Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1881, Image 1

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    < n , I-VM.H , /v. i HI i JH i iu" " .LUOJL.
No 1 tx > t on Harncy street , neir new court
bouse , t2HX > .
No 2 lot on Can street nwir 22d , (2iOO.
No 3 Lot on Calfomlatetrcct near 22 < 1 , $1600.
Mo 5 Lot on Marry street near U. 1 * . do | > ot ,
Mo 0 } block In Slilnn's 3J addition ncarCon-
cnt , ISM ) .
No8 Twolot * onDccatiir ncnr Campbell St. ,
No 10 8 lota on , Colfax street near Honjcom
Park , at reasonable prices.
100 chotca resilience lot > In Crcillt Fonder and
Orandvlow addition1) a short distance southonjt of
U. P. and I ) . & M. depot * , prices from tlOO up
ward * .
IB loU on Zlst. 22d , 2S < 1 and Saunders street e ,
north of and adjoining Ji V. Smith's addition ,
$400 ; tcrini easy *
No 69 Kull corner lot on Douglai street near
10th , tS&OO.
No 70 Corner 68x110 feet lot on Douglas near
near llthi lreot , 33100.
Nd. Tl-Thrto lots In Olse's addition nnxrSaun-
dcrs strict , 3UXX3
73 IM on Dccattir street , near Irene Shlnn'a
SJ addition 8116. '
No. 7fl 82x00 feet on Pacific street near U. T
and H. & M. depots , $300 J.
No. 70 ijplendld uarchousa lot 7"\13i foot OtU
street near Jones , 83100.
No 73 .1 loU on llarncy street neir 10th , $2000
No 81 t/Jt In Qltj'a addition near SaunJcrs
'reel , S500.
No. 82 Lot In UIsc4 * addition near Saundcrs
street , 300.
if No 83 2 lota on 10th near Pacific , and Nail
Worls , 81600. ' '
' No W Lot on Charles struct near Saundc-13 ,
6' two.NoS7 Lot on Lcavcnuonh near Hth , S1.100.
No 83 Lot OH Calilwd ! street near Saundcrs
No SO Lot on Chicago near 2d street. $1600.
No 00 Lot on BlonJo near Campbell street
81 lota InMillards k Caldwcll's addition , Sherman -
man acnuc , ICth struct , Spring , Saratoga and
Florence xtrcitti , 8700 an J upward * .
No 122 2 lutsi on Ititli Direct , near 1'oppleton'g
new residence , 81MX ) .
6'I NolU ! Lot 71\310fcut on Shcrnnn a\enuc ,
6'r ICth ( .trect , # 1100
No 124 8 lots on llclloMlo Etrcct , near Eliot
tower , $50 to Weach.
No 125 Full block on Clinton street , near tower , 350 to $76 each.
No 12(5 ( Lot on ISth street , noJJ white lend
works , 8525
No ' .27 2 lots , 3J acres ncnrhead of St. MarjS
avenue , on road to Park , $2500.
No 129 Lo on California near Crelghton Col-
cpe , $375.
( I No 130 4 loti near now go crnmcnt corral , 82 $
x207j acres each. $ JOO.
r < No 101 Lot In CJisc's addition on Canuron St.
! near H minlcr.- ' , make nn olTor.
No. 100 Lot In Gir.e' addition on Casalus St. ,
near Htatc , make an offer.
No 102 Lot In Ciso's addition on Callus near
founder * , make an Oder.
No 1113 1 Mock In Bojd's addition addition
near Crnl Barracks , make an offer.
No 11W 7 lots In Henry & Shclton'B addition
near hl h school , price from 51260 upward.
170 Lot on Pacific street , near 15th , make an
No 171 2 lots on Webster street , near 21st ,
both * J3.0 or * 2000 ( or corner and 81800 , < or hi
de.No 173-J lot on Cass near llth street , $1000
No 175 Lot on Sncrman a\enue 10th street
near luird , 44x13 ! , SHOO.
No 177 3 Iota In Orandvlcw. make an offer.
Ho 180 Lot In Smnn's aildltion on Pier St. ,
near end > treut car track , 8525.
No 181 Two lots In Ntlson's addition , 1 on
Idaho street , 1 on Center struct , near Cumin ; , ' ,
$300 each.
No 183 Two eilt edo lota on Cess street near
21st. on a corner , WOOO.
No 185 Lot on Stward street , ucar Saundcrs ,
nuke nn offer.
No 180 3 lots on Seward street , near Irene ,
make an offer
No 1801 , lofon Da ; cnport near 25th , ? 500.
No 187J , lot on DMsion near Cuminif t , $200.
No 1S8J , block In Boid'g aildtlonncar ! Omalm
\ barrackn , WOO. '
Nol89 , ( lot on Fierce near Oth street , ? 550.
No 19i& , * lot on llth ncir Kainhant , * 2100
No 101 j , 2 beautiful lota In Shlnn's addition ,
No 102J , 2 Iota on ISth street near white lead
works , 1U50.
No 193J , lot on 20th street nearbhcrman , 8100 ,
No 194 ! , 2 loU on 22d Htrcct , near Olork. > J 00.
No 1UOJ , Ii bcautilul loU on haundun et. near
street car turn table , $1275.
No 100 } , lot on 15th near I'lojco tt , S500.- ,
No 201 Lotln (5i 's aiiditloii on , Cameron st , ,
near Saundera , fSOO. '
NO 202 Lot on Ouncron etrcct near Satuidcrs.
" " " "
No 203 Irttln Shlnn's oildltion on Blunders
Ktrckt. near ntrect car tuni table , t950.
No 2C1 Beuiitiful lot In NeHon'a addition , on
nUlsidii struct C'uniing , S 50.
No. i05 T o lotd on CabtelUr btroct , near 10th
SIM.No S06 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near the
nail works. $15UO.
No Jl)8 ) Ono-half lot on California direct near
21tt , $700.
l No Off Ixt on ISth street near Nicholas , SfiOO.
I N 210 Lot on Capitol at enue near lUd.jISOO.
I Na 21 Lot 148x500 feet on Col ( ax utrvet , near
I Ilaiwcom Park , v , ith Improi ementa , S2700.
1 No 213 Two acres on Cunilni ; street , 81000.
No 216 One-halt aero on California , near Ken
nedy Htrott. * 350.
No 218 Beautiful lot ou Hamilton street near
street car turn table , ilOOO.
Xo 217 Lot on 2 d utrect , near Clark , $500.
A few acre lots only remain unsold In " 1'urk
Placo" little west of Crelhton ( Collect , prices
, ranging fioni 8276 to $300 each and on easy term * .
i Lota in Horbacn'a Ut and 2d lutdltlons ; al o
loU In Parkcr'nShlnn's ; Nelson'H , Tcrrace'n. K.
V. Hmlth'n. Ucdlck's , and all the other mlJltloiu
at any price and at any ti-nns.
Ten acrcH In tbe eit > lliuitJi on thu road to the
barracks at W7i IH.T acre.
Feur brautiful rtkldonco lots In front of
Orcluhtou College ; will cut them up to pult.
Nine residence lots north of Crclifhton Colleso
( rrounilx , from 4700 togHKX ) tach.
Tlilrty resident loU In 1'arker'n addition , K
blocks north of Iho 'iid of the street i r track
on Saundctn btrett , 300 each , 1U dow n , halance
c suit , at B per cunt Interest.
A few lots Itltln Terrace addition on the road
to the Tark , near huail of bt. M.rj' atenuc.ff O
e acli. To thonu who will hulld a * 1200 rekldencu ,
1 roam tlmu at 8 p r cent Interctt.
Ixit.1 in lAku'd addition at WX ) to MM racb , 10
yearn time atO per cent intercut , to those who
'Ihe oldTounley 41 auro tract with house an4
all linprotcmcnti , udjolnln taco tourte and Uir
grounds' ( or 400.
Tracts of 6 , in , 15 , 20 , 40 or SO acrcn.'vltlibuil-
dlngd and other Iiuprotcmentx and adjoining the
city , at all price * .
aiOOol the bent realdcncn loti In the city (
Omaha any location jou desire north , tast ,
touth or went , and at bud rock price * .
X60choicobnilne 4 loU In all the principal 1ms-
inbM streoU In Oinali.t , inrilnK Hum 4500 to
17000 each.
Two hundred lieu * * and loU ranglnt ; from
600 to ? 16,0 < X > , ud located In c\ cry part of the
city.Larifo number ot excellent arms In Douglas.
Sarpy , Kaunders , Dodge , Wrihlnu'ton. Hurt , and
other rood counties ia eastern Nebraska.
12,000 ocrva beat landi In Douglas , 7000 acres
beat land * In Harpy county , and Urge trarta la
all the eastern tier of ixnintie * . < ,
O\cr 900,000 acre * of tlio U-itland m ( ho i'e-
ruska for sale by this agency ,
Verj Urge amounts of suburban property In
one to ten , twenty ami f > rty acre plecco , located
wirhln ono to three , four or the miles of the
poatothco some > cry cheap piceu ) .
New HajH of Omaha , published by Oiorge I1
Btmls plain , unmountud mapn to cuiLi eaih ;
luouutcd , colored and with elotli back , SI.00
Hoiuos.stores , hoUIi , farnnlotsil andi. otDccs
roometc. . to nut or leaw.
Tated raid , rents collected , di-ulv , mortwzci.
Mid all luuda ot real voUte docuuicnU mauuoui
on thort notice.
Eea Estatelxcliange
15th and Douglas Street ,
CMAHA , - - NEB.
The President Eiperienoos a Serious -
rious Set-Baok Yosterflay ,
Bis Stomach Gives Him Considerable -
' siderablo Trouble. ,
Ho is Seteod With Vomiting
Spells Which Continue at
His Case' ' Now Regarded as
Very Critical. <
Reports Up to Midnight Show
a Slight Improvement.
Other Interesting Items From the
Capital. '
National Associated I'rcss
AVAaiUNOTON , August 15. The
morning , bulletin of tliq preaidont's
condition has caused a gonurAl fooling
of oxcitomcnt tliroughout the citynl-
though tlio.fooling nt ) tho1 White
House ia ono of anxiety , It is fraught
with hopoa that the irritation of the
stomach will prove nut to have such
serious results as have boon feared.
Dr. Bliss says to-day that the first
symptoms of yesterday's nausea and
voinitiiif ; , il was thought mtald soon
disappear , and it was tlcomod uh-
necessary to alarnij hiiy ono
by talking. About- midnight
the president was reported as
asleep , and there wuro no unfavorable
symptoms. . This seems to 1mvo been
correct , in so far as that moment con
tinued , but the vomiting began again
soon after , and continued at intervals
until 3 a. in. .Xho.thrciVorfour hours
rest lie then had was without disturb
ance , and it was hoped that the worst
was passed , but he vomited again be
fore the morning examination was
made. The Wound was found doing
well , and the physicians , nay that the
high figures are duo entirely to irrita
tion of the stomach , and that the irri
tation was caused by the effect of
some food which the stomach was
too weak to digest. His stomach
is naturally weak from dyspepsia
It is impossible to trace the caiue
to any particular class of nourish
ment. Dr. Agnew says the iri Station
might have been caused in many dif
ferent ways. After 9 o clock this
morning the irritation subsided nnd
at 10:20 : o'clock the physicians were
about to give him some nourishment.
The effect of this trial has not been
announced. Drs. Barnes and Wood
ward have gone homo and Drs.
Agnew , Bliss and Reybuni arc now
with the patient. ThoyI&vo been
inaccessible to the press as yet to
day. The president's family have
been assured that there is no cause
for alarm. At 10:20 : ho took
about ono and a half ounces of milk ,
an ounce of whisky and some beef ov-
tract , . Some quinine was also admin
istered' The nourishment was re
tained in the stomach and the physi
cians were encouraged. Their anxiety
to chock the irritation will save serious
alarm , but if the vomiting should continuo -
tinuo too long the case will assume a
serious aspect.
A rumor has just been reported
hero tliat the physicians attribute the
condition of the president's stomach
to some action of the bullet. Secre
tary Brown was authorized by the
physicians to deny it. They nay the
president's dyspepsia is the founda
tion of the trouble , and the solo
foundation. Another rumor is that
the ball is to bo taken out to-day.
This is false , as all who are at the
white hoiiBO testify. They say it
would bo folly to perform an opera
tion on the president in the debili
tated condition ho in in. Since the
vomiting at 12 o'clock the president is
reported no worse , and it is said that
ho is asleep.
WAHAI.VCITOX , August ID. There
was a rumor to-day that another ope
ration was contemplated , from the
fact that Prof. Taintor , assistant to
Prof. Bell , visited the White Houso.
This was construed as an indication of
a preparation for an operation and
that the professor's presence in the
White House was for the solo purpose
of assisting the surgeons to locate the
bullt't by the use of the induction
balance. Prof. Taintor'n call was
merely to inform Dr. Woodward of a
telegram from Prof , Bell deairing to
know the progress ho was making in
his experiments. ] l'\s , authoritatively
stated this afternoon that nothing
like an operation upon the piceidcnt
is now contemplated in the present
weakened condition of the patient let
alone the absence of anyreanon foan
operation should bo enough to allow
this. At 145 ; thin afternoon thu presi
dent's puhp had fallen to 112 , n do.
crease of six pulsations in two hours.
It continues to fall and thus far there
lias been no recurrent of vomiting ,
and at 2:45 : the physicians began to
feel renewed encouragement.
There has boon moro excitement in *
the city to-day than at any time since
the first week of the shooting of the
president , and all from the effect of
the announcement in the monu' %
bulletin that thu president had been
vomiting during the night. The idea
that ono in the president's weak con
dition could stand such a strain and
exertion was not for a moment enter
tained , The figures showed what
"effect it had upon him. Tko general
improvement of the last day or two
has.almost beon'cliacod by the effect
pfj this , now trouble. vThoso who
had watched tlio cato closely saw
at once that the trouble
was no now ono. They remembered
that the president' * duly annoyance
in Ubual health was dyspepsia. This
ho contracted in the army and it has
existed more or less over since. The
physicians in this case had often
spoke of it ns ono of the weak points
of the case. They had tried to exercise -
ciso care in tlio food given him. Suc
cess has heretofore boon satisfactory
To-day they were unable to trace the
direct cause of the irritation of tlio
stomach. They kept aloof from the
press. Col. Corbin came from the
doctors room at lOtfO. Ho was asked
"has tho. irritation subsided ? "
"Pretty ini'ch" was the reply and
that WAS the most satisfactory info-
nmtion received until it was reported
that tlio president had been able to
retain the nourishment last given.
The noon temperature nnd respiration
were not unsatisfactory but the pulse
at 118 was most alarming. The physi
cians insisted that the rise was ( \no \ M
excessive weakness resulting from
stomach disturbance. '
was allayed by small doses of sub ni
trate of'bismuth and held in chock as
the day proceeded. The president
could not bo given nourishment , but
ho had no further trouble up to ! ) p.
m.t at which time his pulse had sub
sided to 110 , and all began to take
heart again , Dr. Agnew told Mrs.
Garfiola that there was no cause for
alarm. This was when the irritation
had subsided. Tlio case will bo
watched more carefully than ever
now , for a recurrence of the vomit
ing would have a dangoroun effect on
the president's present weak condi
tion. .
There were more callers during the
day than usual , among them nx-
minster Hilliars , of Bra-
.zil , and Minister Lnncston.
of llayti. The latter brought a mes
sage of sympathy and hope to Mrs.
Garfield from the president of Hayti.
Tlio improvements of the president's '
stomach trouble during tlio early part
of the afternoon was too ahbrt ; lived.
Before 4 p. m. thcro was n recurrence
of the nausoau. It came when the
president undcrtopk to swallow n little -
tlo beef extracts The firat vomiting
was so slight that it was hoped it
would not prove serious. At that
time his pulse was 110 , but waa so
perceptibly quickened that much
alarm was caused. Two moro vomit
ing spells followed , nnd nt the time of
the evening dressing there was n
pretty bad stale of affairs. His
pulse was 130 and was in itself an
alarming circumstance. The presi
dent's stomach had evidently pone
tack on him. The temperature being
still at.a comparatively low figure was
an unmistakable evidence that the
wound was doing well. This was ad
mitted by all who were acquainted
with the details of the case. The
marked oflcct of the vomiting on tlio j
pulse shows conclusively that unless
this irritation is stopped the most
dangerous results must bo expected.
To stop this the physicians have de
cided to give the stomach a complete
Nourishment is now. administered
hypodermically , and the only hope
seems to bo that by a complete rest
the stomach may rpcupornto. The
physicians do not give up yot. At
this writing , 7:30 : p. m. , Dr. Hamil
ton has not boon Bent for , and uioa-
Hongors have no ? been sent to either
Vice President Arthur or Secretary
Blaino. In ether words , the physi
cians have not given Up hope and.are
making every endeavor togain ground
All at the White House are very anx
ious. Alarm has not seized any of
the family , for tho" " physicians
say that all may yet be
well. Hence , all are watching nnd
waiting. Dr Agnew has received
word that Dr. Hamilton will bo here
to-morrow afternoon and says ho will
then probably go homo unless worse
comes to worse. At 8:30 : Postmaster-
General .Tames came from the doctor's
rooms. Ho was asked how it was ,
and said "No ono is thorobut , Drs.
Woodward and Iloyburn. Drs. Agnew
aud Bliss have gone out for a short
while. "
"Do they give it up general ? "
"No , indeed , it looks bad but there
is a good chance yut. "
Attorney-General McVoagh said :
"Of course wo are very anxious about
the pulse but wo have heard nothing
since the bulletin. " Ho also says
that neither the vico-presidont or
Secretary Blaine have boon sent for.
Tlio president has had milk nnd ex
tract of beef administered by injec
tion and no further disturbance of the
stomach has been reported since the
The following dispatches were sent
at 8:30 : p. in.
Lowell , minister , London. The
president' * * condition is less satisfac
tory. The irritation of the stomach
has caused vomiting three times since
1 o'clock. His temperature is 100 ,
less than tor novoral days. His
pulse is 120 ; respiration , 22.
Signed , IJirr ,
Acting secretary.
Gon. H. B. Hayes , Fremont , 0. ,
Hayo reachUd another vury serious
point in thu cane. His condition at
this hour , 8:00 : p. m , , is of a charac
ter that causes great anxiety. Wo hope
for bettor things in the morning.
Kigne'd , H. 0. COIUUH.
has boon Senator Puch. Ho asked
Attorney General Mao Veagh what ho
thouuht of the situation.
"Very grave , " ho replied , "and
causes great anxiety. Wo know no h-
ing moro definite than that there has
been no more vomiting since fi o'clock ,
) Vo expect to hoar from the doctors
80011. "
at the white house to-night has boon
as great as four weeks ago. Strin
gent rules of admission are still in
force , Every ono realizes the gravity
of the occasion , but hope is expressed
on all sides.
JuBtico Harlan , .Tud o Lawrence ,
and SorgeanttAnns Bright of tljo
senate , were among the hito callers
to-night. Judge Harlan Bat with the
members of the cabinet awhile and
stated afterwards that they felt the
gravity of the situation , hut had by
no means abandoned hopo.
Secretary Lincoln will return to mor
row. SecroUxriea Hunt , Kirkuood ,
and Windom , Attorney General .Mao-
Veagh nnd Postmastor-Goncrnl .lainos
are still nt the White Honso. Mrs.
Garficld wont to Ho down n few min
utes ao. She remains M cheerful
and hopeful as over. Dr. Blisa u the
only ono of the physicians BCCII < mt-
side of the sick room to-night. Ho
rcauerts that the present trouble is
entirely duo to the weakness
of the stomach and i not
at all sympathetic with tlio wound.
Ho says the stomach will bo given all
possible and they hope for im
provement to-morrow. Ho 6a\ntho
physicians all rccoKimo the gravity of
the situation , ibut llioy fool as if there
was a way out bt it.
remained al Iho White Houeo until
1 1 o'clock. At that hour thft presi
dent was asleep. There has bcnti no
rccurrouco of the vomiting. Pulse
slightly subsiding. These facts are
slightly reassuring nnd noniero !
despondent. Secretary Hunt sconm
vury much affected at the unfortunate
turn of affairs but thinks the presi
dent will yet pull through.
Secretary Windom soys : 'It looks
very grave , but the morning may
change it. " Kirkwood says : "I shall
keep heart until the doctors give it
up. "
Postmaster General Jatnos 1ms
confidence. He aays : "I toll you
boys ho is alive yet. "
fuels the bluest of all. Ho saya thu
situation is ono of the deepest gravity
but thinks there is n chance to
morrow may bring n change for the
better. Assistant Secretary Hitt , un
der the circumstances , is feeling ner
vous with the state department on
his shoulders , and deemed it ad\ { sa
ble to inform Secretary Ultimo of the
unfavorable change , that ho mi ht ,
if deemed best , return to Washing
ton. A message to that effect was
sent nt 10:30 : p. m , Vice President
Arthur has not been sent for. At
half-past cloven the White House
was deserted again and the city in
quiet except half n dozen sleepless
OUCH who hung about the gate lead
ing to the grounds talking with the
oOicciti in charge. The doctors had all
gene homo with the exception
of Bliss and Ileyhurn. The presi
dent's family were told that thuru
was no cause for further alarm to
night. They therefore retired. Dr.
Bliss laid down on the bed in tin.1 sur
geons' room and lleyburn remained
near him. Gen. Swain was with thu
president at that hour. Ho slept
comfortably after 10 p. m , , and
when Secretary Brown wont to
the door at 12 o'clock ho was
still asleep and breathing notinally
and with no indications of further
disturbance. Secretary Brown had
the mansion closed after 12 o'clock
and wont homo , first making arrange
ments to bo called in case of mi'rlhing
happening. The general foolmg is
that ho has undoubtedly improving
since early evening but there is still
anxiety for the morning.
PHILADELPHIA , August 15. Dr.
Agnew , in a second public luttur in
relation to an interview recently pub
lished in The Philadelphia Times and
attributed to him , says : "Tlio criti
cism to which the president's medical
nnd surgical attendants have been
subjected does not disturb their equa
nimity in the least. They have a re
sponsible duty to perform. Nothing
will bo omitted , nothing knowingly
committed which , in their judgment ,
will enUanger n valuable life , and
when the proper time comes they will
submit the medical and siirgic.u history -
tory f _ this remarkable inquiry to the
profession , thu only tribunal compe
tent 10 pass on the conduct of tlio case.
8:30 : n. m. The president did not
rest us well ns usual last night until
towards three o'clock. His sloop was'
not sound and ho awoke at short in
tervals , His stomach was irritable
and ho vomited several times. About
three o'clock ho became composed and
slept well until seven this morning.
His stomach is still irntahlo nnd his
temperature is rather higher than yes
terday morning , At present his pulse
is 108 , temperature 100,2 , respiration
20. ( Signed ] D. W. BUM ) ,
D. ilAYErtAllNEW.
2:30 : p. m , Since the last bulletin the
President has not vomited. Ho has
been able to retain nourishment. At
the morning's dressing thu discharge
of pus was free nnd of a good char
acter. Since then thu ptihu lias been
moro frequent , but thu temperature
has fallen to a little below what it was
at this time yesterday. I'ulso 118 ,
temperature 'M , respiration 11) ) .
( Signed ) F. H. HAMILTON ,
D. W. Buss , -
(5:30 ( : p. m. The irritability of the
president's stomach returned during
the afternoon and ho has vomited
three times since 1 o'clock , although
the afternoon rise of temperature is
less than it has been for several days
past , His jmlso and respiration uro
moro frequent , so that his condition
on the whole is less satisfactory. His
pulsp in now 130 , ternpmturo 9J ! ) ( ,
respiration 22.
( Higuud [ D.V. . BuhS ,
J , 1C. BARNES ,
0:15 : p. in , Secretary Brown has
just come from the sick room , and re
ports that the president i last asleep.
No morphia lias been used to-day.
His iiulso has fallen about tun beats ,
ami in * temperature is estimated at
normal , There han been no vomiting
since i"p. . m ,
KvEot'Tivr. MANSION , August 10
12 ; 15 a. m. The president is sleep
ing , with normal respiration , no in
creased temperature , nnH nothing to
indicate trouble with the wound ,
There has been no vomiting for seven
hours nnd tlio pulse is not increasing ,
The whitu house han boon closed for
the night. The family and doctors
rotircu all hopeful , but not yet confi
I'Lvmmvr. MANSION , August 10
2 n. m. No indications at this hour
of any interruptions to thu slight im
provement which set in after the
eveninc ; bulletin was issued. The
president's physicians are dozing , nnd
the watchers in thu sick room reported
no material change since midnight ,
Ho sloops naturally.
NEW YORK , Aug. 15. A special
dispatch from Washington sent by the
correspondent of the National Associated -
ciated press , upon otliciol informa
tion furnished by the president's fam
ily physician , maku an announcement
of a fact which must greatly intensify
public interest in the president's case
uid add to the sorrou fill features of it
if the oxccutivu snpuld yet prove a
victim to the assassin. The news relates -
latos to the condition of Mrs. Garfiuld ,
This lady , as the public nlready
knows , lias been very ill over since
lior advent to the white house. Her
sickness dates from inauguration day.
At the time the president was shot
MrsGArficld's condition was so criti
cal that the physicians who attended
lior at Long Branch all but despaired
of her recovery. After her recall to
Washington by Guitcau's crimu the
lioroio character f the lady being so
strongly appealed to assorted itself
from that time she has apparently
been bcettur. It is now announced
lliat it is expected that in November
next Mrs. ( jarliold will again become
a mother. Mrs. Garfiuld was mntned
to the president in her 23rd year and
in his 27th. Shu is now in her -Kith
year. When it is stated that Mrs.
fiarfiold's ' case NMIS misunderstood up
to the time of thu attempted assassin
ation and that only at that liino was
its real nature made known to her
and the president , the special enormity -
mity of Guiteau's net becomes appar
ent. The present announcement will
curry with it to the American people a
new idea of the patient heroism which
lias inspired thu nobla fortitude of the
illustrious sufferer at thoWhito House
and that of his devoted 'wife during
the long and many weeks of their
unparalleled trial.
WASHINGTON , August 15. The
war department has issued instruc
tions " to General CrookJ com
manding the department of the Platte ,
to hold Grow Dog , who killed Spot
ted Tail , and Black Crow , ns an ac
cessory to the murder , for action by
the civil authorities. Secretary Lin
coln will not return until the last of
next week.
Agent Cook's report from Rosebud
agency as to the murder of Spotted
Tail says that Black Crow makes no
secret of his long-time intention to
put him out of the way. The Indian
department agrees with the agent in
the belief that now that their leader
is gene the disaffected element will
quiet down. Thu dopaitmcnt will
probably adopt the suggestion not to
appoint a successor to Spotted Tail ,
desiring rather that his son , young
Spotted Tail , bo recognized as chief
only of his immediate band. That
any time any representative of the
tribe shall bo desired nt Washington
for conferring about the interests of
this i > ooplo he shall bo chosen with
especial reference to hia intelligence
nnd loyalty to the government.
The visiting Indians heru are all
Sioux , headed bv Little Chief , and
comprising Thunder Hawk , Big Head.
Bear's Rib. Fire Heart , Red Bull aiid
Walking Shooter , in charge of Inter
preter A , II , Wngenur. Another
party , numbering twenty , including
Rod Cloud , Standing. Bear , Young-
Man-Afrnid-of-IIis-Horses , nnd Geo.
Swords , is expected to arrive hero to
morrow or Wednesday. Liltlo Cliiol
wants to got the government lul
his people go lack from the Indian
territory to their old homo in D.ikotu.
The Sioux came hero to perfect a
settlement with the Chicago v North
western railway in regard to certain
land in dispute. Conferences will be
held with the Indian commissioner
when all thu delegate ! ! havu arrived
TJIBCOTTttN < ; R)1' ) .
The returns to the department of
ngriculturn of August 1st show u decrease -
crease in thu condition of cotton
since thu ruturns of July. The aver
age condition is 88 on the firat of this
month , ngainst 05 on July 1st. As
compared with lant year the condition
is reported 14 pur cunt loss than ill
the same date then. Thu drought is
universally complained of as thu
cause of the decline , particularly in
South Carolina and Texas. Tin
plant is generally reported small and
Bulfuring from much shedding of balls.
Insect injuries are not 'reported to
any great extent.
The New Hnvou Mystery.
National Antoclatal ( 'rend.
NEW HAVEN , Conn , , August 15.
Tlio Malloy boys , arrested this morn
ing , are now in jail , until next Mon
day , when the piuliininary hearing in
the triat for murder will begin The
statement that the Douglass \\oman
has confessed is without foundation ,
Shu acknowledged nothing which was
not practically established by other
witnesses with ono exception. She
acknowledges that on thu night passed
by her and Jennie at the Malloy
houuo with Walter and James , James
passed with Junnio , while uho was
with Walter , in order to ylvo the im
pression that there was nothing in
circunibtancoH to call for thu adminis
tration of a drug ,
Hoisting of the Flag of the
Transvaal Republic ,
The English and French Crops
Below the Average ,
Illness of Mrs. Gladstone , Wife
of the Prime Minister.
Probability of n Settlement oi the
DUHoulty Between the Com-
moil * nuil Lonlii <
Xatloiul Avflclttnl I'ri'is. *
I.IONKON , Aucnst 15. Mrs. Glad
stone , wife of the prime minister , is
suffering from n alight attnck of ery
sipelas. She is thought In bo in no
danger at present , but her mlvancoil
ago and the fact that her health has
not boon very robust for some time ,
causes anxiety among her friomla.
At Marseilles , in the amphitheatre
located iu the old town < uul an ancient
building , while , n bull flight was in
progress yesterday and thu building
was tnoru thiiu usually thronged , several -
oral tiers of seals giwo away , throw
ing the occupants from twelve to
twenty-five foot to thu uro\ind , Twelve
people wore killed and ICO injured ,
many seriously.
LONDON , August 15. Iii the houao
of commons thii uf tornoon various po-
.itiom were presented ngaitiRt the
louse yiulding to the amendments of
: ho house of lords , impairingtho pro-
.cction ntlbrdcd to tenants by the
and bill. Mr. Gladstone nroso and
moved a consideration of the amend'
mints mndu by the house of lords to
: ho land bill. Mr. L. L. Dillins ; ,
liberal , representing Swannivi , said
that ho and a number of others had
loyally supported the pa-iaing of the
land bill , but if material concession *
were inado to an irresponsible body
the movement would lose the support
of the HberalH. ( Cheers. ) After fur
ther remarks by Mr. llcaly and oth
ers , J\lr. Gludstono proposed that the
Iwtiso consider the amendments on
Lhoir merits , and asked thosu who had
trusted him no long to conliuuo to
trust him to the end. Mr. Gladstone
then uccoptt'd the house of lordB
amoiidmcntii regarding Ulster county
tenant right customs.
LONDON , August 15. Mr. Alexan
der M. Sullivan , homo rule member
of the houao of commoim for Mcath ,
was this afternoon taken with a fit
and in seriously ill.
DURIIAN , August 15. The flag of
the Transvaal republic wna hoisted at
Pretoria , the capital of the Transvaal ,
on the 8th inflt. , amid an enormous
concourse of Doors. Itoforo the Hag
WBS hoisted Joubort addressed a pa
triotic but moderate speech to the an-
Bomblod Doors , tuyfng that victory
having accompanied their efforts in
the field it bocaino incumbent upon
them to show the surrounding popula
tion that they could manage their own
affairs in peace and quiet. The hoist
ing of the national colors was greeted
by tremendous cheering , in which ,
strange to note , several English olli-
ccrn present took part. On the ! lth
the different Boor corps still on a war
footing dispersed to tlu-ir homesi
J.VIH.IHII : cnors.
LONDON , August 10. The agricul
tural Gn/.olto says : According to the
returns of our correspondent of the
number of acres under wheat , about
fit per cent give an average yichLaml
about 4 1 per cent give under , and fi
per cent over the average. Oats are
vury disappointing. Beans , poaru
and green crops generally are bettor
than they at ono time promised.
Thu harvest , which it was thought
would bo less expedited by the heat
of July , is now general.
PARIS , August 15. The Agricultu
ral Journal estimates that the wheat
crop will bo sensibly under tno aver-
ago. Hurley and oats are also estima
ted to show H deficit. Maixo gives
rise to considerable uneasiness in the
cast , and south of Franco. Ilyo ia
of good quality but under the aver-
August 15 , The result ol
the negotiations between the govern
ment and the opposition is that Lord
Salisbury will accept the bill as
amended. To-night Gladstone con
sented to the clauHO permitting land
lords to apply to thu court to ( it a
fair rent after failing to make ono
with the tenant. A committee was
nominated to arrange an agreoiiiunl
with the house of lords.
LONDON , August 1C. Much u&uitu
mcnt was caused over the report o
the death of President Gariitnd am
the residence of the American minister
tor wan besieged with inquiries.
Murderous Apache *
Null nitl Awocl tv < l J'ross.
LAH VEUAH , N. M. , Aug. 15. Two
Mexicans who arrived hero Sunday ii
an exhausted condition report that i
small Mexican village , eighteen miles
from Itio J'urco , lias been entirely
wiped out by Apitcho Indiana , TJii
settlement contained only twunty-nino
people. Of these twonty-aovon were
elain. The other two were the nioi
who brought the nieagru details of thu
outrage. At this writing it can only
bo luarnod that the Apaohes Bur-
ronnded thu village and butchered al
the occupants , men women and chil
dren. Thu Bottlora were taken en
tirely by surprise and woio nUbrdei
no opportunity to protect themselves
Doing largely outnumbered , it iu
doubtful if the results would have
been different had tliuyroceivod warn
ing of the attack , Thu two Musical
Hurvivors hud a narrow escape , their
liorsus being shot from under them
before they succeeded in getting out
of range of * ho hostilcs. Telegraphic
communication on the Atlantio < t
Pacific railway near which the aceno
of the outrage in located , is interrupted ,
The citizens of tins country will soon
demand that the government put a
sutllciont force of troops to effectually
wipe out this band of Indians , whoso
trail ii continually marked with such
cold-blooded murdcrn and attrocitiea
among the white and Mexicans.
. 4
SAIIATOOA , August 15. The firn't
racp. one mile , for a purse of $3GO ,
uaiuen three-year-olds , was won by
Clan Alpine , with Hob Hey second'
and Explorer third , Time , 1:11.
The second rnco , all ngea , mile
a half , for a purao of § 500 , was
hy Checkmate , Windrmh necoud , and
Cinderella third. Time , 2'Ui. :
The third race , milo and a Inrlong ,
'or a purse of SiWO , was won by Dan
iv. , with Anderaon second , and Drool.-
yn third. Time , lf : > 0
The fourth lace , n soiling race of
lireo-quartora of a mile , was won by
tfavarro , with White second , and,1
Marathon third. Time , 1:101. : '
MosMoi'Tit , N. .J. , August 10. -
The llrst nice , for all ngen. was for a
iiurao of § 500. It wai won by Sir
Hngh , with Duke of Montroao BOC-
end , the only entries , Time l j.
The second race was for two-ycar-
) lds , * uling | allowances , throo-quar-
tors of'a ' nnlo. Four horses stnrtod.
[ t was -wan by Dedouin , Douncon
aocond , and Olivia , the f.ivorito , thiul.
rime 1:17J.
The third race , for innidun tkrcu
, -car olds and upwnrda , ono milo , had
even starters. It was won by Filial ,
tonne second , Mattie Katuro | third ,
fimo 1 : ! .
The fourth race was a handicap
wuepslalsof , a milo atid a furlong. It
vna won by ( Jabriel , C.illis second ,
1'imu 1:57 : } .
Tno Fiitb race , for all ages , selling '
illowniicos , ono mile , was won by
Viola , Duke of Montroao second.
1'ime l-l'lj. :
The sixth race wai a handicap
nlceplo chase , for all ages , abort ,
course. It was won by Strychnine ,
'llasgow Bco.oud. Time 3:31 : ] .
DOSTON , August 15. llostoiiB 6 ,
Treys U.
Printers Demanding a Ralno.
V'ctlonnl AxHeclatod P.i"fl.
CINCINNATI , August IB The Typo
graphical union has made a demand
of the different offices that they be
ttaid an advance of 0 cents per 100
ems , and The (5azotto has partly
promised to comply.
Garret to VanderVlt.
National AnnocUUit 1'riyrt.
WABIIINUTOK , Awgust 14. The nv
ply of President tiarrett , of the Bal-
tomore it Ohio railroad , to what ho
regards an a Vanderbilt attack , will
bo in readiness by Thursday next. It
ia his intention to make the reply ; >
full and complete statement , review
ing in detail the railroad miaunder- .
standing and. the connecting fuctn.
flatTott is disposed to fight VandorbiU.
on every point , ( iarrctb thinks the in-
teresto of the public can bo best
Borved by a fair competition on all
the trunk linen.
Fine Horse Flnsli.
National AmocUtixl t'rmt.
NKW VOUK , August Ifi. One hund
red and twenty Norman liorses , includ
ing fifty-aix ntallioim and forty yeivr-
lingH , the largest importation ovoj
niadu , arrived to-day in the steamer
City of London. They .weigh from
1,000 , to over ii,000 pounds and cost
from $500 to 81'JOO each. Of the
\vhoru number 110 were consigned to
E. Dillon & Co. , of Dloomingdulo ,
Grading Completed.
NiUtorml Anaoclated l'rc/w.
O\TOi > , Ind. , August ID , Tiio
now railroad , formerly known as the
Chicago & Indiana , and recently
changed to the Chic.xgo & Great
Southern , has couipiotoct the grading
between Goodlanu and Oxford and
will proceed to tie and iron the road
at once. The road will bo continued
ftouth to the Indiana coal fields and it
in said to bo controlled by the Louig
villu it Nashville company.
A Brutal Murder.
National AHUtotl Prcnn.
HANNUIAL , Mo. , August -rGaf.H- -
cock'a island , directly opposite thin
city , was the scene of a brutal murder
Sunday. A party of river men were
holding a carousal in a disreputable
house. Durint' u < iuarrel at the bar it
man named Wont Durnoa shot Jack
Gibb9nBta raftsman , through the ido ,
killing him instantly. Gibbons wan
uldo Htnbbod in the bock and neck an
soon as the shot waa tired , Kithor of
the wounds would have proved fatal.
Tlio murderer lives in this city buthan ,
not yet been arrested ,
. - . , _
Culliuun and Pornvians Stili
National AiK'Utl l'rcs.
LIMA , August 15 , Many fighto
have taken place between the Chiliaim
and Peruvians in Lima. In some of
thorn the Chilians hava boon worsted ,
How long this state of affairs will last it
is hard to conjecture. Garcia Calvenn ,
it is announced , intends so resign.
Two-thirds of his cabinet have tender
ed their ros'gnation and it is thought
that if peace ia inado the only person
allowed to outer into terms will bo
Periol. t
Mr , M. Droycr , AvonuoL , batwoon
D'Jnd and U.'td atroota , Oalvcston ,
Texas , nays : St. Jacobs Oil has relieved
lievod me from all the pains with
which 1 aufTorod foe over a year , It
removed the pain in my contracted
sinews instantaneously. Severe pains
in the back wuro cured in fire min-
utca by one application ot the won
derful article.