THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : KIliDAY AUGUST 26 , 1881. THE SUNNY SOUTH , Oiie of tlie Old Battlefields of the South Visited , A Fine Description of Southern - , . ern Sceuoo. A Description of Ono of the Nn- ' tiounl Cjmotoi lev ( < r 6& . St. Lou ! Post Dl'i-alih. ATLA.VTA , Ga. . August 20 , 1831.- The latter part of September the .ir niics of the Cumberland that faced each other during the Inuch to be re grctted strife bo\weon tlid ntatc1 ? wll hold n reunion nt Lookout Mountain nt the foot of which the city ot Chat tanooga is enjoying a boom of prrn pcrity , and between the date of the closing exorcises of this event nnd the opening of the International Cotton Exposition there will be a short week of leisure * for those who after attend ing the reunion desire to come further down into the Einniro State of the aouth nnd witness the opening of the International Exposition , the ques tion naturally arises , in what way can these people bo ontortoinod during this period ? This is easily answered. 'Thero arc scores of scones and objects of inttorost along the line of the West ern Atlantic railroad nnd'the ' country adjacent to the line that cannpt but afford ample food for inspection nnd study , as many of those scones are of historic interest while others are beautiful nnd entertaining Leaving the battle ground above the sky , whore can bo scon all of the attractions of that flection , the slug gish stream of the Tennessee nnd portions tions of seven southern states , the Average visitor boards n train nt Chat tanooga on his way to Atlanta. Ho is in no great hurry to got there , as ho has a week to put in along the lino. Cotoosa Springs , in the county of that name , is the only point of interest. This resort is ono of the most popular in the South , and is beautifully lo cated among the hills only two miles from Cotoosa Station. Ample ar rangements can bo ha-l for all who de sire to visit this resort. There are fifty-two springs of different medical : ind remedial properties bubbling up in an area of .two acres. Jinny of them have boon analyzed by Prof. W. J. Sand , the atato chemist , and pro nounced by him most healthful and invigorating. The Cliicamuuga river runs through Cotoosn county , and passes under thotrack of the Western it Atlanta railroad about one hun dred yards from the station. S i Hero , upon these lands , now un dergoing line cultivation , the contend ing armies of the late wnr fought one of the most warmly contested battles. Around about the station can still be seen relics of the strife nt that point , "runnel Hill is the next point , of in terest to the eyes of. the traveler. This tunnel is quito n long ono , run ning under a spur of the Blue Itidgo. It is the only tunnel in the state and ono of the largest south of the Ohio river. Dalton comes in next for its share of notoriety. Itis the county scat of "Whitficld county , one of the richest nnd most productive in the state. The natural resources of the i county are varied , and the soil so rich that fertilizers are not used. Pulton is thirty-four miles from Chattanooga und one hundred miles from Atlanta. The city was founded in 1810 , nnd won known nt that time by the imino of Cross Plains. The name was afterwards - . wards changed to Dalton in honor of Triston Dalton , nn uminunt , merchant of Vermont. Several bold streams ( low through Whitliold county , furn ishing line water power. The East Tcnncsico line to Knoxville turn the Western & Atlantic rail road nt thin point , Tilton , Fort Mountain nnd Cohuttah Springs tire also places of interest in this lo cality. A low miles further on a-d wo como to llosaca , n small town eighty-four miles from Atlanta , situa ted just below the continence of the Conncsaugn nnd Coosa vatta rivers , which form the Qosannula. The In dian town of Now Echotn , the capital of tli'o Cherokee Nation , was once lo- ' caied hero , and it was on this place where the chiefn of Urn Nation signed ' the papers by which their country was dccuou to the United States. In the mountain * of the , Blub Jlldgo. which lie to the north nnd east of Hosncn , immense qtmrrjos of marble are being worked , while the fine fields located ntound the tbwn nro remodeled brittle- ' * ' 'Holds , hero nnd there bejng aeon nm- 1 Ale proof that nll ( of | Jho scars of wnr 't t have not boon Wiped put by the uro- gressivo hand of civilization. Any man who was a