Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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TT TT C1 XT . I TT / " /
NEW YOHK. August 1C ,
Money \vai stringent during the greater
jiatt of llio ( lay , anil nt one time loaned as
high an 1-10 per cent nnd Interest , but lhe'clceit cnsMl up , mid in fin.d deal
ings on call loans uc o obtainable nt 3 per
Exchange closed dull atI & 2s ( 84 } .
Governments closed firm.
Currency CH , 1 30 , bid ; 4 , cimit. , 115JS
Us do , 113 ? ; fis iontlnucd nt 1 OH ; fis , do ,
1 Olj. I
The clock' market to-d V was less neUvp
and prices wcro v cry Irregular , Huctn.itin
being wide and frcipi9iit in some shares.
Dealings were not largo nnd nothing of
imtiorlaiice transpired. The closing tpio-
tntiotiR Khowed un ndvuiice ns compared
ulth Ihosc of yesterday of i@2J percent.
Slocks more actively dealt inycro conl
shares , grangcri' , Soulhweslern share * ,
the supply more than kept pace with the
legitimate requirements. A No. 1
passed readily " at 5(5 ( fl per cent on call paper and
0@7 per cent on time. The calling of
margins and the signing of margin checks
was again lively , ON ing to the Mtnation of
the markets on the board of trade. The
cleat ings of the associated bunka were
7,800,000. Eastern exchange between city
banks was iiuoted at 80@1 discount on
Omalia "Wholesale Market-
Omci : 01-Tin : OMAHA UKK , )
Friday Kvcniug August 19. j
Wheat .steady nnd unchanged. Barley
advanced 2c for No. 2 and Ic lower for No.
3. Com still advancing. Oats Ic higher
thiin yesterday.
In notations note a decline of
50o for anthracite.
Provisions steady nnd mostly unchang
ed. Potatoes weak , and lOc lower than
last report. Butter firm , anil clioice scarce
at ipioted price.
Dry goods , groceries , drugs , hardware ,
leather , lumber , oils and paints firm nnd
Cattle steady and unchanged.
Sheep ( pilot.
Hogs firm , and prices stiffening. Light
packers advanced 15@20c ; medium mixed
40@loc higher ; choice heavy ipioted 40c
\ Local Drain Dealings.
, W1IKAT. Cash No. 2 , 117 ; Cash No.
3 , ! lf : rejected ( > 7c.
11A11LKY. Ca h No. 2 , ; No. 3 OOc.
KYK. Cash , 'J7c.
CORN. Cash Nt . 2 , 49Jc.
OATS. Cash. 30 r.
Cattle We quote as follows : Butch-
er'H cows , S3 003 ( ; 25 ; choice butcheM
ulcers , S3 75@4 00.
Sheep Good mutton in fnir demand.
$3 503 ; 75.
Hogs We quote ns follows ; Light
packers , S5 00@5 75 ; medium mixed
packers , S5 50@5 75 ; extra choice heavv ,
$5 75@0 00.
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
$3 00@3 40 ; patent , S3 75@4 50 ; winter
wheat straight grade , 53 60@3 75 ; patent ,
$1 0@4 50 ; graham rye , 52 25 ; Wheat.
$2 50.
MILLSTUFFS-Bian , per cwt. 55c ;
screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; Hhiirtc , per
cwt. C5c ; chopped feed , per cwt. BOc ; meal
bolted , yellow. OOc ; white , SI 00.
POTATOES New , 80@90c per bush
POULTRY Live chickens per dozen ,
$3 50 ; old , spring chickens , $3 50.
KGGS Shippers count , lOc.
BUTTEK Choice , 1C ® 18 ; poor , no market -
ket ; creamery , 25c.
APPLKS Good , sound , 83 50 per
HONK Y Extracted , first-clans California -
ornia strained , 15c ; Nebraska comb , 20c ,
LEMONS Good repacked per bov.
f8 50 ; best , S ! ) 00.
ULACKilEimiKS-Pcr case , SI 00.
TOMATOES Per bushel , 55100.
Ml 00.
WATEHMELONS-Per 100 , 810 00.
BLUEBERRIES Per case , S3 00.
VEGETABLES All kinds bring good
BEESWAX Yellow. 18@20c.
ONIONS-Pcr bushel. 91 25.
Orocen Lltt.
COFFEE. Rio , tnir. 13Jc : Rio , good ,
14c ; Rio , prime to choice , l4Jc ; Old gov't
.Tavn ; 2liJ@281c , Mocha , 20Jc ; Arbucklu'M ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ;
Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45cj
Choice , 00 75cj Young llywin , good , 3G@
Me ; choice , Ii5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
35c ; Japan , choice , 00@75o : Oolong , goxl ,
ar@IO ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong !
gooil. aSfaUOo ; choice. 35ffi45c. b
SUGARS. Cut loaf , ll c ; Crushed ,
lljc ; Granulated , lO c ; Powdered , llio
o ,
Ojo.SYRUPS. . Sugar house , bbl * . 45c ; half !
bio , 47c ; kegs , 4j [ gallons , _ ? 2 30 ; choice
table Hyrun , 42c ; halfbbla , 45c , kegB,31i85 ,
SPlOKS.-Pepper , 194 ; Allspice , 20c ;
Cloves , 45c ; Nutuoeifs , 8100 ; Cassia , 25c ;
Mace 8100.
SODA. Dwight's Ib papers , 83 00 ; De-
land do , 53 00 ; Church' * , S3 00 ; Keg oda ,
STAHOir , Pearl , 3c ; Silver Gloss , 7 }
( SSic ; Com Starch , 8 i@8c } ; Exceluior
Gloss , Cc ; Corn , 7 ,
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 90 ; Ash-
ton , in sacks , 3 60 ; bbls dairy CO , 5 * , 3 45 ;
bbls dairy , 100 , 3i , 3G5 ,
PRIED FRUITS Choice halve * , Ib
peaches , new crop , 9Jc : Evaporated Applet ,
60 11) boxes , 13j@l4c ; Michigan , 8ic ; New
Yorkapples,8JcSt.Lous ; ! No.ljc ; Prunes ,
old , Cc ; new , 8ic ; Currants , 7@7ic ;
Blackberries , new , lOc.
CHEESE Full Cnan. lljc ; Tart
Skim , Oc. *
\VOOnr.XWAKi-Two hoop pal ! ,
1 Wj three hoop twills 2 10 ; Nrt. 'I tub * ,
0 00 ; No. 1 ! tubs , 8 00 ; _ No. 3 lubs , 7 00 ;
pioneer washlioanis , 185 ; Double Crown.
