Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 " l -1
Monday Morning , Aug , 22.
, T. 11. Furay , special Agent of the
' IB department , went cut to lc.vl.
5'f wood Saturday to attend court.
Hurry Saylen , Rcncral Kccrctary of the
Y , M. C. A. t Davcnjmrt , Iow , nftcr n
few days' > islt with the wwoctoUon of thU
city , left Saturday for Lincoln , where
lie will stay for a liort time.
Attention. Ohio Soldier * in NeAt -
* \ ' ' At the re-union of soldiers held at
Central City , Nob. , ( Camp Buford ) in
September , 1880 , the ox-Ohio soldiers
present organized an Ohio association
Jt is ordered that every man who is
now a resident of Nebraska who
served in the U. S. army during the
war in an Ohio regiment should belong
long to this society. All desiring
to do so are requested to send
to mo as soon as possi
bio at Omaha , Nebraska , a statement
showing name , service atid address ,
nnd to bo in attendance at the sol
diers' ro-uion at Nob. ( Camp Abe Lin
coln ) , from September 5th to 10th ,
li ' 1881 , reporting upon arrival to the
undersigned. Como with your fam
ilies , prepared to encamp during the
Will elate papers please copy ?
President Association of Ohio Soldiers
in Nebraska.
The Jotm on'ii Gate-
J. F. Evans , who fractured the
nkull of Win. 0 , Johnson with an ax
last Sunday received n preliminary
licaring before Judge Bonoko thii
morning. Mrs. Johnson , who was ar
rested for complicity in the olTcncowaj
discharged , there b ing iio ovidonci
on which to hold her. Johnson in hi
deposition merely described how In
had gonn to the house and attempted
to gain admittance , but was unable to
say who struck him or in what man
jiorho had boon hurt There wer <
two charges embodied it
the indictment , ono fo :
an assault to kill and another to d
bodily harm. Judge Bonoko dismwae
the first charge and held Evans t
answer tlio second in the sum o
A Little Wanderer.
Oilicer William McCuno was give
n child in charge of a lady last nigh
ontho , corner of Thirteenth and Loav
onworth streets. The child had boo
found by the woman near the stoc
yards. It appeared that the little fol
low had climbed into a farmer's wage :
and had ridden to near the stoc
yards when the driver discovered hii
nnd put him out , leaving the boy , wh <
is only three and a half years old ,
iho outskirts of town , over a mil
from-hie homo. Ho wandered ulon ;
till the woman found him , who turno
him over to the police. Oflicor Me
Ouno took the little fellow , who com
plained of being hungry , to a restau
rant and gave him his supper. Hi
was unable to give his name , and i
was with considerable difficulty thai
the officer found his residence. Hov
over , ho did at last , and turned hii ;
over to his parents , who reside o
Chicago and Twelfth streets. Th
father's name is Frank Harris.
Have Got to Work-
Thojiow uprinklors were upon the
etroots yesterday for the first time.
They are beauties and do the work ef
fectively. They havo' painted on the
aides of the tank the name "Boss.1 *
"which is a correct way of putting it.
Wio style of cart was patented by Mr.
P&irchild in 1872. There are now
four of them hero , and more will bo
Added if needed.
cures Irrcgu-
lar , painful , or dilllcuU menstruation.
0 F Goalnuni.
Reduced Rates-
Arrangements have boon made for
the reduction of fares to tho-delegates
attending the annual mooting of the
Partner's Alliance to bo held at Lin
coln on Sept. 7. One and one-fourth
rates ' will bo given for the round trip
over'tho U. P. , B. & M. and St.
Paul , SJoux City & Pacific roads.
Bub-alliance , No. 112 have elected
Corstren Rowhcr and Allen Root as
delegates to the convention with
Patrick McArdlo and W. W , Way as
Got tlie Raise.
At the bricklayer's meeting hold on
Saturday evening last the contractors
conceded the bricklayer's demand foi
ajraise. They are now to got 84.50
per day.
'Pretty Oood.
Jno. liacon , Laporte , Ind. , writes
"Your'flniiNciULOHSOU1 jj , , , n yOUCrackud
it uji to be , My dy | > eiia | has all vnn
idled ; why don t you advertise itj wlial
allowance will you make If 1 take a dozen
bottles , so that I could oblige tuy friendi
occasionally ? " IVlce CO ceuts , trial hot
tie * 10 cenU.
Venn , of Kvanavllle , Ind. , and
Kmtiui Stuart were united in marriuj ;
lot evening.
OWENS. Charlie , voungest son of Mr ,
Phil. V. Owens , died at the re ! dtmc
of hU grauduother , Mrn. 1'iuiuy Hi -
; . 812 Mwou street , tliii morning nl
0 o clock. Funeral will take place from
the above residence cm tomorrow ( Suir
day } at 2 o'clock ,
Mis * Kllft Torrance solicits sowing
by the day orwcck. Call or addrcsi
her , Jlh street , cor , Worth. Council
. rnotf
Containing Everything of In-
tercet in Council Bluffa.
Some Shoulder Hitting In
dulged in at the Council
The Flyers Hayo a Day Out in
the Driving Park.
Mr , Parks' Great Success , as a
Slayer of Coons.
A Reflex > f the City 'nlilta in Brief
Friday night was certainly a Held
night for our mayor. There seems to
bo a certain amount of magnetism
about Mr. Vaughan , that when ho
rises to make a speech the entire
council pays every attention. It maybe
bo on account of the man ; it may bo
on account of the position ho holds.
