Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1881, Image 7

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    TUJtf UMALLA .1 l'J2inUjrt.JL
VPWV4JVT1. , * _
010 l-arnharn , bet. Oth and 10th Streets.
epr I , In KhMicoix > < , lpftldllO. < X
.nonths ' " . 6.0C
months " ' < . S.CK
A OMAIIt RAILROAD.\e Omahiv No. 2 through p-wrnircr , 11
A. m. No. 4 , Onlihnd iw scnKcr , S.SOa. in.
ArtUoOnnhA No. 1 , through iwMctipor , - ' ' *
4 V p. m , No , 3 , Oakland rawnccr , 4:30 : | i. w.
C , , B. k Q. 5 n. m. 3:40 : p. m.
C. A N. W. , 0 ft. m. 3MO n. m. '
C. , II. I. & I' . , 6 v m. 3:10 : p. m. '
K. C. , St. J. fc 0. a , 8 n m. 0:30 p. m. Airhc
* t St. Urals at 0:25 : a. m. and 7:45 : * . in.
H. 4 M. In Nch. , Through Kxprcw , 8:35 : a. m ,
II. & M. Lincoln Freight. 7:00 : p. m.
U. 1 * Kinross , 1J:16 \ \ m.
0. ft II , V. tor Lincoln , 10:20 : n. m. ,
O. & II. V. f or Osei-oh , 9:10 : ft. in
U. P. freight No. 5 , 6:30 : a. m. ,
V. I1. freight No. 9 , 8:15 : ft. m.
U. P. freight No. T , 8:10 : p. in. emlgnnt ,
V. P. frclpht No. U 8:25 : o. m.
C. D. A Q. , 8:00 : n. m. 7:25 : p. m.
C. & N. W. , 9:46 : ft.7:25 : p. m.
C. II. I. &l'.0 : S ft. m. 9.05 p. m.
K. C. , St. Joe & 0 1) ) . , 7:40 : & . m. 0:15 : p. m.
W. , St. L. & P. , 10:55 : . m.-4:25 : p. m.
O. t K. V. from Lincoln 12:12 p. m.
U. P. Express 3.25 p. m.
n fe M.ln Neb. , Through Rxprcs * 4:15 : p. m
H. & M. Lincoln Freight 5:35 : A. in.
U. P. Kreljtht No. 10-1UO p. in.
No. 0 4:25 : p. m. Emigrant.
No. 8 10:50 : p. in.
No 12 11:35 : n. m.
O. & 11. V. mixed , nr. 4:35 : p. m. '
Nebraska Dhlslon of the St. Paul & Sioux Clt )
No. Z tca cs Omhha 8 a. in.
No. 4 IKUCS Omaha 1:60 : p. m.
No. 1 nrrhcD at Onntm ixt 4:30 : p. m
No. 3 nrrhc * at Omaha at 10.15 a. m.
Lta\o Omih. % ftt 8.00 , 0.00 nnil 11:00 : n. m. ;
1:00 : , 1:00. : 3.00. 4:00 : , 6:00 : And 0.00 p. m.
Leave CounHI ItUi/Tnat / 8:25 : , D.2fi , 11:25 : a. m. ;
t25 ! , 2:25 , 8:25 : , 4:25 : 6:25 : anil 0:25 : p. in.
Sundays The dummy lanes Omaha at 9.0C
and 11:00 : a. in. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 5:00 : p. m. Lcat c
Council Illuffa at 9:25 and 11:25 a. m. ; 2:25 , 4:25
nd 6:25 . .
: p. m.
_ _ _ _ _
Opening and doting of Malli.
. m. p. ra. a. m. p. m ,
Chlraso&N. W . 11.00 9:30 4:30 : 2:40
Chicago. IU I. & l'a inc.ll:00 : 9:00 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , II. & 0 . 11:00 : 9:00 : 1:30 : 2:4C :
Wftbosh. . 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:4C :
Sioux City nd Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:30 :
Union Pacific . 6:00 : 11:40 :
-Omaha * U. V . 4:00 11:40
B. & JI. in Neb . 4:00 : 8:40 : 6:30 :
Omaha & Northwestern , 4:30 : 7:30
Local mall * for State of Iowa Icavo but once n
day , \Iz : 4:30. :
A Lincoln Hall Is also opened at 10:30 : a. m.
Ottlco open Sundays from 12 in. to 1 p. m.
Business Directory ,
Art Emporium.
U. HOSE'S Art Emporium , 1510 Dodge Street ,
Steel Enp-a > ings , Oil Paintings , Chroinpa , Fancj
Frames. Framing a Specialty. Low Prices.
BONNEH 1309 IJouitlas Street. Oood8t > lca
Abstract ar d Real Estate.
JOHN L. SIcCAQUE , opposite Post Offlco.
W. IU UAHTLKTT 317 South 13th Street.
Room 14 Crelghton lllock.
A. T. LAKOE Jr. . Room 2 , CiclRhton Block.
Boots and Shoes.l
Pine Boots and Shoes. A good aswrmcnt ol
home work on hand , corner 12th and Harncy.
TUOS. ERICKSON , S E. cor. 16th and Douglas.
05 10th street , manufactures to order good work
at fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs ,
J. F. LARRIHEll Manufacturer. J517 Dourlaist ,
Books , News and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEHAUF 1016 Farnham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
JIcSHANE & SCHHOEDER , the oldest B. and E
bouse In Nebraska rstaMUhcd 1875 Omaha.
ecuthwest corner ICthand Dodpc.
Ucst Uoard for the Money.
Satlsfaitlon Guaranteed
Heals at all Hours.
IJoard by the Day , Week or Month.
Oood Terms for Cash
Fumlshwl tlnom S'ipplled.
Uarrlages and Road Wacom.
Wil.SNYDER , No. 131h 14th and Harncy Street
Civil Engineers nnd Surveyor ! .
'Town Stmcjs , Qradoand Settera 'O Sj8terns i
Uommlsslon Merchants.
JOHN O. WIL LIS.H14 Do > lgo Street.
> D B. DEEMKR. For details nee laryo ad > ertlse
mcnt In lallv and Weekly ,
Clears and Tobacco.
WE8T& F1UTSCHER. manufacturers of Cigars
and Wholesale Dealers In Tonaccos. 1305 Douglas
W. V , LOKKNZKN inanulacturcr fiJ4 lOthetrutt
Cornice Works.
Western Cornlco Worls , Manufacturers Iroi
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate lloofllnt , ' . Onlcn
from any locality proni ) > tlv- executed In the bcai
manner. Factory and Olllco 1U10 Dodge Street.
Galvanized Iron Cornices. Window Caps , etc.
manufactured anil put up In any part of tin
country. T. SINHOI.L ) 118 Thirteenth street
J. CONNER 1309 Douuiaa street. Good line.
Clothing and FUrnishlng Goods.
OEO. II. PETERSON. Also Hats , Caps , Boot *
Shoce , Notions and Cutlery , SOI 8.10th street ,
Clothlnz Bought.
G .SHAW will pay highest Ca h prlco for seconc
hand clothlnj , ' . Corner 10th and Farnham.
Dentists ,
DR. PAUt , Williams' I'lotk , Cor. 16th & Dodgo.
Drugs , Hnlits and Oils.
Pharmacists , Fine Vunc Coids , Cor , 15th and
Dourni ttncU.
W. J. WHITEHOUf K , Wholesale & Retail , 10th st
C. 0. FIELD , 022 ti .fin Side Cumin ? Street
M. PARR , Druggist , loth and Howard Street * .
Dry Qonrix Notions , Etc ,
Jiew York Dry Goods Gxire , 1310 and 1312 Farn
, him street ,
L.C. EncHold also booU and shoes Tthii Ftclflc
A F. GROSS. New and iiscond Hand Filrnltnn
and Btotcs , 1114 Doufiu. Highest cash prlci
paid for second hand poo'is.
J. BONNKR 1309 DouKia et. Fine ( roods , &c
Fence Works.
OUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 Ilarney St. , Improve
ed Ice Boxes , Iron aiul Wpol Fences , Offlc
lUlllntrs , Couutiin of 1'lue and Walnut
A. Donijhuo , plant * , cut flowers , seeds , boquet
etc , N.V. . cor. IHth an t Douitlas streets.
foundry ,
JOHN WEAUNE & SONS , cor. Hth & Jackson st
Hour and Feed ,
GHAIIACITY MILLS , Eth and farnbun 8U.
Welsbans Bros. , .roprletore.
l rocers.
Z. STEVENS , Slit between Cumlng and lurd
T. A. McailANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng BtrecU
r > .06 Poifglas Street , Wbolsalo Exclnslvdy
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel.
DOLAN & LANOWOUTHY , Whol.ails , 110 am
. I6th street.
A. HOLMES corner lOto and GaUfornU.
Harness. Saddles , &c.
I ! . WKISt SOlSthRt M Kam ft HsrnfV ,
Hat nnd Donnet Blexenert ,
I Allies cctj out Htr w , Chip and Kelt Hat don (
up at north'wt corner Sevcntfcnlh and Capito
AVCIIIIP. Viiili DOVF. Proprittor
CANFIF.L1) HOUSEOo ) . Canficld.Oth t Farnh\ir
PORAN HOUSE , P. II. Gary , 013 Farnhara St ,
SLAVI-N'S HOTEL , V. Slav en , 10th Stmt
Southern Hotrl Om. tiamrl , Oth fc In\cn\vorth ,
The Western Cornice WorVs , Apcnt * for the
Chimplon Iron V'cnco &c , < IIMO cm htiul all klml <
o ( Fancy Iron FCIKM , Crrstlnjn , flneals , Ratlin * * ,
< t\ 1 10 Dcultro etrrr. apl-
Intolllcence OfTlcs.
JlliS. MW.IE DKAT 217 16th Street ,
JOHN HAUMKR 1314 Famh\m Street
Junk ,
II. 11ERT110LD , Rags and McUl.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER & GRAY corner tilli and Doitetas St * ,
Lamps and Ulatsware.
J. DONNER 1S09 Dowlas St. Oood Variety.
Merchant Tailors ,
One of our most popuhr Merchant Tallorl ts rc >
celling the latest dcslriM tor Spring and Sinninci
Uoods for Ronttcmcns vear. StjlUh , iluriVlc ,
and prices low as ever 216 13th bet Douc.&Farn ,
MRS. C. A. RINOElt. Wholesale and Retail , Fan.
cy Uoods In Rtcat tnrlety , Xcph ) r , CnnI llolrdu ,
Hosier } ' , Glo\e. , Comets , \o. Cheapest House III
the West Purchasers R O 30 pir cent. Urdu
IV Mall. IIS FHtocntliMn'ct.
Physicians an I Surgeons. *
W. S. GITtllS , M. D. , Rttm No I , Crolghtoil
Itlock , IBth Street
P. S. LEISENR1NO , il. D. Masonto Block.
C. L. HART , M. D. , Hjf and Ear , opp , ] > o tonicc
1 > U. I , . II URADDY.
Ocullit and Aurlst , S. W 16th and Fftrnham SK
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Maminlo Hall. FirsKlasaXVork and Prompt'
ncsi gunraiitecn.
Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TAIIPY ft CO. . 21012th St. , bet Farnhara
and Dounlaa. Wors promptly attended to.
D. FITZPATRICK. 1409 Douulas Street.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
HENRY A. ' "STERS. 1112 Doilgo Street.
Planing Mill.
A. MOVER , manufacturer of sash , doors , blinds
moldings , ncucl * , alustcn , hand rails , furnlshlii [
scroll nawtng , ic. , cor. Dodge and Oth streets.
J. R08ENFELD , 822 10th St. , hot. Far. & liar
Refrigerators , Canfleld'i Patent.
C. F.GOODMAN llth St bet Farn. & Harne ,
Show Case Manufactory. ,
0. J. WILDE ,
Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Shou
Cases , UprlKht Cases , It : , 1317 Cos * St.
FRANK L. GERHAKD , proprietor Omaha
Show C.x e manufactory , 818 South 16th ttrect ,
betuccn LiMt\enworth and Marcy. All goodt
\\arrantcd flrst-clasi.
Stove * aim inwnre.
Dealer In Stoics and Tinware , and Manufictnrci
of lin Roofs nnd all kinds of Building \Vorl , ,
OdilFcllotta' Block.
J. CONNED. 1309 Douelaa St. Good and Cheap.
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills ami
Culthators , Odd Fellows' Hall.
Phillip Lane , 1320 Farnnum st , bet 13th & 14th ,
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Douulas St. New and
Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Goods ,
&c. , boiurht and sold on narrow nmrrins.
In the new brick block on Douglas Street , liai
just opened a most elegant RCCJ Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
o\ cry day.
On Farnham , next to the U. & M. headquarters
has re-opmicd a nctt and complete establishment
whichbarring FIRh.and MotherShlpton's Proph
ccy , will be opened tor the boj 8 with Hot Luncl
on and after present dale.
" Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 670 ICth Street
Undertakers ,
CIIAS. RIEWE , 101S Farnham bet 10th & I1M
P. PE11NER , 303 } Tenth street , between Farn
ham and Hartley. Docs Rood and cheap work.
00 Cent Stores.
HENRY 1'OIILMAN , tovs , notions , plctuies
jewelry , ic. , 613 14th bet. Farnham and Douglas
P. 0 BACKUS. 120S Farnham St. . Fancy Onodi
Soiled proposals will be rccchcd by the under
Hlgncd till Monday , the 15th day of August , ItBI
at 7 o'clock p.m. , for the furnishing materia
and construction of crOKx-ualks. as follows :
18 croM-walki , 4 feet "Ide , : i Inch oak plank.
10 cross-walks , li fcit wide , 3 hull nak plank.
41 croiu ualks,3 feit wide , 2 Inch oak plank.
100 cross-walks , 3het wide , 2lnch plnu plank ,
, ' 0 trosi-walkx , 2 feet wide , 2 Inch plno plauk ,
Scrois-ualks , timber , 3 fivtldo , ( I Inch pine ,
464 aprons from U to l&fict in length to IK
madu of 2 inch plnu plank. The work to bo doiu
under the supcrlndtcndanco of the street com
mlsaloner und the illtfcrcnt delegations fromvacr
ward. lld ) < to bo for lineal foot for cross-walks ,
also for lineal foot for aprons The city reacnci
the right to reject nny and all bids , and to ha > c
the right In case of ni-iuptanco of any bid to eon
tract for a greater or less number than abou
specified. Rids ( ball bo accompanied by tin
name of proposedbiirlty under thu u ual condi
Kinclopes containing Raid proposals shall h <
markeil "Proponals for Building Cross-Walk * , "
and dolltcrfd to the iindirsl nid not later thai :
thotimo abo\OMHcinod. !
Omaha , August 10,1SS1.J. .
J. J , L. C. JHWETT ,
aulO 4t Cltj Clerk.
Bo it resolved by the City Council of the city o
Omaha :
Tliata sidewalk be , within fifteen dajsfron
this Oatu , conitruttul and bid to the temporary
grade In said city , In front of and adjoining tin
following duserllied ] ireinlielz ;
Lot U , vast bide of Tenth street , 4 feet wide.
tot 0. vast bide of Tenth struct , 4 feet wlilo.
Ixt 10 , cast side of Tenth btreet , 4 feet wlile.
Lot 11 , cast sldo ol Tenth street , 4 ftut wide.
I/it 12 , cut tide of Tenth street , 4 feet wide.
Ixit 1J , tiiht side of Tenth direct , 4 fuel wide ,
I/ot 14 , c.iht side of Tenth street , 4 fcit uldc ,
lx > t IS , cast side of Tenth street , 4 feet widu.
Lot HI , cait side of Tenth street , > feet wldu.
Lot 17 , cast side of Tenth btrcot , 4 feet widu.
All In KounUo's uueond addition , to the cltj
cf Omaha.
Also In front of all property on the cast sldu o
Tenth struct , bttu ecu diaries street and Cute )
lar AVCIIIIO , all to be 4 fiet * Wu.
SmhsidcHalk lobe lomtrudul of 2-Inch pint
pliuk and to be In width , ai alicve sn ; iflcd , am
the resiicctUoowner or ovrers cf tnealo\f > de
suribvdpremUesaiuhercb ) u reJ ta construcl
the tiami.
Passed Aug. Oth , 1831.J.
J. J. L. O. JEWETT ,
City Clerk.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant !
E. D , Lane ( full name unknown ) will take no
tlce that ho has been sued by Dudley M. Steel ?
Samuel R , Johnson and Sanford W. Spratlln , eo
partners , doing business under the firm name o
Htuele , Johnson & Co. , Ix the District Court o
Douglas county , Nebraska , to recover $3,031,29
and Intcrast from October 18 , IBsO , due them on :
promUbory note bearing date April 20 , > 87 . Al *
that an attachment has been made on ccrtali
funds in the First National bank of Omaha , Nebraska
braska , belonging toouandwhlch the said par
lu abe ) v named seek to obtain to apply In pay
mentof theirsaldelaim.
You are required to answer said petition on o :
ctore Monday , the 22d day of August. A. D. 1S81
ev-s t-U. Attorney for Plaintiff.
. NASH will take notice that on the 1211
AK. of July , ISdl , Charles Brandos. Juntlci
of the peace , first preclnit , Douglas counr , Neb.
Issued an order of attachment for 118.00 in an ac
tlon pending before hlm.vhereln O , F. Hainan li
plaintiff and A , K. Nash defendant. That inone ) i
due you has been attained under said order
Said cause w u continued to the 2 Jth of Augiut
1831 , at 1 o'clock p. in.
dltcw4w. a F. 1UMAN , 1'hlntia
Going to the Qnnrtor Pole nt f
1:58 Onit.
- * -
Phllvltlphli Rd-ord.
Among tlic oxtonaivo nnd omo
wlmt noted collection of trotters nov
In the coitr.'o of trftining under Air ,
M. Qoodin's inan\tciuont ; nt Hohnnni
Park is nn nttrnctivo nnd woll-shrtnco
bny gelding named Folton , tlio pnip <
crty of Mr. Clmrles Wistcr , of Oor
maulown. Kntoring Mr. Goodin't
stable ns n. coniimrativol ) ' green liorst
tlio nninmlsnou sliowcil nn nptitndc
to Irol very fust , nnd being clovorlj
gmtcdAlr. Guodin ntoucetnok esjiecinl
interest in tltu little trotter's future ,
Ho received n , moderate ntnount ol
jogging nt first , nnd afterwards , nt In
tervals , would lie sent ulong nt n HVo
ly pace. The horse exhibited rapit'
improvement , nnd in his first nttompl
to trot n mile with Mr. Goodin , Jr. ,
nmnipulnting the riblwns , tiu weni
from wire to wire in i.10 : ! , withoul
any nnnnront exertion. Upon subao'
iiicnt occasions , anil in the presence
of Mr. Wister , and other pi-ominenl
gentlemen , ho has displayed his lu
markable abilities at short distances ,
such ns quarters in & 't and sccondB \ ,
nnd half miles in from 1:07 : 1-2 t <
I'Oi ) . Very rarely lie was given n
mile , but , nt the request of his owner ,
ho trotted upon ono occasion 'the ' full
extent of Dolmont , without a skip 01
break in ! ! :2 : : -4.
A few days ago Mr. Wister , in oni
of his casual visits , desired to see hi-
little wonder driven n quarter or hall
mile , nnd in the presence of Councilman -
man .John T. Strickland nnd othei
gentlemen who held watches over tlu
performance , [ r. Goodln .lr. , drove
him from the judges' stand to tlu
quarter-mile polo in 2 ! ) & seconds , t
1.58gait. ] While not in any sense t
record , the performance cannot fail tc
bo remembered as the greatest thai
has over been accomulisTied by 11113
trotter in the world seven years old
Folton is fiftecd hands and a hall
inch high , and was breed nnd raised
in the vicinity of Dover , Del. Hii
sire was a horse called Hunter , win
was killed on account of his vicioui
habits ; Felton WAS purchased by Mr
Wstor about a year of ago for tin
sum , it is said , of $2,000.
AGliinpno ofVnRsnr-
Vassar college is ono of thu notabli
things on the Hudson river which tin
tourist looks for but docs not nlwayi
find. It is situated about a mile am
n half from thoPoughkoopsie landing
from which it is hidden by intervening
ing objects. It commands a magnifi
cent sweep of scenery , mountain , val
ley , and river , and being finely gar
dcncd and parked , is almost a rcaliza
lion , ns n writer in Forney's Chronicle
clo observes , of Tennyaon'o dream o
"Tlio Princess. " About four him
drcd "sweet girl graduates with golden
den hair , " from every state in th <
Union , hero pass through a thorougl
university course , the studies o !
which are as severe as those in tlu
colleges of Harvard and Yale. Tlu
grounds cover an extent of about G0 (
acres , including a lake led by springs
where boats are at the disposal of UK
students. There are also shadct
walks , woodland retreat's , whicl
are fnvorito spots for studj
and reading ; nnd a largo circulai
lawn-tennis and croquet groundwhicl
is surrounded by a ilowor garden di
vidcd into ton-foot sections for eacl
of the young ladies who have a tasti
for floriculture. A floral'society ha :
been formed , nnd besides , the privilege
lego of using the flowers for botauica
dissection and for personal adornment
there is quite a rivalry among tin
the members in the cultivation of tin
plants. The students are obliged , a
a part of the daily routine , to report
t least ono hour's exorcise , either it
rowing , gardening , skating , croquet
or gymnastics. The recitation hour ,
are from 0 in the morning to 4 in tin
afternoon , nnd'tho pupils are free t <
spend the remainder of the day cithoi
in the building or out of doors , tlu
latter being by far most popular it
fine weather. PIcnmiro-boats , mannci
by young ladies , skim across the lak (
with n speed that shows their physica
development has not been neglected
while n schedule of the dietary provei
that the "cramming" process lor in
tollcctual improvement is 'not done
at the expense of the "inner man. '
These delicate creatures dovoui
daily ( oh , tell it not in Gath ) 25 (
pounds of beef , mutton , or lamb , 01
sovonty-fivo shad lor dinner , nftci
17o pounds of the best steak for break
fast ! They consume . ' ! 50 quarts ol
milk pur oiein , and 100 pounds o :
butter ; also two-thirds of n barrel o :
granulated sugar , eight pounds o.
coffee , and five pounds of tea in tlu
same tiinu ! Think of the norvcu , liki
harps of n thousand strings , that an
being "strung" for future curtain leo
tnrcs ! Canned fruits of all Horts arc
eaten in enormous quantities , am
twice n week at dinner the fragih
dears do away with 200 quarts of ic <
cream. Farinaceous food abounds
Several varieties of bread aro. nlwayi
on tlio table in profusion. Two urti
cles , with bread and butter , aroaluavi
supplied at tea.Vinter brings buck
wheat , cord , and rico cakes , nnd fron
thirty to forty barrels of syrup an
used a year !
In addition to the class-rooms , lee
turc-halls , refectories and doromitor
ios , are u school and gnllo * y of art
museums of natural history , ecology
botany , and other kindred sciences , i
riding school and a chapel. In tin
main buildmt ; are students' , teachein
and oilicors' rooms , a telephone , tele
graph and post-ollico. Thu lihrur ;
contains 15,000 works of thu highes
order of literature , history and sci
encn. A matblu bust of Matthov , and also of the first prosidon
of thu college , Dr , Itaymond , whoa
widow still resides in the building
adorn the library. In the reading
room may bo found the daily paper
and periodicals , including thosu of i
scientific nature. A sonarpto bnildiii ]
is devoted to astronomical science
which has a revolving doino and con
tains ono of the largest telescope
in the country , a sidereal clocl
and chronograph , transit instruments
and five small telescopeH , with all tli
necessary apparatus for ostronomica
and weather observations and for ob
serving and photographing thesun. Th
museum of natural history , contain ! ) ) ]
n line collecting of minerals , birds
etc. , and many rare specimens am
works on ronchology , occupies a larg
building , with the gallery of art
bowling-alloy , gymnasium , and th
forty pianos for the daily practice o
music-pupils. The students have , be
sides the floral sociotj. n I > ]
society , nnd ono of religions inquiry ,
of natural history , n fmo arts clubs , n
Shakcpenro club , and others for mir
tual improvement nnd for ocial recre
ation , Each young lady 1m a room
to herself , fitted up wi'h n dot of oak
furniture ; nnd cnoh suite of three
rooms has ft common parlor The
student take espccinljirulu m decor
ating their rooms during their three
years' stay , and some of them are
madu charming with many oudonccs
of female taste nnd still.
How They Enforce It in the Green-
Mountain Sin to
Corrnpondcnco Cincinnati Oommcr , iil
Hi'TiiANi ) , Vt. , August 4. 1 desire
to add M n sort of postscript to a let
ter 1 sent you from hudlow a week ot
ten dayo ago some things I have
learned or that have ocdurrod to me
since that time bearing upon the en
forcement of the liquor laws m this
At Clarendon Springs , a popular
watering place n few miles fr/niii here ,
T met a gentleman who is a member
of the firm of whisky jobbers on
Sycamore street. Cincinnati. 1 pre
sume if the truth of what ho s.xid to
me , nnd which I am about to telate ,
\V\iro to be questioned , hovmild not
object to giving his own siumituro ,
\Vo were conversing about the enforcement -
forcoment of tlio liquor 4nus in
mont , and the Cincinnati e
said :
IT is Aitsuun
to claim that the sale of liquor ami
the use of it in this state is practica *
bly prohibited. 1 have no doubt the
statements uiada in your letter nrc
correct nbout thu situation nud tlu
methods of procuring whisky , and 1
know of my own knowledge that Yor
monters nro well supplied will
whisky , nud of the best quality , too ,
A rnoiiiniTioN MAIIKKT.
Vermont is nn important market tc
the whisky dealers of Cincinnati. Oui
house sends largo quantities to thii
state , to Maine nnd to Massachusetts ,
It is all sent "eased" thnt is , tlu
casks of liquor are boxed .so that tlu
contents cannot bo told from the np
ponranco of the package. The morn
ing before I left wo sent five barrolt
of whisky to Burlington , to a regulai
customer there , and we have several ,
AVe send , however , the most whisk )
to Maine. There is hardly a wlnskj
house in Cincinnati that does not sciu
more or leas whisky to that state am
great quantities to Massachusetts. Tlu
Maine whisky is nearly all sent ti
Dover , N. II. , which is almost on tlu
line between the two states. Most ol
the Maine dealers como there for it 01
solid trusty agents.
The best quality of whisky is or
dered by Yermoiitera , nnd the pooresl
quality by Boston. The aver.igo ol
liquor sold in Yonuont is above thai
of Ohio , but the cheapest port ol
liquor is ordered by Boston. 1 pro ?
sumo it is to sell along the docks ,
stock-ships , etc.
oo HOMI : ron NI\\S. :
You toll the editor of The Cominpr
cial that he need not go out of Cin
cinnati to find out whether liquor it
used in the prohibition Now England
If the whisky mon would invo tlu
information his reporters could make
an interesting statement of UK
amount of liquors of various kinds
principally whisky that are sent t <
Maine , Vermont , Massachusetts nni
Kansas by distillers in that * city alone
and that would bo but n small amoun
compared with that sent by the numberless
berloss distilleries of Kentucky.
Perhaps , though , the whisky mei
may not want to give the facts , but '
don't sco why they should hesitate , si
lone ; as they do not give the names o
or identifying facts about the pcoph
to whom the liquors nro consigned.
of the liquor business has 'dovelopet
in Burlington ,
A man there who on nod a big ice
house has done quite a business storinj
and preserving brewed and distillcc
liquors for private persons. The au
thoritics made n raid on his ice-house
and captured scores of barrels o
whisky and kegs of ale and beer.
Thoso'guilty packages where trcatct
like vagrant dogs in Now York , thcj
wore impended ; so to spunk , nnd kop
n short time for identification. Sunn
of the gentlemen owning kegs or bar
rels came np like men , identified
and carried away their precious pack
ages , but the majority * ere never cal
led for , nnd their costly nnd foamim
contents went into the gutters.
I will close by relating a funny inci
dent that occurred in this city. li
Homo senses it is funny , and in other
it is horriblo.
It has long been the custom nl
through the Mate to steal liquor it
transitu , whenever possible. In mi
letter I described one method of steal
ing it , practiced at .Middluhury. I
has boon customary for thirsty am
impecunious members of this class o
bad men to hang about freight depot
nnd "spot" liquor packages , Vur ;
often the freight agent or some of th'
omnoycs wore "bad men" themselves
and many n cask lost a portion oral
of its contents before it reached it
The bad men would ascertain tin
prcuonco nnd location of the wliiilc
in a depot or car , and here np tluougl
the floor nnd bottom of the cask , am
down would como the beverage , Mei
employed nbout the freight house
would often give the needful informu
Some years ago a crowd of good fol
lows hero , one of thorn n well-know :
livery stable man owner , wore i ;
"cahoots " bora with
, as they say ,
freight agent , who ono day notifiu
them that there was a cask of liquo
in the depot , and that night th
crowd wont over to West Rutland uin
prepared to have n 'royal ' blowou
witli a gallon or so of whisky draw ,
from the cask through a umall hoi
bored by one of the number , It wa
much funnier to gut full on whisk
produced in this way than with thu
bought and paid for ,
It was observed that the whisk ;
had n villainous flavor , and prett ;
soon the drinkers , instead of gottin
tight in a regular way , began to UK
very ill. They got so deathly sic
that a physician was proouiod in gren
hastp and alarm , who worked on n
the party with stomach pump an
emetics , and afterwards , in order t
administer fitting remedies , hutono
lo discern what was the matter with
the whisky. An investigation showed
ihnt the cask from which it wns drawn
jontnined a human cadaver , preserved
.11 . liquor , and on its way from n Now
York hospital to the modicnl college
at Uurlington for dissection
The doctor reassured his horror-
itricken patients with the condoling
nformation that thu corpse ( which
was n colored man wai pretty well
preserved , nnd ho didn't think that
nny coutntiious disease had been the
enuio of death.
Nouo of the drinkers of thai phasl-
y tipple died , nud none \\ero leformed
iy that experience with the "demon
urn. " They have all been drinking
inrd and "straight" ever since , to got
"the taste out of their mouths. "
MnOcod nud Konily-
I'lU'tilo Chtoltaln.
For smile tinio past guards have
rouo out nnd como in on every Santa
IA ? train leaving or arriving in the
city. Thu reason tor this precaution
s well known to our readers , as the
lubiect has been thoroughly discussed
in those columns at various times , but
'or thu information of these who have
not been foitunnte enough to read our
loriuer issues , wo will state that thu
[ iriiuu object for this iirecmitioii is the
not , that road agents have threatened
> n various occasions recently to wreck
lhei Atchison , Tonokn it Santa Fo
trains ) by which these scoundrels ex
pected to capture n largo amount of
valuable plunder. Xe\\a of these in
tended raids , however , came to the
ears of the oilicors of the road , nnd
they nt once proceeded to tnko meas
ures to checkmate the scoundrels in
iny attempt they might nmko , hencu
it is that guards now travel with all
express and passenger tr.tiliR , and that
thu conductor * and brakemen have
been armed , On several occasionc
news has been received by conductors
of trains that they \\ould bo , stopped ,
but so far nothing of thu kind has oc
curred , although nt nny minutu r
brenk is liable to bo made. The
following story reg.mling the ac
tions of thu knights of thu road is told
by Conductor leotj : , who runs ono ol
the movniti'f express trains into this
city : On Sunday last while coming
west , east of lilackwell , he heard ru
mors of an intention on the part of
thu robbers to wreck hm train. Upon
arriving at Dlackwell he found n tele
gram awaiting him from thu conduc
tor of the freight train who had
passed theru suvcral hours before.
The telegram staled that a numerous
party of masked men had been seen
by thu conductor and brnkemen on
tlio freight hiding near Cnddo , and it
was reported that this was an organ
ised band of robbers and thieves ,
who intended to' wreck and rob hio
( Dcotz ) train , nnd ndv sing him to
look out for the scoundrels. Gtiardf
were nt oncu placed oil duty in tlu
mail , express nnd bnggigu cars , anil
thu doors of the same were locked ,
bolted nnd barred. Thu passenger !
were then notified to keen eool , hide
their money and valuables , nnd be
ready for n fight at any limo. The
engineer was then instructed to run
thu train only four miles nn hour un
til after thu threatened locality had
been passed. Ciuldo was reached and
passed , however , and no break was
made , although we linvo postivu in
formation at hand that it was thu in-
tontioa to stop and rob the train neat
Caddo ; but the leaders of thu b.iud
became alarmed and gave up the ill'
intended foray. It is believed that foi
the present thuy have given up all in
tention of robbing the Santa 1 < \ , tlu
officials of that road having proven
too much for the robbers. However
thu company is not relaxing its precautions
cautions in thu least , and thu band ol
train robbers who stop ono of tlu
Santa Fo trains and gut away witli
thu treasure , will be bettor men thai :
we give them credit for being. Tlu
carcasses of the scamps would bo rid
dled with bullets before they evei
succeeded in getting into a car ,
Mr. J. Mnrfch , llniik of Toronto , Out. ,
writcx : "JSilinilimuHH and ( lyHpcpniit Keen
to Imvo frnnvn up with me ; having been i
nuiruriT for yearn , 1 Imvu tiicil many rum
c < lien ; but with nn liutln roniilt until 1
lifted your HuniiocK lli.ooii DITTKIIH. ' 1'lioj
li.ivu been truly n ( denning to me , mitl J
cnjinot Hpfnk too highly of thuni , " 1'lict
$1.00 , tilnl N/.Q ! 10 cent * . eodlw
A Practical Reformer ,
Cincinnati Coniini
Although it is but five months since
Postmaster-General James entered
office , he has done more to signalize
his business capacity than any post-
master-tioiieral within oiirrecollection.
iw experience in the Now Pork post-
oil ! co , which ho managed to thu en
tire satisfaction of the department
and the people , had qualified him foi
thu larger duties of the dcpaitinont
itself. He had not been in ollico foi ly
eight hours bcforo ho discovered that
there was something wiong in tlu
Star Service , and electrified his sub'
oidinates by roturninu to thu propel
bureau several contracts whicli hat
been madu out in duu form , cancelled
iimtead of approved. It wns n nov
thing to have n postmaster-genera
who read such papers through in detail
tail before signing them. It is need
less to say more such contracts weri
submitted to him ,
BoVlio niul Happy.
If yon will stop all your oxtravaganl
and wrong notions in doctoiing your
self and families with expensive doc
torn or humhiu' cure nil , that do harn
always , and uuo only naturu's sini h
remedies for all your ailments yoi
will bo who , well and happy , ant
save ureat expense. Tim greatus
remedy for this , thu great , wise uin
good will tell you , is Hop Bitters-
lely on it. [ Press. al-s5 !
If you are Biilluring from a never
cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con
mimption , loss of voice , tickling ii
thu throat , or any affection of th
throat or lungs , we know that Dn
KiNd'rf NT.W DIHCOVKHV nill give yoi
immediate relief , We know of l-.un
dreds of cases it hoa completely cuied
nnd that where nil other medicine
had failed. No other remedy cai
show one half as many purinunun
CUIOH. Now to give you Butinfiictor
proof that Dr , KIKO'H NKW DIKCOV
Kitv will cure you of Asthma , Bron
chitii , Hay Fever , Consumption , Ho
vero Coughs and Colds , HonrucncKH
or nny Throat or Lung Disease , if yoi
will call at J , 1C. Imi & MuMAUUN *
Drug Store you can get u trial bottl
free of coat , or u regular size hottl
for $1.00. jiuilCly(2) ( )
. CO , ,
Spring Suits ! All Styles !
' " " -
- - - - -
TIiB Largest Clothing House lest of Chicago-
A Department for Children's Clothing.
Wo hftvo now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds , Qont'o
Furnishing Goods in great varietyand a heavy stock of Trunks ,
Valisoa , Hats , Caps , &o. Those goods are fresh , purchased from
/ho manufacturers , and will bo sold at prices lower than over
jofbro made.
We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. ,
A largo TAILORING FORCE is employed by us nnd worn -
SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. *
1301 and 1303FarnhamSt.tcor.13th
Omaha , A pAT A ( HIT Collins ,
Cheyenne , JTVJLuSLvIk , Colorado. .
Spring and Summer
Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all !
* !
J t > I
' n
Choice Cigars I
Can bo obtained nt KUIIN & CO.'S
by thu box for Loss Money than nt
any wholesale tobacco house , for the
reason they sell cigars in connection ,
with their drug business , without nny
expense to the Cigars. THY THEM. I t
All Cigars not satisfactory exchanged
or money refunded.
A line lOo Cigar , long Havana filler , D ' X
for 25o. Never has thuro boon any
Cigar in Omdha equal to thoiu for the
From $0,25 per hundred up. \
L"AtlantiG" TjestlOo Oigarzin.0ity
ft'r t\ \ i "t
' > "i '
"f " < -I , A t' " ' 1'
GunsAmmunition , Sporting Goods
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne
Dry Grooods Store in the West ( without ex
ception ) ,
Forthe next ten days to close out Sum
mer Goods to make room for Fall
603 N , 16th St. , 2nd door N. of Cal , , E , Side ,
! t