Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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m-f T-M rr irr i TV I 1 rr "
v rA"VrTT I i triTTOm nn i 001
An Interesting Letter From a
Thriving Oity. .
It's Beauties and Manufactur
ing Industries.
IOWA Stnto mitl Other Import
ant Topic * .
Correspondence of Tlio lice.
DIM Moi.\K4 , Lt. , August 20. DCS
IMoines is fast becoming the greatest
manufacturing city in Iowa. The
rtouin or SMOKH
nnd t/io / pulling of steam are scon in
every direction. It contains the larg
est foundry , machine shops ( cxcludii
railroad shops ) , engine works , sas !
door and blind factory , and barbet
wire factory of the west. Within
short distance on every side nro ox
liaustlcss mines of coal. Each railwa
in Iowa is pointing a significant lingo
in this direction , nnd most of thci
already deliver passengers and receiv
nnd disclmrgo freight in this city
The 13. & M. will reach here in n fo\
weeks , nnd will cross Fourth htrco
through the alley oiio-hnlf block nortl
of thoO.,11. I. it P.
Now industries of n public character
tor nro still being added , among
which the greatest nro the Gilbert
ntnrcli faetdrV nnd Kidd's distillery.
Two hund rt dear loads of stone have
been in the foundation of the latter ,
80 ho ono can accuse its founder ol
building it on n sand bank. I am tolt
that tins is to bo the largest distillery
in the United States. The center ol
the great corn-fields is constantly
traveling westward , and the great com
crushers must sooner or Inter follow
up the corn-fields. Dos Monies is n
very beautiful city of 25,030 people ,
lying on both sides of th'o river bcaf- .
ing the same namo. The greater part
of the city is on the west side.
7iir. NEW ( uriTor ,
is on the East Sidoj nnd begins to 13.
niako quite an imposing appearance.
It is n magnificent structure , built of
white stone , elaborately trimmed nnd
ornamented , n tower nt each corner
anda , dome in the centre. The cdi-
Icp ! occupies a double square in length ,
Toaclnntr across ono street , and is sur
rounded by what may bo transformed is
into an elegant park when the building
is , completed. The interior will bo
inoro elaborately decorated than that on
of any other eapitol in the western
states. It will cost three millions , nnd
covers two acres of ground , but will
not bo ready for occupancy within ono
year from the coming December.
to bo hold in this city from September
lth to 9th , inclusive , promises to be
ono of unusual interest. The location
of the grounds is extremely favorable
for an exhibition of the products of
the soil ana for the attendance of far
mers from all parts of the stato. The
0. , R. I. & P. railroad will run trains
to and from the grounds every half aid
hour. The grounds contain nearly Mr.
ono hundred acres , including n small
natural lake having an average depth
of sixteen feet , and covering over
three acres of ground. The arrange
mentof , carriage-ways and walks nnd
entrance and exit gates is very con
venient. The officers are men of in
telligence nnd prudence , who compile
reliable information for
nnd statistics re
garding the resources of the state , for
that are used to ndvantago in secur out
ing immigration. Numerous letters
are being constantly received from
parties in the cast , inquiring what are
to bo the prominent features of the
fair , nnd signifying intention to bo
present. A special feature will bo ed
nnd u now building to bo used for the
Hint purpose is now in course of con
struction. During the last five years
JownJias taken rank af the greatest
creamery-butter state known to the
Chicago market , and this fact is ar
resting the attention of many enter
prising men of the east , who nro look tc n
ing west for Unemployment of their
capital. A now fruit and floral hall who
is in course of erection. It is in the
form of a Greek cross , 1)0x90 ) , well lo
cated und made attractive. The capi
tal dining hull is being enlarged , ilid
many new machinery buildings nro the
Loing erected , most of them Jo
permanent buildings. Secretary in '
Jt. Shaffer has 'Ellis
opened nn oflico on
TY > urth street , opposite the Aborn
liouso , and is cows
ready answer all quo-
j-ios about matters o10 and
pertaining to the
-welfare of the fair. Ho rojwrts that
James 0. lilaino will bo on hand to
deliver the address. ' nn
JUL'I ) . town
nnd n splendid collection of other
lively stoppers will add to the at crime
tractiveness of the speed ring. The hood.