275 ; Ololio Wftshlxiard.HiVJ.'Welllmckcts'
chain , nnd 5 ply , 20i\g21J ; Colored c.npet
clnin , per It' , 20 ;
LEAD-Bar , $1 CM.
MATCHES Per caddlp , S5c ; nmnd
e , 87.35 ; square cases , SI.90.
PROVISIONS-Dreitkfivt liacnn , 12.
sholcolnnl ) 13Jc : dried beif , 14c ; h'vdd
> ,\ivssed 8Jc ; hams ,
bicon , Met llju
NKW PICKfiKS-Mcdlum , In barrel * ,
$7 00 ; do in half bbls 4 25 ; ? nmll < , in Mil- ,
1200 ; du , in half bbK 050 ; ghcikln , in
hbls 13 00 ; do , in half bhl , 7 00.
V1N1X1AU Pare _ npplc extra , ' irtc ;
pure apple , 13cj Pni'Mmt pure npple , 15c.
HO M IN Y Now' , S3 bO per bbl.
BEANS-Medium , hand picked 82/.0
per bn hel , : , 3. Inch and larger ,
SOAPS-KIrkV Savon Imperial. 285 ;
Kirksterling. . 2 10 ; Kirk's standard , 3 30 ;
KlrkV white Russian , 4 50 : Kirk'n Eutocn ,
I 85 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3
40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 3 .K ) .
CANDLES Boxes , 40 llm , in or , Ss ,
13cboxc ; 40 lbs. ( 10 oz. . ( is. 13c ; boxes * , 40
sets H " ' 8s , 12Jc ; half bo\e , 20 pets ,
I1 oz. , Rs , 13c.
LYE American , 3 3. " ; Greenwich. 3 35 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 60 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 TO ; Jewell lye , 275 ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in cae ,
I HO ; Anchor Ball a doz in case , 1 W ) .
FIELD SEED Red clover , choice ,
new , 85 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover ,
new , § 575hlte ; cloxer , new , 81400 ;
nl.alfa cl.ncr . , new , S1250 ; alslkc , now ,
§ 13 00. Timothy , good , new , 82 502 (55 ( ;
blue gias- * . extra clean , SI 25 ; blue gras * ,
clean , § 1 lO ; orchard grass , § 2 00 ; red top ,
choice , ( J5c : millet , common or Mis oui i ,
81 25 ; millet. German , 81 25 ; to SI 50 ;
Huiixnrian , 81 15.
HKDGKSKED-Osago orange , 1 to 5
Inifhel.s , 85 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
over. § 1 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35o ; per
100 Ibs. , 823 00. . v . ' , x
FISH Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbl ,
83 CO ; No , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf libls , 0 30 ;
No' . 1 white fish'in 10 Ib kltrf. 100 ; family
10 Ib klls , 75ciNcw ; ; Holland hcriing. per
keg , I'20-Russian ; pardWfcs' 75c ; Colui"-
bi.i river salmonper lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George's
Bank codli h , Oo ; CJen. boneless codtisb ;
8o ; boneleM fish ,
- lalfbblsinessmackciel ,
100 lb , $1250 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
100 lb . ti 00 ; hf bbld , fat family do , 100
Ibs , ; i 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Hi kit * , 2 25 ;
.Nn. 1 ax ? shore , 12 Ib'clo , OT ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do , 1 00 ; fnt family , 10 Ib do , 75o.
CANNED GOODS Oysterx , 2 Ib
( FiuldV ) , per case , $4 20 ; do 1 Hi ( Field's ) ,
per can1 , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 90 ; do 1 Hi ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do
. 2 tb . ( slack ) , pur case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
per c.vse , 200. Onions , 3 SO. Salmon , t
Ib | | T _ per doyen , 1 05 ; do 2 Ib , per doreii
250. Sardines , small Pxli , impoitcd , onc-
quarter boxc ? i > er box , 14JC ; Atnciicnn ,
( ( liarter boxes per box , He ; do half bow ,
per box , 2Uc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per do/en ,
180. Tomatoes , 210 ; do 3 Ib per
ease , 250 ; Com , 2 Hi ( Mountain )
per case , 3 10 ; soaked corn , 1 ! )0 ) ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , ) ier , 350 ;
string beans per case , 190 ; Lima boaiis
per case , 200. Succotash per case , 210. _
Peas , common , mr cae , 1 75 ; pens , choice ,
per case , 4 50. 1 ilnckberries , 2 Ib , per case ,
250 ; Htrnwbeme.s , 2 Ib , per cnse , 3 70'
rnspbcrties , 2 Ib , per cac , 275(5800. (
Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 25. Baitlett
peons per case , < 3 0 < i@l 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 Ib per
ccse , 3 2o ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case , 4 50.
Green gages , ! ! Ib per cabe , 3 25 : do choice , n.
lbercase,4 ] 50. PiuoApliles , 2 Ib , perc.ise ,
3 CiO " i't 20. Peaches , 2 lu per case , 3 10 :
i , case , 5 00(3)5 ( ) 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
o.vHC,325 ; do pie , G Iti , per do/en , 3 50.
PiICE Carolina , Ot@74o ; Louioiann , 5 ?
( yOfc.
PKANUTS Boasted , choice , red Ten
nessee , Hloper Ib ; fancy white , 9c per Ib ;
raw whltu Virginia , 7@7ic.
Or Goods.
OJc : Buckeye LL GJc ; Crescent JjL OJc ;
Utica C oio ; Crescent C 71c ; Crescent B
7-fc ; Crescent A 8c ; Wnchusetts 8 c ;
Indian Head 8Jc ; Granitevillo LL
.3 ; Badger Rl fine brown , 7ic ;
Badger X , do , 7c ; Portmnouth P , do , 5c ;
Winthrop Jj , do , 7'fc ; Continental C ,
do. 8c.
4-1 13e ; Fruit 4-4 104 ; HOJIO 4-1
8\c \ ; Ballardvalu 4-t 0c ; Poc.iHsett
Cf 4-1 8Jc ; Altoona 3-1 ( ic ; Loiixdale
No. 1 , cambriu 13c ; No. 2 , do , 12Jc ;
New York Mills 4-4 13c ; I > onsdale 4-1 lOc ;
Fairmont Q 4-1 OJc Auburn A 4-4 8Jc ;
Barnard 2 ( > c ; Dairy Cloth 5Jc ,
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , 0c : Aineri- (
can fie , CAc ; Arnold's do , 7c ; Conestoga
do , Oc ; Difrmell do , Cic ; Eddvstono do ;
Oic ; Gloucester do , 0c ; Haniilton , CJc ?
Hnnnony , 5Jc ; Hnrtel.Ojc : Knickerbocker , (
CJc ; Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sprngue ;
OJc ; Southbridge , OJc ; Myntic , Die ; Merri
mack shirtings , Cc ; Sprague do , 0"
Soulhbridge do , CJc ; Regatta do , 5
Cocljico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe. Oc ;
Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , Cc ; Soulh-
bridge do. OJc ; Spragnedo , C c ; American
do , ( He ; Pacific do , 7c ; Wiishinglon oil
colors , 9c ; Simpson's mourning , 7c ; Simp-
son's solid black , GicBerlnsolid ! colorH.Oc ,
CAMBRICS , FLAT Glazed , 5Jc ;
high colors. OJc ; kid tmish , Cc ; high col
ors , 7c ; rolled , 7c ; high colors , So.
CORSET .TEANS-Rockport , c ;
Naumkeag sattcen , 9c ; Androscoggin do. ,
Do ; I < ockwo < id do. Do
TICKING Amoskeag- . 0. A. , 17 c ;
Coiicstoga , B. F. , I , fancy , 18c : Conestoga -
toga , 1-1 , Gold Medal , IGc ; Conestogn , j ,
O. 0. A. , 14c ; ConcsUiga , C. C. A. , fancy , 2
14c ; Eahton , B. , 9Jc ; Oincgo superior exdr
Ira , 28c ; Omega medal , 25c ; Omega A C
, fancy stripe , 20c ; Omega A 4-4 , ICc ,
Omega A ? , 13 ; l.c ' ,
lJlcShetucket ( ; , S. , lUcShetucket ; , S. S. ,
me ; Pearl lllver , ifjc ; Hamilton , I ) . ,
Ill ; Hamilton regular , l.'t ; Hamilton H. ,
A 0 ,
18c ; Albany S. A. X. , 17Jc. .
OIL CLOTH 5-1 wood , § 3 00 ; B-l
fnnoy marble , 300 ; Q-4 white marble , .
83 25 ; 0 > wood , SI 00 ; 0-4 fancy marble , I
84 00 ; 0-1 white marble , 84 25 ; 5-4 mo- )
dale , S3 00 ; 0-1 mosaic , 81 00 , "
DENINS Amohkeng blue and brown ,
lOc ; UC.IMT Creek , A. A. , blue and brown ,
14Jc ; Bca > er Creek , 15. B. blue and bi own.
13jc ; Beaver Creek , O. O. , blue and
brown , 12Jc ; Everett I ) , D. , blue nnd ( !
brown , 10 ; Haymakers blue nnd brown ,
IMc ; Otis , A , X. A. , blue , 14JcOtU U. .
blue , 13J ; Otis C. C. , blue , " "ISJo ; Pearl
lllver blue and brown , 15Ac.
DUOK8 Kail Hi\er , flic ; Hanulen O.
O , , lOlc ' ; Uoston checks. 13Jc ; lioston
stripes.'ISlcj Dundee Btrljies , 18c ; iinU
marck stripe. 17Jc ; Arlington stripe , 18o ;
Lion Hlue. l Jc ; 15o-iton XX , bro. , 12Jc ;
Boston XX drab. I''Hc ; HostouXXX bro. ,
13Jc ; Boston XX.X drab , ISJo ; 15o&ton O. :
H.bro. , lOjo. ,
BTKII'KS Lewfoton , .1x3 blue nnd
own , 8ic ; I.owlstonCx3 blue and brown , '
Sic ; Kock lUver , 0x3 blue nnd brown , 10u ' ; '
Alubama , 0x3 blue and brown. 8jc.
COTTON ADKS-Ixjw iston diainontl ,
27Jc ; A. Y. A. . 2Gc ; Angora , D. & T. , 'JCc ;
New York mills proof , 'Ao ; Jiridgewater ,
20c ; Kverett , hfavv , 22Jc ; Whittent n ,
liea\y , i25c ; Bell , 18c ; Charter Oak , 18c ; \ \
" 1.
5c ;
checks 19 OtiAHJrioi' Hiiiiietiti njj71
SHKKTINGS AnflroscogiHii.9-4 brown
23c ; do 10-4 do , 2Cc ; Pepj > erell'i 0'4 brown ,
25c ; do 10-4 doTic ; Alexandria , 40
inch , bleached , 13c ; Androscovgln 9-4 ,
bleached. 26c ; do 10-4. bleached , We ; '
Pepperell , 9-4 , bleached , 25c ; do 10-1
bleached , -7ic
; ld'
Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tartaric , K5c : liabiam
Copabla , nerlb , 75c ; Bark , SoHsafros , per
, 12oj Calomel , per Ib , 70c ; CJnchonldla ,
per oz ' , 80c ; Chloroform , tier Ib. U5c ;
Dover's powders , per Ib , $1 40 ; l'uom |
salts , per Hi , 3c ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
42c ; Lead , Acetate , perlb , 22c ; Car
bon oil , 110 * , j > er gallon , IHc ; do 150 > 0. ,
per gal , Uics Oil , Castor , No. 1 , ijer gal ,
110 ; 6S , Castor , No.S.per gal , ? ! 00 ; Oil ,
Oll\c , porijal , § 1 f-0 ; Oil , Orl > anniii.
Opium , $ . .00 : ( Jiiinlne , P.&NV.
S.ppr nt , W40 ; I'otMwinni , Iodide , per Hi
§ : ' , f > 0 ; Hnlncm , JHT o/ , XwKulplinto \ of
Morpblno , per or , $3 7 * > ; Sulphur ( lour ,
jier Ib , 4cj { Jtrveliiiluo. tier nr § 1 GOc.
Hones and Mules.
The market U brl k and nil grades Are
llingvell fit a slight advance In [ p lci- < .
The demand for Rinxl l rt e c\re l the
supply considerably. Prices raiigo as fol
Finn single drhers . , . . S150. . . . toSOO. ; . .
draft hordes , S17S. tnlK.1. : Common draft
her > o , S100. to 150. ; J-Xtra fann
$110. to 12.\s Common ttiRoinl farm
SW. ! to 8100. ! Extra plugs , gtio. lo 75. ;
Common plugs , { 520. to SIO.
MULES. - 15 to 15J hands ( cxtM ) , 8125.
toK-O-t < ! 14 to 15 hnmU , 100. lo 140. ;
II to llj Lands 875. lo 100.5 13J to 14
hand" , Sw. to 75.
Clears and Tobacco * .
CIOAUH.KeciU , 315.00 ! Connecticut ,
S25.I ; Mixed , S3S.OO ; S.edlLunnn , $50.00 ;
Clear Ha\ ana , § 75.00.
