* fr THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FKIDAY , AUGUST 19 , 1881 , THE DAILY BEE. Fr'day Morning , Aug. 19 J- LOCAL BREVITIES. - ' P tteron sells coal , i purees of nil kind * nt Kaxe' . i oyatcra al Hlchard'a iei"tnurAnt. Get your haU nt UoaneV , Nindall & Krellc. Trnctirnl Halters. GOO IwsincM lots. Cull on lJeml . Bcmtn' realetUte boom. Flwt | > ag 20C houM * and lot * . Bcinls' agency. A. W. Xaaon , Dentist , Jacob's block. Warranted Tooth HniMics nt Knhn'ii. Bemli' new map of Omaha , 25 ccnU. JOOO residence lot , 13emU , agent. For ri.VB Commercial Job Printing , all nt Tits BKE Joli room * . I arge ottickof hindkcichlcf extracts at SnxcV , The l.ion continue * to war for MooteV irarneKK and Saddlery. ax ) fsrmi and 000,000 ncre * nf land Bern ! * , agent. I're criptioni nspcclalty , Opera lfoilc I'hannacy , ait S. Ifith Street. -Forth } * li ( > t wither I'ttKliKHICK'H Cuiil ftaio \ < > Halt aniliimtnoch. . miulf-lt iV rnre chance to obtain n Rood paying huflineax. Bee upccial eolmiin. ICnimire nb 217 Sonth nth htreet. tf Jolm .A. Wnkeficld , of this city , and SI Ixi Jeanne C. Uobldoux , of St , Joe , \veio married on Tuesday nt the latter place. -I'rof. Dniinmond , of I'n > niont and I'rof. Haley , of ( Jrcte , uill nnsint I'rof. I'ointH nt the Region of tlio lencheift' Insti tute. -The W. ( X T. U. will hold a sociable on Friday evening nt the Tenth ntrcut Minion. The Y. M. 0. A. choir will have charge of the Ringing. A cordial In vitation i extended all. Jolm Rector nnd Anna Miller were united in matrimony taut night nt Justice Riley' * ollice. I * . T. I'itxgcrald upralned IIIH nnklu very bailly last evening at the corner of Sixteenth nnd Tzard utrcetc. Tt wai canned by a bad ntdewalk. The Catholic library asuociatlon did uot meet laH night , but madu room for the Ladle * ' land league. The library meeting will bo called Uxm Tuesday night oit , The Iiadlos * I > oapno- ; Last evening the ladien' ' land len ue held a largo nnd interesting meeting in the Union Catholic library rooms. Miss Elln Kennedy presided. It wne decided to hold the picnic in Onknho- mn park , on the Uellevuo road , in. stead of in South Omaha park , an previously announced. Mr. Hascall has donated the park and ho haa likewise Pitted up n platform for danc ing and all other necessary ntande gratis. The president announced that there would bo two conveyances , to take the ladies to the park whe who were to wait nt the bxblo. Thej would start from the Union Cntholii library , ono to start at 8 and the othci at 10 o'clock. Miss Grewloy , the secretary rotary , read the names of the Indici who volunteered to wait nt the tublos The mooting fhon adjourned til Thursday next nt 8 o'clock. P3RSONAI.S. n. A. K. Shcrrill left fur n tiip to Col radti yesterday. Gen. Wiliioiivvnt to Kiilncy en tlu noon train yesterday. Frank Polite ( ; ot linck home laxt uen ing from St. I/ouis. George Thrall lift for Central Citj yesterday , where lu will enjoy a htnit A. K. Simpson returned yestonlay fron Tiaku Chautnuqua. He Its feelliiK inucl improved In health , Hon. J , L. Wcbntcr left yttcnlny for i pleaMiiro trip to Fort Hohtiiuoii In No braaka and Fort Fettcnnan In Wyoining Ho will be absent about three wuokg. 0. W Adam * , afji-nt of the U. I' , n Central City , lion been \ lulling frletuU n the city for : few dayn. He left for horn yettterday. liinanucl Karlcy , one of the U. J' . I'at torn niakerx , left the city yesterday fn Ohio on a vMt. He will bo nl ent tw t weeks. II. T. Clnrk , tit Uelleview , I * In th city. George C. ItodRern arrived in town yes r - terday. II. M. Hlbbett , the David City Jawyi-t U In the city , anil U nt the Withnell , Goo. Clark arrived from New York cit ; yesterday and U ntaylng nt the Ciuilielil * W. 1 ! . Lorlng arrival from Wyumliij 1.jebterday afternoon , ami IH Rtkylni ; ut th Withnell. U. F. Churchill , of St. Paul , Minn. , prominent lumber dealer of that place , I In the city , - - 11 , 1C. Carter , of Carter'StationVy . arrived tu thu city yesterday mid U xti > lug at the Witlmell. Death of MrDodson. . Mrs. Ada Dodaonltti o | Goort" Dodson , f Sarpy county , died Wednoi day night uftern ehort illness. The n mains will bo intcrcd nt Bcllovue. \VioItod for Clorjo'iian. Kov , , WiUihiiigtoii , D. 0 writes ; " 1 holiovo it to bo nil won nnd oven wicked for clorgymeii < other public men to bo led into giviti testimonials to ntiack Qocturs r \ i stuffs called medicines , but whoa really mciitorious article nmdo i valuable rumcdivs known to all , tin all physicians UEO and trust in dail ; wo should freely commend it. therefore cheerfully nnd huartily con mend Hop Hitters for thu good the \t \ < have done mo and my friends , firm ] tI ' ( Milieviilg they have no equal for fan ily use. I will not bo without them. New York Uaptist Weekly. augl5-soptl , a Beauty , health , and happiness for ladl in"WlNEOFCARDUI. " U. f , Ooououa'i. , 't LOST BY ONE. The Slocumb Ordinance Faila to Pass Council. Some Want Ono Hundred 'J bousand Dollar License , But Many More are Not in Favor of It. Liveliest Softfilon Tlint llni Boon Hold for Some Timo. At the Rpccial meeting of the conn , il last evening Mcs.ir.i. liaker , Corhy , ) elloivo , Uiinham , llortnaii , Kuuf- nunii , O'Keefo , Stull , IIornhon < cr , ud Prcaidetit Dailoy were present , 'ho only memoer'of tlio council that Man abactit < aa Mr. MuNamarn , whc s not in the city. Thu attendance ol itizcns wns oven larger than at the ast meeting , the council chamber bo < tig ( juitu crowded. Tha judiciary committee , Messrs , Stull , Honiborger nnd Kuufmiinn , ro- > orted that they had examined the pa- > ers presented to them by the council n the high license question ] and re- timed the name without rccommcn- ation. Un motion of Mr , Kaufmann 10 report wai filed. At the request of Mr. Stull the or- inancu M originally presented \VM cad. The ordinance is merely n ro- iroduclinn of the Slocumb law. Mr. McGnvock moved that the rdinanco be returned tu the judiciarj ommittee nynin. Mr. O'Koofo amended to make the iccnae § 100,000 instead of $1,000. Mr. Dunham desired to know whal ondition the ordinance was in ; vhelhcr it wna upon its first orsuconii oading. Mr. O'Keofo said people coming icro oxpeoted equal rights ; the locuml ) law did not grunt quul lights. Every good /u'tinon liotild bo granted every privilege the ountry could give him. In 1801 hero was a war to nettle- the question if equal rights. If men down at the egislaturu saw fit to say persons en < aging in thu saloon business inusl > ay 87,000 - for it would cost $ LOOC or the license , $5,000 for the bond nd 81,000 for stock where then wai ho poor man's ' chance ? Men In 'new who ton years ago didn't have > 100 now have § 40,000 on nccouni f the liquor business. Ho put tin icenso at 8100,000 because that wouh nako it equal for everybody because 10110 could pay it. Prohibition was'nl a circumstance to this law. Mr , ) 'Keofo closed his remarks amid ap ilanso from the audience. Mr. Herman said they had no righl n the city council to muku n state law , Choy were merely there to pasi in ordinance to carry s aw into effect. They thought the aw unconstitutional. Some cascc voro tuki'ii up to teat the matter , The judge pronounced the law con- ititutional. Still the council hole ! jack. Then the highest judicial tii ) utml in the state decided that it was also. Hu chartred the ropublicam with lining responsible for the law , ionic delay followed thin , Mr. Me 3avock thinking M r. Hermai out of order , and that geiitlomar hinlcing Mr. M cGavock out ol mlor. Mr. Herman continued and dived into the political feature of ilii case again , lie said $100,000 was micUcally prohibition. Ho proposed > rohibition and did not favor legisla- ion on eating or drinking. Did § 100- , )00 ) license favor the poor man ? he iskod. If the ordinance did not ma those violating the law would jo prosecuted by the state. He wne n favor of roforrin-j the matter , but 10 did not believe in giving a single 'eatnro not allowed by thu law. Mr. Kaufman said that prohibition was no doubt intended by Slocumb. IIo thought they wore at liberty to place the license nt any figure thoj iiloajcd. All should bo treated alike , lid thought if the license was placed ut 8100,000 the noonlo of the state would act upun the Slocumb mattei at the proper time. Mr. Stull BIid : the proposition tc refer the matter to the judiciary com inittco wns worse than foolish. Thoj liad considered it twice carefully ani thoughtfully. Ho could say on tlu nithority of the city attorney thai the ordinance had been prepared bj that oillcial. Uesidex he , Air. Stull and the other members of the com inittco differed upon the sub ject , The sato gavei then law with which they wen not satiatled. Had it been submittet to them before its passage , every in .lividiul member of the council wouh liavo opposed it. Hut thnt wasn't tin situation. Thu supreme coint hm interpreted tjio law. llillor im tin [ iill was , and much ns ho objected , hi would auppoit thb ordinance. Hi did not favor prohibition , A prohibi lory law could not bo enforced il Omahn , It waa an incubus the ; could not put upon ihomhclvcH , ( Jooi men estimated that if this law wa put into oll'eut it would put from ! ! 0 , 000 to 50,000 n year in thu treasury Who gave jhe council the power t pi event thin money from going iut the tioasury ? Thu proposed lemed of $100,000 license was no curti TJirow these cases which will ans into the hands of state courts nn away from the police court and whn wns gained by the change ? Ix'othiiif ; The question arose on inscrtin § 100,000 as the figures for licons it : stead of $1,000. Tlio resolution wr lost , Messrs. Itukor , Corby , Dtinhan Herman , Stull and President Daile voting in thu negative and Messn DoUono , Hornbergor , Kaufmann an O'Keefo in the ullirnmtivo , Mr , Hornbcrgcr objected to th feature allowing druggists uponmt ) fe $10 to sell liquor while saloon kccpoi had to pay SI,000 license , Hodidnc baliovo in giving thu druggist pormii ion ( o becpmo wholesale liquor elen ere at HO small a figure. It wnsn fair. fair.Mr Mr , Jiakor said this wasn't consic orod a license in their caso. Mr. Kttufmann said there should L inserted a section inty the ordinanc .1 mbodjii.g the feature that outside wholesale dealers shall not bo Allowed to sell liiiti > rs hero unloM they comply vith the law like locnl dealers. Tlio motion to refer the matter t < i ho judiciary committee was lost by note oto of six to five. Mr. Kaufmann moved * hat the natter be referred to the committee on police. The motion wns lost Mr , linker moved that the rules be suspended , the ordinance rend n third inio by its title , and put upon its pas' sage. The motion was carried. The ordinance as rend wnn thci : voted for by Messrs. Jiakcr , Corby , 3unhnm , Herman , Stull nnd Presi- Icnt Dailoy , and ngainst by Messrs 3ollono , Ifornbenor. Knufmnnn McOnvock and O'Keefo. This was i majority of ono , but it required sovet o carry , The ordinance was dcclarcc lot parsed , On motion of Mr. Kniifmnnn tin council then adjourned. ROBBED AND DRUGGED Condition in Which an Irisl Gentleman Was Found , Ho is Picked Up By the Polici and Restored to Con sciousness. About C o'clock a. in. yesterday Cit ; Jniler McClure and Oillcol' Kullivai ound a well dressed , foreign lookiii ] ; ont1cman lying in an unconscion condition near the corner of Seven centh and Dodge streets. They BOOI partially revived him and discovcrei hat ho had received n stunning hlo ipon the liead. They romovei .ho gentleman to the oflic of the city jail , where ho gave hi mine as H. Atkinson , and his resi dcnco aa Aborcorn house , Charleston Hanclogh parish , Dublin , Ireland [ lo was nt that tinio still in a vor confused condition and told in n din ointod way thnt ho had arrived il the city on tlio previous o veiling nccom tallied by his servant. In walkiiij about the town they had become sopar ntcd. IIo foil in with other compan ons , nnd being disposed to cnjev limsclf , probnbly visited several sam ile rooms. Thnt is about the Inst h romombcrs. IIo tliinkn his liqtio wns drugged nt the last place ho vis ted , because of his stupefaction whei iie awoko. A valuable gold watcl which ho carried , was miss ng , besides what mono ; lie had upon his person except half , sovereign in English and a few Amor can coins. His railroad ticket ti San Francisco nnd n big Englisl revolver were not disturbed. Th man in his then condition was no able to nun o about for himself , am , ho city jailer gave him n place ii : ho city jail to sleep ol .ho effects of his narcotic hi the afternoon ho recovered sufli cicntly to chance his quarters , nnd h was given his effects nnd allowed ti depart. Mr. Atkinson is nn Iris ! gentleman , who is making a tour o the country in the interests of som nritish firms. He will leave for Sni Krnncisco on the train today n noon. GREAT SLAUGHTER Of Game By a Party of Omaln Sportsmen. What They Have t j Say Abou the Matter. There ro turned to the city on special car attached to thoTU. P. trail rein the west yostordny nftornooi ono of the jolliest parties of sports men that over pulled n trigger ovu n pmirio chicken. The party con sisted of John Nelson , Thomas Cum nings , Ed. Lecder , Win. l'Hoim Win. Ilrncy , John McDonald , Sr , Toh 11 McDonald , Jr. , Andrew Ke.ii Cico. Jones , John Hoyo , F. 11. Smitli Moiris Ottlnan , J. E. Winslndo , Wu Trnllloy , Clms. ill. Phillips , Joh Currigan , John Kundrick and Chivrlt [ lender. Scattered about the cmwci o mystci ; OIIH packages cont.iining such logondR a "Mumm's XXX"or"Buelweiser , Jti tins Trci schko , agent,1" which cnusei consider.tblo wonderment among th spectators , but with which thu mom bora of the party seemed to bo o. terms of pce-uliar intimncy , Hcsiilc these , it iniuht bo added thnt thcr wcro several do"8 almost enough * goonnnolophanthunt. Allthomombov of the party seemud careworn , probn bly from labor in carrying the ganu and much mm-tamiuil , owing to th cornprin the umbrella market. A tell a straight story about their dc juca and the only complaint the make is that their sides are sere froi laughing at the iokcs of "Sergeant Lender and "Jack" Hoyo. They sa they killed nearly ! IOO ohickem The result of the tin day'n hunt was 10 ! ! , All of thci were sent to Moasrs , A , P , Nicholi lloyd , Collet aiid Stevens us n compl mont for attentions received. One ( the gentlemen lot TUB HER roporti into his confidence and aaid privntul thnt they put thu number of chiokoi killed at ubout JJOO , as they didn have time to count thorn accurate ! and did not want to mnko a mistal of ono or two , The best shot wi made by Mr. Hr.vcoy , wl : slaughtered three chickens. It is a < knowlodged though that this wi done accidentally. Mr , Kelson pile cd thu party with rare skill nnd juel < meut. They say that the game lav are not observed in the country ; tin they found game most plentiful ; Humphrey station , nnd disclaim i knowledge ) of the market price i piuirio chickens. A ( rial package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT fre of charge. t , 'i f C , * At 0 , F. , I ; * It I - , „ W J * * ' 8 ! ; iit * ii AtJbij. MI COUNCIL BLUFFS. A Day's Budget of its Looa' Happenings. Pleasant Celebration Hold at Logan Yesterday. Case in Which There Wore Pistrls for Only One. TUo Uminl Supply of Jotting * and A CELEBRATION. X OIlSEIlVANCK Of TIIK I'KKSIIlK.Vr'f 1'KOr.ABLK KECOVEKV. Although perhaps a little prema : ure , the celobralion at Logan was s grand success , and let us hope it maj : uru out that thuy will not have occa sion to mourn so deeply ns they have rejoiced over the supposed restorce iiealth of our chief magistrate. Earl } in the morning the people were nwnk cnod by the thundering tones fron the Council Mlulfs battery , under tin command of Oapt. Rico , assisted bj B. J. Abbott. Guns were filed al sunrise , and about 0 o'clock , as ( hi icoplo began to pour in from nil di rcctions , imothor salute was fired b ) tlio battery. At 10 o'clock thosovcra squads of veterans from nil parti o ; he state were formed into two divis ons , the first comaii'led by Con. .To ( Smith , of Logan , the second by Capl Harrison , of Council Bluffs. Tin iroccssion formed in the following order ; Dunlap brass band ; a Inrgt irngon , containing pretty little girli n white , dressed to represent the dif 'orent states ; next , n wagon full o ! ; irls representing the presidents fron Washington to Oarfiold , ( wo thought ; hnt boys would have been inoro np propriato ) ; noxtcamojthe first divisioi of veterans , Gen. Smith commanding leaded by the Logan drun corps ; then followed the second end division of veterans commanded by Capt. Harrison am od by Wall McFnddon'fl celobratec drum corps. The procession nftei nnrching through the principal street ) lulled at the court house square where eloquent addresses were mad < jy the following well-known leading nen of Iowa : Hon. James F. Wilson , [ Ion , John P. Irish , Hon. A. M , Hawley a staunch republican , ? staunch democrat and a staunchei ; roenbacker so it cannot be clniinci h.it the affair was a political one , Tlio following members from the "Ab < Lincoln Post" of this city attended E. J. Abbott , John Lindt , Capt. Harrison risen , Messrs. Price , Crawl , Spaldintr asey , Bcecroft , Ward , Bookman tluginncs , Nilcs , Mussor and others. A CLOSE FRIENDSHIP WHICH FKItMITS TWO JAWS TO USE TH1 BAMB iiV.T OK TKKTH. One of the night watchmen and at engineer at the U. P. transfer hav < recently formed a co-partnership of i nest peculiar character. It seem , hit : for some time the engineer ha jcen the happy possessor of ft fine sharp pair of false teeth. The night watchman's tooth some time a o begai ; o decay with astonishing rapidity until not long tdnco cold atcel had t < 30 fipphcd to keep the last lingCrin ; ; usk quiet. What should ho do ? Hi was a largo sisnd , hard working man nnd wns obliged to chow boarding louse Bteak. Pay day would not bi irotind for thrco or four weeks , am it would take Dr. Woodbwry sour little time to get him up a sot , ovci after the impression was taken. II Foil' that if ho did have in this sollial world n single friend ho had n chine now to use him. Ho went to hi friend the omrinecr , and the follcnvin ; contract was immediately ontorei into : Tho' night watchman was to gi to his supper early , and after catiiij leave the tooth under the front dee atops. The engineer on going * to sup per takes the tooth and having usot thum leaves them under the stop again. The same thing is done ii the morning. Tlioro ia certainl * money saved , to say the least. AN IRATE PARENT. IIUINdS A YOUNd KKU.OW TO TKKMS AT THE 1'OI.Vr OK A I'lSTOI , . A teamster named Martin was con fronted on West Broadway by n mai who claimed that young Martin hai been in rather close contact with hi daughter. The injured fathu stopped up to , the young man nnd pri scnting him with the noisy end of thirty-two cnlibro revolver , clemumlc that ho proceed at ouco to maku roj : aration , or what there was of him o ; that truck team would bo carrioi homo in less than a very short time1 The young man stnited with th father to call upon the innocent youn lady. Wo understand that youn Martin says ho found everything a right but that the whole case is on of mistaken identity. THE HLUFKK IN 1IU11H1. Tlio Nonpariol printed Hon. Jami F. Wilson's upooch delivered at Logn in full yesterday. The Methodist society will bo 01 tortained thU evening at the residonc of F. II. Orcutt , corner of Scott stret and Washington avonuo. The gontlornan who represents tli interests of Mrs. Burke , pf Omali ! \\howillcontesttho right to the ? 5 000 pnzo offered by the managomoi of the Driving'park association at the coining tournament , is in this cit arranging for the grand raco. N\ understand Mrs. Burke will have fi teen horses in the raco. Prof , Follows , of the state wave sity , lectured last evening at the no Bloomer school house before tl .cnclicrs' institute. His subject WAS n very appropriate one , "The teacher'a srofcssipn. " The speaker handled ho subject in such n manner ns to convince all present that ho was well acquainted with the trials and duties of n teacher , The citizens did not urn out 0.1 limy should at such meet- "ga it won't take Judge Loofbourow oug to make this part of his circuit his term , Wo understand that Col. Dailoy has accepted the invitation oxtcndcd by ho Irish land league lo address them on the occasion of their picnic , to be given in Omaha the 20lh inst. Mr. Oailcy has given much attention tn .lie Irish question now bciiiR agitated ; hroughout Europe. IIo is n pleasant ; alker and no doubt will interest nil who may listen to him , Judge Burke got down to business igain yesterday. The first case he mil to dispose of was against Bol [ \oont7. . Bob had driven ono of John I1. Baldwin's horse caia through the streets at a lee rnpid gait. JIo was fined $3 and costs. Their came a hard looking case from Dniaha. Ho stated to the court thai 10 was not in the habit of getting that way when nt homo. That somehow n nnn can't drink ns much over on this lido as ho can in Omaha since they stnrted up the water-works. He romiscd if the judge would lot him town easily ho would never drink again until ho got where they reduced : ho bcvonigo down to a fine tiling. John Myers , for that was the name he ; ave , was committed until ho aoborod ) ff , when ho will cither pay up 01 jreak rocks. Three or four men were sent to the stonepilo for being drunk. "Too iiuch Yonkerman's. J. F Burke wns brought before his loner , charged with kcnping < \ nui- lance about his premises by allowing lis waste water to slop over on an nd- lacont lot. The court continued the : aso until the 19th , when Mr. Burke will probably have something to Bay about the case hiniHolf. John Lcdwick is attending the cir cuit court , ns is also J. O. Tipton. John Doherty , president of the Northern Pacific , was in the city yes- ; erday on route to the cast. M. F. llohrcr has recently taken out nn important additional risk. Geo. 11. Childs , of Avoca , took in the sights in the city yesterday. The mayor says thorc will bo nn partiality shown. Wo shall all .be iji.xod to our heart's content. Hon. James 0. Day was in the city yesterday , a guest at the Ogden lotol. Wo presume the judge will soon erect a finu residence in this city. city.That That genial citizen , Spencer Smith , secretary of The Nonpareil Printing company , has just returned from a iloasuro business trip to his extensive cattle rancho out m Wyoming Terri- : ory. Mr. Smith is looking very much improved in health. Ex-Mayor Col. Cochran has ro- ; urned homo from a pleasure trip. R. S. Hammond , of Bothedy , was n the city yesterday , a guest at the Pacific. Mr. Woodbury contemplates erect- ng two moru tenement houses. Charles Oilmorc , ox-constnblo , has been confined nt the Drovers' hotel with rheumatism. Hon. John P. Irish , of Iowa City , was in the city yesterday. Hon. James T. Sanford was regis tered nt the Pacific house. M. G. Griflin and Miss Dolumej left yesterday for Colf.ix Springs. "Tho llovoro House , Council Blufl's is the best second-class hotel in tlu west. " auglT-lm TURNI'NG TIDE. Emigration Now Setting To ward the Montana Region. Col. John E. McClure , who hni just returned from n trip to Utah ant Montana , gives some interesting ituini with regard to the railroad , ininin ; and Indian matters of the west. Hi says that most of the emigration o : the mining element is now directed toward Montana. The emigration tc Colorado has fallen oil'a great dca this year , nnd in consequence Denvei is getting to bo quito dull. The pee [ > lu now going into the mining c.unpi of Colorado generally take the south' ' om route , the A. T. it S. F. , ant outfit at Pueblo instead of Denver as lias heretofore bgen the custom. The mines in the 'Frisco district in Uta ! nro also fulling off in thcii yield this year. Montana has no\\ \ the best prospects of nny of the mill oral states and territories. Butte and Holonn particularly arc very livelj nnd the towns are full of people out' titling for the ndjacont mining camps , Butte is now thirty-six miles boyont the present terminus of the U. & N , railroad while the grading has bcei completed to viithiu six miles of tlu place. It is expected that tlio road will b < completed to Butte in six weeks' time The Denver it Rio Gnmdo peoph have surveyed a route from ono of tin termini of their road to Salt Lake , urn will begin active operations on it carl ; this fall. Tin Ute Indiana , \\lio havi occasioned so much trouble t < the government , nro now buinj prepared for removal to the nov Wluto liver agency in Utah. Lieut Converse , of tlio United States nimy with n compauy of soldiers , no\ surveying n military road from Greoi River to the White River agency. A soon us this road is completed th Utes will bo taken to the now agonc ; under an escort of five companies o troop * . Mr. E. 0. Lang , formerly resident of Omalia , is now prosporin in Butte C ly. Many Omaha poopl are spending the summer in Sal Lake. _ _ _ _ _ The London Lancet. The London Lancet sayas "Many life has Ix-en * a > c < l by the moral couray .of the euffcrer" and many Ufa had bee f na > cd by taking Spring Blossom in ca&o bilious fe > er , iudigtatlon or liver cou l > laiut. Price DO cwU , trial bottles 1 i cenU , eodl\f 1 , ,1 i NARROW ESCAPE , b - Peculiar Accident to ft > Vn.to Works' Employe. Yesterday n force ! of workmei wore employed nt the vrnlor work settling basin in removing the bag which had been placed ns shioJd * tica ho openings of the reservoirs. Wiili so at work David Stntiton npproacKoc ,00 close to tlio main by which tlu water was being drawn from tlu settling baain into the cloai water basin. The suction quicklj drew him toward the opening nnt despite his efforts ho lost his balance ana plunged head first into the rush- ng current. Very fortunately , r number of his fellow workmen wit tossed his mishap and tuahcd quicklj ; o his assistance. The } ' succeeded it : catching his foot as lie -was beinj rushed through the pipe and by tlu greatest effort pulled him nut of dan ; cr. Ho was removed to the em bankmeiit and quickly resuscitated jtnnton suffered no bad effects except .lint he wits obliged to drink too mud of the purified watei. IIo was sooi able to resume work again. " " "BLACK-DRAUGHT" - nirw Bin , indigestion and heartburn. ( ! 1' Goo i linn . Ella Torrance solicits smvim jy the day or wuok. Call or addresi icr , 4th street , cor. Worth , Cuunci Ulufls. motf _ _ OPEN TO-DAY. Ladies' Hoop Skirts , price 50 cents Kurtz's Store , Crcighton Block. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK Adierttament To Ix > an , For Sale txwt , Pound , Want * . Uoardlntr. &c. , will be Inserted sorted In these columns once tor TE-N CENT ! per llnsj eat.li subsequent Insertion , HVECENT ! per line. The first Insertion never Icsa thai TWE.VrV.flVK RENTS TO LOAN-MONEY. ONKY TO'LOAN Call nt Liv Office of D L. Thomas Room S , Crclehton Block. I To loan at from 8 to 10per cent _ 'on good real ii tatc eciirlt ) , b ; Cit. ISAAC KDWA11IM , 1109 Tarnhim St. TO LOAN At 8 per cent In tereat In Mima of 82,500 am up\v arils , f or 3 to G ynara , on flr&t-ckua city ani farm property. UKHIS I'.KAI. KSTATH and LOAI ACIKVCT , 16th and Douglas St * . ONKY TO LOAN on real estate , nt M DEXTEIl L. THOMAS t I1HO HELP WANTED. -Capable cook and second flrl Im WANTED , nt 13i8 Cliiuv'oSt. LIbera vages. 710-t ( Hakcr Immediately , WANTED I l > Ie ; lair wages. AddrcsH SI. J IESTEU , Shenandoah , Io a. Cook wages 825 per month. Ap ply nt 2003 Hurt , between 20th and 21s Btreot. ( J98-tf Situation ns cook , wabhcr am WANTED Good refcrcnctH fiirnlt-hed. Ad dress room 0 , Emmet Houso. 713-17 "Tlf ANTED Situation hy joiiiic man In nl Y > mostanj cniatlty. Good schoUr. Kufor eiccaglvcn. Addrg < a ] . , nco ofllcc. _ 713-i ! ( A Rlrl for general housework , eor WANTED I/eavenworth gti. 717-tf \ position by a man accustomci WANTED hotcf nnd grocery business. Uoo < reffrences. Address C. I ) . , Bee office. 710 2 A competent cook for prlvnt WANTED Enquire at residence , south lOtl Htrect. Mrs. H. Kountze. 721 23 - , Uroco Ulllmore , dtniro a hue WANTKU-I tucnt.\-two juirs old , tall slender , dark c > es nnd hair ; want n man lift vean , old , larjfc , light complected and wealthy I'cplvImniediaUl.t. Dlrcctto Madl on. MadlhOi Co. , Nebraska. 70S-18 "l'\7'ANTKl > Another ollice bov ut U. O. Dnni YVt Co. , 215 South 14th St. 70Stf 'T'TrANTEIl Two flrst-cla1 * ' ! barbers ImmedlnU \V ly. IllRhcst w.v'i.s mid. J. J. OOOII 32 1'earl St. , opiKt ito 1'ostolllcc , round I IllufTt Iowa. BOO tf TO TRADE Almost new- top sld WANTED ; } tor n phtuton. Enquire nt Ik' OHU-e. 7-tf ANT/I ) A oed unjjlnccr. Applv at th w \Vettern Newspaper Ciilon. 701-t TO HENT - A couplu of rooms un WANTED forllKht houscfceephiK by mai and wlf. . . Adurew K. 11. , Ileo Otllif. 702-18 \VANTKD-8l\teen year old lioy to work II V\ marl ct Kartlen. North 18th ntrret. II.V BAH , , 705-19 ; - . : . WANTED-AI 1109 ram noi-.iiiT.KrKK etalrn. COO-ll ) To rent a uooit hotel , furnUhed WvNTKD cittern port of t cUniska. Aildres L. C. rndniore , Kutton , Neb. UW 1 ! ANTED-A tailors at 12 > 0 Furnham St. near I'.ith. OJi-UO \ \/"ANTKl / ) A euinpi tent workman , one tha \ > undcntanda all Kinds of work , Huch a rn can find uteady work and good vvajtun. 11 } writ Ing or cnllln ) , ' on W. I1. Clark , at .Maplcton , In No drunkard need apply. Cb'J-'i ANTED A ifooil K\r\ \ \ for central house work. Jlrs. G. Trosaln , 1111 Douclas St . At the store ol J. II. Phillip WANTED. 413 llroadvvay , Council IllnfTj. i fln > t elaen boot arid Khou maker. 010-tf 'ANTED A woman cook at the Emiqc House. HMD . - for cencrnl housework Ii WANTKO.-Clirl _ at H 10th St. 102 It A poo' ' table to rent ; with prlvl WANTED ' ' ' " ' ft EAlAN. 451-tf Vull , Crawford Co. , Iow Kills' UKAl , ESTATE lOOM.-bec ) Ut ANTEU-Fnilalnsr bridge and < thool boiidi W 11. T. Clark , IJcllovue. SO-U . OLAUKK'S No. 1 Boar . ! < AT flllk 3. B. n. V > .M 'W. w In * tlou , cor , 13th and UoUgo Bw. Hci " " " hoJtv. RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. HENT Two flmt-clai , * 1twotor ) ne 171011 hon > e . 24thand llatney utreet. Ono room * U closcti * . dresslnurooni , cemented cellar , ponliwandntuble Thu other " . larife rooms , W U , ( tinente I cellar and two ( loan-lies. Ue 710-19 S. K. cor. l&tliaud Upuglu. TnOH KENT PurnUhwJ or nnlurnUheJ room 1' l > a\enport trcet , fcouth Me , third html webt ol lUthktreet. HT-'il 7IOH 11KNT KumUlioil front room with alcoy ) at reasonable price , 10H California St.U . U U'tl TIOll 11KNT I-arjre furnUhed rooms , S. V Cor. Ibth anil Capitol Avenue. 7W-18 011 KENT llouso ot ovtn roonu , kiulin ctllar , riattrn , well and barn , on South Av nue , , licit to wooK.otth'K riwldeneo- Enquire ! 14tl lland Farnham SU , J. JOUNbON , ( , U2- Urge barn. Inquire at 1818 Ch 370UUKNT 07JU - room * In Mason block. Knnulro fat. John Scwlnj ; Jlachlt office. Und Mid Iirmi to I wi . Call and. Uetu. . , . SPECIAL NOTIDKS-OantanuBd REST A ruc lj furni'hcd front room for J71OR or two geatltmen , at 1210 Howard itroct. ' { * II „ . - , ' ch nU'K hangoN.E cor. 10th andlltolw , 239-11 itrteU. " FOR SALE. , . . , . Set of furniture almost I ORSAf-B , t 'nifitovcl. Enquire K nc . W ; ai-cros rallroid tMr * . kruj1/ . lt 718 V ) Iritk , F McliAI.N , 1011 3inn SJM.K--A m' ' > ' 'lcl ° f > i1'.8- E. OraltonV carrl ie ton . ' . - llth st Ut. Parnham and lUr . * ' " ' " trtOll SALK-Neot I.OUM . arr f JK lo . - , * ; " JL ( from I1. t . at 8900. Julf 1. . M , ' / , " ' , ? ' "U1"lrf' S"U1"lrf' 71 Ml ojip , T710I5 ? AI.E A new itork cl ifener * ! x 'nll 0 1 ; il cdolnjraifool bii lncti Iit c vv v. , . , lion and In one of tlic hot towns In fo t f/tv u 3000. Will tell or rent the building n , r , \ c" ' port , Vail t'r.\wforil Oountj , I . 07W IP | 7\0ll \ SALE-Mock ol hardware In one of Ci , > L best to n of Ncbra Va. Population ol tow t * ioOO. No belter opening lor tie ImilncM In the- Matr , Only one other hirduaru store In tht- town. Stock In ccod Khapu and worth about I..OOO. For partlcmarn call on or aildrcw LKi : , KUIED ft , CO. , GSC 19 Omaha , Neb. S.\li-Kour : 811. V. ciiclncs , two IS IP I * , cngrlnri , ono 18 II \crtlcal I boiler , ono . 1' . , onnlO II I' , and 1 15 It. I' , horizontal > ollcr , all new II ) Omaha Koundry nnd .Ma- : lilnc Company * "IJ10H SALH A number of firtt-fh < w Imil cm JL1 horaca at Slciihctison's Im n ou Capitol a e- nuc. 071 18 TWH SAl.n , imifi.\ and liarne < f , al-o 1 one iliiinti cart. Kiniulic 1' . Manning , 13th and Horard St. OU-U JT10H SALE Kino stock farm of 400 acns I1 good house , cattle xhed , oriliaid A.C. , wit.1. In cai y roach of rallroid. Price , ? < KX ) , par tlmu at 0 . JOHN L. McCACl'K , Opp. Post OIHcc. C30 tl HALF. Neat cottage and ROW I lot at FOII . JOHN L. lIcCAOUi : , Op | , 1' 0. CJ7-K SALE ON EAHV TKUMS.-Oood HoU-t ] In Vn\\d \ Citv. Nob. , oil located near A. i N. depot , plcntf of room , ooJ accominoditloiui , four lotx , and eood barn. Can be had at a bar * gain. For particular * . Inquire 0 ( or addruw U. II. Ford , laId City , Nobra Ua. AUf. 11 , Daih3tcod.\v2t. ' . At a sacrifice , n new unit of ( or. lor furniture , bl\ck and Trench walnut oil vollshcd , uphoWirs In thcrrv rep. tnriulre at 2013 Cosa St. Gf2-\l OH SALE On reasonable terms. A biminotw that la pajhiff 8400 o month. OuaranUxw ? Ucn as to tltlu ot virojwrtv and Ua o of prcmlnui. rnqulrcatolllccof S.imJ. llowcll.UlT b.H-nSt. , Omaha. 612-U n 8ALU-A fine riding pony , at 412 lOtli F St. 571-tf T7IOU SALE Hone , buggy and harnem. Can i.1 be necn at Stevenson's Capitol Avtmio baru 1'rlco , S2M ) . E. C. ILL1S. WJ-tJ [ 71011 tiALK-A urst-ikua milk dairy. Inquire D at this oifico. 617-iutf 27 AND LAND-Demls rcntn homca. HOUSES , hotcN , farmH , loU , laniN , olllW ( room ? , etc , See 1ft pi'e , jAh Anu I'nrawiis reprcil by 11. U SCIILTT llth and F-iniam sta. TSOtf TTIOHSALE Good house with four rooim and 1 ? half lot , No. 2013 Doduc bttween 2IUi and 27th street. Good < vcll and Bhado trees ; hoiikc In good condition. Inquire on premises. 221-U I KICK U SALE. SALE.ESTAhT.OOK ) 203-tf ESTAhT.OOK & COB. T10R SALE A small cii-fine , IS.V. . Payne * _ J Son's make. In perfect Obder. Inquired II. O. Clirk & Co. 3fl-tt ! SALE Lease and furniture' of i MrHt-cb 8 hotel In a town of 1303 Inhabitants In hlate of Nebraska ; has 21 beds ; the traveling inon'n ro- sort. Inqulrp at DEE oHlce. 21S-tf SALE Maps of Dougla * anil Sarpy coun FOR . A. ROSEWATEU , 1020Farnham troct 320-tf MISCELLANEOUS. ALL on or address 1'ot er fi I'ulmer , 40 South 6th street , Council Illuffs , Iowa , for rail road tickets cast , west , north and uoutli. Greatly reduced rates on all tic' ita. Every ticket guar anteed , and tlekcU bought , cold and exchanged V. TELLER AND MEDIl'M MrH. FORTUNE ' past present , ard future In love and all affair ) . She ret tali the detest i-ecrctH or the heart , bhe ims es the magnetic ] K > wer to ful nil all your wishes. Call at No. 11)10 Chlrapo Htreet , near ICth. auK 10 tl ' n Fatunlay , the 7th , a nnall bronn mare , blind In ono cje , with halter on. An\ ono L-uIn ' Information of her to M. Lee , Withnill House , will be paid for their trouble. Cs8 tf Between Occidental Hotel and Elgut- JOST ' , apalrof Koldtpcctaclis. The finder will bo rewarded bj leaving them at Occidental Hotel. 012-tf LET Eleront rooms , furnished or unfur TIO nislieil. Heasoimblo prices , lirlck hoiuo 2013 Cam St. U23 tf OST Sunday afternoon on Howard St. , I J child's ROW bracelet , marked "Ethct. " Find- cr will please leava at Ili-c OBlco. E73-tf EMIS' NEW CITY MAl > ri,25c.--S elHt pag. B ( .vTUAYED-Froni 2415 Hanicy Mrect July 2S O one largebrlndle cow , n years old , branded on lilp w ith letter "O. " Ilns rome white spots ou licr. Any onofcdvlni , ' Infoniiatton whcro shem r return her w III bo suitably rewarded. MB tf A. M. CI.AltK. ONE having work fora ti > o writer rail ANY ncconnmxUtctl by tciet'lionin thu UK ollice. 4H3 tf 15EMIS1 HEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. S J J 1st patfu - . JMiUin Utill in tne JinilTMNO-J. bu ine H , vvlioc ae ! and re tail. Hods put up or repaired on short notice. Order ? by mail nr otlicrnUe will recelvo prompt attention. Satisfaction KUarantfed Oil or ul- Iress 1011 Saunders ttn.a. 41)1 a2i _ fvIIREE or four jounc men can be accommodt- 1 te-1 wHh board , liefcrtiiceaexchaniieil. Ap ply 2011 Cans street , 4th door t of 'Aitli St. , rotldress Box 337 , ( icbtomco. 343 f . nitOWN Corner 12th and Chicago . streets , 1 ready to bore or dtipen well * . hiti factlon Kiiurantecd. W3tf J-vONT FOliaLT The eucceshors 01 thu Amer. _ L/ lean House , on Douglas ttrett , between Wb and 10th , for board. lodginj ; and transluut cuu tomcrs. ItcHpeittnlh 604-tf LIUH ROSS. Absolutely Pure. Made from Orapo Cream Tartar , Noothcrprt arpatlou uiU > n > iuch light , flak ) tut briikdn. a uxuriom pastrj. Can l < o ratw by Djtpiuilu without fear of tlicliUre ultliyffrom hoa > j InJl d. SoU o.-.iv In cant , by i.ll Uroccn KOYAL , BAKlNtJil'OWDEll TO New York. * ,