6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY AUGUST 17 , 1881. BONANZA IN SAN FRANOISO The Million Dollar Dlvldcm Thing * of tlio Pnit , 8\n FntncUro tlullctln. The market misses tlio million tit Iftr dividends of the California nt Consolidated Virginia mines , and likely to inisa them for a long tiino come. These dividends will bo r mcmborcd to show what has bc < done in the way of mining , rath that what can bo done. Wo do m ever expect to see any moro majtiil { cent dividends of Jthat sort disburse monthly by single mines , It takes great many small dividends to mal $1,000,000. But small dividends , they arc regular , are quite as 01 couraging M irregular ones on a larj scale. It is gratifying to know tin most of the mines which wuro payir dividends in this vicinity nt the b ginning of the year arc still koopit them up , nnd it ia hoped they wi sutler no month to pass without n momboring stockholders. Mini should start in as they expect to hoi out , and then the business of ininii ; will have moro friends nnd fowur cm mics. The following mining dividciu have been disbursed , principally i San Francisco , during the first half t the current year : . No , Amoun Dead wood Terra , DMtoU. . 15 $ 280 , DC Eureka Tonsolldfttcd , Ncv. . 0 If-O.OC J'nther Do Smet , Dakota. . . 1 100.0C Great Western Quicksilver , California 1 12.0C HomesUke , Dakota 0 180.0C Idaho , ' allfnrnla 0 124,00 Indian Queen , Nevada ( i .18 , " ; Nftvajn , NenuU 1 STi.OC Nnw York , California 0 GO.W Northern Belle , Nevada. . . 11 187.W Napa Consolidated Quick elU cr , California 2 20.0C Ontario. Utah 0 37f > , OC Silver King , Arizona 0IfiO.OC SUndard Consolidated , Cal Q 450.0C Weitern , Arizona 0 450,00 Total 77 S2C02,7C These fifteen mines , in the court of six months , liavo done a trifle bol tor than the California and Consolidt ted Virginia used to do in one montl It is proper to remark that the Dene wood Terra , Father do Smot , Home ( take , Indian Queen , Napa Consoli dated , and Ontario mines diibun their dividends very largely in No < York and Boston. The Tomporaace Question' N w York Tribune. "What is your position on the temperance peranco aucstion , Dr. Woolsoy ? " "My pliysician advises mo , in consideration sidoration of my ago and state ' c health , to take two , glasses " of shorr , daily , but I don't ' do" it. I think use about half a glass each day. Bu if I thought any one within the rang of my inilueiico likely to become 'drunkard through my indulgence should refuse to take even that , ' ' sai the venerable scholar , with a amile. "If a young man should como t .you for advice as to the use of win what would you Bay to him ? " "I should toll him nut to allow hin : nolf to have any drinking habits , should not advise him tu pledge hin self not to drink , but abstain froi principle. It is not necessary to n gard drinking a glass of wiiu , a ain i itself , but every young man shoul BOO that it is better for himself , an especially for weak associates wli may 4)e under his influence , to use n strong drink , and therefore ho shoul decide not to indulge. " "Your position is the sumo as Di Crosby' * , them ? " "Substantially. I do not think th Advocates of the total abstinonc pledge are likely to reform the com try. They have gone about as far n they can go. It is better to advocat reform on Dr. Crosby's grounds tha on theirs I think. As to the use c light wines and ale , it would bo boUc for the nation if they > veru introduce freely enough to abate the consumt lion of fiorv liquors. Temperance i an evil which cannot bo overcome t once , and reformers must bo contei to regulate the sale of liquors BO fa na their work relates to a certain pai of large co'iununitios. A permanoi temperance reform must come throng the establishment of character on ju : and right principles. " Iron-MakinR in the West. The prospective opening of u blai furnace at South Pueblo , Coloradi with the announcement ( hat it will I ready to turn out stool rails in a fa months , is something moro than a event in Colorado ; it ia a token of tli vast system of iron manufactures the must grow up in the west in the lies few years. Iron-making requires la g capital and skilled labor , and for thi reason the west hua been backward i oven attempting to turn to account il vast deposits of ore and coal. Bu this uogluct cannot continue. Capit ; and skillon labor uio becoming dii fusivo , they can bo carried to romot points without difliculty ; they ca work with almost equal facility i Missouri and Colorado as in rennsyl yania and Now Jersey , Besides , th increasing abundance of capital in th .r country has caused it to lose its trad tional timidity and to become darin and enterprising. It ventures boldly ii to new Holds to make novel experiments because thj future of the country i certain tu bring huccuss to wel founded enterprises and to rescue eve foolish ones from disaster. Tim rai road building now going on in tl west at such an amazing rutu must I accompanied by the iron manufact riot needed to supply the roads \vi1 materials for repairs , Every railrot "built is a perpetual consumer of ire -and the consumption of iron is tl gauge that measures a people's pr gross in civilization , The question whether the immense amount stool rails for steel is to bo the n material henceforth needed for t ! expanding system of roads in the f west shall bo made in the coat , or Europe , and brought to the ground great expense , or bo made in tlio we near the points where they aroneode As there ia an abundant supply iron ore , perfectly adapted to t Beuemer process , in Missouri , -close contiguity to the coi t of Illinois tftoded to reduce and as there it an ample supply oed ore and coal on the headwatt of the Arkansas in Colorado , the facts /supply an annwor to the nucstic it Is wet of the Mississippi that ire making must find its greatest develc ment in the future. The freic cltarges on a ton of rails from Pei ylvimiu to the Mississippi aro'gn enough to constitute a reason * ! protective tmff ; and the fart ! west is the point whore the rails a needed , the greater is the protcctic against eastern competition. Tl immense mileage of railroad wo n ready have in the country and tl rapid rate at which wo arc covcrit the unoccupied ground mint incrca enormously our consumption of in and make it necessary for each regie where- ore is to bo found to furnish i own supply of tha material. Th renders it certain that iron-making to become ono of the most active nt prosperous of industries in Missou and Colorado in the future. Ohlnoio Cheap Labor- tfiw York Times. How cheap is "Chinese chcr labor ? " The United States coimi general at Shanghai has Ircon innkii i special investigation which cnabli lim to throw some light on this ii tort-sting inquiry. Skilled laborers- artisans , workers at trades , etc , Hi nostly in the cities , whore all prici \ro higher than outside. Art an .ante , although appreciated , arc m iiid : accordingly. A painter may wi onown , and his name or his seal ma ive after him ; but during lifo ho wi > o no belter off than his ncighlx. vho makes cofllna. Painters of poi celnin , dcsignera and wcavern of th nest exquisite patterns of silka. an he artisan who makes womlorft > ioces of enamel or "china , " are sat sfied if they put by enough for burir sxpenscflj the butcher does as well n unyof them. Gold and silversmiths md others whoso work is peculiar ! responsible , do n little better ; th weaver or spinner of silk is probabl ho best paid day laborer , getting 8 0 82 n day. The avcr.igo pay ( killed labor is probably ? 3 a week fc a master , $1.DO for a workman , an 10 cents for "youngsters or females. L'ho master lives generally nt hi workshop , having § 20 to $30 worth c lousohold goods ; he pays 872 n yea or food , 8oO for rent and aundrici $12 $ for clothing , and is rich with 83 oft. The ordinary workman , if ui ' married , livoa' with hia parents or wit oino friend. Ilia effects may b ivorth $45 , and ho pays $45 , 812) am 18 for the throe items above men ioned. Females and youngsters at wsumud to coat ull they can earn. O ho farm , everybody must work , th hildren beginning nt 0 years. Tw mil half acres of arable land , with louse built of mud and roods am hatched with straw , and a cow , a fo' owls and piga , and some very prim ! ivo tools , may constitute n woll-to-d armor's property. The soil will usu illy support the family , and 20 cent 1 day will pay for their food. Rice at bread , with vegetables and com non tea , varied by a little poultry o iork on festive occasions , makca the ! lot. Their bit of land may bo worti 3400 , their annual working expense nay bo $42 , and they will produc bout $100 , leaving about § 50 cleat n cotton , the land will average 1GO rounds at 4 conta ; cost of cultivatio ; ml tax , 831 , not yield , $33 , if th 011 suits cotton. A woman weave me piece per day ot cotton cloth , I 0(9 yarda , 39 to 40 inches wide ; sh pma ( one-third of a pound of yarn xt G cents for labor ; ( i working -day 'onvort the raw fibre into 1 1- jtiunds of cloth , worth 00 cents. Th arm lahenor gut 10 to 15 cents a da } 3r 70 conta to 81.05 a week , in hat feat time , besides his food , estimate U 10 cents a day ; by the month , 81-5 o $2 , and board ; by the year , 815 'nnd found. " About 82 a year wi lethe him , and ho eloos well if h aves twice that ia a year , Fo polio labor , comprising boatman , cai iern , wheel barrowmen , etc. , from o 30 cents a day are paid ; the cat iora in West China , who carry for 2 onsccutivo days 300 to 400 pounds c ca on Uieir backs over a mountain ) Us country , aie considered well paii it 25 cents n day. The ordinar oolio earns $ l.DOu month , and spend' J4. Coal is mined ontiiely by hand uid scllls nt the piffl mouth for $1 on , Gold-diggcra on the Han rivei u 1870 , were earning 5 to 15 cents lay ; seven men uero estimated t vash 20 tons of gravel n day , yield ng 3 to ! cents to tha ton. Th Chinese soldier costs $67 a year. Popularity. Thomai' Kcleotrlo Oil ban obtalne ; ieat popularity , from iU intrlniio valu a reliable medicine , In cMriii li > ciu , and all Irrltutlona of the throat , dii 'ai < fa of the cliest , etc. For these it in a nconipaMble pulnionlc. , eodlw P. T. Barnum's Tale. 'rom t1i , CltoUiiil Uailor , "Elephants nro the cutest and moa ensible animals in u menagerie. The uuftt bo well taken care of. A jtmisvillo recently wo lost a valuabl alephant , which died of chills. Tli July remedy used when they gc hose chills is w htsky. Several year ago two of our largo elephants wer eizod with chills and divide wo gallons of whisky betweo hem. In a short time the allied and gave evidence tha heir drunk pleased them. The nox lay the keeper's attention was culle o the same two elephants ahakin uid acting as they did the procodin lay , The keeper eyed them botli ind with n knowing wink told thei o stop their nonsense , that the would gut no moro whisky. This wn sad news for them , and they steppe shaking instantly. Cared of Drinking , "A young friend of mine was cure ) f on insatiable thirst for liquoi which had so prostrated him that 1 was unable to do any business , II was entirely cured by the use of Hei Bitters. It allayed all that burnti thirst ; took away the appetite ft liquor ; made his nerves steady , an ho has remained a sober and ateai ! man for moro than two years , and hi no desire to return to his cups ; know a number of others that hai been cured ot drinking by it. " Fro a leading R. R. oilicial , Chicago , 111.- [ Times. augl6-sopl Worthy ot Hraite. As a rule wo elo not iccommeiid p tent medicines , but when \vo know one that really is n public bonofuctei and does positively cure , than wo co sidor it our duty to impait that infc nuition to all. Electric bitters a truly a most valuable medicine , ai will surely euro Biliousness , Fev and Ague , Stomach , Liver nnd Lidn complaints , even where nil other roi edies fail. Wo know whereof i sneak , and can freely recommend all [ Ex. . Sold at 50 oonts , a bott Ish & McMahon. (4) ( ) D.T. MOUNT MA1CFACTO R AKD DFALER 15 SADDLES AND HARNESS 1412 Farn. St.rr Omaha , No ! Cm.lIBRiTKO CONCORD HARNESS Two Mctlnlt ami k Diploma o ( Honor , with I ! \eryhlfrheUnwaril the Judjfcii could Ixntow w twanlca this h&rncM at the Centennial Enhll Ion , Common , also Kmichmcn' * anil LaillcV 8A ) IKS. Vfo krcj ) the lirjfest utock In the wu uid Iinlte all who cinnot examine toncmlf nrlcfu. anQt EXCURSION TICKET ! S ± O.OC BOUND TRIP , $19.00 ( 'Irnt-claiM niul K < x > 'l through the \cixr. All S'cw York , lloitou and all Kfwtcrn points , at Jin wttlonatuly low rate * . en nalo ONLY nt HOIinlK llllOTHEKh1 Unllrnvl Ticket Oinee , ilmeAu 1 in POT Ti-nth > t . emi > li - Co Contraoton , Ballilors an Property Owner * . Tha iinilcmtncil haInifbccn appointed aci or the cxtcnnlto Iron amlwlni ninnuUcturlti loiiicK of K. T. Ilnrnum , of Detroit , nnd it ( iisscl Iron Koundry and Works nt Tolcd ) hlo , capacity of fiO tons dally , la prepared I tirniih cHttinatcH and prices for Iron column tc. , Ac. , for store frontM , window cap * nnd till hrenhold plaU > . wrought Iron hcnma nnd uln n , lijilraiillc tlo\ator , utaplo llttliiK * , puller &c. ; aluo Iron fences , crestin g , v.li rd > , nhuttcrs , ftnlrs , liatconlcs , Hcttce B , \ucs , m. < iunriumS | foiintntns , HUinmi louscf , lawn , ( 'ardcn and cemetery ornatnrnt loucriUndt , Km > OKiiardi , i.c.ic..ln ciullc arlcty. e > talojuciiiiuppllcd on application. IIKNUY II. IlAHUY , Mnnuacturcr ( > ' Agent , 22 I'earl street. aiiL'10-lm mo Council llluITi , lom . NASH "III take notice that on the 12t AH. of July , 1881 , Chnrlcn llrandcs. Justlc af the { K-ace , nr t pruclnct , Douglas couny , Noli Kiicil an order of attachment for 418.00 In an n Ion pending before hlm\\ herein U. K. Hainan ilalntlff nnd A , K. Na h ilefenJant. Tliat moncj lue jou lian 1 > cen attached under Bald onlc HalJ cau o wni continued to the 2Jth ot Au us 8S1 , at 1 o'clock p. in. 11UH4W. _ U. K , 11AMA.V , PlalntllT RACINE COLLEGE ! A COLLEQK AND GUAMMAIt SCHOOL THE BEST SCHOOL I BOY ! Tor torma Address Dr. Steven arker , warden of Racine College locme , Wi's. _ jy 22-lm BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 1508 Faraham Street , 3f c Korth tldo. QUO. Grand Central Hotel , D , S. BENfON , ATTORNEY- - AHIIACH BLOCK , Cor. Douclan nd 16th SU. Umaha K h. J.H FLIEGEL Bucccgaor to J , II. Thlele , . MERCHANT TAILOI No. 2.10 UouvUi Street Omaha Neb. L I , HAM , Dentist Orncx Jncotu * Illork , co ncr Capitol n\cni ml I'lfu-entri tre t. eiimhiN'ar ) _ Dexter L , Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT KO , W. DOANF. A. C. CAMCIM. DOANE & CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law S W COR. l&TH & DOUGLAS 8T8. , Jy 81'tf OMAHA , RESOLUTION ORDERING SIDI WALKS. Jo It rcsoheJ by theClt.x Council of thecltji elinaha ; That a nldeuitlk lie , wltliln flftevn da > ifroi hit date , conitructfd and laid to the tcm | > orai rndo Iniald clt > , In front of and adjoining tl : allotting dtucrlurd prvmlton , tlz ; Lot 8 , coat tide of Tenth Btrcut , 4 feet wide. Lot 0 , tout Id j of Tenth ttreet , 4 foct w Ide. Ix > t 10 , cut Hi Jo of Tenth utrcct , 4 feet lde. Lot 11 , cant tilde ot Tenth Mtrcet , 4 feet u Ide. Lot 13 , ca > t ld of Tenth street , 4 feet wlile. Lot IS , eaitkldeof Tuntli ctrrtt , 4 feet wide , lx > t 14 , vut Kld of Tenth ktreer , 4 Icct Ide. Lot IS , vast "lilo of Tenth itrett , 4 feet wide. l < ot III , vast tide of Tunth ttrett , 4 feel vide. I/it 17 , eatt Mo of Tenth htroet , 4 feet Idu. All In Kountzo'i second addition , to the ell if Onmlm. Also In front of ull property on the cast tide < Tenth itreet , between Ohatlt * ttrvtt and Cute ar Aunuo , all to be 4 fict Aide , Huclmldevtnlk to bo conitruitcd of 2 Inch pit > lvik and to b In width , ai abo\ i > nltl d , ar ha retiiocth e on ncr or ovrent ) ( thialiovrd irltied premUciaiohireh ) wu tel t ) conutm he MUII , l'a * l Aug. Bth , li > 81.J. . J. J. L. n. JKWETT , City Ulerl. _ I'UOPOSALS FOIl IJUILDINi OHOSS-WALKS. Seilrd t < roio aU will bo recelttid b } the undc .iKiicil tm Monday , the IMh day of An u > t , ltd it T o'clock p. m. , for tha tuinlthlntr nutcri nd roiibtrurtlon of crotn-walW * , an follow : IS rrcuu MU , 4 feet ulde , 3 huh oak plank , 10 rrotn-uulk * , 3 fcot ulde , S Inch oak plank , 41 crews vnlkt , 3 feet wide , 3 Inch oak plank , 100UOM walk ,3fi tHldrlneh pluti pUn Mrr.M-walkn. 2 feet ulde , t Inch pine plan DcroU'Walki , timber , 3 feet wide , U Inch pin 4 ! > 4 npron from 0 to I'l fret In length to 1 made of 2 Inch pine plank , The work to be do under tha superlndtondance of the ttreet roi uilwloner mm the different deletjatloiiH Iroran ward. llld < to be for llnual foot for cram-wall nlto for lineal foot for apronn Tha city ro n the right to reject any and all bldii , and to ha the right In cote of acceptance of nj bid to co tract lor a Kruater or leu * number tlmn abe peclBed. Dldl thall b accoiupanled b } t name of proposed mrity under the luualcom tlonn. Entilovu * containing tald vroxwaU ] hall marked "I'ropooiU for llulldlntr Crou-Walki and dellt ered to the uudinliiii.d not later th tlio time alxn o i > cdfl0d. Omaha , Avwu.t 10 , It&l.J . J , J L. 0. JKWKTT , _ aulO 4t _ fit . } Clerk , -i"H "I i l ii l " * * " * " " i l I - -1 MetekaLandAgenc ; DAVIS & SNYDER , 1605 Farnham Bt , , . , Omah * . Nebrai ) Cucfully acloctol Und In Koitern Nebmka tile , Orvat llorvalni In Improved farmi , a Omaha city propcrt ) 0. F. DAVIS. WEBSTEH 8NVOE Lit * Liu a Cotu'r U. P , U , _ , Malnrla It an Unteen , Vaporous I'olion , fpremllntf dlteaie and dcnth In mmvlc ralltlci , for nhlchipiltilne la no ( rcniillie nntldoti hut for thu cffoctiot which Iloitcttcr's Htomicl Hitters 1 not only n tlioroui < h remedy , but reliable preventive. To this fact there h an oici tthctmlntr array of testimony , c\tcndlniro\cr : period of thirty ] cars. All disorders of the Ihci utomaih and bowels are also conquered by th Hitters X4I For alc b.\ all Dniffsltls and Dealers gen cmlly. niPVPl CQ I am Acnt for COLUMm , DIUlUUl.O > and01TOI1IOYCLKS. ben three cent utanip forCntalo ii and price Hut containing fu Information. N , I , D , SOLOMON , Pn.lnts.Oiln and Glai OMAHA , NUB The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Saldwell , Hamilton & Co. Duiiluosa trannvctcd eamo u that of an Incoi xi rat eel cirvnk. Accounts kept In currency or gold subject t ilfht check without riottm Certificates of deposit iMued pax able In three ilx and t cl\ months , bearing [ nterott , or 01 lomand without Interest. Adtancct maxlo to customer ! on approved ( ecu Itlc * at market rates of Interest. Buy and neil gold , bills of exchange , go\irn neni , itate , county and city bondn. Draw ilftnt inft ! on England , Ireland , Bcot and , and all parts ot Europe. Boll European patsage tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MA OK. auyldt United States Depository NationalBank - OK OMAHA. - Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. _ / ) LDE3T BANKING EOTAIILISIIMENT II OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. BTAILIKIIKO 1850 , DrganUod ai a Katlonal Bank August 20 , 1S6 ! 3APITAL AND PUOFIT3 OVEU . 300,00i , ornou AJ.D DIKKCTOII : UUMAH Kou ! < n , President. AuofBTt's Kot'NRK , Vice President. II. W , VATM , Ctonler. A. J. PurrLKTOM , Attorney , Joux A. CmtiouioN. F. II. DATII , Asat. Caihle This bank receives tlvposlts w Ithout regard I itiiounts lisuui tline certificates liearlnz Interest. Draw * drafts on San KrancUco and prlnclp : cltle * of the United States , also London , Dublii KdlnburKhand the principal cities of ttisuont iient of Europe. Sells powcn fet tickets for emigrants by tha Ii man line. mavIdU Seamless Evaporate AND , "SOUTHERN "CANE MILL FIRST CUSS SORQHO MiCBHE ! AT f CUT LOW nueia. Eicd for Diicriptlrs riin IU ! THOS. SCANTUN & SON , EVAN8VILLE , IND , Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENG\ 15th and Dodge 81s. , Om h , Nob. Tlil axoncy does BTHCTLta brokonge builnei Does not stxx.ulate , uid therefore tny bargai on IU books are Insured to Its patrouf , iuitc ol Uluc vxibbled uo by tha ayenl C. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY- - it F ruhimSt. , Ointha Nib , S. P. MORSE & CO. , Cash Jobbers and Retailers of 1319 FARNHAM STREET. DURING THE COMING WEEK OUR GREAT SALE OF DOMESTICS , PRINTS AND GINGHAMS , > i * [ * onsdale , Fruit Hill , and other well-known brands of Muslin at 8 l-2c a yard. Best quality unbleached muslin , 7 l-2c , Pillow case muslins , lOc , Wide sheeting muslins , at wholesale prices , Linen sheetings from from $1.00 to $150 per yard. Very best prints , fast colors , 6c , Very best ginghams , 8 l-2c. 7T Another Case Black Buntings , 8 I-2c. Thirty pieces new dress goods , lOc. RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! 700 PIECES ALL SILK RIBBONS 10 GENTS PER YARD. n this lot will be found all desirable colors in ALL SILK GRCS GRAIN , SATIN AND GROS GAIN , AND FINE SILK BHOOADED RIBBONS , from one to four inces wide. No Such Ribbon Bargains were ever before Shown ZBTJTTOIN" 12,000 dozen fine Dress Buttons at lOc a card two and three dozen on a card , all sizes and over a thousand diSerent designs ; worth from from thirty to fifty cents a card. S. P. MORSE & CO. DOFTYOUIWGETIT WHEN IN NEED OF BOOTSISHOES To examine the stock of BASWITZ & WELLS , House 1422 Douglas St. , near 15th OTTXC. STOO3 a largo nnd always the lowest prices. e3 otl-Cm AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery. adopted the Lion M Trade Milk , and all my ( rood * wilt be STAMPED with the LION UKlinyNAUBon thocamo. NO GOODS AKE GENUINE WITHOUT THE ABOVE BTAMPH. Tliu bent material U uuxl and thoitoiktkllltf workmen are cninlo ) od , and at the low eat cut price. Anone Unlng a price Hit ot good will coucr fa\or by tending lor one. DAVID SMITH MOORE , LKGAL NOTIOK. John McKatldcn will take notice thit on the 10thot August , 1SS1 , Charlu * Bnndca , Justlvuol the I'niU' , o ( l t iiri'dnit , loiqlu Co. ! Neb. , U- mil an order of at taihnicnt ( or the sum of 20.25 In auattloii landing U.foro hlui , wherein Anio KroU It i > Ulntia aitd John McFaddon dclenJint , that proivcrty con I tlni ; of liouichoM tunilturt and linplcruenti lift * liceu attaclied under tilil order. Said uiuso vaa i-oiitluued to l t pi beptimber , Ibal , 10 o'clock 11. ui. AUNOKUATZ , I'UlotVB. Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY -AT-LAW , MAX MEYEE & BRO , , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers , Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. MAI IETEE & BED , , O HOC-A. Z3T THE LEADING IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pnr- chasing. O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT. . iyl-eod-3in. iyleod3in.WM. . F. STOETZEL , Dealer in ( Hardware , ' Cooking Stoves" TIlsT "W-A-IRIE. Stove Uepairer.Jol . ) Worker and Manufacturer OX * and Jackso1"1 QR- - - - Omaha , .b