TOBACCO ( PUTG. Golden Uule ,
2111 , 50c ; Spotted 1'awn , f > 7c ; Our Hope ,
iVSc ; Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butt * , f > 8c ; Hon < o
Shoe , iKiuniK 21 Ib , butts f'l ' > c ! Purity , 21
Ib. butts , r.'Je ; IJueen lice , 21 Ib , buttf 3cS
Glt lldge , jHiundd , 21 Ib , butts , t > 7 ( Army
and Navy , i > ound < , file ; Bullion , pouiuU ,
" 'I- " ' ; l.oriilnrd'n Climax , pounds , fi7f.
K1XKOUT ] In palls.-H r < l to Beat ,
75o ; Golden Thread , Ofic ; Fountain , 7c ; ;
I'aorltc , CMC ; Uocky Mountain , r > 5c ;
Knncy , TOc ; Daisy , -inc. In tin foil-
Catlius O. S. , 2 oz liackagcs , C Ib b < ixcn ,
per Ib 1 COc ; lxrlllnnl s Tiger , tiOc.
SMOKINS All irrades-Common , 25to
33c. Granuhted Blackwclls Durham , 1C
or. Hie ; Dukes Ditrlmm , 10 07 , 45c ; Heal of
North Carolina. 1(1 or , 411 ; Seal of NeWa -
kn , 111 or , 3Se ; Lone .lock , 4 r , linen bags ,
per Ib , 81.35 ; Mniburgs' Puclf , 2 or , tin
toil , 55e ; Dog Tall. ( V5c.
-No. 1 , 12 lo 20 fl , S2 , ' 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 In 20 ft. . 23 00 ; Kneeling dressed ,
No. 1 , 22 00 ; No. 2 , 20 00 ; common boards ,
dressed , 25 00.
FRAMING 1C ft. nnd under , per M ,
210 ; 10 ft. Hluddiiu , ' , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 28 00 ;
21 ft. 2800.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 1 } , H and
2 inch , § 55 00 No. 1 linMi 1 inch $50 00 ;
No. 2. ilnlhh 1J , H nnd 2 inch , § 5000 : No.
2 finish , I inch , S4fiOO ; No , 3 finish , lin.-h ,
SIO 00 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet lin. ,
$150 ; well curbing , $ ai 00 ; rough i ami 2
inch battum per 100 f et lin. . < * > 0c.
STOCK IJOAHHS AHock , S-to 00 ; ' 1
$40 00 ; C , S35 00 ; common stock , S27 SO.
KLOOItlNO No. 1 , S42 50 ; No. 2 ,
$37 50 ; No , 3 , $27 50 ; j ellow pine , No. 1 ,
§ 45S 00.
SIDING No. 1 , S2750 ; No. 2 , S2500 ;
No.S 3 , $20 00.
SHIP LAP Plain. $2o 00 ; O. G. No. 1 ,
537O 50 ; No. 2 , $25 00.
537L UNO 830 00il5 ( 00.
LATH AND SHINGLES A ( .tnrlbcst )
jifw. § 1 50 , No. ' _ ' , $3 50 ; No. 3 , $2 00.
Lat ? , 8425.
Building Material.
LIMP Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per bn. ,
35c. Cement , bbl , 82 50. Iowa plaster ,
bbl , ! 52 50. Hair per bu. 35c. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs , S3 50. Straw board , $4 00.
The Leather Trade.
O.ik harness , 3941c ; Pittsburgh selec
ted , , 40@13c ; hemlock harness , 37(5 31)c ) ;
skirting per Ib , fair ; lie ; black collar 14 ©
21c ; ; fair do , 18@20c ; f.iir No 2 , 10(3)180 ( ) ;
hemlock sole , Buffalo slaughter , per Ib , 30
lDJ ! ; hemlock sole , B A. slaughter per
ID , 25@32o : ; oak sole , 4Q43c ; o.ik upper
per foot. 25e ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do No.
2 , 23c ; oak kip fekins per Ib , S0o81.10 ;
hcmlcck kip skins per Ib , 75crti131.00 ;
oik calf peril ) , S1.00S81.25 ( ; hemlock calf
per Ib , S1IO@S1.25 ? French calf per Ib ,
§ 1.25i'82.10c : ; Simon Picard g < iat per doz
530.00(5818.00 ( ; bootleg Morocco per foot ,
30@33c ( ; calf kid per foot , 3. > e ; mans per
do/ , 89.00@10.50 ; white and yellow lin-
inu per Ant , 88.00@S10.00 ; pink lining !
Pr doz , 87.00@S9.00 ; Rusbett linings , 87.-
00 ; blacksmiths' aprons per dozen , 312.00 ®
, PAPER , Sti aw paper , 3Jc ; rag paper ,
Ic ; dry goods naper , 7c ; tnanila paper , lOc ;
news paper , Sc.
t'OAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ;
Morris Run Blo > bburg , 812 ; Wiitebreatt
lump , 80 ; Whitcbreast nut , SO ; Iowa
lump , 80 : Iowa nut SO ; Rock Springs , § 8 ;
Anthracite , all size , " , 811 00 ,
Hides , f-urs , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , 75 ; green
cured hides , 8Jc ; green salt , part cured
hide , 8SR4c ( ; dry illnt , sound , 13@llc ; dry
calf and kip , 12@13c : ; dry ealt hides , hound ,
ll@12c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 lb < . . 10@llc ;
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per bkin , 50c ;
green pelts , SI 00@1 15 ; green lamb skins ,
61 10@125 ; damaged'hhlcx , two-third rate ,
cut scored nnd one grub , classed two-
tl irds rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. off.
Co.m skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 ,
20vj No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. ' . ' ,
Mo ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 ,
Xc ) ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
05c ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow ( stripe 25c ;
broad htripe , lOc. Tallow , 5 .
Merino unwashed , light , ll@10c ; heavy ,
13@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ;
tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy
and w. , 28c ; burrj' , black nnd cotted woofs
2@0c less
SHOT. Shot , § 1.75 ; Buck shot , § 2.00 ;
Oriental Powder , kegx. SU.40 ; do. , half
kegs , S3.48"do. ; , nunrterkegs , § 1.87 ; Blast
ing , kc H , $3.35 : Fuse. Her 100 feet 50c.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron ] , rates , § 3 15 ; jilow ctecl , cast , 7ic ;
cast tool do. 1520 ( wagon NpokfH , et.
25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
dry : , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 75@85c ; nxles ,
cadi , 75c ; Rnunio nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
wanlicrH , i > er Ib , 8@18c ; rneUi , jicrlb , lie ;
cell chain , jier Ib , G@12o ; mnllenblo , Ko ;
Inon WL-clgeH , lie ; crowbain , lie ; hnrrow
teeth , 4c ; ) ioreeslioe , per keg , 5 00 ; sjiring
steel , 7 ( ,8c.
NAILS-10 to 20d. 3 10 ; 8 to 10 , 3 ( i"i ;
fid , 3 ! IO ; 4d. 1 15 ; 3d , common , 4 W : 3d ,
fine , 0 40 ; clinch , nil fizes , 5 15 ; Cd , caHlng.
05 ; 8ii casing , 4 41 ; lOd caking , 4 15 ; lOd
finish , 1 D5 ; 8d finish , -I 00 ; ( id finUh , 5 15 ;
linlf kegs , lOo extra ,
Palnti Oil * and Vornlthes.
PAINTS IN OIT < White lead , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , 0 , P. & C , Co , , pure ,
P.K ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ;
FienchInc , green seal. 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , lie ; French zinc , \uniinh usst ,
20. . : French zince , in oil asst , 15o ; Itaw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib canH 12c ; raw nnd
burnt Blenna , 13candyku brown , 13. ) ;
rufined lampblack , 12c ; coach block , l"c ;
I"ury block , IGc ; drop block , ICc ; Priixsinn
blue , 30c ; iiltraiimrina blue , 18c ; chrome
green , L. M. k I ) . , 14c ; blind and shutter
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; 1'aris green. 18c ;
J"di n red , J5c : Venetian red , He ; Tuocnii
, , 22c ; American Vtnnillod , I. & ! , , ,0- .
cluoinu yellow , L. , M , , O , & D. O , , ISc ;
vellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochiti , 10 ; _ patent
'Iryer , Cc ; graining milornt light oak , darken
on < , walnut , cliubtnut and ash 12a
Dry Paint *
w' ' .lte ivoii / ° lc' l'Ye.nch zin.ei10t ! ; vd *
whiteing 2ic ; whiting gilderH , IJ
\\hiting coml , lie ; lamiiblack ( Jeniiun- !
town , 14c ; lampblack , onllnary , Sc ; Prus
sian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18o ; vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
ic ; elenna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , ra.w , 4c :
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Pariv green com'l
25c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrome
green K. , 12c ; vennillion , Kng. , 70o ; vermillion -
million , America , 18o ; Indian red. lOc ;
ro e pink , 1 Ic ; Venetian read , Cookbonu ,
'lieeiietlan ; red Am. , 19c ; red lead , 7Jc ? ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 2jc ; ochre , American , IJc * ; l
Winterii mineral. 2Jc ; lehlgh brown. I
panhih brown , 2\c \ ; Prince H mineral 3c ; (
VAKNISIIES-Uarrels j > er gallon.
Furniture , cxta , 81 00 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
IKte ; furniture , U , 1f c ; coach , extra , 81 2.5c ;
Coach , No. 1 , $100 ; Damar , 91 U5 ; an ,
70c ; aaiihaltuin ' , ? 0c ; shellac , 93 GO ; a id : \
oil finlsli , 81 80.
QILS-110'carbon pergallon , lljc : 150 *
Leodllght , pergallon , IlJJjc 175' headlight
liergallon , iDc ; cryntollne , per gallon , 20o
llnceed , raw , perRallon , WcilMiHi-rd , Kill.
ed. per gallon , oCcj | lanl , winter tr'd , per
calliin , Sikj No. 1 , 07c , Nn. 2 , f > 7c : ca tor ,
XXX. perpnllon , 0V , No. 3 , S7c : sweet ,
tier gallon , 8Scj Hjicnii , W. ! > . . jn-r gnllon ,
S" 35 ; filshW.U.ixrgalIotflOoiii ! ) ! > MsfiMt ,
e\trn , iicrgnllon , 7i5c , No. 1 , ( Wj luini 'i | .
eating , rei-o , i > er gallon , 30c , Mimnipr.
golden machine , No. 1 , pergallon , JIV , No.
J , 28c ; fpenii , ( iignnl , per gallon , MVtnr !
pentiue ! , i cr gallon. OlcJ naplha , 7lide > : ,
t er gallon 20o , ( M tleir , COc.
t. tiuor.
ALCOHOL 187 pnMf , ? 2 V , per
wine gallon , extra California spinLs
187 proof nt 122 per pi oof gallon
tiipl refined Npirits , 18 * tiroof , $1 SO ; per
proof g.d re-dktllh'd whiskies , $1 O0ol ) 50 ;
line blended 1 , 81 WAZ Ml Kcnlnck ) bour
bens , S200&I 7 00 ; Kentucky nnd IVumyl.
vnni ; MOS ' , 82 00ft" 00.
IWA'NDIES Imported , $0 OOfeltlOO ;
domestic ) 1 40 4 ( X > .
Gl NS-ImiKirtcd , 4 M@d ) 00 ; di-moilr ,
1 40.W3 00.
RUMS Imiwrtcd , 4 WK0 00 : Now
England. ] C OOfr. I 00 ; domestic , 1 rOW3 , 50 ;
Cl per ca c.
2(5 ( 00@3I 00) ) American , pur cn e , I'.1 00 ®
18 00 ( ,
CtiAllKTS Vcr cw , 4 W@lfi ) 00.
WINKS IShinonlnp , | > or cncc ,
IX' ' Catuwba , per cnie - \ WX7 00.
Connoil BlnlTa Gonornl Mnrliot-
COUNCIL ULUFV-S , Aiiiisl ( lit.
Whcut No. 2 , 8105@110 : No. 3 , 00 ; re
jectoil , 70. _
' Com No. 2 , 47 , rejected 31 , damaged ,
liny Fair market , with pricesnt $5.
Oats Market nnlet ; No. 2 , 3.Y , rejecl-
ed 111.
Rye No. 2,70c.
Bullcr 15c. .
Cattle Beef , 83 fiO4 50.
| i $3 504 60. *
Lightdemnnd , prices 83 005 50.
ICKNew , SI 25@1 M per bu.
i 8100.
Wood Market quiet , with good nupply ;
5 00 f ir srtft ; (5 ( 00 for hard. ,
Poultry 20c :
Crouton Mnrkot-
CHKSTON , In. , August 19.
Butter 12c.
Ivggs lOo.
Grniid Junction Mnrlcot.
GiUNl ) JVNCTIOX. In. , August 1 ! ) .
Uutter 10c.
Chicago Produce.
( 'IIICAOO. August ill.
The activity un 'Chnnua tills ludinin
exceeded miythtiiK that lias oceuueil for
three yearn. Tlio grain nmiketn openml
linn in response to liiglier prices in New
York and l.iverpoi ) . I < ntcr prUato nnd
public diH ] > atchcH from KiiL'lanil irportcd
the weather f-howcrv niul tlio wheat cron
greatly damaged. ThU created thu wild-
cut confusion in tlio wheat ling , anil tlio
price , which had pieviously ciawled up
Ic , instantly went up 2J@-cliiglit'i ( , inak-
ing an ailvanco < if afc from the opening.
The pccno that followed almost lie gnni
description. Operators Hlumliil anil
howled like maniaci , and nt times them
wns n difference of l@S ° in the l > id anil
olFcru of buyers nnd hellew nt the fume
time , but the advance \vasonly tcnipoiary.
Prices took n downward tuin anil fell as
rapidly as Ihey ndvmiced , nnd the KIIIIU
jireginniity in oilers to ell u\lhtid Unit
innikcd the advance. Wheat opened nt
1 23J and closed nt2IJ for September ,
tliniigh at one lime it i cached 1 2U. ( The
opening price for October opened all 21 ,
went up tel 27"J nnd closed nt 127J. Corn
was nlso nctixo and advnnced 3c , but synii
pathi/.ed with wheat nnd clitHrd with
about half the advance lof > t. The October
option opened at OIJc , crawled up to GGjje ,
nnd fell back to 0"i4e , at which it closed on
the call. The other grains nnd provision *
weie ; active nnd higher , but all closed
weaker. Theie wcro rumors of fnilurcs ,
but they could not bo traced to any relia
ble sourceH , and it was generally thought
that none of any impoitauce occurred.
On 'Change markets were again wild nt
higher prices. * The receipts of grain were
0,000 bushels by canal , and 1,302 c ror
loads by rail , embracing 172 cars of wheat ,
1,081 of corn , 81 of oats , 17 of rye , and 18
of barley.
Flour Firmly held but inihctllfd : com
mon lo choice western spring 4 25uC ( 25 ;
do Minnesota , 4 50@i ( 75 ; patents , 7 00@
7 75 ; fair to choice winter brands , G 00
@ 700
Wheat A very active demand naam ex
isted for No. 2 spring , and prices advanced
materially amid great excitement. Fluc-
lualloiiH were very rapid , nnd to-day's
maikct wan the most unsettled of nny
since the upward tendency net in. The
excitement nnd buoyancy _ was due chiefly
lo speculative manipulations , The de
mand was very active on outside nnd local
account , with shorts anxious to provide
for outstanding contracts. Prices weie
advanced , withnumerous wild lluqtuations ,
3j@3 i ! above Ihe opening figures , Bellied
back 2jj ( i2jic , and finally cloned nt the call
nt 121s for August , 1 2li for September ;
120)1 ) for Oclober ; 1 27 for November ;
L21&12IJ for-lbe year ; No. 3 , In fair E
niaiid at 111 ; rejected , quiet.
Corn The excitement in the corn
market continued active , and \vaH again
unueually lieavy. The maikct in a gen
eral way appeared to be largely o\cr old
for futuru ucllvcry , and mainly at price *
ranging 4 ( < s5o below the current prices ,
when it was Hiipponed that henvy opera-
tow had dispOHca of liberal tjuautiticN and
the outslile liguicn had been reached , ni -
BC'iuently uhorU wcro anxioiia xie
for outstanding contrnctB , nnd comiietitioii
for olferingH wan unusually brlBk. Thu '
market opened n xhndu under the closing
prices on 'Cliango yenterday. nnd declined
4Jo under nn ncti\o demand. The '
market gradually grew ntiongcr nnd prices
rallied 3@3ie , aim then Beltlid back again
fg2o ( after the bulk of the uuttldo onlcrH
wore pro\ided for. The market finally
closed on call at 03o for Aiigti'-t : 03Ao for
Scjitember ; 05jo for October nnd Novem
ber ; OOBc for December ; G2'/o / for the year ;
rejected , OOc ,
Oats Very unsettled nnd tiwling liberal
on upeculatlvo account ; No , 2 , chwed on
CHll.ntpUio for Aiigunt ; 38/c / for Septem
ber ; 40lo for October-lOo.for ; November ;
38Jcor the year ,
Hye Firmer nnd decidedly hlghtij ;
limite < l offeringrt and retarded buuineim ;
No. a , 105 for September ; 1 10J for Octo-
btr. tomt
Barley Opened firmer f > nd higher , but
closed quiet ; No , 2 , D7(2f ( 7io for Septem /
ber ; U8io for October. in30
Poik Opened active and advanced 30
@f.0c , but ( .ettled back lfl@20c , nnd cloned
eaNymcBs , 1805 for Ktptcmber ; 18 40 ©
1842J for October ; 17 03 for the
18 35 for January ,
Lard Actho nnd higher 'iirly , but
weakened nnd cloned easy at 11 Wi for
September ; 11 70 for October ; 11 024 for
the year ; 11 05 for January ; 11 1 > J for
Bulk Meats Moderately active nnd
higher ; short ribs , II 35 for September ;
45 for October.
Wldaky Firm and lo higher at 117.
KcccIpU Flour 14,415 bbl ; wheat ,
01,819 bu ; com , 637,077 bu ; oota , . 37,0.'l
bui rye , C.385 bu ; barley. 2,773 bu.
Shipment * Flour , 18,031 bblaj wheat.
10,802 bu ; corn , 283,300 bu. : oats , 53,514
buj rye , 2,352 bu ; barley , MX ) bu.
Cluciiuuitl Produce ,
CINCINNATI , Augml 10.
Provisions -Mess | iork steady at 10 20.
Lard Qulcl ; current make , 11 30@
11 : 40.
Bulk McaU-Steady ; clear Bides , 020
(2,10 25.
Bacon-Steaily : clear tides , 1009 ) ®
1100 ,
Flour Strong ; family , CCO@000.
Wheal Firmer ; No. 2 red , 1 38.
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , mixed , 40.
Oats Firmer No. 2 inUc
WMW > * I * * i * ; * - " < , "
Kye-Stronger ; No. 2 , 110.
Uarley-Dull ; No. 2 fall , 1 10.
WUky-Steady at 110.
Ghiongo L.lcoStooh.
j CiiU'Ano , August 1C.
I'pocipfl 1(1,00(1 ( ; MiipinenX
3,700. GiKxl , active markets nl strong
rates ; mixed packing , 585iJi ( ( 35 :
choice heavy , fi 500 SK ) ; light lin f ,
II lOCnd 7' * : oulls ami gras ors 3 75SiJ20. (
Cattle - llrcelpt * , 5,5X ( ) ! nhipmeiita ,
1fiOO. Deinnnil linrp for piimo cattle
nnd exceedingly dull on poor pirts | nt
fl 20f T JO ) good to ( holro dhlpping , 5 IK )
( iifi 10 ; comtnon to fair , 4 50on 2" > ; native
butchers' stock , 2 20 ( i > 4 20 ; stockers and
feeder3 ( KX f 3 IK ) ; dairy caho , 8 MX" '
1500 ; range raltle actixo and linn ; Tex-
nns. aOOftflOO ; coining eattlo kolling
mainly nt 3 1XX 3 50 ; llcuhy Texnus in
good request.
Shrcp ltecdl > t , IWO ; shipment * , 400.
Market dull ana weak ; common to fair ,
n50r370 ; good to choice , 4 20&U ( W.
llntclicru are nut doing much ; Mdpplng de
mand fair.
, . . Sr. Ixit'is , August 1 ! > .
rionr 1 Actho nnd higher ; family , 025
fe 0 40 ; choice to fancy , (1 ( 50ln7 ( 2.i.
'Wheat Kxcited nnd ilccidedlv bullliili.
until nfier second call , ulien it liroko and
closed , enk nnd lower. No. 2 red nl 1 35@
135J forcash : l.Tftj for September ; 1 374 for
October . ; 112 for November ; 144jffor
. Corn ' Tlio same lone ns wheat :
for' „ for cash ; ( > \ } < i fur August ; lilii
for Septemher ; 0"Jo tor Oetolrer ; 70c for
; 71jlc for December ; Oti o for the
Oats Higher nud rather slow nt 41jfo
for fnOi , 42o for September ; IMo for
October ; 4lc ! for No\ ember ; 41JijflS ( for
the year.
Hye 1 ! Higher at 1 07 for en h , 1 12 fur
fiendSteady nt I K7J.
Butter Steady ; daily , 13iiAH.V.
IJpgM Higher ntl3fe5e. ! "
Whisky- Higher nil 17.
Pork ' Stronger.
Irftid- I , Higher nt U B'l.
Ititelpts I ! - I'loiir , 5,000 bblii ; nhent ,
52,000 bu. ; nun , 107,1 00 bu. ; iutx.18.OCO
1m. ; rjc , (1,000 ( ; bni ley , 1IXK > .
Sliipmelits Flour , 7HX ) bbls ; wheat.
17,000 bu ; nini , 2 ; , ( HX ) hu , ) nuM , fi.lXX )
bu , ; rye , 1,000 bu ; b.irlov. none.
St. Louis Iilvo
ST. houit , August HI.
lli n"Ste.idy : Voiken , I ! I00 CO ;
packing , ti 10 ; )0 ) fiO ; eluiiro to fancy heavy ,
0 (10 ( .0 HO ; receipts , 1,000 : shipment" ,
Liverpool Produce.
l.ivr.iu-ooi , Atigusl in.
ElTlii' itniptH of wh.'iit . for tlio past tlneo
dnj-s were 132,000 centals , 5" > ,000 centals
being Amiiii'.in.
Itrc.iditlnllifHigher. .
Flour 10s OddDJ'J-i 9il ; while , tu 5d.
Wheat Winter , IDs < . © ( 10d : white ,
cpiing , 10"10s 3d ; elub ,
Coin li < ad.
Pork 74n.
Peoria Produce.
ProiiM , August 19.
High Wines Nominal at 1 17.
"Wilmington Mnrltot.
\YlUIINClTON , A'lglist 19.
Spiiits Turpentine Quiet nt I2J.
Phllnclolpliin Produce.
Fiiu.ADiii.rmA , August 19.
Wheat Strong nnd higher nt 1 I3J ( < ? >
I U for cash ; 1 43@1 10 for August ; 1 43tf
© 1 45 for September.
Corn Firm nnd higher at 7lc uir cash
nnd August ; 7V/ ( / for heptember.
Oats Klrm mid higher nt 50@52 for
cash ; fiO504 for September.
Toledo Produce
Tcil.rno , August 19.
Wheat Stiong ; No. 2 led , ca h 135/ ! / ;
September , I 37 ; October , 1 38tf ; Novem
ber , 1 41 ; December , 1 rl2& .
Corn Strong ; No. 2 cash , 05J ; Sep
tember , G7 ; for the year , < ! 5 .
Oats Nominal
Bufinlo Iilvo Stoolc.
EAST BtiiTAio , August in.
] Ion-8 lU-oeiptH , 100 head. Market
dull ; good heavy , 055 ( 0 05 ; fair grass-
crn , 5 12J.
Baltimore Prodiioo ,
BAI.TIMOIIH , August 1'J.
Flour Strong.
Wheat No. 2 red winter excited nnd
higher at 1 42 for ci h and August ; 1 43
for September.
Corn White southci n strong nt 72@73c ;
mixed western killing at 73o cash nnd for
August , 74c for September.
E-st Liberty Iilvo Stoolc ,
EAHTLIIIKHTV , Pa. , Augint 111.
Cattle Nothing doing. Uccelpts 1-
128 ; bhipmcntB , 1,173.
HORM Firm ; rccciptH , ! IOO ; nhlpmentfl ,
2,300 . . , ; Philailelpliins 0 8r.fe7 00 ; Yorkers
0 35@G 50 ; graders , 5 50@5 JO.
. Shiep Nothing doing. Ktcelptn. 2,000 ;
shlpmenU , 1,400.
Now Yorlt Proilnoo.
NKwYoiiK , August 19 ,
j.'lour iKXf/HOc higher , nnd more nclivo ;
common lo choice exlin , 5 W8 ) 00.
Wheat 3,0 ( < : highci , excited and un-
sctlled , and" closing with less stiength
and nn active trndo on speculative no-
ooiinl ; Knot sales of No. 3 ted winter , 111
< ® l 414 ; No. 2ln t 1 43l 40J ; No , 1 do.
lit 1 4UJ ; No. 2 Chicago. 1 3l(3'lM. .
Corn Opened excited and S@3o higher ,
closing with n part of the advance Jest ;
ilemaml active ; ungraded mixed , ( > Sffi75c ;
No. 2 , 74W741e ( ; No. 1 ! white , 75-7 ( ; ( > o ;
Bteamer mixed , 72c ; and No. 3. Ii9@i0.
Oats Excited and ! ( 3u higher ; active ;
No. 1 mixed , 47Jc ; No , 2 do. 4i@l7lo ( ;
No. 1 white , 52c ; No. 2 do , 49@50c ; No.
' Vlye Firmer but ijuitt at .I2@90c.
Barley Nominal.
Pork Strong and higher ; mess , 18 25
on spot ; September , 18 00.
Lard-Fairly active , strong nnd higher
al 11 fi'iforcanh and August ; 11 ( > 0 for
Beef Unchanged.
Cut Meals Unchanged.
Whisky Nominal.
Now'YorlDry Goods-
NKW YOIIK , Augusl 19.
There was nn active undertone in all
branches of the jobbing trndu lo-day , and
bolh staple and department goods wcro
distributed in liberal quantities by most
/if thu loading jobbers. 'I ho demand at
fimt hands him been only moderalc , save
in thu case of n few Kpeclulllus In prints ,
drew goods , etc , , for whjch Ihcre was a
good inquiry by package buyers. Ihere :
continued a kleady movement , In slaplo |
colton giMHln , woolens , akiitH. drawers ,
eto. , fin account of back oiders. but agentH
me Kill ! hea\ily In arrearn with their do-
Jlu-ries in many of the most popular
nmkex , which are largely wild to urrho ,
Medium and fine bleiichcil goods nro in
fair request , and popular makes tire sold
ahead of production to the extent of some
thousand cases. Some of the- most desira
ble makes of wide sheetings are very largely -
ly sold ahead , ami stocks of cotton Han-
nela in tint hands are almost nominal.
Thomas' Eclettrlo Oil has obtained
gr at popularity , from il intilnsio value
us a reliable medicine , In caring nu '
ness , and all inflations of the throat , lls -
eases of the chest , etc. For Ihcse it u an
iticomparablo pulmoidc. eodlw
Abk drtiggists for "JtouglioiiKula. "
It clear * out rats , mice , bod-bugs ,
roaches , vermin , Iliua , ants , insects.
15c per box ( )
Enameled and gold bracelets all
widths , uow patterns , ut
EUJIOIAl ft Killt'KSON H ,
Opposite 1' . 0.
IWTKM. i jioritTKTons. TOWX9.
MARSH HOUSC , W. W. DROWNING , Drownvlllc , Neb.
ARAPAHOE HOUSE. L. OLUTE , Arapahoe , Neb.
COMMCRCIAU HOTEL , T. MUNHALL , Dloomlngton , Neb.
GAGE HOUSE , A. R. OAOE , Republican CIly.Neb.
coMMEnciAL HOTEL. 0. D. OORDEN. Alma , Neb.
GfJAND CENTRAL HOTtL , E. D. COTTRELL , NeurntlmClty , Neb.
PARK HOTEL , W , J. QARVIN , Corning , In.
DURKE'3 HOTEL , E. R. DURKE , Carroll , In.
HEAD HOUSE , JOS. 8HAWA CO , Jefferson , In.
CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY DR03. , Mo. Valley June. , la.
NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ , Neol.i , In' .
CENTRAL HOUSE , 8.P. * ANDERSON , Mnlvcrn , IA. lli , | (
EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerson , la.
WESTERN HOUSE , E. FUNKHOU8ER , Chester , Neb. "
COMMERCIAL HOUSE , DR. W. W. JONES , Dlua Springs , Net ) .
PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. RENSHAW , Beatrice , Neb.
K. K. I'USEY . . .Groceries , Hnnlwaro nnd Sowing Machine. * . '
J. S. JOHNSON . . . . . . . .GrocuriuA , Clothing , Hoots mid Shoes.
II. S. CONVKKSK . * . Manager for Jones * Mngco. Lumber.
J. A.
IIAOKE1T . Druggist unit Chom'st. '
,1.V. . DILI'S. . . . . . Hardware , Stoves mid Tinwaro.
A. ,1. SINGLETON . , . Private Hoarding House.
Z. 0. IIOOK110LD . , . .Reynolds House.
D. If. MILES . i. . U. & M. House.
DAVID GllEENSLATE . Grand Central Hotel.
\V. , , , II. AS11BY . ' . lloal Estate , Law , anil Newspaper Oilicc.
P. M. TAYLOR . i . . . , . Proprietor Stone Quarry.
. .i.VA HUDKINS : . , . . . ' , . , . Barber.
WASUWJRN BROS . i . Lumber.
.10HN MO/AH . > . ; . ' . . . . , . Billiard Hall.
HENRY SOU Mm . . . I . Saddlery and Harness.
Jl It. ' MILLER . , . I . Carpenter.and Contractor.
U. 0. WI 11TNEY . . . lournoyinan Carpenter.
PETER OALLOGLY . i . Clydesdale Stallion.
ALBERT HLAIU . Boots and Shoes.
HOACi & 0AM IMH5LL . Ueal Entato Agents.
OH AS. WAOHTEL . t . . Furnitviro.-
II. K. LINGER . .Attorney , Real Eitato and Collections.
0. M. MUUDOUIC . , Aitont for the Town Lot Company.
\V. A. SWEAUINGEN . B. , t M. llailroad Station Agent.
Hellmuth Ladies' College.
Patroness , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and President , The night Rev. I. HELL
MUTH , D. D. , D. O. L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURON ; . Fall Term opens
Wednesday , September 21st.
l fmloui | Imilillii' , ' * , I I'.itillfulh stttntcilln n mnit healthylomllty , alioiit ( our hours
' li ) mil ( mm Mir | < ra Tails , nml on one of tho'prhielpal tliroujfh routes fictnoou ( tie lint anil Went.
'I lie ( I HOUNDS romprho 110 aero * . Tlm aim or the ( ouiiilcr of tills U to iiroxlilo tlio highest
Intellectual nnil practically UKcfiil utliit.idoii. TIiu uliola system Is li.-vteil upon tlio souiiilcst PRO
TESTANT principles , ns llio onlv sollil litils for tlio right formation of character. FRENCH Is the
lan ua''o KKiki'n ] In tlio iollca ( MUSIO n fpechltj-
lluanl , Lnuiiilrvniiil Tuition Fees , Inchiillnir thu "hole courflo of KiiRlWi. tlio Ancient ami Mod
ern lAiijTiinTf HtUMINUienleii , Drnuliiff auJ I'alntlnif , lisa 1'hno aiul Mlirnry Mcilleal attciiilAiieoanil
Meiklni' , 300 per niiiiiiin. A rckiictlon nf one-half for tlio daughters of Clcrgj men. For "clnt-
lam" ami lull | rlluilarsnilJrcj3SlUi.'CUNTON , , Holliiiutli Lailles' Collcco , IXIVDOS ,
OTitio , UANAD . moiiitlmr 2m
. o.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Nob.
Crmilnmncnts inado UH M III rrroh e iirompt attention. lUfcrentci : Slate Dank , ; I'tatt '
& Co. , llaltlrnore ; Peck it Hiinulicr , Ciilca o ; M. Wcrk &Co. , Cincinnati.
ThoLOnly Exclusive Wholesale Drug Houeo in Nebraska
] y
Ghas. Shiverick.
Feathers , Window Shades ,
And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up
holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of '
New Goods at the Lowest Prices ,
OHAS-SHITEEIOEJ Ban 1210 Farn , 13
apr24 moil
Max Meyer & Go.
GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne