Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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Notes From Ono of The Boe's
Speciol Correspondents.
> HnlnR , Stock ItniftinR , nnd Other
'Inilustric * of TlintThrlvhiB
- " * '
- Corrt pondonre of the Omaha Pro ,
KXQlNKKlfS' GAMP , U. 1' . 1 . 1U
t' ' /-HIM. OATH CASO.V , ALT. \
, , r. , I' ' AnguntlS , 1881. J
tv Perhaps daring no epoch in tlio his *
ftory of. tlio territory IIM it soon such
' ' promlsiis frit future prosporily ns H
doc's now. llailroath nro fast push *
ing their line * through difiurcnt por-
niona of the territory , racing and
fighting each oilier for vniiom riglils-
of-waj" . The gront strife now going
on is bctuccn tlio U. P. II. U. nnd
'tho Utah Northern , Loth companies
straining every effort to get posses
sion of coveted passes nnd vallies to
' -run their lines through. The objlict-
ivn point for both roads is Helena ,
via Crow Indian crocks , where both
companies have largo forces to work ,
and indications are that the rival
companies will crash. Tlio graders of
the Utah Northern pulled up the
surveyors' stakes of the U. P. H , K.t
and each company is recruiting large
parties to work on tlio same lilio.
The pass between Craw creek and
Indian creek is still Jitld by the U. &
N. grading force which Is increased to
sixty men and twenty teams. 'A N ,
P. party still stronger in number is
beinj * recruited for the purpose of
wresting the pass from the U. & N
company , who claim the N. & P. have
not shown proper diligence in prose
cuting 'tho work. . This is strongly do/
nied1 by Mr. Vjllfird , , hose im
junctions are to push all tilings along
the lino. Montana is yet in ita .in-
faiicy , and affords a fins Field for the
cncrgnlic .m'an. ' '
'Mining ' which is hardly begun is
one great source of we.ilth. Many of
the ininesvbeiiigtvury/vnluiablc , turn
ing out "largo quantities of rich ere
daily *
fStock raising is carried on exten
sively , iminpnso herds of line cattle
roaming the mountains , fattening on
the , rich grasses , never needing any
care , and nro only seen at tlio sonii-
a'nnually round-ups , where they are
assorted out , the fat ones for market ,
the unbrandcd for the rod hot iron ,
and then turned loose for another
six months run.
' Immense droves of horses arc scon
in every vally and canyon the > owners
havijig but a faint idea of how many
they own , knowing them only by their
Sheep are extensively raised , and
do well , many rancher owning ns high
ashram five to ton thousand head.
Tito Angora goat is also taking a
prominent place , ono rancher in Door
Lodge valley owning .sovon hundred.
The question is frequently asked , is
Montana a good farming country ?
Judging from the present appearance
of the crops , thcr < J is no bettor farm
ing country to bo found. Tlio ripening /
ing grain , for it is not yet harvest
time -gives indications of jt most
bountiful yield , wheat yielding from
twenty to thirty-fivo bushels per acre ,
and oats easily producing fifty bushels
per acre : barley is also a good crop
and produces heavily.
tTho idea that it takes an immense
amount of labor to raise grain hero is
erroneous. Of course a farmer must
irrigate , but that is no great task and
when once done , no matter what the
season , it is but a small task to water
your" grain and nroduco. Potatoes
aro-asuro crop aim are much better
flayorod than those raised in Nebras-
ka. They bring the modest sum of
three cents per pound , and can nnd
will prpduco from 100 to 300 bushels ,
according to the care given them No
hordes of beetle and insects to devour
your crop ana ; leave the farmer in a
worao fix than ever. A. crop is a sure
thing hero and prices nro big ; and in
a few years a farmer becomes indo-
pendent. t
Oats sell for three cents per pound ,
barley and wheat about the Hanioj butter - '
ter never less than from 80c to $1 per
pound r chickens § 0 pordozcnjt eggs
COc per dozen , and ffcady salb at' '
In winter they contmuml § 1 ai dozon.
Farm hands find ready employment
at 840 per month andiiro i tjjvorkod
' ' '
from daylight iill'dark b'u't work on
regular fen hour plan. Workmen of ,
all classes are in , good denying , Thq ,
country is raiMly build.'ng up. Thpiu
are thpusands > f acres of , Jaml yqt
unlaleii ii } thp valoysand | r.a.ip clwir ) >
ccs for farnierf
The Missouri and Bitter Ilopj- coun
tries will soon bo .opened to the
world by roilwivya , ai\da fingr farming
country is not to bo foWdt The cli.
matoia milder tlan ( in oflier portions
and porn is extensively raised huro
and lso hogs , which command a big
pricp nnd find a ready sale. ,
Timber ia plenty , ) t\\\i \ \ \ ] logs can bo
obtaitipd over fifty fput in lengt
and not over a fopt in djametor.
They can alsq bo got the eamo lonut
undrnot over four inches in diijmofer ,
iort fencing. Everybody fences , 'us
there is no herd law.
' ' Itespfcc' fully ,
i ' Better You Let II 'm Go.
You ( inido ygost E < ? velj let do poi
ob 5odrs go to dot . -1-baw Klihw' . poU
youtfrtn'trho/ViH bdBlck"und'llt ' > , und
shtnl ' avay1 , und go anylirAvj uiul yei
dof'ljo'y ht'guns to lici ojico , Jio vas a
liar'fpv Hfoj suie. You sljeal : md ( dope
poi'nd \ sayj "IIoiilllcl ; , doro Vi\s \
ymriH ito bo a braybr1 mooting on doi
brick"slnirsh to-night , undyuu'm up'1 '
to go , " Vet ho cares about dos'o ' lial-
leluyah' songs , und angel bands , tin
great "vito t rones , "an'd liefenly fgato
vide opens ? yoost Tibotings , JUut yeti
yoostsays "Jleinriohf dot vas Friday ,
und dere vas a loat of yood in dor
eliet , yet Vantu to bo sawed und sblit
und piled. up , und you hcf tirteen or1
V ' clefenverses pn dor pibld tq learns for
you tsoondayschocil lesson , und Satur
day .van der day for dot Great l'oro >
' Law Khoiv , " , You don't haf to ebeuk.
I- niitjdot poy au'im bout dot lectio
ding * ; fVe you'cumes homo dot night
you. looks in der vood-nhot , und you
ttH4s dot rood all nicely nutted , tiblit
und piled , und yon -mo iiuido der
houite , und dot poy8 modeler cays
Jlein'rich vas tired -'un"d liaf "gone to
> cd , und ho haf told to her his Soon-
clay school lesson' , nil perfect , Und
ou yoost siy notlingi. you dinka ,
Saturday ihornhig uot pby vas der
first man up in der house , looking fcr
lot circus , and you vants to ionnd
liim , yooit you go dot big tent inside ;
10 vas dcrc , occubying a front obser
ved scat mil his polly on der grount.
Mil liia nose , his eyes , . Jus ears unt
lot over der bank of tier circus ring ,
; ookintf it fill , , in ' liifnsolf , jj-oost der
pamo hko y5u did voHy'years pefore.
tic vaa a poy , votrolso can jolt oxpcct
loin n p < > y. How yas ib.vcn dot orknii
grinder cooms hrount in dor sbriu
lime , Shentlo Annie , mit His lectio
noonkoy , dot you gif dot pov a ben-
lies , und tuld him to iif ; dor benny to
lot monkey yoost to BOO vet ho vill do
nib it ? Dot poy nclor seen a nnjonkoy
> cforo in iiis life. You do dot yoost
i&knuse your fader haf do dnt Same
.ings forty years ago. You vants dat
child to know vet you knows von you
vos a poy. Vas dot any harm j > you
n dose days ? You did not link flo
Ion ; your poy don't link doro vas any
larm in it to-day. Lot dor poys go to
der cirkus. Wo vas a poy once , und
iow how dot vas yourself. Fore
wutgh comes to Omaha , Saturday ,
. 27th.
Aug. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Shortage in Crops in That
County $100,000. 4
\ Few Items Front Olio of Nobras-
Ica's GrovrinK Conntlos ,
Just now Pawnee has overy'rcason
-b rejoice over tlio railroad boom it is
rcco yjng but aside from this , this
year has bcem thd darkest in its his
tory. Thb shortage in crops will
nnioUnt to hioro than ? "dO,000 iii'thu
farmers' pockets alone , and ) , $15,000
county treasurer's ! steal besides/ the
two principal towns in the toilrity
mvo Ibst about 8100,006 liy fire.
The campaign is primarily begun
jy the recent announcements inado
> y the dounly'central co'mniittco.Can-
didatca are now placing fhomsolvcs , in
jno , only to tumble ns "Castles built
n air. "
A railroad south from Pawnee into
Kansas , to intersost nnd draw local traf
fic trom the Gould lines in that state ,
appears to bo the latest sensation that
lias the color of reality. <
"Uloan sweep" appears to bo the
universal cry from all parts of the
county in relation to candidates for
county ofllccs this fall. The people
are tired of the old ring and desire anew
now deal , with the hope of finding
where and how § 15,000 should ha'o
disappeared from the public funds of
the county within oiqht months' time.
Many and loud are the pronunciation-
toes of dissatisfaction against the
present administration.
Our county attorney , it is rumored ,
receives the magnificent sum of $100
per year for his services as such ofli-
: or. Is it because the county is unable -
blo to pay mora or is it because the
attorney is not worth more ?
Pawnee is the banner wool growing
county in the state. She exported
the product of CO.OtyO sheep this year.
Cable Ilock is agitating the town
site question again. If the enterpris
ing business men ofi that quiet little
burg only know that moving and re
moving has crippled its vital interests
IIUH far it would on the event of re
ceiving a branch railroad in the near
future settle down to business.
A normal institute under the diroc-
oroltip of Superintendent 0. D.
EToiyo i ? receiving marked attention ,
and is toviving our educational in-
crests during this hot weather. Mr.
Ho wo is ro'jjarded as , ' ( a star of the
irst magnitude" in educational mat
ers and second to none in the state.
Pawnee politicians paid ono of
? inkorton'a pukes § 200 for coming
rom Chicago to act as detective in
ho recent treasury crookedness. Af-
.or polling some 'wholesale lies about
> ur business men nnd playing dandy
10 collected his pay , and returned to
; ho boson } of h's first loyo , leaving
the tax payers sadder but poorer men.
Our counly cominissioncra imposed ,
a roynl blooded Scotchman' and om-
) loyod.hun as dppuly county clerk at
v salary of § GOO pc year. This' ' is the
way VAWHCO statesmen liay their
political debts. At the next election
hey will find out that all ho tax pay
ers in the county are not Scotchmen
whliiHt cobles tcj voting ,
Piiwnpp City , when rebuilt , con-
' '
j'empl'ates lighting , up with gas.Vo
, voud' suggest tliat if all the , gaq
wasted during thp past thirty days
[ ad , boon saved ) it woidd hayq had ,
mough to supply it for thojjoxt oi\o \
Imndrqd ypars.
Pm\7 > po ( Dity rejoices over the finest
and largest band wagon in the stnto ,
Jt was manufactured in Pawnee City
ami artistically , painted by Pool &
Jvrooool , two of tlio finest artists in
southern Nebraska. TJio wagon is a
gem of rare beauty atul is admired by
all who see it.
Pawnee county fair , whip } } will bo
hold from tlm Gth to jho 8dth of
September , promises to bo larfjely , at
tended nnd iho most successful of
any in the South Platte country. En
tries are being miido by parties jiviii"
in remote1 pirts of thovtqtcr , ivho'co'ii
( umplato oxibitiiiK articles of mnchliu
cry aijd ; dso live bloodpd ptopk.
A harvest aiul Kunday school picnic
) \as \ held last Friday in , the soutli mit
of tlio , county , NoU\itlistindiny [ fho
, , , , , , _ . . . ,
" j - - rj.f. I | * M Vfil\4V- + 1J
; lny ntd ) ( Jiir 'o list of talented u.- . . . ,
or * ) vcro prcsont. Althou-'hyourcong-
Bjondoi4vns not present , giiodtiiuo
\\iia oix > rtcd. ' * . *
I I ' |
Too much cannot ; IKJ paid of the
over faithful wjfo jind motljpr , COI > T
rttantly watching and ca 'ng for hoj
dear ones , never neglecting a single
duty in their behalf. Wien ( hey uro
assailed by disease , and iho , systoii )
should have a through cjcanshui , the
stomacli and boweja j emulated , blopd
purified , malarial iwjsoii exterminated ,
she must know that Jiloctrio Bitters
are tlio pnly euro rciiedy. | They .are
the best nnd PHVPst inedicino' ' in 'tho
world , and only cost fifty cents. " J , ' gold
Rdmliles In and
Around That Thriving
Tlioro Given In n
Brief Wnj--
Uorrcipo'ndcnco of
Wn/nfcu , August 22.-Wiiber id flio
dhiUt of colifliiJt. She has fought
Igng and hard for pvcry , advantage
she IIM ever gained nnil tlie \ ictory
lias bdon licrs. '
It required n ( minll nrrny 6f nrmod
men to bring the county archive *
from Crete fitter Wiiber lind won the
county sent ns thd result of ft spirited
fight , Unit at times threatened to de
stroy the plucky little village. To-
dny , however , some of tlio best and
otrontjost men in the county , who
were then fighting against Wilbor , arc
now citizen * nnd piopcrty holders
iioro nnd doing ftll they can to make
city of this enterprising and vigor
ous little town.
The court house , like the Omaha
high school , is the special pride of
the town. II towers over it , nnd
from its roof a view is
presented that cannot bo surpassed
in the State. Far away to the north
call bo seen the Doano college in
Crete , v/hilo to the south tlio ronfs of
DoWittrellcct the sun. The river Blue
winds in graceful curves throtigh the
highly cultivated farms of this most
rich and fertile region. Natural and
artificial grovns dot the landscape , '
away to the east rises the high prairie
that 'forms ' the divide between the
Missouri nnd the Blue rivers. On the
west a.boundless prairie1 gently un
dulating * , and everywhefo * can bo seen
farmers homos of thd better class.
3dd halls , dug-outs nnd shanties are
things of the past.
During tie ) foir ( < weeks that I hnvo
traveled through Southwestern Ne
braska , I have not seen nn inhabited
dug-&ilt or sod house , while , iiVo years
ago , the majority Of the fanners in
tliis same region had no other shelter ,
but five years makes wondrous
changes in this land of progress.
True there nrp still stretches of
vacant raw prairie , hcio nnd there ,
and the now comer not infrequently
is found beginning the work of turn
ing over the virgin soil , but the home
steader must go farther west. It is
cash that buys these farms and the
class of settlers that are coming have ,
at least , wealth enough to niako a
payment nnd build ft frame house.
Often they nro wealthy nnd come to
fatten stock for the market or raise
sheep by tlio thousand.
The old timers if not rich are com
fortably situated , excepting perhaps
some of the moro reckless ; though , as
ft rule , that class sold out long since
and , fining farther west , they are to
day pioneering the route for the ad
vanced civilization that will again toll
them to move on.
Perfection in soil , beauty in the
landscape , health in the pure air and
thp conveniences that the railroad
brings and time dovelopb make
this valley a region ( that is truly the
farmers' paradise , and hundreds , yes ,
thousands , who came hero with noth
ing but energy and muscle , are to-day
men ot moans , honored tor the con
spicuous part they have taken in de
veloping the country.
ia beautifully situated on both sides of
the Beatrice branch of the B. & M.
R. R. The business portion is in the
valley and the residences and court
house arc on the top of the gentle
slope that everywhere bounds the
valley of the Bluo.
Two larfjo grain elevators and n
magnificent flouring mill are conspicu
ous among the solid improvements. A
fine brick block which will bo occu
pied by Edwards' bank and a store or
two is now being erected , E. W. Dix ,
Last winter a disastrous fjro swept ;
over a portion of the town , but it
only increased the building "boom ,
and nmtlo every'one moro determined
than ovqr to inako Wilbor the 'hcst '
town of ono of the 'best ' co\uitics in
Wiiber hns'boon a fighting town nnd
two fist fightsfand three dog lights oc
curred 'during the twenty-four hours
of my stay. The p'opUjation is some
what diversified as to nationality.
The old county-scat and other semi-
political figlits are still remembered
nnd when tlio Crete beer gets to fer
menting in th6 noddles of some of
tlo ( "visi tint'statesmen" from the sur
rounding farms , either the men or the
( logs nro liable to take up the old
quarrels mid tight it out with primi
tive weapons. Tinio will heal these
wounds. To quarrel over dead issues
is senseless , und is not , of course ,
thought of by i the bettor classes of
Wilbor's citizens.
are getting very lively nnd the skir
mish for nomination is n6w An. J. 1C ,
Corey , fbrjnorly of Crete , is gener
ally cdltsUlored to bfe 'tho ' proper man
fpr re'electldji to thu judgeship of
Saline county , llr. 0. liiiras has ac
ceptably cared for the county funds ,
but it is generally considered that his
deputy , 3\IY. \ John 'F. ' Spitk , n young
but able man , will bq tohderod the re
publican nonjiiintion for that oflicu.
Mr. 0. 11. Blocumb , th6 old veteran
of maUy ft'battle with both bullets
and ballots , is again in the field for
county clerk , and the stud'of which
ho is inado. is not of thu Jdud that is
subject to defeat. Mr. Sloeumb will
be county cloik for another term nnd
judging by thu iippc.irunco of las
LOOKS them U no man v ho could bet
( or fill the bill.
There are two public spirited men
to whom I ewe oiy success in making
a fine list of subscribers in Wilbur ,
Sir. Henry Clark * the owner of the
big elevator'nnd Mr. S. D. Davis , the
one-legged old veteran whoso brains ,
energy nnd euterpriso have inado him
the leailing real estate , man of Wjlber ,
For business review see Cth page.
proo ( Po Htvo.
Weh/vvetho / ipost i > osith ? Ami cominc
tnjf proof that TiiQUAs'KLrcTBic OIL U a ,
inont tffectuAl kpeclfloTor bodily imm. ' In
cow * of rheuHiatluii and neuralfla it'jjtves
Jlittant nllef. eodlw
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Bacfacho , Soreness of the Chest ,
Gout , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swell
ings and Sprains , Burns and
< Scalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooih , Ear and Headache , Frosted
Feet and Ears , and all other
Pains and Aches.
Vt rri > r r lton n "rth * ' Sr-
u a enfm > re , tliiiilf utid rheajt
BomMy. A trial ent Jl tut lli comp rmtiT lj
trilling outlay of CO Crnti , Mid er roca itilTer-
Ixy irlth pula can bare chop and potltlr * oroof
f Ita claims. c f.
Directions In Eleren I/angnagM * r
A. VOGELER dr. CO. ,
UaMfmo .
An ordinance ctitablishing the grade of
Saumlerg otrqet , Ironi Ciunming street
nortl' , to the north line of sections 15
anil 10.
lie It ordained bv the city council of the
city of Oiimlia.
Section 1 The grade of Saunders street , '
from Cuintnlng etruvt north to the north
line of sections l'i and 1C , xhaU bo as foli
lows : JJegmning nt an clexation of 72 and
73 feet , respectively , nt the intcifecctlon of
the no th curb of Cumming utrcet with1 the
east and went curb * of Samulcrs street , ( IB
uttnblisheil , thence by tmiform ) ascent to
the minth curb line of Michigan btreet , to
an elevation bf 70 feet , thente to the north
curb line of Mfghiian street , to an eleva
tion of 70 H-10 feet , thence to an elevation
of 7 feet , nt a point 130 feet south of the
quarter ( j ) section corner , between sections
11 ! nail 15 , thence north I'M feet to an ele
vation of lu feet , ns the i section line of
fccctiuni If" and 1(5 ( , thence north to an ele-
\ntion of 73 8-10 feet at the south curblinc
of Caldwell Btreet , theme north to an ele-
\ationof73 5-10 tcet nt the north curb
line of Calclwcll street , thence noith to an
elevation of C9 feet nt the south curb line
of Charles street , thence to an elevation of
087-10 feet nt the north ctnb line of
Charles street , thence to nn elevation of
04 feet at the south cmb line of Seward
Btreet , thence by uniform ascent to nn el-
evntion of 55 feet at the south curb line of
Delaware street , thence to an elevation of
54 5-10 feet at the north curb line of Dela
ware Btreet , thence to nn elevation of
53 3-10 feet at the south curb line of Clark
street , thence to an ele\ation of 53 feet at
the north curb line of Clnrk street , thence
to an elevation of 47 feet at the south
curb line of Grace street , thence to an ele
vation of 47 feet nt the north curb line of
Grace street , thence to an elevation of 49
fcctnt the north linnof sections 15 nnd 1C ,
Sec. 2. Thh oStufcnce shall take effect
nnd be in force frAnt'nnd after its passage.
President City Council.
Attest :
.T. J. L. C. JEWETT ,
City Clerk.
Passed August 10 , 1881.
Approved Aui-iut 19,1881. *
J. E. BOYD , Mayor.
Eeal Estate Agency
Keep a complete abstract of title to all Real
Ettato In Omaha ami Douu'las countv. maytf
niPVPI CO I am Agent for COLUMIHA
three cent stamp forCatalogue
and price list containing full
N , I , D , SOLOMON ,
Paints , Oils and Glaa
Geo. P. Bemis
IQth and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
This a'cncy iloei unticrtTa brokerage buslncai.
Oocii not upcculato , and thcrcforo'any l n-nM ! *
on It lxxpl.1 nre ( naurcd to Its p-itrons , Irutead
of belnjr irobbludui bv thoA/ont
r'A TrjT Sr.Luxu Uoous or TUB AOK I
Foundations of SUBBBBB
The laws qf trade , legal fomn , how to Irani
ut bu lnesi , lalmbla tables , social etiquette ,
mrlluiiciiUn- e , haw to conduct public bu i-
tictn ; In fact It. U a complete Qulde to Succcaj for
Mlcaic * . A family noicsslty. Address forclr-
culariand iixxU : | tcnus ANCHOll 1'UDMSIIINO
CO . ht.I/ium. > ln
For terms Address Dr. Stevens
Parker , warden of Eacine College ,
Eacmo , Wis. jy 22iUtw-lip
Cornell College ,
Tlie Cloullral , I'lilloiorhtcal , Silfrtfliiin'l | ' civ >
I' ' lin.'lncc-riiiirCouwii coinmiu fa\crably nltli
( ha lj > . t colcc ! in Iho country.
8l' tlalad > ant jc ; rot ' | > enln the I'foparatO'
ry und Normal Dtfiiarttni.iiU , And In the Con rv
atrirj < > f Mu Ic ,
Twenty Profettort and Teacher * .
8uH'rior | IlulUlngi , JlUiculn , laboratory an I
Expcuei , , ow , Fail term opens Sept. 19 ,
For ittUlo uc orotlitrlnorln tIon , uiiareu
I'RIM , Wil. F. HIXO , I > . . ,
Jv U'iiw2'ii _ Mt. Verno'i. lo a.
SIT aad 213 Kotth M&la St. , St. Louir ,
288ft \ PAPERS i ffi'o ' ,
Printers , Stock ,
eSTCtuJt piia tor Bas ncj rape/ Stock , Scrip
/ton will iUUU , * ,
Paper Stock Warcfcwiiti'lt& to 1SS7 , North
' '
f J oft fcitfTcr froln tij r pcji li , xiso
If jou ore anlktcJ ulth Ililiou < ! nt ; , tiio
II } ou nro prostrated \\Hli tick ltcachcic , take
nunuociv I1I.OOD iiiTTK
If } our How cli are disordered , rrpulnto them v Illi
nuricock ni&ol ) nrrmts.
I/ } our lilooj U linpurn , purlfj It wllh
IjAtilia\t ( : , jou will Unit An nntldoto
in nuimtiCK IILOOU mi-mis.
l ( > onnrc trouWcd lth Spiln Complaint ? , er
adicate tlicm nlth IlUnUOCK 11LOOD IHTTKUS.
ItjourLUerljtorpM , rrstorc It to healthy ncllOn
If jour L\\cr \ UalTccttd , jon will flndn sure re-
itoratlieln IIUIIDOCIC I1I.OOU ttlTTKUS.
If jou ln\onny speclciof Humof or Pimple , fall
If j ou hnc any jyniptoim of Ulcers or Scrofulous
Sorts , a curathc remedy 111 lie found In
DUHUOCK 111,001) UIlTEnS.
For Imparting strength and vitality tothocjj- , nothing can ccjunl
ForXcnoutaml Ocncrnl Dchlllty , 1on6 tip the
fjstcm w Ith IlUnUOCK IH.OOD 11ITTEHS.
Price , 91.00 per Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts
FOSTER , JMBHRlLft Co , .Props ,
l.l ' I H I ' f
Sold at wholesale by Ish & UcMahon and p. F.
Gbodmar. jo 27 eod-mo
NO. 207.
Airoriilnanccfor icplnf n medal tax for .tho
riding of fans street from the' center of 13th
ttrcct/wcit to 24th Urcet ( Omaha street In
Svvccscj'fl addition ) In the city of Onuhn , In the
county of Douglas and StfUd of Nctiraskn.
Po It ordained l < y thctiti" council ol the city of
Omnha :
brcriov 1. That the sz\ oral sums set oppoilto
to the follonlnir described prcmlsci , lots and
| urt 6f lots and pieces of ground being loU and
[ ilcLTs of ground adjacent to and abutting un.on
L'OSJ street In the city of Oinaln , bo and thu Fame
is hcreliy lei led'at.d ntC3BO"d ns a special tax and
assessment upon aald lots and plccei of ground ,
th6 tame bctiig for ono half the cost mid expenses
of bringing said CaM ttrcct In the eitj of umaha ,
from the center of 13th street to ! Hth street to
the now established grade , said grading haUng
been duly perforn cd under contract made by the
city of Omaha with Duffy Brothers , contractors ,
ami eaid Imprcn fluent bcitv ncm entirely com
plete J :
ci -J
- ! ? I
as I
- S -2 n 6.0 ff
40 co ! lf > 81
40 CO 15 M
40 CO 15 84
40 to 15 64
20 00 1C 84
20 00 16 84
? 0 CO 15 84
20 > CO 15 81
20a * .CO 15 84
CO 15 84
3 41 00 15 84
4 41 ( XI 1584
b 25 GO 15 84
7 25 CO 15 84
0 25 0(1 15 84
& ,25 , ou ,15 , 84
JeJIcrson Square 42 204 03 80
8 4 00 15 84
7 24 GO 15 E4
0 24 GO 15 k4
& 24 GO IS 84
1o 43. CO 15 84
o 43 00 15 84
3 43 CO 15 84
4 43 GO ID 84
U 23 00 15 84
7 ' 23 GO 15 84
0 23 CO 15 84
S 23 ( J'J ' 16 fc4
1o 44 GO 15 84
o 44 15 84
3 44 00 15 84
4 44 00 15 84
S CO 15 84
7 CO 1 84
7C GO 15 84
r > 15 64
i 4E > 00 15
45 tij 15 64
' 45 00 1584
45 oo 15 84
21 00 15 bl
21 00 16 84
21 00 15
i 21 00 in & 4
40 00 15 S4
40 CO IS 84
' < 40 GO 15 84
40 , CO 15 84
20' GO 16 84
20 00 15'84
, - ° J I OU 15 84
20 CO 15 84
47 0) 14 40
t 47// GO 14-40
00 14 40
00 14 40
CO 14 40
OJ 14 40
GO 14 40
U (10 14 4) )
43 , 00 14 40
to 14 40
OJ 14 40
i ( W 14 40
IS , 00 14 40
' 18- , 00 14 40
lit is1 " * " 00 14'40 '
1.1 n ? .1 00 14 40
GO 14 40
' 4'J 00 14 4
t 401 It ! ) 14 4
14 40
15 bl
17' I GO 15 84
17 Oil 115 84
I 00 15 4
303 16 b4
803 15 84
15 84
15 84
l ! 7S ccsc8aAdM | 13 P2
' ' 13 00
II 01
4'1 : .i oj
8 ' U 0.2
7 1302
U 13 02
6 1JOJ
That tald foU nnd pieces of ground BO bound
In ; und abutting upon t > ald L'ntu Mrcct to ym !
cil belnir tliiu ) bptcml ! } taxed and ussistcJ in pro
portion to tlio fict front of f.ilil lou and plue
of ground upon n.ilil Can ttrci't eo graded , tnd
tbe Hild a/grctptu kum of al,400.l-i , Itintr an
lialf of tlioeii'ciiso ami c-oet o ( brlnirlny tula n-'as
ttrcct In thuiity of Oniahi from luth ttrcct t
S4th trett ( Omaha ttrett In bwce c > 's addition )
In tlie lit ) of Uuulia , to the now
Sw , 2. Tlie wld specU ] taxes and a so > 8mciit
lit ruin lex led nro lureli ) made paja'tlo ' to Iho
fit ) treasurer o ( Outalia , ( brt ) > 0)iia\j ( roui
tic | ditontid pt vagu of thin ordinance.
SMjU. ThU or.llii.vice hill ttiVa iffect ami le
In foucfrjui aiiilftltcr lit ius > arc.
Attest : 1I10S. if. DAILCV ,
I'rce't City Council
J. J. li. C. Jin m ,
Cit > tlerK ,
r k d An ? , otb , i&ti.
Amutnut Au , ' . IStli , J3S1 ,
' J. E. BOYD ,
r Jlijor ,
Tlieftliovo tftX bcHome diliivtuont on the 12th
da ) of btptunber , Ibal. Qftcr uiUh | jUtotcii IK.T
icnt jicnaltj ancllnWrLst attno rule of 0110 per
itut. iM-r month , pajable in admnee , ulll bo
S. 0. JIA
NetoaskaLand Agency
1506 Farnham 8t , . . , Omaha , Nebraika
Carc.ulU clctU ; | lanj In EMtcro Xcbrailiftlot
af ) llrent lUj .nl n In linprpteU Unu - , ana
Ouuha city proptrty '
Lite Lin JCcnj'rU.r. .1 r > ftbtt
X R ; Detwiler'i
The L argest Stock and , Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West.
' ! . v i. I > < .vr ' * . JP r ,
We Keep Everything in the Line of .Carpets , Oilcloths - :
cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
3EE.33Zyr3ES3k33E523a.-C 123
x-aos : f * * * gp.TvnrT A
Ladies' ' Suits Oloaks Ulsters Circulars Etc1.
, , , , . , .
'jO C C3OS1T.
200 Handsome Suits , at $6 00 ; 300 Stylish Suits. $10.00 ; :
75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00.
Ye havd several lots of Btaplo gooils Wliiuh will bo offered nt
All ladies alnuld avail themselves , ofla ] great ealo pf.
GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods
dxiamo xoxc a xcxGxx-xocsv.
MAX. MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne