6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY' ' AUGUST 23 , 1881. A SCOUT'S ' STORY. An Incident Recalled by a Vis it to Harper's Pony. The Historic Spot nml Iti Snr- ronntUnR * . SpA\l Cor. PhllailelphU 1'rcM. HAHPER'S FEnnv , W. Va. , August 10. Harper's Ferry mid its environ ments linvo been so often described and its historical Associations so fro nuently narrated that it would bo diftlcult to s.iy nny novel in reference to it. Very early in the century llio beauty and picturcsquencss of its river nnd mountain scenery wcro grapHcally depicted by Thomas Jef ferson , nnd since then Iho John Brown mid nnd Stonewall Jackson's exploits linve.nddcd historical and ro mantic interest to the bright , Hashing rivers which join each other at the edge of the town nnd to the huge cliffs which overhang it. Harper's Ferry is surrounded with battle-fields ; within n radius of less than twciity-fivo miles during the "Into unpleasantness" no less than ton hnrd > fought battles took place. For four years the sound of artillery was nearly as familiar to the cars of its inhabitants as the crowing of the ccck in a country barnyard. It heard the thunders of artillery at South Mountain , Antintain , Monoca- cy nnd Oncquon , A sad , melancholy , deserted-looking place it is now. Liku Yorktown , the cruel wounds of war liavo never been healed , and its only glories are in its ruins and its memo ries. Harper's Ferry is now in West Vir ginia , being in Jcfluratm , the extreme eastern county of that rugged now state. For years it was a source of discontent to the neighboring gentry that they wore , without their own consent , cut off from their old mother state , but many events of late years have made them entirely reconciled to their fate. Quito nn interest , however , is still maintained hero in the politics of Old Virginia. Coming along from Balti more the merits of Cameron nnd Daniel wcro warmly discussed , nnd I had some conversation with nn intel ligent supporter of the former whoso statements somewhat surprise me. I will write further on this ns soon as I can visit Harrisburg. THE STORY OP A PAUINO SCOUT. Some years ago , whilst waiting for the' eastward bound train at Hiupor's Ferry , I had n most interesting inter view with one of the scouts that pene trated the federal lines hero just be fore the capture of the place by Stone wall Jackson. Ai well as I remember , his name wns Tabb a tall , lithe , keen-eyed Virginian , with n strong , aggressive-looking chin , yet soft-toned nnd low-voiced. Ho told mo of his adventures , the eventful night when lie was sent in , really as a spy instead of acting in his legitimate business as n scout. His directions wcro to get into Harper's Ferry ( wJioro ho wns slightly acquainted with one or two Southern sympathizera ) nnd ascertain as near as possible the number and position of the garrison , and also par ticularly to hnd out about their mor ale. Howasdrossodin Federal uniform , with high cavalry boots , which ho had recently captured. Passing by two or three narrow escapes from cavalry vidottos , in our narrative I will endeavor to give as nearly as possible his account of his adventures in Finally getting within the Federal lines. Ho wns endeavor ing to' enter the town from the west. ' From about 9 o'clock nt night till 11 ho made futile efforts to get past the infantry pickets for the town was thoroughly picketed , nnd all wcro on the alert At length ho got down to the river bank , but saw some distance in front of him n sentinel upon its verge. A daring idea then anizud him. Potomac hero is very wide , but not deep in the summer or * the early part of the autumn. It was the night of the 12th of Septem ber , 1802. Ho determined , with the assistance of n short polo that had come into his possession ( the river bottom is full of stones and current very rapid ) to wade out in the middle of the stream and como to shore below - low the pickets. Bonding over until the water actually splashed into his face , and stumbling over the rpckj bed in such a way that ho often f caret the noise of his boots upon the stonoi would bo heard on shore , Bovera times nearly losing his footing , urn ] his oars bpwildorcd almost by the noisy brawlinir ' of the rapid stream , he yet ( succeeded' without being discov ered in reaching the bank very near the town , and just beneath the track of the Baltimore and Ohio road. Hero , almost exhausted , concealed by the bank and alight railroad embank inont , ho paused to rust and listen before boldly venturing upon the shore. Above him on the other uido of the river , a gnat somber shadow , black as Erebus , except toward Iho top , where camp-fires on the further side faintly gleamed , the Maryland Heights frowned down upon him. Noises wcro all around him. The Potomac vied with the Sheimndoah , which joins the former n fehort distance - tanco beyond where ho crouched , in murmurous music over its stony Lot torn. Ho could hour the neighing o horses , apparently from the dircotioi of liolivur Hoiidits south of him. The confused sounds in many infuntr , camps ot a great multitude wore a vague , indistinguishable , and untrans latublo as the murmuring voices of thi waters. A N.utuow escure , A night bird akinuned along tin river , and , on suddenly seeing him arose with a shriek , which to his excited cited brain seemed like the desparin cry of a lost eoul , It was a despcrat venture ho was making. If caught under the laws of warho was doomci to swift and ignominious death * As , he gazed in deep thought up the tow cring.stoops of Maryland Heights suddenly on its top at the darki's point a small but brilliant light np pearod'c it trembled , was obscured thrice gleamed out , and was darkened then suddenly leaped into the bright cat glow , and stood steadfast , clea and beautiful as a now-born star frcsl /rom the Jumds of God. It won probably a signal light. " , Neverthe lea * , " said ho , "in'somc unaccounta ble way it gave mo strength ani courage , And as all seemed quie near me , I coolly walked up on the railroad track. At first I thought no one was near , but suddenly a littl roint of light within a few fei-t struck ny attention , It wns the light of a ignr. The owner had his back to mo vhcn I first stopped tip , but ho turned Then ho heard mo. 'Whoro the cl 1 lid you como from ? ' wiitl n hoarse , uff voico. The cigar gave mo n cue , , nd ns the wind wns blowing quite rcsh not np or down the river , but cross it , I replied , producing my pij o nil rapidly filling it ; 'Oivo mo n Ight , ciptain , if you pjoasoj I just topped down there to light my pipe , > rotoctod from the wind , but lost my ast matchei. Ho handed mo the cigar , nd repeated his question in n milder ono. I had heard of n certain Colo- 10 ! Ford , who commanded nn Ohio cgimont in the garrison , nnd , > y a happy inspiration , I an- wercd that I wns nn orderly if Colonel Ford. 'Ah ! Irom Tnrylanil heights then. Why , if you amo over thn pontoon bridge , how did you got up hero ? By this time vc were in the town , ns wo had valked along together , and T could ; ot a good look at my interlocutor. lo was n lieutenant of cavalry , n tout , jollv looking follow , and there vas nomothing in his nir nnd appear- inco that plainly indicated that In ras a 'hail follow' with his comrades , uid not at nil nvcrso to 'filling the lowing bowl. ' I told him I had como over tlio pontoon bridge nnd being tin- amiliar with tbo town , had asked the ; uard thorc nnd understood them that > y coming up the railrnad nnd then .urning to the left nt the first street I rould soon find myoelf nt the center of the town. 'You misiindurstood im. ' said the lieutonnnt. 'You should iftor coining from thoponloon bridge , mvo turned up to the loft toward the railroad bridge nml the Shcnandoah river , nnd then turned to the right nt ; ho first nppoaranoa of n street. ' Af- or some little conversation I mudo > old to tell him that I had bcoii sent > y General Ford to got n bottle of [ oed whisky for him , nnd had ncci- Ipntnlly lost a little note giving mo lircctions whor * to go. Would ho nko mo to n place where I could got t. Ho laughed nt my confidence nnd aid ho guessed ho could direct mo. rust ns wo were passing n hoiiao vhich , from the bright light in and .round it , nnd the horses hitched near t , I judged was the hcndnuartcrs ot omo officer of rank , n soldierly look- ng man stepped forth from the door- vay and greeted my companion , who alutcd him ns 'Colonel. ' Ho gave no a piercing glance and when I look- d back he was looking steadily after us. Presently ho called out , 'Lieu- onant , como back heron minute' ' "Ho returned , nnd my heart almuit toodstill ns I hoard the colonel ask : 'Who that with " is maiii you ? " "Oil , it's ono of old Ford's order- ioi. ' ' "What's ho after ? ' " 'I don't know. I will keep an yo on him. ' " 'Yea , nnd make him show his ass , ' interrupted the colonel , 'for ou know the enemy is nil around is. ' " 'All right , ' rejoined the lioutpn- nt , nnd ho hastened to catch up with no. ' "Wasn't that colonel-1 and I icaitatod ns if trying to think of the mmo. 'Colonol Davis ? -yos , nnd a no officer ho is , though very strict , ' onlicd my companion. 'Now , your oloncl , 1 fancy , from what I have lenrd , is good deal the other way , and ntjlit jolly old follow. ' Now , God orgivo mo and Colonel Ford , too , if o is still living , " remarked the scout , 'but of all the lying that was over romptly , smoothly nnd rapidly dona think my porfomanca would outrank lie worst. 1 mndo out Colonel Ford lie most disputed , reckless , jovial Id inebriate that over furnished texts or tompcrnnco lecturers. Wo soon pund a drinking place , and the jolly ioutonant proved himself a worthy ompanion for FnlstafF. When I first mid for the drinks nnd n bottle of yhisky , I again ran n narrow risk , for I had nothing but confederate money and gold , nnd the nso of gold then lorth of the Potomac wus nearly ns suspicious as confederate monoy. But whilst I did not know the barkeeper , lis nppoaranco BO _ tallied with a man I md heard described ns n southern paHiizor engaged in the business licro that going to the on'd of the : ounter with n warning look I handed kirn a live dollar ( /old piece. Ho gave mo a reassuring glance , and ostenta tiously laid out the greenback change on the counter. " It would take too long to give all the further details of the scout's ad ventures. About 1 o'clock ho gave his convivial friend the slip , mot in i short tnno a man who gave him al the necessary information , and know ing it useless to attempt to go back the way ho came ho crossed the Hhon- andoah , The nojtt morning about two hours after daybreak , after n tor- nblo scramble Up London HoighU , ho reported to Gcnoful Walker , who im mediately signaled his nowa to Goner ul Jackson. Two days aftorwniv Harpor'a Ferry ailrrofldorod wit tu-elvothousand men and suTonty-threu iiioc/s'gf 'artillery. The bravo'Cplonel D.yusj'faho had , so ajarmgd our friend the spout , escaped , and ho cut his'way throughwith his ' command ouly" ! meet a'soldier's' ' death 'nt the bloody cavalry fight of Brandy Station in the following Juno. J , E. V. Cored of Drinking , "A young friend of mine woa cured of on insatiable thirst for Hnuor , which had so prostmtod him thai ho wns uimblo to do any business. Ho was entirely cured by the use of Hop Bitters , It allayed nil that burning thirst ; took away the appetite for > liquor ; made his nerves steady , and ho has remained a sober and steady man for moro than two years , nnd has no desire to return to his cups ; I know a number of others that have boon cured ot drinking by it. " From a loading H. II. official , Chicago , 111. [ Times. auglS-sopl t- " - Worthy ot Praue. As a rule wo do not recommend pa tent medicines , but when wo know of ono that really is a public benefactor , and dpoa positively cuio , than wo con- aider it our duty to impart that information mation to all. Elcctvio bitters uro truly a moat valuable medicine , and will surely euro Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomach. Liver and Lidnoy > complainta , oven wlionj all other roni- edies fail. Wo know whereof 110 > apeak , and can freely recommend to all. { Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bottle I h &HcMahon. * (4) ( ) MISS PINNEO. Interesting Interview With the Champion Horse woman. A Ilaco ArrnnKO'lwithMrti. Bnrlco at Omnbn in September- Corropomlcncc ol The Ocm cr llcpubllcan. "Miss Pinnco , " said n Republican reporter who happened to bo in Oreo- ley yesterday , and had called on the young lady , "no doubt you realize thnt you are , ns it were , the daughter of the state of Colorado , nnd that the pcoplo of the stale nro always deeply interested in whatever they may hear from you or of you. If you will grant it. they would bo pleased to Know what races you have in contemplation , with whom , upon uhat conditions , nnd whatever ether information con cerning yourself you may bo willing to give. " Now , Miss Minnie fwas at homo in a little parlor , cosy mid homelike ; wasn't feeling very well ; just recover ing from n protracted , but not serious illness , which first came upon her while in Lcadvillo attending her last race. Notwithstanding this , she kindly consented to talk a little. "During the races nt Omaha , on September ! t , I shall ride a ten-mile race against Miss Nellie Burke of Ne braska. I am not acquainted with this lady , but have heard that she is an excellent horse-woman , having ridden several successful races. For this race there will bo a piirso of 82,000 81,000 on n sido. At present I am not nwnro that I shall ride any other race this fall. My father is now in the east , and may have made ar rangements for others that I do not know of. " It will bo remembered that immedi ately after the Pinnno-uurtis race in Denver Miss Custis challenged Miss Pinneo to ride her n rnco somewhere in Kansas. Colorado's horsewoman nccoptcd the challenge and n race was then arranged for , to como oft' some time during the fall on the To- pokn race track. In answer ton ques tion concerning this Miss Pinneo snid : "Tho time for this race has not yet been agreed ujion. I am , however , willing nnd anxious to ride it whenev er it may bo convenient to Misa Cur- tic. It is possible my futhor will see Miss Curtis or her friends while ho is east , and that thoy'will agree upon n time when wo shall meet on the track at Toppka. " Just hero in the conversation some thing was said about rumors of ono kind and another , when Miss Pinneo became quito earnest and talked ns though she meant what she wns say ing."It "It has boon ronorted , " continued she , "that Miss Belle Cook , the well- known California ! ! , has challenged mete to ride n race with her , nnd thnt I have not accepted. Tins is not truo. I have myself n standing challenge to Mias Cook to ride a race of ton or more miles nt any time , at nny place and for any sum of money within reasonable limits. I have published this , and * she has not BOOH fit to ac cept. " It is evident that Miss Pinnoo con siders horaelt the best horsewoman in the United States to-day , nnd will only bo too glad to demonstrate this , upon any and every opportunity. When Tlioro's a Will Thoro'a a Way. Anyone who lins than ill to try THOMAS' KciicTiucJiL : ( will enroly find the way to robust licnltil , In caeuH of bronchial nlfec- lions , noru tliroat , pnius , etc. ; anil nt an intcuml remedy it is invaluable. cxllw. ORDINANCE NO.173 , t\li ordiimnco creating the office of city scaenjj'cr ; , and preset ibfiig the tlutlcH of the MlIllO , lo ! It ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha. IIH followo : Section 1. Ilia mayor shall , within ten days after the putwago of this ordinance , and annually thereafter , on the first Mon day in April of each rear , by and with the ailvico nml consent of the city council , up. Coiut a city scavenger , whoso duty It shall u promptly to remove all dead animal * that may bo in , or UIKIII the avenue * , streets , alleys or other public grounds of tlio city of Omaha , to some ] > ont ! without the limit * of said city , and there disuse of the sanio in oomo inotfeiuivo manner , ami M ho shall before entering upon the du ties of hii said office , give n bond with go < xl anil sutllcient sccuritjvto he approved by the maj'or , In the amount of ono thou sand dollars , conditioned on the faithful dincharge of said duties. Sec. - . There shall bo kept at the oflice of the city clerk a book , in which may bo entered by any citizen , notlci ) of th ( pros- eiiio of any dead nntinnl in or upon any ol puld avenues , streets , nlle ) or other pub- Jio ground' , and it hhall bu the du y of said city scavenger to examine raid book tlailj And Immediately to icmo\e uud diiKiKe | ol OH aforesaid any dead animal us to ulilch he thall BO receive notice. Sec. 3. The city scavenger shall receive ft * compeiieutluu lyr liU i\id services , the amounts following ; tlmt in to say , for each lioroe , mule , nst , co\v or such largo animal , one dollar ; for each colt , calf , swine , thcep , goat , or animal of such ize , twenty-fin cents ; for each dog , cat , fowl , or other mnall animal , ten cents. Sec. t , It shall bo Unlawful for the oun- er of any inlnml to allow the dead body ol the name to be or remain upon any a\enue. street , alley or other p'ulilio grounds of salt1 city , nnd the said city shall be entitled ti recover from any person so offending. h\ appropriate aotluu , the full amount of al oxpenscw , or costs , incurrecl bv said city , tlirough or by reason of eucli oUi-iibe , Seo. 5. This ordinance nhall take effect and bo enforced from and after its THOS. H. ILK , City Council , Attest ; J , J , L , Q. JhWi.TT , City Clerk. Paused Auguat 1C , 1881. Approved August 10 , 1631. J. K. 1JOYD , Mayor , Notloo to Nou-Rcsidcnt Dofoudauts 1 ' > . Unelfulliumo unknown ) will take no tire that lie hu been mod by Ptullvy M. btctlc &tmucl K. JoluiMm anil &infaril W. Suratllti to lurtncru , doing liuslntuM under the flnu name o btcclo , Jolwiou & Co. , In tlie District Court o DoiujlM county , Nebraska , to rceoicr 83,031.89 Miii Intcrntt from Cktpbcr 18 , IteO. due tlicm on a iiroiuUkory note bcarlnif datu Ajirll 20 , IbTi Al o I i V ? tUSh".IMit . 'J ' * * , llecn , nud ° trta'1 ' In tlio Ivnut Klrnt ut hatloiial n io rn aoiia banV of Oiualu Ke H * 1. ' ' b ° lonlfl ? W J ° u d hlili tin said iur te4 abo\ namixl eok ( o obtain to aiiiily In l ' J V av . - . . . „ their bald lUItn. You are rniulred to answer ald petition on o uforelloud * } , the 2d daol Autnut A 1) IbSl WAIlltEN 8WITZ1.KK , * t'1- AUprn for ruintlff. lVIU MECHANICAL AND MINING QINEERINQ at s..r ot Intlltuto. Trojr , N. Y. The olde.t en'-l iBjKliooUii meca. Ncit tenn b liS taaUtr Wth. Tba Uegl.ti-r lor IbbO-sT Sntalni lUtof tltaendiuteifor the juut ( t l saw. Tit ] their jK > * ltTon ; U > , wunoo ! itudrtqulre / , rtqulre H > "ii luiiitu , cxi > ciiic , ttc. Addreu i , , , . , , . , , DAVIOM. GREENE. JtlUeod ujl4 Director , Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers , Minister ! , Teachers , Dullness Men , Farm- rs , Mechanics , ALL should be urunnl asaltut sing 'i'l Introiludng Into their HOMES Nos- rums nnd Alcoholic remedies. HMO no ouch .rcjuillc'o agalmt , or fear ol "Worrier's Safe 'onlc Bitters. " They nro hixt they arccl.ilmtd o lie-hinnltmM milk , nnd contilM only niccll- hud ilrtuci. Kxtract nt pnro i cgctntilrs only , licy do not belong lo that claw Idioiui M "Cure- ill , "hut only profess toicnrh cases where the lsca < c originates In debilitated frames and Im- Hire Mood. A perfect Spring and Summer icdlclne. Thorough Dlood Purifier. A Tonic Appc- tltor. loaunt to the ta tc , inrtgoratlng to tlio body , lie mn t eminent phjsluain rtcomincml them or their curath o properties. Unte used nhvajs referred. For the Kidneys , Liver nnd Urinary organs , o nothlnc "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY nnd LIVER CURE. " It stands Unrivalled. Thous- ndiouo their health and haiiplncss toll. Price , I.2'i per liotllo. WoolTcr "Uarncr'sSafo Tonic litters" nlth equal rnnllileiKC. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. fcld tu-th-sttt-lv Malaria Is an Unseen , Vaporous 'olinn , spreading disease and death In main lo- alitlix , for lileli < | iilnlno Is no genuine antidote , nit for the effects of which Hoitcttci's Stomach litters in not only a thorough rcmc'ly , but a reliable protontho. To this fact thcroltnn oicr- inclining array of testlinonv , cNterdlnjf o\er a , icrlod of thirty j curs. All dhbrdcrs of the llv cr , taniach mid bow els are also conquered by the Utters. Xft'Fot sale by all DritjrjtUta and Dealers gen- rally. . NASH 111 take notice that on the 12th AK. of July , 1331 , Charles Hraiulcs. justice of the peace , first prcclnit. Douglas conny , Neb. usiicd an order of attachment for 18.60 in an ac Ion pending before hlm , herein C 1' . Ilamtin is vlalntlfl and A , K. Nash defendant. That moneys luo jou has been attached umlcr eald order , nlil cause was continued to the 2vth of August , 1881 , at 1 o'clock n. m. dltcwlw. 0. T. IIAMAN. Plalntltt To Nerve js Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a po9ti\ocnre ] for Spcnnatorrhea , Scrnlna Ycokncss , Impotancy , and all diseases resulting rom Self-Abuse , iw Mentnl Anxiety , Los9 > .Icmory. . Pallia In the Back or Ship , and diseases - Consiimptlor lusanUy and tarlygrai e The bpcclfli. Medicine Ii bolni ; used with wonder tUl BUCCC4M. ramplilcti ' icnt'frco to all. Write for them and pet full par ; lculirsi. I'rico , Snrclflc , 81.00 per package , or six pack- ices for fo.OO. Address all orders to B. SISISON MEDICINK CO. Nos. 101 and 100 Main SU UuRalo , N. Y , SoM In Omaha by 0. f. Goodman , J. W. Dell , J. K Ish , and all drugglytscvcrywhorc. DON'T ' YOUMGET IT WHEN IN NEED OF BOOTS i SHOES To examine the stock of BASWITZ & WELLS , Eouso 1422 Douglas St , , near 15th OTTXC : is large nnd always the lowest prices ORDINANCE NO. 470. in ordlnanco ckUblUhlntf the grade cf Daten iiort etrcct from kl ttrvet i t to Cth > tre t IN iH onlalncd by the illy counill ol the city c Omaha : HrcrloN 1. The erode of Pat cnportitrectf ron 23 l Direct vest to idth > trcet l hereby establish xl u follown : Konlnnlni ; ullh an deration o IbO fe t at the w cst curb line ft 231 utreet anil north and < oiitli curb linn ot Davenport ttrec at otaUUhcd , thence tst 117 feet , inoro orleu toancloatlonof llV ) feet at the east curb line of Jeff tiroon Itrcvt , thence west IS feet to an cle > at Ion of 107 feet , at the wo t curb line of Jeffcr on trtet , Uieiico went 210 feet to an eletatioi of 171 fctt at the cost curb line of 2Uh utrcet , thence nest < S feet to an tlctatlon ot 173 feet a tliovcbt curb lltm of X4th Ktrcct , thence ut "SO feet to an elevation of 107 feet , thence , f "BO feet to an elevation of 200 feet at the ra mrb line of 25th struct , thence uct 48 feet to ai ilev atlon of 103 feet at the e t curb line of 25th troet. thence viut 10 ( e t toan elevatlog o its feet at the cut turb line ot 29th street. Hxc 2. Tlili ordinance tliall bo In force and UU , effect from and -t. Uw" , Altw"f IWt City Council. J , J. L.C. J i.-TT , City Clerk. . AW.iwcdAiW.Wlh , 1831 , Maor. BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Omci-Noith fide , ovp Grind Central Hotel I AND STILL THE LION CO.NTINUE3 TO Roar for Moores ( ) Harness AND Saddlery. a 3 CO rH | § TH - I have mloitcil ] th Won M aTnvlo Stalk , and I my ( rood ; will bo STAMPED lth the LION nil my NAME on themma. NO UOODH ARE KNUI.VE wmrouT Tin : ADOVK si.uim he best material Is used and the tr.otl eklllcf orkmcn are cnitilojcil , ami at the lowest cnil TICO. Aiiyonfl uhlng a price-list ol peed nil" infer a faxor by sending for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. 'o Contractors , Bnilclors nnd Property Owners , Iho undcffcUniJ tni Ing been appointed agent or the e\tenMio Iron nmlulro manufacturing ou ei of K. T. liirtium , of flctrolt , and the IISH ! Iron foundry and Works nt Toledo , Ihlo , capacity of fx ) tons dally , Is prepared to irnhh estimates nnd prices for Iron columns , c. , A.C. , for toiu fronti , uIndou-caps and sills , hrcshold phttH , MrouRhtlnm beams and gird- rs , hjdratillc delators , ttaplo llttlngs , ) pullcis , haftlng , A.C. ; also Iron fence ? , cresting , x-ln oM guards , shutters , stairs , balconies , settees , hilts , lascs , acquarlums , fountalni , summer oiHc' , lawn , garden and cemetery ornaments , oMcrttind , graieguanls , Ac.&i % , In endless arlcty. Catalogues supplied on application. iiBNiir H. iiAitny , Manufacturers' Agent , 22 Pearl street. auglO-1 m mo Council lllun . IOM a United States Depository. NationalBank OP OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. LDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT IN ' OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) 6TABUSIIPU ISM. as a National Bonk August 20,1803. APITAL AND TRdFITS OVER 9300000 OFPICr.RS AND MRECTOK3 ! KokltTZR , i'rcsldcnt. , AuoiwTis Kop.NTzr , Vice President. II. tV. YATKD , Cashier. A. J. Vomnox , Attorney. JOHN A. CnnoiiTO.v. . H , DAVIS , Asst. Cashier. Tills bank receives deposits without regard to mounts. Issues time certificates bear ! ! ' ? Interest. Draug drafts on San Frantisco and principal tics of the United States , albo London , Dublin dinburxh and the principal cities of the contl cut of Europe. Hi.lls lasscnycr tickets for emigrants by the ftf an line raavldtf Established 11 Years , Assets Represented S82OOO.OOO 0. Active Fire and Lifo L wanted. C. T. TAYLOR 4 CO. 14th k Doujrlas St DON'T IT BURN I Iy liouso and fttrnltnro Is insured with C. T. TAYLOK k CO. , Cpr 14th and Dout'laa. DE VEAUX'S WASHING MACHINE The Only Machine that Will Do just as is Advertised. It Will Wash Faster , It Will Wash Meaner , It Will Wash Easier , It Will repire no Rubbing , It will do a large family Washing in 30 Minutes. It Will iWasU Equally well ] with Hard or Soft Water- It docs away with wath boilers and wash boards , and will pay for Itself In full and the w car of clothes In a mo ) h , No steam In the kitchen. A child 10 years , ol can do the M ashing fitter than any woman , can vi rlny ana hang out the clothes- DAN. SULLIVAN & SONS' , dim 1110 Fariiham Street , Agents. WISE'S ' Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wagons , Uujnriea , Iteapen , Thresher * and Mill MachineryIt U isVAi.VJim. TO riRX KRD AND TKAinTKua. Itcuren tScratclies and al kinds of soreo on Honc ted Stock , M well an on ' " OLAEK & WISE , Manuf's , 305 Illinois Street , Chlcaco. FOH PJUCES. le SCANIXUTS Seamless Evaporator AND "SOUTHERN" CAMEJjlL. FIRST CLASS SflEOHO MiCHHEE AT TIRX LOW f RlCtS. Bin ! for Docrlptlr * nlc * Ust. THOS. SCANTUN & SON EVANSVILLE , IND. DextBrL.Tliomas&Bro. WILL BUY AND SELL COSSICTID T1IIEIW1IU. Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc It IOU WANT TO il't OK BILL Call tt OOice , Room 8 , Crelghtoo Block0m h . - Omaha , A PAT A fTT ! Collins. , Cheyenne , * * * VJJELw * , j Colorado. ' J < , / Spring and Summer LOTHINGM LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats Trunks Valises. , Caps , , . "OCCi IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all ! 1322 FARM HAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine , Watches at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. MAI IEYEE & EBO , , O IWC .A. 3HC THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianob and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pnr- chasin ? . i' f I . - .V * < JJ Choice Cigars 1 Can bo obtained at KUHN & CO.'S by the box lor Less Money than at any wholesale tobacco house , for the reason they sell cigars in connection with their drug business , without any expense to the Cigars. TRY THEM. All Cigars not satisfactory exchanged or money refunded. OJVrA.TRTV'S lEEXIS'X * . A fine lOc Cigar , long Havana filler , 5 for25o. Never has there been any Cigar in Omaha equal to them for the . money. PINE KEY WEST CIGARS , From $0.25 per hundred up. "Atlantic" bostlOo Oigar in City f . " , , * * - ' , ' * p 'I , ' J MAX MEYER & CO. , TOBACCONISTS Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards , Pipes from 25c , per dozen upwards. Cigars from $15,00r 1,000 upwards , WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Cooking Stoves V Stove Eepairer , Joii Worker and Manufacturer ox" Tenth and Jackso St - - - Omaha , Neb