premiums offered on speed alone ag
gregates ? 0I'J5 ) , and for the circuit , and
which includes the speed rings at death
Omaha , Hamburg and Ilod Oak , the in
last two being district fairs
, aggre
gates § 15,000. There will bo two in
chariot races every afternoon , and a but
ten mile rnco between Miss PJnnoo , BO ,
of Denver , and Miss Curtis , of Tope- bo
Jca , Kansas. There will also bo n halls
bicycle race in which the premiums
amount to ? 150 ; also hurdle and nov
elty races , with premiums. The mu land
sical prodigy , Little Ella , will bo ulators
present. agency
THE HUMAlllKS there
of the republican party wore hold 1 icro is
this afternoon. A narty local rog. a- cream.
iion provides that the will
voters shall express -
press their preference IXCO some
for nominee
us state senator , and if a majority COU very
obtained for any one the convention rich
ionnaliy declare him tlio nominee ; farina
otherwise they proceed to nominate. hero
The two prominent candidates for that
position are two lawyers who boar no land
further resemblance dollars
than that ono
christened in early life Hiram J. farms
Hmith und Uio other Seward Smith. : bo
The people ecem voluntarily to ill- vanced
vide upon the question of an antic- ! I
. patod amendment to the constitution. > town
The "boys" generally and the liquor A
dealers irrespective of party hove needed
'IJocked to the standard of Hiram J ,
Smith and the other clement
have just as naturally looked out for daily.
the interests of Seward Smith , Doth Wliou
tickets bear the dubious heading of U.
8 , acnutor.
I011.V A , XAMiOX. i '
Jlr. Kaseon is not known to bo n can. iobu
didateffor the United tlong
Btates sem o ,
ifn James F. Wilsoii i < . An ox-
, -ri-t I.JT . < ry
r i
prcision with n meaning is not desired
There must bo no expression ngnmst
Mr. Wilson in favor of an opponent.
As this is the homo of Mr. KOS.IOII his
name can bo taken tip with safety , nnd
it will not bo regarded unfavorable to
Wilson. Mr. Kasson is in Washing
ton , and therefore is in no way respon
sible for the use of his name. Hut
lliraln J. Smith is known ns a Wileon
man , and ns it is possible his oppo
nents will be stroiigerlhan his friends ,
they must bo divided. This is done
by getting a third man in the Held.
Ilov. D. It. Lucas , a popular minister
of the Christinn church , a prohibition
advocate , nnd nt the same time a Wil-
son man , is pitted and led upon the
track with all the outward show of
The game seomi to have worked
like a chnrm. Hiram Y. Smith is
reported ahead , nnd it is believed his
opponents have been so effectually
divided that it ho docs not succeed
no one will. The reports from the
country portion of the county are not
sufliciontly in to determine who hna
been recommended to the convention ,
but if the country has boon ns well
manipulated ns the city , Wilson may
expect a vote from Polk county first ,
last and all the time.
A number of Gear men were on the
same tickets ns delegates to the coun
ty convention.
Later intelligence says the Hiram
Y , Smith ticket has been carried with
a sweeping majority. 1 * .
"Banger" Visits That Place '
aiid Tolls All About What
Ho Saw Thero.
Business Doling Done A
Good OpoiilnK For a Mill-
Correspondence of Tlic Dec.
DE WITT , Neb. , August 18. Do
Witt.Nebraska , is located mi the Big
.Blue river in the southeast corner of
Saline county , and is one of the best
towns on the Beatrice branch of the
. & M. R. R.
It is noted for the extremely fertile
land tributary to it , the hmo nnd in
creasing herds of cattle that are fat
tened by men who make it an exclu
sive biisinusR , nnd for the fact that
on n financial basis that is , perhaps ,
without n parallel in the state. It is
asserted that there is not a mortgage
a siiiido house in this town.