member of either , Sherman's or Johnson's nrmy remain * hers the fight at RoSaca , nnd doubtless they would recognize thp places whore they fought one of the hottest battlej ' , of the war. 1 Arriving at Culhoun , you will find a section of the country that lit not surpassed by miy in tno South for beauty and general nroductiveiiusa. Only a few miles from the'city ' i * the stock farm of ( Jnl , Hiclmtd Peters , ono of the boat , ifhiot 'thb very boat , ; in the utato or in the South. Col. 4 Pcton has about U.yOO acres nnd raises homes , ( thor6ughbicd cattle , sheep and goats of''nil ' varieties , and hogs of various Inueds. ' His place is n model southern stock farm r.nd is well worth n visit of aovnral hntm , Kingston is our next point of interest. Three mile's from hero is thu famous saltpetre cave , the Mammoth cuvo cf Georgia , whoso wild , weird like nt- tractions are unsurpassed , especially when its ponderous columns glitter like silver nnd glass ns they reflect the dazzling rays omitted by a torch or locomotive head-light. Hero visitors may promenade at will through ar cades supported by innumerable ) fanci fully-shaped columns , which llaro back sombre hues from ( he brilliant light , roam delicately from room to room through the subterranean laby rinths , or enjoy terpsichoreon festivi ties in the grand Indian dancing room , lifty feet long und wide and twenty feet high , which , lighted at the aides , by a locomotive headlight , presents u scene of indescribable splendor. Balls and concerts are frequently given here , which never foil to attract the attention of strangers. Leaving Kingston , a shoit track of sixteen * i. .rojle will take vieitors to Ilomo , n thriving and prosperous tow n located at/the / intersection of tin ; Goosft und OostnnulA rivers. Rome is situated in what h known as the Coosa Valley , and in this valley the very best cotton is raised. Coosa cotton has n national reputation for beauty of color nnd Iciictli of staple. It finds steady sale at tno very highest figures. The valley is as rich as cream , and two bales to the aero have frequently been made there. This valley is ono of the most beautiful in the State , and the moun tain on the opposite side of the river ftom Homo is covered oil all sides , from the summit to the base , with stones , ' marking the 'resting-place of the dead. Several extensive factories are in operation here , and three or four cotton presses are rushing con stantly during the season. Coming on in the direction of At lanta the last train soon lands us nt Cartcrville. This is the hot-bed of the independent democratic party 6f the state. Dr. W. 11. Folton , the tuost prominent independent of the state , who served two terms in con grcas as the member from the Seventh resides Iftro. Up is nbw out of poll tics and is devoting his time to tlfc causa of religion. Cnrtorvillo , besides being the political hub of the Seventh , is also a progressive little city. Near it several important enterprises are in successful operation. Quito a num ber of buildings are now being erected thorOj which , when completed , will constitute tno Georgia car works. Tliis.cntcrpriso will bo under headway at an early day , and when in opera tion the company will turn out over ono hundred freight card per month and has now orders for more cars than it can fill in a year. branch road from Ciirtnrvillo , twenty six miles in length , will convoy visi tors through ono of thu richest sec tions of the state to Ccdartown , where imtuonso iron works are now in opera tion. A. G. West , a prominent Now Yorker , Is the proprietor of this en terprise and also owns the Cherokee railroad , which line convoys his iron to Atlanta , from which point it is shipped. Marietta is the next attrac tive and interesting point along the line. line.At At Marietta is located one of the National Cemeteries. In this ceme tery there are buried 13,00(1 ( Federal Boldiors ; the names of 10,000 are upon head-stones and the remaining num ber are unknown. The head-stones show that n largo majority of these buried there nro from the west , and the northwest. The grounds which cover about thirty acres , are kept in excellent order by Sanies G. Hughes , the sexton , who resides within the enclosure with his family. IIo is at all times on hand ready and willing to answer questions und give information to visitors. Run ning through the grounds are several handsome drives