HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST IT , 1881. THE DAILY "Wednesday Morning , Aug. 10. LOOAL BREVITIES. Frederick , landing H ft tier. l.U Patterson sells coal. T fulltti jmrao * of nil VimU At H.-vxoV. Krosli oyster * ftt Klclmnl's restnurmit , Get your hati At DoaneV , Ntndell k. Krcllc , I'ractlcM Hotter * . ? GOO bu < tnc 9 lot' . Call on Bcmk Bemh1 real estate boom. Flrtt | > K 2M hou'os nnd loU. BcmU1 nRcncy. A. W. Xa on , Dcnlixt , .TacobV block. ' \Vnrnxnteil Tooth llni'liM at KtilmV. BemU' new map of Omaha , 25 cent * . 4000 residence lot * , Bern ! * , agent. For nut Commercial Job Printing , all At THE BEB Job rooms. targe clock of hnntlkcrchlcf extract * The , Lion continues to roar ( or Mooro'n Hnrncxfl and Snddlcry. 200 fnnns anil 000,000 ncrci of land Bern ) * , agent. Prescription * apptcialty , Opcrn HOUBO Pharmacy , 211 8. 15th Street , --Finest display of California 1'nilt at WIKMKIIB' . The ladicM1 Innd li-ngur will hold Itn final meeting prior to tlio picnic on Tlniw 4lay evening. A rare chance to obtain n Rood paying 1m ! nc * . See njicclnl column. Knqmre nt 117 ! South 1 Itli ftrcet. tf McDonald and Harrison have tlliwlv * l ] inrincn > liti. | Uiian. McDonald will licrcaftcr carry on the bmine H nlone. The city in billed in nn clnWate manner by both Forcpaugh and Barnuin. The number of highly illuminated bills in vnriom quartern In enormous. Ycxtenlay A , H. Young , employed by the water works company , WBH overcome l > y the heat and had to go home. Dr.V. . .S. Gibln who U attciidlng him Bays he will Ira well in a few days. The quarterly meeting of the Union Catholic Library association will bo htld < m Thurcday evening. Article * of Incor jxiratlon were Iming prepared for tiio HO- ciety lo-ilny by Mr. John Kusli. PERSONALS. T. .1. NlcholH arrived homn from tlic * -n < ( t yesterday lunmlng. F. A. Ximh left for Lnramlo nt noon yesterday. I. IF. Congilon went weal to fliuyonno yentorday. Horace Newman , nccomiianiud by hii Jlttle daughter , left for the went pcstcrdny .1. W. Mono , general ticket agent of tliu U. V. , returned from the ea-it yentctxlay Minn T.izxio Hlatchly , of Fremont , wlio lias been viniting frit-nils in this city for a few day * , left for Iiome yostcrdny. Jlon. Kill * O , Bicrliowcr U. H.inanhaV wan called away to Kutlon yesterday on iilHcial builnc.sH. Wiley I ) . ] ) ixon , the popular depot policeman of lha U. 1' . , han returned from bin vacation trip in tlio cant. Marvin Unghrtt , general .manager of tlio C. & N. W. railway Hygtom , pamwd through Omaha ycHtcrday with hU family , in a special car , bound wcHt. Scth Mobley , of the Grand Inland In dependent , in In the city. His moxt Intl- tuatq. friends failed to recognize him , be- caiiHO ho ha * ( thorn hit Buffalo Bill locko. lion , J. II. Broody , "of Brownvllle , is in the city. Mr. J. K. Smith and Mm. G. Keith , of Kcatfrice , h in town. Will Do Angclos arrived in the city from Chicago yesterday. Theodore Brough armed homo from the west to-day and in nt the Cnnficld. Mrn. T. Ix ggitt , of Indinnola , Neb. , nr < rivet ! In the city yesterday , mid i Maying at the WiUmelJ. TliomaH StnrKCf , a cattlcmau from Choy- nne , nrrivcd 'in this city yesterday afternoon - noon , Hu Id at the Withnoll. Henry L. Ltngafelt , wife and child , of HolUdayaburg , Pa. , arrived .in the city lout week. Mr. Lingafclt U n brother-ln law of N. ] J. Helm , of tlio U. P. Hhopn , mid a cousin of Hou , Jacob WuideiiHull foreman of tlio car Hhopx , and Hober Wcidensall , of the Y. M. 0. A. Mr. I ex [ > ccUto make thin bin future homo. Frobnlily Fatal Aooidout. "William 1'onuor , employed nt tlio ulavator and residing in Lako'a nddi tion , yesterday mot witli n serious nccidoiit which may prove fatal While working on a scaffold 0110 ol the planks on wliich ho wan utunJing broke and lie was precipitated a diu tanco of over tliirly foot to thn ground. Another plank which gave way fol upon him , striking him on ( ho cheat. "Dr. D.UTOWvlio is attending him , finys that ho is in a very precarious condition , having received internal injuries which may result in inflatna tion of tlio chest. No boueu worn l roken. Only Imagiaatioa * To the Kuilur i > ( iiu ! ! : PLATTMMODTH , August 15. TJio AVatchuian of last week contained ar item that is calculated to place mo ii a falsa position. It statoa that I toll the editor how Judge Hullivan , o Oass county , was making a fool of him nolf. Tlio fact of the matter is that : never made any observation about th matter to the editor and what h titates is merely tlio result of his owl unaided imagination. OEO. EUOEUTOK , tlie Fonndation * . The foundation Ktones of the Grand Central hotel wore heingplaco ( in position yctterday under th Hupervision of tlio aichitects , Eckel i Mnnn , A lart'u force of men arc a work preparing the foundations , HIM the intention is to rush the work as rapidly ns possible while the weathe holds gopd. "WINEOFCARDUI" four times lay m'jw | a happy household. fM - b CITY COUNCIL [ * o Moot Again to Gouoidor the Slocumb Ordinance. A'Scavongor and Poundmaator to bo Selected. lesttltn of n Very Important Sc - ( lion. When the city council opened its csftion last evening the chamber was crowded with citizens , all cf whom were anxious to lor.rn what disposition was to bo made of the Slocumb busi- less. They were not forced to wait ong. A communication was read rom Mayor Boyd asking that an or- linancc bo passed embodying the fov urea of the law , and this brought the notion at once before council. Mr. Juiilmtn movedthcreference of the or- linanco to thofinanco committee. Ho explained that his object in so doing was 'hat that committee might in- [ tiiro into the fund into which mnnoy ol Ice ted In fines was given , At pres ent all those moneys go to the state chool fund and is distributed pro rata o the different boards. The city chool fund lost 8700 in this way last lonth. There was considerable dis- ussion for and against. Finally the rdinanco was submitted to the judi- iary committee , in whoso hands it ins previously boon. The ordinance s a reproduction of the Slocumb law as it was published in Tun Bii : : when rst presented. A communication from Col. Chaoo tating that ho had indexed the ro- isod ordinances was referred to the rinling committee. On motion of Mr. lferman.it was ccided to hold a mcotihg of the conn- 11 to-morrow evening to consider the oport of the judiciary committee on lie Slocumb ordinance. A stagnant pool of water in lot 1 , lock 1031 was ordered to bo filled at nco as it would bo done by the conn- il at the nxponse of the owner. Attention was called to the condi- ion of St. Mary's avenue and the sug gestion made that it bo repaired in he hilly portions immediately. It was oferred to committee. Permission wao'askcd by J. J. Fair- hildn and ThomoH Swift to use the ild steamer to pump water for sprink- ing purpoacs from the river. It was cforrcd to thu ( ire committee with K > wor to act. The bill of Dan Shanahan , for § 70 , or earth used in filling excavations , vas referred to the committo on claims. Tlio property of Mrs. Itnor , on tfinctoonth and Farnham streets , was reported impassable , The matter went to the committee. A petition asking that Twenty- 'ourth street , from Croighton college a Farnham street , ho placed in proper condition , was referred to the com mittee on streets and grades. The city treasurer asked for an ad ditional clerk , Tha committee on fi nance will report on the matter. Some citizens asked that the alley between Eighth and Ninth streets iputh of Hickory bo placed in condi tion , The matter wont to the com- nittoo on streets and grades. Andrew Boran asked to be allowed o grade a nortion of Harnoy street seas as to construct sidewalks. He was al- owed to do so. Georga A. Hogland and other.s asked for moro hydrants near the smelting works. The fire committee will consider the matter. Timothy Kelly sent in a communi cation on the subject of hogs , It was ied. ied.Tho The contract and bonds of Cimrles Gardner for properly constructing sidewalks was filed. The bond of Samuel Itoes was approved. A. BiinniHon submitted a hid for supplying tlio city with Imy at 87 per ton , to the amount of sixty tons ; Leo- ; > old D.ihl was willing to furnish the day for 80.85 a ton. The bids wore referred to the committee on feed. John H. Green proposal to grade Dodge street , between Thirteenth and Twentieth streets , was referred. Clias Gardner , Thos. J. Fitzmor- ris , J. It. Callahan , A. R. Howell and Dan Shanahan submitted proposals to build sidewalks. The committee on streets and grades will act on them. The petition to put Eighteenth street , from Izard to the end of the street railroad , in proper condition , was referred to the committo on streets and grades. Tlio city I'lig'iiecr was instructed to report all sidoivalks ordered to bo repaired paired that have not boon repaired. The city clerk was instructed to ad Tlisu for hard and soft coal for the dilforent city departments for a year. The atreet commissioner was in- itructod to employ men to lay all thu crosswalks. A motion to place a gas lamp in Iront of St , Mark's church was ro forred. The city omjineor was instructed to report a grade for Park avenue from Sherman utreut to the south boundary line of the city. The street lamp at Tenth and Cap itol avenue waa ordered removed to Ninth and Davenport. The purchasing committee was in structed to do 8iiO worth of repairs in the city treasurers oflico , The city clerk was allowed to expend pond 8100 in procuring assistance in making out the tax duplicate. According to the contracts onterot into with Eroxel it Mock , Ninth stroo is to bo repaired by November 1. The contract for grading Harney Btreo was placed on lib , Mr. Kaufman ant ! others objecting to enter into a con tract which might not bo carried ou until next year. The contract for grading Sixteenth street was tiled for a similar reason Mr , Kaufman mov ed that bids for curbing and Ruttorim Harney and Sixteenth bo advertiiei for the work to bo done before Do ccmbor 1. This motion waa ijlod. The committee ou streets and grades wore instructed to request W. W , Marsh to lay his cur trackv as near the gutter side of St. Maiy's nv- jiiuc a possible. Tlio ordinance increa inp the police orco from ten to twelve men WPS wsscd. Ordinance establishing acily pound , mividing that no caltlo or other Aiii- nals bo allowed to roam in the street of the city except In a liltlo strip of territory between the end of Fifteenth street and Nicholas street , between November 1 and March 1 each year , and determining how the caltlo no caught were to bo disposed of was m.icd. Tlio ordinance establishing the of ice ol a city scavcndor was possr.d. An ordinance establishing the grade of Davenport street , from Twenty- second to Twontfi'Sixlh , was passed. An ordinance establishing the ; rado of Sftuiidera street from Cum- ng street north to section 15 and 1C , was agreed to. The council then adjourned. LOTS OF SPORT In Store For Those Who Are Inclined to Hunt. Various Parties That Haye Al ready Started Out. Tlio season of tlio year having nr- ivcd when certain kinds of game can > o lawfully killed thu sportsmen have akcn out the their guns , cleaned hotii up , loaded n millicicnt quantity if aniinuiiition , nnd started out on ho work of dcHtrnction. Different tartico have started out from last Fri- lay up to the present timo. They have aken various routes , but the favorite mo appears to bo to the northwestern lortion of the state. County Trcns- iror IJoins and party started last Fri- lay on a special U.P. car. They will top along the road wherever they ind plenty of gamo. 11. K. B. Kennedy , J. D. .Tones nnd ) r. Livingston , and Sam Chapman , of latlsmouth , went to Norfolk. While hero they will sclect-ft place for tholield rial of dogs of the Nebraska sports man's association , the mooting of vliich will bo held the latter part of ho present month. Mr. Chapman , who is an enthusi astic sportsman , said that the I'latts- nouth gun club had been , practicing v good deal lately on glass balls and were in shnpo now to challenge the Dniaha Sportsman's Club to a match. An equal number of'each club will wrticipato , and/'tho cliallengo will soon bo mado. ! ( A party of yoiinjj men * from Coun cil Binds , consisting of Hurley Mayno and the nous ( if Messrs. UHicors & L'usoys , the hankers , are ' equipped with a hunting wagon , tout and every- .hing necessary for a good time. They will go up about0'Neill City nnd stay n month. ' . ( ; . W. Holdridgo , R. Dean , of Chicago cage ; P. S , Eustis , John , Knowlos and Messrs. Carter nnd Williamsof St. Too" , wont out over the B. & M. road yes terday. They will hunt in the Ho- pnblhan valley. Goo. T. Hoagland and , Charles Bal- bach went to Oakland. ' , John and .Di ck , "Wilhnell , accoiu paniod by Charley Withncll ; mil unit near Oakland. * ' Hank Hathaway and his family will slay game near Oakland. Charley Douol , Will Millard and Will Bennett , went out to 'tho Haw liido and Oxbow.to limit. W. H. S. Hughes , fSoodlcy Brookor and Lon Load or went to Oakland. 0. K. Crallo , of the U. P. Htarted out yesterday to Grand Island where lie will hunt for a week. ' Oeorgo Arbuthnot , of the , W. U. telegraph ollico , the champion shot , sliirtod for Lyons on the Omaha it St. Paul road , nnd will undoubtedly bring back a carload of game , , llov. W. .1. 1 Inrsha and party stiirtcd yesterday moniing. Judge Thurslon , Henry Hoinannnd Mr. Landers loft for Albionyestorday. They have good dogs nnd guns and will stay out about a week. Besides tho.iu named various other parties have goijo out , and the slaugh ter of game this year will bo very great , There is said to bo a largu number of chickens this year , nnd the aportingmen will have a tine time ii consequence. Slight Firo. An alarm from number two cnllcc out the truck nnd number three hoae cart to tho' Kightoonth street bridge last night , Neither of the engine were called. A lamp exploded in n house near thu bridge and il was thrown out by n man who liapponod by. By an accident the lamp wns thrown into a load of hay which was standing near at hand. The ilamo of this lamp immediately cauu'ht on the hny , nnd the alarm of tire was given , The tire \VIIH squelched before the do- pnrtmont arrived. orB. The young ladies comprising the land league have boon indefatigable ii their olforis to make the picnic to be held ou Saturday an ovonvliolnmiiij success. Tho'indications now are tha it will bo the largest piunio held her this season. Irishmen will como from Council Blulfd in a body , a rate o fifty cents for the round trip having been secured. Largo delegations wil attend from Plattsmouth , Columbus Norfolk and other points. Bisho ; O'Connor , appreciating the etforts o the young ladies , gave the prcsidon of the society , Miss Sarah Bronnan ? 10 to help them along , Michael Ley offers his two-third interest in the old California house situated near the 0. it N. W , niilwu' 'depot ' , on lower Bro.xdway , Counci Blulfn , for sale cheap. The house i in a desirable location and can bo purchased at a great bargain and 01 easy terms. metf OVER THE RIVER. Whcfc is Interesting Oouuoil j Blufl's Pooplo. Business at the Present Circuit Court Sosnion. A.n Overofflcious Railroad Con ductor. Thin but Successful Confidence Game. filnor Matten of More ar ! . Importance THE CIRCUIT COURT. TH KKHSION IS OI'KNED AND IT l UKAHV rOK HU.Hl.Nr.SR. The circuit court , Judga Loofbou- row presiding , convened yesterday , fho judge went upon the bench at ) :30 : and gave the order for the sheriff o oocn court. About ono hour was consumed in hearing motions and the iiiR of papers , after which Judfjc xofbourow commenced the calling if the calendar. There were in all * bout fifty cases marked for trial and 10 doubt more than half of these will disposed of without trial. After call- ng the docket the judge called the ury ; nearly all responded. The judge hen announced that ho would hear 3XCU8CH from any of thojury - nen who hnd them to offer , ho excuses were numerous , some claimed they ought to bo excused be- auso they were needed on the farm at ionic ; omo because their wives were cry sick. One man said ho ought to > c excused because some of his hogs voro unwell ; another said his wife had md a little child too "orphan. " The udged excused two of the jurymen vhoso wives wore sick. Another jury- nan said it was not fair to keep him > ccauso he was street supervisor , and ho judge thought if ho insisted just o accommodate him ho would excuse lim. The judge has had his hair rimmed and is looking unusually care- ivorii. The court adjourned until two 'clock. No case will probably bo cached until this morning. AN OFFICIOUS CONDUCTOR. 10\V 1IK UMJEIIKMOMOUHLY KJKCTKD A OKNTLKMAN PIIOM Hllj TUAIK. Mr. Fox , "conductor on the Rock aland train yesterday morning , com- nitted an uncalled for and disgraceful ct. It seems that our esteemed fol- ow citizen , Hon. Horace Everett , tartcd from his farm early yesterday Horning for homo. Ho went to the opot at Western to purchase a ticket or Council Blulls. and found the ickot oflico window closed. Ho vaitod at the window until the train MI which he was to ride started. Ho heii ran and jumped on the train vithout having made any purchase of a ticket. After the train left West ern , the conductor called upon VIr. Everett for his ticket. Sot having ono , Mr. Everett handed dm thirty cents , the amount of the -regular faro to Council Blurt's. The conductor took the thirty cents and lemanded tan cents extra. This amount Mr. Everett refused to pay , that it was not his fault that lie did nut purchase n ticket at the Westerniitation. | The conductor there upon , in a very insulting manner , Sir. Kvorelt says , remarked that if lie IMVt Everett ) over tried , that amo again he would be put oil' the train. Mr. ' Everett replied : "You had bettor try it now. " The conductor reached for the bull rope stopped the train and ordered Mr. Everett to get oil. Mr. Everett politely informed tlio gentle man that he got on the train togo , to Council ISluil's and did not propose to iot ; oil' in a cornfield six or eight milea from homo , lint the conductor in sisted that Mr , Everett should get of ) the train then and thoro. Mr. Everett told him in plain English that he would not do so. The conductor then grabbed Mr. Everett and forced him out of tlio cub into the corn-field , and the train moved west. Mr. Everett stopped a few moments to find in what latitude he had been cast and then pulled out ticross the corn tiehU and pmirio'until ho reached the residence of William Garners , where ho was not long in finding a farmer to bring him to the city. The conductor of that tiain should bo suspended un til ho ban learned how to treat travel ers with moro decency , especially tlioso of Mr , Evoiott's ago. BASE INGRATITUDE. HOW .v i'ouri.i : ov KUAUVEUH TOOK ix AS OLD MAX. An old man fell victim to confidence sharps , am ! in such a clumsy way that wo almost doubt that it occurred. It noems the old muu uhilo sitting in tlio U. P. depot wan accosted by a finely dressoi youir. ; man who inquired if ho was going to Sioux Rapids. The old Ron tloiiian replied that such was his in tontion. The sleek looking chap invited vitod the old man to accompany hin up town. The old man consented 01 the suppoHition ho was to help him fetch his baggage. They walked a distance of over a milo and half. Then the finely dress ed young man pulled out a lock , am ! they wore soon mot by another finely dressed young man who wanted to know what kind of n lock it was. The first young man. handed the lock to the second and offered to bet § 20 thai he could not open it. The second sharper opened the lock easily and demanded the amount of the bet. The first sharper not having a suf- liciont amount , turned to the oht man who had come nearly two miles to as sist him in carrying his baggage- tlio depot and requested him to loai him the balance , about $ G.OO , soyinf , that as soon iva they got up tovri where thu laggago was ho would p j him buck. After the money was paii over to sharper No. 2 , both iliiap poarcd and hrxvo not since been heard rmn. TUK lll.rm l.V HKIKf. Potatoes in this market sold yester day for $1 , sweet potatoes 4c , onion ! ) M , butter 15c , cgirs lOc , butchers' stock 82.7" fo 83.50 , hogs $5 to $5.50 , wood 80 , hay 8" , oats 'Me. A sign erected in the southern part of the city reads : "Don't hall no rubbish hear. " There is such n scramble in Coun cil Ulutls for lots to erect buildings jpon that owners of land arc obliged x > remain at homo and watch their iroporty Were this not the case , 3hnrloy Baughan and Juniun M. Pal- nor would take a trip to Europe. Member ? of Rescue engine coin- mny will plcaso IMS on hand this noniing promptly at ! * o'clock , in uniform , to join the grand parade. Mrs. A. D. Fisher , wife of our ghty respected secretary of the Council Blullfl Insurance company , * ias come to the Bluffs to limit o this icr future homo. She was formerly residing in a small town in the central ) art of the state called Cedar Ilapids. VIr. and Mrs. Fisher are both do- ightcd with tlio prospects of a largo city hero. Tun UBK cordially wel comes tlio now comers. J. J. Spolcs , one of Foropaugh's uimerous advance agents left yestor- lay for homo. Ho says if lie lives another year ho will remove his fain- 'ly to Council lilufl's. Ho says it will lot bo long before wo will number nero than one hundred thousand souls. J. W. Frazier , who has been away on a trip for his health is homo again 'ooking badly , although ho says ho 'eels somewhat improved. Sheriff Edwards , ol Montgomery sounty , was in the city Wednesday. 3o says if wo had the waterworks we would grow very much moro rapidly and he is right. JJon Clayton , the big farmorJUropre- sentativo , is in the city and has been or a few days trying to exchange ) remises , and wo gusss ho will "suck- iced ( flaxsocd , wo moan ) . Mr. Clay- on has not secured rooms yet at Des tfoincs. Mr. Rogers , of 'bus fame , will run i line to the transfer every day at 4 o'clock. . C. Graham , Ira Scofiold , F. C. Newell and Arthur Patterson havero- .urncd from Spirit Like ; after a brief lojourn at that beautiful spot. Wo g can from The Nonpareil that hero will be a matinee at the Driving iark next Saturday afternoon sure. James P. Wickham informs THE ! Jin : that instead of its requiring 00- , )00 ) bricks for the mammoth building jcing erected on lower Main street by he Keystone manufacturing company t will require 000,000. Wo stand cor- ected. W. T. Preston , of Dunlap , Iowa , an ixtensivo stock dealer , stopped ; in Iowa's metropolis last night. Yester day ho visited the Union Stock Yards. \lr. \ Preston says wo are bound to bu ho leading shipping point for cattle in ' ; ho west. W. N. Ellis , of Utah , who has a 'amily in Tabor in this state , wan in Council Elufl's yesterday with his two accomplished daughters who are at tending school at Tabor. The party , s en route for Utah. Hero they pur chased tickets of Potter and Palmer.v Junius M. Palmer has purchased the HctTorman property , on Madison street , and offers the same in small or' ' largo lots , The city authorities have ordered the extending of Washington avenue cast several blocks , an improvement at the upper end of the city very much needed. The BurnhamttTulleys building on Main street will bo three stories in stead of two. A very largo fire proof vault will bo built in the second story. AVicHiam Bros , have contracted for the brick work , and the carpenter work has boon lot to A. N. Riddle , who will superintend the construction of the entire building , which will occupy the whole lot from Main to Pearl street , with twenty-live feet front. The council will meet in regular session next Friday evening. Prepare for a squall. Justice John J. Frainoy has ro - moved his oflico from Main street to Broadway , into John H. Keatley's ollico. Frank Shinn , a practising attorney at Emersoncame to Iowa's metropo lis yesterday. Mis * Kato Pusoy , daughter of our esteemed follow citizen , W. H. Pusoy , is sick with what is termed mountain fever. Ex-Alderman W. 0. Unthank is recovering vorv rapidly and will doubtless be on the streets again very BOOH. ' In all probability if President Gar field continues in as critical condition as the papers report him , our mayor will isauu another proclamation. There woio about thirty-fivo attorneys noys in attendance on the circuit court yesterday , Miss Kato Pusoy and Miss Li/.zio Baldwin are confined at their homes quite sick , J. G. Tipton , of Avoca , is at the Pa cilio house. John T. Baldwin wont to Omaha yesterday in the intoivst of the Coun cil Bluffs levee. There were two men "rum struck" near the park yesterday. ' Hon. James F. Wilson , of Fairfield - field , Iowa , a prominent candidate for U , 8. Senator , was in the city yes terday , a guest at the Ogden House. Col. G. G. Uoyan , a prominent at torney of Des Moines , was in the eity yesterday , L. W. Ross , chancellor of the law department of the Iowa State Uni versity , was in the city yesterday at tending the United States circuit aurt. Simley Burl , of Lawrence comity , Iowa , was in town visiting friends and relatives yesterday. "Tho Revere House , Council Blulfw , is the best second-class hotel in the west. " aug7-lm Miss Ella Torrance solicits sowing by the day or weok. Call or addresi her , 4th struct , cor. Win Hi , Council Blutla. mutf PETER HEROIC. The Inventor of Herdio Conchoa in the City , 1'cter Herdic , who has recently comp into prominence through the invention of the coaches bearing his name , arrived in thccitvyeslerdaynnd registered at the Withncll house Mr. Herdic ha * long been a resident of Williamsport , in the Pennsylvania umber region , and that city owes jvhatcver it is to his individual efforts in building it up. A few years ago Mr. Hordic was very wealthy and was a power in the financial world A crash-camo and his immense fortune was swept away. Many thought this was the last of Herdic and his t'rcnt enterprises butjwith indominitablc per severance ho sot to work and is now ) robably worth half a million again , in the Hordic coach ho probably has a bonanza , and is working it for all it s worth. " - Short Brunch- O. Itortlv. Manchester , N. Y. , wnw roubled with aithm.i for clevon year * , lad been obliged to nit up Homctimcd ten or twoho niglitH in miccesHlon. 1'Vmnd im- nediate relief from THOMAS * Kci.Kdrmt' 3n , and is now entlrelyjcurcd. eodl v Forty yean' trial CM proven "BLACK- DRAUGHT" the lust liver medicine in ; he world. 0 K. Oooilimti f. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Adiertlwmcnt To Loan , For Sale , xwt , Found , \Vnnti. lloanllne , &c. , will be In- erted In thcso columns once for TEN CHNTS cr Una ; each § ub cqucnt Insertion , FIVECENTS KT line. The first Inecrtlon never leu than TWENTV-FIVK CENTS TO LOAN MONEYt TO LOAN Call at Uw Olllce of D. MONEY . - ItooinS. Crelxhton lllock. Qf A AAA To loan at from S to 10 per cent. TUfJlf.'I'MI on KCKM ] real estatcsecnrltv , by UK. ISAAC KD\VAK1 S , IIO'J ' Fnrnbam St. TO LOAN At 8 per centtn- tcrekt In nirnsnf S2.BOO and upnardx , for 3 to fi y-iar" , on flrst-Ua e < Ity and arm property. IKMIS ! HKAL KSTATK and LOAN AIIKVCY. 1Mb and Douulax St . VITONKY TO LOAN on real estate , at UEXTEIl L. THOMAS & IIP.O. HELP WANTED. " \"I7"ANT11U Two firat-cla tlArhcrn Immetllato- \ \ h. Illehcwt ntatsiM paid. J. .1. HOOD , < 2 I'tiirl St. , opiwslto 1'ostollk'e , Council lllutls , owa. ( i'JO-tf ANTED TO TltAIlli Almost new top bide W bar hutnry for a ph ton. Enquire at lieu OHkv. ! > 7-tf WANTfcU-A ( food engineer. Apply t the Wcetern Newspaper I'niun , 701-tf TATANTEDTOHENT-A couple of rooms un- Y T furnNhcd for llulit housekeeping by man and wife. AiMruw F. IL , Hce Olllce. 702-lti -Oik HKCM < W5 i > ir month. AD- WANTEDOik pi vat'003 , lieUien JMth unJ ilm stretf WM-tf f T7-ANTED Slxtetn jear old lx > y to work In W marLetgardin , North IMhhtreit. 11. W HAIL , 70.V1U D Collector ono acquainted with the WANTr preferred , must furnish joodr.fer- cnce nnd security. 421 S 10th street. 700-10 ANTED A teamster to drive nvprcs * team. L. DCOdAK , No. 1112 S 13th htrcct. 703-17 ' ' WANTED-At 1100 Farn nol'dEKKCI'EK tlalre. COO-1'J To rent a Rood hotel , furnished , WANTED eastern port ot Nebraska. Address L : C. Pndmorc , Button , Neb. ( J9.I-10 - tailored at 1220 farnliaiH St. , WANTKD-A 0115-20 , WANTED A competent workman , one that understand * all klndu of work , mich n onu can find steady \\otk and ( . - codiagc * . Itywrlt- Int ; or calllnar on W. 1' . Clark , nt .Mapleton , la. No drunkard need apply. 032-20 AND IIIONINOOfnllklnd done WASHING St. , one block uebtofCreluhton lletro. J. C. DANNELLS. 075-10 - ' one handy laborer. WANTED-'Jcarpentersand lioo olllce. USI-10 "rT7"ANlED A situation n house keejier in a V > Intel or nprn ate family , lltfcrencc * ! > en. Call or address Jlrf. Lea Lcmmon , 1U18 Chicago Ht. fl'is-Hi WANTED loan of iM.OOO at 7J percent.on two or three } earn' time. Hot Bceurltj Bl fli. Address 15. i\ , , lice olHiV. 07U-1U " \\rANrED-A Kooil xlrl for general house YV work. Mr * . C. Trobuln , 1111 Douiilaa St. 047-20 . At thn ftoro of J , M. 1'hllllpn WAXTFD. ! 413 Ilruidu-ay , Couudl Illnlh. a flr tda < i4 boot and Hhoe nmxer. UIO-tf \-\rANTED-Slv K ° r < l liborero , 1.73 pcrilay W for Kiiod nu'ii. Enqulru at l > . I'lt/mtrkk , \TTANTfiD-0 e n > enter at 1110 Karnlmm St. YV C. K. GOODMAN. U1B tf ANTKI ) A woman eook at the Finiiat 1101190. Ml | ) 'ANTED A chambermaid at the Emmctt iiou o. l"\7"ANTri > ( llrl for ueneral houiework In W _ _ mall family at S09 JUlh St. t.U2 tf WANTKU Two rfrlu at KrenJiCoITio lloii-c . . , - - lOthii'.reet , TKII Apoolu bloto rent : with \ > tM- WA K'jjo of | iurcIi.1kltlLbUto _ nrlec. l-tf * VII , CrattforaCo.'lo a. NKOUMATION wanted of Michael Dwyer im- J nudutelyl\ mother , Margaret Dwjtr , Omaha ; M'b. , between Cth and 7th on Mure ) t. , care of Patrick Hoifan. Wt tcrn pjper pleaw ! copv. 4Vt-t ( rv VMV KE.\l.iaTATK OOU-Seo l t page , XirANTEDFunainir brlilifit and wliool IwmK W Il.T. CUrkIl Ue\uc. 20-tf . W. E. CI.AKKK'8 No. 1 JJoard iino , cor. 13lh and DoJjo Sis. Host In " " " the city. Kin tl FOIJ RENT-HOUBES AND LAND. It KNT-FiiruI ho4 front room with alwe EOU reasonable price , 1011 Callfornu St.CM CM tf OH KENT Urvfl furnl.hed roonw. K. W. FOH . 16th and Cupltol Avenue , 704-1H HENT Nlcu JurnUhttl room , 2 .2 10th FOH . iM-li TnOH KENT Home of e ui roonu , kltf hen , 1 } itllar , cl Uni , well and burn , on South Al e- nue , next to woolworth'a rviiMciiro' hnquire at HthandFarnlmuiSU , J. JOHNSON , tl)2-tf ) Inquire aUblSCh ! tajo St. W4 tt OH KENT Duelling house , 1812 Wt-UU-r ] < bt.,5riXm . Kimulre next dooreatt t)73-tf Two business room * In Masonic FOIIUKNT Enquire bt. John Sewing Maihlne otticv. T5EMIS ha nttllnclonIUt ) ol hotura , lots' X ) Undi and laruu for sole. Call aiul Kit them. KENT A nlcelj furnUhed front room for 1TIOH or two yvntlcmcn , at lilO llowurd Uwt. SPECIAL NOTIOES-Oontmned "jlUK KENTftirntirtiKl roo'nvi "oier V Rxch ii eN. E , ccr. 10th anil FOR SALE. 1011 BALI ! A new rtock of central mcrvhun- 1 } dinilolnir ft ( rood liu'lnem In n irooil locu tion ami In one of the brut ton nil In Iowa ot about 30110. Will fell or rtnt the bulMlnif. II. I' . New port , V ll ( 'r.vtfonl County , la. < J7B-19 TjlOUSLK Stock of hardware In tne of the I ; bc .t tow ng of Nebraska , Population of town 2500. No Iwtler opening for tic hu lnrm In the Mote. Only one other harvlware ftorc In Uif town. Stock In L'oo.1 * lmw | and north tbout ' . ' WO , For ixtrtleutara cull on or addnM LEE , FIUEll * CO. . "OT IB Omaha. Nb. 'IT UH SAI.i : A numlier nf flnt-rlan hu-1 ex J ? hordes at ijtephcnroii'i barn on Capitol avc- nup 6i IS 1.1011 8AI.K. Small Machine Sliotx and ! foundry , centrally located in Council lllnH , doing a Rood Ininlncm , Addrwt S.I ) . & . J.IIHPKINP , | WJ8 _ . _ Council UliifM , EOH SAI.K llor e , Imciry and slo one dump cart. Kninlre I1. Mitnnliur , 13th and I Ion ard &t. BU-t ( IllOU .SALK-Ktne stock' farm of 400 aor ? KOOil lioufo , nxttlo rhetl , orcliunlT. . , with in cn y reach of railroad. I'rlcc. $ CA ) . par tlnio .it U „ JOHN t. . McCAOCE , > P1' . J'o OIHco. HOIt rtALIl Nent eottara nnd iood lot tit ! SIKO. JltllN I , . McCAOUK , 0.p. f. O , -I710U HAI.K OS EASY TKIlMS.-Oooil Hotel I'In Italld CitV , N'cb. , well located near A. Jfc M. depot , plenty of room , good accoiiiino < lat4on , Tour lot , nnd coed barn , ( tan bo li.vl at a tuir * jalti. Kor pnrtlruhrn , Inquire of or adilrcM O. II. Tord , IJailJ City , NehnUka. AUfr. llDall > 3teod.K-2t. 71Oll"SALK > At a kacrlflt-c. a nDWdutt of tor- ; lor fiiriiltiirt1 , bl.irk and French walnutoU tipholiUriln clicrry rep. Knnulro at 2013 Ca s St. ( Si-tf [ JOH SALE On reasonable tcrnu. A bmlnoss t. that l < pnlntf84UO a month , ( luarantocx > rlt en at to tltlu of property nnd Itato of prcmlvn. HKinlroatollleoof Sam.I. ltowel,2irS. ! H n8t. , Omaha. Bl'2-tf FOIl HALE A fine rldlnp pony , at 412 10th. St. f 74tf I710H SAI.KHorne , bu 'Ky and harnc . Can. ; bo Keen at Stccmon's Capitol A > cnuc barn 1'rlro , * i50. B. C. kU.IS. t 6-tf " TOir8.\lK-Allrit-cla8mllk 1 dairy. Inqul atthNoiRce S17.-iui ; 27 HOUSES AND LAND Urm ! * renthoin es. stores , hotel * , farm * , lota , land" , otlloetj rooma , cto , Sco 1st page , UltHUKI.I Aim rarasou rcpwred ny M. SOHUTT llth and Faniam il * . 'tiOit "n\015SAIE \ Oooil house with four room * and L hnlf lot , No. M13 Dodiru between " 6tli and itli etreet. llood < ell and shade treog ; ho e In rood rendition. Inquire on premises. ' 'jl-tf ! MUCK U SAI.K. > iOJ-tf ESTA1WOOK . COK. FOR SA'.K A sanll ciiliie ) , 11.V. . Payne It Son'n link * . In perfect ondcr. Inquire of II. . . CKrk & Co. so-tf SAI.H Lcaso and furniture of a first-class FOIl In a ton n of 1300 InhabitnnU , In xtato of Nubrnskaf han 24 beds ; the tKUclIng mrn'i rv Inquire nt I1EK olllce. 21S-tf 1101 ! SALE Maps of Douglas and Barpy coun ties. A. KOSEWATEH.1520FariihaiUKtroet 3-JO-U MISCELLANEOUS. CALL on nr addrcii Pot er fc Palmer , 40 Ssutu fith Htrcet , Council llliilTg , Iowa , for rail road tickets cast , west , north nnd south. U really roducud rotes on all tlcictr. Every tlckit Kiior- anteed.and tickets bought , sold and exchanged OUTl'NE TELLER AND MEDICM Mn. j K1U.I telle p.itt prCMiiit , and future In loio and all affair' . Shere\eals the deepest secret * of .he heart. She ) > OK.-et the magnetic power to ful nil all jour wlshef. Cull nt No. 1010 Chicago Atreet , near IDth. nug 10-U AND ( IEOIUJIA For Information about these States read the SVA.N.UI Sioux- so NKU s WKEHLV ( mammnth 8 page hett ) Sit n tvar ; iMlly 410 a year. The best pajieni In the jouth. Sample copies 5 cent * . Addre& > , 094-13 J. II. KSTILL , Favannah , 0 . OF OO-l'AHTNKItSIIIl' No tice la hereby then that the eo-partneriihlp heretofore exUtltiB between Charles Ucl'onald and Kobcrt Harrison , under the firm name of JtcDoniilil i Harrison , lian this day dlwoltod l > y \ mutual coiment. Hie hnslncst will hereafter tw , conducted at thu < amc xtand by Chas. McDonald \\ithnhomnll affalMof thc old firm ure to IH > Signed Omaha , August 13th , 1S81. * ' IIOUT. HAHi-ISDN , , CHAKLKS MCDONALD , STIIAVEII ii Saturday , the 7th , a umall bronn mare , blind In one eye , uith hatUr on. Any onn kri'"H ' Information of her to M. I.eeVltInuH House , will be paid for tbvlr trouble. Oj < 0.tf OST llcUeen Occidental Hotel and F.lgut- Jj ter'x , I'alr ' of ( 'olJ rpectaci ; * . The Under vill be rewnrdcdl ) } leavlnu them nt Occidental Hotel. 012-tf rl ! ) LKT Klorant roonn , fnrnishol or nnfur 1 nl.lied. Itcisonalile prkca , brkk hauiu JOl'.t COM St. liittf 1' OST Sunday afternoon on Howard St. , J child HKoltl bracelet , mirl > ed"Etnct.'KInd. er ulll please lea\u at Ik-o Olttco. B73-tf 1 NEW C1TV MAPd.S.V : . ScoIdt pap. Xrom'WIB Harncy strict July 23 ono larKebrlndle cow , flyc'inoUl , brandej on tili | with letter "O. " Ila homo wbltu njxita on licr. Any one ttInff infoniiatlon where hho l r return her will be xultably rewarded. CIS tf A. M. CLANK. 4 NY ONE liauiut work for a typo writer ran _ / \ . bo accommodated by telejdionin llm IIKB olllce. 4flt tf > KMIS JtEAl. ESTATE EXCHANOK. K ) Kt IIGHTMNO-J. J , MeUIn I * ft ill In tnu J Lluhtnlni ; Hod bu-lne s , whulesalu and ru- tail. Uoils put up or rcjialriHl on short not Ico. Ordtrn by mall ur other * Uo wlllrfcche iircrnit ] attention. Satisfaction jjimiantcc-J Call or ad. Hill SAUii'leH Hrnt. 41)1 a'.V r II II EK or four youiijt men run be aoco'iimoU- 1 te < l with boaru. heferKiKeXexchanKcil. A ] > - ply 2011 COM ttreet , 4th > leer west cf : i'th ' ht , 3raildrcfc lox ! 3S7 , pofctolllcc. _ 343 ? f . llIiOWN-Conur 12th ami Chu-nca . etrrctn , In ready to bore or decHii | ! wrluu hatUfactlon trnaranteed. . 03tf Can lie ot at John llarrai-Ublo lor J. allUmlaot work at ruoaonablo Hgnrrii , niwr .or 13th and I.ca > cnworth6treit . 378-tl ' rOHOCT The fucecmors ot the Amor. DON'T Icsin House , on Jkiujjluii strict , between Oth nnd loth , for board , loilyln and trannient eiiH toiner * . llnn cttulh 644-tf JULIUS t LOUISE ROSS. POWDER \ Absolutely Pure. Made from Grape Cream Tartar , No other pr ariatlon make * luch light , fiaky hot I read * , a uxuriou * iKi.try. Can ! < eaten by Djipeptlc without fear of th UU rciultlnff from hia y InJl L-c.Uble fooiL Sold or.iv In cam. by all Orooert HOYAL J1AKIKO.POWnEK CO Ntv York.