At any rate , there is a charm that the
city fathers at times cannot resist.
But then there was a very good reason
on Friday evening why Messrs.
Gavin , Dawson , Fonda and Phillips
should remain quiet when the mayor
presented to the council the following
communication :
"I return to you an ordinance to
lower the grade of BlulT and 1'iorco
streets , passed by your honorable
body August 0 , 1881 , unsigned by mo
for the following reasons : First
Our city engineer informed you the
night of passing said ordinance that
ho did not like to draw it no hastily ,
as his figures might bo incorrect.
Second The council had by motion
ordered a committee of three citizens ,
appointed with a view of settlement
and I had appointed Messrs.
Thomas Officer , J.V. . ulmpman and
II . II. Field as said committee. As
yet wo have received no report from
the committee , nor has it been din
charged , and by passing said ordinanci
before a report was received an unin
tentional insult was ollurcd said com
mittee. Third Private rights will bt
greatly injured , and n lawsuit wil
surely follow. Fourth I have boot
roriuestod by four aldermen to with
hold my signature , as the followin
will show :
Ho.v. W. 11. VAUOHAK , Mayor-
Dear Sir : Wo fool that the ordinanc
passed by us at our last mooting in re
gard to Bluff street grade was don <
hastily , and wo do most respectfully
ask you to withhold your name from
said ordinance until our next mooting ,
as wo are confident that the trouble
can bo settled , T. E. Gavin , H. Dau *
son , E. 11. Fonda , N 0. Phillips.
I hopes that you may legislate wisely
and with great discretion in this mat
tcr , as private rights must bo pro
tectcd. W. II VAUHHAK , Mayor. "
The next important part the mayo :
took itrtho council mooting was i
speech delivered in a bold , statesman
bko manner , arraigning before tin
city council our worthy chief of polio
H. H. Field , for appointing , with tin
consent of his honor , two extra police
men on the occasion of tha firemen'
picnic out at Yonkorman's. Such
chastisement wo doubt was over bofor
given in a public assembly by th
mayor of a city to its chief of police
Mr. Vaughan charged that the chic
Imd usurped his functions and thosi
of the city council ; that without au
thorityho had pardoned criminals an
remitted their lines ; that a mob migh
have taken possession of Vonkorman' ;
garden , and that the two mon sen
there to quell any disturbance on tha
occasion , had they interfered , wouh
have rendered the city liable for dam
ages. ( Wo hardly agreed with th
mayor. ) A listener would have sup
posed that the city had certainly cs
caped a dire calamity from the fac
that these two policemen sent b ;
Chief Field without Mr. Vaughan' ' !
consent had found no man out at
Yonkorman'a drunk enough to make
a disturbance. Mr. Field stood the
arraignment without a flinch , and
then in a very quiet and gentlemanly
manner stopped forward nnd niado a
manly explanation. lie stated that
on the occasion of the firemens1 pio-
nio some ono at the garden applied to
him to send two policemen for ser
vice on the grounds , At the limo
what force ho had at hia command
was scattered over the city , and ho
didn't see howjio could spare them.
However , ho said ho would speak to
the mayor and have two extra ones
appointed. Ho saw a couple of mon
and asked them to go and BOO Mr.
Vaughan and report to him for duty.
They returned and said they had boon
bworn in and wanted a star
to put on their coats. The
chief , not having any spare
ones , kindly loaned ono ot the men
his and borrowed ono of Oflicor Ster
ling for thd other , nnd the two wont
to their duty at the beer garden , lie
did not know but that Iho mon had I
boon duly qualified. Ho said that if
ho had done a wrong he was before
the council ready to answer to them >
for that wrong. If any member of
the city council thought he had in
tentionally usurped their powers , ho
there and then presented himself for
their vote of censure. The lecture
from the mayor was wholly uncalled
for. What ho did was done in the
interest of the people of Council
Bluffs , and to them also ho wac ready
to make answer. Mr , Fiold.s re i-
marks were listened to with * marked
attention , and at the conclusion all
was stiH. Not a motion was mudo ; it
passed before the council like e , dream.
They were tired. Mr. Holmes , city
attorney , arose to deliver his opin
ion of the mayor and city council
on the street-car ordinance. Ho
wanted them to undurstund that ho
was legally qualified to instruct them ;
that ho did not want to spend so much
time in giving them advice that they
did not heed , or drawing ordinances
that would not "draw , " He did not
understand why there was not aomc
action taken on the street-car ordi
nance , or the ordinance abandoned
altogether , Night after night it wai
brought before the council and re
ferred to some committee. So far us
ho was concerned , lie was ready to de
his duty. Ho wanted them to under
stand once for nil , wlnlo ho was on his
feet , that they could not grant the ex
clusive right to any company to occu
py the streets for railroad purposes )
that any company could organize
under tlio railroad act and use our
streets so long an they paid damages.
( \Vo recommend that this law be
amended nt the next session of the
general assembly. ; All of this talk
was winked at by Alderman Phillips.
The following communication was
handed to the clerk by the mayor to
bo read :
You are respectfully invited to
unite with the board of education in
the dedication of the Bloomer school
building , Friday evening , 2(5th ( hist ,
Respectfully , L. F. MtmntY ,
President Board of Education.
