Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1881, Image 1

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Mo 1 Ixt on Hartley street , near now court
.hotieo , $2WO.
No 2 Lot on CAM street near 22J , ! tOO.
Mo 3 Iiot on Cilfornlit fitroot near 2&1 , flOOO.
No 6 Lot on Marty street ncnr U. 1' . deK | > t ,
NeO I block In Shlnn'j 3.1 addition near Con-
out , SS.W.
No S TwoloU on Dccattir near Campbell St. ,
$700.No 10 8 lota on Colfax atroot near Itansooiu
1'ark , t roaronablo prices.
100 choice resilience lot ) In Credit Fonclcr and
Grandvlcw addition ! a thort distance louthaut o (
( J. 1' . and It Si M , depots , prices from 8100 up
ward .
18 lot * on 2l t , 22d , 23.1 and SmtnJors BtroctR ,
north ot and adjoining K. V. SimuYi addition ,
(400 ; Unns rn y
No 60 full corner lot on Douglas street nelr
10th , fMOO.
No 70 Corner 00x110 feet lot on Douglas near
near Itth trcet.&lOO.
No. 71 Three lota lu Olse't addition ncarSnun-
dcro street , 81000
71 Lot on Dccatur itroot , near Irene Bhlnn'i
2il addition 8116.
No. 76 82x00 feel on Pacific street near U. P
anil I ! . iM. depots , 8300 J.
No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 fact Oth
etrect near Jones , $3500.
No 7 J 3 lot * on tlarney street near 10th$2000.
No 81 Lot In Qiao's addition near Saun.lcn
e'rcct , $300.
No. 82 Lot In discs' addition near Saundun
ctreet , J300.
No 83 2 lots on 10th near Pacific and Nail
Works , 81600.
No 80 Lot on Charles street near Saundut ,
( 00.
No 37 Lot on Loavenworth near 15th , $1,100.
No 8d Lot on Caldwcll street near Saundcn
No SO Lot on Chicago near 22d itocet , fltOO.
No 90 Lot on Illondo near Campbell strvot
31 lot" ) InMlllardi & CalJwcll's addition , Shcr-
niixn ncnue , KHh street , Spring , Saratoga and
Florence streets , $700 and upward * .
No 122 2 lots on 18th btrcct , near fopplcton's
cow residence , 31000.
No 123 Lot 71x310 feet on Sherman tucnue.
10th street , SHOO
No 121 S lot * on Bollevua street , near shot
tower , $ M to 75 each.
No 125 Full block on Clinton street , near
shat tower , 850 to $75 each.
No 123 Lot on ISth street , na * white lend
work * , $525
No ' .27 2 lota , 3J acresneur head of St. Mary's
nvriiuo , on road to Park , 82500.
No 129 Lo on CallfbrnU Bear Crolghton Cole -
e e , S375.
No 130 I lots near now gorcrnmont corral , 82 }
\207) ) acres each. S300.
No 101 Lot In Glsc'D addition on Cameron St.
near Saundcn , make an offer.
No. 100 Lot In GUe's addition on Cassias St. ,
near State , make an odor.
No 102 Lot In Glse's addition on Cosslus near
Baundcr * , make an offer.
No 103 1 block In Itoyd's addition addition
near Cumlw Barracks , make an offer.
No 104 7 lots In Henry & Hhclton's addition
near high nchool , price from $1250 upward.
170 Lot on Paciflc street , near 15th , make an
offer.No 171 2 loU on Webster street , near 21nt ,
both JJ3U0 or 52000 for corner and 81600 for In-
do.No 173 J lot on Cassnear 14th street , 3100Q
No 175 Lot on Sncrman avenue lUtn street
near Izard , 44x131 , 81400.
No 177 3 lots In Oriiiid\-Iew. make an offer.
No ISO Lot In Shnin's addition on Plur St. ,
near end street cor track , S525.
No 181 T\\o lots in Nclaona addition , 1 on
Idaho street , 1 on Center street , near Cumlinr ,
$300 each.
No 183 Two gilt cdf-o lots on Oasn street near
21st.onacoriicrCOOO. .
JJA7SS 1 " u i < ioaunucre ,
"make an oiler.
No ISO 3 lota on Sovvard street , near Irene ,
make an offer
No ! ! > } , lot'on Da > cnportncar 25th500.
No 187 } , lot on Dhlslon near Cumin ? st. . ? 200.
NolSSJ , bloek In Doyd'sjuldltlon , near Omaha
barrackH. $100.
NolbOJ , } lot on Pierce near Oth street. 8. > 50.
No lOuJ , 4 lot on llth near Karnham , 8210 < )
No I'Jlj , 2 beautiful loU In bhlim'a addition ,
No 192 } , 2 lots on ISth fatreet near white lead
n-orks , * lt)5o.
No 1031 , lot on 20th street near Sherman , $400 ,
/ No 101 J , 2 lots on iiii btruet , near Clark , fcOOO.
No lUUJ , 3 beautiful lot * on baunders at. near
ktrect car turn Ublo , $1275.
No 1091 , lot on 16th near PleJce kf. $500.
No 201 Lot in Uiso'd addition on Cameron et. ,
near Saunderd , 500.
No LO. ! Lot oil Cameron street near Saundors.
$900.No 203 Ixtln Shlnn's addition on SaunJcrs
rstreet , near street car tum table , 8850.
No au4 Ueuutiful lot in Nelson's addition , on
DixUIon street near Cumlng , 8 50.
No. 205 Tu o low on Contellar street , near 10th
5150.No 200 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near the
nail works , $ lf)00.
No 208 One-halt lot on California street near
No 2' Lot on 18th street near Nicholas , $000.
No"210 Lot on Capitol mcnuo near 23d,81500.
Na 212 Lot 143x500 feet on Colfax street , near
Haiutcom Park , with Improvements , $2700.
No 213 Two ttcrcn on Cumins btrt-et , S1000.
No 215 One-half acre on California , near Ken
nedy struct , $35U.
No 210 Beautiful lot on Hamilton ttreot near
street car turn taolo , $1000.
No 217 I ot on 23d strict , nctrClark. $500.
A few Mro lota only remain unsold In "Park
Place" little west of Crclghton Collegt , pricow
rann'in ? fiom 8275 to $300 uaih and on oaiy tenus.
Lots in llorbacli's 1st and 2d additions ; also
lots In Parker'iiShinn'ii ; NeUan'a , Terrace's , K.
V. Smith's. Kodlck's , and all the other additions
at any price and at any terms. „
Ten acres in the city limiU on the road toHho
barracks at $375 per acre.
Knur beautiful residence lots In front of
< 3rel hton College ; will cut them up to cult.
Nine reatdemo lots north of Crulghton College
croundi , from 870U toJIUOO ouch.
Thirty resident lots In Parker's fldltion , six
blocks north of the end of thu btreed car track
on Siundcra ttrcet , $30i ) each , § 10 do n , ualanco
c suit , at 8 per cuit interest.
A few lots lift In Terrace addition on the road
to the Park , near head f St. Mur 's av enuoS7v0 !
uach. To tliosuvhoulllbullda § 1200 residence ,
7 yearn time at8 p'r ent Intereit.
liotii In lAku'a addition at D50 to $350 each , 10
years time at U JXT cent Interest , to these who
'HieoMTou8ley40-acrr tract with house and
all improvement * , adjoining race courto and fair
grounds1 for § 30.
Tracts ot B , 1U , 15 , 20. 40 or 0 acres , with bull-
-dlntrs and otlierlmprotcuientiiaiid adjalnlni ; the
clt > , at all prices.
SWJoftho bent rcsidenco loti in the city < f
Omaha any location jou deal re north , cast ,
Bouth or west , and at bed rock prior * .
250eholeobuilnvM lots In all the principal bus.
mou streets in Omaha , tar > Ing from 500 to
{ 7000 each.
Two hundrwl houses and lots ranging from
BOO to 815.0W , and located In ot cry purl of the
'City.Large number of excellent arms in Douglas.
fiarpy , Saundem , Dodge , WabhliiL'ton. Hurt , and
other good counties In eastern Nebraska.
! > 000 acres beat landi In Douglas , 7000 acres
best lands In Sarpy county , and largo tracts In
all the eastern tier of counties *
Over WiO.OOO acres of the beat land in the No-
raska for sale by this agency.
Vcrj l rgo amounts of buburban property In
ono to ten , twenty aid f > rty aero pieces , located
within one to three , four or fl\u miles of thu
< noitotllce some \ cry cheap piece * .
New Slaps of Omaha , published by George P
Html * plain , unmounted maw to cents each ;
mounted , colored and with cloth back , $1.50
" "
. , hotels , fa/nu.lots , ! andi. olUies
rooms , etc. . tori nt or lease.
Taxes paid , nuts lollcctcd , dt-tds , mortgagoa ,
and all kind * of real cstato documenU modi- out
on short notice.
Estate Exctage
16th and Douglas Street ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
the :
All is Well and the Tfoxfc Few
Days Will Show a Marked
Improvement ,
The Physicians Ridicule the
Report of Their Cutting for
the Ball. \
Dr. Agnew Arrives nt the
"White House and Dr. Ham
ilton Departs.
Miscellaneous Notes From the
, August - - -
day's have como to bo such black-
letter days in the history of the presi
dent's cnso , that to-day's bulletins
wore most anxiously awaited. The
first news from the nick room was to
the ufTuct that the patient hud passed
n comfortable night. The figures in
the morning bulletin showed tlmt the
fever had not all departed , but there
WAS so much of nn improt omcnt over
yesterday morning and evening , that
they were generally received with
satisfaction- , Satisfaction almost became -
came confidence when the noon
bulletin indicated the pulsation for a
week , and n temperature reduced
from that of the morning , assurances
also being given that the wound was
doing well , and that the pus Was free
and healthy. Anxious oucslbcgau to
think this was to bo the best .Sunday
since the shooting , BO indccdnl was ,
taken all in all , but the increase of
pulse during the _ afternoon
spoiled what had bid fair to
bo marked as an improvement.
For whole days , so firmly had omo
people grappled the idea that Sunday
was sure to develop some crisisjMtho
case that the ovcning houri'found
quite a gathering about the bulletin
board. The sight of the pulse at 108
was disappointment , but the fact that
the temperature was lower bore with
it a feeling that all was yet well. At
the white house the general feeling
was that there was no cause for alarm.
The physicians undertook to make
no explanation of the high pulse.
They pointed with satisfaction to the
favorable comparison between to
night's temperature and that of last
night as showing an improvement in
the last twenty-four hours. Dr.
Keyburn said this even
ing : "Tho president has made
today. Wo arc perfectly satisfied. "
Dr. Bliss reiterates his opinion tnat
all is well and that the next few days
will show a marked change for the
better. Dr. Agnew arrived about 11
o'clock this morning. Ho was pres
ent 'at the and
midday evening exam
inations. This afternoon ho assured
Attorney General MacYeagh that
' "tha.iwaMimi-wwoii tiiugniir.To -
'night the Attorney General told
Postmaster Genero.1 James that
"there wns no cause for
alarm. " There have been no outside
callers at the White House to
night except Senator Dawes , of
Massachusetts , who came alone
as 7 p. m. Ho said Jic had heard on
the street that the president was fail
ing and came tc learn the worst. JIo
saw the doctors n few moments , and
when he came ho said , "The worst I
can learn is pretty good ; the doctors
nay ho is ( hi { ho gain. " There has
been a feeling of quiet contentment
at the mansion all day , and the even
ing bulletin has not .seriously dis-
tuibed it. As long as the doctdra are
satisfied with the case the family have
learned not to worry over nutters.
Henry , James and Miss Mollie Garfield -
field returned to-night with Secretary
Hunt and family nn the Dispatch from
Fortress Monroe. Nearly all the
members of the family have now taken
Eomo recreation during the excite-
mdnt except Mrs Gariicld and Pri
vate Secretary Brown. Mrs. Garfield -
field rides out to the soldiers' home
once in a while , but is never absent
more than a few hours. Mr. Brown
is almost constantly at the office or
attending to duties about the man
Dr. Bliss has almost entirely recov
ered from the ellucts of the pus pois
oning and think ho need expect no
further annoyance therefrom. Ho is
authority for the statement thnt the
doctors ridiculed the report that they
had decided to cut the ball out , Ho
reiterates the assertion that there has
been such intention in the minds
of the physicians ,
At 10 p. n ) . Drs. Bliss and Wopil-
ward , by a cursory examination , esti
mated that ihe temperature had fallen
at least a degree since the evening
dressing. Ho was asleep at that hour
and for that reason no accurate exam
ination was made.
The watch by the sick bed , now that
Crump is divided bet ween Mrs.
Edson , Dr. IJoynton , Gen. Swain and
Col. Rockwell , eaoh sitting up half
the night and each alternating during
the day. Ho rested as well as usual
and ate quite as much Kolid food as
yesterday. Ho went to sleep at the
usualtime this evening. Dr. Wood
ward and Dr. Bliss uro the only ones
on duty to-night. Dr. Agnew remains -
mains in the city several days , The
following was sent to-night
Lowell , minister to London ; The
general condition of the president was
not materially changed. The after
noon fever is about the same , Pulse
this evening 108 , temperature 100.8 ,
respiration 10. ,
T. Hin ? Acting Secretary.
8:30 : a. in. The president slept well
during the night , and this morning
expresses himself as fooling comfort
able. Ilia temperature is one degree
loss than at the same hour yesterday ,
His ccnoral condition ia good. Pulse
100 , temperature 09 8-lOj respiration
18. ( Signed ] D. W. Buss ,
J. K. liAHNF.3 ,
J. J.WoonwAiin ,
HOBT. IlnvnunN ,
1:30 : p. in. The president has done
well this morning , his tomper.ituro
falling one-half of a degree since the
last bulletin was issued. At the
morning dressing the condition of tfio
wound was found to be excellent , and
the discharge of pus adequate and
healthy. Pulse 00 , temperature ,
respiration 18. 1) . W. HUM ,
J. J. WoonwAitn ,
ROUT. IlKvnuiix ,
3 p. 111.-Tho president nppenrs to
have done well since tlinSioon bulletin
was issued. Ho has no increase of
fever and has not been restless this
aftcriioou. The usual febiile line is
expected this 01 oiling , but the gen
eral improvement continues.
EXKCUTIVI : MANSION , August l-l 7
p. in. The president has not materi
ally changed ainco noon. The after
noon febrile rise is about the same aa
yesterday. Pulse 108 , temperature )
100 , respiration IS ) .
[ Signed [ D. W. BLISS ,
J. WooDWAim ,
D. 11 AY KM An NKW.
J. 1C , BAUNF..H ,
Midnight There has boon no un
favorable developments in the presi
dent's case to-night. Ho has rested
well up to this hour and the fever is
very slight.
The Atlantic Mill's Firo.
National AisoclatoJ I'ri-ss.
Sr. Louis , Aug 13. The loss by
the burning of the Atlantic mills in
this city last night , aggregates about
§ 205,000. The building and machcn-
cry were insured for 877,000 , as fol
lows : Gormania , of Now York , § 2,500 ;
London &LaiicistorS2.500 ; Standard ,
of Now York , 82,500 ; Traders , of Chicago
cage , $2,500 ; National , of Connecti
cut , § 1,250 ; London , Liverpool &
Globe , § 2,500 ; Mercliants.of Rhode Is
land , $2,500 ; Metropolitan , of Paris ,
82,500 ; Phoenix , of London , 82,500 ;
Irving , of New York , $1,250 ; Prcscot ,
of Boston , $1,250 ; Louisville Under
writers , 8:2,500 : ; British America , § 2.-
500 ; Niagara , of Now York , § 2,500 ;
Fire Insurance Association , of England ,
§ 2,500 ; Franklin , of Philadelphia ,
$2,500 ; Lamar , of New York , $2,500 ;
Now Hampshire Insurance company ,
§ 1,250 ; Amazon , of Cincinnati , 81,500 ;
Manufacturers' , of Boston , § 2,500 ;
Guardian , of England , § 1,250. Mer
chants' , of Mi souri , $1,150 ; Han
over , of Now York , § 2,000 ; Under
writers' Agency , of Now York , $2,500 ;
Fire Association , of Philadelphia ,
$2,500 : Buffalo Insurance , of Bufl'.ilo ,
$1,150 ; Orient , of Hartford , § 2,500 ;
Northwestern National , of Milwaukee ,
$1,250 ; North German , of Germany ,
§ 1.250 ; La Conflanco , of Franco ,
$2.500 ; Western , of Canada , § 2,500 ;
American Gantral , f St. Loula ' ,
8'AoOOPeople's ; , of Newark' ,
§ 1,250 ; Rochester ( Germanof ,
Now York , $1,250 ; UlofTmiui , of
New York , $1,250. Now York
city , § 1,250 ; Citizens' , of St. Louis ,
§ 2,500 ; Transatlantic , § 2,500. Total ,
§ 77,500. The loss by the burning of
the future city oil works and a rosin
warehouse is increosed about § 40,000 ,
insured for about half that sum. Ono
ot tho. workmen of the Atlantic mills ,
Herman Hollistnr , is supposed to
have been buried in the ruins. Two
others were so severely injured that
their death is expected to-day.
Mysterious Murder.
National Associated 1'rcss.
PiTTsnmui , August 13. Another
mysterious murder occurred hero last
night. Hugh MoVay , employed nt
the pier freight depot , received his
pay , § 13 , Saturday , and at (5 ( o'clock
left for homo. At 8:30 : ho was seen
coining out of Vascy's saloon on Penn
sylvania avenue. Shortly after Wharf-
master Richard Fincssoy mot him on
the Alloghany wharf , intoxicated ,
and ordered him away. Mo Vny showed
the wharf master some money ho hold
in his hand nnd started up the wharf.
This was the last seen of him. About
0 o'clock two men , talking together
in the steamer Sam Miller , thought
they heard stilled groans , but suppos
ing them to como from a sick man in
n neighboring boat , paid no attention
to them. At ! > o'clock this morning
Peter Snyder , the oarsman , rowing up
the Alloghany river , just below -
low the steamer Enterprise , moorud
just below the river , iliscovorod a
man lying in the river. Ho was
pulled out nnd found to bo McYay.
There was a great bruise on the back
of hia h andadoop cut overhisoye ,
as thoughmado with u rock. No money
waa found on hia person and it ia sup
posed ho was followed and murdered
for hia money. There is no clue to
the murderers. MoVay is about fifty
years of ago and a very respectable-
and highly esteemed man. Ho came
hero from Philadelphia about n year
Mexican Notes.
CITY op MKXICO , August 14. Two
Americana were killed at Olduna , below -
low Matamaris. The government has
instructed Rio Grande officials to us-
auro safety to foreigners coming into
the country.
Minister Farmito has Appointed
seven engineers to investigate the
coal fields of thu Hcuublic ,
Parties arc about to petition the
government for permission to import
coal from the United States with au
thority to charge twenty dollars n ton.
The government will look first into
its internal development.
Stabbing Affray.
National AswuatoJ I'rcss.
BALTIMOUK , August 11. John
Kalb , aged ISyearj , was stabbed and
killed on Saturday night near the cor
tier of Sharp and Dov.-r streets by an
unknown colored man. Kalk was
walking aloiij , with several rompan
ions when a colored boy throw an ap
pie , striking him. Kalb gave chase ,
and ns ho passed the corner n colored
man , who was standing there , drew n
knife and stabbed him in th back.
Ho was removed ( othU homo anil
died in an hour , wcu'ral colored
men were arrested , but \\cro released
as not the parties
A Judicial Decision Intimately
Concerning * Now pnpor
Publisher *
National Associated I'rwu.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , August I ! ) .
Judge McCrary , in the United States
circuit court , -ban rendered a decision
which intimately concents all the news
papers publishers nnd editors in the
united States , and is another evidence
of the tendency of the times to re
sist the dictation of monopolies.
Several weeks ngoThe Journal , a
morning paper published m this city ,
wishing to increase Us IK-HI service ,
made arrangements to secmo the Na
tioual Associated press roj'urt , which
is published in addition to : 'i it of dm
Kansas nnd Missouri prt'M associa
tion , of which thp Journal is n member.
It is one of the rules of tinWistern
Associated press , of winch tin- Kansas
and Missouti association IITIMVCH its
news report , that no paper belonging
to the Western Aassocintod pieas or
uny association taking its IH-HS , shall
receive on publish the reports
of any other news association ,
under penalty of bi'im- cut
elf from 'the list. A ( similar rule
is enforced by the Now Yoik Asso
ciated Press , and all tributary or sub-
aidiary Associated Press combinations
in all parts of the country , with a view
to maintaining a monopoly of the dis
tribution nnd ale of news and to prevent -
vent successful competition , When
The Journal began the publication of
the National Associated Press reports
D. 11. Anthony , of Lcavonworth , in
his capacity as Hccrctary of the Kan
sas and Missouri Associated 1'ress , is
sued peremptory instructions to the
Western Union telegraph company to
discontinue the delivery of the report
to that paper. The Journal company
immediately brought suit before
Judge Krekel , of the United States
district court , at Kansas City , to com
pel the telegraph company to con
tinue the delivery ot the report de
spite Anthony's orders. In the mean
time , however , the association held a
meeting , and repudiating Anthony's
action as an assumption of authority ,
ordered the report restored
to The Journal , but took
steps towards the expulsion of The
Journal from the association unless
, ke paper discontinued the publicu-
; ion of National Associated Press re-
iorts. An effort was also in.ido to
ihungo tliu contract between the Knu-
sas and Missouri association ami the
Western Associated Press reports.
An effort was -also made to change the
contract between the Kansas and Mis
souri association and the Western As
sociated Press from which latter orga-
lization the news came , so The Journal
could bo excluded from any right or
title to tlioir report. This , if accom
plished , would have shut The Journal
ant and loft its owners without ropjoily.
The latter , howovprAprorFtr' R
lionca tfjLUbltwl , . , Mca & \tK&r anew
now function to prevent any change
in the contract with thu Western As
sociated Press , and to protect its
rights as a party to thu existing con
tract The case was argued before
Judge McCrary in the United States
district court at Keokuk , Iowa.
July 30th , and yesterday Judge
McCronry's decision was filed in thu
clerks office for the district of Kansas.
JudgoMcCreary granted the injunction
prayed for on both the Kansas and
Missomi press association and tliu
Western Union telegraph company
although the telegraph company was
joined as a defendant. The appear
ance in court was only pro forma , and
the council made no opposition to
thu granting of the proposed injunc
tion. The especial importance of the
ruling of Judge McCroary will ho bet
tor seen when it is stated tlmt under
it any paper in Kansas and Missouri
association , the Western Associated
press and all their tributary associa
tions is privileged to take tlicjNational
Associated press report or that of any
news association it sees tit to
pay ' for and the barrier that has pre-
vonte'd the development of newspaper
Diitorptiso and fostered the monopo
lization of intelligence is effectually
removed. The Now York and West
ern associated press and their kindred
association have always heictcforu
rigidly enforced this rule of oxclu-
siveneaB and have been enabled to
carry out their plans and prevent
competition , I owing to thu fact that
up to the beginning of the present
year the National associated prow hud
lo contract for the permanent tr.ina-
mission of its now * , and was indeed
limited solely to the ilisullicieiit wire
facilities of the Atlantic & Pacific
company. Now that with proper
and full transmission facilities its re
ports can bo generally circulated ,
they have acquired a value and im-
[ > ortancu they had ; iot before
I.ence the strenuous efforts of the op
position to enforce their monopoly
Sorloua Collision.
National Amioclutvtl J'lens.
CINCINNATI , August 13 , A collis
ion on the Short Line yesterday bo-
tweentwo fniight trains , English
Station , mashed both locomothoi.and
fatally injured James Gilligau , of
Louisvilto , fireman. Doc Burch and
Sam Caruhan , conductors , were b.xdly
injured. Damage to iocomutivos
§ 15,000.
Important ltiroliaNcs
Nat tonal AhMH-latvil 1'res * .
CINCINNATI , August 13. Judge
Hoodloy , now in Europe in the in
terest of the Cincinnati art museum
ban completed important purchases
among them Kumar exhibit , 2K !
pieces. Coat , § ,50,000.
Births. Doiitbs and Marrinos- |
National AkoOcLxttJ I'rt&t.
NEW YOIIK , August 13.- During tu |
past week there were in the city , 8H
deaths' , " 500 births and 133 marriages
Of deaths 4EQ were children under f
years , 225 'from flux , and U5 adults
from heat ,
Bradlaugli's Physioians Regard
His Condition Serious if Not
Dangerous ,
The London "Tinioa" Oonsidors
the Political Situation
Very Dark.
Death of the Earl of Qaiues-
borough in Hip Sixty-third
Mootiiipr of the Cabinet Coun
cil to Consider tbo Lnncl
Crisis Bill.
Other lutorottiuit Now * from Over
the \Vntor.
LONDON , August 13. The Times ,
commenting upon the notion of the
house of lords on the Irish land bill ,
says it hopes that Lord Cairns , lorn
chancellor , may now interfere with
his soothing influence , but it con
fesses that tno prospect is very dark ,
nnd that a storm has suddenly nriaen
which may have most disastrous
A dispatch from St. Petersburg
says that GortschakoH' is very much
disinclined to resign thu influential
position ho has so long held , and that
he resonta all hints looking towanl
a resignation.
Rev. Frederick W. Farrar , ono of
the canons of Westminster Abbey ,
and author of the well known "Life-
of Christ , " will probably succeed the
Into Stanley ns dean of Westminster.
KAlll. Or MAlNHliOllOUmi DKCiA8Kl : > .
LNODON , Aug. 13. The carl of
Gainsborough , Charles George Noel ,
died suddenly yesterday in his 03d
year. His health has not been good
since he received news of the death of
his daughter , Lady Blanche Murphy ,
who died in North Conway , Massa
chusetts , n few months ago and whoso
body arrived hero not long afterward
and ia now interred at the family seat
nt Oakham , where the carl will bo
buried. Ho was the second earl of
the name and bore the titles of Vis
count Campdcn Baron Barlant , Baron
Noel , and was n Knight of the Order
of Christ , n title awarded byi Pope
Pius the IX. Ho was lo d lieutenant
ot the county of Itutland. Ho is suc
ceeded by his son , Charles William
Francis Noel , now in his 31st year.
Tin : LAND cuisis mu. .
LONDON , August 13. The cabinet
oil tfio members.
During the session the nltornoy-gen-
crnl for Ireland was sent for nnd
naked the cabinet to benefit by lii.s
views on the subject. The inter
change of opinions among the leaders
of both houses strengthens the opin
ion that if negotiations for a compro
mise now fail , The government will
not dissolve parliament but will take
a recess till September , when the
question can be taken up as it now ia
and deliberately fought out.
Bmdlaugh's physicians regard hia
condition serious , if not dangerous
and precarious , and have advised him
to go to thu country for several weeks.
They have forbid him the use of his
arm even to write for several weeks.
It is feared that an abscess is already
forming under his arm.
BKHMN , August 13 , At a confer
ence of ministers , held in this city last
nightj Bismarck being present , the
question of date for elections was dis
cussed. No conclusion was reached.
LONDON , Auglist _ 13. A dispatch
received hero gives an account of a
destructive fire at Sofia. Thirty
houses were destroyed.
DUIIUN , August 13. In the trial
of Sir Walter Nugent , for forgery ,
the jury disagreed and was discharged.
CAIRO , August 13. The present
height of the Nile augurs well for
crops , and an abundant harvest is
LONDON , August 13. The political
crisis remains unchanged There are
some.'hopes ' that nt the meeting of lib
erals , called for on Monday , some planer
[ or a Huccessful solution may bo agreed
on , but at this hour the pro.ipncts are
Now Mexican Notes-
National Aiwclitwl I'rcni.
LAS YIXJAS , N. M. , August 13. A
west-bound emigr.xnt train ran into n \
wash-out threu miles raat of this city t
Friday ovcuim , ' . Engineer Townsend \
and Fireman I'utten went down with (
their engine and were instantly killed. ]
Tlioir bodies cannot bo recovered un
til the water subsides ,
Telegrams from Socorro states thai
Indiana swept down on u party ol
iiuarrymim seven milen nouthwest ol
that place at ii o'clock Saturday morn
ing. Four men , named English , Lee ,
Van Epps and Herman , were killed
Van Epps had consiuora'bly money
and his pockota were rilled. Two pat-
tics of citi/.eim , mounted and wel
armed , Hlaited in purauit of the In
dians ,
National AssoclaUxl I'rtus.
HANNIUAI. , AIo. , August 1J ) . At i
house of prostitution on Glasecock'n
Juland opposite this city , kept by a
Aroman named Anderson , alias Slin
Jim , n horrible and coldblooded iiuir
dor waa committed at 2 o'clock this
morning. A raftsman , named .lack
Qibboni , from Iubu < iuo , made tin
boast tlmt ho had run the houao am
cquld do BO again. Wont Itarnea wait
ho could whip any ono in the house
Jack rojiliod , nhcn Hnrnos stopped it ]
and placing n pistol to .lack s aide
sent a ball through his body , nnd a
the itamo time one of Itarnes' friends
stabbed .lack in the nock and ho fvl
tiead. Itarnos nnd his friends cacapet
but wore caught and the jury holt
Barnes for murder.
Crime * anil CAiunlitiofl-
\ittlom\l AiooaUtrJ l'ro .
Chan. Alartin ( colored ) , uns shol
yesterday afternoon by Oliver Hnuo ,
at Dellefontaine , Ohio , nnd will die.
( ! ill it Willis' threshing engine al
Lindsay , Ohio , exploded yesterday ,
instantly killing Mr. ( Sill ami Frank
Norton , nnd sonously injuring ono or
two others.
At Chicago last evening n ( Ionium ,
n od13 , named Henry KniilFnmii ,
committed auicido by hanging in n
vanlt building on Itlue Island avonuo.
Ho livi-d nt 007 west Tnontvtlrsl
street. Cause , family troubles.
A gaslight in front of Union Square
Theatre , Now York City , while thu
performance was going on with a full
louao Saturday ovcning , being turned
: oo hiqn , not tire to a tmnapaioncy
nnd destroyed it. The flames were
ixtinguiMicd before they not hold of
, ho theatre ,
Casper Hurlof Kansas City , Mo. ,
'ormorly of Milwaukee , piled furni-
: uro in the middle of the floor last
light ami attempted suicide by shoot' '
tig himself through the body. He
will probably die.
John Anderson , racing reporter for
The Now York Telegram , hung him
self nt Saratoga , N. Y. , yesterday , ina
it of despondency over the loss of his
A report from the president of
Yonango county , I'eiin. , saya thnt
hroo children belonging to n family
lore , died last Wednesday under pe
culiar circumstances. Two of them ,
vhilo playing around a hole in the
aril , wcro both bitten by snakes con-
lealod therein , and their mother going
o their assistance lett a kettle of boil-
ng water on the floor , nnd the third
laid fell into it , nil resulting fatally.
Spurring Mntcli.
National Auoclatuil 1'reiui.
Cuiavoo , August 14. Three thou
sand people attended the exciting
iparrimr match nt McCormick hall
ast night between John L. Sullivan
if Itoston , champion heavy weight
) oxer of the world , and James Dal-
on of Chicago. The sparring lasted
orty minutes , four rounds of three
uul a haU minutes each. D.ilton was
cnockod out of time in the fourth
round , and Sullivan declared the win-
icr. The champion was in splendid
condition and Chicago too aoft to take
iis terrific sweeping right hamlora.
J.iltjii exhibited considerable skill ,
and was cheered throughout for his
; rit in standing up to his severe pun-
ahmont. Several other boxers liad a
ict to , among them Billy Madden ,
3ullivan'a trninor , and Prof. John
3uck , the champion of California ,
rhich wna n flno exhibition of skill.
Joolallitlo Mooting in Now York
NK\V YOIIK , August 13. Irving
mil , lioadquArterH of the aiiH-Tiim-
niuiy democrat ! ) , Was filled with so
cialists last night to express sympathy
nnd admiration for Lee Hnrtniann ,
ho refugou Kusai.m nihilist. The
ncoting was presided over by II.
lagorly , proaitlent of the American
anil league. The audience greeted
Qvery mention of Ilartmann's name
vith applause nnd adopted resolutions
condemning the United States govorn-
nont for acting so ns to make Hart-
nann insecure here and fly to Canada.
Jouny Croniiior.
Satlinial A > iocl.itcl ( I'rcsi.
NKW HAVKN , Conn. , Aug. 13th.
iluncho Douglas , connected with the
[ oath of Jenny Creamer , reached hero
o-ilayundor arrest , on a charge of par-
ury. 8ho told the chief of police she
vns willing to correct her formar atato-
nents and tell all she knew of the
nutter. The waa committed without
mil. The Mnlloy brothers were soon
vith the two women driving in the
teach wagon nt West Paaon , six hours
lefore the drowned body was found.
'he Malloy brothers will bo placed
under arrest.
Welcome Rnlna-
National Associated Trees
KANHAH CITY , August 1J. ! A dia-
> atch to The Evening Star says a good
rain full nil through this section of the
country last night. Advices 'from ' the
country around about indicate that
rain came too late for early corn , but
hat it has benefited late corn im-
nonscly , nnd farmers this morning
are feeling jubilant.
Tito Mathow's AwussluaUou.
National Auiodatuil I'rvtu.
LITTJ.K JlooK , Aug. , 13. Advices
from Perry county report the trial
over and Peyton hold as principal ,
md i Isona as an accomplice , in the case
of the assassination of Mathows. They
will bu brought in u round-about way
to the chy , and taken to Denton ,
where ho will bo jailed. The Quapan
Guards on duty at Perry villo have
boon ordered homo.
Riot tit n Reform School.
National A * odatiil 1'rtnJ ,
Wr.sTiHiiio , Muss. , August 1-1.
About I ! o'clock this evening a serious
uprising occurred among the boys at
the reform school. In the meditation
room a boy numitd Monaluui assaulted
Superintendent Dooley with bricks
dug from the cells. The boya riddled
thu windows with missiles , The riot
was quelled only after the uunorin
tondunt had fired several shots from
a lovolver.
Joiinio Croaiur-
NKW HAVK.N' , Oonn. , Aug , Mth ,
TJtero was no devolopement in the
Creamer supposed murder cnso to-day.
Now identifications of Jennie Creamer ,
of doubtles.1 truth , which places her
six miles from thu scene of the trag
edy nt nine o'clock Fiiday night ; has
become known to vho authorities ,
lilanoh Douglass remained in the cus
tody of the keeper in West Hnyen to
day , and eaw her council only ,
Fntnl Accident-
Special ( flffpvtch to TIIK Ilrr.
CKRSTDX , Iowa , August 13. Jas.
Hcmclricli , of Burlington , in the em
ploy ef a Chicngo clotlilng house ,
while stopping from the platform of
nnssoiiRor train No. C , last ovcning ,
while in motion , slipped nnd fell un
der the wheels and had both legs cub
elF just above the knees , Ho was nb
once taken to the Summit Houao ,
where the proprietors had every poa-
siblo attention given him. Hut , after
great Buttering for aovcral' " hours , ho
died at 4:30 : this morning. Mr. Honi-
clrich was n very popular salesman ,
nnd his many friends in Jowa will rt-
gret hia sad death.
Run Over null Killed-
SpocUlDinpatclt to TIIK llitr
ASIILANII , Neb. , August 13. All.
it M. fireman , named Hart , on the
construction train at Louisvilio this'
morning , was run over by the cars. '
Hia left arm nnd log wcro amputated.
Ho will die.
Orleans > 'oto * .
Correspondence of The linn.
OUKANS , Nob. , August 13. A
liridgo consisting of five spann of fifty
feet each in completed across the Re
publican river nt Orleans. Another
ono west of the town is in the way of
The weather is very dry and hot.
National Amodatca t'rcM.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , August 14
1 a. m. For the upper lake region
warmer and fair weather ; northerly ,
veering to easterly winds ; stationary
or falling barometer. For the upper
Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys :
Warmer and fair weather ; southeasterly -
erly winds , nnd falling barometer.
nvo tlntioii of Agricultural Ro
{ itlonM Auoclateil 1'russ.
CINCINNATI , August 13. Hon. E.
W. Hilgard , of the University ot
California , ox-Gov. Robert W.
< \irnas , of Nebraska , and Judge T.
X Jones , have been appointed by the
; overnmont to investigate the agri
cultural resources of the Pacific slope
find will proceed at once to thu acono
uf duties. ,
A Sicilian Brigand Arr os tod-
National Amoclatoil 1'ruu.
NEW YOIIK , August 13. lloholjo ,
the nllogod eajjosito , or Sicilian brig-
\nd , was taken in irons before United
States Commissioner Osborn this
iiorning and identified by two Italian
joud'nrmos , who arrived yesterday.
ilia portrait was taken in jail. Ho
waa also presented with aflidavits of
summons from the Italian ministry.
IntorontlngV111 -
National Aiwoclatnl I'reas.
WHITE PLAINS , N. Y. , August 13. w
ThoAvillof Henry Ilobertson , father
of Collector Ilobortaon , who died re
cently , was probated to-day. The will
unices Judge Ilobprtson aolo executor ,
mil gives the widow a1,000 resi-
lonco and furnished homo , and di
vides the estate equally between four
children : Win. II. Robertson , collec-
or ; Biro. Elizabeth A. Dickinson ,
klra. M . L. Holmes nnd Mra. II.
Bartt. ,
No Sucli Pliysioian-
t'atlonal Assoclittucl 1'resn.
NKW VOIIK , August 13. Postmns-
, er Pearson IIIIB received numerous
otters of iniuiry | from diHerout pnrtn
of the country concerning n person
who is said to bo traveling under thu
tame of Dr. 0. F. Jowott , and claim
ing to bo an eminent New York physi
cian and professor of a largo infirmary
in Union Square. No such physician
is known in Now York.
The Wheat Crop-
National Associated 1'rviu.
NKW YOIIK , August 13. It is ro-
jorted on good authority that the do-
: reaso in the wheat crop in Ohio will
.m 25 per cent. , Illinois 50 , Indiana.
J5 , Kentucky 25 , Tennessee 30 , Michi
gan CO , Missouri 40 , Wisconsin 20 ,
Iowa 35 , Minnesota 15. The increase
in Kansas will bo 20 per cent. The
decrease in these states is estimated at
105,973,710 bushels. Nebraska nnd
Dakota show the same yield as last
year , _ _
l Aftodatocl I'rusn.
NKW YOIIK , August 13. Augustus
L ) . Wheelock , confidential clerk to J.
0. Wolcott & Co.12 Broadway-
street , who it ia alleged absconded.
hist Saturday with two § 5,000 checks '
and i ? 10,000 in securities , has left
with his mistress on the Gorman
Lloyd steamship , which will arrive at
loiithainpton , England , Wednesday
next , when ho will bo arrested.
StrilciuR Brlolimakers-
National Ansoclateil 1'ron.
CINCINNATI , August 13. The strik
ing brick makers returned to work this
morning , their employers having
granted the fifty cents advance asked.
Mr. J. P. Murphy , of Springfield ,
Tcnn , , states the following facts :
My wife has been sulluring with neu
ralgia nnd paralysis for fifteen or-
eighteen months. She finally lost
the UBO of her limbs and had to bu
moved in her bed. Notwithstanding
the best medical attention oho could
not find relief. 1 also tried many
difleront kinds of liniments but none
did her any good. Happening to bo
in Mr. W. W. Ecklcs1 drug store , I
waa told by him of St. Jacobs Oil
and liu insisted upon my taking anil
trying a bottlo. 1 did BO , and by the
time fihe had used about two-thirds of
the Oil , she could walk over the house
by the aid of a stick , She has been
using it uinco , nnd to-day isablu to got
around nnywhero and do all the work
ahonl the house. 1 had n vta-y bail
attack of colic ; took five drops filter-
nally and was cured at once. I hear
tily endorse the remedy to * ut' jutjtr
what it is recommended , ' ' *
i mo
u ,