and walks , while the cemetery , which has rather a park- like anncaranco on account of its beauty , is covered with grass and ter raced with mosf exquisite taste. Can non and pyramids of cannon balls ornament tho-contor of the grounds and add much to their attractiveness. Other Hconcs of interest abound in this locality. Ono fact that is wor thy of mention in connection with the above description of how n week can bo spent quito nicely and in structively along the line traversed by the Western & Atlantic railroad and the country adjacent , is this , that good and comfortable hotel accommo dations can bo procured nt all the cit ies mentioned abovb nt reasonable rates. The Vfoslonufc Atlantic rail road is owned by the state of Georgia , and in valued at § 10,000OQO. It is a portion of the line known as the Ken- ncsaw route , and the name of the route is taken from the mountain of that name , at Marietta , which is ono of the most imposing and picturesque in tho'state. Gr.oitnu. Tliroo Raoora in Ono Car. fsier ( N. V. ) Democrat , Yesterday afternoon , just before the first Atlantic express was duo at the Central depot , the shifting engine brought down the private car of Maud S. A Democrat and Chronicle re porter mot C.ipt. Stone as ho alighted from the car , and conversed \vith him as follows : "Capt. Stone , how is Maud S , feel ing to-day ? " "Very well ; she is doing nicely , as usual. " "You expect to go direct to Hart ford , I see. ' "Yes ; she will trot there the week after noxti" * * "Is the report that Mr. Vanderbilt would like to see her trot in much quicker time true ? " „ Yes , I thinkho would ; ho would bo plcnbod to sue her trot in 2:08 : , aim he is helping us all ho can to get her down to that notch. " "Is the track at Hartford faster than the Rochester track1 "Yes , I think U is. " "How much faster ? " "Well Hi * n second faster. The Rochester truck is worn out , compara tively , while the Haitford track is now and yielding. They ere going to plow up tno track hero this fall , and kvhen they nut on manure and build ip the soil , it will make the track 'aster and better. " "Then you naturally expect to trot ler in Hartford in consideradly less imo than aho did here ? " "Yes , under favorable circumstances iho can 2:10V : , I think ; " "Has Maud Snny ; * relatives on the .rack ? " "Yes , 4bvoral. There is Nutwood , : ho Culifouim stallion. ' Ho is chest- mt-colorud , and has n record of 2:18 : | ; ot at Stocton , California in 1870. Ilia dam was Miss Russell , the dam > f Mnutl S , , nnd Ink sire was Itelmont riien there is Noontide , tlufjroy mnro tvith a iccord of 2:20" : , gotnt Hart- lord in J 880. She was sired by the u'ra of Maud SHared , nnd her dam , vus Midnight. One , you see , is a lialf biothor nnd the other a half sister , [ Jut she has n full sister only a year aid in Philadelphia , owned by Robert Steel. Her name is Rosella , and she looks very much like Mnud S. , except/ that eheU dark gray in color. " A view of the car was next taken. i'Jio front portion is divided into three italls arranged so that the horses ride buck-ward , The ono on the right of the car is occupied by Maud S. The itall is narrow , so narrow that the mare cannot Hu do\ui , nnd the sides uul book ara all covered with pads , eo that in no ordinary case can the precious occUpant receive u bruiso. she formerly tnuullod in a stall where ihe-wns turned loose and allowed to > Vftlk around at lesiure. This was 'ound , however , to bo hazardous , for sometimes the sudden concussions produced by coupling cars would throw the trotter against the sidei and bruise her limbs. A colored attendant re mains constantly at the mare's head , and if an admirer wishes to pat her on the nose hi < i hand must bo first ex amined by the faithful darkey to see that nothing is being fed to his pet In the car yesterday next to Maud S stood So nnd So , the already famous trotter , that is under the charge of I3air , Maud's driver. An a courtscy to Mr.IIickok , his tno valuable horses St. Julieii and Santa Clam were given places in Maudes car for the trij 16 Hartford. St Julieti occupied the car next to So nnd So , and seemed to bo as cl6sely Watched and as carefully looked after as the little chestnut mare. Then in a Side stall facing the other there was Santa Glaus. Ho has not done well since his big trot hereon on the 4th of July , but he is expected to pick up enough to make a good showing at the great stallion races in Now York and Boston that are to bo trotted later in the season. The re maindcr of the car contains the sulkies strapped to the Coiling above the horses , a number of blankets and trunks , hay , oats and wire screens to bo put up when the flics try to bother the valuable quartette of trotters. Capt. , Stone was asked if he ever insured the marc. Ho replied , "No ; her owner is about as good a company as wo could find , and besides it would cost as much to insure her as she makes for us in the lone ; run. " Just as the reporter alighted from the car ho met Mr. Hickok , who had como to look after the comfort of his horses. "Aro your horses ( qping direct lo Hartford ) " asked the news hunter. "Yes ; I shall not stop them at Utica. " 'Will ' St. Julien trot at Hartford ? " "No. Ho has not recovered from liio Detroit cold' nnd subsequent influ enza , sufficiently to be started if ? a hard race. I shall keep him at work and try to got him back to himself before I start him against time. " "How about Santa Glaus. Will ydu start him in the stallion race in Now York ? " "That I cannot tell yet. It will depend on how ho behaves himself. IIo could 'not ' trot any last .Friday , but ho was weak then , owing to the hot weather of the last fortnight. The heat afl'ccts a stallion moro than it does a gelding or a mare , and in his case , it took the desire to trotou of him. That is the reason I drew him from the race last Friday. Ho could liavo mndo these last heats in bettor time than they were trotted , but I would not run the risk of during him hard on such a hot day. " In spite of the fact that these valu able horses nro so carefully attended they do not live very high. Maud S. gets twelve quarts of oats a day , and as much hay as she likes to cat. Water is kept in her stall all the time except , of course , when she is warm from exorcise. Her driver has gone homo to Cincinnati for a short visit , but ho will bo on hand at Hartford in time to give her plenty of exercise before she trots there. The idea of having the hoiso ride backward strikes many people as curious. It is done so that they will not catch cold , and for the same reason that an expe rienced traveller or railroad man always turns his toes nwny from the locomotive and rides backward when ho sleeps upon the cars. Jim "Wilson's Campaign. Sioux City Journal ; A feature of the Wilson senatorial campaign is. to claim republican candidates - , dates for the legislature for Wilson as fast ns thby afo nominated. This manifestation of cheek , under which" it is proposed to convince everybody that it is entirely useless to oppose the desires of the Wilson people , is liable to subject the Fairfield case to some disadvantages. Many of the claims will not keep until next Janu ary. This is illustrated in a private letter from n republican nominee for lho state senate to the editor of the Des Moincs Register. He writes : I see 1 am put down in the Wihon count AS being n pronounced Wilson man for the United States senate. This is news to mo. Nobody has authority for saying so. I am not for Wilson , and have no preference , nnd shall not have till the legislature meets , and when I shall bo able , to know all are candidates. If I had a preference now , something might BO change things that the same gentle- in.ui might obviously bo not the best man nox't whiter. I know of'no reasons why I should bo making a choice now from these who nro candi dates nt present. Later on better men than any of. these now in the .field , may bo candidates , und I should not want an early pledge to operate against my being able to vote for ono of them. Who knows what may happen in the four or five months to intervene/ / For instance , if the presi dent should die , nnd the cabinet be reorganized , I should fool very much like voting for Gov. Kirkwooit for the senate , and I also believe that the sentiment of the state , in such an event , would bo overwhelmingly in his favor. I hope to see n majority of the republican members of the next legislature unpledged on the senator- ship and ready to vote as thu best in terests of thu state , nnd the future developments of time , may then indicate. "Thoro is n great deal of good sense in the gentleman's ' opinion , " ns it looks to the Register , und this opinion as it strikes The Journal , will meet with ready indorsement nmong Iowa republicans generally. It will bo al together wise for candidates to fust protect thdmsolvos.I The Sorghum Industry. Qnan * QMette , The sorghum industry is destined to become a prominent ono in UIQ Mis souri Vnlluy , und the moro it is devel oped the moro satisfactory doca it nrovo. Last year John W. Wood of soldier manufactured 1,200 gallons of syrup , which was of such superior luahly vhat it found a ready salt ) in the homo maikuta. Ho alap iiuido 200 pounds of sugar , which satisfied him that it could bo done with profit , In the manufacture of it ho need only i. rough hpme-nmdo machine , but thin j'ear ho will purchase a good machine Etnd go into the hiibinesa pn n laiger . scale , ,1'his year ho has raised cano sufficient to produce about 3'000 gal lens of pyrup , and his mills H1 nmn- ufucturo , for other parties , sufficient t swell the entire product to ntjout 4j- 000 gallons. The amount of [ sugar ho will manufacture will depend on cir cumstances. Mr. Wood is quito en- thusiaktic over the business nnd re gards it ns ono of the most profitable for the farmers of western Iowa to on- gaga in. Ho says the best cane is raised on the poorest uplands. The Gnzotto will watch the development of this industiy with considerable fn < torest. Persons who nro inclined U doubt that good sugar can bo , or ha been mndo in this county , are invitee to call nt this office and examine sani pies. Homo After Nlnotoon Years , Flalnflcld ( X. Y } Cor. Xi \ . Sub. Mr. bobbins Compton and his wife , of this City , nt noon todaycto astonished by the cntratice into tlio house of n person tf horn they quickly recognize' ! ns Sylvanus , their son who was lost hoard of by them nine teen years ago , and whom they had bcliovcd to bo dead. Slyvanus , be fore the war , was n druggist's clerk ir this city. At the breaking out of the War ho joined the navy , being about 21 years of ago. Ho became attached to the surgical stair , nnd in June , 1RG2 , his parents learned , through a letter from him , that ho was on board a ship taking some sick soldiers to Now Orleans. This was the last heard of him directly ; but they fonud that ho had landed safely in No > v Orleans and had boon seen in that city. No further trace of him could bo found , and after a few years had passed it was concluded that ho was dead , and his family gave up hope of seeing him again. , The returned son tolls a remarkable story of his wanderings. Ho says that while in Now Orleans , after arriving there on the ship from which ho wrote his last letter home , ho fell in with n pleasant sort of man , who in vited him to join in drinking a bottle of wine. After this ho remembered nothing until ho was aroused from the stupor caused by the drugged wine , nnd found himself on board a slaver nt sea. Ho escaped from the ship at ono port , and told his story to the Ameri can consul , but found that that official had already been warned to arrest him as a deserter nnd send him back. The consul advised him to take the ship again and escape at some port where there was no official to arrest him. Ho next left the ship at an African port , and , made his way to Capo Colony. Hero ho settled down for n time , married nnd had ono child. Ho is supposed to have sent no word homo on accouut of fear of being ar- rcstcd'ns n deserter nnd taken back to America for trial. From Capo Town ho drifted to India and other parts of Anin , nnd finally to Australia. From Australia lie finnlly returned to Now York , nnd same from there directly to Plainfield in search of his parents. His father and mother were com pletely overcome by his sudden and unexpected return. The mother Fainted with joy. Comnton has a number of relatives residing hero , Mid all these who know him before ho ; lisappoared recognized him -now. When ho wont away ho left two brothers and two sister , but ono sister has since died. The two brothers and remaining sister are living in different parts of the country. Those who know , Comptou twenty years ago speak 3f him as a young man ot excel lent reputation , quiet and , much liked. Ho says ho wrote three letters home iron RHEUMATISM , Nouralgia'Sciatca , Lumbago , Bacfacfio , Soreness of iho Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sara Throat , Swell ings and Sprains , Burns and 2 Scalds , General Bodily Pains , Toot/i , Ear and Hoadacho. Frosted Feet and Ears , and all oilier Pains and Aches. tfc Trtftntlon an firth qu li Br. .Ucojj OIL u K t < ifrnrrf , tlmplf and clifap Eitrrnil feirnraA trial enttlli tut tli * compmtlvtljr ( riding cutUrof 60 Onti , and ertry on iutfer > 1st * with p ln can bT * cheap ted poiltlr * foef of III clilmi. ft a Mrcctloni la EUt v ( \ OLD BY ALLDBUOCHST8 AND DEAtEBB IK MEDICINE. A. VOGZLER & CO. , Proof Positive We have the most yosithfe 6nd convinc- UK proof thatTiiouAH * KuaTinc Oir , IB a iiiut elFt'ftual ttpooifiu fia hwlll ) luin , In mac * of rheumatism ufid lujurulb'ia It gnes nstaut relief. , tudiw Don't lalto Any Chnuoos on Iiifol iVhon Warner's' S.ifo Kidney nnd jivor Cure will icgulnto nnd keep 'Oil healthy at nil times. Worthy ot Praise. As n rule wo do not recommend pa- out medicines , but wliun wo know of mo that really is a public benefactor , Jid does positively euro , than wo con- ider it our duty to impart that infor- nation to all , " Electric bitters are nily u most valuable medicine , and \ ill surely cure Biliousness. Fever .nd Ague , Stomach. Liver and Lidney omplaints , oven where all other rom- idies fail. Wo know whereof wo ipcak. and can freely rocpmiHond to 11. [ Ex. Sold at , BO cents n bQitlo I8h & HcMahoh. " ; , (4) ( ) Burdock BITTERS HjontulTertrom lytpcpsla , use DL'KDOOIC BLOOD /JITTERS. If joit ore afflicted with Bllioiisnci" , u c HUUDOCK ni.oou HITTERS , II jounrc prostrated with lck Headache , take nUllDOCK 11LOOD HITTERS If your liowcljnro dfoordcrat , rrftilato them with BURDOCK 1II.OOD BITTERS. 11 } our Blood Is Impure , purify It with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. H ) uliatc Indigestion , ) on will flndnn antidote In BURDOCK 1ILOOD BITTERS. If f on are troubled with Bprtnz Complaint * , er adicate thini with BURDOCK BLOOP BITTERS. ljourU\cr ( Is torpid , restore It to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If jour Lher Is alTcctcd , you will find a sure ro- Btoralhclu BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If J ov 1m o any species of Humor or Pimple , till not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If } ou hao any t ) mptonu of Ulccra or Scrofulous Sores , aiJurntlioreiiicdy will ho found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and Utnlity tent , notlilnjfcancqunl BURDOCK BLOOD BITTnilS. For N'cnousand General Debility , tone up the j stem w 1th BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , 91.00 per Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Ctt FOSTER MILBURN & do , , , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by I > h & McMahon and C. F. Goodman. je 27 eoil-mo DON'TYOUMGEra ' WHEN IN NEED OF BOOTS 1 SHOES To examine the stock of BASWITZ & WELLS , House 1422 Douglas St. , near 15th OILULC. : is largo nnd nlwnya the lowest prices. c3cod Cm AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Roar for Mo ore ( s ) Harness AMDSaddlery. . Ihaie adopted the UonuaTntdaMaik , and I limy good * will bo trl'AMI'KU with tlio LION' ' , NAME on the tome. NO ROODS ARE 1EKUINE WITHOUT THE ABOVK HrAHFB. 'he Dot material U uwxl and thu n.oil iWlllfx1 borkmen are xiuployoJ , and at the lowest c&sb irlce. An ) one within ; a price-list of good will onfur a f at or by vending lor one. * DAVID SMITH MOORE. D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - ATLAW AKBACJI BLOCK , Cor , Dgu lai and j ih Sts , Omiba Xob. HEADQTJAR TER8 -FOR- MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls , Hosiery& open. Wholesale otily. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO , , tA Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. " I , OBERFELDER & CO , , IMPOIlTKItS AND JbUIJEIlS OF MILLINERY & NOTIONS , ' ' 1308 ann 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. - The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west. DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE ! ( ; ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO , , C A R P ET SI G R O C E R SI The Largest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. We KtsepEverything'in - the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , . Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures ' - and Lace Curtains , - WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha , MaxM GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods PISHING TACKLE , BASH BALLS , and a FULL LINEOF : NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS , S3QKTS3 3 O33C , 33EUCC3XI-XVX SS < ! X * . MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne