* I li TT7T ? < T\I ATT A T > A TT.V T3T7.TT. . tIMnAV A TTr < tram THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUDLISHINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS. BIO Harnhnm , bet. Oth and 10th Gtreots. TKK.MS OK SUHSCI1IITION : \ TIHX CAKU ClllC.Uin , ST. TM t. , UI.SN Ml 01.18 AND OMAHA RAIUOAt ) , I ax-c Onnhi No. 2 through pwrnpcr , 11 a. tn No. 4 , Oakland | ciicor , S-SOa. m. ArrUo Omaha No. 1 , tlironeh i cntccr , 2.M \ \ m. No , 3 , Oiklnnd | ssctifer , ( > .SO ) t. in. LKAVIMI OMAHA KA9T OR BOU1U BOU.ND , C. , II. k Q. 6 a. m. 3:40 : p. m. C. A N. W. , 0 a. in. 3:40 : p. in. ' C. , It. I. 1 1' . . 0 a. m. 3:40 : p. m. ' K. C. , St. J. A C. U. , 8 a m. 0:30 : p. m. . Arrive at St. Louis at C:2S : a. m. and 7:45 : a. in. WKST on eociimmn B. & M. In Neb. , Tliroti h KxprcM , 8:35 : a. m. H. & M , Mticoln Fril ht.00 p. tn. U. r Hxiirc , 12-1 6p.m. O. & It. V. for I.lncolti , 10.20 a. tn. O. & It. V. forOwolo , BlO : a , in U. I' , frclifht No. 6 , 6:30 : a. in. . U. P. fr lfflit No. I ) , gi5 ; ft. m. U. I1 , freight No. 7 , C:10 : p. m. cinlrrant. U. P. freight No. 11 8:2S : o. m. ARKUIKO FROM HASI A.ND fOlnn.J C. U. & Q. , 6.00 n. m. 7:26 : p. m. C. & N. W. , 0 46 n. n , . 7:25 : p. tn. C. It. I. A I1. . 0:45 : n , m.-9.05 p. m. K. C. , St. Joe & 0 II. , 7:10 : a. m.-6:45 : p. in. W. , St. L. & I1. , 10.M a. m. 4:25 : p. m. ARRIVI.SQ PROM THR ftMT AND HOUTIIftMI. O. & I ! . V. from Mimln 12:11 : ! p. in. U. P. Kxprcio 3.2B p. in. n ft M. In JCch. , IhioiiRh K\pre i 4 : :16 : p. in n. & II. Mncolu 1'rci'ht 8'35 a. in. U. I1. Frelirlit No. 101:40 p. m , No. & 4.-JS p. in. Emigrant. No. 8 10.60 p. in. No 12 11:3. : ) a. in. 0. b K. V. mlxod , r. 4:36 : p. m.1 1 NcbraEka Dhlslon of the bt. 1'aul & Sioux Clh Hold. No. 2 ICA\C < Omhh1 ! 8 a. m. No. 4 lca\ci Oinihi 1:50 : p. m. No. 1 arrl\M at Omaha at 4:30 : p. m No. 3 arrhus at Omaha at 10.45 n. m. DUMMT IIIA1N8 > > rttFlf OMAHA AND coustit. BWrra. lnXL\e Omihi at 800 , 0.00 and 11:00 : n. m. : 1:00 : , 2.00. 3 00 , 4:00 : , 6 00 and 0.00 p. ra. Lca\c Coiindl Ululld at 8:25 : , 0.25 , 11:26 : a. m. ; :2S , 2:25 : , 3'25 , 4:25 : B:2Snllil : 0.25 p. in. iu Suntfajg The duirmy leaica Onmln at 0 00 and 11:00 n. in. ; 2.00 , 4.00 and 6 00 p. m. I.intcs Council Hindi at 9:26 : and 11:25 : n. ra. ; 2.25. 4:25 : P. and 6:25 : p. in. . dpenlngand Closing of Malls. Rotrrr OPM. CLOBH. a. in. p. m , a. m. p. in. Chlcago&N.V . 11.00 9.30 4:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , H. I. & PaslHo. 11:00 : B.oo 4:30 : 2:40 Chicago , H. J ; Q . 11SOO 0.00 4:30 : 2:40 : A Walxuh . 1230 4:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:30 : Union I'aulHc . 600 11:40 : Omaha &H. V . 4:00 : 11:40 : B..M. InNcli . 4.00 8:40 : 6:30 : Omatn & Northwestern 4:30 : 7:30 : J. Loail mallH ( or btateof Iowa lca\ but once n day , \lz : 4.30. A Lincoln M-xl ! U aUo optncd at 10:30 : a. m. o. 0 Slice open Sunday from 12 m. to 1 p. in. TIIOS. F HAIL 1' . M. Business Directory. Art hmporlum. U. ROSE'S Art KniDonuni , 1510 Dodge Street , Steel Engra\ings , Oil Paintings , Chromes , Fane ) Frames. Framing Specialty. Low Prices. IJONNEIl 130 ! ) Douitlas Street. Gooil Style ? . of Abstract d Odd ar Real Estate. JOHN L. McCAGUE , opposite Post Office. J. W. R. BARTLETT 317 South 13th Street. Architects. J. Cultl DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS , Room 14 Crclghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2 , Cteltrhton lllock. Phllll Boots and Shoes. JAMES DEVINE & co. , PERI Fine Boots and Shoes. A good osflormcnt of SCL-OI ; home work on hand , corner 12th and Harncy. ic. THOS. ERICKSON , S E. cor. 16th and Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATUS , 60510th street , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Inth Bed Springs. J. F. LARRIMER Manufactuicr. 5617 Dom-laast. Books , News and Stationery , OnFi hta J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street. uhlcl ccy.v Butter and on HcSHANE k SCII BOEDER , the oldest B. and 11 "Cal house In Nebraska cstabllHhtd 1875 Omaha. CENTRAL CHA RESTAURANT , SIRS. A. RYAN , southwest corner ICthand Dodge. Best Board for the Money. ham BitlbfaUion Guaranteed. Ueala at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. HEN Good Terms for Cash. JuHCl Furnished linnm Supplied. P Carriages and Roaa Wagons. WM. SNYDER , No. 131h 14thand Harney Street * ! Civil Engineers and Surveyors , ANDREW ROSEWATER , Crclghton lllock , him Town Suneys , Grade and faewerago Sj stems a (205) ( Socially , citj Commission Merchants. Bo JOHN 0. WIL LIS.1414 Dodge Street. D B BEEMER. For details eco large advertise , ajiol roent In Dallv and Wteklj. Jiffe as Cigars and Tobacco. ele\ ! WEST & FRITSUHEIt. manuficturcrsof Cigars , feet and Wholesale Dealers In Tooiccos , 1S05 DougUn. ulnt \Y. V. LOUKNZKN manufacturer 1410th street. iVitt fonn ' Cornlco Works. dredl Western Cornice Wort * , Manufacturers Iron dred Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Roonin. , Ordas of from anj localltj promptly executed In the beat curb manner. Factor\ and Oll'co 1310 Dodge Street. them toth : Galvanized Iron Cornkcs. Window Caps , etc. , iiaiiu manufictured and put up In any part of the ditioi ' country. T. SINHOI.I ) 410 Thirteenth street (212) ( VVCfct . OrocVery. three J. BONNER 1300 Douaias street. Good line. and three ; Clothing nnd f-urnUhlng Goods. Hill gradi GF.O. II. PETERSON. AUo Hats , Caps , Bootl , Icctl Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , & 01 H. 10th ttrcct. tvvai dred Clothing Bought. of 0 .SHAW will pay highest Cath price for second of ( hand Uothing. Corner 10th and Farnham. clova feet Dentists. Ing DR. PAUL , Williams' L'lock , Cor. 16th & Dodge. (625 ( [ dred Drugs , Paints ana Oils. one ast KUIIN & CO. theneo Pharmacist * . Fine Vune Onods , Cor. 16th and feet Douem ttrctta. SCC'IK W. J. WIIITEIIOUf E , TiolisaleA Retail , 16th st. dred thou C. 0. FIELD , 2022 N rth Side Cumin. Street. slxl M. PARR , Druggist. Ifl'.nand Howard Streets. teen and Dry Goods Notions , Etc , mrl JOHN II. F. LEilMANN k CO , , lift ) New York Dry Goods S.orc , 1310 and 1312 Farii- of hmttrttt. per L. C. EneBQld alto hoots and shoes 7th.tl'Acinc. bcvent hunc huruiture , teen A F. GROSS , New'and Second Hand Furniture of or and fctovcs , 1114 pou-Tia * . Highcet Bibh price loot jiald for second hanu 1:0313. eigln } . UONNER 1300 Douna ( t. Fine goods , kc. grad (71- Fence Works. hum oftw OMAHA FENCE CO. city < < IST , FRIES i CO. , 1213 Hnney St. , Improve- brc cXlci Boxes , Iron aifl Woo.1 Fences , Oflice street llAlnirs , Counters of Pine and V > lnut. corn 'HW' Florist. Info A. Waghuo , plmjs , cut flow ere , weds , loquets c , N , W , cor. 16th and Douxlas HrecU _ V" Atte J. JOHN UEARNB k SONS , cor , 14th & Jackson sts Pa Hour and peed. GIIAHA CITY MILLS. th and Farnham 8ts , U'cl.-hana Bros. , .roprletsrs. nulOOt Urocers. Z. STEYEXS , SUt between Cumlng nd Iiard. T. A. McSHASE , Corn. g3d and Cumlng Streets. Hatters. W. U PARROTTE k CO. , r.oo Doujlis Street , miolsate Exclusively. ct Th _ _ _ Hardwaie. Iron nd Bteel. new DOLAN & LAKOW'ORTUV , WbolMal * . 110 nd , u a Uth trut l"1" A. HOLMES corner 1Mb Mid ColUornl * . | co , Harneit , Saddlrt , Ac. M 18th St. M F.tn. 4 tlvn , Hat and Bonnet Hlc.iche up lA < llM5 at northoMt tjouiS.tr nChiiftml trlt j | t don corner Sov Mitrenth &n : ann A . ' cnuc. W.M. OOVK frotir Iclor HMels , . - N HOfSK , 1II ran , 013 Karnhom St SI. U KJf'S HOTEL , K Slit tn , loth Strrtt. Sculhern Hotel Qu * . J.\tnil , Oth A Lvuonworth Intelilgencii OlTice. UXZIKbl NT Si ; 10th Strict. Jewollert. nAUJIKR 1311 Farnhmn Street. Junk , H. llKPTIIOLt ) , HIM and Metal. Lumbir , Lime nnd Cement. FOSTKll li ( Hi W cornir utli ami DougUi St * Lntnpj and Ulattwaro. J. no.VNKH 1809 DocslM St. Good Merchant Tailors. 0. A. LIXI > QUr,3T , One of our inost jiopuhr Mcnlnnt Tailors Is ro- wlUiif ( the latwt de lpiis tor SprinsnnJ Smnnior Good ? for Kciitlcmcii'o wwr. Sljll.h , diiraklc. lul tirlccs low as cicr 215 13th bt. bouir.4. Farii ' Millinery , MUS. C. A. niNQEIIVliolwMo and Kitall , Fan- i , Caul lloinN , . , . , . . . . . , v. - - - - - - - vo.vApc-tt Iloue hi IIP VUt. l'urrlii er R o SO jnr cent. Order liV Mill llfiUflnnth Street Physicians nn I Surgeons. W. S. ainilS , M. D. , llwra No 4 , Crclghton Hloifc , 16th Street , I1 , b. LUlsr VHING , il. 1) . llaronlc lllock. C. I- . HART , SI. 1) . . IV and Ii r , opp. jxistoillcc 1)11. L. 1) ) ullAuDV , Oiullstand AurUt , S. W IDth and Karnham St . Photographers. GEO. lir.V.V. 1'UOl1. , Grand Central Oallcrv , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt IUVS9 tfuirantcci" Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting. . W . TAUl'Y A. CO. . 21012th St. , bet. Farnham and Douglas. 1 Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPAT1UCK , 1409 Doimlas Street. Painting nnd Paper HENRY A. " "STEKS. 1412 Dodge Street. Planing Mill. , MOYF.R , nnnufiiturir of ivfih , doors , blinds , moldings , nuuclt , nlustcrs , hand rails , furnishing scroll Kaulng , A.C. , cor. Dodge and Oth streets. Pawnbrokers. llOSKyFEIiP. 32210th St. , bet. Far. k Har. f Rotrlceratora , Canllcld's Patent. r. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Karn. A. Harncv. ShowCase Manufactory. ! 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Show Case , Upruht Cases , i . . 1317 Cass St. CaseFl KKAXK 1. . OKItllAKD , proprietor Oimtii"OS Show Case niintifactorj , b8 bouth 16th street , butucen I a\en\\oith and .M.ircj. All goods warranted first-class. Stoves ana inwaro. A. IIU1UIESTEU , Dealer In Stoves and Tiimarc , and Manufacturer Tin IloofD and all kindg of Building Wort. , 3ddrello s1 lllock. UONNEIl. 1309 Douelas St. Good and Cheap. Seeds , EVANS , Wholcialo and Retail Seed Drills and in Cultivators , Odd Fellows ilall. Shoo mores , hlllll ) Lana : , 1320 Farnham st. , bet. 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. 'F.RKINS & LEAR. 1416 Douglas .St. , New and ccoml Hand Furniture. House Kuriiislung Goo.l , , boui'htand told on narrow tialoons. HENRY KAUFMANN , tli new brick block on Douglas Street , has just opened a most elegant liecj Hall. to Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 e\ cry day. FLANNBBV , Farnham , next to the U. k M. hcadnuarters , rc-oicncil ] a neat and complete cst.ibfishineiit of khlchbirring Filth.and MotherShipton'sI'roph- . vill bo opened tor the boyj ulth Hot Lunch ) and after present date. Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 079 ICth Street. Undertakers. 3IIAS. ! IHEWn , 1012 rarnham bet. 10th k 11W. . P. PEMNEIt , 303 } Tenth street , between Farn. one and Haititiv. Doea tcooil and cheap uork. 00 Oent Stores. " IIENUV I'OHI.MAN. . toys , notions , plctuics .e. , 613 14th bet. Farnham and Douglas are 0 HAPKI'S. 1205 Farnham . I'ancv Vinnd ORDINANCE NO. 470. All ordinance cstahlijhin ; , ' the grade at Karn- strict from a point two hundred and five ) feet west of JdllerbO-i street \vcst to the Jl.llmliH. I . vit it or Jalncd b ) the Clt > Council of the City of Omaha : SECTION 1. The crado of r.irnhain street from ly point two hundred and five (205) ( ) feet west of Jefferson street wcbt to the eitv llmlti hhall ho he folloub < ! ISc'Innlii ) ; ith the cbtaldiehcd c\ati > nof ono liumlrcd and clBlityllve ( Ib5) ) , at the north eurh of I'ariiliuin btrc > et at a rite two hundred and five (205) ( ) feet ci > tof the rib line of Jefferson stiect , thence 1th a mil- 'onnai > cciidlin' ] ( 'railo of thicc andt-lxtv-oiio him- Ircitlw ( a 01 1XI ( ) per one hundred ( lee ) , six him- and nnd nlnctv three ( L ! ) ) ) feet , to un elevation ftno hundred and ten ( JlO ) feet at thu caf > t Vo of 25th ttrcct In JM'ornilck'jl aildltlon , bu IIUIHO ucit one hundred and fourteen (114) ( ) feet the east curh line of n sixty foot street not any lamcdln buhilnlilon of lot tiioS ) Capitol ad qu to an clev alien of t o hundred and tw ele ) feet , thence Hest thirty &K (30) ( ) feet tn the roi .vctteiirh on level giadi" , theme west nl etv- ua .lircoIU ) feet to an elevation of two hundred zeal eleven ( all ) feet at the line hctvveen lotH hrccJ ) and four ( -1) ) In Mock two (2) ( ) In Capitol addltUu , thcneu went ulth a dckeendln lin of si\ and klxtj-oiiehundredths ( OOl-lVO ) Oil per ono hundred (100) ( ) , thieo liundrcd and anil ono hnlf feet to nn e-levatlou of ono linn- ago aiidiiliietj-onellllict ( ) , at the cast eurh chief 2flth street n Mo onnicK's addition to thecltj Omaha ) | , thence vvett fort } -eight (48) ( ) feet to nn of flotation ofcne huiulied and eU'litj-nliio (1M ( ) un at : thu vvcfet eurh , thence utst In an dtstuml- trade i of live and twentj-flvei hiindredths en 25-100 feet per ono hundred (100) ( ) , thrte linn- en'J ilredand lvttwo (302) feet to an eleiatlon of ' hundred I and hcvciitj-ono (171) ) feet ut thu curb of 27th street In JleCoriulik's addition. on * webt fl\e hundred and nlnety-tereu (101) ( ) miles to i the wekt iiirh line of SOth ktreet , oil B do- days. fclx hundred ami tcvcnt-nv thoutandttn of a foot ( u U7ft ) l > r ( Kxi ) onu Imn iur to the elevation of one hundred and tdxty. vui ( ltd ) feet , theme ett Hie liundrc'd und thlr- ( MS ) feet ilcKviidhi ! ; at the rate of thrco more oriohundrcdnn > lnlncteciithou > andthsJ 111)1 vhi iHrluOfe-ettoaii ele-vutlon of one hundred and them (160) ( ) feet , thcnio e t on a level grotto one itiiiirw. ing til and nlnctisht ! hunilreiltlu ( OOj-lOU ) feet fib 100 feet , a til tance of one thousand i nil ) flic ( l,07r > ) fuet to an clev atlon of tw o oir hundrd and t entlve(2i'0 ! ( feet , theneo eH en en hundred (7Wi ( ) foot vv Ith un tueendini , ' 'rodo has ofonoaiK elghtj-slv hundrudth * , (1 ( 1 0 iuil ipcr lOOtoun elevation of tvvo hundred end tliirtj ono (2Js ( ) feet , tliciuu west with ft diweendlii , ' nil cl tvvo uml bcuntj-onu hiindredthii (71-100) ) iicr huiidreillWa ( ) dUtauce- four , nu himdndandfoit-tuo(412) ) feet loan elcratlon hnvo oftwohundrtil nnd twent ) lx(22U ( ) fe-et ftt the nn 2 Thccradoof the oiithe'U'hof rariihani tee In-Ueen till ) jioli.U herein | K.cifled bhall > n eorrenjotid in elevation with the grade of thu acies ' aci'J ' Tills ordliiaii(0 hall ta'.e eflceiand b ' President of fit ) Council , ket : is J. k.0. Jtwrrr , he City Clerk. Passed Auy. Bth , IbSl. this oun ilaior. on > w AGENTS WANTED FOR KlBTTCHT S LLlNd 1100K9 OY T1IK AOB I lege.It Foundations of Success homo bo ) BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOIU1B. > ra la iOl trade , lejal lormi. how to tr n - rit < biulncM. 1 laluabla table * , wcial cUquate , also narliamniUry- ! moire , how to conduct public bull- ; In faet ft It a complete Guide to tiuccew oi and ' _ A family nniHuiBftf . AtldreM for Clr * ' special tlrrn. ANClIOU P ' ' " " 'sr.L < > u7.'iib. ! - nied THE OTOE INDIANS , Prop.nrnUond for iho Removal o k.tho Tribn to the Indian Territory. SI. Jco Herald hip. 10. Ajnjnr WoDilin , agent for the Otoo Indians is on his way f nun thongency , in Gngo county , Nebraska , to the Indian tciritory , for the ) ) urpose ol completing the preparations for the removal of the Otocs from their pies- out reservation to their now home. The piepAr.Uions consist ehielly in the erection of building's nnd the system- of the work of puttinij up hay.In In anticipation of this move , the Otocs have raised nocrop this season , and are now subsisting wholly nt thu CNpunso of the government. Thuy number two hundred and fifty persons on tin ) reservation , with about two liundred more , constituting the wild band of the Otoo tribe , who ran avvnv some time ago , and took up tlicir ibodo < in the tciritory , Mnjor Woodin hopes ] that in time hu will bu able to luconcilu thu dillereiices existing be tween llio two factious , nnd biim them together harmoniously under thu same system of government. His il- lijstiious predecessor tinned over to him , thirteen months ago , through Farmer L llecs .Pickering , who was placed in charge pending the chanpo Of agents I , four liundred Indians , whom hu classed its all civilized ; but , thu m.ijor observed , they lacked many of till elements of civilization , according to : thu general acception of the term. They vvoio then , and still remain , in agency parlance , "blanket Indians that is , their fnvoiitu app.ircl consists chicily of blanket and biecch-clout , Under the regime preceding that ex isting under the mningcmcntof Major Woodin , the braves were exceedingly troublcsomu nt times , but the rigid discipline exercised from thu beginning by the muscular and athletic gentlemen now in charge hnshnda very salutary ellect upon ' ! those who were formerly dis posed to bo obstreperous , and consequently quently little dillicultyin their control is now encountered. The natural pro pensity of the led man to dishonesty crops out occasionally , but the iullic- turn of penalties , without fear or favor , has tended to n remarkable du- greo to prevent annoyances of this nature. The agent is , in his individual person , law and gospel , judge , jury and , if occasion demands , executive official , although hu is seconded by an efficient United States police , com posed entirely of Indiana , whoso pow ers in the prevention and suppression of crnno nrc widely extended. In this peculiar court there is ono unchangeable - changeable principle c.ich oHendor in the jurisdiction of the agency is ad judged to pay a finu of ten dollars , no matter how trivial may have been his . transgression. For instance , the white . settler of the adjacent territory , whom the formidable looking police , attired ) tinseled , spangled and beaded rai ment , may have surprised in the act of encroaching upon reservation grounds for the purpose of obtaining a load of box elder for firewood , and marched , trembling with terror , amid yells and . war whoops to the agent's quarters , ; ordinarily suffers for his insignificant oU'ense the s.imo penalty as would bo : inflicted upon the red man who sought cleave his fellow-warrior's manly brenst with the deadly tomahawk. There is , however , ono exception to this | general rule - these found guilty dispensing firowntcr within the boundaries of the agency are adjudged under the United States statutes to pay a fine of ยง 500 and suffer imprison ment for iv period of thrcoyears. Hut notwithstanding this terrifying pro vision of the law , there are men bold enough to occasionally smuggle into he agency a liberal supply of the for bidden , . article. The morals of the Otocs in general of comparatively good ; especially is their chastity commondablo. Major n Woodin asserts that during his con nection with the ngency there has not benn a single case of illegitimacy , and whilu thu women seem to entertain no sonsu of modesty in their conversation t with the braves , indulging in thu coaiscst language and laughing hearti at the most indelicate jokes perpe trated in their presence , they preset vu their : personal honor with the strictest nro fidelity. They respect thu marriage ite religiously , notwithstanding the tribe are polygaumts , ninny of the > : braves maintaining thu luxuty of two raml frequently three wives. Major AVoodin is convinced that it would ditlicult ( to select at random from community of white people an equal number among whom there of would bo found fewer women who guarded their viituu with thu s.unu 'ur as do the squaW-s of the Otocs. Thn present chiuf of thu tribe is Hiirrngarra , son of the ycnurnblu Jtig hu Soldier , mity eighty-eight years of ? , < and failing rapidly. Thn old s resigned some years ago in favor o his son , a tall , sinewy fellow ( if hu much learning in his way , utroug- u headed as a mule , and greatly loved of his people. ' The removal of the tribe across the to country , a distance of three hundred sion , will take place inside of sixty . For this purpose thu agent has ) purchased in Lenvenworth fifty now ng Kansas wagons , and will employ fifty bolonginir to thu tribe , all of ( which w'ill bo apportioned among ' on their arrival in thu now hunt n grounds. A portion of their effects will bo sold at auction , and thu remainder will bo transported to thu territory by lail , The government of nppropuntod , by net of congress , hundicd thousand dollars for thu puiposuof this removal , nnd of this was amount sixty-five thousand dollars already been expended in the Thu mnchasu of the lands from thu Chcro- kees- magnificent tract , embracing is ( ; hundred and thiity thousand nnd , were The reservation in Nebr.ukn will bo is appraised nnd thrown upon the mar an , for the benefit of thu tribe , nnd it huto expected that about two hundred thousand dollars will bo realized from were uourco. At present there are and fourteen largo herds of cattle grazing rest. these lands , the owners paying twenty-fivu cents a head for the privi . It is uxpoctud that thu Indians will ; far nioro contented iu their now he than they hnvo been in Ne braska , ns they will have a larger ter ritory for hunting purposes , and will eran bo free from the encroachments Hero annoyances of the whito. was Agent AVoodin , who is accompa on hii present journey to thu bo territory by the Otoo trader , Mr. Damps , expects to return to the ngency in nbont spvon dnjs. He is anxious to push things ns rapidly ns possible , and complete the traiustci ns soon ns practicable , in order that the tribe may bo comfortably < | iinilerei1 before the bcijinning of winter. Santa Fo. lrrc poiiilf lice I'hicnjro Time * . Santa Fe is an anomaly in our civil ization n strange bird in the nest of the Amoricnit enulo 'but , iu lolnting the history of Now Mexico , 1 have explained its presence , Thrre is hete veiy little that cannot be found in any town in Old Merion , except the num erous Americans nnd their business signs. Look down on it from the sur rounding heightSj niuUt nppoais like n collection of brick-kilns. Aipionoli ] it from the railway station and you outer n narrow alley , which cnntnins barely room for two wagons to pa s , with dead walls on either side. You may think this is an alloy , and a very remarkable ono at that , us it twists nnd winds and turns to almost all points of the compass. And jet it is not an alley , but a street , and , ns you get nearer the centre of the town , doors nnd windows nnd shup-fjoiits nppenrj nnd then yoitr vehicle halts between bnildingsof ndobo two stories in height , plastered iu front and pointed to Imitate burnuil biick , One of these buildings is n hotel. On nnother sticet , hot far from the plnni , v hicli ( by the way , was former ly the coual of thu freightcis , is a stieet dedicated todnnct-houses , whore ii-arlet women of Uiibylon glory in their , and men , maudlin in beer , with ilaintivo whine , profane by taking on : hcir lips songs sacred to . > ntiiiicnt and loligion. I speak of these insti- utions - thu worst features of Santa Fo only to conlinst them with those hat civo promise of something good. This venerable town of the Holy aith has had more than its share of circumstances adverse to its moral urowth. For years for contuiies t has been a sentinel city , an outpost of civilization , where n few hardy nun maintained at least , the eeni- ) lance of order by rules harsh in contrast to these that nro quite stif- icient in the east. Hero , however , a code peculiar to itself was indis pensable. Communication vuth the vorld was uncertain nnd difficult , ami supplies were brought by wagon- Tains , coming thousands of miles over mountain and desert. The streets were the maikot-jdaces of In dians and trappers. Mule-drivers , Mtll-whnckurs , gamblers , and ndven- urers jostled each ether on every it land , except at the doors of the churches , and murderers of the Uni- ed Stales and Mexico sought refuge A n the seclusion and , at the same .hue , wild excitement of this city in .ho wilderness. There must have icon leaven , however , iu all this juni- lu , or thu town must have perished. Sven TIIK ciiunni WAS CONTAMINATIH : jy contact. Priests so far forgot their vows as to take to thomsolvns wives It ind raisu up children ; the religion of .ho Indiana Was neither Catholic nor ho pure simple taithof , the early sun- ivorshipors , but a miserable apology or both a dogradingspecics of idola try. Archbishop L.amy , thiity years igc ) , came hero , and nt once began the work of reformation. With his ec- jlesiastical whip , ho scouigcd the backs of the recreant piiests , and drove them from the temples. The railroad camp as an efficient coadjutor. The locomotive does not look lil-u an evangelist , but in the far west it has paved the way to civilization. The Atchison , Topcka t Santa Fo and the Chicago , Burlington it Quincy con stitute the pathway to Chicago , and a icoplo only a few hours distant from Lake Michigan catch thu inspiration progress. Since the ndvent of the ailroad , Santa Fo has grown not only the number but character of its up Buildings. True , they are still being " constiuctcd of adobe , but nn adobu juilding can be made much better ban an eastern man would imagine. can bo made one , two , or even " hreo stories in height , plastered nsido nnd out , penciled in nutation of brick ; nnd then it pre 50 sents a very nent appearance. They cool in summer and warm in win- or. Suvernl such buildings have ecuntry been erected in the busincEs ut ot the town , ns well ns some { nstcful residences of wood in other 111 loitions of the city. Still , with all mu hose improvements , including thu syi low fitono catheornl , the hospital of hu Sisters of Charity , the coilegu of cm thu Christian Drothets , and the A. low Palace hotel , now almost icady tV.frc business , theiu is so much mine hat is HO intensely Mexican , M > ! ' nuny lough .abodo buildings , Unit she town presents thu guneinl nppuar- not mcc hcrotoforo desciibud. The palace is itself n feature that links thu town tin thu past , and iccnlls thu dnys when qni Spanish governor was ns mnch'of sovereign in his spheiu ns thu king ( jui Persia. Ho was so far ronuiyi'd wh 'rom thu vicuroy ns to bunrespoiiBiblu left that tuithotity , and yet his commis pay from Mexico gave him the oppor- ten unity of wielding absolute power voi ver its peoplo. It is the .same build- pn that stood iu 1801 , occupying thu day lorth sidu of the piaza , onu story in of' eight , with a poicli along its entire stn 'rout. It looks butter outside than H8 , thu couit-yird being in n neglected bu condition , Tliu now cathedral in hf icing built , inclosing its old nbodu clu sttucturu , which is an entiiu miiboiini nbi curiosities in itself. and un : NIW : rATiu.J'iui , jjj'j ' begun in 180 ! ) , the work discon los tinued in J8 ? . ' ! , and rusumcd in 1878. dil IbiiKth of thu building is 100 feet , stn width ! > 0 feet. The nnciunt structure we still in use , and its ] iictures , rulic < i bn statues remain intact , us thuy un two liundrud yenis ago. Thoiu slu an altar of thu Virgin in which is stn imagu said to have been brought loss by thu Bnaninids on their first OCC uxpedition. Thu story is that thuy walking along one day , weary foot-sore , when they stopped to . The imago of the Viicm was placed on the ground , along with ether " and when the soldier to whoso care oho was committed at- empted to pick her up nnd resume journey , the refractory female absolutely refused to go , and made liersclf BO heavy thaMho sturdy vet could not lift her from the earth. she remained , and the expedition delayed until n promise was ex tracted from all that a church uhould Dot erected on the spot. The vow was ol on performed , ami tlm prcicnt old cathe dral was built on the spot thin indi cated \ty \ llio Virgin. Tim legend wni related to nio In the presence of the. imngo by a priest a very intcllieent gentlemnn ho nns , too-and T do him justice in nayint ; ho did not believe a word of the legend. The common people , however , trust in the tradi tion , and the little imago , which is only about fifteen inches in liciulit , is coveted with jewels , silver and Ho Roprosniitcd the Government lUtroltfrrcVrnM. One of the postoflico agents who was making n trip through the noith- ern part of the lower peninsula this summer c.uno across a nmil loulo thtouch the woods from 0110 Immlot to nnother , with a weekly average of ( no letters nnd one pnpor in the bags. The carrier wore a coon-skin cap niul rode a pony about as fat as a 911 0 knife , and ho took thing ! ) RO ca y th.it that the agent saw tit to question him aJittlo : "My man , do you lu.Uize thai you represent the United States ? " Wall , 1 Kinder reckon. " And yon feel the responsibility , I presume./ / " Hot your gogles I dmv.1' "Von know you must oravo all perils to got your mail safely through. " "That thnr lioss an1 mo are good lur anything Iwico our size. 1 reckon , " "If at- laeked by robhuis , uhat would yon lol" ] 5ury ' 'em ! " "Suppose you wore oll'ered money to give up the nail b.ig ? " "No danger o1 that , uistor ; I don't believe the hull conn- : ry cotdd scrape up fifty cents. " There me awful tires in these woods sometimes. " K'rect. I've seen 'Airs roasted alivn when they wasn't ' within i mile of the flames. " "Well , now , f you were snri minded by a tlorco 'orest ' the what would joii do"I'ho / ill around ( " "Yei. " "No chance to ititrow under or tly ovei ? ' "No. " 'Wall , mister , it would bo kinder nil' , but I'd tomeinbei1 that 1 ropro- iciited the Kovormuunt , I'd kill my io. s , eat tlui mail and die shoiitin . Wo have met the inemy and he is our'n. " - How CondaiinoilMillc In Mnilo. Thu mnnufactuiuot cundcnsed milk is thus described in the Scientific American : Wln > n the milk is brought- into the factory it is entefullysttained , placed in cans or pails , w Inch nru put into a tank of water kupt hot by steam coils. When hot it is trans ferred to larger stenm-he.itod open vessels nnd quickly brought to n boil. This proliminnry heating and boiling has for its object the expulsion of the pises of thu null ; , which would cause to foam in the vacuum-pan , and also to add to the keeping quality of the milk by destroying the mold germs. second straining follows , after which the milk is transferred to a vacuum-pan , where , nt a tumpuratuio below 100 degrees Fahrenheit , it boils and is rapidly concentintod to any degree desired. The vacuum-pan employed is a close vessel of copper , egg-shnped , about six feet high and four and onu-hnlf feet in diamoter. is heated b } ' steam coils within , and by a steam-jacket without , inclosing - closing the lower portion. In ono sidu of thu dome is n small window through which gas illuminates the interior , wliilu on thu opposite side is nn eyeglass through which the con dition of the contents may bo observed , The pan is also provided with n Yucuuni gauge nnd test sticks. Much of thu milk used in cities is simyly concentrated without nny addition of sugar. The process of concentration is continued in the vacuum-pan until onu gallon of thu milk has been reduced to n little loss than n quart , ono volume of con densed milk corresponding to about four nnd three-tenths volumes of milk. Condensed milk intended to bo pre served for nny length of time has an addition of purp cane-sugar made to it during the boiling , nnd is usually put in sealed cans. This sugared or "presoived' milk , when properly prepared , will keep for years. Air , Itilfcnhtuin , Kiwlon , Mam. , wilten : "Your Si'iii.s'i ) Jliossoii linn cuiuil me of dyHjiojiHiu of four (1) ( ) yeuiH t iiiliii ( , ' . I Imui rcuaiuul my niuiiiiil appetite , cnn sleep well and feel like a now limn " 1'rico ceiitn , trial bottlei JO cintf. codlw Sorghum Cu.no- The increased interest in sorghum growing and manufacturing will give oed lesults from the largo acreage , mpioved ] machinery and improved muthodo of working up the cano into Hyuip and sugar , AVe give the fol lowing good points on hnrveriting cano from a practical tio.itiso , by .J , . Field it Co , ( a little book sent free ) , St Louis. "As soon us llio seed grains are 'mid , harvesting and manufacture should commence. Some growers do ol strip the cano , but my fxponuieo , with a wooden knife say , two or three ftet long-the cano can bo quickly stripped of iln blades , and uhon so stripped will not sour as quickly as if the blaJes weie left on , while the blades , aa foddur , or even ' on the gtound as a fertilizer will ; the cost of shipping , and leave the cane stalks much more con venient to handle. The stripping process should not ho more than a ' or two in advance of the topping the beed and the cutting up of the stalks. If thin direction is observed great deal of logs by evaporation will saved. In harvesting it should bo hiT.dod ! within two inches of the need cluster and cut , oil'at the first joint above the ground , It may bo gathered hauled before woiking up , hut should be always laid flat , never stand on end , as by so doing moio or dirt will adhetu to the stalks and ditcolor the jnico , The ends of the stalks should be protected from the weather by a coveting of straw or bagasse , to jito\ent their drying up , unless jiiiiiu'iliiitcly worked up , C.iro Ts should bo taken in handling that the stalks are nut broken , thus avoiding of jiuco that would othoiwise occur. Do Not Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Onro will iliivo oh"tho worst attack of "blues , " codlw. Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE ACEHCY , IBlh nd Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Thli Kency doet mniCTLTa liraltnraKe builntsj. not ( } > eeulAte , and thirtlore any bar alni lUi book * artln uri-d to III patroui , belnx votlled UP by thea/eut L 1 OIBIIE-AJPIEiST Dry Gooods Store in the West ( without ek- , f - % ception ) , * "J BiEGAINS ! BABGifflS ! BAEGAfflS ! V For the next ten days to close out Sum mer Goods to make room for Fall Stock. 603 N. 16th St. , 2nd door N. of Gal. , E. Side , Finest Sivor Plated Spoons and -Forks , The only aniljj Ijtional pinto ( lint oiigiiml firm of j is { 'iviut , ' for in- Ilofjora llros. atnnco n ainglo All our SpooiiH , Forks a n tl platud Spoon , n Ivnivoa plated triplothiclniu.sBof with the greatest pl.ito only on of care. Each lot the B o c t i o ns being hung on n scale ! while whuro exposuil being plated , to to wear , thereby insure a full deposit making n single ) posit of silver on plated Spoon them , \ronr ns long as Wo would call e.specinl atten n triple plntotl tion to our BCC- one. All Orders In the Went thouMlio Addressed ta Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , NEB. 614-616 TENTH STREET. The Largest Dry Goods House in Omaha , ( Except Cruickshank & Go's , ) During this month we shall offer the 'balance of our SUMMER STOCK at greatly reduced prices , in order to make room ' * for our extensive Fall purchases. Great Bargains'will be offered in all Departments ! now open , nnd is under the the clungo of Mr. T. R , Ross , ( for many years withV. . Jl , Loriny it Co. , ) who will bo pleased to see all his' old custoincis nnd friends. NVo can assure our nuineroiiH patrons that our prices Mo fully 20 per cent lower than any Shoo T Stojo in Omaha. Are made expressly for the "BOSTON STORE. " Every pair warranted , All Orders by Mall Carefully and Promptly Filled. P. G , IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices *