Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1881, Image 5

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    t A i v IA il.n. I I > tli. l IA | / \ | M I jn I I IM O.UO1.
Yonic , August 16.
Money cloned nt 3J@4 per cent.
Ihchange cloaetl Ktcady At 4 K <
( tovermnentu closed strons.
Currency Cs , 1 30 bid ; 4 < , coup. , 1 16J ;
4 i do , 1 14j | ; f"1 contiiiurd , 1 Olj Cs do ,
Pacific railroad Ixmdfl closed rn follows :
Union 1'ncific firsts 1 18 to I ISJ ; land
grant * , 1 174 to 1 19) ) ; Kiukinc fiiiul" , 12S
to 1 29 ; Ccntrnln , 1 16J to 1 101.
The stock market to-day wan dull nnd
weak on unfavorable news [ from Washing
ton concerning the president. Dealing
'nnall. Trunk line nnd coal fharei steady
nndireconled leant decline ) The final iiu'o-
tntion * , AS compared with Saturdly'n clo -
inK , allowed a decline In the general list of
ioi3 ( per cent , the latter In Hannibal k St.
Joe preferred. Illinois Central , Wnbnsh ,
Texas 1'ncific nnd Mlmionri PaclGe were
aL < o coaspicuous in the downward move *
ninut. Nothing new rcspectlntf trunk line
The following nro the closing bids :
A A TH 45 MCcnt PC
O B& 1 } 155i MoP .1001
Can Southern. . 05 NY O .144
Control Pacific. 923 N J C . 1C ) }
O C ) C& I. . . . 89J Northwestern. .125
C & A 139 Preferred. . . .138
1) & Klo G. . . . 981 N rthPae. . . . . 401
Krie 438 Preferred. , . . . 80 ,
Preferred. . . . 85 ? O & W . 31
Uric & Western 53J Omihn . 40
.AiUiun lixt ) . . , .135 Preferred. . . . .103
WFKxp 125 Pacific Mail. . . Ml
American Exp. 84 Hock Inland. . . 53
U. H . . , . 60 Kt P & I ) pfd . 85
H. & Kt..T 1 > 4 HtP . . 114J
. Preferred . . . .114J San Francisco. . 49
H A T 93 do preferred. . 75J
JB&W46 In pref'd .1071
111 Central.-.132 Tex P o . 55j
K & T 43 Toledo , D k li . 27
L.S 123J UP. . . .12T )
NA&C 'J3 Wabash . 49 ,
Pro f erred. . . . . 87 :
Following are the closing quotation * for
mining utocks at the New York mining
board :
Miner Boy . . . 41 Onion Coiw. . . 950
StLnoNoal&$125 ! Starmont 325
Alice 700 Hull Domingo. 18. >
Oriental KM. . 135 COHB I'ac 03
Silvcr.Cliff. . . ' . iyr > Bradehaw 100
Cnlifomla 91 Tioga 90
Silver King. . . 250 CentArizona . 23
Sutro 170
CHICAGO , August 15.
The week opens with a pretty active
demand for money and rates of interest
were stc.xdy and linn at 5@6 per cent on
call , and 0@7 per cent on time. The ad
vancing tendency of tlie grain markets nt
the opening- , corn In particular , created a
lively movement in the way of margin
checks. Eastern exchange between city
banks was weak at 75c discount per $1,000.
The clearing of the associated banks were
S9,000,000 _ .
Omaha Wholesale. Market-
Jlonday Evening August 15. J
There was Httlu of special interest de-
velopcd in the general merchandi tf market
to-day. Trade was fairly liberal in nearly
all lines , and price-i , with very few excep
tion ) ) , remained the xamo an hcretofoic
noted. Sugars and colfecsvuro firm and
unchanged at the recent advance. Nails ,
in conbcquence of the action of the
ern.Nail a ° Bociation , are quoted firm , and
another advance looked for.
The flour market remains the name.
Trade w.ui active and prices firmly held.
The leading produce markets were with
out special intercut. ' Wheat , ruled steady
throughout'tho day , No.2 closing at"2c
iwlvance over Satuulay'a price/ * . Com
.firm , advanced 3c , Uyo advanced 2c.
Barley nnclianged.
The market for hogs was ttcady and un
changed. Cattle nominal.
„ No feature of interests\vas developed in
the country 'produce market. Butter , wns
in good InquiryTfor clioicu grades and
prices unchanged. Allkiiuls of vegetables
are reported"scarce. . Green apples and
peaches in fair supply at quotations.
Watermelons SI 00 per 100 higer than
Tobacco has advanced considerably , hut
dealers , HO far , hara held prices at former
-quotations , the only change noted is for , which is advanced 2c.
Local Uraln Dealings.
WIIKAT. Cash No. 2,1 13 ; Cash No.
3 , 95 : rejected GBc.
BAULKY.-Cash No. 2 , 8Ccj No. 37lc. !
HYK. Cnsli , 7liJ. !
COUN.-Cash No. 2 , 45Jc.
OATS. Ch , 27o ,
Cattle We quote as follows : Butch
er's COWH , ' S3 00,3 ( 25 ; choice butchers
Btecrs , S3 7B@4 00.
Shenp Good mutton In fair demand.
S3 503 ; 75.
Hogs Wo quota as follows ; Light
! > ackerx , ' $4 80ui ( ! 00 ; medium mixed ,
packui-s , § . " > lOg , . ) 35 ; extra choice hcuvv ,
$5 3"5 00.
Provlilont ,
FLO UK Spring wheat , fitralght grade ,
S3 00@310 ; jiatent , & 7o@4 n ( ) ; winter
wheat straight rade , 83 50i3 7 ! > \ jiatent ,
l 00@J50 ; gwhamrye , S2 23j Wheat ,
5(2 ( CO. .
31Y1C FLOUU § 3,23 , ,
MILLSTU1-T3 Bran , i > er cwt. Wo ;
creenIngs , per owt , 70 ( > 0cj dhortu , JUT
cwt. O'c ; chopped feed , per cwt. 80c ; meal
bolted , yellow. OOc ; white , 81 00.
POTAT015S JCew , SI 10 per bushel.
POULTtti' Live chickens i > er dozen ,
$3 50 ; old , Kpring chickens , $3 50.
EGGS Shippers count , 9c.
BUTTKU Choice , 10@1H ; poor , no market -
ket ; creamery , 2. > c.
APl'LliS-Uood , Hound , Si 00@4 50
per bbl.
1IONKY Extracted , fint-cla s Calif-
ornla strained , 15c ; Nebraska comb , -Oc.
LIJMONS Good repacked per box ,
* 8 60 ; best. * 9 00.
aJLACKBEIlUIKS Percase , SJ 00.
TOAfATOiS : Perlnwhel , 82 50.
OAL1KOJINIA I'KAHH-PtT l > ox , § 3.
WATKU.M KLONS Per 100 , 810 00.
BLUKHiilJlIJ-S-Percai.e : : , WOO.
VKGKTABLKS-A11 kinds bring good
BKKSWAX-Yellow , 18@20c ,
ONlONS-'Per hushe1. fcllH ) .
Grocer * List.
COFFKH.-JHo , ialr. mc ; HIo , Rood ,
* 14c ; llio , prime to choice , 14Jc ; Old gov't
I ? Javaj 20ia ( 28ic , Mocha , ,2Jio , ( ; Arbuckle's.
TKAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@5"ic ;
Choice , G0@75c ; Iinyerial. good , 40@-luc ;
Choice , U0@75o ; Young Hyuon , good , 3J@
COoj choice , U5c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
35c ; Jnjian. choice , 00@j75c ; Oolong , gojd ,
35@10 ; Oolong , choice , 40&55 ; Souchout , ' ,
good. 3340c ; choice. &V345C.
SUGAUS.-Cut loaf , lljc ; Crushed ,
Hie ; Granulated , lOJc ; Powdered , lllc ;
IFine jiowdered , llc ; Ktaridaril Coffee A.
lOJc ; New York Confectioner's Standard
A , lOJc ; Good A , lOc ; Prairie Kxf ra C ,
, 19i ; K5 ,
Cloves , 45c ; Nutmeg , ? f 00 : Casala , 2- >
Mnc 31 00.
S01)A.-DwlKht'ii B. laiwrn , 83 00 ; De-
land do , 6300 ; Church' * , * 300 ; Keg < txla ,
STARClI.-lVarl , 3c ; Sllrer Glow , 7 |
S8c ; Corn Starch , 8 J@SJc ; KxceWor
Qlowi , 6c ; Corn. 7c.
SALT. Uray loatU , p r bbl , 100 ; A h-
ton , insacki , 360 ; bblsd iry 00 , 5s , 345 ;
bbli dairy , 100 , 3 * . 8 05.
imiEI ) WlUlTS-Cliotca halves
old , Cc ; new , 8Jcj Currant * , 7@7ic ;
Ulackbcrrie-s new , lOc.
CHEESE Full Cream , 11 Jc ; P H
Skim , Oc.
WOODENWARE Two hoop | .nil ,
1 So ; three hoop pall , 2 10 ; No. I tubs ,
J 00 ; No. 2 tubs , , 8 ( X ) ; No. 3 tub , 7 00
pioneer wa h1 > oartN , 185 ; Dotibl * Crown ;
2 75 ; Ulobo Washboard,250 : Well buckets
chain , and 5 ply , 201 21J | Colored carpet
chain , per Iti , 20 ;
LEAD Bar , $1 05.
MATCHKS-Pcr caddie , 85c ; round
C.I CK , 87.3.5 ; fijnaro cat-es , $4.90. „ .
PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon. lSo.
choice lard , 13c ! dried beef , He ; kh'mld-
crs , canvass < xi 8Jc ; hauls , canva sedJ12Jc ;
liacon. sides Hit ;
NKW PICK Lira-Medium , In barrel * ,
87 00 ; do In half libl , 4 2. " ) ; KinalU , in blili- ,
1200) ) tin , hi half bbls ; ti50 ; pherklnj , in
bMs , 13 00 ; do , in half bbl * , 7 00.
VINEUAU Pure npple extra , lC c ;
pure apple. 13c ; Pruning pure npple , 15c.
HOMINY New , S3 80 per bbl.
BKANS Medium , hunt ! picked $2.60
per bushel.
HOPE Sisnl , & inch and larger , 9lc ; 9
Inch , 9Sc ; i inch , lOlc.
SOAPS-Klrk'n Savon Imperial , 285 ;
Kirk's Ktl-rllrtt ? . > 40 ; KIrk' .timl-ir. ! 3 Mf
40 ; Klrk'n magnolia , 3 IK ) .
CANDLES Uoxen , 40 ll > s , 10 or , Rs ,
13clHxes ; 40 Ibs. , 1C or. , fin. 13c ; boxes , 40
nets , 14 oz. , 8t > , 12c ; half boxes , 20 sets ,
14 oz. , 8s , 13c.
LYE American , 3 35 ; Greenwich , 3 35 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis"
lye , 4 00 ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvnuia cnm > , 4 dor. ,
in CUMC , 3 Xi ; llnbbitt'R linll , 2 doz. lu ,
1 00 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in cose , 1 50.
F1KI.T ) SEK1) Ked clover , choice ,
new , $5 SO per bushel ; mammoth clover ,
new. 53 75 ; uliite clover , n w , 814 00 ;
aKalfa clover , new , 81250 ; ,
$13 00. Timothy , good , new , 82 50@2 05 ;
blue grass , extra clean , SI 25 ; blue crass ,
clean , 811C ; orchard gross , $2 00 ; red toj ) ,
choice , G5c ; millet , common or MisKom i ,
$1 25 ; millet , German , 81 25 ; to 31 50 ;
Hungarian. SI 15.
HF.DGKSKKD Osngo orange , 1 to
bushels , S5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels ir
over , S450 ; honey locust , per lb.-35c ; per
100 Ibs. , S25.00.
FISH Family whlto fish , 00 Ih hf bbl ,
S3 CO ; No , 1 white fish , 00 Ib hf bbls , l ! SO ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Upland herring , per
keg , 120 ; Itussinn sardines , 75c ; Colup'-
blariver Hnlnion , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; George'H
Bank cotlfish , Cc ; Gen. boneless codfish ;
SJc ; boneless fish , 4c.
MACKKIIKFHalfbbNmewnmckcrel ,
100 lb , $12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
100 lbn , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs , 3 85 ; me.-H nnickeiel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 e.\ shore , 12 Ib do , 150 : No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c.
OANNKD GOODS-Oystere , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per case , S4 20 ; do 1 lt > ( Field's ) ,
per c.xw , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
3110 ; do 1 Ib ( stnnd.ird ) , per case , 210 ; do
2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lli ( slack ) ,
pur cose , 200. Onions , 3 SO. Salmon , 1
Ib , per do7.en , 1 05 ; do 2 11 > , per doren
2 50. Sanliuc-s , unuill full , imported , one-
quarter boxes per box , lljc ; American ,
quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes ,
per box1 , 2Hc. Lobsters , 1 It ) per dozen ,
180. TomntocK , 210 ; do 3 Ib per
case , 250 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
l > cr cn'-e , 310 ; soaked com , 190 ; do
a _ 11) ( Ynrimmth ) , per c.y-e , 350 ;
string beans , per case , 1 IK ) ; Lima bonus
per cuse. 200. Succotash'per case , 210. _
1'eas , common , pur case , 1 75 ; peas , choice ,
per case-1 60. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per c.ine ,
250 ; HtravvbcrricH , 2 lt > , per case , 3 70 :
raspberries , 2 II ) , per ci e , 2 75SIJ 00.
Uanibons , 2 11) , per case , 2 25. Bnitlctt
pears per c.v-e , 30d@100. AVhortleler-
ries perchse , 2 50. 1'gg plums ) 2 Ib per
C se , 3'25 ; do. choice , 2lb , , per case. , 4 60 ,
Green gages,2 Hi i > er case , 3 25 : do choice , ;
Ib jer case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 lh , per case ,
3Xff520. ( ) ( Pe.iclies , 2 Ib l > er case , S 10 ;
do 3 lli , case , 3 00 ( :5 : 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
0086,325 ; do pie , 0 Ib , per dozen , 3 50.
HICK Carolina , 04@7.1c ; Louloiann , 5 }
( ? OVc.
f JUJANUTS lioasted , choice , red Ten
nesscc.'SJo'pcrlb ; fancy white'Jo per Ib :
raw .whlte
, Or Goods.
Olc ; Buckeye LL CJc ; Crescent' LL OJc
Uticn C 5Jc ; Cieccnt C 71c ; Crescent 1
7 c ; Crescent A So ; Wachusctts 8Jc
Indian Head 8Jc ; Granitoville LI
OJc ; Badger RR , fine brown , 7c
Badger X , do , 7c ; Portsmouth J' , do , 5Jc
Winthrop L , do , 7i ; Continental C
-1-4 13c ; Fruit -I-1 10Hoio ; 4-4
S.\c ; Ballardvnlo11 < > 9c ; Pocusset
C" 4 1 Sic ; Altoona 3-4 Oc ; Lonsdah
No. 1 , cambric 13c ; No. 2 , do , 12Jc
New York Mills l-l 13cj I nwlale4 lOc
FainnontQ4-l ' 11 Anh'nni A-1-4 t"
Bamard I ( ic ; Dairy Cloth 5Jc ,
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , ( ijc ; Ameri
can do , ( He ; Arnold's do , 7c ; Contto''i
do , Cc ; Dminell do , Olc ; Eddyhtono do
Cic ; GloncettiT do , ( Ac ; Haniilton , ( ijt
IIannony,5\cj Hartel.Oioj Knickerbocker
UJc ; Manchester , 7c ; I'aciilc ; 7c ; Spragup
lJc ; Sonthbiidgei5c | ( ; Mj > tic , ( ijc ; Murri i
mack shirtings , tic ; biiragne clu , ( > 4c
Southbridge do , l\c ! ; Itegatta do , 5Jc
Cochico robe , 7u ; Freeman robe , lie
Hamilton do , "c ; Marlboro do , ( ! c ; South
do , OJo ; . .
colois. lc ) ; iShnpion'ri inimrnlng , "c ; hlmi
BOII'H solid bl\ct,0\c ; \ : Berlin wild cnlors.lic
CAMBRIC FLAT Gla/e'd , 5Jc
high culorH.ijc ( ; kid tmlxli , l > u ; high co'
or * , "c ; rolled , "c ; hlah colors. So.
Naumkeag t.atteen , 'Ju ; Androscogglu do ,
He : r/ckwMHl do. Un
TICKINCJ Anioskeag- . 0. A. , 17i <
Conestoga , B. F. , I , fancy , 18cs COUCH.
toga , -I-1 , Gold Medal , ICc ; Coneetoga , 4 t ,
0. 0. A. , 1-1 c ; C'onestogn , C' . C. A * , fancy ,
14c , Kaston , H. , 9ic ; Omego superior ox-
tru , 28c ; Omega medal , 25c ; Omcgu A 0
A , fancy ctnpe , 20o ; Omega A 4-1 , Hie ,
Omega A J.13 ; Couestoga , R. C. , Red .Stripe ,
lllicjHhetucket , H. , llfo Hhetncket , H. S. ,
12ic ; Pearl Blver , 174c ; Hamilton , ! > „
llj ; Hnniilton regular , 13 ; Hamilton H. .
lUc ; ConliB. . B. , ! } c ; Coixlis A 0. J3.J
18c ; Albany S. A. X. , 17ic.
OIL CLOTH-5-l wood , S3 00 ; 5-1
fancy marble , 5300B-4 ; white maiblc ,
53 2.j ( i 4vood , 8J 00 ; M fancy marble ,
$4 00 ; 0-1 white marble , ' SI 25 ; 5-4 mo
saic , S-3 < 0 ; IM mosaic , $1 00.
DKN'INH Amoskeag blue and brown ,
lOc ; Bea\t-r Creek , A. A. , blue "and brown ,
II Jo ; Be.i\cr Creek , B. B. blue nnd brown ,
lyjcj Beaver Cu-ek , 0. O , , blue and
brown , 12c ; Everett ,1) . ] ) , , blno and
In own , 1C ; Haymakers bluu and brown ,
UloiQtis , A. X. A. , blue , ! % ; OtU B. 15.
blue , 134 ; Otis d. G , blue , 12Jo ; . Pearl
River blue and brown , 15ic.
DUOK3 Fall Ri er , fljc ; Hamden.O.
0. , lOlc ; Bottnn theckn. 13Jc ; Jtc n
8ti1pe , KUc ; Dundee tripes , 18c ; '
BTRIPES UwUton , 3x3 blue and
b own , 8tc ; LewUtonx3 ( ! blue and hrown ,
8lcs JOCK ( llivi-r , (1x3 ( blue and brown , lOo
Alabama. 0x3 bine and brown , 8ic.
COTJ'ONADES ton diamond ,
27ic ; A. Y. A. . 2Gc ; Angora , D. & T. , 2oc
New York mills proof , 2'JJc ; Bridgewater ,
20c ; Everett , heavy , 2-Jjc ; Whittent n
heavy , 25o ; Bell. 18c ; Charter Oak , ' "
1 ,
_ HH
Jhecks lii
' ' "
Inch , bleached , 13c ; bleacggiu 0-1 '
bleftched , 2Cc ; do 10-4 , bleac , 9cj
Peppfrell , ! M , Me cht d , 25e ; do 10-1
blcnibtd , 27.Jc.
Carliolir , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , 55c ! Balsam
Copabi ! > , per 11) , 76c { Bark , Sa afn s , per
Ib , 12o ; Calomel , per Ib , 70c ; Cinchonidln ,
tier oz , 80c ; Chloroform , | > er Ib. O.'c ;
Dover's powders , per Ib , $1 40 ; jwnni |
salts , per Ib , 3c ; Glycerine , wire , per Hi ,
42c ; Lo.vl , Acetate , peril ) , 22c ; Our
Ixiu oil , 110 * , per gallon , lljc ; do 150 ° ,
per gal , ISJc : Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal ,
* 1 10 ; Oil , Castor , No porcal , SI 00 ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal , $1 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50c ,
Opium , $500 ; Quinine , P. & W. &R.A
S.per oz , S2'10 ; Potassium , Iixlide , per Ib
§ 2,50 ; Sftlacfn , perez , 35c ; Sulphate of
Morphine , per or , S3 75 : Sulphur flour ,
| > er lu , 4c ; Strychnlno. ner or. , $1 COo.
Horse * and Mule * .
The market Is brisk nnd all grades are
selling well at a Might adxance intpices.
The demand for froodthorReaexceeiLs.jth
Mipply considerably.1 * Prices rnugoms , fol
lows : ' rf. x , tjjn !
FinoMnglo drivers , 8150. toMO. ! ; Extra
draft hordes , 8175. to 225. ; Commim draft
liorseo , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm horxds
SUO. to 125. ; Common to good farm hoixcs ,
5t > 0. to S100. ; K\tri plug * , 500. to 75 , ;
Common plugs , $20. to $10.
MULES. 15 to 15J Imnds ( ovtra ) , SI25.
to 150. ; 14J to 15 hands , $100. to 140. :
14 to 14 } Imnds , $75. to 100. : 13J to 14
hamlc , SUO. to 75.
Clears and Tobacco * .
OIOAKS. Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut ,
$25.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 : Bccd Havana , $50.00 ;
Clear Hnvana , 575.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden llule ,
24 Ib , Bfioj Spotted Fawn , 57c ; Our llopo ,
58c ; Star , ( mundi , 21 Ib , buttH , 58c ; Hone
Shoe , pounds , 24 Ib , lmttn , 5Cc ; Purity , 2t
11) . butts , 52c | Queen Bet21 Ib , butU , 5.V
Gilt Edge , pounds , 24 Ib , butta , 57 ; Army
and Navy , ] < ounds , 51c | Bullion , pounds ,
55c ; Idirilmrd's Climax , pounds , f 7c.
FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Beat ,
75.i ; Golden Threat ! , Otfcj Fountain , 73c ;
Favorite , C5c ; Itocky Mountain , 55c ;
Fancy , 50c ; Daisy , 45c. In tin'foil -
Catlins O. S. , 2 oz iiacknges , 5 Ib boxes ,
per Ib GOc ; Ixnillard s Tiger , OOc.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
33o. Granulated Blackuclls Dmhiim , 10
oz-lllc ; Dukes Durham , IB wI5c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 1C 07tli ; Seal of Nebras
ka , lli oz , 3Sc ; Ixine .Tack , 4 or , linen bags ,
per Ib , SI.35 ; Marburm * Puck , 2 oz , tin
foil , 55c ; Dog Tall. C5c.
FENCING No. 1,12 to 20 ft , S25 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 23 00 : wheeling dres-sod ,
No. 1 , 22 00 ; No. 2 , 20 00 ; common boards ,
dressed , 25 00. ,
FltAMING-vlG ft. and under , per M ,
24 00 ; ! 0 ft. " .lidding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 28 00 ;
2J ft. 2800.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , 1J and
2 inch , 955 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch SSO 00 ;
No. 2 , finish 1J , 1J nnd 2 in6h , < S5000 ! No.
2 finish , 1 inch , $ 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 iu.-Ii ,
SIOOO ; O. G. battens per 100 feet lin. ,
51 50 ; well curbing , $3500 ; longh i and 2
inch battmiK per 100 feet lin. . 50c.
STOCK BOARDS-A stock , $15 00 ; 'i '
810 00 : C , $ .35 00 ; common htock , $27 i"0.
FLOORING N'o. l , 8-12 50 ; No. 2 ,
$37 50 ; No , 3 , $27 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
HIDING No. 1 , $2750 ; No. 2 , 32500 ;
N.I. 3. S''O 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , $25 00 ; O. O. No. 1 ,
§ 37 50 ; No. 2 , $25 00.
CKILING 830 00ffl5 ( 00.
shimIes. * 1 50 , No. 2 , § 3 50 ; No. 3 , 52 r.O.
Lath , S-l 25.
Dullclliin Material.
LIMB-Per band , SI 35 ; bulk perbu. ,
3"c. . Cement , bbl. 82 50. Iowa plaster ,
bbl , S2 50. Hair per bu. 35c. Taricd
felt 100 Ibs , S3 50. Straw board , $4 00.
The Leather-Trade.
Oak harness , 39 ® lie ; Pittsburgh selec
ted , I0@43c ; hemlock harness , 37n-ilc ( ! !
skirting per Ib , , fair ; 44c ; black collar 1 ( ( $
21c ; fair do , 18(520c ( ; fair No 2 , 10 ( l8c
hemlock sole , BulTahi slaughter , per Ib , 3 (
( S,3lc ; liemlnek Kiile , B A. ( daughter per
Ib , 2532c ; oak hole , -10@43c ; oak upper
per foot. 25C ; liemlock npjer , 25c ; do No
2 , 23c ; oak kip skins per Ib , SOcfeSl.10
hcnih.ctc" Jtip nkin $ per. Ib , 75cw$1.00 !
French kip nkins per Hi' 8l.OO@Sl.'W
oak calf per Ib , Sl.OO Sl.25 ; hemlock cal
per Ib , SiOS1.25 ! ? French c.df per Ib ,
Sl.25@82,10c ; Simon Picard goat per doj :
S3i.00@48.00 ( ; liootleg Morocco per'- foot
30@33u ; calf kid per foot , . ' < 5c ; roans
doz , 8H.00@10.50 ; white nnd yellow lii
in-.H per do/ S8.00(3$10.00 ( ; iiink lining
per doz , $7.00(3S9.00 ( ; ; Ilu sCtt lining87. .
00 ; blacksmiths' apronsiicrdu/en , 812.00 ®
$14.00. 4
1'APKll St'uvr paper , lUc ; rag pai > er ,
Ic ; dry goods paper , Tcjmanlla paper , lOc :
news paper , 80.
COAL Cumberland blucksmlth , $12
Aforris Hun Blosuburg , $12 ; . Whitebreasl
lump , SO ; Whitebreai-t tint , SO ; IOVVM
lump , 80 : Iowa nut SO ; Bock Springs ,
Anthracite , all ol/ert , $11 CO ,
Hldet , Hun , Etc.
HIDKS Green butcher's hide , 7 $ ; ( jrcen
cured hides , 8tc ; green wilt , pnit ctlieii
hides , 8 < ffSc ) ; dry Hint , sound , 13@14c ; div
calf nnd kip , 12@13c ; dry suit hldcs.Kound ,
ll@12c ; green calf , wt. 8 to 15 His. , 10@1 Ic
grten culf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c
green pelU , $1 00 ® 1 15 ; green lamb hkliH ,
§ 110fe)125 ) ; damaged hides , two-third into ,
( cut bcored nnd tine grub , clawed two
11 irds rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent.
Tallow ,
Merino unwashed , light , ll@l(5c ( ; heavy
liVgl.Oc ; medium MMwnshcd , light , IR&'JOt
tnb-washwl , choice , 3''c ; fair , 30o ; ding
ami w. , 28c ; hurry , black nnd cotted woo !
SHOT. Shot , S1.75 : Buck nhot , 52.00
Oriental Powder , kegs , S'MO ' ; do. , ha
kegs , $3.48"dii. ; , nunrtvr kegs , $ l.b7 ; Blasi
Ing , keK- . § ; ! .35j FtiMf , ner 100 feet 50c.
Heavy Hardware Lilt.
Iron , rates , 83 15 ; plow steel , cant ,
rest tool do , 15 ( 'JO wagon i-pokcs , he
2 2.'i3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; Mloes ,
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , wuh , 75@ > 85c ; axle
each , 75c ; snuaio nuts , pur 11) , 711 ( <
wanliers , per ll > . 8@18o ; 11 veto , iitrll ) , lli
cell chain , per Ib , ( i@12c ; mallfable , 8
lion wedges , Cc ; crowbars , do ; harm
t eth , 4c ; horseshoes , per kfg , C 00 ; sprit
steel , 7u,8c. (
NAII < S10 tn 20d , 3 40 ; 8 to 10 , 3 115 ;
( id , 3110 ; 4(11 15 ; 3d , common , 4 M : 3d ,
line , C 41) ) ; clinch , all hUcs , 5 15 ; ( id , casing ,
4 05 : 8.1 cashr ' , I 4fl ; lOd casing , 15 ; ] 0d
linUli , 4 < r > ; K.I . finish , 4 tK ) ; Od Iiniali , 5 15 ;
half kegs , lOo extra.
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL Whlto lead. Omaha'
P , P. , 7c ; white Itad , O. P , k G , Ci > . , | mn B ,
lie ; Marseilles gtecn , 1 to 5 ll > CJIIIK , 20c ;
Flinch /-Inc , green seal. 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , He ; French zinc , In varnlih asbt ,
'JOcj French zlnce , in oil af .t , 15c ; Raw
and buint umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and
buint Sienna , 13c : vandyke broWn , 13. ;
lulintid lampblack , 12o ; coach black , l'c ;
i'-ory black , IGc ; drop black , ICc ; Primslan
blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chntme
green , L. M. fi D , , He ; blind and shutter
green , L. M. A : Dv Jle ; J'arl ffr F"i lfi J
Jntllan red , 15c : Venetian red , 'Jo ; ribcan.
ri'i , 22c ; Ameucan Vennlliul , I. ftp , , the ;
chrume yellow , L. , M. , O , K D. ( ) . , 18c ;
ydlow othru , lie ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
'lryi r , Uo ; groining colors : light oak , dark
; CMC , walnut , cheotnnt iind ot > h 12c
Dry Paints
; AVhite lead , CJc ; French zinc. lOcj Paris
MhltelngJc ; whiting Klldery , IJc ;
, vhiting com I , 1.4c ; lamiiblack ( jcnnuu.
town , 14cj lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Pnu-
oinn blue , 53c ; ultramaiiue , lh ; vaudjl.B
brown , 8c ; unibtr , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw
Ic ; niuiina , buint , 4c ; ulenna , ruu4c
ParU green genuine , 35c ; Pari * green com'
itto ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20c ; chromi
' . grri'ii K. , 12c ; vurmillion , Eng. , "Oc ; \ t-r-
million , America , 18c ; Indian red "
-1,1 nwe pink , 14c ; Venetian read ,
iV-iis : Venetian ml Am. , IJc ; rtd lead , 71
chroms yellow , genuine , ! XX ? ; chfMne vcI
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , nichello , 3oj ochre ,
French. 2 cj o hre , American. IJjc ;
Winter H mineral. 2c : IMiigli brovm. 2jc !
i > nnLsh limwn , 2\cj \ Prince's mineral Sc ;
VAKNlSHKS-Bnrifls \ < ct KaHim.
Furniture , c\ti , 81 tX ) ; furmtunNo. . 1 ,
OOc ; furniture * U , 75cf conch , extra , 81 2T > * J
Coach , No. 1 , 81 00 ; Dnmar , 81 25 ; .lni < an ,
70c ; asphaltnm , 70cj fhellae , $3 50 ; Inn !
oil finish. 81 30.
OILS-llOVarlxm perRnllon , 11 Jo ; 150'
leadllght , per gallon , 12Jo ; 175 headlight
ifrgallou , Iftcj cryctolliip , ] ft ( .Minn , 'JOc
ln r irallon , 8.V ; spenn , W , B. , per gallon ,
8' 35 ; fil h.W.B. , perKnllon , font ,
extra , per gallon , < oc. No. 1,6. % ; luml > ori'
eating , 7Dr i , pcrgnlloti , .TOc , suininer , l.'c
Kolden machine. No. 1 , pergallnn , We , No.
2 , ' . ' 80 ; epenn , signnl , per gallon. S0c ; tur
pentlnc , per Rallon. 53c ; noptlm , "I Ideg ,
1 er gallon 20J. 63 dec. 20c ,
L quor.
ALCOHOL 187 pnint. ? „ ' 25 i > < ? r
vvino gnllon , cxfrn California spirits ,
187 jinxif nt ' 122 ! Hr pnsif gallon
tiiplorefined spirits,18 , * proof , SI 1M { per
proof gnl re-dlstlllwl whiskies $100 1 60 ;
line blended , 81 50(312 ( 50 ; Kentucky bow
bens , 8200W7 00 ; Kehtucky and P nn yl.
vnula ryes , $2 OOC'17 00.
BHANDIKS Imorte | < l , 80 00@10 00 ;
domestic 1 40@4 00.
(51NS ImlKirted , 4 50GOO ; domeKtlc ,
1 403 00.
IvUMS Imi > orte < J , 4 fiOfrf.6 00 ; New
Knaland. 2 00f < I 00 ; domestic , 1 r,0S-t ( : fo ;
1 754 00.
OHAMPAGNKS Imported per case ,
2rt OOM31 00 ; American , l > cr cat. ? , 12 00 ®
IS 00 ,
OLAKKTS Per rasp , 4 60@ir , 00.
WINKS Khlncvvlno , | > or ow ,
00 Cataw ba , per cose 4TO ( < ? 700.
Cnnucll Blnffg Oenernl Mivrlcot
COUNCIL BI.UFKH , August 15.
Wheat No. 2 , 8102 ® ! 05 ; No. 3 , 00 ; re
jected , 05.
Corn No. 2 , 40 , rejected 31 , damaged ,
27.Hny Fair market , with pricitint 85.
Onts Market No. ' . ' 3lc
quiet ; , , reject
ed 19.
Kye No. 2 , Clc.
Kirgs lOc ,
Cattle-Beef , 83 50 ® 150.
Sheep S3 50fa4 TO.
Hogs Light demnnd , prices SI 76ffi500.
I'otatooh New , $1 10 per bu. ; old , 70o
per bushel.
Onions 81 00.
Wood Market quiet , with peed supply ;
5 00 soft ; tl 00 for hard. .
Poultry 20c.
Crouton Marltot *
CIIKHTON , In , , August 15.
Butter 12c.
Egga-lOc. -J
Grand Jniiotlan Mrvrlint.
GliANli.IUNCilox. In. , August 15.
ICggs lOc.
Butter lOc.
Chicago Produce.
CHICAGO. Aiiiii ; > t If
Tlie scone on 'Change to-day WHS an ex
citing one. Tllcro was heavy trading in , but the principal interest was cen
tered in corn which opened nt5' ) ( for Hop.
tombcr , after closing yesterday at ,17V for
September. Wheat openou at 1 20J
against 11J ! nt yesterday's clniing. All
tlie ingenuity of the old opoi.ators was
used to force the ninikct one nay or thu
other. Bulls quoted the government esti
mates of n deficit of 125,000,000 in ,
which bears U'plled by the estimate of the
New York produce paper that the crops
of this" year would equal those uf last in
amount , the lucreaso inhpiing wheat
counturualnncing the decrease in winter.
The bulls for some time had the beat of it ,
Prices mlyanced amid great excitement ,
September uheat went up to 1 20jj , ant'
, corn to ( iOc shortly utter the oiening |
'when the bears eamo out in f ioo nnd car
ried wheat il.wn a few i > olnts , but the ad
vnncing tendency of corn \UIH too nmcl
'nnd wheat remained near 1 20J for m
hour , while com , was pushed up to C0'u |
for Scpteiubf r , ntd li2J for October. The :
had. news' ' came , from Washington , am
th'ere wns a regular utauipedo. Whea' '
and corn fell offlc a bushel , and many
thought a" terrible brcik li.ail come , but
the ptroiu ; arm of the'climie was soon fell
and a partial leactlon followed. Thu rn
mors about the picdidcnt and the crop
were aa varied as there were speculators
The trading was hlinply immense , but tin
markets weakened and fell .is low as 1 18 ]
for September wheat , and fi'Jjo for com
closing Ic lower on wheat and about tin
opening for corn ,
Thorn was .1 very largo business in call
Ing marginit , mid hank olliti-rs were mort
than busy bigning mich tickets , but in
failures nru repotted , and it is thought al
will pull through , although the IOHHCH an
severe and many who at 12 o'clock hu
good profit ) * on their early piircliai.cs foimi
their gains nil gone nnd imoads made 01
their margins at the clone.
The receipts of grain ui'ic 22,500 bush
els of wheat by lake , .ll.fpOObiHhekof ion
by canal , and l,3i > 3 carloads by rail , em
bracing 150 of wheat. 1,158 of corn , 72 o f
oats. 0 of rye nnd I of barley
Flour-Quiet and firmly held ; comino
to choicu western , I OOfli'li ( H ) ; do. Miiinu
potau , J 25P.O 50 : patents , 50rg7 ( 75 ; fa ! r
to choice winter brnmln , 5 7' > K < > 75.
Wheat An excited and very unneUlc
feeling in thu market , ami pilces inky
y 'ry irregular , being inlliii need by iiumur
oils cufiDes ; Early in thu day the fcelin
was t-trong and piices aiUaiu'ed IJfc'.liJi.
nwiiu to very Hattcrim ; advices froi
nbiood and u htronv bull feeling. Nut
York was nlso renoited liighcr. Slioil
bought freely. About nwii nnfavonibl
leports weio received cmici rning the con
dition uf the pn. i < lunt , nn < l piices , niiiid
excitement and n panicVy U'tOing , declined
Iii ( i2o tier bushel fur No. 2 spring. The
mm kut finally clfiu'd about 4o lower for
sulleriSeptemlier , and Ji' l" er for Heller
October on the regular hoard , nnd on call
nt 130 i for August ; 1 18J fur Seiitcmber ;
ll'Jit for OcUmcr ; 1 20 f r November ;
118l ( .l 18j for thy year : No. 3 spring , in
good houses , 1 12 : ru $ ( ! til , Hlu.
Com ITiiusualoxcitfiiunt was noth-tu-
blu to-day mid tr.wliiiK was exceedingly
large , mainly on xpccnhitivu account.
ShorUwcre anxious to piovidu for out-
Htanding contracts , and coinpetithm for
nlferings was biisk and unulted in a nharp
advance of 3u,3c ( , 'J'ho cn/p rttports may
bo reganled as more cncouiaging topjo-
ilucerH mid selleis , the rulnlthu latter pait
of thenet'k being rt'KirU'd | as lmjiro\hig
thq prospects in yomu wet ion" .
' wciu called freely und thi < tended to in-
crease trading. ThuHhippniK i | demand was
fairly active for all grinds. During thu
latter pat t of thu peitxinn thu feeling was
weak and panicky , and piict's quickly ( le
clined JfJf , nlth frt-ttsiili's at the reduc-
lion. On the call No , 2 and high mixed
closed at 583c for Augufct ; 58Jo for Sep.
temper ; COgiiOO/ij ( / for October ; 58jc for
the > eaf ; rejtttea , 52J ( 5.'lo.
Oats Excited nud llnctuated freely at a
higher range prices ; olfi'iings rmnll. On
the call No. 2 , closed at 3"jo for August
35Jo for Septi'inUr ; 3Uo fur October ; 35
for the year.
.Rye Firmer anil higher , In nyiiipathj
with other gralnn ; olferings were light fj
round ; No. 2 clostd at l)5Jo ) for August
1 00 for Hejitcmber ; 1 02i for October.
Bailey Rather unsettled and not much
trading done. No. 2 , We for September
1 01 for Octotar.
Pork In moderate Jenmndand ntarke'
- ruled finncr and closed bteody , thu earlj
- advance of 15&20u being icacted 10fel5c (
, mess , 18 00 for Auguitt ; 17 85 for Scptem
, ber ; 17 00 for October ; 1C 82J for the jear
17 77i for .Ir-nuury ,
Ijinl Higher vorly In the day and m old l
freely nt improved price * ; closed tame
- 11 46&41 Wfor AuKiut ; 1162J for Scii
temlwr ; 11 OwAy-- ( 05 for October ; 11 2
for the year ; 11 40 for spring.
Bulk MeaU-Actlvu and 5 10c highi
I chort'nlw , ! 32Jfrf9 35 for September j 9 45
I for October.
Wldnky--Finn anil higherat 1 14.
Receipts Flour , 15,310 hhls ; nheat ,
7,077 bus corn , t07.4r ! > 9 ImJ oats , C0,24 !
bt 'Tyfi 8,217 bu ; barley , nono.
ihtpmontd Flour , 115.521 bblx ; wheat ,
; , 250 b\i ; com , 5fi7,578 bit ; oats , I7 ,13.
> . : r\o , 7,8 t bu : barley , none.
ChionRO llvo Stock ,
3.WO. M nrkct steady' and „ . . . ,
quality | * x > r nnd the market overrun with
grasser * : p < v/w' clrarnnfr nttde ; tnKtsl pack
ing , 5 IKXiri ( 3choicn ! hf.-ny parking and
Hhipplnp.'l ) 4\"X.C IK ) ; lMithc > j. , 0 30 0 M ) ;
cnlls Mid grn * sere , 5 OlV li 10 ,
Cattle-- cei | > ts1,500 ; fhipmcnts ,
2,2.X ( ) . Strong l'ndapll at firmer nitcs ;
no prirm > stock k cro ; Rooif tir choice flil
pliift , 5 P0@r 'JO ; common * > fairI TWn'
ft 30) ) n ttv buU'ncrd1 i-trik , . t ! XM2.1 ,
iimlnly ak 3 00 < a.7 f-0 ; toci m Amrfrixl *
rrs quiet nml Mow * nt .1 OOfi .1 r > ; dairy
c Un * flow mid wn'ftk al JOOi\SSO per
rnngt pnltlo ! > t ncUvo rrqnnt niul
ft Rfnornlly 10c ntnMiRotf common to
( joxl KIWI Tcxnnv 3 tWfe-l 00 , with ntnlla-
wap cown nt 1 ! : C > @ 2 5.1 , Wyoninir a > i ,
3 Wj linlt-brcpth nnd tiathn , 4. ' t@fiKt ,
the Inlter price l r a fc\r lotn of WyoB luf (
nntlves weishlnff 1,270 ] x > nmls , . . . . lifli ! ) < > 8t
price p id forymn for mich fttw-k
Sheeiv Rccvlpts , 1,700 head ; nkipmcntii ,
none ; tlomandgtxxl and nurkct Rtnmgat
3 POffTi 00 for ci > mmon to choice ; Wyom
ing xhtei ) , 107 pounds , 4 25 ; bin > bs > per
head , 1 50 < a'3 ' CO.
St. lxul Prodnoo-
Sr. I/jfix , AiigunS lt > >
Flour I'nchnnged.
Wheat Excited and unn-ttled , Nut
higher ; No , 2 red , 1 28 } for cosh : 1 2rt&
for Angunt ; 1 2U ! for September ; 131 for
October ; 1 31 ? for November ; 137 } fur
December ; J 28J f r the year.
Corn Higher anil unsettled at fiO | ( < ? till )
for cash ; ( ! OJ for August : COJ for Septum-
lur : ( llj for Octot-er : 1121 for oselllbe ;
(131 ( for December ; 5 ! > 3 for the jriir.
Oats Higher nt 3itu137J ( fin-cash : 37Q
375 for August ; 37i for Scpteincr ; 3'IJ for
Novembt'r ; 301ii'3 ( ia'l7for ( thi-yonr.
Rye-ll ttcr ; U2f Mil.
" ' -Steady nt I 87 * .
Whlskv-IHBlicmtl 13.
1'ork 'Higher nt 18 50.
Ijinl Higher at 1150.
HeceipU Flour , 700 libln ; wlieixt ,
02,0 0 Im. ) corn , Ifif fOO Im. ; imt , 3:1.000 :
b . ) rye , 2,000 b\i. \ ) l rlev , ' . ' ,000 Im.
ShipmvnU Flnur , 100,000 bblx ; wlieat ,
39,000 bu. ; corn , ' . ' 2,000 Im. ; out * , i5,000 !
bu. ) rye , none ; barley , none.
St. Xionli lilvo Stoolt.
ST. I.OCIH , Aupimt 15.
HOKH Aotlvo nnd Ittttrr ; Yorker * , 550
( Hjt > CiO ; imckiiik' , 5 10C C. f > 0 ; clioicu to
fnncy ht-Avy , ( ! 7" S.C IX ) ; receipt ) , 3)00 ! ) ;
xlilpnicntH , 1,000.
Now' Yort Proilnco-
NKW YIIUK , xVugimt 15.
Flour Mnikd cloiesi a slmdo Htroiier (
on low Kiwlt-H , but rmi't : onllnury to
Htriutly fancy uxtraH , 5 00Sj7 ( ' " 0.
Wheat la ( < - per crnt. higher , nnd
feverishly unsuttled ; business I.irnely npcc-
uliitlM1 , clowns with the ixilvani- partly
lost : Kot | fnl of roil iiiuirndud winter nt
I l\lal \ ) 37 ; No. 3 do , I : lffit ) : wj : No. ' . '
do , 1 Jl.-.i'cr.l : it3 ! ; No. 1 white , 1 tW ; No. 2
whlto , 1 30J.
( . 'oin Opened easier and 2m24 higher ,
clonliif ; heavy , with lu nlT ; iidvuncu lost :
inKed , Clf0 ( ( ! ; No. 3 , ( 'HWi'liliJ ; uiiynulcil
white , ( ! . " > ; No. 2 white , 70J71 ; nnjjr.ided
yellow , ( iiT/iS. : ( ; (
Oats MiirkftAln.Uishiylier , fairly active ;
No. 1 mlMMl-ia ; > To.IKiilHi ; No. 311 ;
No. i ! white , 52 : No. : i do. 50 ; mixed west
ern , -I \Qf \ Hi ; whlto do , I1I&52.
Itye Fiiincr , bntmilct , iiuoted at 87
@ ! ll.
Itarley Nominal ,
1'rovinionn L'oik opened firm , but
closed dull nnd weuk ; hp < itMitleH of nuw
iiieiss quoted nt 18 00 for August ; 17 IK'S
hard Higher and fairly au Ive , but
closed dull nnd wo. k on early delivery of
lutu ninnths ; ptiuiu ntcain on Kpot cloned at
U5.r.@ll liOj AiiRiint , UNX&ll 52J.
( Jut jMe.its JdidinuHS moderate nnd
jiiicewlittliirliniiKiMlj city pickled Hbonl-
dcrK. 7 " . " ; Hinokiil do , 12 TiOfit'l'J 75 ; pickled
linniH , 11 7.r.r ) ll H7.J.
Poorin Produce.
1'KimtA , AiiL'iwt 15.
Wici-H-1 12.
Toledo Produce , AimuHt 15.
. Whent Active nnd lii'hur ( : No. 2 led ,
September , 131J ; October , 1 'Wjf ; Noveia-
lier , I 31 ; Decemlier , I ICiJ.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 , October , t2i ! ; ncller
thu year , 511.
Outn Nominal ,
Philndolpltla Produce.
I'llir.ADKi.riiiA , Aii 'iiHt 15.
Wheat String and hlKlier ; No. 1 , 1
for cash and AiiKU t ; 1 3liJ for Bcptcmbur ;
1 : ! 8J@1 , ' VJ\ for October.
Com Firmer ( it CliJ < & ( ! 71 for fiwh nml
Au uiil ; liSfeliSjl for September.
OaU Fiiineral-lilil7 ( ( forcanhj
for AugiiHt ,
KyeNondnal ,
Jjlvorjiool Prodnoo.
, 15.
Flour American. 10&ia ; < .
Wheat Winter , 10fr )10iId ) : white
lil ; nprlnif , 'M Od@M ! ! td
club , lOi 2d10rt 5d.
Laid 5" < ! d.
BuIIalo Ijivo Stoolc.
EAHT Buiri'Ai.o. Angntt 15 ,
Hogs Slow ; leccints , 87 huad ; chji
nuts , ( i'.i head ; Yorucis , goml to choic
m--u.iir at 0IIC ) 0 70gi'od ; medium weights
fl 8.r.C''i7 00 ; llgfit Yorkers , 0 2 , ' ) ,
PHtnburi : Llvo Stoolc.
, PlITrtllUIKI , AllgUHt 15.
Cattle -Dull and unchanged ; icculptx
3,50 hi'nd ; chlpmenlH , 2,03' ) huad ,
Jlogs-Slow ; receljits , 2iOO ( htad ; ! '
ments , 1,500 head ; I'hiladL-lphlas , U I
7 ( ) ; Yorkers , ( J2"tfll50. (
' " 'ii-Slow ! ] ; receipts , 7l'-00hfa < lj hi |
' , 1,000 head
Bnltlmoro Produce.
B.M.TIJIOItH , August 15
Flour Stiongj city mills 25 higher ' . ,
Wheat No. 2 red wli ti-r titrong al
forra h and Augunt ; 1 JWiJfil 3D/ / for He ;
Corn Mlxcil wcntein inaclivu nnd
lilyher ; ff\ \ bid for cash nml A
Pltt buri ; Oil Murliot.
rjnriliuiuj , Auifimt 15 ,
The market opened ipdet nt 753 bid , mid
cliued at IHKIII with ualex at " < ' ' ? . Thu
HhoitH me coveriii ) , ' and the Indications ( ire
for higher price * . Thu nhipinentx Hntur.
day and Himday were 107,107 barrel * ;
churtiTH Hatnrdny 42,53'J ' Imrrela.
The nnlen nt Oil City Katuiduy were 550. .
! 000 barrel * . Hefineil atN'ew York , 7g ;
refined lit Antwcrp lHJ frnncH.
Ahk duiggiats for "Hough on ItatB. "
It clunm out rats , mice , bml-bu ,
nnicIiu-H , vuniiin , llica , unta , iiisectu ,
oc per box _ _ ( ! < )
' Edward W. Simeral ,
at . ATTORNEY - AT - LAW ,
OrxiCE Front Itoomi ( up ttuln ) In llanicom'i
new brick bulldluy , NY. . corner Kltixiutb oJ
: Farnlia.u Btiwiti.
" " A v % - * * ' JJUia <
oW % (
. rl'oI
" ' * * * ' * * * i\l ] <
v 'JNION PAOIFIO HOTEL , MARKELft QWOOE. Council Dlcifft , Iowa.
N ' VTIONAL HOTEL , J. HARVEY , Qtanwood , Iowa ,
O't 'MMEHCIAl. HOTEL , JA3/P 8WINNEY , Hamburg , l wi ,
QfuNDCENTRALHOTtL , E , D. COTTRELU , Nebraska Oily , Neb ,
LEWl S HOUBE , JOHN 8. LEWIS , Dow City , Iowa.
SUMN 'IT HOUSE , GWAN & DECKER , Cretton , la ,
JUDKII 8 HOUSE , JUDKIN8&DRO. , Red Oak , la.
PARK HI 1TEt W.J. QARVIN , Oornlng , la.
IOTEL- E. R , DURKE , Carroll , la.
HEAD HOUl 1E ilOS. 8HAW& CO. , JefTerion , 'ft.
CHENEY'S U N'ON ' HOTEL , CHENEY BROS. , Mo. Valley June. , la.
CENTRAL HOU 'SEi 8. P. ANDERSON , t "Mnlvern , la ,
EMERSON HOUti > E. A. L. 8HELDON , Emer on , la.
MARSH HOUSE , W. W. DROWNING , Orownvlllo , Neb.
ARAPAHOC HOUSE. L. OLUTE , Arnpahoe , Ne > .
COMMERCIAL HOUOi " - . T. M. STONE , Orlean * , Nib.
COMMERCIAL HOTEL , ' T. MUNHALL , Dloomlngton , Neb.
OAQE HOUBE , A. R. QAQE , Republican OllyN b.
COMMERCIAL HOTEL , a D. DORDEN , Almn , Neb. ' '
. & . H. U.r K. [ s
A. C. CA1SPKK --r. .Proprietor Cwnmcivml HOUMJ.
HKITH \MH1 > - Slot k Denier.
OKO. POBSON „ . . . + BilHttrtl I1MI.
A. HILL , . . . llcnl Ketittn , Law nnd Newspaix > r Office.'Laxdiesr
Patroneii , H. nt Hi PHINCtSO LOOOC , Foutidernnd ! r ildent , im night fftv , I. HELL *
MUTH/ . D. , D..O/.L. , LORD DISHO P OF HUSTON ; . Fall Term oprn *
Wciln ) y , O f4 ember 2 it.
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liy nil from Nl n - . > ' lli , and mcn of tli 'prln < vU throiili | rwittm IxtHi ni the t'j\4f xnd > t'o l.
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