It xvas voted unanimously to ac
cept the invitation. A petition was
then presented signed by James
Browstcr and sixty other leading
citizens , asking that the present spe
cial charter be abandoned , and that
application bo made to the next general -
oral assembly to bo incorporated as a
city ot first class under the general
state law.Vhon this is done nil the
oflictrs of the city ill bo elected by
the people instead of being appointed
by the mayor nnd council.
The council voted to give $500
more to help out the driving park as
sociation , in order that teams fr m
Omaha can have a more accessible
route to the fair grounds.
Ex-Alderman Graham stated to the
council that John T. Baldwin
and himself , as a committee
appointed by the board of trade , had
visited Omaha in the interest of the
Council Bluffs loveo. They found the
U. P. ofllcialH were anxious that every
preliminary stop bo nt once taken , so
that work could commence in a very
short time ; that that company had
had ono survey made by their en
gineer , but were not satisfied , and on
Friday they had made a second sur
vey , which they thought would be ac
cepted. Mr. Graham thinks the rail
roads are all rnady to join Council
Bluffs in the grand upheaving of the
bottoms to prevent any further de
struction by spring floods , and that
work will bo commenced in a very
short time.
Mayor Vaughan then presented the
following :
It'haa como to my notice that our
licensed hacks and express wagons
had been forbidden by the U. I' , au
thorities to call for passengers and
baggage at the U. I * , depot , and as
the Wabash express and U. P. trains
have no other depots in our ctty , 1
felt it my duty to fully investigate the
matter. So'l wrote to lion. Thomas
L. Kimball , assistant general manager <
gor of the U. P. It. H. , and was glad
to receive his reply as follows :
Uon. W. 11. VAWOIIAV , Mayor ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa Dear Sir : Youi
favor of the 17 Hi with enclosures , is
received , and is the first notice I have
had of the matter in question. We
will have it investigated and sot arigh
without delay.
TIIOH. L. KIM DA i.i , ,
Assistant General Manager.
It will bo seen that in the future
our city hacks and wagons will bo al
lowed to call for and deliver passcn
gcrs and baggage on the U. P. ground
at its union depot in this city.
W. II. VAUOHAN , Mayor.
The following additional matters
wcro disposed of :
The committee to whom was referred
ferrod the ordinance regulating the
street car line , asked for further time ,
which was granted. '
The conumtteo appointed to oxnm
ino into the matter of the Bhooting
gallery on Fifth street reported ad
yorscly to the petition asking to close
it up.
A resolution ordering the payment
of § 4,500 for the purchase of the now
steam fire engine was offered and
lloso lutions were passed ordorin
the repairing of several streets and
A lump post was ordered at
corner of High street and Graham
Sidewalks were ordered built or
Seventeenth street and along Eight !
street to the depot of the Wabasl
An ordinance prohibiting the hitch
ing or feeding of any horses , mules o :
other animals on Fourth street , froi
Broadway to Ninth avenue , and 01
Fifth and Pearl streets from Broad
way to the same avenue , was reported. .
As the law prohibits tlio same thin ]
on Broadway , men who bring produci
to the Council Blufis market will hav
to como to town early enough to return
turn before noon , or move their sla
bios on seine other streets. Judgi
James' yard would bo a good place ,
There is plenty of room. It is shady
and the judge and his wife are good
Council adjourned to meet in spccin I
session next Wednesday evening ,
They came very near putting it for
the L'oth , but they happened to think
of those circus ticket * .
Wo understand that , on complaint
of the "local" of the Nonpariol , Goo.
Parks , who is proprietor of what is
known as Parks' mill , was arrested [ ,
charged with shooting a coon which was
making away with Homo of his young
chickens. Mr. Parks is naturally ox-
citablo , and it don't take much to got
his mad up ; so , to have a coon delib
erately enter his barn-yard , go to the
coop and remove chickens just to sat
isfy his appetite , was more than Mr.
Parka cculd stand , This the coon had
iboon doinjvfor several night. Mrs.
Parka had called Mr. Parks' attention
to it for several nights , and last Sat
urday evening Parks know that the
coon would anticipate his going up to
Harkness , Orcutt & Co.'s store to see
what Foropaugli had to exhibit , nnd
would certainly take advantage of the
cltanco for his chicken feast. Parka
was too sharp for Mr. Coon. Iio
let the women go to the circus tuul
ho remained at homo. About 10
o'clock ho hoard foot-falls as if a coon
was out on the warpth , lie took
his shot gun and repaired to the rear
of the house , where ho could hear and
see and not himself bu scon , Ho was
not mistaken , Mr. Parks leveled the
deadly weapon. Ho waited with bated
breath until ho thought ho was within
about a ' 'roost" of his prey , when ho
fiiod and the coon r VYo under-
stand that Mr. Parks was completely
exonerated from all blame in the
premises nnd was discharged without
even going up to the city building.
A laigo crowd gathered nt the park
grounds Saturday , and all seemed
plcasodJIand expressed themselves de
lighted .with their location. Ono
gentleman from Now York said that
it looked to him almost as largo as
Central park , and with a very small
outlay the grounds could bo made
very attractive. Ho told TUB BEE
reporter that ho did not believe there
was a track in the United States that
can bo made faster. Ho believed
that after a year or two. wjth proper
care , by being harrowed with a track
harrow after being sprinkled , that
Maud S. could make 2:00i. :
and that Vandcrbill would
certainly bring her hero at
some future time. The best trotter
thus far is Little Sioux. She won the
2UO : class race in 2:38 : , easily distanc
ing Billy Bashaw and Clarence H. ,
with Billy Bashaw second in the first
heat and Clarence H second in the
second boat. In the free-for-all race
Mailiu Graham and Sciola were enter
ed. Thcso horses appeared to bo
pretty evenly matched , keeping to
gether at the start , but Matlio broke
a little at the one-half mile stake , lot-
ling Sciola spurt a little ahead. When
they reached the wire they were near
ly ncqlc and neck , but as Mr. Sciola's
nose was a little longer than Miss
Mattie's , the judges declared Sciola
the winner. Time , 2:2M. : BellFlower
Flower , Razor Blade and a horse called
Tobc , wcro entered for the running
race , one-half mile dash. The
horses got a good start and all did
well. But Bell got ahead and kept it
easily winning the race , with
Tobo second. Col. D. B. Daily ,
Alderman Nato Phillips , N.
L. Hall , and Will Dawson , entered
horses for the gentlemen's roadster
raco. At this juncture a little t > quall
struck the judges' stand. It seems
that Maso Wise by some means got in
a hone that had made a record of
some kind , which was against the
rules of the raco. A few words wore
exchanged , when it was finally de
cided to let Maae Wise take a hand in
the race. All of the horses , after
scoring several times , went under the
wire in good shape for the first heat.
Nato Phillips held Maso Wise pretty
closely , nnd would have beaten him
if he nad had a lighter rig. Col.
Daily dropped some distance behinc
and remained thcro until Mase Wise
won the heat , with Nato Phillips sec
ond. The second heat would have
been won by Nato Phillips had they
succeeded in counting Maso Wise out-
At 5 o'clock Saturday Tin : BKK re
porter , beginning to feel a little weak
was reminded that through Homo mis
take that wholesoulcd man , W. J
Davenport ( upon whoso shoulders rest :
the success of the "Old reliable" 0.
B. & Q. railroad company at tin :
point ) had left an invitation on on :
table requesting us to dine with bin
and a party of general passenger am
freight agents from the east , who ha (
been on a trip throughout the wes
a dining car of the company. As wo
got on board the train supper was
waiting , nnd just as the train startc <
wo wcro escorted , yes , cscortcc
through one or two elegantly fur
nished Pullman palace cars , when
every one ( and the cars were packed
seemed to bo having n gooi
time. On wo went through t <
the dining car. There wo mo
several gentlemen from Omaha. H
R. Porsingor , editor of The Omaha
Times. Ho is sandy comploxionct
but a real jolly scribe. G. W. Mar
tin , also on The Times , a quiet , gen
tlenmnly young man , who was on hi
way to some place in Illinois , hunting
his aunt and prairie chickens. Thos
Nelson , who edits a railway pocko
guide , also a traveler's register. Nel
son wanted to know whore hia frioiu
Clark of The Nonpareil was , and
gentleman standing near replied tha
ho had sat down in the shade of tin
wire at the trotting park , and ha <
fallen asleep and did not wako up ii
time to make the train. Mr. Vui
Meter , of The Globe , was in tin
party. Ho is a very pleasant gentle
men , but ho don't like oysters. _ Wi
had a very pleasant time , nnd Jiav
Mr. W. J. Davenport to thank fo
it. Everything that was over though
ot in the way of edibles was served ii ]
by that prince of caterers , Mr. Fran !
Drury. Wo never before have eaten
so much in the same length of tint
under such pleasant conditions.
The residence and grounds of F. 0 ,
Orcutt , member of the dry goods es
tablishment of Harknoss , Orcutt &
Co. , was very brilliantly lighted with
Chinese lanterns of every ahado and
pattern , the occasion being a sociable
given by tlio ladies of the Methodist
society. The entertainment consisted
of music , singing , &a. Miss Bell
Robinson nnd Miss 12. E. Amont presided -
sided in turn at the piano. A ijuar-
totto was formed bv the following
members of the church choir : L. W.
Tulloys , J. H , Arthur , Lena Peter-
eon and Miss Grace Orcutt As is
generally the case when the Metho
dist people entertain their friends
everybody had a good time. Refresh
ments in abundance were served dur
ing the evening.
Tlio Nonpariol had a long article
Sunday morning on the stereopticon
exhibition given on Saturday evening
by Prof. Abt , and no wonder , for tha
professor had ft view that ho carries
with him with this inscription : "Tho
Nonpareil in the best paper in the
west. " Well , of course wo think * so ,
and are pleased that our con temporary
has secured the services of Adam
ForojKiugh , The exhibition was cer
tainly very fine , and wo don't think
it ; v > as over excelled by any circus
traveling. Even Barnuin himself is
nutcWe in tliis rogtinl. The views of
Wnsifiigtuu crossing the Dolawuro anil
the burning of a Ship at sea were
especially striking , as also Washiug-
ton's dream of America' future , and
'for a rcaTcnto arrangement wo com
mend the dancing skeleton , Wo say
nt tins point lhat wo haven't oven
been furnished a free ticket ; but then
they know wo never attend cirjuses ,
any way. Foropaugli ought to have
the professor add one more view.
The man who keeps the shooting
gallery should give bonds to the city
i case of accident , if the story is true
mt a citizen on pausing in the alley
as shot in the log , as the aforesaid
listen claims in his letter to the Non-
aricl. The bullets with which the
ims are charged would kill a man
cry hastily if they hit him in the
ght placo. Thcro should certainly
o something in the back of the gal-
ry behind the mark that thcso balls
ill not penetrate , or elao the people
ad better keep from under , for there
some very wild snooting going on
icro at times.
THE nu7Fra IN imiKi1.
The circuit court adjourned last
at 23 o'clock until
aturday to-mor-
ow nt ! ) o'clock.
R , II. Day , of Quincy , III. , general
tfont for the celebrated Barlow corn
lantcr , was in the city over Sunday
id stayed at the Revere house.
Two alloy girls wcro seen coming
rom a saloon on lower Broadway on
aturday in a beastly state of intoxi-
Mark Barlow and a couple of young
icn named Hughes overheard some
ramps in the woods on Franklin nvo-
uo dividing their spoils , and on np-
reaching them they fired at the boys
vice , but luckily no ono was injured.
Iio tramps disappeared in the timber.
There will bo a meeting of the
ight Guards at their armory to-
ight. All guards are requested to bo
There was a wheel smashed coming
rom the races Saturday.
David Tostovin , who lives in the
astern part of this county , came to
10 city Saturday , got drunk , slept all
ight in the park , woo taken with
snakes in his boots" on the street
unday afternoon. Ho was arrested
y Oflicor Sterling and lodged in the
There was a general uprising
mongst the colored mon who work in
Iio back yard of the Pacific Hotel
aturday afternoon. The fight scorned
reo for all , but Miles Gray and a
arkoy named Gco. Paine took the
cad and kept it pretty well between
homsolvcs until both were arrested
iy Officers Oloughund Sterling , taken
icforo Judge Burke who hold thorn
n the sum of § 100 each to appear and
inswcr Tuesday morning ivt 10
' .
Ono of the alley girls named Jcn-
lie Blanchard complained at the ro
borders' oflico that aho had been
cruelly assaulted with intent to hurt
) y a man named N. J. Burke. Mr.
iJurko ( who by the way is not a rola-
; ivo of the recorder ) came into court
ockcd in the arm of Officer Sicrling ,
and told tlio court that ho met the
fair Jennie and in a loving man
ner tapped her gently un
der the chin. That she
at first took it as given in fun. The
'un went on for a while , and ho un-
ntontionally just for fun slapped her
on the left cheek. At this she be
came mad and struck back. This
made him mad and ho thought per-
liaps there wasn't quite BO much love
went in with iho last blow. The
court continued the cose for further
Finloy Burke , of Orange county ,
who has been in the city a few dayi
on important business before the
circuit court , returned homo last
Frank A. Follows , of Concord , New
Hampshire , like a pious puritan , won ;
; o church from the Pacific hotel
Council Bluffs , yesterday.
F. H. Warran , son of our deputj
clerk , who recently was clerk of
courts of this county , is in the city. .
Fresh from his extensive cattle range
in the Elkhoru river in Nebraska.
Mr. "Wurran is looking much bettor
than ho used to , and wo suppose
"finding his flocks' agrees with bin
better than filing papers and coaxing
for his fees.
A. J. Einstein , of Omaha , was ii
Iho city yesterday , a guest of the Revere
vore , as also were John Copeland am
Charles Rogers , of Lincoln , Nob.
C. 0. Rhoads , of DCS Moincs , was
in the city oyer Sunday , attheJOgdon
Mrs. J. Mack , of Now York , on hoi
way west , concluded to remain ovei
Sunday in Council Blulfa. She stayci
at the Ogden.
John O. Connor , of Boston , was an
Ogden guest over Sunday.
Officer Cusic came across a coupl
of young men opening up a mnal
sized cutlery establishment on Bancrof
street yesterday. They had apparent
Iy taken in the city Saturday night
and possessed themselves of a very
choice collection. When arrested they
had twenty-three pocket knives , ra
zors , finger rings , chains , etc. As yet
no complaint has been made against
them by any ono , nnd unless theio is
they will bo discharged.
An old darkey named Uncle George
got himself into trouble yesterday
day" " , afternoon. 'Ho was about
ready to leave the city and got a
"lectio" too much on board , and was
doing his best to raise hades , when
Officers Sterling and Cusic found him
on lower Broadway and requested
him to either go to church or remain
quiot. They , had left him but n
moment when ho begun again to qual
ify himself for jail , when iho ofhcers
turned nnd walked back to arrest
him. Ho took in the situation at
once and took the first conveyance
for Vine street , whore ho lives. Ho
wont into the house and barricaded
the door , and , taking a tomahawk ,
threatened the first son of a star
with instant death that dared to
cross the threshold of his castle. The
officers wont in just the same , ar
rested the big darkoy and took him to
the calaboose. His wife followed ,
screaming at the top of her voice for
them to release her husband , saying
that ho was a respectable citizen when
compared with hundreds of nasty ,
dirty white men who are on the streets
every , Sundays included. On enter
ing the calaboose she made for the
iron door and defended her husband's
liberties with all her Mexican mad
ness. She called loudly for a revolver
that Htm might end her existence.
She was finally restored to seriousness
on the chief of police promising her
that ho would release her husband as
soo.i us jiossiblo after ho got cooled on"
A team belonging to Paul Bouquet ,
who kcou | a livery and sale stable on
Noith Fifut fat reel , run u way on upper
Broadway yesterday afternoon. Ho
ran into an old wagon standing on
ho street and was knocked down and
jadly hurt. The bugcy was pretty
well smashed up also.J
There was a German picnic out at
. 'aimer's grove , on Franklin avenue ,
yesterday afternoon.
The old case of Hanson vs. Sarr , on
rial in the circuit court , wa ? given to
ho jury Friday lost at 4 o'clock. On
Saturday they returned n verdict al-
owing the plaintiff $300 damages.
This case grow out of an accident
caused by not keeping tumblers of a
hreshing mnchino properly fastened.
3npp ifc Lyman and John Lindt ap-
icarcd for the phtintilT ; George A.
lolmcs for defendant.
The case of Hull , fc Kiddcr vs. Erb
t Dugnott ; Baldwin & Trimble for
> laintifT , Ament it Siintus for defend
ant , was continued in the circuit
Members of Abe Lincoln post , Np.
29 , G. A. 11. , are requested to bo in
attendance next Friday evening with
out fail. Business of importance will
> o transacted. By order of Captain
larrison , commander of the post.
M. Palmer says ho remembers well
ho day the old cottonwood that
lands on the corner of Broadway and
mil Pearl streets was planted , twen-
y-six years ago last Sunday.
The old reliable C , B. & Q. rail
road bos put two very largo engines
on this end of their route.
Thirty-five car loads of cattle wcro
received at the stock yards on Satur-
lay. i'
Rev. G. G. Perkins preached at the
Congregational church yesterday.
There were fully five thousand peo-
) lo gathered about Bancroft street
md Broadway on Saturday to witness
, hc circus from the canvas.
Coroner Faul , who resides on Ban
croft street , has a fine lot of bees , and
when wo know that about every ono
n Pottawattamio county lost all of
; heir bees lost winter , it is quito a
treat to sco a lot that managed to pull
through. Mr. Faul informs us that
every boo that perished last winter
perished for want of proper care ; that
there was np need of anyone who
Imd bees losing a single hive. Ho
says the trouble came in not keeping
the mouth of the hive free ; that those
who lost their bees allowed the en
trance to the hive to fill with snon
and ice , stopping ventilation ; that it
is the nature of the bco to perspire
more freely in the winter time , and
as they always seal the hive on top
the bottom must be kifyt open or
they will soon smother and
die. Mr. Faul has twelve hives
in hia back yard and not a very large
yard at that. Ho will have as the re
sult of the labor of his little busy
workers from thcso twelve hives about
1,000 pounds of honey for sale. They
will bring him $ -00. The bees cost
him about $5 last winter , which ho
paid for sutmr to help them through
an unexpected cold and long season.
Wo will soon have from Mr. Faul's
own pen an article entitled , "How to
winter bees , " which wo will publish
in thcso columns.
ONEV TO LOAN Call at Law OIHce of D ,
M L. Thomas Itoom S. Crelvhton Block ,
O f A A A A To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent ,
U > 01vUU on Kood real estatenecurity ,
DH. ISAAC E0WARDJ , 1109 Farnham St ,
TO LOAN At 8 per centln.
tcrest In sums of 2MO and
upwards , for 3 to 5 years , on first-class city and
farm property. DKMIS IUAL EHTATI and LOAN
AUKNCT. 15th and Douslas Sts.
WANTED To rent , by it permanent tenant ,
a good house , centrally located. Address
A , C. Head , care of Stce'e , Johnson .V Co. 75U-23
An.cxpcrleiu'cd . man cook at Per
kins House , I'lattamoulh , Ncl ) . 723-20
[ TrANTKD-A few Jay boanlors , lit 1700 Hurt
VY itruct. 737-i2
Machine hand to take work home ,
WANTED Shirt Factory. . 731-23
Situation by a first-class cook out
WANTED of Omaha. Address H. T. S. . Dee
olliic. 733 20
WANTED 2 good chambermaids. Apply nt
the Wltlmcll House. 74:1 : 20
TED A situation bv a jounj ? man In a
giocery ktore , on or abo\it September Is' ,
Has some axpericnce. Address "M.S. " 1'ruc
Imuf s bookutori' , Farnlmm St. , city. 744-23
: D A good laundress , at St. diaries
Hotel , 725-20
l ANTED -Wathlno luuull , at tliw Omaha
\ Sliltt Factory. 720 ? .
\T7"ANTED- A girl f Jr general houtc work , a
> ) 1S1U lUmey bt. 580 U
"tirANTED Slttiatfon In clothlnj ir grocery
> \ lioimo by n man of experience. Add
L. W , lice olllec. 727-22
W 1 ANTED Dining room girl , nt Ilclnckc'i
restaurant , 13th and Jackson SU. 73l-2f >
ANTED A teamster to drUe ei jvess team
W L. Iniggan , 1112 H. 13th St. 723-20
\TMNTED-llaker immediately , can bakegooi
V V bread and pics ; lair wacs. Addrcss SI. J
HESTKll , Shenandoah , loua. 716-24
WANTED Cook wages P25 | r month. Ap-
ply at 2003 Hurt , between 20th and Bi
street. 0W-tf !
> Situation by ) oung man In ul
WANTUI any capacity , Oood scholar , liefer
etu-fs given. AddroH F. , Hue olllec. 713-20
t ix > sltlon by a man aeeustoinet
WAMEl hotel and grocery business. Coot
irfcrences. Address C. II. , Dee olllee. ,7102
A competent rook for prltate
WANTED Enquire at residence , south 10th
street. Mrs. H. Kountzu , 721 3
Another olllee bo ) ut li. O. Dunn
WANTED 215 South 14th St. 'Ltf
- flrst-Jass barbert immediate
WANTED-Two wages paid. J , J. OOOD
32 I'car I St. . opiiosite po > totUce , Council Illuffs
Iowa. CM-tf
WANTED TO THADE Almost new top Did
bar buggy for a phauton. Enquire at lie
Ortli-c. W)7-tl )
11 him sticct , upstairs. C90.1U
To rent a good hotel , furnished
WANTED eastern part of Nebraska. Address
L. U. 1'mlmore , Button , Neb.
1S30 F ruham St.
- A ciup tent workman , one tha
WANTED- all kinds of work , tucha on
can find ktcady work iud good wages , lly writ
Ing or culling on VI , P , Clark , at Mapleton , la.
No drunkard need apply. tl&i 2
ANTKD A treed girl for tvncral house
W worV. Mrs. 0. Trostln , 1111 Douclu St
- TANTEl > . At the store Of J. U. Phillli
\Y &b u , Ilil ilroadway , Council Illnffs.
ni > tiU l > ootaudsUo6 iiutlcr. (11041
WASTED 3lrl for xeneral housework in
small Umlly at Wi IDih HI. 'JJt tf
WAM'fiD A pool tnhlatn rent ; with 1'tftt- '
Icgo ol inirclinlntr. State rrico.
AildrbnUKiMNMAtf ,
451-U Vail , CrnnforJ Co. , lava.
BK * IlEALKSTATE IIOO.M. Sec 1st po.
"ANTEDFtindln : : briJitP and tthool bonds.
II. T. Clark , Ucllc\lie. 26-U
AtA AT SHIS. . „ R. CLAltKK'S No. 1 Ilo rd
\U Inr Homo , ror. ' 13th and LKxlRO tit * . tlwt
In tlic city. 10 tl
non KENT Desirable fumlnhed room , at 1700
L1 Hurt street. 7SO-J2
iWIt IlKNTKumMted room. 8. W. Cor. llHli
and l > Mcn ] n St . 723
1J10II 1IEXT KurnUhcd room with botnl ,
? side lOtli , between Clilugoand CUM St .
nOH KENT A peed ftah'c. one Mock from tlio
I.1 U. T. dciwt. Inquire of M. JLce , Withmll
. . .
lntl. v . 746-1M
FOIt KENT KIcKMittumlslicd room * . Itevwn
alilo lirlrei , liritk home , 2 < mCaNi St. 02J U
Foil KENT Kiirnlhhed or mitiiniUlutl rooms ,
lVxu > ti | > ort ttrcet , south side , third house-
\cst < > f llitli street. 117-2 : )
POIMHENT House of jovcti rooms , Utilicn , '
cellar , cistern , well nnd barn , on South Ate-
me , next to WooluorthV rcildcnco' Enquiry at
4th nnd Kariiliam Sts , J. J01IKSON , C9i-tf
1 011 IIBKT Larito barn. Inquire at 1818 Chi-
J ? cajco St. 074 tf
F OIl HKM1 TnobinltK"H rooms In Mvonlc
Enquire at. John Sc lne Machine
oitlcc. 021-tf
BEMIS has rattllii ) , ' long lUt of houses , lot *
lands and farms for sale. Call anil ifd
[ 7011 * ItBNT A nicely furnished front room for-
L1 ono or two gcntlcmvn , at 1210 Howard street.
FOK KENT 2 furnlihcd rooms o\cr Mel *
chants' ExchangeN. E. ccr. IQlh and Podr
treet * .
EOH SALE A rare chance to lump Into n well
established cash trade. Will tell my Kenerat
took of merchandise , situated In ono of the best
hipping points on I ) . & M. It. ) ' . For further
mrtlcularacalloraddrca ] J. U. Mnln'erWa\erlj ( ,
SAI/E Lease and furniture of a ilrst-clus
hotel In a town ot 1300 Inhabitant * , In state
ot Nebraska ; has 24 beds ; the trax cling men's re-
sort. Inquire at BEE office. 218-tf
[ 7OK SAI.K Maps of Uouglai. and ctanir coun-
U tics. A.llOSEWATER,1620Farnhaini'trcct
710It8ALU At ft barpiln , a lull lot and two
} houses , on 20th ctreit , filth house north of
Sherman St. 1'rlce. tffOO. TIIOMA3 GA1IAN. .
170H HKK Largo Iraanlliiff house , on north-
_ L ? uest cornerct Hth anil Jackson St. '
i. Chaviinnn 1307 * ' . '
, Capitol AMMIUC. 4-20
T70II IlEXT A two-story house of 7 roomswltl
1' stable , on Shunnnii A\c. Apply at MvrriH'
ccd store , 207 S. 12th St. 723-tf
3710U SAM ! A farm of eighty acres. In peed
1 repair , Good home , 22\3 ( ) and ell 1416 ,
small diehard of hearing trees. Ono mlc ! f-oulli
ot Onawa City , Io a. on S. 0. A I1. It. 11. Will
; l\u time on part \\lshul. . Address K. M. .Srarx ,
Omaha , Neb. alOdtf.V.MA4t
EOH SALE Anew nil leather top Hide-liar
I'hacton with FiiriiiR raihlonnnd hack , utW.
IX , Oration's carri RO top nianufaitory 14 , S
16th Bt. bet. rarnham and Hartley. 707-tf
SALE Neat house and full lot , 12 Mocks
from 1' . O. at 000. JOHN L. McUAoi'K ,
712-tf Opp. 1'ostollk-o.
T.1OH SALE-1'our 8 li ; 1' . cnRlncs , two 16 HI
JL P. cnxlncs , ono 18 II. I1 , vertical boiler , ono
3 K.I' . , one 10 U 1' . and 1 IS H. P. horizontal
boiler , all new. ty Omaha Foundry and Ha
chlno Company , Omaha , Neb. in sI7ri-a'23
FOR SA1K Horse. tni < rzy and Irnrncf , aKo
one dump cart. Enquire I > . Mannlnpr , 1tli ! !
and Howard bt. Mi-it
SALE Fine stock farm of 400 acre ?
JOH house , cattle shed , orchard &c. , with
In easy reaeh of railroad. 1'rleo. $460u , par
tlmo at OX. JOHN L. McCAOUE , Opp. 1'ost
otikc. cao-tf
"T10H SALE Neat cottage and good lot at
& 11EO. JOHN L. McCAQUE , Opp. P. O.
FOR IXuiil Cltv. \\clllocatcdncarA. . &
N. depot , plcntv of room , good accommodationtp ,
four loto , and eoocl barn. Can be lied at it liar *
train. For particular ) ) , inquire ot or addrcsi O.
II. Kord , la > ld City , Nebraska.
POlt SALE On reasonable terms. A business
thatlspayIngJOO a month , ( iuarantcca
given as to title of propcrtv and ICIHO of premises.
nqnire at office of Sam J. How ell , 21 ? b , 14 nSt. ,
Omnlia. ( Ili-tf
TJ10H SALE Horse , buggy and harness. Can
.1. la ; Keen at Stcienson'b Capitol AU'imo barn
I'rke , SO. E. C. tLLIS. X5-tf
P Oll SALE A Unit-class milk dairy. Inquire
at thU otlicu. 617-aiiB 27
HOUSES AND LAND Ucmis rentd housetj ,
stores , liotch , farma , lota , lands ,
rooms , etc , See 1st page ,
T710HSALE flood house with four rooms and
1 ? half lot , No. 013 Uodijo between 2Cth and
27th ttrcct. Good ncll and sliailo trees ; house | n
dltloy. Inquire on premlseg. Wl-tf
TTilJinELLAS And I'arasois rciiwrtd by U.
U SCUL'TT llth and Faniain sts. 7fcOtl
POll SA'.K A saiall cnRlno , I ! . W , Payne \
Son't make. In perfect owlcr. Iniiulru of II ,
O. Clark J : Co. BO-tf
rpO LET One DJIII with board , UOj ( . 'iillfnrnU
J. btruet. 7i5 ; tf
QTIIAYKP Froui Jones St. , between 7th and
JO tith , this morning ( Auff. 10th ) ono pair liontcs ,
huck and gray , latter had biand " 5) ) . I. L. " on
left hip. Will iiav rcausonihly for their return.
pALL ( on or address Potter tt Palmer , 40 South
\J Mil street , Couiuil muffs , loua , for rail
road tickets cast , west , north snd eouth. ( Ircatly
ruducid rates on all tkXet . Every ticket guar
anteed , and tickets bought , sold and exchanged
hllra tells past present , and future In k e
and all affair * . She rut cala tic deepest MH-rctHI
the heart. She ( Kisses the magnetic 1 H er to ful
fill all jour wlihes. Call at No. 1010 Chicago
street , near 10th , aug 1C U
STHAVED ' n Saturday , the 7th , a smull
brown more , blind In ono eye , with halter
on. Anyone giving information of her to U
Lee , Wlthnell House , will be piid for their
trouble. ObO-tf
T OST Uctwcen Occidental Hotel and Elgut *
JLJ ter's , a pair of ( toU pectaclcs. The finder
will bo rewarded by lea\liii-them at Occidents
Hotel. 642-tf
LOST Sunday afternoon on Howard St
child's gold bracelet , marked "Etbet. " Klud *
tr will please leave at Uco Office. S-tf
JEM181 NEW C1TV MAP3,2Sc. See 1st pag
From 2416 Harney street July 2S
one large brlndle cow , 0 years old. branded on
p with litter "O. " Has some white spots on
her. Any one citing Information w here f he is
r return her will be suitably rewarded.
ANY ONE having work for a typo writer can
bo accommodated by telephoning the lib
olllcu. 483-tl
In page.
T ICHTXINO-J. J , UcUIn li Btlll In tlio
± J LlKlitnintr llod tutlncss , wholewile and re
tail. Itodi { uit up or rt'jialrixi on khort notice.
Ordirub ) ntail cr othvntiso Mill reecho iiromni
kttcntlon. Satloftftlon yuorantccj Call or ad-
druas 1011 Saundcru ttrttt. lttl28
rf ( IIHKK or four > oung meu ran lie acconmioda-
1. tolulth board. IlifcreuuacxihanHud. Ap
ply 2011 ( Jus * ktrect , 4th < leer vtct > t of ioth St. ,
oraddreMliox 337 , po toffice. 813 f
. DROWN-Coruer I2tb and Chleagrt
. streets , U ready to Lore or deepen we-lls.
sfactiou guaranteed. W3U
"T\ON7 FOHQET The succtiiors ot the Aiuer *
LJ liun Home , on Douglas ktreot , between &th
uid 10th , f i board , lodging and tnoslcLt e-us
tamers , llcspectfull )
6U1-U JI'L