It is also said that for the size of
tliu town there is not its equal in the
state for legitimate business trans
I have not , in the four weeks that I
have been on this trip , andlhavo visited
nearly a town a day } found n single
place where my calls upon the busi a
ness people wore so universally pleas
ant nnd profitable.
Intelligence , enterprise and a hearty
good will seem to bo the leading char
acteristics of the people.
In just four hours' time , with the
of that most genial gentleman , the
. W. II. Staloy , I had a subscrip'- for
tion list to the BKK that included
every man wo called on excepting ono lot
only , and ho had about half a dozen
dailies already , but would take the
BEK on the 1st of January , when
some of his stock on hand expired ono
their subscriptions.
Not ono of thcso subscriptions was
less than throe months , and some not
a year. All paid in advance with of
a word of objection. by
Now I want some other newspaper
representative to "give his experi
ence" and toll 'jt ho can of a single ity
town that will boat this ono. its
Two fine elevators have been erect
this season , Mr , Hastings' elevator bo
having 12,000 bushels capacity and
other 10,000. There was an ex a
cellent ( louring mill hero , but two tion.
years ago it burned. Five run of only
burrs wore kept busy night and day ,
There is no better opening in the
state of Nebraska for n null , it is the
cjaimod , than right hero , for there is tlioy
dam by the mifl-sito of Do Witt , but
nojnill by that dam site. Parties spire
fpol interested in securing n first-
class location can write toV. . II.
Stsley and get the details.
Mr. Joseph Ellis , one of the cattle dcry
Icings of this vicinity , is authority for nnd
statement that over 2,000 head of
cattle nro being fattened for market tors
within ten miles of this town. Mr.
, by the way , is the owner of
some very line Durham bulls and
, thoroughbreds nnd pure brods , .
feeder of several hundred head s.A
mixed cattlo.
For morality and honesty , nnd for
entire lack of criminal items , this
and vicinity is famous. that
For years there has not been n ment
committed in this neighbor-
. that
There is but ono attorney in town ,
it is said that ho would starve to
, but for the practice ho secures from
the surrounding towns. , orders
There arc two good saloons running n
accordance with the Slocumb law ,
drunkenness U unknow nor nearly
and when there is a wild fellow to
BOOH on the streets ho invariably
from Caldwell , or some other
metropolitan town , in
There are many excellent pieces of
hereabouts that nro held by spec of
, and for solo at the real estate the
of the town. In fact , 18IJ
is no land hero that 481
not black ns ink , and rich as
. Every one of these farms
in a few years bo the homo of
ono who ia now trudging along n
dusty path of life
, toiling to en
Boino eastern land 11H
owner. Cheap
will soon bo a tiling of the past Death
, and these who want all the ad Expelled
vantages of civilization with cheap
must como soon. Five to twelve . 1881
per acio secures raw pratrio Jan.
, but next year the number will lieved
few and the price materially ad in
on these that remain. dus
cannot speak too ngtuiiat
highly of this paid
and county.
bank \\ollas a mill is badly
, tliero being neither , and I n against relief
constant demand for both.
For 1)80,57 )
. business review see Dth page of in
Tlioro'a a Will There's ) a against
Way. tal
Anyone tilio lia * thmUll to try TIIOSIAH' source
I't'LtlTiticOli , will nuruly find the wov to against
t bealUl , In wueii of bronchial utfco-
, wrothiyat , paliu , 'utc.j nJMfah
remedy it U Invaluable. A
' eodlw , side
T f
Local Ttema Prom the Tyled
Doora Scottish Rite
The Triple Link nntl < ho KnlRitly
The heated term and the absence of
many , . members from the city has
caused a general cessation in the work
of the order. i On Thursnay evening
gt. John's Ledge Xo. 25 A. F. it A.
M. conferred the third degree , W.
M , J. U. Urunor olliciating. The
work was done in ( ho usual excellent
manner , and n number of visiting
brethren wore present to witness and
take part in the impressive cere
monies. At the conclusion of work
the craft adjourned for refreshment.
The following circular hn J been is
sued from the Valley of Chic.igo rela
tive lo a reunion of the Scottish llito
in Chicago next October.
" T . T. o. o , T. o. A. o. T. u. "
"To nil Sublime Princes of the
Royal Secret 32d deg Fraternal
Greeting : A courteous nnd knightly
invitation is oxtundcd to all members
'J ]
of the llito to be present and partici
pate m the ceremonies of the twenty-
sixth annual reunion of the
Scottish Kite bodies at Chicago
cage , which will occur Wednes
day , Thursday and Friday , Oct. 5 , 0 ,
and 7 , 1881. Fraternally yours , John
O'Neill Commander-in-Chicf [
, - - Orien-
tal Consistory , S. P , It , S. 32d dcg. ;
Edwin W. Chawbcrlain , 32ddeg. , M.
W. nnd I * . W. Gourgna Chapter lloso
Croix 18th dog. ; Alfred W. Hitch
cock , 32d dcg. , M. E. Sov. Pr. Gr.
M. Chicago Council Princes of Jeru
salem IGth dog. ; George H. McClel
land , Mddeg. , T. P. Gr. M. Van
Rcnssealaer Gr. Ledge of Per , 14th
dog. "
The members of the rite for the
Bouthorn jurisdictisn are in mourning
for brothers Mackey and Ulaokie.
Hon. Wm. M. Ireland 1)3' ) has been
appointed by Supreme Commander
Pike ; J3 * to the vacant Secretary Gen
eralship of the Supreme Council.
At this moment Freemasonry holds
position in Spain very interesting
alike to note and to watch. In that
country "par excellence" of opposi
tion to Masonry , the homo of the in
quisition , and the scene of Masonic
persecution , ceaseless nnd cruel , the
prime minister , Senor Sagasta , is now
grand master. Gonr , let us hope
over , are the hindrances to nnd
denunciation of Freemasonry. Ended ,
us trust , are all these serious dilli-
culties of legal iccognition which
hnvo nlwnys rendered the position of
Freemasonry in Spain nn unenviable
, nnd at ono time threatened to
swnmp it altogether. For Free
masonry cannot nnd docs
flourish in the dark shade
secret meetings , forbidden
law and which
almost always nro
metamorphosed into surreptitious and
hurtful political associations. Legal
and order , loyally and charity , nro
ever essential characteristics , and
without them Freemasonry ceases to
Freemasonry proper ; nnd , call it
what you will , degenerates cither into
political club or n hurtful associa
. Truly speaking , Freemasonry
serenely flourishes amid the
pcaco and stability of empires and
republics , inasmuch ns always obeying
laws of the hind , bo they what
may , Freemasons respect all
forms of government nnd never con-
against the stato. '
The conclave of the grand coinman-
of Knight Templnrs' for Ohio
meets in Cincinnati on September Uth
There nrc eleven royal arch chap-
, with n membership of f > 00 , in the
jurisdiction of Nova Scotia.
The works of the grand lodpo of
Egypt are carried on the Italian Ian-
guago. The name of the deputy grand
master is Brother Tconomopolas.
The eminent graml commander of
Illinois Knights Templar has ordered
in no way shall there bo an abate
in the proscribed fees for con
ferring the order of knighthood ; also I'olnni
i ralltlt
any commander of n commundery lint
permitting any evasion of the statute UlttcM
named will bo promptly suHponded rt
his coiiinanu. Ho ndds : "Tho period
of knighthood are of too high !
grade to bo thus disgraced.
The New York grand lodge is now
session. All the lodges are in good
condition. On Jan. 1 , 1881 , the date
the oflicinl reports , the condition of
order was as follows , there being
lodges then in existence , as against
on Jan. 1 , 1880 :
18SO. A
Initiated during th year. , . : < ,34J 3,0011 J\ of
Admitted by raid Wi 70 l su
Reinstated , -I'Jl -Hi' ) tion
llejectod , . . , , , . . , 170 1K2 plalntltl
Withdrawn voluntarily 4'Jl 005 Juu
Susjicniled Said
ofduej . , . "T.W , 05MJ Jt&Vw
. - 181)1SII
. , . . , . -JlJ W5 To
The total membership on , Iun. 1 ,
, wns a8,328 , ns against : 7,8l J on
. 1 , 1880. In
1880 there wore re Dr.
1,802 brothers , as against 2,1)20
18711 , und181 widows , as
ngtuiiatlllj in 1870. * The amount
by the lodges for the relief of
brothers was , in 1880 , $90,258.24 , ns
§ 97,073.00 in 187Sj ) for the
of widows and orphans 810 , '
was paid , as agains $18,101.10 (
187 ! ) ; for thu burial of thu dead inns
, g39.022.D2
was disbursed , nn
$37,74:1.04 : in 187 , The to CTK-vm.
rovdnuo of the lodges from nil ent
* was , in 1880 , $ JI2UI > 7 , ! I , as ticnl" '
$318,148.72 in 187 . 'f
now lamp lhas boon placed out Sold
Odd Fellows hall in this city utto J. K
indicate the llmo of meeting of the
various bodies.
There are 1 jjrnnd bodies working
under the jurisdiction of Sovereign
Grand Lodgo.
The first lodge in Now York wns
founded by J. 0. Chambers , who ar
rived about the year 1880 , from Lon
don , and was a member of Loyal
Westminister lodge.
K. or P.
Diirintf the excessively hot weather
of the last few necks , Nebraska
lxdjjo No. 3 , lias not boon very active
in Us work. Upon the return of cool
er weather the conferring of degrees
will kcop its members busy , as there
are several persons eagerly awaiting
introduction to the mysteries of the
I'lanut Lodge No.-1 , ii having week
ly nciustiuns ] ! to ifs membership , nnd
will work in conferring the 2nd degree
next Monday evening.
Omaha Lodge U. D. had work in
the 2nd degree lost Thursday iiialit ,
and took action on two now applies-
Endowment Hank , Sec. 05. han a
neinborsliii ) of lifty in the different
clasccs. It meets regularly every
fourth Monday , but the rapid increase
of mcmbciship makes ftcrjiient special
liicetiii s a necessity. Members of
tile order are cordially invited to at
tend by all tlio lodgps.
. Cured of Drinlcin ; * .
"A young friend oi mine was cured
of an insatiable thirst for liquor ,
which had so prostrated him that ho
wna unublo lo do any business. Ho u
was entirely cured by the use of Hop
Uittcrt It allayed all that burniim
thirst ; took away * the appetite for
liquor ; made his nerves steady , nnd
ho has remained a sober and steady
man for more than two years , and has
no desire to return to his cups ; I
know n number of others that have
been cured ot drinking by it. " From
a leading ! E. It. oflicial , Chicago , 111.
Primes . auglC-sujl
Worthy ot Praiso.
As n rule wo do not recommend pa
tent m , but when wo know of
ono that really is a public benefactor ,
and docs positively cure , than wo con *
sidor it our duty to impart that information
mntioi to nil. Electric bitters are
tnily n i most valuable medicine , nnd
will s cure ,35iliousness , Fever
and Ague ; , Stomach . Liver and Lidnoy
complaints , even where nil other remedies
odics fail. "U'o know whereof wo
sneak , and can freely recommend to
all. [ Ex. Sold at 00 cents a bottle
Tsh it MoMahon. (4) ( )
Do you Tvant a pure , bloom
ing Complexion ? If so , o
few applications of Hagan's
MAGNOLIA BALM trill grat
ify to heart's
you your con
tent. It docs away with Sal-
lowness , Redness , Pimples ,
.Blotches , und all diseases And
imperfections of the skin. It
overcomes the flushed appear
ance of heat , fatigue and ex
citement. It makes a lady of
THIRTY appear but TWEN
TY : and so natural , gradual ,
and perfect are its effects ,
that it is impossible to detect
its application.
) is
in ; ;
er * .
Malaria Is an Unseen , Vaporous
, t ] > ri > adiiijr illsmto and death In inanv la.
* , fur \\lilili iiil | > ilna line iteimlno antidote ,
for tliuilfvicUof "Mill HostUtcr" * Stomach
U nut only n thorough rcmnly , lull a IOOQ
lUbla i > rui nth r. To thU f.u t tlirro i nn ot cr.
uhrlmlii ; ; army of ( ixtliiinnv , u.vtiu'dliiir our a
of llilrty jtars. All ill * > nlerof tliulhfr , north
otoiimili und louiUaru also vonuiti'ml M the od to
* . '
gil'For tolo In all nnii.'K'UI'i * ami Dcalirtf geii'
Seamless Evaporator
Stud for Dcicrlptlr * met Uit.
UtutiM I * " 1W <
H. NASH will take notlco that on the lath
. ily of July , IbSl , Cliarlca llmnili * . Jiutlie
the | n-.w. ilr t nrcvlnit , Jtougtaioiiiny , ! U ,
l an order of attaUiiiunt for 4iauo in an ac
| > endliitr before hlm.ulurvln t' , r. llaiiaii U
and A , K. Nabh ilufuidant Iliatinonc } !
jou has liccn attat-hul under fcald ordt-r.
lauso ai t-ontlnuul to the iJtli of August ,
! ° 'll0lk ' ' "
"ll r. HAMAV.IMaU.tlff
Nervous Sufferers
J. B. Simpson'e Speciflo
that lead teen
. ucm AITK * . „
Consumption The
Insanity and for
carUjnue hou
Ilie cH > dllc Ilinucl
Medicliio Is Ohio ,
being led furnlih
tilth wonderful ic. ,
. . . ful HICCCSJ. tlm
- * * TW- - Pamphlets n ,
In * ( a all. Write lor them and gvt lull jar -
" "
Specific , 11.00 per p ckg , or * ix J > ack -
r | S 00. Addre * * all onlcru to house
U , HI11SO.V UElltCINE CO , to ! i-r
Ne . 104 and 100 l in St. Jluffilo , N. V larlitu
In Omala by O. F. Oooiluun , J , \ > . tlcll ,
hh , jcjall dtuofUticvnrywhisre.
r ftu '
Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers ,
Ministers , Teachers , Ouslncss Men , Farm
ers , Mechanics , ALL tliould ho nnnidl niralntt
\it\nit \ \ and Introducing Into their HOMES Nos
trum * nnd Alcoholic rcniwllci , lliuo no mcli
prcjiidlfo against , or fear of "Warner's Safe
Tonic Bitters. " They nrc what they are claimed
to be hannlcsi M milk , nnd contain only incdl-
clntMlrtut * . Kxtmct of pure < CfCtallc } < onli' .
Tlicy do not l > cotif ! ( to tlint ilans known ai "Cure-
A1H , " but only profcai to reach OMCI where the
dlscajc originates In Uthilltntul fronicH and tin *
pure Mood. A pcrfut Spring nnd Summer
A Thorough Ulood Purifier. A Tonic Appe
Pleasant to the taste , Inrlitoratlnjr to the body.
The most eminent plijotclans recommend them
for their ciirnthc proptrtlcs. Once used nlual
For the Kidneys. Liver and Urinary organs ,
o nothing "WARNER'S OAFE KIDNEYanci
LIVER OUnE. " It stands Unrivalled. Tliotts-
amlioue their health nnd liapiiliiesi to It. I'rlcc ,
81.26 per bottle.VoofTcr "Warner's Safe Tonic
Uittore" lth cmial confidence.
H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y ,
fclO tn-tli-wt-lv
217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louis ,
\ PAPERS { Wfflo ,
Printers Stock.
jKTCnsh paid for lUjfs and Paper Stock , Scrap
Iron and Metals.
Paper Stock Warehouses 1220 to 1237 , North
Sixth Htrcnt
No. 15t'8 Fovnlmm Street ,
Omni North Mo. ODD Oraml Central Hotel.
. R. CMRR&OV. O. J. Ill-XT.
Glarkson & Hunt ,
Successors to ItlcharJs & Hunt ,
S. 14fhStrect Om tin \cb.
To examine the stock of
House 1422 Douglas St. , near ISfcli
largo and always tlio lowest prices.
o'clock p. in. , for the cm tion of a court house
building at Omaha , In Bald county , in accordance
uithplaniandepcUncat out made by i ; . II. .Mjtr ,
architect , and now on file In tlio county cU'rK'u
. " I > ch bid mudt bo accompanied by a goo 1
sufficient howl In the mini of fUo thoimn.l
* , conditioned thatthoblddcrnlll cntcrlnto
contract nnd Rle a good nnd sutllclcnt bond tor the
faithful iHirforinnuoo of the work thould the
bo uuardul to htm. Specifications u III bu
furnished uiK > n application to tha county ckrk.
Scttratfl bills for tli ceteral parts of the build-
will bo considered and all proposals nni.t ho
upon Mhcdult * prepared by the architect
fumUhed on application to the county clerk- .
Hoard icemen thu rl ht to reject any or all
order of the Hoard of County Commission
Omaha , Au 11 , J881. County Clerk.
OnJiuto ol the St. Lau t School ot Mldnhca , at
California Street , Between Fifteenth
and Sixteenth ,
c , where roll * will Ira promptly renpond.
at any hour during tha day or nltfht.Uil7d3
S 3
pj m
1 I
g CO
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ILER & CO. ,
Manufkoturers. OM.4.HA.
Contractor * , Batlders and
Property Owner * .
umU-iklined hat Ing bcui appointed ajcnt
the rxtcntho Iron and wire luanufucturln , '
C8 of K. T. Itanium , of D.'trolt , and the
Iron Foundry and \Vorl at Toledo ,
ra | > adty of W tons dally , l prvvarcJ | to
c.tlniatcn and prices for Iron columns ,
S.C. , fur ( tore fronU , window cajm and illj ,
holil plitf . rouilit Iron bcanti and eird-
hjdnxullo ilc\atQn < i tUple tlttlngvj pulk' ,
i , ic ; al o iron fences , ctwtln r , win A.
thuttcrs , tlr , LaiconltD , i > etttc ,
totes , ttctUtrlunn | , fountains , tuuuurr
* , IAUII , mrdcuand niet ornament * ,
stand * , un\ guard * , lie. , ic. . in endless
UaUUiKnics sumiUod ou BinilKraUon.
HtNUV II. ll.UtKV ,
Uanufaiturvm' A 'eiit , Si 1'uitl tritt.
'lO-lm we Council IlluRi , low a
the Oldest Wholesale and
Retail Jewelry House in
Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in Silver
Ware , Clocks , Rich and
Stylish Jewelry , the La
test , Most Artistic , and
Choicest Selections in
Precious Stones , and all
descriptions of Fine
Watches at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth apd Farn-
ham Streets
mm HOUSE /
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Pianos , Knabe
Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warreu ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pnr-
Choice Cigars I
Can bo obtained at KUHN it CO.'S
by the box for Less Money than at
any wholesale tobacco house , for the
reason they sell cigars in connection
with their drug business , without any
expense toitho Cigars. TRY THEM.
All Cigars not satisfactory exchanged
or . o'
money refunded.
= g
A line lOc Cigar , long Havana filler , 5
for 25c. Never has there been any
Cigar in Omaha equal to them for the
From § 0.25 per hundred up.
"Atlantic" best lOc Cigar in City
Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards.
Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards.
Cigars from $15.00r 1,000 upwards.
Dealer in Hardware ,
Stove Repairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer
OE : *
Tenth and Jackso - >
- - - - Omaha , Neb-
Company ,
Finest Siver Plated Spoons and Forks ,
Tlio only and | itional plato that
original firm of
is giving for instance -
Rogo'rs Bros.
stance n single
All our Spoons ,
Forks and plated Spoon , a
Knives plated triplothickncsHof
with the greatest
plate only on
of care. Each
lot being hung the soot ions
on n scale while where exposed
being plated , to to wear , thereby
insure a full deposit -
making a single
posit of silver on
plated S p o o n
them ,
wear as long asa
Wo would call
a triple plated
especial atten
tion to our BCC- one.
Tipped ,
All OrJcm In the tt'ctt should be AddresscJ to
Wholesale Jeweler ,