Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1881, Image 1

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    OMAHA A .
n ,5 ! , *
- , < t
No 1 I/flt O'H Harnfcy itroct , . near new court
house. * 2 p. " -
No 2 Lot on Can * street near 22il , $200.
No 3 Lot on Calfornfa street near 2&1 , $1GOO
No 6 Lot on Uarcr itroct near U. *
C1200. l I . deK | > t ,
, No 6-1 Mock In Shlnn's 3d Atldlllon nenrCon
' 1700.No No 8Two lot * oh Uecatur near Cnm | > bcll St ,
No 10-8 lots on Colfax struct near llanscom
rrk , nt reasonable priced ,
100 cholto resilience lots In Credit Foncler
O ranch law additions a short OUtAnro am
V. T. nnd . Boullicast o
wards. 11. & M. dqxjt * , prices from (100 up
18 lot * on Slst , 22J , 23d and finunilcru streets
north ot and mlJoLmng K. V. Smith's addition , ,
100 ; Urrni cjny.
No CO Full corner lot on Douglas
10th , $2500. ttrect near
No 70 Corner ( XlxllO ( cctloton Doughs
near llth street nonr
, $3100.
No. 71 Tlireo '
lots In Olsc's addition
den street , 81000 -
2d 73 addition Ixit on S11S. Dccatur street , ncAr Irene Slitnn'i
No. " 6 82x00cot on Paclflo street
near F
and It. & M. depots , KiCOJ.
No. 70 Splendid warehouse
77x132 foct Oth
street near Jones , $3600.
No Ti } 3 lots
on Ilirncy street
No 81 Lot In disc's addition
'reel near Saundcrs
, $500.
No. 82 Ixit 111 discs' addition near Sounders ,
tract , WOO.
No S3 2 lots on 10th near Foclflc and
> " rks Nal
: , S1500.
No 86 Lot on Charles street near'
SOO. ,
SOO.No87 I/ot on Loa\cnworth
No Sd Lot ncarlSth , $1,100.
on Cal Jivcll street ccar Saundcn
No SO Lot on Chicago nosir22d street.
00 Lot on Itlondo near
S76. Campbell street
BtlotsInMIIIards&Caldwcll's addition , Shcr
maniucmio , ICth street , Spring , Saratoga am'
Horcnco streets , § 700 and upwards.
No 122 2 lots on 18th street , near Poppleton's
new residence , 81000.
No 123 Lot 71x310 fcot on Sherman
10th street , $1100 avenue and
No 124 8 loU
on llellcvuo street
, near she
towcf , ? 50to STfi'cach.
No 125 Kull block
on Clinton street
that tower , ? SO to $70 each. , near
works No 12il , 8525 Lot on 18th street , nog whltelciu and
No ' .27 2 lotc , 3J acres near head of St. Mary's )
avenue , on road to Park , 82500. .ho .
No 129 Lo on California near Crclghton
cge , $376. Col
No 130 ( lots near new
government corral
x207i acres each. $300. , S2.
.No 101 Lot In '
Glso's addition on Cameron St.
near iSuundem , make an offer. scone
No. 100 Lot In UUo's addition on CosslusSt , it
near State , make an offer.
No 102 Lot ' cided
in Oho's addition on Casshis
Saundcm , iiuke an offer. near
No 1(13 ( 1 block In Boyd's addition addition after
near Omaha Barrack ? , make an offer.
No 104 7 lots In Henry & Shvlton'g addition ter
near high school , price from S1250 upward. ing
170 Lot on 1'adllc street , near ICth
offer. , at tin
No 171 2 lots on Webster street
near 21st
both do. $33.0 or 82000 for comer and 81600 for In. , tire
do.No 173 } lot on Cass near 14th street. $1000
V No 175 Lot
on Sherman aicnuo luth street
near Izard , 44x132 , 81400.
No 177 3 lota in OraniMow. make an offer. ; ory
Ho 180 '
Lot In
Sninn's addition on Pier St. . small
oar end street car track , $525.
No 181 Two lota in Nelson's addition
, I 01 :
iialio Bttcct , 1 on Center street ion
, near Cumin
RJOO each. ; , ,
No 183 Two gilt cdgo lots
on Cosa street near
2Ut. on a corner , $0000.
No 183 Lot on Si. ward street
, near Saundcrs
make , .
an offer. .akon
make No ISO an offer 3 lots on Seward street , near Irene , '
NolSCJ , lot "on Davenport near 25th.100. )
No No 187 } , lot on DUlsIon ' near Cumin ; ; lit. , $200.
ISSJ , bloik In Boyd's addition , near Omaha
barracks , $100.
No ISO } , } lot on Fierce near Oth street , (550. 'lie
No 19uj , * lot on llth
near Karnham , 2100 imo
No 11)1 J2 J
, -2 beautiful lota in Shinn's addition
, 1-200. , o
No 102J , 2 lots '
on ISth etrect near white lead 'lie
work * , tiufti.
No 103) ) , lot on 20th street near Sherman 8400 car
No 10IJ , 2 lots on 22il street , near Clark , $ UOO. , ames
No 100J
, U beautiful lain
on Stumdern bt. near 'otiirncd
Etrect car turn tnblc , $1275.
No 101) ] , lot on ISth near I'luJcu kt. $500. rain
No 201 Lot In '
Jiso's addition
on Cameron at , no
near Saiindcrx , 500. * ,
No 02 Lot on Cameron street near Saunden.
; o
No 203 Lot In Shinn's addition
on Snundcrs d
street , neamtrcet car tnr.i table , S&O.
No 2U4 Ilcuutlful lot In Nclttn'n addition o it ,
, on
UMslou street near C'liniliif , Ssilo.
No , 205 Two lots
on Costcllar
, near 10th osire
No'200 THO lots on Sixteenth etrcct
, near thv
uall works , $1500.
No 208 One-half lot '
on t'alltonila ttrect Micro
21 < t , * 700. near
Ne'210 No 2iO-Lot on ISth street near Nlchobs , $000. lite
Lot on Capitol avenua near 23d,91600. continues
No 212 Lot 148x600 fc < jt on Colfax street , neur white
Uanscom Park , with ] mpr\vonicnt > , $2700.
. No 213 Tuo acres on Cinilni ; street , $1003. they
No 215 One-half acre on California just
, near Ken-
nedyntreet , $350.
No 210 IlenutKul lot on Hamilton street near
itrcvt car tum taole , $1000. than
No 217 Lot on 23 < 1 street , ncr.rClark. $500. iskcd
A few acre lota only remain unsold In "Park
Placo" little west of frelghton Collect , prices hold his
ranging liom 9275 to y300 each and un easy terms. could
LoU '
Horbacli'g 1st and 2d additions
lots In ' ' ; show
ParKcr'nShlnn'B ; Nelson's , Terrace's , K.
Smith's. HcdickX and all thv other additions bo the
at any print and at anv terms. hardly
Ten acres In tha cltf limits on thu road to the
barracks at $376 pcrucru. ered the
K ur beautiful residence lots In front of case to
Crulgliton Collrgo ; will cut them up to milt , weakness
Nine residence lots north of Crclghton College
grounds , from # 700 tofrlOOO each. blood.
lldrty rti ldent lots In Parker's addition , MX there
blocks north of tho.rnd of tha strtts cor tnuk
on Saundcra street , fMO coch , 10 doHii , halaneu strength
suit , at 8 per cent Interest. seemed
A few lots Itlt In
Terrace addition
on the road
to the 1'ark. near head of St. JUryV avt'iiia',1-720 the parotid
ti , Tuthosu who Mill build a 41200 residence yield.
Tycars time at 8 pr cent Interest.
fxiU in Uko'H addition it 150 to $360 wicli , 10 i
yearn time -at U pi r cent Interest to the the
build. , o \ > hu ill
' , but
'lhuoIdTouslcy40-acr tract ulth
houw and
all Inijiroi Linen ti , adjoining rare coureoand fair coming
( jrouiidi1 tari&mu. worse.
dings Tracts and ol fi , lu , IS , 20 , 40 or 80 acres , uth | bull-
other Improvements and
oily , at all prices. adjoining thn
3500 of the beit KXKCUTIVK
residence lot
< in the city of
any locution you rtesirci- mirth , unit iSO : a.
eoiith or uu t , and ,
at bed roaU | irlcc . of the
250 choice
bnilnufu loU In all the .
principal but.
in ( KM street in food
* Omalu by
Omaluurvlnt , ' lioin $500 to
and in
500 Two to $16,000 hundred , nd liouwa located and In lots \ rtnglni ; from ; ho enoinata
ity , v\erypart of thu
fjrgo nuinlxr of
Sarpy , Baundern , Doljo excellent , WasliliiL-ton. arms In Douglas , ng has
other i xxl counties in eastern Nebraska. linrt , und ; ral condition
12,000 acres beat land * In Uougla his time
l > est buidt in acres
county , and
larva tracts
all the eastern loraturo
tlcrJ > ( couiitleH.
Over 1)00,000 acres of thu best land in the Ne- ( Signed
raika ' for ealo by this agency.
\'erj largo amounts of suburban
one to ten , twenty ami f ) rty acru plwxui. property located In
ithn | one to tlirte
, four or llto miles of the
ostottice bomo > fry cbcap piece * .
\LW Haps of Omaha , by *
George I
plain , unmounted
maps ccnU cadi
mounted , coiorud and with iloth back ;
r ch. , < ! . ) KXTICA
Jlousea.stores , hottN , fannsloUl andj. olflccs
rooms , etc. , to runt or lcae. KXKOUTIVB
Taxes Mid , rent * udtixtol , duxjj , mortgages , 0:10 : a. in.
and all kinds of
real cnUto documents made t is
out uiuafo
on short uotlcc.
GEO. PTBBMIS1 'roin > bjoct of
Heal Estate Exchange was nature light earnestly and
15th and Douglas Street arrived ut
, would not
OMAHA , - - NEB.
. very duainible
Latest Official Bulletins and
Hews From the SickOliam-
barat the White
House ,
The Qonoral Impression is That
the President 'Cannot
Live Twenty-Pour
Hours. * ,
1 The End is NotrBxoeoted Be-
* It * * f
fore MorniBg- Though it
is Generally. .
OonaededNot * loBapar Off ,
Unless a Mlroole
Intervenes. "
The President's Sinking Condi
tion Causes a Deep Gloom
in Washington and
New York.
Howgnto's Property Turned
Over to Secure j'Hie
Bondsmen ,
MiscoUrtnooaslNowaTfotesProm tlio
National Capital ,
, -
WASHINGTON ' , August ' 25. TJio sicoi
president's iittlo condition nt present gives in
reason for encouragement' . I ) a
fact , the public mind has boBn infused
with the idea that ho
cannot. recover , 78.8
the summoning of Dr. Agnew is (
regarded as nil indication , that the ap
prohondod crisis was at hand. The
consultatiijn of physicians Jast night ,
again this morning , WOBJ. it ap-
ears , devoted to the consideration ol
advisability of the removal ot the
taticnt from the white houseTlio
president is fretful and continually and
expresses n desire for a change ol
and the doctors arc agracd that cause
would be beneficial , but it is de no
impracticable at present } . Tlio dent's
conference last
continucil until
! > :30 :
midnight , and was rcsunro } ut ilu
the morning '
to-dajiy'last- and
t\vo hours , when tbo extra bulle much
was issued giving the result. The
president was restless
during the
en net
night on account of the slow'sup-
puration of the swollen gland. Tli strongly if
nsision of yesterday was not Mitisfac- within
, as the discharge of
pun > ) iy dent
the swcUing doc < not di-
ninish. The result of the inflninniar dent
is awaited with apprehension. change
The president this morning has The
nourishment about the same as ing ,
'esterday. Secretary Kirkwood , the not to
ostmaster-gcncrnl and Attorney- tervenes.
jencral MacVeagh wore at the white A
thin morning waiting a decision.
latter said ho' had been a long has
despondent , and saw no reason white
fool better now , nor felt bettor. president's
continuous drain , ho added , must only
him away. Postmaster-General n feeling
would say nothing. Agnew observance
to Philadelphia on the 10:30 : tondants
, and comes back Sunday. Thcro dent
misunderstanding between tlio wished.
rgcons , although Hamilton would Dr.
tlio removal , although Agnew peared
Bliss huvo always been opposed regard
regarding the risk too great. " 1 do
amilton made the proposition at the way.
of the president. have
THK ( JltlHlrf STILL UONTINUK.S. about
were very few callers at the described
house to-day. The crisis still Iittlo
and the inmates of the as two
hpnso feel less encouraged than ono
did ypstcrday. Dr. JJoynton that this
before noon said ho did not fection
the the
any bettor
ho was yesterday. Ho wati when
whether ho his opinion
own , and replied that lie All the
point to no symptoms that mation
him to bo worse. It seemed to the
general impression that ho was Vitality
so well. Dr. Boynton consid
important features of the The
bo the president's extreme Lowell ,
and the low condition of his The
Tie did not think day.
had been any gain of ornoon
since yoHtord.iy. The wound est character.
to bo doini ; well enough and iwollen
swelling had nol begun to cmporaturo
The physicians still keep alarming
< up
appearance , a'nd insist that intervals
president is | ing and
not much worse , if at
the otitoido public is again swallows
to the conclusion that he is parently
rests thu
' ' .
OPl'I * 'MI. .
[ Signed
AlANMioy , August 23 , The
in. The
president slept most
night. Ho has taken liquid acknowledged white
the mouth at stated intervals
stated this
sufliciont quantities , so that
have not been encouraged
asked if
modification of the
parotid swell-
yet been observed. His gen- ger Dr , answered ,
in much the sanio iut
yesterday. Pulsp 100 , torn- anxiety waa
thought lie
08.5 and
, respiration 18 , Dr.
] F. H. HAMILTON , said there Roy
D. U. AONB\V ,
ment but
I ) . W. BLISS ,
J. 1C BAKNKH , own.
J. \VOOUWAKI , the now
H. HKVBUUN , to show
SI-iNBio.v , August 23 Mrs.
Wo have concluded that that the
to remove the president doctors were
Washington ut present. The f beneficial
the removal of the president coon as his
Washington at M > ° present time Among
discussed by us last ator Logan
again this morning. After ex-Gov.
diberation , the decision was w.
by thu majority that it At 10 p.
now bo prudent , although thu National
at the earliest time of ciation had
which his condition mny warrant. Wo
nro , moreover , unanimously of the
opinion Hint nt no time since the in
jury lias the president exhibited
symptoms of ninlnrin ,
( Signed ) V , II. HAMILTON ,
D , H. AONKW ,
D. W. BUMS ,
, J , W. DAIINKS ,
, AllgUSt 2 >
12:30 p. m , Since the issue of this
morning's bulletin n rise in tlio presi
dent's ' temperature similar to Unit
wln'ch occurred yeslortlaymorniiighos
been observed. His pulse is somewhat -
what moro frequent from the incision
in tlio swelling. A few drops of mis
were discharged thia morning. The
size of the swelling liaa not diminished.
In other respects his condition is not
perceptibly changed. Iulso 112 ,
temperature Sl0 , ' respiration 10.
( Signed ) F. II. HAMILTON ,
D. W. BLISS , '
llOllT. IlUVllUHN ,
WASHINGTON , August 25 3 p. m.
The president's pulse is 102 , nut
hi.H fever continues about as the noon
bulletin. Ho lias taken more nourish
ment since nnd 1ms had no nausea.
The gland remains unchanged and
the other conditions show no improve
ment over yesterday. to
ExKt-UTiTK MANSION , August 25 ,
0:1)0 : ) p. m. Thuro has been Iittlo
change in the president's condition
since the noon bulletin was issued.
Tlio frequency of his pulse is now the
same , as then. Hia temperature has n
risen somewhat , Tint is' n'ot so high us
j-csterdoy evening. There was n
slight dischnrgo of pus during the
from the incision in the
swelling , but is now diminishing in
There is no unfavorable cliango eyes
the wound. Ho has taken by mouth
suflicient supply of liquid food. At
present his pulse is 11" , temperature
, respiration 10.
Signed ) F. H. HAMILTON ,
J. K. BARNES , looks
IlonV llnvnuuN. "It
August _ 25 , 8 p. m. There is no won't
material change in the president's hope
condition since the
evening bulletin , in
no indications of anything to
increased anxiety , except that Barnes
improvement is noticeable. and
August ' 25 , 9:30 : p. m. The prcsi creased
pulse is n little less than nt they
p. m. , nnd the fever no higher ,
has been asleep since that hour , with
doc.s not appear to be suffering part
discomfort from the gland. field
August 25 , 10:45 : p. m. The cabi showed
have gene homo for the night , She
impressed with the idea that the
there is no change for the bettor she
twenty-four , hours the presi abandon
must die.
August 25 midnight. The presi alscxhor She
is now asleep. No marked
lias occurred thus far , "Tho
ho seems to bo n Iittlo quieter. look
end is not expected before morn
though it is generally conceded
bo far ofT , unless a miracle in had
. '
WAHHINOTON , August 25. Them tioned
not boon a moro quiet day at the ance.
house ' in the history of the wander
case than to-day. The slept
regret is that it was not due to ly.
of perfect soourity. By close Dr.
of the physicians and at hia side
it was shown that the presi < to put
was not Join ? so well as it was tor
. bed
Bliss talked cheerfully , but ap ble ,
nervous. In conycraation m od
to the eland his
, remarks were : At
wish that gland was out of the "Thoro
Once thut is cured , wo will president's
plain sailing " In explaining His
the incision in tno gland , ho. are
how the gland was full of bulletin.
pockets of pus , just such pockets August
weeks ago ho talked about as house
symptom of pyaimia. Ho admits week.
condition is the result of af and Mrs.
of the blood , but hopes to see bedside
president rally from the effects slept
the inflammation subsides. In field
this will bo several days. for n few
doctors agree that the inflam houra ,
is now the main thing , and
rjuestion is can the president's
hold out. August
TO LOWELL. boon no
following was sent to-night : dition
Minister , London : now
president has lost ground to
Homo of his symtoms this af-
and evening are off the grav NEW
. The condition of the gloomy
gland and of the pulse and of together
suggests serious and Avenue
complications His mind at fool ( loop
hiyi been somewhat wandor- dent in
his strength fails , but lie still tense
liquid nourishment and ap thing
digests it. On this ono fact Among
hope that is still left of re corridors
] BLAINK , Secretary , Senator
condition of the president is Senator
critical , oven by the Gen. Logan
house j eople. Dr. Hamilton liad a long
afternoon that ho felt moro and Logan.
than yesterday , and when ut his
there was anv immediate dan and said
, "No , ington
Boynton says that the greatest the
about thu gland but ho mid I have
could see a way out of it. Washington
burn early this morning os8 I receive
was no apparent improve J shall
the president was holding prepared ,
The wound and stomach were ( uiring mo
secondary considerations , and liuvo hopes
taken was aullicioiit [ f summoned
better results if the gland did vice-president
much trouble ,
Gai-field still retains her faith
president will recover. The National
agreed that it would bo WAHHINOTON
to remove thu
patient an For the
condition would permit.
the callers Mississippi
to-day wore Sen weather
, ex-Senator Chaffeu und ,
Jlouth , of Colorado. nostlyj
IIOVNTON DiscquiuaKU. he cinperaturo lower
m. to'nigiil the agent of cloudy
Associated Press Asso south , shifting
a conversation with Dr , 'ollowod by
Boynton. Ho was found
bulletin. " "
"Yes ho
, remarked , "ho
tikes nourishment enough , but t
will have no effect M long M inflam
mation exists , together with the trou
ble that caused it. "
"What trouble do you mean ? "
"But can't that bo eliminated1 ?
"Only by tinn , nd 1 fear the
president can not bonr ui > long unough
for it. I toll you I feel just about
discouraged. I Imvo seen all along
the fiivorablo condition of the wound
and even of the parotid SH oiling that ,
kent mo in heart , but theio luis been
n change. I can not tell you just
how It is apparent , but 1 very much
fear that llio worst will conic to the
worst ,
"You anticipate no siidcli-ii end ? "
"I do not yet give him
up entirely
but Impo -growing weaker. I don't
like to think but that ho will recover.
At any rate ho is not Hkuly to diu im *
Meanwhile the 'cabinet were all nt
the white house , and some of their
ladies were with Mrs. Gnrfield. There
was n deep feeling of gloom with them.
Hope had almost forc.inkon them
when the contents' of tlio ovoni.ig
bulletin wna learned. Tn conversa
tion with the doctors they learned the
situation was growing moro and moro
grave , and they were given
understand that a cliango
must co mo soon. In fact ono
member stated nftcrwnrdn , they were to
told that if a cliango for the bettor
did not como within twenty-four houra
the worst might bft expected. The B.
cabinet and their ladies nil luftat 10:30 :
Bcforo leaving Secretary Dlaino sent 000
message to Minister Lowell , the
plain fncta of which woro'vcry signifi
cant of the general feeling. The sec til
retary of state had no more to
after ho loft the house. say
Secretary Windoni hud tears in his
na.ho . escorted his wife to their the
carriage. In answer to inquiry ho re 205.
plied : "It is bad enough , I toll you. "
Secretary Kirkwo'od saiJ : "Wo
think the president will not recover. " place
not day.
speak for emotion. to
Secretary Lincoln said : "Tho end return
near. " fmir
Attorneys-General MoVo.ijh ! said : cided
is ' turning out as I feared , and i who
bo very long I fcnr. My enl ; Indian
lies in the effect of nourislimen'
the next few houra. " loft
Drs. Hamilton , Woodward am
wont out during thu evening
did not como back. After in
anxiety it was known that mitte
could not bo seen. tion
Drs. Bliss and Royburn remained
tlio president during the early 11
of the night. Mis. Gar- 13 ,
was with him when ho
a wandering of the mind.
said not n word , but recognized keeper
gravity of the situation , although nuo
knows the physicians do not yet
nil hope , and she docs not. The
Vflr * to l ed and to < Lv.p , as did folay
children. nal
Private Secretary Brown said :
president is not dead yot. I
for better nowa to-morrow. " cases
During the evening the president's for
rose to 120 ; at 11:30 : p. in. it
fallen to 112 again. The swollen
has been covered with poultices
evening , and nt the hour just men
had. not changed in appear
The president continued to reproved
in mind until a Into hour. Ho cism.
some , but awoke very frequent
At ono time ho said : "Where is At
Bliss ? " On Dr. Bliss stcuping to toers ,
, ho said : "I want Dr. Bliss immense
mo in my own bod. " The doc prominent
explained that ho wns in his own of last
and seemed to bo very comforta was
and with that the president seem- Rood
satisfied ,
11:20 : p. m. Dr. Bliss said :
is no marked change in the
' gloominess
condition when
pulse is 112 and other indications grain
about the aamo as the evening THK
20 , 1 a. in. At the white from
it is as quiet as any night for n severely
The doctors are lying down Arabs.
. Dr. Edson
remains at the AN AIJVAN
of the president. Ho hus BKKMN
some but is restless. Mrs. Gar- in the
kept company with Mra. Edson Germany
moments during the last few
but has gono'to her room again.
20 3:00 : a. m. There has
cliango in the president's con The
during the past hour. Ho is this
sleeping quietly. cuss city thu
YOHK , August 25. The
news from Washington draw National
this evening at the Fifth OHIDAOO
hotel a largo gntliu'riiiK who of No , 27
sympathy with the preti- of Fowler
his great trial. Tlio moat in evening
interest is manifested in every fast
pertaining to Washington , DouglasH
the gentlemen noticed in the culled
during the night was ex * uakod after
Grant , ex-Senator Conkllng , ho know ,
Henry G. DAVI'J , W. Vu , , ox- friend
W. H. Whyto , of Afuryland , Douglass
and others. Gon. Grant Jones in
conference with Conkling ously ,
. Conkling visited Arthur young
residence during thu evening Douglass
ho had no news from Wash- .
other than that contained in Xbe
bulletins. The vice-president , National A
received dispatches from
calling mo I hero , mid un * pin canal
another summons to go afternoon
not btart , although I um to niuinorali/.o
but hope no dispatch ro- the projected
togo will be received. I twoon the
thu president will recover , rivers as
to go to Washington the kuk ; Chan.
will go by special train. Foster ,
Francisco ;
ludioat'ons- The canal
Aeaoclatul frou. and not u
made by
, August 20 1 u. m , derson , of
upper lake region and upper dolph , of
valley : Partly cloudy und Douglass.
occasional rains , winds
southerly , stationary or higher
ana lower pressure. For PiTTHiiimo
Missouri valley : Partly guth , a
weather and local rains , warm brutally on
to colder wind * , fulling day. Ho
rising barometer , of murder.
\J kJ I .LUOl
An Unusual Lively Day For
Murders-Riot of Vir
ginia Negroes * ,
Excitement iu Now York Over
a Successor to Senator
A Gloomy Prospect for Crops
iu England Other For
eign Nowa.
The Latest Sporting News
The laces , B\so Ball
and the Walkers.
Miscellaneous Now * by Telegraph
From nil Fnrta of tUo
Country ,
WASHINGTON , August 25. A deed
was ( Hod to-day in thoofllco of the re
corder from II. W. Howgato and wife ,
James E. Fiteh and Robert C ,
Fox , trustees , convoying property in
trust to secure W. McOulloiighV. .
. Moses and J\Iotcly \ & Anderson ,
sureties of llowgalo's bonds of $10-
in the ombcz/.loment case. Gen. n
Hazon says there will probably bo no
further developments in the caao un
trial , and docs not think that
Howgato will bo arrested unless ho at
tempts to leave the country. The
property now under attachment by
. government is appraised at $101-
The final Indian conference took
at the interior department to the
. Secretary Kirkwood refused
Little Chief's request to bo allowed the
to Red Cloud agency with ern
hundred of his people , but de for
that Little uhief and the men
loft with him should go to the line
Rod Cloud and half a Hcoro of others to
for the west to-day. the
YOIIKTOW.V ( jiiunit\Tioy.
YOIIKTOWN , August 25. The com- to
of arrangements of the coloura
decided toduvto Imvo the dem
onstration at Baltimore , October 10 ,
and 42 , and in Washington the
1-1 and 15.
Harding Tucker was appointed store era
and guagor of internal rovo-
for the fifth district of Kentucky. with
following dispatch waa received red
lay 1 y tlio coinnis. ioner of inter Knife
revenue. l cnl
OHBE.VSVIIJB , S. C. , August 25. voroly
Redmond has been convicted in ton next
two for conspiracy and eight the
violating the revenue laws. oi.urt
LOMW.V , August 25. Gladstone has National
Mr , Hualy's recent criti
iworu'ii vor.iOTKKu UIJVIBW. test
the rovioiv of the Scotch volun tion
at Edinburg , to-day , thcro were
throngs on the hill top.t and
points. The heavy rains
night interfered. The queen
aalutcil and entertained at Holy lon
UI.OOMV CHOP ruoHi'iirrK ; , lit
Universal rains have increased the ur
regarding the harvest , and onco.
is sprouting almost everywhere. it
. , August 25. A dispatch
Constantinople says the Turks
punished the Montofot
, August 25. An advance ons
rate of discount on the bank of
is expected.
health of Kmporor William in
indiflerunt. (
orthodox evangelical clergy of onal
held n mooting to-day to din- KW
Jewish question.
Miirileroni Assault- of
Aswlutwl 1'rru ; i
, August 25 , Win. Jones , >
Fulton ntroot , lute cashier .
Bros. , was nhot twice thia oed
on tlio stops of his house by a
young man , Dean Douglas * .
and IIIH friend , Clements ,
ut JOIIOH' hoimu , Clements uiial
.Jones' young muter , whom
Jones ordered him und his , owi3
away and sent for a revolver. fe ,
tlion fired twice , wounding
the head find arm danger
Jones also fired at the floeini ; onal
man , with unknown results ,
and Clements escaped ,
- , ( |
Hennopln CauuL itter
odatixl I'rcm.
OiiiUAao"AugUfl.t 25 , The Honiio-
committee mot iioro this
and appointed a committee
/ congress in regard to LAS
commercial canal be- ir
Honnopin and Mississippi
follows ; Hum J. Clark , Ken-
. Randolph , Chicago ; M ,
Oshkosh ; 8. C. Hustings , Ban
P. Runnoy , Kalamuzoo. iUAUKOiiu
is not to exceed seven foot , turado
shin canal. Addresses were IUCCUHS.
Judge Hunting * , Oen. Hen in town ,
Princeton ; Chase Ran cession
Chicago . , and Messrs. Camp present.
Another Wife Murder. National
, Aug. 25. Lewis king- SAN
saloon-keeper , beat his wife McLuno
Tuesday , She died to Wells ,
was arrested on f ho charge suddenly
ALIHNV , August 25. Albnnys ,
Treys , 11.
Ct.KVKMNii , August I'o. BuH'iilos
0 , Clevclnnds 5.
NKW YOHK , August 25.-- - Battens :
8 , Metropolitans 2.
iiAHTroui ) U.UIF.M.
HAHTKOHD , Augiint 25. Maud B ,
is too In ino und St. Julian is not in A
condition to. trot.
The 2:21 : race was woiuby Edwin
Thorn In three straight hwits , Pied
mont second , Limy third. Time ,
J:17i : , 2:18i : , 2:18 : ] ,
The 2:21 : class , two mile heats , was
von by Amber , taking the Hucondniid
bird heats ; Post Boy the first. Time
r.OOJ ; , 4C8 : | , 5:00. :
The 2M : ! class was won by Cling-
tone in three straight heats , Jimmy
Stewart second. Time , 2:2 : J , 2:2J : ! | ,
: WJ.
NKW YqiiK , August 25. The first
ace , three-year-olds , five furlongs ,
as won by Clam A. , Alck Ameiit
eeond. Time , 1:0-1. :
The second race , all nges , maiden
llowunco , mile and ono furlong , was
on by Ingomar , Manitoii second.
HIUj ± IJir *
The third nice , handicap , mile and I
half , waa won by Mamio Fields , My-
nntawt second. Time , U:14. :
The fourth r.ico , one mile , was won
by Ohio Boy , Pilgrimage second.
Time , 1:41. :
The fifth race , handicap , mlle nil 1
quarter , hurdle , was won by lied
ding , Judge Murray second. Time
2:23. :
Railway Conference- for
Nitlanul Avtoclitoil 1'icss.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , August 25. A
committee of _ the Northwestern and
Freighters association niol hero to-day
confer with representatives of the Ion
Southern railroad and Steamship and
transportation association in regard to
right of one association to fix rates
over the northern line while refusing
latter a like privilege. The north
lines Imvo been unable to contract
through transportation without
communicating with the southern
iu regard to rates. Afler n har
monious session the committee agreed of
louvo to tuo Houthorn association
fiMiig of through rates until n zens
general mooting of both associations , that
bo held in Ootob'er , probably in At the
Colored. Rioters at Ellolunouit
Nitlonal Associated Pioiw. dorod
HICIIMONP , August 25. On Satin- next
evening about 125 colored labor cipal
employed on the extension of the uty
Bright Hope railroad wont to Chester tnigh
the intention of breaking up r two
festival under tlio auspices of tlio col
Odd Fellow * . A free fight occur
anil four rioters were > cut with r
and ard rcpdrtwl to bo Si a criti gabnla
condition. TwfT'othonf were BO or ,
cut. Thoyifireaton to return '
Saturday night and clean out the 'from
town. Thu judge ot the county his
IIOP mndo application to the gov low.
for n special police force.
Now York State Sonatorahlp- National
Aniodatcd Prim
OLEAN , N. Y. , August 25. There Dun
great excitement here over the eon- rant ,
to-morrow in f ho' county conven out
to nominate n successor to L. JJ.
Sessions , state senator. Sessions is
confident of ro-olcctioii. His oppo iroccas
claim he will bo benton. . ho
; o
The Walker * . Within
I'rosi. vill
August 25. The ncuoiul libiting
of the '
O'Leary-Harrimaii 75- n his
walk attracted an immense au- loath
. The contest h Very close ami ( self
os a great deal of interest. Al icon
] ) . in. to-night O'Loary hut t
iplcted 110 ? miles and Harritnui 'fie
_ cooping
_ s'oithor
American PliarmaoautistM. iado
Associated I'tista
CANHAH CITV , Aut'ust 25. The se . hristain
of the
pharmaceutical conven- [
adjourned to-diiy. The next otuliation.
ting will bo held ut Niagara fulls mvo
second Tuesday of
September , aves ,
The moniborq nro holding u uthorly
Hut to-night , mve
id , as
AiuH'latcd 1'rcu. 10 form
YoitK , August 25. The res- : Id hcr ,
Jon is announced to-day of Mr ,
i an
B. Somerville , miporintoiid- sily
the pit ! s traiiHiniHsion
of the Werftern Union telegraph o high slaveu
uny. Mr. Soniorville'a retire-
from the jounmlistic field is un- iitse
to bo tompornry , und he will 10 slave
ro-ongago in press work , orcod
Klllod His Wife-
Amochtuil l'rt .
oKHiiuiui , August 25. Loinoro A
Sessions shot and killed his Smith man
Hixtoon inilos from this place , Brush
A Coon Goes Homo-
- night
A * xl.itc < l I'tenn. ,
took hold
tKVKM'OitT , Lu. , August 25. small
Porter and Alex Kendall , col- the
uarrilol ( , and Hie former killed that ho
by dealing him a blow with took hold
tling. the
Suicided. was
oualAiuov'atfil ' I'rcu. release
, Toxai , August 25. John
, near Ennis , Klhs county
ttcd suicide ,
_ National
Aiuocbtal I'n-b3. fairs ut
of wholesale
, Pa. , August 20. The outraged
to-day was an inimoiiso quieted
Five thousand
people were
three bunds were HI the pro prisoners
und fifteen tire
companies were court that
of Charles
of Clms. MoZtauo , searched
AwodntoU I'rcRx.
coedod in
FitANfJsco , August 25. Chas. particulars
, formerly president of as the
Fargo & Co.'s express , died rater and
ut Indian Leggings , Placer liuvo peon
ther trouble
NO. / > ( )
Vntloiml Amocl.iUil Prftw.
OiitoAdo , August 25. About H
'clock last night a stock train on the
J. B. fc Q. railway struck a horse
standing on the track in thu city
hints. The
engine and five cars were
.hrown from tlio track. A brnkcmau
mined Hiram Welser was instantly
dllod. About fifty head of cattle
were also killed nnd a largo number
CIIKUOO , August 25. A. II. Miller ,
well-known jeweler , has made an
assignment for the benefit of hit
WIOIIITA , Kait.1 August 25. The
mooting of the Oklahoma town
any. just hold in this city , wiw
argoly attondcd by the prominent
men connected with the enterprise.
? upt. Payne's mincml discoveries
wore discussed and uncciincni exhi
bited. Pnyno reported that the army
olliccrs in the neighborhood of Fort
iill are locating mining claims and
taking out mineral. The
determined to move iu Oklahoma'in
October. The colony now numbers
nearly 10,000 people.
NKW PlIILADKM'HIA , O. , AllgUSt.25.
It in thought that the trouble at the
Pike Run mines will soon bo at an
end. Now men nro coming and thcro
is a prospect that the mine wilt again
be tilled this wcok. Throe hundred
men have been idle for three weeks.
LOOAN , August 25. All minors of
the valley in secret meeting , resolved
to demand an increase of 10 cents.
HALIFAX , N. S. , August25. Bnron
io Rohan , iv pretended monk , is nt
Hborly. Ho has fcir ( wanly years
boon a professional swindler. Presi
dent Oarflold reconlly signed papers
extradition on account of rob
bery ' , but it is now found that the
ofl'cnso is not an extraditable crime
Do Kolian was released.
MONTHKAL , August 25. A ; J. Whit-
government inspector of weights
measures , is an absconding de
faulter to n largo amount.
Nation * ! Amoclatnl 1'rcsi , .
SAN FIIANCIHCO , AnguSt'25 , ' A dis
patch from Silver City says"that ono
hundred people have boon killed
during the past fortnight by n. band
Indians in Socorro and ad
joining valleys. Soldiers and citi
nro in pursuit. It is reported
the band is moving south from
line of the railroad.
The citizens of Benson , Arizona ,
seized the occupants of n gambling
saloon , burned the furniture , nnd or-
the whole party to leave by the
train on pain of being the prin
figures in n necktie p.irty Dop-
Sheriff McComas was shot in the
during an altercation between
members of the gung.
A Lunatic's frightful Death.
PiTTsnuKO , August 25. AtMonon-
City , yesterday , August Brick -
who .lias boon an inih.ito of the
llarrisburg asylum , throw- himself
n third ntory window , dashing
bruins out on the
pavement ! > < ; -
Ail Eye Kicked Out.
Auocintccl I'ron.
CHIUAOO , August 25. At midnight
McDonald , n waiter in n restau
while drunk had his eye kicked
by n Russian , who escaped.
s to abolish slavery by a
of gradual emancipation , and
successors of the Israelites are to
out of their bondage forever.
u few days u proclamation
bo issued by the Klicdivo pro-
further addition to the slaves
dominion , BO that with the
of the existing slaves slavery
will die , Slavery has always
mild and very limited m Egypt ,
least under Mohammedanism.
Koran prohibits Moslems from
their coreligionists in slavery ,
Mohammed nor his successors
slaves of their conquered eni-
until thu Crusades , when the
Knights , by enslaving their
bhamniodun captives , provoked
. The Egyptians , however ,
always kept a number of infidel
mostly negroes from moro
parts of Africa. Those
gradually boon growing fewer ,
in nil Modammou'aii countries
of slavery lint not , only boon
but has existed UH ft political
than a social institution. It
boon possible for the slaves to
obtain his liberty , nnd to attain
social position. The number
in Egypt is now small , and
nro mostly in the south and on
frontiers , where the laws against
, trade cannot bo adequately
Fooling With Electricity ,
named Georga Leonard
entered the station of the
Kloctrio Light company on
street , about 11 o'clock to
and reaching over the railing
of one of ( lie brushes , n
copper wire whore is collected
electricity. Making the remark
would stop the machine , ho
of the other brush , whore
current is generated , and he
over the railing dead. Ii
necessary to stop the machine to
Quiet at Orange-
AuociitoJ I'n-si.
, Tex. , August 2-1. Af
Orange , Texas , lately the scone *
killing ut the hands of
citizens , were temporarily
to-day. The jail was taken
of by the military and the
protected , The kangaroo
thatna to determine the fate
Dolno was not hold. The
swamps are still being
for the outlaws who suc-
making their escape. No
can bo obtained by wire
railroad ugont , telegraph ope
newspaper correspondents
driven out of town. Fur
, however , is expected ,