeakH correctly , " Miy the Portland ( Me. ) AJRUB , "Afiss 2 ry ii the aflinnccil of n wealthy ( rcntlo- nan of Nuw York , who 1ms boon in this city \\itliin : i few days. " Cnpt. Kufns TlioniiiMin niul his wife , of West Swan/ey , N. H. , uelcbniteil their foltlcu wedding Thursday. They nro the > nrent < < of tlio roinedian Deiiinnn Thotiip- son , " .losli Whitcmnb. " , A bis burly iiem > , unplojed by n well- .ii-dd German fanner near liifjlelield.Vnn- lerburph count } ' , as a hand , fell in love uilli hit ) oinploycr'H ( laughter and \\ns lischarKed , hut the infattnted girl fol lowed him to K\ani\ille and inairied him. .Satiml.iy u baehelot and ns iilo\v ufm were friciuls o-triveil at S.imtopi and sought fur liotcl _ ncconiniudations , hut found none. A single room wan finally offered at one hotelv nnd the widow M ith the ready tact of her HCX wigt-ei'ted to the bachelor that \\eildiiiK' would inal e the nccominod.itioim aceei > t.iblu to liotli. They [ iroceeded to n clcryjiii.nt'H hou o nnd were nmrricd , lint on their u'tuin the \a- ruiiiii had ahead IJCL-II enga- . > d. They ioolc a train for Niagara. llirnm Berry , of J.miinulli' , took a yound wife , though he in twenty. HiK NOUS and daughlerH made BO much trouble on the subject that he reliinctantly oli- taincd a divorce , the cliar.icli.i- tlm bride enabling him to icgain hi * fitfdum without dim'culty. lint lie could not Vol untarily gi\c her up after all , and at the > nd of a few months he Fought to lunew iiis cuurtship , Slie threw a can of con- centiated lye into his face , burning him MI 8 riuinly that he may noxer fee again. De.s Moines hax a preniiuni marrying woman. The firnt lectinl of her feho wax Mrx. Uasi. She uas divorced from 15ans and married one J < ouin Hitting. In two yearx he died. Khe then united her for tunes with Murk liyland , li\iiK ) with him four montliH. She was divorced from Hy- and .inil married ono Mitchell. In a ihoH time she quit Mitchell , and \vhen the divorce wa granted clie icmarrieil II j land. A t-cepnd Buit for divorce from liyland ! x pending in the district court , and in the meantime Jennie lias conceixed a diulike for her attorney and has prom- ined liyland n restoration to her atfectioiiH if ho will give the attorney a nound Hog- { ing. The couple weie limiting the at torney at liut rcportn , un < < huIng con- loncd tin ; offense , whatever that may lave been , the divorce will not he granted , and new iiroeeedlngn , in the hereafter , may be anticipated , Such Word as Fall- " 1 hati ) imecl your Hriu.vct Hr.osMui for lyxiiepsla , headache and constlpatjon , and ind it ImB done me a great deal of good , I Hhall recommend It to my frlendn , "MaySHIi. Wl'Mam St. , ' Price W ) cents ; trinl liottli1 , 10 cent * . eodlw Buoklin's Arnica Snlvc. The best salvo in the world for outs , bruises , Bort'H , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , totter , cliapped hands , cliillbluins , corns and nil kinds of skin eruptions , This salve is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Tiico , 23c per box. For sale by IHII & MC-MAIIOX , Omaha. SELTZER There It probably a majority ofthe human ruuo mifftrlni ; from kldiiH > ( OinpUlntii. 'jhoy khcw H nutlt In almost protein khajifi , but alna ) to the Injury ol the lutltnt. They c-auoo it..ii.u.Hmiu ) | oKOny , The expcrlenco of thlrtv i tliat the hctt rciimlj ( or thU tlu * Tarraut's Seltzer Aperient. lUprpptrtloj ore dlurUlc , which are ei > cclally aJapti-cl itr uUi euro. 80LU J1V ALL DHUGOLSTS Dlocif , co nor Capitol aucuc nU Fifteenth Uot.Oiculu Nvh Ladies Do yon trnnt A pure , bloom ing Complexion * If so , n few applications of Hngnn'a MAGNOLIA HALM irill gratify - ify you to your heart's con tent. It docs ftwny with Sal- lowncss , Redness , Pimples , Blotches , and nil diseases mid imperfections of the skin. It orcrcomos the flushed appear ance of heat , fftticiio ontl ex- cltoinpiit. Itmalccs n Indy of THIRTY appear but TtVEN- TV ; and RO natural , grmlunl , and perfect arc its effects , thnt it is impossible to delect its application , Vest for beinjt the most din-ct , ( | iilclp t , nml nfist line romiectlliK the prcat MotropoIN , CHI CAGO , nmt the lUBTitRX , NORTH.DASTRRt , Sntiril Mnl Soimi-r.AHtrns LINKS , \\likli tonnltmta there , Nlth KANHAfl ClTV , LKAVRXVOMTII , ATCIIISOX. > iiNCib Ilu > Mand OMAHA , the COMMKRCUL CrxritnsIroui which mJInte ' EVERY LINE OF ROAD hnt penetrate * the Continent from the Missouri U\er to the TAilflc Slope. The 01IIOAOO ROOK ISLAND & PA- GIF10 RAILWAY s tlio only line from Chicago oniilng track Into Kansas , orlikh , by 1U onn , rcoclm the lOlnts abe > o nnmnl. No TRAwriiui HT U.utitAciKt ft ) MIKHINO COitSKCIIOMl No lllldilll | | 111 II ) . outdated or unclean cam , M icry | vn-enjcr It carried In roomy , clean and cntlhtud coat hen upon Past KxprcwTmlm. . DAT CARS of unrlxMini nmffiilnccnco , PUM.WAI 'ALACK HLSicriNu CABH. and euro nworld famoiu ) IMNO ( lAXfiiponuhlUi ! meals arc xcruil of un- ur ] > < vwl excellence , nttho low rita of HPXIATY- TIMI CKSTS itAcn , wlthamplo time ( or healthful enjoyment. Tlirouvli Cars between Chicago , IVorln , Mil vmiUcnnd Ml < ourl llhcr Tollitit ; nnd clo on'i lections at all point * of Intoretxtlon with other rinds. Wo ticket ( do not fort-el thlsilir < xtly to o\cry ilncoof lnii rtnmc In Kruiw , Nihrn kn , lilack . .1111Vomliiif , t'tnh , Idaho , Nuaih , California , Orcton , Wa hlnjtoii Territory , Colorado , Arizona snd Jfow Mexico , At4l Ural nrrnnRcnictitii rcKanliiifr hajKOgo as any otlur line , anil ratuN ol lure alwnj * a < u ow ns ronuxititorB , n ho furnish but a tilho of the com- oft. oft.Iox8 and tackle ol sportsmen free , Ticket * , iiiaiu and folclont at all ] irincl ] > M ticket ollnx-n In tlio united aintcs mid C.ina Iv It. 11. UADLK , li ST. JOHN , Vko' l're 't & Ocn. Ocn. Tkt in J 1'oss'r AK ( . Mnnaifi.r. C.'hlcnifO Chlmiro. If jr.wi.iro a Vlt * ounron r OfflU llHHI.W ' rtian of lit * oncil by tlm utrulu or jmir ilutleii uyr1-1 IllCh'.wi > n > i to re' Hop Dittoro. Ivattf , UM ) Hop D. It jou nreyounit and I Icuffcrlnirfrflinany In disci etlon or < li ; llK Btloni If jriiii nn > nmr * l led or Hlniclo , nlil orl uuui7Buircilni ? from poorhaltuorl.imniWi ? ntr un a beU of kick . | r--l . . uet. % nljr on | 1 Blttnta. Whoever yi unrc- . > iitonfl < f l nn irhruettr you Ticl llj from borne tliut your i < yr < em form of Kidney lu'ixls cleaiwlnir , Ion- illtcaw that mlKl.t , ins or htlmulutliiK , wllhout/ii' < 'J'/cn tiyn tlniolj uiool tlkle Hop HopDIttora Blttors. , D. I. O. orvttnarucom * In ebnolute , on filalnl , illKenno niul lrreal ta o ( | | ioViiumcA , ! . no ? bio euro f oj l rblcoJ. / Urankennos llitcrutncntil ut > o of uplum , You will be tobacco , or curciliryouusc uurcotlcn. Hop Oittore Boldbydruff- Ifyouaroclm . . KcnUlur we a 1C and ivrFi nly > lrtUilti7 NEVER Liitular. in It may nave your . FAIL BTO CO. , llfo. It hn caved hun BetknUr , K. T dreds. A Toronto , Out. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA D -g fZA 09 DO C Ca BITTERS ILER & CO. , Solo Manufacturers. OM A.HA. To Nerve js Sutterers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY , Dr. J. B , Simpson'o Speciflo It I * a | K | tnr cure for fiwrmatorrhca , Bcmlna \VWhiioM , Impotancy , nml all < lsea ! ci rcxiiltliif trom bclf-Abn > u , a * lluital Anxiety , Jx > ! Jii Memory , laln * In tlio l-u.k ! or faiilo , and dUeotit - - - - ' ' . " , - nut jlia | jo isy P Coinumptlon Ilio Inwnlty tipeclllp and frfei ; Miilltluo li with wondir- ful uncccM. tnt Iric to all. Write for them and git full l r- tlculan. Trice , Spetlfle , Jl.OO per package , or glx pack. ajrtx for 5.00. Addrrm ) all onlere to II. rililhON MKUICINK CO. No > . 101 and 100 Slain St. lluffulo , N. Y. Sold In Uinaha by 0. f. Goodman , J , W. Utll , J. K Ufa , and all dru-gl Ue > cry where. 3E.OXTIEI PAPER WAREHOUSE , GRAHAM PAPER 00. 217 and 219 North Jdaln St. , Bt. Louu , , | PAPERS KNVELOI'ES , CAHIJ liOAUD AND Printers Stock. OTCuh paid for lUgi and I'a ) > er Stock , Scrap Iron and VUtaU. Tapir Stock Warchouioi liJOto 1237 , North Sixthttreet , No Changing Cars MTWKR1 OMAHA &CHIGAQO , \ > hcra iltrcct ronni > ctton < MO mvtn utth Thimieh SLKKI'INU C'AU LlNiy for NKW YOHK. I103TON- , THlIjADKl.rill.V. 11ALT1MOHK , vAalIl oTo ANDAUj KKSTF.IIX ITII3. The Short Line via , Peoria Kor IXDIANATOUa , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- VII. I , K , and all | KlnU ) In the tllNXUTLINII For ST. LOUIS , Vhero direct onnins tioni are nude In Iho Union Depot with thu Throuifli Sleeping Car Unm for Al.h T01NTS NEW LINEDESMOINES - - TI1K FAVOU1TB KOUTK FOR Rock Island. The tintxiinJed tndnrcmvnU o tier ml by thli line to trnvnn \ and tourists are n * follow : The celebrated PULLMAN ( lflhcol ) PALACE BLKKPINO CAttS run only on thin line a , II. A O. 1'AI.ACK UAW1NO KOOJI CARS , Ith lorton'n Itctllnlnjr. Chain. No extra charge for oat In UeilliilnK Chairs. The famous 0. , 11. & Q. Pnlare Dining Car * . Goixvoiu Smoking On Hcil Ith elegant nlpti-hackcd rattnn ro > oh liit | hairs , for the oxctutU o uio of tint-clou patten- . Stool Track nnd iu | > crier equipment combine * ! ulth their RicAt through car nrnnjccincnt , makai his. alw e alt othcri" , tlio fatorlto route to the , South nnd Sonthuut. Try It , niul you will ilml tn\cllnf ( ft 1'ixury In- trail of IL illHcomfort , Timuih ) tlckcUlo this colobratitl line for sate at nil olhco.1 In the Unltol HUUs and Canada. All Inlonimtlon alxiut raU of faro , Slcciilng Car anxiinuioilatlons , Tlino Table * , etc. , will bt hccrtully ( jlicn by ajiplj In ; to TEltCnVAI , LOWii.L : , Ooncrol Tiuuwnircr Atcnt , ClilcoRO , T. J. TOTTKU , Ociirml Maniiper Ohc ! * < fo , Sioux City < fe Pacific St. Paul fizTsioux City RAILROADS. THE OLD UELIAHLK HIOL'.X , CITY UOUTK 3.OO MILES SHOimill UOUTK 1O < O FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , DULUTII Oil DISMAUOK , and nil points In Northern Iowa. Minnesota nnd Jakoti. This line Is equipped n'th the lmpro\ed Wcbtlnuhouio Atitonuilo Alr-bmko and Miller 'latlonn CounlcJ and llulTcr ; and for STEED. SAFBTY AND COMKOUT uniurnsiicd. | r.le ant DrauinB Itoom nnd Sleeping Care , owned and cnntrolleii by tlio coin- nny , nm thronsh W1T"OUT OIIANUK between Julon 1'aclflu Transfer urinjt at Council llluffs , mul St. Paul. Trnlna lifvo Union Pnclflc Transfer dc ] t at Council llIiulH at filfi : p. in. , reaching Sioux City at 10.20 . m. and bt. Paul at 11.OS a. in. m.iUnjr. TEN HOURS IN ADVANUH OF ANY.OTHEU UOUTK. Hetnrnlnir , Icnro St. Paul at 8XO : p. m. , arriving Sioux City 4M a. in. , nnd Union Pacific Trans r cloiKit , Count II IllnlfD , nt I ) 60 n. m. Ho uro at jour tlckeU raid la "S. . t P. 11. H. ' r. C. HILLS , fMiprrlntcmlont , T. E. KOIIINSON , Mluourl Valley , la. Aist. Cici 1'aK.i. A ent. J. II , O'HItt AN , Paiwi-ofc-cr Agent. Council Illn3 , Iowa. 1880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , St , Joe ( feCouncU Bluffs M Till OSLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THIS EAST From Omaha and the West. No change of cars between Omaha and t > v. and but one between OMAHA and NKW YORK. Daily PassengerTrains HACHIKO ALL EA8TKKN AND WKSTKIIN 01TIE8 with LESS ClIAKUKSaml IN ADVANCE of ALL OTHEIl LINKS. Tii ) : entire Una In ( xjuippod with Pullnuui't Palace Hleeiiliij ; Can , I'uliwo luy Coaches , lllllor' . Knfctv riatform ami Coupler , and thu celebrated /TjrHc.0 that jour ticket rcailj VIA nANflAS CITV , ST. JOHIU'II & COUNCIL IILUFFU Itoll- roailla bt. JoHq.h anil Bt. Lfcul * . TlcktU for ulu at all coupon illations In the Wc t , J. V. I1AIINAIID , A. 0. DAVVES , Oen. Siipt. , bt. Jo tlh , MoJ Gen. ras . and Ticket Axi , fit. Jowi > b , Mo.J AKIIT litinuK.x , Ticket Agent , 1020 Karnhani ( treat. A. D. DARSARP Uoneral Ajrcut , OMAHA. NK WISE'S Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! U ed \Va-oni ( , llu/ffitu , Ileapar' , Tiircihor. 'and Mill Machinery. It U IMVALVABLHTO KAIIU. KHH AND TitAUHTriut. It cure * Hcrntchcu and all klndbotEorvoon Ilorwn iJ Btoik , an will an on IIRIl. IIRIl.OLAEK & WISE , Manuf's , 305 Illlnoli Street , Chicago. f3T8KNI > FOIt 1'IUCKH. jo 24 Om lit PROPOSALS FOll COAL- OrritK or OITV CLXCK. ) OMAHA , Aiijf. IH , iBtil , f Si alt (1 pi oporalt will IK ) rcceh e < l by the under _ t'htd for tu o wet In from the du Ui birwjf , 1 hum- ilay , Ueptcnibcr lit , IbHl , 1'JoVlock noon , for fiirnUblnx hard anil Holt inal for the uo of the ilty oltliiH and lira tlejiartiiicrit , from this date until Aiitfimt 18 , A. D. IMi. ricnldl Lid * or proposnii thall state tlm price for nutli coal dclUurodlioruonkrcxl , and thul name uM price without ie | MM.t to any deflnlto amount of i-oal. Tbu r0-li ! U rt crvud to reject any and all lilcN , Knv iloH. ] tonUliilii ) , ' ald pro- ) > o il vballbo marLul "I'rowualu for Coal , " am ilillurud to tlio'uniUrnl liLil not laUr than the time alxnu | Hlncxl. J , J. U C. Jl'.VfKIT , uiiltj Ulplbal | n2w Clt ) Ckrlc , Notice to Coal Of oler . Kvalcd iiroiv .al ulll bo rccelttU by thoun until f-aturday , Au u t "fl , o'lluck j i. in. , for furnUhlni ; tuch an amount o luril unJ foil it > al tu will bu ruiulri , < l for 1110 litho the voimty court ) iou o , jail and ) > oor lionise , am fordtUtery tonucli i > i > oniiutliuComuilwIontrii ina > order , durlmr the oniuln/ > oar , Uy ordrr of the Hoard of Ooiinnlimloiicri. JOHN It. MANCIIKSl'EU , au22 H County Ckrk , THIS NTiW AND CPJEtREtT * il ? ir - J' rtva joyond hny rriuonnble question tlmttli * - CHICAGO' & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y" J < J all o < titlio bMt r vl for yon to toke when Iratcllng In either ditrctlnn iH-twccr.f t Chicago nnd all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. ' UirMuVy rxfttnlnr thliiVM , The Prlnclpfll CltlM of thft Vft t nnd NorihweH nro Ptntloni * ' tliri > uh ltaln3 makc C'OI ' ° 'nnectlo a Mtb lliotmlnstVlail rulln'aasS ff.i M , \\v i/A E mSrtr * * THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , E hv ° Mo-jormoro * The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. Camdn a nto 8ultl by "ll Co"100 ! T'ckut ' Agent * fn tlio United Btatcs nnil , ? .VlllCrto ! ! ! ? ) n'k for Tlckcts vla tw-i wad , be sure tficy Tcrnl orcr U.nml take none other. ' JUKUX nUGUlTT.acn'l Manager , Chicago. A W. U. STENSErT.Oon'U'ass. Agent , CUIcajpu. HAIUIV T. DUKI. . Ticket Aiont a * N. W. lUlhvny. 14th and Fsunham ttrcctn. 1) . K. KIM1I\IL , Ai liUnt Ticket Aifont a & N.V. . hallway , 14th and Farnham itreott J. 11EU. . Ticket Aifcnt 0. & N. W. ! VvUw y , U. P. R. U. Depot. ' BANKS T. CLARK General Awnt. L JfcdLJtS T Dry GooodsIStore in the West ( without v exception - , . * . ception ) . \ ( l . ' 6. . ' vrfj BARGAINS ! -BARGAINS - ! BARGAINS ! 4. For the next ten days to close out Sum i men Goods to make room for Fall Stock , GUILD ' & McINNIS , 603 N. 16th St. , 2nd door N. of Gal. , E. Side , f , , , J f' Choice Cigars I Can bo obtninod at KUHN&CO.'S by the box for Less Money than at any wholesale tobacco house , for the reason they soil cigars in connection with their drug business , without any M oxnonso to the Cigars. THY THKJu. 'I * All Cigars not satisfactory exchanged / / or nionoy refunded. a w A line lOo Oigar , long Havana filler , 5 for 20c. Novur has there been any * . ; Cipir in Oinalm.oqual to them for tlio Ml'I t < FINE KEY WEST CIGARS , A From 80,25 per hundred up. , - if Tt ( I/ t ' ' ' Ml , , "Atlantic" test 10o Oigar in City V r t O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT. , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * ' M jyl-cod-3m ,