THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 17 , 1081. THE DAILY BEE , OMAHA PUDLI8HINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS. 910 r-arnnam , bet. Oth nnd 10th Street * . TEUMS OP SUUSCKIPT10N : cpy 1 year , In nd\anccpo ( < trnld.tlO.CO ) .nonths " " 6.00 months " " 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. TIVK CAKu uiicuio , JT. r.m. , MiN.\r.uous AXD OMAIH RAIUtQtn. Leate Omfthi Xo. I through passenger , 11 ft. m No. 4 , OaU.ind iw < ciircr ( , 5:30n. in. Arrive Onmlia No. 1 , thronith } < v enifcr , 2:60 : p. ni. No , 3 , OaUitnd p.wenp.r , f > : GO p. tu. Lrjl.VI.SU OMAIU JUST OR SOl'TII HOUND. C. , II. & Q , B R. in. SM p. m. C. & N. W. . 0 a. in. 3:40 : p. m. C. , H. I. it I1. , f n. m. 3:10 : p. rn. ' K. C. , St J. & C. It. , 8 a in. 0:30 : p. m. Arrhe st St. IxralJ at 0:25 : n. m. and 7:15 : n. rn. OR BOCTIUM.8T3. f. & M. In Ndi. , Throush Epre * , 8:35 : n. m. U. A XI. Lincoln Frelsht. 7:00 p. til. U. P ExrrcM , 12:15 : p. tn. O. k H. V. for Lincoln , 10M : n. tn. O. ft It. V. lor Qsccola , 0:40 : a. in U. P. frclzht No. B , 6:30 a. in. , U. P. ffdght No. 0 , 6:1 : S a. m. V. I' , freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. in. emigrant. U. 1' . frck-ht No. 11 8:25 o. m. ARRIVISO FROM FAIT ASD POUTII , ] C. H. k O. , 6:00 : a. in _ 7:26 : p. m. O. 4 N. W. , 0:48 : a. m. 7:2 : p. in. C. It. I. * : ! ' . , 0:45o. : in. n.05 p. m. K. C. , bt. Joe k C It. . 7:40 n. m. 0:16 : p. ra. W. , St. L. & p. , 10 : a. in. 4:26 : p. m. ARRIVING FROM T1IK nFDT AND 0. & K. V. from Unc3ln-12lli p. m. U. P. Express 3:2i : p. in. B & M. In Noli. , Thrjujrh IlxprcM 1:16 p. m D. & SI. Lincoln Freight S : 5 n. in. U. P. rrclRht No. 10-1:40 : p. in. No. U 4:25 : p. m. Emigrant. No. b 10W : ) p , tn. No 12-11:35 : ft. in. O. & U. Y. mlxcO , ar. 4:35 : p. m. .son til. K ibruka Dhlslon of the St. 1'nnl & Sioux City No. 2 lemurs OmlihaSa. m. No. 4 lca\cs Oinnha 1:50 : p. in. No. 1 arrl\critOnmhixat 4.iOp. : m No. 3 arrives ftt Omalia fit 10:45 a. m. DUMMT TRAINS fc..rwFKN OMAHA AND COUNOL HI.ITFS. Lra\c Omnha nt S.OO , 0:00 anil 11:00 : a.m. ; 1:00 , 2.00 , 3:00. 4:00. : 6:00 : mid 0:00 : p. m. Leave Council IlluITnat 8:26 : , 0:25 : , 11:25 : a.m. ; j:25 , 2:25 : , 3:23 : , 4:26 : 1:25 and 0:25 : p. m. Sundays The duimnv Icuc3 Oinilia at 0.00 and 11:00 : a. in. ; 2:00 : , 4.00 ami 5:00 : p. m. Louies Council Illufli at 0:26 : ami 11:25 : a. tn. ; 2:26 : , 4:25 : mil 6:26 : p. in. Opening and Closing of Malli. ROUTR. ornx. CLOsn. n. tn. p. in. a. m. p. m. Phlcago k N. AV . 11.00 0:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : ftlKijro , R. I. & Pneinc.lliOO :00 : 4:30 : 2:40 : hlcnso , B. A : 0 . 11:00 9:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Wabash . 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and Pacific. . 11:00 4:30 : Union I'aclllc . b.OO 11:40 : Omaha & U. V . 4:00 : 11:40 : U.&M. InNob . 4:00 : 8:40 : 5:30 : Onialuii Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30 : Local malls for State of Iowa leave but once a day , vz:4SO. ! : . A Lincoln Mall U n1 o opcncil at 10:30 : a. tn. OUlce open SuiuUys from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TIIOS. F HALL P. XL Business Directory. Art bmporlum. U. HOSE'S Art Emporium , 1510 Dodge Street , Steel EngraUnKS , Oil Paintings , Chromes , Fancy Frames. Framing a Specialty. Low Prices. UONNEIl ISOU Uouulas Street. Good Styles. Abstract and Deal Estate. JPHN L. JIcCAGUE , ophite Post Office. W. R. BAKTLETr 317 South 13th Street Architects. DUFRENE k MENDELSSOHN. ARCHITECTS , Itoom 14. Crulghton Block. A. T. LAKOE Jr. . noora 2. Ciclithton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DeVINE t CO. , Fine Boots and Shocg. A pee < l asaonncnt of homo work on hand , corner 12th and Hartley. TIIOS. EUICKSON , S E. cor. IGth and Douglas. JOHN FOHTUNATUS , 606 10th street , tnanutftcturca to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Springs. J. F. LARItlMEU Manufacturer. J617 Doui'Iaiet. Books , Mows and Stationery. J. I. FItUEHAUF 1016 Fart > am Street. Butter and HcSHANE k SCIIUOEDER , the oldest n. and E. bouse in Nobranka cstahllobcd 1S76 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAH , eouthwest comer ICthand Dodge. Best Board for the Money , Sttlsfactloii Guaranteed. Meals at nil Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cosh. FumUhnd llnnm Supplied. Carriages and Roaa Wacons. WM. SN'YDER , No. 131h 14thand Harnoy StrocU ] / Civil Engineers and Surveyors. ' ANDREW KOSEWATEIl , Crcljfhlon Block , Town Suneys , Onulo and Sewerage Systems a Specialty. ( Jommlsslon Merchants. JOHN Q. WIL LIS,1414 Dod-c Street. D B BEEMER. For details eco Iar0'e advertise- mcnt In Dallv and Weekly. Olgars and Tobacco. WEST k FRITSCI1EII. manufacturers of Cigars , and Wholesale Dealers in Toracco , 1305 Douglas. W. F. LORENZEN inanulacturcr 61410th street Cornlca Works. WeoUrn Cornice \Vorla. Manufacturers Iron Cornice , lin , Iron and Ulato Routiln . Orders from any locality promptly executed In the best manner. Factory and Oll.'cu 1310 Dodge Street Galvanized Iron Cornices. Window Caps , etc , , manufactured and put up In any part of the country. T. SINIIULU 410 Thirteenth street Crockery , J. BONNER 1SOD DouKlsg Btroct. Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Qoods , OEO. II. PETEHSO.V. Also HaU , Cap * , Boots , Shove , Notions and Cutlery , & 04 S. 10th street. Clothing Bought. 0 .8IIAW will pay hlgheat Cash price for Bccond hand clothlnir , Corner 10th and Farnham , Dentists. DR. PAUL , Williams1 Plotk , Cor , 16tli & Dodge. Drugs , Paints and Oils. KUUN & CO , Pharmacists , Fine PUIIO ( > : > 1 , Cor. 16th and DouiriK areeta. W. J. WHITEHOUJ K , Wholesale & Retail , ICtli st. C. C. FIELD , 20 N llh Side Cuinlng Street. M. PARR , Drucgist , 10th and Howard Streets. Dry Qoods Notions , Etc , JOHN H. F. LI'.nMANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods .40 , 1310 and 1312 Firn- ham street L. C. Enewold alto boot * and shoes 7th k Pidfir. , ruruuure , A F. GItOSS. New and asooud Hand Furniture and StuvcH , 1114 Ixiusrun. Highest taUi tiriiu paid for fcucond hanu ttao-it. 3. BONNEIt 1300 Doom it. Fine itoods , ic. Fence Works. OMAHA FENCE CO. GUST , FRIES &CO , . )21SHarneySt. ) , Improve. ul Ito Boie-i , Iron and Weal Fences , Ollico Ilalllniri , Countcm ol Pine ami Walnut Florist. A. Donijr- . plants , cut flowers , seeds. boquaU etc. N. W. tor. Ifitli an i Dou < < ks streets. r-oundry. JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson eU Hour and Feed , OHAHACITY MILK ) , 8th and Farnham 8U. . Welthans Bros. , Ur cors. Z. STEVENS , 21st Vi ween jCumlnjr and Irard. . T. A. McSIIANE , Corn. 23J and Cuming Streets. riatters. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Doughs Street , Exclusively , Hardwaie , Iron and Steel , I DOLAN & LANOWOHTHY , Wliolc&tls , 110 and 16th street. A. HOLMES corner IGth aod C&llIornU. Harness. Saddles , Ac , P. WEIST tOIJthSt , bcl Farr. . A llarntv. Hat and Bonnet Bleachers. lJullM ( ff t yonl Straw , Chip and tVIt Hats done tip at northeast corner Seventeenth snd Capitol Avenue. WM , DOVB Trowrlctor Hltets. CANFIELD HOUSE , Ocx Canficld.Oth & Farnham DORAN HOUSE , P. 11. Cary , 013 Farnham St SLAVES'S HOTF.IJ.K SUven , 10th Street Southern Hotel Otis. lUnicl , Oth k LeM en worth. ron The Western Oornico WorKs , Aecnti for lha Clmnplon Iron Fence kc. , have on hand all kinds ol Fancy Iron Fences , Crrstlnt " ; * , Flncals , ItsJIInfts ct.iSlODcxiireMrec. . ap2 Intelllcence Office. MHS. LI5CZIE LKNT 217 10th Street. Jewellers. JOHN IUUMER 13U Farnham Street Junk. II. IlErTIlOLD , Rita and MrUl. > ' Lumbsr , Lime nnd Cement , FOSTER A OilY corner 6th nnd Douglas St . Lamps and Ulastware. J. EONNKR 1809 Douglas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. G. A. LINDQUEST , One of our moot popular Tailors Is re- icHlnR the latest tlcslcns for Spring and Summer Goods lor uentlctncu scar. . Stylish , diiraklii , nnd lirlccd low as ev cr 216 13th bet. DOUV. & Furn. Millinery. MRS. C A. RINOKR. Wholesale and Retail , Fan cy Oood In ( treat variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Holler } ' , Olovc Corsitu , * c. Chca ) > ctt Home In theY t. Pnreh.vcn save SO per cent. Order liv Mall. 115 Fiflrenth Struct Physicians an I Surgeons. W. S. GI11I1S , M. 1) . , Rxjm No 4 , Crclijhtoii Rloik , Uth Street P..S. LKISEN11INO , U. D. Masonic Illotl ; . C. L. HART , M. I ) . , Kyr and I' r , opp. postolllcc DR. L. U. GUADDY , OctilUtaml Auritt , S. W 16th and Farnham Str Photographers. GEO. HEYN. PROP. , Grand Central Uallcrv , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. Firbt-m.t ) Work and Prompt ness Rttarantccn. Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY k CO. . 210 12th St , bet Fnrnham and Douglaa. Worn promptly attended to. N D. FITZPATUICK , 1409 Douelas Street. Painting and Paper Hanging. HENRY A. < " > STER9,1412 Dodge Street Planing Mill. A. MOVER , manufacturer of sash , doors , blinds , molding * , newels , alustcrs , hand rails , furnishing scroll Kivvlng , Ac. , cor. loJ o and Oth strectir. Pawnbrokers. J. ROSEN 'ELD , 822 10th St , bet. For. & Har. Refrigerators , Canfield's Patent. C. F. GOODMAN llth St bet. Forn. & Harncv. Show Casa Manufactory. , 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer in alt kinds of Show Cases , Upright Cased , a - . , 1317 COBS St FRANK L. OEKHAKD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , SIS South 10th street , between Lvavemvorth and Matey. All goods warranted first-class. Stoves ana in ware. A. BURMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , nnd Manufacturer ol Tin Roofs and all Umls ot Building Worl. , Odd Fellows'Block. J. BONKEll. 1309 Douelas St. Good nnd Cheap. Seeds. ' J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Fcllous1 iiall. Shoe Utores. Phillip Lanff , 1320 Firnttam st , bet 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1416 Douglas St. New and Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Goods , &c. , boui'ht and sold on narrow margins. Balooni. HENRY HAUFMANN , In the new brick block on Douglas Strict , has Just opened a moat elegant Ilc&l Hall , Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 everyday. FLATlNERY , On Farnham , next to the B. k M. headquarters , has ro-opcncd a neat and complete csUibllhhmcnt whichbarring FlUK.tmd MothcrSlilpton'sProph ecy , will be opened tor the Days with Hot Lunch on and after present date. " Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 070 10th Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , 101) ! Farnham bet 10th k Htd. P. PEMNEIl , 303 } Tenth street , between Fani- ham and Harncy. Does ( 'ood nmi cheap uork. 00 Uent Stores. HENRY POHLMAN , tors , notloni , plctuics Jewelry , ket 613 14th bet. Farnham and Douglas P. 0. BACKUS. 1206 Farnham St. . Furicv Onod * PROPOSALS i 'OIl FILLING AL LEY Scaled propoxald will bo rccelvul by thcinulcr signed until Frioay , AugtiHt 10th , at 12 o'clock noon , for the flllln ol the alley In block 8 , said block In located between Wcbttcr , California and 14th and 16th street * . In thcdty of Omaha , bald work to In done subject to the approval uf the city engineer. Bids muxt be nriompanltd \ the iiro | > ese < l hurcty under the usual condltloni , said bills willie \ opened at the regular meeting of tlio city council August 22d , IStll , The city reserve * the right to reject any nnd all bids , hn- v elopes containing said proposal * * should be mark * cd "I'ropot-als for Filling Allej In Block 8 , " arid delivered to the undcrxlgncil not later thmi the tlmo abovospcfllled. J. J. L. C. JE\VKTT , augl2-lw City Clerk , NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. flcalcil proposals will bo rocitved by the Hoard oiConnty Coninih loncrn of Uouvlai County , > brnika , until Thursday , giptunhcr 1st , 1SS1 , at 2 o'clock p. in. , for the erection of a court lioiuo building at Onulia , in uxlil county , in acvonlanco vvithp'ansamltipctlficiit oniniaduby K. K. Mjtrs , architect , and now on tllo In the county tlcrk'n olllco. Ku.h bid mutt bu accoinnnle ] < l by a good and fiilllclcnt bond In the mini of ll\o thousand dollars , conditioned thatthuhiddcrulll enter In to contrnct and gh u a gnodnnd nullli lent bo-id lortho faithful pirfonnamo of the work rhould the namn be avvardul to him. Specifications will ho fnrnUhcd upon application to thu county clerk , heparaM lilun for tnn i-uveral paits oftholmlld. Ing will be c-on lcleHil and all propmsalii nm > t bo made upon Mliwlulc * prc-iirc'J | : by the nrchltctt and fninUlicd on application to the county clerk. The Hoard reserves thu right to reject any or all bids. lly order of the Board of County Commission- cm. JOIINH. MANUIIKSTKII , Omaha , Aug111 , Ibsl. County Clerk. AGENTS WANTED FOR FiSTKst SrLLixa BOOEK or TIIK AUB I Foundations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOIIMB. The law sol trade , legal fonns , how to trans- > et buiincHJ , vahulilu tables , boelal etiquette , parliamentary utoge , how to coniluct publlo busl. nr > ; In fact it Is a , cnmplrta Guide to bueccsj (01 all cases , A family necTusity. Adilrcss for cir culars and ( pedal terms A.MJHOH PUBLISHING CO , , St.Ixiuis , Mo. Cornell College , The Clasfliral , I'lillosopMcal , Sclentlflcaml Civ. II incliic-crln ; Courses ixjmpare favorably uitli tlio licit colli-0'f < In the country , giccifila | < haiitaoaroi'ivciiin ; the I'rcpamto- ry and Konnal Ilt'iiartments , and In tliu Con crv atrry ol iluslc. Twenty Profeisors nnd Teachers. Huperlor Ilulldltiiri , lluicuin , laboratory an I Amuratuj. Expenses Low , Fall term opens Sept. K. For vataloinies or othcrlnf rmatlon , addrrnj lI'ftM. WM. K. KINO , D. I ) . , Jv l-d&w2tn ' Mt. Vernon. lov > a. Notice to Non-Restdeut Dofondaut R. D , Lane ( full name unknown ) will take no tice tint he lias been sued by Dudley M. bteelc , bimucl H. Johnson and Santord W , gpratlln , co- part ncr , doinj ; builnuij under the finu name of bttcle , Johnson k Co. , lu the IiUtrlct Court of Daiulas county , Nclnuka , to ro ncr $3,031.29 , and Intcnut from Octolwr IB , IbsO. due them on a promissory note bearing data April 20,187d. Also that an attachment lias been ruadu oil certain funds in the Pint National bank of Omaha , Ne biuska , Lclon ln to j on and uhlch the said par lcalx enanir < l neck to obtain to apply lu pay mt-ntof their said claim. You arc required to answer said petition on or tforMonday , the 22d dnyof Auiriut. A. D. 181. \VAIUtEN SWjr/LEII , ev-s t-U. Attorney for I'lalnUU. A RACE FOR LIFE- nio1)arlnr-or nn Ariconn Enftlnoor SnvcB Many Ijivoii- Jucson ( A. T. ) I ) lly Journal , A\niist ; J. At 1'nntntio Wednesday afternoon tlio brakes of n tint car loaded with ties bccaino loosened in seine inuxpli- cable innnncr , and the car began to move down tbo stoop grade towards Cionepn. A bystander jinniiedaboard and endeavored to tighten tlio brake's , lie , however , found them unmanage able. Another tried and failed. A regular brakesman then boarded the car and quickly discovered that tlio brakes were out of order. The car by that titno hud increased is speed to fully twenty miles an hour , and to re main upon it would bo almost sure death when the first washout WAS reached , lie therefore called to the other two men on the to jump , and this they did. Engineer Frank Slmw at this time vus Bitting on his engine at Pantano , and attached to his locomotive ; wiis n , car filled with Chinamen. Hu at once realized the terrible result if this runaway flat car was allowed to proceed unchecked on its wny , for n score or moro of labor ers wcro engaged far down a deep gulch in the Cienoga pass strengthen ing the braces of n broken bridge that spanned it. They would not bo able to hear the approaching ear , nnd it would BOOH ciiisli through the weaken ed timbers and probably crush many beneath its weight. As these thought * Hashed through his mind , he pulled wide open the throttle-vnlvc , and started in pursuit of the fast-receding car. it was a race for life , nnd Shaw was soon thun dering down the track at sixty miles an hour , with the carload of terrified Chinamen behind him. Tlio flat car ahead was increasing spued at every turn of the wheels , nnd the grade thcro is very steep. The locomotive , how ever , kept gaining , nnd finally Shaw , placing the lover in charge of his fire man , crawled to the cow-catcher , and , taking the heavy coupling rod in his hand , stood in th'it perilous position until the car was reached. The chasm whore the men wcro working came in sight nnd still the fugitive car was 200 yards away. Ho called to his fireman to open w ider tlio valve , nnd the laboring engine madu n lurch that showed she had felt the increased volume of steam. They sped on with lightning rapidity. The space be tween them gradually lessoned. Shaw stood with the rod in one hand and a coupling-pin in the other. Finally the few feet intervening disappeared , and with a dexterity tlmt comes from practice and a cool brain the coupling was made The locomotive was re versed nnd the train came to n stand still , nnd within fifty feet of the bridge. This is the way ono man saved ninny lives. The Old Circus Days. Hartfonl , Conn , , bmi'liy Journal. A western circus man , in his remin iscences of the circus of the olden time , says that the owners of the show got up n now wrinkle ; nobody could go out , oven if in sight all the while , without paying again to go in no return chocks. ' 'The follow who hud the candy privilege used to go around nnd draw the canvas walls up taut , so as to make it as hot ns Tophot inside , as it would increase the demand for the vile tartaric - taric acid mixture that ho called lem onade. Just let mo toll you that whoa you get five thousand people and n humlrod wild animals in a tight canvass tent , with the sun blazing down on it , the place is as hot ns a blast furnace , and smells like n Now York gutter on n summer day. Why , once in a while n pull'of that air used to come out of the door where I uas standing and almost knocked me Hat ; oven a strong cigar under my nose wouldn't help me much. Of course , people would want to como out for breath ; I'd let them go , but remind them that they'd liavo to buy fresh tickets to get back with. 'Twas n regular outrage all around ; some of the women would faint , and the chil dren would got sick , though men knocked under quickest in the bad air. Nine out of ton of the people who wanted to go out were men. " "What did you do about it ? " "I got a big piece of chalk mil cut it down to a good broad point. When a follow wanted to go out I'd toll him it was against the rules to como back without a fresh ticket , but that I'd make an exception in his case if ho'd lot mo number him. So he'd turn around and I'd chalk acrosg his back in big figures any number that hap pened to come into my head. " "And you kept duplicates ? " "Not much. I know nobody else would counterfeit my signature -my figures , I mean tor the sake of get ting in Irco ; besides , I could remem ber their faces , anyhow. Whoa the follow came back I'd turn him round , look nt the number , nay , 'All right,1 and shove him in. It always made n made a big excitement in town. I know ono of the managers came to mo ono day nnd whispered that ho thought a lunatic asylum had boon lot loose to como to the show. 'What makes you think BO' ( ' I asked. 'He- cause there's a lot of fellows around hero with big numbers chalked on their backsj' said ho. When I ex plained to him ho lay right down on the grans nnd rolled. 1 really thought ho'd burst himself laughing , " "But didn't tlio chalk spoil the clothes ? " "That was their lookout. They could choose between it nnd the price of a now ticket. When a tony follow came along that could afford the fifty cents as v.oll as not , but was too mean to do it , ho was well marked , and don't you forget it. A decent follow who wasn't very well dressed , I'd let him off with n single figure , nnd not a big ono either just big enough to warn him against going out too often , But the tonier n man was the moro chalk ho got. Some of them would have a whole sum in addition on their backs , or a lot of ] ) iitish oflicers in full uniform , A genuine gentleman I'd some times lot up on by going through the motion of chalking. I'd doit with my iiuoklo. " "Did you chalk women too ? " "No ; a woman who went out of that sweat-box never wanted to go back again not that day at any rnto. Be sides , although the numbering was fun to mo , I couldn't stand it to be poisoned at the door by foul air , just because a heartless brute wanted to bull the lemonade market , so I made such a hubbub that the managers for bid any moro drawing nn of tlio can vas except in rainy weather. " "Did people always fill circtis tent in those days ! " "Every time , if the show hail i sottof a reputation. Wo'vo sot our tent at a crossroads without n house in sight , nnd six hours later wo'd have the whole country thorc ; thero'd l > o more wagons than anybody over saw following nn army , besides saddle horses enough to mount two or three regiments of cavalry. Ah , those were the good old times. Gnttonn'ft Jnll Llfo- Cincinnati Commercial. > WAsm.vfiTO.v , August 14. Otiitcnu continues to llourish , albeit behind the bars. Ho sees no One save tlio prison olHcinls. Of course ho dis likes very much the heal which wo have experienced this week , but MS favorably disposed toward all else with which ho 1ms to do. Ho bears the monotonous routine of the jml with as much cntmninmy and apparent cheerfulness and satisfaction ns could bo expected utidor the circumstances. Jlo is sus tained by two or thrco practical thoughts , as well as by any number of fine-spun fancies. Qno of the for mer is that the president will got well , and that hence nothing vi'ry disagreeable can happou to him as a result of his having obeyed the voices which urged him to shoot the presi dent. The comforting thought that his autobiography will bo published in sonic form , and that his life and character , and especially all the .circumstances surrounding his "attempted removal , " as hi ) terms the attempted assassination of the president , including his motives , will bo correctly placed bororo the public. Guitcim does not know that his autobiography will never HCO the light of day. Ho would shed tears if he know it. Ho has been very mix- ious about it ; anxious that it should be correct and well written , and that it should bo put before the coun try in an attractive shape. Ho went so far1 as to plan its arrangement for ' publication , 'and select its illustra tions. IIu wanted it printed in onu volume , and his theological essays printed as volume- two of "The Lifp and Writings of Charles GuitcnUj" the whole to bo pie- ceded with a preface giving a sketch of his crime and its results , and a synopsis of his philosophical mid the ological theories. Ho wanted 'the book illustrated with u photograph and auto graph of himself , a photograph and autograph of Col. Corkhill , and pho tographs of the exterior and interior of the jail. Ho thought there would bo no difficulty in having it pub lished , and predicted for it an im mense sale. It is almost needless to say that his hopes will not bo realized. Ho was right in his surmise that publishers could lie found without difficulty. Half a dozen- second rate publishers have forwarded to the assistant district attorney , -who took down from dictation Guitcnu's strange story , letters begging for the privilege of exclusively publishing the work referred to , and offering libcial terms. Ono man predicting a mini mum circulation of 250,000 for it - offered ti-hniulsomo sum as earnest and twenty five per cent , of the gross returns. Of course all these altars were declined without thanks. There are parts of the autobiography which will never bo , published , and other parts which will bo given to the press when the proper time comes. One of the sections which would be suppressed should it be pub lished , would bo that referring to his marital infelicities which reflects on his wife , and another would be thai containing a spicy rehash of many scandal rumors current in Washing ton about men in public life. There are from 75,000 to 100,000 words in the autobiography proper. The pros ecuting attorneys have been severely criticised for preparing it. They have beun Accused of un fairness in ' so dealing with Ouitcau as to worm out of him confidences to bo used to his disad vantage at his trial. It is due to them to say , first , that the autobiography was undertaken , carried in and con summated at Guitcau's request , and that it will not bo produced at his trial. Nothing more than an outline abstract of it will bo used. Rural Dopopalation in Coimoot- lout- Although the state of Connecticut gained 88,03 in population from 1870 to 1880 , the gain was wholly confined to _ the largo cities and manufacturing towns , and there has been a falling oil' in population of the agricultural dis tricts of 12,084. The agricultural commissioners of the state allude to this in their report as n cause for so licitude. All the farming districts show a doorcase in population , and although the excellence of the soil in some of them , the convenience to market , the demand fornlj kinds of fiirm products and the high prices they command ought to make farming exceptionally profitable. The farms of the state do not produce enough food to supply the populati jii , and the deficiency has to bo made up by bringing - ing in food from the West a condition one would think very favorable to the Connecticut farmer. Nevertheless , there has been for ilfty years a steady drain on the rural population ; the inhabitants of the fanning districts are becoming Urns numerous every year- some going to the West and others drifting to the mnnufacturing towns to engage in mechanical und mercuntile puiauits. The commission ers attribute this steady depopulation to the influence which the west exer ciser upon the youn and enterprising , and to the practice of the moneyed institutions of investing a large share of their capital outside the Btatu. Of course , the dccicaso in fie farming population must bo attended by the same process witnessed in other Now England states the merging _ of Email farms into large ones mid their owner ship by wealthy pontons. It would appear , then , that the olU native yeo manry element is disappearing from Now Kngland , and the country is fall. ing into the hands of wealthy maim. facturers , New York merchants am ) foreign mill operatois. Our Glorious Iuiloioiiiloiice. What can Lo more glorious than to be independent ofsuffcrlni't cau ulby dydjicji. ia , Indication , cunntipatloii , hick headache - ache , or other dlbeaseti emanating from the ttonmcli. Thli can lw euslly trainer by a timely use of Burdock ] ilood lifttfm Vtlw 81.00 , trial tize 10 cenU. eodlw Cheer Up. Mao- l ml < lc Pold , A benefactor of his race at Sacra mento has just been sentenced to the tonitontiary for chaining his wife's /uothur / up in an out-house and feeding - ing her on bones for five years , or some such little tritlo as that. This much .persecuted gentleman's name is McHrido , and wo assure him that while ho may for the time being bo placed in a false position and tempo rarily compelled to bow to the propi- dices of hollow conventionalities , the time will arrive wheij his follow coun trymen will adopt his comprehensive system with avidity ami gratitude , and chin in to erect him a monument that \vill cause the alleged one of ( corgi ) Washington to resemble n whitewashed hitching post by com parison. Wicked for ClorRj-mtui. Uev. , Washington , 1) . C. , writes : " 1 believe it to bo all wrong and even wicked for clergymen or other public men to bo led into giving testimonials to quack doctors or vile studs called medicines , but when n really meritorious article made of valuable remedies known to all , that all physicians use and trust in daily , wo should freely commend it. 1 therefore cheerfully and heartily com- uoiid Hop Hitters for the good they lave done mo and my friends , firmly xilieviiig thev have no equal for fain- ly use. 1 will not be without them. " New York Baptist Weekly. auglfi-soptl Bnoldtn'n Arnica Salvo. The best salvo in the world for outs , iruisus , norcs , ulcers , salt rheum , 'ever ' sores , totter , chnptiod hands , chillblains , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salvo is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price , 25c per box. For cale by Isit it Mrjuno.v , Omaha. MRS. LOUISE MOHR , Graduate ol the St. Iu B School of Mldnlxca. at 600 California Btreat , Detween Fifteenth . and Sixteenth , inrlh vhcrc cull * will IIP promptly rc ] vond. : il to at any hour during tlui da ) or nl ht. John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly ol Olih&Jocntn , ) UNDERTAKER. No. 141" KarnliamSt , , Old Staml ol Jarohnii. f "Ord rn tiv Tcliirmtili 8nllHti l FEENEY & CONNOLLY , BOOTS , SHOES , AND SLIPPERSI Of u'try Krailcjand size at At Prices Heretofore Un heard of. Tlicy liatu this wi > ck aiMcd to tliclr ftocl ; a sili'iiilllncH' ] [ I'"t ' of l ullci and Mntic's FINEST FRENCH KID SHOES lleceivrd direct from tlie inannfaclory. Ladle .are rf ) > ectfully Int lied to iitll nnd lie tlifin , Alto tliclr HAND-SEWED BOOTS AND SHOES IN THK CITY , AND Lowest Prices Guaranteed I'lesal , f.TAM > Aim fiC'HKW rASTHNKIi and .M.VOIIlNi : BKWKIl from 41.25 up. Tin If bco'itii IIIMJI : ( iiiAiN ciliii : : ) . KAII.WAV BIIOKS > r < - m-llli lupldly anil Ilivy hatu thin ttt'ik luMnl on assort- intiit of ) "CEEEDIOROOOTS ALL COOIW MAJIKKI ) IX I'LAIN i > 'iaunj.s. ; TUKV OAIIHY A FL'LlLIXJJ OF FARMERS' SUPPLIES at prices boy ami competition , 512 Sixteenth Street , BUwun Callfor nia and Cats street. Oi | K ! t Win , Gentleman' ivjj > ul r jroviry more. Jj-ini Omaha , A PftT.AfiTr Collins , Cheyenne , * UilJELlAKk , Colorado. Spring and Summer LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AMD CHILDREN. Hats Caps Trunks Valises. , , , . . . , " " * ft IN THK LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed , Prices to Suit all 1 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NUAIl FOUUTKBNTH. 614-616 TENTH STREET. The Largest Dry Goods House in Omaha , ( Except Cruickshank & Go's , ) i During'this month we shall offer the -balance of our SUMMER STOCK at greatly reduced prices , in order to make roornHfor our extensive Fall purchases , Great Bargains will be offered in all Departments ! Shoe Department [ a now open , nnd is umlur the tlio cluujjo of Afr. T. 11. Unas , ( for many yonrs witliV. . ] < Loring it Co. , ) who will bo. pleased to sue nil his old customers niul frioiula.Vo cnn assure our nuinuroits iintnnm tlmt our priues nro fully 20 per cout lower , * ' " tlmn any Shoo . ' Store in * Oinnlia. Arc made expressly for the "BOSTON STORE. " Every pair warranted. ' ' \ All Orders by Mnll Carefully and Promptly Filled. ' ' " ' ; P. G. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices , M'DONALD AND HARRISON , ARE NOW OFFERING FOR ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS' - 3C33ff - Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , , 200 Hnndaomo Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish Suits , $10.00 ; 76 Black Silk Suits , $17.00. Wo hnvo Bovornl lots of Htuplo goods which will bo oiToral nfc SEVENTY-FIVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All Indirm ehould nvnil thcniBulves of this great unlo of OORSETS AND UNDERWEAR , 'LINEN AND MUHAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND LTNEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAAVN SUITS AND SACQUES. 20-eo.-tf | MCDONALD 1V / JL OX Z3S./X.X XI Tobacco from 25c , per pound upwards. Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards , Cigars from $15.00r 1,003 upwards. . GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods ii PISHING TAOKLB , BASE BALLS , and a IFULLUNE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne