THE10MAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST II. 1881. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , ? „ * ! _ . . - , { * .FINANCIAL. ' Ntw YOHK. Augn t 1(5. ( STOCKH. \ Money closed ( it 5 per cent. IJtchatige closed weak at 4 i > ( Jovernmenta clo ed lower. Currency fi.1 30 bid ; 4 * , coup. , 1 10i bid ; -Us do , 1 14i bid ; f > i continued , 1 Oli ) ; Go do , 1012. I'acilic railroad bonds chucil m follow * : Union Pacific firsts" , 1 171 to 1 18 ; land BMiitH , ' 1 17 to , ilijnklii ! ) ; , ' funib , 1 2dJ to 1 ai ) ; Centrali uttered At.tUSj : ' < ' * * * 1 BTOCKft. The ctoek market thi-t inondng n limvvnnd loweron unfnvornblc ncw.s from Wa fiington regarding the ] irc < idpnt'ii con dition ; strong pro-mire to tell under which a decliini of 1 J to 2J i > er cent took place in guiirral list ulillc in f > omc uprcial rasoM the decline wai more marked. After midday , however , a utronger fueling and partial re- ovcry took place , but as tlm day wore on Audndvlrcofrom Washington eontinueti to bo unfavorable a weak tone ct in and the itdvanco was not only li > t but prices further declined and at the close nhowed a t to 2 per cent decline as compared with ye teniay'n cloaim' bidi The following are the cloning buns 'Am. lt 't Tel. 47J N , T C 02' ] A&TH 42 NY 0. . , 142 * do preferred u ! K ) Northwestern. . 12,13 C Jtit Q 165 Preferred. . . . 137 Can Southern. . 64J Nwrth Pac 38J Central Pacific. ! > 1S Preferred. . . . 78 J CU&I C 2IJ Oinilin 3 ! > C C C.t I. . . . 8U ! Preferred 101J O St L * N O . 78 Ohio Cent . . . . 251 Cent. Am 2 O .t W.1. 30 } DL&W 1223 Oregon Nav..1(13 ( II & Jtio C . . . . ! 15J Pacific Mail. . . . 49 Erie 42J Pullman 142 Krle A. Wectern 53 PDK 35 Adams Hxp. . . . 130 Keek Inland..13IJ WFKxp 125 .San Francisco. . 48 American Kxp. 81 Preferred . . . . 713 U. S IK 2d pref'd. . . . .107i Jl. k .St..T ! I2 RtP 112 * Preferred. . . . 112 , ' Htl'&n 2 ! ) II k T Ill do preferred. . H5 K k T 41 Tex Pao o2i it ? II5S W 45 T..ledo , D k Jl. 27 III Central 130 UP. . . US 12. } ! AV.U'JVl j MJjS&.W , . . . 43 Wat-ash - MCebl. . . . . . . . 03J Preferred. . . . * . 80 Wo Pa 101 JIIMNO SlOCKrt. Following are tlm closing imitation * for rtiiniut ; stocks at tlic New Yiirlc mining boiud : Oriental &M. . 135 HonmVr 3S > Itnpahannock. . 21 Grauville. . . . ft Cherokee 135 Inm Silver. . . 210 Chrysolite ( ! . " > HradiOiaw 210 Con Va . . . . 210 CUICAHO MONEY * MAHKCT. OjJICA.00 , August Hi. A fairly .active miscellaneous demand existed for money and'interest rated were Hteady at < i@G per cent on call and 0n,7 ( per cent on time. Eastern exchange be tween city banks was quoted nt 75ff-80c ( discount on 31,000. The clearing * ofthe ns4ociatcd banks were § 7,1)00,000. ) Orders for curreneyjfrom the country , called for a fair amount. Omtilm Wholesale Market- OFFICE OK TIIK OMAHA'-KIIK , Tuesday Kvcning AuRii t K > . ) Tliere wan the usual nmUummcr bn-J- nc"s transacted , all lines sharing alike in a fairly liberal movement of goods. Prices 'throiii-hout-were fairly well'maintained nt the figures given yesterday. Lumber lirm and unchanged. In con\ creation with the commercial editor of Tun Ur.E to-day a representative of the Chicago lumber com pany , of this city , ga\o it as hiopinion' / that lumber would not advance any more this bcason. He thought that the prices would remain about as theyaru at present. The offerings of poultry continue liberal. Good butter it very scarce nnd wanted. Consignments of good table grades reahVe full prices. ' Ejjgs dull and unclinngeil. Green apples utrong and higher. Onions declined 2."ic per bushel. Potatoen in more liberal receipts and slightly weaker. Cabbage - bage Ncaicc and wanted. The market forhoga remains'utrong and unchanged at yesterday's figure" , ( . 'attic were also unchanged. The leading produce markets were bet. ter to-day , the result of favorable advices from the accumulating centers. Wheat advanced about . | , c. Corn declined a frac tion. tion.Klour Klour was active and lirm at the recent advance. Dealers complain of their in ability to keep stocks up , especially of the lower grades. Local Uraln Dealings. WHKAT.r-CashNo.2,1 13J Cash ; No. J , 05 : rejected LOc1. BAHLBY.-Ca'.li ' No. 2 , 85e ; No. 3 ( He. HVJJ. Cash , 83e. ( JOHN. Cash No. 2 , lUe. OATrf. Cash. 27 < * . Livestock. f'attle Wo quote us follows : Dutch. * r's eown , S3 ( J0a ( 3 23 ; choice butchers utters , 63 75 < < $100. Sheep Giiod mutton in fair demand. S3 M,3 ; 70. Hogs \Ve quote as follows ; Light jjockeiw , § 1 80@5 00 ; niedium mixed jmckors , 85 10@5 33 ; extra choice heaw , & > 305 ( iO. Provisions. 1'LOUU Spring wheat , otralxht grade , 300 340 ; patent , a'J 75 ® ! SO ; winter wheat straight grade , § 3 TiO S 7" ; Jiatcnt , * j 00 ® 150 ; graham rye , § 2 25 ; Wheat , " ' "liy'K I'LOini 83 25. MILLSTUl-TS-JJrau , per cwt. fi5c ; Rcreenings , | > er cwt , 980c ; hortx , pt-r cwt. l5c ! ; ehopjicd feed , pur cwt , hOc : muiil bolted , yellow , ! )0c ) ; white , SI 00. POTATOKS-Ncw , ItOofa.f.l f.O per biiHhel. POULTRY Live chicken- , per do/en. $3 50 ; old , Hjiring chickens , 8-'l 50. KGGS Shippers count , Oe. 15 U'lTini Choice , 10 ® 18 ; poor , no mar- ket ; creamery , 25c. APPLKS-Good , wtumi , 91 OOCa I 50 per bill. - * * ' nu r. r - j xiraciea , Tirol-class < . alii- ornia strained , 15c ; Nebraska comb , -Oo. LKMONH ( lood repackud per bux , 4fS r,0x ; \ t , $9 00 , ' BLACICnKItltlHS-lVr case , § 1 00. TU.MATOKS-Per bu-hel , JSO. OA LI FOUNT ' A PIJAHS , W. CALIJ'OKNIA PLUM K-82 75. OALirOKMA PKAOHKS 8300. I'ALIl'OH.VIA GRAPHS $ J005i450 ; WiVTKHMKLOXS Per 100 , SNi W. I'LUKHHHUIKS Per oiKe. S3 00. VKGKTAULKS-All kind , bring goo-l prices. J1KKSWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ONlONH-I'er bushe1 , § 1 23 , Grocer I List , COFFpfi. Wo , Jalr. 13ici Kio , gofni , 14c ; lllo , prime to choice , I4jc ; OJil gov't JTa\a ; 2Gj@28ic , Mocha , 20Jc ; ArbuckleV , 171c.TJJAS. TJJAS. Gunpowder , good , 4'5fcl5'5c ' ; Choice , C0@75c ; Imj ) rial , good , 40-l5c ; Choice , ( X75e ; Young Hybon , good , 3C Jfe ( -SOe ; choice , ( J-.c ® § ! 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , C0@7 c ; Oolong , ccwd , 5@40 ; Oiiloiig , choice , 40(2,55 ( ; Souchong , co < xl. ari40c ; choice. 3-ifai5c. ' c KUJA11S. Cut loaf , lljc ; Cniilied , HJcGranuUte < l , lOfc Powdered , llje . ; ; ; 1317. i i 11 s . L ; . * . . , ! / . * ! iiffeft ! A Standaiii Kxtra tl , ' * " 9J'o SYJIUPS. Sugar house , bbli , 15c ; half bin , 47c ; kepi , 4\ gallons , 32 SO ; clioco ! table nyrup , 42c ; halfbbl * . 45c , keg , Sir85. 8WCKS. 1'epper ISA ; AJlspiw , gjj ; Clove * , 45c ; Nutme1 , ' * , 81 00 : Cassia , 25c ; Mace 8)00. ) SODA. Dwight'a lb paen < , 83 00 ; De- land do , 83 00 ; Church' * , ? 3 00 ; JCeg sinla , t , fearl , 3c ; Silver Ole , " 1 Corn Starch , 8 J@8jc ; Kxcel ior * , 0o ; .Corn. 75 AJ/r.-lrayl < ad . per bhl , 1 M ) ; A h- ton , inVack * ; 350 ; bbli dairy 00 , 5s , 345J s dairy , 100 , 33 05. ll.- ) > ckberrlenew. . lOc. CIllvI'SH-l'ull Cream , Hie ; 1'mt Skim , lie. WOODKNWAlli : hoop pail" , I S5 ; three hoop pail * , 2 10 ; No. I lulu , 0 00 ; No. 2 tubs , . S 00 ; No. 3 tubs , J DO , lMofieenwa hlKiaril , 1 85 ; Double Crown * 2 75'Gloho ; : WellbuckcU chalfi , amirilily201g21J ! ( Colored carpet chain , l > er Hi , 2i ( ; LKAD-Bar , 8105. MATCHKS-Pcr caddie , 85c * nmnd ca e , 97.35 : tquare ca e , ) ? i.W. J' bacon , 12- , choice lard , 13JO : dried beef , lie ; should * irs , c.iinassed 8e , ; hams , canva eil12'.c ; bacon , side1- lUc NK\V PICKLHS-Medlnm , In barrels , t7 00 ; do in half bbl , 4 25 ; small' , in bbl , 1200 ; do , In half bbls. 050 : gherkins , in bbls , 13 00 ; do , iu half bbls , 7 00. V1NKOAU Pure apple extra , l(5c ( * pure apple , 13c ; Pmsslng pure apple , loe. HOMINY Now , 83 KO per bbl. BKANS-Mvdlum , hand picked $2.00 per bushel. JJOPK Si al , J inch and larger , Ojcj inch , 1e ; i inch , lOjc. HI ) APSKirk's Savon Imperial. 285 ; Klik'x sterling. 2 40 ; Kirk's standard , 3 30 ; Kirk's white Kusslan , 4 BO : Kirk's Kutoca , 1 S5 : Kirk's Pniirio Queen , (100 ( cakes ) ; 3 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 3 00. CANDLKS-Boxe * , 40 llw , 10 oz , Si , I3i-bo\es40lb.s. ; , 1C o/ , ( is. 13o ; boxes , 40 sot , 14 oz. , 8. , 121c ; half boxes , 20 sets , H at. . , S3 , 13c. LYK American , 3 35 ; Greenwich. 3 35 : Westein , 275 ; North Star , 2 50 ; I.KJWM' lye , 4 l0 ! ; Jewell lye , 2 75. POTASH Pcnmylvaufa cane , 4 do * . , In ease , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 do * , in case , I DO ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1,50. FIl'LD rfKKl ) lied clover , choice , new , 8530 per bushel ; mammoth clover , new. $5 75 ; white clover , now , 814 00 ; al.nlfa clover , new , 81250 ; alslkc , new , S1300. Timothy , good , new , 82 50@2 05 ; blue glass , oxtra'cli-an , $1 25 ; blue grass , clean , SI 15 ; on-hard gras , $2 00 ; red top , choice , C5c ; millet , common or jyllssonrl , SI 25 ; millet. German , § 125 ; to $1 50 ; Hungarian , SI 15. HKDGKSKED-Osago orange , 1 to bu hcU , S5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or over , 4 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35e ; per 1001bs.2jOO. FISH Family white fish , 80 lb hf bbl , 83 ( iO ; No. 1 white fish , SK ) lb hf bbls , 0 30 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family 10 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 120 ; llussian sardines , 75c ; Colui"- biiv river salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George's Bank codfish , ( ic ; Gen. boneless codfish ; 8Je ; bpnelcss fish , 4'o. | t mKckerel , 1001l > s8l2BO ; hfbbl No. 1 ex t-horo do , 100 lb , ( iOO ; hf bbN , fat family do , 100 Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 15 ! ; No. 1 ex nhore , 12 Ib do , 1 rtO ; No. 1 shore , 12 Hi do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c. O'ANNKI ) GOODS Oystew , 2 Hi ( Field's ) , per case , SI 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field * * ) , per caMJ , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case , 3 ill ) ; do 1 Iti ( standard ) , per caw.2 40 ; do 2 lb ( slack ) , per ease , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( tl.ick ) , per ea e , 200 , Onions , 3 M ) . Salmon , 1 lb , pur dozen , 1C5 ; do 2 lb , per do/en " 50. Sanljiies , small I'sh ' , imported , one- ipiuitcr ho-ies per bov , lljc ; Anien'cnn , ipiarter boxes per box , lie ; do half IHIXCS , per bov , 21c. Lobsters , 1 lb per do/en , 1 80. Tomatoes , 210 ; do I ! lb per _ ease , 2 50 ; Corn , 2 Hi ( Mountain ) per i-aie , 3 40 ; soaked com , 1JIO ; do 2 lb ( Yniinouth ) , per ea e , 350 ; string beans , per c.v-e , 1 HO ; Lima beans per caSe , 2 00. Succotash per case , 210. _ Peas , common , pnr , 1 75 ; peas , choice , "per case , I 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , jier ca < .e , J50 ; Htrawbcrries , 'i lb , per ca c , 3 70 : rasiilierries , 2 lb , per case , 275 ( 3 00. D.unsons , 2 lb , per ease , 2 25. Bartlett peart * per case , 3 Oon ( I 00. Whoitlebcr- ries per case , 1 ! fiO. Kgg plums , 2 lb per , 3 25 ; do , choice , - Hi , per case. 4 50. Given gage,2 lb per ease , u 25 : do choice , 'i lb per ease , 1 50. Pine Apple" , 2 lb , per case , 3 < iO ( < M 20. Teaches , 2 lb per case , 3 :0 : : do 3 lb , ciic , 5 00ui5 ( 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per iMse,325ilopie ; , 0. lb , per dozen , 3 50. 1UCE Carolina , llfdi e ; Louisiana , 5 : , ' li'o. I'KANDTS Hohsted < l , choice , red < l Ten- ne see , Sic per lb ; fancy _ while , tlo per lb ; raw white Virginia , 7"ic. Dr Goods. BBOWN COTTONS. Lawrence LL , fi'c ; Buckeye LL CAc ; Crescent I L OJe ; lltlca C nic ; Crescent C 7.'c ; Crescent Ji 7 ; c ; Crescent A Kc ; Wachusetts 8Ie ; Indian Head Hjo ; ( iranltevillo LL lijc ; U.idger lllf fine brown , 7e ; Badger X , do , 7e ; Portsmouth P , do , 5Je ; Winthrop L , do , 7/e : / ; Continental C , C " "ilLKACIIKD COTTONS Wamsutt.i 4-4 13 < i ; Fniit 4 1 10A ; Ho | o 1-4 8.e ' " ; Ballaidvale 4-t ( ic ; PocaKsett 0" 4-4 8Je ; Altoona 3-4 Oc ; Lout-dale No. 1 , cambric 13c ; No. 2 , do , 12ic ; New York Mills 4-1 13e ; Ix.nsdale . 4-1 lOc ; Fairmont Q4-1 lijo AnbnnA 1-1 8ie ; Uaniard I Oe ; Dairy Cloth 5Ac , PKINTS. Allen's fancy , fi'c : American - can do , ( Uc ; Aniold's do , 7c ; Cdiiestoga do , Of ; Dimnell do , lilc ; P.ddy > > tone do ; ( Jlc ; ( jlonc-cster do , ( Ac ; Hamilton , 0c ? Ilaimony,5 c ; Hartul.O c ; Knickerbocker , lilc ; M anehestcr , 7e ; Pacific , 7b ; Sjiragno ; ( ijc ; Soiitlibridgi-ilc ( ; Alystie , ( Ue ; Merrl- n i nek shirtings , Oc ; Siiragne do , lUc , Southbridge do , ( Uc ' ; llegatta do , file ; Coehico rolje , 7u : 'Preeman lobe , Ce ; Hamilton dn c ; Marlboro do , Gc ; South- bridge ilo. GJe ; Hiiragued" , 1'Jo ; Ameriean do. lijc ; 1'iieIKo do , 7e ; Wiinhingtou oil co ilors , lie : Sinip-'On's ' mourning , 7c ; Himp- son's hollil black , Uic:15eilinnolidcolorfl.lic. t'AMHHICH , PLAT ( Mazed , BJo ; blfli colorw , OJc ; kid tinisli , Oe ; high col. or.n , "e ; rolled , 7e ; hiitli itolow , 8e. ( JOUSKT .U-AN8-lliK.-kNnt : , PC ; Nnumke.isattccn ( , DC ; Andnuco in doe , , ! /e / ; l < "cl\vfMHl do. On TIC 'KINO Amoxkeag- . O. A. , 17ie ; Ii. I1' . , 2 , fancy , IKc : Cone * 1-4 , tJohl Medal , llic ; ConehtoKa , , } , svmuau-'iS" ! * , S. , " ; Shetdcket , .S.'H. ' , 12Jc ; Pearl lliver , 17ie ; HnmllKin , 1) . , 11 * ; Hamiltoii regular , 13 ; Hamilton II. , Hie ; Conlis , B. Jl , , iljc ; Coiilis A 0 , K. , 18c ; Albany S. A. X , , 17Je. OIL CLOTH 5-1 wood , $3 00 ; 5. | fancy marble , $300 ; 5-1 whitu marble , 83 ' tU \ J wood , § 1 00 ; ( H fancy marble , $ t 00 ; C-4 white marble , 84 25 ; 5.1 mo. Miic , K ! 00 ; i ; . | mosaic , 1 00 , DKN1NS Amoski-ai ; bluu and brown , lOc ; lleaiier Creek , A. A. , bine and brown , Itjc ; Beaver Creek , B. B.blne and brown , 13e ; Beaver Creek , ( ' , C. , blue and lij-own , 12Jo ; JCverett D. D. , blue and Timwn , lli ; Haymaken * blue und brown , lUc ; Otis , A. X. A. , blue , 14Jc ; OtU 11. Jl. blue , 134 ; Otis ( ? . C. , blue , 12ic ; Pearl Jtiver blue and brown , 15le. UUCKS-Fall Uivcr , HAc : Hnmdcn O. O. , lOJc ; Boston checks , 13ie ; Bcnton tripes , l\c \ ; Dundee stripen , 18c ; Bin. " c ; fe rib , S"T1UPE3 L wi tou , 3i3j'blno ami b 'oun , SJo ; LuwUtonUx3 blue ami brown , Utc ; llock Kiver , Ux3 blue and brown , 1'Jc . ; Altfbama , 0x3 blue and brown , 8lo. COTTONADUSLewi.ton "diampnd , , 27Jc ; A. Y , A. . 20c ; Angora , J ) . k T. , 2Cc ; New York mllU proof , 22Je : Bridgewattr , 20c ; Kierett. heavy , 22 > ; Wlifttent nl heavy , 25c ; Bell. 18c ; Charter Oak , ? ; Yicklow,18 c ; L'nionPacific , , J8o ; Oapitol > 1. lgc ; Kannern 2lo ; J-Atrett , medium , 15c ; rorlr , light weight , 12 c ; New York mill * checks 1'J 8HERTIXGS Ani rokcoKKln,0-4 brown 23c ; do 10-4 do , 2tJo ; Pepi > erell'aO-4 brgmi , 25c ; do 10-J do , 27Jc ; Alexandria , 40 Inch , bleached , 13c ; Androsco 'In 0-4 , bleached , 20c ; do 10-J , bleachtd , 20c ; Pcpperell , 9-4 , Mcaclinl , USoj do 10-4 Meathcd , 27ic. Drurt. DIUTGS AND C'HKMU'AIAcld ailMilie , BOc ; Acid , Tartarie , tV > c : 15al am ( topabin , tter lb , "Bet Hark , S.v > nfra < < , per lb , 12o ; CRlomel , IHT lb , 70c ; Cinclionidin , per oz , 0oi Chloroform , per lb , O.'ic ! ; I l ) . cr's jiowdcrfi , IHT lb , 81 40) ) J'psoni salt * , per lb , 3cj Glycerine , pure , peril ) , 42o , ; lifad. Acetate , peril ) , 22e ; ( "ar bou oil , 110s , jior gallon , IHc ; do 150 ° , boOl . , 13e | : Oil , ( Vtor , No. 1 , per sal , fcl 10 ; Oil , Ciutnr , No.3per gal , 8100 ; Oil , Ollu' , per gal , 81 50 : Oil , Origanum , 50c , Opium , 8500 : Quinine , \\ft\\ ' . Aslt.Jfe S.per o82 40 ; Potn iium , Iodide , per 11) ) ' - , 50 ; q.ilacin , per or , 3.V : . Sulphate < > l Morphine , , fie'r we , 83 75 ; Sulphur flour , > er In , 4c ; Slrvehninr. tier uz , 81 WK- . Horses And Mules. The tn.irkct lsbii k and all gmde < are selling \ > ell at n slight mlMinco in Tp iocs. The demand for peed horse * exceed * the Mipply considerably. J'licc * . range as fol lows : Fine fint-le driver * . S150. to ? 00.5 T.xlra draft horses , 817" ' . to 225. ; Common draft her es , $100. to 150. ! 1'xtra farm horses , 8110. to 125. ; Common to good hui > e , 8K ! ) . to 8100. ; IMra plug , $00. to 75. ; Common plugs , 8'-0. to 810. MULKS. 15 to 15J bands ( extra ) , $125. to 150. ; 14 } to 15 hands , S100. to 140. ; It to Hi hands , 875. to 100. ; 15) ) tu H bauds , 800. to 75. Clear * nnd Tobaccos. OIGA15S.-Seeds. 815.00 : Connecticut , 825.00 : Mixed , 835.00 ; Siced Havana , $50.00 ; Clear Hauuia , 875.00. TOBACCO PLFG. Golden 21 lb , 50c ; Spotted Fawn , 57c ; Our Hope , 5Sc ; Star , pound * . 24 lb , butts , fiSej Horse Shoe , iMiiiuds , 21 lb , butts , Bflcj Purity. 21 lb. linttH , 52e ; Queen Bee , 24 lb , butts , 53c ! Gilt Kdge , ] Miundi , 21 lb , butts , 57 ; Army and Navy , | Hinnds , 51e ; Bullion , pounds , 55c ; Lorillaril's Climax , pounds , fi"e , I'lNKCUT In palK Haiti to Beat , 75.i . ' ; Golden Thread , ( ie ( ! ; Fountain , 73c ; Favorite , ( > 5c ; 1'ocky M ountniu , 55c ; Fancy , 50c ; Daisy , - | tin foll- Catllns ' O. S. , 2 oz packages , 5 Ib IIOU-H , per lb ( XX > ; 1 .orillnrd's Tiger , We. SMOKING- grades-Common , 25to 3"c. : Granulated Blackwells Di-rh.ini , 111 oz HV ; Dukes Durham , 111 oz , 45e ; Seal of Ninth C'arolinn , 10 or , 4i ( ; Seal of No'iras- ka , 10 07 , 3Se ; IxineJack. 4 oz , linen bags , perlb , 81.35 ; MarburcsVPuck. 2 oz , tin foil ; 55e ; Dog Toll. 5c. - Lumber. FKNCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , 825 00 : No. 2 , 12 to 20ft. , , 23 00 ; sheeting dressed , No. 1 , 22 00 ; N6. 2 , 20 00 ; common boards , dressed , 25 00. , KUAMINO-10 ft. and under , per M , 2 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 0022 ; ft. 28 00 ; 21 ft. 2800. FINISHING No. 1. finish H , U kind 2 inch , 855 00 No. I finish 1 Inch 850 00 ; . . . . . . n it 1 41 * l l.i * 1. f * > ffS \ * inch battont JKT' 100 feet lin. . M > c. STOCK llOAKDS-At-tock , SI5 00 ; U ? tO 00 ; C , S3. " . 00 ; common utock , S27 0. I'T.OOKINO No. 1 , & 2 50 ; No. 2 , W 50 ; No , ! t , $27 f.0 ; yellow pine , No : 1 , S4500. " S1D1NO No. 1 , S27.r)0 ; Ntf. 2 , S2500 ; No. 3. $2000. SHIP MP Pl.ihi , S2T > 00 ; O. ( J. No. 1 , S37 f.O ; No. 2 , 82. ' ) 00. CHI L1N ( ! ? ; ! 0 OOtf ? ? : . 00. LATH ANDSHINCLKS staibe-t ( ) sbinglc ! ' , SJ HO , No. 2 , ? H 50 ; No. . ' ! , $2 00. Lath , -4 2Ti. DulldliiR Material. LTilK Per barrel , SI iW ; bulk pcrbu. , 3"ie. Cement , bbl. ? 2 SO. Towu plaster , bbl , S2W. Hair pir bu , ICC. Tan-ed felt 100 lb < , S3 50. .Straw board , 5-1 00. The Leather Trade. Oak harness , S'.lffitle ; Pittnlmrgh ted , 40lc ! ! ; Jicndock linrnevi , : i"S,3'Jc ( ; blvirting per Ib , fair ; lip ; black collar 14 ( < fl 21c ; fair do , 18@20c'fair ; No ' _ ' , 10 ( ; 18c ; hemlock Hole , liutTido ( daughter , per Ib , 110 ( oSlo ; hemlock i-ole , 11 A. Klnughtor per Ib , 25 ( 32c ; oak pole , IO@Utc ; oak upi > er per foot. 25e ; hemlock utiper , 2.e ; do No. 2 , 23c ; oak kip skins per lb , S0e1.10 ; hemlrck kip skins per lb , 75c@81.00 ; French kip skins per Ib , Sl.OO&SL.'W ; oak calf per lb , 81.00B ( > 81.25 ; hemlock calf per lb , SlOS1.25 ! ? J'Veuch e.df per lb , ? 1.25f " .S2.10c ; Simon Pieard goat per do/ S3i.)0"iJSl8.00liootleg ( ( ) ( ; Morocco per foot , 3id 33e ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; roans per doz , S".00@10.M ; white and yellow lin- iliss ' ' per do/ , 88.00(5,810.00 ; pink linings per doz , S7.00foU.OO ; Jdihsett linings , 87.- 00 ; blueksmiths' aprons iiurdo/en , S12.00 ® SI 1.00. PAPH1J St-aw jiajier , 3jc ; rng paper , Jc ; dry goods imper , 7c ; iiiumla paper , lOc ; nc\\s paper , 8c. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; MenU Itnn Blossbnrg , 812 ; Whitebreast lump , % ; Whitebreast nut , SO ; Iowa lump , SO : Iowa nut 80 ; lloclc Springs , $8 ; Antluncite , alt sizes , 811 50. Hides , l-urs , Etc. IIIDKS Green butcher's Hide , 7j ; green cured bides , 8\c \ ; gieen _ unit , pait cured hides , 8 ( < ? , s c ; dry ( lint , pound , ] 3@14 calf and kip , 1213c ; drj' nalt iMund , ll@12e ; gieenculf. wt.8 tol51u-i..lO@lc ; gi ten calf , wt , under 8 lb < , j per nkin , 50c ; grecu pelts , 81 00@1 15 ; green lamb skins , Si lOfo'l ' 25 ; damaged hidec , two-third rate , ( cut scored and one pr-ili , elasned two- tl.inU rate , ) brnndeil bides 10 per"tent. < ifT , Conn skins , No. 1.45cNo ; , 2 , JWc ; No. 3 , 20 , ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. ' _ ' , 'Me ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5e. Vine , No. 1 , OOe ; No. 2,25e. Skunk , No , 1 , black , (55c ( ; chort stripe , 40o ; nariow btrlpe 'Ale ; broad stripe , lOe. Tallow , 54. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , ll@10c ; heavy , Sgl.r.e ( medium unwaslieil , lfiS ( > 20c .l j tlliriliuill illltvitnuc t , light , Any. bi ; tilb-wnuhed , choice , 32c : fair , 30o ; niii , and w. , 2Hc ; huiry , black and cotted woofs 2@lic les-i Shot. SHOT. Shot , $1.75 ; Huck-'i-liot , 82.00 ; Oriental Powder , ke s W.40 ; do. , half kegs , $ 'i.4Hrdit. , ijimrterkegs 81.87 ; Hlatt- ing , ketrx. 3.35 : Fn e. 100 feet BOc. Heavy Hardware List , Iron , rates , S.'l 15 ; plow Htecl , catit , 74e ; cast tool do , lfi ( < 7,20 wagon 'npoki-s , vet. 2253 00 ; hubs per net , 1 23 ; felloes nawed dry , J. 10j tnugnes , each , 7B"K5e ( ; axles , caoh , 7Bc ; witiaru nuts , per lb , 7f 'llcj wa hers , per lb. 8@18c ; rivets , iierlb , lie ; coil ehain , ] ier lb , 0@12g ; malleublu , 8e ; iron wedges , Oc ; ciowharx , lie ; harrow teeth , 4e ; horneshoes , jicr keg , 5 00 ; spriiii , ' steel , 7@Kc. NAILS-10to20.l,3 JO ; 8 to 10 , 3(13 ; Cd , 3 ! IO ; 4d. 4 l.ri | 'M , common , -1 'JO ; M , fine , 0 40 ; clinch , nil tz < js B 15 ; I'd , casing , I C5 ; 8d casing , 4 4 H lOd casiir , ' , 4 15 ; s5 \ finish , 4 05 ; 8d finish , 4 HO : ( Vt ilnish , B IB : half keg . lOo extra. ' Palntt Gilt and Varnlthei. I'AFNTH IN OIIVhlte lead , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , 0 , P. & O , Oo.pure , ' Iar ellles gieen , _ 1 to Blb _ cans , iiOc ; I'Vench zinc , Kretn Heal , 1-cj Krench zinc , ml i > eal , lie ; I'Veiieh zinc , in Ynrnifli aitsc , 20e ; French v.inco , in oil as-.t , ] 5c ; Kaw ami burnt umber. 1 lb cunt 12u ; mw and 1m nil Kicnna , 13o : Vandyke brown , 13. ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coat-h black , 1 ( V.J ; Ivory black , lOc ; drop black , 10o ; Pr an blue , 80c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; v ne green , L. 31 , d 1) , , He ; blind and Khntter n , L. M. k D. , Ho : 1'aris Kieen. IBc ; ian red , 15c ; vmetlan rftl , ttc ; liiican nii,22c ; Aineiican Yennilioii , I. & ! ' „ thnniiB jellow , IAL , O. & 1) . O. , life ; vdlmv ( K'lire , 'Jcj gold n ochre , 1C ; patt-iit Jnt-r , ( ic ; Krainin culoni : light oak , ilaik ! < uv < , wuluut. cheatuut and iwli 12e Dry Paint * White lead , fi'c ; French zinc. lOc ; Paris whjtcinjj 2Jc ; whttiin ; Kildvw , vhitiii ) ? coinl , lie ; lamiiblauk ( l in- town , lie ; lampblack , ordinary , Be ; nu. tiiaii bine , r > 5e ; ultramarine , ISe ; Vandyke , brown , tto ; uudier , burnt , jte ; umU-r , raw , Ic vienna , burnt , -c xie/uia ; ; / , raw , -le ; I'arb k'rtt'ii Kfii\iue , Hoc ; 1'urU rtiin coin'l ile ; chromu giecn , N , Y , ' 20t ; chrnme green 1C , 12o ; vennilllon , 3''ng. , 70 ; vermillion - million , Ameiicn , 18v ; Jndiuu red , lOc ; roe pink , llutnetiuii ; read , ( . 'ookhonv , ' / ijoi n tlan red Am. , l c ; red lead , 7ic ; chronic yellow , fic-miinc , 2CK'i clirmna vel low , 1C. , 12c ; whre , rochelle , .tc : ocfm- , I'rrnch , 2fo ; ochre , American. Ho ; Winter's mineral. 2Je ; Irhlsh lin--n , 2jc- : niNtniAh brown , 2\o \ ; Trinee' * miiifr-xl 3o ; VAUNlSllKS-Harreh pir wllon. FunjiVtwTxt. ? l00 _ ; fundturo. SVC""i , OOc ; furniture , U , 7f > c ; conch , extrn. 31iV ; C ' vich , No. It 81 00 ; Damar , 81 2' , .Injun. 70cKphaltum ! , 70c ; sliellnc , fit "Oj fmrtl oil | finUh. 81 30 OIl -110'cf.rlion i > crj-nllon , iTr-sirO' IrndllKht , j > cr gallon , 12Jo ; 175' l .vlll-ht jK-rKallon , lilc ; erystollne. ] > cr KI > i-m , 20o incccd , raw , ir gallon , extra , * > er - allen , Tic { , No. 1 , IM ( : lumwii * „ , zero ) , per gallon , 30e , suimnir , l * > o golden tunchiilr. No. 1 , per gal Ion , uNo. . 2 , 2Je : * | H-rin , Ktgnal , per gallon , MV ; tnr penttne , perKalion. Ole : naptho , 7lldeg , I er gallon 200. 03 d r , 1 % . , L quor. ALCOHOL 187 proof. ? 2 'i' , per wine gallon , c.\tra Callforniilints , 187 proof at 122 per ptwf gallon triple refined spirits. 187 proof , ? 1 20 ; per proof . . . . . gal , . . . re-distilled _ . . whiskies , 81 WQt60 \ : tine ! blended , $1 ! Wti. % Pill ; Kcntnokj l . . mr > IHIIK , S200Ln7 ( 00 ; Iventucky and IVnnsyl. Minli : rye < , S2 00Si7 ( 00. imANWlvS-importcd , $0 00@HiOO ; domc .tic -tO@l 00. CJ1N.S Imported , RO C 00 ; tlc , Ul'MS Imiwrtcd , 4 BOfrffi 00 ; N'cu- Kin-land. 2 CHV.M 00 ; domestic. I r > 0S3 ( 50 ; JM'ACH AND APPLK BUANDY - CIIAMPAGNK8 Im-wled per rase , 20 003I ( 00 ; American , per case , P.100 ® IS 00 , ; ' OLAUKTS Per case , -I 50@1000. WINKS llliinewino , per case , 0 W@.M ' CataAba , | icr ease t 00$7 ( 00. MARKETS BY TBLEGKAPH. Council Bluffs Oonoral Mnrlcot- Col-sett * BMIKKH , Aiu-iM Its. Wheat No. 2 , ! ? 102 < S \ 05 ; Xo. 3 , ! )0 ) ; re jected , 05. Cora Nti. 2 , 40 , rejected 31 , d-imagcd , 2".k Hay Fair market , with pricim nt Si. Oats Market i-ulcttfNo. 2 , . li- , reject ed H ) . * Kye-No. 2 , W Butter l.'c. Cattle-lleef , $3 H0@4 TO. i/ * Sheep & 1 MXff I M > . \v Hog * Light demand , price * ) SI "Sij. ( 00. Potatoes ' New , 81 10'per bu. ; ulil , 70c per h'nfthel. i' Onlyns-SlOO. i > * W * " * Wood Market quiet , witli'ffood ' Mipply ; 5 00 tx soft ; (5 ( 00 for.hnrd. & * ( Poultry 20c. " * ' * - * - - - - - - - - -J-J7- CrostoirMnrliot- 5.v , 3a.nAuguit 10. Butter 12c. , -i\ \ . . Kggs lOc. _ e * Grand Junction Market. G HAND JUNCTION' . I a."August Hi. s lOc. > < * " Buttcr 10c. , „ Chicago Prod woo. , 0 OIIIOAOO. August 10. ' Un 'change ths markets were utiti and uncertain. Keeeipt * of grain 311,200bn. . ci > rnhyc.uialHll,000 ! bn. i by lake ; 1,0)2 ! ) car loadsJgf-rall ; emniueing lfi2 of wheat ; 1,252 of tlhi ' ; I'.l of o.its ; rye ; and 2 nt barley : J , Vlour1'ulcd quit and 'feeling firm ; tiaimactions light and buyers mostly sup plying actual wants and holding nlf for liiiuru development * . Wheat Theio was less excitement in the mmket which rules nioic quirt ibiring moit of the session and only , a inodcrntc business was transacted. Opcruton were rather undecided which course to pursue and under ex i ting circumstances and the condition of the president and the move- inent of the bull element canning some uneasiness - easiness among operators the in icon IJnctii- nted.within a range of about * /e / and finally closed about lc higher for cash ; Jo lower for Keller September ; and Jc higher for Holler October. Qn the board mi call No. 2 spring closed at 131 ] for August ; 1 1HJ for September ; 1 10 } for October ; 1 17/ : / for the year ; No. 3 spring , 1 07 ( ? 1 12 , aei-ording to location ; rejected , 81c. . _ Corn Quiet and inactive ; biisincHS has not been transacted as yet so liirite in ag gregate as during thu day prcxions ; the feeling was greatly unsettled and prices ruled with considerable irrcgnluiity. The maikct opened rather ( -niet but under the influence good Hi > cculati\o demand both on local and outside account mine strength was developed and prices were advanced 11@1 Jc- After these orders Men ) provided for the maiket again weakened and prices gem rally receded l.Jfff'Uo ' and lluctuated within a small range to close. Shipping in quiry fair ; market for No. 2 finally elosed about Jo higher for catli jic higher ( or seller September , and Ze higher for Holler October. On the regular hoard , and on call at 583o for September ; 008 for October ; 111cfor Novembci ; 01 ) c for De cember ; 5HjJc for the year. O.its In fair demand at slightly higher prices. Offerings light ; No. 2 , closed ut 3li.'u for Augimt ; 35jju for September ; 3'o ( ! for October ; 37ic ! for November ; 3Ue for the year. . ItyeHigher ; No , 2 .i ! > o for August ; 100 for September ; 1 02 for October ; 101 for November. Barley Unsettled and hliiidti easier ; No. ' „ ' , HOc for September and October. Polk In fair deimind ; prices dropped oarjv ( but iecoveied > and ' closed hteady ; mess l , 17-00 for September ; 17 70 for Oc li lI tober I ; 10 70 for the yeui ; 1775 for .Ian. nary. i Ijird Opened wek ami lower , be- eatuu be ivy ami rallied but declined and did not fully it-cover , nnd closed ut 11 47 for August ; 1145 for September : 1155 for Octoboi ; 11 25 foi the year ; 11 40 for January. Bulk Meats Irregular ainl demand moderate ; wliiul iilwA'.l li.'J for August ; II yfiC' II 27j for September ; U 10 for Oc- tober.l Whisky Unchanged at 111. Jlcccipts Flour. H.fiO'J bbU ; wjieat , 81,284 bu ; corn , 258,58(1 ( bu ; oats , 51,000 : ; bn ; rye , 1,282 bu ; barley , J.HW. SbipmenU Flour , 2.1,158 bbN ; wheat , 81,571 bu ; com , 25)1,511 ) bu ; oats , 107,105 bu. : rye , 4,172 bu ; bailey , 1.015. Since January 1 to date tlm receipts in Chicago include IlOH.lKr , bbl . of Hour ; 8,401,520 bu. of wheat ; I1III.I3 ! < > bu. of corn ; 17,3fX,71 ) J bu. of oats ; 173,3115 bu. of rye ; and 2,511,603 bu. of barley. Thu ntock of grain in theChlcagi elovAtom ' 8il3,3Mi ( ! bn. , ug-ilnxt HB3I,85I ! bn , a week ago and 5,375,411 bn. at ttiU jierlod loot yel"- Llvo Ktock. ( 'IIICAOO , An/iut li. ( Hogs llecelpts 17,001) ) ; sliipmentH , 4,100. Market htt-ady ; roimnon to good mixed packing , 5 75 ( < J 3i ; | ightho/ii. 11 30 ( a 0 W ) ; choice hruvy , 040feO'JO ; culls und grasseiv , 4 ( XC 0 00. Cattle Jtccfiptu , L' ' < 00 ; MilpincntK , 1,500 , Strong and active on all good stock und kteady on eoinmon to fair , ut 4 70j > fi 00 ; gooif to choice nldpplng , 5 IX(5 ( 00 ; ex-xitn | , iiO'u(140 : ( ( , the latter price for four cam of 1,020 pound t''cr ' | native utock , uteaily at 220 * 3 ! * ; utock. tin and femlera , uiicliun nl at 2 'Mtt > & 85 ; dairy calveH erypluntiful and pellini ; ut 8 00 ( > ] G 00 per head for common to prime ; range cattle tteody ; grat * Texana , 8 0"i ( ; 4 00 ; native * and half-breed.- 7r. < ,4 86 ; good canning demand for Huhy at 8 00 Sheep -UeceipUi , 2,000 liead ; nhlunentH | , ( XK ) ; weak and Mow , but not quotably lower ; Texani ) , 3 13 , common to good ni- liven , aCOfe.100. . UtX.ouln Live Stock- Br , I/IIUIH , August 1C. H ( > ! ; < -Higher and j'md t Utter ; York er i , 0 Ma 0 G5 ; packing , ( i 10C",0 50 ; choice > to fancy heavy , 0 70gO 03 ; it-ceiptu , U.SOO ; bhlpmenU , 1,700. SU Lonti Prodnoa- ST. Flour Hisher ; family , S 85C < jti ) fancy , Ii MW i PO \\1ieat Incited , higher and lin-rttlcil : No. 2 red , 1 2SJ for Augn-t ; 1 2t j for September - tember ; 1 32 for Octotier ; 1 35J for No. \cndKr ; 1 2SJ for the year. Corn Higbrrand unsettled ftltll.J for cash ) Gl ? for September ; RIJ f r October ; (15 for N ovcmber . OaUHigher at 38J for ra h , AngtiH and Septemlxr ; SOf for October : 111 forNo- Minbcr ; 37J for the year. Uyc-lHRhcr ; I 00 bid. Load-Steady at I S7J. llultcr Unclianswl , llvfcUnchanged. . Whisky Higher all 13. Pork "U-wcr at IS 10 { < .ls0 : for * 17 M ) for .lannarys 17 00 for the > ear. JjinlNominal at 11 35. Ili-celplK - Flour , 1,000 bbl ; wheat , ! W,0 0 bu. ! corn , 101,100 hu. ; o.\ts 2H.OOO bu. : rye , 3.000 bu. ; bailev , 3,000 bu. Shipment * Flour , 8K)0 ( ) Mils wheat , 2tOtX ! ) dm. ! corn , 8,000 Int. ; oats 21,000 bn , ; rye , none ; barter , none. Novr'Vorlt Proilnoo- NKW YOIIK. Auguil Ii ! . Flour Onlct and without drlded change ; fair to fancy e\tr. s B 25ff7 ( ; 20. Wlieat Opened higher , but the advance wan lott nnd the market rimed lower ) miot nale of No. 3 retl winter , 1 32f ; uhitu at 1.131 ® I'll. No.2,44GiillJ ; No. 2 white , ril@61 : vest. ern , 43 © 15. Ityc-Quiel but Hnn at 88@lll. Ilarley Nominal. Pork Pull ; new me * * on i potnt 18 0 < ) . lAt-tl linwer on cash and heavy for tie- ll\ere ! ; 11 50 for e.vdi ; 11 .Vi-tl i'.0 fur Augnnt. liecf 1'iichaiiged. ( . 'nt MeatxI'ltchnnged. . WliNky-Nomiiml. Toledo Proilnoo TOI.I.DO , AugitHt HI. (8 ( Wheat Wenk ; No. 2 red , 1 3'2 for Oc. toboi ; 1 2J for tint i ear ; amber Michigan , Corn Oniet ; No. 2 , l2 ! for October. OatsNominal. . A MISTAKEN IDEA fbat This Has Boon a Very Unhealthy Senaon. Thu somewhat umisiml inurliility among infants during thu hunted spell of last week 1ms led people to supporto that tliu death list was unusually large thu present Hunuiu'r. Imjuiry among druggists , especially those who do ix largo prescription business , does not verify these suppositions. AH unite in saying Unit , the two provions summers - mors were moro unhealthy for Onmhii tlinii ] tlio present ono. Dr. Luisenring , the city physician , says'that notwith standing tlio unusual heat 8t this t ! season the mortality really been less than for tliu two previous years. This may bo ulliib- ' led to * tin1 ficE : tlm the sanitary condition , thu city Is much im proved HIIICO then. Jn July , 1880 , there were SO deaths , . nnd in August of the Biiiuu year fif ) , while in July of the present year there wore only 08 deaths , 'nnd ' np to-yesterday ! 13 dentils were reported for the present month. Out of these J)8 ) deaths 27 were infants under live years of nge , nnd 21 were cases of a diarrhi'tic character. The mortality among infants the doctor tliinkn , was influenced by thu opening of drain in various parts of tlio city. It is aston ishing what effect n change in tlio temperature- upon mortality parti cularly on children. The doctor had observed a wonderful change for tlio better in his pationlH on Sunday nnd Monday , owing to tlio pleasant variation - tion in the temperature. It will thus be seen that statistics boar out thu assertion that tlio present ucason is tliu healthiest Omaha luid in three years. Opera Preparation- Tlio Harmonic society people are doing n good doul of rehearsing now , preparatory to tlieir rendition of thu Chimes of Normandy , next month. Tin ) society liuldii rehearsal at llospu's last evening , which wan extremely satisfactory to the director , Mr.Goorgu Mayor. There is n. line chorus of over twenty voices , which will add much to the beauty of tlio opera , as tlio chorus is one of its beat features. Tlio , solos will nil 1m taken by the old favorites. Major Stephen- non lias been training tliu inumburu into tlio mysteries of stage "lumi- IIUHS , " IIu snya tlmt hy tlio tiinu lixod for tlio jircHOutatimi of thu ojiorn tliuy will bu wull propatud in tluit ro- apect. Poit-OHlco in Nebraska during tlio week ending August HI , 1HB1 , furnished by Win , VanYleclc of thu poatollice depart ment for Tlic. OMAHA Nun. Established Moran , Wheeler Co , , Win , W. Kcohaugh , postmaster. Or chard , Antulopo Co. , Bimon 1' , Cramer , Postmasters Appointed Cleveland , Holt Co. , Clius. Ii. Wixson Daiinu- brog , Howard Co , , Carl H. I'eteraon , Tnkii "BLACK-DRAUGHT" and you will UCVIT bo bilious , At C. I' nnniliuiu' * , DON'T IMK lin'HK I10USK. Ask druggists for ' 'Jlonglion IWs , " It clears out rats , mice , bed-bugs , roaches , vermin , Hies , ants , H. Jfio pur box W. d. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Of nCK-rFroiit lloouu ( uii italri ) new lirlck bulMlm ' , , N.V , txinicr Klticuth oil rAriilnin _ StrwU. _ _ _ _ _ aiAKI'N Ul' Nuuriny linuigoii Katunluj , an old wliltolior.u will ) lilaik ktiotn ; lilinil In Ihe right cje. P. O. Ilrijuon. north klilo Liutcn- ; VtoiUittr ct , Int. 7h ( anU btli. uulO-HU JTlOlt HAI.KA Uri'u two mory Iniino liliii'le4 } reel Hotel ami onu utory klti-htn ; almi one lory ( runic , > iliijd U root , hall room ( or tun Ui to Uauu : , mid luni lar ii moui'li tuliolil tuvuty tuain > - All ultuatixl on corner o ( IlroaJ and Itli truit , Kriiaant , IKxIgs ( Jo. , Neb. For lurtlar luforuiatlon oi.i'li to O. U. TIlOtll'SON , Sijtoi Krcniont , Vodyv Co , , Nub , DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. IIOTKM. MARSH HOUSE. ARAPAHOC HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , HOLLAND HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , CAGE HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , UNION PACIFIC HOTEL , GRAND CENTRAL HOTtL , SUMMIT HOUSE , JUDKIN3 HOUOC , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARK HOTtL , DURKE'S HOTEL , HEAD HOUSE , CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , NEOLA HOTEL , CENTRAL HOUSE , EMERSON HOUSE , CROMWELL HOUSE. SUPERIOR HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WESTERN HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , PACIFIC HOTEL , W. W. DROWNING , L. CLUTE , T , M. STONE , QEO. D. HOLLAND , T. MUNHALL , A. R. OAQC , Q. D. DORDEN , MARKELA SWOUE , E. D. corrnELL , SWAN & DECKER , JUDKINS& DRO. , WM. LUTTON , W. J , QARVIN , E. R. DURKE , JOS. SHAW & CO , CHENEY DROS. , F. 8IEVERTZ , 8. P. ANDERSON , A. L. SHELDON , MRS. R. COCHRAN , S. TtMMERMAN , A. O. OAARPER , E. FUNKHOU8ER , DR. W.W.JONES , W , P. RENSHAW , TOWNS. Orownvllle , Neb. Arapahoe , Neb. Orleant , Neb. Red Cloud , Neb. Dloomlnf-ton , Neb. Republic. Clty.Neb. Alma , Neb. Council Bluffs , Iowa. NebratkA City , Neb. Cretlon , In. Reel Oak , In , Vllllica , U. CornlnR , la , Carroll , la , JefTerion , la. Mo. Valley June. , I * . Neola , la. MAlvern , la. Cmeraon , la , Cromwell , I , Superior , Neb. Hardy , Neb. Chester , Neb. tllua Spring ! , Neb , Gentries. Neb , ST. JOSKPH it WESTERN R. R. ( U. P. ) , SOUTHERN NEHRASKA. ZSX.TTOE1 S3E 3EtIKT < S , ZVTE2Z3. DAVIS * CO Dry Hoods , Uuady-Miulo Clothing , Hoofs and Shoes. WM. WONDER & CO Gonuml Merchandise. KRETSINOER A- PAR LEV Rual Kstnto , Insurance and Collections. .T. V. DOWNEN Heal Estate. E. ,1. JAMES Real Estate. RIOE & J1KO Hardware , Stoves nntl Tinware. 1'tTTS * WING Grocers , WARNERS & CO . ' . ' Grocore. KEITH PIERCE . " . . . . ' The Motor ( Weekly. ) DR. GUMAER " . Physician and Surgeon. J. F. UOLLENHEOIC Wisconsin Lumber Co. H. S. IURNUM i Livory. .1. G. GRIMES. . , „ Uillinrd Hull and Saloon. DR. W. W. JONES , Commercial House. Hellmutlr Ladies' College. Patroness , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and President , The Right Rev. I. HELL- MUTH , D. D. , D. O. L , LORD DISHOP OF HURON ; . Fall Term opens Wednotday , September 21st. llaitilKimpkiii'HMIIDII * InilMlnipi , I iwiHlnlly MlmUM In a nuwt hralthr locality , nlmnt fonr hours In- roll Irnm Nli > t rix I'lills , nml on oimol tliu | irlncliuJ | throiiKli route * hrttvmiti tlio East niulVrnt. . Tlio ( IllOI'.VhS t-ommlna MO acre * , The1 nliu oftlm ( mimlcr of till * folloj-u ii to ) > r\n Idu the liliti"t lntvllvctu lniiiliraflimlly | < i < irfiili < iliimtliii. Tlio whole * \ > tcml < bnsnl upon tlio umiiiilcut PRO TESTANT I'rliiclpU'i , n tlio nnly mild haul" for tlm rltflit formation olcliamctcr. FRENCH U tlio liiiiinu | | iokrii III tlio roller. MUSIC it KiHH-lalty- lloanl , l.nmitlr.v unit Tuition Kros , liicliiillnir tilholo course of KiiKlMi. tlin Anclfiit unit Mod' crn tAtipiaeriisCulllitliiiiiUii , Dntnlnirniul I'ftlntlinr.iitu I'limnninl Library Mdlloatnttrnilniice , ami MoiU-lnc ! . * 300 per nnimm. A rrkitctlon of oiiu-liiiU for tlm cliumlitor * of ClarRynicii. 1'or "clni- larn" niul Mill < irtUiilnni mhlri'M IIIS L'I.INTON ' ' ] , ljuly I'rlncliwl , llullmutli lAilluK'UollvKa , LONDON , ONTARIO , OANAHA. uiniKUIiun--nt 11. S. HARRINGTON. E. P. NEWELL ] WESTERN POLISH CO. , MANUI'ACTlHtKILS Of WESTERN STAR STOVE POLISH ! AND BEAU BRUMMEL BOOT BLACKING , ALSO UKAl.lMtH IK COUNCIL , BLUFF3 , IOWA. . \ . o. WHOLESALE G ROGER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. FEARON & COLE , Comniissspn Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Nob. tM iimJo 111 will rccohc ) iroinpt attuntlon. llcftrenics 1'lrtt Nut. lUnk and Onmlia Hit WHOLES-ALE - DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , * ' 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NEB. The [ Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. Jy IB me SpoctaoloH , Musical Boxes Clocks aiifl Silver ware , Jewelry of all De signs Made to Order. Bopairiupr of Watches nnd Jewelry Done at Reasonable Bates and Satisfaction Guaranteed. EDIOLI & EEICKSOI , WI10I.KSAI.K AND KITTA ! * , UANUKAUTUIIINU AND PBAOTICAL IATGHIAKEBS. Corner Fifteenth and Dodge Streets , Opposite Post Office. OMAHA , NEB ,