Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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* ' '
Tuesday Morning , Aug. . 10.
I i . . . . . .
Frederick , „
F lU"wm eclU coa'M
Ladle * purses ot all at i
Frcah oy ter 81 lUcli. rd's rcHtaunmt.
Get your hataat DoaneV ,
NlmUU & Kwlle. 1'racticftl Hatters.
COO buttons lot * . Call on Bctn ! .
Benrtf real estate boom. First pAg
250'hou ca nnd lot * . Bemls1 Agency.
A.W. Ntuton , DentK Jacob's block ,
i Hrwhei at Kulm's.
i1 new map of Omaha , 25 cents.
4000 residence lot * , Ifemls , agent.
-JTor run Comniorclal Job 1'rinllrc ,
ilU' t TUB BBS Job rooms.
JArgo i > tock ol handkerchief fxlracts
Two train Inmt * of tattle rrUHl nt
'the U. 1' . depot yesterday inornliiB.
The Lion continues to roar for Moore' *
' Harness nnd Siwlillcry.
IJarnum's drcun will exhibit lure on
Octoltcr 7tli.
200 fanns nnd 800,000 Aero * of land.
Bcmtn , ngcnt.
l'r icriptloB < ! A specialty , Opera Houn
Pharmacy , 2118. ISth Street.
-Finest dlspUyof CalifoniU-Fnilt ftt
ce in obUlna | ( txiil payinR
lunincM. tSce special-colnmn. 3fcirimro t
217 Houth 14lb ptrcct. I *
lUrnanfr wlvcrttitmi : car nuJ callopo
arri\cd la t * i ( it ami In n 4 * le track o :
the U. 1 * .
The W. C. T. U. will h Sd nn Im
l > nrtnnt uxcting on Friday next at the
city ml i.l < mr ? Jt Is h pcd that there wll
Iran very'large Attendance , at KOWO tueH-
tlons of vital Importance in regard to tern
pcrance inattcru will be brought before ttii
The MocHmu , f > qimrc th&tttricnl com-
l a'ny pwned through Omaha yoHtertlaj
from Sail Frnucisco , on tboir way to Min
ncapollii , ifin.
A term cotta drain , with xcvcral largo
holes hi it. , ii expOMt-,1 nt the comer o
"Ninctecntli and Cft H ftrccti' . ' It l vrry
< langcrou for horncs to pann there after
Tlie FreinfnH association met las
night at their ball , .mid although a quorum -
-rum WAS present they nil journal to irmki
room for the bricklayer's annotation ,
which nUo liolds ltd moetlnRrt in the sam <
hall. The firemen adjourned to meet a
the c.ill of thu chief of the department.
Saratoga Son.srit.icra-
A market gardener immcd John
McFaddon suddenly decamped ono
ilny last wcuk nnd lias not boon hoard
from since. Ho is supposed to Imvo
emigrated to South America. Nu
merous creditors mourn hi * departure.
D. Andcrrton , of U in the
Dick Kitchen arrived homo yesterday
Tom KnnnuH City.
Lord Mayo , an Kuglinh nobleman , and
party , passed through yesterday on his way
to Hock Creek where ho will engage in a
Lunt ior jack rabbits.
Hamlet Drum , formerly a merchant of
Omaha , has been flopping in thin' city
with liia family , on Ins way from Den
mark to Han Francisco. ITc , with hlri
family , left yesterday for Han Francisco.
Mm. Kobcrt Glenn left.laat , evening for
Detroit. '
II. T. Clarke and Mm , 'of TtolloTiow , are
at the Wltlmell. . ! j' '
Hon. Lorenzo Crounto arrived homo
/nun Chicago yesterday. \ _
Dexter L. ThomaH took tbo AVnbanh for
Butler , Ind , , yostvrday.
Mian Agnon Kennedy loft for Yuilantl ,
.Mich. over the cutinon ball route last
Col. John Heath arrived from Ncbrankn
City last evening and will remain in the
city for n few days.
11. M. Slbbett , un attorney from David
City , arrived in the city yesterday , nnd in
utaying nt the Withnell. .
_ Judge J. T. Klnney" arrived from No
liraskn City yesterday , and" " will open an
office at the Wlthnoll to attend the state
fair bu In m.
fl. E. J. Waring nnd daughterSophto
| OtQreenyille , Ohio , who have been the
u' JKiiebt of Mrs. Frank H. Moore for ( bo pwl
iow days left yrnlerday for Fargo , I ) . T
They go to visit Mrn , Wrtrins's ilatightei
,2 H C < Buclt in'aAralon Salvo.
Tho'beat aalvelti'tho world for OUB ! ,
liruisoa , Bures , ulcers , suit rliuiun
fuvcr Borua , tetter , chapped Imnda
tchillblnins , coma and nil Icindb oi
' l < in eruptions. This eulve is ( junr
-intend to givu perfect natisfaction in
every case or money refunded. Price
"TM25c per box. For ualo by
t IHII it HCMAIION , Om'dha ,
m UCrali npplga " cheap ; at iJuiFutt's.
, ' 100 dozen Ladies' nnd Children *
rf Vail and Winter
JL. Ct " nosisuv , t-
Your early inspcctioii is invited ,
Htoro , Creighton Block " ,
Freah car load of watunnclpna a
Go/qda must bo eojd , draw- who
Ihoy will. 150 fe'tuir Suits wort
910.00 , will bo told for $4.7 pad ;
225 handsomely trimmed , worth froi
8151 * $ 'flB , , will positively bo spl
far1 ! O.QO , qach , Indies' Dylinans an
Wraps must TKJ close'd'at swoopitif ; r <
uctiwi * . Auosant ; \ tuuotimuiiti c
iCfl'rUlsWrB and T/aveliii lfu5
inontu will bo sold roL'ardloaa of COB
Ladies' Muslin and Knitted undo It.r ;
-wear , Fancy Goods and Trimmings :
decided bargains , at MCDONALD'
Emporium of F&shion. 1408 Farnhai
. jtrcet , opposite Grand Central Hole
Money Voted Away Vfy Them at
the Last Mroting.
The oomnussion.cra nt their last
mooting inntrucled the treasurer to
draw S12.04 nii'Ji $3.85 from the Kcn
crnlfund and devote the amount to
the payment , uf the delinquent tnxcft
ot M. .1. JMllolor and H. Morris for
work on U o road. The following RO
counts were allowed : Frank Cnmiiboll
work on road , S17.0 ; J. W. Murg
uun , grading , $30.15 ; Wm. llaonor ,
9.1 , nnd Mark Uillctor , ? 3.2t , for
work on the road ; H. 8 , Ludington ,
grading , ? 23 ; 11. Mnrris , baUnco for
grading , fiS conUj lUllotcr nod Mor-
risBamoa61.574lAVidlcod , 828.50 ;
P. llilcr , ? < U ; Potcr Cassidy , ? 18j 11.
II. lUclmrd , § 18 ; ,1. D. Crook , 838.75 ;
D. P. RodmntH ? L7.iS > ; 0. F ,
Roycc , JJIH.BO , for work on
nmd ; M. Molii , grndiiiR , ? fl .40 ;
C. A. Jon cn , grndinK block
J4J $7T ) { Eli Johnson , 'building ' bridge
$200 ; Gfto. W Thuiniu. hauling lum
ber SR.ffO ; Terry Mills , bnilding bridge
820 ; John Darr , grading § 80.75 ; Luke
McDermott , Ginning street prado
? 17B ; W. W. Wilson , grading 87.50 ;
Homy Trulson , doinngcs for right of
way ? 25 and J. A. Ilowo , work on
road $ ! 1. Fred Drexel got ? 35 for
cash expended , from the general fund ,
and fur services as commissioner in
J.uly')0.50 ' ! ) : Frank li Mooros , ticket
Jtor paupers $ GVi5 { J. II. Manches
ter , cash expended , $8.05 ;
John 8. Caulfiold , Bt.ition-
cry , 81.80 ; D. A. Pircy , castings ,
* 0.aO ; Frank E. Moorcs , ticket for
pauper , 83.20 ; Bernard ThomHon ,
care of pauper , 812 ; Chicago lumber
company , 832.03 ; 0. F. Mnndorson ,
witness fees , ? 4 ; i Gibson , Miller it
IlichardsonbookBnnd ! blanks ; 830.40 ;
IJtirr implement company , scrapcrn ,
880 ; D. Fitxpntrick , rcpairn nt jail ,
824.90 ; Go'j. II. Guy , sheriff , board-
inj , ' prisoners for the month of Juno ,
8144 ; W. S. Street , coal , 815.23 , and
II. C. Stool , grand juror , 822.
The labor' tax ugainst M. L. Hall
was rejected.
Teacher * ' Inntitnto-
Thu Douglas county Teachers' institute
stituto convened yesterday nt 0
o'clock , but on account of the unv :
\oidablo absence ot Prof. Driimmoml ,
who cannot bo hero until Wednesday ,
nnd the limited number in attendance ,
the institutu adjourned until to
Low Rates to the Ploiilc.
Hates of fare to thu land league
picnic next Saturday will bo as fol
lows : U. P. , ono and one-fourth
rates for the round trip to and from
Columbus and Lincoln ; 1 ! . & AT. , one
and one-fourth rates from Lincoln
nnd Plattsmouth , full faro being
charged this way and one-fourth faro
back on certificate of the secretary of
the land league. The faro fron
Council Bluffs nnd return will bo de
termined this evening and will be
published in to-morrow's issue.
He is Elected Pastor of the
Lutheran Church.
Lost evening the congregation of
the Emanual Lutheran church held n
nicotine to elect their now pastor and
to decide where they would worship
while their now church is being built.
Dr. Luisenring presided. Some in
teresting addresses were delivered by
Messrs , Redman , Droxln , Jardino ,
Walters and Anderson , Dr. Stalling
was unaiiimqtialy elected.
The chairman congratulated the
duutor on his election in
fitting language. Dr. Stalling
said in reply that ho had anticipated
the result of the ballot from certain
observations members had inndo to
him. Ho felt very grateful to thorn
for the confidence they had evinced
in him. Ho could nut positively
accept , the offer , as ho felt it duo to
> his family nnd.othcra to consult them
before- deciding , but for his own part
ho waa willing to accept the pastorate
at onco. Thu aalary was placed at
, '
$2,500' year. It was resolved to
, 'lenvo . .thoselection / " of a temporary
, place of * worship" to the committee
appointed for that purpose.
L r HJ
Miss Klla Torrance solicits sewing
by jtho ; day or weok. Call or address
her , 4th street , cor. Worth , Council
, Blufls. metf
Tbo Now City Directory
< soon 10 ho issued will bo the most
thorough and complete of any directory
, over issued for Omaha. People wlm
Imvo recently coino to the city , or
these who have recently changed their
rusidenco or boarding place , should
send their now address nt once to J.
MJWolfo : , 120 S. Fourteenth direct ,
corner Douglas , BO that their liauiet
will appear in the now directory cor-
ojct when issued. jy30diw !
Wanted two good cylinder presi
feeders at this oillco immediately.
Parties within ? booth stands dur
at ing Stnto Fair , address K. P. Davis ri
Omaha , Nob. jy28-sop2
t 1 NKW YOUR , August 1 , 1881.
Wo have given to .Moiiius .
! TKU , 1001 Farnham street , the exclusive
sivo agency of our CUHTOM TAILOII
at STVLKH and I'AJTKIS S for the FALI
thin dntl WISTKH BKAKOK of ' 81-82 urt
ready for inspection.
in DKVLIK it Co. ,
Id' augl2-lt ( 'IJrwai way fb\Varron Sta.
'd I * f "t ' * f f * ' * I ' *
o'- Smytlio & StuH , Rttonioys , romorci
o'of , to No , 12 . / - Creijjhton f . * block. . _ auglH-1' . '
. '
It. Fresh car load of watermelons n
r- UuHtiU'a.
at -t -
un Ladies' Hoop Hkirtg , iirico fiOceutt
ol. Kurtz's Ktort , Civichton Dlock.
A Polly Theft.
Yesterday morning , between 4 and
f > o'clock , Charles Uankoy broke inlo
Fred Huth's saloon , on Tl'irlecntli
street , to the rear of Caldwcll , Ham
ilton t Co.'a ' bank. Uankoy man
aged to abstract eomc bottles of npir-
itsandboxcflof cigars nnd ft check
for $1.25 , the \vholo amounting * A
abonl § 20 worth. In the after,0on
Officer McCuno found Hftnkr.y Ju R
saloon in a state of intoxication , ilo
nt once arrested him. Ho is to bo
tried this morning n.1 0 o'clock.
Ho Speaks of Affairs in the
Indian Territory.
Col. E. C. Uoudinot from the In
dian Territory , arrived in the city yes
terday on his way to Piocho , Nevada ,
where ho goes to look after n suit
which lie has pending against tlv
government for damages sustained to
his trade.
In n conversation ns to the nlTaira
of the dilTercnt Indian nations in the
territory , the colonel gave sonio im
portant fncts. His homo is in Vinita
in the Indian Territory and ho bun
lived therefor many years , Ho said
that the existing state of nlfuira with
relation to the United States govern
ment word unsatisfactory to the more
intelligont'clasn of thu Cherokee na
tion to which ho belongs The nation
are now virtually wnrds of the United
States nnd no laws made in the nation
can Imvo effect where a statute of the
United States comes in controvonsion ,
This lion nn injurious effect upon
the the local laws made in the
nation , They have n counsel
judiciary nnd executive as in other
states nnd territories which are made
up of Indians. In relation to railroads
ho said that treaties and acts of con
gress had given rights to the M. K.
it T. railroad and the A. & V. The
former road had already built ISOO
miles of road within the limits of the
territory , and the A. it 1 * . had only
forty miles within their borders , the
present terminus being Vinitu. The
company had contracted for their
road from Vinita to Albuqurquo , in
Now Mexico , and it would bo com
menced the present season. The A.
T. & St. F. had petitioned congress and
also the chiefs of the different nations
for right-of-way from Arkansas City ,
in Now Mexico , to Fort Smith in the
territory , and would probably bo
granted the samo. The colonel slated
that the population of the territory
was now about 140,000 , whites and
Indians. Ho will go west to-morrow
nnd return in about ten days.
Peculiar Bag-
A very curious bug is preserved in
alcohol at Schrotor & Bccht's phar
macy. It was caught in front of the
flforo. The bug has a head shaped
something after the feline style , with
a pair of fin-liko wings springing out
just back of the oyos. No one who
lias soon it up to the present has boon
able to decide its species.
Military Note *
Lieutenant Geo. K. Hunter , 3rd
cavalry , has been granted nn extension
of his leave of absence.
Col. Albert G. Jtaickott.'lrd cavalry ,
is appointed special inspector of n
cargo of corn at Fort D. A. IlUssell.
The unexecuted portion of the mm-
tenco of Private 'Christopher Ayres ,
of company E , 3rd cavalry , is remit
How a Scandinavian Lost All
His Money.
A Scandinavian named James Nel
son arrived in the city Saturday night
with the intention of obtaining work
hero. While lingering about the
depot he got into conversation with u
man who promised to employ him.
They took n wain south of the depot
and were soon joined by another man.
Ho had n bill of 810 to collect
and the first individual said
ho didn't ' Imvo the ready
cash. Ho asked his Scandinavian
friend if he could loan him the money
for n abort time. Nelson pulk'd out
a roll of money , all ho had in thu
world , and ns ho did so ono of the
fellows grabbed it , mid both had ditj
appeared before Nelson could recover
from hia astonishment. Ho has na
hopes of over seeing thu men again.
UoloHoa about-00. ; !
DONNKLLY In thU city Alight 115th.
Allco Miilicl , daughter of Samuel F. anil
Julia A , Dnmu'lly , aged two yt-urn anil
e > u months.
Funeral from residence nit the Montheasl
comer of Twentieth and
- htrt-cU Tuesday , August ICth , ut H o'clocV
, , a. iu ,
Michael Ley otters his two-tliirdi
interest in the old California house
situated near the 0. & N , ' . railway
depot , on lower lirtiadwny , Conner
lllufls , for sale cheap. The house it
in a desirable location and can bi
purchased at a great bargain and or
easy torma , mutf
The Londou Lancet.
The Ixmdou Lancet Kuyni "Many i
life Ink * liuuit n\vixl by the mural I'ournyi
uf the fcutforrr" ami niiviiy a llfolmu IHH'I
vavod by taking Birni | ! ; Dlossom In cano d
blllouH foyer , imiigettlon or liver com
jilalnt. Price W cent * , trial Ixrttlei II
. uudlw
Take "BLACK-DRAUGHT" nnd yet
will uiwcr bu liiliuuti.
At r. R.\B' . .
Hammocka nt Wo storo.
Things of Iritoroat Which Oc
curred , ihero Yesterday.
Co ored Woman's Narrow Es-
cftt > o From Death ,
A Young Man's Success in
Dancing the Raoquot.
for Hnsty Skimming
Til KM
It docs not tnko n very exlondcd
r.uigp of vision for the pcoplo to tell
where n single individual or n combi
nation of capital comes here to do
something to advance the growth and
prosperity of the Binds. Some come
all excited and foaming nt the mouth
and say if the citizens of Council
HlufTa will give them a lot of land to
cruet n fine manufactory upon and
then do the erecting , they will run
the business , provided it is exempted
from its share of the municipal expenses
pensos for a term of years. Not long
since n man named II. A. Turner , in a
n letter to Mayor Vauglmn , stated
that inasmuch as ho could not got the
pcoplo to subscribe a sufliciont amount
ho withdrew his proposition to erect n
windmill factory in this city , nnd wo
think it may bo well for the city , after
all , that ho departed. Tun BKK bo
lievcs that every manufacturing on
tcrpriso that is projected hero
should bo encouraged , and
when pcoplo from abroad
como hero with such intentions they
should bo aided in every way possible.
But when n man like Turner comes
along and says to the people , "You
must build my windmill for me and
then run thu business , " depend upon
it the city will get mnro wind than
mill. As a contrast wo will call atten
tion to another enterprise that will
soon bo adding to the wealth and
prosperity of the city very materially.
Wo refer to "Tho Keystone manufac
turing company. " They have located
hero in earnest. They did not come
with n flourish of trumpets ; neither
did they nsk the citizens to help them.
They came hero nnd have laid their
foundations broad and deep. They
have como to stay. They hud an eye
to business , The agent , Mr. Patter
son , informs us that they did not
make up their minds to locate hero
until they had looked the country
over from Chicago to San Francisco and
that the location of Council Bluffs
was the best for their rapidly increas
ing business. Mr. Patterson says
that bur railroad facilities are unsur
passed by any point west of Chicago
and that all the great farming 'regions '
can bo more easily reached from here
than from any other point that has
como under his observation. They
have several largo buildings in the
west but the ono that they are now
erecting on South Main street will bo
the moat extensive establishment they
have ever placed upon a single foun
The main building is located on the
corner of Main and Fifteenth street
tind is 100x1)0 ) feet. It will bo four
stories high , .including the basement
In the northwest corner of the mam'
moth structure there will bo largo am
commodious ofliqcs , a private oillco , n
public ollico , and an oflico tor their
small army of employes and clerks.
The Fifteenth street side wall be used
for loading and unloading articles of
manufacture. The rear , next to the
track of the 0. B. & Q. , will
bu used for loading and unloadinc
freight from the cars. Sixty thousand
bricks were required for the founda
tion and it will t'iko two hundred nnd
fifty million foot of lumber for the
superstructure. The roof , to be con
structed of iron , will bo done by II.
L. Raymond. Mr. G. S. Lawson has
the carpenter work and Wicklmm
Bros , ( ho mason work. Whim com
plete the building will bo the largest
of the kind in this country.
A curious colored combination con
sumed considerable valuable lime be
fore Judge Burke yesterday afternoon.
Fanny Walton , iv sable individual ,
complained that : v young colored man
had so far forgot himsclt and all re
spect due to the opposite BUS as to
enter at nn curly hour the house in
which she was domiciled , and putting
one foot on the knob outside the door
with a single spring was on her bed.
The fall , she says , woke her up , and a
contest was immediately opened. Slu >
says that ho was no indecent that ho
forcibly removed all the bed clothing ,
and had it not boon for the fact that
muslin fell to six cents this spring
she should have caught her death of
cold. After arranging the bed
quilts , the lady continued , he
grabbed a clod and throw it at her and
then Hung ft stick of wood at her ,
bruising her arm quite badly. The
man said that ho entered the room at
that unseasonable hour to BCD if he
could not find n young white man
whom he supposed had como in the
house to stop over night , in order
that he might bo on duty early tha
next morning nt n lunch room on
Broadway , not fur from The Nonpa
reil building , Nancy swore that no
white trash over lodged at her house
nnd that "a geinWn of that color
called there the night befoah lur his
washing nnd sat down on do ued fur n
minit jus' long Uiuff fur her to make
do change. ' ? But Qlu Jackson , the
defendant , declared that the youn
white man did stay there all night foj
when ho came down on them both
were held up by the same piece ol
furniture. The testimoney AVOJ
conflicting but highly interesting. Tin
court finally told Nancy not to call
white young men for their washing
wlien nny other colored chap was in
the back yard , nnd aftwr turning the
yotinc man Jnckson over to Chief
Field for medical treatment said ho
would take tlw case under advise
ment ,
A young man who had not been
sed to city life and the ways of the
rvickcd city across the Big Muddy
Atno to Council Bluffs , declaring that
inco the water works had started
vor ix Omaha , they thinned the beer
o that it was no good. In order to
ave what ho termed a heel-lifter , h < >
ook the late dummy coming cast.
Arriving on this side ho commenced to
ro up nt the first saloon , so that by
lie time ho reached n certain build-
ig on lower Broadway , heMS
MS steaming away at a
ast rate. Ho entered the house nnd
eeing quite a peed looking "angel of
lie alley" said ho had come all the
vny from Omaha to have a good time
nd if she would help him no would
eo it through. She was willing and
vanted to know what he would have
rat. They took porter and the chain-
) igno nnd' then porter nnd he began
M dance the "Omaha racquet" ns he
crmed it. Ho danced and danced
while sho'stopped to the piano and
) ugan to play. The Omahog got on
o n chair and continued the racquet ,
she played and he danced. Ho then
capcdontotho table nnd continued
o dance and from there ho jumped
'ii ' to the piano nnd danced and she
ilayod , until , between the two they
mashed the instrument all to smith-
rccns.They had a nice time but it
vill cost them something.
Ebon Newell } of the polish com-
any , called at Tun BEK odicc. He
ays the talk that Council BlulTs
eulors' do-not patronize hoinn indus-
rics is all nonsense , and that the *
wli.sli company since they located
lero has boon very liberally patron-
Mrs. E. S. Flatnor , of Harden
ownship , will spend the winter in
ho city , occupying her handsome
csidcnce on Broadway.
Judge * C. F. Loofbow not arriving
'cstorday , the circuit court will not
onvcno until this morning.
Mr. Papo , of Uoomer township ,
ailed at Tun BKI : ollice. Ho says
hey have a good postoflico at Hurri-
on , the result of Col. Sapp'a con-
rcssional work. Mr. P.ige reports
ho crops very much below the aver-
; e.
e.J. . J , Geode has opened a barber
hop on Pearl street opposite tlio
Thomas Green , of the pork packing
louse of Green & Sons , located in the
outh part ot city , w.w on our streets
in business yestcrdnj' .
Lyinan Danbaum has purchased
.ho . property on the corner of Wash-
ngton avenue and Seventh street and
s making extensive repairs.
Prof. S. N. Follows , of Iowa City ,
was in the "big" city over Sunday.
E. E. Aylesworth and daughter re-
urnod from , an extended trip through
tfew York and the oast. Mr. Ayles
worth is looking very much improved.
Bfa says it is well enough to make a
visit once in a while cast but for a
) crmanont residence give'him Council
The boat race announoed to take
) lace on Big Lake Saturday , was quite
a success. The contestants appeared
early upon the course , dressed in the
usual costumes. Gano first entered
lis.scull . and pulled for position. Wn-
terman followed in his trail. ' Both
: non seemed in good spirits. They
Dulled several times around the homo
stake. They then darted up the lake
nnd came down pretty well in a line ,
Gano a little ahead. "Waterman
Bulled strongly and at the quarter
inilu stake was nearly up with Gano.
ulano dashed ahead nnd turned the
iialf mile ' stake fully a boat length in
advance of his competitor. The
space between the sculls from this
lime on widened until at the time
Ciuno passed the homo stake , ho was
three boat lengths ahead of Waterman -
man , winning in eight minutes and
fifteen seconds. The race was quite
an exciting ono and large numbers
from this city witnessed it.
The picnic at Planer's grove , on
Franklin avenue , which was given on
Sunday under the auspices of the
Council Bluffs Maonnerchor , was
greatly enjoyed by all present. There
was good music by Prof. Olkcr'e
band and the Maonnorchor rendered
some very fine vocal pieces. Re
freshments in abundance were served.
There is no prettier spot in the state
to hold a picnic ,
Mrs. Benedict , of hair goods famor
liaa left the city on a brief visit in the
cast. Miss Annie Compton will take
tier place in the store during her ab
Potatoes in this market sold y eater ,
day for 81 , sweet potatoes for ' 4 cents ,
onions for 81 , butter for $1.15 , eggs
[ or 10 cents , butchers' stock for 2.75
to 83,50 , hogs for § 5 to 85.50 , wood
for 8"1 , hay for § 4 , and oats for 35
The following real estate transfers
were filed in the county recorder's office
fico , ns reported by the title , abstract ,
real estate and loan office of J. W ,
Squire it-Co , , Council Bluffs :
0. . 11. 1. & P. railroad company to
J. A. Murrie , lot 2 in B , in Carson.
II , B. Hino to II , Bauerkcmpor ,
BW no 4 , 74 , 42 , $1,000.
J , II , Guise to M. F. Bryant , part
SW11WBW22 , 74,40 , $85.
Sheriff Pottawattamio county to
J. F , Jackson , so nw and ei nw sw
13 , 77 , 31) ) , 8550.
( . ' , , K. T ; & P , railroad company
to I * R Crosby , nw no 11 , 77,40 ,
J. II. Arnold to J. II. Ross ,
block 3 , in Arnold's addition , Oak
land , $00.
J. Folsom to J. W. Clatterbuck
11 in B , Street's addition , cily/855 ,
J. 1 * . and J. N. Casady to J. R ,
Piper , 110,8,75,41 , , 82,080.
P. A. Child to heirs Alonro Child ,
nw 12 , 74 , 33 , § 1.
"WINE OF CARPUI" make * rosy
"hecks and clear complexions.
G F. Ooouuun'j.
Great Need for One at a NewsPaper -
Paper Offlco Last Night.
Some employe of The Watchman
owspapcr left the office , in Croitfh"
on block , yesterday evening without
xtinguishing a lamp that stood in
lie room. The lamp waa turned low ,
lowovor , as the person oxpcctcd to
oturn. Some time afterward n little
> oy came rushing breathlessly to Ben
Stunpo , who has charge of the build-
tig , and said that n bit ; fire was in
irogrosa in The Watchman oillco.
Stungo at once ran to the spot nnd
riod to force the door but failed. Ho
hen ran down stairs for assistance ,
nd Col. Smytho and a party of gen-
lotnen rushed up there , They sue-
ceded in bursting open the door and
ound that the lamp had exploded ,
cattering burning fluid over some ox-
lianges. Qititon blaze was the result
> ut with the aid of some wntcr rap
dly secured , this was soon extinguish *
d , Tlit ; damage done was merely
lominnl , although the fire created
; roat excitement throughout the
Short Brnnob-
O. Ilortlc. Manchester , N. Y. , wa8
nmblcd with asthma for eleven ycaw.
{ ad been obliged to Hit up sometimes ten
r twelve inijhts in succession. Knunil Im.
icdinte relief from THOMAS' Kci.Krrmc
) IL , nnd is now entirely.curcil. oodlw
Worthy of Praise.
As n rnlo "wo do not recommend pa
out medicines , but when wo know of
no that really is a public benefactor ,
nd does positively euro , than wo con-
idor it our duty to impart that infor-
nation to all. Electric bitters are
ruly a most valuable medicine , and
.vill . surely euro Biliousness , Fever
nd Ague , Stomach , Liver and Lidnoy
omplaints , even where all other rom-
diea fail. We know whereof wo
peak , and can freely recommend to
,11. , [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents n bottle
Ish & McMahon. (4) ( )
" "
lia , indigestion and he.irtbiirn.
C. V. Cos linan i.
* "
Six first clasa salesmen by Soptom-
icr 1st. Only these with eastern ox-
icrionce , and the best references ,
iced apply.A.
autl 3-4
NOTICE Adicrtiscuiont To Loan , For Sale ,
-oil , Found. Wants. Uonrdlnir. &c. , will be hi
ertcd In thcsa columns once for TEN CENTS
er line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVECENTS
icr line. The first insertion ueter less , than
ONEY TO LOAN Call nt law Oillcc ot D.
.VJL L. Thomas Kooin 8. Crclchton Dlock.
AAA To loan atfromS to lOpcrcont.
UU" on good real estateeecurlty , bj
Lilt. ISAAC1 EDWARD J , 1109 Farnham St.
f ° LOAN At 8 per centln-
terest In innu of 2EOO and
upwards , for 3 tofiyoare , on nr t-cl - s city and
arm property. Bmin IlBAt EBTATH and LOAN
AOKNCT. 16th and DotuclaH St > .
ONEY TO LOAN on real eatat * . at
-At 110U t'arii
11 ham uticct , up stairs. 000-19
An oflico boy at R. O. DunnJ : Co. ,
To rent a good hotel , furnWiod
In the cistern part of NcbrotKn. Address
C. Predmorc , Sutton , Neb. 01)3-19
ANTED-Atailorehsat 1220 Fnrnham St.
W near Kltli. , UHS-20
A campetcnt orkman , one that
WANTED ail klndJ of work , ono
fan find steady work ami good wagex , lly writ
ng or cilllnz on Vf. P. Clark , nt Jlaplcton , la ,
No drunkard need apply. OS'J-'JU
ANTED Sltmtlon by a flrnt-clas Oerinati
W lady cook. Address C. M. , Dee ollice.
ASHING AND IRONING Of nil kind done
W at Chicago Ht. , one block wcstofC'relghtoi
J. C. DANNELLS. 1)76-10 )
ANTED--2can > ntcrsand one handy laborer
W W. EVERE1T , next the Ilco office. 031-10
A situation as house keeper In a
WANTED or a prhatu family , Refcreuccn glv
en. Call or address Airs. Lea Lemmon , 1018
Chicago St. C7S-IO
" \17"ANTEJU A loan of 1,000 at 71 percent.on
Y ) two or three jcars' time. JJe t' security
glten , Adclrew 11. N. , Iteoollli'o. 6'0-ia
ITANrKD A Rood girl for tfonernl home
V work. Mrs. C.Trosaln. 1111 Itouirlan Ht ,
. At the utoro of J. M. I'hllllp *
WANTED. 4KI Hroad nv. Council Hinds , a
firot claui boot anil eliou maker. 010-tf
Six good laborer * . 81.75 pi'r da )
WANTED iiiun. En < iulro at 1) . t'itzmtrlck
140J DoiiulM St. (128-17
- carpenter * at 1110 Frrnham fit ,
WANTEDcarpenter I8-tf
"TATANTUD A woroftii cook at tlio Emr
W MI-19
_ . ;
'ANTKD A cliarabcnnala t the Eniractt
Ilou o. C35-17
ANTKO--alrl tor ( 'cncral housework In
w _ _ mnall family nt IM IQIhjt. 602-H
ANTIU ) T o L-lrla at French Coffee HOUBB
w 10th ptnet. . MO-tl
- pool table to rent ; with prhi
WANTED-A - . State price.
Addrcu GKO. JNJJAV ,
4il-tf Vll , Crawford Co. , lo .
TKFOHJIATION wanted of Michael Dwyer Im
J mediately by hl mother , Margaret DWJIT
oiiiaha ; Neb. , Utw wn 6th nnd 7th on Marcy St.
care of Patrick Hojfan.VcaUru jwpera please
copy. 463-tf
EJII8' REALriTATE I10OU.-S o M page ,
- ' brldife Mid tchool boudr
II. T. Clark , Btllevuo. 28-M
flJTAT 1IKS. B. E. crjVHKE'S No7l BoarJ
C Ine ou c , cor. ISth and IXKlje Sts. Ilett
In the city. MO"
' House of § c\en room * , LUtJi
cellar , cUtern , well and barn , on South Au-
nue , next to woolnortu' * reildeiic * ' hnqulre a
llth and Farnham SU , J. JOI bON , CWt
OR RKNTUrvbani. . Inquire at JS18 I'hl
J ) rajoSt. * 7 > t <
"ITIOII WKST Uwelllns house , ISIS \Vtbster
Jj iit.,6r ) im. Kiiquire netioor put , 078 tl
ru > RUKNT- obuiliiesi rooms In Masoi
J1 bloik. Kmiuiroot , John Sewlnjf llachln
olflcc , ? ? l-l |
T5 KJ1IS h rattling long ll t < of bouecu , loti
13 landi aid fariui for tale , Call and ft
J710R RENT A nicely lurnUhcd limit room fo
Jj ono or t o n-ntlcmvn , at 1210 HuarJ tnxt
OR RENT Z furnlfthed rooms over MM-
chant * ' Exch.ngoN , K. ecr. ICth and Dodge
i .1011 SALK A ntw Mock of pcncrM incrrhan-
J dl e , ( lolnRn trooil lii lncH ! In cowl locn-
Ion and In one of the hut town * In low n of about
000. Will sell or rent the nulldlni ? . II. K. X w
x > rt , Vail Cr\ fan ! County , la. C7IMO
I OItSAtK Storltof hftnlKtro In ono of the
; lit t towns of Nebrnild. 1'opuhtlonoftonn
M . Xn bitter opening for tlo bixlnrsx In the
late. Only one cither hardnnro ( .tore In the
onn. Stock In cooit f > hapc and worth nbout
MO ) , for particulars rail on or mlJresfl
060 10 OmMi , Nfb.
1T1OIISALK A numlx-r of flrnt-clant biii-l eiw
} honed nt Ktcptienson'n tarn on Cnpltol Arc
tic. 671-13
1,1011 HALF. . Small Machine Shops and
I ; foundry , ccntndlr located in Council
UuH , doing a CKK ! liuilne. " . Addrcn
S , U. & . J. HHI'KINP ,
ft.10-15 Council lIlutTi , Iowa.
FOR SAI.K Horc. JrtiRey and h rnf , lo
one dump cart. Enqulru I' . Manning , lilth
und Howard fct. flll-tf
jlOd BALK-KInc Mock fann of 400 a
. Rood house , cnttlo shed , orchard Ac. , vita
n cuty reach of railroad. I'rlco , ( IMlo , par
imo at OJOHN ; U MtCAQUE , Opp. Test
OIllcc. CUtl-tf
[ 7OH rlALn Ncnt cottniroond ( rood lot ut
L1 smo. JOHN UCCAUUH , opp. v o.
] 71011 BAI.K ON EASY TKRMtf.-Oood Hot * )
Jlii David Cltv. Neb. , well located mar A. &
S' . depot , pltntv of room , { rood nccnmmodttlonji ,
our lots , nnd irood liani. Cnn ba had at ft bar-
train. For partlciilsro , Inquire o ! or iulJrc.ii 0.
I. Kord , IJmlil City , Nebraska.
Aujr. 11 , Dallr3tto < l. * t.
ITUHt SAr.fKour 8 1IJ 1 * . en lneo , two 16 111
J ; I * , engines , ono 18 II , I' , vertical boiler , one
i It. 1' . , one 10 II 1' . nnd 1 16 11. 1 > . horlxontal
> oller , all new. Hy Omaha Foundry and Ma-
chlne Company. Omaha. Neb. m M7a23
FOIOSALn At imacrlflcc , n new suit of par
lor furniture , black and French \ralmuol ]
HjlUhed , upholsttrs In cherry rep. Enquire at
: OI3 Cass St. ( ! 22-tf
OR BAI.K-Oii reasonable terms.
that It pnjliifj8400 a month. Uuarantres
Ivcn as to title of property and Hnso of prcnil.-cn.
nqtilreatotncoof Hani.l. llo\\cll.Vl7 S. H'nSt. ,
Onwha. U12-H
fTIOR SAL > i-A Bno rldlnff pony , at 412 lOUi
JL' St. . 574-tf
171011 SALE Hortc , IIOKIO * and harnfM. Cau.
; be Boon nt Stcrcn on' Capitol A\enuu barn
. riot , 8250. K. 0. KLI.tS. MG-tf
FTIOll SALK-A llret-class milk dalrj' . Inquire
J.1 atlhUoHlcc. D17-BUC S7
AND LAND BemU rents hoiwos.
HOUSE3 , hotnll , farms , lota , landi , olBcccf
rooms , etc , Sec lit p&rc ,
U il I'arasois reiihlrcd oy It.
SCHUTT llth and Fanmm its. 7fcOif
710K SAI.K A larijo Ivo tory franio ehlii'leJ )
j root Hotel and one vtory kltchonj aUo one
story frame , * hliiilcil root , hall room for ten sets
o dance , nnd bam largo enough to hold twenty
cams- All sUuatnl on comer of llruvl and 4th
street , Frcaiont , Dodge Co. , Neb. For fiirthci
nformatlon apply to 0. 0. THOMPSON ,
358-to B-S Fremont , Po < U'e Co , . Nub.
TjlOllSALE Good house with four rooms and
IJ half lot , No. aJ13 Dod e between Slith and
J7th strrct. Uood vicll niul shiulo tn.'ca ; house In
il coiiilitlon. Inquire on premise * . 'J21-tf
POIl SA'.K A small engine , I ! . \ \ " . I'aynu Is
SOQ'H imkc. In perfect osdcr. Innulro'of 11.
J.Clirk ( & Co.
FOH SALE Lease and furniture f a ilrst-elass
hotel In a tennof 1303 Inhabiting , In xtoto
of Nebraska ; has 21 beds ; the trtu cllntf men's re-
sort. Innuiro at 11KF. olllcn. 218tf
r\OH \ SALK JUpn of Poujlaa arid San > y coun-
1 ties. A. ltOSLWATEn,1620Farnhaui street
AND Or.OItC.IA Kor information
about these Statcs'rcul the SAVANNAH Monx-
xa Nr.WH WKIM.T ( mammoth 8 page sheet ) 82 it
year ; Dally 810 a year. The best papers In thu
iouth. Sample ropliw'5 cent * . Addrcva ,
C94-1S J. H. KSTILL , Hoviiumli , Oa.
. ! _ / tlco U hereby ( riren that the co-partnership
heretofore exlttiiif ; between Charles McDonald
and Robert Harrison , under the firm name of
McDonald & Harrison , has ilils day dissolved by
mutual consent. 1 lie business will hereafter bu
conducted at the came fttand by Chas. McDonald
with whom all affnlrs of the old firm are to be
Signed Omaha , August 13th , 18S1.
STRAVED ' n Saturday , the 7th , n ( .miUl
brown marc , blind In ono eye , with baiter
on. Anyone living Information of hur to M.
Lee , Withnell House , will bo paid for their
trouble. ObO-tf
T 03T lielweenOccidental Hotel and
I 1 tor' * , a pair of ( ? oM rpcctaclen. The tinder
will be rewarded by leaving them at Occidental
Hotel. tSMf
O LET Klcrant rooms , furninhed or unfur
. nUhcd. Reasonable priitw , brick houito
J013 Catu St. ( iit tf
T OST Sunday nftcnioon on Ilonard St ,
I J child'sKOld bracelet , inarUwl "Ethet. " Find.
cr will please luava ftt llfo Olllce , f.3-tf
1 NEW CITY MAPd.2Je.-8ee Ut p p.
y TJIAYKIl From 2415 Hartley street July 23
O ono lirKubrlndli ! cow , 9 years old , brandt * ] on
liipItli letter "O. " Has tome white s ] t on
tier. Any one | HIng information wlieru die I *
r return her w111 bo suitably rewarded.
CIS tf A. M. OI.ARK.
ANY ONE hauni ; work for a tjpo writer ran
bu accommodated by telephoning the Hue
ottice. 483-tf
B In page.
T IfiHTNlNO-J. J. McLaln If still In tn
JLJ Lightning Rod business , w liolewJe and re
tail. Rods put up or repaired on ehort notleo.
Orders by mail or otberwl e will recede prompt
attention. SatUfactlon guaranteed Call or ad
dress 1011 Saundtn itnvt.
T'yllltKK or four joung men cnn be accon > mc > U-
I te'l with beam. Kefcrencocxchangoil. Ap
ply 2011 Cttiw fctrcet , 4tli Moor west of i th tit. ,
337 , postolllce. 343 f I
II. OROWN Corner 12th nud
H , ttrcfts , Is ready to bore or deepen w clu.
hatislactlon guaranteed. 603tt
lEAJlS- Can Uo not ut Jonn llarr tUblo for
allklmlsof work at ri'Asoiiabtu Hjurrs , near
u > r ISthand IrfaxrnworthstreiU. 376-11
' KOIiaCT Thu successors oi the Auitr
DON'T House , on Douglas street , butwccnUtb
and 10th , for board , lodging and translont cua
tomora. livxpectfuily
B14-U JIILIUfi ft IflUFSF. R.KS.
Absolutely Pure.
Mute from Orape Cream Tartar. No other fit
arjatlon make * kuili UfM , flaky hot breads , o
uxurloiu juutry. Can l r tenby Di i > tptle
wirtiout fiarot the ill * rctultuig from heavy lnd.1
ge tlble food. Paid or Ir i-ant , by all Orocrri
Niw York ,